2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
import * as bjson from "./bjson.so";
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
function assert(actual, expected, message) {
if (arguments.length == 1)
expected = true;
if (actual === expected)
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
if (actual !== null && expected !== null
&& typeof actual == 'object' && typeof expected == 'object'
&& actual.toString() === expected.toString())
throw Error("assertion failed: got |" + actual + "|" +
", expected |" + expected + "|" +
(message ? " (" + message + ")" : ""));
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
function toHex(a)
var i, s = "", tab, v;
tab = new Uint8Array(a);
for(i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) {
v = tab[i].toString(16);
if (v.length < 2)
v = "0" + v;
if (i !== 0)
s += " ";
s += v;
return s;
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
function isArrayLike(a)
2023-11-12 10:01:40 +01:00
return Array.isArray(a) ||
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
(a instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) ||
(a instanceof Uint8Array) ||
(a instanceof Uint16Array) ||
(a instanceof Uint32Array) ||
(a instanceof Int8Array) ||
(a instanceof Int16Array) ||
(a instanceof Int32Array) ||
(a instanceof Float32Array) ||
(a instanceof Float64Array);
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
function toStr(a)
var s, i, props, prop;
switch(typeof(a)) {
case "object":
if (a === null)
return "null";
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
if (a instanceof Date) {
s = "Date(" + toStr(a.valueOf()) + ")";
} else if (a instanceof Number) {
s = "Number(" + toStr(a.valueOf()) + ")";
} else if (a instanceof String) {
s = "String(" + toStr(a.valueOf()) + ")";
} else if (a instanceof Boolean) {
s = "Boolean(" + toStr(a.valueOf()) + ")";
} else if (isArrayLike(a)) {
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
s = "[";
for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
s += ",";
s += toStr(a[i]);
s += "]";
} else {
props = Object.keys(a);
s = "{";
for(i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
s += ",";
prop = props[i];
s += prop + ":" + toStr(a[prop]);
s += "}";
return s;
case "undefined":
return "undefined";
case "string":
2024-03-10 10:34:26 +01:00
return JSON.stringify(a);
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
case "number":
if (a == 0 && 1 / a < 0)
return "-0";
return a.toString();
return a.toString();
function bjson_test(a)
var buf, r, a_str, r_str;
a_str = toStr(a);
buf = bjson.write(a);
if (0) {
print(a_str, "->", toHex(buf));
r = bjson.read(buf, 0, buf.byteLength);
r_str = toStr(r);
if (a_str != r_str) {
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
/* test multiple references to an object including circular
references */
function bjson_test_reference()
var array, buf, i, n, array_buffer;
n = 16;
array = [];
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i] = {};
array_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(n);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
array[i].next = array[(i + 1) % n];
array[i].idx = i;
array[i].typed_array = new Uint8Array(array_buffer, i, 1);
buf = bjson.write(array, true);
array = bjson.read(buf, 0, buf.byteLength, true);
/* check the result */
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
assert(array[i].next, array[(i + 1) % n]);
assert(array[i].idx, i);
assert(array[i].typed_array.buffer, array_buffer);
assert(array[i].typed_array.length, 1);
assert(array[i].typed_array.byteOffset, i);
2023-11-29 08:50:53 +01:00
function bjson_test_regexp()
var buf, r;
buf = bjson.write(/(?<𝓓𝓸𝓰>dog)/);
r = bjson.read(buf, 0, buf.byteLength);
assert("sup dog".match(r).groups["𝓓𝓸𝓰"], "dog");
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
function bjson_test_all()
var obj;
2023-11-12 10:01:40 +01:00
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
bjson_test({x:1, y:2, if:3});
bjson_test([1, 2, 3]);
bjson_test([1.0, "aa", true, false, undefined, null, NaN, -Infinity, -0.0]);
if (typeof BigInt !== "undefined") {
bjson_test([BigInt("1"), -BigInt("0x123456789"),
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
bjson_test([new Date(1234), new String("abc"), new Number(-12.1), new Boolean(true)]);
bjson_test(new Int32Array([123123, 222111, -32222]));
bjson_test(new Float64Array([123123, 222111.5]));
2023-11-12 10:01:40 +01:00
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00
/* tested with a circular reference */
obj = {};
obj.x = obj;
try {
} catch(e) {
assert(e instanceof TypeError);
2020-09-06 19:07:30 +02:00
2023-11-29 08:50:53 +01:00
2020-09-06 18:53:08 +02:00