import * as std from "std"; import * as os from "os"; import { assert } from "./assert.js"; const isWin = os.platform === 'win32'; const isCygwin = os.platform === 'cygwin'; function test_printf() { assert(std.sprintf("a=%d s=%s", 123, "abc"), "a=123 s=abc"); assert(std.sprintf("%010d", 123), "0000000123"); assert(std.sprintf("%x", -2), "fffffffe"); assert(std.sprintf("%lx", -2), "fffffffffffffffe"); assert(std.sprintf("%10.1f", 2.1), " 2.1"); assert(std.sprintf("%*.*f", 10, 2, -2.13), " -2.13"); assert(std.sprintf("%#lx", 0x7fffffffffffffffn), "0x7fffffffffffffff"); } function test_file1() { var f, len, str, size, buf, ret, i, str1; f = std.tmpfile(); str = "hello world\n"; f.puts(str);, std.SEEK_SET); str1 = f.readAsString(); assert(str1, str);, std.SEEK_END); size = f.tell(); assert(size, str.length);, std.SEEK_SET); buf = new Uint8Array(size); ret =, 0, size); assert(ret, size); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) assert(buf[i], str.charCodeAt(i)); f.close(); } function test_file2() { var f, str, i, size; f = std.tmpfile(); str = "hello world\n"; size = str.length; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) f.putByte(str.charCodeAt(i));, std.SEEK_SET); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { assert(str.charCodeAt(i), f.getByte()); } assert(f.getByte(), -1); f.close(); } function test_getline() { var f, line, line_count, lines, i; lines = ["hello world", "line 1", "line 2" ]; f = std.tmpfile(); for(i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { f.puts(lines[i], "\n"); }, std.SEEK_SET); assert(!f.eof()); line_count = 0; for(;;) { line = f.getline(); if (line === null) break; assert(line, lines[line_count]); line_count++; } assert(f.eof()); assert(line_count, lines.length); f.close(); } function test_popen() { var str, f, fname = "tmp_file.txt"; var content = "hello world"; f =, "w"); f.puts(content); f.close(); /* test loadFile */ assert(std.loadFile(fname), content); /* execute the 'cat' shell command */ f = std.popen("cat " + fname, "r"); str = f.readAsString(); f.close(); assert(str, content); os.remove(fname); } function test_os() { var fd, fpath, fname, fdir, buf, buf2, i, files, err, fdate, st, link_path; // XXX(bnoordhuis) disabled because stdio is not a tty on CI //assert(os.isatty(0)); fdir = "test_tmp_dir"; fname = "tmp_file.txt"; fpath = fdir + "/" + fname; link_path = fdir + "/test_link"; os.remove(link_path); os.remove(fpath); os.remove(fdir); err = os.mkdir(fdir, 0o755); assert(err, 0); fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC); assert(fd >= 0); buf = new Uint8Array(10); for(i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) buf[i] = i; assert(os.write(fd, buf.buffer, 0, buf.length), buf.length); assert(, 0, std.SEEK_SET), 0); buf2 = new Uint8Array(buf.length); assert(, buf2.buffer, 0, buf2.length), buf2.length); for(i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) assert(buf[i] == buf2[i]); if (typeof BigInt !== "undefined") { assert(, BigInt(6), std.SEEK_SET), BigInt(6)); assert(, buf2.buffer, 0, 1), 1); assert(buf[6] == buf2[0]); } assert(os.close(fd), 0); [files, err] = os.readdir(fdir); assert(err, 0); assert(files.indexOf(fname) >= 0); fdate = 10000; err = os.utimes(fpath, fdate, fdate); assert(err, 0); [st, err] = os.stat(fpath); assert(err, 0); assert(st.mode & os.S_IFMT, os.S_IFREG); assert(st.mtime, fdate); if (!isWin) { err = os.symlink(fname, link_path); assert(err, 0); [st, err] = os.lstat(link_path); assert(err, 0); assert(st.mode & os.S_IFMT, os.S_IFLNK); [buf, err] = os.readlink(link_path); assert(err, 0); assert(buf, fname); assert(os.remove(link_path) === 0); } [buf, err] = os.getcwd(); assert(err, 0); [buf2, err] = os.realpath("."); assert(err, 0); assert(buf, buf2); assert(os.remove(fpath) === 0); fd =, os.O_RDONLY); assert(fd < 0); assert(os.remove(fdir) === 0); } function test_os_exec() { var ret, fds, pid, f, status; ret = os.exec(["true"]); assert(ret, 0); ret = os.exec(["/bin/sh", "-c", "exit 1"], { usePath: false }); assert(ret, 1); fds = os.pipe(); pid = os.exec(["sh", "-c", "echo $FOO"], { stdout: fds[1], block: false, env: { FOO: "hello" }, } ); assert(pid >= 0); os.close(fds[1]); /* close the write end (as it is only in the child) */ f = std.fdopen(fds[0], "r"); assert(f.getline(), "hello"); assert(f.getline(), null); f.close(); [ret, status] = os.waitpid(pid, 0); assert(ret, pid); assert(status & 0x7f, 0); /* exited */ assert(status >> 8, 0); /* exit code */ pid = os.exec(["cat"], { block: false } ); assert(pid >= 0); os.kill(pid, os.SIGTERM); [ret, status] = os.waitpid(pid, 0); assert(ret, pid); // Flaky on cygwin for unclear reasons, see // if (!isCygwin) { assert(status & 0x7f, os.SIGTERM); } } function test_interval() { var t = os.setInterval(f, 1); function f() { if (++f.count === 3) os.clearInterval(t); } f.count = 0; } function test_timeout() { var th, i; /* just test that a timer can be inserted and removed */ th = []; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) th[i] = os.setTimeout(function () { }, 1000); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) os.clearTimeout(th[i]); } function test_timeout_order() { if (globalThis.__running_with_sanitizer__) return; var s = ""; os.setTimeout(a, 0); os.setTimeout(b, 100); os.setTimeout(d, 700); function a() { s += "a"; os.setTimeout(c, 300); } function b() { s += "b"; } function c() { s += "c"; } function d() { assert(s, "abc"); } // not "acb" } function test_stdio_close() { for (const f of [, std.out, std.err]) { let caught = false; try { f.close(); } catch (e) { assert(/cannot close stdio/.test(e.message)); caught = true; } assert(caught); } } test_printf(); test_file1(); test_file2(); test_getline(); test_popen(); test_os(); !isWin && test_os_exec(); test_interval(); test_timeout(); test_timeout_order(); test_stdio_close();