 * QuickJS Javascript Engine
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Fabrice Bellard
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Charlie Gordon
 * Copyright (c) 2023 Ben Noordhuis
 * Copyright (c) 2023 Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <sys/time.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <timezoneapi.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fenv.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "cutils.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "quickjs.h"
#include "libregexp.h"
#include "libbf.h"

#if defined(EMSCRIPTEN) || defined(_MSC_VER)

#if defined(__APPLE__)

#if defined(__NEWLIB__)
#define NO_TM_GMTOFF

#if !defined(EMSCRIPTEN) && !defined(__wasi__)
#include "quickjs-c-atomics.h"

// Debug trace system: the debug output will be produced to the dump stream (currently
// stdout) if qjs is invoked with -D<bitmask> with the corresponding bit set.

#ifndef NDEBUG
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_FINAL   0x01  /* dump pass 3 final byte code */
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_PASS2   0x02  /* dump pass 2 code */
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_PASS1   0x04  /* dump pass 1 code */
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_HEX     0x10  /* dump bytecode in hex */
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_PC2LINE 0x20  /* dump line number table */
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_STACK   0x40  /* dump compute_stack_size */
#define DUMP_BYTECODE_STEP    0x80  /* dump executed bytecode */
#define DUMP_READ_OBJECT     0x100  /* dump the marshalled objects at load time */
#define DUMP_FREE            0x200  /* dump every object free */
#define DUMP_GC              0x400  /* dump the occurrence of the automatic GC */
#define DUMP_GC_FREE         0x800  /* dump objects freed by the GC */
#define DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE 0x1000  /* dump module resolution steps */
#define DUMP_PROMISE        0x2000  /* dump promise steps */
#define DUMP_LEAKS          0x4000  /* dump leaked objects and strings in JS_FreeRuntime */
#define DUMP_ATOM_LEAKS     0x8000  /* dump leaked atoms in JS_FreeRuntime */
#define DUMP_MEM           0x10000  /* dump memory usage in JS_FreeRuntime */
#define DUMP_OBJECTS       0x20000  /* dump objects in JS_FreeRuntime */
#define DUMP_ATOMS         0x40000  /* dump atoms in JS_FreeRuntime */
#define DUMP_SHAPES        0x80000  /* dump shapes in JS_FreeRuntime */

//#define FORCE_GC_AT_MALLOC  /* test the GC by forcing it before each object allocation */

#define check_dump_flag(rt, flag)  ((rt->dump_flags & (flag +0)) == (flag +0))

#define STRINGIFY_(x) #x


const char* JS_GetVersion(void) {


enum {
    /* classid tag        */    /* union usage   | properties */
    JS_CLASS_OBJECT = 1,        /* must be first */
    JS_CLASS_ARRAY,             /* u.array       | length */
    JS_CLASS_NUMBER,            /* u.object_data */
    JS_CLASS_STRING,            /* u.object_data */
    JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN,           /* u.object_data */
    JS_CLASS_SYMBOL,            /* u.object_data */
    JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS,         /* u.array       | length */
    JS_CLASS_MAPPED_ARGUMENTS,  /*               | length */
    JS_CLASS_DATE,              /* u.object_data */
    JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION,        /* u.cfunc */
    JS_CLASS_BOUND_FUNCTION,    /* u.bound_function */
    JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA,   /* u.c_function_data_record */
    JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR,   /* u.for_in_iterator */
    JS_CLASS_REGEXP,            /* u.regexp */
    JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER,      /* u.array_buffer */
    JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER, /* u.array_buffer */
    JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY,      /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY,        /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY,       /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY,       /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY,      /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY,       /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY,      /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY,   /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY,  /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY,     /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY,     /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY,     /* u.array (typed_array) */
    JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW,          /* u.typed_array */
    JS_CLASS_BIG_INT,           /* u.object_data */
    JS_CLASS_MAP,               /* u.map_state */
    JS_CLASS_SET,               /* u.map_state */
    JS_CLASS_WEAKMAP,           /* u.map_state */
    JS_CLASS_WEAKSET,           /* u.map_state */
    JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR,      /* u.map_iterator_data */
    JS_CLASS_SET_ITERATOR,      /* u.map_iterator_data */
    JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR,    /* u.array_iterator_data */
    JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR,   /* u.array_iterator_data */
    JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR,   /* u.regexp_string_iterator_data */
    JS_CLASS_GENERATOR,         /* u.generator_data */
    JS_CLASS_PROXY,             /* u.proxy_data */
    JS_CLASS_PROMISE,           /* u.promise_data */
    JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION,  /* u.promise_function_data */
    JS_CLASS_PROMISE_REJECT_FUNCTION,   /* u.promise_function_data */
    JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION,            /* u.func */
    JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE,    /* u.async_function_data */
    JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_REJECT,     /* u.async_function_data */
    JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR,  /* u.async_from_sync_iterator_data */
    JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR,   /* u.async_generator_data */

    JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT, /* last entry for predefined classes */

/* number of typed array types */
static uint8_t const typed_array_size_log2[JS_TYPED_ARRAY_COUNT];
#define typed_array_size_log2(classid)  (typed_array_size_log2[(classid)- JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY])

typedef enum JSErrorEnum {

    JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT, /* number of different NativeError objects */
} JSErrorEnum;

#define JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS 65535
#define JS_STACK_SIZE_MAX 65534
#define JS_STRING_LEN_MAX ((1 << 30) - 1)

#define __exception __attribute__((warn_unused_result))

typedef struct JSShape JSShape;
typedef struct JSString JSString;
typedef struct JSString JSAtomStruct;

#define JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v) ((JSString *)JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(v))

typedef enum {
} JSGCPhaseEnum;

struct JSRuntime {
    JSMallocFunctions mf;
    JSMallocState malloc_state;
    const char *rt_info;

    int atom_hash_size; /* power of two */
    int atom_count;
    int atom_size;
    int atom_count_resize; /* resize hash table at this count */
    uint32_t *atom_hash;
    JSAtomStruct **atom_array;
    int atom_free_index; /* 0 = none */

    JSClassID js_class_id_alloc; /* counter for user defined classes */
    int class_count;    /* size of class_array */
    JSClass *class_array;

    struct list_head context_list; /* list of JSContext.link */
    /* list of JSGCObjectHeader.link. List of allocated GC objects (used
       by the garbage collector) */
    struct list_head gc_obj_list;
    /* list of JSGCObjectHeader.link. Used during JS_FreeValueRT() */
    struct list_head gc_zero_ref_count_list;
    struct list_head tmp_obj_list; /* used during GC */
    JSGCPhaseEnum gc_phase : 8;
    size_t malloc_gc_threshold;
    struct list_head string_list; /* list of JSString.link */
    /* stack limitation */
    uintptr_t stack_size; /* in bytes, 0 if no limit */
    uintptr_t stack_top;
    uintptr_t stack_limit; /* lower stack limit */

    JSValue current_exception;
    /* true if inside an out of memory error, to avoid recursing */
    BOOL in_out_of_memory : 8;
    /* and likewise if inside Error.prepareStackTrace() */
    BOOL in_prepare_stack_trace : 8;
    /* true if inside JS_FreeRuntime */
    BOOL in_free : 8;

    struct JSStackFrame *current_stack_frame;

    JSInterruptHandler *interrupt_handler;
    void *interrupt_opaque;

    JSHostPromiseRejectionTracker *host_promise_rejection_tracker;
    void *host_promise_rejection_tracker_opaque;

    struct list_head job_list; /* list of JSJobEntry.link */

    JSModuleNormalizeFunc *module_normalize_func;
    JSModuleLoaderFunc *module_loader_func;
    void *module_loader_opaque;
    /* timestamp for internal use in module evaluation */
    int64_t module_async_evaluation_next_timestamp;

    /* used to allocate, free and clone SharedArrayBuffers */
    JSSharedArrayBufferFunctions sab_funcs;

    BOOL can_block : 8; /* TRUE if Atomics.wait can block */
    uint32_t dump_flags : 24;

    /* Shape hash table */
    int shape_hash_bits;
    int shape_hash_size;
    int shape_hash_count; /* number of hashed shapes */
    JSShape **shape_hash;
    bf_context_t bf_ctx;
    void *user_opaque;

struct JSClass {
    uint32_t class_id; /* 0 means free entry */
    JSAtom class_name;
    JSClassFinalizer *finalizer;
    JSClassGCMark *gc_mark;
    JSClassCall *call;
    /* pointers for exotic behavior, can be NULL if none are present */
    const JSClassExoticMethods *exotic;

#define JS_MODE_STRICT (1 << 0)

typedef struct JSStackFrame {
    struct JSStackFrame *prev_frame; /* NULL if first stack frame */
    JSValue cur_func; /* current function, JS_UNDEFINED if the frame is detached */
    JSValue *arg_buf; /* arguments */
    JSValue *var_buf; /* variables */
    struct list_head var_ref_list; /* list of JSVarRef.link */
    uint8_t *cur_pc; /* only used in bytecode functions : PC of the
                        instruction after the call */
    int arg_count;
    int js_mode;
    /* only used in generators. Current stack pointer value. NULL if
       the function is running. */
    JSValue *cur_sp;
} JSStackFrame;

typedef enum {
} JSGCObjectTypeEnum;

/* header for GC objects. GC objects are C data structures with a
   reference count that can reference other GC objects. JS Objects are
   a particular type of GC object. */
struct JSGCObjectHeader {
    int ref_count; /* must come first, 32-bit */
    JSGCObjectTypeEnum gc_obj_type : 4;
    uint8_t mark : 4; /* used by the GC */
    uint8_t dummy1; /* not used by the GC */
    uint16_t dummy2; /* not used by the GC */
    struct list_head link;

typedef struct JSVarRef {
    union {
        JSGCObjectHeader header; /* must come first */
        struct {
            int __gc_ref_count; /* corresponds to header.ref_count */
            uint8_t __gc_mark; /* corresponds to header.mark/gc_obj_type */

            /* 0 : the JSVarRef is on the stack. header.link is an element
               of JSStackFrame.var_ref_list.
               1 : the JSVarRef is detached. header.link has the normal meanning
            uint8_t is_detached : 1;
            uint8_t is_arg : 1;
            uint16_t var_idx; /* index of the corresponding function variable on
                                 the stack */
    JSValue *pvalue; /* pointer to the value, either on the stack or
                        to 'value' */
    JSValue value; /* used when the variable is no longer on the stack */
} JSVarRef;

/* the same structure is used for big integers.
   Big integers are never infinite or NaNs */
typedef struct JSBigInt {
    JSRefCountHeader header; /* must come first, 32-bit */
    bf_t num;
} JSBigInt;

typedef enum {
} JSAutoInitIDEnum;

/* must be large enough to have a negligible runtime cost and small
   enough to call the interrupt callback often. */

struct JSContext {
    JSGCObjectHeader header; /* must come first */
    JSRuntime *rt;
    struct list_head link;

    uint16_t binary_object_count;
    int binary_object_size;

    JSShape *array_shape;   /* initial shape for Array objects */

    JSValue *class_proto;
    JSValue function_proto;
    JSValue function_ctor;
    JSValue array_ctor;
    JSValue regexp_ctor;
    JSValue promise_ctor;
    JSValue native_error_proto[JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT];
    JSValue error_ctor;
    JSValue error_prepare_stack;
    int error_stack_trace_limit;
    JSValue iterator_proto;
    JSValue async_iterator_proto;
    JSValue array_proto_values;
    JSValue throw_type_error;
    JSValue eval_obj;

    JSValue global_obj; /* global object */
    JSValue global_var_obj; /* contains the global let/const definitions */

    double time_origin;

    uint64_t random_state;
    bf_context_t *bf_ctx;   /* points to rt->bf_ctx, shared by all contexts */
    /* when the counter reaches zero, JSRutime.interrupt_handler is called */
    int interrupt_counter;

    struct list_head loaded_modules; /* list of JSModuleDef.link */

    /* if NULL, RegExp compilation is not supported */
    JSValue (*compile_regexp)(JSContext *ctx, JSValue pattern,
                              JSValue flags);
    /* if NULL, eval is not supported */
    JSValue (*eval_internal)(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                             const char *input, size_t input_len,
                             const char *filename, int flags, int scope_idx);
    void *user_opaque;

typedef union JSFloat64Union {
    double d;
    uint64_t u64;
    uint32_t u32[2];
} JSFloat64Union;

typedef enum {
} JSWeakRefKindEnum;

typedef struct JSWeakRefRecord {
    JSWeakRefKindEnum kind;
    struct JSWeakRefRecord *next_weak_ref;
    union {
        struct JSMapRecord *map_record;
        struct JSWeakRefData *weak_ref_data;
        struct JSFinRecEntry *fin_rec_entry;
    } u;
} JSWeakRefRecord;

enum {

enum {

typedef enum {
} JSAtomKindEnum;

#define JS_ATOM_HASH_MASK  ((1 << 30) - 1)

struct JSString {
    JSRefCountHeader header; /* must come first, 32-bit */
    uint32_t len : 31;
    uint8_t is_wide_char : 1; /* 0 = 8 bits, 1 = 16 bits characters */
    /* for JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL: hash = 0, atom_type = 3,
       for JS_ATOM_TYPE_PRIVATE: hash = 1, atom_type = 3
       XXX: could change encoding to have one more bit in hash */
    uint32_t hash : 30;
    uint8_t atom_type : 2; /* != 0 if atom, JS_ATOM_TYPE_x */
    uint32_t hash_next; /* atom_index for JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL */
    JSWeakRefRecord *first_weak_ref;
    struct list_head link; /* string list */
    union {
        __extension__ uint8_t str8[0]; /* 8 bit strings will get an extra null terminator */
        __extension__ uint16_t str16[0];
    } u;

typedef struct JSClosureVar {
    uint8_t is_local : 1;
    uint8_t is_arg : 1;
    uint8_t is_const : 1;
    uint8_t is_lexical : 1;
    uint8_t var_kind : 4; /* see JSVarKindEnum */
    /* 8 bits available */
    uint16_t var_idx; /* is_local = TRUE: index to a normal variable of the
                    parent function. otherwise: index to a closure
                    variable of the parent function */
    JSAtom var_name;
} JSClosureVar;

#define ARG_SCOPE_END (-2)

typedef struct JSVarScope {
    int parent;  /* index into fd->scopes of the enclosing scope */
    int first;   /* index into fd->vars of the last variable in this scope */
} JSVarScope;

typedef enum {
    /* XXX: add more variable kinds here instead of using bit fields */
    JS_VAR_FUNCTION_DECL, /* lexical var with function declaration */
    JS_VAR_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL, /* lexical var with async/generator
                                 function declaration */
    JS_VAR_FUNCTION_NAME, /* function expression name */
} JSVarKindEnum;

/* XXX: could use a different structure in bytecode functions to save
   memory */
typedef struct JSVarDef {
    JSAtom var_name;
    /* index into fd->scopes of this variable lexical scope */
    int scope_level;
    /* during compilation:
        - if scope_level = 0: scope in which the variable is defined
        - if scope_level != 0: index into fd->vars of the next
          variable in the same or enclosing lexical scope
       in a bytecode function:
       index into fd->vars of the next
       variable in the same or enclosing lexical scope
    int scope_next;
    uint8_t is_const : 1;
    uint8_t is_lexical : 1;
    uint8_t is_captured : 1;
    uint8_t is_static_private : 1; /* only used during private class field parsing */
    uint8_t var_kind : 4; /* see JSVarKindEnum */
    /* only used during compilation: function pool index for lexical
       variables with var_kind =
       the definition of the 'var' variables (they have scope_level =
       0) */
    int func_pool_idx : 24; /* only used during compilation : index in
                               the constant pool for hoisted function
                               definition */
} JSVarDef;

/* for the encoding of the pc2line table */
#define PC2LINE_BASE     (-1)
#define PC2LINE_RANGE    5
#define PC2LINE_OP_FIRST 1

typedef enum JSFunctionKindEnum {
    JS_FUNC_GENERATOR = (1 << 0),
    JS_FUNC_ASYNC = (1 << 1),
} JSFunctionKindEnum;


typedef struct JSInlineCacheRingSlot {
    /* SoA for space optimization: 56 bytes */
    uint32_t prop_offset[IC_CACHE_ITEM_CAPACITY];
    JSAtom atom;
    uint8_t index;
} JSInlineCacheRingSlot;

typedef struct JSInlineCacheHashSlot {
    JSAtom atom;
    uint32_t index;
    struct JSInlineCacheHashSlot *next;
} JSInlineCacheHashSlot;

typedef struct JSInlineCache {
    uint32_t count;
    uint32_t capacity;
    uint32_t hash_bits;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot **hash;
    JSInlineCacheRingSlot *cache;
    uint32_t updated_offset;
    BOOL updated;
} JSInlineCache;

static JSInlineCache *init_ic(JSContext *ctx);
static int rebuild_ic(JSContext *ctx, JSInlineCache *ic);
static int resize_ic_hash(JSContext *ctx, JSInlineCache *ic);
static int free_ic(JSRuntime *rt, JSInlineCache *ic);
static uint32_t add_ic_slot(JSContext *ctx, JSInlineCache *ic, JSAtom atom, JSObject *object,
                            uint32_t prop_offset);

static int32_t get_ic_prop_offset(JSInlineCache *ic, uint32_t cache_offset,
                                  JSShape *shape)
    uint32_t i;
    JSInlineCacheRingSlot *cr;
    JSShape *shape_slot;
    assert(cache_offset < ic->capacity);
    cr = ic->cache + cache_offset;
    i = cr->index;
    for (;;) {
        shape_slot = *(cr->shape + i);
        if (likely(shape_slot == shape)) {
            cr->index = i;
            return cr->prop_offset[i];

        i = (i + 1) % countof(cr->shape);
        if (unlikely(i == cr->index)) {

  return -1;

static force_inline JSAtom get_ic_atom(JSInlineCache *ic, uint32_t cache_offset)
    assert(cache_offset < ic->capacity);
    return ic->cache[cache_offset].atom;

typedef struct JSFunctionBytecode {
    JSGCObjectHeader header; /* must come first */
    uint8_t js_mode;
    uint8_t has_prototype : 1; /* true if a prototype field is necessary */
    uint8_t has_simple_parameter_list : 1;
    uint8_t is_derived_class_constructor : 1;
    /* true if home_object needs to be initialized */
    uint8_t need_home_object : 1;
    uint8_t func_kind : 2;
    uint8_t new_target_allowed : 1;
    uint8_t super_call_allowed : 1;
    uint8_t super_allowed : 1;
    uint8_t arguments_allowed : 1;
    uint8_t backtrace_barrier : 1; /* stop backtrace on this function */
    /* XXX: 5 bits available */
    uint8_t *byte_code_buf; /* (self pointer) */
    int byte_code_len;
    JSAtom func_name;
    JSVarDef *vardefs; /* arguments + local variables (arg_count + var_count) (self pointer) */
    JSClosureVar *closure_var; /* list of variables in the closure (self pointer) */
    uint16_t arg_count;
    uint16_t var_count;
    uint16_t defined_arg_count; /* for length function property */
    uint16_t stack_size; /* maximum stack size */
    JSContext *realm; /* function realm */
    JSValue *cpool; /* constant pool (self pointer) */
    int cpool_count;
    int closure_var_count;
    JSInlineCache *ic;
    JSAtom filename;
    int line_num;
    int col_num;
    int source_len;
    int pc2line_len;
    uint8_t *pc2line_buf;
    char *source;
} JSFunctionBytecode;

typedef struct JSBoundFunction {
    JSValue func_obj;
    JSValue this_val;
    int argc;
    JSValue argv[];
} JSBoundFunction;

typedef enum JSIteratorKindEnum {
} JSIteratorKindEnum;

typedef struct JSForInIterator {
    JSValue obj;
    BOOL is_array;
    uint32_t array_length;
    uint32_t idx;
} JSForInIterator;

typedef struct JSRegExp {
    JSString *pattern;
    JSString *bytecode; /* also contains the flags */
} JSRegExp;

typedef struct JSProxyData {
    JSValue target;
    JSValue handler;
    uint8_t is_func;
    uint8_t is_revoked;
} JSProxyData;

typedef struct JSArrayBuffer {
    int byte_length; /* 0 if detached */
    uint8_t detached;
    uint8_t shared; /* if shared, the array buffer cannot be detached */
    uint8_t *data; /* NULL if detached */
    struct list_head array_list;
    void *opaque;
    JSFreeArrayBufferDataFunc *free_func;
} JSArrayBuffer;

typedef struct JSTypedArray {
    struct list_head link; /* link to arraybuffer */
    JSObject *obj; /* back pointer to the TypedArray/DataView object */
    JSObject *buffer; /* based array buffer */
    uint32_t offset; /* offset in the array buffer */
    uint32_t length; /* length in the array buffer */
} JSTypedArray;

typedef struct JSAsyncFunctionState {
    JSValue this_val; /* 'this' generator argument */
    int argc; /* number of function arguments */
    BOOL throw_flag; /* used to throw an exception in JS_CallInternal() */
    JSStackFrame frame;
} JSAsyncFunctionState;

/* XXX: could use an object instead to avoid the
   JS_TAG_ASYNC_FUNCTION tag for the GC */
typedef struct JSAsyncFunctionData {
    JSGCObjectHeader header; /* must come first */
    JSValue resolving_funcs[2];
    BOOL is_active; /* true if the async function state is valid */
    JSAsyncFunctionState func_state;
} JSAsyncFunctionData;

typedef struct JSReqModuleEntry {
    JSAtom module_name;
    JSModuleDef *module; /* used using resolution */
} JSReqModuleEntry;

typedef enum JSExportTypeEnum {
} JSExportTypeEnum;

typedef struct JSExportEntry {
    union {
        struct {
            int var_idx; /* closure variable index */
            JSVarRef *var_ref; /* if != NULL, reference to the variable */
        } local; /* for local export */
        int req_module_idx; /* module for indirect export */
    } u;
    JSExportTypeEnum export_type;
    JSAtom local_name; /* '*' if export ns from. not used for local
                          export after compilation */
    JSAtom export_name; /* exported variable name */
} JSExportEntry;

typedef struct JSStarExportEntry {
    int req_module_idx; /* in req_module_entries */
} JSStarExportEntry;

typedef struct JSImportEntry {
    int var_idx; /* closure variable index */
    JSAtom import_name;
    int req_module_idx; /* in req_module_entries */
} JSImportEntry;

typedef enum {
} JSModuleStatus;

struct JSModuleDef {
    JSRefCountHeader header; /* must come first, 32-bit */
    JSAtom module_name;
    struct list_head link;

    JSReqModuleEntry *req_module_entries;
    int req_module_entries_count;
    int req_module_entries_size;

    JSExportEntry *export_entries;
    int export_entries_count;
    int export_entries_size;

    JSStarExportEntry *star_export_entries;
    int star_export_entries_count;
    int star_export_entries_size;

    JSImportEntry *import_entries;
    int import_entries_count;
    int import_entries_size;

    JSValue module_ns;
    JSValue func_obj; /* only used for JS modules */
    JSModuleInitFunc *init_func; /* only used for C modules */
    BOOL has_tla : 8; /* true if func_obj contains await */
    BOOL resolved : 8;
    BOOL func_created : 8;
    JSModuleStatus status : 8;
    /* temp use during js_module_link() & js_module_evaluate() */
    int dfs_index, dfs_ancestor_index;
    JSModuleDef *stack_prev;
    /* temp use during js_module_evaluate() */
    JSModuleDef **async_parent_modules;
    int async_parent_modules_count;
    int async_parent_modules_size;
    int pending_async_dependencies;
    BOOL async_evaluation;
    int64_t async_evaluation_timestamp;
    JSModuleDef *cycle_root;
    JSValue promise; /* corresponds to spec field: capability */
    JSValue resolving_funcs[2]; /* corresponds to spec field: capability */
    /* true if evaluation yielded an exception. It is saved in
       eval_exception */
    BOOL eval_has_exception : 8;
    JSValue eval_exception;
    JSValue meta_obj; /* for import.meta */

typedef struct JSJobEntry {
    struct list_head link;
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSJobFunc *job_func;
    int argc;
    JSValue argv[];
} JSJobEntry;

typedef struct JSProperty {
    union {
        JSValue value;      /* JS_PROP_NORMAL */
        struct {            /* JS_PROP_GETSET */
            JSObject *getter; /* NULL if undefined */
            JSObject *setter; /* NULL if undefined */
        } getset;
        JSVarRef *var_ref;  /* JS_PROP_VARREF */
        struct {            /* JS_PROP_AUTOINIT */
            /* in order to use only 2 pointers, we compress the realm
               and the init function pointer */
            uintptr_t realm_and_id; /* realm and init_id (JS_AUTOINIT_ID_x)
                                       in the 2 low bits */
            void *opaque;
        } init;
    } u;
} JSProperty;

#define JS_PROP_INITIAL_HASH_SIZE 4 /* must be a power of two */

typedef struct JSShapeProperty {
    uint32_t hash_next : 26; /* 0 if last in list */
    uint32_t flags : 6;   /* JS_PROP_XXX */
    JSAtom atom; /* JS_ATOM_NULL = free property entry */
} JSShapeProperty;

struct JSShape {
    /* hash table of size hash_mask + 1 before the start of the
       structure (see prop_hash_end()). */
    JSGCObjectHeader header;
    /* true if the shape is inserted in the shape hash table. If not,
       JSShape.hash is not valid */
    uint8_t is_hashed;
    /* If true, the shape may have small array index properties 'n' with 0
       <= n <= 2^31-1. If false, the shape is guaranteed not to have
       small array index properties */
    uint8_t has_small_array_index;
    uint32_t hash; /* current hash value */
    uint32_t prop_hash_mask;
    int prop_size; /* allocated properties */
    int prop_count; /* include deleted properties */
    int deleted_prop_count;
    JSShape *shape_hash_next; /* in JSRuntime.shape_hash[h] list */
    JSObject *proto;
    JSShapeProperty prop[]; /* prop_size elements */

struct JSObject {
    union {
        JSGCObjectHeader header;
        struct {
            int __gc_ref_count; /* corresponds to header.ref_count */
            uint8_t __gc_mark; /* corresponds to header.mark/gc_obj_type */

            uint8_t extensible : 1;
            uint8_t free_mark : 1; /* only used when freeing objects with cycles */
            uint8_t is_exotic : 1; /* TRUE if object has exotic property handlers */
            uint8_t fast_array : 1; /* TRUE if u.array is used for get/put (for JS_CLASS_ARRAY, JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS and typed arrays) */
            uint8_t is_constructor : 1; /* TRUE if object is a constructor function */
            uint8_t is_uncatchable_error : 1; /* if TRUE, error is not catchable */
            uint8_t tmp_mark : 1; /* used in JS_WriteObjectRec() */
            uint8_t is_HTMLDDA : 1; /* specific annex B IsHtmlDDA behavior */
            uint16_t class_id; /* see JS_CLASS_x */
    /* byte offsets: 16/24 */
    JSShape *shape; /* prototype and property names + flag */
    JSProperty *prop; /* array of properties */
    /* byte offsets: 24/40 */
    JSWeakRefRecord *first_weak_ref;
    /* byte offsets: 28/48 */
    union {
        void *opaque;
        struct JSBoundFunction *bound_function; /* JS_CLASS_BOUND_FUNCTION */
        struct JSCFunctionDataRecord *c_function_data_record; /* JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA */
        struct JSForInIterator *for_in_iterator; /* JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR */
        struct JSArrayBuffer *array_buffer; /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER, JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER */
        struct JSTypedArray *typed_array; /* JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY..JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW */
        struct JSMapState *map_state;   /* JS_CLASS_MAP..JS_CLASS_WEAKSET */
        struct JSMapIteratorData *map_iterator_data; /* JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR, JS_CLASS_SET_ITERATOR */
        struct JSArrayIteratorData *array_iterator_data; /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR, JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR */
        struct JSRegExpStringIteratorData *regexp_string_iterator_data; /* JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR */
        struct JSGeneratorData *generator_data; /* JS_CLASS_GENERATOR */
        struct JSProxyData *proxy_data; /* JS_CLASS_PROXY */
        struct JSPromiseData *promise_data; /* JS_CLASS_PROMISE */
        struct JSPromiseFunctionData *promise_function_data; /* JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION, JS_CLASS_PROMISE_REJECT_FUNCTION */
        struct JSAsyncFunctionData *async_function_data; /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_REJECT */
        struct JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData *async_from_sync_iterator_data; /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR */
        struct JSAsyncGeneratorData *async_generator_data; /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR */
        struct { /* JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION: 12/24 bytes */
            struct JSFunctionBytecode *function_bytecode;
            JSVarRef **var_refs;
            JSObject *home_object; /* for 'super' access */
        } func;
        struct { /* JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION: 12/20 bytes */
            JSContext *realm;
            JSCFunctionType c_function;
            uint8_t length;
            uint8_t cproto;
            int16_t magic;
        } cfunc;
        /* array part for fast arrays and typed arrays */
            union {
                uint32_t size;          /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY, JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS */
                struct JSTypedArray *typed_array; /* JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY..JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY */
            } u1;
            union {
                JSValue *values;        /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY, JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS */
                void *ptr;              /* JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY..JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY */
                int8_t *int8_ptr;       /* JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY */
                uint8_t *uint8_ptr;     /* JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY, JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY */
                int16_t *int16_ptr;     /* JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY */
                uint16_t *uint16_ptr;   /* JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY */
                int32_t *int32_ptr;     /* JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY */
                uint32_t *uint32_ptr;   /* JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY */
                int64_t *int64_ptr;     /* JS_CLASS_INT64_ARRAY */
                uint64_t *uint64_ptr;   /* JS_CLASS_UINT64_ARRAY */
                uint16_t *fp16_ptr;     /* JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY */
                float *float_ptr;       /* JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY */
                double *double_ptr;     /* JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY */
            } u;
            uint32_t count; /* <= 2^31-1. 0 for a detached typed array */
        } array;    /* 12/20 bytes */
        JSRegExp regexp;    /* JS_CLASS_REGEXP: 8/16 bytes */
        JSValue object_data;    /* for JS_SetObjectData(): 8/16/16 bytes */
    } u;
    /* byte sizes: 40/48/72 */

typedef struct JSCallSiteData {
    JSValue filename;
    JSValue func;
    JSValue func_name;
    BOOL native;
    int line_num;
    int col_num;
} JSCallSiteData;

enum {
#define DEF(name, str) JS_ATOM_ ## name,
#include "quickjs-atom.h"
#undef DEF

static const char js_atom_init[] =
#define DEF(name, str) str "\0"
#include "quickjs-atom.h"
#undef DEF

typedef enum OPCodeFormat {
#define FMT(f) OP_FMT_ ## f,
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
} OPCodeFormat;

typedef enum OPCodeEnum {
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) OP_ ## id,
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef def
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
    OP_COUNT, /* excluding temporary opcodes */
    /* temporary opcodes : overlap with the short opcodes */
    OP_TEMP_START = OP_nop + 1,
    OP___dummy = OP_TEMP_START - 1,
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) OP_ ## id,
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef def
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
} OPCodeEnum;

static int JS_InitAtoms(JSRuntime *rt);
static JSAtom __JS_NewAtomInit(JSRuntime *rt, const char *str, int len,
                               int atom_type);
static void JS_FreeAtomStruct(JSRuntime *rt, JSAtomStruct *p);
static void free_function_bytecode(JSRuntime *rt, JSFunctionBytecode *b);
static JSValue js_call_c_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                  JSValue this_obj,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags);
static JSValue js_call_bound_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                      JSValue this_obj,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags);
static JSValue JS_CallInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                               JSValue this_obj, JSValue new_target,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags);
static JSValue JS_CallConstructorInternal(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSValue func_obj,
                                          JSValue new_target,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags);
static JSValue JS_CallFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj, JSValue this_obj,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv);
static JSValue JS_InvokeFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSAtom atom,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv);
static __exception int JS_ToArrayLengthFree(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *plen,
                                            JSValue val, BOOL is_array_ctor);
static JSValue JS_EvalObject(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                             JSValue val, int flags, int scope_idx);
JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowInternalError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...);

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpString(JSRuntime *rt, const JSString *p);
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpObjectHeader(JSRuntime *rt);
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpObject(JSRuntime *rt, JSObject *p);
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpGCObject(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *p);
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpValue(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpAtoms(JSRuntime *rt);
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpShapes(JSRuntime *rt);

static JSValue js_function_apply(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic);
static void js_array_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_array_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                          JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_object_data_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_object_data_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_c_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_c_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                               JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_bytecode_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_bytecode_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_bound_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_bound_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_for_in_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_for_in_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_regexp_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_array_buffer_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_typed_array_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_typed_array_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_proxy_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_proxy_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_map_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_map_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_map_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_map_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_array_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_array_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_regexp_string_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_regexp_string_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_generator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue obj);
static void js_generator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_promise_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_promise_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void js_promise_resolve_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_promise_resolve_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);

#define HINT_STRING  0
#define HINT_NUMBER  1
#define HINT_NONE    2
#define HINT_FORCE_ORDINARY (1 << 4) // don't try Symbol.toPrimitive
static JSValue JS_ToPrimitiveFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, int hint);
static JSValue JS_ToStringFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static int JS_ToBoolFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static int JS_ToInt32Free(JSContext *ctx, int32_t *pres, JSValue val);
static int JS_ToFloat64Free(JSContext *ctx, double *pres, JSValue val);
static int JS_ToUint8ClampFree(JSContext *ctx, int32_t *pres, JSValue val);
static JSValue js_new_string8_len(JSContext *ctx, const char *buf, int len);
static JSValue js_compile_regexp(JSContext *ctx, JSValue pattern,
                                 JSValue flags);
static JSValue js_regexp_constructor_internal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue ctor,
                                              JSValue pattern, JSValue bc);
static void gc_decref(JSRuntime *rt);
static int JS_NewClass1(JSRuntime *rt, JSClassID class_id,
                        const JSClassDef *class_def, JSAtom name);
static JSValue js_array_push(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val,
                             int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int unshift);

typedef enum JSStrictEqModeEnum {
} JSStrictEqModeEnum;

static BOOL js_strict_eq2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2,
                          JSStrictEqModeEnum eq_mode);
static BOOL js_strict_eq(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2);
static BOOL js_same_value(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2);
static BOOL js_same_value_zero(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2);
static JSValue JS_ToObject(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static JSValue JS_ToObjectFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static JSProperty *add_property(JSContext *ctx,
                                JSObject *p, JSAtom prop, int prop_flags);
static JSValue JS_NewBigInt(JSContext *ctx);
static inline bf_t *JS_GetBigInt(JSValue val)
    JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
    return &p->num;
static JSValue JS_CompactBigInt1(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static JSValue JS_CompactBigInt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static int JS_ToBigInt64Free(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val);
static bf_t *JS_ToBigInt(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *buf, JSValue val);
static bf_t *JS_ToBigInt1(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *buf, JSValue val);
static void JS_FreeBigInt(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *a, bf_t *buf);
JSValue JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(JSContext *ctx);
static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorRevokedProxy(JSContext *ctx);
static JSValue js_proxy_getPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);
static int js_proxy_setPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                   JSValue proto_val, BOOL throw_flag);
static int js_proxy_isExtensible(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);
static int js_proxy_preventExtensions(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);
static int js_proxy_isArray(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);
static int JS_CreateProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                             JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                             JSValue getter, JSValue setter,
                             int flags);
static int js_string_memcmp(const JSString *p1, const JSString *p2, int len);
static void reset_weak_ref(JSRuntime *rt, JSWeakRefRecord **first_weak_ref);
static BOOL is_valid_weakref_target(JSValue val);
static void insert_weakref_record(JSValue target, struct JSWeakRefRecord *wr);
static JSValue js_array_buffer_constructor3(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue new_target,
                                            uint64_t len, JSClassID class_id,
                                            uint8_t *buf,
                                            JSFreeArrayBufferDataFunc *free_func,
                                            void *opaque, BOOL alloc_flag);
static JSArrayBuffer *js_get_array_buffer(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);
static JSValue js_typed_array_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                          int classid);
static JSValue js_typed_array_constructor_ta(JSContext *ctx,
                                             JSValue new_target,
                                             JSValue src_obj,
                                             int classid);
static BOOL typed_array_is_detached(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p);
static uint32_t typed_array_get_length(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p);
static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx);
static JSVarRef *get_var_ref(JSContext *ctx, JSStackFrame *sf, int var_idx,
                             BOOL is_arg);
static JSValue js_generator_function_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                          JSValue this_obj,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                          int flags);
static void js_async_function_resolve_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_async_function_resolve_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                           JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static JSValue JS_EvalInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                               const char *input, size_t input_len,
                               const char *filename, int flags, int scope_idx);
static void js_free_module_def(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m);
static void js_mark_module_def(JSRuntime *rt, JSModuleDef *m,
                               JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static JSValue js_import_meta(JSContext *ctx);
static JSValue js_dynamic_import(JSContext *ctx, JSValue specifier);
static void free_var_ref(JSRuntime *rt, JSVarRef *var_ref);
static JSValue js_new_promise_capability(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue *resolving_funcs,
                                         JSValue ctor);
static __exception int perform_promise_then(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue promise,
                                            JSValue *resolve_reject,
                                            JSValue *cap_resolving_funcs);
static JSValue js_promise_resolve(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic);
static JSValue js_promise_then(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val,
                               int argc, JSValueConst *argv);
static int js_string_compare(JSContext *ctx,
                             const JSString *p1, const JSString *p2);
static JSValue JS_ToNumber(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static int JS_SetPropertyValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                               JSValue prop, JSValue val, int flags);
static int JS_NumberIsInteger(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static BOOL JS_NumberIsNegativeOrMinusZero(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static JSValue JS_ToNumberFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static int JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *desc,
                                     JSObject *p, JSAtom prop);
static void js_free_desc(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *desc);
static void async_func_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionState *s,
                            JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static void JS_AddIntrinsicBasicObjects(JSContext *ctx);
static void js_free_shape(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh);
static void js_free_shape_null(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh);
static int js_shape_prepare_update(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                   JSShapeProperty **pprs);
static int init_shape_hash(JSRuntime *rt);
static __exception int js_get_length32(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *pres,
                                       JSValue obj);
static __exception int js_get_length64(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres,
                                       JSValue obj);
static void free_arg_list(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *tab, uint32_t len);
static JSValue *build_arg_list(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *plen,
                               JSValue array_arg);
static BOOL js_get_fast_array(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                              JSValue **arrpp, uint32_t *countp);
static JSValue JS_CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue sync_iter);
static void js_c_function_data_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val);
static void js_c_function_data_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                    JS_MarkFunc *mark_func);
static JSValue js_c_function_data_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                       JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags);
static JSAtom js_symbol_to_atom(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val);
static void add_gc_object(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *h,
                          JSGCObjectTypeEnum type);
static void remove_gc_object(JSGCObjectHeader *h);
static void js_async_function_free0(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionData *s);
static JSValue js_instantiate_prototype(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom atom, void *opaque);
static JSValue js_module_ns_autoinit(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom atom,
                                 void *opaque);
static JSValue JS_InstantiateFunctionListItem2(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                               JSAtom atom, void *opaque);
void JS_SetUncatchableError(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, BOOL flag);

static JSValue js_new_callsite(JSContext *ctx, JSCallSiteData *csd);
static void js_new_callsite_data(JSContext *ctx, JSCallSiteData *csd, JSStackFrame *sf);
static void js_new_callsite_data2(JSContext *ctx, JSCallSiteData *csd, const char *filename, int line_num, int col_num);
static void _JS_AddIntrinsicCallSite(JSContext *ctx);

static const JSClassExoticMethods js_arguments_exotic_methods;
static const JSClassExoticMethods js_string_exotic_methods;
static const JSClassExoticMethods js_proxy_exotic_methods;
static const JSClassExoticMethods js_module_ns_exotic_methods;

static inline BOOL double_is_int32(double d)
    uint64_t u, e;
    JSFloat64Union t;

    t.d = d;
    u = t.u64;

    e = ((u >> 52) & 0x7FF) - 1023;
    if (e > 30) {
        // accept 0, INT32_MIN, reject too large, too small, nan, inf, -0
        return !u || (u == 0xc1e0000000000000);
    } else {
        // shift out sign, exponent and whole part bits
        // value is fractional if remaining low bits are non-zero
        return !(u << 12 << e);

static JSValue js_float64(double d)
    return __JS_NewFloat64(d);

static int compare_u32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
    return -(a < b) + (b < a); // -1, 0 or 1

static JSValue js_int32(int32_t v)
    return JS_MKVAL(JS_TAG_INT, v);

static JSValue js_uint32(uint32_t v)
    if (v <= INT32_MAX)
        return js_int32(v);
        return js_float64(v);

static JSValue js_int64(int64_t v)
    if (v >= INT32_MIN && v <= INT32_MAX)
        return js_int32(v);
        return js_float64(v);

#define JS_NewInt64(ctx, val)  js_int64(val)

static JSValue js_number(double d)
    if (double_is_int32(d))
        return js_int32((int32_t)d);
        return js_float64(d);

JSValue JS_NewNumber(JSContext *ctx, double d)
    return js_number(d);

static JSValue js_bool(JS_BOOL v)
    return JS_MKVAL(JS_TAG_BOOL, (v != 0));

static JSValue js_dup(JSValue v)
    if (JS_VALUE_HAS_REF_COUNT(v)) {
        JSRefCountHeader *p = (JSRefCountHeader *)JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(v);
    return v;

static void js_trigger_gc(JSRuntime *rt, size_t size)
    BOOL force_gc;
    force_gc = TRUE;
    force_gc = ((rt->malloc_state.malloc_size + size) >
    if (force_gc) {
#ifdef DUMP_GC
        if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_GC)) {
            printf("GC: size=%" PRIu64 "\n",
        rt->malloc_gc_threshold = rt->malloc_state.malloc_size +
            (rt->malloc_state.malloc_size >> 1);

static size_t js_malloc_usable_size_unknown(const void *ptr)
    return 0;

void *js_malloc_rt(JSRuntime *rt, size_t size)
    return rt->mf.js_malloc(&rt->malloc_state, size);

void js_free_rt(JSRuntime *rt, void *ptr)
    rt->mf.js_free(&rt->malloc_state, ptr);

void *js_realloc_rt(JSRuntime *rt, void *ptr, size_t size)
    return rt->mf.js_realloc(&rt->malloc_state, ptr, size);

static void *js_dbuf_realloc(void *opaque, void *ptr, size_t size)
    JSRuntime *rt = opaque;
    return js_realloc_rt(rt, ptr, size);

size_t js_malloc_usable_size_rt(JSRuntime *rt, const void *ptr)
    return rt->mf.js_malloc_usable_size(ptr);

void *js_mallocz_rt(JSRuntime *rt, size_t size)
    void *ptr;
    ptr = js_malloc_rt(rt, size);
    if (!ptr)
        return NULL;
    return memset(ptr, 0, size);

/* called by libbf */
static void *js_bf_realloc(void *opaque, void *ptr, size_t size)
    JSRuntime *rt = opaque;
    return js_realloc_rt(rt, ptr, size);

/* Throw out of memory in case of error */
void *js_malloc(JSContext *ctx, size_t size)
    void *ptr;
    ptr = js_malloc_rt(ctx->rt, size);
    if (unlikely(!ptr)) {
        return NULL;
    return ptr;

/* Throw out of memory in case of error */
void *js_mallocz(JSContext *ctx, size_t size)
    void *ptr;
    ptr = js_mallocz_rt(ctx->rt, size);
    if (unlikely(!ptr)) {
        return NULL;
    return ptr;

void js_free(JSContext *ctx, void *ptr)
    js_free_rt(ctx->rt, ptr);

/* Throw out of memory in case of error */
void *js_realloc(JSContext *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size)
    void *ret;
    ret = js_realloc_rt(ctx->rt, ptr, size);
    if (unlikely(!ret && size != 0)) {
        return NULL;
    return ret;

/* store extra allocated size in *pslack if successful */
void *js_realloc2(JSContext *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t *pslack)
    void *ret;
    ret = js_realloc_rt(ctx->rt, ptr, size);
    if (unlikely(!ret && size != 0)) {
        return NULL;
    if (pslack) {
        size_t new_size = js_malloc_usable_size_rt(ctx->rt, ret);
        *pslack = (new_size > size) ? new_size - size : 0;
    return ret;

size_t js_malloc_usable_size(JSContext *ctx, const void *ptr)
    return js_malloc_usable_size_rt(ctx->rt, ptr);

/* Throw out of memory exception in case of error */
char *js_strndup(JSContext *ctx, const char *s, size_t n)
    char *ptr;
    ptr = js_malloc(ctx, n + 1);
    if (ptr) {
        memcpy(ptr, s, n);
        ptr[n] = '\0';
    return ptr;

char *js_strdup(JSContext *ctx, const char *str)
    return js_strndup(ctx, str, strlen(str));

static no_inline int js_realloc_array(JSContext *ctx, void **parray,
                                      int elem_size, int *psize, int req_size)
    int new_size;
    size_t slack;
    void *new_array;
    /* XXX: potential arithmetic overflow */
    new_size = max_int(req_size, *psize * 3 / 2);
    new_array = js_realloc2(ctx, *parray, new_size * elem_size, &slack);
    if (!new_array)
        return -1;
    new_size += slack / elem_size;
    *psize = new_size;
    *parray = new_array;
    return 0;

/* resize the array and update its size if req_size > *psize */
static inline int js_resize_array(JSContext *ctx, void **parray, int elem_size,
                                  int *psize, int req_size)
    if (unlikely(req_size > *psize))
        return js_realloc_array(ctx, parray, elem_size, psize, req_size);
        return 0;

static inline void js_dbuf_init(JSContext *ctx, DynBuf *s)
    dbuf_init2(s, ctx->rt, js_dbuf_realloc);

static inline int is_digit(int c) {
    return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

static inline int string_get(const JSString *p, int idx) {
    return p->is_wide_char ? p->u.str16[idx] : p->u.str8[idx];

typedef struct JSClassShortDef {
    JSAtom class_name;
    JSClassFinalizer *finalizer;
    JSClassGCMark *gc_mark;
} JSClassShortDef;

static JSClassShortDef const js_std_class_def[] = {
    { JS_ATOM_Object, NULL, NULL },                             /* JS_CLASS_OBJECT */
    { JS_ATOM_Array, js_array_finalizer, js_array_mark },       /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Error, NULL, NULL }, /* JS_CLASS_ERROR */
    { JS_ATOM_Number, js_object_data_finalizer, js_object_data_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_NUMBER */
    { JS_ATOM_String, js_object_data_finalizer, js_object_data_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_STRING */
    { JS_ATOM_Boolean, js_object_data_finalizer, js_object_data_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN */
    { JS_ATOM_Symbol, js_object_data_finalizer, js_object_data_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_SYMBOL */
    { JS_ATOM_Arguments, js_array_finalizer, js_array_mark },   /* JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS */
    { JS_ATOM_Arguments, NULL, NULL },                          /* JS_CLASS_MAPPED_ARGUMENTS */
    { JS_ATOM_Date, js_object_data_finalizer, js_object_data_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_DATE */
    { JS_ATOM_Object, NULL, NULL },                             /* JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS */
    { JS_ATOM_Function, js_c_function_finalizer, js_c_function_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_Function, js_bytecode_function_finalizer, js_bytecode_function_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_Function, js_bound_function_finalizer, js_bound_function_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_BOUND_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_Function, js_c_function_data_finalizer, js_c_function_data_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA */
    { JS_ATOM_GeneratorFunction, js_bytecode_function_finalizer, js_bytecode_function_mark },  /* JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_ForInIterator, js_for_in_iterator_finalizer, js_for_in_iterator_mark },      /* JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_RegExp, js_regexp_finalizer, NULL },                              /* JS_CLASS_REGEXP */
    { JS_ATOM_ArrayBuffer, js_array_buffer_finalizer, NULL },                   /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER */
    { JS_ATOM_SharedArrayBuffer, js_array_buffer_finalizer, NULL },             /* JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER */
    { JS_ATOM_Uint8ClampedArray, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Int8Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },       /* JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Uint8Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },      /* JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Int16Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },      /* JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Uint16Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },     /* JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Int32Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },      /* JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Uint32Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },     /* JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_BigInt64Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },   /* JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_BigUint64Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },  /* JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Float16Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },    /* JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Float32Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },    /* JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_Float64Array, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },    /* JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY */
    { JS_ATOM_DataView, js_typed_array_finalizer, js_typed_array_mark },        /* JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW */
    { JS_ATOM_BigInt, js_object_data_finalizer, js_object_data_mark },      /* JS_CLASS_BIG_INT */
    { JS_ATOM_Map, js_map_finalizer, js_map_mark },             /* JS_CLASS_MAP */
    { JS_ATOM_Set, js_map_finalizer, js_map_mark },             /* JS_CLASS_SET */
    { JS_ATOM_WeakMap, js_map_finalizer, js_map_mark },         /* JS_CLASS_WEAKMAP */
    { JS_ATOM_WeakSet, js_map_finalizer, js_map_mark },         /* JS_CLASS_WEAKSET */
    { JS_ATOM_Map_Iterator, js_map_iterator_finalizer, js_map_iterator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_Set_Iterator, js_map_iterator_finalizer, js_map_iterator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_SET_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_Array_Iterator, js_array_iterator_finalizer, js_array_iterator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_String_Iterator, js_array_iterator_finalizer, js_array_iterator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_RegExp_String_Iterator, js_regexp_string_iterator_finalizer, js_regexp_string_iterator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_Generator, js_generator_finalizer, js_generator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_GENERATOR */

static int init_class_range(JSRuntime *rt, JSClassShortDef const *tab,
                            int start, int count)
    JSClassDef cm_s, *cm = &cm_s;
    int i, class_id;

    for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        class_id = i + start;
        memset(cm, 0, sizeof(*cm));
        cm->finalizer = tab[i].finalizer;
        cm->gc_mark = tab[i].gc_mark;
        if (JS_NewClass1(rt, class_id, cm, tab[i].class_name) < 0)
            return -1;
    return 0;

/* Note: OS and CPU dependent */
static inline uintptr_t js_get_stack_pointer(void)
    return (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0);

static inline BOOL js_check_stack_overflow(JSRuntime *rt, size_t alloca_size)
    uintptr_t sp;
    sp = js_get_stack_pointer() - alloca_size;
    return unlikely(sp < rt->stack_limit);

JSRuntime *JS_NewRuntime2(const JSMallocFunctions *mf, void *opaque)
    JSRuntime *rt;
    JSMallocState ms;

    memset(&ms, 0, sizeof(ms));
    ms.opaque = opaque;
    ms.malloc_limit = 0;

    rt = mf->js_malloc(&ms, sizeof(JSRuntime));
    if (!rt)
        return NULL;
    memset(rt, 0, sizeof(*rt));
    rt->mf = *mf;
    if (!rt->mf.js_malloc_usable_size) {
        /* use dummy function if none provided */
        rt->mf.js_malloc_usable_size = js_malloc_usable_size_unknown;
    rt->malloc_state = ms;
    rt->malloc_gc_threshold = 256 * 1024;

    bf_context_init(&rt->bf_ctx, js_bf_realloc, rt);

    rt->gc_phase = JS_GC_PHASE_NONE;


    if (JS_InitAtoms(rt))
        goto fail;

    /* create the object, array and function classes */
    if (init_class_range(rt, js_std_class_def, JS_CLASS_OBJECT,
                         countof(js_std_class_def)) < 0)
        goto fail;
    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS].exotic = &js_arguments_exotic_methods;
    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_STRING].exotic = &js_string_exotic_methods;
    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS].exotic = &js_module_ns_exotic_methods;

    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION].call = js_call_c_function;
    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA].call = js_c_function_data_call;
    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_BOUND_FUNCTION].call = js_call_bound_function;
    rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION].call = js_generator_function_call;
    if (init_shape_hash(rt))
        goto fail;

    rt->js_class_id_alloc = JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT;

    rt->stack_size = JS_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
#ifdef __ASAN__
    rt->stack_size *= 2; // stack frames are bigger under AddressSanitizer

    rt->current_exception = JS_NULL;

    return rt;
    return NULL;

void *JS_GetRuntimeOpaque(JSRuntime *rt)
    return rt->user_opaque;

void JS_SetRuntimeOpaque(JSRuntime *rt, void *opaque)
    rt->user_opaque = opaque;

static void *js_def_malloc(JSMallocState *s, size_t size)
    void *ptr;

    /* Do not allocate zero bytes: behavior is platform dependent */
    assert(size != 0);

    /* When malloc_limit is 0 (unlimited), malloc_limit - 1 will be SIZE_MAX. */
    if (unlikely(s->malloc_size + size > s->malloc_limit - 1))
        return NULL;

    ptr = malloc(size);
    if (!ptr)
        return NULL;

    s->malloc_size += js__malloc_usable_size(ptr) + MALLOC_OVERHEAD;
    return ptr;

static void js_def_free(JSMallocState *s, void *ptr)
    if (!ptr)

    s->malloc_size -= js__malloc_usable_size(ptr) + MALLOC_OVERHEAD;

static void *js_def_realloc(JSMallocState *s, void *ptr, size_t size)
    size_t old_size;

    if (!ptr) {
        if (size == 0)
            return NULL;
        return js_def_malloc(s, size);
    old_size = js__malloc_usable_size(ptr);
    if (size == 0) {
        s->malloc_size -= old_size + MALLOC_OVERHEAD;
        return NULL;
    /* When malloc_limit is 0 (unlimited), malloc_limit - 1 will be SIZE_MAX. */
    if (s->malloc_size + size - old_size > s->malloc_limit - 1)
        return NULL;

    ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
    if (!ptr)
        return NULL;

    s->malloc_size += js__malloc_usable_size(ptr) - old_size;
    return ptr;

static const JSMallocFunctions def_malloc_funcs = {

JSRuntime *JS_NewRuntime(void)
    return JS_NewRuntime2(&def_malloc_funcs, NULL);

void JS_SetMemoryLimit(JSRuntime *rt, size_t limit)
    rt->malloc_state.malloc_limit = limit;

void JS_SetDumpFlags(JSRuntime *rt, uint64_t flags)
    rt->dump_flags = flags;

size_t JS_GetGCThreshold(JSRuntime *rt) {
    return rt->malloc_gc_threshold;

/* use -1 to disable automatic GC */
void JS_SetGCThreshold(JSRuntime *rt, size_t gc_threshold)
    rt->malloc_gc_threshold = gc_threshold;

#define malloc(s) malloc_is_forbidden(s)
#define free(p) free_is_forbidden(p)
#define realloc(p,s) realloc_is_forbidden(p,s)

void JS_SetInterruptHandler(JSRuntime *rt, JSInterruptHandler *cb, void *opaque)
    rt->interrupt_handler = cb;
    rt->interrupt_opaque = opaque;

void JS_SetCanBlock(JSRuntime *rt, BOOL can_block)
    rt->can_block = can_block;

void JS_SetSharedArrayBufferFunctions(JSRuntime *rt,
                                      const JSSharedArrayBufferFunctions *sf)
    rt->sab_funcs = *sf;

/* return 0 if OK, < 0 if exception */
int JS_EnqueueJob(JSContext *ctx, JSJobFunc *job_func,
                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSJobEntry *e;
    int i;


    e = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*e) + argc * sizeof(JSValue));
    if (!e)
        return -1;
    e->ctx = ctx;
    e->job_func = job_func;
    e->argc = argc;
    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        e->argv[i] = js_dup(argv[i]);
    list_add_tail(&e->link, &rt->job_list);
    return 0;

BOOL JS_IsJobPending(JSRuntime *rt)
    return !list_empty(&rt->job_list);

/* return < 0 if exception, 0 if no job pending, 1 if a job was
   executed successfully. the context of the job is stored in '*pctx' */
int JS_ExecutePendingJob(JSRuntime *rt, JSContext **pctx)
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSJobEntry *e;
    JSValue res;
    int i, ret;

    if (list_empty(&rt->job_list)) {
        *pctx = NULL;
        return 0;

    /* get the first pending job and execute it */
    e = list_entry(rt->job_list.next, JSJobEntry, link);
    ctx = e->ctx;
    res = e->job_func(e->ctx, e->argc, e->argv);
    for(i = 0; i < e->argc; i++)
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, e->argv[i]);
    if (JS_IsException(res))
        ret = -1;
        ret = 1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
    js_free(ctx, e);
    *pctx = ctx;
    return ret;

static inline uint32_t atom_get_free(const JSAtomStruct *p)
    return (uintptr_t)p >> 1;

static inline BOOL atom_is_free(const JSAtomStruct *p)
    return (uintptr_t)p & 1;

static inline JSAtomStruct *atom_set_free(uint32_t v)
    return (JSAtomStruct *)(((uintptr_t)v << 1) | 1);

/* Note: the string contents are uninitialized */
static JSString *js_alloc_string_rt(JSRuntime *rt, int max_len, int is_wide_char)
    JSString *str;
    str = js_malloc_rt(rt, sizeof(JSString) + (max_len << is_wide_char) + 1 - is_wide_char);
    if (unlikely(!str))
        return NULL;
    str->header.ref_count = 1;
    str->is_wide_char = is_wide_char;
    str->len = max_len;
    str->atom_type = 0;
    str->hash = 0;          /* optional but costless */
    str->hash_next = 0;     /* optional */
    list_add_tail(&str->link, &rt->string_list);
    return str;

static JSString *js_alloc_string(JSContext *ctx, int max_len, int is_wide_char)
    JSString *p;
    p = js_alloc_string_rt(ctx->rt, max_len, is_wide_char);
    if (unlikely(!p)) {
        return NULL;
    return p;

/* same as JS_FreeValueRT() but faster */
static inline void js_free_string(JSRuntime *rt, JSString *str)
    if (--str->header.ref_count <= 0) {
        if (str->atom_type) {
            JS_FreeAtomStruct(rt, str);
        } else {
            js_free_rt(rt, str);

void JS_SetRuntimeInfo(JSRuntime *rt, const char *s)
    if (rt)
        rt->rt_info = s;

void JS_FreeRuntime(JSRuntime *rt)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    int i;

    rt->in_free = TRUE;
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, rt->current_exception);

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &rt->job_list) {
        JSJobEntry *e = list_entry(el, JSJobEntry, link);
        for(i = 0; i < e->argc; i++)
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, e->argv[i]);
        js_free_rt(rt, e);


    /* leaking objects */
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_LEAKS)) {
        BOOL header_done;
        JSGCObjectHeader *p;
        int count;

        /* remove the internal refcounts to display only the object
           referenced externally */
        list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
            p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
            p->mark = 0;

        header_done = FALSE;
        list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
            p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
            if (p->ref_count != 0) {
                if (!header_done) {
                    printf("Object leaks:\n");
                    header_done = TRUE;
                JS_DumpGCObject(rt, p);

        count = 0;
        list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
            p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
            if (p->ref_count == 0) {
        if (count != 0)
            printf("Secondary object leaks: %d\n", count);

    /* free the classes */
    for(i = 0; i < rt->class_count; i++) {
        JSClass *cl = &rt->class_array[i];
        if (cl->class_id != 0) {
            JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, cl->class_name);
    js_free_rt(rt, rt->class_array);


    /* only the atoms defined in JS_InitAtoms() should be left */
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_ATOM_LEAKS)) {
        BOOL header_done = FALSE;

        for(i = 0; i < rt->atom_size; i++) {
            JSAtomStruct *p = rt->atom_array[i];
            if (!atom_is_free(p) /* && p->str*/) {
                if (i >= JS_ATOM_END || p->header.ref_count != 1) {
                    if (!header_done) {
                        header_done = TRUE;
                        if (rt->rt_info) {
                            printf("%s:1: atom leakage:", rt->rt_info);
                        } else {
                            printf("Atom leaks:\n"
                                   "    %6s %6s %s\n",
                                   "ID", "REFCNT", "NAME");
                    if (rt->rt_info) {
                        printf(" ");
                    } else {
                        printf("    %6u %6u ", i, p->header.ref_count);
                    switch (p->atom_type) {
                    case JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING:
                        JS_DumpString(rt, p);
                    case JS_ATOM_TYPE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL:
                        JS_DumpString(rt, p);
                    case JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL:
                        if (p->hash == JS_ATOM_HASH_SYMBOL) {
                            JS_DumpString(rt, p);
                        } else {
                            JS_DumpString(rt, p);
                    if (rt->rt_info) {
                        printf(":%u", p->header.ref_count);
                    } else {
        if (rt->rt_info && header_done)

    /* free the atoms */
    for(i = 0; i < rt->atom_size; i++) {
        JSAtomStruct *p = rt->atom_array[i];
        if (!atom_is_free(p)) {
            js_free_rt(rt, p);
    js_free_rt(rt, rt->atom_array);
    js_free_rt(rt, rt->atom_hash);
    js_free_rt(rt, rt->shape_hash);
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_LEAKS) && !list_empty(&rt->string_list)) {
        if (rt->rt_info) {
            printf("%s:1: string leakage:", rt->rt_info);
        } else {
            printf("String leaks:\n"
                   "    %6s %s\n",
                   "REFCNT", "VALUE");
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &rt->string_list) {
            JSString *str = list_entry(el, JSString, link);
            if (rt->rt_info) {
                printf(" ");
            } else {
                printf("    %6u ", str->header.ref_count);
            JS_DumpString(rt, str);
            if (rt->rt_info) {
                printf(":%u", str->header.ref_count);
            } else {
            js_free_rt(rt, str);
        if (rt->rt_info)
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_LEAKS)) {
        JSMallocState *s = &rt->malloc_state;
        if (s->malloc_count > 1) {
            if (rt->rt_info)
                printf("%s:1: ", rt->rt_info);
            printf("Memory leak: %"PRIu64" bytes lost in %"PRIu64" block%s\n",
                   (uint64_t)(s->malloc_size - sizeof(JSRuntime)),
                   (uint64_t)(s->malloc_count - 1), &"s"[s->malloc_count == 2]);

        JSMallocState ms = rt->malloc_state;
        rt->mf.js_free(&ms, rt);

JSContext *JS_NewContextRaw(JSRuntime *rt)
    JSContext *ctx;
    int i;

    ctx = js_mallocz_rt(rt, sizeof(JSContext));
    if (!ctx)
        return NULL;
    ctx->header.ref_count = 1;
    add_gc_object(rt, &ctx->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_CONTEXT);

    ctx->class_proto = js_malloc_rt(rt, sizeof(ctx->class_proto[0]) *
    if (!ctx->class_proto) {
        js_free_rt(rt, ctx);
        return NULL;
    ctx->rt = rt;
    list_add_tail(&ctx->link, &rt->context_list);
    ctx->bf_ctx = &rt->bf_ctx;
    for(i = 0; i < rt->class_count; i++)
        ctx->class_proto[i] = JS_NULL;
    ctx->array_ctor = JS_NULL;
    ctx->regexp_ctor = JS_NULL;
    ctx->promise_ctor = JS_NULL;
    ctx->error_ctor = JS_NULL;
    ctx->error_prepare_stack = JS_UNDEFINED;
    ctx->error_stack_trace_limit = 10;

    return ctx;

JSContext *JS_NewContext(JSRuntime *rt)
    JSContext *ctx;

    ctx = JS_NewContextRaw(rt);
    if (!ctx)
        return NULL;



    return ctx;

void *JS_GetContextOpaque(JSContext *ctx)
    return ctx->user_opaque;

void JS_SetContextOpaque(JSContext *ctx, void *opaque)
    ctx->user_opaque = opaque;

/* set the new value and free the old value after (freeing the value
   can reallocate the object data) */
static inline void set_value(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *pval, JSValue new_val)
    JSValue old_val;
    old_val = *pval;
    *pval = new_val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, old_val);

void JS_SetClassProto(JSContext *ctx, JSClassID class_id, JSValue obj)
    assert(class_id < ctx->rt->class_count);
    set_value(ctx, &ctx->class_proto[class_id], obj);

JSValue JS_GetClassProto(JSContext *ctx, JSClassID class_id)
    assert(class_id < ctx->rt->class_count);
    return js_dup(ctx->class_proto[class_id]);

typedef enum JSFreeModuleEnum {
} JSFreeModuleEnum;

/* XXX: would be more efficient with separate module lists */
static void js_free_modules(JSContext *ctx, JSFreeModuleEnum flag)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &ctx->loaded_modules) {
        JSModuleDef *m = list_entry(el, JSModuleDef, link);
        if (flag == JS_FREE_MODULE_ALL ||
            (flag == JS_FREE_MODULE_NOT_RESOLVED && !m->resolved)) {
            js_free_module_def(ctx, m);

JSContext *JS_DupContext(JSContext *ctx)
    return ctx;

/* used by the GC */
static void JS_MarkContext(JSRuntime *rt, JSContext *ctx,
                           JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    int i;
    struct list_head *el;

    /* modules are not seen by the GC, so we directly mark the objects
       referenced by each module */
    list_for_each(el, &ctx->loaded_modules) {
        JSModuleDef *m = list_entry(el, JSModuleDef, link);
        js_mark_module_def(rt, m, mark_func);

    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->global_obj, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->global_var_obj, mark_func);

    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->throw_type_error, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->eval_obj, mark_func);

    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->array_proto_values, mark_func);
    for(i = 0; i < JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT; i++) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->native_error_proto[i], mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->error_ctor, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->error_prepare_stack, mark_func);
    for(i = 0; i < rt->class_count; i++) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->class_proto[i], mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->iterator_proto, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->async_iterator_proto, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->promise_ctor, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->array_ctor, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->regexp_ctor, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->function_ctor, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, ctx->function_proto, mark_func);

    if (ctx->array_shape)
        mark_func(rt, &ctx->array_shape->header);

void JS_FreeContext(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    int i;

    if (--ctx->header.ref_count > 0)
    assert(ctx->header.ref_count == 0);

    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_ATOMS))
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_SHAPES))
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_OBJECTS)) {
        struct list_head *el;
        JSGCObjectHeader *p;
        printf("JSObjects: {\n");
        list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
            p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
            JS_DumpGCObject(rt, p);
#ifdef DUMP_MEM
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_MEM)) {
        JSMemoryUsage stats;
        JS_ComputeMemoryUsage(rt, &stats);
        JS_DumpMemoryUsage(stdout, &stats, rt);

    js_free_modules(ctx, JS_FREE_MODULE_ALL);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->global_var_obj);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->throw_type_error);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->eval_obj);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->array_proto_values);
    for(i = 0; i < JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT; i++) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->native_error_proto[i]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->error_ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->error_prepare_stack);
    for(i = 0; i < rt->class_count; i++) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->class_proto[i]);
    js_free_rt(rt, ctx->class_proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->async_iterator_proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->promise_ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->array_ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->regexp_ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->function_ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->function_proto);

    js_free_shape_null(ctx->rt, ctx->array_shape);

    js_free_rt(ctx->rt, ctx);

JSRuntime *JS_GetRuntime(JSContext *ctx)
    return ctx->rt;

static void update_stack_limit(JSRuntime *rt)
#if defined(__wasi__)
    rt->stack_limit = 0; /* no limit */
    if (rt->stack_size == 0) {
        rt->stack_limit = 0; /* no limit */
    } else {
        rt->stack_limit = rt->stack_top - rt->stack_size;

void JS_SetMaxStackSize(JSRuntime *rt, size_t stack_size)
    rt->stack_size = stack_size;

void JS_UpdateStackTop(JSRuntime *rt)
    rt->stack_top = js_get_stack_pointer();

static inline BOOL is_strict_mode(JSContext *ctx)
    JSStackFrame *sf = ctx->rt->current_stack_frame;
    return (sf && (sf->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT));

/* JSAtom support */

#define JS_ATOM_TAG_INT (1U << 31)
#define JS_ATOM_MAX     ((1U << 30) - 1)

/* return the max count from the hash size */
#define JS_ATOM_COUNT_RESIZE(n) ((n) * 2)

static inline BOOL __JS_AtomIsConst(JSAtom v)
        return (int32_t)v <= 0;
        return (int32_t)v < JS_ATOM_END;

static inline BOOL __JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(JSAtom v)
    return (v & JS_ATOM_TAG_INT) != 0;

static inline JSAtom __JS_AtomFromUInt32(uint32_t v)
    return v | JS_ATOM_TAG_INT;

static inline uint32_t __JS_AtomToUInt32(JSAtom atom)
    return atom & ~JS_ATOM_TAG_INT;

static inline int is_num(int c)
    return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

/* return TRUE if the string is a number n with 0 <= n <= 2^32-1 */
static inline BOOL is_num_string(uint32_t *pval, const JSString *p)
    uint32_t n;
    uint64_t n64;
    int c, i, len;

    len = p->len;
    if (len == 0 || len > 10)
        return FALSE;
    c = string_get(p, 0);
    if (is_num(c)) {
        if (c == '0') {
            if (len != 1)
                return FALSE;
            n = 0;
        } else {
            n = c - '0';
            for(i = 1; i < len; i++) {
                c = string_get(p, i);
                if (!is_num(c))
                    return FALSE;
                n64 = (uint64_t)n * 10 + (c - '0');
                if ((n64 >> 32) != 0)
                    return FALSE;
                n = n64;
        *pval = n;
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;

/* XXX: could use faster version ? */
static inline uint32_t hash_string8(const uint8_t *str, size_t len, uint32_t h)
    size_t i;

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
        h = h * 263 + str[i];
    return h;

static inline uint32_t hash_string16(const uint16_t *str,
                                     size_t len, uint32_t h)
    size_t i;

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
        h = h * 263 + str[i];
    return h;

static uint32_t hash_string(const JSString *str, uint32_t h)
    if (str->is_wide_char)
        h = hash_string16(str->u.str16, str->len, h);
        h = hash_string8(str->u.str8, str->len, h);
    return h;

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpString(JSRuntime *rt,
                                                  const JSString *p)
    int i, c, sep;

    if (p == NULL) {
    if (p->header.ref_count != 1)
        printf("%d", p->header.ref_count);
    if (p->is_wide_char)
    sep = '\"';
    for(i = 0; i < p->len; i++) {
        c = string_get(p, i);
        if (c == sep || c == '\\') {
        } else if (c >= ' ' && c <= 126) {
        } else if (c == '\n') {
        } else {
            printf("\\u%04x", c);

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpAtoms(JSRuntime *rt)
    JSAtomStruct *p;
    int h, i;
    /* This only dumps hashed atoms, not JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL atoms */
    printf("JSAtom count=%d size=%d hash_size=%d:\n",
           rt->atom_count, rt->atom_size, rt->atom_hash_size);
    printf("JSAtom hash table: {\n");
    for(i = 0; i < rt->atom_hash_size; i++) {
        h = rt->atom_hash[i];
        if (h) {
            printf("  %d:", i);
            while (h) {
                p = rt->atom_array[h];
                printf(" ");
                JS_DumpString(rt, p);
                h = p->hash_next;
    printf("JSAtom table: {\n");
    for(i = 0; i < rt->atom_size; i++) {
        p = rt->atom_array[i];
        if (!atom_is_free(p)) {
            printf("  %d: { %d %08x ", i, p->atom_type, p->hash);
            if (!(p->len == 0 && p->is_wide_char != 0))
                JS_DumpString(rt, p);
            printf(" %d }\n", p->hash_next);

static int JS_ResizeAtomHash(JSRuntime *rt, int new_hash_size)
    JSAtomStruct *p;
    uint32_t new_hash_mask, h, i, hash_next1, j, *new_hash;

    assert((new_hash_size & (new_hash_size - 1)) == 0); /* power of two */
    new_hash_mask = new_hash_size - 1;
    new_hash = js_mallocz_rt(rt, sizeof(rt->atom_hash[0]) * new_hash_size);
    if (!new_hash)
        return -1;
    for(i = 0; i < rt->atom_hash_size; i++) {
        h = rt->atom_hash[i];
        while (h != 0) {
            p = rt->atom_array[h];
            hash_next1 = p->hash_next;
            /* add in new hash table */
            j = p->hash & new_hash_mask;
            p->hash_next = new_hash[j];
            new_hash[j] = h;
            h = hash_next1;
    js_free_rt(rt, rt->atom_hash);
    rt->atom_hash = new_hash;
    rt->atom_hash_size = new_hash_size;
    rt->atom_count_resize = JS_ATOM_COUNT_RESIZE(new_hash_size);
    //    JS_DumpAtoms(rt);
    return 0;

static int JS_InitAtoms(JSRuntime *rt)
    int i, len, atom_type;
    const char *p;

    rt->atom_hash_size = 0;
    rt->atom_hash = NULL;
    rt->atom_count = 0;
    rt->atom_size = 0;
    rt->atom_free_index = 0;
    if (JS_ResizeAtomHash(rt, 256))     /* there are at least 195 predefined atoms */
        return -1;

    p = js_atom_init;
    for(i = 1; i < JS_ATOM_END; i++) {
        if (i == JS_ATOM_Private_brand)
            atom_type = JS_ATOM_TYPE_PRIVATE;
        else if (i >= JS_ATOM_Symbol_toPrimitive)
            atom_type = JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL;
            atom_type = JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING;
        len = strlen(p);
        if (__JS_NewAtomInit(rt, p, len, atom_type) == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return -1;
        p = p + len + 1;
    return 0;

static JSAtom JS_DupAtomRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSAtom v)
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    if (!__JS_AtomIsConst(v)) {
        p = rt->atom_array[v];
    return v;

JSAtom JS_DupAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom v)
    JSRuntime *rt;
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    if (!__JS_AtomIsConst(v)) {
        rt = ctx->rt;
        p = rt->atom_array[v];
    return v;

static JSAtomKindEnum JS_AtomGetKind(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom v)
    JSRuntime *rt;
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    rt = ctx->rt;
    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(v))
        return JS_ATOM_KIND_STRING;
    p = rt->atom_array[v];
    switch(p->atom_type) {
        return JS_ATOM_KIND_STRING;
        return JS_ATOM_KIND_SYMBOL;
        switch(p->hash) {
        case JS_ATOM_HASH_SYMBOL:
            return JS_ATOM_KIND_SYMBOL;
        case JS_ATOM_HASH_PRIVATE:
            return JS_ATOM_KIND_PRIVATE;
    return (JSAtomKindEnum){-1}; // pacify compiler

static BOOL JS_AtomIsString(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom v)
    return JS_AtomGetKind(ctx, v) == JS_ATOM_KIND_STRING;

static JSAtom js_get_atom_index(JSRuntime *rt, JSAtomStruct *p)
    uint32_t i = p->hash_next;  /* atom_index */
    if (p->atom_type != JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL) {
        JSAtomStruct *p1;

        i = rt->atom_hash[p->hash & (rt->atom_hash_size - 1)];
        p1 = rt->atom_array[i];
        while (p1 != p) {
            assert(i != 0);
            i = p1->hash_next;
            p1 = rt->atom_array[i];
    return i;

/* string case (internal). Return JS_ATOM_NULL if error. 'str' is
   freed. */
static JSAtom __JS_NewAtom(JSRuntime *rt, JSString *str, int atom_type)
    uint32_t h, h1, i;
    JSAtomStruct *p;
    int len;

    if (atom_type < JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL) {
        /* str is not NULL */
        if (str->atom_type == atom_type) {
            /* str is the atom, return its index */
            i = js_get_atom_index(rt, str);
            /* reduce string refcount and increase atom's unless constant */
            if (__JS_AtomIsConst(i))
            return i;
        /* try and locate an already registered atom */
        len = str->len;
        h = hash_string(str, atom_type);
        h &= JS_ATOM_HASH_MASK;
        h1 = h & (rt->atom_hash_size - 1);
        i = rt->atom_hash[h1];
        while (i != 0) {
            p = rt->atom_array[i];
            if (p->hash == h &&
                p->atom_type == atom_type &&
                p->len == len &&
                js_string_memcmp(p, str, len) == 0) {
                if (!__JS_AtomIsConst(i))
                goto done;
            i = p->hash_next;
    } else {
        h1 = 0; /* avoid warning */
        if (atom_type == JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL) {
            h = JS_ATOM_HASH_SYMBOL;
        } else {
            h = JS_ATOM_HASH_PRIVATE;
            atom_type = JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL;

    if (rt->atom_free_index == 0) {
        /* allow new atom entries */
        uint32_t new_size, start;
        JSAtomStruct **new_array;

        /* alloc new with size progression 3/2:
           4 6 9 13 19 28 42 63 94 141 211 316 474 711 1066 1599 2398 3597 5395 8092
           preallocating space for predefined atoms (at least 195).
        new_size = max_int(211, rt->atom_size * 3 / 2);
        if (new_size > JS_ATOM_MAX)
            goto fail;
        /* XXX: should use realloc2 to use slack space */
        new_array = js_realloc_rt(rt, rt->atom_array, sizeof(*new_array) * new_size);
        if (!new_array)
            goto fail;
        /* Note: the atom 0 is not used */
        start = rt->atom_size;
        if (start == 0) {
            /* JS_ATOM_NULL entry */
            p = js_mallocz_rt(rt, sizeof(JSAtomStruct));
            if (!p) {
                js_free_rt(rt, new_array);
                goto fail;
            p->header.ref_count = 1;  /* not refcounted */
            p->atom_type = JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL;
            list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->string_list);
            new_array[0] = p;
            start = 1;
        rt->atom_size = new_size;
        rt->atom_array = new_array;
        rt->atom_free_index = start;
        for(i = start; i < new_size; i++) {
            uint32_t next;
            if (i == (new_size - 1))
                next = 0;
                next = i + 1;
            rt->atom_array[i] = atom_set_free(next);

    if (str) {
        if (str->atom_type == 0) {
            p = str;
            p->atom_type = atom_type;
        } else {
            p = js_malloc_rt(rt, sizeof(JSString) +
                             (str->len << str->is_wide_char) +
                             1 - str->is_wide_char);
            if (unlikely(!p))
                goto fail;
            p->header.ref_count = 1;
            p->is_wide_char = str->is_wide_char;
            p->len = str->len;
            list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->string_list);
            memcpy(p->u.str8, str->u.str8, (str->len << str->is_wide_char) +
                   1 - str->is_wide_char);
            js_free_string(rt, str);
    } else {
        p = js_malloc_rt(rt, sizeof(JSAtomStruct)); /* empty wide string */
        if (!p)
            return JS_ATOM_NULL;
        p->header.ref_count = 1;
        p->is_wide_char = 1;    /* Hack to represent NULL as a JSString */
        p->len = 0;
        list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->string_list);

    /* use an already free entry */
    i = rt->atom_free_index;
    rt->atom_free_index = atom_get_free(rt->atom_array[i]);
    rt->atom_array[i] = p;

    p->hash = h;
    p->hash_next = i;   /* atom_index */
    p->atom_type = atom_type;
    p->first_weak_ref = NULL;


    if (atom_type != JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL) {
        p->hash_next = rt->atom_hash[h1];
        rt->atom_hash[h1] = i;
        if (unlikely(rt->atom_count >= rt->atom_count_resize))
            JS_ResizeAtomHash(rt, rt->atom_hash_size * 2);

    //    JS_DumpAtoms(rt);
    return i;

    i = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (str)
        js_free_string(rt, str);
    return i;

// XXX: `str` must be pure ASCII. No UTF-8 encoded strings
// XXX: `str` must not be the string representation of a small integer
static JSAtom __JS_NewAtomInit(JSRuntime *rt, const char *str, int len,
                               int atom_type)
    JSString *p;
    p = js_alloc_string_rt(rt, len, 0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    memcpy(p->u.str8, str, len);
    p->u.str8[len] = '\0';
    return __JS_NewAtom(rt, p, atom_type);

// XXX: `str` must be raw 8-bit contents. No UTF-8 encoded strings
static JSAtom __JS_FindAtom(JSRuntime *rt, const char *str, size_t len,
                            int atom_type)
    uint32_t h, h1, i;
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    h = hash_string8((const uint8_t *)str, len, JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING);
    h1 = h & (rt->atom_hash_size - 1);
    i = rt->atom_hash[h1];
    while (i != 0) {
        p = rt->atom_array[i];
        if (p->hash == h &&
            p->atom_type == JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING &&
            p->len == len &&
            p->is_wide_char == 0 &&
            memcmp(p->u.str8, str, len) == 0) {
            if (!__JS_AtomIsConst(i))
            return i;
        i = p->hash_next;
    return JS_ATOM_NULL;

static void JS_FreeAtomStruct(JSRuntime *rt, JSAtomStruct *p)
    uint32_t i = p->hash_next;  /* atom_index */
    if (p->atom_type != JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL) {
        JSAtomStruct *p0, *p1;
        uint32_t h0;

        h0 = p->hash & (rt->atom_hash_size - 1);
        i = rt->atom_hash[h0];
        p1 = rt->atom_array[i];
        if (p1 == p) {
            rt->atom_hash[h0] = p1->hash_next;
        } else {
            for(;;) {
                assert(i != 0);
                p0 = p1;
                i = p1->hash_next;
                p1 = rt->atom_array[i];
                if (p1 == p) {
                    p0->hash_next = p1->hash_next;
    /* insert in free atom list */
    rt->atom_array[i] = atom_set_free(rt->atom_free_index);
    rt->atom_free_index = i;
    if (unlikely(p->first_weak_ref)) {
        reset_weak_ref(rt, &p->first_weak_ref);
    /* free the string structure */
    js_free_rt(rt, p);
    assert(rt->atom_count >= 0);

static void __JS_FreeAtom(JSRuntime *rt, uint32_t i)
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    p = rt->atom_array[i];
    if (--p->header.ref_count > 0)
    JS_FreeAtomStruct(rt, p);

/* Warning: 'p' is freed */
static JSAtom JS_NewAtomStr(JSContext *ctx, JSString *p)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    uint32_t n;
    if (is_num_string(&n, p)) {
        if (n <= JS_ATOM_MAX_INT) {
            js_free_string(rt, p);
            return __JS_AtomFromUInt32(n);
    /* XXX: should generate an exception */
    return __JS_NewAtom(rt, p, JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING);

/* `str` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
JSAtom JS_NewAtomLen(JSContext *ctx, const char *str, size_t len)
    JSValue val;

    if (len == 0 || !is_digit(*str)) {
        // TODO(chqrlie): this does not work if `str` has UTF-8 encoded contents
        // bug example: `({ "\u00c3\u00a9": 1 }).\u00e9` evaluates to `1`.
        JSAtom atom = __JS_FindAtom(ctx->rt, str, len, JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING);
        if (atom)
            return atom;
    val = JS_NewStringLen(ctx, str, len);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    return JS_NewAtomStr(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val));

/* `str` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
JSAtom JS_NewAtom(JSContext *ctx, const char *str)
    return JS_NewAtomLen(ctx, str, strlen(str));

JSAtom JS_NewAtomUInt32(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t n)
    if (n <= JS_ATOM_MAX_INT) {
        return __JS_AtomFromUInt32(n);
    } else {
        char buf[16];
        size_t len = u32toa(buf, n);
        JSValue val = js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, len);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return JS_ATOM_NULL;
        return __JS_NewAtom(ctx->rt, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val),

static JSAtom JS_NewAtomInt64(JSContext *ctx, int64_t n)
    if ((uint64_t)n <= JS_ATOM_MAX_INT) {
        return __JS_AtomFromUInt32((uint32_t)n);
    } else {
        char buf[24];
        size_t len = i64toa(buf, n);
        JSValue val = js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, len);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return JS_ATOM_NULL;
        return __JS_NewAtom(ctx->rt, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val),

/* 'p' is freed */
static JSValue JS_NewSymbolInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSString *p, int atom_type)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSAtom atom;
    atom = __JS_NewAtom(rt, p, atom_type);
    if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_SYMBOL, rt->atom_array[atom]);

/* descr must be a non-numeric string atom */
static JSValue JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom descr,
                                    int atom_type)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSString *p;

    assert(descr < rt->atom_size);
    p = rt->atom_array[descr];
    js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p));
    return JS_NewSymbolInternal(ctx, p, atom_type);

/* `description` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
JSValue JS_NewSymbol(JSContext *ctx, const char *description, JS_BOOL is_global)
    JSAtom atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, description);
    if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(ctx, atom, is_global ? JS_ATOM_TYPE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL : JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL);


/* Should only be used for debug. */
static const char *JS_AtomGetStrRT(JSRuntime *rt, char *buf, int buf_size,
                                   JSAtom atom)
    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom)) {
        snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%u", __JS_AtomToUInt32(atom));
    } else if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        snprintf(buf, buf_size, "<null>");
    } else if (atom >= rt->atom_size) {
        assert(atom < rt->atom_size);
        snprintf(buf, buf_size, "<invalid %x>", atom);
    } else {
        JSAtomStruct *p = rt->atom_array[atom];
        *buf = '\0';
        if (atom_is_free(p)) {
            snprintf(buf, buf_size, "<free %x>", atom);
        } else if (p != NULL) {
            JSString *str = p;
            if (str->is_wide_char) {
                /* encode surrogates correctly */
                utf8_encode_buf16(buf, buf_size, str->u.str16, str->len);
            } else {
                /* special case ASCII strings */
                int i, c = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < str->len; i++) {
                    c |= str->u.str8[i];
                if (c < 0x80)
                    return (const char *)str->u.str8;
                utf8_encode_buf8(buf, buf_size, str->u.str8, str->len);
    return buf;

static const char *JS_AtomGetStr(JSContext *ctx, char *buf, int buf_size, JSAtom atom)
    return JS_AtomGetStrRT(ctx->rt, buf, buf_size, atom);

static JSValue __JS_AtomToValue(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom, BOOL force_string)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];

    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom)) {
        size_t len = u32toa(buf, __JS_AtomToUInt32(atom));
        return js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, len);
    } else {
        JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
        JSAtomStruct *p;
        assert(atom < rt->atom_size);
        p = rt->atom_array[atom];
        if (p->atom_type == JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING) {
            goto ret_string;
        } else if (force_string) {
            if (p->len == 0 && p->is_wide_char != 0) {
                /* no description string */
                p = rt->atom_array[JS_ATOM_empty_string];
            return js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p));
        } else {
            return js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_SYMBOL, p));

JSValue JS_AtomToValue(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    return __JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom, FALSE);

JSValue JS_AtomToString(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    return __JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom, TRUE);

/* return TRUE if the atom is an array index (i.e. 0 <= index <=
   2^32-2 and return its value */
static BOOL JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *pval, JSAtom atom)
    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom)) {
        *pval = __JS_AtomToUInt32(atom);
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
        JSAtomStruct *p;
        uint32_t val;

        assert(atom < rt->atom_size);
        p = rt->atom_array[atom];
        if (p->atom_type == JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING &&
            is_num_string(&val, p) && val != -1) {
            *pval = val;
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            *pval = 0;
            return FALSE;

/* This test must be fast if atom is not a numeric index (e.g. a
   method name). Return JS_UNDEFINED if not a numeric
   index. JS_EXCEPTION can also be returned. */
static JSValue JS_AtomIsNumericIndex1(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSAtomStruct *p1;
    JSString *p;
    int c, len, ret;
    JSValue num, str;

    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom))
        return js_int32(__JS_AtomToUInt32(atom));
    assert(atom < rt->atom_size);
    p1 = rt->atom_array[atom];
    if (p1->atom_type != JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    p = p1;
    len = p->len;
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        const uint16_t *r = p->u.str16, *r_end = p->u.str16 + len;
        if (r >= r_end)
            return JS_UNDEFINED;
        c = *r;
        if (c == '-') {
            if (r >= r_end)
                return JS_UNDEFINED;
            c = *r;
            /* -0 case is specific */
            if (c == '0' && len == 2)
                goto minus_zero;
        /* XXX: should test NaN, but the tests do not check it */
        if (!is_num(c)) {
            /* XXX: String should be normalized, therefore 8-bit only */
            const uint16_t nfinity16[7] = { 'n', 'f', 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'y' };
            if (!(c =='I' && (r_end - r) == 8 &&
                  !memcmp(r + 1, nfinity16, sizeof(nfinity16))))
                return JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        const uint8_t *r = p->u.str8, *r_end = p->u.str8 + len;
        if (r >= r_end)
            return JS_UNDEFINED;
        c = *r;
        if (c == '-') {
            if (r >= r_end)
                return JS_UNDEFINED;
            c = *r;
            /* -0 case is specific */
            if (c == '0' && len == 2) {
                return js_float64(-0.0);
        if (!is_num(c)) {
            if (!(c =='I' && (r_end - r) == 8 &&
                  !memcmp(r + 1, "nfinity", 7)))
                return JS_UNDEFINED;
    /* this is ECMA CanonicalNumericIndexString primitive */
    num = JS_ToNumber(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p));
    if (JS_IsException(num))
        return num;
    str = JS_ToString(ctx, num);
    if (JS_IsException(str)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
        return str;
    ret = js_string_compare(ctx, p, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str));
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    if (ret == 0) {
        return num;
    } else {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

/* return -1 if exception or TRUE/FALSE */
static int JS_AtomIsNumericIndex(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    JSValue num;
    num = JS_AtomIsNumericIndex1(ctx, atom);
    if (likely(JS_IsUndefined(num)))
        return FALSE;
    if (JS_IsException(num))
        return -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
    return TRUE;

void JS_FreeAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom v)
    if (!__JS_AtomIsConst(v))
        __JS_FreeAtom(ctx->rt, v);

void JS_FreeAtomRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSAtom v)
    if (!__JS_AtomIsConst(v))
        __JS_FreeAtom(rt, v);

/* return TRUE if 'v' is a symbol with a string description */
static BOOL JS_AtomSymbolHasDescription(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom v)
    JSRuntime *rt;
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    rt = ctx->rt;
    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(v))
        return FALSE;
    p = rt->atom_array[v];
    return (((p->atom_type == JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL &&
              p->hash == JS_ATOM_HASH_SYMBOL) ||
             p->atom_type == JS_ATOM_TYPE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL) &&
            !(p->len == 0 && p->is_wide_char != 0));

static __maybe_unused void print_atom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    const char *p;
    int i;

    /* XXX: should handle embedded null characters */
    /* XXX: should move encoding code to JS_AtomGetStr */
    p = JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), atom);
    for (i = 0; p[i]; i++) {
        int c = (unsigned char)p[i];
        if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
              (c == '_' || c == '$') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9' && i > 0)))
    if (i > 0 && p[i] == '\0') {
        printf("%s", p);
    } else {
        printf("%.*s", i, p);
        for (; p[i]; i++) {
            int c = (unsigned char)p[i];
            if (c == '\"' || c == '\\') {
            } else if (c >= ' ' && c <= 126) {
            } else if (c == '\n') {
            } else {
                printf("\\u%04x", c);

/* free with JS_FreeCString() */
const char *JS_AtomToCString(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    JSValue str;
    const char *cstr;

    str = JS_AtomToString(ctx, atom);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return NULL;
    cstr = JS_ToCString(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return cstr;

/* return a string atom containing name concatenated with str1 */
/* `str1` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
// TODO(chqrlie): use string concatenation instead of UTF-8 conversion
static JSAtom js_atom_concat_str(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name, const char *str1)
    JSValue str;
    JSAtom atom;
    const char *cstr;
    char *cstr2;
    size_t len, len1;

    str = JS_AtomToString(ctx, name);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    cstr = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, str);
    if (!cstr)
        goto fail;
    len1 = strlen(str1);
    cstr2 = js_malloc(ctx, len + len1 + 1);
    if (!cstr2)
        goto fail;
    memcpy(cstr2, cstr, len);
    memcpy(cstr2 + len, str1, len1);
    cstr2[len + len1] = '\0';
    atom = JS_NewAtomLen(ctx, cstr2, len + len1);
    js_free(ctx, cstr2);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, cstr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return atom;
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, cstr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return JS_ATOM_NULL;

static JSAtom js_atom_concat_num(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name, uint32_t n)
    char buf[16];
    u32toa(buf, n);
    return js_atom_concat_str(ctx, name, buf);

static inline BOOL JS_IsEmptyString(JSValue v)
    return JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(v) == JS_TAG_STRING && JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v)->len == 0;

/* JSClass support */

/* a new class ID is allocated if *pclass_id != 0 */
JSClassID JS_NewClassID(JSRuntime *rt, JSClassID *pclass_id)
    JSClassID class_id = *pclass_id;
    if (class_id == 0) {
        class_id = rt->js_class_id_alloc++;
        *pclass_id = class_id;
    return class_id;

JSClassID JS_GetClassID(JSValue v)
  JSObject *p;
  p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(v);
  return p->class_id;

BOOL JS_IsRegisteredClass(JSRuntime *rt, JSClassID class_id)
    return (class_id < rt->class_count &&
            rt->class_array[class_id].class_id != 0);

/* create a new object internal class. Return -1 if error, 0 if
   OK. The finalizer can be NULL if none is needed. */
static int JS_NewClass1(JSRuntime *rt, JSClassID class_id,
                        const JSClassDef *class_def, JSAtom name)
    int new_size, i;
    JSClass *cl, *new_class_array;
    struct list_head *el;

    if (class_id >= (1 << 16))
        return -1;
    if (class_id < rt->class_count &&
        rt->class_array[class_id].class_id != 0)
        return -1;

    if (class_id >= rt->class_count) {
        new_size = max_int(JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT,
                           max_int(class_id + 1, rt->class_count * 3 / 2));

        /* reallocate the context class prototype array, if any */
        list_for_each(el, &rt->context_list) {
            JSContext *ctx = list_entry(el, JSContext, link);
            JSValue *new_tab;
            new_tab = js_realloc_rt(rt, ctx->class_proto,
                                    sizeof(ctx->class_proto[0]) * new_size);
            if (!new_tab)
                return -1;
            for(i = rt->class_count; i < new_size; i++)
                new_tab[i] = JS_NULL;
            ctx->class_proto = new_tab;
        /* reallocate the class array */
        new_class_array = js_realloc_rt(rt, rt->class_array,
                                        sizeof(JSClass) * new_size);
        if (!new_class_array)
            return -1;
        memset(new_class_array + rt->class_count, 0,
               (new_size - rt->class_count) * sizeof(JSClass));
        rt->class_array = new_class_array;
        rt->class_count = new_size;
    cl = &rt->class_array[class_id];
    cl->class_id = class_id;
    cl->class_name = JS_DupAtomRT(rt, name);
    cl->finalizer = class_def->finalizer;
    cl->gc_mark = class_def->gc_mark;
    cl->call = class_def->call;
    cl->exotic = class_def->exotic;
    return 0;

int JS_NewClass(JSRuntime *rt, JSClassID class_id, const JSClassDef *class_def)
    int ret, len;
    JSAtom name;

    // XXX: class_def->class_name must be raw 8-bit contents. No UTF-8 encoded strings
    len = strlen(class_def->class_name);
    name = __JS_FindAtom(rt, class_def->class_name, len, JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING);
    if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        name = __JS_NewAtomInit(rt, class_def->class_name, len, JS_ATOM_TYPE_STRING);
        if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return -1;
    ret = JS_NewClass1(rt, class_id, class_def, name);
    JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, name);
    return ret;

// XXX: `buf` contains raw 8-bit data, no UTF-8 decoding is performed
// XXX: no special case for len == 0
static JSValue js_new_string8_len(JSContext *ctx, const char *buf, int len)
    JSString *str;
    str = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, 0);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    memcpy(str->u.str8, buf, len);
    str->u.str8[len] = '\0';
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, str);

// XXX: `buf` contains raw 8-bit data, no UTF-8 decoding is performed
// XXX: no special case for the empty string
static inline JSValue js_new_string8(JSContext *ctx, const char *str)
    return js_new_string8_len(ctx, str, strlen(str));

static JSValue js_new_string16_len(JSContext *ctx, const uint16_t *buf, int len)
    JSString *str;
    str = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, 1);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    memcpy(str->u.str16, buf, len * 2);
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, str);

static JSValue js_new_string_char(JSContext *ctx, uint16_t c)
    if (c < 0x100) {
        char ch8 = c;
        return js_new_string8_len(ctx, &ch8, 1);
    } else {
        uint16_t ch16 = c;
        return js_new_string16_len(ctx, &ch16, 1);

static JSValue js_sub_string(JSContext *ctx, JSString *p, int start, int end)
    int len = end - start;
    if (start == 0 && end == p->len) {
        return js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p));
    if (len <= 0) {
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        JSString *str;
        int i;
        uint16_t c = 0;
        for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
            c |= p->u.str16[i];
        if (c > 0xFF)
            return js_new_string16_len(ctx, p->u.str16 + start, len);

        str = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, 0);
        if (!str)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            str->u.str8[i] = p->u.str16[start + i];
        str->u.str8[len] = '\0';
        return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, str);
    } else {
        return js_new_string8_len(ctx, (const char *)(p->u.str8 + start), len);

typedef struct StringBuffer {
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSString *str;
    int len;
    int size;
    int is_wide_char;
    int error_status;
} StringBuffer;

/* It is valid to call string_buffer_end() and all string_buffer functions even
   if string_buffer_init() or another string_buffer function returns an error.
   If the error_status is set, string_buffer_end() returns JS_EXCEPTION.
static int string_buffer_init2(JSContext *ctx, StringBuffer *s, int size,
                               int is_wide)
    s->ctx = ctx;
    s->size = size;
    s->len = 0;
    s->is_wide_char = is_wide;
    s->error_status = 0;
    s->str = js_alloc_string(ctx, size, is_wide);
    if (unlikely(!s->str)) {
        s->size = 0;
        return s->error_status = -1;
    /* the StringBuffer may reallocate the JSString, only link it at the end */
    return 0;

static inline int string_buffer_init(JSContext *ctx, StringBuffer *s, int size)
    return string_buffer_init2(ctx, s, size, 0);

static void string_buffer_free(StringBuffer *s)
    js_free(s->ctx, s->str);
    s->str = NULL;

static int string_buffer_set_error(StringBuffer *s)
    js_free(s->ctx, s->str);
    s->str = NULL;
    s->size = 0;
    s->len = 0;
    return s->error_status = -1;

static no_inline int string_buffer_widen(StringBuffer *s, int size)
    JSString *str;
    size_t slack;
    int i;

    if (s->error_status)
        return -1;

    str = js_realloc2(s->ctx, s->str, sizeof(JSString) + (size << 1), &slack);
    if (!str)
        return string_buffer_set_error(s);
    size += slack >> 1;
    for(i = s->len; i-- > 0;) {
        str->u.str16[i] = str->u.str8[i];
    s->is_wide_char = 1;
    s->size = size;
    s->str = str;
    return 0;

static no_inline int string_buffer_realloc(StringBuffer *s, int new_len, int c)
    JSString *new_str;
    int new_size;
    size_t new_size_bytes, slack;

    if (s->error_status)
        return -1;

    if (new_len > JS_STRING_LEN_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(s->ctx, "invalid string length");
        return string_buffer_set_error(s);
    new_size = min_int(max_int(new_len, s->size * 3 / 2), JS_STRING_LEN_MAX);
    if (!s->is_wide_char && c >= 0x100) {
        return string_buffer_widen(s, new_size);
    new_size_bytes = sizeof(JSString) + (new_size << s->is_wide_char) + 1 - s->is_wide_char;
    new_str = js_realloc2(s->ctx, s->str, new_size_bytes, &slack);
    if (!new_str)
        return string_buffer_set_error(s);
    new_size = min_int(new_size + (slack >> s->is_wide_char), JS_STRING_LEN_MAX);
    s->size = new_size;
    s->str = new_str;
    return 0;

static no_inline int string_buffer_putc_slow(StringBuffer *s, uint32_t c)
    if (unlikely(s->len >= s->size)) {
        if (string_buffer_realloc(s, s->len + 1, c))
            return -1;
    if (s->is_wide_char) {
        s->str->u.str16[s->len++] = c;
    } else if (c < 0x100) {
        s->str->u.str8[s->len++] = c;
    } else {
        if (string_buffer_widen(s, s->size))
            return -1;
        s->str->u.str16[s->len++] = c;
    return 0;

/* 0 <= c <= 0xff */
static int string_buffer_putc8(StringBuffer *s, uint32_t c)
    if (unlikely(s->len >= s->size)) {
        if (string_buffer_realloc(s, s->len + 1, c))
            return -1;
    if (s->is_wide_char) {
        s->str->u.str16[s->len++] = c;
    } else {
        s->str->u.str8[s->len++] = c;
    return 0;

/* 0 <= c <= 0xffff */
static int string_buffer_putc16(StringBuffer *s, uint32_t c)
    if (likely(s->len < s->size)) {
        if (s->is_wide_char) {
            s->str->u.str16[s->len++] = c;
            return 0;
        } else if (c < 0x100) {
            s->str->u.str8[s->len++] = c;
            return 0;
    return string_buffer_putc_slow(s, c);

/* 0 <= c <= 0x10ffff */
static int string_buffer_putc(StringBuffer *s, uint32_t c)
    if (unlikely(c >= 0x10000)) {
        /* surrogate pair */
        if (string_buffer_putc16(s, get_hi_surrogate(c)))
            return -1;
        c = get_lo_surrogate(c);
    return string_buffer_putc16(s, c);

static int string_getc(const JSString *p, int *pidx)
    int idx, c, c1;
    idx = *pidx;
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        c = p->u.str16[idx++];
        if (is_hi_surrogate(c) && idx < p->len) {
            c1 = p->u.str16[idx];
            if (is_lo_surrogate(c1)) {
                c = from_surrogate(c, c1);
    } else {
        c = p->u.str8[idx++];
    *pidx = idx;
    return c;

static int string_buffer_write8(StringBuffer *s, const uint8_t *p, int len)
    int i;

    if (s->len + len > s->size) {
        if (string_buffer_realloc(s, s->len + len, 0))
            return -1;
    if (s->is_wide_char) {
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            s->str->u.str16[s->len + i] = p[i];
        s->len += len;
    } else {
        memcpy(&s->str->u.str8[s->len], p, len);
        s->len += len;
    return 0;

static int string_buffer_write16(StringBuffer *s, const uint16_t *p, int len)
    int c = 0, i;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        c |= p[i];
    if (s->len + len > s->size) {
        if (string_buffer_realloc(s, s->len + len, c))
            return -1;
    } else if (!s->is_wide_char && c >= 0x100) {
        if (string_buffer_widen(s, s->size))
            return -1;
    if (s->is_wide_char) {
        memcpy(&s->str->u.str16[s->len], p, len << 1);
        s->len += len;
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            s->str->u.str8[s->len + i] = p[i];
        s->len += len;
    return 0;

/* appending an ASCII string */
static int string_buffer_puts8(StringBuffer *s, const char *str)
    return string_buffer_write8(s, (const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));

static int string_buffer_concat(StringBuffer *s, const JSString *p,
                                uint32_t from, uint32_t to)
    if (to <= from)
        return 0;
    if (p->is_wide_char)
        return string_buffer_write16(s, p->u.str16 + from, to - from);
        return string_buffer_write8(s, p->u.str8 + from, to - from);

static int string_buffer_concat_value(StringBuffer *s, JSValue v)
    JSString *p;
    JSValue v1;
    int res;

    if (s->error_status) {
        /* prevent exception overload */
        return -1;
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(v) != JS_TAG_STRING)) {
        v1 = JS_ToString(s->ctx, v);
        if (JS_IsException(v1))
            return string_buffer_set_error(s);
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v1);
        res = string_buffer_concat(s, p, 0, p->len);
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, v1);
        return res;
    return string_buffer_concat(s, p, 0, p->len);

static int string_buffer_concat_value_free(StringBuffer *s, JSValue v)
    JSString *p;
    int res;

    if (s->error_status) {
        /* prevent exception overload */
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, v);
        return -1;
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(v) != JS_TAG_STRING)) {
        v = JS_ToStringFree(s->ctx, v);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            return string_buffer_set_error(s);
    res = string_buffer_concat(s, p, 0, p->len);
    JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, v);
    return res;

static int string_buffer_fill(StringBuffer *s, int c, int count)
    /* XXX: optimize */
    if (s->len + count > s->size) {
        if (string_buffer_realloc(s, s->len + count, c))
            return -1;
    while (count-- > 0) {
        if (string_buffer_putc16(s, c))
            return -1;
    return 0;

static JSValue string_buffer_end(StringBuffer *s)
    JSString *str;
    str = s->str;
    if (s->error_status)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (s->len == 0) {
        js_free(s->ctx, str);
        s->str = NULL;
        return JS_AtomToString(s->ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    if (s->len < s->size) {
        /* smaller size so js_realloc should not fail, but OK if it does */
        /* XXX: should add some slack to avoid unnecessary calls */
        /* XXX: might need to use malloc+free to ensure smaller size */
        str = js_realloc_rt(s->ctx->rt, str, sizeof(JSString) +
                            (s->len << s->is_wide_char) + 1 - s->is_wide_char);
        if (str == NULL)
            str = s->str;
        s->str = str;
    if (!s->is_wide_char)
        str->u.str8[s->len] = 0;
    list_add_tail(&str->link, &s->ctx->rt->string_list);
    str->is_wide_char = s->is_wide_char;
    str->len = s->len;
    s->str = NULL;
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, str);

/* create a string from a UTF-8 buffer */
JSValue JS_NewStringLen(JSContext *ctx, const char *buf, size_t buf_len)
    JSString *str;
    size_t len;
    int kind;

    if (buf_len <= 0) {
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    /* Compute string kind and length: 7-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 16-bit UTF-16 */
    kind = utf8_scan(buf, buf_len, &len);
    if (len > JS_STRING_LEN_MAX)
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid string length");

    switch (kind) {
    case UTF8_PLAIN_ASCII:
        str = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, 0);
        if (!str)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        memcpy(str->u.str8, buf, len);
        str->u.str8[len] = '\0';
    case UTF8_NON_ASCII:
        /* buf contains non-ASCII code-points, but limited to 8-bit values */
        str = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, 0);
        if (!str)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        utf8_decode_buf8(str->u.str8, len + 1, buf, buf_len);
        // This causes a potential problem in JS_ThrowError if message is invalid
        //if (kind & UTF8_HAS_ERRORS)
        //    return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid UTF-8 sequence");
        str = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, 1);
        if (!str)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        utf8_decode_buf16(str->u.str16, len, buf, buf_len);
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, str);

static JSValue JS_ConcatString3(JSContext *ctx, const char *str1,
                                JSValue str2, const char *str3)
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    int len1, len3;
    JSString *p;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(str2) != JS_TAG_STRING)) {
        str2 = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, str2);
        if (JS_IsException(str2))
            goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str2);
    len1 = strlen(str1);
    len3 = strlen(str3);

    if (string_buffer_init2(ctx, b, len1 + p->len + len3, p->is_wide_char))
        goto fail;

    string_buffer_write8(b, (const uint8_t *)str1, len1);
    string_buffer_concat(b, p, 0, p->len);
    string_buffer_write8(b, (const uint8_t *)str3, len3);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str2);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str2);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* `str` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
JSValue JS_NewAtomString(JSContext *ctx, const char *str)
    JSAtom atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, str);
    if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSValue val = JS_AtomToString(ctx, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return val;

/* return (NULL, 0) if exception. */
/* return pointer into a JSString with a live ref_count */
/* cesu8 determines if non-BMP1 codepoints are encoded as 1 or 2 utf-8 sequences */
const char *JS_ToCStringLen2(JSContext *ctx, size_t *plen, JSValue val1, BOOL cesu8)
    JSValue val;
    JSString *str, *str_new;
    int pos, len, c, c1;
    JSObject *p;
    uint8_t *q;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val1) == JS_TAG_STRING) {
        val = js_dup(val1);
        goto go;

    val = JS_ToString(ctx, val1);
    if (!JS_IsException(val))
        goto go;

    // Stringification can fail when there is an exception pending,
    // e.g. a stack overflow InternalError. Special-case exception
    // objects to make debugging easier, look up the .message property
    // and stringify that.
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val1) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        goto fail;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val1);
    if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_ERROR)
        goto fail;

    val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, val1, JS_ATOM_message);
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) != JS_TAG_STRING) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        goto fail;

    str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    len = str->len;
    if (!str->is_wide_char) {
        const uint8_t *src = str->u.str8;
        int count;

        /* count the number of non-ASCII characters */
        /* Scanning the whole string is required for ASCII strings,
           and computing the number of non-ASCII bytes is less expensive
           than testing each byte, hence this method is faster for ASCII
           strings, which is the most common case.
        count = 0;
        for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
            count += src[pos] >> 7;
        if (count == 0) {
            if (plen)
                *plen = len;
            return (const char *)src;
        str_new = js_alloc_string(ctx, len + count, 0);
        if (!str_new)
            goto fail;
        q = str_new->u.str8;
        for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
            c = src[pos];
            if (c < 0x80) {
                *q++ = c;
            } else {
                *q++ = (c >> 6) | 0xc0;
                *q++ = (c & 0x3f) | 0x80;
    } else {
        const uint16_t *src = str->u.str16;
        /* Allocate 3 bytes per 16 bit code point. Surrogate pairs may
           produce 4 bytes but use 2 code points.
        str_new = js_alloc_string(ctx, len * 3, 0);
        if (!str_new)
            goto fail;
        q = str_new->u.str8;
        pos = 0;
        while (pos < len) {
            c = src[pos++];
            if (c < 0x80) {
                *q++ = c;
            } else {
                if (is_hi_surrogate(c)) {
                    if (pos < len && !cesu8) {
                        c1 = src[pos];
                        if (is_lo_surrogate(c1)) {
                            c = from_surrogate(c, c1);
                        } else {
                            /* Keep unmatched surrogate code points */
                            /* c = 0xfffd; */ /* error */
                    } else {
                        /* Keep unmatched surrogate code points */
                        /* c = 0xfffd; */ /* error */
                q += utf8_encode(q, c);

    *q = '\0';
    str_new->len = q - str_new->u.str8;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    if (plen)
        *plen = str_new->len;
    return (const char *)str_new->u.str8;
    if (plen)
        *plen = 0;
    return NULL;

void JS_FreeCString(JSContext *ctx, const char *ptr)
    JSString *p;
    if (!ptr)
    /* purposely removing constness */
    p = container_of(ptr, JSString, u);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p));

static int memcmp16_8(const uint16_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2, int len)
    int c, i;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        c = src1[i] - src2[i];
        if (c != 0)
            return c;
    return 0;

static int memcmp16(const uint16_t *src1, const uint16_t *src2, int len)
    int c, i;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        c = src1[i] - src2[i];
        if (c != 0)
            return c;
    return 0;

static int js_string_memcmp(const JSString *p1, const JSString *p2, int len)
    int res;

    if (likely(!p1->is_wide_char)) {
        if (likely(!p2->is_wide_char))
            res = memcmp(p1->u.str8, p2->u.str8, len);
            res = -memcmp16_8(p2->u.str16, p1->u.str8, len);
    } else {
        if (!p2->is_wide_char)
            res = memcmp16_8(p1->u.str16, p2->u.str8, len);
            res = memcmp16(p1->u.str16, p2->u.str16, len);
    return res;

/* return < 0, 0 or > 0 */
static int js_string_compare(JSContext *ctx,
                             const JSString *p1, const JSString *p2)
    int res, len;
    len = min_int(p1->len, p2->len);
    res = js_string_memcmp(p1, p2, len);
    if (res == 0)
        res = compare_u32(p1->len, p2->len);
    return res;

static void copy_str16(uint16_t *dst, const JSString *p, int offset, int len)
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        memcpy(dst, p->u.str16 + offset, len * 2);
    } else {
        const uint8_t *src1 = p->u.str8 + offset;
        int i;

        for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
            dst[i] = src1[i];

static JSValue JS_ConcatString1(JSContext *ctx,
                                const JSString *p1, const JSString *p2)
    JSString *p;
    uint32_t len;
    int is_wide_char;

    len = p1->len + p2->len;
    if (len > JS_STRING_LEN_MAX)
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid string length");
    is_wide_char = p1->is_wide_char | p2->is_wide_char;
    p = js_alloc_string(ctx, len, is_wide_char);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!is_wide_char) {
        memcpy(p->u.str8, p1->u.str8, p1->len);
        memcpy(p->u.str8 + p1->len, p2->u.str8, p2->len);
        p->u.str8[len] = '\0';
    } else {
        copy_str16(p->u.str16, p1, 0, p1->len);
        copy_str16(p->u.str16 + p1->len, p2, 0, p2->len);
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p);

/* op1 and op2 are converted to strings. For convience, op1 or op2 =
   JS_EXCEPTION are accepted and return JS_EXCEPTION.  */
static JSValue JS_ConcatString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    JSValue ret;
    JSString *p1, *p2;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) != JS_TAG_STRING)) {
        op1 = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, op1);
        if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op2) != JS_TAG_STRING)) {
        op2 = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, op2);
        if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(op1);
    p2 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(op2);

    /* XXX: could also check if p1 is empty */
    if (p2->len == 0) {
        goto ret_op1;
    if (p1->header.ref_count == 1 && p1->is_wide_char == p2->is_wide_char
    &&  js_malloc_usable_size(ctx, p1) >= sizeof(*p1) + ((p1->len + p2->len) << p2->is_wide_char) + 1 - p1->is_wide_char) {
        /* Concatenate in place in available space at the end of p1 */
        if (p1->is_wide_char) {
            memcpy(p1->u.str16 + p1->len, p2->u.str16, p2->len << 1);
            p1->len += p2->len;
        } else {
            memcpy(p1->u.str8 + p1->len, p2->u.str8, p2->len);
            p1->len += p2->len;
            p1->u.str8[p1->len] = '\0';
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        return op1;
    ret = JS_ConcatString1(ctx, p1, p2);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    return ret;

/* Shape support */

static inline size_t get_shape_size(size_t hash_size, size_t prop_size)
    return hash_size * sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(JSShape) +
        prop_size * sizeof(JSShapeProperty);

static inline JSShape *get_shape_from_alloc(void *sh_alloc, size_t hash_size)
    return (JSShape *)(void *)((uint32_t *)sh_alloc + hash_size);

static inline uint32_t *prop_hash_end(JSShape *sh)
    return (uint32_t *)sh;

static inline void *get_alloc_from_shape(JSShape *sh)
    return prop_hash_end(sh) - ((intptr_t)sh->prop_hash_mask + 1);

static inline JSShapeProperty *get_shape_prop(JSShape *sh)
    return sh->prop;

static int init_shape_hash(JSRuntime *rt)
    rt->shape_hash_bits = 4;   /* 16 shapes */
    rt->shape_hash_size = 1 << rt->shape_hash_bits;
    rt->shape_hash_count = 0;
    rt->shape_hash = js_mallocz_rt(rt, sizeof(rt->shape_hash[0]) *
    if (!rt->shape_hash)
        return -1;
    return 0;

/* same magic hash multiplier as the Linux kernel */
static uint32_t shape_hash(uint32_t h, uint32_t val)
    return (h + val) * 0x9e370001;

/* truncate the shape hash to 'hash_bits' bits */
static uint32_t get_shape_hash(uint32_t h, int hash_bits)
    return h >> (32 - hash_bits);

static uint32_t shape_initial_hash(JSObject *proto)
    uint32_t h;
    h = shape_hash(1, (uintptr_t)proto);
    if (sizeof(proto) > 4)
        h = shape_hash(h, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)proto >> 32);
    return h;

static int resize_shape_hash(JSRuntime *rt, int new_shape_hash_bits)
    int new_shape_hash_size, i;
    uint32_t h;
    JSShape **new_shape_hash, *sh, *sh_next;

    new_shape_hash_size = 1 << new_shape_hash_bits;
    new_shape_hash = js_mallocz_rt(rt, sizeof(rt->shape_hash[0]) *
    if (!new_shape_hash)
        return -1;
    for(i = 0; i < rt->shape_hash_size; i++) {
        for(sh = rt->shape_hash[i]; sh != NULL; sh = sh_next) {
            sh_next = sh->shape_hash_next;
            h = get_shape_hash(sh->hash, new_shape_hash_bits);
            sh->shape_hash_next = new_shape_hash[h];
            new_shape_hash[h] = sh;
    js_free_rt(rt, rt->shape_hash);
    rt->shape_hash_bits = new_shape_hash_bits;
    rt->shape_hash_size = new_shape_hash_size;
    rt->shape_hash = new_shape_hash;
    return 0;

static void js_shape_hash_link(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh)
    uint32_t h;
    h = get_shape_hash(sh->hash, rt->shape_hash_bits);
    sh->shape_hash_next = rt->shape_hash[h];
    rt->shape_hash[h] = sh;

static void js_shape_hash_unlink(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh)
    uint32_t h;
    JSShape **psh;

    h = get_shape_hash(sh->hash, rt->shape_hash_bits);
    psh = &rt->shape_hash[h];
    while (*psh != sh)
        psh = &(*psh)->shape_hash_next;
    *psh = sh->shape_hash_next;

/* create a new empty shape with prototype 'proto' */
static no_inline JSShape *js_new_shape2(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *proto,
                                        int hash_size, int prop_size)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    void *sh_alloc;
    JSShape *sh;

    /* resize the shape hash table if necessary */
    if (2 * (rt->shape_hash_count + 1) > rt->shape_hash_size) {
        resize_shape_hash(rt, rt->shape_hash_bits + 1);

    sh_alloc = js_malloc(ctx, get_shape_size(hash_size, prop_size));
    if (!sh_alloc)
        return NULL;
    sh = get_shape_from_alloc(sh_alloc, hash_size);
    sh->header.ref_count = 1;
    add_gc_object(rt, &sh->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_SHAPE);
    if (proto)
        js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, proto));
    sh->proto = proto;
    memset(prop_hash_end(sh) - hash_size, 0, sizeof(prop_hash_end(sh)[0]) *
    sh->prop_hash_mask = hash_size - 1;
    sh->prop_size = prop_size;
    sh->prop_count = 0;
    sh->deleted_prop_count = 0;

    /* insert in the hash table */
    sh->hash = shape_initial_hash(proto);
    sh->is_hashed = TRUE;
    sh->has_small_array_index = FALSE;
    js_shape_hash_link(ctx->rt, sh);
    return sh;

static JSShape *js_new_shape(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *proto)
    return js_new_shape2(ctx, proto, JS_PROP_INITIAL_HASH_SIZE,

/* The shape is cloned. The new shape is not inserted in the shape
   hash table */
static JSShape *js_clone_shape(JSContext *ctx, JSShape *sh1)
    JSShape *sh;
    void *sh_alloc, *sh_alloc1;
    size_t size;
    JSShapeProperty *pr;
    uint32_t i, hash_size;

    hash_size = sh1->prop_hash_mask + 1;
    size = get_shape_size(hash_size, sh1->prop_size);
    sh_alloc = js_malloc(ctx, size);
    if (!sh_alloc)
        return NULL;
    sh_alloc1 = get_alloc_from_shape(sh1);
    memcpy(sh_alloc, sh_alloc1, size);
    sh = get_shape_from_alloc(sh_alloc, hash_size);
    sh->header.ref_count = 1;
    add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &sh->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_SHAPE);
    sh->is_hashed = FALSE;
    if (sh->proto) {
        js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, sh->proto));
    for(i = 0, pr = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, pr++) {
        JS_DupAtom(ctx, pr->atom);
    return sh;

static JSShape *js_dup_shape(JSShape *sh)
    return sh;

static void js_free_shape0(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh)
    uint32_t i;
    JSShapeProperty *pr;

    assert(sh->header.ref_count == 0);
    if (sh->is_hashed)
        js_shape_hash_unlink(rt, sh);
    if (sh->proto != NULL) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, sh->proto));
    pr = get_shape_prop(sh);
    for(i = 0; i < sh->prop_count; i++) {
        JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, pr->atom);
    js_free_rt(rt, get_alloc_from_shape(sh));

static void js_free_shape(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh)
    if (unlikely(--sh->header.ref_count <= 0)) {
        js_free_shape0(rt, sh);

static void js_free_shape_null(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh)
    if (sh)
        js_free_shape(rt, sh);

/* make space to hold at least 'count' properties */
static no_inline int resize_properties(JSContext *ctx, JSShape **psh,
                                       JSObject *p, uint32_t count)
    JSShape *sh;
    uint32_t new_size, new_hash_size, new_hash_mask, i;
    JSShapeProperty *pr;
    void *sh_alloc;
    intptr_t h;

    sh = *psh;
    new_size = max_int(count, sh->prop_size * 3 / 2);
    /* Reallocate prop array first to avoid crash or size inconsistency
       in case of memory allocation failure */
    if (p) {
        JSProperty *new_prop;
        new_prop = js_realloc(ctx, p->prop, sizeof(new_prop[0]) * new_size);
        if (unlikely(!new_prop))
            return -1;
        p->prop = new_prop;
    new_hash_size = sh->prop_hash_mask + 1;
    while (new_hash_size < new_size)
        new_hash_size = 2 * new_hash_size;
    if (new_hash_size != (sh->prop_hash_mask + 1)) {
        JSShape *old_sh;
        /* resize the hash table and the properties */
        old_sh = sh;
        sh_alloc = js_malloc(ctx, get_shape_size(new_hash_size, new_size));
        if (!sh_alloc)
            return -1;
        sh = get_shape_from_alloc(sh_alloc, new_hash_size);
        /* copy all the fields and the properties */
        memcpy(sh, old_sh,
               sizeof(JSShape) + sizeof(sh->prop[0]) * old_sh->prop_count);
        list_add_tail(&sh->header.link, &ctx->rt->gc_obj_list);
        new_hash_mask = new_hash_size - 1;
        sh->prop_hash_mask = new_hash_mask;
        memset(prop_hash_end(sh) - new_hash_size, 0,
               sizeof(prop_hash_end(sh)[0]) * new_hash_size);
        for(i = 0, pr = sh->prop; i < sh->prop_count; i++, pr++) {
            if (pr->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                h = ((uintptr_t)pr->atom & new_hash_mask);
                pr->hash_next = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1];
                prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1] = i + 1;
        js_free(ctx, get_alloc_from_shape(old_sh));
    } else {
        /* only resize the properties */
        sh_alloc = js_realloc(ctx, get_alloc_from_shape(sh),
                              get_shape_size(new_hash_size, new_size));
        if (unlikely(!sh_alloc)) {
            /* insert again in the GC list */
            list_add_tail(&sh->header.link, &ctx->rt->gc_obj_list);
            return -1;
        sh = get_shape_from_alloc(sh_alloc, new_hash_size);
        list_add_tail(&sh->header.link, &ctx->rt->gc_obj_list);
    *psh = sh;
    sh->prop_size = new_size;
    return 0;

/* remove the deleted properties. */
static int compact_properties(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p)
    JSShape *sh, *old_sh;
    void *sh_alloc;
    intptr_t h;
    uint32_t new_hash_size, i, j, new_hash_mask, new_size;
    JSShapeProperty *old_pr, *pr;
    JSProperty *prop, *new_prop;

    sh = p->shape;

    new_size = max_int(JS_PROP_INITIAL_SIZE,
                       sh->prop_count - sh->deleted_prop_count);
    assert(new_size <= sh->prop_size);

    new_hash_size = sh->prop_hash_mask + 1;
    while ((new_hash_size / 2) >= new_size)
        new_hash_size = new_hash_size / 2;
    new_hash_mask = new_hash_size - 1;

    /* resize the hash table and the properties */
    old_sh = sh;
    sh_alloc = js_malloc(ctx, get_shape_size(new_hash_size, new_size));
    if (!sh_alloc)
        return -1;
    sh = get_shape_from_alloc(sh_alloc, new_hash_size);
    memcpy(sh, old_sh, sizeof(JSShape));
    list_add_tail(&sh->header.link, &ctx->rt->gc_obj_list);

    memset(prop_hash_end(sh) - new_hash_size, 0,
           sizeof(prop_hash_end(sh)[0]) * new_hash_size);

    j = 0;
    old_pr = old_sh->prop;
    pr = sh->prop;
    prop = p->prop;
    for(i = 0; i < sh->prop_count; i++) {
        if (old_pr->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
            pr->atom = old_pr->atom;
            pr->flags = old_pr->flags;
            h = ((uintptr_t)old_pr->atom & new_hash_mask);
            pr->hash_next = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1];
            prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1] = j + 1;
            prop[j] = prop[i];
    assert(j == (sh->prop_count - sh->deleted_prop_count));
    sh->prop_hash_mask = new_hash_mask;
    sh->prop_size = new_size;
    sh->deleted_prop_count = 0;
    sh->prop_count = j;

    p->shape = sh;
    js_free(ctx, get_alloc_from_shape(old_sh));

    /* reduce the size of the object properties */
    new_prop = js_realloc(ctx, p->prop, sizeof(new_prop[0]) * new_size);
    if (new_prop)
        p->prop = new_prop;
    return 0;

static int add_shape_property(JSContext *ctx, JSShape **psh,
                              JSObject *p, JSAtom atom, int prop_flags)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSShape *sh = *psh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr, *prop;
    uint32_t hash_mask, new_shape_hash = 0;
    intptr_t h;

    /* update the shape hash */
    if (sh->is_hashed) {
        js_shape_hash_unlink(rt, sh);
        new_shape_hash = shape_hash(shape_hash(sh->hash, atom), prop_flags);

    if (unlikely(sh->prop_count >= sh->prop_size)) {
        if (resize_properties(ctx, psh, p, sh->prop_count + 1)) {
            /* in case of error, reinsert in the hash table.
               sh is still valid if resize_properties() failed */
            if (sh->is_hashed)
                js_shape_hash_link(rt, sh);
            return -1;
        sh = *psh;
    if (sh->is_hashed) {
        sh->hash = new_shape_hash;
        js_shape_hash_link(rt, sh);
    /* Initialize the new shape property.
       The object property at p->prop[sh->prop_count] is uninitialized */
    prop = get_shape_prop(sh);
    pr = &prop[sh->prop_count++];
    pr->atom = JS_DupAtom(ctx, atom);
    pr->flags = prop_flags;
    sh->has_small_array_index |= __JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom);
    /* add in hash table */
    hash_mask = sh->prop_hash_mask;
    h = atom & hash_mask;
    pr->hash_next = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1];
    prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1] = sh->prop_count;
    return 0;

/* find a hashed empty shape matching the prototype. Return NULL if
   not found */
static JSShape *find_hashed_shape_proto(JSRuntime *rt, JSObject *proto)
    JSShape *sh1;
    uint32_t h, h1;

    h = shape_initial_hash(proto);
    h1 = get_shape_hash(h, rt->shape_hash_bits);
    for(sh1 = rt->shape_hash[h1]; sh1 != NULL; sh1 = sh1->shape_hash_next) {
        if (sh1->hash == h &&
            sh1->proto == proto &&
            sh1->prop_count == 0) {
            return sh1;
    return NULL;

/* find a hashed shape matching sh + (prop, prop_flags). Return NULL if
   not found */
static JSShape *find_hashed_shape_prop(JSRuntime *rt, JSShape *sh,
                                       JSAtom atom, int prop_flags)
    JSShape *sh1;
    uint32_t h, h1, i, n;

    h = sh->hash;
    h = shape_hash(h, atom);
    h = shape_hash(h, prop_flags);
    h1 = get_shape_hash(h, rt->shape_hash_bits);
    for(sh1 = rt->shape_hash[h1]; sh1 != NULL; sh1 = sh1->shape_hash_next) {
        /* we test the hash first so that the rest is done only if the
           shapes really match */
        if (sh1->hash == h &&
            sh1->proto == sh->proto &&
            sh1->prop_count == ((n = sh->prop_count) + 1)) {
            for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (unlikely(sh1->prop[i].atom != sh->prop[i].atom) ||
                    unlikely(sh1->prop[i].flags != sh->prop[i].flags))
                    goto next;
            if (unlikely(sh1->prop[n].atom != atom) ||
                unlikely(sh1->prop[n].flags != prop_flags))
                goto next;
            return sh1;
    next: ;
    return NULL;

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpShape(JSRuntime *rt, int i, JSShape *sh)
    char atom_buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    int j;

    /* XXX: should output readable class prototype */
    printf("%5d %3d%c %14p %5d %5d", i,
           sh->header.ref_count, " *"[sh->is_hashed],
           (void *)sh->proto, sh->prop_size, sh->prop_count);
    for(j = 0; j < sh->prop_count; j++) {
        printf(" %s", JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf),

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpShapes(JSRuntime *rt)
    int i;
    JSShape *sh;
    struct list_head *el;
    JSObject *p;
    JSGCObjectHeader *gp;

    printf("JSShapes: {\n");
    printf("%5s %4s %14s %5s %5s %s\n", "SLOT", "REFS", "PROTO", "SIZE", "COUNT", "PROPS");
    for(i = 0; i < rt->shape_hash_size; i++) {
        for(sh = rt->shape_hash[i]; sh != NULL; sh = sh->shape_hash_next) {
            JS_DumpShape(rt, i, sh);
    /* dump non-hashed shapes */
    list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
        gp = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        if (gp->gc_obj_type == JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT) {
            p = (JSObject *)gp;
            if (!p->shape->is_hashed) {
                JS_DumpShape(rt, -1, p->shape);

static JSValue JS_NewObjectFromShape(JSContext *ctx, JSShape *sh, JSClassID class_id)
    JSObject *p;

    js_trigger_gc(ctx->rt, sizeof(JSObject));
    p = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSObject));
    if (unlikely(!p))
        goto fail;
    p->class_id = class_id;
    p->extensible = TRUE;
    p->free_mark = 0;
    p->is_exotic = 0;
    p->fast_array = 0;
    p->is_constructor = 0;
    p->is_uncatchable_error = 0;
    p->tmp_mark = 0;
    p->is_HTMLDDA = 0;
    p->first_weak_ref = NULL;
    p->u.opaque = NULL;
    p->shape = sh;
    p->prop = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSProperty) * sh->prop_size);
    if (unlikely(!p->prop)) {
        js_free(ctx, p);
        js_free_shape(ctx->rt, sh);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    switch(class_id) {
    case JS_CLASS_ARRAY:
            JSProperty *pr;
            p->is_exotic = 1;
            p->fast_array = 1;
            p->u.array.u.values = NULL;
            p->u.array.count = 0;
            p->u.array.u1.size = 0;
            /* the length property is always the first one */
            if (likely(sh == ctx->array_shape)) {
                pr = &p->prop[0];
            } else {
                /* only used for the first array */
                /* cannot fail */
                pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_length,
                                  JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_LENGTH);
            pr->u.value = js_int32(0);
        p->prop[0].u.value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        p->is_exotic = 1;
        p->fast_array = 1;
        p->u.array.u.ptr = NULL;
        p->u.array.count = 0;
        p->u.array.u.ptr = NULL;
        p->u.array.count = 0;
    case JS_CLASS_DATE:
    case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT:
        p->u.object_data = JS_UNDEFINED;
        goto set_exotic;
        p->u.regexp.pattern = NULL;
        p->u.regexp.bytecode = NULL;
        goto set_exotic;
        if (ctx->rt->class_array[class_id].exotic) {
            p->is_exotic = 1;
    p->header.ref_count = 1;
    add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &p->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT);
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p);

static JSObject *get_proto_obj(JSValue proto_val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(proto_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return NULL;
        return JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(proto_val);

/* WARNING: proto must be an object or JS_NULL */
JSValue JS_NewObjectProtoClass(JSContext *ctx, JSValue proto_val,
                               JSClassID class_id)
    JSShape *sh;
    JSObject *proto;

    proto = get_proto_obj(proto_val);
    sh = find_hashed_shape_proto(ctx->rt, proto);
    if (likely(sh)) {
        sh = js_dup_shape(sh);
    } else {
        sh = js_new_shape(ctx, proto);
        if (!sh)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_NewObjectFromShape(ctx, sh, class_id);

static int JS_SetObjectData(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        switch(p->class_id) {
        case JS_CLASS_NUMBER:
        case JS_CLASS_STRING:
        case JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN:
        case JS_CLASS_SYMBOL:
        case JS_CLASS_DATE:
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT:
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, p->u.object_data);
            p->u.object_data = val;
            return 0;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    if (!JS_IsException(obj))
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid object type");
    return -1;

JSValue JS_NewObjectClass(JSContext *ctx, int class_id)
    return JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[class_id], class_id);

JSValue JS_NewObjectProto(JSContext *ctx, JSValue proto)
    return JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, proto, JS_CLASS_OBJECT);

JSValue JS_NewArray(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_NewObjectFromShape(ctx, js_dup_shape(ctx->array_shape),

JSValue JS_NewObject(JSContext *ctx)
    /* inline JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_OBJECT); */
    return JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT], JS_CLASS_OBJECT);

static void js_function_set_properties(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                       JSAtom name, int len)
    /* ES6 feature non compatible with ES5.1: length is configurable */
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_length, js_int32(len),
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_name,
                           JS_AtomToString(ctx, name), JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

static BOOL js_class_has_bytecode(JSClassID class_id)
    return (class_id == JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION ||
            class_id == JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION ||
            class_id == JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION ||
            class_id == JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_FUNCTION);

/* return NULL without exception if not a function or no bytecode */
static JSFunctionBytecode *JS_GetFunctionBytecode(JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
        return NULL;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    if (!js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id))
        return NULL;
    return p->u.func.function_bytecode;

static void js_method_set_home_object(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                      JSValue home_obj)
    JSObject *p, *p1;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    if (!js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id))
    b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
    if (b->need_home_object) {
        p1 = p->u.func.home_object;
        if (p1) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p1));
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(home_obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT)
            p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(js_dup(home_obj));
            p1 = NULL;
        p->u.func.home_object = p1;

static JSValue js_get_function_name(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name)
    JSValue name_str;

    name_str = JS_AtomToString(ctx, name);
    if (JS_AtomSymbolHasDescription(ctx, name)) {
        name_str = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "[", name_str, "]");
    return name_str;

/* Modify the name of a method according to the atom and
   'flags'. 'flags' is a bitmask of JS_PROP_HAS_GET and
   JS_PROP_HAS_SET. Also set the home object of the method.
   Return < 0 if exception. */
static int js_method_set_properties(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                    JSAtom name, int flags, JSValue home_obj)
    JSValue name_str;

    name_str = js_get_function_name(ctx, name);
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) {
        name_str = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "get ", name_str, "");
    } else if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) {
        name_str = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "set ", name_str, "");
    if (JS_IsException(name_str))
        return -1;
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_name, name_str,
                               JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) < 0)
        return -1;
    js_method_set_home_object(ctx, func_obj, home_obj);
    return 0;

/* Note: at least 'length' arguments will be readable in 'argv' */
/* `name` may be NULL, pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
static JSValue JS_NewCFunction3(JSContext *ctx, JSCFunction *func,
                                const char *name,
                                int length, JSCFunctionEnum cproto, int magic,
                                JSValue proto_val)
    JSValue func_obj;
    JSObject *p;
    JSAtom name_atom;

    func_obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, proto_val, JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION);
    if (JS_IsException(func_obj))
        return func_obj;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    p->u.cfunc.realm = JS_DupContext(ctx);
    p->u.cfunc.c_function.generic = func;
    p->u.cfunc.length = length;
    p->u.cfunc.cproto = cproto;
    p->u.cfunc.magic = magic;
    p->is_constructor = (cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor ||
                         cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic ||
                         cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func ||
                         cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic);
    if (!name)
        name = "";
    name_atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, name);
    js_function_set_properties(ctx, func_obj, name_atom, length);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name_atom);
    return func_obj;

/* Note: at least 'length' arguments will be readable in 'argv' */
JSValue JS_NewCFunction2(JSContext *ctx, JSCFunction *func,
                         const char *name,
                         int length, JSCFunctionEnum cproto, int magic)
    return JS_NewCFunction3(ctx, func, name, length, cproto, magic,

typedef struct JSCFunctionDataRecord {
    JSCFunctionData *func;
    uint8_t length;
    uint8_t data_len;
    uint16_t magic;
    JSValue data[];
} JSCFunctionDataRecord;

static void js_c_function_data_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSCFunctionDataRecord *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA);
    int i;

    if (s) {
        for(i = 0; i < s->data_len; i++) {
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->data[i]);
        js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_c_function_data_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                    JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSCFunctionDataRecord *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA);
    int i;

    if (s) {
        for(i = 0; i < s->data_len; i++) {
            JS_MarkValue(rt, s->data[i], mark_func);

static JSValue js_c_function_data_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                       JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSCFunctionDataRecord *s = JS_GetOpaque(func_obj, JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA);
    JSValue *arg_buf;
    int i;

    /* XXX: could add the function on the stack for debug */
    if (unlikely(argc < s->length)) {
        arg_buf = alloca(sizeof(arg_buf[0]) * s->length);
        for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
            arg_buf[i] = argv[i];
        for(i = argc; i < s->length; i++)
            arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        arg_buf = argv;

    return s->func(ctx, this_val, argc, arg_buf, s->magic, s->data);

JSValue JS_NewCFunctionData(JSContext *ctx, JSCFunctionData *func,
                            int length, int magic, int data_len,
                            JSValue *data)
    JSCFunctionDataRecord *s;
    JSValue func_obj;
    int i;

    func_obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->function_proto,
    if (JS_IsException(func_obj))
        return func_obj;
    s = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*s) + data_len * sizeof(JSValue));
    if (!s) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s->func = func;
    s->length = length;
    s->data_len = data_len;
    s->magic = magic;
    for(i = 0; i < data_len; i++)
        s->data[i] = js_dup(data[i]);
    JS_SetOpaque(func_obj, s);
    js_function_set_properties(ctx, func_obj,
                               JS_ATOM_empty_string, length);
    return func_obj;

static JSContext *js_autoinit_get_realm(JSProperty *pr)
    return (JSContext *)(pr->u.init.realm_and_id & ~3);

static JSAutoInitIDEnum js_autoinit_get_id(JSProperty *pr)
    return pr->u.init.realm_and_id & 3;

static void js_autoinit_free(JSRuntime *rt, JSProperty *pr)

static void js_autoinit_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSProperty *pr,
                             JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    mark_func(rt, &js_autoinit_get_realm(pr)->header);

static void free_property(JSRuntime *rt, JSProperty *pr, int prop_flags)
    if (unlikely(prop_flags & JS_PROP_TMASK)) {
        if ((prop_flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
            if (pr->u.getset.getter)
                JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.getter));
            if (pr->u.getset.setter)
                JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.setter));
        } else if ((prop_flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
            free_var_ref(rt, pr->u.var_ref);
        } else if ((prop_flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
            js_autoinit_free(rt, pr);
    } else {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, pr->u.value);

static force_inline JSShapeProperty *find_own_property1(JSObject *p,
                                                        JSAtom atom)
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr, *prop;
    intptr_t h;
    sh = p->shape;
    h = (uintptr_t)atom & sh->prop_hash_mask;
    h = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1];
    prop = get_shape_prop(sh);
    while (h) {
        pr = &prop[h - 1];
        if (likely(pr->atom == atom)) {
            return pr;
        h = pr->hash_next;
    return NULL;

static force_inline JSShapeProperty *find_own_property(JSProperty **ppr,
                                                       JSObject *p,
                                                       JSAtom atom)
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr, *prop;
    intptr_t h;
    sh = p->shape;
    h = (uintptr_t)atom & sh->prop_hash_mask;
    h = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1];
    prop = get_shape_prop(sh);
    while (h) {
        pr = &prop[h - 1];
        if (likely(pr->atom == atom)) {
            *ppr = &p->prop[h - 1];
            /* the compiler should be able to assume that pr != NULL here */
            return pr;
        h = pr->hash_next;
    *ppr = NULL;
    return NULL;

static force_inline JSShapeProperty* find_own_property_ic(JSProperty** ppr, JSObject* p,
                                                          JSAtom atom, uint32_t* offset)
    JSShape* sh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr, *prop;
    intptr_t h, i;
    sh = p->shape;
    h = (uintptr_t)atom & sh->prop_hash_mask;
    h = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h - 1];
    prop = get_shape_prop(sh);
    while (h) {
        i = h - 1;
        pr = &prop[i];
        if (likely(pr->atom == atom)) {
            *ppr = &p->prop[i];
            *offset = i;
            /* the compiler should be able to assume that pr != NULL here */
            return pr;
        h = pr->hash_next;
    *ppr = NULL;
    return NULL;

/* indicate that the object may be part of a function prototype cycle */
static void set_cycle_flag(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)

static void free_var_ref(JSRuntime *rt, JSVarRef *var_ref)
    if (var_ref) {
        assert(var_ref->header.ref_count > 0);
        if (--var_ref->header.ref_count == 0) {
            if (var_ref->is_detached) {
                JS_FreeValueRT(rt, var_ref->value);
            } else {
                list_del(&var_ref->header.link); /* still on the stack */
            js_free_rt(rt, var_ref);

static void js_array_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < p->u.array.count; i++) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, p->u.array.u.values[i]);
    js_free_rt(rt, p->u.array.u.values);

static void js_array_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                          JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < p->u.array.count; i++) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, p->u.array.u.values[i], mark_func);

static void js_object_data_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, p->u.object_data);
    p->u.object_data = JS_UNDEFINED;

static void js_object_data_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, p->u.object_data, mark_func);

static void js_c_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);

    if (p->u.cfunc.realm)

static void js_c_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                               JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);

    if (p->u.cfunc.realm)
        mark_func(rt, &p->u.cfunc.realm->header);

static void js_bytecode_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p1, *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    JSVarRef **var_refs;
    int i;

    p1 = p->u.func.home_object;
    if (p1) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p1));
    b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
    if (b) {
        var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;
        if (var_refs) {
            for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++)
                free_var_ref(rt, var_refs[i]);
            js_free_rt(rt, var_refs);

static void js_bytecode_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                      JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSVarRef **var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
    int i;

    if (p->u.func.home_object) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p->u.func.home_object),
    if (b) {
        if (var_refs) {
            for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
                JSVarRef *var_ref = var_refs[i];
                if (var_ref && var_ref->is_detached) {
                    mark_func(rt, &var_ref->header);
        /* must mark the function bytecode because template objects may be
           part of a cycle */
        JS_MarkValue(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_FUNCTION_BYTECODE, b), mark_func);

static void js_bound_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSBoundFunction *bf = p->u.bound_function;
    int i;

    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, bf->func_obj);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, bf->this_val);
    for(i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, bf->argv[i]);
    js_free_rt(rt, bf);

static void js_bound_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSBoundFunction *bf = p->u.bound_function;
    int i;

    JS_MarkValue(rt, bf->func_obj, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, bf->this_val, mark_func);
    for(i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++)
        JS_MarkValue(rt, bf->argv[i], mark_func);

static void js_for_in_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSForInIterator *it = p->u.for_in_iterator;
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, it->obj);
    js_free_rt(rt, it);

static void js_for_in_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSForInIterator *it = p->u.for_in_iterator;
    JS_MarkValue(rt, it->obj, mark_func);

static void free_object(JSRuntime *rt, JSObject *p)
    int i;
    JSClassFinalizer *finalizer;
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr;

    p->free_mark = 1; /* used to tell the object is invalid when
                         freeing cycles */
    /* free all the fields */
    sh = p->shape;
    pr = get_shape_prop(sh);
    for(i = 0; i < sh->prop_count; i++) {
        free_property(rt, &p->prop[i], pr->flags);
    js_free_rt(rt, p->prop);
    /* as an optimization we destroy the shape immediately without
       putting it in gc_zero_ref_count_list */
    js_free_shape(rt, sh);

    /* fail safe */
    p->shape = NULL;
    p->prop = NULL;

    if (unlikely(p->first_weak_ref)) {
        reset_weak_ref(rt, &p->first_weak_ref);

    finalizer = rt->class_array[p->class_id].finalizer;
    if (finalizer)
        (*finalizer)(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));

    /* fail safe */
    p->class_id = 0;
    p->u.opaque = NULL;
    p->u.func.var_refs = NULL;
    p->u.func.home_object = NULL;

    if (rt->gc_phase == JS_GC_PHASE_REMOVE_CYCLES && p->header.ref_count != 0) {
        list_add_tail(&p->header.link, &rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list);
    } else {
        js_free_rt(rt, p);

static void free_gc_object(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *gp)
    switch(gp->gc_obj_type) {
        free_object(rt, (JSObject *)gp);
        free_function_bytecode(rt, (JSFunctionBytecode *)gp);

static void free_zero_refcount(JSRuntime *rt)
    struct list_head *el;
    JSGCObjectHeader *p;

    rt->gc_phase = JS_GC_PHASE_DECREF;
    for(;;) {
        el = rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list.next;
        if (el == &rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list)
        p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        assert(p->ref_count == 0);
        free_gc_object(rt, p);
    rt->gc_phase = JS_GC_PHASE_NONE;

/* called with the ref_count of 'v' reaches zero. */
void __JS_FreeValueRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue v)
    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(v);

#ifdef DUMP_FREE
    if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_FREE)) {
        /* Prevent invalid object access during GC */
        if ((rt->gc_phase != JS_GC_PHASE_REMOVE_CYCLES)
        ||  (tag != JS_TAG_OBJECT && tag != JS_TAG_FUNCTION_BYTECODE)) {
            printf("Freeing ");
            if (tag == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
                JS_DumpObject(rt, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(v));
            } else {
                JS_DumpValue(rt, v);

    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
            JSString *p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v);
            if (p->atom_type) {
                JS_FreeAtomStruct(rt, p);
            } else {
                js_free_rt(rt, p);
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            JSGCObjectHeader *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(v);
            if (rt->gc_phase != JS_GC_PHASE_REMOVE_CYCLES) {
                list_add(&p->link, &rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list);
                if (rt->gc_phase == JS_GC_PHASE_NONE) {
    case JS_TAG_MODULE:
        abort(); /* never freed here */
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            JSBigInt *bf = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(v);
            js_free_rt(rt, bf);
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
            JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(v);
            JS_FreeAtomStruct(rt, p);
        printf("__JS_FreeValue: unknown tag=%d\n", tag);

void __JS_FreeValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue v)
    __JS_FreeValueRT(ctx->rt, v);

/* garbage collection */

static void add_gc_object(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *h,
                          JSGCObjectTypeEnum type)
    h->mark = 0;
    h->gc_obj_type = type;
    list_add_tail(&h->link, &rt->gc_obj_list);

static void remove_gc_object(JSGCObjectHeader *h)

void JS_MarkValue(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val, JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    if (JS_VALUE_HAS_REF_COUNT(val)) {
        switch(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val)) {
        case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            mark_func(rt, JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val));

static void mark_children(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *gp,
                          JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    switch(gp->gc_obj_type) {
            JSObject *p = (JSObject *)gp;
            JSShapeProperty *prs;
            JSShape *sh;
            int i;
            sh = p->shape;
            mark_func(rt, &sh->header);
            /* mark all the fields */
            prs = get_shape_prop(sh);
            for(i = 0; i < sh->prop_count; i++) {
                JSProperty *pr = &p->prop[i];
                if (prs->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    if (prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) {
                        if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                            if (pr->u.getset.getter)
                                mark_func(rt, &pr->u.getset.getter->header);
                            if (pr->u.getset.setter)
                                mark_func(rt, &pr->u.getset.setter->header);
                        } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                            if (pr->u.var_ref->is_detached) {
                                /* Note: the tag does not matter
                                   provided it is a GC object */
                                mark_func(rt, &pr->u.var_ref->header);
                        } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
                            js_autoinit_mark(rt, pr, mark_func);
                    } else {
                        JS_MarkValue(rt, pr->u.value, mark_func);

            if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_OBJECT) {
                JSClassGCMark *gc_mark;
                gc_mark = rt->class_array[p->class_id].gc_mark;
                if (gc_mark)
                    gc_mark(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p), mark_func);
        /* the template objects can be part of a cycle */
            JSShape **shape, *(*shapes)[IC_CACHE_ITEM_CAPACITY];
            JSFunctionBytecode *b = (JSFunctionBytecode *)gp;
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < b->cpool_count; i++) {
                JS_MarkValue(rt, b->cpool[i], mark_func);
            if (b->realm)
                mark_func(rt, &b->realm->header);
            if (b->ic) {
                for (i = 0; i < b->ic->count; i++) {
                    shapes = &b->ic->cache[i].shape;
                    for (shape = *shapes; shape != endof(*shapes); shape++)
                        if (*shape)
                            mark_func(rt, &(*shape)->header);
            JSVarRef *var_ref = (JSVarRef *)gp;
            /* only detached variable referenced are taken into account */
            JS_MarkValue(rt, *var_ref->pvalue, mark_func);
            JSAsyncFunctionData *s = (JSAsyncFunctionData *)gp;
            if (s->is_active)
                async_func_mark(rt, &s->func_state, mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, s->resolving_funcs[0], mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, s->resolving_funcs[1], mark_func);
            JSShape *sh = (JSShape *)gp;
            if (sh->proto != NULL) {
                mark_func(rt, &sh->proto->header);
            JSContext *ctx = (JSContext *)gp;
            JS_MarkContext(rt, ctx, mark_func);

static void gc_decref_child(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *p)
    assert(p->ref_count > 0);
    if (p->ref_count == 0 && p->mark == 1) {
        list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->tmp_obj_list);

static void gc_decref(JSRuntime *rt)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSGCObjectHeader *p;


    /* decrement the refcount of all the children of all the GC
       objects and move the GC objects with zero refcount to
       tmp_obj_list */
    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
        p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        assert(p->mark == 0);
        mark_children(rt, p, gc_decref_child);
        p->mark = 1;
        if (p->ref_count == 0) {
            list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->tmp_obj_list);

static void gc_scan_incref_child(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *p)
    if (p->ref_count == 1) {
        /* ref_count was 0: remove from tmp_obj_list and add at the
           end of gc_obj_list */
        list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->gc_obj_list);
        p->mark = 0; /* reset the mark for the next GC call */

static void gc_scan_incref_child2(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *p)

static void gc_scan(JSRuntime *rt)
    struct list_head *el;
    JSGCObjectHeader *p;

    /* keep the objects with a refcount > 0 and their children. */
    list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
        p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        assert(p->ref_count > 0);
        p->mark = 0; /* reset the mark for the next GC call */
        mark_children(rt, p, gc_scan_incref_child);

    /* restore the refcount of the objects to be deleted. */
    list_for_each(el, &rt->tmp_obj_list) {
        p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        mark_children(rt, p, gc_scan_incref_child2);

static void gc_free_cycles(JSRuntime *rt)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSGCObjectHeader *p;
    BOOL header_done = FALSE;

    rt->gc_phase = JS_GC_PHASE_REMOVE_CYCLES;

    for(;;) {
        el = rt->tmp_obj_list.next;
        if (el == &rt->tmp_obj_list)
        p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        /* Only need to free the GC object associated with JS
           values. The rest will be automatically removed because they
           must be referenced by them. */
        switch(p->gc_obj_type) {
        case JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT:
            if (check_dump_flag(rt, DUMP_GC_FREE)) {
                if (!header_done) {
                    printf("Freeing cycles:\n");
                    header_done = TRUE;
                JS_DumpGCObject(rt, p);
            free_gc_object(rt, p);
            list_add_tail(&p->link, &rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list);
    rt->gc_phase = JS_GC_PHASE_NONE;

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list) {
        p = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        assert(p->gc_obj_type == JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT ||
               p->gc_obj_type == JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_FUNCTION_BYTECODE);
        js_free_rt(rt, p);


void JS_RunGC(JSRuntime *rt)
    /* decrement the reference of the children of each object. mark =
       1 after this pass. */

    /* keep the GC objects with a non zero refcount and their childs */

    /* free the GC objects in a cycle */

/* Return false if not an object or if the object has already been
   freed (zombie objects are visible in finalizers when freeing
   cycles). */
BOOL JS_IsLiveObject(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    return !p->free_mark;

/* Compute memory used by various object types */
/* XXX: poor man's approach to handling multiply referenced objects */
typedef struct JSMemoryUsage_helper {
    double memory_used_count;
    double str_count;
    double str_size;
    int64_t js_func_count;
    double js_func_size;
    int64_t js_func_code_size;
    int64_t js_func_pc2line_count;
    int64_t js_func_pc2line_size;
} JSMemoryUsage_helper;

static void compute_value_size(JSValue val, JSMemoryUsage_helper *hp);

static void compute_jsstring_size(JSString *str, JSMemoryUsage_helper *hp)
    if (!str->atom_type) {  /* atoms are handled separately */
        double s_ref_count = str->header.ref_count;
        hp->str_count += 1 / s_ref_count;
        hp->str_size += ((sizeof(*str) + (str->len << str->is_wide_char) +
                          1 - str->is_wide_char) / s_ref_count);

static void compute_bytecode_size(JSFunctionBytecode *b, JSMemoryUsage_helper *hp)
    int memory_used_count, js_func_size, i;

    memory_used_count = 0;
    js_func_size = sizeof(*b);
    if (b->vardefs) {
        js_func_size += (b->arg_count + b->var_count) * sizeof(*b->vardefs);
    if (b->cpool) {
        js_func_size += b->cpool_count * sizeof(*b->cpool);
        for (i = 0; i < b->cpool_count; i++) {
            JSValue val = b->cpool[i];
            compute_value_size(val, hp);
    if (b->closure_var) {
        js_func_size += b->closure_var_count * sizeof(*b->closure_var);
    if (b->byte_code_buf) {
        hp->js_func_code_size += b->byte_code_len;
    js_func_size += b->source_len + 1;
    if (b->pc2line_len) {
        hp->js_func_pc2line_count += 1;
        hp->js_func_pc2line_size += b->pc2line_len;
    hp->js_func_size += js_func_size;
    hp->js_func_count += 1;
    hp->memory_used_count += memory_used_count;

static void compute_value_size(JSValue val, JSMemoryUsage_helper *hp)
    switch(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val)) {
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        compute_jsstring_size(JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val), hp);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        /* should track JSBigInt usage */

void JS_ComputeMemoryUsage(JSRuntime *rt, JSMemoryUsage *s)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    int i;
    JSMemoryUsage_helper mem = { 0 }, *hp = &mem;

    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
    s->malloc_count = rt->malloc_state.malloc_count;
    s->malloc_size = rt->malloc_state.malloc_size;
    s->malloc_limit = rt->malloc_state.malloc_limit;

    s->memory_used_count = 2; /* rt + rt->class_array */
    s->memory_used_size = sizeof(JSRuntime) + sizeof(JSClass) * rt->class_count;

    list_for_each(el, &rt->context_list) {
        JSContext *ctx = list_entry(el, JSContext, link);
        JSShape *sh = ctx->array_shape;
        s->memory_used_count += 2; /* ctx + ctx->class_proto */
        s->memory_used_size += sizeof(JSContext) +
            sizeof(JSValue) * rt->class_count;
        s->binary_object_count += ctx->binary_object_count;
        s->binary_object_size += ctx->binary_object_size;

        /* the hashed shapes are counted separately */
        if (sh && !sh->is_hashed) {
            int hash_size = sh->prop_hash_mask + 1;
            s->shape_size += get_shape_size(hash_size, sh->prop_size);
        list_for_each(el1, &ctx->loaded_modules) {
            JSModuleDef *m = list_entry(el1, JSModuleDef, link);
            s->memory_used_count += 1;
            s->memory_used_size += sizeof(*m);
            if (m->req_module_entries) {
                s->memory_used_count += 1;
                s->memory_used_size += m->req_module_entries_count * sizeof(*m->req_module_entries);
            if (m->export_entries) {
                s->memory_used_count += 1;
                s->memory_used_size += m->export_entries_count * sizeof(*m->export_entries);
                for (i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
                    JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
                    if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL && me->u.local.var_ref) {
                        /* potential multiple count */
                        s->memory_used_count += 1;
                        compute_value_size(me->u.local.var_ref->value, hp);
            if (m->star_export_entries) {
                s->memory_used_count += 1;
                s->memory_used_size += m->star_export_entries_count * sizeof(*m->star_export_entries);
            if (m->import_entries) {
                s->memory_used_count += 1;
                s->memory_used_size += m->import_entries_count * sizeof(*m->import_entries);
            compute_value_size(m->module_ns, hp);
            compute_value_size(m->func_obj, hp);

    list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
        JSGCObjectHeader *gp = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
        JSObject *p;
        JSShape *sh;
        JSShapeProperty *prs;

        /* XXX: could count the other GC object types too */
        if (gp->gc_obj_type == JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_FUNCTION_BYTECODE) {
            compute_bytecode_size((JSFunctionBytecode *)gp, hp);
        } else if (gp->gc_obj_type != JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT) {
        p = (JSObject *)gp;
        sh = p->shape;
        if (p->prop) {
            s->prop_size += sh->prop_size * sizeof(*p->prop);
            s->prop_count += sh->prop_count;
            prs = get_shape_prop(sh);
            for(i = 0; i < sh->prop_count; i++) {
                JSProperty *pr = &p->prop[i];
                if (prs->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL && !(prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK)) {
                    compute_value_size(pr->u.value, hp);
        /* the hashed shapes are counted separately */
        if (!sh->is_hashed) {
            int hash_size = sh->prop_hash_mask + 1;
            s->shape_size += get_shape_size(hash_size, sh->prop_size);

        switch(p->class_id) {
        case JS_CLASS_ARRAY:             /* u.array | length */
        case JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS:         /* u.array | length */
            if (p->fast_array) {
                if (p->u.array.u.values) {
                    s->memory_used_size += p->u.array.count *
                    s->fast_array_elements += p->u.array.count;
                    for (i = 0; i < p->u.array.count; i++) {
                        compute_value_size(p->u.array.u.values[i], hp);
        case JS_CLASS_NUMBER:            /* u.object_data */
        case JS_CLASS_STRING:            /* u.object_data */
        case JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN:           /* u.object_data */
        case JS_CLASS_SYMBOL:            /* u.object_data */
        case JS_CLASS_DATE:              /* u.object_data */
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT:           /* u.object_data */
            compute_value_size(p->u.object_data, hp);
        case JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION:        /* u.cfunc */
        case JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION: /* u.func */
                JSFunctionBytecode *b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
                JSVarRef **var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;
                /* home_object: object will be accounted for in list scan */
                if (var_refs) {
                    s->js_func_size += b->closure_var_count * sizeof(*var_refs);
                    for (i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
                        if (var_refs[i]) {
                            double ref_count = var_refs[i]->header.ref_count;
                            s->memory_used_count += 1 / ref_count;
                            s->js_func_size += sizeof(*var_refs[i]) / ref_count;
                            /* handle non object closed values */
                            if (var_refs[i]->pvalue == &var_refs[i]->value) {
                                /* potential multiple count */
                                compute_value_size(var_refs[i]->value, hp);
        case JS_CLASS_BOUND_FUNCTION:    /* u.bound_function */
                JSBoundFunction *bf = p->u.bound_function;
                /* func_obj and this_val are objects */
                for (i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) {
                    compute_value_size(bf->argv[i], hp);
                s->memory_used_count += 1;
                s->memory_used_size += sizeof(*bf) + bf->argc * sizeof(*bf->argv);
        case JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA:   /* u.c_function_data_record */
                JSCFunctionDataRecord *fd = p->u.c_function_data_record;
                if (fd) {
                    for (i = 0; i < fd->data_len; i++) {
                        compute_value_size(fd->data[i], hp);
                    s->memory_used_count += 1;
                    s->memory_used_size += sizeof(*fd) + fd->data_len * sizeof(*fd->data);
        case JS_CLASS_REGEXP:            /* u.regexp */
            compute_jsstring_size(p->u.regexp.pattern, hp);
            compute_jsstring_size(p->u.regexp.bytecode, hp);

        case JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR:   /* u.for_in_iterator */
                JSForInIterator *it = p->u.for_in_iterator;
                if (it) {
                    compute_value_size(it->obj, hp);
                    s->memory_used_count += 1;
                    s->memory_used_size += sizeof(*it);
        case JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER:      /* u.array_buffer */
        case JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER: /* u.array_buffer */
                JSArrayBuffer *abuf = p->u.array_buffer;
                if (abuf) {
                    s->memory_used_count += 1;
                    s->memory_used_size += sizeof(*abuf);
                    if (abuf->data) {
                        s->memory_used_count += 1;
                        s->memory_used_size += abuf->byte_length;
        case JS_CLASS_GENERATOR:         /* u.generator_data */
        case JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY:      /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY:        /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY:       /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:       /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY:      /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:       /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY:      /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY:   /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY:  /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY:     /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY:     /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY:     /* u.typed_array / u.array */
        case JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW:          /* u.typed_array */
        case JS_CLASS_MAP:               /* u.map_state */
        case JS_CLASS_SET:               /* u.map_state */
        case JS_CLASS_WEAKMAP:           /* u.map_state */
        case JS_CLASS_WEAKSET:           /* u.map_state */
        case JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR:      /* u.map_iterator_data */
        case JS_CLASS_SET_ITERATOR:      /* u.map_iterator_data */
        case JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR:    /* u.array_iterator_data */
        case JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR:   /* u.array_iterator_data */
        case JS_CLASS_PROXY:             /* u.proxy_data */
        case JS_CLASS_PROMISE:           /* u.promise_data */
        case JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION:  /* u.promise_function_data */
        case JS_CLASS_PROMISE_REJECT_FUNCTION:   /* u.promise_function_data */
        case JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE:    /* u.async_function_data */
        case JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_REJECT:     /* u.async_function_data */
        case JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR:  /* u.async_from_sync_iterator_data */
        case JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR:   /* u.async_generator_data */
            /* TODO */
            /* XXX: class definition should have an opaque block size */
            if (p->u.opaque) {
                s->memory_used_count += 1;
    s->obj_size += s->obj_count * sizeof(JSObject);

    /* hashed shapes */
    s->memory_used_count++; /* rt->shape_hash */
    s->memory_used_size += sizeof(rt->shape_hash[0]) * rt->shape_hash_size;
    for(i = 0; i < rt->shape_hash_size; i++) {
        JSShape *sh;
        for(sh = rt->shape_hash[i]; sh != NULL; sh = sh->shape_hash_next) {
            int hash_size = sh->prop_hash_mask + 1;
            s->shape_size += get_shape_size(hash_size, sh->prop_size);

    /* atoms */
    s->memory_used_count += 2; /* rt->atom_array, rt->atom_hash */
    s->atom_count = rt->atom_count;
    s->atom_size = sizeof(rt->atom_array[0]) * rt->atom_size +
        sizeof(rt->atom_hash[0]) * rt->atom_hash_size;
    for(i = 0; i < rt->atom_size; i++) {
        JSAtomStruct *p = rt->atom_array[i];
        if (!atom_is_free(p)) {
            s->atom_size += (sizeof(*p) + (p->len << p->is_wide_char) +
                             1 - p->is_wide_char);
    s->str_count = round(mem.str_count);
    s->str_size = round(mem.str_size);
    s->js_func_count = mem.js_func_count;
    s->js_func_size = round(mem.js_func_size);
    s->js_func_code_size = mem.js_func_code_size;
    s->js_func_pc2line_count = mem.js_func_pc2line_count;
    s->js_func_pc2line_size = mem.js_func_pc2line_size;
    s->memory_used_count += round(mem.memory_used_count) +
        s->atom_count + s->str_count +
        s->obj_count + s->shape_count +
        s->js_func_count + s->js_func_pc2line_count;
    s->memory_used_size += s->atom_size + s->str_size +
        s->obj_size + s->prop_size + s->shape_size +
        s->js_func_size + s->js_func_code_size + s->js_func_pc2line_size;

void JS_DumpMemoryUsage(FILE *fp, const JSMemoryUsage *s, JSRuntime *rt)
    fprintf(fp, "QuickJS-ng memory usage -- %s version, %d-bit, %s Endian, malloc limit: %"PRId64"\n\n",
        JS_GetVersion(), (int)sizeof(void *) * 8, is_be() ? "Big" : "Little", s->malloc_limit);
    if (rt) {
        static const struct {
            const char *name;
            size_t size;
        } object_types[] = {
            { "JSRuntime", sizeof(JSRuntime) },
            { "JSContext", sizeof(JSContext) },
            { "JSObject", sizeof(JSObject) },
            { "JSString", sizeof(JSString) },
            { "JSFunctionBytecode", sizeof(JSFunctionBytecode) },
        int i, usage_size_ok = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < countof(object_types); i++) {
            unsigned int size = object_types[i].size;
            void *p = js_malloc_rt(rt, size);
            if (p) {
                unsigned int size1 = js_malloc_usable_size_rt(rt, p);
                if (size1 >= size) {
                    usage_size_ok = 1;
                    fprintf(fp, "  %3u + %-2u  %s\n",
                            size, size1 - size, object_types[i].name);
                js_free_rt(rt, p);
        if (!usage_size_ok) {
            fprintf(fp, "  malloc_usable_size unavailable\n");
            int obj_classes[JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT + 1] = { 0 };
            int class_id;
            struct list_head *el;
            list_for_each(el, &rt->gc_obj_list) {
                JSGCObjectHeader *gp = list_entry(el, JSGCObjectHeader, link);
                JSObject *p;
                if (gp->gc_obj_type == JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT) {
                    p = (JSObject *)gp;
                    obj_classes[min_uint32(p->class_id, JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT)]++;
            fprintf(fp, "\n" "JSObject classes\n");
            if (obj_classes[0])
                fprintf(fp, "  %5d  %2.0d %s\n", obj_classes[0], 0, "none");
            for (class_id = 1; class_id < JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT; class_id++) {
                if (obj_classes[class_id]) {
                    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
                    fprintf(fp, "  %5d  %2.0d %s\n", obj_classes[class_id], class_id,
                            JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, buf, sizeof(buf), js_std_class_def[class_id - 1].class_name));
            if (obj_classes[JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT])
                fprintf(fp, "  %5d  %2.0d %s\n", obj_classes[JS_CLASS_INIT_COUNT], 0, "other");
        fprintf(fp, "\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8s %8s\n", "NAME", "COUNT", "SIZE");

    if (s->malloc_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per block)\n",
                "memory allocated", s->malloc_count, s->malloc_size,
                (double)s->malloc_size / s->malloc_count);
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%d overhead, %0.1f average slack)\n",
                "memory used", s->memory_used_count, s->memory_used_size,
                MALLOC_OVERHEAD, ((double)(s->malloc_size - s->memory_used_size) /
    if (s->atom_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per atom)\n",
                "atoms", s->atom_count, s->atom_size,
                (double)s->atom_size / s->atom_count);
    if (s->str_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per string)\n",
                "strings", s->str_count, s->str_size,
                (double)s->str_size / s->str_count);
    if (s->obj_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per object)\n",
                "objects", s->obj_count, s->obj_size,
                (double)s->obj_size / s->obj_count);
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per object)\n",
                "  properties", s->prop_count, s->prop_size,
                (double)s->prop_count / s->obj_count);
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per shape)\n",
                "  shapes", s->shape_count, s->shape_size,
                (double)s->shape_size / s->shape_count);
    if (s->js_func_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"\n",
                "bytecode functions", s->js_func_count, s->js_func_size);
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per function)\n",
                "  bytecode", s->js_func_count, s->js_func_code_size,
                (double)s->js_func_code_size / s->js_func_count);
        if (s->js_func_pc2line_count) {
            fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per function)\n",
                    "  pc2line", s->js_func_pc2line_count,
                    (double)s->js_func_pc2line_size / s->js_func_pc2line_count);
    if (s->c_func_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64"\n", "C functions", s->c_func_count);
    if (s->array_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64"\n", "arrays", s->array_count);
        if (s->fast_array_count) {
            fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64"\n", "  fast arrays", s->fast_array_count);
            fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"  (%0.1f per fast array)\n",
                    "  elements", s->fast_array_elements,
                    s->fast_array_elements * (int)sizeof(JSValue),
                    (double)s->fast_array_elements / s->fast_array_count);
    if (s->binary_object_count) {
        fprintf(fp, "%-20s %8"PRId64" %8"PRId64"\n",
                "binary objects", s->binary_object_count, s->binary_object_size);

JSValue JS_GetGlobalObject(JSContext *ctx)
    return js_dup(ctx->global_obj);

/* WARNING: obj is freed */
JSValue JS_Throw(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, rt->current_exception);
    rt->current_exception = obj;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* return the pending exception (cannot be called twice). */
JSValue JS_GetException(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue val;
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    val = rt->current_exception;
    rt->current_exception = JS_NULL;
    return val;

static void dbuf_put_leb128(DynBuf *s, uint32_t v)
    uint32_t a;
    for(;;) {
        a = v & 0x7f;
        v >>= 7;
        if (v != 0) {
            dbuf_putc(s, a | 0x80);
        } else {
            dbuf_putc(s, a);

static void dbuf_put_sleb128(DynBuf *s, int32_t v1)
    uint32_t v = v1;
    dbuf_put_leb128(s, (2 * v) ^ -(v >> 31));

static int get_leb128(uint32_t *pval, const uint8_t *buf,
                      const uint8_t *buf_end)
    const uint8_t *ptr = buf;
    uint32_t v, a, i;
    v = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        if (unlikely(ptr >= buf_end))
        a = *ptr++;
        v |= (a & 0x7f) << (i * 7);
        if (!(a & 0x80)) {
            *pval = v;
            return ptr - buf;
    *pval = 0;
    return -1;

static int get_sleb128(int32_t *pval, const uint8_t *buf,
                       const uint8_t *buf_end)
    int ret;
    uint32_t val;
    ret = get_leb128(&val, buf, buf_end);
    if (ret < 0) {
        *pval = 0;
        return -1;
    *pval = (val >> 1) ^ -(val & 1);
    return ret;

static int find_line_num(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionBytecode *b,
                         uint32_t pc_value, int *col)
    const uint8_t *p_end, *p;
    int new_line_num, new_col_num, line_num, col_num, pc, v, ret;
    unsigned int op;

    *col = 1;
    p = b->pc2line_buf;
    p_end = p + b->pc2line_len;
    pc = 0;
    line_num = b->line_num;
    col_num = b->col_num;
    while (p < p_end) {
        op = *p++;
        if (op == 0) {
            uint32_t val;
            ret = get_leb128(&val, p, p_end);
            if (ret < 0)
                goto fail;
            pc += val;
            p += ret;
            ret = get_sleb128(&v, p, p_end);
            if (ret < 0)
                goto fail;
            p += ret;
            new_line_num = line_num + v;
        } else {
            op -= PC2LINE_OP_FIRST;
            pc += (op / PC2LINE_RANGE);
            new_line_num = line_num + (op % PC2LINE_RANGE) + PC2LINE_BASE;
        ret = get_sleb128(&v, p, p_end);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto fail;
        p += ret;
        new_col_num = col_num + v;
        if (pc_value < pc)
        line_num = new_line_num;
        col_num = new_col_num;
    *col = col_num;
    return line_num;
    /* should never happen */
    return b->line_num;

/* in order to avoid executing arbitrary code during the stack trace
   generation, we only look at simple 'name' properties containing a
   string. */
static const char *get_func_name(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func)
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSValue val;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return NULL;
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func), JS_ATOM_name);
    if (!prs)
        return NULL;
    if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) != JS_PROP_NORMAL)
        return NULL;
    val = pr->u.value;
        return NULL;
    return JS_ToCString(ctx, val);

/* only taken into account if filename is provided */

/* if filename != NULL, an additional level is added with the filename
   and line number information (used for parse error). */
static void build_backtrace(JSContext *ctx, JSValue error_obj,
                            const char *filename, int line_num, int col_num,
                            int backtrace_flags)
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    JSValue stack, prepare, saved_exception;
    DynBuf dbuf;
    const char *func_name_str;
    const char *str1;
    JSObject *p;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    BOOL backtrace_barrier, has_prepare;
    JSRuntime *rt;
    JSCallSiteData csd[64];
    uint32_t i;
    int stack_trace_limit;

    stack_trace_limit = ctx->error_stack_trace_limit;
    stack_trace_limit = min_int(stack_trace_limit, countof(csd));
    stack_trace_limit = max_int(stack_trace_limit, 0);
    rt = ctx->rt;
    has_prepare = FALSE;
    i = 0;

    if (!rt->in_prepare_stack_trace && !JS_IsNull(ctx->error_ctor)) {
        prepare = js_dup(ctx->error_prepare_stack);
        has_prepare = JS_IsFunction(ctx, prepare);
        rt->in_prepare_stack_trace = TRUE;

    if (has_prepare) {
        saved_exception = rt->current_exception;
        rt->current_exception = JS_NULL;
        if (stack_trace_limit == 0)
            goto done;
        if (filename)
            js_new_callsite_data2(ctx, &csd[i++], filename, line_num, col_num);
    } else {
        js_dbuf_init(ctx, &dbuf);
        if (stack_trace_limit == 0)
            goto done;
        if (filename) {
            dbuf_printf(&dbuf, "    at %s", filename);
            if (line_num != -1)
                dbuf_printf(&dbuf, ":%d:%d", line_num, col_num);
            dbuf_putc(&dbuf, '\n');

    if (filename && (backtrace_flags & JS_BACKTRACE_FLAG_SINGLE_LEVEL))
        goto done;

    for (sf = rt->current_stack_frame; sf != NULL && i < stack_trace_limit; sf = sf->prev_frame) {
        if (backtrace_flags & JS_BACKTRACE_FLAG_SKIP_FIRST_LEVEL) {
            backtrace_flags &= ~JS_BACKTRACE_FLAG_SKIP_FIRST_LEVEL;

        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sf->cur_func);
        b = NULL;
        backtrace_barrier = FALSE;

        if (js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id)) {
            b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
            backtrace_barrier = b->backtrace_barrier;

        if (has_prepare) {
            js_new_callsite_data(ctx, &csd[i], sf);
        } else {
            /* func_name_str is UTF-8 encoded if needed */
            func_name_str = get_func_name(ctx, sf->cur_func);
            if (!func_name_str || func_name_str[0] == '\0')
                str1 = "<anonymous>";
                str1 = func_name_str;
            dbuf_printf(&dbuf, "    at %s", str1);
            JS_FreeCString(ctx, func_name_str);

            if (b) {
                const char *atom_str;
                int line_num1, col_num1;

                /* Bytecode functions must have cur_pc set in the stack frame. */
                if (sf->cur_pc == NULL)

                line_num1 = find_line_num(ctx, b,
                                          sf->cur_pc - b->byte_code_buf - 1,
                atom_str = b->filename ? JS_AtomToCString(ctx, b->filename) : NULL;
                dbuf_printf(&dbuf, " (%s", atom_str ? atom_str : "<null>");
                JS_FreeCString(ctx, atom_str);
                if (line_num1 != -1)
                    dbuf_printf(&dbuf, ":%d:%d", line_num1, col_num1);
                dbuf_putc(&dbuf, ')');
            } else {
                dbuf_printf(&dbuf, " (native)");
            dbuf_putc(&dbuf, '\n');

        /* stop backtrace if JS_EVAL_FLAG_BACKTRACE_BARRIER was used */
        if (backtrace_barrier)
    if (has_prepare) {
        int j = 0;
        stack = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(stack)) {
            stack = JS_NULL;
        } else {
            for (; j < i; j++) {
                JSValue v = js_new_callsite(ctx, &csd[j]);
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, stack, j, v, JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
        // Clear the csd's we didn't use in case of error.
        for (int k = j; k < i; k++) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, csd[k].filename);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, csd[k].func);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, csd[k].func_name);
        JSValue args[] = {
        JSValue stack2 = JS_Call(ctx, prepare, ctx->error_ctor, countof(args), args);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, stack);
        if (JS_IsException(stack2))
            stack = JS_NULL;
            stack = stack2;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, prepare);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, rt->current_exception);
        rt->current_exception = saved_exception;
    } else {
        if (dbuf_error(&dbuf))
            stack = JS_NULL;
            stack = JS_NewStringLen(ctx, (char *)dbuf.buf, dbuf.size);

    rt->in_prepare_stack_trace = FALSE;
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, error_obj, JS_ATOM_stack, stack, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

/* Note: it is important that no exception is returned by this function */
static BOOL is_backtrace_needed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_ERROR)
        return FALSE;
    if (find_own_property1(p, JS_ATOM_stack))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

JSValue JS_NewError(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_ERROR);

static JSValue JS_MakeError(JSContext *ctx, JSErrorEnum error_num,
                            const char *message, BOOL add_backtrace)
    JSValue obj, msg;

    if (error_num == JS_PLAIN_ERROR) {
        obj = JS_NewError(ctx);
    } else {
        obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->native_error_proto[error_num],
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    msg = JS_NewString(ctx, message);
    if (JS_IsException(msg))
        msg = JS_NewString(ctx, "Invalid error message");
    if (!JS_IsException(msg)) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_message, msg,
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    if (add_backtrace)
        build_backtrace(ctx, obj, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
    return obj;

/* fmt and arguments may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded contents */
static JSValue JS_ThrowError2(JSContext *ctx, JSErrorEnum error_num,
                              const char *fmt, va_list ap, BOOL add_backtrace)
    char buf[256];
    JSValue obj;

    vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
    obj = JS_MakeError(ctx, error_num, buf, add_backtrace);
    if (unlikely(JS_IsException(obj))) {
        /* out of memory: throw JS_NULL to avoid recursing */
        obj = JS_NULL;
    return JS_Throw(ctx, obj);

static JSValue JS_ThrowError(JSContext *ctx, JSErrorEnum error_num,
                             const char *fmt, va_list ap)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    BOOL add_backtrace;

    /* the backtrace is added later if called from a bytecode function */
    sf = rt->current_stack_frame;
    add_backtrace = !rt->in_out_of_memory &&
        (!sf || (JS_GetFunctionBytecode(sf->cur_func) == NULL));
    return JS_ThrowError2(ctx, error_num, fmt, ap, add_backtrace);

JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowPlainError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSValue val;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    val = JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_PLAIN_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return val;

JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowSyntaxError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSValue val;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    val = JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_SYNTAX_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return val;

JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowTypeError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSValue val;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    val = JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_TYPE_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return val;

static int __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(JSContext *ctx, int flags, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;

    if ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW) ||
        ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT) && is_strict_mode(ctx))) {
        va_start(ap, fmt);
        JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_TYPE_ERROR, fmt, ap);
        return -1;
    } else {
        return FALSE;

/* never use it directly */
static JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) __JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom, const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, fmt,
                             JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), atom));

/* never use it directly */
static JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) __JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom, const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, fmt,
                             JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), atom));

/* %s is replaced by 'atom'. The macro is used so that gcc can check
    the format string. */
#define JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, fmt, atom) __JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, atom, fmt, "")
#define JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(ctx, fmt, atom) __JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(ctx, atom, fmt, "")

static int JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(JSContext *ctx, int flags, JSAtom atom)
    if ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW) ||
        ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT) && is_strict_mode(ctx))) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "'%s' is read-only", atom);
        return -1;
    } else {
        return FALSE;

JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowReferenceError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSValue val;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    val = JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_REFERENCE_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return val;

JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowRangeError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSValue val;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    val = JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_RANGE_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return val;

JSValue __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) JS_ThrowInternalError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSValue val;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    val = JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_INTERNAL_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return val;

JSValue JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    if (!rt->in_out_of_memory) {
        rt->in_out_of_memory = TRUE;
        JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "out of memory");
        rt->in_out_of_memory = FALSE;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ThrowStackOverflow(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "Maximum call stack size exceeded");

static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not an object");

static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotASymbol(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a symbol");

static JSValue JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    return JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "%s is not defined",
                                  JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), name));

static JSValue JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    return JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "%s is not initialized",
                                  name == JS_ATOM_NULL ? "lexical variable" :
                                  JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), name));

static JSValue JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(JSContext *ctx,
                                                    JSFunctionBytecode *b,
                                                    int idx, BOOL is_ref)
    JSAtom atom = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (is_ref) {
        atom = b->closure_var[idx].var_name;
    } else {
        /* not present if the function is stripped and contains no eval() */
        if (b->vardefs)
            atom = b->vardefs[b->arg_count + idx].var_name;
    return JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, atom);

static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorInvalidClass(JSContext *ctx, int class_id)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSAtom name;
    name = rt->class_array[class_id].class_name;
    return JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "%s object expected", name);

static no_inline __exception int __js_poll_interrupts(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    ctx->interrupt_counter = JS_INTERRUPT_COUNTER_INIT;
    if (rt->interrupt_handler) {
        if (rt->interrupt_handler(rt, rt->interrupt_opaque)) {
            /* XXX: should set a specific flag to avoid catching */
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "interrupted");
            JS_SetUncatchableError(ctx, ctx->rt->current_exception, TRUE);
            return -1;
    return 0;

static inline __exception int js_poll_interrupts(JSContext *ctx)
    if (unlikely(--ctx->interrupt_counter <= 0)) {
        return __js_poll_interrupts(ctx);
    } else {
        return 0;

/* return -1 (exception) or TRUE/FALSE */
static int JS_SetPrototypeInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                   JSValue proto_val,
                                   BOOL throw_flag)
    JSObject *proto, *p, *p1;
    JSShape *sh;

    if (throw_flag) {
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_NULL ||
            JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED)
            goto not_obj;
    } else {
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
            goto not_obj;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(proto_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(proto_val) != JS_TAG_NULL) {
            return -1;
        proto = NULL;
    } else {
        proto = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(proto_val);

    if (throw_flag && JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return TRUE;

    if (unlikely(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY))
        return js_proxy_setPrototypeOf(ctx, obj, proto_val, throw_flag);
    sh = p->shape;
    if (sh->proto == proto)
        return TRUE;
    if (p == JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT])) {
        if (throw_flag) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "'Immutable prototype object \'Object.prototype\' cannot have their prototype set'");
            return -1;
        return FALSE;
    if (!p->extensible) {
        if (throw_flag) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "object is not extensible");
            return -1;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
    if (proto) {
        /* check if there is a cycle */
        p1 = proto;
        do {
            if (p1 == p) {
                if (throw_flag) {
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "circular prototype chain");
                    return -1;
                } else {
                    return FALSE;
            /* Note: for Proxy objects, proto is NULL */
            p1 = p1->shape->proto;
        } while (p1 != NULL);

    if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, NULL))
        return -1;
    sh = p->shape;
    if (sh->proto)
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, sh->proto));
    sh->proto = proto;
    return TRUE;

/* return -1 (exception) or TRUE/FALSE */
int JS_SetPrototype(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSValue proto_val)
    return JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, obj, proto_val, TRUE);

/* Only works for primitive types, otherwise return JS_NULL. */
static JSValue JS_GetPrototypePrimitive(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    switch(JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val)) {
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        val = ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BIG_INT];
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        val = ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_NUMBER];
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        val = ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN];
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        val = ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_STRING];
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
        val = ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_SYMBOL];
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        val = JS_NULL;
    return val;

/* Return an Object, JS_NULL or JS_EXCEPTION in case of Proxy object. */
JSValue JS_GetPrototype(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSValue val;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (unlikely(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY)) {
            val = js_proxy_getPrototypeOf(ctx, obj);
        } else {
            p = p->shape->proto;
            if (!p)
                val = JS_NULL;
                val = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
    } else {
        val = js_dup(JS_GetPrototypePrimitive(ctx, obj));
    return val;

static JSValue JS_GetPrototypeFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSValue obj1;
    obj1 = JS_GetPrototype(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return obj1;

int JS_GetLength(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, int64_t *pres) {
    return js_get_length64(ctx, pres, obj);

/* return TRUE, FALSE or (-1) in case of exception */
static int JS_OrdinaryIsInstanceOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val,
                                   JSValue obj)
    JSValue obj_proto;
    JSObject *proto;
    const JSObject *p, *proto1;
    BOOL ret;

    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, obj))
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_BOUND_FUNCTION) {
        JSBoundFunction *s = p->u.bound_function;
        return JS_IsInstanceOf(ctx, val, s->func_obj);

    /* Only explicitly boxed values are instances of constructors */
        return FALSE;
    obj_proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_prototype);
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj_proto) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        if (!JS_IsException(obj_proto))
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "operand 'prototype' property is not an object");
        ret = -1;
        goto done;
    proto = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj_proto);
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    for(;;) {
        proto1 = p->shape->proto;
        if (!proto1) {
            /* slow case if proxy in the prototype chain */
            if (unlikely(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY)) {
                JSValue obj1;
                obj1 = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, (JSObject *)p));
                for(;;) {
                    obj1 = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, obj1);
                    if (JS_IsException(obj1)) {
                        ret = -1;
                    if (JS_IsNull(obj1)) {
                        ret = FALSE;
                    if (proto == JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj1)) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                        ret = TRUE;
                    /* must check for timeout to avoid infinite loop */
                    if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx)) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                        ret = -1;
            } else {
                ret = FALSE;
        p = proto1;
        if (proto == p) {
            ret = TRUE;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj_proto);
    return ret;

/* return TRUE, FALSE or (-1) in case of exception */
int JS_IsInstanceOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, JSValue obj)
    JSValue method;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        goto fail;
    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_hasInstance);
    if (JS_IsException(method))
        return -1;
    if (!JS_IsNull(method) && !JS_IsUndefined(method)) {
        JSValue ret;
        ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, obj, 1, &val);
        return JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret);

    /* legacy case */
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, obj)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid 'instanceof' right operand");
        return -1;
    return JS_OrdinaryIsInstanceOf(ctx, val, obj);

/* return the value associated to the autoinit property or an exception */
typedef JSValue JSAutoInitFunc(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom atom, void *opaque);

static JSAutoInitFunc *js_autoinit_func_table[] = {
    js_instantiate_prototype, /* JS_AUTOINIT_ID_PROTOTYPE */
    js_module_ns_autoinit, /* JS_AUTOINIT_ID_MODULE_NS */
    JS_InstantiateFunctionListItem2, /* JS_AUTOINIT_ID_PROP */

/* warning: 'prs' is reallocated after it */
static int JS_AutoInitProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom prop,
                               JSProperty *pr, JSShapeProperty *prs)
    JSValue val;
    JSContext *realm;
    JSAutoInitFunc *func;

    if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, &prs))
        return -1;

    realm = js_autoinit_get_realm(pr);
    func = js_autoinit_func_table[js_autoinit_get_id(pr)];
    /* 'func' shall not modify the object properties 'pr' */
    val = func(realm, p, prop, pr->u.init.opaque);
    js_autoinit_free(ctx->rt, pr);
    prs->flags &= ~JS_PROP_TMASK;
    pr->u.value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return -1;
    pr->u.value = val;
    return 0;

static JSValue JS_GetPropertyInternal2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                       JSAtom prop, JSValue this_obj,
                                       JSInlineCache* ic, BOOL throw_ref_error)
    JSObject *p;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    uint32_t tag, offset, proto_depth;

    offset = proto_depth = 0;
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj);
    if (unlikely(tag != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        switch(tag) {
        case JS_TAG_NULL:
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "cannot read property '%s' of null", prop);
        case JS_TAG_UNDEFINED:
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "cannot read property '%s' of undefined", prop);
        case JS_TAG_EXCEPTION:
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        case JS_TAG_STRING:
                JSString *p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(obj);
                if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                    uint32_t idx, ch;
                    idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                    if (idx < p1->len) {
                        ch = string_get(p1, idx);
                        return js_new_string_char(ctx, ch);
                } else if (prop == JS_ATOM_length) {
                    return js_int32(p1->len);
        /* cannot raise an exception */
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(JS_GetPrototypePrimitive(ctx, obj));
        if (!p)
            return JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);

    for(;;) {
        prs = find_own_property_ic(&pr, p, prop, &offset);
        if (prs) {
            /* found */
            if (unlikely(prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK)) {
                if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                    if (unlikely(!pr->u.getset.getter)) {
                        return JS_UNDEFINED;
                    } else {
                        JSValue func = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.getter);
                        /* Note: the field could be removed in the getter */
                        func = js_dup(func);
                        return JS_CallFree(ctx, func, this_obj, 0, NULL);
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                    JSValue val = *pr->u.var_ref->pvalue;
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(val)))
                        return JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
                    return js_dup(val);
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
                    /* Instantiate property and retry */
                    if (JS_AutoInitProperty(ctx, p, prop, pr, prs))
                        return JS_EXCEPTION;
            } else {
                if (ic && proto_depth == 0 && p->shape->is_hashed) {
                    ic->updated = TRUE;
                    ic->updated_offset = add_ic_slot(ctx, ic, prop, p, offset);
                return js_dup(pr->u.value);
        if (unlikely(p->is_exotic)) {
            /* exotic behaviors */
            if (p->fast_array) {
                if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                    uint32_t idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                    if (idx < p->u.array.count) {
                        /* we avoid duplicating the code */
                        return JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p), idx);
                    } else if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                               p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
                        return JS_UNDEFINED;
                } else if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                           p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
                    int ret;
                    ret = JS_AtomIsNumericIndex(ctx, prop);
                    if (ret != 0) {
                        if (ret < 0)
                            return JS_EXCEPTION;
                        return JS_UNDEFINED;
            } else {
                const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
                if (em) {
                    if (em->get_property) {
                        JSValue obj1, retval;
                        /* XXX: should pass throw_ref_error */
                        /* Note: if 'p' is a prototype, it can be
                           freed in the called function */
                        obj1 = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
                        retval = em->get_property(ctx, obj1, prop, this_obj);
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                        return retval;
                    if (em->get_own_property) {
                        JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
                        int ret;
                        JSValue obj1;

                        /* Note: if 'p' is a prototype, it can be
                           freed in the called function */
                        obj1 = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
                        ret = em->get_own_property(ctx, &desc, obj1, prop);
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                        if (ret < 0)
                            return JS_EXCEPTION;
                        if (ret) {
                            if (desc.flags & JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                                JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.setter);
                                return JS_CallFree(ctx, desc.getter, this_obj, 0, NULL);
                            } else {
                                return desc.value;
        p = p->shape->proto;
        if (!p)
    if (unlikely(throw_ref_error)) {
        return JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, prop);
    } else {
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue JS_GetPropertyInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                      JSAtom prop, JSValue this_obj,
                                      BOOL throw_ref_error)
    return JS_GetPropertyInternal2(ctx, obj, prop, this_obj, NULL, throw_ref_error);

JSValue JS_GetProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj, JSAtom prop)
    return JS_GetPropertyInternal2(ctx, this_obj, prop, this_obj, NULL, FALSE);

static JSValue JS_GetPropertyInternalWithIC(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                            JSAtom prop, JSValue this_obj,
                                            JSInlineCache *ic, int32_t offset,
                                            BOOL throw_ref_error)
    uint32_t tag;
    JSObject *p;
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj);
    if (unlikely(tag != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        goto slow_path;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    offset = get_ic_prop_offset(ic, offset, p->shape);
    if (likely(offset >= 0))
        return js_dup(p->prop[offset].u.value);
    return JS_GetPropertyInternal2(ctx, obj, prop, this_obj, ic, throw_ref_error);

static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorPrivateNotFound(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom atom)
    return JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "private class field '%s' does not exist",

/* Private fields can be added even on non extensible objects or
   Proxies */
static int JS_DefinePrivateField(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                 JSValue name, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSAtom prop;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        goto fail;
    /* safety check */
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(name) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) {
        goto fail;
    prop = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, name);
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "private class field '%s' already exists",
        goto fail;
    pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    if (unlikely(!pr)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return -1;
    pr->u.value = val;
    return 0;

static JSValue JS_GetPrivateField(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                  JSValue name)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSAtom prop;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    /* safety check */
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(name) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotASymbol(ctx);
    prop = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, name);
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (!prs) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorPrivateNotFound(ctx, prop);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_dup(pr->u.value);

static int JS_SetPrivateField(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                              JSValue name, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSAtom prop;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        goto fail;
    /* safety check */
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(name) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) {
        goto fail;
    prop = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, name);
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (!prs) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorPrivateNotFound(ctx, prop);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return -1;
    set_value(ctx, &pr->u.value, val);
    return 0;

static int JS_AddBrand(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSValue home_obj)
    JSObject *p, *p1;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSValue brand;
    JSAtom brand_atom;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(home_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        return -1;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(home_obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, JS_ATOM_Private_brand);
    if (!prs) {
        brand = JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(ctx, JS_ATOM_brand, JS_ATOM_TYPE_PRIVATE);
        if (JS_IsException(brand))
            return -1;
        /* if the brand is not present, add it */
        pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_Private_brand, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
        if (!pr) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, brand);
            return -1;
        pr->u.value = js_dup(brand);
    } else {
        brand = js_dup(pr->u.value);
    brand_atom = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, brand);

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, brand_atom);
        return -1;
    p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p1, brand_atom);
    if (unlikely(prs)) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, brand_atom);
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "private method is already present");
        return -1;
    pr = add_property(ctx, p1, brand_atom, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, brand_atom);
    if (!pr)
        return -1;
    pr->u.value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return 0;

static int JS_CheckBrand(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSValue func)
    JSObject *p, *p1, *home_obj;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSValue brand;

    /* get the home object of 'func' */
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        return -1;
    p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func);
    if (!js_class_has_bytecode(p1->class_id))
        goto not_obj;
    home_obj = p1->u.func.home_object;
    if (!home_obj)
        goto not_obj;
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, home_obj, JS_ATOM_Private_brand);
    if (!prs) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "expecting <brand> private field");
        return -1;
    brand = pr->u.value;
    /* safety check */
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(brand) != JS_TAG_SYMBOL))
        goto not_obj;

    /* get the brand array of 'obj' */
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        goto not_obj;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, brand));
    if (!prs) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid brand on object");
        return -1;
    return 0;

static uint32_t js_string_obj_get_length(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    JSString *p1;
    uint32_t len = 0;

    /* This is a class exotic method: obj class_id is JS_CLASS_STRING */
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->u.object_data) == JS_TAG_STRING) {
        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(p->u.object_data);
        len = p1->len;
    return len;

static int num_keys_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *opaque)
    JSContext *ctx = opaque;
    JSAtom atom1 = ((const JSPropertyEnum *)p1)->atom;
    JSAtom atom2 = ((const JSPropertyEnum *)p2)->atom;
    uint32_t v1, v2;
    BOOL atom1_is_integer, atom2_is_integer;

    atom1_is_integer = JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &v1, atom1);
    atom2_is_integer = JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &v2, atom2);
    assert(atom1_is_integer && atom2_is_integer);
    if (v1 < v2)
        return -1;
    else if (v1 == v2)
        return 0;
        return 1;

static void js_free_prop_enum(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyEnum *tab, uint32_t len)
    uint32_t i;
    if (tab) {
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, tab[i].atom);
        js_free(ctx, tab);

/* return < 0 in case if exception, 0 if OK. ptab and its atoms must
   be freed by the user. */
static int __exception JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(JSContext *ctx,
                                                      JSPropertyEnum **ptab,
                                                      uint32_t *plen,
                                                      JSObject *p, int flags)
    int i, j;
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSPropertyEnum *tab_atom, *tab_exotic;
    JSAtom atom;
    uint32_t num_keys_count, str_keys_count, sym_keys_count, atom_count;
    uint32_t num_index, str_index, sym_index, exotic_count, exotic_keys_count;
    BOOL is_enumerable, num_sorted;
    uint32_t num_key;
    JSAtomKindEnum kind;

    /* clear pointer for consistency in case of failure */
    *ptab = NULL;
    *plen = 0;

    /* compute the number of returned properties */
    num_keys_count = 0;
    str_keys_count = 0;
    sym_keys_count = 0;
    exotic_keys_count = 0;
    exotic_count = 0;
    tab_exotic = NULL;
    sh = p->shape;
    for(i = 0, prs = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, prs++) {
        atom = prs->atom;
        if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
            is_enumerable = ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE) != 0);
            kind = JS_AtomGetKind(ctx, atom);
            if ((!(flags & JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY) || is_enumerable) &&
                ((flags >> kind) & 1) != 0) {
                /* need to raise an exception in case of the module
                   name space (implicit GetOwnProperty) */
                if (unlikely((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) &&
                    (flags & (JS_GPN_SET_ENUM | JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY))) {
                    JSVarRef *var_ref = p->prop[i].u.var_ref;
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(*var_ref->pvalue))) {
                        JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
                        return -1;
                if (JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &num_key, atom)) {
                } else if (kind == JS_ATOM_KIND_STRING) {
                } else {

    if (p->is_exotic) {
        if (p->fast_array) {
            if (flags & JS_GPN_STRING_MASK) {
                num_keys_count += p->u.array.count;
        } else if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_STRING) {
            if (flags & JS_GPN_STRING_MASK) {
                num_keys_count += js_string_obj_get_length(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
        } else {
            const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
            if (em && em->get_own_property_names) {
                if (em->get_own_property_names(ctx, &tab_exotic, &exotic_count,
                                               JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p)))
                    return -1;
                for(i = 0; i < exotic_count; i++) {
                    atom = tab_exotic[i].atom;
                    kind = JS_AtomGetKind(ctx, atom);
                    if (((flags >> kind) & 1) != 0) {
                        is_enumerable = FALSE;
                        if (flags & (JS_GPN_SET_ENUM | JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY)) {
                            JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
                            int res;
                            /* set the "is_enumerable" field if necessary */
                            res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, atom);
                            if (res < 0) {
                                js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_exotic, exotic_count);
                                return -1;
                            if (res) {
                                is_enumerable =
                                    ((desc.flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE) != 0);
                                js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
                            tab_exotic[i].is_enumerable = is_enumerable;
                        if (!(flags & JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY) || is_enumerable) {

    /* fill them */

    atom_count = num_keys_count + str_keys_count + sym_keys_count + exotic_keys_count;
    /* avoid allocating 0 bytes */
    tab_atom = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(tab_atom[0]) * max_int(atom_count, 1));
    if (!tab_atom) {
        js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_exotic, exotic_count);
        return -1;

    num_index = 0;
    str_index = num_keys_count;
    sym_index = str_index + str_keys_count;

    num_sorted = TRUE;
    sh = p->shape;
    for(i = 0, prs = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, prs++) {
        atom = prs->atom;
        if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
            is_enumerable = ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE) != 0);
            kind = JS_AtomGetKind(ctx, atom);
            if ((!(flags & JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY) || is_enumerable) &&
                ((flags >> kind) & 1) != 0) {
                if (JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &num_key, atom)) {
                    j = num_index++;
                    num_sorted = FALSE;
                } else if (kind == JS_ATOM_KIND_STRING) {
                    j = str_index++;
                } else {
                    j = sym_index++;
                tab_atom[j].atom = JS_DupAtom(ctx, atom);
                tab_atom[j].is_enumerable = is_enumerable;

    if (p->is_exotic) {
        int len;
        if (p->fast_array) {
            if (flags & JS_GPN_STRING_MASK) {
                len = p->u.array.count;
                goto add_array_keys;
        } else if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_STRING) {
            if (flags & JS_GPN_STRING_MASK) {
                len = js_string_obj_get_length(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
                for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    tab_atom[num_index].atom = __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i);
                    if (tab_atom[num_index].atom == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                        js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, num_index);
                        return -1;
                    tab_atom[num_index].is_enumerable = TRUE;
        } else {
            /* Note: exotic keys are not reordered and comes after the object own properties. */
            for(i = 0; i < exotic_count; i++) {
                atom = tab_exotic[i].atom;
                is_enumerable = tab_exotic[i].is_enumerable;
                kind = JS_AtomGetKind(ctx, atom);
                if ((!(flags & JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY) || is_enumerable) &&
                    ((flags >> kind) & 1) != 0) {
                    tab_atom[sym_index].atom = atom;
                    tab_atom[sym_index].is_enumerable = is_enumerable;
                } else {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
            js_free(ctx, tab_exotic);

    assert(num_index == num_keys_count);
    assert(str_index == num_keys_count + str_keys_count);
    assert(sym_index == atom_count);

    if (num_keys_count != 0 && !num_sorted) {
        rqsort(tab_atom, num_keys_count, sizeof(tab_atom[0]), num_keys_cmp,
    *ptab = tab_atom;
    *plen = atom_count;
    return 0;

int JS_GetOwnPropertyNames(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyEnum **ptab,
                           uint32_t *plen, JSValue obj, int flags)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        return -1;
    return JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, ptab, plen,
                                          JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), flags);

/* Return -1 if exception,
   FALSE if the property does not exist, TRUE if it exists. If TRUE is
   returned, the property descriptor 'desc' is filled present. */
static int JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *desc,
                                     JSObject *p, JSAtom prop)
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;

    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        if (desc) {
            desc->flags = prs->flags & JS_PROP_C_W_E;
            desc->getter = JS_UNDEFINED;
            desc->setter = JS_UNDEFINED;
            desc->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (unlikely(prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK)) {
                if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                    desc->flags |= JS_PROP_GETSET;
                    if (pr->u.getset.getter)
                        desc->getter = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.getter));
                    if (pr->u.getset.setter)
                        desc->setter = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.setter));
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                    JSValue val = *pr->u.var_ref->pvalue;
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(val))) {
                        JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
                        return -1;
                    desc->value = js_dup(val);
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
                    /* Instantiate property and retry */
                    if (JS_AutoInitProperty(ctx, p, prop, pr, prs))
                        return -1;
                    goto retry;
            } else {
                desc->value = js_dup(pr->u.value);
        } else {
            /* for consistency, send the exception even if desc is NULL */
            if (unlikely((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF)) {
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(*pr->u.var_ref->pvalue))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
                    return -1;
            } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
                /* nothing to do: delay instantiation until actual value and/or attributes are read */
        return TRUE;
    if (p->is_exotic) {
        if (p->fast_array) {
            /* specific case for fast arrays */
            if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                uint32_t idx;
                idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                if (idx < p->u.array.count) {
                    if (desc) {
                        desc->flags = JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE |
                        desc->getter = JS_UNDEFINED;
                        desc->setter = JS_UNDEFINED;
                        desc->value = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p), idx);
                    return TRUE;
        } else {
            const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
            if (em && em->get_own_property) {
                return em->get_own_property(ctx, desc,
                                            JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p), prop);
    return FALSE;

int JS_GetOwnProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *desc,
                      JSValue obj, JSAtom prop)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        return -1;
    return JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), prop);

void JS_FreePropertyEnum(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyEnum *tab,
                         uint32_t len)
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab, len);

/* return -1 if exception (Proxy object only) or TRUE/FALSE */
int JS_IsExtensible(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (unlikely(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY))
        return js_proxy_isExtensible(ctx, obj);
        return p->extensible;

/* return -1 if exception (Proxy object only) or TRUE/FALSE */
int JS_PreventExtensions(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (unlikely(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY))
        return js_proxy_preventExtensions(ctx, obj);
    p->extensible = FALSE;
    return TRUE;

/* return -1 if exception otherwise TRUE or FALSE */
int JS_HasProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSAtom prop)
    JSObject *p;
    int ret;
    JSValue obj1;

    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    for(;;) {
        if (p->is_exotic) {
            const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
            if (em && em->has_property) {
                /* has_property can free the prototype */
                obj1 = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
                ret = em->has_property(ctx, obj1, prop);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                return ret;
        /* JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal can free the prototype */
        js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
        ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, NULL, p, prop);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
        if (ret != 0)
            return ret;
        if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
            p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
            ret = JS_AtomIsNumericIndex(ctx, prop);
            if (ret != 0) {
                if (ret < 0)
                    return -1;
                return FALSE;
        p = p->shape->proto;
        if (!p)
    return FALSE;

/* val must be a symbol */
static JSAtom js_symbol_to_atom(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
    return js_get_atom_index(ctx->rt, p);

/* return JS_ATOM_NULL in case of exception */
JSAtom JS_ValueToAtom(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSAtom atom;
    uint32_t tag;
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val);
    if (tag == JS_TAG_INT &&
        (uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val) <= JS_ATOM_MAX_INT) {
        /* fast path for integer values */
        atom = __JS_AtomFromUInt32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
    } else if (tag == JS_TAG_SYMBOL) {
        JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
        atom = JS_DupAtom(ctx, js_get_atom_index(ctx->rt, p));
    } else {
        JSValue str;
        str = JS_ToPropertyKey(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(str))
            return JS_ATOM_NULL;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(str) == JS_TAG_SYMBOL) {
            atom = js_symbol_to_atom(ctx, str);
        } else {
            atom = JS_NewAtomStr(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str));
    return atom;

static BOOL js_get_fast_array_element(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                      uint32_t idx, JSValue *pval)
    switch(p->class_id) {
    case JS_CLASS_ARRAY:
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_dup(p->u.array.u.values[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_int32(p->u.array.u.int8_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_int32(p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_int32(p->u.array.u.int16_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_int32(p->u.array.u.uint16_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_int32(p->u.array.u.int32_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_uint32(p->u.array.u.uint32_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, p->u.array.u.int64_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = JS_NewBigUint64(ctx, p->u.array.u.uint64_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_float64(fromfp16(p->u.array.u.fp16_ptr[idx]));
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_float64(p->u.array.u.float_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        if (unlikely(idx >= p->u.array.count)) return FALSE;
        *pval = js_float64(p->u.array.u.double_ptr[idx]);
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

static JSValue JS_GetPropertyValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                   JSValue prop)
    JSAtom atom;
    JSValue ret;

    if (likely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT &&
               JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(prop) == JS_TAG_INT)) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);
        uint32_t idx = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(prop);
        JSValue val;
        /* fast path for array and typed array access */
        if (js_get_fast_array_element(ctx, p, idx, &val))
            return val;
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_obj, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return ret;

JSValue JS_GetPropertyUint32(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                             uint32_t idx)
    return JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, this_obj, idx);

/* Check if an object has a generalized numeric property. Return value:
   -1 for exception, *pval set to JS_EXCEPTION
   TRUE if property exists, stored into *pval,
   FALSE if property does not exist. *pval set to JS_UNDEFINED.
static int JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, int64_t idx, JSValue *pval)
    JSValue val;
    JSAtom prop;
    int present;

    if (likely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT &&
               (uint64_t)idx <= INT32_MAX)) {
        /* fast path for array and typed array access */
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (js_get_fast_array_element(ctx, p, idx, pval))
            return TRUE;
    val = JS_EXCEPTION;
    present = -1;
    prop = JS_NewAtomInt64(ctx, idx);
    if (likely(prop != JS_ATOM_NULL)) {
        present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, obj, prop);
        if (present > 0) {
            val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, prop);
            if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                present = -1;
        } else if (present == FALSE) {
            val = JS_UNDEFINED;
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
    *pval = val;
    return present;

JSValue JS_GetPropertyInt64(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, int64_t idx)
    JSAtom prop;
    JSValue val;

    if (likely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT &&
               (uint64_t)idx <= INT32_MAX)) {
        /* fast path for array and typed array access */
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (js_get_fast_array_element(ctx, p, idx, &val))
            return val;
    prop = JS_NewAtomInt64(ctx, idx);
    if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, prop);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
    return val;

/* `prop` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
JSValue JS_GetPropertyStr(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                          const char *prop)
    JSAtom atom;
    JSValue ret;
    atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, prop);
    ret = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_obj, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return ret;

/* Note: the property value is not initialized. Return NULL if memory
   error. */
static JSProperty *add_property(JSContext *ctx,
                                JSObject *p, JSAtom prop, int prop_flags)
    JSShape *sh, *new_sh;

    sh = p->shape;
    if (sh->is_hashed) {
        /* try to find an existing shape */
        new_sh = find_hashed_shape_prop(ctx->rt, sh, prop, prop_flags);
        if (new_sh) {
            /* matching shape found: use it */
            /*  the property array may need to be resized */
            if (new_sh->prop_size != sh->prop_size) {
                JSProperty *new_prop;
                new_prop = js_realloc(ctx, p->prop, sizeof(p->prop[0]) *
                if (!new_prop)
                    return NULL;
                p->prop = new_prop;
            p->shape = js_dup_shape(new_sh);
            js_free_shape(ctx->rt, sh);
            return &p->prop[new_sh->prop_count - 1];
        } else if (sh->header.ref_count != 1) {
            /* if the shape is shared, clone it */
            new_sh = js_clone_shape(ctx, sh);
            if (!new_sh)
                return NULL;
            /* hash the cloned shape */
            new_sh->is_hashed = TRUE;
            js_shape_hash_link(ctx->rt, new_sh);
            js_free_shape(ctx->rt, p->shape);
            p->shape = new_sh;
    assert(p->shape->header.ref_count == 1);
    if (add_shape_property(ctx, &p->shape, p, prop, prop_flags))
        return NULL;
    return &p->prop[p->shape->prop_count - 1];

/* can be called on Array or Arguments objects. return < 0 if
   memory alloc error. */
static no_inline __exception int convert_fast_array_to_array(JSContext *ctx,
                                                             JSObject *p)
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSShape *sh;
    JSValue *tab;
    uint32_t i, len, new_count;

    if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, NULL))
        return -1;
    len = p->u.array.count;
    /* resize the properties once to simplify the error handling */
    sh = p->shape;
    new_count = sh->prop_count + len;
    if (new_count > sh->prop_size) {
        if (resize_properties(ctx, &p->shape, p, new_count))
            return -1;

    tab = p->u.array.u.values;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        /* add_property cannot fail here but
           __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i) fails for i > INT32_MAX */
        pr = add_property(ctx, p, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i), JS_PROP_C_W_E);
        pr->u.value = *tab++;
    js_free(ctx, p->u.array.u.values);
    p->u.array.count = 0;
    p->u.array.u.values = NULL; /* fail safe */
    p->u.array.u1.size = 0;
    p->fast_array = 0;
    return 0;

static int delete_property(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom atom)
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr, *lpr, *prop;
    JSProperty *pr1;
    uint32_t lpr_idx;
    intptr_t h, h1;

    sh = p->shape;
    h1 = atom & sh->prop_hash_mask;
    h = prop_hash_end(sh)[-h1 - 1];
    prop = get_shape_prop(sh);
    lpr = NULL;
    lpr_idx = 0;   /* prevent warning */
    while (h != 0) {
        pr = &prop[h - 1];
        if (likely(pr->atom == atom)) {
            /* found ! */
            if (!(pr->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE))
                return FALSE;
            /* realloc the shape if needed */
            if (lpr)
                lpr_idx = lpr - get_shape_prop(sh);
            if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, &pr))
                return -1;
            sh = p->shape;
            /* remove property */
            if (lpr) {
                lpr = get_shape_prop(sh) + lpr_idx;
                lpr->hash_next = pr->hash_next;
            } else {
                prop_hash_end(sh)[-h1 - 1] = pr->hash_next;
            /* free the entry */
            pr1 = &p->prop[h - 1];
            free_property(ctx->rt, pr1, pr->flags);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, pr->atom);
            /* put default values */
            pr->flags = 0;
            pr->atom = JS_ATOM_NULL;
            pr1->u.value = JS_UNDEFINED;

            /* compact the properties if too many deleted properties */
            if (sh->deleted_prop_count >= 8 &&
                sh->deleted_prop_count >= ((unsigned)sh->prop_count / 2)) {
                compact_properties(ctx, p);
            return TRUE;
        lpr = pr;
        h = pr->hash_next;

    if (p->is_exotic) {
        if (p->fast_array) {
            uint32_t idx;
            if (JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &idx, atom) &&
                idx < p->u.array.count) {
                if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY ||
                    p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS) {
                    /* Special case deleting the last element of a fast Array */
                    if (idx == p->u.array.count - 1) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, p->u.array.u.values[idx]);
                        p->u.array.count = idx;
                        return TRUE;
                    if (convert_fast_array_to_array(ctx, p))
                        return -1;
                    goto redo;
                } else {
                    return FALSE;
        } else {
            const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
            if (em && em->delete_property) {
                return em->delete_property(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p), atom);
    /* not found */
    return TRUE;

static int call_setter(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *setter,
                       JSValue this_obj, JSValue val, int flags)
    JSValue ret, func;
    if (likely(setter)) {
        func = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, setter);
        /* Note: the field could be removed in the setter */
        func = js_dup(func);
        ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, func, this_obj, 1, &val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            return -1;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        if ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW) ||
            ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT) && is_strict_mode(ctx))) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "no setter for property");
            return -1;
        return FALSE;

/* set the array length and remove the array elements if necessary. */
static int set_array_length(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSValue val,
                            int flags)
    uint32_t len, idx, cur_len;
    int i, ret;

    /* Note: this call can reallocate the properties of 'p' */
    ret = JS_ToArrayLengthFree(ctx, &len, val, FALSE);
    if (ret)
        return -1;
    /* JS_ToArrayLengthFree() must be done before the read-only test */
    if (unlikely(!(p->shape->prop[0].flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, flags, JS_ATOM_length);

    if (likely(p->fast_array)) {
        uint32_t old_len = p->u.array.count;
        if (len < old_len) {
            for(i = len; i < old_len; i++) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, p->u.array.u.values[i]);
            p->u.array.count = len;
        p->prop[0].u.value = js_uint32(len);
    } else {
        /* Note: length is always a uint32 because the object is an
           array */
        JS_ToUint32(ctx, &cur_len, p->prop[0].u.value);
        if (len < cur_len) {
            uint32_t d;
            JSShape *sh;
            JSShapeProperty *pr;

            d = cur_len - len;
            sh = p->shape;
            if (d <= sh->prop_count) {
                JSAtom atom;

                /* faster to iterate */
                while (cur_len > len) {
                    atom = JS_NewAtomUInt32(ctx, cur_len - 1);
                    ret = delete_property(ctx, p, atom);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                    if (unlikely(!ret)) {
                        /* unlikely case: property is not
                           configurable */
            } else {
                /* faster to iterate thru all the properties. Need two
                   passes in case one of the property is not
                   configurable */
                cur_len = len;
                for(i = 0, pr = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count;
                    i++, pr++) {
                    if (pr->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL &&
                        JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &idx, pr->atom)) {
                        if (idx >= cur_len &&
                            !(pr->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) {
                            cur_len = idx + 1;

                for(i = 0, pr = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count;
                    i++, pr++) {
                    if (pr->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL &&
                        JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &idx, pr->atom)) {
                        if (idx >= cur_len) {
                            /* remove the property */
                            delete_property(ctx, p, pr->atom);
                            /* WARNING: the shape may have been modified */
                            sh = p->shape;
                            pr = get_shape_prop(sh) + i;
        } else {
            cur_len = len;
        set_value(ctx, &p->prop[0].u.value, js_uint32(cur_len));
        if (unlikely(cur_len > len)) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "not configurable");
    return TRUE;

/* return -1 if exception */
static int expand_fast_array(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, uint32_t new_len)
    uint32_t new_size;
    size_t slack;
    JSValue *new_array_prop;
    /* XXX: potential arithmetic overflow */
    new_size = max_int(new_len, p->u.array.u1.size * 3 / 2);
    new_array_prop = js_realloc2(ctx, p->u.array.u.values, sizeof(JSValue) * new_size, &slack);
    if (!new_array_prop)
        return -1;
    new_size += slack / sizeof(*new_array_prop);
    p->u.array.u.values = new_array_prop;
    p->u.array.u1.size = new_size;
    return 0;

/* Preconditions: 'p' must be of class JS_CLASS_ARRAY, p->fast_array =
   TRUE and p->extensible = TRUE */
static int add_fast_array_element(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                  JSValue val, int flags)
    uint32_t new_len, array_len;
    /* extend the array by one */
    /* XXX: convert to slow array if new_len > 2^31-1 elements */
    new_len = p->u.array.count + 1;
    /* update the length if necessary. We assume that if the length is
       not an integer, then if it >= 2^31.  */
    if (likely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->prop[0].u.value) == JS_TAG_INT)) {
        array_len = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(p->prop[0].u.value);
        if (new_len > array_len) {
            if (unlikely(!(get_shape_prop(p->shape)->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, flags, JS_ATOM_length);
            p->prop[0].u.value = js_int32(new_len);
    if (unlikely(new_len > p->u.array.u1.size)) {
        if (expand_fast_array(ctx, p, new_len)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return -1;
    p->u.array.u.values[new_len - 1] = val;
    p->u.array.count = new_len;
    return TRUE;

static void js_free_desc(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *desc)
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc->getter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc->setter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc->value);

/* return -1 in case of exception or TRUE or FALSE. Warning: 'val' is
   freed by the function. 'flags' is a bitmask of JS_PROP_NO_ADD,
   the new property is not added and an error is raised.
   'obj' must be an object when obj != this_obj.
static int JS_SetPropertyInternal2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                   JSAtom prop, JSValue val, JSValue this_obj,
                                   int flags, JSInlineCache *ic)
    JSObject *p, *p1;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    int ret;
    uint32_t offset = 0;

    switch(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj)) {
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "cannot set property '%s' of null", prop);
        goto fail;
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "cannot set property '%s' of undefined", prop);
        goto fail;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);
        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (p == p1)
        goto retry2;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
            obj = JS_GetPrototypePrimitive(ctx, obj);
        p = NULL;
        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        goto prototype_lookup;

    prs = find_own_property_ic(&pr, p1, prop, &offset);
    if (prs) {
        if (likely((prs->flags & (JS_PROP_TMASK | JS_PROP_WRITABLE |
                                  JS_PROP_LENGTH)) == JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) {
            /* fast case */
            if (ic && p->shape->is_hashed) {
                ic->updated = TRUE;
                ic->updated_offset = add_ic_slot(ctx, ic, prop, p, offset);
            set_value(ctx, &pr->u.value, val);
            return TRUE;
        } else if (prs->flags & JS_PROP_LENGTH) {
            assert(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY);
            assert(prop == JS_ATOM_length);
            return set_array_length(ctx, p, val, flags);
        } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
            return call_setter(ctx, pr->u.getset.setter, this_obj, val, flags);
        } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
            /* JS_PROP_WRITABLE is always true for variable
               references, but they are write protected in module name
               spaces. */
            if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS)
                goto read_only_prop;
            set_value(ctx, pr->u.var_ref->pvalue, val);
            return TRUE;
        } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
            /* Instantiate property and retry (potentially useless) */
            if (JS_AutoInitProperty(ctx, p, prop, pr, prs))
                goto fail;
            goto retry;
        } else {
            goto read_only_prop;

    for(;;) {
        if (p1->is_exotic) {
            if (p1->fast_array) {
                if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                    uint32_t idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                    if (idx < p1->u.array.count) {
                        if (unlikely(p == p1))
                            return JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, this_obj, js_int32(idx), val, flags);
                    } else if (p1->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                               p1->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
                        goto typed_array_oob;
                } else if (p1->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                           p1->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
                    ret = JS_AtomIsNumericIndex(ctx, prop);
                    if (ret != 0) {
                        if (ret < 0)
                            goto fail;
                        // per spec: evaluate value for side effects
                        if (p1->class_id == JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY ||
                            p1->class_id == JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY) {
                            int64_t v;
                            if (JS_ToBigInt64Free(ctx, &v, val))
                                return -1;
                        } else {
                            val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
                            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                            if (JS_IsException(val))
                                return -1;
                        return TRUE;
            } else {
                const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p1->class_id].exotic;
                if (em) {
                    JSValue obj1;
                    if (em->set_property) {
                        /* set_property can free the prototype */
                        obj1 = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p1));
                        ret = em->set_property(ctx, obj1, prop,
                                               val, this_obj, flags);
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                        return ret;
                    if (em->get_own_property) {
                        /* get_own_property can free the prototype */
                        obj1 = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p1));
                        ret = em->get_own_property(ctx, &desc,
                                                   obj1, prop);
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
                        if (ret < 0)
                            goto fail;
                        if (ret) {
                            if (desc.flags & JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                                JSObject *setter;
                                if (JS_IsUndefined(desc.setter))
                                    setter = NULL;
                                    setter = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(desc.setter);
                                ret = call_setter(ctx, setter, this_obj, val, flags);
                                JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.getter);
                                JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.setter);
                                return ret;
                            } else {
                                JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.value);
                                if (!(desc.flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))
                                    goto read_only_prop;
                                if (likely(p == p1)) {
                                    ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, val,
                                                            JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                                    return ret;
                                } else {
        p1 = p1->shape->proto;
        if (!p1)

        prs = find_own_property(&pr, p1, prop);
        if (prs) {
            if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                return call_setter(ctx, pr->u.getset.setter, this_obj, val, flags);
            } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
                /* Instantiate property and retry (potentially useless) */
                if (JS_AutoInitProperty(ctx, p1, prop, pr, prs))
                    return -1;
                goto retry2;
            } else if (!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) {
                goto read_only_prop;

    if (unlikely(flags & JS_PROP_NO_ADD)) {
        JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, prop);
        goto fail;

    if (unlikely(!p)) {
        ret = JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "not an object");
        goto done;

    if (unlikely(!p->extensible)) {
        ret = JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "object is not extensible");
        goto done;

    if (p == JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj)) {
        if (p->is_exotic) {
            if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY && p->fast_array &&
                __JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                uint32_t idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                if (idx == p->u.array.count) {
                    /* fast case */
                    return add_fast_array_element(ctx, p, val, flags);
            goto generic_create_prop;
        } else {
            pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
            if (!pr)
                goto fail;
            pr->u.value = val;
            return TRUE;

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) return JSProperty slot and update in place
    // when plain property (not is_exotic/setter/etc.) to avoid
    // calling find_own_property() thrice?
    ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, prop);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto fail;

    if (ret) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.value);
        if (desc.flags & JS_PROP_GETSET) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.getter);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.setter);
            ret = JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "setter is forbidden");
            goto done;
        } else if (!(desc.flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE) ||
                   p->class_id == JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS) {
            ret = JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, flags, prop);
            goto done;
        ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, val,
                                JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED,
    } else {
        ret = JS_CreateProperty(ctx, p, prop, val, JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                flags |
                                JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE |
                                JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE |
                                JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE |
                                JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE |

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return -1;

static int JS_SetPropertyInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                  JSAtom prop, JSValue val, int flags)
    return JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx, this_obj, prop, val, this_obj,
                                   flags, NULL);

int JS_SetProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj, JSAtom prop, JSValue val)
    return JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx, this_obj, prop, val, this_obj, JS_PROP_THROW, NULL);

static int JS_SetPropertyInternalWithIC(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                        JSAtom prop, JSValue val, int flags,
                                        JSInlineCache *ic, int32_t offset) {
    uint32_t tag;
    JSObject *p;
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj);
    if (unlikely(tag != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        goto slow_path;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);
    offset = get_ic_prop_offset(ic, offset, p->shape);
    if (likely(offset >= 0)) {
        set_value(ctx, &p->prop[offset].u.value, val);
        return TRUE;
    return JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx, this_obj, prop, val, this_obj,
                                   flags, ic);

/* flags can be JS_PROP_THROW or JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT */
static int JS_SetPropertyValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                               JSValue prop, JSValue val, int flags)
    if (likely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT &&
               JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(prop) == JS_TAG_INT)) {
        JSObject *p;
        uint32_t idx;
        double d;
        int32_t v;

        /* fast path for array access */
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);
        idx = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(prop);
        switch(p->class_id) {
        case JS_CLASS_ARRAY:
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count)) {
                JSObject *p1;
                JSShape *sh1;

                /* fast path to add an element to the array */
                if (idx != (uint32_t)p->u.array.count ||
                    !p->fast_array || !p->extensible)
                    goto slow_path;
                /* check if prototype chain has a numeric property */
                p1 = p->shape->proto;
                while (p1 != NULL) {
                    sh1 = p1->shape;
                    if (p1->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY) {
                        if (unlikely(!p1->fast_array))
                            goto slow_path;
                    } else if (p1->class_id == JS_CLASS_OBJECT) {
                        if (unlikely(sh1->has_small_array_index))
                            goto slow_path;
                    } else {
                        goto slow_path;
                    p1 = sh1->proto;
                /* add element */
                return add_fast_array_element(ctx, p, val, flags);
            set_value(ctx, &p->u.array.u.values[idx], val);
        case JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS:
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto slow_path;
            set_value(ctx, &p->u.array.u.values[idx], val);
        case JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToUint8ClampFree(ctx, &v, val))
                goto ta_cvt_fail;
            /* Note: the conversion can detach the typed array, so the
               array bound check must be done after */
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto ta_out_of_bound;
            p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr[idx] = v;
        case JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY:
        case JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, &v, val))
                goto ta_cvt_fail;
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto ta_out_of_bound;
            p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr[idx] = v;
        case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        case JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, &v, val))
                goto ta_cvt_fail;
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto ta_out_of_bound;
            p->u.array.u.uint16_ptr[idx] = v;
        case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        case JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, &v, val))
                goto ta_cvt_fail;
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto ta_out_of_bound;
            p->u.array.u.uint32_ptr[idx] = v;
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY:
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY:
            /* XXX: need specific conversion function */
                int64_t v;
                if (JS_ToBigInt64Free(ctx, &v, val))
                    goto ta_cvt_fail;
                if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                    goto ta_out_of_bound;
                p->u.array.u.uint64_ptr[idx] = v;
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val))
                goto ta_cvt_fail;
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto ta_out_of_bound;
            p->u.array.u.fp16_ptr[idx] = tofp16(d);
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val))
                goto ta_cvt_fail;
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count))
                goto ta_out_of_bound;
            p->u.array.u.float_ptr[idx] = d;
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY:
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val)) {
                if (flags & JS_PROP_REFLECT_DEFINE_PROPERTY) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_GetException(ctx));
                    return FALSE;
                return -1;
            if (unlikely(idx >= (uint32_t)p->u.array.count)) {
                if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p))
                    if (!(flags & JS_PROP_DEFINE_PROPERTY))
                        return TRUE; // per spec: no OOB exception
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "out-of-bound numeric index");
            p->u.array.u.double_ptr[idx] = d;
            goto slow_path;
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        JSAtom atom;
        int ret;
        atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
        if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return -1;
        ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, this_obj, atom, val, flags);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
        return ret;

int JS_SetPropertyUint32(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                         uint32_t idx, JSValue val)
    return JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, this_obj, js_uint32(idx), val,

int JS_SetPropertyInt64(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                        int64_t idx, JSValue val)
    JSAtom prop;
    int res;

    if ((uint64_t)idx <= INT32_MAX) {
        /* fast path for fast arrays */
        return JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, this_obj, js_int32(idx), val,
    prop = JS_NewAtomInt64(ctx, idx);
    if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return -1;
    res = JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, val);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
    return res;

/* `prop` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
int JS_SetPropertyStr(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                      const char *prop, JSValue val)
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;
    atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, prop);
    ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, this_obj, atom, val, JS_PROP_THROW);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return ret;

/* compute the property flags. For each flag: (JS_PROP_HAS_x forces
   it, otherwise def_flags is used)
   Note: makes assumption about the bit pattern of the flags
static int get_prop_flags(int flags, int def_flags)
    int mask;
    mask = (flags >> JS_PROP_HAS_SHIFT) & JS_PROP_C_W_E;
    return (flags & mask) | (def_flags & ~mask);

static int JS_CreateProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                             JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                             JSValue getter, JSValue setter,
                             int flags)
    JSProperty *pr;
    int ret, prop_flags;

    /* add a new property or modify an existing exotic one */
    if (p->is_exotic) {
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY) {
            uint32_t idx, len;

            if (p->fast_array) {
                if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                    idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                    if (idx == p->u.array.count) {
                        if (!p->extensible)
                            goto not_extensible;
                        if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET))
                            goto convert_to_array;
                        prop_flags = get_prop_flags(flags, 0);
                        if (prop_flags != JS_PROP_C_W_E)
                            goto convert_to_array;
                        return add_fast_array_element(ctx, p,
                                                      js_dup(val), flags);
                    } else {
                        goto convert_to_array;
                } else if (JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &idx, prop)) {
                    /* convert the fast array to normal array */
                    if (convert_fast_array_to_array(ctx, p))
                        return -1;
                    goto generic_array;
            } else if (JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &idx, prop)) {
                JSProperty *plen;
                JSShapeProperty *pslen;
                /* update the length field */
                plen = &p->prop[0];
                JS_ToUint32(ctx, &len, plen->u.value);
                if ((idx + 1) > len) {
                    pslen = get_shape_prop(p->shape);
                    if (unlikely(!(pslen->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)))
                        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, flags, JS_ATOM_length);
                    /* XXX: should update the length after defining
                       the property */
                    len = idx + 1;
                    set_value(ctx, &plen->u.value, js_uint32(len));
        } else if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                   p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
            ret = JS_AtomIsNumericIndex(ctx, prop);
            if (ret != 0) {
                if (ret < 0)
                    return -1;
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "cannot create numeric index in typed array");
        } else if (!(flags & JS_PROP_NO_EXOTIC)) {
            const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
            if (em) {
                if (em->define_own_property) {
                    return em->define_own_property(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p),
                                                   prop, val, getter, setter, flags);
                ret = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p));
                if (ret < 0)
                    return -1;
                if (!ret)
                    goto not_extensible;

    if (!p->extensible) {
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "object is not extensible");

    if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
        prop_flags = (flags & (JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)) |
    } else {
        prop_flags = flags & JS_PROP_C_W_E;
    pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, prop_flags);
    if (unlikely(!pr))
        return -1;
    if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
        pr->u.getset.getter = NULL;
        if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) && JS_IsFunction(ctx, getter)) {
            pr->u.getset.getter =
        pr->u.getset.setter = NULL;
        if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) && JS_IsFunction(ctx, setter)) {
            pr->u.getset.setter =
    } else {
        if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
            pr->u.value = js_dup(val);
        } else {
            pr->u.value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return TRUE;

/* return FALSE if not OK */
static BOOL check_define_prop_flags(int prop_flags, int flags)
    BOOL has_accessor, is_getset;

    if (!(prop_flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) {
            return FALSE;
        if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE) &&
            (flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE) != (prop_flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE))
            return FALSE;
                 JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
        if (!(prop_flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) {
            has_accessor = ((flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) != 0);
            is_getset = ((prop_flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET);
            if (has_accessor != is_getset)
                return FALSE;
            if (!has_accessor && !is_getset && !(prop_flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) {
                /* not writable: cannot set the writable bit */
                if ((flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) ==
                    (JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE))
                    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

/* ensure that the shape can be safely modified */
static int js_shape_prepare_update(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                   JSShapeProperty **pprs)
    JSShape *sh;
    uint32_t idx = 0;    /* prevent warning */

    sh = p->shape;
    if (sh->is_hashed) {
        if (sh->header.ref_count != 1) {
            if (pprs)
                idx = *pprs - get_shape_prop(sh);
            /* clone the shape (the resulting one is no longer hashed) */
            sh = js_clone_shape(ctx, sh);
            if (!sh)
                return -1;
            js_free_shape(ctx->rt, p->shape);
            p->shape = sh;
            if (pprs)
                *pprs = get_shape_prop(sh) + idx;
        } else {
            js_shape_hash_unlink(ctx->rt, sh);
            sh->is_hashed = FALSE;
    return 0;

static int js_update_property_flags(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                    JSShapeProperty **pprs, int flags)
    if (flags != (*pprs)->flags) {
        if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, pprs))
            return -1;
        (*pprs)->flags = flags;
    return 0;

/* allowed flags:
   If JS_PROP_THROW is set, return an exception instead of FALSE.
   if JS_PROP_NO_EXOTIC is set, do not call the exotic
   define_own_property callback.
   return -1 (exception), FALSE or TRUE.
int JS_DefineProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                      JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                      JSValue getter, JSValue setter, int flags)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    int mask, res;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        return -1;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);

    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        /* the range of the Array length property is always tested before */
        if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_LENGTH) && (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE)) {
            uint32_t array_length;
            if (JS_ToArrayLengthFree(ctx, &array_length,
                                     js_dup(val), FALSE)) {
                return -1;
            /* this code relies on the fact that Uint32 are never allocated */
            val = js_uint32(array_length);
            /* prs may have been modified */
            prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
            assert(prs != NULL);
        /* property already exists */
        if (!check_define_prop_flags(prs->flags, flags)) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "property is not configurable");

        if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
            /* Instantiate property and retry */
            if (JS_AutoInitProperty(ctx, p, prop, pr, prs))
                return -1;
            goto redo_prop_update;

        if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE | JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE |
                     JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
            if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
                JSObject *new_getter, *new_setter;

                if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, getter)) {
                    new_getter = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(getter);
                } else {
                    new_getter = NULL;
                if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, setter)) {
                    new_setter = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(setter);
                } else {
                    new_setter = NULL;

                if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) != JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                    if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, &prs))
                        return -1;
                    /* convert to getset */
                    if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                        free_var_ref(ctx->rt, pr->u.var_ref);
                    } else {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, pr->u.value);
                    prs->flags = (prs->flags &
                                  (JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)) |
                    pr->u.getset.getter = NULL;
                    pr->u.getset.setter = NULL;
                } else {
                    if (!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) {
                        if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) &&
                            new_getter != pr->u.getset.getter) {
                            goto not_configurable;
                        if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) &&
                            new_setter != pr->u.getset.setter) {
                            goto not_configurable;
                if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) {
                    if (pr->u.getset.getter)
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.getter));
                    if (new_getter)
                    pr->u.getset.getter = new_getter;
                if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) {
                    if (pr->u.getset.setter)
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.setter));
                    if (new_setter)
                    pr->u.getset.setter = new_setter;
            } else {
                if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                    /* convert to data descriptor */
                    if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, &prs))
                        return -1;
                    if (pr->u.getset.getter)
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.getter));
                    if (pr->u.getset.setter)
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, pr->u.getset.setter));
                    prs->flags &= ~(JS_PROP_TMASK | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);
                    pr->u.value = JS_UNDEFINED;
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                    /* Note: JS_PROP_VARREF is always writable */
                } else {
                    if ((prs->flags & (JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == 0 &&
                        (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE)) {
                        if (!js_same_value(ctx, val, pr->u.value)) {
                            goto not_configurable;
                        } else {
                            return TRUE;
                if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
                        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS) {
                            /* JS_PROP_WRITABLE is always true for variable
                               references, but they are write protected in module name
                               spaces. */
                            if (!js_same_value(ctx, val, *pr->u.var_ref->pvalue))
                                goto not_configurable;
                        /* update the reference */
                        set_value(ctx, pr->u.var_ref->pvalue,
                    /* if writable is set to false, no longer a
                       reference (for mapped arguments) */
                    if ((flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE) {
                        JSValue val1;
                        if (js_shape_prepare_update(ctx, p, &prs))
                            return -1;
                        val1 = js_dup(*pr->u.var_ref->pvalue);
                        free_var_ref(ctx->rt, pr->u.var_ref);
                        pr->u.value = val1;
                        prs->flags &= ~(JS_PROP_TMASK | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);
                } else if (prs->flags & JS_PROP_LENGTH) {
                    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
                        /* Note: no JS code is executable because
                           'val' is guaranted to be a Uint32 */
                        res = set_array_length(ctx, p, js_dup(val),
                    } else {
                        res = TRUE;
                    /* still need to reset the writable flag if
                       needed.  The JS_PROP_LENGTH is kept because the
                       Uint32 test is still done if the length
                       property is read-only. */
                    if ((flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) ==
                        JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE) {
                        prs = get_shape_prop(p->shape);
                        if (js_update_property_flags(ctx, p, &prs,
                                                     prs->flags & ~JS_PROP_WRITABLE))
                            return -1;
                    return res;
                } else {
                    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, pr->u.value);
                        pr->u.value = js_dup(val);
                    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE) {
                        if (js_update_property_flags(ctx, p, &prs,
                                                     (prs->flags & ~JS_PROP_WRITABLE) |
                                                     (flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)))
                            return -1;
        mask = 0;
        if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE)
            mask |= JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE;
        if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE)
            mask |= JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE;
        if (js_update_property_flags(ctx, p, &prs,
                                     (prs->flags & ~mask) | (flags & mask)))
            return -1;
        return TRUE;

    /* handle modification of fast array elements */
    if (p->fast_array) {
        uint32_t idx;
        uint32_t prop_flags;
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY) {
            if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
                if (idx < p->u.array.count) {
                    prop_flags = get_prop_flags(flags, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
                    if (prop_flags != JS_PROP_C_W_E)
                        goto convert_to_slow_array;
                    if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
                        if (convert_fast_array_to_array(ctx, p))
                            return -1;
                            goto redo_prop_update;
                    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
                        set_value(ctx, &p->u.array.u.values[idx], js_dup(val));
                    return TRUE;
        } else if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                   p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
            JSValue num;
            int ret;

            if (!__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
                /* slow path with to handle all numeric indexes */
                num = JS_AtomIsNumericIndex1(ctx, prop);
                if (JS_IsUndefined(num))
                    goto typed_array_done;
                if (JS_IsException(num))
                    return -1;
                ret = JS_NumberIsInteger(ctx, num);
                if (ret < 0) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
                    return -1;
                if (!ret) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
                    return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "non integer index in typed array");
                ret = JS_NumberIsNegativeOrMinusZero(ctx, num);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
                if (ret) {
                    return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "negative index in typed array");
                if (!__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop))
                    goto typed_array_oob;
            idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
            /* if the typed array is detached, p->u.array.count = 0 */
            if (idx >= typed_array_get_length(ctx, p)) {
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "out-of-bound index in typed array");
            prop_flags = get_prop_flags(flags, JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
            if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET) ||
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "invalid descriptor flags");
            if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
                return JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, this_obj, js_int32(idx), js_dup(val), flags);
            return TRUE;
        typed_array_done: ;

    return JS_CreateProperty(ctx, p, prop, val, getter, setter, flags);

static int JS_DefineAutoInitProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                     JSAtom prop, JSAutoInitIDEnum id,
                                     void *opaque, int flags)
    JSObject *p;
    JSProperty *pr;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return FALSE;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);

    if (find_own_property(&pr, p, prop)) {
        /* property already exists */
        return FALSE;

    /* Specialized CreateProperty */
    pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, (flags & JS_PROP_C_W_E) | JS_PROP_AUTOINIT);
    if (unlikely(!pr))
        return -1;
    pr->u.init.realm_and_id = (uintptr_t)JS_DupContext(ctx);
    assert((pr->u.init.realm_and_id & 3) == 0);
    assert(id <= 3);
    pr->u.init.realm_and_id |= id;
    pr->u.init.opaque = opaque;
    return TRUE;

/* shortcut to add or redefine a new property value */
int JS_DefinePropertyValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                           JSAtom prop, JSValue val, int flags)
    int ret;
    ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, val, JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED,
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

int JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                JSValue prop, JSValue val, int flags)
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return -1;
    ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, this_obj, atom, val, flags);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return ret;

int JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                 uint32_t idx, JSValue val, int flags)
    return JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(ctx, this_obj, js_uint32(idx),
                                       val, flags);

int JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                int64_t idx, JSValue val, int flags)
    return JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(ctx, this_obj, JS_NewInt64(ctx, idx),
                                       val, flags);

/* `prop` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
int JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                              const char *prop, JSValue val, int flags)
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;
    atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, prop);
    ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, this_obj, atom, val, flags);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return ret;

/* shortcut to add getter & setter */
int JS_DefinePropertyGetSet(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                            JSAtom prop, JSValue getter, JSValue setter,
                            int flags)
    int ret;
    ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, JS_UNDEFINED, getter, setter,
                            flags | JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET |
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, getter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, setter);
    return ret;

static int JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                       int64_t idx, JSValue val, int flags)
    return JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(ctx, this_obj, JS_NewInt64(ctx, idx),
                                       val, flags | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE |
                                       JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);

/* return TRUE if 'obj' has a non empty 'name' string */
static BOOL js_object_has_name(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSValue val;
    JSString *p;

    prs = find_own_property(&pr, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), JS_ATOM_name);
    if (!prs)
        return FALSE;
    if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) != JS_PROP_NORMAL)
        return TRUE;
    val = pr->u.value;
        return TRUE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    return (p->len != 0);

static int JS_DefineObjectName(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                               JSAtom name, int flags)
    if (name != JS_ATOM_NULL
    &&  JS_IsObject(obj)
    &&  !js_object_has_name(ctx, obj)
    &&  JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_name, JS_AtomToString(ctx, name), flags) < 0) {
        return -1;
    return 0;

static int JS_DefineObjectNameComputed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                       JSValue str, int flags)
    if (JS_IsObject(obj) &&
        !js_object_has_name(ctx, obj)) {
        JSAtom prop;
        JSValue name_str;
        prop = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, str);
        if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return -1;
        name_str = js_get_function_name(ctx, prop);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
        if (JS_IsException(name_str))
            return -1;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_name, name_str, flags) < 0)
            return -1;
    return 0;

#define DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR (1 << 7)
#define DEFINE_GLOBAL_FUNC_VAR (1 << 6)

static JSValue JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorVarRedeclaration(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop)
    return JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(ctx, "redeclaration of '%s'", prop);

/* XXX: could support exotic global object. */
static int JS_CheckDefineGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, int flags)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_obj);
    prs = find_own_property1(p, prop);
    /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_AUTOINIT */
    if (flags & DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR) {
        if (prs && !(prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE))
            goto fail_redeclaration;
    } else {
        if (!prs && !p->extensible)
            goto define_error;
        if (flags & DEFINE_GLOBAL_FUNC_VAR) {
            if (prs) {
                if (!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) &&
                    ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET ||
                     ((prs->flags & (JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)) !=
                      (JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)))) {
                    JS_ThrowTypeErrorAtom(ctx, "cannot define variable '%s'",
                    return -1;
    /* check if there already is a lexical declaration */
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj);
    prs = find_own_property1(p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorVarRedeclaration(ctx, prop);
        return -1;
    return 0;

/* def_flags is (0, DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR) |
/* XXX: could support exotic global object. */
static int JS_DefineGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, int def_flags)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSValue val;
    int flags;

    if (def_flags & DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj);
        flags = JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | (def_flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE) |
        val = JS_UNINITIALIZED;
    } else {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_obj);
            (def_flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
        val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    prs = find_own_property1(p, prop);
    if (prs)
        return 0;
    if (!p->extensible)
        return 0;
    pr = add_property(ctx, p, prop, flags);
    if (unlikely(!pr))
        return -1;
    pr->u.value = val;
    return 0;

/* 'def_flags' is 0 or JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE. */
/* XXX: could support exotic global object. */
static int JS_DefineGlobalFunction(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop,
                                   JSValue func, int def_flags)

    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    int flags;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_obj);
    prs = find_own_property1(p, prop);
    if (!prs || (prs->flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) {
        flags |= JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE | def_flags |
    if (JS_DefineProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop, func,
                          JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED, flags) < 0)
        return -1;
    return 0;

static JSValue JS_GetGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop,
                               BOOL throw_ref_error)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;

    /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_TMASK properties */
        if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(pr->u.value)))
            return JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
        return js_dup(pr->u.value);
    return JS_GetPropertyInternal(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop,
                                 ctx->global_obj, throw_ref_error);

/* construct a reference to a global variable */
static int JS_GetGlobalVarRef(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, JSValue *sp)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;

    /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_AUTOINIT properties? */
        /* XXX: conformance: do these tests in
           OP_put_var_ref/OP_get_var_ref ? */
        if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(pr->u.value))) {
            JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
            return -1;
        if (unlikely(!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, JS_PROP_THROW, prop);
        sp[0] = js_dup(ctx->global_var_obj);
    } else {
        int ret;
        ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop);
        if (ret < 0)
            return -1;
        if (ret) {
            sp[0] = js_dup(ctx->global_obj);
        } else {
            sp[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[1] = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, prop);
    return 0;

/* use for strict variable access: test if the variable exists */
static int JS_CheckGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    int ret;

    /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj);
    prs = find_own_property1(p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        ret = TRUE;
    } else {
        ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop);
        if (ret < 0)
            return -1;
    return ret;

/* flag = 0: normal variable write
   flag = 1: initialize lexical variable
   flag = 2: normal variable write, strict check was done before
static int JS_SetGlobalVar(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                           int flag)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    int flags;

    /* no exotic behavior is possible in global_var_obj */
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ctx->global_var_obj);
    prs = find_own_property(&pr, p, prop);
    if (prs) {
        /* XXX: should handle JS_PROP_AUTOINIT properties? */
        if (flag != 1) {
            if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(pr->u.value))) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, prs->atom);
                return -1;
            if (unlikely(!(prs->flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, JS_PROP_THROW, prop);
        set_value(ctx, &pr->u.value, val);
        return 0;
    if (is_strict_mode(ctx))
        flags |= JS_PROP_NO_ADD;
    return JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, ctx->global_obj, prop, val, flags);

/* return -1, FALSE or TRUE. return FALSE if not configurable or
   invalid object. return -1 in case of exception.
   flags can be 0, JS_PROP_THROW or JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT */
int JS_DeleteProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSAtom prop, int flags)
    JSValue obj1;
    JSObject *p;
    int res;

    obj1 = JS_ToObject(ctx, obj);
    if (JS_IsException(obj1))
        return -1;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj1);
    res = delete_property(ctx, p, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
    if (res != FALSE)
        return res;
    if ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW) ||
        ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT) && is_strict_mode(ctx))) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "could not delete property");
        return -1;
    return FALSE;

int JS_DeletePropertyInt64(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, int64_t idx, int flags)
    JSAtom prop;
    int res;

    if ((uint64_t)idx <= JS_ATOM_MAX_INT) {
        /* fast path for fast arrays */
        return JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, obj, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(idx), flags);
    prop = JS_NewAtomInt64(ctx, idx);
    if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return -1;
    res = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, obj, prop, flags);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
    return res;

BOOL JS_IsFunction(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    switch(p->class_id) {
        return TRUE;
    case JS_CLASS_PROXY:
        return p->u.proxy_data->is_func;
        return (ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].call != NULL);

BOOL JS_IsCFunction(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, JSCFunction *func, int magic)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION)
        return (p->u.cfunc.c_function.generic == func && p->u.cfunc.magic == magic);
        return FALSE;

BOOL JS_IsConstructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    return p->is_constructor;

BOOL JS_SetConstructorBit(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj, BOOL val)
    JSObject *p;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    p->is_constructor = val;
    return TRUE;

BOOL JS_IsError(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    return (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ERROR);

/* used to avoid catching interrupt exceptions */
BOOL JS_IsUncatchableError(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    return p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ERROR && p->is_uncatchable_error;

void JS_SetUncatchableError(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, BOOL flag)
    JSObject *p;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ERROR)
        p->is_uncatchable_error = flag;

void JS_ResetUncatchableError(JSContext *ctx)
    JS_SetUncatchableError(ctx, ctx->rt->current_exception, FALSE);

void JS_SetOpaque(JSValue obj, void *opaque)
   JSObject *p;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        p->u.opaque = opaque;

/* return NULL if not an object of class class_id */
void *JS_GetOpaque(JSValue obj, JSClassID class_id)
    JSObject *p;
        return NULL;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (p->class_id != class_id)
        return NULL;
    return p->u.opaque;

void *JS_GetOpaque2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSClassID class_id)
    void *p = JS_GetOpaque(obj, class_id);
    if (unlikely(!p)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorInvalidClass(ctx, class_id);
    return p;

void *JS_GetAnyOpaque(JSValue obj, JSClassID *class_id)
    JSObject *p;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        *class_id = 0;
        return NULL;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    *class_id = p->class_id;
    return p->u.opaque;

static JSValue JS_ToPrimitiveFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, int hint)
    int i;
    BOOL force_ordinary;

    JSAtom method_name;
    JSValue method, ret;
        return val;
    force_ordinary = hint & HINT_FORCE_ORDINARY;
    if (!force_ordinary) {
        method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_Symbol_toPrimitive);
        if (JS_IsException(method))
            goto exception;
        /* ECMA says *If exoticToPrim is not undefined* but tests in
           test262 use null as a non callable converter */
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(method) && !JS_IsNull(method)) {
            JSAtom atom;
            JSValue arg;
            switch(hint) {
            case HINT_STRING:
                atom = JS_ATOM_string;
            case HINT_NUMBER:
                atom = JS_ATOM_number;
            case HINT_NONE:
                atom = JS_ATOM_default;
            arg = JS_AtomToString(ctx, atom);
            ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, val, 1, &arg);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, arg);
            if (JS_IsException(ret))
                goto exception;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
                return ret;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "toPrimitive");
    if (hint != HINT_STRING)
        hint = HINT_NUMBER;
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        if ((i ^ hint) == 0) {
            method_name = JS_ATOM_toString;
        } else {
            method_name = JS_ATOM_valueOf;
        method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, val, method_name);
        if (JS_IsException(method))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, method)) {
            ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, val, 0, NULL);
            if (JS_IsException(ret))
                goto exception;
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                return ret;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        } else {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "toPrimitive");
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ToPrimitive(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, int hint)
    return JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, js_dup(val), hint);

void JS_SetIsHTMLDDA(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    p->is_HTMLDDA = TRUE;

static inline BOOL JS_IsHTMLDDA(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
        return FALSE;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    return p->is_HTMLDDA;

static int JS_ToBoolFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        return JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val) != 0;
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        return JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
        return -1;
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
            BOOL ret = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val)->len != 0;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return ret;
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            BOOL ret;
            ret = p->num.expn != BF_EXP_ZERO && p->num.expn != BF_EXP_NAN;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return ret;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
            BOOL ret;
            ret = !p->is_HTMLDDA;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return ret;
        if (JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) {
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            return !isnan(d) && d != 0;
        } else {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return TRUE;

int JS_ToBool(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, js_dup(val));

/* pc points to pure ASCII or UTF-8, null terminated contents */
static int skip_spaces(const char *pc)
    const uint8_t *p, *p_next, *p_start;
    uint32_t c;

    p = p_start = (const uint8_t *)pc;
    for (;;) {
        c = *p++;
        if (c < 0x80) {
            if (!((c >= 0x09 && c <= 0x0d) || (c == 0x20)))
        } else {
            c = utf8_decode(p - 1, &p_next);
            /* no need to test for invalid UTF-8, 0xFFFD is not a space */
            if (!lre_is_space(c))
            p = p_next;
    return p - 1 - p_start;

static inline int to_digit(int c)
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
        return c - '0';
    else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
        return c - 'A' + 10;
    else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
        return c - 'a' + 10;
        return 36;

/* XXX: remove */
static double js_strtod(const char *str, int radix, BOOL is_float)
    double d;
    int c;

    if (!is_float || radix != 10) {
        const char *p = str;
        uint64_t n_max, n;
        int int_exp, is_neg;

        is_neg = 0;
        if (*p == '-') {
            is_neg = 1;

        /* skip leading zeros */
        while (*p == '0')
        n = 0;
        if (radix == 10)
            n_max = ((uint64_t)-1 - 9) / 10; /* most common case */
            n_max = ((uint64_t)-1 - (radix - 1)) / radix;
        /* XXX: could be more precise */
        int_exp = 0;
        while ((c = to_digit(*p)) < radix) {
            if (n <= n_max) {
                n = n * radix + c;
            } else {
                if (radix == 10)
                    goto strtod_case;
        d = n;
        if (int_exp != 0) {
            d *= pow(radix, int_exp);
        if (is_neg)
            d = -d;
    } else {
        d = strtod(str, NULL);
    return d;

static JSValue js_string_to_bigint(JSContext *ctx, const char *buf, int radix)
    bf_t *a;
    int ret;
    JSValue val;
    val = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    a = JS_GetBigInt(val);
    ret = bf_atof(a, buf, NULL, radix, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    if (ret & BF_ST_MEM_ERROR) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
    return JS_CompactBigInt1(ctx, val);

/* `js_atof(ctx, p, len, pp, radix, flags)`
   Convert the string pointed to by `p` to a number value.
   Return an exception in case of memory error.
   Return `JS_NAN` if invalid syntax.
   - `p` points to a null terminated UTF-8 encoded char array,
   - `len` the length of the array,
   - `pp` if not null receives a pointer to the next character,
   - `radix` must be in range 2 to 36, else return `JS_NAN`.
   - `flags` is a combination of the flags below.
   There is a null byte at `p[len]`, but there might be embedded null
   bytes between `p[0]` and `p[len]` which must produce `JS_NAN` if
   the `ATOD_NO_TRAILING_CHARS` flag is present.

#define ATOD_TRIM_SPACES         (1 << 0)   /* trim white space */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_EMPTY        (1 << 1)   /* accept an empty string, value is 0 */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_FLOAT        (1 << 2)   /* parse decimal floating point syntax */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_INFINITY     (1 << 3)   /* parse Infinity as a float point number */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_BIN_OCT      (1 << 4)   /* accept 0o and 0b prefixes */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_HEX_PREFIX   (1 << 5)   /* accept 0x prefix for radix 16 */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_UNDERSCORES  (1 << 6)   /* accept _ between digits as a digit separator */
#define ATOD_ACCEPT_SUFFIX       (1 << 7)   /* allow 'n' suffix to produce BigInt */
#define ATOD_WANT_BIG_INT        (1 << 8)   /* return type must be BigInt */
#define ATOD_DECIMAL_AFTER_SIGN  (1 << 9)   /* only accept decimal number after sign */
#define ATOD_NO_TRAILING_CHARS   (1 << 10)  /* do not accept trailing characters */

static JSValue js_atof(JSContext *ctx, const char *p, size_t len,
                       const char **pp, int radix, int flags)
    const char *p_start;
    const char *end = p + len;
    int sep;
    BOOL is_float;
    char buf1[64], *buf = buf1;
    size_t i, j;
    JSValue val = JS_NAN;
    double d;
    char sign;

    if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
        goto done;

    /* optional separator between digits */
    sep = (flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_UNDERSCORES) ? '_' : 256;
    sign = 0;
    if (flags & ATOD_TRIM_SPACES)
        p += skip_spaces(p);
    if (p == end && (flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_EMPTY)) {
        if (pp) *pp = p;
        if (flags & ATOD_WANT_BIG_INT)
            return JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, 0);
            return js_int32(0);
    if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') {
        sign = *p;
        if (flags & ATOD_DECIMAL_AFTER_SIGN)
    if (p[0] == '0') {
        if ((p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X') &&
            ((flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_HEX_PREFIX) || radix == 16)) {
            p += 2;
            radix = 16;
        } else if (flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_BIN_OCT) {
            if (p[1] == 'o' || p[1] == 'O') {
                p += 2;
                radix = 8;
            } else if (p[1] == 'b' || p[1] == 'B') {
                p += 2;
                radix = 2;
    } else {
        if (*p == 'I' && (flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_INFINITY) && strstart(p, "Infinity", &p)) {
            d = INF;
            if (sign == '-')
                d = -d;
            val = js_float64(d);
            goto done;
    is_float = FALSE;
    p_start = p;
    while (to_digit(*p) < radix) {
        if (*p == sep && to_digit(p[1]) < radix)
    if ((flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_FLOAT) && radix == 10) {
        if (*p == '.' && (p > p_start || to_digit(p[1]) < radix)) {
            is_float = TRUE;
            while (to_digit(*p) < radix) {
                if (*p == sep && to_digit(p[1]) < radix)
        if (p > p_start && (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')) {
            i = 1;
            if (p[1] == '+' || p[1] == '-') {
            if (is_digit(p[i])) {
                is_float = TRUE;
                p += i + 1;
                while (is_digit(*p) || (*p == sep && is_digit(p[1])))
    if (p == p_start)
        goto done;

    len = p - p_start;
    if (unlikely((len + 2) > sizeof(buf1))) {
        buf = js_malloc_rt(ctx->rt, len + 2); /* no exception raised */
        if (!buf) {
            if (pp) *pp = p;
            return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
    /* remove the separators and the radix prefix */
    j = 0;
    if (sign == '-')
        buf[j++] = '-';
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (p_start[i] != '_')
            buf[j++] = p_start[i];
    buf[j] = '\0';

    if (flags & ATOD_ACCEPT_SUFFIX) {
        if (*p == 'n') {
            flags |= ATOD_WANT_BIG_INT;

    if (flags & ATOD_WANT_BIG_INT) {
        if (!is_float)
            val = js_string_to_bigint(ctx, buf, radix);
    } else {
        d = js_strtod(buf, radix, is_float);
        val = js_number(d);     /* return int or float64 */

    if (flags & ATOD_NO_TRAILING_CHARS) {
        if (flags & ATOD_TRIM_SPACES)
            p += skip_spaces(p);
        if (p != end) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            val = JS_NAN;
    if (buf != buf1)
        js_free_rt(ctx->rt, buf);
    if (pp) *pp = p;
    return val;

typedef enum JSToNumberHintEnum {
} JSToNumberHintEnum;

static JSValue JS_ToNumberHintFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val,
                                   JSToNumberHintEnum flag)
    uint32_t tag;
    JSValue ret;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        if (flag != TON_FLAG_NUMERIC) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert BigInt to number");
        ret = val;
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        ret = val;
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        ret = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
        ret = JS_NAN;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        val = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, val, HINT_NUMBER);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        goto redo;
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
            const char *str;
            size_t len;
            int flags;

            str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, val);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            if (!str)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            flags = ATOD_TRIM_SPACES | ATOD_ACCEPT_EMPTY |
            ret = js_atof(ctx, str, len, NULL, 10, flags);
            JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert symbol to number");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        ret = JS_NAN;
    return ret;

static JSValue JS_ToNumberFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToNumberHintFree(ctx, val, TON_FLAG_NUMBER);

static JSValue JS_ToNumericFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToNumberHintFree(ctx, val, TON_FLAG_NUMERIC);

static JSValue JS_ToNumeric(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, js_dup(val));

static __exception int __JS_ToFloat64Free(JSContext *ctx, double *pres,
                                          JSValue val)
    double d;
    uint32_t tag;

    val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
    if (JS_IsException(val)) {
        *pres = JS_FLOAT64_NAN;
        return -1;
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        d = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            /* XXX: there can be a double rounding issue with some
               primitives (such as JS_ToUint8ClampFree()), but it is
               not critical to fix it. */
            bf_get_float64(&p->num, &d, BF_RNDN);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    *pres = d;
    return 0;

static inline int JS_ToFloat64Free(JSContext *ctx, double *pres, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val);
    if (tag <= JS_TAG_NULL) {
        *pres = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
        return 0;
    } else if (JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) {
        *pres = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
        return 0;
    } else {
        return __JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, pres, val);

int JS_ToFloat64(JSContext *ctx, double *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));

static JSValue JS_ToNumber(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, js_dup(val));

/* same as JS_ToNumber() but return 0 in case of NaN/Undefined */
static __maybe_unused JSValue JS_ToIntegerFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    JSValue ret;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        ret = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            if (isnan(d)) {
                ret = js_int32(0);
            } else {
                /* convert -0 to +0 */
                d = trunc(d) + 0.0;
                ret = js_number(d);
        val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return val;
        goto redo;
    return ret;

/* Note: the integer value is satured to 32 bits */
static int JS_ToInt32SatFree(JSContext *ctx, int *pres, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    int ret;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        ret = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
        *pres = 0;
        return -1;
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            if (isnan(d)) {
                ret = 0;
            } else {
                if (d < INT32_MIN)
                    ret = INT32_MIN;
                else if (d > INT32_MAX)
                    ret = INT32_MAX;
                    ret = (int)d;
        val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val)) {
            *pres = 0;
            return -1;
        goto redo;
    *pres = ret;
    return 0;

int JS_ToInt32Sat(JSContext *ctx, int *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToInt32SatFree(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));

int JS_ToInt32Clamp(JSContext *ctx, int *pres, JSValue val,
                    int min, int max, int min_offset)
    int res = JS_ToInt32SatFree(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));
    if (res == 0) {
        if (*pres < min) {
            *pres += min_offset;
            if (*pres < min)
                *pres = min;
        } else {
            if (*pres > max)
                *pres = max;
    return res;

static int JS_ToInt64SatFree(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        *pres = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
        return 0;
        *pres = 0;
        return -1;
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            if (isnan(d)) {
                *pres = 0;
            } else {
                if (d < INT64_MIN)
                    *pres = INT64_MIN;
                else if (d >= 0x1p63)
                    *pres = INT64_MAX;
                    *pres = (int64_t)d;
        return 0;
        val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val)) {
            *pres = 0;
            return -1;
        goto redo;

int JS_ToInt64Sat(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToInt64SatFree(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));

int JS_ToInt64Clamp(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val,
                    int64_t min, int64_t max, int64_t neg_offset)
    int res = JS_ToInt64SatFree(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));
    if (res == 0) {
        if (*pres < 0)
            *pres += neg_offset;
        if (*pres < min)
            *pres = min;
        else if (*pres > max)
            *pres = max;
    return res;

/* Same as JS_ToInt32Free() but with a 64 bit result. Return (<0, 0)
   in case of exception */
static int JS_ToInt64Free(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    int64_t ret;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        ret = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            JSFloat64Union u;
            double d;
            int e;
            d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            u.d = d;
            /* we avoid doing fmod(x, 2^64) */
            e = (u.u64 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
            if (likely(e <= (1023 + 62))) {
                /* fast case */
                ret = (int64_t)d;
            } else if (e <= (1023 + 62 + 53)) {
                uint64_t v;
                /* remainder modulo 2^64 */
                v = (u.u64 & (((uint64_t)1 << 52) - 1)) | ((uint64_t)1 << 52);
                ret = v << ((e - 1023) - 52);
                /* take the sign into account */
                if (u.u64 >> 63)
                    if (ret != INT64_MIN)
                        ret = -ret;
            } else {
                ret = 0; /* also handles NaN and +inf */
        val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val)) {
            *pres = 0;
            return -1;
        goto redo;
    *pres = ret;
    return 0;

int JS_ToInt64(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToInt64Free(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));

int JS_ToInt64Ext(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    if (JS_IsBigInt(ctx, val))
        return JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, pres, val);
        return JS_ToInt64(ctx, pres, val);

/* return (<0, 0) in case of exception */
static int JS_ToInt32Free(JSContext *ctx, int32_t *pres, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    int32_t ret;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        ret = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            JSFloat64Union u;
            double d;
            int e;
            d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            u.d = d;
            /* we avoid doing fmod(x, 2^32) */
            e = (u.u64 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
            if (likely(e <= (1023 + 30))) {
                /* fast case */
                ret = (int32_t)d;
            } else if (e <= (1023 + 30 + 53)) {
                uint64_t v;
                /* remainder modulo 2^32 */
                v = (u.u64 & (((uint64_t)1 << 52) - 1)) | ((uint64_t)1 << 52);
                v = v << ((e - 1023) - 52 + 32);
                ret = v >> 32;
                /* take the sign into account */
                if (u.u64 >> 63)
                    if (ret != INT32_MIN)
                        ret = -ret;
            } else {
                ret = 0; /* also handles NaN and +inf */
        val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val)) {
            *pres = 0;
            return -1;
        goto redo;
    *pres = ret;
    return 0;

int JS_ToInt32(JSContext *ctx, int32_t *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));

static inline int JS_ToUint32Free(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, (int32_t *)pres, val);

static int JS_ToUint8ClampFree(JSContext *ctx, int32_t *pres, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    int res;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
        res = max_int(0, min_int(255, res));
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            if (isnan(d)) {
                res = 0;
            } else {
                if (d < 0)
                    res = 0;
                else if (d > 255)
                    res = 255;
                    res = lrint(d);
        val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val)) {
            *pres = 0;
            return -1;
        goto redo;
    *pres = res;
    return 0;

static __exception int JS_ToArrayLengthFree(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *plen,
                                            JSValue val, BOOL is_array_ctor)
    uint32_t tag, len;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
            int v;
            v = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
            if (v < 0)
                goto fail;
            len = v;
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            bf_t a;
            BOOL res;
            bf_get_int32((int32_t *)&len, &p->num, BF_GET_INT_MOD);
            bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, &a);
            bf_set_ui(&a, len);
            res = bf_cmp_eq(&a, &p->num);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            if (!res)
                goto fail;
        if (JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) {
            double d;
            d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            if (!(d >= 0 && d <= UINT32_MAX))
                goto fail;
            len = (uint32_t)d;
            if (len != d)
                goto fail;
        } else {
            uint32_t len1;

            if (is_array_ctor) {
                val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    return -1;
                /* cannot recurse because val is a number */
                if (JS_ToArrayLengthFree(ctx, &len, val, TRUE))
                    return -1;
            } else {
                /* legacy behavior: must do the conversion twice and compare */
                if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &len, val)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                    return -1;
                val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    return -1;
                /* cannot recurse because val is a number */
                if (JS_ToArrayLengthFree(ctx, &len1, val, FALSE))
                    return -1;
                if (len1 != len) {
                    JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
                    return -1;
    *plen = len;
    return 0;

#define MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (((int64_t)1 << 53) - 1)

static BOOL is_safe_integer(double d)
    return isfinite(d) && floor(d) == d &&
        fabs(d) <= (double)MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;

int JS_ToIndex(JSContext *ctx, uint64_t *plen, JSValue val)
    int64_t v;
    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &v, val))
        return -1;
    if (v < 0 || v > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array index");
        *plen = 0;
        return -1;
    *plen = v;
    return 0;

/* convert a value to a length between 0 and MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
   return -1 for exception */
static __exception int JS_ToLengthFree(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *plen,
                                       JSValue val)
    int res = JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, plen, val, 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return res;

/* Note: can return an exception */
static int JS_NumberIsInteger(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    double d;
    if (!JS_IsNumber(val))
        return FALSE;
    if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, val)))
        return -1;
    return isfinite(d) && floor(d) == d;

static BOOL JS_NumberIsNegativeOrMinusZero(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
            int v;
            v = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
            return (v < 0);
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            JSFloat64Union u;
            u.d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val);
            return (u.u64 >> 63);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            /* Note: integer zeros are not necessarily positive */
            return p->num.sign && !bf_is_zero(&p->num);
        return FALSE;

static JSValue js_bigint_to_string1(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, int radix)
    JSValue ret;
    bf_t a_s, *a;
    char *str;
    int saved_sign;
    size_t len;

    a = JS_ToBigInt(ctx, &a_s, val);
    if (!a)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    saved_sign = a->sign;
    if (a->expn == BF_EXP_ZERO)
        a->sign = 0;
    str = bf_ftoa(&len, a, radix, 0, BF_RNDZ | BF_FTOA_FORMAT_FRAC |
    a->sign = saved_sign;
    JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
    if (!str)
        return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
    ret = js_new_string8_len(ctx, str, len);
    bf_free(ctx->bf_ctx, str);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_bigint_to_string(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return js_bigint_to_string1(ctx, val, 10);

/*---- floating point number to string conversions ----*/

/* JavaScript rounding is specified as round to nearest tie away
   from zero (RNDNA), but in `printf` the "ties" case is not
   specified (in most cases it is RNDN, round to nearest, tie to even),
   so we must round manually. We generate 2 extra places and make
   an extra call to snprintf if these are exactly '50'.
   We set the current rounding mode to FE_DOWNWARD to check if the
   last 2 places become '49'. If not, we must round up, which is
   performed in place using the string digits.

   Note that we cannot rely on snprintf for rounding up:
   the code below fails on macOS for `0.5.toFixed(0)`: gives `0` expected `1`
      snprintf(dest, size, "%.*f", n_digits, d);

/* `js_fcvt` minimum buffer length:
   - up to 21 digits in integral part
   - 1 potential decimal point
   - up to 102 decimals
   - 1 null terminator
#define JS_FCVT_BUF_SIZE  (21+1+102+1)

/* `js_ecvt` minimum buffer length:
   - 1 leading digit
   - 1 potential decimal point
   - up to 102 decimals
   - 5 exponent characters (from 'e-324' to 'e+308')
   - 1 null terminator
#define JS_ECVT_BUF_SIZE  (1+1+102+5+1)

/* `js_dtoa` minimum buffer length:
   - 8 byte prefix
   - JS_FCVT_BUF_SIZE is larger than JS_ECVT_BUF_SIZE

/* `js_ecvt1`: compute the digits and decimal point spot for a double
   - `d` is finite, positive or zero
   - `n_digits` number of significant digits in range 1..103
   - `buf` receives the printf result
   - `buf` has a fixed format: n_digits with a decimal point at offset 1
     and exponent 'e{+/-}xx[x]' at offset n_digits+1
   Return n_digits
   Store the position of the decimal point into `*decpt`
static int js_ecvt1(double d, int n_digits,
                    char dest[minimum_length(JS_ECVT_BUF_SIZE)],
                    size_t size, int *decpt)
    /* d is positive, ensure decimal point is always present */
    snprintf(dest, size, "%#.*e", n_digits - 1, d);
    /* dest contents:
       0:            first digit
       1:            '.' decimal point (locale specific)
       2..n_digits:  (n_digits-1) additional digits
       n_digits+1:   'e' exponent mark
       n_digits+2..: exponent sign, value and null terminator
    /* extract the exponent (actually the position of the decimal point) */
    *decpt = 1 + atoi(dest + n_digits + 2);
    return n_digits;

/* `js_ecvt`: compute the digits and decimal point spot for a double
   with proper javascript rounding. We cannot use `ecvt` for multiple
   resasons: portability, because of the number of digits is typically
   limited to 17, finally because the default rounding is inadequate.
   `d` is finite and positive or zero.
   `n_digits` number of significant digits in range 1..101
   or 0 for automatic (only as many digits as necessary)
   Return the number of digits produced in `dest`.
   Store the position of the decimal point into `*decpt`
static int js_ecvt(double d, int n_digits,
                   char dest[minimum_length(JS_ECVT_BUF_SIZE)],
                   size_t size, int *decpt)
    if (n_digits == 0) {
        /* find the minimum number of digits (XXX: inefficient but simple) */
        // TODO(chqrlie) use direct method from quickjs-printf
        unsigned int n_digits_min = 1;
        unsigned int n_digits_max = 17;
        for (;;) {
            n_digits = (n_digits_min + n_digits_max) / 2;
            js_ecvt1(d, n_digits, dest, size, decpt);
            if (n_digits_min == n_digits_max)
                return n_digits;
            /* dest contents:
               0:            first digit
               1:            '.' decimal point (locale specific)
               2..n_digits:  (n_digits-1) additional digits
               n_digits+1:   'e' exponent mark
               n_digits+2..: exponent sign, value and null terminator
            if (strtod(dest, NULL) == d) {
                unsigned int n0 = n_digits;
                /* enough digits */
                /* strip the trailing zeros */
                while (dest[n_digits] == '0')
                if (n_digits == n_digits_min)
                    return n_digits;
                /* done if trailing zeros and not denormal or huge */
                if (n_digits < n0 && d > 3e-308 && d < 8e307)
                    return n_digits;
                n_digits_max = n_digits;
            } else {
                /* need at least one more digit */
                n_digits_min = n_digits + 1;
    } else {
#if defined(FE_DOWNWARD) && defined(FE_TONEAREST)
        /* generate 2 extra digits: 99% chances to avoid 2 calls */
        js_ecvt1(d, n_digits + 2, dest, size, decpt);
        if (dest[n_digits + 1] < '5')
            return n_digits;    /* truncate the 2 extra digits */
        if (dest[n_digits + 1] == '5' && dest[n_digits + 2] == '0') {
            /* close to half-way: try rounding toward 0 */
            js_ecvt1(d, n_digits + 2, dest, size, decpt);
            if (dest[n_digits + 1] < '5')
                return n_digits;    /* truncate the 2 extra digits */
        /* round up in the string */
        for(int i = n_digits;; i--) {
            /* ignore the locale specific decimal point */
            if (is_digit(dest[i])) {
                if (dest[i]++ < '9')
                dest[i] = '0';
                if (i == 0) {
                    dest[0] = '1';
        return n_digits;    /* truncate the 2 extra digits */
        /* No disambiguation available, eg: __wasi__ targets */
        return js_ecvt1(d, n_digits, dest, size, decpt);

/* `js_fcvt`: convert a floating point value to %f format using RNDNA
   `d` is finite and positive or zero.
   `n_digits` number of decimal places in range 0..100
   Return the number of characters produced in `dest`.
static size_t js_fcvt(double d, int n_digits,
                      char dest[minimum_length(JS_FCVT_BUF_SIZE)], size_t size)
#if defined(FE_DOWNWARD) && defined(FE_TONEAREST)
    int i, n1;
    /* generate 2 extra digits: 99% chances to avoid 2 calls */
    n1 = snprintf(dest, size, "%.*f", n_digits + 2, d) - 2;
    if (dest[n1] >= '5') {
        if (dest[n1] == '5' && dest[n1 + 1] == '0') {
            /* close to half-way: try rounding toward 0 */
            n1 = snprintf(dest, size, "%.*f", n_digits + 2, d) - 2;
        if (dest[n1] >= '5') {  /* number should be rounded up */
            /* d is either exactly half way or greater: round the string manually */
            for (i = n1 - 1;; i--) {
                /* ignore the locale specific decimal point */
                if (is_digit(dest[i])) {
                    if (dest[i]++ < '9')
                    dest[i] = '0';
                    if (i == 0) {
                        dest[0] = '1';
                        dest[n1] = '0';
                        dest[n1 - n_digits - 1] = '0';
                        dest[n1 - n_digits] = '.';
    /* truncate the extra 2 digits and the decimal point if !n_digits */
    n1 -= !n_digits;
    //dest[n1] = '\0';    // optional
    return n1;
    /* No disambiguation available, eg: __wasi__ targets */
    return snprintf(dest, size, "%.*f", n_digits, d);

static JSValue js_dtoa_infinite(JSContext *ctx, double d)
    // TODO(chqrlie) use atoms for NaN and Infinite?
    if (isnan(d))
        return js_new_string8(ctx, "NaN");
    if (d < 0)
        return js_new_string8(ctx, "-Infinity");
        return js_new_string8(ctx, "Infinity");

#define JS_DTOA_TOSTRING    0  /* use as many digits as necessary */
#define JS_DTOA_EXPONENTIAL 1  /* use exponential notation either fixed or variable digits */
#define JS_DTOA_FIXED       2  /* force fixed number of fractional digits */
#define JS_DTOA_PRECISION   3  /* use n_digits significant digits (1 <= n_digits <= 101) */

/* `js_dtoa`: convert a floating point number to a string
   - `mode`: one of the 4 supported formats
   - `n_digits`: digit number according to mode
   -   TOSTRING:    0 only. As many digits as necessary
   -   EXPONENTIAL: 0 as many decimals as necessary
   -                1..101 number of significant digits
   -   FIXED:       0..100 number of decimal places
   -   PRECISION:   1..101 number of significant digits
// XXX: should use libbf or quickjs-printf.
static JSValue js_dtoa(JSContext *ctx, double d, int n_digits, int mode)
    char buf[JS_DTOA_BUF_SIZE];
    size_t len;
    char *start;
    int sign, decpt, exp, i, k, n, n_max;

    if (!isfinite(d))
        return js_dtoa_infinite(ctx, d);

    sign = (d < 0);
    start = buf + 8;
    d = fabs(d);  /* also converts -0 to 0 */

    if (mode != JS_DTOA_EXPONENTIAL && n_digits == 0) {
        /* fast path for exact integers in variable format:
           clip to MAX_SAFE_INTEGER because to ensure insignificant
           digits are generated as 0.
           used for JS_DTOA_TOSTRING and JS_DTOA_FIXED without decimals.
        if (d <= (double)MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            uint64_t u64 = (uint64_t)d;
            if (d == u64) {
                len = u64toa(start, u64);
                goto done;
    if (mode == JS_DTOA_FIXED) {
        len = js_fcvt(d, n_digits, start, sizeof(buf) - 8);
        // TODO(chqrlie) patch the locale specific decimal point
        goto done;

    n_max = (n_digits > 0) ? n_digits : 21;
    /* the number has k digits (1 <= k <= n_max) */
    k = js_ecvt(d, n_digits, start, sizeof(buf) - 8, &decpt);
    /* buffer contents:
       0:     first digit
       1:     '.' decimal point
       2..k:  (k-1) additional digits
    n = decpt; /* d=10^(n-k)*(buf1) i.e. d= < x.yyyy 10^(n-1) */
    if (mode != JS_DTOA_EXPONENTIAL) {
        /* mode is JS_DTOA_PRECISION or JS_DTOA_TOSTRING */
        if (n >= 1 && n <= n_max) {
            /* between 1 and n_max digits before the decimal point */
            if (k <= n) {
                /* all digits before the point, append zeros */
                start[1] = start[0];
                for(i = k; i < n; i++)
                    start[i] = '0';
                len = n;
            } else {
                /* k > n: move digits before the point */
                for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
                    start[i] = start[i + 1];
                start[i] = '.';
                len = 1 + k;
            goto done;
        if (n >= -5 && n <= 0) {
            /* insert -n leading 0 decimals and a '0.' prefix */
            n = -n;
            start[1] = start[0];
            start -= n + 1;
            start[0] = '0';
            start[1] = '.';
            for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
                start[2 + i] = '0';
            len = 2 + k + n;
            goto done;
    /* exponential notation */
    exp = n - 1;
    /* count the digits and the decimal point if at least one decimal */
    len = k + (k > 1);
    start[1] = '.'; /* patch the locale specific decimal point */
    start[len] = 'e';
    start[len + 1] = '+';
    if (exp < 0) {
        start[len + 1] = '-';
        exp = -exp;
    len += 2 + 1 + (exp > 9) + (exp > 99);
    for (i = len - 1; exp > 9;) {
        int quo = exp / 10;
        start[i--] = (char)('0' + exp % 10);
        exp = quo;
    start[i] = (char)('0' + exp);

    start[-1] = '-';    /* prepend the sign if negative */
    return js_new_string8_len(ctx, start - sign, len + sign);

/* `js_dtoa_radix`: convert a floating point number using a specific base
   - `d` must be finite
   - `radix` must be in range 2..36
static JSValue js_dtoa_radix(JSContext *ctx, double d, int radix)
    char buf[2200], *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3;
    int sign, digit;
    double frac, d0;
    int64_t n0;

    if (!isfinite(d))
        return js_dtoa_infinite(ctx, d);

    sign = (d < 0);
    d = fabs(d);
    d0 = trunc(d);
    n0 = 0;
    frac = d - d0;
    ptr2 = buf + 1100;  /* ptr2 points to the end of the string */
    ptr = ptr2;         /* ptr points to the beginning of the string */
    if (d0 <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
        int64_t n = n0 = (int64_t)d0;
        while (n >= radix) {
            digit = n % radix;
            n = n / radix;
            *--ptr = digits36[digit];
        *--ptr = digits36[(size_t)n];
    } else {
        /* no decimals */
        while (d0 >= radix) {
            digit = fmod(d0, radix);
            d0 = trunc(d0 / radix);
            if (d0 >= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
                digit = 0;
            *--ptr = digits36[digit];
        *--ptr = digits36[(size_t)d0];
        goto done;
    if (frac != 0) {
        double log2_radix = log2(radix);
        double prec = 1023 + 51;  // handle subnormals
        *ptr2++ = '.';
        while (frac != 0 && n0 <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER/2 && prec > 0) {
            frac *= radix;
            digit = trunc(frac);
            frac -= digit;
            *ptr2++ = digits36[digit];
            n0 = n0 * radix + digit;
            prec -= log2_radix;
        if (frac * radix >= radix / 2) {
            /* round up the string representation manually */
            char nine = digits36[radix - 1];
            while (ptr2[-1] == nine) {
                /* strip trailing '9' or equivalent digits */
            if (ptr2[-1] == '.') {
                /* strip the 'decimal' point */
                /* increment the integral part */
                for (ptr3 = ptr2;;) {
                    if (ptr3[-1] != nine) {
                        ptr3[-1] = (ptr3[-1] == '9') ? 'a' : ptr3[-1] + 1;
                    *--ptr3 = '0';
                    if (ptr3 <= ptr) {
                        /* prepend a '1' if number was all nines */
                        *--ptr = '1';
            } else {
                /* increment the last fractional digit */
                ptr2[-1] = (ptr2[-1] == '9') ? 'a' : ptr2[-1] + 1;
        } else {
            /* strip trailing fractional zeros */
            while (ptr2[-1] == '0')
            /* strip the 'decimal' point if last */
            ptr2 -= (ptr2[-1] == '.');
    ptr[-1] = '-';
    ptr -= sign;
    return js_new_string8_len(ctx, ptr, ptr2 - ptr);

JSValue JS_ToStringInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val, BOOL is_ToPropertyKey)
    uint32_t tag;
    char buf[32];
    size_t len;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        return js_dup(val);
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        len = i32toa(buf, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
        return js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, len);
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_BOOL(val) ?
                          JS_ATOM_true : JS_ATOM_false);
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_null);
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_undefined);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            JSValue val1, ret;
            val1 = JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, val, HINT_STRING);
            if (JS_IsException(val1))
                return val1;
            ret = JS_ToStringInternal(ctx, val1, is_ToPropertyKey);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val1);
            return ret;
        return js_new_string8(ctx, "[function bytecode]");
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
        if (is_ToPropertyKey) {
            return js_dup(val);
        } else {
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert symbol to string");
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        return js_dtoa(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val), 0, JS_DTOA_TOSTRING);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        return js_bigint_to_string(ctx, val);
        return js_new_string8(ctx, "[unsupported type]");

JSValue JS_ToString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToStringInternal(ctx, val, FALSE);

static JSValue JS_ToStringFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSValue ret;
    ret = JS_ToString(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue JS_ToLocaleStringFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(val) || JS_IsNull(val))
        return JS_ToStringFree(ctx, val);
    return JS_InvokeFree(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_toLocaleString, 0, NULL);

JSValue JS_ToPropertyKey(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToStringInternal(ctx, val, TRUE);

static JSValue JS_ToStringCheckObject(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val);
    if (tag == JS_TAG_NULL || tag == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "null or undefined are forbidden");
    return JS_ToString(ctx, val);

static JSValue JS_ToQuotedString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val1)
    JSValue val;
    JSString *p;
    int i;
    uint32_t c;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    char buf[16];

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, val1);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);

    if (string_buffer_init(ctx, b, p->len + 2))
        goto fail;

    if (string_buffer_putc8(b, '\"'))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < p->len; ) {
        c = string_getc(p, &i);
        switch(c) {
        case '\t':
            c = 't';
            goto quote;
        case '\r':
            c = 'r';
            goto quote;
        case '\n':
            c = 'n';
            goto quote;
        case '\b':
            c = 'b';
            goto quote;
        case '\f':
            c = 'f';
            goto quote;
        case '\"':
        case '\\':
            if (string_buffer_putc8(b, '\\'))
                goto fail;
            if (string_buffer_putc8(b, c))
                goto fail;
            if (c < 32 || is_surrogate(c)) {
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\\u%04x", c);
                if (string_buffer_write8(b, (uint8_t*)buf, 6))
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                if (string_buffer_putc(b, c))
                    goto fail;
    if (string_buffer_putc8(b, '\"'))
        goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return string_buffer_end(b);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpObjectHeader(JSRuntime *rt)
    printf("%14s %4s %4s %14s %10s %s\n",
           "ADDRESS", "REFS", "SHRF", "PROTO", "CLASS", "PROPS");

/* for debug only: dump an object without side effect */
static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpObject(JSRuntime *rt, JSObject *p)
    uint32_t i;
    char atom_buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;
    JSProperty *pr;
    BOOL is_first = TRUE;

    /* XXX: should encode atoms with special characters */
    sh = p->shape; /* the shape can be NULL while freeing an object */
    printf("%14p %4d ",
           (void *)p,
    if (sh) {
        printf("%3d%c %14p ",
               " *"[sh->is_hashed],
               (void *)sh->proto);
    } else {
        printf("%3s  %14s ", "-", "-");
    printf("%10s ",
           JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), rt->class_array[p->class_id].class_name));
    if (p->is_exotic && p->fast_array) {
        printf("[ ");
        for(i = 0; i < p->u.array.count; i++) {
            if (i != 0)
                printf(", ");
            switch (p->class_id) {
            case JS_CLASS_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS:
                JS_DumpValue(rt, p->u.array.u.values[i]);
            case JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY:
            case JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY:
                    int size = 1 << typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
                    const uint8_t *b = p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr + i * size;
                    while (size-- > 0)
                        printf("%02X", *b++);
        printf(" ] ");

    if (sh) {
        printf("{ ");
        for(i = 0, prs = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, prs++) {
            if (prs->atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                pr = &p->prop[i];
                if (!is_first)
                    printf(", ");
                printf("%s: ",
                       JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), prs->atom));
                if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                    printf("[getset %p %p]", (void *)pr->u.getset.getter,
                           (void *)pr->u.getset.setter);
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_VARREF) {
                    printf("[varref %p]", (void *)pr->u.var_ref);
                } else if ((prs->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) == JS_PROP_AUTOINIT) {
                    printf("[autoinit %p %d %p]",
                           (void *)js_autoinit_get_realm(pr),
                           (void *)pr->u.init.opaque);
                } else {
                    JS_DumpValue(rt, pr->u.value);
                is_first = FALSE;
        printf(" }");

    if (js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id)) {
        JSFunctionBytecode *b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
        JSVarRef **var_refs;
        if (b->closure_var_count) {
            var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;
            printf(" Closure:");
            for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
                printf(" ");
                JS_DumpValue(rt, var_refs[i]->value);
            if (p->u.func.home_object) {
                printf(" HomeObject: ");
                JS_DumpValue(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p->u.func.home_object));

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpGCObject(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCObjectHeader *p)
    if (p->gc_obj_type == JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_JS_OBJECT) {
        JS_DumpObject(rt, (JSObject *)p);
    } else {
        printf("%14p %4d ",
               (void *)p,
        switch(p->gc_obj_type) {
            printf("[function bytecode]");
        case JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_SHAPE:
        case JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_VAR_REF:
            printf("[unknown %d]", p->gc_obj_type);

static __maybe_unused void JS_DumpValue(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    const char *str;

    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        printf("%d", JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_BOOL(val))
            str = "true";
            str = "false";
        goto print_str;
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        str = "null";
        goto print_str;
        str = "exception";
        goto print_str;
        str = "uninitialized";
        goto print_str;
        str = "undefined";
        printf("%s", str);
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        printf("%.14g", JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val));
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            char *str;
            str = bf_ftoa(NULL, &p->num, 10, 0,
                          BF_RNDZ | BF_FTOA_FORMAT_FRAC);
            printf("%sn", str);
            bf_realloc(&rt->bf_ctx, str, 0);
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
            JSString *p;
            p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
            JS_DumpString(rt, p);
            JSFunctionBytecode *b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
            if (b->func_name) {
                printf("[bytecode %s]", JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, buf, sizeof(buf), b->func_name));
            } else {
                printf("[bytecode (anonymous)]");
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
            JSAtom atom = rt->class_array[p->class_id].class_name;
            char atom_buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
            printf("[%s %p]",
                   JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), atom), (void *)p);
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
            JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
            char atom_buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
                   JS_AtomGetStrRT(rt, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), js_get_atom_index(rt, p)));
    case JS_TAG_MODULE:
        printf("[unknown tag %d]", tag);

/* return -1 if exception (proxy case) or TRUE/FALSE */
int JS_IsArray(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
        if (unlikely(p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY))
            return js_proxy_isArray(ctx, val);
            return p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY;
    } else {
        return FALSE;

static double js_math_pow(double a, double b)
    if (unlikely(!isfinite(b)) && fabs(a) == 1) {
        /* not compatible with IEEE 754 */
        return JS_FLOAT64_NAN;
    } else {
        return pow(a, b);

JSValue JS_NewBigInt64(JSContext *ctx, int64_t v)
    JSValue val;
    bf_t *a;
    val = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    a = JS_GetBigInt(val);
    if (bf_set_si(a, v)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
    return val;

JSValue JS_NewBigUint64(JSContext *ctx, uint64_t v)
    JSValue val;
    bf_t *a;
    val = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    a = JS_GetBigInt(val);
    if (bf_set_ui(a, v)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);

    return val;

/* if the returned bigint is allocated it is equal to
   'buf'. Otherwise it is a pointer to the bigint in 'val'. Return
   NULL in case of error. */
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Merge with JS_ToBigInt()
static bf_t *JS_ToBigInt1(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *buf, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    bf_t *r;
    JSBigInt *p;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        r = buf;
        bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, r);
        if (bf_set_si(r, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val)))
            goto fail;
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        r = buf;
        bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, r);
        if (bf_set_float64(r, JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val))) {
            return NULL;
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
        r = &p->num;
        r = buf;
        bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, r);
    return r;

/* return NaN if bad bigint literal */
static JSValue JS_StringToBigInt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    const char *str;
    size_t len;
    int flags;

    str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    flags = ATOD_WANT_BIG_INT |
    val = js_atof(ctx, str, len, NULL, 10, flags);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    return val;

static JSValue JS_StringToBigIntErr(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    val = JS_StringToBigInt(ctx, val);
    if (JS_VALUE_IS_NAN(val))
        return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "invalid BigInt literal");
    return val;

/* if the returned bigint is allocated it is equal to
   'buf'. Otherwise it is a pointer to the bigint in 'val'. */
static bf_t *JS_ToBigIntFree(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *buf, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;
    bf_t *r;
    JSBigInt *p;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        goto fail;
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        r = buf;
        bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, r);
        bf_set_si(r, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
        r = &p->num;
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        val = JS_StringToBigIntErr(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return NULL;
        goto redo;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        val = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, val, HINT_NUMBER);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return NULL;
        goto redo;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert to BigInt");
        return NULL;
    return r;

static bf_t *JS_ToBigInt(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *buf, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToBigIntFree(ctx, buf, js_dup(val));

static __maybe_unused JSValue JS_ToBigIntValueFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
        return val;
    } else {
        bf_t a_s, *a, *r;
        int ret;
        JSValue res;

        res = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(res))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        a = JS_ToBigIntFree(ctx, &a_s, val);
        if (!a) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        r = JS_GetBigInt(res);
        ret = bf_set(r, a);
        JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
        if (ret) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
            return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
        return JS_CompactBigInt(ctx, res);

/* free the bf_t allocated by JS_ToBigInt */
static void JS_FreeBigInt(JSContext *ctx, bf_t *a, bf_t *buf)
    if (a == buf) {
    } else {
        JSBigInt *p = (JSBigInt *)((uint8_t *)a - offsetof(JSBigInt, num));
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_BIG_INT, p));

/* XXX: merge with JS_ToInt64Free with a specific flag */
static int JS_ToBigInt64Free(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    bf_t a_s, *a;

    a = JS_ToBigIntFree(ctx, &a_s, val);
    if (!a) {
        *pres = 0;
        return -1;
    bf_get_int64(pres, a, BF_GET_INT_MOD);
    JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
    return 0;

int JS_ToBigInt64(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToBigInt64Free(ctx, pres, js_dup(val));

int JS_ToBigUint64(JSContext *ctx, uint64_t *pres, JSValue val)
    return JS_ToBigInt64Free(ctx, (int64_t *)pres, js_dup(val));

static JSValue JS_NewBigInt(JSContext *ctx)
    JSBigInt *p;
    p = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*p));
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p->header.ref_count = 1;
    bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, &p->num);
    return JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_BIG_INT, p);

static JSValue JS_CompactBigInt1(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) != JS_TAG_BIG_INT)
        return val; /* fail safe */
    bf_t *a = JS_GetBigInt(val);
    if (a->expn == BF_EXP_ZERO && a->sign) {
        assert(((JSBigInt*)JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val))->header.ref_count == 1);
        a->sign = 0;
    return val;

/* Nnormalize the zero representation. Could also be used to convert the bigint
   to a short bigint value. The reference count of the value must be
   1. Cannot fail */
static JSValue JS_CompactBigInt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    return JS_CompactBigInt1(ctx, val);

static JSValue throw_bf_exception(JSContext *ctx, int status)
    const char *str;
    if (status & BF_ST_MEM_ERROR)
        return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
    if (status & BF_ST_DIVIDE_ZERO) {
        str = "division by zero";
    } else if (status & BF_ST_INVALID_OP) {
        str = "invalid operation";
    } else {
        str = "integer overflow";
    return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "%s", str);

static int js_unary_arith_bigint(JSContext *ctx,
                                 JSValue *pres, OPCodeEnum op, JSValue op1)
    bf_t a_s, *r, *a;
    int ret, v;
    JSValue res;

    if (op == OP_plus) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "BigInt argument with unary +");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        return -1;
    res = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(res)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        return -1;
    r = JS_GetBigInt(res);
    a = JS_ToBigIntFree(ctx, &a_s, op1); // infallible, always a bigint
    ret = 0;
    switch(op) {
    case OP_inc:
    case OP_dec:
        v = 2 * (op - OP_dec) - 1;
        ret = bf_add_si(r, a, v, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    case OP_plus:
        ret = bf_set(r, a);
    case OP_neg:
        ret = bf_set(r, a);
    case OP_not:
        ret = bf_add_si(r, a, 1, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
    if (unlikely(ret)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
        throw_bf_exception(ctx, ret);
        return -1;
    res = JS_CompactBigInt(ctx, res);
    *pres = res;
    return 0;

static no_inline __exception int js_unary_arith_slow(JSContext *ctx,
                                                     JSValue *sp,
                                                     OPCodeEnum op)
    JSValue op1;
    int v;
    uint32_t tag;

    op1 = sp[-1];
    /* fast path for float64 */
        goto handle_float64;

    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
    if (JS_IsException(op1))
        goto exception;
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
            int64_t v64;
            v64 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
            switch(op) {
            case OP_inc:
            case OP_dec:
                v = 2 * (op - OP_dec) - 1;
                v64 += v;
            case OP_plus:
            case OP_neg:
                if (v64 == 0) {
                    sp[-1] = js_float64(-0.0);
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    v64 = -v64;
            sp[-1] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, v64);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        if (js_unary_arith_bigint(ctx, sp - 1, op, op1))
            goto exception;
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
            switch(op) {
            case OP_inc:
            case OP_dec:
                v = 2 * (op - OP_dec) - 1;
                d += v;
            case OP_plus:
            case OP_neg:
                d = -d;
            sp[-1] = js_float64(d);
    return 0;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static __exception int js_post_inc_slow(JSContext *ctx,
                                        JSValue *sp, OPCodeEnum op)
    JSValue op1;

    /* XXX: allow custom operators */
    op1 = sp[-1];
    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
    if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
        sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
        return -1;
    sp[-1] = op1;
    sp[0] = js_dup(op1);
    return js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp + 1, op - OP_post_dec + OP_dec);

static no_inline int js_not_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue op1;

    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, sp[-1]);
    if (JS_IsException(op1))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
        if (js_unary_arith_bigint(ctx, sp - 1, OP_not, op1))
            goto exception;
    } else {
        int32_t v1;
        if (unlikely(JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, &v1, op1)))
            goto exception;
        sp[-1] = js_int32(~v1);
    return 0;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static int js_binary_arith_bigint(JSContext *ctx, OPCodeEnum op,
                                  JSValue *pres, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    bf_t a_s, b_s, *r, *a, *b;
    int ret;
    JSValue res;

    a = JS_ToBigIntFree(ctx, &a_s, op1);
    if (!a) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        return -1;
    b = JS_ToBigIntFree(ctx, &b_s, op2);
    if (!b) {
        JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
        return -1;
    res = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(res)) {
        JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
        JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, b, &b_s);
        return -1;
    r = JS_GetBigInt(res);
    ret = 0;
    switch(op) {
    case OP_add:
        ret = bf_add(r, a, b, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    case OP_sub:
        ret = bf_sub(r, a, b, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    case OP_mul:
        ret = bf_mul(r, a, b, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    case OP_div:
            bf_t rem_s, *rem = &rem_s;
            bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, rem);
            ret = bf_divrem(r, rem, a, b, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ, BF_RNDZ);
    case OP_mod:
        ret = bf_rem(r, a, b, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ,
                     BF_RNDZ) & BF_ST_INVALID_OP;
    case OP_pow:
        if (b->sign) {
            ret = BF_ST_INVALID_OP;
        } else {
            ret = bf_pow(r, a, b, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ | BF_POW_JS_QUIRKS);

        /* logical operations */
    case OP_shl:
    case OP_sar:
            slimb_t v2;
#if LIMB_BITS == 32
            bf_get_int32(&v2, b, 0);
            if (v2 == INT32_MIN)
                v2 = INT32_MIN + 1;
            bf_get_int64(&v2, b, 0);
            if (v2 == INT64_MIN)
                v2 = INT64_MIN + 1;
            if (op == OP_sar)
                v2 = -v2;
            ret = bf_set(r, a);
            ret |= bf_mul_2exp(r, v2, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
            if (v2 < 0) {
                ret |= bf_rint(r, BF_RNDD) & (BF_ST_OVERFLOW | BF_ST_MEM_ERROR);
    case OP_and:
        ret = bf_logic_and(r, a, b);
    case OP_or:
        ret = bf_logic_or(r, a, b);
    case OP_xor:
        ret = bf_logic_xor(r, a, b);
    JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
    JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, b, &b_s);
    if (unlikely(ret)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
        throw_bf_exception(ctx, ret);
        return -1;
    *pres = JS_CompactBigInt(ctx, res);
    return 0;

static no_inline __exception int js_binary_arith_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp,
                                                      OPCodeEnum op)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    uint32_t tag1, tag2;
    double d1, d2;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);
    /* fast path for float operations */
    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64 && tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
        d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
        d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
        goto handle_float64;

    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
    if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        goto exception;
    op2 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op2);
    if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        goto exception;
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_INT && tag2 == JS_TAG_INT) {
        int32_t v1, v2;
        int64_t v;
        v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
        v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
        switch(op) {
        case OP_sub:
            v = (int64_t)v1 - (int64_t)v2;
        case OP_mul:
            v = (int64_t)v1 * (int64_t)v2;
            if (v == 0 && (v1 | v2) < 0) {
                sp[-2] = js_float64(-0.0);
                return 0;
        case OP_div:
            sp[-2] = js_float64((double)v1 / (double)v2);
            return 0;
        case OP_mod:
            if (v1 < 0 || v2 <= 0) {
                sp[-2] = js_number(fmod(v1, v2));
                return 0;
            } else {
                v = (int64_t)v1 % (int64_t)v2;
        case OP_pow:
            sp[-2] = js_number(js_math_pow(v1, v2));
            return 0;
        sp[-2] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, v);
    } else if (tag1 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT || tag2 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
        if (js_binary_arith_bigint(ctx, op, sp - 2, op1, op2))
            goto exception;
    } else {
        double dr;
        /* float64 result */
        if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d1, op1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            goto exception;
        if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d2, op2))
            goto exception;
        switch(op) {
        case OP_sub:
            dr = d1 - d2;
        case OP_mul:
            dr = d1 * d2;
        case OP_div:
            dr = d1 / d2;
        case OP_mod:
            dr = fmod(d1, d2);
        case OP_pow:
            dr = js_math_pow(d1, d2);
        sp[-2] = js_float64(dr);
    return 0;
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static no_inline __exception int js_add_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    uint32_t tag1, tag2;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];

    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);
    /* fast path for float64 */
    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64 && tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
        double d1, d2;
        d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
        d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
        sp[-2] = js_float64(d1 + d2);
        return 0;

    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_OBJECT || tag2 == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        op1 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op1, HINT_NONE);
        if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            goto exception;

        op2 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op2, HINT_NONE);
        if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
            goto exception;
        tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
        tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING || tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING) {
        sp[-2] = JS_ConcatString(ctx, op1, op2);
        if (JS_IsException(sp[-2]))
            goto exception;
        return 0;

    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
    if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        goto exception;
    op2 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op2);
    if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        goto exception;
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_INT && tag2 == JS_TAG_INT) {
        int32_t v1, v2;
        int64_t v;
        v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
        v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
        v = (int64_t)v1 + (int64_t)v2;
        sp[-2] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, v);
    } else if (tag1 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT || tag2 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
        if (js_binary_arith_bigint(ctx, OP_add, sp - 2, op1, op2))
            goto exception;
    } else {
        double d1, d2;
        /* float64 result */
        if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d1, op1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            goto exception;
        if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d2, op2))
            goto exception;
        sp[-2] = js_float64(d1 + d2);
    return 0;
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static no_inline __exception int js_binary_logic_slow(JSContext *ctx,
                                                      JSValue *sp,
                                                      OPCodeEnum op)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    uint32_t tag1, tag2;
    uint32_t v1, v2, r;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
    if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        goto exception;
    op2 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op2);
    if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        goto exception;

    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op2);
    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT || tag2 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
        if (tag1 != tag2) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "both operands must be BigInt");
            goto exception;
        } else if (js_binary_arith_bigint(ctx, op, sp - 2, op1, op2)) {
            goto exception;
    } else {
        if (unlikely(JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, (int32_t *)&v1, op1))) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            goto exception;
        if (unlikely(JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, (int32_t *)&v2, op2)))
            goto exception;
        switch(op) {
        case OP_shl:
            r = v1 << (v2 & 0x1f);
        case OP_sar:
            r = (int)v1 >> (v2 & 0x1f);
        case OP_and:
            r = v1 & v2;
        case OP_or:
            r = v1 | v2;
        case OP_xor:
            r = v1 ^ v2;
        sp[-2] = js_int32(r);
    return 0;
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static int js_compare_bigint(JSContext *ctx, OPCodeEnum op,
                             JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    bf_t a_s, b_s, *a, *b;
    int res;

    a = JS_ToBigInt1(ctx, &a_s, op1);
    if (!a) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        return -1;
    b = JS_ToBigInt1(ctx, &b_s, op2);
    if (!b) {
        if (a == &a_s)
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        return -1;
    switch(op) {
    case OP_lt:
        res = bf_cmp_lt(a, b); /* if NaN return false */
    case OP_lte:
        res = bf_cmp_le(a, b); /* if NaN return false */
    case OP_gt:
        res = bf_cmp_lt(b, a); /* if NaN return false */
    case OP_gte:
        res = bf_cmp_le(b, a); /* if NaN return false */
    case OP_eq:
        res = bf_cmp_eq(a, b); /* if NaN return false */
    if (a == &a_s)
    if (b == &b_s)
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    return res;

static no_inline int js_relational_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp,
                                        OPCodeEnum op)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    int res;
    uint32_t tag1, tag2;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

    op1 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op1, HINT_NUMBER);
    if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        goto exception;
    op2 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op2, HINT_NUMBER);
    if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        goto exception;
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

    if (tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING && tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING) {
        JSString *p1, *p2;
        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(op1);
        p2 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(op2);
        res = js_string_compare(ctx, p1, p2);
        switch(op) {
        case OP_lt:
            res = (res < 0);
        case OP_lte:
            res = (res <= 0);
        case OP_gt:
            res = (res > 0);
        case OP_gte:
            res = (res >= 0);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    } else if ((tag1 <= JS_TAG_NULL || tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) &&
               (tag2 <= JS_TAG_NULL || tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64)) {
        /* fast path for float64/int */
        goto float64_compare;
    } else {
        if (((tag1 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT && tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING) ||
             (tag2 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT && tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING))) {
            if (tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING) {
                op1 = JS_StringToBigInt(ctx, op1);
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) != JS_TAG_BIG_INT)
                    goto invalid_bigint_string;
            if (tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING) {
                op2 = JS_StringToBigInt(ctx, op2);
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op2) != JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
                    res = FALSE;
                    goto done;
        } else {
            op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
            if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
                goto exception;
            op2 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op2);
            if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
                goto exception;

        tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
        tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);

        if (tag1 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT || tag2 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
            res = js_compare_bigint(ctx, op, op1, op2);
            if (res < 0)
                goto exception;
        } else {
            double d1, d2;

            /* can use floating point comparison */
            if (tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
                d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
            } else {
                d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
            if (tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
                d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
            } else {
                d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
            switch(op) {
            case OP_lt:
                res = (d1 < d2); /* if NaN return false */
            case OP_lte:
                res = (d1 <= d2); /* if NaN return false */
            case OP_gt:
                res = (d1 > d2); /* if NaN return false */
            case OP_gte:
                res = (d1 >= d2); /* if NaN return false */
    sp[-2] = js_bool(res);
    return 0;
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static BOOL tag_is_number(uint32_t tag)
    return (tag == JS_TAG_INT || tag == JS_TAG_BIG_INT ||
            tag == JS_TAG_FLOAT64);

static no_inline __exception int js_eq_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp,
                                            BOOL is_neq)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    int res;
    uint32_t tag1, tag2;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);
    if (tag_is_number(tag1) && tag_is_number(tag2)) {
        if (tag1 == JS_TAG_INT && tag2 == JS_TAG_INT) {
            res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) == JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
        } else if ((tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64 &&
                    (tag2 == JS_TAG_INT || tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64)) ||
                   (tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64 &&
                    (tag1 == JS_TAG_INT || tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64))) {
            double d1, d2;
            if (tag1 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
                d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
            } else {
                d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
            if (tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
                d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
            } else {
                d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
            res = (d1 == d2);
        } else {
            res = js_compare_bigint(ctx, OP_eq, op1, op2);
            if (res < 0)
                goto exception;
    } else if (tag1 == tag2) {
        res = js_strict_eq2(ctx, op1, op2, JS_EQ_STRICT);
    } else if ((tag1 == JS_TAG_NULL && tag2 == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) ||
               (tag2 == JS_TAG_NULL && tag1 == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED)) {
        res = TRUE;
    } else if ((tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING && tag_is_number(tag2)) ||
               (tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING && tag_is_number(tag1))) {

        if ((tag1 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT || tag2 == JS_TAG_BIG_INT)) {
            if (tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING) {
                op1 = JS_StringToBigInt(ctx, op1);
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) != JS_TAG_BIG_INT)
                    goto invalid_bigint_string;
            if (tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING) {
                op2 = JS_StringToBigInt(ctx, op2);
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op2) != JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
                    res = FALSE;
                    goto done;
        } else {
            op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
            if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
                goto exception;
            op2 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op2);
            if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
                goto exception;
        res = js_strict_eq(ctx, op1, op2);
    } else if (tag1 == JS_TAG_BOOL) {
        op1 = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1));
        goto redo;
    } else if (tag2 == JS_TAG_BOOL) {
        op2 = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2));
        goto redo;
    } else if ((tag1 == JS_TAG_OBJECT &&
                (tag_is_number(tag2) || tag2 == JS_TAG_STRING || tag2 == JS_TAG_SYMBOL)) ||
               (tag2 == JS_TAG_OBJECT &&
                (tag_is_number(tag1) || tag1 == JS_TAG_STRING || tag1 == JS_TAG_SYMBOL))) {
        op1 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op1, HINT_NONE);
        if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
            goto exception;
        op2 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op2, HINT_NONE);
        if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
            goto exception;
        goto redo;
    } else {
        /* IsHTMLDDA object is equivalent to undefined for '==' and '!=' */
        if ((JS_IsHTMLDDA(ctx, op1) &&
             (tag2 == JS_TAG_NULL || tag2 == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED)) ||
            (JS_IsHTMLDDA(ctx, op2) &&
             (tag1 == JS_TAG_NULL || tag1 == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED))) {
            res = TRUE;
        } else {
            res = FALSE;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    sp[-2] = js_bool(res ^ is_neq);
    return 0;
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static no_inline int js_shr_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    uint32_t v1, v2, r;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    op1 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op1);
    if (JS_IsException(op1)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        goto exception;
    op2 = JS_ToNumericFree(ctx, op2);
    if (JS_IsException(op2)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        goto exception;

    if ((JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_BIG_INT ||
         JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op2) == JS_TAG_BIG_INT)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "BigInt operands are forbidden for >>>");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
        goto exception;
    /* cannot give an exception */
    JS_ToUint32Free(ctx, &v1, op1);
    JS_ToUint32Free(ctx, &v2, op2);
    r = v1 >> (v2 & 0x1f);
    sp[-2] = js_uint32(r);
    return 0;
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

/* XXX: Should take JSValue arguments */
static BOOL js_strict_eq2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2,
                          JSStrictEqModeEnum eq_mode)
    BOOL res;
    int tag1, tag2;
    double d1, d2;

    tag1 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    tag2 = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op2);
    switch(tag1) {
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        if (tag1 != tag2) {
            res = FALSE;
        } else {
            res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) == JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
            goto done_no_free;
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        res = (tag1 == tag2);
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
            JSString *p1, *p2;
            if (tag1 != tag2) {
                res = FALSE;
            } else {
                p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(op1);
                p2 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(op2);
                res = (js_string_compare(ctx, p1, p2) == 0);
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
            JSAtomStruct *p1, *p2;
            if (tag1 != tag2) {
                res = FALSE;
            } else {
                p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(op1);
                p2 = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(op2);
                res = (p1 == p2);
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        if (tag1 != tag2)
            res = FALSE;
            res = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(op1) == JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(op2);
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
        if (tag2 == JS_TAG_INT) {
            d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
            goto number_test;
        } else if (tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
            d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
            goto number_test;
        } else {
            res = FALSE;
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        d1 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
        if (tag2 == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
            d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
        } else if (tag2 == JS_TAG_INT) {
            d2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
        } else {
            res = FALSE;
        if (unlikely(eq_mode >= JS_EQ_SAME_VALUE)) {
            JSFloat64Union u1, u2;
            /* NaN is not always normalized, so this test is necessary */
            if (isnan(d1) || isnan(d2)) {
                res = isnan(d1) == isnan(d2);
            } else if (eq_mode == JS_EQ_SAME_VALUE_ZERO) {
                res = (d1 == d2); /* +0 == -0 */
            } else {
                u1.d = d1;
                u2.d = d2;
                res = (u1.u64 == u2.u64); /* +0 != -0 */
        } else {
            res = (d1 == d2); /* if NaN return false and +0 == -0 */
        goto done_no_free;
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
            bf_t a_s, *a, b_s, *b;
            if (tag1 != tag2) {
                res = FALSE;
            a = JS_ToBigInt1(ctx, &a_s, op1);
            b = JS_ToBigInt1(ctx, &b_s, op2);
            res = bf_cmp_eq(a, b);
            if (a == &a_s)
            if (b == &b_s)
        res = FALSE;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    return res;

static BOOL js_strict_eq(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    return js_strict_eq2(ctx, op1, op2, JS_EQ_STRICT);

static BOOL js_same_value(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    return js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(op1), js_dup(op2), JS_EQ_SAME_VALUE);

static BOOL js_same_value_zero(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    return js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(op1), js_dup(op2), JS_EQ_SAME_VALUE_ZERO);

static no_inline int js_strict_eq_slow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp,
                                       BOOL is_neq)
    BOOL res;
    res = js_strict_eq(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]);
    sp[-2] = js_bool(res ^ is_neq);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_operator_in(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op2) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid 'in' operand");
        return -1;
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, op1);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return -1;
    ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, op2, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (ret < 0)
        return -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    sp[-2] = js_bool(ret);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_has_unscopable(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                         JSAtom atom)
    JSValue arr, val;
    int ret;

    arr = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_unscopables);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        return -1;
    ret = 0;
    if (JS_IsObject(arr)) {
        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, arr, atom);
        ret = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return ret;

static __exception int js_operator_instanceof(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    BOOL ret;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    ret = JS_IsInstanceOf(ctx, op1, op2);
    if (ret < 0)
        return ret;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    sp[-2] = js_bool(ret);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_operator_typeof(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1)
    JSAtom atom;
    uint32_t tag;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(op1);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        atom = JS_ATOM_bigint;
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        atom = JS_ATOM_number;
        atom = JS_ATOM_undefined;
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        atom = JS_ATOM_boolean;
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        atom = JS_ATOM_string;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            JSObject *p;
            p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(op1);
            if (unlikely(p->is_HTMLDDA))
                atom = JS_ATOM_undefined;
            else if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, op1))
                atom = JS_ATOM_function;
                goto obj_type;
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        atom = JS_ATOM_object;
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
        atom = JS_ATOM_symbol;
        atom = JS_ATOM_unknown;
    return atom;

static __exception int js_operator_delete(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue op1, op2;
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;

    op1 = sp[-2];
    op2 = sp[-1];
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, op2);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return -1;
    ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, op1, atom, JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (unlikely(ret < 0))
        return -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op2);
    sp[-2] = js_bool(ret);
    return 0;

static JSValue js_throw_type_error(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid property access");

/* XXX: not 100% compatible, but mozilla seems to use a similar
   implementation to ensure that caller in non strict mode does not
   throw (ES5 compatibility) */
static JSValue js_function_proto_caller(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSFunctionBytecode *b = JS_GetFunctionBytecode(this_val);
    if (!b || (b->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) || !b->has_prototype) {
        return js_throw_type_error(ctx, this_val, 0, NULL);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_function_proto_fileName(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSValue this_val)
    JSFunctionBytecode *b = JS_GetFunctionBytecode(this_val);
    if (b) {
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, b->filename);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_function_proto_int32(JSContext *ctx,
                                       JSValue this_val,
                                       int magic)
    JSFunctionBytecode *b = JS_GetFunctionBytecode(this_val);
    if (b) {
        int *field = (int *) ((char *)b + magic);
        return js_int32(*field);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static int js_arguments_define_own_property(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue this_obj,
                                            JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                                            JSValue getter, JSValue setter, int flags)
    JSObject *p;
    uint32_t idx;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);
    /* convert to normal array when redefining an existing numeric field */
    if (p->fast_array && JS_AtomIsArrayIndex(ctx, &idx, prop) &&
        idx < p->u.array.count) {
        if (convert_fast_array_to_array(ctx, p))
            return -1;
    /* run the default define own property */
    return JS_DefineProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, val, getter, setter,
                             flags | JS_PROP_NO_EXOTIC);

static const JSClassExoticMethods js_arguments_exotic_methods = {
    .define_own_property = js_arguments_define_own_property,

static JSValue js_build_arguments(JSContext *ctx, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, *tab;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSObject *p;
    int i;

    val = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);

    /* add the length field (cannot fail) */
    pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_length,
    pr->u.value = js_int32(argc);

    /* initialize the fast array part */
    tab = NULL;
    if (argc > 0) {
        tab = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(tab[0]) * argc);
        if (!tab) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            tab[i] = js_dup(argv[i]);
    p->u.array.u.values = tab;
    p->u.array.count = argc;

    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator,
                           JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);
    /* add callee property to throw a TypeError in strict mode */
    JS_DefineProperty(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_callee, JS_UNDEFINED,
                      ctx->throw_type_error, ctx->throw_type_error,
                      JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET);
    return val;

#define GLOBAL_VAR_OFFSET 0x40000000
#define ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET 0x20000000

/* legacy arguments object: add references to the function arguments */
static JSValue js_build_mapped_arguments(JSContext *ctx, int argc,
                                         JSValue *argv,
                                         JSStackFrame *sf, int arg_count)
    JSValue val;
    JSProperty *pr;
    JSObject *p;
    int i;

    val = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);

    /* add the length field (cannot fail) */
    pr = add_property(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_length,
    pr->u.value = js_int32(argc);

    for(i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
        JSVarRef *var_ref;
        var_ref = get_var_ref(ctx, sf, i, TRUE);
        if (!var_ref)
            goto fail;
        pr = add_property(ctx, p, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i), JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_VARREF);
        if (!pr) {
            free_var_ref(ctx->rt, var_ref);
            goto fail;
        pr->u.var_ref = var_ref;

    /* the arguments not mapped to the arguments of the function can
       be normal properties */
    for(i = arg_count; i < argc; i++) {
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, i,
                                         JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
            goto fail;

    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator,
                           JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);
    /* callee returns this function in non strict mode */
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_callee,
                           JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);
    return val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_build_rest(JSContext *ctx, int first, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val;
    int i, ret;

    val = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    for (i = first; i < argc; i++) {
        ret = JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, i - first,
        if (ret < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return val;

static JSValue build_for_in_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    JSPropertyEnum *tab_atom;
    int i;
    JSValue enum_obj, obj1;
    JSForInIterator *it;
    uint32_t tag, tab_atom_count;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj);
    if (tag != JS_TAG_OBJECT && tag != JS_TAG_NULL && tag != JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
        obj = JS_ToObjectFree(ctx, obj);

    it = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*it));
    if (!it) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    enum_obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, JS_NULL, JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR);
    if (JS_IsException(enum_obj)) {
        js_free(ctx, it);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    it->is_array = FALSE;
    it->obj = obj;
    it->idx = 0;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(enum_obj);
    p->u.for_in_iterator = it;

    if (tag == JS_TAG_NULL || tag == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED)
        return enum_obj;

    /* fast path: assume no enumerable properties in the prototype chain */
    obj1 = js_dup(obj);
    for(;;) {
        obj1 = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, obj1);
        if (JS_IsNull(obj1))
        if (JS_IsException(obj1))
            goto fail;
        if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count,
                                           JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
            goto fail;
        js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count);
        if (tab_atom_count != 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
            goto slow_path;
        /* must check for timeout to avoid infinite loop */
        if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
            goto fail;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);

    if (p->fast_array) {
        JSShape *sh;
        JSShapeProperty *prs;
        /* check that there are no enumerable normal fields */
        sh = p->shape;
        for(i = 0, prs = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, prs++) {
            if (prs->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)
                goto normal_case;
        /* for fast arrays, we only store the number of elements */
        it->is_array = TRUE;
        it->array_length = p->u.array.count;
    } else {
        if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count, p,
                                   JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY))
            goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < tab_atom_count; i++) {
            JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, enum_obj, tab_atom[i].atom, JS_NULL, 0);
        js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count);
    return enum_obj;

    /* non enumerable properties hide the enumerables ones in the
       prototype chain */
    obj1 = js_dup(obj);
    for(;;) {
        if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count,
                                           JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SET_ENUM)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
            goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < tab_atom_count; i++) {
            JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, enum_obj, tab_atom[i].atom, JS_NULL,
                                   (tab_atom[i].is_enumerable ?
                                    JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE : 0));
        js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count);
        obj1 = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, obj1);
        if (JS_IsNull(obj1))
        if (JS_IsException(obj1))
            goto fail;
        /* must check for timeout to avoid infinite loop */
        if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
            goto fail;
    return enum_obj;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, enum_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* obj -> enum_obj */
static __exception int js_for_in_start(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    sp[-1] = build_for_in_iterator(ctx, sp[-1]);
    if (JS_IsException(sp[-1]))
        return -1;
    return 0;

/* enum_obj -> enum_obj value done */
static __exception int js_for_in_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue enum_obj;
    JSObject *p;
    JSAtom prop;
    JSForInIterator *it;
    int ret;

    enum_obj = sp[-1];
    /* fail safe */
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(enum_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        goto done;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(enum_obj);
    if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_FOR_IN_ITERATOR)
        goto done;
    it = p->u.for_in_iterator;

    for(;;) {
        if (it->is_array) {
            if (it->idx >= it->array_length)
                goto done;
            prop = __JS_AtomFromUInt32(it->idx);
        } else {
            JSShape *sh = p->shape;
            JSShapeProperty *prs;
            if (it->idx >= sh->prop_count)
                goto done;
            prs = get_shape_prop(sh) + it->idx;
            prop = prs->atom;
            if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL || !(prs->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE))
        // check if the property was deleted unless we're dealing with a proxy
        JSValue obj = it->obj;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
            JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
            if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_PROXY)
        ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, obj, prop);
        if (ret < 0)
            return ret;
        if (ret)
    /* return the property */
    sp[0] = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, prop);
    sp[1] = JS_FALSE;
    return 0;
    /* return the end */
    sp[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[1] = JS_TRUE;
    return 0;

static JSValue JS_GetIterator2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                               JSValue method)
    JSValue enum_obj;

    enum_obj = JS_Call(ctx, method, obj, 0, NULL);
    if (JS_IsException(enum_obj))
        return enum_obj;
    if (!JS_IsObject(enum_obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, enum_obj);
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    return enum_obj;

static JSValue JS_GetIterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, BOOL is_async)
    JSValue method, ret, sync_iter;

    if (is_async) {
        method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_asyncIterator);
        if (JS_IsException(method))
            return method;
        if (JS_IsUndefined(method) || JS_IsNull(method)) {
            method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator);
            if (JS_IsException(method))
                return method;
            sync_iter = JS_GetIterator2(ctx, obj, method);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
            if (JS_IsException(sync_iter))
                return sync_iter;
            ret = JS_CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(ctx, sync_iter);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sync_iter);
            return ret;
    } else {
        method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator);
        if (JS_IsException(method))
            return method;
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, method)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "value is not iterable");
    ret = JS_GetIterator2(ctx, obj, method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    return ret;

/* return *pdone = 2 if the iterator object is not parsed */
static JSValue JS_IteratorNext2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue enum_obj,
                                JSValue method,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv, int *pdone)
    JSValue obj;

    /* fast path for the built-in iterators (avoid creating the
       intermediate result object) */
    if (JS_IsObject(method)) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(method);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION &&
            p->u.cfunc.cproto == JS_CFUNC_iterator_next) {
            JSCFunctionType func;
            JSValue args[1];

            /* in case the function expects one argument */
            if (argc == 0) {
                args[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
                argv = args;
            func = p->u.cfunc.c_function;
            return func.iterator_next(ctx, enum_obj, argc, argv,
                                      pdone, p->u.cfunc.magic);
    obj = JS_Call(ctx, method, enum_obj, argc, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (!JS_IsObject(obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator must return an object");
        goto fail;
    *pdone = 2;
    return obj;
    *pdone = FALSE;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_IteratorNext(JSContext *ctx, JSValue enum_obj,
                               JSValue method,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, BOOL *pdone)
    JSValue obj, value, done_val;
    int done;

    obj = JS_IteratorNext2(ctx, enum_obj, method, argc, argv, &done);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (done != 2) {
        *pdone = done;
        return obj;
    } else {
        done_val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_done);
        if (JS_IsException(done_val))
            goto fail;
        *pdone = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, done_val);
        value = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (!*pdone) {
            value = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_value);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return value;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    *pdone = FALSE;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* return < 0 in case of exception */
static int JS_IteratorClose(JSContext *ctx, JSValue enum_obj,
                            BOOL is_exception_pending)
    JSValue method, ret, ex_obj;
    int res;

    if (is_exception_pending) {
        ex_obj = ctx->rt->current_exception;
        ctx->rt->current_exception = JS_NULL;
        res = -1;
    } else {
        ex_obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
        res = 0;
    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, enum_obj, JS_ATOM_return);
    if (JS_IsException(method)) {
        res = -1;
        goto done;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method) || JS_IsNull(method)) {
        goto done;
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, enum_obj, 0, NULL);
    if (!is_exception_pending) {
        if (JS_IsException(ret)) {
            res = -1;
        } else if (!JS_IsObject(ret)) {
            res = -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    if (is_exception_pending) {
        JS_Throw(ctx, ex_obj);
    return res;

/* obj -> enum_rec (3 slots) */
static __exception int js_for_of_start(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp,
                                       BOOL is_async)
    JSValue op1, obj, method;
    op1 = sp[-1];
    obj = JS_GetIterator(ctx, op1, is_async);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
    sp[-1] = obj;
    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(method))
        return -1;
    sp[0] = method;
    return 0;

/* enum_rec [objs] -> enum_rec [objs] value done. There are 'offset'
   objs. If 'done' is true or in case of exception, 'enum_rec' is set
   to undefined. If 'done' is true, 'value' is always set to
   undefined. */
static __exception int js_for_of_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp, int offset)
    JSValue value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    int done = 1;

    if (likely(!JS_IsUndefined(sp[offset]))) {
        value = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, sp[offset], sp[offset + 1], 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(value))
            done = -1;
        if (done) {
            /* value is JS_UNDEFINED or JS_EXCEPTION */
            /* replace the iteration object with undefined */
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[offset]);
            sp[offset] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (done < 0) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
                value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[0] = value;
    sp[1] = js_bool(done);
    return 0;

static JSValue JS_IteratorGetCompleteValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                           BOOL *pdone)
    JSValue done_val, value;
    BOOL done;
    done_val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_done);
    if (JS_IsException(done_val))
        goto fail;
    done = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, done_val);
    value = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_value);
    if (JS_IsException(value))
        goto fail;
    *pdone = done;
    return value;
    *pdone = FALSE;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static __exception int js_iterator_get_value_done(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue obj, value;
    BOOL done;
    obj = sp[-1];
    if (!JS_IsObject(obj)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator must return an object");
        return -1;
    value = JS_IteratorGetCompleteValue(ctx, obj, &done);
    if (JS_IsException(value))
        return -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    sp[-1] = value;
    sp[0] = js_bool(done);
    return 0;

static JSValue js_create_iterator_result(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue val,
                                         BOOL done)
    JSValue obj;
    obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return obj;
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_value,
                               val, JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) {
        goto fail;
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_done,
                               js_bool(done), JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static JSValue js_array_iterator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                      BOOL *pdone, int magic);

static JSValue js_create_array_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic);

static BOOL js_is_fast_array(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    /* Try and handle fast arrays explicitly */
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY && p->fast_array) {
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

/* Access an Array's internal JSValue array if available */
static BOOL js_get_fast_array(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                              JSValue **arrpp, uint32_t *countp)
    /* Try and handle fast arrays explicitly */
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY && p->fast_array) {
            *countp = p->u.array.count;
            *arrpp = p->u.array.u.values;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

static __exception int js_append_enumerate(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp)
    JSValue iterator, enumobj, method, value;
    int is_array_iterator;
    JSValue *arrp;
    uint32_t i, count32, pos;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-2]) != JS_TAG_INT) {
        JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid index for append");
        return -1;

    pos = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(sp[-2]);

    /* XXX: further optimisations:
       - use ctx->array_proto_values?
       - check if array_iterator_prototype next method is built-in and
         avoid constructing actual iterator object?
       - build this into js_for_of_start and use in all `for (x of o)` loops
    iterator = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-1], JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator);
    if (JS_IsException(iterator))
        return -1;
    /* Used to squelch a -Wcast-function-type warning. */
    JSCFunctionType ft = { .generic_magic = js_create_array_iterator };
    is_array_iterator = JS_IsCFunction(ctx, iterator,
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iterator);

    enumobj = JS_GetIterator(ctx, sp[-1], FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(enumobj))
        return -1;
    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, enumobj, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(method)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, enumobj);
        return -1;
    /* Used to squelch a -Wcast-function-type warning. */
    JSCFunctionType ft2 = { .iterator_next = js_array_iterator_next };
    if (is_array_iterator
            &&  JS_IsCFunction(ctx, method, ft2.generic, 0)
            &&  js_get_fast_array(ctx, sp[-1], &arrp, &count32)) {
        uint32_t len;
        if (js_get_length32(ctx, &len, sp[-1]))
            goto exception;
        /* if len > count32, the elements >= count32 might be read in
           the prototypes and might have side effects */
        if (len != count32)
            goto general_case;
        /* Handle fast arrays explicitly */
        for (i = 0; i < count32; i++) {
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, sp[-3], pos++,
                                             js_dup(arrp[i]), JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
                goto exception;
    } else {
        for (;;) {
            BOOL done;
            value = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, enumobj, method, 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(value))
                goto exception;
            if (done) {
                /* value is JS_UNDEFINED */
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, sp[-3], pos++, value, JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
                goto exception;
    /* Note: could raise an error if too many elements */
    sp[-2] = js_int32(pos);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, enumobj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    return 0;

    JS_IteratorClose(ctx, enumobj, TRUE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, enumobj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    return -1;

static __exception int JS_CopyDataProperties(JSContext *ctx,
                                             JSValue target,
                                             JSValue source,
                                             JSValue excluded,
                                             BOOL setprop)
    JSPropertyEnum *tab_atom;
    JSValue val;
    uint32_t i, tab_atom_count;
    JSObject *p;
    JSObject *pexcl = NULL;
    int ret, gpn_flags;
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    BOOL is_enumerable;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(source) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return 0;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(excluded) == JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        pexcl = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(excluded);

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(source);

    if (p->is_exotic) {
        const JSClassExoticMethods *em = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].exotic;
        /* cannot use JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY with e.g. proxies because it
           introduces a visible change */
        if (em && em->get_own_property_names) {
            gpn_flags &= ~JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY;
    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab_atom, &tab_atom_count, p,
        return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < tab_atom_count; i++) {
        if (pexcl) {
            ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, NULL, pexcl, tab_atom[i].atom);
            if (ret) {
                if (ret < 0)
                    goto exception;
        if (!(gpn_flags & JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY)) {
            /* test if the property is enumerable */
            ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, tab_atom[i].atom);
            if (ret < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (!ret)
            is_enumerable = (desc.flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE) != 0;
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
            if (!is_enumerable)
        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, source, tab_atom[i].atom);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto exception;
        if (setprop)
            ret = JS_SetProperty(ctx, target, tab_atom[i].atom, val);
            ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, target, tab_atom[i].atom, val,
        if (ret < 0)
            goto exception;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count);
    return 0;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab_atom, tab_atom_count);
    return -1;

/* only valid inside C functions */
static JSValue JS_GetActiveFunction(JSContext *ctx)
    return ctx->rt->current_stack_frame->cur_func;

static JSVarRef *get_var_ref(JSContext *ctx, JSStackFrame *sf,
                             int var_idx, BOOL is_arg)
    JSVarRef *var_ref;
    struct list_head *el;

    list_for_each(el, &sf->var_ref_list) {
        var_ref = list_entry(el, JSVarRef, header.link);
        if (var_ref->var_idx == var_idx && var_ref->is_arg == is_arg) {
            return var_ref;
    /* create a new one */
    var_ref = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSVarRef));
    if (!var_ref)
        return NULL;
    var_ref->header.ref_count = 1;
    var_ref->is_detached = FALSE;
    var_ref->is_arg = is_arg;
    var_ref->var_idx = var_idx;
    list_add_tail(&var_ref->header.link, &sf->var_ref_list);
    if (is_arg)
        var_ref->pvalue = &sf->arg_buf[var_idx];
        var_ref->pvalue = &sf->var_buf[var_idx];
    var_ref->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return var_ref;

static JSValue js_closure2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                           JSFunctionBytecode *b,
                           JSVarRef **cur_var_refs,
                           JSStackFrame *sf)
    JSObject *p;
    JSVarRef **var_refs;
    int i;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    p->u.func.function_bytecode = b;
    p->u.func.home_object = NULL;
    p->u.func.var_refs = NULL;
    if (b->closure_var_count) {
        var_refs = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(var_refs[0]) * b->closure_var_count);
        if (!var_refs)
            goto fail;
        p->u.func.var_refs = var_refs;
        for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i];
            JSVarRef *var_ref;
            if (cv->is_local) {
                /* reuse the existing variable reference if it already exists */
                var_ref = get_var_ref(ctx, sf, cv->var_idx, cv->is_arg);
                if (!var_ref)
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                var_ref = cur_var_refs[cv->var_idx];
            var_refs[i] = var_ref;
    return func_obj;
    /* bfunc is freed when func_obj is freed */
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_instantiate_prototype(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom atom, void *opaque)
    JSValue obj, this_val;
    int ret;

    this_val = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p);
    obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    set_cycle_flag(ctx, obj);
    set_cycle_flag(ctx, this_val);
    ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_constructor,
                                 JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    if (ret < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static const uint16_t func_kind_to_class_id[] = {

static JSValue js_closure(JSContext *ctx, JSValue bfunc,
                          JSVarRef **cur_var_refs,
                          JSStackFrame *sf)
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    JSValue func_obj;
    JSAtom name_atom;

    b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(bfunc);
    func_obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, func_kind_to_class_id[b->func_kind]);
    if (JS_IsException(func_obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, bfunc);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    func_obj = js_closure2(ctx, func_obj, b, cur_var_refs, sf);
    if (JS_IsException(func_obj)) {
        /* bfunc has been freed */
        goto fail;
    name_atom = b->func_name;
    if (name_atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        name_atom = JS_ATOM_empty_string;
    js_function_set_properties(ctx, func_obj, name_atom,

    if (b->func_kind & JS_FUNC_GENERATOR) {
        JSValue proto;
        int proto_class_id;
        /* generators have a prototype field which is used as
           prototype for the generator object */
        if (b->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR)
            proto_class_id = JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR;
            proto_class_id = JS_CLASS_GENERATOR;
        proto = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->class_proto[proto_class_id]);
        if (JS_IsException(proto))
            goto fail;
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_prototype, proto,
    } else if (b->has_prototype) {
        /* add the 'prototype' property: delay instantiation to avoid
           creating cycles for every javascript function. The prototype
           object is created on the fly when first accessed */
        JS_SetConstructorBit(ctx, func_obj, TRUE);
        JS_DefineAutoInitProperty(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_prototype,
                                  JS_AUTOINIT_ID_PROTOTYPE, NULL,
    return func_obj;
    /* bfunc is freed when func_obj is freed */
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

#define JS_DEFINE_CLASS_HAS_HERITAGE     (1 << 0)

static int js_op_define_class(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *sp,
                              JSAtom class_name, int class_flags,
                              JSVarRef **cur_var_refs,
                              JSStackFrame *sf, BOOL is_computed_name)
    JSValue bfunc, parent_class, proto = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue ctor = JS_UNDEFINED, parent_proto = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;

    parent_class = sp[-2];
    bfunc = sp[-1];

    if (class_flags & JS_DEFINE_CLASS_HAS_HERITAGE) {
        if (JS_IsNull(parent_class)) {
            parent_proto = JS_NULL;
            parent_class = js_dup(ctx->function_proto);
        } else {
            if (!JS_IsConstructor(ctx, parent_class)) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "parent class must be constructor");
                goto fail;
            parent_proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, parent_class, JS_ATOM_prototype);
            if (JS_IsException(parent_proto))
                goto fail;
            if (!JS_IsNull(parent_proto) && !JS_IsObject(parent_proto)) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "parent prototype must be an object or null");
                goto fail;
    } else {
        /* parent_class is JS_UNDEFINED in this case */
        parent_proto = js_dup(ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT]);
        parent_class = js_dup(ctx->function_proto);
    proto = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, parent_proto);
    if (JS_IsException(proto))
        goto fail;

    b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(bfunc);
    assert(b->func_kind == JS_FUNC_NORMAL);
    ctor = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, parent_class,
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        goto fail;
    ctor = js_closure2(ctx, ctor, b, cur_var_refs, sf);
    bfunc = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        goto fail;
    js_method_set_home_object(ctx, ctor, proto);
    JS_SetConstructorBit(ctx, ctor, TRUE);

    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_length,

    if (is_computed_name) {
        if (JS_DefineObjectNameComputed(ctx, ctor, sp[-3],
                                        JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) < 0)
            goto fail;
    } else {
        if (JS_DefineObjectName(ctx, ctor, class_name, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) < 0)
            goto fail;

    /* the constructor property must be first. It can be overriden by
       computed property names */
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, proto, JS_ATOM_constructor,
                               JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE |
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
        goto fail;
    /* set the prototype property */
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_prototype,
                               js_dup(proto), JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
        goto fail;
    set_cycle_flag(ctx, ctor);
    set_cycle_flag(ctx, proto);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_class);

    sp[-2] = ctor;
    sp[-1] = proto;
    return 0;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_class);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, parent_proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, bfunc);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
    sp[-2] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return -1;

static void close_var_refs(JSRuntime *rt, JSStackFrame *sf)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSVarRef *var_ref;
    int var_idx;

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &sf->var_ref_list) {
        var_ref = list_entry(el, JSVarRef, header.link);
        var_idx = var_ref->var_idx;
        if (var_ref->is_arg)
            var_ref->value = js_dup(sf->arg_buf[var_idx]);
            var_ref->value = js_dup(sf->var_buf[var_idx]);
        var_ref->pvalue = &var_ref->value;
        /* the reference is no longer to a local variable */
        var_ref->is_detached = TRUE;
        add_gc_object(rt, &var_ref->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_VAR_REF);

static void close_lexical_var(JSContext *ctx, JSStackFrame *sf, int idx, int is_arg)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSVarRef *var_ref;
    int var_idx = idx;

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &sf->var_ref_list) {
        var_ref = list_entry(el, JSVarRef, header.link);
        if (var_idx == var_ref->var_idx && var_ref->is_arg == is_arg) {
            var_ref->value = js_dup(sf->var_buf[var_idx]);
            var_ref->pvalue = &var_ref->value;
            /* the reference is no longer to a local variable */
            var_ref->is_detached = TRUE;
            add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &var_ref->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_VAR_REF);

#define JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV   (1 << 1)
#define JS_CALL_FLAG_GENERATOR   (1 << 2)

static JSValue js_call_c_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                  JSValue this_obj,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSCFunctionType func;
    JSObject *p;
    JSStackFrame sf_s, *sf = &sf_s, *prev_sf;
    JSValue ret_val;
    JSValue *arg_buf;
    int arg_count, i;
    JSCFunctionEnum cproto;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    cproto = p->u.cfunc.cproto;
    arg_count = p->u.cfunc.length;

    /* better to always check stack overflow */
    if (js_check_stack_overflow(rt, sizeof(arg_buf[0]) * arg_count))
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx);

    prev_sf = rt->current_stack_frame;
    sf->prev_frame = prev_sf;
    rt->current_stack_frame = sf;
    ctx = p->u.cfunc.realm; /* change the current realm */

    sf->js_mode = 0;
    sf->cur_func = func_obj;
    sf->arg_count = argc;
    arg_buf = argv;

    if (unlikely(argc < arg_count)) {
        /* ensure that at least argc_count arguments are readable */
        arg_buf = alloca(sizeof(arg_buf[0]) * arg_count);
        for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
            arg_buf[i] = argv[i];
        for(i = argc; i < arg_count; i++)
            arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
        sf->arg_count = arg_count;
    sf->arg_buf = arg_buf;

    func = p->u.cfunc.c_function;
    switch(cproto) {
    case JS_CFUNC_constructor:
    case JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func:
        if (!(flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
            if (cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor) {
                ret_val = JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "must be called with new");
            } else {
                this_obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
        /* here this_obj is new_target */
        /* fall thru */
    case JS_CFUNC_generic:
        ret_val = func.generic(ctx, this_obj, argc, arg_buf);
    case JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic:
    case JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic:
        if (!(flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
            if (cproto == JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic) {
                goto not_a_constructor;
            } else {
                this_obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
        /* fall thru */
    case JS_CFUNC_generic_magic:
        ret_val = func.generic_magic(ctx, this_obj, argc, arg_buf,
    case JS_CFUNC_getter:
        ret_val = func.getter(ctx, this_obj);
    case JS_CFUNC_setter:
        ret_val = func.setter(ctx, this_obj, arg_buf[0]);
    case JS_CFUNC_getter_magic:
        ret_val = func.getter_magic(ctx, this_obj, p->u.cfunc.magic);
    case JS_CFUNC_setter_magic:
        ret_val = func.setter_magic(ctx, this_obj, arg_buf[0], p->u.cfunc.magic);
    case JS_CFUNC_f_f:
            double d1;

            if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d1, arg_buf[0]))) {
                ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION;
            ret_val = js_number(func.f_f(d1));
    case JS_CFUNC_f_f_f:
            double d1, d2;

            if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d1, arg_buf[0]))) {
                ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION;
            if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d2, arg_buf[1]))) {
                ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION;
            ret_val = js_number(func.f_f_f(d1, d2));
    case JS_CFUNC_iterator_next:
            int done;
            ret_val = func.iterator_next(ctx, this_obj, argc, arg_buf,
                                         &done, p->u.cfunc.magic);
            if (!JS_IsException(ret_val) && done != 2) {
                ret_val = js_create_iterator_result(ctx, ret_val, done);

    rt->current_stack_frame = sf->prev_frame;
    return ret_val;

static JSValue js_call_bound_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                      JSValue this_obj,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSObject *p;
    JSBoundFunction *bf;
    JSValue *arg_buf, new_target;
    int arg_count, i;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    bf = p->u.bound_function;
    arg_count = bf->argc + argc;
    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, sizeof(JSValue) * arg_count))
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx);
    arg_buf = alloca(sizeof(JSValue) * arg_count);
    for(i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) {
        arg_buf[i] = bf->argv[i];
    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        arg_buf[bf->argc + i] = argv[i];
    if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR) {
        new_target = this_obj;
        if (js_same_value(ctx, func_obj, new_target))
            new_target = bf->func_obj;
        return JS_CallConstructor2(ctx, bf->func_obj, new_target,
                                   arg_count, arg_buf);
    } else {
        return JS_Call(ctx, bf->func_obj, bf->this_val,
                       arg_count, arg_buf);

/* argument of OP_special_object */
typedef enum {
} OPSpecialObjectEnum;

#define FUNC_RET_AWAIT      0
#define FUNC_RET_YIELD      1

#if defined(DUMP_BYTECODE_FINAL) || \
    defined(DUMP_BYTECODE_PASS2) || \
    defined(DUMP_BYTECODE_PASS1) || \
    defined(DUMP_BYTECODE_STACK) || \
    defined(DUMP_BYTECODE_STEP)  || \

static void dump_single_byte_code(JSContext *ctx, const uint8_t *pc,
                                  JSFunctionBytecode *b, int start_pos);
static void print_func_name(JSFunctionBytecode *b);

/* argv[] is modified if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV) = 0. */
static JSValue JS_CallInternal(JSContext *caller_ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                               JSValue this_obj, JSValue new_target,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSRuntime *rt = caller_ctx->rt;
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSObject *p;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    JSStackFrame sf_s, *sf = &sf_s;
    uint8_t *pc;
    int opcode, arg_allocated_size, i;
    JSValue *local_buf, *stack_buf, *var_buf, *arg_buf, *sp, ret_val, *pval;
    JSVarRef **var_refs;
    size_t alloca_size;
    JSInlineCache *ic;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_STEP)) dump_single_byte_code(ctx, pc, b, 0);

#define SWITCH(pc)      DUMP_BYTECODE_OR_DONT(pc) switch (opcode = *pc++)
#define CASE(op)        case op
#define DEFAULT         default
#define BREAK           break
    __extension__ static const void * const dispatch_table[256] = {
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) && case_OP_ ## id,
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
        [ OP_COUNT ... 255 ] = &&case_default
#define SWITCH(pc)      DUMP_BYTECODE_OR_DONT(pc) __extension__ ({ goto *dispatch_table[opcode = *pc++]; });
#define CASE(op)        case_ ## op
#define DEFAULT         case_default
#define BREAK           SWITCH(pc)

    if (js_poll_interrupts(caller_ctx))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)) {
        if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_GENERATOR) {
            JSAsyncFunctionState *s = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(func_obj);
            /* func_obj get contains a pointer to JSFuncAsyncState */
            /* the stack frame is already allocated */
            sf = &s->frame;
            p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sf->cur_func);
            b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
            ctx = b->realm;
            var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;
            local_buf = arg_buf = sf->arg_buf;
            var_buf = sf->var_buf;
            stack_buf = sf->var_buf + b->var_count;
            sp = sf->cur_sp;
            sf->cur_sp = NULL; /* cur_sp is NULL if the function is running */
            pc = sf->cur_pc;
            sf->prev_frame = rt->current_stack_frame;
            rt->current_stack_frame = sf;
            ic = b->ic;
            if (s->throw_flag)
                goto exception;
                goto restart;
        } else {
            goto not_a_function;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    if (unlikely(p->class_id != JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION)) {
        JSClassCall *call_func;
        call_func = rt->class_array[p->class_id].call;
        if (!call_func) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(caller_ctx, "not a function");
        return call_func(caller_ctx, func_obj, this_obj, argc,
                         argv, flags);
    b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;

    if (unlikely(argc < b->arg_count || (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV))) {
        arg_allocated_size = b->arg_count;
    } else {
        arg_allocated_size = 0;

    alloca_size = sizeof(JSValue) * (arg_allocated_size + b->var_count +
    if (js_check_stack_overflow(rt, alloca_size))
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(caller_ctx);

    sf->js_mode = b->js_mode;
    arg_buf = argv;
    sf->arg_count = argc;
    sf->cur_func = func_obj;
    var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;

    local_buf = alloca(alloca_size);
    if (unlikely(arg_allocated_size)) {
        int n = min_int(argc, b->arg_count);
        arg_buf = local_buf;
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
            arg_buf[i] = JS_DupValue(caller_ctx, argv[i]);
        for(; i < b->arg_count; i++)
            arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
        sf->arg_count = b->arg_count;
    var_buf = local_buf + arg_allocated_size;
    sf->var_buf = var_buf;
    sf->arg_buf = arg_buf;

    for(i = 0; i < b->var_count; i++)
        var_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;

    stack_buf = var_buf + b->var_count;
    sp = stack_buf;
    pc = b->byte_code_buf;
    /* sf->cur_pc must we set to pc before any recursive calls to JS_CallInternal. */
    sf->cur_pc = NULL;
    sf->prev_frame = rt->current_stack_frame;
    rt->current_stack_frame = sf;
    ctx = b->realm; /* set the current realm */
    ic = b->ic;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_STEP))

    for(;;) {
        int call_argc;
        JSValue *call_argv;

        SWITCH(pc) {
            *sp++ = js_int32(get_u32(pc));
            pc += 4;
            *sp++ = js_dup(b->cpool[get_u32(pc)]);
            pc += 4;
            *sp++ = js_int32(opcode - OP_push_0);
            *sp++ = js_int32(get_i8(pc));
            pc += 1;
            *sp++ = js_int32(get_i16(pc));
            pc += 2;
            *sp++ = js_dup(b->cpool[*pc++]);
            *sp++ = js_closure(ctx, js_dup(b->cpool[*pc++]), var_refs, sf);
            if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                goto exception;
            *sp++ = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
                JSValue val;

                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-1], JS_ATOM_length);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = val;
            *sp++ = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, get_u32(pc));
            pc += 4;
            *sp++ = JS_UNDEFINED;
            *sp++ = JS_NULL;
            /* OP_push_this is only called at the start of a function */
                JSValue val;
                if (!(b->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) {
                    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_obj);
                    if (likely(tag == JS_TAG_OBJECT))
                        goto normal_this;
                    if (tag == JS_TAG_NULL || tag == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                        val = js_dup(ctx->global_obj);
                    } else {
                        val = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_obj);
                        if (JS_IsException(val))
                            goto exception;
                } else {
                    val = js_dup(this_obj);
                *sp++ = val;
            *sp++ = JS_FALSE;
            *sp++ = JS_TRUE;
            *sp++ = JS_NewObject(ctx);
            if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                goto exception;
                int arg = *pc++;
                switch(arg) {
                case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_ARGUMENTS:
                    *sp++ = js_build_arguments(ctx, argc, argv);
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                        goto exception;
                    *sp++ = js_build_mapped_arguments(ctx, argc, argv,
                                                      sf, min_int(argc, b->arg_count));
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                        goto exception;
                case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_THIS_FUNC:
                    *sp++ = js_dup(sf->cur_func);
                case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_NEW_TARGET:
                    *sp++ = js_dup(new_target);
                case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_HOME_OBJECT:
                        JSObject *p1;
                        p1 = p->u.func.home_object;
                        if (unlikely(!p1))
                            *sp++ = JS_UNDEFINED;
                            *sp++ = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, p1));
                case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_VAR_OBJECT:
                    *sp++ = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                        goto exception;
                case OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_IMPORT_META:
                    *sp++ = js_import_meta(ctx);
                    if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                        goto exception;
                int first = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                *sp++ = js_build_rest(ctx, first, argc, argv);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                    goto exception;

            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
            sp[-2] = sp[-1];
        CASE(OP_nip1): /* a b c -> b c */
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
            sp[-3] = sp[-2];
            sp[-2] = sp[-1];
            sp[0] = js_dup(sp[-1]);
        CASE(OP_dup2): /* a b -> a b a b */
            sp[0] = js_dup(sp[-2]);
            sp[1] = js_dup(sp[-1]);
            sp += 2;
        CASE(OP_dup3): /* a b c -> a b c a b c */
            sp[0] = js_dup(sp[-3]);
            sp[1] = js_dup(sp[-2]);
            sp[2] = js_dup(sp[-1]);
            sp += 3;
        CASE(OP_dup1): /* a b -> a a b */
            sp[0] = sp[-1];
            sp[-1] = js_dup(sp[-2]);
        CASE(OP_insert2): /* obj a -> a obj a (dup_x1) */
            sp[0] = sp[-1];
            sp[-1] = sp[-2];
            sp[-2] = js_dup(sp[0]);
        CASE(OP_insert3): /* obj prop a -> a obj prop a (dup_x2) */
            sp[0] = sp[-1];
            sp[-1] = sp[-2];
            sp[-2] = sp[-3];
            sp[-3] = js_dup(sp[0]);
        CASE(OP_insert4): /* this obj prop a -> a this obj prop a */
            sp[0] = sp[-1];
            sp[-1] = sp[-2];
            sp[-2] = sp[-3];
            sp[-3] = sp[-4];
            sp[-4] = js_dup(sp[0]);
        CASE(OP_perm3): /* obj a b -> a obj b (213) */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_rot3l): /* x a b -> a b x (231) */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-1];
                sp[-1] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_rot4l): /* x a b c -> a b c x */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-4];
                sp[-4] = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-1];
                sp[-1] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_rot5l): /* x a b c d -> a b c d x */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-5];
                sp[-5] = sp[-4];
                sp[-4] = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-1];
                sp[-1] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_rot3r): /* a b x -> x a b (312) */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-1];
                sp[-1] = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_perm4): /* obj prop a b -> a obj prop b */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = sp[-4];
                sp[-4] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_perm5): /* this obj prop a b -> a this obj prop b */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-3];
                sp[-3] = sp[-4];
                sp[-4] = sp[-5];
                sp[-5] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_swap): /* a b -> b a */
                JSValue tmp;
                tmp = sp[-2];
                sp[-2] = sp[-1];
                sp[-1] = tmp;
        CASE(OP_swap2): /* a b c d -> c d a b */
                JSValue tmp1, tmp2;
                tmp1 = sp[-4];
                tmp2 = sp[-3];
                sp[-4] = sp[-2];
                sp[-3] = sp[-1];
                sp[-2] = tmp1;
                sp[-1] = tmp2;

                JSValue bfunc = js_dup(b->cpool[get_u32(pc)]);
                pc += 4;
                *sp++ = js_closure(ctx, bfunc, var_refs, sf);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                    goto exception;
            call_argc = opcode - OP_call0;
            goto has_call_argc;
                call_argc = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                goto has_call_argc;
                call_argv = sp - call_argc;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret_val = JS_CallInternal(ctx, call_argv[-1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                                          JS_UNDEFINED, call_argc, call_argv, 0);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                if (opcode == OP_tail_call)
                    goto done;
                for(i = -1; i < call_argc; i++)
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]);
                sp -= call_argc + 1;
                *sp++ = ret_val;
                call_argc = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                call_argv = sp - call_argc;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret_val = JS_CallConstructorInternal(ctx, call_argv[-2],
                                                     call_argc, call_argv, 0);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                for(i = -2; i < call_argc; i++)
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]);
                sp -= call_argc + 2;
                *sp++ = ret_val;
                call_argc = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                call_argv = sp - call_argc;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret_val = JS_CallInternal(ctx, call_argv[-1], call_argv[-2],
                                          JS_UNDEFINED, call_argc, call_argv, 0);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                if (opcode == OP_tail_call_method)
                    goto done;
                for(i = -2; i < call_argc; i++)
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]);
                sp -= call_argc + 2;
                *sp++ = ret_val;
                int i, ret;

                call_argc = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                ret_val = JS_NewArray(ctx);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                call_argv = sp - call_argc;
                for(i = 0; i < call_argc; i++) {
                    ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret_val, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(i), call_argv[i],
                                                 JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW);
                    call_argv[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    if (ret < 0) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);
                        goto exception;
                sp -= call_argc;
                *sp++ = ret_val;

                int magic;
                magic = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;

                ret_val = js_function_apply(ctx, sp[-3], 2, &sp[-2], magic);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp -= 3;
                *sp++ = ret_val;
            ret_val = *--sp;
            goto done;
            ret_val = JS_UNDEFINED;
            goto done;

            /* return TRUE if 'this' should be returned */
            if (!JS_IsObject(sp[-1])) {
                if (!JS_IsUndefined(sp[-1])) {
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(caller_ctx, "derived class constructor must return an object or undefined");
                    goto exception;
                sp[0] = JS_TRUE;
            } else {
                sp[0] = JS_FALSE;
            if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "class constructors must be invoked with 'new'");
                goto exception;
            if (JS_CheckBrand(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]) < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (JS_AddBrand(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]) < 0)
                goto exception;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
            sp -= 2;

            JS_Throw(ctx, *--sp);
            goto exception;

#define JS_THROW_VAR_RO             0
#define JS_THROW_VAR_REDECL         1
                JSAtom atom;
                int type;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                type = pc[4];
                pc += 5;
                if (type == JS_THROW_VAR_RO)
                    JS_ThrowTypeErrorReadOnly(ctx, JS_PROP_THROW, atom);
                if (type == JS_THROW_VAR_REDECL)
                    JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorVarRedeclaration(ctx, atom);
                if (type == JS_THROW_VAR_UNINITIALIZED)
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized(ctx, atom);
                if (type == JS_THROW_ERROR_DELETE_SUPER)
                    JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "unsupported reference to 'super'");
                if (type == JS_THROW_ERROR_ITERATOR_THROW)
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator does not have a throw method");
                    JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid throw var type %d", type);
            goto exception;

                JSValue obj;
                int scope_idx;
                call_argc = get_u16(pc);
                scope_idx = get_u16(pc + 2) - 1;
                pc += 4;
                call_argv = sp - call_argc;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (js_same_value(ctx, call_argv[-1], ctx->eval_obj)) {
                    if (call_argc >= 1)
                        obj = call_argv[0];
                        obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    ret_val = JS_EvalObject(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, obj,
                                            JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT, scope_idx);
                } else {
                    ret_val = JS_CallInternal(ctx, call_argv[-1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                                              JS_UNDEFINED, call_argc, call_argv, 0);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                for(i = -1; i < call_argc; i++)
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, call_argv[i]);
                sp -= call_argc + 1;
                *sp++ = ret_val;
            /* could merge with OP_apply */
                int scope_idx;
                uint32_t len;
                JSValue *tab;
                JSValue obj;

                scope_idx = get_u16(pc) - 1;
                pc += 2;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                tab = build_arg_list(ctx, &len, sp[-1]);
                if (!tab)
                    goto exception;
                if (js_same_value(ctx, sp[-2], ctx->eval_obj)) {
                    if (len >= 1)
                        obj = tab[0];
                        obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    ret_val = JS_EvalObject(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, obj,
                                            JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT, scope_idx);
                } else {
                    ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, sp[-2], JS_UNDEFINED, len,
                free_arg_list(ctx, tab, len);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(ret_val)))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp -= 2;
                *sp++ = ret_val;

                sp[-2] = js_regexp_constructor_internal(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                                        sp[-2], sp[-1]);

                JSValue proto;
                proto = JS_GetPrototype(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (JS_IsException(proto))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = proto;

                JSValue val;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = js_dynamic_import(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = val;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;

                ret = JS_CheckGlobalVar(ctx, atom);
                if (ret < 0)
                    goto exception;
                *sp++ = js_bool(ret);

                JSValue val;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;

                val = JS_GetGlobalVar(ctx, atom, opcode - OP_get_var_undef);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                *sp++ = val;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;

                ret = JS_SetGlobalVar(ctx, atom, sp[-1], opcode - OP_put_var);
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;

                /* sp[-2] is JS_TRUE or JS_FALSE */
                if (unlikely(!JS_VALUE_GET_INT(sp[-2]))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, atom);
                    goto exception;
                ret = JS_SetGlobalVar(ctx, atom, sp[-1], 2);
                sp -= 2;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                JSAtom atom;
                int flags;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                flags = pc[4];
                pc += 5;
                if (JS_CheckDefineGlobalVar(ctx, atom, flags))
                    goto exception;
                JSAtom atom;
                int flags;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                flags = pc[4];
                pc += 5;
                if (JS_DefineGlobalVar(ctx, atom, flags))
                    goto exception;
                JSAtom atom;
                int flags;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                flags = pc[4];
                pc += 5;
                if (JS_DefineGlobalFunction(ctx, atom, sp[-1], flags))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);

                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                sp[0] = js_dup(var_buf[idx]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], js_dup(sp[-1]));
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                sp[0] = js_dup(arg_buf[idx]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[idx], sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[idx], js_dup(sp[-1]));

        CASE(OP_get_loc8): *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[*pc++]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_loc8): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[*pc++], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_loc8): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[*pc++], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;

        // Observation: get_loc0 and get_loc1 are individually very
        // frequent opcodes _and_ they are very often paired together,
        // making them ideal candidates for opcode fusion.
            *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[0]);
            *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[1]);

        CASE(OP_get_loc0): *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[0]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_loc1): *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[1]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_loc2): *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[2]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_loc3): *sp++ = js_dup(var_buf[3]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_loc0): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[0], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_loc1): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[1], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_loc2): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[2], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_loc3): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[3], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_loc0): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[0], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_loc1): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[1], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_loc2): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[2], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_loc3): set_value(ctx, &var_buf[3], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_arg0): *sp++ = js_dup(arg_buf[0]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_arg1): *sp++ = js_dup(arg_buf[1]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_arg2): *sp++ = js_dup(arg_buf[2]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_arg3): *sp++ = js_dup(arg_buf[3]); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_arg0): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[0], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_arg1): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[1], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_arg2): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[2], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_arg3): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[3], *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_arg0): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[0], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_arg1): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[1], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_arg2): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[2], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_arg3): set_value(ctx, &arg_buf[3], js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_var_ref0): *sp++ = js_dup(*var_refs[0]->pvalue); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_var_ref1): *sp++ = js_dup(*var_refs[1]->pvalue); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_var_ref2): *sp++ = js_dup(*var_refs[2]->pvalue); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_get_var_ref3): *sp++ = js_dup(*var_refs[3]->pvalue); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_var_ref0): set_value(ctx, var_refs[0]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_var_ref1): set_value(ctx, var_refs[1]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_var_ref2): set_value(ctx, var_refs[2]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_put_var_ref3): set_value(ctx, var_refs[3]->pvalue, *--sp); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_var_ref0): set_value(ctx, var_refs[0]->pvalue, js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_var_ref1): set_value(ctx, var_refs[1]->pvalue, js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_var_ref2): set_value(ctx, var_refs[2]->pvalue, js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;
        CASE(OP_set_var_ref3): set_value(ctx, var_refs[3]->pvalue, js_dup(sp[-1])); BREAK;

                int idx;
                JSValue val;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                val = *var_refs[idx]->pvalue;
                sp[0] = js_dup(val);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, js_dup(sp[-1]));
                int idx;
                JSValue val;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                val = *var_refs[idx]->pvalue;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(val))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, TRUE);
                    goto exception;
                sp[0] = js_dup(val);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(*var_refs[idx]->pvalue))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, TRUE);
                    goto exception;
                set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                if (unlikely(!JS_IsUninitialized(*var_refs[idx]->pvalue))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(ctx, b, idx, TRUE);
                    goto exception;
                set_value(ctx, var_refs[idx]->pvalue, sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], JS_UNINITIALIZED);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(var_buf[idx]))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(caller_ctx, b, idx,
                    goto exception;
                sp[0] = js_dup(var_buf[idx]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUninitialized(var_buf[idx]))) {
                    JS_ThrowReferenceErrorUninitialized2(caller_ctx, b, idx,
                    goto exception;
                set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                if (unlikely(!JS_IsUninitialized(var_buf[idx]))) {
                                           "'this' can be initialized only once");
                    goto exception;
                set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], sp[-1]);
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(pc);
                pc += 2;
                close_lexical_var(ctx, sf, idx, FALSE);

                JSVarRef *var_ref;
                JSProperty *pr;
                JSAtom atom;
                int idx;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                idx = get_u16(pc + 4);
                pc += 6;
                *sp++ = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(sp[-1])))
                    goto exception;
                if (opcode == OP_make_var_ref_ref) {
                    var_ref = var_refs[idx];
                } else {
                    var_ref = get_var_ref(ctx, sf, idx, opcode == OP_make_arg_ref);
                    if (!var_ref)
                        goto exception;
                pr = add_property(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sp[-1]), atom,
                                  JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_VARREF);
                if (!pr) {
                    free_var_ref(rt, var_ref);
                    goto exception;
                pr->u.var_ref = var_ref;
                *sp++ = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;

                if (JS_GetGlobalVarRef(ctx, atom, sp))
                    goto exception;
                sp += 2;

            pc += (int32_t)get_u32(pc);
            if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                goto exception;
            pc += (int16_t)get_u16(pc);
            if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                goto exception;
            pc += (int8_t)pc[0];
            if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                goto exception;
                int res;
                JSValue op1;

                op1 = sp[-1];
                pc += 4;
                if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                    res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                } else {
                    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1);
                if (res) {
                    pc += (int32_t)get_u32(pc - 4) - 4;
                if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                    goto exception;
                int res;
                JSValue op1;

                op1 = sp[-1];
                pc += 4;
                if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                    res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                } else {
                    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1);
                if (!res) {
                    pc += (int32_t)get_u32(pc - 4) - 4;
                if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                    goto exception;
                int res;
                JSValue op1;

                op1 = sp[-1];
                pc += 1;
                if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                    res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                } else {
                    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1);
                if (res) {
                    pc += (int8_t)pc[-1] - 1;
                if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                    goto exception;
                int res;
                JSValue op1;

                op1 = sp[-1];
                pc += 1;
                if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                    res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                } else {
                    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1);
                if (!res) {
                    pc += (int8_t)pc[-1] - 1;
                if (unlikely(js_poll_interrupts(ctx)))
                    goto exception;
                int32_t diff;
                diff = get_u32(pc);
                sp[0] = JS_NewCatchOffset(ctx, pc + diff - b->byte_code_buf);
                pc += 4;
                int32_t diff;
                diff = get_u32(pc);
                /* XXX: should have a different tag to avoid security flaw */
                sp[0] = js_int32(pc + 4 - b->byte_code_buf);
                pc += diff;
                JSValue op1;
                uint32_t pos;
                op1 = sp[-1];
                if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) != JS_TAG_INT))
                    goto ret_fail;
                pos = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                if (unlikely(pos >= b->byte_code_len)) {
                    JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid ret value");
                    goto exception;
                pc = b->byte_code_buf + pos;

            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_for_in_start(ctx, sp))
                goto exception;
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_for_in_next(ctx, sp))
                goto exception;
            sp += 2;
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_for_of_start(ctx, sp, FALSE))
                goto exception;
            sp += 1;
            *sp++ = JS_NewCatchOffset(ctx, 0);
                int offset = -3 - pc[0];
                pc += 1;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (js_for_of_next(ctx, sp, offset))
                    goto exception;
                sp += 2;
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_for_of_start(ctx, sp, TRUE))
                goto exception;
            sp += 1;
            *sp++ = JS_NewCatchOffset(ctx, 0);
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_iterator_get_value_done(ctx, sp))
                goto exception;
            sp += 1;
            if (unlikely(!JS_IsObject(sp[-1]))) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "iterator must return an object");
                goto exception;

            /* iter_obj next catch_offset -> */
            sp--; /* drop the catch offset to avoid getting caught by exception */
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); /* drop the next method */
            if (!JS_IsUndefined(sp[-1])) {
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (JS_IteratorClose(ctx, sp[-1], FALSE))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                JSValue ret_val;
                /* catch_offset ... ret_val -> ret_eval */
                ret_val = *--sp;
                while (sp > stack_buf &&
                       JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) != JS_TAG_CATCH_OFFSET) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, *--sp);
                if (unlikely(sp == stack_buf)) {
                    JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "nip_catch");
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);
                    goto exception;
                sp[-1] = ret_val;

            /* stack: iter_obj next catch_offset val */
                JSValue ret;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret = JS_Call(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-4], 1, (sp - 1));
                if (JS_IsException(ret))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = ret;

            /* stack: iter_obj next catch_offset val */
                JSValue method, ret;
                BOOL ret_flag;
                int flags;
                flags = *pc++;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sp[-4], (flags & 1) ?
                                        JS_ATOM_throw : JS_ATOM_return);
                if (JS_IsException(method))
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_IsUndefined(method) || JS_IsNull(method)) {
                    ret_flag = TRUE;
                } else {
                    if (flags & 2) {
                        /* no argument */
                        ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, sp[-4],
                                          0, NULL);
                    } else {
                        ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, sp[-4],
                                          1, (sp - 1));
                    if (JS_IsException(ret))
                        goto exception;
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                    sp[-1] = ret;
                    ret_flag = FALSE;
                sp[0] = js_bool(ret_flag);
                sp += 1;

                int res;
                JSValue op1;

                op1 = sp[-1];
                if ((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) <= JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                    res = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) != 0;
                } else {
                    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, op1);
                sp[-1] = js_bool(!res);

                JSValue val;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPropertyInternal2(ctx, sp[-1], atom, sp[-1], ic, FALSE);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                if (ic && ic->updated == TRUE) {
                    ic->updated = FALSE;
                    put_u8(pc - 5, OP_get_field_ic);
                    put_u32(pc - 4, ic->updated_offset);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = val;

                JSValue val;
                JSAtom atom;
                int32_t ic_offset;
                ic_offset = get_u32(pc);
                atom = get_ic_atom(ic, ic_offset);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPropertyInternalWithIC(ctx, sp[-1], atom, sp[-1], ic, ic_offset, FALSE);
                ic->updated = FALSE;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = val;
                JSValue val;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPropertyInternal2(ctx, sp[-1], atom, sp[-1], NULL, FALSE);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                if (ic != NULL && ic->updated == TRUE) {
                    ic->updated = FALSE;
                    put_u8(pc - 5, OP_get_field2_ic);
                    put_u32(pc - 4, ic->updated_offset);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                *sp++ = val;

                JSValue val;
                JSAtom atom;
                int32_t ic_offset;
                ic_offset = get_u32(pc);
                atom = get_ic_atom(ic, ic_offset);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPropertyInternalWithIC(ctx, sp[-1], atom, sp[-1], ic, ic_offset, FALSE);
                ic->updated = FALSE;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                *sp++ = val;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx,
                                              sp[-2], atom,
                                              sp[-1], sp[-2],
                                              JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT, ic);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp -= 2;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;
                if (ic != NULL && ic->updated == TRUE) {
                    ic->updated = FALSE;
                    put_u8(pc - 5, OP_put_field_ic);
                    put_u32(pc - 4, ic->updated_offset);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                int32_t ic_offset;
                ic_offset = get_u32(pc);
                atom = get_ic_atom(ic, ic_offset);
                pc += 4;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret = JS_SetPropertyInternalWithIC(ctx, sp[-2], atom, sp[-1], JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT, ic, ic_offset);
                ic->updated = FALSE;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp -= 2;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                JSAtom atom;
                JSValue val;

                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;
                val = JS_NewSymbolFromAtom(ctx, atom, JS_ATOM_TYPE_PRIVATE);
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    goto exception;
                *sp++ = val;

                JSValue val;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPrivateField(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp[-2] = val;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret = JS_SetPrivateField(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-1], sp[-2]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp -= 3;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                ret = JS_DefinePrivateField(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-2], sp[-1]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp -= 2;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;

                ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], atom, sp[-1],
                                             JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW);
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;

                ret = JS_DefineObjectName(ctx, sp[-1], atom, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;
                int ret;
                ret = JS_DefineObjectNameComputed(ctx, sp[-1], sp[-2], JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;
                JSValue proto;
                proto = sp[-1];
                if (JS_IsObject(proto) || JS_IsNull(proto)) {
                    if (JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, sp[-2], proto, TRUE) < 0)
                        goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
            js_method_set_home_object(ctx, sp[-1], sp[-2]);
                JSValue getter, setter, value;
                JSValue obj;
                JSAtom atom;
                int flags, ret, op_flags;
                BOOL is_computed;

                is_computed = (opcode == OP_define_method_computed);
                if (is_computed) {
                    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-2]);
                    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
                        goto exception;
                    opcode += OP_define_method - OP_define_method_computed;
                } else {
                    atom = get_u32(pc);
                    pc += 4;
                op_flags = *pc++;

                obj = sp[-2 - is_computed];
                if (op_flags & OP_DEFINE_METHOD_ENUMERABLE)
                    flags |= JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE;
                op_flags &= 3;
                value = JS_UNDEFINED;
                getter = JS_UNDEFINED;
                setter = JS_UNDEFINED;
                if (op_flags == OP_DEFINE_METHOD_METHOD) {
                    value = sp[-1];
                } else if (op_flags == OP_DEFINE_METHOD_GETTER) {
                    getter = sp[-1];
                    flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_GET;
                } else {
                    setter = sp[-1];
                    flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_SET;
                ret = js_method_set_properties(ctx, sp[-1], atom, flags, obj);
                if (ret >= 0) {
                    ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, obj, atom, value,
                                            getter, setter, flags);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (is_computed) {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp -= 1 + is_computed;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int class_flags;
                JSAtom atom;

                atom = get_u32(pc);
                class_flags = pc[4];
                pc += 5;
                if (js_op_define_class(ctx, sp, atom, class_flags,
                                       var_refs, sf,
                                       (opcode == OP_define_class_computed)) < 0)
                    goto exception;

                JSValue val;

                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp[-2] = val;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;

                JSValue val;

                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2], sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = val;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;

                JSValue val;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUndefined(sp[-2]))) {
                    JSAtom atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-1]);
                    if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                        JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, atom);
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                    goto exception;
                val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-2],
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                sp[0] = val;

                JSValue val;
                JSAtom atom;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
                    goto exception;
                val = JS_GetPropertyInternal2(ctx, sp[-2], atom, sp[-3], NULL, FALSE);
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
                sp[-3] = val;
                sp -= 2;

                int ret;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret = JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-2], sp[-1], JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
                sp -= 3;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int ret, flags;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                flags = JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT;
                if (unlikely(JS_IsUndefined(sp[-3]))) {
                    if (is_strict_mode(ctx)) {
                        JSAtom atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-2]);
                        if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                            JS_ThrowReferenceErrorNotDefined(ctx, atom);
                            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                        goto exception;
                    } else {
                        sp[-3] = js_dup(ctx->global_obj);
                } else {
                    if (is_strict_mode(ctx))
                        flags |= JS_PROP_NO_ADD;
                ret = JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, sp[-3], sp[-2], sp[-1], flags);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
                sp -= 3;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                JSAtom atom;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-3]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
                    goto exception;
                atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, sp[-2]);
                if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
                    goto exception;
                ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx,
                                              sp[-3], atom,
                                              sp[-1], sp[-4],
                                              JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT, NULL);
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-4]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-3]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-2]);
                sp -= 4;
                if (ret < 0)
                    goto exception;

                int ret;
                ret = JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(ctx, sp[-3], js_dup(sp[-2]), sp[-1],
                                                  JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW);
                sp -= 1;
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;

        CASE(OP_append):    /* array pos enumobj -- array pos */
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (js_append_enumerate(ctx, sp))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, *--sp);

        CASE(OP_copy_data_properties):    /* target source excludeList */
                /* stack offsets (-1 based):
                   2 bits for target,
                   3 bits for source,
                   2 bits for exclusionList */
                int mask;

                mask = *pc++;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                if (JS_CopyDataProperties(ctx, sp[-1 - (mask & 3)],
                                          sp[-1 - ((mask >> 2) & 7)],
                                          sp[-1 - ((mask >> 5) & 7)], 0))
                    goto exception;

                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    int64_t r;
                    r = (int64_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) + JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    if (unlikely((int)r != r))
                        goto add_slow;
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(r);
                } else if (JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_FLOAT(op1, op2)) {
                    sp[-2] = js_float64(JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1) +
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_add_slow(ctx, sp))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue *pv;
                int idx;
                idx = *pc;
                pc += 1;

                pv = &var_buf[idx];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(*pv, sp[-1]))) {
                    int64_t r;
                    r = (int64_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(*pv) +
                    if (unlikely((int)r != r))
                        goto add_loc_slow;
                    *pv = js_int32(r);
                } else if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(*pv) == JS_TAG_STRING) {
                    JSValue op1;
                    op1 = sp[-1];
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    op1 = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, op1, HINT_NONE);
                    if (JS_IsException(op1))
                        goto exception;
                    op1 = JS_ConcatString(ctx, js_dup(*pv), op1);
                    if (JS_IsException(op1))
                        goto exception;
                    set_value(ctx, pv, op1);
                } else {
                    JSValue ops[2];
                    /* In case of exception, js_add_slow frees ops[0]
                       and ops[1], so we must duplicate *pv */
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    ops[0] = js_dup(*pv);
                    ops[1] = sp[-1];
                    if (js_add_slow(ctx, ops + 2))
                        goto exception;
                    set_value(ctx, pv, ops[0]);
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    int64_t r;
                    r = (int64_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) - JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    if (unlikely((int)r != r))
                        goto binary_arith_slow;
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(r);
                } else if (JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_FLOAT(op1, op2)) {
                    sp[-2] = js_float64(JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1) -
                } else {
                    goto binary_arith_slow;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                double d;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    int32_t v1, v2;
                    int64_t r;
                    v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    r = (int64_t)v1 * v2;
                    if (unlikely((int)r != r)) {
                        d = (double)r;
                        goto mul_fp_res;
                    /* need to test zero case for -0 result */
                    if (unlikely(r == 0 && (v1 | v2) < 0)) {
                        d = -0.0;
                        goto mul_fp_res;
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(r);
                } else if (JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_FLOAT(op1, op2)) {
                    d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1) * JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op2);
                    sp[-2] = js_float64(d);
                } else {
                    goto binary_arith_slow;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    int v1, v2;
                    v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    sp[-2] = js_number((double)v1 / (double)v2);
                } else {
                    goto binary_arith_slow;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    int v1, v2, r;
                    v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    /* We must avoid v2 = 0, v1 = INT32_MIN and v2 =
                       -1 and the cases where the result is -0. */
                    if (unlikely(v1 < 0 || v2 <= 0))
                        goto binary_arith_slow;
                    r = v1 % v2;
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(r);
                } else {
                    goto binary_arith_slow;
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_binary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                goto exception;

                JSValue op1;
                uint32_t tag;
                op1 = sp[-1];
                tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1);
                if (tag == JS_TAG_INT || JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) {
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1;
                uint32_t tag;
                int val;
                double d;
                op1 = sp[-1];
                tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1);
                if (tag == JS_TAG_INT) {
                    val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    /* Note: -0 cannot be expressed as integer */
                    if (unlikely(val == 0)) {
                        d = -0.0;
                        goto neg_fp_res;
                    if (unlikely(val == INT32_MIN)) {
                        d = -(double)val;
                        goto neg_fp_res;
                    sp[-1] = js_int32(-val);
                } else if (JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag)) {
                    d = -JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(op1);
                    sp[-1] = js_float64(d);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1;
                int val;
                op1 = sp[-1];
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                    val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    if (unlikely(val == INT32_MAX))
                        goto inc_slow;
                    sp[-1] = js_int32(val + 1);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1;
                int val;
                op1 = sp[-1];
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                    val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    if (unlikely(val == INT32_MIN))
                        goto dec_slow;
                    sp[-1] = js_int32(val - 1);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_post_inc_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                goto exception;
                JSValue op1;
                int val;
                int idx;
                idx = *pc;
                pc += 1;

                op1 = var_buf[idx];
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                    val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    if (unlikely(val == INT32_MAX))
                        goto inc_loc_slow;
                    var_buf[idx] = js_int32(val + 1);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    /* must duplicate otherwise the variable value may
                       be destroyed before JS code accesses it */
                    op1 = js_dup(op1);
                    if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, &op1 + 1, OP_inc))
                        goto exception;
                    set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], op1);
                JSValue op1;
                int val;
                int idx;
                idx = *pc;
                pc += 1;

                op1 = var_buf[idx];
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                    val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    if (unlikely(val == INT32_MIN))
                        goto dec_loc_slow;
                    var_buf[idx] = js_int32(val - 1);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    /* must duplicate otherwise the variable value may
                       be destroyed before JS code accesses it */
                    op1 = js_dup(op1);
                    if (js_unary_arith_slow(ctx, &op1 + 1, OP_dec))
                        goto exception;
                    set_value(ctx, &var_buf[idx], op1);
                JSValue op1;
                op1 = sp[-1];
                if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(op1) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                    sp[-1] = js_int32(~JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1));
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_not_slow(ctx, sp))
                        goto exception;

                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    uint32_t v1, v2;
                    v1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1);
                    v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2) & 0x1f;
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(v1 << v2);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    uint32_t v2;
                    v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    v2 &= 0x1f;
                    sp[-2] = js_uint32((uint32_t)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) >> v2);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_shr_slow(ctx, sp))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    uint32_t v2;
                    v2 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2);
                    if (unlikely(v2 > 0x1f)) {
                        v2 &= 0x1f;
                    sp[-2] = js_int32((int)JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) >> v2);
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) & JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2));
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) | JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2));
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;
                JSValue op1, op2;
                op1 = sp[-2];
                op2 = sp[-1];
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {
                    sp[-2] = js_int32(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) ^ JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2));
                } else {
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;
                    if (js_binary_logic_slow(ctx, sp, opcode))
                        goto exception;

#define OP_CMP(opcode, binary_op, slow_call)              \
            CASE(opcode):                                 \
                {                                         \
                JSValue op1, op2;                         \
                op1 = sp[-2];                             \
                op2 = sp[-1];                                   \
                if (likely(JS_VALUE_IS_BOTH_INT(op1, op2))) {           \
                    sp[-2] = js_bool(JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op1) binary_op JS_VALUE_GET_INT(op2)); \
                    sp--;                                               \
                } else {                                                \
                    sf->cur_pc = pc;                                    \
                    if (slow_call)                                      \
                        goto exception;                                 \
                    sp--;                                               \
                }                                                       \
                }                                                       \

            OP_CMP(OP_lt, <, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode));
            OP_CMP(OP_lte, <=, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode));
            OP_CMP(OP_gt, >, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode));
            OP_CMP(OP_gte, >=, js_relational_slow(ctx, sp, opcode));
            OP_CMP(OP_eq, ==, js_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 0));
            OP_CMP(OP_neq, !=, js_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 1));
            OP_CMP(OP_strict_eq, ==, js_strict_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 0));
            OP_CMP(OP_strict_neq, !=, js_strict_eq_slow(ctx, sp, 1));

            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_operator_in(ctx, sp))
                goto exception;
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_operator_instanceof(ctx, sp))
                goto exception;
                JSValue op1;
                JSAtom atom;

                op1 = sp[-1];
                atom = js_operator_typeof(ctx, op1);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, op1);
                sp[-1] = JS_AtomToString(ctx, atom);
            sf->cur_pc = pc;
            if (js_operator_delete(ctx, sp))
                goto exception;
                JSAtom atom;
                int ret;

                atom = get_u32(pc);
                pc += 4;

                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, atom, 0);
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;
                *sp++ = js_bool(ret);

            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret_val = JS_ToObject(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (JS_IsException(ret_val))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = ret_val;

            switch (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1])) {
            case JS_TAG_INT:
            case JS_TAG_STRING:
            case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret_val = JS_ToPropertyKey(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (JS_IsException(ret_val))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = ret_val;

            /* must be tested first */
            if (unlikely(JS_IsUndefined(sp[-2]) || JS_IsNull(sp[-2]))) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "value has no property");
                goto exception;
            switch (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1])) {
            case JS_TAG_INT:
            case JS_TAG_STRING:
            case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
                sf->cur_pc = pc;
                ret_val = JS_ToPropertyKey(ctx, sp[-1]);
                if (JS_IsException(ret_val))
                    goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                sp[-1] = ret_val;
                JSAtom atom;
                int32_t diff;
                JSValue obj, val;
                int ret, is_with;
                atom = get_u32(pc);
                diff = get_u32(pc + 4);
                is_with = pc[8];
                pc += 9;
                sf->cur_pc = pc;

                obj = sp[-1];
                ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
                if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                    goto exception;
                if (ret) {
                    if (is_with) {
                        ret = js_has_unscopable(ctx, obj, atom);
                        if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                            goto exception;
                        if (ret)
                            goto no_with;
                    switch (opcode) {
                    case OP_with_get_var:
                        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
                        if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                            goto exception;
                        set_value(ctx, &sp[-1], val);
                    case OP_with_put_var:
                        /* XXX: check if strict mode */
                        ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal(ctx, obj, atom, sp[-2],
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                        sp -= 2;
                        if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                            goto exception;
                    case OP_with_delete_var:
                        ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, obj, atom, 0);
                        if (unlikely(ret < 0))
                            goto exception;
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                        sp[-1] = js_bool(ret);
                    case OP_with_make_ref:
                        /* produce a pair object/propname on the stack */
                        *sp++ = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
                    case OP_with_get_ref:
                        /* produce a pair object/method on the stack */
                        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
                        if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                            goto exception;
                        *sp++ = val;
                    case OP_with_get_ref_undef:
                        /* produce a pair undefined/function on the stack */
                        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
                        if (unlikely(JS_IsException(val)))
                            goto exception;
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
                        sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
                        *sp++ = val;
                    pc += diff - 5;
                } else {
                    /* if not jumping, drop the object argument */
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);

            ret_val = js_int32(FUNC_RET_AWAIT);
            goto done_generator;
            ret_val = js_int32(FUNC_RET_YIELD);
            goto done_generator;
            ret_val = js_int32(FUNC_RET_YIELD_STAR);
            goto done_generator;
            ret_val = JS_UNDEFINED;
            goto done_generator;

            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED ||
                JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_NULL) {
                goto set_true;
            } else {
                goto free_and_set_false;
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED) {
                goto set_true;
            } else {
                goto free_and_set_false;
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sp[-1]) == JS_TAG_NULL) {
                goto set_true;
            } else {
                goto free_and_set_false;
            /* XXX: could merge to a single opcode */
            /* different from OP_is_undefined because of isHTMLDDA */
            if (js_operator_typeof(ctx, sp[-1]) == JS_ATOM_undefined) {
                goto free_and_set_true;
            } else {
                goto free_and_set_false;
            if (js_operator_typeof(ctx, sp[-1]) == JS_ATOM_function) {
                goto free_and_set_true;
            } else {
                goto free_and_set_false;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
            sp[-1] = JS_TRUE;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]);
            sp[-1] = JS_FALSE;
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid opcode: pc=%u opcode=0x%02x",
                                  (int)(pc - b->byte_code_buf - 1), opcode);
            goto exception;
    if (is_backtrace_needed(ctx, rt->current_exception)) {
        /* add the backtrace information now (it is not done
           before if the exception happens in a bytecode
           operation */
        sf->cur_pc = pc;
        build_backtrace(ctx, rt->current_exception, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
    if (!JS_IsUncatchableError(ctx, rt->current_exception)) {
        while (sp > stack_buf) {
            JSValue val = *--sp;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_CATCH_OFFSET) {
                int pos = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val);
                if (pos == 0) {
                    /* enumerator: close it with a throw */
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sp[-1]); /* drop the next method */
                    JS_IteratorClose(ctx, sp[-1], TRUE);
                } else {
                    *sp++ = rt->current_exception;
                    rt->current_exception = JS_NULL;
                    pc = b->byte_code_buf + pos;
                    goto restart;
    ret_val = JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* the local variables are freed by the caller in the generator
       case. Hence the label 'done' should never be reached in a
       generator function. */
    if (b->func_kind != JS_FUNC_NORMAL) {
        sf->cur_pc = pc;
        sf->cur_sp = sp;
    } else {
        if (unlikely(!list_empty(&sf->var_ref_list))) {
            /* variable references reference the stack: must close them */
            close_var_refs(rt, sf);
        /* free the local variables and stack */
        for(pval = local_buf; pval < sp; pval++) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, *pval);
    rt->current_stack_frame = sf->prev_frame;
    return ret_val;

JSValue JS_Call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj, JSValue this_obj,
                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, this_obj, JS_UNDEFINED,
                           argc, argv, JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV);

static JSValue JS_CallFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj, JSValue this_obj,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue res = JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, this_obj, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                  argc, argv, JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
    return res;

/* warning: the refcount of the context is not incremented. Return
   NULL in case of exception (case of revoked proxy only) */
static JSContext *JS_GetFunctionRealm(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj)
    JSObject *p;
    JSContext *realm;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return ctx;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    switch(p->class_id) {
        realm = p->u.cfunc.realm;
            JSFunctionBytecode *b;
            b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
            realm = b->realm;
    case JS_CLASS_PROXY:
            JSProxyData *s = p->u.opaque;
            if (!s)
                return ctx;
            if (s->is_revoked) {
                return NULL;
            } else {
                realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, s->target);
            JSBoundFunction *bf = p->u.bound_function;
            realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, bf->func_obj);
        realm = ctx;
    return realm;

static JSValue js_create_from_ctor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue ctor,
                                   int class_id)
    JSValue proto, obj;
    JSContext *realm;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(ctor)) {
        proto = js_dup(ctx->class_proto[class_id]);
    } else {
        proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_prototype);
        if (JS_IsException(proto))
            return proto;
        if (!JS_IsObject(proto)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
            realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, ctor);
            if (!realm)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            proto = js_dup(realm->class_proto[class_id]);
    obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, proto, class_id);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
    return obj;

/* argv[] is modified if (flags & JS_CALL_FLAG_COPY_ARGV) = 0. */
static JSValue JS_CallConstructorInternal(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSValue func_obj,
                                          JSValue new_target,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSObject *p;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;

    if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (unlikely(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT))
        goto not_a_function;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    if (unlikely(!p->is_constructor))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor");
    if (unlikely(p->class_id != JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION)) {
        JSClassCall *call_func;
        call_func = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].call;
        if (!call_func) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a function");
        return call_func(ctx, func_obj, new_target, argc,
                         argv, flags);

    b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
    if (b->is_derived_class_constructor) {
        return JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, new_target, argc, argv, flags);
    } else {
        JSValue obj, ret;
        /* legacy constructor behavior */
        obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_OBJECT);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        ret = JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, obj, new_target, argc, argv, flags);
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) == JS_TAG_OBJECT ||
            JS_IsException(ret)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return ret;
        } else {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return obj;

JSValue JS_CallConstructor2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                            JSValue new_target,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_CallConstructorInternal(ctx, func_obj, new_target,
                                      argc, argv,

JSValue JS_CallConstructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_CallConstructorInternal(ctx, func_obj, func_obj,
                                      argc, argv,

JSValue JS_Invoke(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSAtom atom,
                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue func_obj;
    func_obj = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, atom);
    if (JS_IsException(func_obj))
        return func_obj;
    return JS_CallFree(ctx, func_obj, this_val, argc, argv);

static JSValue JS_InvokeFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSAtom atom,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue res = JS_Invoke(ctx, this_val, atom, argc, argv);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, this_val);
    return res;

/* JSAsyncFunctionState (used by generator and async functions) */
static __exception int async_func_init(JSContext *ctx, JSAsyncFunctionState *s,
                                       JSValue func_obj, JSValue this_obj,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    int local_count, i, arg_buf_len, n;

    sf = &s->frame;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
    sf->js_mode = b->js_mode;
    sf->cur_pc = b->byte_code_buf;
    arg_buf_len = max_int(b->arg_count, argc);
    local_count = arg_buf_len + b->var_count + b->stack_size;
    sf->arg_buf = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSValue) * max_int(local_count, 1));
    if (!sf->arg_buf)
        return -1;
    sf->cur_func = js_dup(func_obj);
    s->this_val = js_dup(this_obj);
    s->argc = argc;
    sf->arg_count = arg_buf_len;
    sf->var_buf = sf->arg_buf + arg_buf_len;
    sf->cur_sp = sf->var_buf + b->var_count;
    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        sf->arg_buf[i] = js_dup(argv[i]);
    n = arg_buf_len + b->var_count;
    for(i = argc; i < n; i++)
        sf->arg_buf[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return 0;

static void async_func_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionState *s,
                            JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    JSValue *sp;

    sf = &s->frame;
    JS_MarkValue(rt, sf->cur_func, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, s->this_val, mark_func);
    if (sf->cur_sp) {
        /* if the function is running, cur_sp is not known so we
           cannot mark the stack. Marking the variables is not needed
           because a running function cannot be part of a removable
           cycle */
        for(sp = sf->arg_buf; sp < sf->cur_sp; sp++)
            JS_MarkValue(rt, *sp, mark_func);

static void async_func_free(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionState *s)
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    JSValue *sp;

    sf = &s->frame;

    /* close the closure variables. */
    close_var_refs(rt, sf);

    if (sf->arg_buf) {
        /* cannot free the function if it is running */
        assert(sf->cur_sp != NULL);
        for(sp = sf->arg_buf; sp < sf->cur_sp; sp++) {
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, *sp);
        js_free_rt(rt, sf->arg_buf);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, sf->cur_func);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->this_val);

static JSValue async_func_resume(JSContext *ctx, JSAsyncFunctionState *s)
    JSValue func_obj;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0))
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx);

    /* the tag does not matter provided it is not an object */
    func_obj = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_INT, s);
    return JS_CallInternal(ctx, func_obj, s->this_val, JS_UNDEFINED,
                           s->argc, s->frame.arg_buf, JS_CALL_FLAG_GENERATOR);

/* Generators */

typedef enum JSGeneratorStateEnum {
} JSGeneratorStateEnum;

typedef struct JSGeneratorData {
    JSGeneratorStateEnum state;
    JSAsyncFunctionState func_state;
} JSGeneratorData;

static void free_generator_stack_rt(JSRuntime *rt, JSGeneratorData *s)
    async_func_free(rt, &s->func_state);

static void js_generator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue obj)
    JSGeneratorData *s = JS_GetOpaque(obj, JS_CLASS_GENERATOR);

    if (s) {
        free_generator_stack_rt(rt, s);
        js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void free_generator_stack(JSContext *ctx, JSGeneratorData *s)
    free_generator_stack_rt(ctx->rt, s);

static void js_generator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                              JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSGeneratorData *s = p->u.generator_data;

    if (!s || s->state == JS_GENERATOR_STATE_COMPLETED)
    async_func_mark(rt, &s->func_state, mark_func);

/* XXX: use enum */
#define GEN_MAGIC_NEXT   0
#define GEN_MAGIC_THROW  2

static JSValue js_generator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                 BOOL *pdone, int magic)
    JSGeneratorData *s = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, JS_CLASS_GENERATOR);
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    JSValue ret, func_ret;

    *pdone = TRUE;
    if (!s)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a generator");
    sf = &s->func_state.frame;
    switch(s->state) {
        if (magic == GEN_MAGIC_NEXT) {
            goto exec_no_arg;
        } else {
            free_generator_stack(ctx, s);
            goto done;
        /* cur_sp[-1] was set to JS_UNDEFINED in the previous call */
        ret = js_dup(argv[0]);
        if (magic == GEN_MAGIC_THROW &&
            s->state == JS_GENERATOR_STATE_SUSPENDED_YIELD) {
            JS_Throw(ctx, ret);
            s->func_state.throw_flag = TRUE;
        } else {
            sf->cur_sp[-1] = ret;
            sf->cur_sp[0] = js_int32(magic);
            s->func_state.throw_flag = FALSE;
        func_ret = async_func_resume(ctx, &s->func_state);
        if (JS_IsException(func_ret)) {
            /* finalize the execution in case of exception */
            free_generator_stack(ctx, s);
            return func_ret;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_ret) == JS_TAG_INT) {
            /* get the returned yield value at the top of the stack */
            ret = sf->cur_sp[-1];
            sf->cur_sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_INT(func_ret) == FUNC_RET_YIELD_STAR) {
                /* return (value, done) object */
                *pdone = 2;
            } else {
                *pdone = FALSE;
        } else {
            /* end of iterator */
            ret = sf->cur_sp[-1];
            sf->cur_sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_ret);
            free_generator_stack(ctx, s);
        /* execution is finished */
        switch(magic) {
        case GEN_MAGIC_NEXT:
            ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
        case GEN_MAGIC_RETURN:
            ret = js_dup(argv[0]);
        case GEN_MAGIC_THROW:
            ret = JS_Throw(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]));
        ret = JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot invoke a running generator");
    return ret;

static JSValue js_generator_function_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                          JSValue this_obj,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                          int flags)
    JSValue obj, func_ret;
    JSGeneratorData *s;

    s = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*s));
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (async_func_init(ctx, &s->func_state, func_obj, this_obj, argc, argv)) {
        goto fail;

    /* execute the function up to 'OP_initial_yield' */
    func_ret = async_func_resume(ctx, &s->func_state);
    if (JS_IsException(func_ret))
        goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_ret);

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, func_obj, JS_CLASS_GENERATOR);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, s);
    return obj;
    free_generator_stack_rt(ctx->rt, s);
    js_free(ctx, s);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* AsyncFunction */

static void js_async_function_terminate(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionData *s)
    if (s->is_active) {
        async_func_free(rt, &s->func_state);
        s->is_active = FALSE;

static void js_async_function_free0(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionData *s)
    js_async_function_terminate(rt, s);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->resolving_funcs[1]);
    js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_async_function_free(JSRuntime *rt, JSAsyncFunctionData *s)
    if (--s->header.ref_count == 0) {
        js_async_function_free0(rt, s);

static void js_async_function_resolve_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSAsyncFunctionData *s = p->u.async_function_data;
    if (s) {
        js_async_function_free(rt, s);

static void js_async_function_resolve_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                           JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSAsyncFunctionData *s = p->u.async_function_data;
    if (s) {
        mark_func(rt, &s->header);

static int js_async_function_resolve_create(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSAsyncFunctionData *s,
                                            JSValue *resolving_funcs)
    int i;
    JSObject *p;

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        resolving_funcs[i] =
            JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->function_proto,
                                   JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE + i);
        if (JS_IsException(resolving_funcs[i])) {
            if (i == 1)
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
            return -1;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(resolving_funcs[i]);
        p->u.async_function_data = s;
    return 0;

static void js_async_function_resume(JSContext *ctx, JSAsyncFunctionData *s)
    JSValue func_ret, ret2;

    func_ret = async_func_resume(ctx, &s->func_state);
    if (JS_IsException(func_ret)) {
        JSValue error;
        error = JS_GetException(ctx);
        ret2 = JS_Call(ctx, s->resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                       1, &error);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
        js_async_function_terminate(ctx->rt, s);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret2); /* XXX: what to do if exception ? */
    } else {
        JSValue value;
        value = s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1];
        s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (JS_IsUndefined(func_ret)) {
            /* function returned */
            ret2 = JS_Call(ctx, s->resolving_funcs[0], JS_UNDEFINED,
                           1, &value);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret2); /* XXX: what to do if exception ? */
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
            js_async_function_terminate(ctx->rt, s);
        } else {
            JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2], resolving_funcs1[2];
            int i, res;

            /* await */
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_ret); /* not used */
            promise = js_promise_resolve(ctx, ctx->promise_ctor,
                                         1, &value, 0);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
            if (JS_IsException(promise))
                goto fail;
            if (js_async_function_resolve_create(ctx, s, resolving_funcs)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
                goto fail;

            /* Note: no need to create 'thrownawayCapability' as in
               the spec */
            for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                resolving_funcs1[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            res = perform_promise_then(ctx, promise,
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
            for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[i]);
            if (res)
                goto fail;

static JSValue js_async_function_resolve_call(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue func_obj,
                                              JSValue this_obj,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                              int flags)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    JSAsyncFunctionData *s = p->u.async_function_data;
    BOOL is_reject = p->class_id - JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE;
    JSValue arg;

    if (argc > 0)
        arg = argv[0];
        arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    s->func_state.throw_flag = is_reject;
    if (is_reject) {
        JS_Throw(ctx, js_dup(arg));
    } else {
        /* return value of await */
        s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1] = js_dup(arg);
    js_async_function_resume(ctx, s);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_async_function_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                      JSValue this_obj,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSValue promise;
    JSAsyncFunctionData *s;

    s = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*s));
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s->header.ref_count = 1;
    add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &s->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_ASYNC_FUNCTION);
    s->is_active = FALSE;
    s->resolving_funcs[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    s->resolving_funcs[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;

    promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, s->resolving_funcs);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        goto fail;

    if (async_func_init(ctx, &s->func_state, func_obj, this_obj, argc, argv)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
        js_async_function_free(ctx->rt, s);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s->is_active = TRUE;

    js_async_function_resume(ctx, s);

    js_async_function_free(ctx->rt, s);

    return promise;

/* AsyncGenerator */

typedef enum JSAsyncGeneratorStateEnum {
} JSAsyncGeneratorStateEnum;

typedef struct JSAsyncGeneratorRequest {
    struct list_head link;
    /* completion */
    int completion_type; /* GEN_MAGIC_x */
    JSValue result;
    /* promise capability */
    JSValue promise;
    JSValue resolving_funcs[2];
} JSAsyncGeneratorRequest;

typedef struct JSAsyncGeneratorData {
    JSObject *generator; /* back pointer to the object (const) */
    JSAsyncGeneratorStateEnum state;
    JSAsyncFunctionState func_state;
    struct list_head queue; /* list of JSAsyncGeneratorRequest.link */
} JSAsyncGeneratorData;

static void js_async_generator_free(JSRuntime *rt,
                                    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s)
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSAsyncGeneratorRequest *req;

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &s->queue) {
        req = list_entry(el, JSAsyncGeneratorRequest, link);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, req->result);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, req->promise);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, req->resolving_funcs[0]);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, req->resolving_funcs[1]);
        js_free_rt(rt, req);
        async_func_free(rt, &s->func_state);
    js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_async_generator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue obj)
    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s = JS_GetOpaque(obj, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR);

    if (s) {
        js_async_generator_free(rt, s);

static void js_async_generator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                    JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR);
    struct list_head *el;
    JSAsyncGeneratorRequest *req;
    if (s) {
        list_for_each(el, &s->queue) {
            req = list_entry(el, JSAsyncGeneratorRequest, link);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, req->result, mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, req->promise, mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, req->resolving_funcs[0], mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, req->resolving_funcs[1], mark_func);
        if (s->state != JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_COMPLETED &&
            async_func_mark(rt, &s->func_state, mark_func);

static JSValue js_async_generator_resolve_function(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSValue this_obj,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                          int magic, JSValue *func_data);

static int js_async_generator_resolve_function_create(JSContext *ctx,
                                                      JSValue generator,
                                                      JSValue *resolving_funcs,
                                                      BOOL is_resume_next)
    int i;
    JSValue func;

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        func = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_async_generator_resolve_function, 1,
                                   i + is_resume_next * 2, 1, &generator);
        if (JS_IsException(func)) {
            if (i == 1)
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
            return -1;
        resolving_funcs[i] = func;
    return 0;

static int js_async_generator_await(JSContext *ctx,
                                    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s,
                                    JSValue value)
    JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2], resolving_funcs1[2];
    int i, res;

    promise = js_promise_resolve(ctx, ctx->promise_ctor,
                                 1, &value, 0);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        goto fail;

    if (js_async_generator_resolve_function_create(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, s->generator),
                                                   resolving_funcs, FALSE)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
        goto fail;

    /* Note: no need to create 'thrownawayCapability' as in
       the spec */
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        resolving_funcs1[i] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    res = perform_promise_then(ctx, promise,
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[i]);
    if (res)
        goto fail;
    return 0;
    return -1;

static void js_async_generator_resolve_or_reject(JSContext *ctx,
                                                 JSAsyncGeneratorData *s,
                                                 JSValue result,
                                                 int is_reject)
    JSAsyncGeneratorRequest *next;
    JSValue ret;

    next = list_entry(s->queue.next, JSAsyncGeneratorRequest, link);
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, next->resolving_funcs[is_reject], JS_UNDEFINED, 1,
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next->result);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next->promise);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next->resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next->resolving_funcs[1]);
    js_free(ctx, next);

static void js_async_generator_resolve(JSContext *ctx,
                                       JSAsyncGeneratorData *s,
                                       JSValue value,
                                       BOOL done)
    JSValue result;
    result = js_create_iterator_result(ctx, js_dup(value), done);
    /* XXX: better exception handling ? */
    js_async_generator_resolve_or_reject(ctx, s, result, 0);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);

static void js_async_generator_reject(JSContext *ctx,
                                       JSAsyncGeneratorData *s,
                                       JSValue exception)
    js_async_generator_resolve_or_reject(ctx, s, exception, 1);

static void js_async_generator_complete(JSContext *ctx,
                                        JSAsyncGeneratorData *s)
        async_func_free(ctx->rt, &s->func_state);

static int js_async_generator_completed_return(JSContext *ctx,
                                               JSAsyncGeneratorData *s,
                                               JSValue value)
    JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2], resolving_funcs1[2];
    int res;

    // Can fail looking up JS_ATOM_constructor when is_reject==0.
    promise = js_promise_resolve(ctx, ctx->promise_ctor, 1, &value,
    // A poisoned .constructor property is observable and the resulting
    // exception should be delivered to the catch handler.
    if (JS_IsException(promise)) {
        JSValue err = JS_GetException(ctx);
        promise = js_promise_resolve(ctx, ctx->promise_ctor, 1, &err,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, err);
        if (JS_IsException(promise))
            return -1;
    if (js_async_generator_resolve_function_create(ctx,
                                                   JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, s->generator),
                                                   TRUE)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
        return -1;
    resolving_funcs[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    resolving_funcs[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    res = perform_promise_then(ctx, promise,
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs1[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs1[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
    return res;

static void js_async_generator_resume_next(JSContext *ctx,
                                           JSAsyncGeneratorData *s)
    JSAsyncGeneratorRequest *next;
    JSValue func_ret, value;

    for(;;) {
        if (list_empty(&s->queue))
        next = list_entry(s->queue.next, JSAsyncGeneratorRequest, link);
        switch(s->state) {
            /* only happens when restarting execution after await() */
            goto resume_exec;
            goto done;
            if (next->completion_type == GEN_MAGIC_NEXT) {
                goto exec_no_arg;
            } else {
                js_async_generator_complete(ctx, s);
            if (next->completion_type == GEN_MAGIC_NEXT) {
                js_async_generator_resolve(ctx, s, JS_UNDEFINED, TRUE);
            } else if (next->completion_type == GEN_MAGIC_RETURN) {
                js_async_generator_completed_return(ctx, s, next->result);
            } else {
                js_async_generator_reject(ctx, s, next->result);
            goto done;
            value = js_dup(next->result);
            if (next->completion_type == GEN_MAGIC_THROW &&
                s->state == JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_SUSPENDED_YIELD) {
                JS_Throw(ctx, value);
                s->func_state.throw_flag = TRUE;
            } else {
                /* 'yield' returns a value. 'yield *' also returns a value
                   in case the 'throw' method is called */
                s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1] = value;
                s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[0] =
                s->func_state.throw_flag = FALSE;
            func_ret = async_func_resume(ctx, &s->func_state);
            if (JS_IsException(func_ret)) {
                value = JS_GetException(ctx);
                js_async_generator_complete(ctx, s);
                js_async_generator_reject(ctx, s, value);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
            } else if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(func_ret) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                int func_ret_code, ret;
                value = s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1];
                s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
                func_ret_code = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(func_ret);
                switch(func_ret_code) {
                case FUNC_RET_YIELD:
                case FUNC_RET_YIELD_STAR:
                    if (func_ret_code == FUNC_RET_YIELD_STAR)
                        s->state = JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_SUSPENDED_YIELD_STAR;
                        s->state = JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_SUSPENDED_YIELD;
                    js_async_generator_resolve(ctx, s, value, FALSE);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
                case FUNC_RET_AWAIT:
                    ret = js_async_generator_await(ctx, s, value);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
                    if (ret < 0) {
                        /* exception: throw it */
                        s->func_state.throw_flag = TRUE;
                        goto resume_exec;
                    goto done;
            } else {
                /* end of function */
                value = s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1];
                s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
                js_async_generator_complete(ctx, s);
                js_async_generator_resolve(ctx, s, value, TRUE);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
 done: ;

static JSValue js_async_generator_resolve_function(JSContext *ctx,
                                                   JSValue this_obj,
                                                   int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                                   int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    BOOL is_reject = magic & 1;
    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s = JS_GetOpaque(func_data[0], JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR);
    JSValue arg = argv[0];

    /* XXX: what if s == NULL */

    if (magic >= 2) {
        /* resume next case in AWAITING_RETURN state */
        assert(s->state == JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_AWAITING_RETURN ||
               s->state == JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_COMPLETED);
        if (is_reject) {
            js_async_generator_reject(ctx, s, arg);
        } else {
            js_async_generator_resolve(ctx, s, arg, TRUE);
    } else {
        /* restart function execution after await() */
        assert(s->state == JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_STATE_EXECUTING);
        s->func_state.throw_flag = is_reject;
        if (is_reject) {
            JS_Throw(ctx, js_dup(arg));
        } else {
            /* return value of await */
            s->func_state.frame.cur_sp[-1] = js_dup(arg);
        js_async_generator_resume_next(ctx, s);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

/* magic = GEN_MAGIC_x */
static JSValue js_async_generator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                       int magic)
    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR);
    JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2];
    JSAsyncGeneratorRequest *req;

    promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, resolving_funcs);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!s) {
        JSValue err, res2;
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not an AsyncGenerator object");
        err = JS_GetException(ctx);
        res2 = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                       1, &err);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, err);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, res2);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
        return promise;
    req = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*req));
    if (!req)
        goto fail;
    req->completion_type = magic;
    req->result = js_dup(argv[0]);
    req->promise = js_dup(promise);
    req->resolving_funcs[0] = resolving_funcs[0];
    req->resolving_funcs[1] = resolving_funcs[1];
    list_add_tail(&req->link, &s->queue);
        js_async_generator_resume_next(ctx, s);
    return promise;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_async_generator_function_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                                JSValue this_obj,
                                                int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                                int flags)
    JSValue obj, func_ret;
    JSAsyncGeneratorData *s;

    s = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*s));
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (async_func_init(ctx, &s->func_state, func_obj, this_obj, argc, argv)) {
        goto fail;

    /* execute the function up to 'OP_initial_yield' (no yield nor
       await are possible) */
    func_ret = async_func_resume(ctx, &s->func_state);
    if (JS_IsException(func_ret))
        goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_ret);

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, func_obj, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    s->generator = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, s);
    return obj;
    js_async_generator_free(ctx->rt, s);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* JS parser */

enum {
    TOK_NUMBER = -128,
    /* warning: order matters (see js_parse_assign_expr) */
    /* keywords: WARNING: same order as atoms */
    TOK_NULL, /* must be first */
    /* FutureReservedWord */
    /* FutureReservedWords when parsing strict mode code */
    TOK_AWAIT, /* must be last */
    TOK_OF,     /* only used for js_parse_skip_parens_token() */


/* unicode code points */
#define CP_NBSP 0x00a0
#define CP_BOM  0xfeff

#define CP_LS   0x2028
#define CP_PS   0x2029

typedef struct BlockEnv {
    struct BlockEnv *prev;
    JSAtom label_name; /* JS_ATOM_NULL if none */
    int label_break; /* -1 if none */
    int label_cont; /* -1 if none */
    int drop_count; /* number of stack elements to drop */
    int label_finally; /* -1 if none */
    int scope_level;
    int has_iterator;
} BlockEnv;

typedef struct JSGlobalVar {
    int cpool_idx; /* if >= 0, index in the constant pool for hoisted
                      function defintion*/
    uint8_t force_init : 1; /* force initialization to undefined */
    uint8_t is_lexical : 1; /* global let/const definition */
    uint8_t is_const   : 1; /* const definition */
    int scope_level;    /* scope of definition */
    JSAtom var_name;  /* variable name */
} JSGlobalVar;

typedef struct RelocEntry {
    struct RelocEntry *next;
    uint32_t addr; /* address to patch */
    int size;   /* address size: 1, 2 or 4 bytes */
} RelocEntry;

typedef struct JumpSlot {
    int op;
    int size;
    int pos;
    int label;
} JumpSlot;

typedef struct LabelSlot {
    int ref_count;
    int pos;    /* phase 1 address, -1 means not resolved yet */
    int pos2;   /* phase 2 address, -1 means not resolved yet */
    int addr;   /* phase 3 address, -1 means not resolved yet */
    RelocEntry *first_reloc;
} LabelSlot;

typedef struct SourceLocSlot {
    uint32_t pc;
    int line_num;
    int col_num;
} SourceLocSlot;

typedef enum JSParseFunctionEnum {
} JSParseFunctionEnum;

typedef enum JSParseExportEnum {
} JSParseExportEnum;

typedef struct JSFunctionDef {
    JSContext *ctx;
    struct JSFunctionDef *parent;
    int parent_cpool_idx; /* index in the constant pool of the parent
                             or -1 if none */
    int parent_scope_level; /* scope level in parent at point of definition */
    struct list_head child_list; /* list of JSFunctionDef.link */
    struct list_head link;

    BOOL is_eval; /* TRUE if eval code */
    int eval_type; /* only valid if is_eval = TRUE */
    BOOL is_global_var; /* TRUE if variables are not defined locally:
                           eval global, eval module or non strict eval */
    BOOL is_func_expr; /* TRUE if function expression */
    BOOL has_home_object; /* TRUE if the home object is available */
    BOOL has_prototype; /* true if a prototype field is necessary */
    BOOL has_simple_parameter_list;
    BOOL has_parameter_expressions; /* if true, an argument scope is created */
    BOOL has_use_strict; /* to reject directive in special cases */
    BOOL has_eval_call; /* true if the function contains a call to eval() */
    BOOL has_arguments_binding; /* true if the 'arguments' binding is
                                   available in the function */
    BOOL has_this_binding; /* true if the 'this' and new.target binding are
                              available in the function */
    BOOL new_target_allowed; /* true if the 'new.target' does not
                                throw a syntax error */
    BOOL super_call_allowed; /* true if super() is allowed */
    BOOL super_allowed; /* true if super. or super[] is allowed */
    BOOL arguments_allowed; /* true if the 'arguments' identifier is allowed */
    BOOL is_derived_class_constructor;
    BOOL in_function_body;
    BOOL backtrace_barrier;
    JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind : 8;
    JSParseFunctionEnum func_type : 8;
    uint8_t js_mode; /* bitmap of JS_MODE_x */
    JSAtom func_name; /* JS_ATOM_NULL if no name */

    JSVarDef *vars;
    int var_size; /* allocated size for vars[] */
    int var_count;
    JSVarDef *args;
    int arg_size; /* allocated size for args[] */
    int arg_count; /* number of arguments */
    int defined_arg_count;
    int var_object_idx; /* -1 if none */
    int arg_var_object_idx; /* -1 if none (var object for the argument scope) */
    int arguments_var_idx; /* -1 if none */
    int arguments_arg_idx; /* argument variable definition in argument scope,
                              -1 if none */
    int func_var_idx; /* variable containing the current function (-1
                         if none, only used if is_func_expr is true) */
    int eval_ret_idx; /* variable containing the return value of the eval, -1 if none */
    int this_var_idx; /* variable containg the 'this' value, -1 if none */
    int new_target_var_idx; /* variable containg the 'new.target' value, -1 if none */
    int this_active_func_var_idx; /* variable containg the 'this.active_func' value, -1 if none */
    int home_object_var_idx;
    BOOL need_home_object;

    int scope_level;    /* index into fd->scopes if the current lexical scope */
    int scope_first;    /* index into vd->vars of first lexically scoped variable */
    int scope_size;     /* allocated size of fd->scopes array */
    int scope_count;    /* number of entries used in the fd->scopes array */
    JSVarScope *scopes;
    JSVarScope def_scope_array[4];
    int body_scope; /* scope of the body of the function or eval */

    int global_var_count;
    int global_var_size;
    JSGlobalVar *global_vars;

    DynBuf byte_code;
    int last_opcode_pos; /* -1 if no last opcode */
    int last_opcode_line_num;
    int last_opcode_col_num;
    BOOL use_short_opcodes; /* true if short opcodes are used in byte_code */

    LabelSlot *label_slots;
    int label_size; /* allocated size for label_slots[] */
    int label_count;
    BlockEnv *top_break; /* break/continue label stack */

    /* constant pool (strings, functions, numbers) */
    JSValue *cpool;
    int cpool_count;
    int cpool_size;

    /* list of variables in the closure */
    int closure_var_count;
    int closure_var_size;
    JSClosureVar *closure_var;

    JumpSlot *jump_slots;
    int jump_size;
    int jump_count;

    SourceLocSlot *source_loc_slots;
    int source_loc_size;
    int source_loc_count;
    int line_number_last;
    int line_number_last_pc;
    int col_number_last;

    /* pc2line table */
    JSAtom filename;
    int line_num;
    int col_num;
    DynBuf pc2line;

    char *source;  /* raw source, utf-8 encoded */
    int source_len;

    JSModuleDef *module; /* != NULL when parsing a module */
    BOOL has_await; /* TRUE if await is used (used in module eval) */
    JSInlineCache *ic; /* inline cache for field op */
} JSFunctionDef;

typedef struct JSToken {
    int val;
    int line_num;   /* line number of token start */
    int col_num;    /* column number of token start */
    const uint8_t *ptr;
    union {
        struct {
            JSValue str;
            int sep;
        } str;
        struct {
            JSValue val;
        } num;
        struct {
            JSAtom atom;
            BOOL has_escape;
            BOOL is_reserved;
        } ident;
        struct {
            JSValue body;
            JSValue flags;
        } regexp;
    } u;
} JSToken;

typedef struct JSParseState {
    JSContext *ctx;
    int last_line_num;  /* line number of last token */
    int last_col_num;   /* column number of last token */
    int line_num;       /* line number of current offset */
    int col_num;        /* column number of current offset */
    const char *filename;
    JSToken token;
    BOOL got_lf; /* true if got line feed before the current token */
    const uint8_t *last_ptr;
    const uint8_t *buf_start;
    const uint8_t *buf_ptr;
    const uint8_t *buf_end;
    const uint8_t *eol;  // most recently seen end-of-line character
    const uint8_t *mark; // first token character, invariant: eol < mark

    /* current function code */
    JSFunctionDef *cur_func;
    BOOL is_module; /* parsing a module */
    BOOL allow_html_comments;
} JSParseState;

typedef struct JSOpCode {
    const char *name;
    uint8_t size; /* in bytes */
    /* the opcodes remove n_pop items from the top of the stack, then
       pushes n_push items */
    uint8_t n_pop;
    uint8_t n_push;
    uint8_t fmt;
} JSOpCode;

static const JSOpCode opcode_info[OP_COUNT + (OP_TEMP_END - OP_TEMP_START)] = {
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) { #id, size, n_pop, n_push, OP_FMT_ ## f },
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) { size, n_pop, n_push, OP_FMT_ ## f },
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef DEF
#undef FMT

/* After the final compilation pass, short opcodes are used. Their
   opcodes overlap with the temporary opcodes which cannot appear in
   the final bytecode. Their description is after the temporary
   opcodes in opcode_info[]. */
#define short_opcode_info(op)           \
    opcode_info[(op) >= OP_TEMP_START ? \
                (op) + (OP_TEMP_END - OP_TEMP_START) : (op)]

static __exception int next_token(JSParseState *s);

static void free_token(JSParseState *s, JSToken *token)
    switch(token->val) {
    case TOK_NUMBER:
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, token->u.num.val);
    case TOK_STRING:
    case TOK_TEMPLATE:
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, token->u.str.str);
    case TOK_REGEXP:
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, token->u.regexp.body);
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, token->u.regexp.flags);
    case TOK_IDENT:
        JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, token->u.ident.atom);
        if (token->val >= TOK_FIRST_KEYWORD &&
            token->val <= TOK_LAST_KEYWORD) {
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, token->u.ident.atom);

static void __attribute((unused)) dump_token(JSParseState *s,
                                             const JSToken *token)
    printf("%d:%d ", token->line_num, token->col_num);
    switch(token->val) {
    case TOK_NUMBER:
            double d;
            JS_ToFloat64(s->ctx, &d, token->u.num.val);  /* no exception possible */
            printf("number: %.14g\n", d);
    case TOK_IDENT:
            char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
            printf("ident: '%s'\n",
                   JS_AtomGetStr(s->ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), token->u.ident.atom));
    case TOK_STRING:
            const char *str;
            /* XXX: quote the string */
            str = JS_ToCString(s->ctx, token->u.str.str);
            printf("string: '%s'\n", str);
            JS_FreeCString(s->ctx, str);
    case TOK_TEMPLATE:
            const char *str;
            str = JS_ToCString(s->ctx, token->u.str.str);
            printf("template: `%s`\n", str);
            JS_FreeCString(s->ctx, str);
    case TOK_REGEXP:
            const char *str, *str2;
            str = JS_ToCString(s->ctx, token->u.regexp.body);
            str2 = JS_ToCString(s->ctx, token->u.regexp.flags);
            printf("regexp: '%s' '%s'\n", str, str2);
            JS_FreeCString(s->ctx, str);
            JS_FreeCString(s->ctx, str2);
    case TOK_EOF:
        if (s->token.val >= TOK_NULL && s->token.val <= TOK_LAST_KEYWORD) {
            goto dump_atom;
        } else if (s->token.val >= 256) {
            printf("token: %d\n", token->val);
        } else {
            printf("token: '%c'\n", token->val);

int __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) js_parse_error(JSParseState *s, const char *fmt, ...)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    va_list ap;
    int backtrace_flags;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    JS_ThrowError2(ctx, JS_SYNTAX_ERROR, fmt, ap, FALSE);
    backtrace_flags = 0;
    if (s->cur_func && s->cur_func->backtrace_barrier)
        backtrace_flags = JS_BACKTRACE_FLAG_SINGLE_LEVEL;
    build_backtrace(ctx, ctx->rt->current_exception, s->filename,
                    s->line_num, s->col_num, backtrace_flags);
    return -1;

static int js_parse_expect(JSParseState *s, int tok)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];

    if (s->token.val == tok)
        return next_token(s);

    switch(s->token.val) {
    case TOK_EOF:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected end of input");
    case TOK_NUMBER:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected number");
    case TOK_STRING:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected string");
    case TOK_TEMPLATE:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected string template");
    case TOK_REGEXP:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected regexp");
    case TOK_IDENT:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected identifier '%s'",
                              JS_AtomGetStr(s->ctx, buf, sizeof(buf),
    case TOK_ERROR:
        return js_parse_error(s, "Invalid or unexpected token");
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected token '%.*s'",
                              (int)(s->buf_ptr - s->token.ptr),
                              (const char *)s->token.ptr);

static int js_parse_expect_semi(JSParseState *s)
    if (s->token.val != ';') {
        /* automatic insertion of ';' */
        if (s->token.val == TOK_EOF || s->token.val == '}' || s->got_lf) {
            return 0;
        return js_parse_error(s, "expecting '%c'", ';');
    return next_token(s);

static int js_parse_error_reserved_identifier(JSParseState *s)
    char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    return js_parse_error(s, "'%s' is a reserved identifier",
                          JS_AtomGetStr(s->ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1),

static __exception int js_parse_template_part(JSParseState *s,
                                              const uint8_t *p)
    const uint8_t *p_next;
    uint32_t c;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    /* p points to the first byte of the template part */
    if (string_buffer_init(s->ctx, b, 32))
        goto fail;
    for(;;) {
        if (p >= s->buf_end)
            goto unexpected_eof;
        c = *p++;
        if (c == '`') {
            /* template end part */
        if (c == '$' && *p == '{') {
            /* template start or middle part */
        if (c == '\\') {
            if (string_buffer_putc8(b, c))
                goto fail;
            if (p >= s->buf_end)
                goto unexpected_eof;
            c = *p++;
        /* newline sequences are normalized as single '\n' bytes */
        if (c == '\r') {
            if (*p == '\n')
            c = '\n';
        if (c == '\n') {
            s->eol = &p[-1];
            s->mark = p;
        } else if (c >= 0x80) {
            c = utf8_decode(p - 1, &p_next);
            if (p_next == p) {
                js_parse_error(s, "invalid UTF-8 sequence");
                goto fail;
            p = p_next;
        if (string_buffer_putc(b, c))
            goto fail;
    s->token.val = TOK_TEMPLATE;
    s->token.u.str.sep = c;
    s->token.u.str.str = string_buffer_end(b);
    s->buf_ptr = p;
    return 0;

    js_parse_error(s, "unexpected end of string");
    return -1;

static __exception int js_parse_string(JSParseState *s, int sep,
                                       BOOL do_throw, const uint8_t *p,
                                       JSToken *token, const uint8_t **pp)
    const uint8_t *p_next;
    int ret;
    uint32_t c;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    /* string */
    if (string_buffer_init(s->ctx, b, 32))
        goto fail;
    for(;;) {
        if (p >= s->buf_end)
            goto invalid_char;
        c = *p;
        if (c < 0x20) {
            if (sep == '`') {
                if (c == '\r') {
                    if (p[1] == '\n')
                    c = '\n';
                /* do not update s->line_num */
            } else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
                goto invalid_char;
        if (c == sep)
        if (c == '$' && *p == '{' && sep == '`') {
            /* template start or middle part */
        if (c == '\\') {
            c = *p;
            switch(c) {
            case '\0':
                if (p >= s->buf_end) {
                    if (sep != '`')
                        goto invalid_char;
                    if (do_throw)
                        js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected end of input");
                    goto fail;
            case '\'':
            case '\"':
            case '\\':
            case '\r':  /* accept DOS and MAC newline sequences */
                if (p[1] == '\n') {
                /* fall thru */
            case '\n':
                /* ignore escaped newline sequence */
                if (sep != '`') {
                    s->eol = &p[-1];
                    s->mark = p;
                if (c == '0' && !(p[1] >= '0' && p[1] <= '9')) {
                    /* accept isolated \0 */
                    c = '\0';
                } else
                if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                &&  ((s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) || sep == '`')) {
                    if (do_throw) {
                        js_parse_error(s, "%s are not allowed in %s",
                                       (c >= '8') ? "\\8 and \\9" : "Octal escape sequences",
                                       (sep == '`') ? "template strings" : "strict mode");
                    goto fail;
                } else if (c >= 0x80) {
                    c = utf8_decode(p, &p_next);
                    if (p_next == p + 1) {
                        goto invalid_utf8;
                    p = p_next;
                    /* LS or PS are skipped */
                    if (c == CP_LS || c == CP_PS)
                } else {
                    ret = lre_parse_escape(&p, TRUE);
                    if (ret == -1) {
                        if (do_throw) {
                            js_parse_error(s, "Invalid %s escape sequence",
                                           c == 'u' ? "Unicode" : "hexadecimal");
                        goto fail;
                    } else if (ret < 0) {
                        /* ignore the '\' (could output a warning) */
                    } else {
                        c = ret;
        } else if (c >= 0x80) {
            c = utf8_decode(p - 1, &p_next);
            if (p_next == p)
                goto invalid_utf8;
            p = p_next;
        if (string_buffer_putc(b, c))
            goto fail;
    token->val = TOK_STRING;
    token->u.str.sep = c;
    token->u.str.str = string_buffer_end(b);
    *pp = p;
    return 0;

    if (do_throw)
        js_parse_error(s, "invalid UTF-8 sequence");
    goto fail;
    if (do_throw)
        js_parse_error(s, "unexpected end of string");
    return -1;

static inline BOOL token_is_pseudo_keyword(JSParseState *s, JSAtom atom) {
    return s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && s->token.u.ident.atom == atom &&

static __exception int js_parse_regexp(JSParseState *s)
    const uint8_t *p, *p_next;
    BOOL in_class;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    StringBuffer b2_s, *b2 = &b2_s;
    uint32_t c;

    p = s->buf_ptr;
    in_class = FALSE;
    if (string_buffer_init(s->ctx, b, 32))
        return -1;
    if (string_buffer_init(s->ctx, b2, 1))
        goto fail;
    for(;;) {
        if (p >= s->buf_end) {
            js_parse_error(s, "unexpected end of regexp");
            goto fail;
        c = *p++;
        if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
            goto eol_error;
        } else if (c == '/') {
            if (!in_class)
        } else if (c == '[') {
            in_class = TRUE;
        } else if (c == ']') {
            /* XXX: incorrect as the first character in a class */
            in_class = FALSE;
        } else if (c == '\\') {
            if (string_buffer_putc8(b, c))
                goto fail;
            c = *p++;
            if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
                goto eol_error;
            else if (c == '\0' && p >= s->buf_end)
                goto eof_error;
            else if (c >= 0x80) {
                c = utf8_decode(p - 1, &p_next);
                if (p_next == p) {
                    goto invalid_utf8;
                p = p_next;
                if (c == CP_LS || c == CP_PS)
                    goto eol_error;
        } else if (c >= 0x80) {
            c = utf8_decode(p - 1, &p_next);
            if (p_next == p) {
                js_parse_error(s, "invalid UTF-8 sequence");
                goto fail;
            p = p_next;
            /* LS or PS are considered as line terminator */
            if (c == CP_LS || c == CP_PS) {
                js_parse_error(s, "unexpected line terminator in regexp");
                goto fail;
        if (string_buffer_putc(b, c))
            goto fail;

    /* flags */
    for(;;) {
        c = utf8_decode(p, &p_next);
        /* no need to test for invalid UTF-8, 0xFFFD is not ident_next */
        if (!lre_js_is_ident_next(c))
        if (string_buffer_putc(b2, c))
            goto fail;
        p = p_next;

    s->token.val = TOK_REGEXP;
    s->token.u.regexp.body = string_buffer_end(b);
    s->token.u.regexp.flags = string_buffer_end(b2);
    s->buf_ptr = p;
    return 0;
    return -1;

static __exception int ident_realloc(JSContext *ctx, char **pbuf, size_t *psize,
                                     char *static_buf)
    char *buf, *new_buf;
    size_t size, new_size;

    buf = *pbuf;
    size = *psize;
    if (size >= (SIZE_MAX / 3) * 2)
        new_size = SIZE_MAX;
        new_size = size + (size >> 1);
    if (buf == static_buf) {
        new_buf = js_malloc(ctx, new_size);
        if (!new_buf)
            return -1;
        memcpy(new_buf, buf, size);
    } else {
        new_buf = js_realloc(ctx, buf, new_size);
        if (!new_buf)
            return -1;
    *pbuf = new_buf;
    *psize = new_size;
    return 0;

/* 'c' is the first character. Return JS_ATOM_NULL in case of error */
static JSAtom parse_ident(JSParseState *s, const uint8_t **pp,
                          BOOL *pident_has_escape, int c, BOOL is_private)
    const uint8_t *p, *p_next;
    char ident_buf[128], *buf;
    size_t ident_size, ident_pos;
    JSAtom atom = JS_ATOM_NULL;

    p = *pp;
    buf = ident_buf;
    ident_size = sizeof(ident_buf);
    ident_pos = 0;
    if (is_private)
        buf[ident_pos++] = '#';
    for(;;) {
        if (c < 0x80) {
            buf[ident_pos++] = c;
        } else {
            ident_pos += utf8_encode((uint8_t*)buf + ident_pos, c);
        c = *p;
        p_next = p + 1;
        if (c == '\\' && *p_next == 'u') {
            c = lre_parse_escape(&p_next, TRUE);
            *pident_has_escape = TRUE;
        } else if (c >= 0x80) {
            c = utf8_decode(p, &p_next);
            /* no need to test for invalid UTF-8, 0xFFFD is not ident_next */
        if (!lre_js_is_ident_next(c))
        p = p_next;
        if (unlikely(ident_pos >= ident_size - UTF8_CHAR_LEN_MAX)) {
            if (ident_realloc(s->ctx, &buf, &ident_size, ident_buf))
                goto done;
    /* buf is pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
    atom = JS_NewAtomLen(s->ctx, buf, ident_pos);
    if (unlikely(buf != ident_buf))
        js_free(s->ctx, buf);
    *pp = p;
    return atom;

static __exception int next_token(JSParseState *s)
    const uint8_t *p, *p_next;
    int c;
    BOOL ident_has_escape;
    JSAtom atom;
    int flags, radix;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(s->ctx->rt, 1000)) {
        return -1;

    free_token(s, &s->token);

    p = s->last_ptr = s->buf_ptr;
    s->got_lf = FALSE;
    s->last_line_num = s->token.line_num;
    s->last_col_num = s->token.col_num;
    s->token.line_num = s->line_num;
    s->token.col_num = s->col_num;
    s->token.ptr = p;
    c = *p;
    switch(c) {
    case 0:
        if (p >= s->buf_end) {
            s->token.val = TOK_EOF;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '`':
        if (js_parse_template_part(s, p + 1))
            goto fail;
        p = s->buf_ptr;
    case '\'':
    case '\"':
        if (js_parse_string(s, c, TRUE, p + 1, &s->token, &p))
            goto fail;
    case '\r':  /* accept DOS and MAC newline sequences */
        if (p[1] == '\n') {
        /* fall thru */
    case '\n':
        s->eol = &p[-1];
        s->mark = p;
        s->got_lf = TRUE;
        goto redo;
    case '\f':
    case '\v':
    case ' ':
    case '\t':
        s->mark = ++p;
        goto redo;
    case '/':
        if (p[1] == '*') {
            /* comment */
            p += 2;
            for(;;) {
                if (*p == '\0' && p >= s->buf_end) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "unexpected end of comment");
                    goto fail;
                if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '/') {
                    p += 2;
                if (*p == '\n') {
                    s->got_lf = TRUE; /* considered as LF for ASI */
                    s->eol = p++;
                    s->mark = p;
                } else if (*p == '\r') {
                    s->got_lf = TRUE; /* considered as LF for ASI */
                } else if (*p >= 0x80) {
                    c = utf8_decode(p, &p);
                    /* ignore invalid UTF-8 in comments */
                    if (c == CP_LS || c == CP_PS) {
                        s->got_lf = TRUE; /* considered as LF for ASI */
                } else {
            s->mark = p;
            goto redo;
        } else if (p[1] == '/') {
            /* line comment */
            p += 2;
            for(;;) {
                if (*p == '\0' && p >= s->buf_end)
                if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n')
                if (*p >= 0x80) {
                    c = utf8_decode(p, &p);
                    /* ignore invalid UTF-8 in comments */
                    /* LS or PS are considered as line terminator */
                    if (c == CP_LS || c == CP_PS) {
                } else {
            s->mark = p;
            goto redo;
        } else if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_DIV_ASSIGN;
        } else {
            s->token.val = c;
    case '\\':
        if (p[1] == 'u') {
            const uint8_t *p1 = p + 1;
            int c1 = lre_parse_escape(&p1, TRUE);
            if (c1 >= 0 && lre_js_is_ident_first(c1)) {
                c = c1;
                p = p1;
                ident_has_escape = TRUE;
                goto has_ident;
            } else {
                /* XXX: syntax error? */
        goto def_token;
    case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
    case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
    case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
    case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
    case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
    case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
    case 'y': case 'z':
    case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
    case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
    case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
    case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
    case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
    case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
    case 'Y': case 'Z':
    case '_':
    case '$':
        /* identifier */
        ident_has_escape = FALSE;
        atom = parse_ident(s, &p, &ident_has_escape, c, FALSE);
        if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            goto fail;
        s->token.u.ident.atom = atom;
        s->token.u.ident.has_escape = ident_has_escape;
        s->token.u.ident.is_reserved = FALSE;
        // TODO(bnoordhuis) accept await when used in a function expression
        // inside the static initializer block
        if (s->cur_func->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT &&
            (atom == JS_ATOM_arguments || atom == JS_ATOM_await)) {
            s->token.u.ident.is_reserved = TRUE;
            s->token.val = TOK_IDENT;
        } else if (s->token.u.ident.atom <= JS_ATOM_LAST_KEYWORD ||
            (s->token.u.ident.atom <= JS_ATOM_LAST_STRICT_KEYWORD &&
             (s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) ||
            (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_yield &&
             ((s->cur_func->func_kind & JS_FUNC_GENERATOR) ||
              (s->cur_func->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW &&
               !s->cur_func->in_function_body && s->cur_func->parent &&
               (s->cur_func->parent->func_kind & JS_FUNC_GENERATOR)))) ||
            (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_await &&
             (s->is_module ||
              (((s->cur_func->func_kind & JS_FUNC_ASYNC) ||
                (s->cur_func->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW &&
                 !s->cur_func->in_function_body && s->cur_func->parent &&
                 (s->cur_func->parent->func_kind & JS_FUNC_ASYNC))))))) {
                  if (ident_has_escape) {
                      s->token.u.ident.is_reserved = TRUE;
                      s->token.val = TOK_IDENT;
                  } else {
                      /* The keywords atoms are pre allocated */
                      s->token.val = s->token.u.ident.atom - 1 + TOK_FIRST_KEYWORD;
        } else {
            s->token.val = TOK_IDENT;
    case '#':
        /* private name */
            c = *p;
            p_next = p + 1;
            if (c == '\\' && *p_next == 'u') {
                c = lre_parse_escape(&p_next, TRUE);
            } else if (c >= 0x80) {
                c = utf8_decode(p, &p_next);
                if (p_next == p + 1)
                    goto invalid_utf8;
            if (!lre_js_is_ident_first(c)) {
                js_parse_error(s, "invalid first character of private name");
                goto fail;
            p = p_next;
            ident_has_escape = FALSE; /* not used */
            atom = parse_ident(s, &p, &ident_has_escape, c, TRUE);
            if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                goto fail;
            s->token.u.ident.atom = atom;
            s->token.val = TOK_PRIVATE_NAME;
    case '.':
        if (p[1] == '.' && p[2] == '.') {
            p += 3;
            s->token.val = TOK_ELLIPSIS;
        if (p[1] >= '0' && p[1] <= '9') {
            radix = 10;
            goto parse_number;
        goto def_token;
    case '0':
        if (is_digit(p[1])) { /* handle legacy octal */
            if (s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) {
                js_parse_error(s, "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode");
                goto fail;
            /* Legacy octal: no separators, no suffix, no floats,
               base 8 unless non octal digits are detected */
            flags = 0;
            radix = 8;
            while (is_digit(*p)) {
                if (*p >= '8' && *p <= '9')
                    radix = 10;
            p = s->token.ptr;
            goto parse_number;
        if (p[1] == '_') {
            js_parse_error(s, "Numeric separator can not be used after leading 0");
            goto fail;
        radix = 10;
        goto parse_number;
    case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
    case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8':
    case '9':
        /* number */
            JSValue ret;
            const char *p1;

            radix = 10;
            p1 = (const char *)p;
            ret = js_atof(s->ctx, p1, s->buf_end - p, &p1, radix, flags);
            p = (const uint8_t *)p1;
            if (JS_IsException(ret))
                goto fail;
            /* reject `10instanceof Number` */
            if (JS_VALUE_IS_NAN(ret) ||
                lre_js_is_ident_next(utf8_decode(p, &p_next))) {
                JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, ret);
                js_parse_error(s, "invalid number literal");
                goto fail;
            s->token.val = TOK_NUMBER;
            s->token.u.num.val = ret;
    case '*':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_MUL_ASSIGN;
        } else if (p[1] == '*') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_POW_ASSIGN;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_POW;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '%':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_MOD_ASSIGN;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '+':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_PLUS_ASSIGN;
        } else if (p[1] == '+') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_INC;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '-':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_MINUS_ASSIGN;
        } else if (p[1] == '-') {
            if (s->allow_html_comments && p[2] == '>' &&
                (s->got_lf || s->last_ptr == s->buf_start)) {
                /* Annex B: `-->` at beginning of line is an html comment end.
                   It extends to the end of the line.
                goto skip_line_comment;
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_DEC;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '<':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_LTE;
        } else if (p[1] == '<') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_SHL_ASSIGN;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_SHL;
        } else if (s->allow_html_comments &&
                   p[1] == '!' && p[2] == '-' && p[3] == '-') {
            /* Annex B: handle `<!--` single line html comments */
            goto skip_line_comment;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '>':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_GTE;
        } else if (p[1] == '>') {
            if (p[2] == '>') {
                if (p[3] == '=') {
                    p += 4;
                    s->token.val = TOK_SHR_ASSIGN;
                } else {
                    p += 3;
                    s->token.val = TOK_SHR;
            } else if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_SAR_ASSIGN;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_SAR;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '=':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_STRICT_EQ;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_EQ;
        } else if (p[1] == '>') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_ARROW;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '!':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_STRICT_NEQ;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_NEQ;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '&':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_AND_ASSIGN;
        } else if (p[1] == '&') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_LAND_ASSIGN;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_LAND;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '^':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_XOR_ASSIGN;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '|':
        if (p[1] == '=') {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_OR_ASSIGN;
        } else if (p[1] == '|') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_LOR_ASSIGN;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_LOR;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '?':
        if (p[1] == '?') {
            if (p[2] == '=') {
                p += 3;
                s->token.val = TOK_DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK_ASSIGN;
            } else {
                p += 2;
                s->token.val = TOK_DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK;
        } else if (p[1] == '.' && !(p[2] >= '0' && p[2] <= '9')) {
            p += 2;
            s->token.val = TOK_QUESTION_MARK_DOT;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
        if (c >= 0x80) {  /* non-ASCII code-point */
            c = utf8_decode(p, &p_next);
            if (p_next == p + 1)
                goto invalid_utf8;
            p = p_next;
            switch(c) {
            case CP_PS:
            case CP_LS:
                /* XXX: should avoid incrementing line_number, but
                   needed to handle HTML comments */
                goto line_terminator;
                if (lre_is_space(c)) {
                    s->mark = p;
                    goto redo;
                } else if (lre_js_is_ident_first(c)) {
                    ident_has_escape = FALSE;
                    goto has_ident;
                } else {
                    js_parse_error(s, "unexpected character");
                    goto fail;
        s->token.val = c;
    s->token.col_num = s->mark - s->eol;
    s->buf_ptr = p;

    //    dump_token(s, &s->token);
    return 0;

    js_parse_error(s, "invalid UTF-8 sequence");
    s->token.val = TOK_ERROR;
    return -1;

static int json_parse_error(JSParseState *s, const uint8_t *curp, const char *msg)
    const uint8_t *p, *line_start;
    int position = curp - s->buf_start;
    int line = 1;
    for (line_start = p = s->buf_start; p < curp; p++) {
        /* column count does not account for TABs nor wide characters */
        if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') {
            p += 1 + (p[0] == '\r' && p[1] == '\n');
            line_start = p;
    return js_parse_error(s, "%s in JSON at position %d (line %d column %d)",
                          msg, position, line, (int)(p - line_start) + 1);

static int json_parse_string(JSParseState *s, const uint8_t **pp)
    const uint8_t *p, *p_next;
    int i;
    uint32_t c;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    if (string_buffer_init(s->ctx, b, 32))
        goto fail;

    p = *pp;
    for(;;) {
        if (p >= s->buf_end) {
            goto end_of_input;
        c = *p++;
        if (c == '"')
        if (c < 0x20) {
            json_parse_error(s, p - 1, "Bad control character in string literal");
            goto fail;
        if (c == '\\') {
            c = *p++;
            switch(c) {
            case 'b':   c = '\b'; break;
            case 'f':   c = '\f'; break;
            case 'n':   c = '\n'; break;
            case 'r':   c = '\r'; break;
            case 't':   c = '\t'; break;
            case '\"':  break;
            case '\\':  break;
            case '/':   break; /* for v8 compatibility */
            case 'u':
                c = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    int h = from_hex(*p++);
                    if (h < 0) {
                        json_parse_error(s, p - 1, "Bad Unicode escape");
                        goto fail;
                    c = (c << 4) | h;
                if (p > s->buf_end)
                    goto end_of_input;
                json_parse_error(s, p - 1, "Bad escaped character");
                goto fail;
        } else
        if (c >= 0x80) {
            c = utf8_decode(p - 1, &p_next);
            if (p_next == p) {
                json_parse_error(s, p - 1, "Bad UTF-8 sequence");
                goto fail;
            p = p_next;
        if (string_buffer_putc(b, c))
            goto fail;
    s->token.val = TOK_STRING;
    s->token.u.str.sep = '"';
    s->token.u.str.str = string_buffer_end(b);
    *pp = p;
    return 0;

    js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected end of JSON input");
    return -1;

static int json_parse_number(JSParseState *s, const uint8_t **pp)
    const uint8_t *p = *pp;
    const uint8_t *p_start = p;

    if (*p == '+' || *p == '-')

    if (!is_digit(*p))
        return js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected token '%c'", *p_start);

    if (p[0] == '0' && is_digit(p[1]))
        return json_parse_error(s, p, "Unexpected number");

    while (is_digit(*p))

    if (*p == '.') {
        if (!is_digit(*p))
            return json_parse_error(s, p, "Unterminated fractional number");
        while (is_digit(*p))
    if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E') {
        if (*p == '+' || *p == '-')
        if (!is_digit(*p))
            return json_parse_error(s, p, "Exponent part is missing a number");
        while (is_digit(*p))
    s->token.val = TOK_NUMBER;
    s->token.u.num.val = js_float64(strtod((const char *)p_start, NULL));
    *pp = p;
    return 0;

/* 'c' is the first character. Return JS_ATOM_NULL in case of error */
static JSAtom json_parse_ident(JSParseState *s, const uint8_t **pp, int c)
    const uint8_t *p;
    char ident_buf[128], *buf;
    size_t ident_size, ident_pos;
    JSAtom atom;

    p = *pp;
    buf = ident_buf;
    ident_size = sizeof(ident_buf);
    ident_pos = 0;
    for(;;) {
        buf[ident_pos++] = c;
        c = *p;
        if (c >= 128 ||
            !((lre_id_continue_table_ascii[c >> 5] >> (c & 31)) & 1))
        if (unlikely(ident_pos >= ident_size - UTF8_CHAR_LEN_MAX)) {
            if (ident_realloc(s->ctx, &buf, &ident_size, ident_buf)) {
                atom = JS_ATOM_NULL;
                goto done;
    /* buf contains pure ASCII */
    atom = JS_NewAtomLen(s->ctx, buf, ident_pos);
    if (unlikely(buf != ident_buf))
        js_free(s->ctx, buf);
    *pp = p;
    return atom;

static __exception int json_next_token(JSParseState *s)
    const uint8_t *p, *p_next;
    int c;
    JSAtom atom;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(s->ctx->rt, 1000)) {
        return -1;

    free_token(s, &s->token);

    p = s->last_ptr = s->buf_ptr;
    s->last_line_num = s->token.line_num;
    s->last_col_num = s->token.col_num;
    s->token.line_num = s->line_num;
    s->token.col_num = s->col_num;
    s->token.ptr = p;
    c = *p;
    switch(c) {
    case 0:
        if (p >= s->buf_end) {
            s->token.val = TOK_EOF;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
    case '\'':
        /* JSON does not accept single quoted strings */
        goto def_token;
    case '\"':
        if (json_parse_string(s, &p))
            goto fail;
    case '\r':  /* accept DOS and MAC newline sequences */
        if (p[1] == '\n') {
        /* fall thru */
    case '\n':
        s->eol = p++;
        s->mark = p;
        goto redo;
    case '\f':
    case '\v':
        /* JSONWhitespace does not match <VT>, nor <FF> */
        goto def_token;
    case ' ':
    case '\t':
        s->mark = p;
        goto redo;
    case '/':
        /* JSON does not accept comments */
        goto def_token;
    case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
    case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
    case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
    case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
    case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
    case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
    case 'y': case 'z':
    case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
    case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
    case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
    case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
    case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
    case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
    case 'Y': case 'Z':
    case '_':
    case '$':
        /* identifier : only pure ascii characters are accepted */
        atom = json_parse_ident(s, &p, c);
        if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            goto fail;
        s->token.u.ident.atom = atom;
        s->token.u.ident.has_escape = FALSE;
        s->token.u.ident.is_reserved = FALSE;
        s->token.val = TOK_IDENT;
    case '-':
        if (!is_digit(p[1])) {
            json_parse_error(s, p, "No number after minus sign");
            goto fail;
        goto parse_number;
    case '0':
        if (is_digit(p[1])) {
            json_parse_error(s, p, "Unexpected number");
            goto fail;
        goto parse_number;
    case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
    case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8':
    case '9':
        /* number */
        if (json_parse_number(s, &p))
            goto fail;
        if (c >= 0x80) {
            c = utf8_decode(p, &p_next);
            if (p_next == p + 1) {
                js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected token '\\x%02x' in JSON", *p);
            } else {
                if (c > 0xFFFF) {
                    c = get_hi_surrogate(c);
                js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected token '\\u%04x' in JSON", c);
            goto fail;
        s->token.val = c;
    s->token.col_num = s->mark - s->eol;
    s->buf_ptr = p;

    //    dump_token(s, &s->token);
    return 0;

    s->token.val = TOK_ERROR;
    return -1;

/* only used for ':' and '=>', 'let' or 'function' look-ahead. *pp is
   only set if TOK_IMPORT is returned */
/* XXX: handle all unicode cases */
static int simple_next_token(const uint8_t **pp, BOOL no_line_terminator)
    const uint8_t *p;
    uint32_t c;

    /* skip spaces and comments */
    p = *pp;
    for (;;) {
        switch(c = *p++) {
        case '\r':
        case '\n':
            if (no_line_terminator)
                return '\n';
        case ' ':
        case '\t':
        case '\v':
        case '\f':
        case '/':
            if (*p == '/') {
                if (no_line_terminator)
                    return '\n';
                while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n')
            if (*p == '*') {
                while (*++p) {
                    if ((*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') && no_line_terminator)
                        return '\n';
                    if (*p == '*' && p[1] == '/') {
                        p += 2;
        case '=':
            if (*p == '>')
                return TOK_ARROW;
            if (lre_js_is_ident_first(c)) {
                if (c == 'i') {
                    if (p[0] == 'n' && !lre_js_is_ident_next(p[1])) {
                        return TOK_IN;
                    if (p[0] == 'm' && p[1] == 'p' && p[2] == 'o' &&
                        p[3] == 'r' && p[4] == 't' &&
                        !lre_js_is_ident_next(p[5])) {
                        *pp = p + 5;
                        return TOK_IMPORT;
                } else if (c == 'o' && *p == 'f' && !lre_js_is_ident_next(p[1])) {
                    return TOK_OF;
                } else if (c == 'e' &&
                           p[0] == 'x' && p[1] == 'p' && p[2] == 'o' &&
                           p[3] == 'r' && p[4] == 't' &&
                           !lre_js_is_ident_next(p[5])) {
                    *pp = p + 5;
                    return TOK_EXPORT;
                } else if (c == 'f' && p[0] == 'u' && p[1] == 'n' &&
                         p[2] == 'c' && p[3] == 't' && p[4] == 'i' &&
                         p[5] == 'o' && p[6] == 'n' && !lre_js_is_ident_next(p[7])) {
                    return TOK_FUNCTION;
                return TOK_IDENT;
        return c;

static int peek_token(JSParseState *s, BOOL no_line_terminator)
    const uint8_t *p = s->buf_ptr;
    return simple_next_token(&p, no_line_terminator);

static void skip_shebang(const uint8_t **pp, const uint8_t *buf_end)
    const uint8_t *p = *pp;
    int c;

    if (p[0] == '#' && p[1] == '!') {
        p += 2;
        while (p < buf_end) {
            if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') {
            } else if (*p >= 0x80) {
                c = utf8_decode(p, &p);
                /* purposely ignore UTF-8 encoding errors in this comment line */
                if (c == CP_LS || c == CP_PS)
            } else {
        *pp = p;

/* return true if 'input' contains the source of a module
   (heuristic). 'input' must be a zero terminated.

   Heuristic: skip comments and expect 'import' keyword not followed
   by '(' or '.' or export keyword.
/* input is pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded source code */
BOOL JS_DetectModule(const char *input, size_t input_len)
    const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)input;
    int tok;

    skip_shebang(&p, p + input_len);
    switch(simple_next_token(&p, FALSE)) {
    case TOK_IMPORT:
        tok = simple_next_token(&p, FALSE);
        return (tok != '.' && tok != '(');
    case TOK_EXPORT:
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

static inline int get_prev_opcode(JSFunctionDef *fd) {
    if (fd->last_opcode_pos < 0)
        return OP_invalid;
        return fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos];

static BOOL js_is_live_code(JSParseState *s) {
    switch (get_prev_opcode(s->cur_func)) {
    case OP_tail_call:
    case OP_tail_call_method:
    case OP_return:
    case OP_return_undef:
    case OP_return_async:
    case OP_throw:
    case OP_throw_error:
    case OP_goto:
    case OP_goto8:
    case OP_goto16:
    case OP_ret:
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

static void emit_u8(JSParseState *s, uint8_t val)
    dbuf_putc(&s->cur_func->byte_code, val);

static void emit_u16(JSParseState *s, uint16_t val)
    dbuf_put_u16(&s->cur_func->byte_code, val);

static void emit_u32(JSParseState *s, uint32_t val)
    dbuf_put_u32(&s->cur_func->byte_code, val);

static void emit_op(JSParseState *s, uint8_t val)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    DynBuf *bc = &fd->byte_code;

    /* Use the line and column number of the last token used,
       not the next token, nor the current offset in the source file.
    if (unlikely(fd->last_opcode_line_num != s->last_line_num ||
                 fd->last_opcode_col_num != s->last_col_num)) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_source_loc);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, s->last_line_num);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, s->last_col_num);
        fd->last_opcode_line_num = s->last_line_num;
        fd->last_opcode_col_num = s->last_col_num;
    fd->last_opcode_pos = bc->size;
    dbuf_putc(bc, val);

static void emit_atom(JSParseState *s, JSAtom name)
    emit_u32(s, JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, name));

static force_inline uint32_t get_index_hash(JSAtom atom, int hash_bits)
    return (atom * 0x9e370001) >> (32 - hash_bits);

static void emit_ic(JSParseState *s, JSAtom atom)
    uint32_t h;
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSInlineCache *ic;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot *ch;

    ic = s->cur_func->ic;
    ctx = s->ctx;
    if (ic->count + 1 >= ic->capacity && resize_ic_hash(ctx, ic))
    h = get_index_hash(atom, ic->hash_bits);
    for (ch = ic->hash[h]; ch != NULL; ch = ch->next)
        if (ch->atom == atom)
    ch = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*ch));
    if (unlikely(!ch))
    ch->atom = JS_DupAtom(ctx, atom);
    ch->index = 0;
    ch->next = ic->hash[h];
    ic->hash[h] = ch;
    ic->count += 1;

static int update_label(JSFunctionDef *s, int label, int delta)
    LabelSlot *ls;

    assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
    ls = &s->label_slots[label];
    ls->ref_count += delta;
    assert(ls->ref_count >= 0);
    return ls->ref_count;

static int new_label_fd(JSFunctionDef *fd, int label)
    LabelSlot *ls;

    if (label < 0) {
        if (js_resize_array(fd->ctx, (void *)&fd->label_slots,
                            &fd->label_size, fd->label_count + 1))
            return -1;
        label = fd->label_count++;
        ls = &fd->label_slots[label];
        ls->ref_count = 0;
        ls->pos = -1;
        ls->pos2 = -1;
        ls->addr = -1;
        ls->first_reloc = NULL;
    return label;

static int new_label(JSParseState *s)
    return new_label_fd(s->cur_func, -1);

/* return the label ID offset */
static int emit_label(JSParseState *s, int label)
    if (label >= 0) {
        emit_op(s, OP_label);
        emit_u32(s, label);
        s->cur_func->label_slots[label].pos = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
        return s->cur_func->byte_code.size - 4;
    } else {
        return -1;

/* return label or -1 if dead code */
static int emit_goto(JSParseState *s, int opcode, int label)
    if (js_is_live_code(s)) {
        if (label < 0)
            label = new_label(s);
        emit_op(s, opcode);
        emit_u32(s, label);
        return label;
    return -1;

/* return the constant pool index. 'val' is not duplicated. */
static int cpool_add(JSParseState *s, JSValue val)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;

    if (js_resize_array(s->ctx, (void *)&fd->cpool, sizeof(fd->cpool[0]),
                        &fd->cpool_size, fd->cpool_count + 1))
        return -1;
    fd->cpool[fd->cpool_count++] = val;
    return fd->cpool_count - 1;

static __exception int emit_push_const(JSParseState *s, JSValue val,
                                       BOOL as_atom)
    int idx;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_STRING && as_atom) {
        JSAtom atom;
        /* warning: JS_NewAtomStr frees the string value */
        JS_DupValue(s->ctx, val);
        atom = JS_NewAtomStr(s->ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val));
        if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL && !__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom)) {
            emit_op(s, OP_push_atom_value);
            emit_u32(s, atom);
            return 0;

    idx = cpool_add(s, JS_DupValue(s->ctx, val));
    if (idx < 0)
        return -1;
    emit_op(s, OP_push_const);
    emit_u32(s, idx);
    return 0;

/* return the variable index or -1 if not found,
   add ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET for argument variables */
static int find_arg(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    int i;
    for(i = fd->arg_count; i-- > 0;) {
        if (fd->args[i].var_name == name)
            return i | ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET;
    return -1;

static int find_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    int i;
    for(i = fd->var_count; i-- > 0;) {
        if (fd->vars[i].var_name == name && fd->vars[i].scope_level == 0)
            return i;
    return find_arg(ctx, fd, name);

/* find a variable declaration in a given scope */
static int find_var_in_scope(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                             JSAtom name, int scope_level)
    int scope_idx;
    for(scope_idx = fd->scopes[scope_level].first; scope_idx >= 0;
        scope_idx = fd->vars[scope_idx].scope_next) {
        if (fd->vars[scope_idx].scope_level != scope_level)
        if (fd->vars[scope_idx].var_name == name)
            return scope_idx;
    return -1;

/* return true if scope == parent_scope or if scope is a child of
   parent_scope */
static BOOL is_child_scope(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                           int scope, int parent_scope)
    while (scope >= 0) {
        if (scope == parent_scope)
            return TRUE;
        scope = fd->scopes[scope].parent;
    return FALSE;

/* find a 'var' declaration in the same scope or a child scope */
static int find_var_in_child_scope(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                                   JSAtom name, int scope_level)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < fd->var_count; i++) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[i];
        if (vd->var_name == name && vd->scope_level == 0) {
            if (is_child_scope(ctx, fd, vd->scope_next,
                return i;
    return -1;

static JSGlobalVar *find_global_var(JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < fd->global_var_count; i++) {
        JSGlobalVar *hf = &fd->global_vars[i];
        if (hf->var_name == name)
            return hf;
    return NULL;


static JSGlobalVar *find_lexical_global_var(JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    JSGlobalVar *hf = find_global_var(fd, name);
    if (hf && hf->is_lexical)
        return hf;
        return NULL;

static int find_lexical_decl(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name,
                             int scope_idx, BOOL check_catch_var)
    while (scope_idx >= 0) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[scope_idx];
        if (vd->var_name == name &&
            (vd->is_lexical || (vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_CATCH &&
            return scope_idx;
        scope_idx = vd->scope_next;

    if (fd->is_eval && fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL) {
        if (find_lexical_global_var(fd, name))
            return GLOBAL_VAR_OFFSET;
    return -1;

static int push_scope(JSParseState *s) {
    if (s->cur_func) {
        JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
        int scope = fd->scope_count;
        /* XXX: should check for scope overflow */
        if ((fd->scope_count + 1) > fd->scope_size) {
            int new_size;
            size_t slack;
            JSVarScope *new_buf;
            /* XXX: potential arithmetic overflow */
            new_size = max_int(fd->scope_count + 1, fd->scope_size * 3 / 2);
            if (fd->scopes == fd->def_scope_array) {
                new_buf = js_realloc2(s->ctx, NULL, new_size * sizeof(*fd->scopes), &slack);
                if (!new_buf)
                    return -1;
                memcpy(new_buf, fd->scopes, fd->scope_count * sizeof(*fd->scopes));
            } else {
                new_buf = js_realloc2(s->ctx, fd->scopes, new_size * sizeof(*fd->scopes), &slack);
                if (!new_buf)
                    return -1;
            new_size += slack / sizeof(*new_buf);
            fd->scopes = new_buf;
            fd->scope_size = new_size;
        fd->scopes[scope].parent = fd->scope_level;
        fd->scopes[scope].first = fd->scope_first;
        emit_op(s, OP_enter_scope);
        emit_u16(s, scope);
        return fd->scope_level = scope;
    return 0;

static int get_first_lexical_var(JSFunctionDef *fd, int scope)
    while (scope >= 0) {
        int scope_idx = fd->scopes[scope].first;
        if (scope_idx >= 0)
            return scope_idx;
        scope = fd->scopes[scope].parent;
    return -1;

static void pop_scope(JSParseState *s) {
    if (s->cur_func) {
        /* disable scoped variables */
        JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
        int scope = fd->scope_level;
        emit_op(s, OP_leave_scope);
        emit_u16(s, scope);
        fd->scope_level = fd->scopes[scope].parent;
        fd->scope_first = get_first_lexical_var(fd, fd->scope_level);

static void close_scopes(JSParseState *s, int scope, int scope_stop)
    while (scope > scope_stop) {
        emit_op(s, OP_leave_scope);
        emit_u16(s, scope);
        scope = s->cur_func->scopes[scope].parent;

/* return the variable index or -1 if error */
static int add_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    JSVarDef *vd;

    /* the local variable indexes are currently stored on 16 bits */
    if (fd->var_count >= JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS) {
        // XXX: add_var() should take JSParseState *s and use js_parse_error
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "too many variables declared (only %d allowed)",
                            JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS - 1);
        return -1;
    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&fd->vars, sizeof(fd->vars[0]),
                        &fd->var_size, fd->var_count + 1))
        return -1;
    vd = &fd->vars[fd->var_count++];
    memset(vd, 0, sizeof(*vd));
    vd->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, name);
    vd->func_pool_idx = -1;
    return fd->var_count - 1;

static int add_scope_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name,
                         JSVarKindEnum var_kind)
    int idx = add_var(ctx, fd, name);
    if (idx >= 0) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[idx];
        vd->var_kind = var_kind;
        vd->scope_level = fd->scope_level;
        vd->scope_next = fd->scope_first;
        fd->scopes[fd->scope_level].first = idx;
        fd->scope_first = idx;
    return idx;

static int add_func_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    int idx = fd->func_var_idx;
    if (idx < 0 && (idx = add_var(ctx, fd, name)) >= 0) {
        fd->func_var_idx = idx;
        fd->vars[idx].var_kind = JS_VAR_FUNCTION_NAME;
        if (fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)
            fd->vars[idx].is_const = TRUE;
    return idx;

static int add_arguments_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd)
    int idx = fd->arguments_var_idx;
    if (idx < 0 && (idx = add_var(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_arguments)) >= 0) {
        fd->arguments_var_idx = idx;
    return idx;

/* add an argument definition in the argument scope. Only needed when
   "eval()" may be called in the argument scope. Return 0 if OK. */
static int add_arguments_arg(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd)
    int idx;
    if (fd->arguments_arg_idx < 0) {
        idx = find_var_in_scope(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_arguments, ARG_SCOPE_INDEX);
        if (idx < 0) {
            /* XXX: the scope links are not fully updated. May be an
               issue if there are child scopes of the argument
               scope */
            idx = add_var(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_arguments);
            if (idx < 0)
                return -1;
            fd->vars[idx].scope_next = fd->scopes[ARG_SCOPE_INDEX].first;
            fd->scopes[ARG_SCOPE_INDEX].first = idx;
            fd->vars[idx].scope_level = ARG_SCOPE_INDEX;
            fd->vars[idx].is_lexical = TRUE;

            fd->arguments_arg_idx = idx;
    return 0;

static int add_arg(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name)
    JSVarDef *vd;

    /* the local variable indexes are currently stored on 16 bits */
    if (fd->arg_count >= JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS) {
        // XXX: add_arg() should take JSParseState *s and use js_parse_error
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "too many parameters in function definition (only %d allowed)",
                            JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS - 1);
        return -1;
    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&fd->args, sizeof(fd->args[0]),
                        &fd->arg_size, fd->arg_count + 1))
        return -1;
    vd = &fd->args[fd->arg_count++];
    memset(vd, 0, sizeof(*vd));
    vd->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, name);
    vd->func_pool_idx = -1;
    return fd->arg_count - 1;

/* add a global variable definition */
static JSGlobalVar *add_global_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                                     JSAtom name)
    JSGlobalVar *hf;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&s->global_vars,
                        &s->global_var_size, s->global_var_count + 1))
        return NULL;
    hf = &s->global_vars[s->global_var_count++];
    hf->cpool_idx = -1;
    hf->force_init = FALSE;
    hf->is_lexical = FALSE;
    hf->is_const = FALSE;
    hf->scope_level = s->scope_level;
    hf->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, name);
    return hf;

typedef enum {
    JS_VAR_DEF_FUNCTION_DECL, /* function declaration */
    JS_VAR_DEF_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL, /* async/generator function declaration */
} JSVarDefEnum;

static int define_var(JSParseState *s, JSFunctionDef *fd, JSAtom name,
                      JSVarDefEnum var_def_type)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSVarDef *vd;
    int idx;

    switch (var_def_type) {
    case JS_VAR_DEF_WITH:
        idx = add_scope_var(ctx, fd, name, JS_VAR_NORMAL);

    case JS_VAR_DEF_LET:
    case JS_VAR_DEF_CONST:
        idx = find_lexical_decl(ctx, fd, name, fd->scope_first, TRUE);
        if (idx >= 0) {
            if (idx < GLOBAL_VAR_OFFSET) {
                if (fd->vars[idx].scope_level == fd->scope_level) {
                    /* same scope: in non strict mode, functions
                       can be redefined (annex B.3.3.4). */
                    if (!(!(fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) &&
                          var_def_type == JS_VAR_DEF_FUNCTION_DECL &&
                          fd->vars[idx].var_kind == JS_VAR_FUNCTION_DECL)) {
                        goto redef_lex_error;
                } else if (fd->vars[idx].var_kind == JS_VAR_CATCH && (fd->vars[idx].scope_level + 2) == fd->scope_level) {
                    goto redef_lex_error;
            } else {
                if (fd->scope_level == fd->body_scope) {
                    /* redefining a scoped var in the same scope: error */
                    return js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of lexical identifier");
        if (var_def_type != JS_VAR_DEF_FUNCTION_DECL &&
            var_def_type != JS_VAR_DEF_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL &&
            fd->scope_level == fd->body_scope &&
            find_arg(ctx, fd, name) >= 0) {
            /* lexical variable redefines a parameter name */
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of parameter name");

        if (find_var_in_child_scope(ctx, fd, name, fd->scope_level) >= 0) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of a variable");

        if (fd->is_global_var) {
            JSGlobalVar *hf;
            hf = find_global_var(fd, name);
            if (hf && is_child_scope(ctx, fd, hf->scope_level,
                                     fd->scope_level)) {
                return js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of global identifier");

        if (fd->is_eval &&
            (fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL ||
             fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE) &&
            fd->scope_level == fd->body_scope) {
            JSGlobalVar *hf;
            hf = add_global_var(s->ctx, fd, name);
            if (!hf)
                return -1;
            hf->is_lexical = TRUE;
            hf->is_const = (var_def_type == JS_VAR_DEF_CONST);
            idx = GLOBAL_VAR_OFFSET;
        } else {
            JSVarKindEnum var_kind;
            if (var_def_type == JS_VAR_DEF_FUNCTION_DECL)
                var_kind = JS_VAR_FUNCTION_DECL;
            else if (var_def_type == JS_VAR_DEF_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL)
                var_kind = JS_VAR_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL;
                var_kind = JS_VAR_NORMAL;
            idx = add_scope_var(ctx, fd, name, var_kind);
            if (idx >= 0) {
                vd = &fd->vars[idx];
                vd->is_lexical = 1;
                vd->is_const = (var_def_type == JS_VAR_DEF_CONST);

    case JS_VAR_DEF_CATCH:
        idx = add_scope_var(ctx, fd, name, JS_VAR_CATCH);

    case JS_VAR_DEF_VAR:
        if (find_lexical_decl(ctx, fd, name, fd->scope_first,
                              FALSE) >= 0) {
            /* error to redefine a var that inside a lexical scope */
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of lexical identifier");
        if (fd->is_global_var) {
            JSGlobalVar *hf;
            hf = find_global_var(fd, name);
            if (hf && hf->is_lexical && hf->scope_level == fd->scope_level &&
                fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE) {
                goto invalid_lexical_redefinition;
            hf = add_global_var(s->ctx, fd, name);
            if (!hf)
                return -1;
            idx = GLOBAL_VAR_OFFSET;
        } else {
            /* if the variable already exists, don't add it again  */
            idx = find_var(ctx, fd, name);
            if (idx >= 0)
            idx = add_var(ctx, fd, name);
            if (idx >= 0) {
                if (name == JS_ATOM_arguments && fd->has_arguments_binding)
                    fd->arguments_var_idx = idx;
                fd->vars[idx].scope_next = fd->scope_level;
    return idx;

/* add a private field variable in the current scope */
static int add_private_class_field(JSParseState *s, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                                   JSAtom name, JSVarKindEnum var_kind, BOOL is_static)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSVarDef *vd;
    int idx;

    idx = add_scope_var(ctx, fd, name, var_kind);
    if (idx < 0)
        return idx;
    vd = &fd->vars[idx];
    vd->is_lexical = 1;
    vd->is_const = 1;
    vd->is_static_private = is_static;
    return idx;

static __exception int js_parse_expr(JSParseState *s);
static __exception int js_parse_function_decl(JSParseState *s,
                                              JSParseFunctionEnum func_type,
                                              JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind,
                                              JSAtom func_name, const uint8_t *ptr,
                                              int start_line, int start_col);
static JSFunctionDef *js_parse_function_class_fields_init(JSParseState *s);
static __exception int js_parse_function_decl2(JSParseState *s,
                                               JSParseFunctionEnum func_type,
                                               JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind,
                                               JSAtom func_name,
                                               const uint8_t *ptr,
                                               int function_line_num,
                                               int function_col_num,
                                               JSParseExportEnum export_flag,
                                               JSFunctionDef **pfd);
static __exception int js_parse_assign_expr2(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags);
static __exception int js_parse_assign_expr(JSParseState *s);
static __exception int js_parse_unary(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags);
static void push_break_entry(JSFunctionDef *fd, BlockEnv *be,
                             JSAtom label_name,
                             int label_break, int label_cont,
                             int drop_count);
static void pop_break_entry(JSFunctionDef *fd);
static JSExportEntry *add_export_entry(JSParseState *s, JSModuleDef *m,
                                       JSAtom local_name, JSAtom export_name,
                                       JSExportTypeEnum export_type);

/* Note: all the fields are already sealed except length */
static int seal_template_obj(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    JSShapeProperty *prs;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    prs = find_own_property1(p, JS_ATOM_length);
    if (prs) {
        if (js_update_property_flags(ctx, p, &prs,
                                     prs->flags & ~(JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)))
            return -1;
    p->extensible = FALSE;
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_template(JSParseState *s, int call, int *argc)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue raw_array, template_object;
    JSToken cooked;
    int depth, ret;

    raw_array = JS_UNDEFINED; /* avoid warning */
    template_object = JS_UNDEFINED; /* avoid warning */
    if (call) {
        /* Create a template object: an array of cooked strings */
        /* Create an array of raw strings and store it to the raw property */
        template_object = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(template_object))
            return -1;
        //        pool_idx = s->cur_func->cpool_count;
        ret = emit_push_const(s, template_object, 0);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, template_object);
        if (ret)
            return -1;
        raw_array = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(raw_array))
            return -1;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, template_object, JS_ATOM_raw,
                                   raw_array, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) {
            return -1;

    depth = 0;
    while (s->token.val == TOK_TEMPLATE) {
        const uint8_t *p = s->token.ptr + 1;
        cooked = s->token;
        if (call) {
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, raw_array, depth,
                                             JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) {
                return -1;
            /* re-parse the string with escape sequences but do not throw a
               syntax error if it contains invalid sequences
            if (js_parse_string(s, '`', FALSE, p, &cooked, &p)) {
                cooked.u.str.str = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, template_object, depth,
                                             JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) {
                return -1;
        } else {
            JSString *str;
            /* re-parse the string with escape sequences and throw a
               syntax error if it contains invalid sequences
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, s->token.u.str.str);
            s->token.u.str.str = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (js_parse_string(s, '`', TRUE, p, &cooked, &p))
                return -1;
            str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(cooked.u.str.str);
            if (str->len != 0 || depth == 0) {
                ret = emit_push_const(s, cooked.u.str.str, 1);
                JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, cooked.u.str.str);
                if (ret)
                    return -1;
                if (depth == 0) {
                    if (s->token.u.str.sep == '`')
                        goto done1;
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
                    emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_concat);
                    emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_concat);
            } else {
                JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, cooked.u.str.str);
        if (s->token.u.str.sep == '`')
            goto done;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (js_parse_expr(s))
            return -1;
        if (s->token.val != '}') {
            return js_parse_error(s, "expected '}' after template expression");
        /* XXX: should convert to string at this stage? */
        free_token(s, &s->token);
        /* Resume TOK_TEMPLATE parsing (s->token.line_num and
         * s->token.ptr are OK) */
        s->got_lf = FALSE;
        s->last_line_num = s->token.line_num;
        s->last_col_num = s->token.col_num;
        if (js_parse_template_part(s, s->buf_ptr))
            return -1;
    return js_parse_expect(s, TOK_TEMPLATE);

    if (call) {
        /* Seal the objects */
        seal_template_obj(ctx, raw_array);
        seal_template_obj(ctx, template_object);
        *argc = depth + 1;
    } else {
        emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
        emit_u16(s, depth - 1);
    return next_token(s);

#define PROP_TYPE_VAR   1
#define PROP_TYPE_GET   2
#define PROP_TYPE_SET   3
#define PROP_TYPE_STAR  4

#define PROP_TYPE_PRIVATE (1 << 4)

static BOOL token_is_ident(int tok)
    /* Accept keywords and reserved words as property names */
    return (tok == TOK_IDENT ||
            (tok >= TOK_FIRST_KEYWORD &&
             tok <= TOK_LAST_KEYWORD));

/* if the property is an expression, name = JS_ATOM_NULL */
static int __exception js_parse_property_name(JSParseState *s,
                                              JSAtom *pname,
                                              BOOL allow_method, BOOL allow_var,
                                              BOOL allow_private)
    int is_private = 0;
    BOOL is_non_reserved_ident;
    JSAtom name;
    int prop_type;

    prop_type = PROP_TYPE_IDENT;
    if (allow_method) {
        if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_get)
        ||  token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_set)) {
            /* get x(), set x() */
            name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail1;
            if (s->token.val == ':' || s->token.val == ',' ||
                s->token.val == '}' || s->token.val == '(' ||
                s->token.val == '=' || s->token.val == ';') {
                is_non_reserved_ident = TRUE;
                goto ident_found;
            prop_type = PROP_TYPE_GET + (name == JS_ATOM_set);
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
        } else if (s->token.val == '*') {
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            prop_type = PROP_TYPE_STAR;
        } else if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
                   peek_token(s, TRUE) != '\n') {
            name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail1;
            if (s->token.val == ':' || s->token.val == ',' ||
                s->token.val == '}' || s->token.val == '(' ||
                s->token.val == '=' || s->token.val == ';') {
                is_non_reserved_ident = TRUE;
                goto ident_found;
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
            if (s->token.val == '*') {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                prop_type = PROP_TYPE_ASYNC_STAR;
            } else {
                prop_type = PROP_TYPE_ASYNC;

    if (token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
        /* variable can only be a non-reserved identifier */
        is_non_reserved_ident =
            (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved);
        /* keywords and reserved words have a valid atom */
        name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail1;
        if (is_non_reserved_ident &&
            prop_type == PROP_TYPE_IDENT && allow_var) {
            if (!(s->token.val == ':' ||
                  (s->token.val == '(' && allow_method))) {
                prop_type = PROP_TYPE_VAR;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_STRING) {
        name = JS_ValueToAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.str.str);
        if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            goto fail;
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail1;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_NUMBER) {
        JSValue val;
        val = s->token.u.num.val;
        name = JS_ValueToAtom(s->ctx, val);
        if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            goto fail;
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail1;
    } else if (s->token.val == '[') {
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_expr(s))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_expect(s, ']'))
            goto fail;
        name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_PRIVATE_NAME && allow_private) {
        name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail1;
        is_private = PROP_TYPE_PRIVATE;
    } else {
        goto invalid_prop;
    if (prop_type != PROP_TYPE_IDENT && prop_type != PROP_TYPE_VAR &&
        s->token.val != '(') {
        JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
        js_parse_error(s, "invalid property name");
        goto fail;
    *pname = name;
    return prop_type | is_private;
    JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
    *pname = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    return -1;

typedef struct JSParsePos {
    int last_line_num;
    int last_col_num;
    int line_num;
    int col_num;
    BOOL got_lf;
    const uint8_t *ptr;
    const uint8_t *eol;
    const uint8_t *mark;
} JSParsePos;

static int js_parse_get_pos(JSParseState *s, JSParsePos *sp)
    sp->last_line_num = s->last_line_num;
    sp->last_col_num = s->last_col_num;
    sp->line_num = s->token.line_num;
    sp->col_num = s->token.col_num;
    sp->ptr = s->token.ptr;
    sp->eol = s->eol;
    sp->mark = s->mark;
    sp->got_lf = s->got_lf;
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_seek_token(JSParseState *s, const JSParsePos *sp)
    s->token.line_num = sp->last_line_num;
    s->token.col_num = sp->last_col_num;
    s->line_num = sp->line_num;
    s->col_num = sp->col_num;
    s->buf_ptr = sp->ptr;
    s->eol = sp->eol;
    s->mark = sp->mark;
    s->got_lf = sp->got_lf;
    return next_token(s);

/* return TRUE if a regexp literal is allowed after this token */
static BOOL is_regexp_allowed(int tok)
    switch (tok) {
    case TOK_NUMBER:
    case TOK_STRING:
    case TOK_REGEXP:
    case TOK_DEC:
    case TOK_INC:
    case TOK_NULL:
    case TOK_FALSE:
    case TOK_TRUE:
    case TOK_THIS:
    case ')':
    case ']':
    case '}': /* XXX: regexp may occur after */
    case TOK_IDENT:
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

#define SKIP_HAS_SEMI       (1 << 0)
#define SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS   (1 << 1)
#define SKIP_HAS_ASSIGNMENT (1 << 2)

/* XXX: improve speed with early bailout */
/* XXX: no longer works if regexps are present. Could use previous
   regexp parsing heuristics to handle most cases */
static int js_parse_skip_parens_token(JSParseState *s, int *pbits, BOOL no_line_terminator)
    char state[256];
    size_t level = 0;
    JSParsePos pos;
    int last_tok, tok = TOK_EOF;
    int c, tok_len, bits = 0;

    /* protect from underflow */
    state[level++] = 0;

    js_parse_get_pos(s, &pos);
    last_tok = 0;
    for (;;) {
        switch(s->token.val) {
        case '(':
        case '[':
        case '{':
            if (level >= sizeof(state))
                goto done;
            state[level++] = s->token.val;
        case ')':
            if (state[--level] != '(')
                goto done;
        case ']':
            if (state[--level] != '[')
                goto done;
        case '}':
            c = state[--level];
            if (c == '`') {
                /* continue the parsing of the template */
                free_token(s, &s->token);
                /* Resume TOK_TEMPLATE parsing (s->token.line_num and
                 * s->token.ptr are OK) */
                s->got_lf = FALSE;
                s->last_line_num = s->token.line_num;
                s->last_col_num = s->token.col_num;
                if (js_parse_template_part(s, s->buf_ptr))
                    goto done;
                goto handle_template;
            } else if (c != '{') {
                goto done;
        case TOK_TEMPLATE:
            if (s->token.u.str.sep != '`') {
                /* '${' inside the template : closing '}' and continue
                   parsing the template */
                if (level >= sizeof(state))
                    goto done;
                state[level++] = '`';
        case TOK_EOF:
            goto done;
        case ';':
            if (level == 2) {
                bits |= SKIP_HAS_SEMI;
        case TOK_ELLIPSIS:
            if (level == 2) {
                bits |= SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS;
        case '=':
            bits |= SKIP_HAS_ASSIGNMENT;

        case TOK_DIV_ASSIGN:
            tok_len = 2;
            goto parse_regexp;
        case '/':
            tok_len = 1;
            if (is_regexp_allowed(last_tok)) {
                s->buf_ptr -= tok_len;
                if (js_parse_regexp(s)) {
                    /* XXX: should clear the exception */
                    goto done;
        /* last_tok is only used to recognize regexps */
        if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT &&
            (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_of) ||
             token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_yield))) {
            last_tok = TOK_OF;
        } else {
            last_tok = s->token.val;
        if (next_token(s)) {
            /* XXX: should clear the exception generated by next_token() */
        if (level <= 1) {
            tok = s->token.val;
            if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_of))
                tok = TOK_OF;
            if (no_line_terminator && s->last_line_num != s->token.line_num)
                tok = '\n';
    if (pbits) {
        *pbits = bits;
    if (js_parse_seek_token(s, &pos))
        return -1;
    return tok;

static void set_object_name(JSParseState *s, JSAtom name)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    int opcode;

    opcode = get_prev_opcode(fd);
    if (opcode == OP_set_name) {
        /* XXX: should free atom after OP_set_name? */
        fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
        fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_set_name);
        emit_atom(s, name);
    } else if (opcode == OP_set_class_name) {
        int define_class_pos;
        JSAtom atom;
        define_class_pos = fd->last_opcode_pos + 1 -
            get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
        assert(fd->byte_code.buf[define_class_pos] == OP_define_class);
        /* for consistency we free the previous atom which is
           JS_ATOM_empty_string */
        atom = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + define_class_pos + 1);
        JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, atom);
        put_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + define_class_pos + 1,
                JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, name));
        fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;

static void set_object_name_computed(JSParseState *s)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    int opcode;

    opcode = get_prev_opcode(fd);
    if (opcode == OP_set_name) {
        /* XXX: should free atom after OP_set_name? */
        fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
        fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_set_name_computed);
    } else if (opcode == OP_set_class_name) {
        int define_class_pos;
        define_class_pos = fd->last_opcode_pos + 1 -
            get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
        assert(fd->byte_code.buf[define_class_pos] == OP_define_class);
        fd->byte_code.buf[define_class_pos] = OP_define_class_computed;
        fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;

static __exception int js_parse_object_literal(JSParseState *s)
    JSAtom name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    const uint8_t *start_ptr;
    int start_line, start_col, prop_type;
    BOOL has_proto;

    if (next_token(s))
        goto fail;
    /* XXX: add an initial length that will be patched back */
    emit_op(s, OP_object);
    has_proto = FALSE;
    while (s->token.val != '}') {
        /* specific case for getter/setter */
        start_ptr = s->token.ptr;
        start_line = s->token.line_num;
        start_col = s->token.col_num;

        if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_null);  /* dummy excludeList */
            emit_op(s, OP_copy_data_properties);
            emit_u8(s, 2 | (1 << 2) | (0 << 5));
            emit_op(s, OP_drop); /* pop excludeList */
            emit_op(s, OP_drop); /* pop src object */
            goto next;

        prop_type = js_parse_property_name(s, &name, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
        if (prop_type < 0)
            goto fail;

        if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_VAR) {
            /* shortcut for x: x */
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
            emit_atom(s, name);
            emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
            emit_op(s, OP_define_field);
            emit_atom(s, name);
        } else if (s->token.val == '(') {
            BOOL is_getset = (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_GET ||
                              prop_type == PROP_TYPE_SET);
            JSParseFunctionEnum func_type;
            JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind;
            int op_flags;

            func_kind = JS_FUNC_NORMAL;
            if (is_getset) {
                func_type = JS_PARSE_FUNC_GETTER + prop_type - PROP_TYPE_GET;
            } else {
                func_type = JS_PARSE_FUNC_METHOD;
                if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_STAR)
                    func_kind = JS_FUNC_GENERATOR;
                else if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_ASYNC)
                    func_kind = JS_FUNC_ASYNC;
                else if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_ASYNC_STAR)
                    func_kind = JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR;
            if (js_parse_function_decl(s, func_type, func_kind, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                       start_ptr, start_line, start_col))
                goto fail;
            if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                emit_op(s, OP_define_method_computed);
            } else {
                emit_op(s, OP_define_method);
                emit_atom(s, name);
            if (is_getset) {
                op_flags = OP_DEFINE_METHOD_GETTER +
                    prop_type - PROP_TYPE_GET;
            } else {
                op_flags = OP_DEFINE_METHOD_METHOD;
            emit_u8(s, op_flags | OP_DEFINE_METHOD_ENUMERABLE);
        } else {
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ':'))
                goto fail;
            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                goto fail;
            if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el);
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            } else if (name == JS_ATOM___proto__) {
                if (has_proto) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "duplicate __proto__ property name");
                    goto fail;
                emit_op(s, OP_set_proto);
                has_proto = TRUE;
            } else {
                set_object_name(s, name);
                emit_op(s, OP_define_field);
                emit_atom(s, name);
        JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
        name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
        if (s->token.val != ',')
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
    if (js_parse_expect(s, '}'))
        goto fail;
    return 0;
    JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
    return -1;

/* allow the 'in' binary operator */
#define PF_IN_ACCEPTED  (1 << 0)
/* allow function calls parsing in js_parse_postfix_expr() */
#define PF_POSTFIX_CALL (1 << 1)
/* allow the exponentiation operator in js_parse_unary() */
#define PF_POW_ALLOWED  (1 << 2)
/* forbid the exponentiation operator in js_parse_unary() */
#define PF_POW_FORBIDDEN (1 << 3)

static __exception int js_parse_postfix_expr(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags);

static __exception int js_parse_left_hand_side_expr(JSParseState *s)
    return js_parse_postfix_expr(s, PF_POSTFIX_CALL);

/* find field in the current scope */
static int find_private_class_field(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                                    JSAtom name, int scope_level)
    int idx;
    idx = fd->scopes[scope_level].first;
    while (idx != -1) {
        if (fd->vars[idx].scope_level != scope_level)
        if (fd->vars[idx].var_name == name)
            return idx;
        idx = fd->vars[idx].scope_next;
    return -1;

/* initialize the class fields, called by the constructor. Note:
   super() can be called in an arrow function, so <this> and
   <class_fields_init> can be variable references */
static void emit_class_field_init(JSParseState *s)
    int label_next;

    emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
    emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_class_fields_init);
    emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);

    /* no need to call the class field initializer if not defined */
    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
    label_next = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);

    emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
    emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
    emit_u16(s, 0);

    emit_op(s, OP_swap);

    emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
    emit_u16(s, 0);

    emit_label(s, label_next);
    emit_op(s, OP_drop);

/* build a private setter function name from the private getter name */
static JSAtom get_private_setter_name(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name)
    return js_atom_concat_str(ctx, name, "<set>");

typedef struct {
    JSFunctionDef *fields_init_fd;
    int computed_fields_count;
    BOOL has_brand;
    int brand_push_pos;
} ClassFieldsDef;

static __exception int emit_class_init_start(JSParseState *s,
                                             ClassFieldsDef *cf)
    int label_add_brand;

    cf->fields_init_fd = js_parse_function_class_fields_init(s);
    if (!cf->fields_init_fd)
        return -1;

    s->cur_func = cf->fields_init_fd;

    /* XXX: would be better to add the code only if needed, maybe in a
       later pass */
    emit_op(s, OP_push_false); /* will be patched later */
    cf->brand_push_pos = cf->fields_init_fd->last_opcode_pos;
    label_add_brand = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);

    emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
    emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
    emit_u16(s, 0);

    emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
    emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_home_object);
    emit_u16(s, 0);

    emit_op(s, OP_add_brand);

    emit_label(s, label_add_brand);

    s->cur_func = s->cur_func->parent;
    return 0;

static __exception int add_brand(JSParseState *s, ClassFieldsDef *cf)
    if (!cf->has_brand) {
        /* define the brand field in 'this' of the initializer */
        if (!cf->fields_init_fd) {
            if (emit_class_init_start(s, cf))
                return -1;
        /* patch the start of the function to enable the OP_add_brand code */
        cf->fields_init_fd->byte_code.buf[cf->brand_push_pos] = OP_push_true;

        cf->has_brand = TRUE;
    return 0;

static void emit_class_init_end(JSParseState *s, ClassFieldsDef *cf)
    int cpool_idx;

    s->cur_func = cf->fields_init_fd;
    emit_op(s, OP_return_undef);
    s->cur_func = s->cur_func->parent;

    cpool_idx = cpool_add(s, JS_NULL);
    cf->fields_init_fd->parent_cpool_idx = cpool_idx;
    emit_op(s, OP_fclosure);
    emit_u32(s, cpool_idx);
    emit_op(s, OP_set_home_object);

static void emit_return(JSParseState *s, BOOL hasval);

static JSFunctionDef *js_new_function_def(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSFunctionDef *parent,
                                          BOOL is_eval,
                                          BOOL is_func_expr,
                                          const char *filename,
                                          int line_num,
                                          int col_num);

static __exception int js_parse_class_default_ctor(JSParseState *s,
                                                   BOOL has_super,
                                                   JSFunctionDef **pfd)
    JSParseFunctionEnum func_type;
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;

    fd = js_new_function_def(s->ctx, fd, FALSE, FALSE, s->filename,
                             s->token.line_num, s->token.col_num);
    if (!fd)
        return -1;

    s->cur_func = fd;
    fd->has_home_object = TRUE;
    fd->super_allowed = TRUE;
    fd->has_prototype = FALSE;
    fd->has_this_binding = TRUE;
    fd->new_target_allowed = TRUE;

    /* error if not invoked as a constructor */
    emit_op(s, OP_check_ctor);

    push_scope(s);  /* enter body scope */
    fd->body_scope = fd->scope_level;
    if (has_super) {
        fd->is_derived_class_constructor = TRUE;
        fd->super_call_allowed = TRUE;
        fd->arguments_allowed = TRUE;
        fd->has_arguments_binding = TRUE;

        /* super */
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this_active_func);
        emit_u16(s, 0);

        emit_op(s, OP_get_super);

        emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_new_target);
        emit_u16(s, 0);

        emit_op(s, OP_array_from);
        emit_u16(s, 0);
        emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
        emit_u32(s, 0);

        /* arguments */
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_arguments);
        emit_u16(s, 0);

        emit_op(s, OP_append);
        /* drop the index */
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);

        emit_op(s, OP_apply);
        emit_u16(s, 1);
        /* set the 'this' value */
        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
        emit_u16(s, 0);
    } else {

    fd->func_kind = JS_FUNC_NORMAL;
    fd->func_type = func_type;
    emit_return(s, FALSE);

    s->cur_func = fd->parent;
    if (pfd)
        *pfd = fd;

    int idx;
    /* the real object will be set at the end of the compilation */
    idx = cpool_add(s, JS_NULL);
    fd->parent_cpool_idx = idx;

    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_class(JSParseState *s, BOOL is_class_expr,
                                      JSParseExportEnum export_flag)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    JSAtom name = JS_ATOM_NULL, class_name = JS_ATOM_NULL, class_name1;
    JSAtom class_var_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    JSFunctionDef *method_fd, *ctor_fd;
    int saved_js_mode, class_name_var_idx, prop_type, ctor_cpool_offset;
    int class_flags = 0, i, define_class_offset;
    BOOL is_static, is_private;
    const uint8_t *class_start_ptr = s->token.ptr;
    const uint8_t *start_ptr;
    ClassFieldsDef class_fields[2];

    /* classes are parsed and executed in strict mode */
    saved_js_mode = fd->js_mode;
    fd->js_mode |= JS_MODE_STRICT;
    if (next_token(s))
        goto fail;
    if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
        if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
            goto fail;
        class_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
    } else if (!is_class_expr && export_flag != JS_PARSE_EXPORT_DEFAULT) {
        js_parse_error(s, "class statement requires a name");
        goto fail;
    if (!is_class_expr) {
        if (class_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            class_var_name = JS_ATOM__default_; /* export default */
            class_var_name = class_name;
        class_var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, class_var_name);


    if (s->token.val == TOK_EXTENDS) {
        class_flags = JS_DEFINE_CLASS_HAS_HERITAGE;
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_left_hand_side_expr(s))
            goto fail;
    } else {
        emit_op(s, OP_undefined);

    /* add a 'const' definition for the class name */
    if (class_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        class_name_var_idx = define_var(s, fd, class_name, JS_VAR_DEF_CONST);
        if (class_name_var_idx < 0)
            goto fail;

    if (js_parse_expect(s, '{'))
        goto fail;

    /* this scope contains the private fields */

    emit_op(s, OP_push_const);
    ctor_cpool_offset = fd->byte_code.size;
    emit_u32(s, 0); /* will be patched at the end of the class parsing */

    if (class_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        if (class_var_name != JS_ATOM_NULL)
            class_name1 = JS_ATOM_default;
            class_name1 = JS_ATOM_empty_string;
    } else {
        class_name1 = class_name;

    emit_op(s, OP_define_class);
    emit_atom(s, class_name1);
    emit_u8(s, class_flags);
    define_class_offset = fd->last_opcode_pos;

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        ClassFieldsDef *cf = &class_fields[i];
        cf->fields_init_fd = NULL;
        cf->computed_fields_count = 0;
        cf->has_brand = FALSE;

    ctor_fd = NULL;
    while (s->token.val != '}') {
        if (s->token.val == ';') {
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
        is_static = FALSE;
        if (s->token.val == TOK_STATIC) {
            int next = peek_token(s, TRUE);
            if (!(next == ';' || next == '}' || next == '(' || next == '='))
                is_static = TRUE;
        prop_type = -1;
        if (is_static) {
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            if (s->token.val == '{') {
                ClassFieldsDef *cf = &class_fields[is_static];
                if (!cf->fields_init_fd)
                    if (emit_class_init_start(s, cf))
                        goto fail;
                s->cur_func = cf->fields_init_fd;
                // stack is now: <empty>
                JSFunctionDef *init;
                if (js_parse_function_decl2(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT,
                                            JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                            JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE, &init) < 0) {
                    goto fail;
                // stack is now: fclosure
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
                emit_u16(s, 0);
                // stack is now: fclosure this
                if (class_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    // TODO(bnoordhuis) pass as argument to init method?
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                    emit_atom(s, class_name);
                    emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
                emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                // stack is now: this fclosure
                emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
                emit_u16(s, 0);
                // stack is now: returnvalue
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                // stack is now: <empty>
                s->cur_func = s->cur_func->parent;
            /* allow "static" field name */
            if (s->token.val == ';' || s->token.val == '=') {
                is_static = FALSE;
                name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, JS_ATOM_static);
                prop_type = PROP_TYPE_IDENT;
        if (is_static)
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
        start_ptr = s->token.ptr;
        if (prop_type < 0) {
            prop_type = js_parse_property_name(s, &name, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
            if (prop_type < 0)
                goto fail;
        is_private = prop_type & PROP_TYPE_PRIVATE;
        prop_type &= ~PROP_TYPE_PRIVATE;

        if ((name == JS_ATOM_constructor && !is_static &&
             prop_type != PROP_TYPE_IDENT) ||
            (name == JS_ATOM_prototype && is_static) ||
            name == JS_ATOM_hash_constructor) {
            js_parse_error(s, "invalid method name");
            goto fail;
        if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_GET || prop_type == PROP_TYPE_SET) {
            BOOL is_set = prop_type - PROP_TYPE_GET;
            JSFunctionDef *method_fd;

            if (is_private) {
                int idx, var_kind, is_static1;
                idx = find_private_class_field(ctx, fd, name, fd->scope_level);
                if (idx >= 0) {
                    var_kind = fd->vars[idx].var_kind;
                    is_static1 = fd->vars[idx].is_static_private;
                    if (var_kind == JS_VAR_PRIVATE_FIELD ||
                        var_kind == JS_VAR_PRIVATE_METHOD ||
                        var_kind == JS_VAR_PRIVATE_GETTER_SETTER ||
                        var_kind == (JS_VAR_PRIVATE_GETTER + is_set) ||
                        (var_kind == (JS_VAR_PRIVATE_GETTER + 1 - is_set) &&
                         is_static != is_static1)) {
                        goto private_field_already_defined;
                    fd->vars[idx].var_kind = JS_VAR_PRIVATE_GETTER_SETTER;
                } else {
                    if (add_private_class_field(s, fd, name,
                                                JS_VAR_PRIVATE_GETTER + is_set, is_static) < 0)
                        goto fail;
                if (add_brand(s, &class_fields[is_static]) < 0)
                    goto fail;

            if (js_parse_function_decl2(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_GETTER + is_set,
                                        JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                        JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE, &method_fd))
                goto fail;
            if (is_private) {
                method_fd->need_home_object = TRUE; /* needed for brand check */
                emit_op(s, OP_set_home_object);
                /* XXX: missing function name */
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                if (is_set) {
                    JSAtom setter_name;
                    int ret;

                    setter_name = get_private_setter_name(ctx, name);
                    if (setter_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                        goto fail;
                    emit_atom(s, setter_name);
                    ret = add_private_class_field(s, fd, setter_name,
                                                  JS_VAR_PRIVATE_SETTER, is_static);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, setter_name);
                    if (ret < 0)
                        goto fail;
                } else {
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
            } else {
                if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_define_method_computed);
                } else {
                    emit_op(s, OP_define_method);
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_u8(s, OP_DEFINE_METHOD_GETTER + is_set);
        } else if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_IDENT && s->token.val != '(') {
            ClassFieldsDef *cf = &class_fields[is_static];
            JSAtom field_var_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;

            /* class field */

            /* XXX: spec: not consistent with method name checks */
            if (name == JS_ATOM_constructor || name == JS_ATOM_prototype) {
                js_parse_error(s, "invalid field name");
                goto fail;

            if (is_private) {
                if (find_private_class_field(ctx, fd, name,
                                             fd->scope_level) >= 0) {
                    goto private_field_already_defined;
                if (add_private_class_field(s, fd, name,
                                            JS_VAR_PRIVATE_FIELD, is_static) < 0)
                    goto fail;
                emit_op(s, OP_private_symbol);
                emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);

            if (!cf->fields_init_fd) {
                if (emit_class_init_start(s, cf))
                    goto fail;
            if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL ) {
                /* save the computed field name into a variable */
                field_var_name = js_atom_concat_num(ctx, JS_ATOM_computed_field + is_static, cf->computed_fields_count);
                if (field_var_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                    goto fail;
                if (define_var(s, fd, field_var_name, JS_VAR_DEF_CONST) < 0) {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, field_var_name);
                    goto fail;
                emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey);
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                emit_atom(s, field_var_name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
            s->cur_func = cf->fields_init_fd;
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
            emit_u16(s, 0);

            // expose class name to static initializers
            if (is_static && class_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                emit_atom(s, class_name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);

            if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_atom(s, field_var_name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, field_var_name);
            } else if (is_private) {
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);

            if (s->token.val == '=') {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
            if (is_private) {
                emit_op(s, OP_define_private_field);
            } else if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el);
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            } else {
                set_object_name(s, name);
                emit_op(s, OP_define_field);
                emit_atom(s, name);
            s->cur_func = s->cur_func->parent;
            if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
                goto fail;
        } else {
            JSParseFunctionEnum func_type;
            JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind;

            func_type = JS_PARSE_FUNC_METHOD;
            func_kind = JS_FUNC_NORMAL;
            if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_STAR) {
                func_kind = JS_FUNC_GENERATOR;
            } else if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_ASYNC) {
                func_kind = JS_FUNC_ASYNC;
            } else if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_ASYNC_STAR) {
                func_kind = JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR;
            } else if (name == JS_ATOM_constructor && !is_static) {
                if (ctor_fd) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "property constructor appears more than once");
                    goto fail;
                if (class_flags & JS_DEFINE_CLASS_HAS_HERITAGE)
                    func_type = JS_PARSE_FUNC_DERIVED_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR;
                    func_type = JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR;
            if (is_private) {
                if (add_brand(s, &class_fields[is_static]) < 0)
                    goto fail;
            if (js_parse_function_decl2(s, func_type, func_kind, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                        JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE, &method_fd))
                goto fail;
            if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_DERIVED_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR ||
                func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR) {
                ctor_fd = method_fd;
            } else if (is_private) {
                method_fd->need_home_object = TRUE; /* needed for brand check */
                if (find_private_class_field(ctx, fd, name,
                                             fd->scope_level) >= 0) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "private class field is already defined");
                    goto fail;
                if (add_private_class_field(s, fd, name,
                                            JS_VAR_PRIVATE_METHOD, is_static) < 0)
                    goto fail;
                emit_op(s, OP_set_home_object);
                emit_op(s, OP_set_name);
                emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
            } else {
                if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_define_method_computed);
                } else {
                    emit_op(s, OP_define_method);
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                emit_u8(s, OP_DEFINE_METHOD_METHOD);
        if (is_static)
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
        name = JS_ATOM_NULL;

    if (s->token.val != '}') {
        js_parse_error(s, "expecting '%c'", '}');
        goto fail;

    if (!ctor_fd) {
        if (js_parse_class_default_ctor(s, class_flags & JS_DEFINE_CLASS_HAS_HERITAGE, &ctor_fd))
            goto fail;
    /* patch the constant pool index for the constructor */
    put_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + ctor_cpool_offset, ctor_fd->parent_cpool_idx);

    /* store the class source code in the constructor. */
    js_free(ctx, ctor_fd->source);
    ctor_fd->source_len = s->buf_ptr - class_start_ptr;
    ctor_fd->source = js_strndup(ctx, (const char *)class_start_ptr, ctor_fd->source_len);
    if (!ctor_fd->source)
        goto fail;

    /* consume the '}' */
    if (next_token(s))
        goto fail;

    /* store the function to initialize the fields to that it can be
       referenced by the constructor */
        ClassFieldsDef *cf = &class_fields[0];
        int var_idx;

        var_idx = define_var(s, fd, JS_ATOM_class_fields_init,
        if (var_idx < 0)
            goto fail;
        if (cf->fields_init_fd) {
            emit_class_init_end(s, cf);
        } else {
            emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_class_fields_init);
        emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);

    /* drop the prototype */
    emit_op(s, OP_drop);

    /* initialize the static fields */
    if (class_fields[1].fields_init_fd != NULL) {
        ClassFieldsDef *cf = &class_fields[1];
        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
        emit_class_init_end(s, cf);
        emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
        emit_u16(s, 0);
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);

    if (class_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        /* store the class name in the scoped class name variable (it
           is independent from the class statement variable
           definition) */
        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
        emit_atom(s, class_name);
        emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);

    /* the class statements have a block level scope */
    if (class_var_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        if (define_var(s, fd, class_var_name, JS_VAR_DEF_LET) < 0)
            goto fail;
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
        emit_atom(s, class_var_name);
        emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
    } else {
        if (class_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
            /* cannot use OP_set_name because the name of the class
               must be defined before the static initializers are
               executed */
            emit_op(s, OP_set_class_name);
            emit_u32(s, fd->last_opcode_pos + 1 - define_class_offset);

    if (export_flag != JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE) {
        if (!add_export_entry(s, fd->module,
                              export_flag == JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NAMED ? class_var_name : JS_ATOM_default,
            goto fail;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, class_name);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, class_var_name);
    fd->js_mode = saved_js_mode;
    return 0;
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, class_name);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, class_var_name);
    fd->js_mode = saved_js_mode;
    return -1;

static __exception int js_parse_array_literal(JSParseState *s)
    uint32_t idx;
    BOOL need_length;

    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;
    /* small regular arrays are created on the stack */
    idx = 0;
    while (s->token.val != ']' && idx < 32) {
        if (s->token.val == ',' || s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS)
        if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
            return -1;
        /* accept trailing comma */
        if (s->token.val == ',') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
        } else
        if (s->token.val != ']')
            goto done;
    emit_op(s, OP_array_from);
    emit_u16(s, idx);

    /* larger arrays and holes are handled with explicit indices */
    need_length = FALSE;
    while (s->token.val != ']' && idx < 0x7fffffff) {
        if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS)
        need_length = TRUE;
        if (s->token.val != ',') {
            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_define_field);
            emit_u32(s, __JS_AtomFromUInt32(idx));
            need_length = FALSE;
        /* accept trailing comma */
        if (s->token.val == ',') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
    if (s->token.val == ']') {
        if (need_length) {
            /* Set the length: Cannot use OP_define_field because
               length is not configurable */
            emit_op(s, OP_dup);
            emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
            emit_u32(s, idx);
            emit_op(s, OP_put_field);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_length);
            emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_length);
        goto done;

    /* huge arrays and spread elements require a dynamic index on the stack */
    emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
    emit_u32(s, idx);

    /* stack has array, index */
    while (s->token.val != ']') {
        if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_append);
        } else {
            need_length = TRUE;
            if (s->token.val != ',') {
                if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                    return -1;
                /* a idx val */
                emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el);
                need_length = FALSE;
            emit_op(s, OP_inc);
        if (s->token.val != ',')
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
    if (need_length) {
        /* Set the length: cannot use OP_define_field because
           length is not configurable */
        emit_op(s, OP_dup1);    /* array length - array array length */
        emit_op(s, OP_put_field);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_length);
        emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_length);
    } else {
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);    /* array length - array */
    return js_parse_expect(s, ']');

/* XXX: remove */
static BOOL has_with_scope(JSFunctionDef *s, int scope_level)
    /* check if scope chain contains a with statement */
    while (s) {
        int scope_idx = s->scopes[scope_level].first;
        while (scope_idx >= 0) {
            JSVarDef *vd = &s->vars[scope_idx];

            if (vd->var_name == JS_ATOM__with_)
                return TRUE;
            scope_idx = vd->scope_next;
        /* check parent scopes */
        scope_level = s->parent_scope_level;
        s = s->parent;
    return FALSE;

static __exception int get_lvalue(JSParseState *s, int *popcode, int *pscope,
                                  JSAtom *pname, int *plabel, int *pdepth, BOOL keep,
                                  int tok)
    JSFunctionDef *fd;
    int opcode, scope, label, depth;
    JSAtom name;

    /* we check the last opcode to get the lvalue type */
    fd = s->cur_func;
    scope = 0;
    name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    label = -1;
    depth = 0;
    switch(opcode = get_prev_opcode(fd)) {
    case OP_scope_get_var:
        name = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
        scope = get_u16(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 5);
        if ((name == JS_ATOM_arguments || name == JS_ATOM_eval) &&
            (fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid lvalue in strict mode");
        if (name == JS_ATOM_this || name == JS_ATOM_new_target)
            goto invalid_lvalue;
        depth = 2;  /* will generate OP_get_ref_value */
    case OP_get_field:
        name = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
        depth = 1;
    case OP_scope_get_private_field:
        name = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
        scope = get_u16(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 5);
        depth = 1;
    case OP_get_array_el:
        depth = 2;
    case OP_get_super_value:
        depth = 3;
        if (tok == TOK_FOR) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid for in/of left hand-side");
        } else if (tok == TOK_INC || tok == TOK_DEC) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid increment/decrement operand");
        } else if (tok == '[' || tok == '{') {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid destructuring target");
        } else {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid assignment left-hand side");
    /* remove the last opcode */
    fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
    fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;

    if (keep) {
        /* get the value but keep the object/fields on the stack */
        switch(opcode) {
        case OP_scope_get_var:
            label = new_label(s);
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_make_ref);
            emit_atom(s, name);
            emit_u32(s, label);
            emit_u16(s, scope);
            update_label(fd, label, 1);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_ref_value);
            opcode = OP_get_ref_value;
        case OP_get_field:
            emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
            emit_atom(s, name);
            emit_ic(s, name);
        case OP_scope_get_private_field:
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_private_field2);
            emit_atom(s, name);
            emit_u16(s, scope);
        case OP_get_array_el:
            /* XXX: replace by a single opcode ? */
            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey2);
            emit_op(s, OP_dup2);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_array_el);
        case OP_get_super_value:
            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey);
            emit_op(s, OP_dup3);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_super_value);
    } else {
        switch(opcode) {
        case OP_scope_get_var:
            label = new_label(s);
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_make_ref);
            emit_atom(s, name);
            emit_u32(s, label);
            emit_u16(s, scope);
            update_label(fd, label, 1);
            opcode = OP_get_ref_value;
        case OP_get_array_el:
            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey2);
        case OP_get_super_value:
            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey);

    *popcode = opcode;
    *pscope = scope;
    /* name has refcount for OP_get_field and OP_get_ref_value,
       and JS_ATOM_NULL for other opcodes */
    *pname = name;
    *plabel = label;
    if (pdepth)
        *pdepth = depth;
    return 0;

typedef enum {
    PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP, /* [depth] v -> */
    PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP_DEPTH, /* [depth] v -> , keep depth (currently
                                just disable optimizations) */
    PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_TOP,  /* [depth] v -> v */
    PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_SECOND, /* [depth] v0 v -> v0 */
    PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP_BOTTOM, /* v [depth] -> */
} PutLValueEnum;

/* name has a live reference. 'is_let' is only used with opcode =
   OP_scope_get_var which is never generated by get_lvalue(). */
static void put_lvalue(JSParseState *s, int opcode, int scope,
                       JSAtom name, int label, PutLValueEnum special,
                       BOOL is_let)
    switch(opcode) {
    case OP_get_field:
    case OP_scope_get_private_field:
        /* depth = 1 */
        switch(special) {
        case PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP:
        case PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_TOP:
            emit_op(s, OP_insert2); /* obj v -> v obj v */
            emit_op(s, OP_perm3); /* obj v0 v -> v0 obj v */
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
    case OP_get_array_el:
    case OP_get_ref_value:
        /* depth = 2 */
        if (opcode == OP_get_ref_value) {
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
            emit_label(s, label);
        switch(special) {
        case PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP:
            emit_op(s, OP_nop); /* will trigger optimization */
        case PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_TOP:
            emit_op(s, OP_insert3); /* obj prop v -> v obj prop v */
            emit_op(s, OP_perm4); /* obj prop v0 v -> v0 obj prop v */
            emit_op(s, OP_rot3l);
    case OP_get_super_value:
        /* depth = 3 */
        switch(special) {
        case PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP:
        case PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_TOP:
            emit_op(s, OP_insert4); /* this obj prop v -> v this obj prop v */
            emit_op(s, OP_perm5); /* this obj prop v0 v -> v0 this obj prop v */
            emit_op(s, OP_rot4l);

    switch(opcode) {
    case OP_scope_get_var:  /* val -- */
        assert(special == PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP ||
               special == PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP_DEPTH);
        emit_op(s, is_let ? OP_scope_put_var_init : OP_scope_put_var);
        emit_u32(s, name);  /* has refcount */
        emit_u16(s, scope);
    case OP_get_field:
        emit_op(s, OP_put_field);
        emit_u32(s, name);  /* name has refcount */
        emit_ic(s, name);
    case OP_scope_get_private_field:
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_private_field);
        emit_u32(s, name);  /* name has refcount */
        emit_u16(s, scope);
    case OP_get_array_el:
        emit_op(s, OP_put_array_el);
    case OP_get_ref_value:
        emit_op(s, OP_put_ref_value);
    case OP_get_super_value:
        emit_op(s, OP_put_super_value);

static __exception int js_parse_expr_paren(JSParseState *s)
    if (js_parse_expect(s, '('))
        return -1;
    if (js_parse_expr(s))
        return -1;
    if (js_parse_expect(s, ')'))
        return -1;
    return 0;

static int js_unsupported_keyword(JSParseState *s, JSAtom atom)
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    return js_parse_error(s, "unsupported keyword: %s",
                          JS_AtomGetStr(s->ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), atom));

static __exception int js_define_var(JSParseState *s, JSAtom name, int tok)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    JSVarDefEnum var_def_type;

    if (name == JS_ATOM_yield && fd->func_kind == JS_FUNC_GENERATOR) {
        return js_parse_error(s, "yield is a reserved identifier");
    if ((name == JS_ATOM_arguments || name == JS_ATOM_eval)
    &&  (fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) {
        return js_parse_error(s, "invalid variable name in strict mode");
    if ((name == JS_ATOM_let || name == JS_ATOM_undefined)
    &&  (tok == TOK_LET || tok == TOK_CONST)) {
        return js_parse_error(s, "invalid lexical variable name");
    switch(tok) {
    case TOK_LET:
        var_def_type = JS_VAR_DEF_LET;
    case TOK_CONST:
        var_def_type = JS_VAR_DEF_CONST;
    case TOK_VAR:
        var_def_type = JS_VAR_DEF_VAR;
    case TOK_CATCH:
        var_def_type = JS_VAR_DEF_CATCH;
    if (define_var(s, fd, name, var_def_type) < 0)
        return -1;
    return 0;

static void js_emit_spread_code(JSParseState *s, int depth)
    int label_rest_next, label_rest_done;

    /* XXX: could check if enum object is an actual array and optimize
       slice extraction. enumeration record and target array are in a
       different order from OP_append case. */
    /* enum_rec xxx -- enum_rec xxx array 0 */
    emit_op(s, OP_array_from);
    emit_u16(s, 0);
    emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
    emit_u32(s, 0);
    emit_label(s, label_rest_next = new_label(s));
    emit_op(s, OP_for_of_next);
    emit_u8(s, 2 + depth);
    label_rest_done = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
    /* array idx val -- array idx */
    emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el);
    emit_op(s, OP_inc);
    emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_rest_next);
    emit_label(s, label_rest_done);
    /* enum_rec xxx array idx undef -- enum_rec xxx array */
    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
    emit_op(s, OP_drop);

static int js_parse_check_duplicate_parameter(JSParseState *s, JSAtom name)
    /* Check for duplicate parameter names */
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < fd->arg_count; i++) {
        if (fd->args[i].var_name == name)
            goto duplicate;
    for (i = 0; i < fd->var_count; i++) {
        if (fd->vars[i].var_name == name)
            goto duplicate;
    return 0;

    return js_parse_error(s, "Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context");

static JSAtom js_parse_destructuring_var(JSParseState *s, int tok, int is_arg)
    JSAtom name;

    if (!(s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved)
    ||  ((s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) &&
         (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_eval || s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_arguments))) {
        js_parse_error(s, "invalid destructuring target");
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
    if (is_arg && js_parse_check_duplicate_parameter(s, name))
        goto fail;
    if (next_token(s))
        goto fail;

    return name;
    JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
    return JS_ATOM_NULL;

/* Return -1 if error, 0 if no initializer, 1 if an initializer is
   present at the top level. */
static int js_parse_destructuring_element(JSParseState *s, int tok, int is_arg,
                                        int hasval, int has_ellipsis,
                                        BOOL allow_initializer)
    int label_parse, label_assign, label_done, label_lvalue, depth_lvalue;
    int start_addr, assign_addr;
    JSAtom prop_name, var_name;
    int opcode, scope, tok1, skip_bits;
    BOOL has_initializer;

    label_lvalue = -1;

    if (has_ellipsis < 0) {
        /* pre-parse destructuration target for spread detection */
        js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE);
        has_ellipsis = skip_bits & SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS;

    label_parse = new_label(s);
    label_assign = new_label(s);

    start_addr = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
    if (hasval) {
        /* consume value from the stack */
        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
        emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
        emit_op(s, OP_strict_eq);
        emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, label_parse);
        emit_label(s, label_assign);
    } else {
        emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_parse);
        emit_label(s, label_assign);
        /* leave value on the stack */
        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
    assign_addr = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
    if (s->token.val == '{') {
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        /* throw an exception if the value cannot be converted to an object */
        emit_op(s, OP_to_object);
        if (has_ellipsis) {
            /* add excludeList on stack just below src object */
            emit_op(s, OP_object);
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
        while (s->token.val != '}') {
            int prop_type;
            if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
                if (!has_ellipsis) {
                    JS_ThrowInternalError(s->ctx, "unexpected ellipsis token");
                    return -1;
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
                if (tok) {
                    var_name = js_parse_destructuring_var(s, tok, is_arg);
                    if (var_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                        return -1;
                    opcode = OP_scope_get_var;
                    scope = s->cur_func->scope_level;
                    label_lvalue = -1;
                    depth_lvalue = 0;
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_left_hand_side_expr(s))
                        return -1;

                    if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &var_name,
                                   &label_lvalue, &depth_lvalue, FALSE, '{'))
                        return -1;
                if (s->token.val != '}') {
                    js_parse_error(s, "assignment rest property must be last");
                    goto var_error;
                emit_op(s, OP_object);  /* target */
                emit_op(s, OP_copy_data_properties);
                emit_u8(s, 0 | ((depth_lvalue + 1) << 2) | ((depth_lvalue + 2) << 5));
                goto set_val;
            prop_type = js_parse_property_name(s, &prop_name, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
            if (prop_type < 0)
                return -1;
            var_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
            opcode = OP_scope_get_var;
            scope = s->cur_func->scope_level;
            label_lvalue = -1;
            depth_lvalue = 0;
            if (prop_type == PROP_TYPE_IDENT) {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto prop_error;
                if ((s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{')
                    &&  ((tok1 = js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE)) == ',' ||
                         tok1 == '=' || tok1 == '}')) {
                    if (prop_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                        /* computed property name on stack */
                        if (has_ellipsis) {
                            /* define the property in excludeList */
                            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey); /* avoid calling ToString twice */
                            emit_op(s, OP_perm3); /* TOS: src excludeList prop */
                            emit_op(s, OP_null); /* TOS: src excludeList prop null */
                            emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el); /* TOS: src excludeList prop */
                            emit_op(s, OP_perm3); /* TOS: excludeList src prop */
                        /* get the computed property from the source object */
                        emit_op(s, OP_get_array_el2);
                    } else {
                        /* named property */
                        if (has_ellipsis) {
                            /* define the property in excludeList */
                            emit_op(s, OP_swap); /* TOS: src excludeList */
                            emit_op(s, OP_null); /* TOS: src excludeList null */
                            emit_op(s, OP_define_field); /* TOS: src excludeList */
                            emit_atom(s, prop_name);
                            emit_op(s, OP_swap); /* TOS: excludeList src */
                        /* get the named property from the source object */
                        emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
                        emit_u32(s, prop_name);
                        emit_ic(s, prop_name);
                    if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, tok, is_arg, TRUE, -1, TRUE) < 0)
                        return -1;
                    if (s->token.val == '}')
                    /* accept a trailing comma before the '}' */
                    if (js_parse_expect(s, ','))
                        return -1;
                if (prop_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey2);
                    if (has_ellipsis) {
                        /* define the property in excludeList */
                        emit_op(s, OP_perm3);
                        emit_op(s, OP_null);
                        emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el);
                        emit_op(s, OP_perm3);
                    /* source prop -- source source prop */
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup1);
                } else {
                    if (has_ellipsis) {
                        /* define the property in excludeList */
                        emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                        emit_op(s, OP_null);
                        emit_op(s, OP_define_field);
                        emit_atom(s, prop_name);
                        emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                    /* source -- source source */
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                if (tok) {
                    var_name = js_parse_destructuring_var(s, tok, is_arg);
                    if (var_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                        goto prop_error;
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_left_hand_side_expr(s))
                        goto prop_error;
                    if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &var_name,
                                   &label_lvalue, &depth_lvalue, FALSE, '{'))
                        goto prop_error;
                    /* swap ref and lvalue object if any */
                    if (prop_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                        switch(depth_lvalue) {
                        case 1:
                            /* source prop x -> x source prop */
                            emit_op(s, OP_rot3r);
                        case 2:
                            /* source prop x y -> x y source prop */
                            emit_op(s, OP_swap2);   /* t p2 s p1 */
                        case 3:
                            /* source prop x y z -> x y z source prop */
                            emit_op(s, OP_rot5l);
                            emit_op(s, OP_rot5l);
                    } else {
                        switch(depth_lvalue) {
                        case 1:
                            /* source x -> x source */
                            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                        case 2:
                            /* source x y -> x y source */
                            emit_op(s, OP_rot3l);
                        case 3:
                            /* source x y z -> x y z source */
                            emit_op(s, OP_rot4l);
                if (prop_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    /* computed property name on stack */
                    /* XXX: should have OP_get_array_el2x with depth */
                    /* source prop -- val */
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_array_el);
                } else {
                    /* named property */
                    /* XXX: should have OP_get_field2x with depth */
                    /* source -- val */
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_field);
                    emit_u32(s, prop_name);
                    emit_ic(s, prop_name);
            } else {
                /* prop_type = PROP_TYPE_VAR, cannot be a computed property */
                if (is_arg && js_parse_check_duplicate_parameter(s, prop_name))
                    goto prop_error;
                if ((s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) &&
                    (prop_name == JS_ATOM_eval || prop_name == JS_ATOM_arguments)) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "invalid destructuring target");
                    goto prop_error;
                if (has_ellipsis) {
                    /* define the property in excludeList */
                    emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                    emit_op(s, OP_null);
                    emit_op(s, OP_define_field);
                    emit_atom(s, prop_name);
                    emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                if (!tok || tok == TOK_VAR) {
                    /* generate reference */
                    /* source -- source source */
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                    emit_atom(s, prop_name);
                    emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
                    goto lvalue;
                var_name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, prop_name);
                /* source -- source val */
                emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
                emit_u32(s, prop_name);
                emit_ic(s, prop_name);
            if (tok) {
                if (js_define_var(s, var_name, tok))
                    goto var_error;
                scope = s->cur_func->scope_level;
            if (s->token.val == '=') {  /* handle optional default value */
                int label_hasval;
                emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                emit_op(s, OP_strict_eq);
                label_hasval = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto var_error;
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                    goto var_error;
                if (opcode == OP_scope_get_var || opcode == OP_get_ref_value)
                    set_object_name(s, var_name);
                emit_label(s, label_hasval);
            /* store value into lvalue object */
            put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, var_name, label_lvalue,
                       (tok == TOK_CONST || tok == TOK_LET));
            if (s->token.val == '}')
            /* accept a trailing comma before the '}' */
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ','))
                return -1;
        /* drop the source object */
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);
        if (has_ellipsis) {
            emit_op(s, OP_drop); /* pop excludeList */
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
    } else if (s->token.val == '[') {
        BOOL has_spread;
        int enum_depth;
        BlockEnv block_env;

        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        /* the block environment is only needed in generators in case
           'yield' triggers a 'return' */
        push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &block_env,
                         JS_ATOM_NULL, -1, -1, 2);
        block_env.has_iterator = TRUE;
        emit_op(s, OP_for_of_start);
        has_spread = FALSE;
        while (s->token.val != ']') {
            /* get the next value */
            if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
                if (s->token.val == ',' || s->token.val == ']')
                    return js_parse_error(s, "missing binding pattern...");
                has_spread = TRUE;
            if (s->token.val == ',') {
                /* do nothing, skip the value, has_spread is false */
                emit_op(s, OP_for_of_next);
                emit_u8(s, 0);
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            } else if ((s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{')
                   &&  ((tok1 = js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE)) == ',' ||
                        tok1 == '=' || tok1 == ']')) {
                if (has_spread) {
                    if (tok1 == '=')
                        return js_parse_error(s, "rest element cannot have a default value");
                    js_emit_spread_code(s, 0);
                } else {
                    emit_op(s, OP_for_of_next);
                    emit_u8(s, 0);
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, tok, is_arg, TRUE, skip_bits & SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS, TRUE) < 0)
                    return -1;
            } else {
                var_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
                enum_depth = 0;
                if (tok) {
                    var_name = js_parse_destructuring_var(s, tok, is_arg);
                    if (var_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                        goto var_error;
                    if (js_define_var(s, var_name, tok))
                        goto var_error;
                    opcode = OP_scope_get_var;
                    scope = s->cur_func->scope_level;
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_left_hand_side_expr(s))
                        return -1;
                    if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &var_name,
                                   &label_lvalue, &enum_depth, FALSE, '[')) {
                        return -1;
                if (has_spread) {
                    js_emit_spread_code(s, enum_depth);
                } else {
                    emit_op(s, OP_for_of_next);
                    emit_u8(s, enum_depth);
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                if (s->token.val == '=' && !has_spread) {
                    /* handle optional default value */
                    int label_hasval;
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                    emit_op(s, OP_strict_eq);
                    label_hasval = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
                    if (next_token(s))
                        goto var_error;
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                    if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                        goto var_error;
                    if (opcode == OP_scope_get_var || opcode == OP_get_ref_value)
                        set_object_name(s, var_name);
                    emit_label(s, label_hasval);
                /* store value into lvalue object */
                put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, var_name,
                           label_lvalue, PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP_DEPTH,
                           (tok == TOK_CONST || tok == TOK_LET));
            if (s->token.val == ']')
            if (has_spread)
                return js_parse_error(s, "rest element must be the last one");
            /* accept a trailing comma before the ']' */
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ','))
                return -1;
        /* close iterator object:
           if completed, enum_obj has been replaced by undefined */
        emit_op(s, OP_iterator_close);
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
    } else {
        return js_parse_error(s, "invalid assignment syntax");
    if (s->token.val == '=' && allow_initializer) {
        label_done = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        emit_label(s, label_parse);
        if (hasval)
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
        if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
            return -1;
        emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_assign);
        emit_label(s, label_done);
        has_initializer = TRUE;
    } else {
        /* normally hasval is true except if
           js_parse_skip_parens_token() was wrong in the parsing */
        //        assert(hasval);
        if (!hasval) {
            js_parse_error(s, "too complicated destructuring expression");
            return -1;
        /* remove test and decrement label ref count */
        memset(s->cur_func->byte_code.buf + start_addr, OP_nop,
               assign_addr - start_addr);
        has_initializer = FALSE;
    return has_initializer;

    JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, prop_name);
    JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, var_name);
    return -1;

typedef enum FuncCallType {
} FuncCallType;

static void optional_chain_test(JSParseState *s, int *poptional_chaining_label,
                                int drop_count)
    int label_next, i;
    if (*poptional_chaining_label < 0)
        *poptional_chaining_label = new_label(s);
   /* XXX: could be more efficient with a specific opcode */
    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
    emit_op(s, OP_is_undefined_or_null);
    label_next = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
    for(i = 0; i < drop_count; i++)
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);
    emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
    emit_goto(s, OP_goto, *poptional_chaining_label);
    emit_label(s, label_next);

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_POSTFIX_CALL */
static __exception int js_parse_postfix_expr(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags)
    FuncCallType call_type;
    int optional_chaining_label;
    BOOL accept_lparen = (parse_flags & PF_POSTFIX_CALL) != 0;

    call_type = FUNC_CALL_NORMAL;
    switch(s->token.val) {
    case TOK_NUMBER:
            JSValue val;
            val = s->token.u.num.val;

            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_INT) {
                emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
                emit_u32(s, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
            } else {
                if (emit_push_const(s, val, 0) < 0)
                    return -1;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
    case TOK_TEMPLATE:
        if (js_parse_template(s, 0, NULL))
            return -1;
    case TOK_STRING:
        if (emit_push_const(s, s->token.u.str.str, 1))
            return -1;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;

    case TOK_DIV_ASSIGN:
        s->buf_ptr -= 2;
        goto parse_regexp;
    case '/':
            JSValue str;
            int ret, backtrace_flags;
            if (!s->ctx->compile_regexp)
                return js_parse_error(s, "RegExp are not supported");
            /* the previous token is '/' or '/=', so no need to free */
            if (js_parse_regexp(s))
                return -1;
            ret = emit_push_const(s, s->token.u.regexp.body, 0);
            str = s->ctx->compile_regexp(s->ctx, s->token.u.regexp.body,
            if (JS_IsException(str)) {
                /* add the line number info */
                backtrace_flags = 0;
                if (s->cur_func && s->cur_func->backtrace_barrier)
                    backtrace_flags = JS_BACKTRACE_FLAG_SINGLE_LEVEL;
                build_backtrace(s->ctx, s->ctx->rt->current_exception,
                return -1;
            ret = emit_push_const(s, str, 0);
            JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, str);
            if (ret)
                return -1;
            /* we use a specific opcode to be sure the correct
               function is called (otherwise the bytecode would have
               to be verified by the RegExp constructor) */
            emit_op(s, OP_regexp);
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
    case '(':
        if (js_parse_expr_paren(s))
            return -1;
    case TOK_FUNCTION:
        if (js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR,
                                   JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
            return -1;
    case TOK_CLASS:
        if (js_parse_class(s, TRUE, JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE))
            return -1;
    case TOK_NULL:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_null);
    case TOK_THIS:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
        emit_u16(s, 0);
    case TOK_FALSE:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_push_false);
    case TOK_TRUE:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_push_true);
    case TOK_IDENT:
            JSAtom name;
            if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
                return js_parse_error_reserved_identifier(s);
            if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
                peek_token(s, TRUE) != '\n') {
                const uint8_t *source_ptr;
                int source_line_num;
                int source_col_num;

                source_ptr = s->token.ptr;
                source_line_num = s->token.line_num;
                source_col_num = s->token.col_num;
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
                if (s->token.val == TOK_FUNCTION) {
                    if (js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR,
                                               JS_FUNC_ASYNC, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                        return -1;
                } else {
                    name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, JS_ATOM_async);
                    goto do_get_var;
            } else {
                if (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_arguments &&
                    !s->cur_func->arguments_allowed) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "'arguments' identifier is not allowed in class field initializer");
                    return -1;
                name = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                if (next_token(s)) { /* update line number before emitting code */
                    JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
                    return -1;
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_u32(s, name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
    case '{':
    case '[':
            int skip_bits;
            if (js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE) == '=') {
                if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, 0, 0, FALSE, skip_bits & SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS, TRUE) < 0)
                    return -1;
            } else {
                if (s->token.val == '{') {
                    if (js_parse_object_literal(s))
                        return -1;
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_array_literal(s))
                        return -1;
    case TOK_NEW:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (s->token.val == '.') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (!token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_target))
                return js_parse_error(s, "expecting target");
            if (!s->cur_func->new_target_allowed)
                return js_parse_error(s, "new.target only allowed within functions");
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_new_target);
            emit_u16(s, 0);
        } else {
            if (js_parse_postfix_expr(s, 0))
                return -1;
            accept_lparen = TRUE;
            if (s->token.val != '(') {
                /* new operator on an object */
                emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                emit_op(s, OP_call_constructor);
                emit_u16(s, 0);
            } else {
                call_type = FUNC_CALL_NEW;
    case TOK_SUPER:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (s->token.val == '(') {
            if (!s->cur_func->super_call_allowed)
                return js_parse_error(s, "super() is only valid in a derived class constructor");
            call_type = FUNC_CALL_SUPER_CTOR;
        } else if (s->token.val == '.' || s->token.val == '[') {
            if (!s->cur_func->super_allowed)
                return js_parse_error(s, "'super' is only valid in a method");
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
            emit_u16(s, 0);
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_home_object);
            emit_u16(s, 0);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_super);
        } else {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid use of 'super'");
    case TOK_IMPORT:
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (s->token.val == '.') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (!token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_meta))
                return js_parse_error(s, "meta expected");
            if (!s->is_module)
                return js_parse_error(s, "import.meta only valid in module code");
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_special_object);
            emit_u8(s, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_IMPORT_META);
        } else {
            if (js_parse_expect(s, '('))
                return -1;
            if (!accept_lparen)
                return js_parse_error(s, "invalid use of 'import()'");
            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ')'))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_import);
        return js_parse_error(s, "unexpected token in expression: '%.*s'",
                              (int)(s->buf_ptr - s->token.ptr), s->token.ptr);

    optional_chaining_label = -1;
    for(;;) {
        JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
        BOOL has_optional_chain = FALSE;

        if (s->token.val == TOK_QUESTION_MARK_DOT) {
            /* optional chaining */
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            has_optional_chain = TRUE;
            if (s->token.val == '(' && accept_lparen) {
                goto parse_func_call;
            } else if (s->token.val == '[') {
                goto parse_array_access;
            } else {
                goto parse_property;
        } else if (s->token.val == TOK_TEMPLATE &&
                   call_type == FUNC_CALL_NORMAL) {
            if (optional_chaining_label >= 0) {
                return js_parse_error(s, "template literal cannot appear in an optional chain");
            call_type = FUNC_CALL_TEMPLATE;
            goto parse_func_call2;
        } else if (s->token.val == '(' && accept_lparen) {
            int opcode, arg_count, drop_count;

            /* function call */
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;

            if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_NORMAL) {
                switch(opcode = get_prev_opcode(fd)) {
                case OP_get_field:
                    /* keep the object on the stack */
                    fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = OP_get_field2;
                    drop_count = 2;
                case OP_scope_get_private_field:
                    /* keep the object on the stack */
                    fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = OP_scope_get_private_field2;
                    drop_count = 2;
                case OP_get_array_el:
                    /* keep the object on the stack */
                    fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = OP_get_array_el2;
                    drop_count = 2;
                case OP_scope_get_var:
                        JSAtom name;
                        int scope;
                        name = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
                        scope = get_u16(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 5);
                        if (name == JS_ATOM_eval && call_type == FUNC_CALL_NORMAL && !has_optional_chain) {
                            /* direct 'eval' */
                            opcode = OP_eval;
                        } else {
                            /* verify if function name resolves to a simple
                               get_loc/get_arg: a function call inside a `with`
                               statement can resolve to a method call of the
                               `with` context object
                            /* XXX: always generate the OP_scope_get_ref
                               and remove it in variable resolution
                               pass ? */
                            if (has_with_scope(fd, scope)) {
                                opcode = OP_scope_get_ref;
                                fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = opcode;
                        drop_count = 1;
                case OP_get_super_value:
                    fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = OP_get_array_el;
                    /* on stack: this func_obj */
                    opcode = OP_get_array_el;
                    drop_count = 2;
                    opcode = OP_invalid;
                    drop_count = 1;
                if (has_optional_chain) {
                    optional_chain_test(s, &optional_chaining_label,
            } else {
                opcode = OP_invalid;

            if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_TEMPLATE) {
                if (js_parse_template(s, 1, &arg_count))
                    return -1;
                goto emit_func_call;
            } else if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_SUPER_CTOR) {
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this_active_func);
                emit_u16(s, 0);

                emit_op(s, OP_get_super);

                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_new_target);
                emit_u16(s, 0);
            } else if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_NEW) {
                emit_op(s, OP_dup); /* new.target = function */

            /* parse arguments */
            arg_count = 0;
            while (s->token.val != ')') {
                if (arg_count >= 65535) {
                    return js_parse_error(s, "Too many arguments in function call (only %d allowed)",
                                          65535 - 1);
                if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS)
                if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                    return -1;
                if (s->token.val == ')')
                /* accept a trailing comma before the ')' */
                if (js_parse_expect(s, ','))
                    return -1;
            if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
                emit_op(s, OP_array_from);
                emit_u16(s, arg_count);
                emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
                emit_u32(s, arg_count);

                /* on stack: array idx */
                while (s->token.val != ')') {
                    if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
                        if (next_token(s))
                            return -1;
                        if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                            return -1;
                        /* XXX: could pass is_last indicator? */
                        emit_op(s, OP_append);
                    } else {
                        if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                            return -1;
                        /* array idx val */
                        emit_op(s, OP_define_array_el);
                        emit_op(s, OP_inc);
                    if (s->token.val == ')')
                    /* accept a trailing comma before the ')' */
                    if (js_parse_expect(s, ','))
                        return -1;
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
                /* drop the index */
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);

                /* apply function call */
                switch(opcode) {
                case OP_get_field:
                case OP_scope_get_private_field:
                case OP_get_array_el:
                case OP_scope_get_ref:
                    /* obj func array -> func obj array */
                    emit_op(s, OP_perm3);
                    emit_op(s, OP_apply);
                    emit_u16(s, call_type == FUNC_CALL_NEW);
                case OP_eval:
                    emit_op(s, OP_apply_eval);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
                    fd->has_eval_call = TRUE;
                    if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_SUPER_CTOR) {
                        emit_op(s, OP_apply);
                        emit_u16(s, 1);
                        /* set the 'this' value */
                        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
                        emit_u16(s, 0);

                    } else if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_NEW) {
                        /* obj func array -> func obj array */
                        emit_op(s, OP_perm3);
                        emit_op(s, OP_apply);
                        emit_u16(s, 1);
                    } else {
                        /* func array -> func undef array */
                        emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                        emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                        emit_op(s, OP_apply);
                        emit_u16(s, 0);
            } else {
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
                switch(opcode) {
                case OP_get_field:
                case OP_scope_get_private_field:
                case OP_get_array_el:
                case OP_scope_get_ref:
                    emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
                    emit_u16(s, arg_count);
                case OP_eval:
                    emit_op(s, OP_eval);
                    emit_u16(s, arg_count);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
                    fd->has_eval_call = TRUE;
                    if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_SUPER_CTOR) {
                        emit_op(s, OP_call_constructor);
                        emit_u16(s, arg_count);

                        /* set the 'this' value */
                        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
                        emit_u16(s, 0);

                    } else if (call_type == FUNC_CALL_NEW) {
                        emit_op(s, OP_call_constructor);
                        emit_u16(s, arg_count);
                    } else {
                        emit_op(s, OP_call);
                        emit_u16(s, arg_count);
            call_type = FUNC_CALL_NORMAL;
        } else if (s->token.val == '.') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (s->token.val == TOK_PRIVATE_NAME) {
                /* private class field */
                if (get_prev_opcode(fd) == OP_get_super) {
                    return js_parse_error(s, "private class field forbidden after super");
                if (has_optional_chain) {
                    optional_chain_test(s, &optional_chaining_label, 1);
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_private_field);
                emit_atom(s, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
            } else {
                if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                    return js_parse_error(s, "expecting field name");
                if (get_prev_opcode(fd) == OP_get_super) {
                    JSValue val;
                    int ret;
                    val = JS_AtomToValue(s->ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                    ret = emit_push_const(s, val, 1);
                    JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, val);
                    if (ret)
                        return -1;
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_super_value);
                } else {
                    if (has_optional_chain) {
                        optional_chain_test(s, &optional_chaining_label, 1);
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_field);
                    emit_atom(s, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                    emit_ic(s, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
        } else if (s->token.val == '[') {
            int prev_op;

            prev_op = get_prev_opcode(fd);
            if (has_optional_chain) {
                optional_chain_test(s, &optional_chaining_label, 1);
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_expr(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ']'))
                return -1;
            if (prev_op == OP_get_super) {
                emit_op(s, OP_get_super_value);
            } else {
                emit_op(s, OP_get_array_el);
        } else {
    if (optional_chaining_label >= 0)
        emit_label(s, optional_chaining_label);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_delete(JSParseState *s)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    JSAtom name;
    int opcode;

    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;
    if (js_parse_unary(s, PF_POW_FORBIDDEN))
        return -1;
    switch(opcode = get_prev_opcode(fd)) {
    case OP_get_field:
            JSValue val;
            int ret;

            name = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
            fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
            fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
            val = JS_AtomToValue(s->ctx, name);
            ret = emit_push_const(s, val, 1);
            JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, val);
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
            if (ret)
                return ret;
        goto do_delete;
    case OP_get_array_el:
        fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
        fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_delete);
    case OP_scope_get_var:
        /* 'delete this': this is not a reference */
        name = get_u32(fd->byte_code.buf + fd->last_opcode_pos + 1);
        if (name == JS_ATOM_this || name == JS_ATOM_new_target)
            goto ret_true;
        if (fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "cannot delete a direct reference in strict mode");
        } else {
            fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = OP_scope_delete_var;
    case OP_scope_get_private_field:
        return js_parse_error(s, "cannot delete a private class field");
    case OP_get_super_value:
        fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
        fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_throw_error);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_NULL);
        emit_u8(s, JS_THROW_ERROR_DELETE_SUPER);
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);
        emit_op(s, OP_push_true);
    return 0;

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_POW_ALLOWED, PF_POW_FORBIDDEN */
static __exception int js_parse_unary(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags)
    int op;

    switch(s->token.val) {
    case '+':
    case '-':
    case '!':
    case '~':
    case TOK_VOID:
        op = s->token.val;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (js_parse_unary(s, PF_POW_FORBIDDEN))
            return -1;
        switch(op) {
        case '-':
            emit_op(s, OP_neg);
        case '+':
            emit_op(s, OP_plus);
        case '!':
            emit_op(s, OP_lnot);
        case '~':
            emit_op(s, OP_not);
        case TOK_VOID:
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
        parse_flags = 0;
    case TOK_DEC:
    case TOK_INC:
            int opcode, op, scope, label;
            JSAtom name;
            op = s->token.val;
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_unary(s, 0))
                return -1;
            if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &name, &label, NULL, TRUE, op))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_dec + op - TOK_DEC);
            put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, name, label, PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_TOP,
    case TOK_TYPEOF:
            JSFunctionDef *fd;
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_unary(s, PF_POW_FORBIDDEN))
                return -1;
            /* reference access should not return an exception, so we
               patch the get_var */
            fd = s->cur_func;
            if (get_prev_opcode(fd) == OP_scope_get_var) {
                fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos] = OP_scope_get_var_undef;
            emit_op(s, OP_typeof);
            parse_flags = 0;
    case TOK_DELETE:
        if (js_parse_delete(s))
            return -1;
        parse_flags = 0;
    case TOK_AWAIT:
        if (!(s->cur_func->func_kind & JS_FUNC_ASYNC))
            return js_parse_error(s, "unexpected 'await' keyword");
        if (!s->cur_func->in_function_body)
            return js_parse_error(s, "await in default expression");
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (js_parse_unary(s, PF_POW_FORBIDDEN))
            return -1;
        s->cur_func->has_await = TRUE;
        emit_op(s, OP_await);
        parse_flags = 0;
        if (js_parse_postfix_expr(s, PF_POSTFIX_CALL))
            return -1;
        if (!s->got_lf &&
            (s->token.val == TOK_DEC || s->token.val == TOK_INC)) {
            int opcode, op, scope, label;
            JSAtom name;
            op = s->token.val;
            if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &name, &label, NULL, TRUE, op))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_post_dec + op - TOK_DEC);
            put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, name, label, PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_SECOND,
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
    if (parse_flags & (PF_POW_ALLOWED | PF_POW_FORBIDDEN)) {
        if (s->token.val == TOK_POW) {
            /* Strict ES7 exponentiation syntax rules: To solve
               conficting semantics between different implementations
               regarding the precedence of prefix operators and the
               postifx exponential, ES7 specifies that -2**2 is a
               syntax error. */
            if (parse_flags & PF_POW_FORBIDDEN)
                return js_parse_error(s, "unparenthesized unary expression can't appear on the left-hand side of '**'");
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (js_parse_unary(s, PF_POW_ALLOWED))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_pow);
    return 0;

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_IN_ACCEPTED */
static __exception int js_parse_expr_binary(JSParseState *s, int level,
                                            int parse_flags)
    int op, opcode;

    if (level == 0) {
        return js_parse_unary(s, PF_POW_ALLOWED);
    if (js_parse_expr_binary(s, level - 1, parse_flags))
        return -1;
    for(;;) {
        op = s->token.val;
        switch(level) {
        case 1:
            switch(op) {
            case '*':
                opcode = OP_mul;
            case '/':
                opcode = OP_div;
            case '%':
                opcode = OP_mod;
                return 0;
        case 2:
            switch(op) {
            case '+':
                opcode = OP_add;
            case '-':
                opcode = OP_sub;
                return 0;
        case 3:
            switch(op) {
            case TOK_SHL:
                opcode = OP_shl;
            case TOK_SAR:
                opcode = OP_sar;
            case TOK_SHR:
                opcode = OP_shr;
                return 0;
        case 4:
            switch(op) {
            case '<':
                opcode = OP_lt;
            case '>':
                opcode = OP_gt;
            case TOK_LTE:
                opcode = OP_lte;
            case TOK_GTE:
                opcode = OP_gte;
            case TOK_INSTANCEOF:
                opcode = OP_instanceof;
            case TOK_IN:
                if (parse_flags & PF_IN_ACCEPTED) {
                    opcode = OP_in;
                } else {
                    return 0;
                return 0;
        case 5:
            switch(op) {
            case TOK_EQ:
                opcode = OP_eq;
            case TOK_NEQ:
                opcode = OP_neq;
            case TOK_STRICT_EQ:
                opcode = OP_strict_eq;
            case TOK_STRICT_NEQ:
                opcode = OP_strict_neq;
                return 0;
        case 6:
            switch(op) {
            case '&':
                opcode = OP_and;
                return 0;
        case 7:
            switch(op) {
            case '^':
                opcode = OP_xor;
                return 0;
        case 8:
            switch(op) {
            case '|':
                opcode = OP_or;
                return 0;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (js_parse_expr_binary(s, level - 1, parse_flags))
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, opcode);
    return 0;

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_IN_ACCEPTED */
static __exception int js_parse_logical_and_or(JSParseState *s, int op,
                                               int parse_flags)
    int label1;

    if (op == TOK_LAND) {
        if (js_parse_expr_binary(s, 8, parse_flags))
            return -1;
    } else {
        if (js_parse_logical_and_or(s, TOK_LAND, parse_flags))
            return -1;
    if (s->token.val == op) {
        label1 = new_label(s);

        for(;;) {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_dup);
            emit_goto(s, op == TOK_LAND ? OP_if_false : OP_if_true, label1);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);

            if (op == TOK_LAND) {
                if (js_parse_expr_binary(s, 8, parse_flags))
                    return -1;
            } else {
                if (js_parse_logical_and_or(s, TOK_LAND, parse_flags))
                    return -1;
            if (s->token.val != op) {
                if (s->token.val == TOK_DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK)
                    return js_parse_error(s, "cannot mix ?? with && or ||");

        emit_label(s, label1);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_coalesce_expr(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags)
    int label1;

    if (js_parse_logical_and_or(s, TOK_LOR, parse_flags))
        return -1;
    if (s->token.val == TOK_DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK) {
        label1 = new_label(s);
        for(;;) {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;

            emit_op(s, OP_dup);
            emit_op(s, OP_is_undefined_or_null);
            emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label1);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);

            if (js_parse_expr_binary(s, 8, parse_flags))
                return -1;
            if (s->token.val != TOK_DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK)
        emit_label(s, label1);
    return 0;

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_IN_ACCEPTED */
static __exception int js_parse_cond_expr(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags)
    int label1, label2;

    if (js_parse_coalesce_expr(s, parse_flags))
        return -1;
    if (s->token.val == '?') {
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        label1 = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);

        if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
            return -1;
        if (js_parse_expect(s, ':'))
            return -1;

        label2 = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);

        emit_label(s, label1);

        if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags & PF_IN_ACCEPTED))
            return -1;

        emit_label(s, label2);
    return 0;

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_IN_ACCEPTED */
static __exception int js_parse_assign_expr2(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags)
    int opcode, op, scope;
    JSAtom name0 = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    JSAtom name;

    if (s->token.val == TOK_YIELD) {
        BOOL is_star = FALSE, is_async;

        if (!(s->cur_func->func_kind & JS_FUNC_GENERATOR))
            return js_parse_error(s, "unexpected 'yield' keyword");
        if (!s->cur_func->in_function_body)
            return js_parse_error(s, "yield in default expression");
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        /* XXX: is there a better method to detect 'yield' without
           parameters ? */
        if (s->token.val != ';' && s->token.val != ')' &&
            s->token.val != ']' && s->token.val != '}' &&
            s->token.val != ',' && s->token.val != ':' && !s->got_lf) {
            if (s->token.val == '*') {
                is_star = TRUE;
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
            if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags))
                return -1;
        } else {
            emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
        is_async = (s->cur_func->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR);

        if (is_star) {
            int label_loop, label_return, label_next;
            int label_return1, label_yield, label_throw, label_throw1;
            int label_throw2;

            label_loop = new_label(s);
            label_yield = new_label(s);

            emit_op(s, is_async ? OP_for_await_of_start : OP_for_of_start);

            /* remove the catch offset (XXX: could avoid pushing back
               undefined) */
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            emit_op(s, OP_undefined);

            emit_op(s, OP_undefined); /* initial value */

            emit_label(s, label_loop);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_next);
            if (is_async)
                emit_op(s, OP_await);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_check_object);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_done);
            emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_done);
            label_next = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1); /* end of loop */
            emit_label(s, label_yield);
            if (is_async) {
                /* OP_async_yield_star takes the value as parameter */
                emit_op(s, OP_get_field);
                emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_value);
                emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_value);
                emit_op(s, OP_async_yield_star);
            } else {
                /* OP_yield_star takes (value, done) as parameter */
                emit_op(s, OP_yield_star);
            emit_op(s, OP_dup);
            label_return = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_loop);

            emit_label(s, label_return);
            emit_op(s, OP_push_i32);
            emit_u32(s, 2);
            emit_op(s, OP_strict_eq);
            label_throw = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);

            /* return handling */
            if (is_async)
                emit_op(s, OP_await);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_call);
            emit_u8(s, 0);
            label_return1 = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
            if (is_async)
                emit_op(s, OP_await);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_check_object);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_done);
            emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_done);
            emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label_yield);

            emit_op(s, OP_get_field);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_value);
            emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_value);

            emit_label(s, label_return1);
            emit_op(s, OP_nip);
            emit_op(s, OP_nip);
            emit_op(s, OP_nip);
            emit_return(s, TRUE);

            /* throw handling */
            emit_label(s, label_throw);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_call);
            emit_u8(s, 1);
            label_throw1 = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
            if (is_async)
                emit_op(s, OP_await);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_check_object);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_done);
            emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_done);
            emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label_yield);
            emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_next);
            /* close the iterator and throw a type error exception */
            emit_label(s, label_throw1);
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_call);
            emit_u8(s, 2);
            label_throw2 = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
            if (is_async)
                emit_op(s, OP_await);
            emit_label(s, label_throw2);

            emit_op(s, OP_throw_error);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_NULL);
            emit_u8(s, JS_THROW_ERROR_ITERATOR_THROW);

            emit_label(s, label_next);
            emit_op(s, OP_get_field);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_value);
            emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_value);
            emit_op(s, OP_nip); /* keep the value associated with
                                   done = true */
            emit_op(s, OP_nip);
            emit_op(s, OP_nip);
        } else {
            int label_next;

            if (is_async)
                emit_op(s, OP_await);
            emit_op(s, OP_yield);
            label_next = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
            emit_return(s, TRUE);
            emit_label(s, label_next);
        return 0;
    } else if (s->token.val == '(' &&
               js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, NULL, TRUE) == TOK_ARROW) {
        return js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW,
                                      JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                      s->token.ptr, s->token.line_num,
    } else if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async)) {
        const uint8_t *source_ptr;
        int tok, source_line_num, source_col_num;
        JSParsePos pos;

        /* fast test */
        tok = peek_token(s, TRUE);
        if (tok == TOK_FUNCTION || tok == '\n')
            goto next;

        source_ptr = s->token.ptr;
        source_line_num = s->token.line_num;
        source_col_num = s->token.col_num;
        js_parse_get_pos(s, &pos);
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if ((s->token.val == '(' &&
             js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, NULL, TRUE) == TOK_ARROW) ||
            (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved &&
             peek_token(s, TRUE) == TOK_ARROW)) {
            return js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW,
                                          JS_FUNC_ASYNC, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                          source_ptr, source_line_num,
        } else {
            /* undo the token parsing */
            if (js_parse_seek_token(s, &pos))
                return -1;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT &&
               peek_token(s, TRUE) == TOK_ARROW) {
        return js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW,
                                      JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                      s->token.ptr, s->token.line_num,
    if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
        /* name0 is used to check for OP_set_name pattern, not duplicated */
        name0 = s->token.u.ident.atom;
    if (js_parse_cond_expr(s, parse_flags))
        return -1;

    op = s->token.val;
    if (op == '=' || (op >= TOK_MUL_ASSIGN && op <= TOK_POW_ASSIGN)) {
        int label;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &name, &label, NULL, (op != '='), op) < 0)
            return -1;

        // comply with rather obtuse evaluation order of computed properties:
        // obj[key]=val evaluates val->obj->key when obj is null/undefined
        // but key->obj->val when an object
        // FIXME(bnoordhuis) less stack shuffling; don't to_propkey twice in
        // happy path; replace `dup is_undefined_or_null if_true` with new
        // opcode if_undefined_or_null? replace `swap dup` with over?
        if (op == '=' && opcode == OP_get_array_el) {
            int label_next = -1;
            JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
            assert(OP_to_propkey2 == fd->byte_code.buf[fd->last_opcode_pos]);
            fd->byte_code.size = fd->last_opcode_pos;
            fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
            emit_op(s, OP_swap); // obj key -> key obj
            emit_op(s, OP_dup);
            emit_op(s, OP_is_undefined_or_null);
            label_next = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey);
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);
            emit_label(s, label_next);
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);

        if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags)) {
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
            return -1;

        if (op == '=' && opcode == OP_get_array_el) {
            emit_op(s, OP_swap); // obj key val -> obj val key
            emit_op(s, OP_to_propkey);
            emit_op(s, OP_swap);

        if (op == '=') {
            if (opcode == OP_get_ref_value && name == name0) {
                set_object_name(s, name);
        } else {
            emit_op(s, op - TOK_MUL_ASSIGN + OP_mul);
        put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, name, label, PUT_LVALUE_KEEP_TOP, FALSE);
    } else if (op >= TOK_LAND_ASSIGN && op <= TOK_DOUBLE_QUESTION_MARK_ASSIGN) {
        int label, label1, depth_lvalue, label2;

        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &name, &label,
                       &depth_lvalue, TRUE, op) < 0)
            return -1;

        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
            emit_op(s, OP_is_undefined_or_null);
        label1 = emit_goto(s, op == TOK_LOR_ASSIGN ? OP_if_true : OP_if_false,
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);

        if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags)) {
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, name);
            return -1;

        if (opcode == OP_get_ref_value && name == name0) {
            set_object_name(s, name);

        switch(depth_lvalue) {
        case 1:
            emit_op(s, OP_insert2);
        case 2:
            emit_op(s, OP_insert3);
        case 3:
            emit_op(s, OP_insert4);

        /* XXX: we disable the OP_put_ref_value optimization by not
           using put_lvalue() otherwise depth_lvalue is not correct */
        put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, name, label, PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP_DEPTH,
        label2 = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);

        emit_label(s, label1);

        /* remove the lvalue stack entries */
        while (depth_lvalue != 0) {
            emit_op(s, OP_nip);

        emit_label(s, label2);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_assign_expr(JSParseState *s)
    return js_parse_assign_expr2(s, PF_IN_ACCEPTED);

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_IN_ACCEPTED */
static __exception int js_parse_expr2(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags)
    BOOL comma = FALSE;
    for(;;) {
        if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags))
            return -1;
        if (comma) {
            /* prevent get_lvalue from using the last expression
               as an lvalue. This also prevents the conversion of
               of get_var to get_ref for method lookup in function
               call inside `with` statement.
            s->cur_func->last_opcode_pos = -1;
        if (s->token.val != ',')
        comma = TRUE;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_expr(JSParseState *s)
    return js_parse_expr2(s, PF_IN_ACCEPTED);

static void push_break_entry(JSFunctionDef *fd, BlockEnv *be,
                             JSAtom label_name,
                             int label_break, int label_cont,
                             int drop_count)
    be->prev = fd->top_break;
    fd->top_break = be;
    be->label_name = label_name;
    be->label_break = label_break;
    be->label_cont = label_cont;
    be->drop_count = drop_count;
    be->label_finally = -1;
    be->scope_level = fd->scope_level;
    be->has_iterator = FALSE;

static void pop_break_entry(JSFunctionDef *fd)
    BlockEnv *be;
    be = fd->top_break;
    fd->top_break = be->prev;

static __exception int emit_break(JSParseState *s, JSAtom name, int is_cont)
    BlockEnv *top;
    int i, scope_level;

    scope_level = s->cur_func->scope_level;
    top = s->cur_func->top_break;
    while (top != NULL) {
        close_scopes(s, scope_level, top->scope_level);
        scope_level = top->scope_level;
        if (is_cont &&
            top->label_cont != -1 &&
            (name == JS_ATOM_NULL || top->label_name == name)) {
            /* continue stays inside the same block */
            emit_goto(s, OP_goto, top->label_cont);
            return 0;
        if (!is_cont &&
            top->label_break != -1 &&
            (name == JS_ATOM_NULL || top->label_name == name)) {
            emit_goto(s, OP_goto, top->label_break);
            return 0;
        i = 0;
        if (top->has_iterator) {
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_close);
            i += 3;
        for(; i < top->drop_count; i++)
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
        if (top->label_finally != -1) {
            /* must push dummy value to keep same stack depth */
            emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
            emit_goto(s, OP_gosub, top->label_finally);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
        top = top->prev;
    if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        if (is_cont)
            return js_parse_error(s, "continue must be inside loop");
            return js_parse_error(s, "break must be inside loop or switch");
    } else {
        return js_parse_error(s, "break/continue label not found");

/* execute the finally blocks before return */
static void emit_return(JSParseState *s, BOOL hasval)
    BlockEnv *top;

    if (s->cur_func->func_kind != JS_FUNC_NORMAL) {
        if (!hasval) {
            /* no value: direct return in case of async generator */
            emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
            hasval = TRUE;
        } else if (s->cur_func->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) {
            /* the await must be done before handling the "finally" in
               case it raises an exception */
            emit_op(s, OP_await);

    top = s->cur_func->top_break;
    while (top != NULL) {
        if (top->has_iterator || top->label_finally != -1) {
            if (!hasval) {
                emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                hasval = TRUE;
            /* Remove the stack elements up to and including the catch
               offset. When 'yield' is used in an expression we have
               no easy way to count them, so we use this specific
               instruction instead. */
            emit_op(s, OP_nip_catch);
            /* stack: iter_obj next ret_val */
            if (top->has_iterator) {
                if (s->cur_func->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) {
                    int label_next, label_next2;
                    emit_op(s, OP_nip); /* next */
                    emit_op(s, OP_swap);
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_field2);
                    emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_return);
                    emit_ic(s, JS_ATOM_return);
                    /* stack: iter_obj return_func */
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_is_undefined_or_null);
                    label_next = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, -1);
                    emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
                    emit_u16(s, 0);
                    emit_op(s, OP_iterator_check_object);
                    emit_op(s, OP_await);
                    label_next2 = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);
                    emit_label(s, label_next);
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                    emit_label(s, label_next2);
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                } else {
                    emit_op(s, OP_rot3r);
                    emit_op(s, OP_undefined); /* dummy catch offset */
                    emit_op(s, OP_iterator_close);
            } else {
                /* execute the "finally" block */
                emit_goto(s, OP_gosub, top->label_finally);
        top = top->prev;
    if (s->cur_func->is_derived_class_constructor) {
        int label_return;

        /* 'this' can be uninitialized, so it may be accessed only if
           the derived class constructor does not return an object */
        if (hasval) {
            emit_op(s, OP_check_ctor_return);
            label_return = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
        } else {
            label_return = -1;

        /* XXX: if this is not initialized, should throw the
           ReferenceError in the caller realm */
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
        emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_this);
        emit_u16(s, 0);

        emit_label(s, label_return);
        emit_op(s, OP_return);
    } else if (s->cur_func->func_kind != JS_FUNC_NORMAL) {
        emit_op(s, OP_return_async);
    } else {
        emit_op(s, hasval ? OP_return : OP_return_undef);

#define DECL_MASK_FUNC  (1 << 0) /* allow normal function declaration */
/* ored with DECL_MASK_FUNC if function declarations are allowed with a label */
#define DECL_MASK_FUNC_WITH_LABEL (1 << 1)
#define DECL_MASK_OTHER (1 << 2) /* all other declarations */

static __exception int js_parse_statement_or_decl(JSParseState *s,
                                                  int decl_mask);

static __exception int js_parse_statement(JSParseState *s)
    return js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, 0);

static __exception int js_parse_block(JSParseState *s)
    if (js_parse_expect(s, '{'))
        return -1;
    if (s->token.val != '}') {
        for(;;) {
            if (js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, DECL_MASK_ALL))
                return -1;
            if (s->token.val == '}')
    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;
    return 0;

/* allowed parse_flags: PF_IN_ACCEPTED */
static __exception int js_parse_var(JSParseState *s, int parse_flags, int tok,
                                    BOOL export_flag)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    JSAtom name = JS_ATOM_NULL;

    for (;;) {
        if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
            if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
                return js_parse_error_reserved_identifier(s);
            name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (name == JS_ATOM_let && (tok == TOK_LET || tok == TOK_CONST)) {
                js_parse_error(s, "'let' is not a valid lexical identifier");
                goto var_error;
            if (next_token(s))
                goto var_error;
            if (js_define_var(s, name, tok))
                goto var_error;
            if (export_flag) {
                if (!add_export_entry(s, s->cur_func->module, name, name,
                    goto var_error;

            if (s->token.val == '=') {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto var_error;
                if (tok == TOK_VAR) {
                    /* Must make a reference for proper `with` semantics */
                    int opcode, scope, label;
                    JSAtom name1;

                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
                    if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &name1, &label, NULL, FALSE, '=') < 0)
                        goto var_error;
                    if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags)) {
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name1);
                        goto var_error;
                    set_object_name(s, name);
                    put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, name1, label,
                               PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP, FALSE);
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_assign_expr2(s, parse_flags))
                        goto var_error;
                    set_object_name(s, name);
                    emit_op(s, (tok == TOK_CONST || tok == TOK_LET) ?
                        OP_scope_put_var_init : OP_scope_put_var);
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
            } else {
                if (tok == TOK_CONST) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "missing initializer for const variable");
                    goto var_error;
                if (tok == TOK_LET) {
                    /* initialize lexical variable upon entering its scope */
                    emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
        } else {
            int skip_bits;
            if ((s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{')
            &&  js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE) == '=') {
                emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, tok, 0, TRUE, skip_bits & SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS, TRUE) < 0)
                    return -1;
            } else {
                return js_parse_error(s, "variable name expected");
        if (s->token.val != ',')
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
    return 0;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
    return -1;

/* test if the current token is a label. Use simplistic look-ahead scanner */
static BOOL is_label(JSParseState *s)
    return (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved &&
            peek_token(s, FALSE) == ':');

/* test if the current token is a let keyword. Use simplistic look-ahead scanner */
static int is_let(JSParseState *s, int decl_mask)
    int res = FALSE;

    if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_let)) {
        JSParsePos pos;
        js_parse_get_pos(s, &pos);
        for (;;) {
            if (next_token(s)) {
                res = -1;
            if (s->token.val == '[') {
                /* let [ is a syntax restriction:
                   it never introduces an ExpressionStatement */
                res = TRUE;
            if (s->token.val == '{' ||
                (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) ||
                s->token.val == TOK_LET ||
                s->token.val == TOK_YIELD ||
                s->token.val == TOK_AWAIT) {
                /* Check for possible ASI if not scanning for Declaration */
                /* XXX: should also check that `{` introduces a BindingPattern,
                   but Firefox does not and rejects eval("let=1;let\n{if(1)2;}") */
                if (s->last_line_num == s->token.line_num || (decl_mask & DECL_MASK_OTHER)) {
                    res = TRUE;
        if (js_parse_seek_token(s, &pos)) {
            res = -1;
    return res;

/* XXX: handle IteratorClose when exiting the loop before the
   enumeration is done */
static __exception int js_parse_for_in_of(JSParseState *s, int label_name,
                                          BOOL is_async)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    JSAtom var_name;
    BOOL has_initializer, is_for_of, has_destructuring;
    int tok, tok1, opcode, scope, block_scope_level;
    int label_next, label_expr, label_cont, label_body, label_break;
    int pos_next, pos_expr;
    BlockEnv break_entry;

    has_initializer = FALSE;
    has_destructuring = FALSE;
    is_for_of = FALSE;
    block_scope_level = fd->scope_level;
    label_cont = new_label(s);
    label_body = new_label(s);
    label_break = new_label(s);
    label_next = new_label(s);

    /* create scope for the lexical variables declared in the enumeration
       expressions. XXX: Not completely correct because of weird capturing
       semantics in `for (i of o) a.push(function(){return i})` */

    /* local for_in scope starts here so individual elements
       can be closed in statement. */
    push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &break_entry,
                     label_name, label_break, label_cont, 1);
    break_entry.scope_level = block_scope_level;

    label_expr = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);

    pos_next = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
    emit_label(s, label_next);

    tok = s->token.val;
    switch (is_let(s, DECL_MASK_OTHER)) {
    case TRUE:
        tok = TOK_LET;
    case FALSE:
        return -1;
    if (tok == TOK_VAR || tok == TOK_LET || tok == TOK_CONST) {
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;

        if (!(s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved)) {
            if (s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{') {
                if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, tok, 0, TRUE, -1, FALSE) < 0)
                    return -1;
                has_destructuring = TRUE;
            } else {
                return js_parse_error(s, "variable name expected");
            var_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
        } else {
            var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (next_token(s)) {
                JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, var_name);
                return -1;
            if (js_define_var(s, var_name, tok)) {
                JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, var_name);
                return -1;
            emit_op(s, (tok == TOK_CONST || tok == TOK_LET) ?
                    OP_scope_put_var_init : OP_scope_put_var);
            emit_atom(s, var_name);
            emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
    } else if (!is_async && token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) && peek_token(s, FALSE) == TOK_OF) {
        return js_parse_error(s, "'for of' expression cannot start with 'async'");
    } else {
        int skip_bits;
        if ((s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{')
        &&  ((tok1 = js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE)) == TOK_IN || tok1 == TOK_OF)) {
            if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, 0, 0, TRUE, skip_bits & SKIP_HAS_ELLIPSIS, TRUE) < 0)
                return -1;
        } else {
            int lvalue_label;
            if (js_parse_left_hand_side_expr(s))
                return -1;
            if (get_lvalue(s, &opcode, &scope, &var_name, &lvalue_label,
                           NULL, FALSE, TOK_FOR))
                return -1;
            put_lvalue(s, opcode, scope, var_name, lvalue_label,
                       PUT_LVALUE_NOKEEP_BOTTOM, FALSE);
        var_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_body);

    pos_expr = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
    emit_label(s, label_expr);
    if (s->token.val == '=') {
        /* XXX: potential scoping issue if inside `with` statement */
        has_initializer = TRUE;
        /* parse and evaluate initializer prior to evaluating the
           object (only used with "for in" with a non lexical variable
           in non strict mode */
        if (next_token(s) || js_parse_assign_expr2(s, 0)) {
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, var_name);
            return -1;
        if (var_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
            emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var);
            emit_atom(s, var_name);
            emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, var_name);

    if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_of)) {
        break_entry.has_iterator = is_for_of = TRUE;
        break_entry.drop_count += 2;
        if (has_initializer)
            goto initializer_error;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_IN) {
        if (is_async)
            return js_parse_error(s, "'for await' loop should be used with 'of'");
        if (has_initializer &&
            (tok != TOK_VAR || (fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) ||
             has_destructuring)) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "a declaration in the head of a for-%s loop can't have an initializer",
                                  is_for_of ? "of" : "in");
    } else {
        return js_parse_error(s, "expected 'of' or 'in' in for control expression");
    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;
    if (is_for_of) {
        if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
            return -1;
    } else {
        if (js_parse_expr(s))
            return -1;
    /* close the scope after having evaluated the expression so that
       the TDZ values are in the closures */
    close_scopes(s, s->cur_func->scope_level, block_scope_level);
    if (is_for_of) {
        if (is_async)
            emit_op(s, OP_for_await_of_start);
            emit_op(s, OP_for_of_start);
        /* on stack: enum_rec */
    } else {
        emit_op(s, OP_for_in_start);
        /* on stack: enum_obj */
    emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_cont);

    if (js_parse_expect(s, ')'))
        return -1;

        /* move the `next` code here */
        DynBuf *bc = &s->cur_func->byte_code;
        int chunk_size = pos_expr - pos_next;
        int offset = bc->size - pos_next;
        int i;
        dbuf_realloc(bc, bc->size + chunk_size);
        dbuf_put(bc, bc->buf + pos_next, chunk_size);
        memset(bc->buf + pos_next, OP_nop, chunk_size);
        /* `next` part ends with a goto */
        s->cur_func->last_opcode_pos = bc->size - 5;
        /* relocate labels */
        for (i = label_cont; i < s->cur_func->label_count; i++) {
            LabelSlot *ls = &s->cur_func->label_slots[i];
            if (ls->pos >= pos_next && ls->pos < pos_expr)
                ls->pos += offset;

    emit_label(s, label_body);
    if (js_parse_statement(s))
        return -1;

    close_scopes(s, s->cur_func->scope_level, block_scope_level);

    emit_label(s, label_cont);
    if (is_for_of) {
        if (is_async) {
            /* call the next method */
            /* stack: iter_obj next catch_offset */
            emit_op(s, OP_dup3);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            emit_op(s, OP_call_method);
            emit_u16(s, 0);
            /* get the result of the promise */
            emit_op(s, OP_await);
            /* unwrap the value and done values */
            emit_op(s, OP_iterator_get_value_done);
        } else {
            emit_op(s, OP_for_of_next);
            emit_u8(s, 0);
    } else {
        emit_op(s, OP_for_in_next);
    /* on stack: enum_rec / enum_obj value bool */
    emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label_next);
    /* drop the undefined value from for_xx_next */
    emit_op(s, OP_drop);

    emit_label(s, label_break);
    if (is_for_of) {
        /* close and drop enum_rec */
        emit_op(s, OP_iterator_close);
    } else {
        emit_op(s, OP_drop);
    return 0;

static void set_eval_ret_undefined(JSParseState *s)
    if (s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx >= 0) {
        emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
        emit_op(s, OP_put_loc);
        emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx);

static __exception int js_parse_statement_or_decl(JSParseState *s,
                                                  int decl_mask)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSAtom label_name;
    int tok;

    /* specific label handling */
    /* XXX: support multiple labels on loop statements */
    label_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (is_label(s)) {
        BlockEnv *be;

        label_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);

        for (be = s->cur_func->top_break; be; be = be->prev) {
            if (be->label_name == label_name) {
                js_parse_error(s, "duplicate label name");
                goto fail;

        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_expect(s, ':'))
            goto fail;
        if (s->token.val != TOK_FOR
        &&  s->token.val != TOK_DO
        &&  s->token.val != TOK_WHILE) {
            /* labelled regular statement */
            int label_break, mask;
            BlockEnv break_entry;

            label_break = new_label(s);
            push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &break_entry,
                             label_name, label_break, -1, 0);
            if (!(s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) &&
                (decl_mask & DECL_MASK_FUNC_WITH_LABEL)) {
                mask = DECL_MASK_FUNC | DECL_MASK_FUNC_WITH_LABEL;
            } else {
                mask = 0;
            if (js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, mask))
                goto fail;
            emit_label(s, label_break);
            goto done;

    switch(tok = s->token.val) {
    case '{':
        if (js_parse_block(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_RETURN:
        if (s->cur_func->is_eval) {
            js_parse_error(s, "return not in a function");
            goto fail;
        if (s->cur_func->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT) {
            js_parse_error(s, "return in a static initializer block");
            goto fail;
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (s->token.val != ';' && s->token.val != '}' && !s->got_lf) {
            if (js_parse_expr(s))
                goto fail;
            emit_return(s, TRUE);
        } else {
            emit_return(s, FALSE);
        if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_THROW:
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (s->got_lf) {
            js_parse_error(s, "line terminator not allowed after throw");
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_expr(s))
            goto fail;
        emit_op(s, OP_throw);
        if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_LET:
    case TOK_CONST:
        if (!(decl_mask & DECL_MASK_OTHER)) {
            js_parse_error(s, "lexical declarations can't appear in single-statement context");
            goto fail;
        /* fall thru */
    case TOK_VAR:
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_var(s, TRUE, tok, FALSE))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_IF:
            int label1, label2, mask;
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            /* create a new scope for `let f;if(1) function f(){}` */
            if (js_parse_expr_paren(s))
                goto fail;
            label1 = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
            if (s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)
                mask = 0;
                mask = DECL_MASK_FUNC; /* Annex B.3.4 */

            if (js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, mask))
                goto fail;

            if (s->token.val == TOK_ELSE) {
                label2 = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;

                emit_label(s, label1);
                if (js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, mask))
                    goto fail;

                label1 = label2;
            emit_label(s, label1);
    case TOK_WHILE:
            int label_cont, label_break;
            BlockEnv break_entry;

            label_cont = new_label(s);
            label_break = new_label(s);

            push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &break_entry,
                             label_name, label_break, label_cont, 0);

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;


            emit_label(s, label_cont);
            if (js_parse_expr_paren(s))
                goto fail;
            emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label_break);

            if (js_parse_statement(s))
                goto fail;
            emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_cont);

            emit_label(s, label_break);

    case TOK_DO:
            int label_cont, label_break, label1;
            BlockEnv break_entry;

            label_cont = new_label(s);
            label_break = new_label(s);
            label1 = new_label(s);

            push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &break_entry,
                             label_name, label_break, label_cont, 0);

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;

            emit_label(s, label1);


            if (js_parse_statement(s))
                goto fail;

            emit_label(s, label_cont);
            if (js_parse_expect(s, TOK_WHILE))
                goto fail;
            if (js_parse_expr_paren(s))
                goto fail;
            /* Insert semicolon if missing */
            if (s->token.val == ';') {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
            emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, label1);

            emit_label(s, label_break);

    case TOK_FOR:
            int label_cont, label_break, label_body, label_test;
            int pos_cont, pos_body, block_scope_level;
            BlockEnv break_entry;
            int tok, bits;
            BOOL is_async;

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;

            bits = 0;
            is_async = FALSE;
            if (s->token.val == '(') {
                js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &bits, FALSE);
            } else if (s->token.val == TOK_AWAIT) {
                if (!(s->cur_func->func_kind & JS_FUNC_ASYNC)) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "for await is only valid in asynchronous functions");
                    goto fail;
                is_async = TRUE;
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                s->cur_func->has_await = TRUE;
            if (js_parse_expect(s, '('))
                goto fail;

            if (!(bits & SKIP_HAS_SEMI)) {
                /* parse for/in or for/of */
                if (js_parse_for_in_of(s, label_name, is_async))
                    goto fail;
            block_scope_level = s->cur_func->scope_level;

            /* create scope for the lexical variables declared in the initial,
               test and increment expressions */
            /* initial expression */
            tok = s->token.val;
            if (tok != ';') {
                switch (is_let(s, DECL_MASK_OTHER)) {
                case TRUE:
                    tok = TOK_LET;
                case FALSE:
                    goto fail;
                if (tok == TOK_VAR || tok == TOK_LET || tok == TOK_CONST) {
                    if (next_token(s))
                        goto fail;
                    if (js_parse_var(s, FALSE, tok, FALSE))
                        goto fail;
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_expr2(s, FALSE))
                        goto fail;
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);

                /* close the closures before the first iteration */
                close_scopes(s, s->cur_func->scope_level, block_scope_level);
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ';'))
                goto fail;

            label_test = new_label(s);
            label_cont = new_label(s);
            label_body = new_label(s);
            label_break = new_label(s);

            push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &break_entry,
                             label_name, label_break, label_cont, 0);

            /* test expression */
            if (s->token.val == ';') {
                /* no test expression */
                label_test = label_body;
            } else {
                emit_label(s, label_test);
                if (js_parse_expr(s))
                    goto fail;
                emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label_break);
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ';'))
                goto fail;

            if (s->token.val == ')') {
                /* no end expression */
                break_entry.label_cont = label_cont = label_test;
                pos_cont = 0; /* avoid warning */
            } else {
                /* skip the end expression */
                emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_body);

                pos_cont = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
                emit_label(s, label_cont);
                if (js_parse_expr(s))
                    goto fail;
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                if (label_test != label_body)
                    emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_test);
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ')'))
                goto fail;

            pos_body = s->cur_func->byte_code.size;
            emit_label(s, label_body);
            if (js_parse_statement(s))
                goto fail;

            /* close the closures before the next iteration */
            /* XXX: check continue case */
            close_scopes(s, s->cur_func->scope_level, block_scope_level);

            if (label_test != label_body && label_cont != label_test) {
                /* move the increment code here */
                DynBuf *bc = &s->cur_func->byte_code;
                int chunk_size = pos_body - pos_cont;
                int offset = bc->size - pos_cont;
                int i;
                dbuf_realloc(bc, bc->size + chunk_size);
                dbuf_put(bc, bc->buf + pos_cont, chunk_size);
                memset(bc->buf + pos_cont, OP_nop, chunk_size);
                /* increment part ends with a goto */
                s->cur_func->last_opcode_pos = bc->size - 5;
                /* relocate labels */
                for (i = label_cont; i < s->cur_func->label_count; i++) {
                    LabelSlot *ls = &s->cur_func->label_slots[i];
                    if (ls->pos >= pos_cont && ls->pos < pos_body)
                        ls->pos += offset;
            } else {
                emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_cont);

            emit_label(s, label_break);

    case TOK_BREAK:
    case TOK_CONTINUE:
            int is_cont = s->token.val - TOK_BREAK;
            int label;

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            if (!s->got_lf && s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved)
                label = s->token.u.ident.atom;
                label = JS_ATOM_NULL;
            if (emit_break(s, label, is_cont))
                goto fail;
            if (label != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
            if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
                goto fail;
    case TOK_SWITCH:
            int label_case, label_break, label1;
            int default_label_pos;
            BlockEnv break_entry;

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;

            if (js_parse_expr_paren(s))
                goto fail;

            label_break = new_label(s);
            push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &break_entry,
                             label_name, label_break, -1, 1);

            if (js_parse_expect(s, '{'))
                goto fail;

            default_label_pos = -1;
            label_case = -1;
            while (s->token.val != '}') {
                if (s->token.val == TOK_CASE) {
                    label1 = -1;
                    if (label_case >= 0) {
                        /* skip the case if needed */
                        label1 = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);
                    emit_label(s, label_case);
                    label_case = -1;
                    for (;;) {
                        /* parse a sequence of case clauses */
                        if (next_token(s))
                            goto fail;
                        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                        if (js_parse_expr(s))
                            goto fail;
                        if (js_parse_expect(s, ':'))
                            goto fail;
                        emit_op(s, OP_strict_eq);
                        if (s->token.val == TOK_CASE) {
                            label1 = emit_goto(s, OP_if_true, label1);
                        } else {
                            label_case = emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, -1);
                            emit_label(s, label1);
                } else if (s->token.val == TOK_DEFAULT) {
                    if (next_token(s))
                        goto fail;
                    if (js_parse_expect(s, ':'))
                        goto fail;
                    if (default_label_pos >= 0) {
                        js_parse_error(s, "duplicate default");
                        goto fail;
                    if (label_case < 0) {
                        /* falling thru direct from switch expression */
                        label_case = emit_goto(s, OP_goto, -1);
                    /* Emit a dummy label opcode. Label will be patched after
                       the end of the switch body. Do not use emit_label(s, 0)
                       because it would clobber label 0 address, preventing
                       proper optimizer operation.
                    emit_op(s, OP_label);
                    emit_u32(s, 0);
                    default_label_pos = s->cur_func->byte_code.size - 4;
                } else {
                    if (label_case < 0) {
                        /* falling thru direct from switch expression */
                        js_parse_error(s, "invalid switch statement");
                        goto fail;
                    if (js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, DECL_MASK_ALL))
                        goto fail;
            if (js_parse_expect(s, '}'))
                goto fail;
            if (default_label_pos >= 0) {
                /* Ugly patch for the the `default` label, shameful and risky */
                put_u32(s->cur_func->byte_code.buf + default_label_pos,
                s->cur_func->label_slots[label_case].pos = default_label_pos + 4;
            } else {
                emit_label(s, label_case);
            emit_label(s, label_break);
            emit_op(s, OP_drop); /* drop the switch expression */

    case TOK_TRY:
            int label_catch, label_catch2, label_finally, label_end;
            JSAtom name;
            BlockEnv block_env;

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            label_catch = new_label(s);
            label_catch2 = new_label(s);
            label_finally = new_label(s);
            label_end = new_label(s);

            emit_goto(s, OP_catch, label_catch);

            push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &block_env,
                             JS_ATOM_NULL, -1, -1, 1);
            block_env.label_finally = label_finally;

            if (js_parse_block(s))
                goto fail;


            if (js_is_live_code(s)) {
                /* drop the catch offset */
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                /* must push dummy value to keep same stack size */
                emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                emit_goto(s, OP_gosub, label_finally);
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);

                emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_end);

            if (s->token.val == TOK_CATCH) {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;

                push_scope(s);  /* catch variable */
                emit_label(s, label_catch);

                if (s->token.val == '{') {
                    /* support optional-catch-binding feature */
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);    /* pop the exception object */
                } else {
                    if (js_parse_expect(s, '('))
                        goto fail;
                    if (!(s->token.val == TOK_IDENT && !s->token.u.ident.is_reserved)) {
                        if (s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{') {
                            /* XXX: TOK_LET is not completely correct */
                            if (js_parse_destructuring_element(s, TOK_LET, 0, TRUE, -1, TRUE) < 0)
                                goto fail;
                        } else {
                            js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                            goto fail;
                    } else {
                        name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                        if (next_token(s)
                        ||  js_define_var(s, name, TOK_CATCH) < 0) {
                            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
                            goto fail;
                        /* store the exception value in the catch variable */
                        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var);
                        emit_u32(s, name);
                        emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
                    if (js_parse_expect(s, ')'))
                        goto fail;
                /* XXX: should keep the address to nop it out if there is no finally block */
                emit_goto(s, OP_catch, label_catch2);

                push_scope(s);  /* catch block */
                push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &block_env, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                 -1, -1, 1);
                block_env.label_finally = label_finally;

                if (js_parse_block(s))
                    goto fail;

                pop_scope(s);  /* catch block */
                pop_scope(s);  /* catch variable */

                if (js_is_live_code(s)) {
                    /* drop the catch2 offset */
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                    /* XXX: should keep the address to nop it out if there is no finally block */
                    /* must push dummy value to keep same stack size */
                    emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                    emit_goto(s, OP_gosub, label_finally);
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                    emit_goto(s, OP_goto, label_end);
                /* catch exceptions thrown in the catch block to execute the
                 * finally clause and rethrow the exception */
                emit_label(s, label_catch2);
                /* catch value is at TOS, no need to push undefined */
                emit_goto(s, OP_gosub, label_finally);
                emit_op(s, OP_throw);

            } else if (s->token.val == TOK_FINALLY) {
                /* finally without catch : execute the finally clause
                 * and rethrow the exception */
                emit_label(s, label_catch);
                /* catch value is at TOS, no need to push undefined */
                emit_goto(s, OP_gosub, label_finally);
                emit_op(s, OP_throw);
            } else {
                js_parse_error(s, "expecting catch or finally");
                goto fail;
            emit_label(s, label_finally);
            if (s->token.val == TOK_FINALLY) {
                int saved_eval_ret_idx = 0; /* avoid warning */

                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                /* on the stack: ret_value gosub_ret_value */
                push_break_entry(s->cur_func, &block_env, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                 -1, -1, 2);

                if (s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx >= 0) {
                    /* 'finally' updates eval_ret only if not a normal
                       termination */
                    saved_eval_ret_idx =
                        add_var(s->ctx, s->cur_func, JS_ATOM__ret_);
                    if (saved_eval_ret_idx < 0)
                        goto fail;
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_loc);
                    emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx);
                    emit_op(s, OP_put_loc);
                    emit_u16(s, saved_eval_ret_idx);

                if (js_parse_block(s))
                    goto fail;

                if (s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx >= 0) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_loc);
                    emit_u16(s, saved_eval_ret_idx);
                    emit_op(s, OP_put_loc);
                    emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx);
            emit_op(s, OP_ret);
            emit_label(s, label_end);
    case ';':
        /* empty statement */
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_WITH:
        if (s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) {
            js_parse_error(s, "invalid keyword: with");
            goto fail;
        } else {
            int with_idx;

            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;

            if (js_parse_expr_paren(s))
                goto fail;

            with_idx = define_var(s, s->cur_func, JS_ATOM__with_,
            if (with_idx < 0)
                goto fail;
            emit_op(s, OP_to_object);
            emit_op(s, OP_put_loc);
            emit_u16(s, with_idx);

            if (js_parse_statement(s))
                goto fail;

            /* Popping scope drops lexical context for the with object variable */
    case TOK_FUNCTION:
        /* ES6 Annex B.3.2 and B.3.3 semantics */
        if (!(decl_mask & DECL_MASK_FUNC))
            goto func_decl_error;
        if (!(decl_mask & DECL_MASK_OTHER) && peek_token(s, FALSE) == '*')
            goto func_decl_error;
        goto parse_func_var;
    case TOK_IDENT:
        if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
            goto fail;
        /* Determine if `let` introduces a Declaration or an ExpressionStatement */
        switch (is_let(s, decl_mask)) {
        case TRUE:
            tok = TOK_LET;
            goto haslet;
        case FALSE:
            goto fail;
        if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
            peek_token(s, TRUE) == TOK_FUNCTION) {
            if (!(decl_mask & DECL_MASK_OTHER)) {
                js_parse_error(s, "function declarations can't appear in single-statement context");
                goto fail;
            if (js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR,
                                       JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                goto fail;
        goto hasexpr;

    case TOK_CLASS:
        if (!(decl_mask & DECL_MASK_OTHER)) {
            js_parse_error(s, "class declarations can't appear in single-statement context");
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_class(s, FALSE, JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE))
            return -1;

    case TOK_DEBUGGER:
        /* currently no debugger, so just skip the keyword */
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
            goto fail;

    case TOK_ENUM:
    case TOK_EXPORT:
    case TOK_EXTENDS:
        js_unsupported_keyword(s, s->token.u.ident.atom);
        goto fail;

        if (js_parse_expr(s))
            goto fail;
        if (s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx >= 0) {
            /* store the expression value so that it can be returned
               by eval() */
            emit_op(s, OP_put_loc);
            emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->eval_ret_idx);
        } else {
            emit_op(s, OP_drop); /* drop the result */
        if (js_parse_expect_semi(s))
            goto fail;
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, label_name);
    return 0;
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, label_name);
    return -1;

/* 'name' is freed */
static JSModuleDef *js_new_module_def(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name)
    JSModuleDef *m;
    m = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*m));
    if (!m) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
        return NULL;
    m->header.ref_count = 1;
    m->module_name = name;
    m->module_ns = JS_UNDEFINED;
    m->func_obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    m->eval_exception = JS_UNDEFINED;
    m->meta_obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    m->promise = JS_UNDEFINED;
    m->resolving_funcs[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    m->resolving_funcs[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    list_add_tail(&m->link, &ctx->loaded_modules);
    return m;

static void js_mark_module_def(JSRuntime *rt, JSModuleDef *m,
                               JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
        if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL &&
            me->u.local.var_ref) {
            mark_func(rt, &me->u.local.var_ref->header);

    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->module_ns, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->func_obj, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->eval_exception, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->meta_obj, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->promise, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->resolving_funcs[0], mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, m->resolving_funcs[1], mark_func);

static void js_free_module_def(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    int i;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, m->module_name);

    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, rme->module_name);
    js_free(ctx, m->req_module_entries);

    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
        if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL)
            free_var_ref(ctx->rt, me->u.local.var_ref);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, me->export_name);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, me->local_name);
    js_free(ctx, m->export_entries);

    js_free(ctx, m->star_export_entries);

    for(i = 0; i < m->import_entries_count; i++) {
        JSImportEntry *mi = &m->import_entries[i];
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, mi->import_name);
    js_free(ctx, m->import_entries);
    js_free(ctx, m->async_parent_modules);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->module_ns);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->func_obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->eval_exception);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->meta_obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->promise);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m->resolving_funcs[1]);
    js_free(ctx, m);

static int add_req_module_entry(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                                JSAtom module_name)
    JSReqModuleEntry *rme;
    int i;

    /* no need to add the module request if it is already present */
    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        if (rme->module_name == module_name)
            return i;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&m->req_module_entries,
                        m->req_module_entries_count + 1))
        return -1;
    rme = &m->req_module_entries[m->req_module_entries_count++];
    rme->module_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, module_name);
    rme->module = NULL;
    return i;

static JSExportEntry *find_export_entry(JSContext *ctx, const JSModuleDef *m,
                                        JSAtom export_name)
    JSExportEntry *me;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        me = &m->export_entries[i];
        if (me->export_name == export_name)
            return me;
    return NULL;

static JSExportEntry *add_export_entry2(JSContext *ctx,
                                        JSParseState *s, JSModuleDef *m,
                                       JSAtom local_name, JSAtom export_name,
                                       JSExportTypeEnum export_type)
    JSExportEntry *me;

    if (find_export_entry(ctx, m, export_name)) {
        char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        if (s) {
            js_parse_error(s, "duplicate exported name '%s'",
                           JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), export_name));
        } else {
            JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(ctx, "duplicate exported name '%s'", export_name);
        return NULL;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&m->export_entries,
                        m->export_entries_count + 1))
        return NULL;
    me = &m->export_entries[m->export_entries_count++];
    memset(me, 0, sizeof(*me));
    me->local_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, local_name);
    me->export_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, export_name);
    me->export_type = export_type;
    return me;

static JSExportEntry *add_export_entry(JSParseState *s, JSModuleDef *m,
                                       JSAtom local_name, JSAtom export_name,
                                       JSExportTypeEnum export_type)
    return add_export_entry2(s->ctx, s, m, local_name, export_name,

static int add_star_export_entry(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                                 int req_module_idx)
    JSStarExportEntry *se;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&m->star_export_entries,
                        m->star_export_entries_count + 1))
        return -1;
    se = &m->star_export_entries[m->star_export_entries_count++];
    se->req_module_idx = req_module_idx;
    return 0;

/* create a C module */
/* `name_str` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
JSModuleDef *JS_NewCModule(JSContext *ctx, const char *name_str,
                           JSModuleInitFunc *func)
    JSModuleDef *m;
    JSAtom name;
    name = JS_NewAtom(ctx, name_str);
    if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return NULL;
    m = js_new_module_def(ctx, name);
    m->init_func = func;
    return m;

/* `export_name` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
int JS_AddModuleExport(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m, const char *export_name)
    JSExportEntry *me;
    JSAtom name;
    name = JS_NewAtom(ctx, export_name);
    if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return -1;
    me = add_export_entry2(ctx, NULL, m, JS_ATOM_NULL, name,
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
    if (!me)
        return -1;
        return 0;

/* `export_name` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
int JS_SetModuleExport(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m, const char *export_name,
                       JSValue val)
    JSExportEntry *me;
    JSAtom name;
    name = JS_NewAtom(ctx, export_name);
    if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        goto fail;
    me = find_export_entry(ctx, m, name);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, name);
    if (!me)
        goto fail;
    set_value(ctx, me->u.local.var_ref->pvalue, val);
    return 0;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return -1;

void JS_SetModuleLoaderFunc(JSRuntime *rt,
                            JSModuleNormalizeFunc *module_normalize,
                            JSModuleLoaderFunc *module_loader, void *opaque)
    rt->module_normalize_func = module_normalize;
    rt->module_loader_func = module_loader;
    rt->module_loader_opaque = opaque;

/* default module filename normalizer */
static char *js_default_module_normalize_name(JSContext *ctx,
                                              const char *base_name,
                                              const char *name)
    char *filename, *p;
    const char *r;
    int cap;
    int len;

    if (name[0] != '.') {
        /* if no initial dot, the module name is not modified */
        return js_strdup(ctx, name);

    p = strrchr(base_name, '/');
    if (p)
        len = p - base_name;
        len = 0;

    cap = len + strlen(name) + 1 + 1;
    filename = js_malloc(ctx, cap);
    if (!filename)
        return NULL;
    memcpy(filename, base_name, len);
    filename[len] = '\0';

    /* we only normalize the leading '..' or '.' */
    r = name;
    for(;;) {
        if (r[0] == '.' && r[1] == '/') {
            r += 2;
        } else if (r[0] == '.' && r[1] == '.' && r[2] == '/') {
            /* remove the last path element of filename, except if "."
               or ".." */
            if (filename[0] == '\0')
            p = strrchr(filename, '/');
            if (!p)
                p = filename;
            if (!strcmp(p, ".") || !strcmp(p, ".."))
            if (p > filename)
            *p = '\0';
            r += 3;
        } else {
    if (filename[0] != '\0')
        pstrcat(filename, cap, "/");
    pstrcat(filename, cap, r);
    //    printf("normalize: %s %s -> %s\n", base_name, name, filename);
    return filename;

static JSModuleDef *js_find_loaded_module(JSContext *ctx, JSAtom name)
    struct list_head *el;
    JSModuleDef *m;

    /* first look at the loaded modules */
    list_for_each(el, &ctx->loaded_modules) {
        m = list_entry(el, JSModuleDef, link);
        if (m->module_name == name)
            return m;
    return NULL;

/* return NULL in case of exception (e.g. module could not be loaded) */
/* `base_cname` and `cname1` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
static JSModuleDef *js_host_resolve_imported_module(JSContext *ctx,
                                                    const char *base_cname,
                                                    const char *cname1)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSModuleDef *m;
    char *cname;
    JSAtom module_name;

    if (!rt->module_normalize_func) {
        cname = js_default_module_normalize_name(ctx, base_cname, cname1);
    } else {
        cname = rt->module_normalize_func(ctx, base_cname, cname1,
    if (!cname)
        return NULL;

    module_name = JS_NewAtom(ctx, cname);
    if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        js_free(ctx, cname);
        return NULL;

    /* first look at the loaded modules */
    m = js_find_loaded_module(ctx, module_name);
    if (m) {
        js_free(ctx, cname);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);
        return m;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);

    /* load the module */
    if (!rt->module_loader_func) {
        /* XXX: use a syntax error ? */
        JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "could not load module '%s'",
        js_free(ctx, cname);
        return NULL;

    m = rt->module_loader_func(ctx, cname, rt->module_loader_opaque);
    js_free(ctx, cname);
    return m;

static JSModuleDef *js_host_resolve_imported_module_atom(JSContext *ctx,
                                                    JSAtom base_module_name,
                                                    JSAtom module_name1)
    const char *base_cname, *cname;
    JSModuleDef *m;

    base_cname = JS_AtomToCString(ctx, base_module_name);
    if (!base_cname)
        return NULL;
    cname = JS_AtomToCString(ctx, module_name1);
    if (!cname) {
        JS_FreeCString(ctx, base_cname);
        return NULL;
    m = js_host_resolve_imported_module(ctx, base_cname, cname);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, base_cname);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, cname);
    return m;

typedef struct JSResolveEntry {
    JSModuleDef *module;
    JSAtom name;
} JSResolveEntry;

typedef struct JSResolveState {
    JSResolveEntry *array;
    int size;
    int count;
} JSResolveState;

static int find_resolve_entry(JSResolveState *s,
                              JSModuleDef *m, JSAtom name)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
        JSResolveEntry *re = &s->array[i];
        if (re->module == m && re->name == name)
            return i;
    return -1;

static int add_resolve_entry(JSContext *ctx, JSResolveState *s,
                             JSModuleDef *m, JSAtom name)
    JSResolveEntry *re;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&s->array,
                        &s->size, s->count + 1))
        return -1;
    re = &s->array[s->count++];
    re->module = m;
    re->name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, name);
    return 0;

typedef enum JSResolveResultEnum {
    JS_RESOLVE_RES_EXCEPTION = -1, /* memory alloc error */
} JSResolveResultEnum;

static JSResolveResultEnum js_resolve_export1(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSModuleDef **pmodule,
                                              JSExportEntry **pme,
                                              JSModuleDef *m,
                                              JSAtom export_name,
                                              JSResolveState *s)
    JSExportEntry *me;

    *pmodule = NULL;
    *pme = NULL;
    if (find_resolve_entry(s, m, export_name) >= 0)
    if (add_resolve_entry(ctx, s, m, export_name) < 0)
    me = find_export_entry(ctx, m, export_name);
    if (me) {
        if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL) {
            /* local export */
            *pmodule = m;
            *pme = me;
            return JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND;
        } else {
            /* indirect export */
            JSModuleDef *m1;
            m1 = m->req_module_entries[me->u.req_module_idx].module;
            if (me->local_name == JS_ATOM__star_) {
                /* export ns from */
                *pmodule = m;
                *pme = me;
                return JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND;
            } else {
                return js_resolve_export1(ctx, pmodule, pme, m1,
                                          me->local_name, s);
    } else {
        if (export_name != JS_ATOM_default) {
            /* not found in direct or indirect exports: try star exports */
            int i;

            for(i = 0; i < m->star_export_entries_count; i++) {
                JSStarExportEntry *se = &m->star_export_entries[i];
                JSModuleDef *m1, *res_m;
                JSExportEntry *res_me;
                JSResolveResultEnum ret;

                m1 = m->req_module_entries[se->req_module_idx].module;
                ret = js_resolve_export1(ctx, &res_m, &res_me, m1,
                                         export_name, s);
                if (ret == JS_RESOLVE_RES_AMBIGUOUS ||
                    ret == JS_RESOLVE_RES_EXCEPTION) {
                    return ret;
                } else if (ret == JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND) {
                    if (*pme != NULL) {
                        if (*pmodule != res_m ||
                            res_me->local_name != (*pme)->local_name) {
                            *pmodule = NULL;
                            *pme = NULL;
                            return JS_RESOLVE_RES_AMBIGUOUS;
                    } else {
                        *pmodule = res_m;
                        *pme = res_me;
            if (*pme != NULL)
                return JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND;
        return JS_RESOLVE_RES_NOT_FOUND;

/* If the return value is JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND, return the module
  (*pmodule) and the corresponding local export entry
  (*pme). Otherwise return (NULL, NULL) */
static JSResolveResultEnum js_resolve_export(JSContext *ctx,
                                             JSModuleDef **pmodule,
                                             JSExportEntry **pme,
                                             JSModuleDef *m,
                                             JSAtom export_name)
    JSResolveState ss, *s = &ss;
    int i;
    JSResolveResultEnum ret;

    s->array = NULL;
    s->size = 0;
    s->count = 0;

    ret = js_resolve_export1(ctx, pmodule, pme, m, export_name, s);

    for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++)
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, s->array[i].name);
    js_free(ctx, s->array);

    return ret;

static void js_resolve_export_throw_error(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSResolveResultEnum res,
                                          JSModuleDef *m, JSAtom export_name)
    char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    char buf2[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    switch(res) {
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "Could not find export '%s' in module '%s'",
                            JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), export_name),
                            JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf2, sizeof(buf2), m->module_name));
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "circular reference when looking for export '%s' in module '%s'",
                            JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), export_name),
                            JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf2, sizeof(buf2), m->module_name));
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "export '%s' in module '%s' is ambiguous",
                            JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), export_name),
                            JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf2, sizeof(buf2), m->module_name));

typedef enum {
} ExportedNameEntryEnum;

typedef struct ExportedNameEntry {
    JSAtom export_name;
    ExportedNameEntryEnum export_type;
    union {
        JSExportEntry *me; /* using when the list is built */
        JSVarRef *var_ref; /* EXPORTED_NAME_NORMAL */
        JSModuleDef *module; /* for EXPORTED_NAME_NS */
    } u;
} ExportedNameEntry;

typedef struct GetExportNamesState {
    JSModuleDef **modules;
    int modules_size;
    int modules_count;

    ExportedNameEntry *exported_names;
    int exported_names_size;
    int exported_names_count;
} GetExportNamesState;

static int find_exported_name(GetExportNamesState *s, JSAtom name)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < s->exported_names_count; i++) {
        if (s->exported_names[i].export_name == name)
            return i;
    return -1;

static __exception int get_exported_names(JSContext *ctx,
                                          GetExportNamesState *s,
                                          JSModuleDef *m, BOOL from_star)
    ExportedNameEntry *en;
    int i, j;

    /* check circular reference */
    for(i = 0; i < s->modules_count; i++) {
        if (s->modules[i] == m)
            return 0;
    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&s->modules, sizeof(s->modules[0]),
                        &s->modules_size, s->modules_count + 1))
        return -1;
    s->modules[s->modules_count++] = m;

    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
        if (from_star && me->export_name == JS_ATOM_default)
        j = find_exported_name(s, me->export_name);
        if (j < 0) {
            if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&s->exported_names, sizeof(s->exported_names[0]),
                                s->exported_names_count + 1))
                return -1;
            en = &s->exported_names[s->exported_names_count++];
            en->export_name = me->export_name;
            /* avoid a second lookup for simple module exports */
            if (from_star || me->export_type != JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL)
                en->u.me = NULL;
                en->u.me = me;
        } else {
            en = &s->exported_names[j];
            en->u.me = NULL;
    for(i = 0; i < m->star_export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSStarExportEntry *se = &m->star_export_entries[i];
        JSModuleDef *m1;
        m1 = m->req_module_entries[se->req_module_idx].module;
        if (get_exported_names(ctx, s, m1, TRUE))
            return -1;
    return 0;

/* Unfortunately, the spec gives a different behavior from GetOwnProperty ! */
static int js_module_ns_has(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSAtom atom)
    return (find_own_property1(JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), atom) != NULL);

static const JSClassExoticMethods js_module_ns_exotic_methods = {
    .has_property = js_module_ns_has,

static int exported_names_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *opaque)
    JSContext *ctx = opaque;
    const ExportedNameEntry *me1 = p1;
    const ExportedNameEntry *me2 = p2;
    JSValue str1, str2;
    int ret;

    /* XXX: should avoid allocation memory in atom comparison */
    str1 = JS_AtomToString(ctx, me1->export_name);
    str2 = JS_AtomToString(ctx, me2->export_name);
    if (JS_IsException(str1) || JS_IsException(str2)) {
        /* XXX: raise an error ? */
        ret = 0;
    } else {
        ret = js_string_compare(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str1),
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str2);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_module_ns_autoinit(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p, JSAtom atom,
                                     void *opaque)
    JSModuleDef *m = opaque;
    return JS_GetModuleNamespace(ctx, m);

static JSValue js_build_module_ns(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    JSValue obj;
    JSObject *p;
    GetExportNamesState s_s, *s = &s_s;
    int i, ret;
    JSProperty *pr;

    obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);

    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
    ret = get_exported_names(ctx, s, m, FALSE);
    js_free(ctx, s->modules);
    if (ret)
        goto fail;

    /* Resolve the exported names. The ambiguous exports are removed */
    for(i = 0; i < s->exported_names_count; i++) {
        ExportedNameEntry *en = &s->exported_names[i];
        JSResolveResultEnum res;
        JSExportEntry *res_me;
        JSModuleDef *res_m;

        if (en->u.me) {
            res_me = en->u.me; /* fast case: no resolution needed */
            res_m = m;
            res = JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND;
        } else {
            res = js_resolve_export(ctx, &res_m, &res_me, m,
        if (res != JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND) {
            if (res != JS_RESOLVE_RES_AMBIGUOUS) {
                js_resolve_export_throw_error(ctx, res, m, en->export_name);
                goto fail;
            en->export_type = EXPORTED_NAME_AMBIGUOUS;
        } else {
            if (res_me->local_name == JS_ATOM__star_) {
                en->export_type = EXPORTED_NAME_NS;
                en->u.module = res_m->req_module_entries[res_me->u.req_module_idx].module;
            } else {
                en->export_type = EXPORTED_NAME_NORMAL;
                if (res_me->u.local.var_ref) {
                    en->u.var_ref = res_me->u.local.var_ref;
                } else {
                    JSObject *p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(res_m->func_obj);
                    p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(res_m->func_obj);
                    en->u.var_ref = p1->u.func.var_refs[res_me->u.local.var_idx];

    /* sort the exported names */
    rqsort(s->exported_names, s->exported_names_count,
           sizeof(s->exported_names[0]), exported_names_cmp, ctx);

    for(i = 0; i < s->exported_names_count; i++) {
        ExportedNameEntry *en = &s->exported_names[i];
        switch(en->export_type) {
                JSVarRef *var_ref = en->u.var_ref;
                pr = add_property(ctx, p, en->export_name,
                                  JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE |
                if (!pr)
                    goto fail;
                pr->u.var_ref = var_ref;
        case EXPORTED_NAME_NS:
            /* the exported namespace must be created on demand */
            if (JS_DefineAutoInitProperty(ctx, obj,
                                          en->u.module, JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE) < 0)
                goto fail;

    js_free(ctx, s->exported_names);

    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_toStringTag,
                           JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_Module),

    p->extensible = FALSE;
    return obj;
    js_free(ctx, s->exported_names);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

JSValue JS_GetModuleNamespace(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(m->module_ns)) {
        JSValue val;
        val = js_build_module_ns(ctx, m);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        m->module_ns = val;
    return js_dup(m->module_ns);

#define module_trace(ctx, ...) \
   do { \
     if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) \
       printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
   } while (0)
#define module_trace(...)

/* Load all the required modules for module 'm' */
static int js_resolve_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    int i;
    JSModuleDef *m1;

    if (m->resolved)
        return 0;
    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        printf("resolving module '%s':\n", JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), m->module_name));
    m->resolved = TRUE;
    /* resolve each requested module */
    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        m1 = js_host_resolve_imported_module_atom(ctx, m->module_name,
        if (!m1)
            return -1;
        rme->module = m1;
        /* already done in js_host_resolve_imported_module() except if
           the module was loaded with JS_EvalBinary() */
        if (js_resolve_module(ctx, m1) < 0)
            return -1;
    return 0;

static JSVarRef *js_create_module_var(JSContext *ctx, BOOL is_lexical)
    JSVarRef *var_ref;
    var_ref = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSVarRef));
    if (!var_ref)
        return NULL;
    var_ref->header.ref_count = 1;
    if (is_lexical)
        var_ref->value = JS_UNINITIALIZED;
        var_ref->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    var_ref->pvalue = &var_ref->value;
    var_ref->is_detached = TRUE;
    add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &var_ref->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_VAR_REF);
    return var_ref;

/* Create the <eval> function associated with the module */
static int js_create_module_bytecode_function(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    int i;
    JSVarRef **var_refs;
    JSValue func_obj, bfunc;
    JSObject *p;

    bfunc = m->func_obj;
    func_obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->function_proto,

    if (JS_IsException(func_obj))
        return -1;
    b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(bfunc);

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    p->u.func.function_bytecode = b;
    p->u.func.home_object = NULL;
    p->u.func.var_refs = NULL;
    if (b->closure_var_count) {
        var_refs = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(var_refs[0]) * b->closure_var_count);
        if (!var_refs)
            goto fail;
        p->u.func.var_refs = var_refs;

        /* create the global variables. The other variables are
           imported from other modules */
        for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i];
            JSVarRef *var_ref;
            if (cv->is_local) {
                var_ref = js_create_module_var(ctx, cv->is_lexical);
                if (!var_ref)
                    goto fail;

                module_trace(ctx, "local %d: %p\n", i, var_ref);

                var_refs[i] = var_ref;
    m->func_obj = func_obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, bfunc);
    return 0;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
    return -1;

/* must be done before js_link_module() because of cyclic references */
static int js_create_module_function(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    BOOL is_c_module;
    int i;
    JSVarRef *var_ref;

    if (m->func_created)
        return 0;

    is_c_module = (m->init_func != NULL);

    if (is_c_module) {
        /* initialize the exported variables */
        for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
            JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
            if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL) {
                var_ref = js_create_module_var(ctx, FALSE);
                if (!var_ref)
                    return -1;
                me->u.local.var_ref = var_ref;
    } else {
        if (js_create_module_bytecode_function(ctx, m))
            return -1;
    m->func_created = TRUE;

    /* do it on the dependencies */

    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        if (js_create_module_function(ctx, rme->module) < 0)
            return -1;

    return 0;

/* Prepare a module to be executed by resolving all the imported
   variables. */
static int js_inner_module_linking(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                                   JSModuleDef **pstack_top, int index)
    int i;
    JSImportEntry *mi;
    JSModuleDef *m1;
    JSVarRef **var_refs, *var_ref;
    JSObject *p;
    BOOL is_c_module;
    JSValue ret_val;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return -1;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        printf("js_inner_module_linking '%s':\n", JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), m->module_name));

    if (m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKING ||
        m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED ||
        m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED)
        return index;

    assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_UNLINKED);
    m->dfs_index = index;
    m->dfs_ancestor_index = index;
    /* push 'm' on stack */
    m->stack_prev = *pstack_top;
    *pstack_top = m;

    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        m1 = rme->module;
        index = js_inner_module_linking(ctx, m1, pstack_top, index);
        if (index < 0)
            goto fail;
        assert(m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKING ||
               m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED ||
               m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
               m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
        if (m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKING) {
            m->dfs_ancestor_index = min_int(m->dfs_ancestor_index,

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        printf("instantiating module '%s':\n", JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), m->module_name));
    /* check the indirect exports */
    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
        if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_INDIRECT &&
            me->local_name != JS_ATOM__star_) {
            JSResolveResultEnum ret;
            JSExportEntry *res_me;
            JSModuleDef *res_m, *m1;
            m1 = m->req_module_entries[me->u.req_module_idx].module;
            ret = js_resolve_export(ctx, &res_m, &res_me, m1, me->local_name);
            if (ret != JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND) {
                js_resolve_export_throw_error(ctx, ret, m, me->export_name);
                goto fail;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        printf("exported bindings:\n");
        for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
            JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
            printf(" name="); print_atom(ctx, me->export_name);
            printf(" local="); print_atom(ctx, me->local_name);
            printf(" type=%d idx=%d\n", me->export_type, me->u.local.var_idx);

    is_c_module = (m->init_func != NULL);

    if (!is_c_module) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(m->func_obj);
        var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;

        for(i = 0; i < m->import_entries_count; i++) {
            mi = &m->import_entries[i];
            if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
                printf("import var_idx=%d name=", mi->var_idx);
                print_atom(ctx, mi->import_name);
                printf(": ");
            m1 = m->req_module_entries[mi->req_module_idx].module;
            if (mi->import_name == JS_ATOM__star_) {
                JSValue val;
                /* name space import */
                val = JS_GetModuleNamespace(ctx, m1);
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    goto fail;
                set_value(ctx, &var_refs[mi->var_idx]->value, val);

                module_trace(ctx, "namespace\n");

            } else {
                JSResolveResultEnum ret;
                JSExportEntry *res_me;
                JSModuleDef *res_m;
                JSObject *p1;

                ret = js_resolve_export(ctx, &res_m,
                                        &res_me, m1, mi->import_name);
                if (ret != JS_RESOLVE_RES_FOUND) {
                    js_resolve_export_throw_error(ctx, ret, m1, mi->import_name);
                    goto fail;
                if (res_me->local_name == JS_ATOM__star_) {
                    JSValue val;
                    JSModuleDef *m2;
                    /* name space import from */
                    m2 = res_m->req_module_entries[res_me->u.req_module_idx].module;
                    val = JS_GetModuleNamespace(ctx, m2);
                    if (JS_IsException(val))
                        goto fail;
                    var_ref = js_create_module_var(ctx, TRUE);
                    if (!var_ref) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                        goto fail;
                    set_value(ctx, &var_ref->value, val);
                    var_refs[mi->var_idx] = var_ref;

                    module_trace(ctx, "namespace from\n");

                } else {
                    var_ref = res_me->u.local.var_ref;
                    if (!var_ref) {
                        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(res_m->func_obj);
                        var_ref = p1->u.func.var_refs[res_me->u.local.var_idx];
                    var_refs[mi->var_idx] = var_ref;

                    module_trace(ctx, "local export (var_ref=%p)\n", var_ref);

        /* keep the exported variables in the module export entries (they
           are used when the eval function is deleted and cannot be
           initialized before in case imports are exported) */
        for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
            JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
            if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL) {
                var_ref = var_refs[me->u.local.var_idx];
                me->u.local.var_ref = var_ref;

        /* initialize the global variables */
        ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, m->func_obj, JS_TRUE, 0, NULL);
        if (JS_IsException(ret_val))
            goto fail;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);

    assert(m->dfs_ancestor_index <= m->dfs_index);
    if (m->dfs_index == m->dfs_ancestor_index) {
        for(;;) {
            /* pop m1 from stack */
            m1 = *pstack_top;
            *pstack_top = m1->stack_prev;
            m1->status = JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED;
            if (m1 == m)

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        printf("js_inner_module_linking done\n");
    return index;
    return -1;

/* Prepare a module to be executed by resolving all the imported
   variables. */
static int js_link_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    JSModuleDef *stack_top, *m1;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        printf("js_link_module '%s':\n", JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), m->module_name));
    assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_UNLINKED ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
    stack_top = NULL;
    if (js_inner_module_linking(ctx, m, &stack_top, 0) < 0) {
        while (stack_top != NULL) {
            m1 = stack_top;
            assert(m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKING);
            m1->status = JS_MODULE_STATUS_UNLINKED;
            stack_top = m1->stack_prev;
        return -1;
    assert(stack_top == NULL);
    assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
    return 0;

/* return JS_ATOM_NULL if the name cannot be found. Only works with
   not striped bytecode functions. */
JSAtom JS_GetScriptOrModuleName(JSContext *ctx, int n_stack_levels)
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    JSObject *p;
    /* XXX: currently we just use the filename of the englobing
       function. It does not work for eval(). Need to add a
       ScriptOrModule info in JSFunctionBytecode */
    sf = ctx->rt->current_stack_frame;
    if (!sf)
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    while (n_stack_levels-- > 0) {
        sf = sf->prev_frame;
        if (!sf)
            return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sf->cur_func) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sf->cur_func);
    if (!js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id))
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
    return JS_DupAtom(ctx, b->filename);

JSAtom JS_GetModuleName(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    return JS_DupAtom(ctx, m->module_name);

JSValue JS_GetImportMeta(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    JSValue obj;
    /* allocate meta_obj only if requested to save memory */
    obj = m->meta_obj;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(obj)) {
        obj = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        m->meta_obj = obj;
    return js_dup(obj);

static JSValue js_import_meta(JSContext *ctx)
    JSAtom filename;
    JSModuleDef *m;

    filename = JS_GetScriptOrModuleName(ctx, 0);
    if (filename == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        goto fail;

    /* XXX: inefficient, need to add a module or script pointer in
       JSFunctionBytecode */
    m = js_find_loaded_module(ctx, filename);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, filename);
    if (!m) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "import.meta not supported in this context");
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_GetImportMeta(ctx, m);

static JSValue JS_NewModuleValue(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    return JS_DupValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_MODULE, m));

static JSValue js_load_module_rejected(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    JSValueConst *resolving_funcs = (JSValueConst *)func_data;
    JSValueConst error;
    JSValue ret;

    /* XXX: check if the test is necessary */
    if (argc >= 1)
        error = argv[0];
        error = JS_UNDEFINED;
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                  1, &error);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_load_module_fulfilled(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    JSValueConst *resolving_funcs = (JSValueConst *)func_data;
    JSModuleDef *m = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(func_data[2]);
    JSValue ret, ns;

    /* return the module namespace */
    ns = JS_GetModuleNamespace(ctx, m);
    if (JS_IsException(ns)) {
        JSValue err = JS_GetException(ctx);
        js_load_module_rejected(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, (JSValueConst *)&err, 0, func_data);
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[0], JS_UNDEFINED,
                   1, (JSValueConst *)&ns);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ns);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static void JS_LoadModuleInternal(JSContext *ctx, const char *basename,
                                  const char *filename,
                                  JSValueConst *resolving_funcs)
    JSValue evaluate_promise;
    JSModuleDef *m;
    JSValue ret, err, func_obj, evaluate_resolving_funcs[2];
    JSValueConst func_data[3];

    m = js_host_resolve_imported_module(ctx, basename, filename);
    if (!m)
        goto fail;

    if (js_resolve_module(ctx, m) < 0) {
        js_free_modules(ctx, JS_FREE_MODULE_NOT_RESOLVED);
        goto fail;

    /* Evaluate the module code */
    func_obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
    evaluate_promise = JS_EvalFunction(ctx, func_obj);
    if (JS_IsException(evaluate_promise)) {
        err = JS_GetException(ctx);
        ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                      1, (JSValueConst *)&err);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret); /* XXX: what to do if exception ? */
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, err);

    func_obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
    func_data[0] = resolving_funcs[0];
    func_data[1] = resolving_funcs[1];
    func_data[2] = func_obj;
    evaluate_resolving_funcs[0] = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_load_module_fulfilled, 0, 0, 3, func_data);
    evaluate_resolving_funcs[1] = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_load_module_rejected, 0, 0, 3, func_data);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
    ret = js_promise_then(ctx, evaluate_promise, 2, (JSValueConst *)evaluate_resolving_funcs);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, evaluate_resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, evaluate_resolving_funcs[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, evaluate_promise);

/* Return a promise or an exception in case of memory error. Used by
   os.Worker() */
JSValue JS_LoadModule(JSContext *ctx, const char *basename,
                      const char *filename)
    JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2];

    promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, resolving_funcs);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_LoadModuleInternal(ctx, basename, filename,
                          (JSValueConst *)resolving_funcs);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    return promise;

static JSValue js_dynamic_import_job(JSContext *ctx,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue *resolving_funcs = argv;
    JSValue basename_val = argv[2];
    JSValue specifier = argv[3];
    const char *basename = NULL, *filename;
    JSValue ret, err;

    if (!JS_IsString(basename_val)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "no function filename for import()");
        goto exception;
    basename = JS_ToCString(ctx, basename_val);
    if (!basename)
        goto exception;

    filename = JS_ToCString(ctx, specifier);
    if (!filename)
        goto exception;

    JS_LoadModuleInternal(ctx, basename, filename,
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, filename);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, basename);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;
    err = JS_GetException(ctx);
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                   1, &err);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret); /* XXX: what to do if exception ? */
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, err);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, basename);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_dynamic_import(JSContext *ctx, JSValue specifier)
    JSAtom basename;
    JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2], basename_val;
    JSValue args[4];

    basename = JS_GetScriptOrModuleName(ctx, 0);
    if (basename == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        basename_val = JS_NULL;
        basename_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, basename);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, basename);
    if (JS_IsException(basename_val))
        return basename_val;

    promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, resolving_funcs);
    if (JS_IsException(promise)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, basename_val);
        return promise;

    args[0] = resolving_funcs[0];
    args[1] = resolving_funcs[1];
    args[2] = basename_val;
    args[3] = specifier;

    /* cannot run JS_LoadModuleInternal synchronously because it would
       cause an unexpected recursion in js_evaluate_module() */
    JS_EnqueueJob(ctx, js_dynamic_import_job, 4, args);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, basename_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    return promise;

static void js_set_module_evaluated(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(m->promise)) {
        JSValue value, ret_val;
        assert(m->cycle_root == m);
        value = JS_UNDEFINED;
        ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, m->resolving_funcs[0], JS_UNDEFINED,
                          1, (JSValueConst *)&value);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);

typedef struct {
    JSModuleDef **tab;
    int count;
    int size;
} ExecModuleList;

/* XXX: slow. Could use a linked list instead of ExecModuleList */
static BOOL find_in_exec_module_list(ExecModuleList *exec_list, JSModuleDef *m)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < exec_list->count; i++) {
        if (exec_list->tab[i] == m)
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

static int gather_available_ancestors(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *module,
                                      ExecModuleList *exec_list)
    int i;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return -1;
    for(i = 0; i < module->async_parent_modules_count; i++) {
        JSModuleDef *m = module->async_parent_modules[i];
        if (!find_in_exec_module_list(exec_list, m) &&
            !m->cycle_root->eval_has_exception) {
            assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC);
            assert(m->pending_async_dependencies > 0);
            if (m->pending_async_dependencies == 0) {
                if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&exec_list->tab, sizeof(exec_list->tab[0]), &exec_list->size, exec_list->count + 1)) {
                    return -1;
                exec_list->tab[exec_list->count++] = m;
                if (!m->has_tla) {
                    if (gather_available_ancestors(ctx, m, exec_list))
                        return -1;
    return 0;

static int exec_module_list_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *opaque)
    JSModuleDef *m1 = *(JSModuleDef **)p1;
    JSModuleDef *m2 = *(JSModuleDef **)p2;
    return (m1->async_evaluation_timestamp > m2->async_evaluation_timestamp) -
        (m1->async_evaluation_timestamp < m2->async_evaluation_timestamp);

static int js_execute_async_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m);
static int js_execute_sync_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                                  JSValue *pvalue);

static JSValue js_async_module_execution_rejected(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val,
                                                  int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    JSModuleDef *module = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(func_data[0]);
    JSValueConst error = argv[0];
    int i;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0))
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx);

    if (module->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED) {
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

    assert(module->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC);

    module->eval_has_exception = TRUE;
    module->eval_exception = JS_DupValue(ctx, error);
    module->status = JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED;

    for(i = 0; i < module->async_parent_modules_count; i++) {
        JSModuleDef *m = module->async_parent_modules[i];
        JSValue m_obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
        js_async_module_execution_rejected(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &error, 0,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, m_obj);

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(module->promise)) {
        JSValue ret_val;
        assert(module->cycle_root == module);
        ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, module->resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                          1, &error);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_async_module_execution_fulfilled(JSContext *ctx, JSValueConst this_val,
                                                   int argc, JSValueConst *argv, int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    JSModuleDef *module = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(func_data[0]);
    ExecModuleList exec_list_s, *exec_list = &exec_list_s;
    int i;

    if (module->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED) {
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    assert(module->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC);
    module->async_evaluation = FALSE;
    js_set_module_evaluated(ctx, module);

    exec_list->tab = NULL;
    exec_list->count = 0;
    exec_list->size = 0;

    if (gather_available_ancestors(ctx, module, exec_list) < 0) {
        js_free(ctx, exec_list->tab);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    /* sort by increasing async_evaluation timestamp */
    rqsort(exec_list->tab, exec_list->count, sizeof(exec_list->tab[0]),
           exec_module_list_cmp, NULL);

    for(i = 0; i < exec_list->count; i++) {
        JSModuleDef *m = exec_list->tab[i];
        if (m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED) {
        } else if (m->has_tla) {
            js_execute_async_module(ctx, m);
        } else {
            JSValue error;
            if (js_execute_sync_module(ctx, m, &error) < 0) {
                JSValue m_obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
                js_async_module_execution_rejected(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                                   1, (JSValueConst *)&error, 0,
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, m_obj);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
            } else {
                js_set_module_evaluated(ctx, m);
    js_free(ctx, exec_list->tab);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static int js_execute_async_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    JSValue promise, m_obj;
    JSValue resolve_funcs[2], ret_val;
    promise = js_async_function_call(ctx, m->func_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, 0);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        return -1;
    m_obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
    resolve_funcs[0] = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_async_module_execution_fulfilled, 0, 0, 1, (JSValueConst *)&m_obj);
    resolve_funcs[1] = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_async_module_execution_rejected, 0, 0, 1, (JSValueConst *)&m_obj);
    ret_val = js_promise_then(ctx, promise, 2, (JSValueConst *)resolve_funcs);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, m_obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolve_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolve_funcs[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
    return 0;

/* return < 0 in case of exception. *pvalue contains the exception. */
static int js_execute_sync_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                                  JSValue *pvalue)
    if (m->init_func) {
        /* C module init : no asynchronous execution */
        if (m->init_func(ctx, m) < 0)
            goto fail;
    } else {
        JSValue promise;
        JSPromiseStateEnum state;

        promise = js_async_function_call(ctx, m->func_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, 0);
        if (JS_IsException(promise))
            goto fail;
        state = JS_PromiseState(ctx, promise);
        if (state == JS_PROMISE_FULFILLED) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
        } else if (state == JS_PROMISE_REJECTED) {
            *pvalue = JS_PromiseResult(ctx, promise);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
            return -1;
        } else {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "promise is pending");
            *pvalue = JS_GetException(ctx);
            return -1;
    *pvalue = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return 0;

/* spec: InnerModuleEvaluation. Return (index, JS_UNDEFINED) or (-1,
   exception) */
static int js_inner_module_evaluation(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                                      int index, JSModuleDef **pstack_top,
                                      JSValue *pvalue)
    JSModuleDef *m1;
    int i;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        *pvalue = JS_GetException(ctx);
        return -1;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_MODULE_RESOLVE)) {
        char buf1[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        printf("js_inner_module_evaluation '%s':\n", JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf1, sizeof(buf1), m->module_name));

        m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED) {
        if (m->eval_has_exception) {
            *pvalue = JS_DupValue(ctx, m->eval_exception);
            return -1;
        } else {
            *pvalue = JS_UNDEFINED;
            return index;
    if (m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING) {
        *pvalue = JS_UNDEFINED;
        return index;
    assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED);

    m->dfs_index = index;
    m->dfs_ancestor_index = index;
    m->pending_async_dependencies = 0;
    /* push 'm' on stack */
    m->stack_prev = *pstack_top;
    *pstack_top = m;

    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        m1 = rme->module;
        index = js_inner_module_evaluation(ctx, m1, index, pstack_top, pvalue);
        if (index < 0)
            return -1;
        assert(m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING ||
               m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
               m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
        if (m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING) {
            m->dfs_ancestor_index = min_int(m->dfs_ancestor_index,
        } else {
            m1 = m1->cycle_root;
            assert(m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
                   m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
            if (m1->eval_has_exception) {
                *pvalue = JS_DupValue(ctx, m1->eval_exception);
                return -1;
        if (m1->async_evaluation) {
            if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&m1->async_parent_modules, sizeof(m1->async_parent_modules[0]), &m1->async_parent_modules_size, m1->async_parent_modules_count + 1)) {
                *pvalue = JS_GetException(ctx);
                return -1;
            m1->async_parent_modules[m1->async_parent_modules_count++] = m;

    if (m->pending_async_dependencies > 0) {
        m->async_evaluation = TRUE;
        m->async_evaluation_timestamp =
    } else if (m->has_tla) {
        m->async_evaluation = TRUE;
        m->async_evaluation_timestamp =
        js_execute_async_module(ctx, m);
    } else {
        if (js_execute_sync_module(ctx, m, pvalue) < 0)
            return -1;

    assert(m->dfs_ancestor_index <= m->dfs_index);
    if (m->dfs_index == m->dfs_ancestor_index) {
        for(;;) {
            /* pop m1 from stack */
            m1 = *pstack_top;
            *pstack_top = m1->stack_prev;
            if (!m1->async_evaluation) {
                m1->status = JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED;
            } else {
                m1->status = JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC;
            /* spec bug: cycle_root must be assigned before the test */
            m1->cycle_root = m;
            if (m1 == m)
    *pvalue = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return index;

/* Run the <eval> function of the module and of all its requested
   modules. Return a promise or an exception. */
static JSValue js_evaluate_module(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m)
    JSModuleDef *m1, *stack_top;
    JSValue ret_val, result;

    assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_LINKED ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
           m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
        m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED) {
        m = m->cycle_root;
    /* a promise may be created only on the cycle_root of a cycle */
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(m->promise))
        return JS_DupValue(ctx, m->promise);
    m->promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, m->resolving_funcs);
    if (JS_IsException(m->promise))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    stack_top = NULL;
    if (js_inner_module_evaluation(ctx, m, 0, &stack_top, &result) < 0) {
        while (stack_top != NULL) {
            m1 = stack_top;
            assert(m1->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING);
            m1->status = JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED;
            m1->eval_has_exception = TRUE;
            m1->eval_exception = JS_DupValue(ctx, result);
            m1->cycle_root = m; /* spec bug: should be present */
            stack_top = m1->stack_prev;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);
        assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
        ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, m->resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED,
                          1, (JSValueConst *)&m->eval_exception);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);
    } else {
        assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATING_ASYNC ||
               m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
        if (!m->async_evaluation) {
            JSValue value;
            assert(m->status == JS_MODULE_STATUS_EVALUATED);
            value = JS_UNDEFINED;
            ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, m->resolving_funcs[0], JS_UNDEFINED,
                              1, (JSValueConst *)&value);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val);
        assert(stack_top == NULL);
    return JS_DupValue(ctx, m->promise);

static __exception JSAtom js_parse_from_clause(JSParseState *s)
    JSAtom module_name;
    if (!token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_from)) {
        js_parse_error(s, "from clause expected");
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (next_token(s))
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (s->token.val != TOK_STRING) {
        js_parse_error(s, "string expected");
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    module_name = JS_ValueToAtom(s->ctx, s->token.u.str.str);
    if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    if (next_token(s)) {
        JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, module_name);
        return JS_ATOM_NULL;
    return module_name;

static __exception int js_parse_export(JSParseState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSModuleDef *m = s->cur_func->module;
    JSAtom local_name, export_name;
    int first_export, idx, i, tok;
    JSAtom module_name;
    JSExportEntry *me;

    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;

    tok = s->token.val;
    if (tok == TOK_CLASS) {
        return js_parse_class(s, FALSE, JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NAMED);
    } else if (tok == TOK_FUNCTION ||
               (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
                peek_token(s, TRUE) == TOK_FUNCTION)) {
        return js_parse_function_decl2(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT,
                                       JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                       JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NAMED, NULL);

    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;

    switch(tok) {
    case '{':
        first_export = m->export_entries_count;
        while (s->token.val != '}') {
            if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                return -1;
            local_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            export_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_as)) {
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                    goto fail;
                export_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                if (next_token(s)) {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, local_name);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, export_name);
                    return -1;
            } else {
                export_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, local_name);
            me = add_export_entry(s, m, local_name, export_name,
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, local_name);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, export_name);
            if (!me)
                return -1;
            if (s->token.val != ',')
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
        if (js_parse_expect(s, '}'))
            return -1;
        if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_from)) {
            module_name = js_parse_from_clause(s);
            if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                return -1;
            idx = add_req_module_entry(ctx, m, module_name);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);
            if (idx < 0)
                return -1;
            for(i = first_export; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
                me = &m->export_entries[i];
                me->export_type = JS_EXPORT_TYPE_INDIRECT;
                me->u.req_module_idx = idx;
    case '*':
        if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_as)) {
            /* export ns from */
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                return -1;
            export_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail1;
            module_name = js_parse_from_clause(s);
            if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                goto fail1;
            idx = add_req_module_entry(ctx, m, module_name);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);
            if (idx < 0)
                goto fail1;
            me = add_export_entry(s, m, JS_ATOM__star_, export_name,
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, export_name);
            if (!me)
                return -1;
            me->u.req_module_idx = idx;
        } else {
            module_name = js_parse_from_clause(s);
            if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                return -1;
            idx = add_req_module_entry(ctx, m, module_name);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);
            if (idx < 0)
                return -1;
            if (add_star_export_entry(ctx, m, idx) < 0)
                return -1;
    case TOK_DEFAULT:
        if (s->token.val == TOK_CLASS) {
            return js_parse_class(s, FALSE, JS_PARSE_EXPORT_DEFAULT);
        } else if (s->token.val == TOK_FUNCTION ||
                   (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
                    peek_token(s, TRUE) == TOK_FUNCTION)) {
            return js_parse_function_decl2(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT,
                                           JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
                                           JS_PARSE_EXPORT_DEFAULT, NULL);
        } else {
            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                return -1;
        /* set the name of anonymous functions */
        set_object_name(s, JS_ATOM_default);

        /* store the value in the _default_ global variable and export
           it */
        local_name = JS_ATOM__default_;
        if (define_var(s, s->cur_func, local_name, JS_VAR_DEF_LET) < 0)
            return -1;
        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
        emit_atom(s, local_name);
        emit_u16(s, 0);

        if (!add_export_entry(s, m, local_name, JS_ATOM_default,
            return -1;
    case TOK_VAR:
    case TOK_LET:
    case TOK_CONST:
        return js_parse_var(s, TRUE, tok, TRUE);
        return js_parse_error(s, "invalid export syntax");
    return js_parse_expect_semi(s);

static int add_closure_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                           BOOL is_local, BOOL is_arg,
                           int var_idx, JSAtom var_name,
                           BOOL is_const, BOOL is_lexical,
                           JSVarKindEnum var_kind);

static int add_import(JSParseState *s, JSModuleDef *m,
                      JSAtom local_name, JSAtom import_name)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    int i, var_idx;
    JSImportEntry *mi;
    BOOL is_local;

    if (local_name == JS_ATOM_arguments || local_name == JS_ATOM_eval)
        return js_parse_error(s, "invalid import binding");

    if (local_name != JS_ATOM_default) {
        for (i = 0; i < s->cur_func->closure_var_count; i++) {
            if (s->cur_func->closure_var[i].var_name == local_name)
                return js_parse_error(s, "duplicate import binding");

    is_local = (import_name == JS_ATOM__star_);
    var_idx = add_closure_var(ctx, s->cur_func, is_local, FALSE,
                              local_name, TRUE, TRUE, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
    if (var_idx < 0)
        return -1;
    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&m->import_entries,
                        m->import_entries_count + 1))
        return -1;
    mi = &m->import_entries[m->import_entries_count++];
    mi->import_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, import_name);
    mi->var_idx = var_idx;
    return 0;

static __exception int js_parse_import(JSParseState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSModuleDef *m = s->cur_func->module;
    JSAtom local_name, import_name, module_name;
    int first_import, i, idx;

    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;

    first_import = m->import_entries_count;
    if (s->token.val == TOK_STRING) {
        module_name = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, s->token.u.str.str);
        if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return -1;
        if (next_token(s)) {
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);
            return -1;
    } else {
        if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
            if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
                return js_parse_error_reserved_identifier(s);
            /* "default" import */
            local_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            import_name = JS_ATOM_default;
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            if (add_import(s, m, local_name, import_name))
                goto fail;
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, local_name);

            if (s->token.val != ',')
                goto end_import_clause;
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;

        if (s->token.val == '*') {
            /* name space import */
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (!token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_as))
                return js_parse_error(s, "expecting 'as'");
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                return -1;
            local_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            import_name = JS_ATOM__star_;
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            if (add_import(s, m, local_name, import_name))
                goto fail;
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, local_name);
        } else if (s->token.val == '{') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;

            while (s->token.val != '}') {
                if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                    js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                    return -1;
                import_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                local_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                if (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_as)) {
                    if (next_token(s))
                        goto fail;
                    if (!token_is_ident(s->token.val)) {
                        js_parse_error(s, "identifier expected");
                        goto fail;
                    local_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
                    if (next_token(s)) {
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, local_name);
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, import_name);
                        return -1;
                } else {
                    local_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, import_name);
                if (add_import(s, m, local_name, import_name))
                    goto fail;
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, local_name);
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, import_name);
                if (s->token.val != ',')
                if (next_token(s))
                    return -1;
            if (js_parse_expect(s, '}'))
                return -1;
        module_name = js_parse_from_clause(s);
        if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return -1;
    idx = add_req_module_entry(ctx, m, module_name);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, module_name);
    if (idx < 0)
        return -1;
    for(i = first_import; i < m->import_entries_count; i++)
        m->import_entries[i].req_module_idx = idx;

    return js_parse_expect_semi(s);

static __exception int js_parse_source_element(JSParseState *s)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    int tok;

    if (s->token.val == TOK_FUNCTION ||
        (token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
         peek_token(s, TRUE) == TOK_FUNCTION)) {
        if (js_parse_function_decl(s, JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT,
                                   JS_FUNC_NORMAL, JS_ATOM_NULL,
            return -1;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_EXPORT && fd->module) {
        if (js_parse_export(s))
            return -1;
    } else if (s->token.val == TOK_IMPORT && fd->module &&
               ((tok = peek_token(s, FALSE)) != '(' && tok != '.'))  {
        /* the peek_token is needed to avoid confusion with ImportCall
           (dynamic import) or import.meta */
        if (js_parse_import(s))
            return -1;
    } else {
        if (js_parse_statement_or_decl(s, DECL_MASK_ALL))
            return -1;
    return 0;

/* `filename` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
static JSFunctionDef *js_new_function_def(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSFunctionDef *parent,
                                          BOOL is_eval,
                                          BOOL is_func_expr,
                                          const char *filename,
                                          int line_num,
                                          int col_num)
    JSFunctionDef *fd;

    fd = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*fd));
    if (!fd)
        return NULL;

    fd->ctx = ctx;

    /* insert in parent list */
    fd->parent = parent;
    fd->parent_cpool_idx = -1;
    if (parent) {
        list_add_tail(&fd->link, &parent->child_list);
        fd->js_mode = parent->js_mode;
        fd->parent_scope_level = parent->scope_level;

    fd->is_eval = is_eval;
    fd->is_func_expr = is_func_expr;
    js_dbuf_init(ctx, &fd->byte_code);
    fd->last_opcode_pos = -1;
    fd->func_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    fd->var_object_idx = -1;
    fd->arg_var_object_idx = -1;
    fd->arguments_var_idx = -1;
    fd->arguments_arg_idx = -1;
    fd->func_var_idx = -1;
    fd->eval_ret_idx = -1;
    fd->this_var_idx = -1;
    fd->new_target_var_idx = -1;
    fd->this_active_func_var_idx = -1;
    fd->home_object_var_idx = -1;

    /* XXX: should distinguish arg, var and var object and body scopes */
    fd->scopes = fd->def_scope_array;
    fd->scope_size = countof(fd->def_scope_array);
    fd->scope_count = 1;
    fd->scopes[0].first = -1;
    fd->scopes[0].parent = -1;
    fd->scope_level = 0;  /* 0: var/arg scope */
    fd->scope_first = -1;
    fd->body_scope = -1;

    fd->filename = JS_NewAtom(ctx, filename);
    fd->line_num = line_num;
    fd->col_num = col_num;

    js_dbuf_init(ctx, &fd->pc2line);
    //fd->pc2line_last_line_num = line_num;
    //fd->pc2line_last_pc = 0;
    fd->last_opcode_line_num = line_num;

    fd->ic = init_ic(ctx);
    return fd;

static void free_bytecode_atoms(JSRuntime *rt,
                                const uint8_t *bc_buf, int bc_len,
                                BOOL use_short_opcodes)
    int pos, len, op;
    JSAtom atom;
    const JSOpCode *oi;

    pos = 0;
    while (pos < bc_len) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        if (use_short_opcodes)
            oi = &short_opcode_info(op);
            oi = &opcode_info[op];

        len = oi->size;
        switch(oi->fmt) {
        case OP_FMT_atom:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
            atom = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, atom);
        pos += len;

static void js_free_function_def(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd)
    int i;
    struct list_head *el, *el1;

    /* free the child functions */
    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &fd->child_list) {
        JSFunctionDef *fd1;
        fd1 = list_entry(el, JSFunctionDef, link);
        js_free_function_def(ctx, fd1);

    free_bytecode_atoms(ctx->rt, fd->byte_code.buf, fd->byte_code.size,
    js_free(ctx, fd->jump_slots);
    js_free(ctx, fd->label_slots);
    js_free(ctx, fd->source_loc_slots);

    /* free ic */
    if (fd->ic)
        free_ic(ctx->rt, fd->ic);

    for(i = 0; i < fd->cpool_count; i++) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, fd->cpool[i]);
    js_free(ctx, fd->cpool);

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, fd->func_name);

    for(i = 0; i < fd->var_count; i++) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, fd->vars[i].var_name);
    js_free(ctx, fd->vars);
    for(i = 0; i < fd->arg_count; i++) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, fd->args[i].var_name);
    js_free(ctx, fd->args);

    for(i = 0; i < fd->global_var_count; i++) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, fd->global_vars[i].var_name);
    js_free(ctx, fd->global_vars);

    for(i = 0; i < fd->closure_var_count; i++) {
        JSClosureVar *cv = &fd->closure_var[i];
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, cv->var_name);
    js_free(ctx, fd->closure_var);

    if (fd->scopes != fd->def_scope_array)
        js_free(ctx, fd->scopes);

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, fd->filename);

    js_free(ctx, fd->source);

    if (fd->parent) {
        /* remove in parent list */
    js_free(ctx, fd);

static const char *skip_lines(const char *p, int n) {
    while (p && n-- > 0 && *p) {
        while (*p && *p++ != '\n')
    return p;

static void print_lines(const char *source, int line, int line1) {
    const char *s = source;
    const char *p = skip_lines(s, line);
    if (p && *p) {
        while (line++ < line1) {
            p = skip_lines(s = p, 1);
            printf(";; %.*s", (int)(p - s), s);
            if (!*p) {
                if (p[-1] != '\n')

static void dump_byte_code(JSContext *ctx, int pass,
                           const uint8_t *tab, int len,
                           const JSVarDef *args, int arg_count,
                           const JSVarDef *vars, int var_count,
                           const JSClosureVar *closure_var, int closure_var_count,
                           const JSValue *cpool, uint32_t cpool_count,
                           const char *source, int line_num,
                           const LabelSlot *label_slots, JSFunctionBytecode *b,
                           int start_pos)
    const JSOpCode *oi;
    int pos, pos_next, op, size, idx, addr, line, line1, in_source;
    uint8_t *bits = js_mallocz(ctx, len * sizeof(*bits));
    BOOL use_short_opcodes = (b != NULL);

    if (start_pos != 0 || bits == NULL)
        goto no_labels;

    /* scan for jump targets */
    for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos = pos_next) {
        op = tab[pos];
        if (use_short_opcodes)
            oi = &short_opcode_info(op);
            oi = &opcode_info[op];
        pos_next = pos + oi->size;
        if (op < OP_COUNT) {
            switch (oi->fmt) {
            case OP_FMT_label8:
                addr = (int8_t)tab[pos];
                goto has_addr;
            case OP_FMT_label16:
                addr = (int16_t)get_u16(tab + pos);
                goto has_addr;
            case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
            case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
                pos += 4;
                /* fall thru */
            case OP_FMT_label:
            case OP_FMT_label_u16:
                addr = get_u32(tab + pos);
                goto has_addr;
                if (pass == 1)
                    addr = label_slots[addr].pos;
                if (pass == 2)
                    addr = label_slots[addr].pos2;
                if (pass == 3)
                    addr += pos;
                if (addr >= 0 && addr < len)
                    bits[addr] |= 1;
    in_source = 0;
    if (source) {
        /* Always print first line: needed if single line */
        print_lines(source, 0, 1);
        in_source = 1;
    line1 = line = 1;
    pos = 0;
    while (pos < len) {
        op = tab[pos];
        if (source) {
            if (b) {
                int col1;
                line1 = find_line_num(ctx, b, pos, &col1) - line_num + 1;
            } else if (op == OP_source_loc) {
                line1 = get_u32(tab + pos + 1) - line_num + 1;
            if (line1 > line) {
                if (!in_source)
                in_source = 1;
                print_lines(source, line, line1);
                line = line1;
                //bits[pos] |= 2;
        if (in_source)
        in_source = 0;
        if (op >= OP_COUNT) {
            printf("invalid opcode (0x%02x)\n", op);
        if (use_short_opcodes)
            oi = &short_opcode_info(op);
            oi = &opcode_info[op];
        size = oi->size;
        if (pos + size > len) {
            printf("truncated opcode (0x%02x)\n", op);
        if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_HEX)) {
            int i, x, x0;
            x = x0 = printf("%5d ", pos);
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                if (i == 6) {
                    printf("\n%*s", x = x0, "");
                x += printf(" %02X", tab[pos + i]);
            printf("%*s", x0 + 20 - x, "");
        if (bits && bits[pos]) {
            printf("%5d:  ", pos);
        } else {
            printf("        ");
        printf("%-15s", oi->name);  /* align opcode arguments */
        switch(oi->fmt) {
        case OP_FMT_none_int:
            printf(" %d", op - OP_push_0);
        case OP_FMT_npopx:
            printf(" %d", op - OP_call0);
        case OP_FMT_u8:
            printf(" %u", get_u8(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_i8:
            printf(" %d", get_i8(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_u16:
        case OP_FMT_npop:
            printf(" %u", get_u16(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_npop_u16:
            printf(" %u,%u", get_u16(tab + pos), get_u16(tab + pos + 2));
        case OP_FMT_i16:
            printf(" %d", get_i16(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_i32:
            printf(" %d", get_i32(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_u32:
            printf(" %u", get_u32(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_u32x2:
            printf(" %u:%u", get_u32(tab + pos), get_u32(tab + pos + 4));
        case OP_FMT_label8:
            addr = get_i8(tab + pos);
            goto has_addr1;
        case OP_FMT_label16:
            addr = get_i16(tab + pos);
            goto has_addr1;
        case OP_FMT_label:
        case OP_FMT_label_u16:
            addr = get_u32(tab + pos);
            if (pass == 1)
                printf(" %d:%u", addr, label_slots[addr].pos);
            if (pass == 2)
                printf(" %d:%u", addr, label_slots[addr].pos2);
            if (pass == 3) {
                if (start_pos)
                    printf(" %04x", addr + pos + start_pos);
                    printf(" %d", addr + pos);
            if (oi->fmt == OP_FMT_label_u16)
                printf(",%u", get_u16(tab + pos + 4));
        case OP_FMT_const8:
            idx = get_u8(tab + pos);
            goto has_pool_idx;
        case OP_FMT_const:
            idx = get_u32(tab + pos);
            goto has_pool_idx;
            printf(" %-4u ; ", idx);
            if (idx < cpool_count) {
                JS_DumpValue(ctx->rt, cpool[idx]);
        case OP_FMT_atom:
            printf(" ");
            print_atom(ctx, get_u32(tab + pos));
        case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
            printf(" ");
            print_atom(ctx, get_u32(tab + pos));
            printf(",%d", get_u8(tab + pos + 4));
        case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
            printf(" ");
            print_atom(ctx, get_u32(tab + pos));
            printf(",%d", get_u16(tab + pos + 4));
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
            printf(" ");
            print_atom(ctx, get_u32(tab + pos));
            addr = get_u32(tab + pos + 4);
            if (pass == 1)
                printf(",%u:%u", addr, label_slots[addr].pos);
            if (pass == 2)
                printf(",%u:%u", addr, label_slots[addr].pos2);
            if (pass == 3)
                printf(",%u", addr + pos + 4);
            if (oi->fmt == OP_FMT_atom_label_u8)
                printf(",%u", get_u8(tab + pos + 8));
                printf(",%u", get_u16(tab + pos + 8));
        case OP_FMT_none_loc:
            idx = (op - OP_get_loc0_loc1) % 4;
            goto has_loc;
        case OP_FMT_loc8:
            idx = get_u8(tab + pos);
            goto has_loc;
        case OP_FMT_loc:
            idx = get_u16(tab + pos);
            printf(" %-4d ; ", idx);
            if (idx < var_count) {
                print_atom(ctx, vars[idx].var_name);
        case OP_FMT_none_arg:
            idx = (op - OP_get_arg0) % 4;
            goto has_arg;
        case OP_FMT_arg:
            idx = get_u16(tab + pos);
            printf(" %-4d ; ", idx);
            if (idx < arg_count) {
                print_atom(ctx, args[idx].var_name);
        case OP_FMT_none_var_ref:
            idx = (op - OP_get_var_ref0) % 4;
            goto has_var_ref;
        case OP_FMT_var_ref:
            idx = get_u16(tab + pos);
            printf(" %-4d ; ", idx);
            if (idx < closure_var_count) {
                print_atom(ctx, closure_var[idx].var_name);
        pos += oi->size - 1;
    if (source) {
        if (!in_source)
        print_lines(source, line, INT32_MAX);
    js_free(ctx, bits);

// caveat emptor: intended to be called during execution of bytecode
// and only works for pass3 bytecode
static __maybe_unused void dump_single_byte_code(JSContext *ctx,
                                                 const uint8_t *pc,
                                                 JSFunctionBytecode *b,
                                                 int start_pos)
    JSVarDef *args, *vars;

    args = vars = b->vardefs;
    if (vars)
        vars = &vars[b->arg_count];

    dump_byte_code(ctx, /*pass*/3, pc, short_opcode_info(*pc).size,
                   args, b->arg_count, vars, b->var_count,
                   b->closure_var, b->closure_var_count,
                   b->cpool, b->cpool_count,
                   NULL, b->line_num,
                   NULL, b, start_pos);

static __maybe_unused void print_func_name(JSFunctionBytecode *b)
    print_lines(b->source, 0, 1);

static __maybe_unused void dump_pc2line(JSContext *ctx,
                                        const uint8_t *buf, int len,
                                        int line_num, int col_num)
    const uint8_t *p_end, *p_next, *p;
    int pc, v;
    unsigned int op;

    if (len <= 0)

    printf("%5s %5s %5s\n", "PC", "LINE", "COLUMN");

    p = buf;
    p_end = buf + len;
    pc = 0;
    while (p < p_end) {
        op = *p++;
        if (op == 0) {
            v = utf8_decode_len(p, p_end - p, &p_next);
            if (v < 0)
                goto fail;
            pc += v;
            p = p_next;
            v = utf8_decode_len(p, p_end - p, &p_next);
            if (v < 0)
                goto fail;
            if (v & 1) {
                v = -(v >> 1) - 1;
            } else {
                v = v >> 1;
            line_num += v;
            p = p_next;
        } else {
            op -= PC2LINE_OP_FIRST;
            pc += (op / PC2LINE_RANGE);
            line_num += (op % PC2LINE_RANGE) + PC2LINE_BASE;
        v = utf8_decode_len(p, p_end - p, &p_next);
        if (v < 0)
            goto fail;
        if (v & 1) {
            v = -(v >> 1) - 1;
        } else {
            v = v >> 1;
        col_num += v;
        p = p_next;
        printf("%5d %5d %5d\n", pc, line_num, col_num);
    printf("invalid pc2line encode pos=%d\n", (int)(p - buf));

static __maybe_unused void js_dump_function_bytecode(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionBytecode *b)
    int i;
    char atom_buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
    const char *str;

    if (b->filename != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
        str = JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), b->filename);
        printf("%s:%d:%d: ", str, b->line_num, b->col_num);

    str = JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), b->func_name);
    printf("function: %s%s\n", &"*"[b->func_kind != JS_FUNC_GENERATOR], str);
    if (b->js_mode) {
        printf("  mode:");
        if (b->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)
            printf(" strict");

    if (b->arg_count && b->vardefs) {
        printf("  args:");
        for(i = 0; i < b->arg_count; i++) {
            printf(" %s", JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf),
    if (b->var_count && b->vardefs) {
        printf("  locals:\n");
        for(i = 0; i < b->var_count; i++) {
            JSVarDef *vd = &b->vardefs[b->arg_count + i];
            printf("%5d: %s %s", i,
                   vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_CATCH ? "catch" :
                   (vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_FUNCTION_DECL ||
                    vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL) ? "function" :
                   vd->is_const ? "const" :
                   vd->is_lexical ? "let" : "var",
                   JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), vd->var_name));
            if (vd->scope_level)
                printf(" [level:%d next:%d]", vd->scope_level, vd->scope_next);
    if (b->closure_var_count) {
        printf("  closure vars:\n");
        for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i];
            printf("%5d: %s %s:%s%d %s\n", i,
                   JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, atom_buf, sizeof(atom_buf), cv->var_name),
                   cv->is_local ? "local" : "parent",
                   cv->is_arg ? "arg" : "loc", cv->var_idx,
                   cv->is_const ? "const" :
                   cv->is_lexical ? "let" : "var");
    printf("  stack_size: %d\n", b->stack_size);
    printf("  opcodes:\n");
    dump_byte_code(ctx, 3, b->byte_code_buf, b->byte_code_len,
                   b->vardefs, b->arg_count,
                   b->vardefs ? b->vardefs + b->arg_count : NULL, b->var_count,
                   b->closure_var, b->closure_var_count,
                   b->cpool, b->cpool_count,
                   b->source, b->line_num, NULL, b, 0);
    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_PC2LINE))
        dump_pc2line(ctx, b->pc2line_buf, b->pc2line_len, b->line_num, b->col_num);

static int add_closure_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                           BOOL is_local, BOOL is_arg,
                           int var_idx, JSAtom var_name,
                           BOOL is_const, BOOL is_lexical,
                           JSVarKindEnum var_kind)
    JSClosureVar *cv;

    /* the closure variable indexes are currently stored on 16 bits */
    if (s->closure_var_count >= JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS) {
        // XXX: add_closure_var() should take JSParseState *s and use js_parse_error
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "too many closure variables used (only %d allowed)",
                            JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS - 1);
        return -1;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&s->closure_var,
                        &s->closure_var_size, s->closure_var_count + 1))
        return -1;
    cv = &s->closure_var[s->closure_var_count++];
    cv->is_local = is_local;
    cv->is_arg = is_arg;
    cv->is_const = is_const;
    cv->is_lexical = is_lexical;
    cv->var_kind = var_kind;
    cv->var_idx = var_idx;
    cv->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name);
    return s->closure_var_count - 1;

static int find_closure_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                            JSAtom var_name)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < s->closure_var_count; i++) {
        JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[i];
        if (cv->var_name == var_name)
            return i;
    return -1;

/* 'fd' must be a parent of 's'. Create in 's' a closure referencing a
   local variable (is_local = TRUE) or a closure (is_local = FALSE) in
   'fd' */
static int get_closure_var2(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                            JSFunctionDef *fd, BOOL is_local,
                            BOOL is_arg, int var_idx, JSAtom var_name,
                            BOOL is_const, BOOL is_lexical,
                            JSVarKindEnum var_kind)
    int i;

    if (fd != s->parent) {
        var_idx = get_closure_var2(ctx, s->parent, fd, is_local,
                                   is_arg, var_idx, var_name,
                                   is_const, is_lexical, var_kind);
        if (var_idx < 0)
            return -1;
        is_local = FALSE;
    for(i = 0; i < s->closure_var_count; i++) {
        JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[i];
        if (cv->var_idx == var_idx && cv->is_arg == is_arg &&
            cv->is_local == is_local)
            return i;
    return add_closure_var(ctx, s, is_local, is_arg, var_idx, var_name,
                           is_const, is_lexical, var_kind);

static int get_closure_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                           JSFunctionDef *fd, BOOL is_arg,
                           int var_idx, JSAtom var_name,
                           BOOL is_const, BOOL is_lexical,
                           JSVarKindEnum var_kind)
    return get_closure_var2(ctx, s, fd, TRUE, is_arg,
                            var_idx, var_name, is_const, is_lexical,

static int get_with_scope_opcode(int op)
    if (op == OP_scope_get_var_undef)
        return OP_with_get_var;
        return OP_with_get_var + (op - OP_scope_get_var);

static BOOL can_opt_put_ref_value(const uint8_t *bc_buf, int pos)
    int opcode = bc_buf[pos];
    return (bc_buf[pos + 1] == OP_put_ref_value &&
            (opcode == OP_insert3 ||
             opcode == OP_perm4 ||
             opcode == OP_nop ||
             opcode == OP_rot3l));

static BOOL can_opt_put_global_ref_value(const uint8_t *bc_buf, int pos)
    int opcode = bc_buf[pos];
    return (bc_buf[pos + 1] == OP_put_ref_value &&
            (opcode == OP_insert3 ||
             opcode == OP_perm4 ||
             opcode == OP_nop ||
             opcode == OP_rot3l));

static int optimize_scope_make_ref(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                                   DynBuf *bc, uint8_t *bc_buf,
                                   LabelSlot *ls, int pos_next,
                                   int get_op, int var_idx)
    int label_pos, end_pos, pos;

    /* XXX: should optimize `loc(a) += expr` as `expr add_loc(a)`
       but only if expr does not modify `a`.
       should scan the code between pos_next and label_pos
       for operations that can potentially change `a`:
       OP_scope_make_ref(a), function calls, jumps and gosub.
    /* replace the reference get/put with normal variable
       accesses */
    if (bc_buf[pos_next] == OP_get_ref_value) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, get_op);
        dbuf_put_u16(bc, var_idx);
    /* remove the OP_label to make room for replacement */
    /* label should have a refcount of 0 anyway */
    /* XXX: should avoid this patch by inserting nops in phase 1 */
    label_pos = ls->pos;
    pos = label_pos - 5;
    assert(bc_buf[pos] == OP_label);
    /* label points to an instruction pair:
       - insert3 / put_ref_value
       - perm4 / put_ref_value
       - rot3l / put_ref_value
       - nop / put_ref_value
    end_pos = label_pos + 2;
    if (bc_buf[label_pos] == OP_insert3)
        bc_buf[pos++] = OP_dup;
    bc_buf[pos] = get_op + 1;
    put_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1, var_idx);
    pos += 3;
    /* pad with OP_nop */
    while (pos < end_pos)
        bc_buf[pos++] = OP_nop;
    return pos_next;

static int optimize_scope_make_global_ref(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                                          DynBuf *bc, uint8_t *bc_buf,
                                          LabelSlot *ls, int pos_next,
                                          JSAtom var_name)
    int label_pos, end_pos, pos, op;
    BOOL is_strict;
    is_strict = ((s->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) != 0);

    /* replace the reference get/put with normal variable
       accesses */
    if (is_strict) {
        /* need to check if the variable exists before evaluating the right
           expression */
        /* XXX: need an extra OP_true if destructuring an array */
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_check_var);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    } else {
        /* XXX: need 2 extra OP_true if destructuring an array */
    if (bc_buf[pos_next] == OP_get_ref_value) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    /* remove the OP_label to make room for replacement */
    /* label should have a refcount of 0 anyway */
    /* XXX: should have emitted several OP_nop to avoid this kludge */
    label_pos = ls->pos;
    pos = label_pos - 5;
    assert(bc_buf[pos] == OP_label);
    end_pos = label_pos + 2;
    op = bc_buf[label_pos];
    if (is_strict) {
        if (op != OP_nop) {
            switch(op) {
            case OP_insert3:
                op = OP_insert2;
            case OP_perm4:
                op = OP_perm3;
            case OP_rot3l:
                op = OP_swap;
            bc_buf[pos++] = op;
    } else {
        if (op == OP_insert3)
            bc_buf[pos++] = OP_dup;
    if (is_strict) {
        bc_buf[pos] = OP_put_var_strict;
        /* XXX: need 1 extra OP_drop if destructuring an array */
    } else {
        bc_buf[pos] = OP_put_var;
        /* XXX: need 2 extra OP_drop if destructuring an array */
    put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    pos += 5;
    /* pad with OP_nop */
    while (pos < end_pos)
        bc_buf[pos++] = OP_nop;
    return pos_next;

static int add_var_this(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd)
    int idx;
    idx = add_var(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_this);
    if (idx >= 0 && fd->is_derived_class_constructor) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[idx];
        /* XXX: should have is_this flag or var type */
        vd->is_lexical = 1; /* used to trigger 'uninitialized' checks
                               in a derived class constructor */
    return idx;

static int resolve_pseudo_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                               JSAtom var_name)
    int var_idx;

    if (!s->has_this_binding)
        return -1;
    switch(var_name) {
    case JS_ATOM_home_object:
        /* 'home_object' pseudo variable */
        if (s->home_object_var_idx < 0)
            s->home_object_var_idx = add_var(ctx, s, var_name);
        var_idx = s->home_object_var_idx;
    case JS_ATOM_this_active_func:
        /* 'this.active_func' pseudo variable */
        if (s->this_active_func_var_idx < 0)
            s->this_active_func_var_idx = add_var(ctx, s, var_name);
        var_idx = s->this_active_func_var_idx;
    case JS_ATOM_new_target:
        /* 'new.target' pseudo variable */
        if (s->new_target_var_idx < 0)
            s->new_target_var_idx = add_var(ctx, s, var_name);
        var_idx = s->new_target_var_idx;
    case JS_ATOM_this:
        /* 'this' pseudo variable */
        if (s->this_var_idx < 0)
            s->this_var_idx = add_var_this(ctx, s);
        var_idx = s->this_var_idx;
        var_idx = -1;
    return var_idx;

/* test if 'var_name' is in the variable object on the stack. If is it
   the case, handle it and jump to 'label_done' */
static void var_object_test(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                            JSAtom var_name, int op, DynBuf *bc,
                            int *plabel_done, BOOL is_with)
    dbuf_putc(bc, get_with_scope_opcode(op));
    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    *plabel_done = new_label_fd(s, *plabel_done);
    dbuf_put_u32(bc, *plabel_done);
    dbuf_putc(bc, is_with);
    update_label(s, *plabel_done, 1);

/* return the position of the next opcode */
static int resolve_scope_var(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                             JSAtom var_name, int scope_level, int op,
                             DynBuf *bc, uint8_t *bc_buf,
                             LabelSlot *ls, int pos_next)
    int idx, var_idx, is_put;
    int label_done;
    JSFunctionDef *fd;
    JSVarDef *vd;
    BOOL is_pseudo_var, is_arg_scope;

    label_done = -1;

    /* XXX: could be simpler to use a specific function to
       resolve the pseudo variables */
    is_pseudo_var = (var_name == JS_ATOM_home_object ||
                     var_name == JS_ATOM_this_active_func ||
                     var_name == JS_ATOM_new_target ||
                     var_name == JS_ATOM_this);

    /* resolve local scoped variables */
    var_idx = -1;
    for (idx = s->scopes[scope_level].first; idx >= 0;) {
        vd = &s->vars[idx];
        if (vd->var_name == var_name) {
            if (op == OP_scope_put_var || op == OP_scope_make_ref) {
                if (vd->is_const) {
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_throw_error);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                    dbuf_putc(bc, JS_THROW_VAR_RO);
                    goto done;
            var_idx = idx;
        } else
        if (vd->var_name == JS_ATOM__with_ && !is_pseudo_var) {
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc);
            dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
            var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, 1);
        idx = vd->scope_next;
    is_arg_scope = (idx == ARG_SCOPE_END);
    if (var_idx < 0) {
        /* argument scope: variables are not visible but pseudo
           variables are visible */
        if (!is_arg_scope) {
            var_idx = find_var(ctx, s, var_name);

        if (var_idx < 0 && is_pseudo_var)
            var_idx = resolve_pseudo_var(ctx, s, var_name);

        if (var_idx < 0 && var_name == JS_ATOM_arguments &&
            s->has_arguments_binding) {
            /* 'arguments' pseudo variable */
            var_idx = add_arguments_var(ctx, s);
        if (var_idx < 0 && s->is_func_expr && var_name == s->func_name) {
            /* add a new variable with the function name */
            var_idx = add_func_var(ctx, s, var_name);
    if (var_idx >= 0) {
        if ((op == OP_scope_put_var || op == OP_scope_make_ref) &&
            !(var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) &&
            s->vars[var_idx].is_const) {
            /* only happens when assigning a function expression name
               in strict mode */
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_throw_error);
            dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
            dbuf_putc(bc, JS_THROW_VAR_RO);
            goto done;
        /* OP_scope_put_var_init is only used to initialize a
           lexical variable, so it is never used in a with or var object. It
           can be used with a closure (module global variable case). */
        switch (op) {
        case OP_scope_make_ref:
            if (!(var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) &&
                s->vars[var_idx].var_kind == JS_VAR_FUNCTION_NAME) {
                /* Create a dummy object reference for the func_var */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_object);
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, var_idx);
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_define_field);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_push_atom_value);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
            } else
            if (label_done == -1 && can_opt_put_ref_value(bc_buf, ls->pos)) {
                int get_op;
                if (var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) {
                    get_op = OP_get_arg;
                    var_idx -= ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET;
                } else {
                    if (s->vars[var_idx].is_lexical)
                        get_op = OP_get_loc_check;
                        get_op = OP_get_loc;
                pos_next = optimize_scope_make_ref(ctx, s, bc, bc_buf, ls,
                                                   pos_next, get_op, var_idx);
            } else {
                /* Create a dummy object with a named slot that is
                   a reference to the local variable */
                if (var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) {
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_make_arg_ref);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                    dbuf_put_u16(bc, var_idx - ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET);
                } else {
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_make_loc_ref);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                    dbuf_put_u16(bc, var_idx);
        case OP_scope_get_ref:
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_undefined);
            /* fall thru */
        case OP_scope_get_var_undef:
        case OP_scope_get_var:
        case OP_scope_put_var:
        case OP_scope_put_var_init:
            is_put = (op == OP_scope_put_var || op == OP_scope_put_var_init);
            if (var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_arg + is_put);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, var_idx - ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET);
            } else {
                if (is_put) {
                    if (s->vars[var_idx].is_lexical) {
                        if (op == OP_scope_put_var_init) {
                            /* 'this' can only be initialized once */
                            if (var_name == JS_ATOM_this)
                                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_loc_check_init);
                                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_loc);
                        } else {
                            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_loc_check);
                    } else {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_loc);
                } else {
                    if (s->vars[var_idx].is_lexical) {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc_check);
                    } else {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, var_idx);
        case OP_scope_delete_var:
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_push_false);
        goto done;
    /* check eval object */
    if (!is_arg_scope && s->var_object_idx >= 0 && !is_pseudo_var) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc);
        dbuf_put_u16(bc, s->var_object_idx);
        var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, 0);
    /* check eval object in argument scope */
    if (s->arg_var_object_idx >= 0 && !is_pseudo_var) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc);
        dbuf_put_u16(bc, s->arg_var_object_idx);
        var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, 0);

    /* check parent scopes */
    for (fd = s; fd->parent;) {
        scope_level = fd->parent_scope_level;
        fd = fd->parent;
        for (idx = fd->scopes[scope_level].first; idx >= 0;) {
            vd = &fd->vars[idx];
            if (vd->var_name == var_name) {
                if (op == OP_scope_put_var || op == OP_scope_make_ref) {
                    if (vd->is_const) {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_throw_error);
                        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                        dbuf_putc(bc, JS_THROW_VAR_RO);
                        goto done;
                var_idx = idx;
            } else if (vd->var_name == JS_ATOM__with_ && !is_pseudo_var) {
                vd->is_captured = 1;
                idx = get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd, FALSE, idx, vd->var_name, FALSE, FALSE, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
                if (idx >= 0) {
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
                    dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
                    var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, 1);
            idx = vd->scope_next;
        is_arg_scope = (idx == ARG_SCOPE_END);
        if (var_idx >= 0)

        if (!is_arg_scope) {
            var_idx = find_var(ctx, fd, var_name);
            if (var_idx >= 0)
        if (is_pseudo_var) {
            var_idx = resolve_pseudo_var(ctx, fd, var_name);
            if (var_idx >= 0)
        if (var_name == JS_ATOM_arguments && fd->has_arguments_binding) {
            var_idx = add_arguments_var(ctx, fd);
        if (fd->is_func_expr && fd->func_name == var_name) {
            /* add a new variable with the function name */
            var_idx = add_func_var(ctx, fd, var_name);

        /* check eval object */
        if (!is_arg_scope && fd->var_object_idx >= 0 && !is_pseudo_var) {
            vd = &fd->vars[fd->var_object_idx];
            vd->is_captured = 1;
            idx = get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd, FALSE,
                                  fd->var_object_idx, vd->var_name,
                                  FALSE, FALSE, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
            dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
            var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, 0);

        /* check eval object in argument scope */
        if (fd->arg_var_object_idx >= 0 && !is_pseudo_var) {
            vd = &fd->vars[fd->arg_var_object_idx];
            vd->is_captured = 1;
            idx = get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd, FALSE,
                                  fd->arg_var_object_idx, vd->var_name,
                                  FALSE, FALSE, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
            dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
            var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, 0);

        if (fd->is_eval)
            break; /* it it necessarily the top level function */

    /* check direct eval scope (in the closure of the eval function
       which is necessarily at the top level) */
    if (!fd)
        fd = s;
    if (var_idx < 0 && fd->is_eval) {
        int idx1;
        for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < fd->closure_var_count; idx1++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &fd->closure_var[idx1];
            if (var_name == cv->var_name) {
                if (fd != s) {
                    idx = get_closure_var2(ctx, s, fd,
                                           cv->is_arg, idx1,
                                           cv->var_name, cv->is_const,
                                           cv->is_lexical, cv->var_kind);
                } else {
                    idx = idx1;
                goto has_idx;
            } else if ((cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__var_ ||
                        cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__arg_var_ ||
                        cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__with_) && !is_pseudo_var) {
                int is_with = (cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__with_);
                if (fd != s) {
                    idx = get_closure_var2(ctx, s, fd,
                                           cv->is_arg, idx1,
                                           cv->var_name, FALSE, FALSE,
                } else {
                    idx = idx1;
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
                var_object_test(ctx, s, var_name, op, bc, &label_done, is_with);

    if (var_idx >= 0) {
        /* find the corresponding closure variable */
        if (var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) {
            fd->args[var_idx - ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET].is_captured = 1;
            idx = get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd,
                                  TRUE, var_idx - ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET,
                                  var_name, FALSE, FALSE, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
        } else {
            fd->vars[var_idx].is_captured = 1;
            idx = get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd,
                                  FALSE, var_idx,
        if (idx >= 0) {
            if ((op == OP_scope_put_var || op == OP_scope_make_ref) &&
                s->closure_var[idx].is_const) {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_throw_error);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                dbuf_putc(bc, JS_THROW_VAR_RO);
                goto done;
            switch (op) {
            case OP_scope_make_ref:
                if (s->closure_var[idx].var_kind == JS_VAR_FUNCTION_NAME) {
                    /* Create a dummy object reference for the func_var */
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_object);
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
                    dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_define_field);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_push_atom_value);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                } else
                if (label_done == -1 &&
                    can_opt_put_ref_value(bc_buf, ls->pos)) {
                    int get_op;
                    if (s->closure_var[idx].is_lexical)
                        get_op = OP_get_var_ref_check;
                        get_op = OP_get_var_ref;
                    pos_next = optimize_scope_make_ref(ctx, s, bc, bc_buf, ls,
                                                       get_op, idx);
                } else {
                    /* Create a dummy object with a named slot that is
                       a reference to the closure variable */
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_make_var_ref_ref);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
                    dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
            case OP_scope_get_ref:
                /* XXX: should create a dummy object with a named slot that is
                   a reference to the closure variable */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_undefined);
                /* fall thru */
            case OP_scope_get_var_undef:
            case OP_scope_get_var:
            case OP_scope_put_var:
            case OP_scope_put_var_init:
                is_put = (op == OP_scope_put_var ||
                          op == OP_scope_put_var_init);
                if (is_put) {
                    if (s->closure_var[idx].is_lexical) {
                        if (op == OP_scope_put_var_init) {
                            /* 'this' can only be initialized once */
                            if (var_name == JS_ATOM_this)
                                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var_ref_check_init);
                                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var_ref);
                        } else {
                            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var_ref_check);
                    } else {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var_ref);
                } else {
                    if (s->closure_var[idx].is_lexical) {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref_check);
                    } else {
                        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
            case OP_scope_delete_var:
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_push_false);
            goto done;

    /* global variable access */

    switch (op) {
    case OP_scope_make_ref:
        if (label_done == -1 && can_opt_put_global_ref_value(bc_buf, ls->pos)) {
            pos_next = optimize_scope_make_global_ref(ctx, s, bc, bc_buf, ls,
                                                      pos_next, var_name);
        } else {
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_make_var_ref);
            dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    case OP_scope_get_ref:
        /* XXX: should create a dummy object with a named slot that is
           a reference to the global variable */
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_undefined);
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    case OP_scope_get_var_undef:
    case OP_scope_get_var:
    case OP_scope_put_var:
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_undef + (op - OP_scope_get_var_undef));
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    case OP_scope_put_var_init:
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var_init);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    case OP_scope_delete_var:
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_delete_var);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
    if (label_done >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_label);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, label_done);
        s->label_slots[label_done].pos2 = bc->size;
    return pos_next;

/* search in all scopes */
static int find_private_class_field_all(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                                        JSAtom name, int scope_level)
    int idx;

    idx = fd->scopes[scope_level].first;
    while (idx >= 0) {
        if (fd->vars[idx].var_name == name)
            return idx;
        idx = fd->vars[idx].scope_next;
    return -1;

static void get_loc_or_ref(DynBuf *bc, BOOL is_ref, int idx)
    /* if the field is not initialized, the error is catched when
       accessing it */
    if (is_ref)
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_loc);
    dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);

static int resolve_scope_private_field1(JSContext *ctx,
                                        BOOL *pis_ref, int *pvar_kind,
                                        JSFunctionDef *s,
                                        JSAtom var_name, int scope_level)
    int idx, var_kind;
    JSFunctionDef *fd;
    BOOL is_ref;

    fd = s;
    is_ref = FALSE;
    for(;;) {
        idx = find_private_class_field_all(ctx, fd, var_name, scope_level);
        if (idx >= 0) {
            var_kind = fd->vars[idx].var_kind;
            if (is_ref) {
                idx = get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd, FALSE, idx, var_name,
                                      TRUE, TRUE, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
                if (idx < 0)
                    return -1;
        scope_level = fd->parent_scope_level;
        if (!fd->parent) {
            if (fd->is_eval) {
                /* closure of the eval function (top level) */
                for (idx = 0; idx < fd->closure_var_count; idx++) {
                    JSClosureVar *cv = &fd->closure_var[idx];
                    if (cv->var_name == var_name) {
                        var_kind = cv->var_kind;
                        is_ref = TRUE;
                        if (fd != s) {
                            idx = get_closure_var2(ctx, s, fd,
                                                   cv->is_arg, idx,
                                                   cv->var_name, cv->is_const,
                            if (idx < 0)
                                return -1;
                        goto done;
            /* XXX: no line number info */
            // XXX: resolve_scope_private_field1() should take JSParseState *s and use js_parse_error_atom
            JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(ctx, "undefined private field '%s'",
            return -1;
        } else {
            fd = fd->parent;
        is_ref = TRUE;
    *pis_ref = is_ref;
    *pvar_kind = var_kind;
    return idx;

/* return 0 if OK or -1 if the private field could not be resolved */
static int resolve_scope_private_field(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                                       JSAtom var_name, int scope_level, int op,
                                       DynBuf *bc)
    int idx, var_kind;
    BOOL is_ref;

    idx = resolve_scope_private_field1(ctx, &is_ref, &var_kind, s,
                                       var_name, scope_level);
    if (idx < 0)
        return -1;
    assert(var_kind != JS_VAR_NORMAL);
    switch (op) {
    case OP_scope_get_private_field:
    case OP_scope_get_private_field2:
        switch(var_kind) {
        case JS_VAR_PRIVATE_FIELD:
            if (op == OP_scope_get_private_field2)
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_dup);
            get_loc_or_ref(bc, is_ref, idx);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_private_field);
            get_loc_or_ref(bc, is_ref, idx);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_check_brand);
            if (op != OP_scope_get_private_field2)
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_nip);
            if (op == OP_scope_get_private_field2)
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_dup);
            get_loc_or_ref(bc, is_ref, idx);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_check_brand);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_call_method);
            dbuf_put_u16(bc, 0);
            /* XXX: add clearer error message */
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_throw_error);
            dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
            dbuf_putc(bc, JS_THROW_VAR_RO);
    case OP_scope_put_private_field:
        switch(var_kind) {
        case JS_VAR_PRIVATE_FIELD:
            get_loc_or_ref(bc, is_ref, idx);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_private_field);
            /* XXX: add clearer error message */
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_throw_error);
            dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, var_name));
            dbuf_putc(bc, JS_THROW_VAR_RO);
                JSAtom setter_name = get_private_setter_name(ctx, var_name);
                if (setter_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                    return -1;
                idx = resolve_scope_private_field1(ctx, &is_ref,
                                                   &var_kind, s,
                                                   setter_name, scope_level);
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, setter_name);
                if (idx < 0)
                    return -1;
                assert(var_kind == JS_VAR_PRIVATE_SETTER);
                get_loc_or_ref(bc, is_ref, idx);
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_swap);
                /* obj func value */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_rot3r);
                /* value obj func */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_check_brand);
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_rot3l);
                /* obj func value */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_call_method);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, 1);
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_drop);
    return 0;

static void mark_eval_captured_variables(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                                         int scope_level)
    int idx;
    JSVarDef *vd;

    for (idx = s->scopes[scope_level].first; idx >= 0;) {
        vd = &s->vars[idx];
        vd->is_captured = 1;
        idx = vd->scope_next;

/* XXX: should handle the argument scope generically */
static BOOL is_var_in_arg_scope(const JSVarDef *vd)
    return (vd->var_name == JS_ATOM_home_object ||
            vd->var_name == JS_ATOM_this_active_func ||
            vd->var_name == JS_ATOM_new_target ||
            vd->var_name == JS_ATOM_this ||
            vd->var_name == JS_ATOM__arg_var_ ||
            vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_FUNCTION_NAME);

static void add_eval_variables(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s)
    JSFunctionDef *fd;
    JSVarDef *vd;
    int i, scope_level, scope_idx;
    BOOL has_arguments_binding, has_this_binding, is_arg_scope;

    /* in non strict mode, variables are created in the caller's
       environment object */
    if (!s->is_eval && !(s->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) {
        s->var_object_idx = add_var(ctx, s, JS_ATOM__var_);
        if (s->has_parameter_expressions) {
            /* an additional variable object is needed for the
               argument scope */
            s->arg_var_object_idx = add_var(ctx, s, JS_ATOM__arg_var_);

    /* eval can potentially use 'arguments' so we must define it */
    has_this_binding = s->has_this_binding;
    if (has_this_binding) {
        if (s->this_var_idx < 0)
            s->this_var_idx = add_var_this(ctx, s);
        if (s->new_target_var_idx < 0)
            s->new_target_var_idx = add_var(ctx, s, JS_ATOM_new_target);
        if (s->is_derived_class_constructor && s->this_active_func_var_idx < 0)
            s->this_active_func_var_idx = add_var(ctx, s, JS_ATOM_this_active_func);
        if (s->has_home_object && s->home_object_var_idx < 0)
            s->home_object_var_idx = add_var(ctx, s, JS_ATOM_home_object);
    has_arguments_binding = s->has_arguments_binding;
    if (has_arguments_binding) {
        add_arguments_var(ctx, s);
        /* also add an arguments binding in the argument scope to
           raise an error if a direct eval in the argument scope tries
           to redefine it */
        if (s->has_parameter_expressions && !(s->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT))
            add_arguments_arg(ctx, s);
    if (s->is_func_expr && s->func_name != JS_ATOM_NULL)
        add_func_var(ctx, s, s->func_name);

    /* eval can use all the variables of the enclosing functions, so
       they must be all put in the closure. The closure variables are
       ordered by scope. It works only because no closure are created
       before. */
    assert(s->is_eval || s->closure_var_count == 0);

    /* XXX: inefficient, but eval performance is less critical */
    fd = s;
    for(;;) {
        scope_level = fd->parent_scope_level;
        fd = fd->parent;
        if (!fd)
        /* add 'this' if it was not previously added */
        if (!has_this_binding && fd->has_this_binding) {
            if (fd->this_var_idx < 0)
                fd->this_var_idx = add_var_this(ctx, fd);
            if (fd->new_target_var_idx < 0)
                fd->new_target_var_idx = add_var(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_new_target);
            if (fd->is_derived_class_constructor && fd->this_active_func_var_idx < 0)
                fd->this_active_func_var_idx = add_var(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_this_active_func);
            if (fd->has_home_object && fd->home_object_var_idx < 0)
                fd->home_object_var_idx = add_var(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_home_object);
            has_this_binding = TRUE;
        /* add 'arguments' if it was not previously added */
        if (!has_arguments_binding && fd->has_arguments_binding) {
            add_arguments_var(ctx, fd);
            has_arguments_binding = TRUE;
        /* add function name */
        if (fd->is_func_expr && fd->func_name != JS_ATOM_NULL)
            add_func_var(ctx, fd, fd->func_name);

        /* add lexical variables */
        scope_idx = fd->scopes[scope_level].first;
        while (scope_idx >= 0) {
            vd = &fd->vars[scope_idx];
            vd->is_captured = 1;
            get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd, FALSE, scope_idx,
                            vd->var_name, vd->is_const, vd->is_lexical, vd->var_kind);
            scope_idx = vd->scope_next;
        is_arg_scope = (scope_idx == ARG_SCOPE_END);
        if (!is_arg_scope) {
            /* add unscoped variables */
            /* XXX: propagate is_const and var_kind too ? */
            for(i = 0; i < fd->arg_count; i++) {
                vd = &fd->args[i];
                if (vd->var_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd,
                                    TRUE, i, vd->var_name, FALSE,
                                    vd->is_lexical, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
            for(i = 0; i < fd->var_count; i++) {
                vd = &fd->vars[i];
                /* do not close top level last result */
                if (vd->scope_level == 0 &&
                    vd->var_name != JS_ATOM__ret_ &&
                    vd->var_name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd,
                                    FALSE, i, vd->var_name, FALSE,
                                    vd->is_lexical, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
        } else {
            for(i = 0; i < fd->var_count; i++) {
                vd = &fd->vars[i];
                /* do not close top level last result */
                if (vd->scope_level == 0 && is_var_in_arg_scope(vd)) {
                    get_closure_var(ctx, s, fd,
                                    FALSE, i, vd->var_name, FALSE,
                                    vd->is_lexical, JS_VAR_NORMAL);
        if (fd->is_eval) {
            int idx;
            /* add direct eval variables (we are necessarily at the
               top level) */
            for (idx = 0; idx < fd->closure_var_count; idx++) {
                JSClosureVar *cv = &fd->closure_var[idx];
                get_closure_var2(ctx, s, fd,
                                 FALSE, cv->is_arg,
                                 idx, cv->var_name, cv->is_const,
                                 cv->is_lexical, cv->var_kind);

static void set_closure_from_var(JSContext *ctx, JSClosureVar *cv,
                                 JSVarDef *vd, int var_idx)
    cv->is_local = TRUE;
    cv->is_arg = FALSE;
    cv->is_const = vd->is_const;
    cv->is_lexical = vd->is_lexical;
    cv->var_kind = vd->var_kind;
    cv->var_idx = var_idx;
    cv->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, vd->var_name);

/* for direct eval compilation: add references to the variables of the
   calling function */
static __exception int add_closure_variables(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s,
                                             JSFunctionBytecode *b, int scope_idx)
    int i, count;
    JSVarDef *vd;
    BOOL is_arg_scope;

    count = b->arg_count + b->var_count + b->closure_var_count;
    s->closure_var = NULL;
    s->closure_var_count = 0;
    s->closure_var_size = count;
    if (count == 0)
        return 0;
    s->closure_var = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(s->closure_var[0]) * count);
    if (!s->closure_var)
        return -1;
    /* Add lexical variables in scope at the point of evaluation */
    for (i = scope_idx; i >= 0;) {
        vd = &b->vardefs[b->arg_count + i];
        if (vd->scope_level > 0) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[s->closure_var_count++];
            set_closure_from_var(ctx, cv, vd, i);
        i = vd->scope_next;
    is_arg_scope = (i == ARG_SCOPE_END);
    if (!is_arg_scope) {
        /* Add argument variables */
        for(i = 0; i < b->arg_count; i++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[s->closure_var_count++];
            vd = &b->vardefs[i];
            cv->is_local = TRUE;
            cv->is_arg = TRUE;
            cv->is_const = FALSE;
            cv->is_lexical = FALSE;
            cv->var_kind = JS_VAR_NORMAL;
            cv->var_idx = i;
            cv->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, vd->var_name);
        /* Add local non lexical variables */
        for(i = 0; i < b->var_count; i++) {
            vd = &b->vardefs[b->arg_count + i];
            if (vd->scope_level == 0 && vd->var_name != JS_ATOM__ret_) {
                JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[s->closure_var_count++];
                set_closure_from_var(ctx, cv, vd, i);
    } else {
        /* only add pseudo variables */
        for(i = 0; i < b->var_count; i++) {
            vd = &b->vardefs[b->arg_count + i];
            if (vd->scope_level == 0 && is_var_in_arg_scope(vd)) {
                JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[s->closure_var_count++];
                set_closure_from_var(ctx, cv, vd, i);
    for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
        JSClosureVar *cv0 = &b->closure_var[i];
        JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[s->closure_var_count++];
        cv->is_local = FALSE;
        cv->is_arg = cv0->is_arg;
        cv->is_const = cv0->is_const;
        cv->is_lexical = cv0->is_lexical;
        cv->var_kind = cv0->var_kind;
        cv->var_idx = i;
        cv->var_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, cv0->var_name);
    return 0;

typedef struct CodeContext {
    const uint8_t *bc_buf; /* code buffer */
    int bc_len;   /* length of the code buffer */
    int pos;      /* position past the matched code pattern */
    int line_num; /* last visited OP_source_loc parameter or -1 */
    int col_num;  /* last visited OP_source_loc parameter or -1 */
    int op;
    int idx;
    int label;
    int val;
    JSAtom atom;
} CodeContext;

#define M2(op1, op2)            ((uint32_t)(op1) | ((uint32_t)(op2) << 8))
#define M3(op1, op2, op3)       ((uint32_t)(op1) | ((uint32_t)(op2) << 8) | ((uint32_t)(op3) << 16))
#define M4(op1, op2, op3, op4)  ((uint32_t)(op1) | ((uint32_t)(op2) << 8) | ((uint32_t)(op3) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(op4) << 24))

static BOOL code_match(CodeContext *s, int pos, ...)
    const uint8_t *tab = s->bc_buf;
    int op, len, op1, line_num, col_num, pos_next;
    va_list ap;
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    line_num = -1;
    col_num = -1;
    va_start(ap, pos);

    for(;;) {
        op1 = va_arg(ap, int);
        if (op1 == -1) {
            s->pos = pos;
            s->line_num = line_num;
            s->col_num = col_num;
            ret = TRUE;
        for (;;) {
            if (pos >= s->bc_len)
                goto done;
            op = tab[pos];
            len = opcode_info[op].size;
            pos_next = pos + len;
            if (pos_next > s->bc_len)
                goto done;
            if (op == OP_source_loc) {
                line_num = get_u32(tab + pos + 1);
                col_num = get_u32(tab + pos + 5);
                pos = pos_next;
            } else {
        if (op != op1) {
            if (op1 == (uint8_t)op1 || !op)
            if (op != (uint8_t)op1
            &&  op != (uint8_t)(op1 >> 8)
            &&  op != (uint8_t)(op1 >> 16)
            &&  op != (uint8_t)(op1 >> 24)) {
            s->op = op;

        switch(opcode_info[op].fmt) {
        case OP_FMT_loc8:
        case OP_FMT_u8:
                int idx = tab[pos];
                int arg = va_arg(ap, int);
                if (arg == -1) {
                    s->idx = idx;
                } else {
                    if (arg != idx)
                        goto done;
        case OP_FMT_u16:
        case OP_FMT_npop:
        case OP_FMT_loc:
        case OP_FMT_arg:
        case OP_FMT_var_ref:
                int idx = get_u16(tab + pos);
                int arg = va_arg(ap, int);
                if (arg == -1) {
                    s->idx = idx;
                } else {
                    if (arg != idx)
                        goto done;
        case OP_FMT_i32:
        case OP_FMT_u32:
        case OP_FMT_label:
        case OP_FMT_const:
                s->label = get_u32(tab + pos);
        case OP_FMT_label_u16:
                s->label = get_u32(tab + pos);
                s->val = get_u16(tab + pos + 4);
        case OP_FMT_atom:
                s->atom = get_u32(tab + pos);
        case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
                s->atom = get_u32(tab + pos);
                s->val = get_u8(tab + pos + 4);
        case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
                s->atom = get_u32(tab + pos);
                s->val = get_u16(tab + pos + 4);
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
                s->atom = get_u32(tab + pos);
                s->label = get_u32(tab + pos + 4);
                s->val = get_u8(tab + pos + 8);
        pos = pos_next;
    return ret;

static void instantiate_hoisted_definitions(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s, DynBuf *bc)
    int i, idx, label_next = -1;

    /* add the hoisted functions in arguments and local variables */
    for(i = 0; i < s->arg_count; i++) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &s->args[i];
        if (vd->func_pool_idx >= 0) {
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_fclosure);
            dbuf_put_u32(bc, vd->func_pool_idx);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_arg);
            dbuf_put_u16(bc, i);
    for(i = 0; i < s->var_count; i++) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &s->vars[i];
        if (vd->scope_level == 0 && vd->func_pool_idx >= 0) {
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_fclosure);
            dbuf_put_u32(bc, vd->func_pool_idx);
            dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_loc);
            dbuf_put_u16(bc, i);

    /* the module global variables must be initialized before
       evaluating the module so that the exported functions are
       visible if there are cyclic module references */
    if (s->module) {
        label_next = new_label_fd(s, -1);

        /* if 'this' is true, initialize the global variables and return */
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_push_this);
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_if_false);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, label_next);
        update_label(s, label_next, 1);

    /* add the global variables (only happens if s->is_global_var is
       true) */
    for(i = 0; i < s->global_var_count; i++) {
        JSGlobalVar *hf = &s->global_vars[i];
        int has_closure = 0;
        BOOL force_init = hf->force_init;
        /* we are in an eval, so the closure contains all the
           enclosing variables */
        /* If the outer function has a variable environment,
           create a property for the variable there */
        for(idx = 0; idx < s->closure_var_count; idx++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[idx];
            if (cv->var_name == hf->var_name) {
                has_closure = 2;
                force_init = FALSE;
            if (cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__var_ ||
                cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__arg_var_) {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_get_var_ref);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
                has_closure = 1;
                force_init = TRUE;
        if (!has_closure) {
            int flags;

            flags = 0;
            if (s->eval_type != JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL)
                flags |= JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE;
            if (hf->cpool_idx >= 0 && !hf->is_lexical) {
                /* global function definitions need a specific handling */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_fclosure);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, hf->cpool_idx);

                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_define_func);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, hf->var_name));
                dbuf_putc(bc, flags);

                goto done_global_var;
            } else {
                if (hf->is_lexical) {
                    flags |= DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR;
                    if (!hf->is_const)
                        flags |= JS_PROP_WRITABLE;
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_define_var);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, hf->var_name));
                dbuf_putc(bc, flags);
        if (hf->cpool_idx >= 0 || force_init) {
            if (hf->cpool_idx >= 0) {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_fclosure);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, hf->cpool_idx);
                if (hf->var_name == JS_ATOM__default_) {
                    /* set default export function name */
                    dbuf_putc(bc, OP_set_name);
                    dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, JS_ATOM_default));
            } else {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_undefined);
            if (has_closure == 2) {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var_ref);
                dbuf_put_u16(bc, idx);
            } else if (has_closure == 1) {
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_define_field);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, hf->var_name));
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_drop);
            } else {
                /* XXX: Check if variable is writable and enumerable */
                dbuf_putc(bc, OP_put_var);
                dbuf_put_u32(bc, JS_DupAtom(ctx, hf->var_name));
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, hf->var_name);

    if (s->module) {
        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_return_undef);

        dbuf_putc(bc, OP_label);
        dbuf_put_u32(bc, label_next);
        s->label_slots[label_next].pos2 = bc->size;

    js_free(ctx, s->global_vars);
    s->global_vars = NULL;
    s->global_var_count = 0;
    s->global_var_size = 0;

static int skip_dead_code(JSFunctionDef *s, const uint8_t *bc_buf, int bc_len,
                          int pos, int *linep, int *colp)
    int op, len, label;

    for (; pos < bc_len; pos += len) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = opcode_info[op].size;
        if (op == OP_source_loc) {
            *linep = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            *colp = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
        } else if (op == OP_label) {
            label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (update_label(s, label, 0) > 0)
            assert(s->label_slots[label].first_reloc == NULL);
        } else {
            /* XXX: output a warning for unreachable code? */
            JSAtom atom;
            switch(opcode_info[op].fmt) {
            case OP_FMT_label:
            case OP_FMT_label_u16:
                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                update_label(s, label, -1);
            case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
            case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
                update_label(s, label, -1);
                /* fall thru */
            case OP_FMT_atom:
            case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
            case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
                atom = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, atom);
    return pos;

static int get_label_pos(JSFunctionDef *s, int label)
    int i, pos;
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        pos = s->label_slots[label].pos;
        for (;;) {
            switch (s->byte_code.buf[pos]) {
            case OP_source_loc:
                pos += 9;
            case OP_label:
                pos += 5;
            case OP_goto:
                label = get_u32(s->byte_code.buf + pos + 1);
                return pos;
    return pos;

/* convert global variable accesses to local variables or closure
   variables when necessary */
static __exception int resolve_variables(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s)
    int pos, pos_next, bc_len, op, len, i, idx, line_num, col_num;
    uint8_t *bc_buf;
    JSAtom var_name;
    DynBuf bc_out;
    CodeContext cc;
    int scope;

    cc.bc_buf = bc_buf = s->byte_code.buf;
    cc.bc_len = bc_len = s->byte_code.size;
    js_dbuf_init(ctx, &bc_out);

    /* first pass for runtime checks (must be done before the
       variables are created) */
    for(i = 0; i < s->global_var_count; i++) {
        JSGlobalVar *hf = &s->global_vars[i];
        int flags;

        /* check if global variable (XXX: simplify) */
        for(idx = 0; idx < s->closure_var_count; idx++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &s->closure_var[idx];
            if (cv->var_name == hf->var_name) {
                if (s->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT &&
                    cv->is_lexical) {
                    /* Check if a lexical variable is
                       redefined as 'var'. XXX: Could abort
                       compilation here, but for consistency
                       with the other checks, we delay the
                       error generation. */
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_throw_error);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, JS_DupAtom(ctx, hf->var_name));
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, JS_THROW_VAR_REDECL);
                goto next;
            if (cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__var_ ||
                cv->var_name == JS_ATOM__arg_var_)
                goto next;

        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_check_define_var);
        dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, JS_DupAtom(ctx, hf->var_name));
        flags = 0;
        if (hf->is_lexical)
            flags |= DEFINE_GLOBAL_LEX_VAR;
        if (hf->cpool_idx >= 0)
            flags |= DEFINE_GLOBAL_FUNC_VAR;
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, flags);
    next: ;

    line_num = 0; /* avoid warning */
    col_num = 0;
    for (pos = 0; pos < bc_len; pos = pos_next) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = opcode_info[op].size;
        pos_next = pos + len;
        switch(op) {
        case OP_source_loc:
            line_num = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            col_num = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_eval: /* convert scope index to adjusted variable index */
                int call_argc = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 2);
                mark_eval_captured_variables(ctx, s, scope);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op);
                dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, call_argc);
                dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, s->scopes[scope].first + 1);
        case OP_apply_eval: /* convert scope index to adjusted variable index */
            scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            mark_eval_captured_variables(ctx, s, scope);
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op);
            dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, s->scopes[scope].first + 1);
        case OP_scope_get_var_undef:
        case OP_scope_get_var:
        case OP_scope_put_var:
        case OP_scope_delete_var:
        case OP_scope_get_ref:
        case OP_scope_put_var_init:
            var_name = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 5);
            pos_next = resolve_scope_var(ctx, s, var_name, scope, op, &bc_out,
                                         NULL, NULL, pos_next);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, var_name);
        case OP_scope_make_ref:
                int label;
                LabelSlot *ls;
                var_name = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
                scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 9);
                ls = &s->label_slots[label];
                ls->ref_count--;  /* always remove label reference */
                pos_next = resolve_scope_var(ctx, s, var_name, scope, op, &bc_out,
                                             bc_buf, ls, pos_next);
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, var_name);
        case OP_scope_get_private_field:
        case OP_scope_get_private_field2:
        case OP_scope_put_private_field:
                int ret;
                var_name = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 5);
                ret = resolve_scope_private_field(ctx, s, var_name, scope, op, &bc_out);
                if (ret < 0)
                    goto fail;
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, var_name);
        case OP_gosub:
                /* remove calls to empty finalizers  */
                int label;
                LabelSlot *ls;

                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
                ls = &s->label_slots[label];
                if (code_match(&cc, ls->pos, OP_ret, -1)) {
            goto no_change;
        case OP_insert3:
            /* Transformation: insert3 put_array_el|put_ref_value drop -> put_array_el|put_ref_value */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_put_array_el, OP_put_ref_value), OP_drop, -1)) {
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, cc.op);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
                if (cc.line_num == -1)
                if (cc.line_num != line_num || cc.col_num != col_num) {
                    line_num = cc.line_num;
                    col_num = cc.col_num;
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_source_loc);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, line_num);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, col_num);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_goto:
            /* fall thru */
        case OP_tail_call:
        case OP_tail_call_method:
        case OP_return:
        case OP_return_undef:
        case OP_throw:
        case OP_throw_error:
        case OP_ret:
                /* remove dead code */
                int line = -1;
                int col = -1;
                dbuf_put(&bc_out, bc_buf + pos, len);
                pos = skip_dead_code(s, bc_buf, bc_len, pos + len,
                                     &line, &col);
                pos_next = pos;
                if (line < 0 || pos >= bc_len)
                if (line_num != line || col_num != col) {
                    line_num = line;
                    col_num = col;
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_source_loc);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, line_num);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, col_num);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_label:
                int label;
                LabelSlot *ls;

                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
                ls = &s->label_slots[label];
                ls->pos2 = bc_out.size + opcode_info[op].size;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_enter_scope:
                int scope_idx, scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);

                if (scope == s->body_scope) {
                    instantiate_hoisted_definitions(ctx, s, &bc_out);

                for(scope_idx = s->scopes[scope].first; scope_idx >= 0;) {
                    JSVarDef *vd = &s->vars[scope_idx];
                    if (vd->scope_level == scope) {
                        if (scope_idx != s->arguments_arg_idx) {
                            if (vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_FUNCTION_DECL ||
                                vd->var_kind == JS_VAR_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL) {
                                /* Initialize lexical variable upon entering scope */
                                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_fclosure);
                                dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, vd->func_pool_idx);
                                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_put_loc);
                                dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, scope_idx);
                            } else {
                                /* XXX: should check if variable can be used
                                   before initialization */
                                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_set_loc_uninitialized);
                                dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, scope_idx);
                        scope_idx = vd->scope_next;
                    } else {

        case OP_leave_scope:
                int scope_idx, scope = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);

                for(scope_idx = s->scopes[scope].first; scope_idx >= 0;) {
                    JSVarDef *vd = &s->vars[scope_idx];
                    if (vd->scope_level == scope) {
                        if (vd->is_captured) {
                            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_close_loc);
                            dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, scope_idx);
                        scope_idx = vd->scope_next;
                    } else {

        case OP_set_name:
                /* remove dummy set_name opcodes */
                JSAtom name = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                if (name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            goto no_change;

        case OP_if_false:
        case OP_if_true:
        case OP_catch:
            goto no_change;

        case OP_dup:
            /* Transformation: dup if_false(l1) drop, l1: if_false(l2) -> if_false(l2) */
            /* Transformation: dup if_true(l1) drop, l1: if_true(l2) -> if_true(l2) */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_if_false, OP_if_true), OP_drop, -1)) {
                int lab0, lab1, op1, pos1, line1, col1, pos2;
                lab0 = lab1 = cc.label;
                assert(lab1 >= 0 && lab1 < s->label_count);
                op1 = cc.op;
                pos1 = cc.pos;
                line1 = cc.line_num;
                col1 = cc.col_num;
                while (code_match(&cc, (pos2 = get_label_pos(s, lab1)), OP_dup, op1, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    lab1 = cc.label;
                if (code_match(&cc, pos2, op1, -1)) {
                    update_label(s, lab0, -1);
                    update_label(s, cc.label, +1);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op1);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, cc.label);
                    pos_next = pos1;
                    if (line1 == -1)
                    if (line1 != line_num || col1 != col_num) {
                        line_num = line1;
                        col_num = col1;
                        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_source_loc);
                        dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, line_num);
                        dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, col_num);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_nop:
            /* remove erased code */
        case OP_set_class_name:
            /* only used during parsing */

            dbuf_put(&bc_out, bc_buf + pos, len);

    /* set the new byte code */
    s->byte_code = bc_out;
    if (dbuf_error(&s->byte_code)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
    /* continue the copy to keep the atom refcounts consistent */
    /* XXX: find a better solution ? */
    for (; pos < bc_len; pos = pos_next) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = opcode_info[op].size;
        pos_next = pos + len;
        dbuf_put(&bc_out, bc_buf + pos, len);
    s->byte_code = bc_out;
    return -1;

/* the pc2line table gives a line number for each PC value */
static void add_pc2line_info(JSFunctionDef *s, uint32_t pc,
                             int line_num, int col_num)
    if (s->source_loc_slots == NULL)
    if (s->source_loc_count >= s->source_loc_size)
    if (pc < s->line_number_last_pc)
    if (line_num == s->line_number_last)
        if (col_num == s->col_number_last)
    s->source_loc_slots[s->source_loc_count].pc = pc;
    s->source_loc_slots[s->source_loc_count].line_num = line_num;
    s->source_loc_slots[s->source_loc_count].col_num = col_num;
    s->line_number_last_pc = pc;
    s->line_number_last = line_num;
    s->col_number_last = col_num;

static void compute_pc2line_info(JSFunctionDef *s)
    if (s->source_loc_slots) {
        int last_line_num = s->line_num;
        int last_col_num = s->col_num;
        uint32_t last_pc = 0;
        int i;

        js_dbuf_init(s->ctx, &s->pc2line);
        for (i = 0; i < s->source_loc_count; i++) {
            uint32_t pc = s->source_loc_slots[i].pc;
            int line_num = s->source_loc_slots[i].line_num;
            int col_num = s->source_loc_slots[i].col_num;
            int diff_pc, diff_line, diff_col;

            if (line_num < 0)

            diff_pc = pc - last_pc;
            if (diff_pc < 0)

            diff_line = line_num - last_line_num;
            diff_col = col_num - last_col_num;
            if (diff_line == 0 && diff_col == 0)

            if (diff_line >= PC2LINE_BASE &&
                diff_line < PC2LINE_BASE + PC2LINE_RANGE &&
                diff_pc <= PC2LINE_DIFF_PC_MAX) {
                dbuf_putc(&s->pc2line, (diff_line - PC2LINE_BASE) +
                          diff_pc * PC2LINE_RANGE + PC2LINE_OP_FIRST);
            } else {
                /* longer encoding */
                dbuf_putc(&s->pc2line, 0);
                dbuf_put_leb128(&s->pc2line, diff_pc);
                dbuf_put_sleb128(&s->pc2line, diff_line);
            dbuf_put_sleb128(&s->pc2line, diff_col);

            last_pc = pc;
            last_line_num = line_num;
            last_col_num = col_num;

static RelocEntry *add_reloc(JSContext *ctx, LabelSlot *ls, uint32_t addr, int size)
    RelocEntry *re;
    re = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*re));
    if (!re)
        return NULL;
    re->addr = addr;
    re->size = size;
    re->next = ls->first_reloc;
    ls->first_reloc = re;
    return re;

static BOOL code_has_label(CodeContext *s, int pos, int label)
    while (pos < s->bc_len) {
        int op = s->bc_buf[pos];
        if (op == OP_source_loc) {
            pos += 9;
        if (op == OP_label) {
            int lab = get_u32(s->bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (lab == label)
                return TRUE;
            pos += 5;
        if (op == OP_goto) {
            int lab = get_u32(s->bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (lab == label)
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

/* return the target label, following the OP_goto jumps
   the first opcode at destination is stored in *pop
static int find_jump_target(JSFunctionDef *s, int label, int *pop)
    int i, pos, op;

    update_label(s, label, -1);
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
        pos = s->label_slots[label].pos2;
        for (;;) {
            switch(op = s->byte_code.buf[pos]) {
            case OP_source_loc:
            case OP_label:
                pos += opcode_info[op].size;
            case OP_goto:
                label = get_u32(s->byte_code.buf + pos + 1);
            case OP_drop:
                /* ignore drop opcodes if followed by OP_return_undef */
                while (s->byte_code.buf[++pos] == OP_drop)
                if (s->byte_code.buf[pos] == OP_return_undef)
                    op = OP_return_undef;
                /* fall thru */
                goto done;
    /* cycle detected, could issue a warning */
    *pop = op;
    update_label(s, label, +1);
    return label;

static void push_short_int(DynBuf *bc_out, int val)
    if (val >= -1 && val <= 7) {
        dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_push_0 + val);
    if (val == (int8_t)val) {
        dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_push_i8);
        dbuf_putc(bc_out, val);
    if (val == (int16_t)val) {
        dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_push_i16);
        dbuf_put_u16(bc_out, val);
    dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_push_i32);
    dbuf_put_u32(bc_out, val);

static void put_short_code(DynBuf *bc_out, int op, int idx)
    if (idx < 4) {
        switch (op) {
        case OP_get_loc:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_get_loc0 + idx);
        case OP_put_loc:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_put_loc0 + idx);
        case OP_set_loc:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_set_loc0 + idx);
        case OP_get_arg:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_get_arg0 + idx);
        case OP_put_arg:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_put_arg0 + idx);
        case OP_set_arg:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_set_arg0 + idx);
        case OP_get_var_ref:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_get_var_ref0 + idx);
        case OP_put_var_ref:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_put_var_ref0 + idx);
        case OP_set_var_ref:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_set_var_ref0 + idx);
        case OP_call:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_call0 + idx);
    if (idx < 256) {
        switch (op) {
        case OP_get_loc:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_get_loc8);
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, idx);
        case OP_put_loc:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_put_loc8);
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, idx);
        case OP_set_loc:
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, OP_set_loc8);
            dbuf_putc(bc_out, idx);
    dbuf_putc(bc_out, op);
    dbuf_put_u16(bc_out, idx);

/* peephole optimizations and resolve goto/labels */
static __exception int resolve_labels(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *s)
    int pos, pos_next, bc_len, op, op1, len, i, line_num, col_num, patch_offsets;
    const uint8_t *bc_buf;
    DynBuf bc_out;
    LabelSlot *label_slots, *ls;
    RelocEntry *re, *re_next;
    CodeContext cc;
    int label;
    JumpSlot *jp;

    label_slots = s->label_slots;

    line_num = s->line_num;
    col_num = s->col_num;

    cc.bc_buf = bc_buf = s->byte_code.buf;
    cc.bc_len = bc_len = s->byte_code.size;
    js_dbuf_init(ctx, &bc_out);

    if (s->jump_size) {
        s->jump_slots = js_mallocz(s->ctx, sizeof(*s->jump_slots) * s->jump_size);
        if (s->jump_slots == NULL)
            return -1;

    if (s->source_loc_size) {
        s->source_loc_slots = js_mallocz(s->ctx, sizeof(*s->source_loc_slots) * s->source_loc_size);
        if (s->source_loc_slots == NULL)
            return -1;
        s->line_number_last = s->line_num;
        s->col_number_last = s->col_num;
        s->line_number_last_pc = 0;

    /* initialize the 'home_object' variable if needed */
    if (s->home_object_var_idx >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_HOME_OBJECT);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->home_object_var_idx);
    /* initialize the 'this.active_func' variable if needed */
    if (s->this_active_func_var_idx >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_THIS_FUNC);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->this_active_func_var_idx);
    /* initialize the 'new.target' variable if needed */
    if (s->new_target_var_idx >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_NEW_TARGET);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->new_target_var_idx);
    /* initialize the 'this' variable if needed. In a derived class
       constructor, this is initially uninitialized. */
    if (s->this_var_idx >= 0) {
        if (s->is_derived_class_constructor) {
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_set_loc_uninitialized);
            dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, s->this_var_idx);
        } else {
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_push_this);
            put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->this_var_idx);
    /* initialize the 'arguments' variable if needed */
    if (s->arguments_var_idx >= 0) {
        if ((s->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) || !s->has_simple_parameter_list) {
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_ARGUMENTS);
        } else {
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_MAPPED_ARGUMENTS);
        if (s->arguments_arg_idx >= 0)
            put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_set_loc, s->arguments_arg_idx);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->arguments_var_idx);
    /* initialize a reference to the current function if needed */
    if (s->func_var_idx >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_THIS_FUNC);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->func_var_idx);
    /* initialize the variable environment object if needed */
    if (s->var_object_idx >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_VAR_OBJECT);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->var_object_idx);
    if (s->arg_var_object_idx >= 0) {
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_special_object);
        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_SPECIAL_OBJECT_VAR_OBJECT);
        put_short_code(&bc_out, OP_put_loc, s->arg_var_object_idx);

    for (pos = 0; pos < bc_len; pos = pos_next) {
        int val;
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = opcode_info[op].size;
        pos_next = pos + len;
        switch(op) {
        case OP_source_loc:
            /* line number info (for debug). We put it in a separate
               compressed table to reduce memory usage and get better
               performance */
            line_num = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            col_num = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);

        case OP_label:
                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
                ls = &label_slots[label];
                assert(ls->addr == -1);
                ls->addr = bc_out.size;
                /* resolve the relocation entries */
                for(re = ls->first_reloc; re != NULL; re = re_next) {
                    int diff = ls->addr - re->addr;
                    re_next = re->next;
                    switch (re->size) {
                    case 4:
                        put_u32(bc_out.buf + re->addr, diff);
                    case 2:
                        assert(diff == (int16_t)diff);
                        put_u16(bc_out.buf + re->addr, diff);
                    case 1:
                        assert(diff == (int8_t)diff);
                        put_u8(bc_out.buf + re->addr, diff);
                    js_free(ctx, re);
                ls->first_reloc = NULL;

        case OP_call:
        case OP_call_method:
                /* detect and transform tail calls */
                int argc;
                argc = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_return, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    put_short_code(&bc_out, op + 1, argc);
                    pos_next = skip_dead_code(s, bc_buf, bc_len, cc.pos,
                                              &line_num, &col_num);
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                put_short_code(&bc_out, op, argc);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_return:
        case OP_return_undef:
        case OP_return_async:
        case OP_throw:
        case OP_throw_error:
            pos_next = skip_dead_code(s, bc_buf, bc_len, pos_next,
                                      &line_num, &col_num);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_goto:
            label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                /* Use custom matcher because multiple labels can follow */
                label = find_jump_target(s, label, &op1);
                if (code_has_label(&cc, pos_next, label)) {
                    /* jump to next instruction: remove jump */
                    update_label(s, label, -1);
                if (op1 == OP_return || op1 == OP_return_undef || op1 == OP_throw) {
                    /* jump to return/throw: remove jump, append return/throw */
                    /* updating the line number obfuscates assembly listing */
                    update_label(s, label, -1);
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op1);
                    pos_next = skip_dead_code(s, bc_buf, bc_len, pos_next,
                                              &line_num, &col_num);
                /* XXX: should duplicate single instructions followed by goto or return */
                /* For example, can match one of these followed by return:
                   push_i32 / push_const / push_atom_value / get_var /
                   undefined / null / push_false / push_true / get_ref_value /
                   get_loc / get_arg / get_var_ref
            goto has_label;

        case OP_gosub:
            label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            goto has_label;

        case OP_catch:
            label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            goto has_label;

        case OP_if_true:
        case OP_if_false:
            label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            label = find_jump_target(s, label, &op1);
            /* transform if_false/if_true(l1) label(l1) -> drop label(l1) */
            if (code_has_label(&cc, pos_next, label)) {
                update_label(s, label, -1);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_drop);
            /* transform if_false(l1) goto(l2) label(l1) -> if_false(l2) label(l1) */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_goto, -1)) {
                int pos1 = cc.pos;
                int line1 = cc.line_num;
                int col1 = cc.col_num;
                if (code_has_label(&cc, pos1, label)) {
                    if (line1 >= 0) line_num = line1;
                    if (col1 >= 0) col_num = col1;
                    pos_next = pos1;
                    update_label(s, label, -1);
                    label = cc.label;
                    op ^= OP_if_true ^ OP_if_false;
            add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
            if (op == OP_goto) {
                pos_next = skip_dead_code(s, bc_buf, bc_len, pos_next,
                                          &line_num, &col_num);
            assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
            ls = &label_slots[label];
            jp = &s->jump_slots[s->jump_count++];
            jp->op = op;
            jp->size = 4;
            jp->pos = bc_out.size + 1;
            jp->label = label;

            if (ls->addr == -1) {
                int diff = ls->pos2 - pos - 1;
                if (diff < 128 && (op == OP_if_false || op == OP_if_true || op == OP_goto)) {
                    jp->size = 1;
                    jp->op = OP_if_false8 + (op - OP_if_false);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_if_false8 + (op - OP_if_false));
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, 0);
                    if (!add_reloc(ctx, ls, bc_out.size - 1, 1))
                        goto fail;
                if (diff < 32768 && op == OP_goto) {
                    jp->size = 2;
                    jp->op = OP_goto16;
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_goto16);
                    dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, 0);
                    if (!add_reloc(ctx, ls, bc_out.size - 2, 2))
                        goto fail;
            } else {
                int diff = ls->addr - bc_out.size - 1;
                if (diff == (int8_t)diff && (op == OP_if_false || op == OP_if_true || op == OP_goto)) {
                    jp->size = 1;
                    jp->op = OP_if_false8 + (op - OP_if_false);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_if_false8 + (op - OP_if_false));
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, diff);
                if (diff == (int16_t)diff && op == OP_goto) {
                    jp->size = 2;
                    jp->op = OP_goto16;
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_goto16);
                    dbuf_put_u16(&bc_out, diff);
            dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op);
            dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, ls->addr - bc_out.size);
            if (ls->addr == -1) {
                /* unresolved yet: create a new relocation entry */
                if (!add_reloc(ctx, ls, bc_out.size - 4, 4))
                    goto fail;
        case OP_with_get_var:
        case OP_with_put_var:
        case OP_with_delete_var:
        case OP_with_make_ref:
        case OP_with_get_ref:
        case OP_with_get_ref_undef:
                JSAtom atom;
                int is_with;

                atom = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                label = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
                is_with = bc_buf[pos + 9];
                label = find_jump_target(s, label, &op1);
                assert(label >= 0 && label < s->label_count);
                ls = &label_slots[label];
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                jp = &s->jump_slots[s->jump_count++];
                jp->op = op;
                jp->size = 4;
                jp->pos = bc_out.size + 5;
                jp->label = label;
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op);
                dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, atom);
                dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, ls->addr - bc_out.size);
                if (ls->addr == -1) {
                    /* unresolved yet: create a new relocation entry */
                    if (!add_reloc(ctx, ls, bc_out.size - 4, 4))
                        goto fail;
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, is_with);

        case OP_drop:
            /* remove useless drops before return */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_return_undef, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_null:
            /* transform null strict_eq into is_null */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_strict_eq, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_is_null);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            /* transform null strict_neq if_false/if_true -> is_null if_true/if_false */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_strict_neq, M2(OP_if_false, OP_if_true), -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_is_null);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
                label = cc.label;
                op = cc.op ^ OP_if_false ^ OP_if_true;
                goto has_label;
            /* fall thru */
        case OP_push_false:
        case OP_push_true:
            val = (op == OP_push_true);
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_if_false, OP_if_true), -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                if (val == cc.op - OP_if_false) {
                    /* transform null if_false(l1) -> goto l1 */
                    /* transform false if_false(l1) -> goto l1 */
                    /* transform true if_true(l1) -> goto l1 */
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                    op = OP_goto;
                    label = cc.label;
                    goto has_goto;
                } else {
                    /* transform null if_true(l1) -> nop */
                    /* transform false if_true(l1) -> nop */
                    /* transform true if_false(l1) -> nop */
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                    update_label(s, cc.label, -1);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_push_i32:
            /* transform i32(val) neg -> i32(-val) */
            val = get_i32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if ((val != INT32_MIN && val != 0)
            &&  code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_neg, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                if (code_match(&cc, cc.pos, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                } else {
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    push_short_int(&bc_out, -val);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            /* remove push/drop pairs generated by the parser */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_drop, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            /* Optimize constant tests: `if (0)`, `if (1)`, `if (!0)`... */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_if_false, OP_if_true), -1)) {
                val = (val != 0);
                goto has_constant_test;
            add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
            push_short_int(&bc_out, val);

        case OP_push_const:
        case OP_fclosure:
                int idx = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                if (idx < 256) {
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_push_const8 + op - OP_push_const);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, idx);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_get_field:
                JSAtom atom = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                if (atom == JS_ATOM_length) {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_get_length);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_push_atom_value:
                JSAtom atom = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                /* remove push/drop pairs generated by the parser */
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                if (atom == JS_ATOM_empty_string) {
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_push_empty_string);
            goto no_change;

        case OP_to_propkey:
        case OP_to_propkey2:
            /* remove redundant to_propkey/to_propkey2 opcodes when storing simple data */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M3(OP_get_loc, OP_get_arg, OP_get_var_ref), -1, OP_put_array_el, -1)
            ||  code_match(&cc, pos_next, M3(OP_push_i32, OP_push_const, OP_push_atom_value), OP_put_array_el, -1)
            ||  code_match(&cc, pos_next, M4(OP_undefined, OP_null, OP_push_true, OP_push_false), OP_put_array_el, -1)) {
            goto no_change;

        case OP_undefined:
            /* remove push/drop pairs generated by the parser */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_drop, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            /* transform undefined return -> return_undefined */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_return, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_return_undef);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            /* transform undefined if_true(l1)/if_false(l1) -> nop/goto(l1) */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_if_false, OP_if_true), -1)) {
                val = 0;
                goto has_constant_test;
            /* transform undefined strict_eq -> is_undefined */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_strict_eq, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_is_undefined);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            /* transform undefined strict_neq if_false/if_true -> is_undefined if_true/if_false */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_strict_neq, M2(OP_if_false, OP_if_true), -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_is_undefined);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
                label = cc.label;
                op = cc.op ^ OP_if_false ^ OP_if_true;
                goto has_label;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_insert2:
            /* Transformation:
               insert2 put_field(a) drop -> put_field(a)
               insert2 put_var_strict(a) drop -> put_var_strict(a)
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_put_field, OP_put_var_strict), OP_drop, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                dbuf_putc(&bc_out, cc.op);
                dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, cc.atom);
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_dup:
                /* Transformation: dup put_x(n) drop -> put_x(n) */
                int op1, line2 = -1;
                /* Transformation: dup put_x(n) -> set_x(n) */
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M3(OP_put_loc, OP_put_arg, OP_put_var_ref), -1, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    op1 = cc.op + 1;  /* put_x -> set_x */
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                    if (code_match(&cc, cc.pos, OP_drop, -1)) {
                        if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                        if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                        op1 -= 1; /* set_x drop -> put_x */
                        pos_next = cc.pos;
                        if (code_match(&cc, cc.pos, op1 - 1, cc.idx, -1)) {
                            line2 = cc.line_num; /* delay line number update */
                            op1 += 1;   /* put_x(n) get_x(n) -> set_x(n) */
                            pos_next = cc.pos;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    put_short_code(&bc_out, op1, cc.idx);
                    if (line2 >= 0) line_num = line2;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_swap:
            // transformation: swap swap -> nothing!
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_swap, -1, -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                pos_next = cc.pos;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_get_loc:
                /* transformation:
                   get_loc(n) post_dec put_loc(n) drop -> dec_loc(n)
                   get_loc(n) post_inc put_loc(n) drop -> inc_loc(n)
                   get_loc(n) dec dup put_loc(n) drop -> dec_loc(n)
                   get_loc(n) inc dup put_loc(n) drop -> inc_loc(n)
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                if (idx >= 256)
                    goto no_change;
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_post_dec, OP_post_inc), OP_put_loc, idx, OP_drop, -1) ||
                    code_match(&cc, pos_next, M2(OP_dec, OP_inc), OP_dup, OP_put_loc, idx, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, (cc.op == OP_inc || cc.op == OP_post_inc) ? OP_inc_loc : OP_dec_loc);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, idx);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                /* transformation:
                   get_loc(n) push_atom_value(x) add dup put_loc(n) drop -> push_atom_value(x) add_loc(n)
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_push_atom_value, OP_add, OP_dup, OP_put_loc, idx, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    if (cc.atom == JS_ATOM_empty_string) {
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, cc.atom);
                        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_push_empty_string);
                    } else {
                        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_push_atom_value);
                        dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, cc.atom);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_add_loc);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, idx);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                /* transformation:
                   get_loc(n) push_i32(x) add dup put_loc(n) drop -> push_i32(x) add_loc(n)
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_push_i32, OP_add, OP_dup, OP_put_loc, idx, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    push_short_int(&bc_out, cc.label);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_add_loc);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, idx);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                /* transformation: XXX: also do these:
                   get_loc(n) get_loc(x) add dup put_loc(n) drop -> get_loc(x) add_loc(n)
                   get_loc(n) get_arg(x) add dup put_loc(n) drop -> get_arg(x) add_loc(n)
                   get_loc(n) get_var_ref(x) add dup put_loc(n) drop -> get_var_ref(x) add_loc(n)
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M3(OP_get_loc, OP_get_arg, OP_get_var_ref), -1, OP_add, OP_dup, OP_put_loc, idx, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    put_short_code(&bc_out, cc.op, cc.idx);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_add_loc);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, idx);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                /* transformation: get_loc(0) get_loc(1) -> get_loc0_loc1 */
                if (idx == 0 && code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_get_loc, 1, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_get_loc0_loc1);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                put_short_code(&bc_out, op, idx);
        case OP_get_arg:
        case OP_get_var_ref:
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                put_short_code(&bc_out, op, idx);
        case OP_put_loc:
        case OP_put_arg:
        case OP_put_var_ref:
                /* transformation: put_x(n) get_x(n) -> set_x(n) */
                int idx;
                idx = get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, op - 1, idx, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    put_short_code(&bc_out, op + 1, idx);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                put_short_code(&bc_out, op, idx);

        case OP_post_inc:
        case OP_post_dec:
                /* transformation:
                   post_inc put_x drop -> inc put_x
                   post_inc perm3 put_field drop -> inc put_field
                   post_inc perm3 put_var_strict drop -> inc put_var_strict
                   post_inc perm4 put_array_el drop -> inc put_array_el
                int op1, idx;
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, M3(OP_put_loc, OP_put_arg, OP_put_var_ref), -1, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    op1 = cc.op;
                    idx = cc.idx;
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                    if (code_match(&cc, cc.pos, op1 - 1, idx, -1)) {
                        if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                        if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                        op1 += 1;   /* put_x(n) get_x(n) -> set_x(n) */
                        pos_next = cc.pos;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_dec + (op - OP_post_dec));
                    put_short_code(&bc_out, op1, idx);
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_perm3, M2(OP_put_field, OP_put_var_strict), OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_dec + (op - OP_post_dec));
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, cc.op);
                    dbuf_put_u32(&bc_out, cc.atom);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
                if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_perm4, OP_put_array_el, OP_drop, -1)) {
                    if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                    if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                    add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_dec + (op - OP_post_dec));
                    dbuf_putc(&bc_out, OP_put_array_el);
                    pos_next = cc.pos;
            goto no_change;

        case OP_typeof:
            /* simplify typeof tests */
            if (code_match(&cc, pos_next, OP_push_atom_value, M4(OP_strict_eq, OP_strict_neq, OP_eq, OP_neq), -1)) {
                if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                int op1 = (cc.op == OP_strict_eq || cc.op == OP_eq) ? OP_strict_eq : OP_strict_neq;
                int op2 = -1;
                switch (cc.atom) {
                case JS_ATOM_undefined:
                    op2 = OP_typeof_is_undefined;
                case JS_ATOM_function:
                    op2 = OP_typeof_is_function;
                if (op2 >= 0) {
                    /* transform typeof(s) == "<type>" into is_<type> */
                    if (op1 == OP_strict_eq) {
                        add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op2);
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, cc.atom);
                        pos_next = cc.pos;
                    if (op1 == OP_strict_neq && code_match(&cc, cc.pos, OP_if_false, -1)) {
                        /* transform typeof(s) != "<type>" if_false into is_<type> if_true */
                        if (cc.line_num >= 0) line_num = cc.line_num;
                        if (cc.col_num >= 0) col_num = cc.col_num;
                        add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
                        dbuf_putc(&bc_out, op2);
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, cc.atom);
                        pos_next = cc.pos;
                        label = cc.label;
                        op = OP_if_true;
                        goto has_label;
            goto no_change;

            add_pc2line_info(s, bc_out.size, line_num, col_num);
            dbuf_put(&bc_out, bc_buf + pos, len);

    /* check that there were no missing labels */
    for(i = 0; i < s->label_count; i++) {
        assert(label_slots[i].first_reloc == NULL);

    /* more jump optimizations */
    patch_offsets = 0;
    for (i = 0, jp = s->jump_slots; i < s->jump_count; i++, jp++) {
        LabelSlot *ls;
        JumpSlot *jp1;
        int j, pos, diff, delta;

        delta = 3;
        switch (op = jp->op) {
        case OP_goto16:
            delta = 1;
            /* fall thru */
        case OP_if_false:
        case OP_if_true:
        case OP_goto:
            pos = jp->pos;
            diff = s->label_slots[jp->label].addr - pos;
            if (diff >= -128 && diff <= 127 + delta) {
                //put_u8(bc_out.buf + pos, diff);
                jp->size = 1;
                if (op == OP_goto16) {
                    bc_out.buf[pos - 1] = jp->op = OP_goto8;
                } else {
                    bc_out.buf[pos - 1] = jp->op = OP_if_false8 + (op - OP_if_false);
                goto shrink;
            } else
            if (diff == (int16_t)diff && op == OP_goto) {
                //put_u16(bc_out.buf + pos, diff);
                jp->size = 2;
                delta = 2;
                bc_out.buf[pos - 1] = jp->op = OP_goto16;
                /* XXX: should reduce complexity, using 2 finger copy scheme */
                memmove(bc_out.buf + pos + jp->size, bc_out.buf + pos + jp->size + delta,
                        bc_out.size - pos - jp->size - delta);
                bc_out.size -= delta;
                for (j = 0, ls = s->label_slots; j < s->label_count; j++, ls++) {
                    if (ls->addr > pos)
                        ls->addr -= delta;
                for (j = i + 1, jp1 = jp + 1; j < s->jump_count; j++, jp1++) {
                    if (jp1->pos > pos)
                        jp1->pos -= delta;
                for (j = 0; j < s->source_loc_count; j++) {
                    if (s->source_loc_slots[j].pc > pos)
                        s->source_loc_slots[j].pc -= delta;

    if (patch_offsets) {
        JumpSlot *jp1;
        int j;
        for (j = 0, jp1 = s->jump_slots; j < s->jump_count; j++, jp1++) {
            int diff1 = s->label_slots[jp1->label].addr - jp1->pos;
            switch (jp1->size) {
            case 1:
                put_u8(bc_out.buf + jp1->pos, diff1);
            case 2:
                put_u16(bc_out.buf + jp1->pos, diff1);
            case 4:
                put_u32(bc_out.buf + jp1->pos, diff1);

    js_free(ctx, s->jump_slots);
    s->jump_slots = NULL;
    js_free(ctx, s->label_slots);
    s->label_slots = NULL;
    /* XXX: should delay until copying to runtime bytecode function */
    js_free(ctx, s->source_loc_slots);
    s->source_loc_slots = NULL;
    /* set the new byte code */
    s->byte_code = bc_out;
    s->use_short_opcodes = TRUE;
    if (dbuf_error(&s->byte_code)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
    /* XXX: not safe */
    return -1;

/* compute the maximum stack size needed by the function */

typedef struct StackSizeState {
    int bc_len;
    int stack_len_max;
    uint16_t *stack_level_tab;
    int32_t *catch_pos_tab;
    int *pc_stack;
    int pc_stack_len;
    int pc_stack_size;
} StackSizeState;

/* 'op' is only used for error indication */
static __exception int ss_check(JSContext *ctx, StackSizeState *s,
                                int pos, int op, int stack_len, int catch_pos)
    if ((unsigned)pos >= s->bc_len) {
        JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "bytecode buffer overflow (op=%d, pc=%d)", op, pos);
        return -1;
    if (stack_len > s->stack_len_max) {
        s->stack_len_max = stack_len;
        if (s->stack_len_max > JS_STACK_SIZE_MAX) {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "stack overflow (op=%d, pc=%d)", op, pos);
            return -1;
    if (s->stack_level_tab[pos] != 0xffff) {
        /* already explored: check that the stack size is consistent */
        if (s->stack_level_tab[pos] != stack_len) {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "inconsistent stack size: %d %d (pc=%d)",
                                  s->stack_level_tab[pos], stack_len, pos);
            return -1;
        } else if (s->catch_pos_tab[pos] != catch_pos) {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "inconsistent catch position: %d %d (pc=%d)",
                                  s->catch_pos_tab[pos], catch_pos, pos);
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;

    /* mark as explored and store the stack size */
    s->stack_level_tab[pos] = stack_len;
    s->catch_pos_tab[pos] = catch_pos;

    /* queue the new PC to explore */
    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void **)&s->pc_stack, sizeof(s->pc_stack[0]),
                        &s->pc_stack_size, s->pc_stack_len + 1))
        return -1;
    s->pc_stack[s->pc_stack_len++] = pos;
    return 0;

static __exception int compute_stack_size(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSFunctionDef *fd,
                                          int *pstack_size)
    StackSizeState s_s, *s = &s_s;
    int i, diff, n_pop, pos_next, stack_len, pos, op, catch_pos, catch_level;
    const JSOpCode *oi;
    const uint8_t *bc_buf;

    bc_buf = fd->byte_code.buf;
    s->bc_len = fd->byte_code.size;
    /* bc_len > 0 */
    s->stack_level_tab = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(s->stack_level_tab[0]) *
    if (!s->stack_level_tab)
        return -1;
    for(i = 0; i < s->bc_len; i++)
        s->stack_level_tab[i] = 0xffff;
    s->pc_stack = NULL;
    s->catch_pos_tab = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(s->catch_pos_tab[0]) * s->bc_len);
    if (!s->catch_pos_tab)
        goto fail;

    s->stack_len_max = 0;
    s->pc_stack_len = 0;
    s->pc_stack_size = 0;

    /* breadth-first graph exploration */
    if (ss_check(ctx, s, 0, OP_invalid, 0, -1))
        goto fail;

    while (s->pc_stack_len > 0) {
        pos = s->pc_stack[--s->pc_stack_len];
        stack_len = s->stack_level_tab[pos];
        catch_pos = s->catch_pos_tab[pos];
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        if (op == 0 || op >= OP_COUNT) {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "invalid opcode (op=%d, pc=%d)", op, pos);
            goto fail;
        oi = &short_opcode_info(op);
        if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_STACK))
            printf("%5d: %10s %5d %5d\n", pos, oi->name, stack_len, catch_pos);
        pos_next = pos + oi->size;
        if (pos_next > s->bc_len) {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "bytecode buffer overflow (op=%d, pc=%d)", op, pos);
            goto fail;
        n_pop = oi->n_pop;
        /* call pops a variable number of arguments */
        if (oi->fmt == OP_FMT_npop || oi->fmt == OP_FMT_npop_u16) {
            n_pop += get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
        } else if (oi->fmt == OP_FMT_npopx) {
            n_pop += op - OP_call0;

        if (stack_len < n_pop) {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "stack underflow (op=%d, pc=%d)", op, pos);
            goto fail;
        stack_len += oi->n_push - n_pop;
        if (stack_len > s->stack_len_max) {
            s->stack_len_max = stack_len;
            if (s->stack_len_max > JS_STACK_SIZE_MAX) {
                JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "stack overflow (op=%d, pc=%d)", op, pos);
                goto fail;
        switch(op) {
        case OP_tail_call:
        case OP_tail_call_method:
        case OP_return:
        case OP_return_undef:
        case OP_return_async:
        case OP_throw:
        case OP_throw_error:
        case OP_ret:
            goto done_insn;
        case OP_goto:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            pos_next = pos + 1 + diff;
        case OP_goto16:
            diff = (int16_t)get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            pos_next = pos + 1 + diff;
        case OP_goto8:
            diff = (int8_t)bc_buf[pos + 1];
            pos_next = pos + 1 + diff;
        case OP_if_true8:
        case OP_if_false8:
            diff = (int8_t)bc_buf[pos + 1];
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 1 + diff, op, stack_len, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
        case OP_if_true:
        case OP_if_false:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 1 + diff, op, stack_len, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
        case OP_gosub:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 1 + diff, op, stack_len + 1, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
        case OP_with_get_var:
        case OP_with_delete_var:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 5 + diff, op, stack_len + 1, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
        case OP_with_make_ref:
        case OP_with_get_ref:
        case OP_with_get_ref_undef:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 5 + diff, op, stack_len + 2, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
        case OP_with_put_var:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 5);
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 5 + diff, op, stack_len - 1, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
        case OP_catch:
            diff = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos + 1 + diff, op, stack_len, catch_pos))
                goto fail;
            catch_pos = pos;
        case OP_for_of_start:
        case OP_for_await_of_start:
            catch_pos = pos;
            /* we assume the catch offset entry is only removed with
               some op codes */
        case OP_drop:
            catch_level = stack_len;
            goto check_catch;
        case OP_nip:
            catch_level = stack_len - 1;
            goto check_catch;
        case OP_nip1:
            catch_level = stack_len - 1;
            goto check_catch;
        case OP_iterator_close:
            catch_level = stack_len + 2;
            /* Note: for for_of_start/for_await_of_start we consider
               the catch offset is on the first stack entry instead of
               the thirst */
            if (catch_pos >= 0) {
                int level;
                level = s->stack_level_tab[catch_pos];
                if (bc_buf[catch_pos] != OP_catch)
                    level++; /* for_of_start, for_wait_of_start */
                /* catch_level = stack_level before op_catch is executed ? */
                if (catch_level == level) {
                    catch_pos = s->catch_pos_tab[catch_pos];
        case OP_nip_catch:
            if (catch_pos < 0) {
                JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "nip_catch: no catch op (pc=%d)", pos);
                goto fail;
            stack_len = s->stack_level_tab[catch_pos];
            if (bc_buf[catch_pos] != OP_catch)
                stack_len++; /* for_of_start, for_wait_of_start */
            stack_len++; /* no stack overflow is possible by construction */
            catch_pos = s->catch_pos_tab[catch_pos];
        if (ss_check(ctx, s, pos_next, op, stack_len, catch_pos))
            goto fail;
    done_insn: ;
    js_free(ctx, s->pc_stack);
    js_free(ctx, s->catch_pos_tab);
    js_free(ctx, s->stack_level_tab);
    *pstack_size = s->stack_len_max;
    return 0;
    js_free(ctx, s->pc_stack);
    js_free(ctx, s->catch_pos_tab);
    js_free(ctx, s->stack_level_tab);
    *pstack_size = 0;
    return -1;

static int add_module_variables(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd)
    int i, idx;
    JSModuleDef *m = fd->module;
    JSExportEntry *me;
    JSGlobalVar *hf;

    /* The imported global variables were added as closure variables
       in js_parse_import(). We add here the module global
       variables. */

    for(i = 0; i < fd->global_var_count; i++) {
        hf = &fd->global_vars[i];
        if (add_closure_var(ctx, fd, TRUE, FALSE, i, hf->var_name, hf->is_const,
                            hf->is_lexical, JS_VAR_NORMAL) < 0)
            return -1;

    /* resolve the variable names of the local exports */
    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        me = &m->export_entries[i];
        if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL) {
            idx = find_closure_var(ctx, fd, me->local_name);
            if (idx < 0) {
                // XXX: add_module_variables() should take JSParseState *s and use js_parse_error_atom
                JS_ThrowSyntaxErrorAtom(ctx, "exported variable '%s' does not exist",
                return -1;
            me->u.local.var_idx = idx;
    return 0;

/* create a function object from a function definition. The function
   definition is freed. All the child functions are also created. It
   must be done this way to resolve all the variables. */
static JSValue js_create_function(JSContext *ctx, JSFunctionDef *fd)
    JSValue func_obj;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    int stack_size, scope, idx;
    int function_size, byte_code_offset, cpool_offset;
    int closure_var_offset, vardefs_offset;

    /* recompute scope linkage */
    for (scope = 0; scope < fd->scope_count; scope++) {
        fd->scopes[scope].first = -1;
    if (fd->has_parameter_expressions) {
        /* special end of variable list marker for the argument scope */
        fd->scopes[ARG_SCOPE_INDEX].first = ARG_SCOPE_END;
    for (idx = 0; idx < fd->var_count; idx++) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[idx];
        vd->scope_next = fd->scopes[vd->scope_level].first;
        fd->scopes[vd->scope_level].first = idx;
    for (scope = 2; scope < fd->scope_count; scope++) {
        JSVarScope *sd = &fd->scopes[scope];
        if (sd->first < 0)
            sd->first = fd->scopes[sd->parent].first;
    for (idx = 0; idx < fd->var_count; idx++) {
        JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[idx];
        if (vd->scope_next < 0 && vd->scope_level > 1) {
            scope = fd->scopes[vd->scope_level].parent;
            vd->scope_next = fd->scopes[scope].first;

    /* if the function contains an eval call, the closure variables
       are used to compile the eval and they must be ordered by scope,
       so it is necessary to create the closure variables before any
       other variable lookup is done. */
    if (fd->has_eval_call)
        add_eval_variables(ctx, fd);

    /* add the module global variables in the closure */
    if (fd->module) {
        if (add_module_variables(ctx, fd))
            goto fail;

    /* first create all the child functions */
    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &fd->child_list) {
        JSFunctionDef *fd1;
        int cpool_idx;

        fd1 = list_entry(el, JSFunctionDef, link);
        cpool_idx = fd1->parent_cpool_idx;
        func_obj = js_create_function(ctx, fd1);
        if (JS_IsException(func_obj))
            goto fail;
        /* save it in the constant pool */
        assert(cpool_idx >= 0);
        fd->cpool[cpool_idx] = func_obj;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_PASS1)) {
        printf("pass 1\n");
        dump_byte_code(ctx, 1, fd->byte_code.buf, fd->byte_code.size,
                       fd->args, fd->arg_count, fd->vars, fd->var_count,
                       fd->closure_var, fd->closure_var_count,
                       fd->cpool, fd->cpool_count, fd->source, fd->line_num,
                       fd->label_slots, NULL, 0);

    if (resolve_variables(ctx, fd))
        goto fail;

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_PASS2)) {
        printf("pass 2\n");
        dump_byte_code(ctx, 2, fd->byte_code.buf, fd->byte_code.size,
                       fd->args, fd->arg_count, fd->vars, fd->var_count,
                       fd->closure_var, fd->closure_var_count,
                       fd->cpool, fd->cpool_count, fd->source, fd->line_num,
                       fd->label_slots, NULL, 0);

    if (resolve_labels(ctx, fd))
        goto fail;

    if (compute_stack_size(ctx, fd, &stack_size) < 0)
        goto fail;

    function_size = sizeof(*b);
    cpool_offset = function_size;
    function_size += fd->cpool_count * sizeof(*fd->cpool);
    vardefs_offset = function_size;
    function_size += (fd->arg_count + fd->var_count) * sizeof(*b->vardefs);
    closure_var_offset = function_size;
    function_size += fd->closure_var_count * sizeof(*fd->closure_var);
    byte_code_offset = function_size;
    function_size += fd->byte_code.size;

    b = js_mallocz(ctx, function_size);
    if (!b)
        goto fail;
    b->header.ref_count = 1;

    b->byte_code_buf = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + byte_code_offset);
    b->byte_code_len = fd->byte_code.size;
    memcpy(b->byte_code_buf, fd->byte_code.buf, fd->byte_code.size);
    js_free(ctx, fd->byte_code.buf);
    fd->byte_code.buf = NULL;

    b->func_name = fd->func_name;
    if (fd->arg_count + fd->var_count > 0) {
        b->vardefs = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + vardefs_offset);
        if (fd->arg_count > 0)
            memcpy(b->vardefs, fd->args, fd->arg_count * sizeof(fd->args[0]));
        if (fd->var_count > 0)
            memcpy(b->vardefs + fd->arg_count, fd->vars, fd->var_count * sizeof(fd->vars[0]));
        b->var_count = fd->var_count;
        b->arg_count = fd->arg_count;
        b->defined_arg_count = fd->defined_arg_count;
        js_free(ctx, fd->args);
        js_free(ctx, fd->vars);
    b->cpool_count = fd->cpool_count;
    if (b->cpool_count) {
        b->cpool = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + cpool_offset);
        memcpy(b->cpool, fd->cpool, b->cpool_count * sizeof(*b->cpool));
    js_free(ctx, fd->cpool);
    fd->cpool = NULL;

    b->stack_size = stack_size;

    /* XXX: source and pc2line info should be packed at the end of the
       JSFunctionBytecode structure, avoiding allocation overhead
    b->filename = fd->filename;
    b->line_num = fd->line_num;
    b->col_num = fd->col_num;

    b->pc2line_buf = js_realloc(ctx, fd->pc2line.buf, fd->pc2line.size);
    if (!b->pc2line_buf)
        b->pc2line_buf = fd->pc2line.buf;
    b->pc2line_len = fd->pc2line.size;
    b->source = fd->source;
    b->source_len = fd->source_len;

    if (fd->scopes != fd->def_scope_array)
        js_free(ctx, fd->scopes);

    b->closure_var_count = fd->closure_var_count;
    if (b->closure_var_count) {
        b->closure_var = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + closure_var_offset);
        memcpy(b->closure_var, fd->closure_var, b->closure_var_count * sizeof(*b->closure_var));
    js_free(ctx, fd->closure_var);
    fd->closure_var = NULL;

    b->has_prototype = fd->has_prototype;
    b->has_simple_parameter_list = fd->has_simple_parameter_list;
    b->js_mode = fd->js_mode;
    b->is_derived_class_constructor = fd->is_derived_class_constructor;
    b->func_kind = fd->func_kind;
    b->need_home_object = (fd->home_object_var_idx >= 0 ||
    b->new_target_allowed = fd->new_target_allowed;
    b->super_call_allowed = fd->super_call_allowed;
    b->super_allowed = fd->super_allowed;
    b->arguments_allowed = fd->arguments_allowed;
    b->backtrace_barrier = fd->backtrace_barrier;
    b->realm = JS_DupContext(ctx);
    b->ic = fd->ic;
    fd->ic = NULL;
    rebuild_ic(ctx, b->ic);
    if (b->ic->count == 0) {
      free_ic(ctx->rt, b->ic);
      b->ic = NULL;

    add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &b->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_FUNCTION_BYTECODE);

    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_BYTECODE_FINAL))
        js_dump_function_bytecode(ctx, b);

    if (fd->parent) {
        /* remove from parent list */

    js_free(ctx, fd);
    js_free_function_def(ctx, fd);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static void free_function_bytecode(JSRuntime *rt, JSFunctionBytecode *b)
    int i;

    free_bytecode_atoms(rt, b->byte_code_buf, b->byte_code_len, TRUE);

    if (b->ic)
        free_ic(rt, b->ic);

    if (b->vardefs) {
        for(i = 0; i < b->arg_count + b->var_count; i++) {
            JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, b->vardefs[i].var_name);
    for(i = 0; i < b->cpool_count; i++)
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, b->cpool[i]);

    for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
        JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i];
        JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, cv->var_name);
    if (b->realm)

    JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, b->func_name);
    JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, b->filename);
    js_free_rt(rt, b->pc2line_buf);
    js_free_rt(rt, b->source);

    if (rt->gc_phase == JS_GC_PHASE_REMOVE_CYCLES && b->header.ref_count != 0) {
        list_add_tail(&b->header.link, &rt->gc_zero_ref_count_list);
    } else {
        js_free_rt(rt, b);

static __exception int js_parse_directives(JSParseState *s)
    char str[20];
    JSParsePos pos;
    BOOL has_semi;

    if (s->token.val != TOK_STRING)
        return 0;

    js_parse_get_pos(s, &pos);

    while(s->token.val == TOK_STRING) {
        /* Copy actual source string representation */
        snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%.*s",
                 (int)(s->buf_ptr - s->token.ptr - 2), s->token.ptr + 1);

        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;

        has_semi = FALSE;
        switch (s->token.val) {
        case ';':
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            has_semi = TRUE;
        case '}':
        case TOK_EOF:
            has_semi = TRUE;
        case TOK_NUMBER:
        case TOK_STRING:
        case TOK_TEMPLATE:
        case TOK_IDENT:
        case TOK_REGEXP:
        case TOK_DEC:
        case TOK_INC:
        case TOK_NULL:
        case TOK_FALSE:
        case TOK_TRUE:
        case TOK_IF:
        case TOK_RETURN:
        case TOK_VAR:
        case TOK_THIS:
        case TOK_DELETE:
        case TOK_TYPEOF:
        case TOK_NEW:
        case TOK_DO:
        case TOK_WHILE:
        case TOK_FOR:
        case TOK_SWITCH:
        case TOK_THROW:
        case TOK_TRY:
        case TOK_FUNCTION:
        case TOK_DEBUGGER:
        case TOK_WITH:
        case TOK_CLASS:
        case TOK_CONST:
        case TOK_ENUM:
        case TOK_EXPORT:
        case TOK_IMPORT:
        case TOK_SUPER:
        case TOK_INTERFACE:
        case TOK_LET:
        case TOK_PACKAGE:
        case TOK_PRIVATE:
        case TOK_PROTECTED:
        case TOK_PUBLIC:
        case TOK_STATIC:
            /* automatic insertion of ';' */
            if (s->got_lf)
                has_semi = TRUE;
        if (!has_semi)
        if (!strcmp(str, "use strict")) {
            s->cur_func->has_use_strict = TRUE;
            s->cur_func->js_mode |= JS_MODE_STRICT;
    return js_parse_seek_token(s, &pos);

static BOOL js_invalid_strict_name(JSAtom name) {
    switch (name) {
    case JS_ATOM_eval:
    case JS_ATOM_arguments:
    case JS_ATOM_implements: // future strict reserved words
    case JS_ATOM_interface:
    case JS_ATOM_let:
    case JS_ATOM_package:
    case JS_ATOM_private:
    case JS_ATOM_protected:
    case JS_ATOM_public:
    case JS_ATOM_static:
    case JS_ATOM_yield:
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

static int js_parse_function_check_names(JSParseState *s, JSFunctionDef *fd,
                                         JSAtom func_name)
    JSAtom name;
    int i, idx;

    if (fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) {
        if (!fd->has_simple_parameter_list && fd->has_use_strict) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "\"use strict\" not allowed in function with default or destructuring parameter");
        if (js_invalid_strict_name(func_name)) {
            return js_parse_error(s, "invalid function name in strict code");
        for (idx = 0; idx < fd->arg_count; idx++) {
            name = fd->args[idx].var_name;
            if (js_invalid_strict_name(name)) {
                return js_parse_error(s, "invalid argument name in strict code");
    /* check async_generator case */
    if ((fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)
    ||  !fd->has_simple_parameter_list
    ||  (fd->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_METHOD && fd->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC)
    ||  fd->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW
    ||  fd->func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_METHOD) {
        for (idx = 0; idx < fd->arg_count; idx++) {
            name = fd->args[idx].var_name;
            if (name != JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                for (i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
                    if (fd->args[i].var_name == name)
                        goto duplicate;
                /* Check if argument name duplicates a destructuring parameter */
                /* XXX: should have a flag for such variables */
                for (i = 0; i < fd->var_count; i++) {
                    if (fd->vars[i].var_name == name &&
                        fd->vars[i].scope_level == 0)
                        goto duplicate;
    return 0;

    return js_parse_error(s, "Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context");

/* create a function to initialize class fields */
static JSFunctionDef *js_parse_function_class_fields_init(JSParseState *s)
    JSFunctionDef *fd;

    fd = js_new_function_def(s->ctx, s->cur_func, FALSE, FALSE,
                             s->filename, 0, 0);
    if (!fd)
        return NULL;
    fd->func_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    fd->has_prototype = FALSE;
    fd->has_home_object = TRUE;

    fd->has_arguments_binding = FALSE;
    fd->has_this_binding = TRUE;
    fd->is_derived_class_constructor = FALSE;
    fd->new_target_allowed = TRUE;
    fd->super_call_allowed = FALSE;
    fd->super_allowed = fd->has_home_object;
    fd->arguments_allowed = FALSE;

    fd->func_kind = JS_FUNC_NORMAL;
    fd->func_type = JS_PARSE_FUNC_METHOD;
    return fd;

/* func_name must be JS_ATOM_NULL for JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT and
static __exception int js_parse_function_decl2(JSParseState *s,
                                               JSParseFunctionEnum func_type,
                                               JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind,
                                               JSAtom func_name,
                                               const uint8_t *ptr,
                                               int function_line_num,
                                               int function_col_num,
                                               JSParseExportEnum export_flag,
                                               JSFunctionDef **pfd)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    BOOL is_expr;
    int func_idx, lexical_func_idx = -1;
    BOOL has_opt_arg;
    BOOL create_func_var = FALSE;

    is_expr = (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT &&
               func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR);

    if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT ||
        func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR ||
        func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR) {
        if (func_kind == JS_FUNC_NORMAL &&
            token_is_pseudo_keyword(s, JS_ATOM_async) &&
            peek_token(s, TRUE) != '\n') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            func_kind = JS_FUNC_ASYNC;
        if (next_token(s))
            return -1;
        if (s->token.val == '*') {
            if (next_token(s))
                return -1;
            func_kind |= JS_FUNC_GENERATOR;

        if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
            if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved ||
                (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_yield &&
                 func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR &&
                 (func_kind & JS_FUNC_GENERATOR)) ||
                (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_await &&
                 func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR &&
                 (func_kind & JS_FUNC_ASYNC)) ||
                (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_await &&
                 func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT)) {
                return js_parse_error_reserved_identifier(s);
        if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT ||
            (((s->token.val == TOK_YIELD && !(fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)) ||
             (s->token.val == TOK_AWAIT && !s->is_module)) &&
             func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR)) {
            func_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, s->token.u.ident.atom);
            if (next_token(s)) {
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, func_name);
                return -1;
        } else {
            if (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR &&
                export_flag != JS_PARSE_EXPORT_DEFAULT) {
                return js_parse_error(s, "function name expected");
    } else if (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW) {
        func_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, func_name);

    if (fd->is_eval && fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE &&
        (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT || func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR)) {
        JSGlobalVar *hf;
        hf = find_global_var(fd, func_name);
        /* XXX: should check scope chain */
        if (hf && hf->scope_level == fd->scope_level) {
            js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of global identifier in module code");
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, func_name);
            return -1;

    if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR) {
        if (!(fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT)
        && func_kind == JS_FUNC_NORMAL
        &&  find_lexical_decl(ctx, fd, func_name, fd->scope_first, FALSE) < 0
        &&  !((func_idx = find_var(ctx, fd, func_name)) >= 0 && (func_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET))
        &&  !(func_name == JS_ATOM_arguments && fd->has_arguments_binding)) {
            create_func_var = TRUE;
        /* Create the lexical name here so that the function closure
           contains it */
        if (fd->is_eval &&
            (fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL ||
             fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE) &&
            fd->scope_level == fd->body_scope) {
            /* avoid creating a lexical variable in the global
               scope. XXX: check annex B */
            JSGlobalVar *hf;
            hf = find_global_var(fd, func_name);
            /* XXX: should check scope chain */
            if (hf && hf->scope_level == fd->scope_level) {
                js_parse_error(s, "invalid redefinition of global identifier");
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, func_name);
                return -1;
        } else {
            /* Always create a lexical name, fail if at the same scope as
               existing name */
            /* Lexical variable will be initialized upon entering scope */
            lexical_func_idx = define_var(s, fd, func_name,
                                          func_kind != JS_FUNC_NORMAL ?
                                          JS_VAR_DEF_NEW_FUNCTION_DECL :
            if (lexical_func_idx < 0) {
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, func_name);
                return -1;

    fd = js_new_function_def(ctx, fd, FALSE, is_expr, s->filename,
                             function_line_num, function_col_num);
    if (!fd) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, func_name);
        return -1;
    if (pfd)
        *pfd = fd;
    s->cur_func = fd;
    fd->func_name = func_name;
    /* XXX: test !fd->is_generator is always false */
    fd->has_prototype = (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_STATEMENT ||
                         func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR ||
                         func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_EXPR) &&
                        func_kind == JS_FUNC_NORMAL;
    fd->has_home_object = (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_METHOD ||
                           func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_GETTER ||
                           func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_SETTER ||
                           func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR ||
                           func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_DERIVED_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR);
    fd->has_arguments_binding = (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW &&
                                 func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT);
    fd->has_this_binding = fd->has_arguments_binding;
    fd->is_derived_class_constructor = (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_DERIVED_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR);
    if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW) {
        fd->new_target_allowed = fd->parent->new_target_allowed;
        fd->super_call_allowed = fd->parent->super_call_allowed;
        fd->super_allowed = fd->parent->super_allowed;
        fd->arguments_allowed = fd->parent->arguments_allowed;
    } else if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT) {
        fd->new_target_allowed = TRUE; // although new.target === undefined
        fd->super_call_allowed = FALSE;
        fd->super_allowed = TRUE;
        fd->arguments_allowed = FALSE;
    } else {
        fd->new_target_allowed = TRUE;
        fd->super_call_allowed = fd->is_derived_class_constructor;
        fd->super_allowed = fd->has_home_object;
        fd->arguments_allowed = TRUE;

    /* fd->in_function_body == FALSE prevents yield/await during the parsing
       of the arguments in generator/async functions. They are parsed as
       regular identifiers for other function kinds. */
    fd->func_kind = func_kind;
    fd->func_type = func_type;

    if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR ||
        /* error if not invoked as a constructor */
        emit_op(s, OP_check_ctor);

    if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR) {

    /* parse arguments */
    fd->has_simple_parameter_list = TRUE;
    fd->has_parameter_expressions = FALSE;
    has_opt_arg = FALSE;
    if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_ARROW && s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
        JSAtom name;
        if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
            goto fail;
        name = s->token.u.ident.atom;
        if (add_arg(ctx, fd, name) < 0)
            goto fail;
        fd->defined_arg_count = 1;
    } else if (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT) {
        if (s->token.val == '(') {
            int skip_bits;
            /* if there is an '=' inside the parameter list, we
               consider there is a parameter expression inside */
            js_parse_skip_parens_token(s, &skip_bits, FALSE);
            if (skip_bits & SKIP_HAS_ASSIGNMENT)
                fd->has_parameter_expressions = TRUE;
            if (next_token(s))
                goto fail;
        } else {
            if (js_parse_expect(s, '('))
                goto fail;

        if (fd->has_parameter_expressions) {
            fd->scope_level = -1; /* force no parent scope */
            if (push_scope(s) < 0)
                return -1;

        while (s->token.val != ')') {
            JSAtom name;
            BOOL rest = FALSE;
            int idx, has_initializer;

            if (s->token.val == TOK_ELLIPSIS) {
                fd->has_simple_parameter_list = FALSE;
                rest = TRUE;
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
            if (s->token.val == '[' || s->token.val == '{') {
                fd->has_simple_parameter_list = FALSE;
                if (rest) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_rest);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->arg_count);
                } else {
                    /* unnamed arg for destructuring */
                    idx = add_arg(ctx, fd, JS_ATOM_NULL);
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_arg);
                    emit_u16(s, idx);
                has_initializer = js_parse_destructuring_element(s, fd->has_parameter_expressions ? TOK_LET : TOK_VAR, 1, TRUE, -1, TRUE);
                if (has_initializer < 0)
                    goto fail;
                if (has_initializer)
                    has_opt_arg = TRUE;
                if (!has_opt_arg)
            } else if (s->token.val == TOK_IDENT) {
                if (s->token.u.ident.is_reserved) {
                    goto fail;
                name = s->token.u.ident.atom;
                if (name == JS_ATOM_yield && fd->func_kind == JS_FUNC_GENERATOR) {
                    goto fail;
                if (fd->has_parameter_expressions) {
                    if (js_parse_check_duplicate_parameter(s, name))
                        goto fail;
                    if (define_var(s, fd, name, JS_VAR_DEF_LET) < 0)
                        goto fail;
                /* XXX: could avoid allocating an argument if rest is true */
                idx = add_arg(ctx, fd, name);
                if (idx < 0)
                    goto fail;
                if (next_token(s))
                    goto fail;
                if (rest) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_rest);
                    emit_u16(s, idx);
                    if (fd->has_parameter_expressions) {
                        emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                        emit_atom(s, name);
                        emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
                    emit_op(s, OP_put_arg);
                    emit_u16(s, idx);
                    fd->has_simple_parameter_list = FALSE;
                    has_opt_arg = TRUE;
                } else if (s->token.val == '=') {
                    int label;

                    fd->has_simple_parameter_list = FALSE;
                    has_opt_arg = TRUE;

                    if (next_token(s))
                        goto fail;

                    label = new_label(s);
                    emit_op(s, OP_get_arg);
                    emit_u16(s, idx);
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_undefined);
                    emit_op(s, OP_strict_eq);
                    emit_goto(s, OP_if_false, label);
                    emit_op(s, OP_drop);
                    if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                        goto fail;
                    set_object_name(s, name);
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_put_arg);
                    emit_u16(s, idx);
                    emit_label(s, label);
                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                    emit_atom(s, name);
                    emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
                } else {
                    if (!has_opt_arg) {
                    if (fd->has_parameter_expressions) {
                        /* copy the argument to the argument scope */
                        emit_op(s, OP_get_arg);
                        emit_u16(s, idx);
                        emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                        emit_atom(s, name);
                        emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
            } else {
                js_parse_error(s, "missing formal parameter");
                goto fail;
            if (rest && s->token.val != ')') {
                js_parse_expect(s, ')');
                goto fail;
            if (s->token.val == ')')
            if (js_parse_expect(s, ','))
                goto fail;
        if ((func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_GETTER && fd->arg_count != 0) ||
            (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_SETTER && fd->arg_count != 1)) {
            js_parse_error(s, "invalid number of arguments for getter or setter");
            goto fail;

    if (fd->has_parameter_expressions) {
        int idx;

        /* Copy the variables in the argument scope to the variable
           scope (see FunctionDeclarationInstantiation() in spec). The
           normal arguments are already present, so no need to copy
           them. */
        idx = fd->scopes[fd->scope_level].first;
        while (idx >= 0) {
            JSVarDef *vd = &fd->vars[idx];
            if (vd->scope_level != fd->scope_level)
            if (find_var(ctx, fd, vd->var_name) < 0) {
                if (add_var(ctx, fd, vd->var_name) < 0)
                    goto fail;
                vd = &fd->vars[idx]; /* fd->vars may have been reallocated */
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_get_var);
                emit_atom(s, vd->var_name);
                emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var);
                emit_atom(s, vd->var_name);
                emit_u16(s, 0);
            idx = vd->scope_next;

        /* the argument scope has no parent, hence we don't use pop_scope(s) */
        emit_op(s, OP_leave_scope);
        emit_u16(s, fd->scope_level);

        /* set the variable scope as the current scope */
        fd->scope_level = 0;
        fd->scope_first = fd->scopes[fd->scope_level].first;

    if (next_token(s))
        goto fail;

    /* generator function: yield after the parameters are evaluated */
    if (func_kind == JS_FUNC_GENERATOR ||
        func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR)
        emit_op(s, OP_initial_yield);

    /* in generators, yield expression is forbidden during the parsing
       of the arguments */
    fd->in_function_body = TRUE;
    push_scope(s);  /* enter body scope */
    fd->body_scope = fd->scope_level;

    if (s->token.val == TOK_ARROW) {
        if (next_token(s))
            goto fail;

        if (s->token.val != '{') {
            if (js_parse_function_check_names(s, fd, func_name))
                goto fail;

            if (js_parse_assign_expr(s))
                goto fail;

            if (func_kind != JS_FUNC_NORMAL)
                emit_op(s, OP_return_async);
                emit_op(s, OP_return);

            /* save the function source code */
            /* the end of the function source code is after the last
                token of the function source stored into s->last_ptr */
            fd->source_len = s->last_ptr - ptr;
            fd->source = js_strndup(ctx, (const char *)ptr, fd->source_len);
            if (!fd->source)
                goto fail;

            goto done;

    // js_parse_class() already consumed the '{'
    if (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_STATIC_INIT)
        if (js_parse_expect(s, '{'))
            goto fail;

    if (js_parse_directives(s))
        goto fail;

    /* in strict_mode, check function and argument names */
    if (js_parse_function_check_names(s, fd, func_name))
        goto fail;

    while (s->token.val != '}') {
        if (js_parse_source_element(s))
            goto fail;

    /* save the function source code */
    fd->source_len = s->buf_ptr - ptr;
    fd->source = js_strndup(ctx, (const char *)ptr, fd->source_len);
    if (!fd->source)
        goto fail;

    if (next_token(s)) {
        /* consume the '}' */
        goto fail;

    /* in case there is no return, add one */
    if (js_is_live_code(s)) {
        emit_return(s, FALSE);
    s->cur_func = fd->parent;

    /* create the function object */
        int idx;
        JSAtom func_name = fd->func_name;

        /* the real object will be set at the end of the compilation */
        idx = cpool_add(s, JS_NULL);
        fd->parent_cpool_idx = idx;

        if (is_expr) {
            /* for constructors, no code needs to be generated here */
            if (func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR &&
                func_type != JS_PARSE_FUNC_DERIVED_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR) {
                /* OP_fclosure creates the function object from the bytecode
                   and adds the scope information */
                emit_op(s, OP_fclosure);
                emit_u32(s, idx);
                if (func_name == JS_ATOM_NULL) {
                    emit_op(s, OP_set_name);
                    emit_u32(s, JS_ATOM_NULL);
        } else if (func_type == JS_PARSE_FUNC_VAR) {
            emit_op(s, OP_fclosure);
            emit_u32(s, idx);
            if (create_func_var) {
                if (s->cur_func->is_global_var) {
                    JSGlobalVar *hf;
                    /* the global variable must be defined at the start of the
                       function */
                    hf = add_global_var(ctx, s->cur_func, func_name);
                    if (!hf)
                        goto fail;
                    /* it is considered as defined at the top level
                       (needed for annex B.3.3.4 and B.3.3.5
                       checks) */
                    hf->scope_level = 0;
                    hf->force_init = ((s->cur_func->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT) != 0);
                    /* store directly into global var, bypass lexical scope */
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var);
                    emit_atom(s, func_name);
                    emit_u16(s, 0);
                } else {
                    /* do not call define_var to bypass lexical scope check */
                    func_idx = find_var(ctx, s->cur_func, func_name);
                    if (func_idx < 0) {
                        func_idx = add_var(ctx, s->cur_func, func_name);
                        if (func_idx < 0)
                            goto fail;
                    /* store directly into local var, bypass lexical catch scope */
                    emit_op(s, OP_dup);
                    emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var);
                    emit_atom(s, func_name);
                    emit_u16(s, 0);
            if (lexical_func_idx >= 0) {
                /* lexical variable will be initialized upon entering scope */
                s->cur_func->vars[lexical_func_idx].func_pool_idx = idx;
                emit_op(s, OP_drop);
            } else {
                /* store function object into its lexical name */
                /* XXX: could use OP_put_loc directly */
                emit_op(s, OP_scope_put_var_init);
                emit_atom(s, func_name);
                emit_u16(s, s->cur_func->scope_level);
        } else {
            if (!s->cur_func->is_global_var) {
                int var_idx = define_var(s, s->cur_func, func_name, JS_VAR_DEF_VAR);

                if (var_idx < 0)
                    goto fail;
                /* the variable will be assigned at the top of the function */
                if (var_idx & ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET) {
                    s->cur_func->args[var_idx - ARGUMENT_VAR_OFFSET].func_pool_idx = idx;
                } else {
                    s->cur_func->vars[var_idx].func_pool_idx = idx;
            } else {
                JSAtom func_var_name;
                JSGlobalVar *hf;
                if (func_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                    func_var_name = JS_ATOM__default_; /* export default */
                    func_var_name = func_name;
                /* the variable will be assigned at the top of the function */
                hf = add_global_var(ctx, s->cur_func, func_var_name);
                if (!hf)
                    goto fail;
                hf->cpool_idx = idx;
                if (export_flag != JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE) {
                    if (!add_export_entry(s, s->cur_func->module, func_var_name,
                                          export_flag == JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NAMED ? func_var_name : JS_ATOM_default, JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL))
                        goto fail;
    return 0;
    s->cur_func = fd->parent;
    js_free_function_def(ctx, fd);
    if (pfd)
        *pfd = NULL;
    return -1;

static __exception int js_parse_function_decl(JSParseState *s,
                                              JSParseFunctionEnum func_type,
                                              JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind,
                                              JSAtom func_name,
                                              const uint8_t *ptr,
                                              int start_line,
                                              int start_col)
    return js_parse_function_decl2(s, func_type, func_kind, func_name, ptr,
                                   start_line, start_col,
                                   JS_PARSE_EXPORT_NONE, NULL);

static __exception int js_parse_program(JSParseState *s)
    JSFunctionDef *fd = s->cur_func;
    int idx;

    if (next_token(s))
        return -1;

    if (js_parse_directives(s))
        return -1;

    fd->is_global_var = (fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL) ||
        (fd->eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE) ||
        !(fd->js_mode & JS_MODE_STRICT);

    if (!s->is_module) {
        /* hidden variable for the return value */
        fd->eval_ret_idx = idx = add_var(s->ctx, fd, JS_ATOM__ret_);
        if (idx < 0)
            return -1;

    while (s->token.val != TOK_EOF) {
        if (js_parse_source_element(s))
            return -1;

    if (!s->is_module) {
        /* return the value of the hidden variable eval_ret_idx  */
        if (fd->func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC) {
            /* wrap the return value in an object so that promises can
               be safely returned */
            emit_op(s, OP_object);
            emit_op(s, OP_dup);

            emit_op(s, OP_get_loc);
            emit_u16(s, fd->eval_ret_idx);

            emit_op(s, OP_put_field);
            emit_atom(s, JS_ATOM_value);
        } else {
            emit_op(s, OP_get_loc);
            emit_u16(s, fd->eval_ret_idx);
        emit_return(s, TRUE);
    } else {
        emit_return(s, FALSE);

    return 0;

static void js_parse_init(JSContext *ctx, JSParseState *s,
                          const char *input, size_t input_len,
                          const char *filename)
    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
    s->ctx = ctx;
    s->filename = filename;
    s->line_num = 1;
    s->col_num = 1;
    s->buf_start = s->buf_ptr = (const uint8_t *)input;
    s->buf_end = s->buf_ptr + input_len;
    s->mark = s->buf_ptr + min_int(1, input_len);
    s->eol = s->buf_ptr;
    s->token.val = ' ';
    s->token.line_num = 1;
    s->token.col_num = 1;

static JSValue JS_EvalFunctionInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue fun_obj,
                                       JSValue this_obj,
                                       JSVarRef **var_refs, JSStackFrame *sf)
    JSValue ret_val;
    uint32_t tag;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(fun_obj);
    if (tag == JS_TAG_FUNCTION_BYTECODE) {
        fun_obj = js_closure(ctx, fun_obj, var_refs, sf);
        ret_val = JS_CallFree(ctx, fun_obj, this_obj, 0, NULL);
    } else if (tag == JS_TAG_MODULE) {
        JSModuleDef *m;
        m = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(fun_obj);
        /* the module refcount should be >= 2 */
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, fun_obj);
        if (js_create_module_function(ctx, m) < 0)
            goto fail;
        if (js_link_module(ctx, m) < 0)
            goto fail;
        ret_val = js_evaluate_module(ctx, m);
        if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) {
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, fun_obj);
        ret_val = JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "bytecode function expected");
    return ret_val;

JSValue JS_EvalFunction(JSContext *ctx, JSValue fun_obj)
    return JS_EvalFunctionInternal(ctx, fun_obj, ctx->global_obj, NULL, NULL);

/* 'input' must be zero terminated i.e. input[input_len] = '\0'. */
/* `export_name` and `input` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
static JSValue __JS_EvalInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                                 const char *input, size_t input_len,
                                 const char *filename, int flags, int scope_idx)
    JSParseState s1, *s = &s1;
    int err, js_mode, eval_type;
    JSValue fun_obj, ret_val;
    JSStackFrame *sf;
    JSVarRef **var_refs;
    JSFunctionBytecode *b;
    JSFunctionDef *fd;
    JSModuleDef *m;

    js_parse_init(ctx, s, input, input_len, filename);
    skip_shebang(&s->buf_ptr, s->buf_end);

    eval_type = flags & JS_EVAL_TYPE_MASK;
    m = NULL;
    if (eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT) {
        JSObject *p;
        sf = ctx->rt->current_stack_frame;
        assert(sf != NULL);
        assert(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(sf->cur_func) == JS_TAG_OBJECT);
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sf->cur_func);
        b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
        var_refs = p->u.func.var_refs;
        js_mode = b->js_mode;
    } else {
        sf = NULL;
        b = NULL;
        var_refs = NULL;
        js_mode = 0;
        if (flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_STRICT)
            js_mode |= JS_MODE_STRICT;
        if (eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE) {
            JSAtom module_name = JS_NewAtom(ctx, filename);
            if (module_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            m = js_new_module_def(ctx, module_name);
            if (!m)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            js_mode |= JS_MODE_STRICT;
    fd = js_new_function_def(ctx, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, filename, 1, 1);
    if (!fd)
        goto fail1;
    s->cur_func = fd;
    fd->eval_type = eval_type;
    fd->has_this_binding = (eval_type != JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT);
    fd->backtrace_barrier = ((flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_BACKTRACE_BARRIER) != 0);
    if (eval_type == JS_EVAL_TYPE_DIRECT) {
        fd->new_target_allowed = b->new_target_allowed;
        fd->super_call_allowed = b->super_call_allowed;
        fd->super_allowed = b->super_allowed;
        fd->arguments_allowed = b->arguments_allowed;
    } else {
        fd->new_target_allowed = FALSE;
        fd->super_call_allowed = FALSE;
        fd->super_allowed = FALSE;
        fd->arguments_allowed = TRUE;
    fd->js_mode = js_mode;
    fd->func_name = JS_DupAtom(ctx, JS_ATOM__eval_);
    if (b) {
        if (add_closure_variables(ctx, fd, b, scope_idx))
            goto fail;
    fd->module = m;
    if (m != NULL || (flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_ASYNC)) {
        fd->in_function_body = TRUE;
        fd->func_kind = JS_FUNC_ASYNC;
    s->is_module = (m != NULL);
    s->allow_html_comments = !s->is_module;

    push_scope(s); /* body scope */
    fd->body_scope = fd->scope_level;

    err = js_parse_program(s);
    if (err) {
        free_token(s, &s->token);
        js_free_function_def(ctx, fd);
        goto fail1;

    if (m != NULL)
        m->has_tla = fd->has_await;

    /* create the function object and all the enclosed functions */
    fun_obj = js_create_function(ctx, fd);
    if (JS_IsException(fun_obj))
        goto fail1;
    /* Could add a flag to avoid resolution if necessary */
    if (m) {
        m->func_obj = fun_obj;
        if (js_resolve_module(ctx, m) < 0)
            goto fail1;
        fun_obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
    if (flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_COMPILE_ONLY) {
        ret_val = fun_obj;
    } else {
        ret_val = JS_EvalFunctionInternal(ctx, fun_obj, this_obj, var_refs, sf);
    return ret_val;
    /* XXX: should free all the unresolved dependencies */
    if (m)
        js_free_module_def(ctx, m);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* the indirection is needed to make 'eval' optional */
static JSValue JS_EvalInternal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                               const char *input, size_t input_len,
                               const char *filename, int flags, int scope_idx)
    if (unlikely(!ctx->eval_internal)) {
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "eval is not supported");
    return ctx->eval_internal(ctx, this_obj, input, input_len, filename,
                              flags, scope_idx);

static JSValue JS_EvalObject(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                             JSValue val, int flags, int scope_idx)
    JSValue ret;
    const char *str;
    size_t len;

    if (!JS_IsString(val))
        return js_dup(val);
    str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, val);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_EvalInternal(ctx, this_obj, str, len, "<input>", flags, scope_idx);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    return ret;


JSValue JS_EvalThis(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_obj,
                    const char *input, size_t input_len,
                    const char *filename, int eval_flags)
    JSValue ret;

    assert((eval_flags & JS_EVAL_TYPE_MASK) == JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL ||
           (eval_flags & JS_EVAL_TYPE_MASK) == JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE);
    ret = JS_EvalInternal(ctx, this_obj, input, input_len, filename,
                          eval_flags, -1);
    return ret;

JSValue JS_Eval(JSContext *ctx, const char *input, size_t input_len,
                const char *filename, int eval_flags)
    return JS_EvalThis(ctx, ctx->global_obj, input, input_len, filename,

int JS_ResolveModule(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_MODULE) {
        JSModuleDef *m = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj);
        if (js_resolve_module(ctx, m) < 0) {
            js_free_modules(ctx, JS_FREE_MODULE_NOT_RESOLVED);
            return -1;
    return 0;

/* object list */

typedef struct {
    JSObject *obj;
    uint32_t hash_next; /* -1 if no next entry */
} JSObjectListEntry;

/* XXX: reuse it to optimize weak references */
typedef struct {
    JSObjectListEntry *object_tab;
    int object_count;
    int object_size;
    uint32_t *hash_table;
    uint32_t hash_size;
} JSObjectList;

static void js_object_list_init(JSObjectList *s)
    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));

static uint32_t js_object_list_get_hash(JSObject *p, uint32_t hash_size)
    return ((uintptr_t)p * 3163) & (hash_size - 1);

static int js_object_list_resize_hash(JSContext *ctx, JSObjectList *s,
                                 uint32_t new_hash_size)
    JSObjectListEntry *e;
    uint32_t i, h, *new_hash_table;

    new_hash_table = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(new_hash_table[0]) * new_hash_size);
    if (!new_hash_table)
        return -1;
    js_free(ctx, s->hash_table);
    s->hash_table = new_hash_table;
    s->hash_size = new_hash_size;

    for(i = 0; i < s->hash_size; i++) {
        s->hash_table[i] = -1;
    for(i = 0; i < s->object_count; i++) {
        e = &s->object_tab[i];
        h = js_object_list_get_hash(e->obj, s->hash_size);
        e->hash_next = s->hash_table[h];
        s->hash_table[h] = i;
    return 0;

/* the reference count of 'obj' is not modified. Return 0 if OK, -1 if
   memory error */
static int js_object_list_add(JSContext *ctx, JSObjectList *s, JSObject *obj)
    JSObjectListEntry *e;
    uint32_t h, new_hash_size;

    if (js_resize_array(ctx, (void *)&s->object_tab,
                        &s->object_size, s->object_count + 1))
        return -1;
    if (unlikely((s->object_count + 1) >= s->hash_size)) {
        new_hash_size = max_uint32(s->hash_size, 4);
        while (new_hash_size <= s->object_count)
            new_hash_size *= 2;
        if (js_object_list_resize_hash(ctx, s, new_hash_size))
            return -1;
    e = &s->object_tab[s->object_count++];
    h = js_object_list_get_hash(obj, s->hash_size);
    e->obj = obj;
    e->hash_next = s->hash_table[h];
    s->hash_table[h] = s->object_count - 1;
    return 0;

/* return -1 if not present or the object index */
static int js_object_list_find(JSContext *ctx, JSObjectList *s, JSObject *obj)
    JSObjectListEntry *e;
    uint32_t h, p;

    /* must test empty size because there is no hash table */
    if (s->object_count == 0)
        return -1;
    h = js_object_list_get_hash(obj, s->hash_size);
    p = s->hash_table[h];
    while (p != -1) {
        e = &s->object_tab[p];
        if (e->obj == obj)
            return p;
        p = e->hash_next;
    return -1;

static void js_object_list_end(JSContext *ctx, JSObjectList *s)
    js_free(ctx, s->object_tab);
    js_free(ctx, s->hash_table);

/* binary object writer & reader */

typedef enum BCTagEnum {
    BC_TAG_NULL = 1,
} BCTagEnum;

#define BC_VERSION 13

typedef struct BCWriterState {
    JSContext *ctx;
    DynBuf dbuf;
    BOOL allow_bytecode : 8;
    BOOL allow_sab : 8;
    BOOL allow_reference : 8;
    BOOL allow_source : 1;
    BOOL allow_debug : 1;
    uint32_t first_atom;
    uint32_t *atom_to_idx;
    int atom_to_idx_size;
    JSAtom *idx_to_atom;
    int idx_to_atom_count;
    int idx_to_atom_size;
    uint8_t **sab_tab;
    int sab_tab_len;
    int sab_tab_size;
    /* list of referenced objects (used if allow_reference = TRUE) */
    JSObjectList object_list;
} BCWriterState;

static const char * const bc_tag_str[] = {

static void bc_put_u8(BCWriterState *s, uint8_t v)
    dbuf_putc(&s->dbuf, v);

static void bc_put_u16(BCWriterState *s, uint16_t v)
    if (is_be())
        v = bswap16(v);
    dbuf_put_u16(&s->dbuf, v);

static __maybe_unused void bc_put_u32(BCWriterState *s, uint32_t v)
    if (is_be())
        v = bswap32(v);
    dbuf_put_u32(&s->dbuf, v);

static void bc_put_u64(BCWriterState *s, uint64_t v)
    if (is_be())
        v = bswap64(v);
    dbuf_put(&s->dbuf, (uint8_t *)&v, sizeof(v));

static void bc_put_leb128(BCWriterState *s, uint32_t v)
    dbuf_put_leb128(&s->dbuf, v);

static void bc_put_sleb128(BCWriterState *s, int32_t v)
    dbuf_put_sleb128(&s->dbuf, v);

static void bc_set_flags(uint32_t *pflags, int *pidx, uint32_t val, int n)
    *pflags = *pflags | (val << *pidx);
    *pidx += n;

static int bc_atom_to_idx(BCWriterState *s, uint32_t *pres, JSAtom atom)
    uint32_t v;

    if (atom < s->first_atom || __JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom)) {
        *pres = atom;
        return 0;
    atom -= s->first_atom;
    if (atom < s->atom_to_idx_size && s->atom_to_idx[atom] != 0) {
        *pres = s->atom_to_idx[atom];
        return 0;
    if (atom >= s->atom_to_idx_size) {
        int old_size, i;
        old_size = s->atom_to_idx_size;
        if (js_resize_array(s->ctx, (void **)&s->atom_to_idx,
                            sizeof(s->atom_to_idx[0]), &s->atom_to_idx_size,
                            atom + 1))
            return -1;
        /* XXX: could add a specific js_resize_array() function to do it */
        for(i = old_size; i < s->atom_to_idx_size; i++)
            s->atom_to_idx[i] = 0;
    if (js_resize_array(s->ctx, (void **)&s->idx_to_atom,
                        &s->idx_to_atom_size, s->idx_to_atom_count + 1))
        goto fail;

    v = s->idx_to_atom_count++;
    s->idx_to_atom[v] = atom + s->first_atom;
    v += s->first_atom;
    s->atom_to_idx[atom] = v;
    *pres = v;
    return 0;
    *pres = 0;
    return -1;

static int bc_put_atom(BCWriterState *s, JSAtom atom)
    uint32_t v;

    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(atom)) {
        v = (__JS_AtomToUInt32(atom) << 1) | 1;
    } else {
        if (bc_atom_to_idx(s, &v, atom))
            return -1;
        v <<= 1;
    bc_put_leb128(s, v);
    return 0;

static void bc_byte_swap(uint8_t *bc_buf, int bc_len)
    int pos, len, op, fmt;

    pos = 0;
    while (pos < bc_len) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = short_opcode_info(op).size;
        fmt = short_opcode_info(op).fmt;
        switch(fmt) {
        case OP_FMT_u16:
        case OP_FMT_i16:
        case OP_FMT_label16:
        case OP_FMT_npop:
        case OP_FMT_loc:
        case OP_FMT_arg:
        case OP_FMT_var_ref:
            put_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1,
                    bswap16(get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1)));
        case OP_FMT_i32:
        case OP_FMT_u32:
        case OP_FMT_const:
        case OP_FMT_label:
        case OP_FMT_atom:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
            put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1,
                    bswap32(get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1)));
        case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
        case OP_FMT_label_u16:
            put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1,
                    bswap32(get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1)));
            put_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 4,
                    bswap16(get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 4)));
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
            put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1,
                    bswap32(get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1)));
            put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 4,
                    bswap32(get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 4)));
            if (fmt == OP_FMT_atom_label_u16) {
                put_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 4 + 4,
                        bswap16(get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 4 + 4)));
        case OP_FMT_npop_u16:
            put_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1,
                    bswap16(get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1)));
            put_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 2,
                    bswap16(get_u16(bc_buf + pos + 1 + 2)));
        pos += len;

static BOOL is_ic_op(uint8_t op)
    return op >= OP_get_field_ic && op <= OP_put_field_ic;

static int JS_WriteFunctionBytecode(BCWriterState *s,
                                    const JSFunctionBytecode *b)
    int pos, len, bc_len, op;
    JSAtom atom;
    uint8_t *bc_buf;
    uint32_t val;

    bc_len = b->byte_code_len;
    bc_buf = js_malloc(s->ctx, bc_len);
    if (!bc_buf)
        return -1;
    memcpy(bc_buf, b->byte_code_buf, bc_len);

    pos = 0;
    while (pos < bc_len) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = short_opcode_info(op).size;
        switch(short_opcode_info(op).fmt) {
        case OP_FMT_atom:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
            atom = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (bc_atom_to_idx(s, &val, atom))
                goto fail;
            put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1, val);
            // IC (inline cache) opcodes should not end up in the serialized
            // bytecode; translate them to their non-IC counterparts here
            if (is_ic_op(op)) {
                val = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
                atom = get_ic_atom(b->ic, val);
                if (bc_atom_to_idx(s, &val, atom))
                    goto fail;
                put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1, val);
                bc_buf[pos] -= (OP_get_field_ic - OP_get_field);
        pos += len;

    if (is_be())
        bc_byte_swap(bc_buf, bc_len);

    dbuf_put(&s->dbuf, bc_buf, bc_len);

    js_free(s->ctx, bc_buf);
    return 0;
    js_free(s->ctx, bc_buf);
    return -1;

static void JS_WriteString(BCWriterState *s, JSString *p)
    int i;
    bc_put_leb128(s, ((uint32_t)p->len << 1) | p->is_wide_char);
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        for(i = 0; i < p->len; i++)
            bc_put_u16(s, p->u.str16[i]);
    } else {
        dbuf_put(&s->dbuf, p->u.str8, p->len);

static int JS_WriteBigInt(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    uint32_t tag, tag1;
    int64_t e;
    JSBigInt *bf = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj);
    bf_t *a = &bf->num;
    size_t len, i, n1, j;
    limb_t v;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        tag1 = BC_TAG_BIG_INT;
    bc_put_u8(s, tag1);

    /* sign + exponent */
    if (a->expn == BF_EXP_ZERO)
        e = 0;
    else if (a->expn == BF_EXP_INF)
        e = 1;
    else if (a->expn == BF_EXP_NAN)
        e = 2;
    else if (a->expn >= 0)
        e = a->expn + 3;
        e = a->expn;
    e = (e * 2) | a->sign;
    if (e < INT32_MIN || e > INT32_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(s->ctx, "maximum BigInt size exceeded");
        return -1;
    bc_put_sleb128(s, e);

    /* mantissa */
    if (a->len != 0) {
        i = 0;
        while (i < a->len && a->tab[i] == 0)
        assert(i < a->len);
        v = a->tab[i];
        n1 = sizeof(limb_t);
        while ((v & 0xff) == 0) {
            v >>= 8;
        len = (a->len - i) * sizeof(limb_t) + n1;
        if (len > INT32_MAX) {
            JS_ThrowRangeError(s->ctx, "maximum BigInt size exceeded");
            return -1;
        bc_put_leb128(s, len);
        /* always saved in byte based little endian representation */
        for(j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
            bc_put_u8(s, v >> (j * 8));
        for(; i < a->len; i++) {
            limb_t v = a->tab[i];
#if LIMB_BITS == 32
            bc_put_u32(s, v);
            bc_put_u64(s, v);
    return 0;

static int JS_WriteObjectRec(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj);

static int JS_WriteFunctionTag(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSFunctionBytecode *b = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj);
    uint32_t flags;
    int idx, i;

    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_FUNCTION_BYTECODE);
    flags = idx = 0;
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->has_prototype, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->has_simple_parameter_list, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->is_derived_class_constructor, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->need_home_object, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->func_kind, 2);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->new_target_allowed, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->super_call_allowed, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->super_allowed, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->arguments_allowed, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, b->backtrace_barrier, 1);
    bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, s->allow_debug, 1);
    assert(idx <= 16);
    bc_put_u16(s, flags);
    bc_put_u8(s, b->js_mode);
    bc_put_atom(s, b->func_name);

    bc_put_leb128(s, b->arg_count);
    bc_put_leb128(s, b->var_count);
    bc_put_leb128(s, b->defined_arg_count);
    bc_put_leb128(s, b->stack_size);
    bc_put_leb128(s, b->closure_var_count);
    bc_put_leb128(s, b->cpool_count);
    bc_put_leb128(s, b->byte_code_len);
    if (b->vardefs) {
        /* XXX: this field is redundant */
        bc_put_leb128(s, b->arg_count + b->var_count);
        for(i = 0; i < b->arg_count + b->var_count; i++) {
            JSVarDef *vd = &b->vardefs[i];
            bc_put_atom(s, vd->var_name);
            bc_put_leb128(s, vd->scope_level);
            bc_put_leb128(s, vd->scope_next + 1);
            flags = idx = 0;
            bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, vd->var_kind, 4);
            bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, vd->is_const, 1);
            bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, vd->is_lexical, 1);
            bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, vd->is_captured, 1);
            assert(idx <= 8);
            bc_put_u8(s, flags);
    } else {
        bc_put_leb128(s, 0);

    for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
        JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i];
        bc_put_atom(s, cv->var_name);
        bc_put_leb128(s, cv->var_idx);
        flags = idx = 0;
        bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, cv->is_local, 1);
        bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, cv->is_arg, 1);
        bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, cv->is_const, 1);
        bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, cv->is_lexical, 1);
        bc_set_flags(&flags, &idx, cv->var_kind, 4);
        assert(idx <= 8);
        bc_put_u8(s, flags);

    // write constant pool before code so code can be disassembled
    // on the fly at read time
    for(i = 0; i < b->cpool_count; i++) {
        if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, b->cpool[i]))
            goto fail;

    if (JS_WriteFunctionBytecode(s, b))
        goto fail;

    if (s->allow_debug) {
        bc_put_atom(s, b->filename);
        bc_put_leb128(s, b->line_num);
        bc_put_leb128(s, b->col_num);
        bc_put_leb128(s, b->pc2line_len);
        dbuf_put(&s->dbuf, b->pc2line_buf, b->pc2line_len);
        if (s->allow_source && b->source) {
            bc_put_leb128(s, b->source_len);
            dbuf_put(&s->dbuf, b->source, b->source_len);
        } else {
            bc_put_leb128(s, 0);
    return 0;
    return -1;

static int JS_WriteModule(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSModuleDef *m = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj);
    int i;

    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_MODULE);
    bc_put_atom(s, m->module_name);

    bc_put_leb128(s, m->req_module_entries_count);
    for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
        JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
        bc_put_atom(s, rme->module_name);

    bc_put_leb128(s, m->export_entries_count);
    for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
        bc_put_u8(s, me->export_type);
        if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL) {
            bc_put_leb128(s, me->u.local.var_idx);
        } else {
            bc_put_leb128(s, me->u.req_module_idx);
            bc_put_atom(s, me->local_name);
        bc_put_atom(s, me->export_name);

    bc_put_leb128(s, m->star_export_entries_count);
    for(i = 0; i < m->star_export_entries_count; i++) {
        JSStarExportEntry *se = &m->star_export_entries[i];
        bc_put_leb128(s, se->req_module_idx);

    bc_put_leb128(s, m->import_entries_count);
    for(i = 0; i < m->import_entries_count; i++) {
        JSImportEntry *mi = &m->import_entries[i];
        bc_put_leb128(s, mi->var_idx);
        bc_put_atom(s, mi->import_name);
        bc_put_leb128(s, mi->req_module_idx);

    bc_put_u8(s, m->has_tla);

    if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, m->func_obj))
        goto fail;
    return 0;
    return -1;

static int JS_WriteArray(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    uint32_t i, len;
    JSValue val;
    int ret;
    BOOL is_template;

    if (s->allow_bytecode && !p->extensible) {
        /* not extensible array: we consider it is a
           template when we are saving bytecode */
        bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_TEMPLATE_OBJECT);
        is_template = TRUE;
    } else {
        bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_ARRAY);
        is_template = FALSE;
    if (js_get_length32(s->ctx, &len, obj))
        goto fail1;
    bc_put_leb128(s, len);
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(s->ctx, obj, i);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail1;
        ret = JS_WriteObjectRec(s, val);
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, val);
        if (ret)
            goto fail1;
    if (is_template) {
        val = JS_GetProperty(s->ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_raw);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail1;
        ret = JS_WriteObjectRec(s, val);
        JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, val);
        if (ret)
            goto fail1;
    return 0;
    return -1;

static int JS_WriteObjectTag(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    uint32_t i, prop_count;
    JSShape *sh;
    JSShapeProperty *pr;
    int pass;
    JSAtom atom;

    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_OBJECT);
    prop_count = 0;
    sh = p->shape;
    for(pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
        if (pass == 1)
            bc_put_leb128(s, prop_count);
        for(i = 0, pr = get_shape_prop(sh); i < sh->prop_count; i++, pr++) {
            atom = pr->atom;
            if (atom != JS_ATOM_NULL &&
                JS_AtomIsString(s->ctx, atom) &&
                (pr->flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE)) {
                if (pr->flags & JS_PROP_TMASK) {
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(s->ctx, "only value properties are supported");
                    goto fail;
                if (pass == 0) {
                } else {
                    bc_put_atom(s, atom);
                    if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, p->prop[i].u.value))
                        goto fail;
    return 0;
    return -1;

static int JS_WriteTypedArray(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    JSTypedArray *ta = p->u.typed_array;

    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_TYPED_ARRAY);
    bc_put_u8(s, p->class_id - JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY);
    bc_put_leb128(s, p->u.array.count);
    bc_put_leb128(s, ta->offset);
    if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, ta->buffer)))
        return -1;
    return 0;

static int JS_WriteArrayBuffer(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = p->u.array_buffer;
    if (abuf->detached) {
        return -1;
    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    bc_put_leb128(s, abuf->byte_length);
    dbuf_put(&s->dbuf, abuf->data, abuf->byte_length);
    return 0;

static int JS_WriteSharedArrayBuffer(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = p->u.array_buffer;
    assert(!abuf->detached); /* SharedArrayBuffer are never detached */
    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    bc_put_leb128(s, abuf->byte_length);
    bc_put_u64(s, (uintptr_t)abuf->data);
    if (js_resize_array(s->ctx, (void **)&s->sab_tab, sizeof(s->sab_tab[0]),
                        &s->sab_tab_size, s->sab_tab_len + 1))
        return -1;
    /* keep the SAB pointer so that the user can clone it or free it */
    s->sab_tab[s->sab_tab_len++] = abuf->data;
    return 0;

static int JS_WriteRegExp(BCWriterState *s, JSRegExp regexp)
    JSString *bc = regexp.bytecode;

    JS_WriteString(s, regexp.pattern);

    if (is_be())
        lre_byte_swap(bc->u.str8, bc->len, /*is_byte_swapped*/FALSE);

    JS_WriteString(s, bc);

    if (is_be())
        lre_byte_swap(bc->u.str8, bc->len, /*is_byte_swapped*/TRUE);

    return 0;

static int JS_WriteMap(BCWriterState *s, struct JSMapState *map_state);
static int JS_WriteSet(BCWriterState *s, struct JSMapState *map_state);

static int JS_WriteObjectRec(BCWriterState *s, JSValue obj)
    uint32_t tag;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(s->ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return -1;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(obj);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_NULL);
        bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_UNDEFINED);
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_BOOL_FALSE + JS_VALUE_GET_INT(obj));
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_INT32);
        bc_put_sleb128(s, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(obj));
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            JSFloat64Union u;
            bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_FLOAT64);
            u.d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(obj);
            bc_put_u64(s, u.u64);
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
            JSString *p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(obj);
            bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_STRING);
            JS_WriteString(s, p);
        if (!s->allow_bytecode)
            goto invalid_tag;
        if (JS_WriteFunctionTag(s, obj))
            goto fail;
    case JS_TAG_MODULE:
        if (!s->allow_bytecode)
            goto invalid_tag;
        if (JS_WriteModule(s, obj))
            goto fail;
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
            JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
            int ret, idx;

            if (s->allow_reference) {
                idx = js_object_list_find(s->ctx, &s->object_list, p);
                if (idx >= 0) {
                    bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_OBJECT_REFERENCE);
                    bc_put_leb128(s, idx);
                } else {
                    if (js_object_list_add(s->ctx, &s->object_list, p))
                        goto fail;
            } else {
                if (p->tmp_mark) {
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(s->ctx, "circular reference");
                    goto fail;
                p->tmp_mark = 1;
            switch(p->class_id) {
            case JS_CLASS_ARRAY:
                ret = JS_WriteArray(s, obj);
            case JS_CLASS_OBJECT:
                ret = JS_WriteObjectTag(s, obj);
            case JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER:
                ret = JS_WriteArrayBuffer(s, obj);
                if (!s->allow_sab)
                    goto invalid_tag;
                ret = JS_WriteSharedArrayBuffer(s, obj);
            case JS_CLASS_REGEXP:
                bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_REGEXP);
                ret = JS_WriteRegExp(s, p->u.regexp);
            case JS_CLASS_DATE:
                bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_DATE);
                ret = JS_WriteObjectRec(s, p->u.object_data);
            case JS_CLASS_NUMBER:
            case JS_CLASS_STRING:
            case JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN:
            case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT:
                bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_OBJECT_VALUE);
                ret = JS_WriteObjectRec(s, p->u.object_data);
            case JS_CLASS_MAP:
                bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_MAP);
                ret = JS_WriteMap(s, p->u.map_state);
            case JS_CLASS_SET:
                bc_put_u8(s, BC_TAG_SET);
                ret = JS_WriteSet(s, p->u.map_state);
                if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                    p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
                    ret = JS_WriteTypedArray(s, obj);
                } else {
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(s->ctx, "unsupported object class");
                    ret = -1;
            p->tmp_mark = 0;
            if (ret)
                goto fail;
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        if (JS_WriteBigInt(s, obj))
            goto fail;
        JS_ThrowInternalError(s->ctx, "unsupported tag (%d)", tag);
        goto fail;
    return 0;

    return -1;

/* create the atom table */
static int JS_WriteObjectAtoms(BCWriterState *s)
    JSRuntime *rt = s->ctx->rt;
    DynBuf dbuf1;
    int i, atoms_size;

    dbuf1 = s->dbuf;
    js_dbuf_init(s->ctx, &s->dbuf);
    bc_put_u8(s, BC_VERSION);

    bc_put_leb128(s, s->idx_to_atom_count);
    for(i = 0; i < s->idx_to_atom_count; i++) {
        JSAtomStruct *p = rt->atom_array[s->idx_to_atom[i]];
        JS_WriteString(s, p);
    /* XXX: should check for OOM in above phase */

    /* move the atoms at the start */
    /* XXX: could just append dbuf1 data, but it uses more memory if
       dbuf1 is larger than dbuf */
    atoms_size = s->dbuf.size;
    if (dbuf_realloc(&dbuf1, dbuf1.size + atoms_size))
        goto fail;
    memmove(dbuf1.buf + atoms_size, dbuf1.buf, dbuf1.size);
    memcpy(dbuf1.buf, s->dbuf.buf, atoms_size);
    dbuf1.size += atoms_size;
    s->dbuf = dbuf1;
    return 0;
    return -1;

uint8_t *JS_WriteObject2(JSContext *ctx, size_t *psize, JSValue obj,
                         int flags, JSSABTab *psab_tab)
    BCWriterState ss, *s = &ss;

    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
    s->ctx = ctx;
    s->allow_bytecode = ((flags & JS_WRITE_OBJ_BYTECODE) != 0);
    s->allow_sab = ((flags & JS_WRITE_OBJ_SAB) != 0);
    s->allow_reference = ((flags & JS_WRITE_OBJ_REFERENCE) != 0);
    s->allow_source = ((flags & JS_WRITE_OBJ_STRIP_SOURCE) == 0);
    s->allow_debug = ((flags & JS_WRITE_OBJ_STRIP_DEBUG) == 0);
    /* XXX: could use a different version when bytecode is included */
    if (s->allow_bytecode)
        s->first_atom = JS_ATOM_END;
        s->first_atom = 1;
    js_dbuf_init(ctx, &s->dbuf);

    if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    if (JS_WriteObjectAtoms(s))
        goto fail;
    js_object_list_end(ctx, &s->object_list);
    js_free(ctx, s->atom_to_idx);
    js_free(ctx, s->idx_to_atom);
    *psize = s->dbuf.size;
    if (psab_tab) {
        psab_tab->tab = s->sab_tab;
        psab_tab->len = s->sab_tab_len;
    } else {
        js_free(ctx, s->sab_tab);
    return s->dbuf.buf;
    js_object_list_end(ctx, &s->object_list);
    js_free(ctx, s->atom_to_idx);
    js_free(ctx, s->idx_to_atom);
    *psize = 0;
    if (psab_tab) {
        psab_tab->tab = NULL;
        psab_tab->len = 0;
    return NULL;

uint8_t *JS_WriteObject(JSContext *ctx, size_t *psize, JSValue obj,
                        int flags)
    return JS_WriteObject2(ctx, psize, obj, flags, NULL);

typedef struct BCReaderState {
    JSContext *ctx;
    const uint8_t *buf_start, *ptr, *buf_end;
    uint32_t first_atom;
    uint32_t idx_to_atom_count;
    JSAtom *idx_to_atom;
    int error_state;
    BOOL allow_sab : 8;
    BOOL allow_bytecode : 8;
    BOOL allow_reference : 8;
    /* object references */
    JSObject **objects;
    int objects_count;
    int objects_size;
    /* SAB references */
    uint8_t **sab_tab;
    int sab_tab_len;
    int sab_tab_size;
    /* used for DUMP_READ_OBJECT */
    const uint8_t *ptr_last;
    int level;
} BCReaderState;

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-zero-length"
static void __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) bc_read_trace(BCReaderState *s, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;
    int i, n, n0;

    if (!check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT))

    if (!s->ptr_last)
        s->ptr_last = s->buf_start;

    n = n0 = 0;
    if (s->ptr > s->ptr_last || s->ptr == s->buf_start) {
        n0 = printf("%04x: ", (int)(s->ptr_last - s->buf_start));
        n += n0;
    for (i = 0; s->ptr_last < s->ptr; i++) {
        if ((i & 7) == 0 && i > 0) {
            printf("\n%*s", n0, "");
            n = n0;
        n += printf(" %02x", *s->ptr_last++);
    if (*fmt == '}')
    if (n < 32 + s->level * 2) {
        printf("%*s", 32 + s->level * 2 - n, "");
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap);
    if (strchr(fmt, '{'))
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wformat-zero-length"
#define bc_read_trace(...)

static int bc_read_error_end(BCReaderState *s)
    if (!s->error_state) {
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(s->ctx, "read after the end of the buffer");
    return s->error_state = -1;

static int bc_get_u8(BCReaderState *s, uint8_t *pval)
    if (unlikely(s->buf_end - s->ptr < 1)) {
        *pval = 0; /* avoid warning */
        return bc_read_error_end(s);
    *pval = *s->ptr++;
    return 0;

static int bc_get_u16(BCReaderState *s, uint16_t *pval)
    uint16_t v;
    if (unlikely(s->buf_end - s->ptr < 2)) {
        *pval = 0; /* avoid warning */
        return bc_read_error_end(s);
    v = get_u16(s->ptr);
    if (is_be())
        v = bswap16(v);
    *pval = v;
    s->ptr += 2;
    return 0;

static __maybe_unused int bc_get_u32(BCReaderState *s, uint32_t *pval)
    uint32_t v;
    if (unlikely(s->buf_end - s->ptr < 4)) {
        *pval = 0; /* avoid warning */
        return bc_read_error_end(s);
    v = get_u32(s->ptr);
    if (is_be())
        v = bswap32(v);
    *pval = v;
    s->ptr += 4;
    return 0;

static int bc_get_u64(BCReaderState *s, uint64_t *pval)
    uint64_t v;
    if (unlikely(s->buf_end - s->ptr < 8)) {
        *pval = 0; /* avoid warning */
        return bc_read_error_end(s);
    v = get_u64(s->ptr);
    if (is_be())
        v = bswap64(v);
    *pval = v;
    s->ptr += 8;
    return 0;

static int bc_get_leb128(BCReaderState *s, uint32_t *pval)
    int ret;
    ret = get_leb128(pval, s->ptr, s->buf_end);
    if (unlikely(ret < 0))
        return bc_read_error_end(s);
    s->ptr += ret;
    return 0;

static int bc_get_sleb128(BCReaderState *s, int32_t *pval)
    int ret;
    ret = get_sleb128(pval, s->ptr, s->buf_end);
    if (unlikely(ret < 0))
        return bc_read_error_end(s);
    s->ptr += ret;
    return 0;

/* XXX: used to read an `int` with a positive value */
static int bc_get_leb128_int(BCReaderState *s, int *pval)
    return bc_get_leb128(s, (uint32_t *)pval);

static int bc_get_leb128_u16(BCReaderState *s, uint16_t *pval)
    uint32_t val;
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &val)) {
        *pval = 0;
        return -1;
    *pval = val;
    return 0;

static int bc_get_buf(BCReaderState *s, void *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
    if (buf_len != 0) {
        if (unlikely(!buf || s->buf_end - s->ptr < buf_len))
            return bc_read_error_end(s);
        memcpy(buf, s->ptr, buf_len);
        s->ptr += buf_len;
    return 0;

static int bc_idx_to_atom(BCReaderState *s, JSAtom *patom, uint32_t idx)
    JSAtom atom;

    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(idx)) {
        atom = idx;
    } else if (idx < s->first_atom) {
        atom = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, idx);
    } else {
        idx -= s->first_atom;
        if (idx >= s->idx_to_atom_count) {
            JS_ThrowSyntaxError(s->ctx, "invalid atom index (pos=%u)",
                                (unsigned int)(s->ptr - s->buf_start));
            *patom = JS_ATOM_NULL;
            return s->error_state = -1;
        atom = JS_DupAtom(s->ctx, s->idx_to_atom[idx]);
    *patom = atom;
    return 0;

static int bc_get_atom(BCReaderState *s, JSAtom *patom)
    uint32_t v;
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &v))
        return -1;
    if (v & 1) {
        *patom = __JS_AtomFromUInt32(v >> 1);
        return 0;
    } else {
        return bc_idx_to_atom(s, patom, v >> 1);

static JSString *JS_ReadString(BCReaderState *s)
    uint32_t len;
    size_t size;
    BOOL is_wide_char;
    JSString *p;

    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &len))
        return NULL;
    is_wide_char = len & 1;
    len >>= 1;
    p = js_alloc_string(s->ctx, len, is_wide_char);
    if (!p) {
        s->error_state = -1;
        return NULL;
    size = (size_t)len << is_wide_char;
    if ((s->buf_end - s->ptr) < size) {
        js_free_string(s->ctx->rt, p);
        return NULL;
    memcpy(p->u.str8, s->ptr, size);
    s->ptr += size;
    if (is_wide_char) {
        if (is_be()) {
            uint32_t i;
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
                p->u.str16[i] = bswap16(p->u.str16[i]);
    } else {
        p->u.str8[size] = '\0'; /* add the trailing zero for 8 bit strings */
    if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "");  // hex dump and indentation
        JS_DumpString(s->ctx->rt, p);
    return p;

static uint32_t bc_get_flags(uint32_t flags, int *pidx, int n)
    uint32_t val;
    /* XXX: this does not work for n == 32 */
    val = (flags >> *pidx) & ((1U << n) - 1);
    *pidx += n;
    return val;

static int JS_ReadFunctionBytecode(BCReaderState *s, JSFunctionBytecode *b,
                                   int byte_code_offset, uint32_t bc_len)
    uint8_t *bc_buf;
    int pos, len, op;
    JSAtom atom;
    uint32_t idx;

    bc_buf = (uint8_t*)b + byte_code_offset;
    if (bc_get_buf(s, bc_buf, bc_len))
        return -1;
    b->byte_code_buf = bc_buf;

    if (is_be())
        bc_byte_swap(bc_buf, bc_len);

    pos = 0;
    while (pos < bc_len) {
        op = bc_buf[pos];
        len = short_opcode_info(op).size;
        switch(short_opcode_info(op).fmt) {
        case OP_FMT_atom:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_u16:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u8:
        case OP_FMT_atom_label_u16:
            idx = get_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1);
            if (bc_idx_to_atom(s, &atom, idx)) {
                /* Note: the atoms will be freed up to this position */
                b->byte_code_len = pos;
                return -1;
            put_u32(bc_buf + pos + 1, atom);
            assert(!is_ic_op(op)); // should not end up in serialized bytecode
        if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
            const uint8_t *save_ptr = s->ptr;
            s->ptr = s->ptr_last + len;
            s->level -= 4;
            bc_read_trace(s, "");   // hex dump + indent
            dump_single_byte_code(s->ctx, bc_buf + pos, b,
                                  s->ptr - s->buf_start - len);
            s->level += 4;
            s->ptr = save_ptr;
        pos += len;
    return 0;

static JSValue JS_ReadBigInt(BCReaderState *s)
    JSValue obj;
    uint8_t v8;
    int32_t e;
    uint32_t len;
    limb_t l, i, n;
    limb_t v;
    bf_t *a;

    obj = JS_NewBigInt(s->ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;

    /* sign + exponent */
    if (bc_get_sleb128(s, &e))
        goto fail;

    a = JS_GetBigInt(obj);
    a->sign = e & 1;
    e >>= 1;
    if (e == 0)
        a->expn = BF_EXP_ZERO;
    else if (e == 1)
        a->expn = BF_EXP_INF;
    else if (e == 2)
        a->expn = BF_EXP_NAN;
    else if (e >= 3)
        a->expn = e - 3;
        a->expn = e;

    /* mantissa */
    if (a->expn != BF_EXP_ZERO &&
        a->expn != BF_EXP_INF &&
        a->expn != BF_EXP_NAN) {
        if (bc_get_leb128(s, &len))
            goto fail;
        bc_read_trace(s, "len=%" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)len);
        if (len == 0) {
            JS_ThrowRangeError(s->ctx, "maximum BigInt size exceeded");
            goto fail;
        l = (len + sizeof(limb_t) - 1) / sizeof(limb_t);
        if (bf_resize(a, l)) {
            goto fail;
        n = len & (sizeof(limb_t) - 1);
        if (n != 0) {
            v = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
                    goto fail;
                v |= (limb_t)v8 << ((sizeof(limb_t) - n + i) * 8);
            a->tab[0] = v;
            i = 1;
        } else {
            i = 0;
        for(; i < l; i++) {
#if LIMB_BITS == 32
            if (bc_get_u32(s, &v))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_u64(s, &v))
                goto fail;
            a->tab[i] = v;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(s->ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadObjectRec(BCReaderState *s);

static int BC_add_object_ref1(BCReaderState *s, JSObject *p)
    if (s->allow_reference) {
        if (js_resize_array(s->ctx, (void *)&s->objects,
                            &s->objects_size, s->objects_count + 1))
            return -1;
        s->objects[s->objects_count++] = p;
    return 0;

static int BC_add_object_ref(BCReaderState *s, JSValue obj)
    return BC_add_object_ref1(s, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj));

static JSValue JS_ReadFunctionTag(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSFunctionBytecode bc, *b;
    JSValue obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    uint16_t v16;
    uint8_t v8;
    int idx, i, local_count, has_debug_info;
    int function_size, cpool_offset, byte_code_offset;
    int closure_var_offset, vardefs_offset;

    memset(&bc, 0, sizeof(bc));
    bc.header.ref_count = 1;
    //bc.gc_header.mark = 0;

    if (bc_get_u16(s, &v16))
        goto fail;
    idx = 0;
    bc.has_prototype = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.has_simple_parameter_list = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.is_derived_class_constructor = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.need_home_object = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.func_kind = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 2);
    bc.new_target_allowed = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.super_call_allowed = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.super_allowed = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.arguments_allowed = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    bc.backtrace_barrier = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    has_debug_info = bc_get_flags(v16, &idx, 1);
    if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
        goto fail;
    bc.js_mode = v8;
    if (bc_get_atom(s, &bc.func_name))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_u16(s, &bc.arg_count))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_u16(s, &bc.var_count))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_u16(s, &bc.defined_arg_count))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_u16(s, &bc.stack_size))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &bc.closure_var_count))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &bc.cpool_count))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &bc.byte_code_len))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &local_count))
        goto fail;

    function_size = sizeof(*b);
    cpool_offset = function_size;
    function_size += bc.cpool_count * sizeof(*bc.cpool);
    vardefs_offset = function_size;
    function_size += local_count * sizeof(*bc.vardefs);
    closure_var_offset = function_size;
    function_size += bc.closure_var_count * sizeof(*bc.closure_var);
    byte_code_offset = function_size;
    function_size += bc.byte_code_len;

    b = js_mallocz(ctx, function_size);
    if (!b)
        goto fail;

    memcpy(b, &bc, sizeof(*b));
    bc.func_name = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    b->header.ref_count = 1;
    if (local_count != 0) {
        b->vardefs = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + vardefs_offset);
    if (b->closure_var_count != 0) {
        b->closure_var = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + closure_var_offset);
    if (b->cpool_count != 0) {
        b->cpool = (void *)((uint8_t*)b + cpool_offset);

    add_gc_object(ctx->rt, &b->header, JS_GC_OBJ_TYPE_FUNCTION_BYTECODE);


    if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
        if (b->func_name) {
            bc_read_trace(s, "name: ");
            print_atom(s->ctx, b->func_name);
    bc_read_trace(s, "args=%d vars=%d defargs=%d closures=%d cpool=%d\n",
                  b->arg_count, b->var_count, b->defined_arg_count,
                  b->closure_var_count, b->cpool_count);
    bc_read_trace(s, "stack=%d bclen=%d locals=%d\n",
                  b->stack_size, b->byte_code_len, local_count);

    if (local_count != 0) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "vars {\n");
        bc_read_trace(s, "off flags scope name\n");
        for(i = 0; i < local_count; i++) {
            JSVarDef *vd = &b->vardefs[i];
            if (bc_get_atom(s, &vd->var_name))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &vd->scope_level))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &vd->scope_next))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
                goto fail;
            idx = 0;
            vd->var_kind = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 4);
            vd->is_const = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            vd->is_lexical = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            vd->is_captured = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
                bc_read_trace(s, "%3d  %d%c%c%c %4d  ",
                              i, vd->var_kind,
                              vd->is_const ? 'C' : '.',
                              vd->is_lexical ? 'L' : '.',
                              vd->is_captured ? 'X' : '.',
                print_atom(s->ctx, vd->var_name);
        bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");
    if (b->closure_var_count != 0) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "closure vars {\n");
        bc_read_trace(s, "off  flags idx  name\n");
        for(i = 0; i < b->closure_var_count; i++) {
            JSClosureVar *cv = &b->closure_var[i];
            int var_idx;
            if (bc_get_atom(s, &cv->var_name))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &var_idx))
                goto fail;
            cv->var_idx = var_idx;
            if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
                goto fail;
            idx = 0;
            cv->is_local = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            cv->is_arg = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            cv->is_const = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            cv->is_lexical = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 1);
            cv->var_kind = bc_get_flags(v8, &idx, 4);
            if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
                bc_read_trace(s, "%3d  %d%c%c%c%c %3d  ",
                              i, cv->var_kind,
                              cv->is_local ? 'L' : '.',
                              cv->is_arg ? 'A' : '.',
                              cv->is_const ? 'C' : '.',
                              cv->is_lexical ? 'X' : '.',
                print_atom(s->ctx, cv->var_name);
        bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");
    if (b->cpool_count != 0) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "cpool {\n");
        for(i = 0; i < b->cpool_count; i++) {
            JSValue val;
            val = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto fail;
            b->cpool[i] = val;
        bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");
        bc_read_trace(s, "bytecode {\n");
        if (JS_ReadFunctionBytecode(s, b, byte_code_offset, b->byte_code_len))
            goto fail;
        bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");
    if (!has_debug_info)
        goto nodebug;

    /* read optional debug information */
    bc_read_trace(s, "debug {\n");
    if (bc_get_atom(s, &b->filename))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &b->line_num))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &b->col_num))
        goto fail;
    if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "filename: ");
        print_atom(s->ctx, b->filename);
        printf(", line: %d, column: %d\n", b->line_num, b->col_num);
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &b->pc2line_len))
        goto fail;
    if (b->pc2line_len) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "positions: %d bytes\n", b->pc2line_len);
        b->pc2line_buf = js_mallocz(ctx, b->pc2line_len);
        if (!b->pc2line_buf)
            goto fail;
        if (bc_get_buf(s, b->pc2line_buf, b->pc2line_len))
            goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &b->source_len))
        goto fail;
    if (b->source_len) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "source: %d bytes\n", b->source_len);
        s->ptr_last += b->source_len;  // omit source code hex dump
        /* b->source is a UTF-8 encoded null terminated C string */
        b->source = js_mallocz(ctx, b->source_len + 1);
        if (!b->source)
            goto fail;
        if (bc_get_buf(s, b->source, b->source_len))
            goto fail;
    bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");

    b->realm = JS_DupContext(ctx);
    return obj;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, bc.func_name);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadModule(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue obj;
    JSModuleDef *m = NULL;
    JSAtom module_name;
    int i;
    uint8_t v8;

    if (bc_get_atom(s, &module_name))
        goto fail;
    if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
        bc_read_trace(s, "name: ");
        print_atom(s->ctx, module_name);
    m = js_new_module_def(ctx, module_name);
    if (!m)
        goto fail;
    obj = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_MODULE, m));
    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &m->req_module_entries_count))
        goto fail;
    obj = JS_NewModuleValue(ctx, m);
    if (m->req_module_entries_count != 0) {
        m->req_module_entries_size = m->req_module_entries_count;
        m->req_module_entries = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(m->req_module_entries[0]) * m->req_module_entries_size);
        if (!m->req_module_entries)
            goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < m->req_module_entries_count; i++) {
            JSReqModuleEntry *rme = &m->req_module_entries[i];
            if (bc_get_atom(s, &rme->module_name))
                goto fail;

    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &m->export_entries_count))
        goto fail;
    if (m->export_entries_count != 0) {
        m->export_entries_size = m->export_entries_count;
        m->export_entries = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(m->export_entries[0]) * m->export_entries_size);
        if (!m->export_entries)
            goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < m->export_entries_count; i++) {
            JSExportEntry *me = &m->export_entries[i];
            if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
                goto fail;
            me->export_type = v8;
            if (me->export_type == JS_EXPORT_TYPE_LOCAL) {
                if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &me->u.local.var_idx))
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &me->u.req_module_idx))
                    goto fail;
                if (bc_get_atom(s, &me->local_name))
                    goto fail;
            if (bc_get_atom(s, &me->export_name))
                goto fail;

    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &m->star_export_entries_count))
        goto fail;
    if (m->star_export_entries_count != 0) {
        m->star_export_entries_size = m->star_export_entries_count;
        m->star_export_entries = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(m->star_export_entries[0]) * m->star_export_entries_size);
        if (!m->star_export_entries)
            goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < m->star_export_entries_count; i++) {
            JSStarExportEntry *se = &m->star_export_entries[i];
            if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &se->req_module_idx))
                goto fail;

    if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &m->import_entries_count))
        goto fail;
    if (m->import_entries_count != 0) {
        m->import_entries_size = m->import_entries_count;
        m->import_entries = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(m->import_entries[0]) * m->import_entries_size);
        if (!m->import_entries)
            goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < m->import_entries_count; i++) {
            JSImportEntry *mi = &m->import_entries[i];
            if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &mi->var_idx))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_atom(s, &mi->import_name))
                goto fail;
            if (bc_get_leb128_int(s, &mi->req_module_idx))
                goto fail;

    if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
        goto fail;
    m->has_tla = (v8 != 0);

    m->func_obj = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
    if (JS_IsException(m->func_obj))
        goto fail;
    return obj;
    if (m) {
        js_free_module_def(ctx, m);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadObjectTag(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue obj;
    uint32_t prop_count, i;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSValue val;
    int ret;

    obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &prop_count))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < prop_count; i++) {
        if (bc_get_atom(s, &atom))
            goto fail;
        if (check_dump_flag(s->ctx->rt, DUMP_READ_OBJECT)) {
            bc_read_trace(s, "propname: ");
            print_atom(s->ctx, atom);
        val = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
        if (JS_IsException(val)) {
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
            goto fail;
        ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, atom, val, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto fail;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadArray(BCReaderState *s, int tag)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue obj;
    uint32_t len, i;
    JSValue val;
    int ret, prop_flags;
    BOOL is_template;

    obj = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    is_template = (tag == BC_TAG_TEMPLATE_OBJECT);
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &len))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        val = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
        if (is_template)
            prop_flags = JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE;
            prop_flags = JS_PROP_C_W_E;
        ret = JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, obj, i, val,
        if (ret < 0)
            goto fail;
    if (is_template) {
        val = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(val)) {
            ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_raw, val, 0);
            if (ret < 0)
                goto fail;
        JS_PreventExtensions(ctx, obj);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadTypedArray(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue obj = JS_UNDEFINED, array_buffer = JS_UNDEFINED;
    uint8_t array_tag;
    JSValue args[3];
    uint32_t offset, len, idx;

    if (bc_get_u8(s, &array_tag))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (array_tag >= JS_TYPED_ARRAY_COUNT)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid typed array");
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &len))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &offset))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* XXX: this hack could be avoided if the typed array could be
       created before the array buffer */
    idx = s->objects_count;
    if (BC_add_object_ref1(s, NULL))
        goto fail;
    array_buffer = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
    if (JS_IsException(array_buffer))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!js_get_array_buffer(ctx, array_buffer)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, array_buffer);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    args[0] = array_buffer;
    args[1] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, offset);
    args[2] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, len);
    obj = js_typed_array_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                     3, args,
                                     JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY + array_tag);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (s->allow_reference) {
        s->objects[idx] = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, array_buffer);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, array_buffer);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadArrayBuffer(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    uint32_t byte_length;
    JSValue obj;

    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &byte_length))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (unlikely(s->buf_end - s->ptr < byte_length)) {
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(ctx, s->ptr, byte_length);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    s->ptr += byte_length;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadSharedArrayBuffer(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    uint32_t byte_length;
    uint8_t *data_ptr;
    JSValue obj;
    uint64_t u64;

    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &byte_length))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (bc_get_u64(s, &u64))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    data_ptr = (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)u64;
    if (js_resize_array(s->ctx, (void **)&s->sab_tab, sizeof(s->sab_tab[0]),
                        &s->sab_tab_size, s->sab_tab_len + 1))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* keep the SAB pointer so that the user can clone it or free it */
    s->sab_tab[s->sab_tab_len++] = data_ptr;
    /* the SharedArrayBuffer is cloned */
    obj = js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, byte_length,
                                       NULL, NULL, FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadRegExp(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSString *pattern;
    JSString *bc;

    pattern = JS_ReadString(s);
    if (!pattern)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    bc = JS_ReadString(s);
    if (!bc) {
        js_free_string(ctx->rt, pattern);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (is_be())
        lre_byte_swap(bc->u.str8, bc->len, /*is_byte_swapped*/TRUE);

    return js_regexp_constructor_internal(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                          JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, pattern),
                                          JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, bc));

static JSValue JS_ReadDate(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue val, obj = JS_UNDEFINED;

    val = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        goto fail;
    if (!JS_IsNumber(val)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Number tag expected for date");
        goto fail;
    obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE],
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, val);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadObjectValue(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue val, obj = JS_UNDEFINED;

    val = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        goto fail;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_ReadMap(BCReaderState *s);
static JSValue JS_ReadSet(BCReaderState *s);

static JSValue JS_ReadObjectRec(BCReaderState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    uint8_t tag;
    JSValue obj = JS_UNDEFINED;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0))
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx);

    if (bc_get_u8(s, &tag))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    bc_read_trace(s, "%s {\n", bc_tag_str[tag]);

    switch(tag) {
    case BC_TAG_NULL:
        obj = JS_NULL;
        obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    case BC_TAG_BOOL_TRUE:
        obj = js_bool(tag - BC_TAG_BOOL_FALSE);
    case BC_TAG_INT32:
            int32_t val;
            if (bc_get_sleb128(s, &val))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            bc_read_trace(s, "%d\n", val);
            obj = js_int32(val);
    case BC_TAG_FLOAT64:
            JSFloat64Union u;
            if (bc_get_u64(s, &u.u64))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            bc_read_trace(s, "%g\n", u.d);
            obj = js_float64(u.d);
    case BC_TAG_STRING:
            JSString *p;
            p = JS_ReadString(s);
            if (!p)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            obj = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p);
        if (!s->allow_bytecode)
            goto invalid_tag;
        obj = JS_ReadFunctionTag(s);
    case BC_TAG_MODULE:
        if (!s->allow_bytecode)
            goto invalid_tag;
        obj = JS_ReadModule(s);
    case BC_TAG_OBJECT:
        obj = JS_ReadObjectTag(s);
    case BC_TAG_ARRAY:
        obj = JS_ReadArray(s, tag);
        obj = JS_ReadTypedArray(s);
        obj = JS_ReadArrayBuffer(s);
        if (!s->allow_sab || !ctx->rt->sab_funcs.sab_dup)
            goto invalid_tag;
        obj = JS_ReadSharedArrayBuffer(s);
    case BC_TAG_REGEXP:
        obj = JS_ReadRegExp(s);
    case BC_TAG_DATE:
        obj = JS_ReadDate(s);
        obj = JS_ReadObjectValue(s);
    case BC_TAG_BIG_INT:
        obj = JS_ReadBigInt(s);
            uint32_t val;
            if (!s->allow_reference)
                return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "object references are not allowed");
            if (bc_get_leb128(s, &val))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            bc_read_trace(s, "%u\n", val);
            if (val >= s->objects_count) {
                return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "invalid object reference (%u >= %u)",
                                           val, s->objects_count);
            obj = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, s->objects[val]));
    case BC_TAG_MAP:
        obj = JS_ReadMap(s);
    case BC_TAG_SET:
        obj = JS_ReadSet(s);
        return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "invalid tag (tag=%d pos=%u)",
                                   tag, (unsigned int)(s->ptr - s->buf_start));
    bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");
    return obj;

static int JS_ReadObjectAtoms(BCReaderState *s)
    uint8_t v8;
    JSString *p;
    int i;
    JSAtom atom;

    if (bc_get_u8(s, &v8))
        return -1;
    if (v8 != BC_VERSION) {
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(s->ctx, "invalid version (%d expected=%d)",
                            v8, BC_VERSION);
        return -1;
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &s->idx_to_atom_count))
        return -1;

    bc_read_trace(s, "%d atom indexes {\n", s->idx_to_atom_count);

    if (s->idx_to_atom_count != 0) {
        s->idx_to_atom = js_mallocz(s->ctx, s->idx_to_atom_count *
        if (!s->idx_to_atom)
            return s->error_state = -1;
    for(i = 0; i < s->idx_to_atom_count; i++) {
        p = JS_ReadString(s);
        if (!p)
            return -1;
        atom = JS_NewAtomStr(s->ctx, p);
        if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return s->error_state = -1;
        s->idx_to_atom[i] = atom;
    bc_read_trace(s, "}\n");
    return 0;

static void bc_reader_free(BCReaderState *s)
    int i;
    if (s->idx_to_atom) {
        for(i = 0; i < s->idx_to_atom_count; i++) {
            JS_FreeAtom(s->ctx, s->idx_to_atom[i]);
        js_free(s->ctx, s->idx_to_atom);
    js_free(s->ctx, s->objects);

JSValue JS_ReadObject2(JSContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len,
                       int flags, JSSABTab *psab_tab)
    BCReaderState ss, *s = &ss;
    JSValue obj;

    ctx->binary_object_count += 1;
    ctx->binary_object_size += buf_len;

    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
    s->ctx = ctx;
    s->buf_start = buf;
    s->buf_end = buf + buf_len;
    s->ptr = buf;
    s->allow_bytecode = ((flags & JS_READ_OBJ_BYTECODE) != 0);
    s->allow_sab = ((flags & JS_READ_OBJ_SAB) != 0);
    s->allow_reference = ((flags & JS_READ_OBJ_REFERENCE) != 0);
    if (s->allow_bytecode)
        s->first_atom = JS_ATOM_END;
        s->first_atom = 1;
    if (JS_ReadObjectAtoms(s)) {
        obj = JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        obj = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
    if (psab_tab) {
        psab_tab->tab = s->sab_tab;
        psab_tab->len = s->sab_tab_len;
    } else {
        js_free(ctx, s->sab_tab);
    return obj;

JSValue JS_ReadObject(JSContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len,
                      int flags)
    return JS_ReadObject2(ctx, buf, buf_len, flags, NULL);

/* runtime functions & objects */

static JSValue js_string_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv);
static JSValue js_boolean_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv);
static JSValue js_number_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv);

static int check_function(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    if (likely(JS_IsFunction(ctx, obj)))
        return 0;
    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a function");
    return -1;

static int check_exception_free(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_IsException(obj);

/* `export_name` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
static JSAtom find_atom(JSContext *ctx, const char *name)
    JSAtom atom;
    int len;

    if (*name == '[') {
        len = strlen(name) - 1;
        /* We assume 8 bit non null strings, which is the case for these
           symbols */
        for(atom = JS_ATOM_Symbol_toPrimitive; atom < JS_ATOM_END; atom++) {
            JSAtomStruct *p = ctx->rt->atom_array[atom];
            JSString *str = p;
            if (str->len == len && !memcmp(str->u.str8, name, len))
                return JS_DupAtom(ctx, atom);
    } else {
        atom = JS_NewAtom(ctx, name);
    return atom;

static JSValue JS_InstantiateFunctionListItem2(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p,
                                               JSAtom atom, void *opaque)
    const JSCFunctionListEntry *e = opaque;
    JSValue val;

    switch(e->def_type) {
    case JS_DEF_CFUNC:
        val = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, e->u.func.cfunc.generic,
                               e->name, e->u.func.length, e->u.func.cproto, e->magic);
        val = JS_NewAtomString(ctx, e->u.str);
    case JS_DEF_OBJECT:
        val = JS_NewObject(ctx);
        JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, val, e->u.prop_list.tab, e->u.prop_list.len);
    return val;

static int JS_InstantiateFunctionListItem(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                          JSAtom atom,
                                          const JSCFunctionListEntry *e)
    JSValue val;
    int prop_flags = e->prop_flags;

    switch(e->def_type) {
    case JS_DEF_ALIAS: /* using autoinit for aliases is not safe */
            JSAtom atom1 = find_atom(ctx, e->u.alias.name);
            switch (e->u.alias.base) {
            case -1:
                val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom1);
            case 0:
                val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctx->global_obj, atom1);
            case 1:
                val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY], atom1);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom1);
            if (atom == JS_ATOM_Symbol_toPrimitive) {
                /* Symbol.toPrimitive functions are not writable */
                prop_flags = JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE;
            } else if (atom == JS_ATOM_Symbol_hasInstance) {
                /* Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] is not writable nor configurable */
                prop_flags = 0;
    case JS_DEF_CFUNC:
        if (atom == JS_ATOM_Symbol_toPrimitive) {
            /* Symbol.toPrimitive functions are not writable */
            prop_flags = JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE;
        } else if (atom == JS_ATOM_Symbol_hasInstance) {
            /* Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] is not writable nor configurable */
            prop_flags = 0;
        JS_DefineAutoInitProperty(ctx, obj, atom, JS_AUTOINIT_ID_PROP,
                                  (void *)e, prop_flags);
        return 0;
    case JS_DEF_CGETSET: /* XXX: use autoinit again ? */
            JSValue getter, setter;
            char buf[64];

            getter = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (e->u.getset.get.generic) {
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "get %s", e->name);
                getter = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, e->u.getset.get.generic,
                                          buf, 0, e->def_type == JS_DEF_CGETSET_MAGIC ? JS_CFUNC_getter_magic : JS_CFUNC_getter,
            setter = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (e->u.getset.set.generic) {
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "set %s", e->name);
                setter = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, e->u.getset.set.generic,
                                          buf, 1, e->def_type == JS_DEF_CGETSET_MAGIC ? JS_CFUNC_setter_magic : JS_CFUNC_setter,
            JS_DefinePropertyGetSet(ctx, obj, atom, getter, setter, prop_flags);
            return 0;
    case JS_DEF_PROP_INT32:
        val = js_int32(e->u.i32);
    case JS_DEF_PROP_INT64:
        val = JS_NewInt64(ctx, e->u.i64);
        val = js_float64(e->u.f64);
        val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    case JS_DEF_OBJECT:
        JS_DefineAutoInitProperty(ctx, obj, atom, JS_AUTOINIT_ID_PROP,
                                  (void *)e, prop_flags);
        return 0;
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, atom, val, prop_flags);
    return 0;

void JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                const JSCFunctionListEntry *tab, int len)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        const JSCFunctionListEntry *e = &tab[i];
        JSAtom atom = find_atom(ctx, e->name);
        JS_InstantiateFunctionListItem(ctx, obj, atom, e);
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);

int JS_AddModuleExportList(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                           const JSCFunctionListEntry *tab, int len)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (JS_AddModuleExport(ctx, m, tab[i].name))
            return -1;
    return 0;

int JS_SetModuleExportList(JSContext *ctx, JSModuleDef *m,
                           const JSCFunctionListEntry *tab, int len)
    int i;
    JSValue val;

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        const JSCFunctionListEntry *e = &tab[i];
        switch(e->def_type) {
        case JS_DEF_CFUNC:
            val = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, e->u.func.cfunc.generic,
                                   e->name, e->u.func.length, e->u.func.cproto, e->magic);
        case JS_DEF_PROP_STRING:
            /* `e->u.str` may be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
            val = JS_NewString(ctx, e->u.str);
        case JS_DEF_PROP_INT32:
            val = js_int32(e->u.i32);
        case JS_DEF_PROP_INT64:
            val = JS_NewInt64(ctx, e->u.i64);
        case JS_DEF_PROP_DOUBLE:
            val = js_float64(e->u.f64);
        case JS_DEF_OBJECT:
            val = JS_NewObject(ctx);
            JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, val, e->u.prop_list.tab, e->u.prop_list.len);
        if (JS_SetModuleExport(ctx, m, e->name, val))
            return -1;
    return 0;

/* Note: 'func_obj' is not necessarily a constructor */
static void JS_SetConstructor2(JSContext *ctx,
                               JSValue func_obj,
                               JSValue proto,
                               int proto_flags, int ctor_flags)
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_prototype,
                           js_dup(proto), proto_flags);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, proto, JS_ATOM_constructor,
                           js_dup(func_obj), ctor_flags);
    set_cycle_flag(ctx, func_obj);
    set_cycle_flag(ctx, proto);

void JS_SetConstructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                       JSValue proto)
    JS_SetConstructor2(ctx, func_obj, proto,
                       0, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

static void JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(JSContext *ctx,
                                      JSValue func_obj,
                                      const char *name,
                                      JSValue proto)
    JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, ctx->global_obj, name,
                           JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    JS_SetConstructor(ctx, func_obj, proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);

static JSValue JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(JSContext *ctx, const char *name,
                                             JSCFunction *func, int length,
                                             JSValue proto)
    JSValue func_obj;
    func_obj = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, func, name, length, JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func, 0);
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, func_obj, name, proto);
    return func_obj;

static JSValue JS_NewGlobalCConstructorOnly(JSContext *ctx, const char *name,
                                                 JSCFunction *func, int length,
                                                 JSValue proto)
    JSValue func_obj;
    func_obj = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, func, name, length, JS_CFUNC_constructor, 0);
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, func_obj, name, proto);
    return func_obj;

static JSValue js_global_eval(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_EvalObject(ctx, ctx->global_obj, argv[0], JS_EVAL_TYPE_INDIRECT, -1);

static JSValue js_global_isNaN(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    double d;

    if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[0])))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_bool(isnan(d));

static JSValue js_global_isFinite(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    BOOL res;
    double d;
    if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[0])))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    res = isfinite(d);
    return js_bool(res);

static JSValue js_microtask_job(JSContext *ctx,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_Call(ctx, argv[0], ctx->global_obj, 0, NULL);

static JSValue js_global_queueMicrotask(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (check_function(ctx, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_EnqueueJob(ctx, js_microtask_job, 1, &argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

/* Object class */

static JSValue JS_ToObject(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    int tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    JSValue obj;

    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        return js_dup(val);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_BIG_INT);
        goto set_value;
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_NUMBER);
        goto set_value;
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        /* XXX: should call the string constructor */
            JSString *p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
            obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_STRING);
            JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, js_int32(p1->len), 0);
        goto set_value;
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN);
        goto set_value;
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
        obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_SYMBOL);
        if (!JS_IsException(obj))
            JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, js_dup(val));
        return obj;

static JSValue JS_ToObjectFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    JSValue obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return obj;

static int js_obj_to_desc(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *d,
                          JSValue desc)
    JSValue val, getter, setter;
    int present;
    int flags;

    if (!JS_IsObject(desc)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Property description must be an object");
        return -1;
    flags = 0;
    val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    getter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    setter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_enumerable);
    if (present < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (present) {
        JSValue prop = JS_GetProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_enumerable);
        if (JS_IsException(prop))
            goto fail;
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE;
        if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, prop))
            flags |= JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE;
    present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_configurable);
    if (present < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (present) {
        JSValue prop = JS_GetProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_configurable);
        if (JS_IsException(prop))
            goto fail;
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE;
        if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, prop))
            flags |= JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE;
    present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_value);
    if (present < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (present) {
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE;
        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_value);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
    present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_writable);
    if (present < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (present) {
        JSValue prop = JS_GetProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_writable);
        if (JS_IsException(prop))
            goto fail;
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE;
        if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, prop))
            flags |= JS_PROP_WRITABLE;
    present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_get);
    if (present < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (present) {
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_GET;
        getter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_get);
        if (JS_IsException(getter) ||
            !(JS_IsUndefined(getter) || JS_IsFunction(ctx, getter))) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Getter must be a function");
            goto fail;
    present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_set);
    if (present < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (present) {
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_SET;
        setter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, desc, JS_ATOM_set);
        if (JS_IsException(setter) ||
            !(JS_IsUndefined(setter) || JS_IsFunction(ctx, setter))) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Setter must be a function");
            goto fail;
    if ((flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_SET | JS_PROP_HAS_GET)) &&
        (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE | JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE))) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute");
        goto fail;
    d->flags = flags;
    d->value = val;
    d->getter = getter;
    d->setter = setter;
    return 0;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, getter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, setter);
    return -1;

static __exception int JS_DefinePropertyDesc(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                             JSAtom prop, JSValue desc,
                                             int flags)
    JSPropertyDescriptor d;
    int ret;

    if (js_obj_to_desc(ctx, &d, desc) < 0)
        return -1;

    ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, obj, prop,
                            d.value, d.getter, d.setter, d.flags | flags);
    js_free_desc(ctx, &d);
    return ret;

static __exception int JS_ObjectDefineProperties(JSContext *ctx,
                                                 JSValue obj,
                                                 JSValue properties)
    JSValue props, desc;
    JSObject *p;
    JSPropertyEnum *atoms;
    uint32_t len, i;
    int ret = -1;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Object.defineProperties called on non-object");
        return -1;
    desc = JS_UNDEFINED;
    props = JS_ToObject(ctx, properties);
    if (JS_IsException(props))
        return -1;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(props);
    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &atoms, &len, p, JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY | JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SYMBOL_MASK) < 0)
        goto exception;
    // XXX: ECMA specifies that all descriptions should be validated before
    //      modifying the object. This would require allocating an array
    //      JSPropertyDescriptor and use 2 separate loops.
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc);
        desc = JS_GetProperty(ctx, props, atoms[i].atom);
        if (JS_IsException(desc))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyDesc(ctx, obj, atoms[i].atom, desc,
                                  JS_PROP_THROW | JS_PROP_DEFINE_PROPERTY) < 0)
            goto exception;
    ret = 0;

    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, atoms, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, props);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_object_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue ret;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target) &&
        JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(new_target) !=
        JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(JS_GetActiveFunction(ctx))) {
        ret = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_OBJECT);
    } else {
        int tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(argv[0]);
        switch(tag) {
        case JS_TAG_NULL:
        case JS_TAG_UNDEFINED:
            ret = JS_NewObject(ctx);
            ret = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[0]);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_object_create(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue proto, props;
    JSValue obj;

    proto = argv[0];
    if (!JS_IsObject(proto) && !JS_IsNull(proto))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "object prototype may only be an Object or null");
    obj = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, proto);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    props = argv[1];
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(props)) {
        if (JS_ObjectDefineProperties(ctx, obj, props)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static JSValue js_object_getPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue val;

    val = argv[0];
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        /* ES6 feature non compatible with ES5.1: primitive types are
           accepted */
        if (magic || JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_NULL ||
            JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    return JS_GetPrototype(ctx, val);

static JSValue js_object_setPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    obj = argv[0];
    if (JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, obj, argv[1], TRUE) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_dup(obj);

/* magic = 1 if called as Reflect.defineProperty */
static JSValue js_object_defineProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue obj, prop, desc;
    int ret, flags;
    JSAtom atom;

    obj = argv[0];
    prop = argv[1];
    desc = argv[2];

        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (magic)
    ret = JS_DefinePropertyDesc(ctx, obj, atom, desc, flags);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else if (magic) {
        return js_bool(ret);
    } else {
        return js_dup(obj);

static JSValue js_object_defineProperties(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // defineProperties(obj, properties)
    JSValue obj = argv[0];

    if (JS_ObjectDefineProperties(ctx, obj, argv[1]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_dup(obj);

/* magic = 1 if called as __defineSetter__ */
static JSValue js_object___defineGetter__(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue obj;
    JSValue prop, value, get, set;
    int ret, flags;
    JSAtom atom;

    prop = argv[0];
    value = argv[1];

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (check_function(ctx, value)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    flags = JS_PROP_THROW |
    if (magic) {
        get = JS_UNDEFINED;
        set = value;
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_SET;
    } else {
        get = value;
        set = JS_UNDEFINED;
        flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_GET;
    ret = JS_DefineProperty(ctx, obj, atom, JS_UNDEFINED, get, set, flags);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue prop;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSValue ret, obj;
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    int res, flags;

    if (magic) {
        /* Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor case */
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
        obj = js_dup(argv[0]);
    } else {
        obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            return obj;
    prop = argv[1];
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        goto exception;
    ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), atom);
        if (res < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (res) {
            ret = JS_NewObject(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(ret))
                goto exception1;
            flags = JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW;
            if (desc.flags & JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_get, js_dup(desc.getter), flags) < 0
                ||  JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_set, js_dup(desc.setter), flags) < 0)
                    goto exception1;
            } else {
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_value, js_dup(desc.value), flags) < 0
                ||  JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_writable,
                                           js_bool(desc.flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE),
                                           flags) < 0)
                    goto exception1;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_enumerable,
                                       js_bool(desc.flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE),
                                       flags) < 0
            ||  JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_configurable,
                                       js_bool(desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE),
                                       flags) < 0)
                goto exception1;
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

    js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_getOwnPropertyDescriptors(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, r;
    JSObject *p;
    JSPropertyEnum *props;
    uint32_t len, i;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &props, &len, p,
                               JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SYMBOL_MASK))
        goto exception;
    r = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(r))
        goto exception;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        JSValue atomValue, desc;
        JSValue args[2];

        atomValue = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, props[i].atom);
        if (JS_IsException(atomValue))
            goto exception;
        args[0] = obj;
        args[1] = atomValue;
        desc = js_object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args, 0);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, atomValue);
        if (JS_IsException(desc))
            goto exception;
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(desc)) {
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, r, props[i].atom, desc,
                                       JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, props, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return r;

    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, props, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, r);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_GetOwnPropertyNames2(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj1,
                                       int flags, int kind)
    JSValue obj, r, val, key, value;
    JSObject *p;
    JSPropertyEnum *atoms;
    uint32_t len, i, j;

    val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, obj1);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &atoms, &len, p, flags & ~JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY))
        goto exception;
    r = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(r))
        goto exception;
    for(j = i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        JSAtom atom = atoms[i].atom;
        if (flags & JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY) {
            JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
            int res;

            /* Check if property is still enumerable */
            res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, atom);
            if (res < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (!res)
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
            if (!(desc.flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE))
        switch(kind) {
        case JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY:
            val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            val = JS_NewArray(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            key = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
            if (JS_IsException(key))
                goto exception1;
            if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, val, 0, key, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception1;
            value = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
            if (JS_IsException(value))
                goto exception1;
            if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, val, 1, value, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception1;
        if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, r, j++, val, 0) < 0)
            goto exception;
    goto done;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, r);
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, atoms, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return r;

static JSValue js_object_getOwnPropertyNames(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_GetOwnPropertyNames2(ctx, argv[0],
                                   JS_GPN_STRING_MASK, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY);

static JSValue js_object_getOwnPropertySymbols(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_GetOwnPropertyNames2(ctx, argv[0],
                                   JS_GPN_SYMBOL_MASK, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY);

static JSValue js_object_groupBy(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue cb, res, iter, next, groups, k, v, prop;
    JSValue args[2];
    int64_t idx;
    BOOL done;

    // "is function?" check must be observed before argv[0] is accessed
    cb = argv[1];
    if (check_function(ctx, cb))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) add fast path for arrays but as groupBy() is
    // defined in terms of iterators, the fast path must check that
    // this[Symbol.iterator] is the built-in array iterator
    iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, argv[0], /*is_async*/FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    prop = JS_UNDEFINED;
    groups = JS_UNDEFINED;

    next = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next))
        goto exception;

    groups = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
    if (JS_IsException(groups))
        goto exception;

    for (idx = 0; ; idx++) {
        v = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            goto exception;
        if (done)
            break; // v is JS_UNDEFINED

        args[0] = v;
        args[1] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, idx);
        k = JS_Call(ctx, cb, ctx->global_obj, 2, args);
        if (JS_IsException(k))
            goto exception;

        k = js_dup(k);
        prop = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, groups, k);
        if (JS_IsException(prop))
            goto exception;

        if (JS_IsUndefined(prop)) {
            prop = JS_NewArray(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(prop))
                goto exception;
            k = js_dup(k);
            prop = js_dup(prop);
            if (JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, groups, k, prop,
                                    JS_PROP_C_W_E|JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) {
                goto exception;

        res = js_array_push(ctx, prop, 1, &v, /*unshift*/0);
        if (JS_IsException(res))
            goto exception;
        // res is an int64

        JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, k);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
        prop = JS_UNDEFINED;
        k = JS_UNDEFINED;
        v = JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    return groups;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, k);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, groups);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_keys(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int kind)
    return JS_GetOwnPropertyNames2(ctx, argv[0],
                                   JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY | JS_GPN_STRING_MASK, kind);

static JSValue js_object_isExtensible(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv, int reflect)
    JSValue obj;
    int ret;

    obj = argv[0];
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        if (reflect)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
            return JS_FALSE;
    ret = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, obj);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_object_preventExtensions(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                           int argc, JSValue *argv, int reflect)
    JSValue obj;
    int ret;

    obj = argv[0];
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        if (reflect)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
            return js_dup(obj);
    ret = JS_PreventExtensions(ctx, obj);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (reflect) {
        return js_bool(ret);
    } else {
        if (!ret)
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy preventExtensions handler returned false");
        return js_dup(obj);

static JSValue js_object_hasOwnProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSObject *p;
    BOOL ret;

    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[0]); /* must be done first */
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj)) {
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
        return obj;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, NULL, p, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_object_hasOwn(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSObject *p;
    BOOL ret;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[1]);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, NULL, p, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_object_valueOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);

static JSValue js_object_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, tag;
    int is_array;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSObject *p;

    if (JS_IsNull(this_val)) {
        tag = js_new_string8(ctx, "Null");
    } else if (JS_IsUndefined(this_val)) {
        tag = js_new_string8(ctx, "Undefined");
    } else {
        obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            return obj;
        is_array = JS_IsArray(ctx, obj);
        if (is_array < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (is_array) {
            atom = JS_ATOM_Array;
        } else if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, obj)) {
            atom = JS_ATOM_Function;
        } else {
            p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
            switch(p->class_id) {
            case JS_CLASS_STRING:
            case JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS:
            case JS_CLASS_ERROR:
            case JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN:
            case JS_CLASS_NUMBER:
            case JS_CLASS_DATE:
            case JS_CLASS_REGEXP:
                atom = ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].class_name;
                atom = JS_ATOM_Object;
        tag = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_toStringTag);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        if (JS_IsException(tag))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (!JS_IsString(tag)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, tag);
            tag = JS_AtomToString(ctx, atom);
    return JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "[object ", tag, "]");

static JSValue js_object_toLocaleString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_Invoke(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_toString, 0, NULL);

static JSValue js_object_assign(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // Object.assign(obj, source1)
    JSValue obj, s;
    int i;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto exception;
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (!JS_IsNull(argv[i]) && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[i])) {
            s = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[i]);
            if (JS_IsException(s))
                goto exception;
            if (JS_CopyDataProperties(ctx, obj, s, JS_UNDEFINED, TRUE))
                goto exception;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, s);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, s);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_seal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int freeze_flag)
    JSValue obj = argv[0];
    JSObject *p;
    JSPropertyEnum *props;
    uint32_t len, i;
    int flags, desc_flags, res;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return js_dup(obj);

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_MODULE_NS) {
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot %s module namespace",
                                 freeze_flag ? "freeze" : "seal");

    res = JS_PreventExtensions(ctx, obj);
    if (res < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!res) {
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy preventExtensions handler returned false");

    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &props, &len, p, flags))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
        JSAtom prop = props[i].atom;

        if (freeze_flag) {
            res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, prop);
            if (res < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (res) {
                if (desc.flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)
                    desc_flags |= JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE;
                js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
        if (JS_DefineProperty(ctx, obj, prop, JS_UNDEFINED,
                              JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED, desc_flags) < 0)
            goto exception;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, props, len);
    return js_dup(obj);

    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, props, len);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_isSealed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int is_frozen)
    JSValue obj = argv[0];
    JSObject *p;
    JSPropertyEnum *props;
    uint32_t len, i;
    int flags, res;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return JS_TRUE;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &props, &len, p, flags))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
        JSAtom prop = props[i].atom;

        res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, prop);
        if (res < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (res) {
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
            if ((desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)
            ||  (is_frozen && (desc.flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE))) {
                res = FALSE;
                goto done;
    res = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, obj);
    if (res < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    res ^= 1;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, props, len);
    return js_bool(res);

    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, props, len);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_fromEntries(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, iter, next_method = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue iterable;
    BOOL done;

    /*  RequireObjectCoercible() not necessary because it is tested in
        JS_GetIterator() by JS_GetProperty() */
    iterable = argv[0];

    obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;

    iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, iterable, FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto fail;
    next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next_method))
        goto fail;

    for(;;) {
        JSValue key, value, item;
        item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next_method, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(item))
            goto fail;
        if (done) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);

        key = JS_UNDEFINED;
        value = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (!JS_IsObject(item)) {
            goto fail1;
        key = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, item, 0);
        if (JS_IsException(key))
            goto fail1;
        value = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, item, 1);
        if (JS_IsException(value)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, key);
            goto fail1;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValueValue(ctx, obj, key, value,
                                        JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
            goto fail;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    return obj;
    if (JS_IsObject(iter)) {
        /* close the iterator object, preserving pending exception */
        JS_IteratorClose(ctx, iter, TRUE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_is(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_bool(js_same_value(ctx, argv[0], argv[1]));

static JSValue JS_SpeciesConstructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                     JSValue defaultConstructor)
    JSValue ctor, species;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    ctor = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_constructor);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        return ctor;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(ctor))
        return js_dup(defaultConstructor);
    if (!JS_IsObject(ctor)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    species = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_Symbol_species);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
    if (JS_IsException(species))
        return species;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(species) || JS_IsNull(species))
        return js_dup(defaultConstructor);
    if (!JS_IsConstructor(ctx, species)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, species);
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor");
    return species;

static JSValue js_object_get___proto__(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    JSValue val, ret;

    val = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    ret = JS_GetPrototype(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_object_set___proto__(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       JSValue proto)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(this_val) || JS_IsNull(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    if (!JS_IsObject(proto) && !JS_IsNull(proto))
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, this_val, proto, TRUE) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_object_isPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, v1;
    JSValue v;
    int res;

    v = argv[0];
    if (!JS_IsObject(v))
        return JS_FALSE;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    v1 = js_dup(v);
    for(;;) {
        v1 = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, v1);
        if (JS_IsException(v1))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsNull(v1)) {
            res = FALSE;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj) == JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(v1)) {
            res = TRUE;
        /* avoid infinite loop (possible with proxies) */
        if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx))
            goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return js_bool(res);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_object_propertyIsEnumerable(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, res = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSAtom prop = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    int has_prop;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto exception;
    prop = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (unlikely(prop == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        goto exception;

    has_prop = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), prop);
    if (has_prop < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (has_prop) {
        res = js_bool(desc.flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE);
        js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    } else {
        res = JS_FALSE;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return res;

static JSValue js_object___lookupGetter__(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int setter)
    JSValue obj, res = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSAtom prop = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    int has_prop;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto exception;
    prop = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (unlikely(prop == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        goto exception;

    for (;;) {
        has_prop = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj), prop);
        if (has_prop < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (has_prop) {
            if (desc.flags & JS_PROP_GETSET)
                res = js_dup(setter ? desc.setter : desc.getter);
                res = JS_UNDEFINED;
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
        obj = JS_GetPrototypeFree(ctx, obj);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsNull(obj)) {
            res = JS_UNDEFINED;
        /* avoid infinite loop (possible with proxies) */
        if (js_poll_interrupts(ctx))
            goto exception;

    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return res;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_object_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("create", 2, js_object_create ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getPrototypeOf", 1, js_object_getPrototypeOf, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("setPrototypeOf", 2, js_object_setPrototypeOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("defineProperty", 3, js_object_defineProperty, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("defineProperties", 2, js_object_defineProperties ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("getOwnPropertyNames", 1, js_object_getOwnPropertyNames ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("getOwnPropertySymbols", 1, js_object_getOwnPropertySymbols ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("groupBy", 2, js_object_groupBy ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("keys", 1, js_object_keys, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("values", 1, js_object_keys, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("entries", 1, js_object_keys, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("isExtensible", 1, js_object_isExtensible, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("preventExtensions", 1, js_object_preventExtensions, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", 2, js_object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("getOwnPropertyDescriptors", 1, js_object_getOwnPropertyDescriptors ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("is", 2, js_object_is ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("assign", 2, js_object_assign ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("seal", 1, js_object_seal, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("freeze", 1, js_object_seal, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("isSealed", 1, js_object_isSealed, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("isFrozen", 1, js_object_isSealed, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("fromEntries", 1, js_object_fromEntries ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("hasOwn", 2, js_object_hasOwn ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_object_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_object_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toLocaleString", 0, js_object_toLocaleString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_object_valueOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("hasOwnProperty", 1, js_object_hasOwnProperty ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isPrototypeOf", 1, js_object_isPrototypeOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("propertyIsEnumerable", 1, js_object_propertyIsEnumerable ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("__proto__", js_object_get___proto__, js_object_set___proto__ ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("__defineGetter__", 2, js_object___defineGetter__, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("__defineSetter__", 2, js_object___defineGetter__, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("__lookupGetter__", 1, js_object___lookupGetter__, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("__lookupSetter__", 1, js_object___lookupGetter__, 1 ),

/* Function class */

static JSValue js_function_proto(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

/* XXX: add a specific eval mode so that Function("}), ({") is rejected */
static JSValue js_function_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind = magic;
    int i, n, ret;
    JSValue s, proto, obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);
    string_buffer_putc8(b, '(');

    if (func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC || func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) {
        string_buffer_puts8(b, "async ");
    string_buffer_puts8(b, "function");

    if (func_kind == JS_FUNC_GENERATOR || func_kind == JS_FUNC_ASYNC_GENERATOR) {
        string_buffer_putc8(b, '*');
    string_buffer_puts8(b, " anonymous(");

    n = argc - 1;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i != 0) {
            string_buffer_putc8(b, ',');
        if (string_buffer_concat_value(b, argv[i]))
            goto fail;
    string_buffer_puts8(b, "\n) {\n");
    if (n >= 0) {
        if (string_buffer_concat_value(b, argv[n]))
            goto fail;
    string_buffer_puts8(b, "\n})");
    s = string_buffer_end(b);
    if (JS_IsException(s))
        goto fail1;

    obj = JS_EvalObject(ctx, ctx->global_obj, s, JS_EVAL_TYPE_INDIRECT, -1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, s);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail1;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        /* set the prototype */
        proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, new_target, JS_ATOM_prototype);
        if (JS_IsException(proto))
            goto fail1;
        if (!JS_IsObject(proto)) {
            JSContext *realm;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
            realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, new_target);
            if (!realm)
                goto fail1;
            proto = js_dup(realm->class_proto[func_kind_to_class_id[func_kind]]);
        ret = JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, obj, proto, TRUE);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto fail1;
    return obj;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static __exception int js_get_length32(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *pres,
                                       JSValue obj)
    JSValue len_val;
    len_val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length);
    if (JS_IsException(len_val)) {
        *pres = 0;
        return -1;
    return JS_ToUint32Free(ctx, pres, len_val);

static __exception int js_get_length64(JSContext *ctx, int64_t *pres,
                                       JSValue obj)
    JSValue len_val;
    len_val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length);
    if (JS_IsException(len_val)) {
        *pres = 0;
        return -1;
    return JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, pres, len_val);

static void free_arg_list(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *tab, uint32_t len)
    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, tab[i]);
    js_free(ctx, tab);

/* XXX: should use ValueArray */
static JSValue *build_arg_list(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *plen,
                               JSValue array_arg)
    uint32_t len, i;
    JSValue *tab, ret;
    JSObject *p;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(array_arg) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a object");
        return NULL;
    if (js_get_length32(ctx, &len, array_arg))
        return NULL;
    if (len > JS_MAX_LOCAL_VARS) {
        // XXX: check for stack overflow?
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "too many arguments in function call (only %d allowed)",
        return NULL;
    /* avoid allocating 0 bytes */
    tab = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(tab[0]) * max_uint32(1, len));
    if (!tab)
        return NULL;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(array_arg);
    if ((p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY || p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARGUMENTS) &&
        p->fast_array &&
        len == p->u.array.count) {
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            tab[i] = js_dup(p->u.array.u.values[i]);
    } else {
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            ret = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, array_arg, i);
            if (JS_IsException(ret)) {
                free_arg_list(ctx, tab, i);
                return NULL;
            tab[i] = ret;
    *plen = len;
    return tab;

/* magic value: 0 = normal apply, 1 = apply for constructor, 2 =
   Reflect.apply */
static JSValue js_function_apply(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue this_arg, array_arg;
    uint32_t len;
    JSValue *tab, ret;

    if (check_function(ctx, this_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    this_arg = argv[0];
    array_arg = argv[1];
    if ((JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(array_arg) == JS_TAG_UNDEFINED ||
         JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(array_arg) == JS_TAG_NULL) && magic != 2) {
        return JS_Call(ctx, this_val, this_arg, 0, NULL);
    tab = build_arg_list(ctx, &len, array_arg);
    if (!tab)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (magic & 1) {
        ret = JS_CallConstructor2(ctx, this_val, this_arg, len, tab);
    } else {
        ret = JS_Call(ctx, this_val, this_arg, len, tab);
    free_arg_list(ctx, tab, len);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_function_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (argc <= 0) {
        return JS_Call(ctx, this_val, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL);
    } else {
        return JS_Call(ctx, this_val, argv[0], argc - 1, argv + 1);

static JSValue js_function_bind(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSBoundFunction *bf;
    JSValue func_obj, name1, len_val;
    JSObject *p;
    int arg_count, i, ret;

    if (check_function(ctx, this_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    func_obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->function_proto,
    if (JS_IsException(func_obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    p->is_constructor = JS_IsConstructor(ctx, this_val);
    arg_count = max_int(0, argc - 1);
    bf = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*bf) + arg_count * sizeof(JSValue));
    if (!bf)
        goto exception;
    bf->func_obj = js_dup(this_val);
    bf->this_val = js_dup(argv[0]);
    bf->argc = arg_count;
    for(i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
        bf->argv[i] = js_dup(argv[i + 1]);
    p->u.bound_function = bf;

    /* XXX: the spec could be simpler by only using GetOwnProperty */
    ret = JS_GetOwnProperty(ctx, NULL, this_val, JS_ATOM_length);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (!ret) {
        len_val = js_int32(0);
    } else {
        len_val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_length);
        if (JS_IsException(len_val))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(len_val) == JS_TAG_INT) {
            /* most common case */
            int len1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(len_val);
            if (len1 <= arg_count)
                len1 = 0;
                len1 -= arg_count;
            len_val = js_int32(len1);
        } else if (JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(len_val) == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
            double d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(len_val);
            if (isnan(d)) {
                d = 0.0;
            } else {
                d = trunc(d);
                if (d <= (double)arg_count)
                    d = 0.0;
                    d -= (double)arg_count; /* also converts -0 to +0 */
            len_val = js_number(d);
        } else {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, len_val);
            len_val = js_int32(0);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_length,
                           len_val, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    name1 = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_name);
    if (JS_IsException(name1))
        goto exception;
    if (!JS_IsString(name1)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, name1);
        name1 = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    name1 = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "bound ", name1, "");
    if (JS_IsException(name1))
        goto exception;
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, func_obj, JS_ATOM_name, name1,
    return func_obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_function_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    JSFunctionKindEnum func_kind = JS_FUNC_NORMAL;

    if (check_function(ctx, this_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
    if (js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id)) {
        JSFunctionBytecode *b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
        /* `b->source` must be pure ASCII or UTF-8 encoded */
        if (b->source)
            return JS_NewStringLen(ctx, b->source, b->source_len);
        JSValue name;
        const char *pref, *suff;

        switch(func_kind) {
        case JS_FUNC_NORMAL:
            pref = "function ";
        case JS_FUNC_GENERATOR:
            pref = "function *";
        case JS_FUNC_ASYNC:
            pref = "async function ";
            pref = "async function *";
        suff = "() {\n    [native code]\n}";
        name = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_name);
        if (JS_IsUndefined(name))
            name = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
        return JS_ConcatString3(ctx, pref, name, suff);

static JSValue js_function_hasInstance(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int ret;
    ret = JS_OrdinaryIsInstanceOf(ctx, argv[0], this_val);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_function_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("call", 1, js_function_call ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("apply", 2, js_function_apply, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("bind", 1, js_function_bind ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_function_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.hasInstance]", 1, js_function_hasInstance ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("fileName", js_function_proto_fileName, NULL ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("lineNumber", js_function_proto_int32, NULL,
                         offsetof(JSFunctionBytecode, line_num)),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("columnNumber", js_function_proto_int32, NULL,
                         offsetof(JSFunctionBytecode, col_num)),

/* Error class */

static JSValue iterator_to_array(JSContext *ctx, JSValue items)
    JSValue iter, next_method = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue v, r = JS_UNDEFINED;
    int64_t k;
    BOOL done;

    iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, items, FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next_method))
        goto exception;
    r = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(r))
        goto exception;
    for (k = 0;; k++) {
        v = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next_method, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            goto exception_close;
        if (done)
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, r, k, v,
                                        JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
            goto exception_close;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    return r;
    JS_IteratorClose(ctx, iter, TRUE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, r);
    goto done;

static JSValue js_error_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue obj, msg, proto, cause;
    JSValue message;
    int opts;
    BOOL present;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target))
        new_target = JS_GetActiveFunction(ctx);
    proto = JS_GetProperty(ctx, new_target, JS_ATOM_prototype);
    if (JS_IsException(proto))
        return proto;
    if (!JS_IsObject(proto)) {
        JSContext *realm;
        JSValue proto1;

        JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
        realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, new_target);
        if (!realm)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (magic < 0) {
            proto1 = realm->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ERROR];
        } else {
            proto1 = realm->native_error_proto[magic];
        proto = js_dup(proto1);
    obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, proto, JS_CLASS_ERROR);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    if (magic == JS_AGGREGATE_ERROR) {
        message = argv[1];
        opts = 2;
    } else {
        message = argv[0];
        opts = 1;

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(message)) {
        msg = JS_ToString(ctx, message);
        if (unlikely(JS_IsException(msg)))
            goto exception;
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_message, msg,
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    if (argc > opts && JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[opts]) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        present = JS_HasProperty(ctx, argv[opts], JS_ATOM_cause);
        if (unlikely(present < 0))
            goto exception;
        if (present) {
            cause = JS_GetProperty(ctx, argv[opts], JS_ATOM_cause);
            if (unlikely(JS_IsException(cause)))
                goto exception;
            JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_cause, cause,
                                   JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    if (magic == JS_AGGREGATE_ERROR) {
        JSValue error_list = iterator_to_array(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(error_list))
            goto exception;
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_errors, error_list,
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    /* skip the Error() function in the backtrace */
    build_backtrace(ctx, obj, NULL, 0, 0, JS_BACKTRACE_FLAG_SKIP_FIRST_LEVEL);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_error_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue name, msg;

    if (!JS_IsObject(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    name = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_name);
    if (JS_IsUndefined(name))
        name = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_Error);
        name = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, name);
    if (JS_IsException(name))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    msg = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_message);
    if (JS_IsUndefined(msg))
        msg = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
        msg = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, msg);
    if (JS_IsException(msg)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, name);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!JS_IsEmptyString(name) && !JS_IsEmptyString(msg))
        name = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "", name, ": ");
    return JS_ConcatString(ctx, name, msg);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_error_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_error_toString ),

static JSValue js_error_get_stackTraceLimit(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    JSValue val;

    val = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return js_int32(ctx->error_stack_trace_limit);

static JSValue js_error_set_stackTraceLimit(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSValue value)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(this_val) || JS_IsNull(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    int limit;
    if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &limit, value) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ctx->error_stack_trace_limit = limit;
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_error_get_prepareStackTrace(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    JSValue val;

    val = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return js_dup(ctx->error_prepare_stack);

static JSValue js_error_set_prepareStackTrace(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSValue value)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(this_val) || JS_IsNull(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctx->error_prepare_stack);
    ctx->error_prepare_stack = js_dup(value);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_error_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("stackTraceLimit", js_error_get_stackTraceLimit, js_error_set_stackTraceLimit ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("prepareStackTrace", js_error_get_prepareStackTrace, js_error_set_prepareStackTrace ),

/* AggregateError */

/* used by C code. */
static JSValue js_aggregate_error_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue errors)
    JSValue obj;

    obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx,
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_errors, js_dup(errors),
                           JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    return obj;

/* Array */

static int JS_CopySubArray(JSContext *ctx,
                           JSValue obj, int64_t to_pos,
                           int64_t from_pos, int64_t count, int dir)
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t i, from, to, len;
    JSValue val;
    int fromPresent;

    p = NULL;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_ARRAY || !p->fast_array) {
            p = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < count; ) {
        if (dir < 0) {
            from = from_pos + count - i - 1;
            to = to_pos + count - i - 1;
        } else {
            from = from_pos + i;
            to = to_pos + i;
        if (p && p->fast_array &&
            from >= 0 && from < (len = p->u.array.count)  &&
            to >= 0 && to < len) {
            int64_t l, j;
            /* Fast path for fast arrays. Since we don't look at the
               prototype chain, we can optimize only the cases where
               all the elements are present in the array. */
            l = count - i;
            if (dir < 0) {
                l = min_int64(l, from + 1);
                l = min_int64(l, to + 1);
                for(j = 0; j < l; j++) {
                    set_value(ctx, &p->u.array.u.values[to - j],
                              js_dup(p->u.array.u.values[from - j]));
            } else {
                l = min_int64(l, len - from);
                l = min_int64(l, len - to);
                for(j = 0; j < l; j++) {
                    set_value(ctx, &p->u.array.u.values[to + j],
                              js_dup(p->u.array.u.values[from + j]));
            i += l;
        } else {
            fromPresent = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, from, &val);
            if (fromPresent < 0)
                goto exception;

            if (fromPresent) {
                if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, to, val) < 0)
                    goto exception;
            } else {
                if (JS_DeletePropertyInt64(ctx, obj, to, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
    return 0;

    return -1;

static JSValue js_array_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    int i;

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_ARRAY);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    if (argc == 1 && JS_IsNumber(argv[0])) {
        uint32_t len;
        if (JS_ToArrayLengthFree(ctx, &len, js_dup(argv[0]), TRUE))
            goto fail;
        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, js_uint32(len)) < 0)
            goto fail;
    } else {
        for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            if (JS_SetPropertyUint32(ctx, obj, i, js_dup(argv[i])) < 0)
                goto fail;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_from(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // from(items, mapfn = void 0, this_arg = void 0)
    JSValue items = argv[0], mapfn, this_arg;
    JSValue args[2];
    JSValue stack[2];
    JSValue iter, r, v, v2, arrayLike;
    int64_t k, len;
    int done, mapping;

    mapping = FALSE;
    mapfn = JS_UNDEFINED;
    this_arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    arrayLike = JS_UNDEFINED;
    stack[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    stack[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;

    if (argc > 1) {
        mapfn = argv[1];
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(mapfn)) {
            if (check_function(ctx, mapfn))
                goto exception;
            mapping = 1;
            if (argc > 2)
                this_arg = argv[2];
    iter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, items, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(iter)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
        if (JS_IsConstructor(ctx, this_val))
            r = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, this_val, 0, NULL);
            r = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(r))
            goto exception;
        stack[0] = js_dup(items);
        if (js_for_of_start(ctx, &stack[1], FALSE))
            goto exception;
        for (k = 0;; k++) {
            v = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, stack[0], stack[1], 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(v))
                goto exception_close;
            if (done)
            if (mapping) {
                args[0] = v;
                args[1] = js_int32(k);
                v2 = JS_Call(ctx, mapfn, this_arg, 2, args);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
                v = v2;
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception_close;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, r, k, v,
                                            JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception_close;
    } else {
        arrayLike = JS_ToObject(ctx, items);
        if (JS_IsException(arrayLike))
            goto exception;
        if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, arrayLike) < 0)
            goto exception;
        v = JS_NewInt64(ctx, len);
        args[0] = v;
        if (JS_IsConstructor(ctx, this_val)) {
            r = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, this_val, 1, args);
        } else {
            r = js_array_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, args);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
        if (JS_IsException(r))
            goto exception;
        for(k = 0; k < len; k++) {
            v = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, arrayLike, k);
            if (JS_IsException(v))
                goto exception;
            if (mapping) {
                args[0] = v;
                args[1] = js_int32(k);
                v2 = JS_Call(ctx, mapfn, this_arg, 2, args);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
                v = v2;
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, r, k, v,
                                            JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, r, JS_ATOM_length, js_uint32(k)) < 0)
        goto exception;
    goto done;

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(stack[0]))
        JS_IteratorClose(ctx, stack[0], TRUE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, r);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arrayLike);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, stack[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, stack[1]);
    return r;

static JSValue js_array_of(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, args[1];
    int i;

    if (JS_IsConstructor(ctx, this_val)) {
        args[0] = js_int32(argc);
        obj = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, this_val, 1, args);
    } else {
        obj = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, obj, i, js_dup(argv[i]),
                                        JS_PROP_THROW) < 0) {
            goto fail;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, js_uint32(argc)) < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static JSValue js_array_isArray(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int ret;
    ret = JS_IsArray(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_get_this(JSContext *ctx,
                           JSValue this_val)
    return js_dup(this_val);

static JSValue JS_ArraySpeciesCreate(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                     JSValue len_val)
    JSValue ctor, ret, species;
    int res;
    JSContext *realm;

    res = JS_IsArray(ctx, obj);
    if (res < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!res)
        return js_array_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &len_val);
    ctor = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_constructor);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        return ctor;
    if (JS_IsConstructor(ctx, ctor)) {
        /* legacy web compatibility */
        realm = JS_GetFunctionRealm(ctx, ctor);
        if (!realm) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (realm != ctx &&
            js_same_value(ctx, ctor, realm->array_ctor)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
            ctor = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (JS_IsObject(ctor)) {
        species = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctor, JS_ATOM_Symbol_species);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
        if (JS_IsException(species))
            return species;
        ctor = species;
        if (JS_IsNull(ctor))
            ctor = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(ctor)) {
        return js_array_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &len_val);
    } else {
        ret = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, ctor, 1, &len_val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
        return ret;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_array_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isArray", 1, js_array_isArray ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("from", 1, js_array_from ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("of", 0, js_array_of ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL ),

static int JS_isConcatSpreadable(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSValue val;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return FALSE;
    val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_isConcatSpreadable);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return -1;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(val))
        return JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, val);
    return JS_IsArray(ctx, obj);

static JSValue js_array_at(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, ret;
    int64_t len, idx;

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0]))
        goto exception;

    if (idx < 0)
        idx = len + idx;

    if (idx < 0 || idx >= len) {
        ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        ret = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, idx);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_array_with(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, obj, ret, *arrp, *pval;
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t i, len, idx;
    uint32_t count32;

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (len > UINT32_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
        goto exception;

    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0]))
        goto exception;

    if (idx < 0)
        idx = len + idx;

    if (idx < 0 || idx >= len) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array index: %" PRId64, idx);
        goto exception;

    arr = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(arr);
    if (expand_fast_array(ctx, p, len) < 0)
        goto exception;
    p->u.array.count = len;

    i = 0;
    pval = p->u.array.u.values;
    if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) && count32 == len) {
        for (; i < idx; i++, pval++)
            *pval = js_dup(arrp[i]);
        *pval = js_dup(argv[1]);
        for (i++, pval++; i < len; i++, pval++)
            *pval = js_dup(arrp[i]);
    } else {
        for (; i < idx; i++, pval++)
            if (-1 == JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, pval))
                goto fill_and_fail;
        *pval = js_dup(argv[1]);
        for (i++, pval++; i < len; i++, pval++) {
            if (-1 == JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, pval)) {
                for (; i < len; i++, pval++)
                    *pval = JS_UNDEFINED;
                goto exception;

    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, len)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    ret = arr;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_array_concat(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, arr, val;
    JSValue e;
    int64_t len, k, n;
    int i, res;

    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto exception;

    arr = JS_ArraySpeciesCreate(ctx, obj, js_int32(0));
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;
    n = 0;
    for (i = -1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (i < 0)
            e = obj;
            e = argv[i];

        res = JS_isConcatSpreadable(ctx, e);
        if (res < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (res) {
            if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, e))
                goto exception;
            if (n + len > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Array loo long");
                goto exception;
            for (k = 0; k < len; k++, n++) {
                res = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, e, k, &val);
                if (res < 0)
                    goto exception;
                if (res) {
                    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, arr, n, val,
                                                    JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                        goto exception;
        } else {
            if (n >= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Array loo long");
                goto exception;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, arr, n, js_dup(e),
                                            JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, n)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return arr;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

#define special_every    0
#define special_some     1
#define special_forEach  2
#define special_map      3
#define special_filter   4
#define special_TA       8

static int js_typed_array_get_length_internal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);

static JSValue js_typed_array___speciesCreate(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv);

static JSValue js_array_every(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int special)
    JSValue obj, val, index_val, res, ret;
    JSValue args[3];
    JSValue func, this_arg;
    int64_t len, k, n;
    int present;

    ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (special & special_TA) {
        obj = js_dup(this_val);
        len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, obj);
        if (len < 0)
            goto exception;
    } else {
        obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
        if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
            goto exception;
    func = argv[0];
    this_arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (argc > 1)
        this_arg = argv[1];

    if (check_function(ctx, func))
        goto exception;

    switch (special) {
    case special_every:
    case special_every | special_TA:
        ret = JS_TRUE;
    case special_some:
    case special_some | special_TA:
        ret = JS_FALSE;
    case special_map:
        /* XXX: JS_ArraySpeciesCreate should take int64_t */
        ret = JS_ArraySpeciesCreate(ctx, obj, JS_NewInt64(ctx, len));
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            goto exception;
    case special_filter:
        ret = JS_ArraySpeciesCreate(ctx, obj, js_int32(0));
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            goto exception;
    case special_map | special_TA:
        args[0] = obj;
        args[1] = js_int32(len);
        ret = js_typed_array___speciesCreate(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            goto exception;
    case special_filter | special_TA:
        ret = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            goto exception;
    n = 0;

    for(k = 0; k < len; k++) {
        if (special & special_TA) {
            val = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            present = TRUE;
        } else {
            present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k, &val);
            if (present < 0)
                goto exception;
        if (present) {
            index_val = JS_NewInt64(ctx, k);
            if (JS_IsException(index_val))
                goto exception;
            args[0] = val;
            args[1] = index_val;
            args[2] = obj;
            res = JS_Call(ctx, func, this_arg, 3, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, index_val);
            if (JS_IsException(res))
                goto exception;
            switch (special) {
            case special_every:
            case special_every | special_TA:
                if (!JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, res)) {
                    ret = JS_FALSE;
                    goto done;
            case special_some:
            case special_some | special_TA:
                if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, res)) {
                    ret = JS_TRUE;
                    goto done;
            case special_map:
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, ret, k, res,
                                                JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
            case special_map | special_TA:
                if (JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, ret, js_int32(k), res, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
            case special_filter:
            case special_filter | special_TA:
                if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, res)) {
                    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, ret, n++, js_dup(val),
                                                    JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                        goto exception;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (special == (special_filter | special_TA)) {
        JSValue arr;
        args[0] = obj;
        args[1] = js_int32(n);
        arr = js_typed_array___speciesCreate(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args);
        if (JS_IsException(arr))
            goto exception;
        args[0] = ret;
        res = JS_Invoke(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_set, 1, args);
        if (check_exception_free(ctx, res))
            goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        ret = arr;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

#define special_reduce       0
#define special_reduceRight  1

static JSValue js_array_reduce(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int special)
    JSValue obj, val, index_val, acc, acc1;
    JSValue args[4];
    JSValue func;
    int64_t len, k, k1;
    int present;

    acc = JS_UNDEFINED;
    val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (special & special_TA) {
        obj = js_dup(this_val);
        len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, obj);
        if (len < 0)
            goto exception;
    } else {
        obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
        if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
            goto exception;
    func = argv[0];

    if (check_function(ctx, func))
        goto exception;

    k = 0;
    if (argc > 1) {
        acc = js_dup(argv[1]);
    } else {
        for(;;) {
            if (k >= len) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "empty array");
                goto exception;
            k1 = (special & special_reduceRight) ? len - k - 1 : k;
            if (special & special_TA) {
                acc = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k1);
                if (JS_IsException(acc))
                    goto exception;
            } else {
                present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k1, &acc);
                if (present < 0)
                    goto exception;
                if (present)
    for (; k < len; k++) {
        k1 = (special & special_reduceRight) ? len - k - 1 : k;
        if (special & special_TA) {
            val = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k1);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            present = TRUE;
        } else {
            present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k1, &val);
            if (present < 0)
                goto exception;
        if (present) {
            index_val = JS_NewInt64(ctx, k1);
            if (JS_IsException(index_val))
                goto exception;
            args[0] = acc;
            args[1] = val;
            args[2] = index_val;
            args[3] = obj;
            acc1 = JS_Call(ctx, func, JS_UNDEFINED, 4, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, index_val);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            val = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (JS_IsException(acc1))
                goto exception;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, acc);
            acc = acc1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return acc;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, acc);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_fill(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    int64_t len, start, end;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    start = 0;
    if (argc > 1 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[1], 0, len, len))
            goto exception;

    end = len;
    if (argc > 2 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
        if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &end, argv[2], 0, len, len))
            goto exception;

    /* XXX: should special case fast arrays */
    while (start < end) {
        if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, start, js_dup(argv[0])) < 0)
            goto exception;
    return obj;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_includes(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, val;
    int64_t len, n;
    JSValue *arrp;
    uint32_t count;
    int res;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    res = TRUE;
    if (len > 0) {
        n = 0;
        if (argc > 1) {
            if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &n, argv[1], 0, len, len))
                goto exception;
        if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count)) {
            for (; n < count; n++) {
                if (js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), js_dup(arrp[n]),
                                  JS_EQ_SAME_VALUE_ZERO)) {
                    goto done;
        for (; n < len; n++) {
            val = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, n);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            if (js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), val,
                              JS_EQ_SAME_VALUE_ZERO)) {
                goto done;
    res = FALSE;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return js_bool(res);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_indexOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, val;
    int64_t len, n;
    JSValue *arrp;
    uint32_t count;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (len > 0) {
        n = 0;
        if (argc > 1) {
            if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &n, argv[1], 0, len, len))
                goto exception;
        if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count)) {
            for (; n < count; n++) {
                if (js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), js_dup(arrp[n]),
                                  JS_EQ_STRICT)) {
                    goto done;
        for (; n < len; n++) {
            int present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, n, &val);
            if (present < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (present) {
                if (js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), val, JS_EQ_STRICT)) {
                    goto done;
    n = -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_NewInt64(ctx, n);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_lastIndexOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, val;
    int64_t len, n;
    JSValue *arrp;
    uint32_t count;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (len > 0) {
        n = len - 1;
        if (argc > 1) {
            if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &n, argv[1], -1, len - 1, len))
                goto exception;
        if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count) && count == len) {
            for (; n >= 0; n--) {
                if (js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), js_dup(arrp[n]),
                                  JS_EQ_STRICT)) {
                    goto done;
        for (; n >= 0; n--) {
            int present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, n, &val);
            if (present < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (present) {
                if (js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), val, JS_EQ_STRICT)) {
                    goto done;
    n = -1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_NewInt64(ctx, n);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

enum {

static JSValue js_array_find(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int mode)
    JSValue func, this_arg;
    JSValue args[3];
    JSValue obj, val, index_val, res;
    int64_t len, k, end;
    int dir;

    index_val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    func = argv[0];
    if (check_function(ctx, func))
        goto exception;

    this_arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (argc > 1)
        this_arg = argv[1];

    k = 0;
    dir = 1;
    end = len;
    if (mode == ArrayFindLast || mode == ArrayFindLastIndex) {
        k = len - 1;
        dir = -1;
        end = -1;

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) add fast path for fast arrays
    for(; k != end; k += dir) {
        index_val = JS_NewInt64(ctx, k);
        if (JS_IsException(index_val))
            goto exception;
        val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, obj, index_val);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto exception;
        args[0] = val;
        args[1] = index_val;
        args[2] = this_val;
        res = JS_Call(ctx, func, this_arg, 3, args);
        if (JS_IsException(res))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, res)) {
            if (mode == ArrayFindIndex || mode == ArrayFindLastIndex) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
                return index_val;
            } else {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, index_val);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
                return val;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, index_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    if (mode == ArrayFindIndex || mode == ArrayFindLastIndex)
        return js_int32(-1);
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, index_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, method, ret;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_join);
    if (JS_IsException(method)) {
        ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, method)) {
        /* Use intrinsic Object.prototype.toString */
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        ret = js_object_toString(ctx, obj, 0, NULL);
    } else {
        ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, obj, 0, NULL);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_array_join(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int toLocaleString)
    JSValue obj, sep = JS_UNDEFINED, el;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p = NULL;
    int64_t i, n;
    int c;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &n, obj))
        goto exception;

    c = ',';    /* default separator */
    if (!toLocaleString && argc > 0 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        sep = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(sep))
            goto exception;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(sep);
        if (p->len == 1 && !p->is_wide_char)
            c = p->u.str8[0];
            c = -1;
    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i > 0) {
            if (c >= 0) {
                string_buffer_putc8(b, c);
            } else {
                string_buffer_concat(b, p, 0, p->len);
        el = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, obj, i);
        if (JS_IsException(el))
            goto fail;
        if (!JS_IsNull(el) && !JS_IsUndefined(el)) {
            if (toLocaleString) {
                el = JS_ToLocaleStringFree(ctx, el);
            if (string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, el))
                goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_pop(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv, int shift)
    JSValue obj, res = JS_UNDEFINED;
    int64_t len, newLen;
    JSValue *arrp;
    uint32_t count32;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;
    newLen = 0;
    if (len > 0) {
        newLen = len - 1;
        /* Special case fast arrays */
        if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) && count32 == len) {
            JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
            if (shift) {
                res = arrp[0];
                memmove(arrp, arrp + 1, (count32 - 1) * sizeof(*arrp));
            } else {
                res = arrp[count32 - 1];
        } else {
            if (shift) {
                res = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, 0);
                if (JS_IsException(res))
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_CopySubArray(ctx, obj, 0, 1, len - 1, +1))
                    goto exception;
            } else {
                res = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, newLen);
                if (JS_IsException(res))
                    goto exception;
            if (JS_DeletePropertyInt64(ctx, obj, newLen, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, newLen)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return res;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_push(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int unshift)
    JSValue obj;
    int i;
    int64_t len, from, newLen;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;
    newLen = len + argc;
    if (newLen > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Array loo long");
        goto exception;
    from = len;
    if (unshift && argc > 0) {
        if (JS_CopySubArray(ctx, obj, argc, 0, len, -1))
            goto exception;
        from = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, from + i, js_dup(argv[i])) < 0)
            goto exception;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, newLen)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_NewInt64(ctx, newLen);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_reverse(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, lval, hval;
    JSValue *arrp;
    int64_t len, l, h;
    int l_present, h_present;
    uint32_t count32;

    lval = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    /* Special case fast arrays */
    if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) && count32 == len) {
        uint32_t ll, hh;

        if (count32 > 1) {
            for (ll = 0, hh = count32 - 1; ll < hh; ll++, hh--) {
                lval = arrp[ll];
                arrp[ll] = arrp[hh];
                arrp[hh] = lval;
        return obj;

    for (l = 0, h = len - 1; l < h; l++, h--) {
        l_present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, l, &lval);
        if (l_present < 0)
            goto exception;
        h_present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, h, &hval);
        if (h_present < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (h_present) {
            if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, l, hval) < 0)
                goto exception;

            if (l_present) {
                if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, h, lval) < 0) {
                    lval = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    goto exception;
                lval = JS_UNDEFINED;
            } else {
                if (JS_DeletePropertyInt64(ctx, obj, h, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
        } else {
            if (l_present) {
                if (JS_DeletePropertyInt64(ctx, obj, l, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, h, lval) < 0) {
                    lval = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    goto exception;
                lval = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return obj;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, lval);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

// Note: a.toReversed() is a.slice().reverse() with the twist that a.slice()
// leaves holes in sparse arrays intact whereas a.toReversed() replaces them
// with undefined, thus in effect creating a dense array.
// Does not use Array[@@species], always returns a base Array.
static JSValue js_array_toReversed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, obj, ret, *arrp, *pval;
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t i, len;
    uint32_t count32;

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (len > UINT32_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
        goto exception;

    arr = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;

    if (len > 0) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(arr);
        if (expand_fast_array(ctx, p, len) < 0)
            goto exception;
        p->u.array.count = len;

        i = len - 1;
        pval = p->u.array.u.values;
        if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) && count32 == len) {
            for (; i >= 0; i--, pval++)
                *pval = js_dup(arrp[i]);
        } else {
            // Query order is observable; test262 expects descending order.
            for (; i >= 0; i--, pval++) {
                if (-1 == JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, pval)) {
                    // Exception; initialize remaining elements.
                    for (; i >= 0; i--, pval++)
                        *pval = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    goto exception;

        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, len)) < 0)
            goto exception;

    ret = arr;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_array_slice(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int splice)
    JSValue obj, arr, val, len_val;
    int64_t len, start, k, final, n, count, del_count, new_len;
    int kPresent;
    JSValue *arrp;
    uint32_t count32, i, item_count;

    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[0], 0, len, len))
        goto exception;

    if (splice) {
        if (argc == 0) {
            item_count = 0;
            del_count = 0;
        } else if (argc == 1) {
            item_count = 0;
            del_count = len - start;
        } else {
            item_count = argc - 2;
            if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &del_count, argv[1], 0, len - start, 0))
                goto exception;
        if (len + item_count - del_count > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Array loo long");
            goto exception;
        count = del_count;
    } else {
        item_count = 0; /* avoid warning */
        final = len;
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
            if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &final, argv[1], 0, len, len))
                goto exception;
        count = max_int64(final - start, 0);
    len_val = JS_NewInt64(ctx, count);
    arr = JS_ArraySpeciesCreate(ctx, obj, len_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, len_val);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;

    k = start;
    final = start + count;
    n = 0;
    /* The fast array test on arr ensures that
       JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32() won't modify obj in case arr is
       an exotic object */
    /* Special case fast arrays */
    if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) &&
        js_is_fast_array(ctx, arr)) {
        /* XXX: should share code with fast array constructor */
        for (; k < final && k < count32; k++, n++) {
            if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, arr, n, js_dup(arrp[k]), JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
    /* Copy the remaining elements if any (handle case of inherited properties) */
    for (; k < final; k++, n++) {
        kPresent = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k, &val);
        if (kPresent < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (kPresent) {
            if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, arr, n, val, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, n)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    if (splice) {
        new_len = len + item_count - del_count;
        if (item_count != del_count) {
            if (JS_CopySubArray(ctx, obj, start + item_count,
                                start + del_count, len - (start + del_count),
                                item_count <= del_count ? +1 : -1) < 0)
                goto exception;

            for (k = len; k-- > new_len; ) {
                if (JS_DeletePropertyInt64(ctx, obj, k, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
        for (i = 0; i < item_count; i++) {
            if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, start + i, js_dup(argv[i + 2])) < 0)
                goto exception;
        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, new_len)) < 0)
            goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return arr;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_toSpliced(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, obj, ret, *arrp, *pval, *last;
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t i, j, len, newlen, start, add, del;
    uint32_t count32;

    pval = NULL;
    last = NULL;
    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    start = 0;
    if (argc > 0)
        if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[0], 0, len, len))
            goto exception;

    del = 0;
    if (argc > 0)
        del = len - start;
    if (argc > 1)
        if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &del, argv[1], 0, del, 0))
            goto exception;

    add = 0;
    if (argc > 2)
        add = argc - 2;

    newlen = len + add - del;
    if (newlen > UINT32_MAX) {
        // Per spec: TypeError if newlen >= 2**53, RangeError below
        if (newlen > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
        } else {
            JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
        goto exception;

    arr = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;

    if (newlen <= 0)
        goto done;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(arr);
    if (expand_fast_array(ctx, p, newlen) < 0)
        goto exception;

    p->u.array.count = newlen;
    pval = &p->u.array.u.values[0];
    last = &p->u.array.u.values[newlen];

    if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) && count32 == len) {
        for (i = 0; i < start; i++, pval++)
            *pval = js_dup(arrp[i]);
        for (j = 0; j < add; j++, pval++)
            *pval = js_dup(argv[2 + j]);
        for (i += del; i < len; i++, pval++)
            *pval = js_dup(arrp[i]);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < start; i++, pval++)
            if (-1 == JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, pval))
                goto exception;
        for (j = 0; j < add; j++, pval++)
            *pval = js_dup(argv[2 + j]);
        for (i += del; i < len; i++, pval++)
            if (-1 == JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, pval))
                goto exception;

    assert(pval == last);

    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, newlen)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    ret = arr;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;

    while (pval != last)
        *pval++ = JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_array_copyWithin(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    int64_t len, from, to, final, count;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &to, argv[0], 0, len, len))
        goto exception;

    if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &from, argv[1], 0, len, len))
        goto exception;

    final = len;
    if (argc > 2 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
        if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &final, argv[2], 0, len, len))
            goto exception;

    count = min_int64(final - from, len - to);

    if (JS_CopySubArray(ctx, obj, to, from, count,
                        (from < to && to < from + count) ? -1 : +1))
        goto exception;

    return obj;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static int64_t JS_FlattenIntoArray(JSContext *ctx, JSValue target,
                                   JSValue source, int64_t sourceLen,
                                   int64_t targetIndex, int depth,
                                   JSValue mapperFunction,
                                   JSValue thisArg)
    JSValue element;
    int64_t sourceIndex, elementLen;
    int present, is_array;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return -1;

    for (sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceLen; sourceIndex++) {
        present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, source, sourceIndex, &element);
        if (present < 0)
            return -1;
        if (!present)
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(mapperFunction)) {
            JSValue args[3] = { element, JS_NewInt64(ctx, sourceIndex), source };
            element = JS_Call(ctx, mapperFunction, thisArg, 3, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[1]);
            if (JS_IsException(element))
                return -1;
        if (depth > 0) {
            is_array = JS_IsArray(ctx, element);
            if (is_array < 0)
                goto fail;
            if (is_array) {
                if (js_get_length64(ctx, &elementLen, element) < 0)
                    goto fail;
                targetIndex = JS_FlattenIntoArray(ctx, target, element,
                                                  elementLen, targetIndex,
                                                  depth - 1,
                                                  JS_UNDEFINED, JS_UNDEFINED);
                if (targetIndex < 0)
                    goto fail;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, element);
        if (targetIndex >= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Array too long");
            goto fail;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, target, targetIndex, element,
                                        JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
            return -1;
    return targetIndex;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, element);
    return -1;

static JSValue js_array_flatten(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv, int map)
    JSValue obj, arr;
    JSValue mapperFunction, thisArg;
    int64_t sourceLen;
    int depthNum;

    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &sourceLen, obj))
        goto exception;

    depthNum = 1;
    mapperFunction = JS_UNDEFINED;
    thisArg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (map) {
        mapperFunction = argv[0];
        if (argc > 1) {
            thisArg = argv[1];
        if (check_function(ctx, mapperFunction))
            goto exception;
    } else {
        if (argc > 0 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
            if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &depthNum, argv[0]) < 0)
                goto exception;
    arr = JS_ArraySpeciesCreate(ctx, obj, js_int32(0));
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_FlattenIntoArray(ctx, arr, obj, sourceLen, 0, depthNum,
                            mapperFunction, thisArg) < 0)
        goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return arr;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* Array sort */

typedef struct ValueSlot {
    JSValue val;
    JSString *str;
    int64_t pos;
} ValueSlot;

struct array_sort_context {
    JSContext *ctx;
    int exception;
    int has_method;
    JSValue method;

static int js_array_cmp_generic(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    struct array_sort_context *psc = opaque;
    JSContext *ctx = psc->ctx;
    JSValue argv[2];
    JSValue res;
    ValueSlot *ap = (ValueSlot *)(void *)a;
    ValueSlot *bp = (ValueSlot *)(void *)b;
    int cmp;

    if (psc->exception)
        return 0;

    if (psc->has_method) {
        /* custom sort function is specified as returning 0 for identical
         * objects: avoid method call overhead.
        if (!memcmp(&ap->val, &bp->val, sizeof(ap->val)))
            goto cmp_same;
        argv[0] = ap->val;
        argv[1] = bp->val;
        res = JS_Call(ctx, psc->method, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, argv);
        if (JS_IsException(res))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(res) == JS_TAG_INT) {
            int val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(res);
            cmp = (val > 0) - (val < 0);
        } else {
            double val;
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &val, res) < 0)
                goto exception;
            cmp = (val > 0) - (val < 0);
    } else {
        /* Not supposed to bypass ToString even for identical objects as
         * tested in test262/test/built-ins/Array/prototype/sort/bug_596_1.js
        if (!ap->str) {
            JSValue str = JS_ToString(ctx, ap->val);
            if (JS_IsException(str))
                goto exception;
            ap->str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
        if (!bp->str) {
            JSValue str = JS_ToString(ctx, bp->val);
            if (JS_IsException(str))
                goto exception;
            bp->str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
        cmp = js_string_compare(ctx, ap->str, bp->str);
    if (cmp != 0)
        return cmp;
    /* make sort stable: compare array offsets */
    return (ap->pos > bp->pos) - (ap->pos < bp->pos);

    psc->exception = 1;
    return 0;

static JSValue js_array_sort(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    struct array_sort_context asc = { ctx, 0, 0, argv[0] };
    JSValue obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    ValueSlot *array = NULL;
    size_t array_size = 0, pos = 0, n = 0;
    int64_t i, len, undefined_count = 0;
    int present;

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(asc.method)) {
        if (check_function(ctx, asc.method))
            goto exception;
        asc.has_method = 1;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    /* XXX: should special case fast arrays */
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (pos >= array_size) {
            size_t new_size, slack;
            ValueSlot *new_array;
            new_size = (array_size + (array_size >> 1) + 31) & ~15;
            new_array = js_realloc2(ctx, array, new_size * sizeof(*array), &slack);
            if (new_array == NULL)
                goto exception;
            new_size += slack / sizeof(*new_array);
            array = new_array;
            array_size = new_size;
        present = JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, &array[pos].val);
        if (present < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (present == 0)
        if (JS_IsUndefined(array[pos].val)) {
        array[pos].str = NULL;
        array[pos].pos = i;
    rqsort(array, pos, sizeof(*array), js_array_cmp_generic, &asc);
    if (asc.exception)
        goto exception;

    /* XXX: should special case fast arrays */
    while (n < pos) {
        if (array[n].str)
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, array[n].str));
        if (array[n].pos == n) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, array[n].val);
        } else {
            if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, n, array[n].val) < 0) {
                goto exception;
    js_free(ctx, array);
    for (i = n; undefined_count-- > 0; i++) {
        if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, JS_UNDEFINED) < 0)
            goto fail;
    for (; i < len; i++) {
        if (JS_DeletePropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
            goto fail;
    return obj;

    for (; n < pos; n++) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, array[n].val);
        if (array[n].str)
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, array[n].str));
    js_free(ctx, array);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

// Note: a.toSorted() is a.slice().sort() with the twist that a.slice()
// leaves holes in sparse arrays intact whereas a.toSorted() replaces them
// with undefined, thus in effect creating a dense array.
// Does not use Array[@@species], always returns a base Array.
static JSValue js_array_toSorted(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, obj, ret, *arrp, *pval;
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t i, len;
    uint32_t count32;
    int ok;

    ok = JS_IsUndefined(argv[0]) || JS_IsFunction(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (!ok)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a function");

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
        goto exception;

    if (len > UINT32_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
        goto exception;

    arr = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;

    if (len > 0) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(arr);
        if (expand_fast_array(ctx, p, len) < 0)
            goto exception;
        p->u.array.count = len;

        i = 0;
        pval = p->u.array.u.values;
        if (js_get_fast_array(ctx, obj, &arrp, &count32) && count32 == len) {
            for (; i < len; i++, pval++)
                *pval = js_dup(arrp[i]);
        } else {
            for (; i < len; i++, pval++) {
                if (-1 == JS_TryGetPropertyInt64(ctx, obj, i, pval)) {
                    for (; i < len; i++, pval++)
                        *pval = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    goto exception;

        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, arr, JS_ATOM_length, JS_NewInt64(ctx, len)) < 0)
            goto exception;

    ret = js_array_sort(ctx, arr, argc, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);

    ret = arr;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return ret;

typedef struct JSArrayIteratorData {
    JSValue obj;
    JSIteratorKindEnum kind;
    uint32_t idx;
} JSArrayIteratorData;

static void js_array_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSArrayIteratorData *it = p->u.array_iterator_data;
    if (it) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, it->obj);
        js_free_rt(rt, it);

static void js_array_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                   JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSArrayIteratorData *it = p->u.array_iterator_data;
    if (it) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, it->obj, mark_func);

static JSValue js_create_array(JSContext *ctx, int len, JSValue *tab)
    JSValue obj;
    int i;

    obj = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, obj, i, js_dup(tab[i]), 0) < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static JSValue js_create_array_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue enum_obj, arr;
    JSArrayIteratorData *it;
    JSIteratorKindEnum kind;
    int class_id;

    kind = magic & 3;
    if (magic & 4) {
        /* string iterator case */
        arr = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
        class_id = JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR;
    } else {
        arr = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
        class_id = JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR;
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto fail;
    enum_obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, class_id);
    if (JS_IsException(enum_obj))
        goto fail;
    it = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*it));
    if (!it)
        goto fail1;
    it->obj = arr;
    it->kind = kind;
    it->idx = 0;
    JS_SetOpaque(enum_obj, it);
    return enum_obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, enum_obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_array_iterator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                      BOOL *pdone, int magic)
    JSArrayIteratorData *it;
    uint32_t len, idx;
    JSValue val, obj;
    JSObject *p;

    it = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR);
    if (!it)
        goto fail1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(it->obj))
        goto done;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(it->obj);
    if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
        p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
        if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
            goto fail1;
        len = p->u.array.count;
    } else {
        if (js_get_length32(ctx, &len, it->obj)) {
            *pdone = FALSE;
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    idx = it->idx;
    if (idx >= len) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, it->obj);
        it->obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
        *pdone = TRUE;
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    it->idx = idx + 1;
    *pdone = FALSE;
    if (it->kind == JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY) {
        return js_uint32(idx);
    } else {
        val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, it->obj, idx);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (it->kind == JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE) {
            return val;
        } else {
            JSValue args[2];
            JSValue num;
            num = js_uint32(idx);
            args[0] = num;
            args[1] = val;
            obj = js_create_array(ctx, 2, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, num);
            return obj;

static JSValue js_iterator_proto_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_dup(this_val);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.iterator]", 0, js_iterator_proto_iterator ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_array_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("at", 1, js_array_at ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("with", 2, js_array_with ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("concat", 1, js_array_concat ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("every", 1, js_array_every, special_every ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("some", 1, js_array_every, special_some ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("forEach", 1, js_array_every, special_forEach ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("map", 1, js_array_every, special_map ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("filter", 1, js_array_every, special_filter ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("reduce", 1, js_array_reduce, special_reduce ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("reduceRight", 1, js_array_reduce, special_reduceRight ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("fill", 1, js_array_fill ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("find", 1, js_array_find, ArrayFind ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("findIndex", 1, js_array_find, ArrayFindIndex ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("findLast", 1, js_array_find, ArrayFindLast ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("findLastIndex", 1, js_array_find, ArrayFindLastIndex ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("indexOf", 1, js_array_indexOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("lastIndexOf", 1, js_array_lastIndexOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("includes", 1, js_array_includes ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("join", 1, js_array_join, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_array_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleString", 0, js_array_join, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("pop", 0, js_array_pop, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("push", 1, js_array_push, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("shift", 0, js_array_pop, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("unshift", 1, js_array_push, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("reverse", 0, js_array_reverse ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toReversed", 0, js_array_toReversed ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("sort", 1, js_array_sort ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toSorted", 1, js_array_toSorted ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("slice", 2, js_array_slice, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("splice", 2, js_array_slice, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toSpliced", 2, js_array_toSpliced ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("copyWithin", 2, js_array_copyWithin ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("flatMap", 1, js_array_flatten, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("flat", 0, js_array_flatten, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("values", 0, js_create_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("[Symbol.iterator]", "values" ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("keys", 0, js_create_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("entries", 0, js_create_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_array_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("next", 0, js_array_iterator_next, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Array Iterator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* Number */

static JSValue js_number_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, obj;
    if (argc == 0) {
        val = js_int32(0);
    } else {
        val = JS_ToNumeric(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return val;
        switch(JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val)) {
        case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
                JSBigInt *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
                double d;
                bf_get_float64(&p->num, &d, BF_RNDN);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                val = js_float64(d);
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_NUMBER);
        if (!JS_IsException(obj))
            JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, val);
        return obj;
    } else {
        return val;

static JSValue js_number_isNaN(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (!JS_IsNumber(argv[0]))
        return JS_FALSE;
    return js_global_isNaN(ctx, this_val, argc, argv);

static JSValue js_number_isFinite(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (!JS_IsNumber(argv[0]))
        return JS_FALSE;
    return js_global_isFinite(ctx, this_val, argc, argv);

static JSValue js_number_isInteger(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int ret;
    ret = JS_NumberIsInteger(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_number_isSafeInteger(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    double d;
    if (!JS_IsNumber(argv[0]))
        return JS_FALSE;
    if (unlikely(JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[0])))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_bool(is_safe_integer(d));

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_number_funcs[] = {
    /* global ParseInt and parseFloat should be defined already or delayed */
    JS_ALIAS_BASE_DEF("parseInt", "parseInt", 0 ),
    JS_ALIAS_BASE_DEF("parseFloat", "parseFloat", 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isNaN", 1, js_number_isNaN ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isFinite", 1, js_number_isFinite ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isInteger", 1, js_number_isInteger ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isSafeInteger", 1, js_number_isSafeInteger ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("MAX_VALUE", 1.7976931348623157e+308, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("MIN_VALUE", 5e-324, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("EPSILON", 2.220446049250313e-16, 0 ), /* ES6 */
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", 9007199254740991.0, 0 ), /* ES6 */
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", -9007199254740991.0, 0 ), /* ES6 */

static JSValue js_thisNumberValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    if (JS_IsNumber(this_val))
        return js_dup(this_val);

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_NUMBER) {
            if (JS_IsNumber(p->u.object_data))
                return js_dup(p->u.object_data);
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a number");

static JSValue js_number_valueOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_thisNumberValue(ctx, this_val);

static int js_get_radix(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    int radix;
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &radix, val))
        return -1;
    if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36");
        return -1;
    return radix;

static JSValue js_number_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    char buf[72];
    JSValue val;
    int base;
    double d;

    val = js_thisNumberValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    if (magic || JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_INT) {
            size_t len = i32toa(buf, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
            return js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, len);
        base = 10;
    } else {
        base = js_get_radix(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (base < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) == JS_TAG_INT) {
        size_t len = i32toa_radix(buf, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val), base);
        return js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, len);
    if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (base != 10)
        return js_dtoa_radix(ctx, d, base);

    return js_dtoa(ctx, d, 0, JS_DTOA_TOSTRING);

static JSValue js_number_toFixed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val;
    int f;
    double d;

    val = js_thisNumberValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &f, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (f < 0 || f > 100) {
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 100");
    if (fabs(d) >= 1e21) {
        // use ToString(d)
        return js_dtoa(ctx, d, 0, JS_DTOA_TOSTRING);
    } else {
        return js_dtoa(ctx, d, f, JS_DTOA_FIXED);

static JSValue js_number_toExponential(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val;
    double d;
    int f;

    val = js_thisNumberValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &f, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!isfinite(d))
        return js_dtoa_infinite(ctx, d);
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        if (f < 0 || f > 100) {
            return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "toExponential() argument must be between 0 and 100");
        f += 1;  /* number of significant digits between 1 and 101 */
    return js_dtoa(ctx, d, f, JS_DTOA_EXPONENTIAL);

static JSValue js_number_toPrecision(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val;
    int p;
    double d;

    val = js_thisNumberValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(argv[0]))
        return js_dtoa(ctx, d, 0, JS_DTOA_TOSTRING);
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &p, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!isfinite(d))
        return js_dtoa_infinite(ctx, d);
    if (p < 1 || p > 100) {
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 100");
    return js_dtoa(ctx, d, p, JS_DTOA_PRECISION);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_number_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toExponential", 1, js_number_toExponential ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toFixed", 1, js_number_toFixed ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toPrecision", 1, js_number_toPrecision ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toString", 1, js_number_toString, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleString", 0, js_number_toString, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_number_valueOf ),

static JSValue js_parseInt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    const char *str;
    int radix, flags;
    JSValue ret;
    size_t len;

    str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, argv[0]);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &radix, argv[1])) {
        JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    flags = ATOD_TRIM_SPACES;
    if (radix == 0) {
        flags |= ATOD_ACCEPT_HEX_PREFIX;  // Only 0x and 0X are supported
        radix = 10;
    ret = js_atof(ctx, str, len, NULL, radix, flags);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_parseFloat(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    const char *str;
    JSValue ret;
    int flags;
    size_t len;

    str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, argv[0]);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = js_atof(ctx, str, len, NULL, 10, flags);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    return ret;

/* Boolean */
static JSValue js_boolean_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, obj;
    val = js_bool(JS_ToBool(ctx, argv[0]));
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN);
        if (!JS_IsException(obj))
            JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, val);
        return obj;
    } else {
        return val;

static JSValue js_thisBooleanValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_BOOL)
        return js_dup(this_val);

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN) {
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->u.object_data) == JS_TAG_BOOL)
                return p->u.object_data;
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a boolean");

static JSValue js_boolean_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val = js_thisBooleanValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_BOOL(val) ?
                       JS_ATOM_true : JS_ATOM_false);

static JSValue js_boolean_valueOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_thisBooleanValue(ctx, this_val);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_boolean_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_boolean_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_boolean_valueOf ),

/* String */

static int js_string_get_own_property(JSContext *ctx,
                                      JSPropertyDescriptor *desc,
                                      JSValue obj, JSAtom prop)
    JSObject *p;
    JSString *p1;
    uint32_t idx, ch;

    /* This is a class exotic method: obj class_id is JS_CLASS_STRING */
    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->u.object_data) == JS_TAG_STRING) {
            p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(p->u.object_data);
            idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
            if (idx < p1->len) {
                if (desc) {
                    ch = string_get(p1, idx);
                    desc->flags = JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE;
                    desc->value = js_new_string_char(ctx, ch);
                    desc->getter = JS_UNDEFINED;
                    desc->setter = JS_UNDEFINED;
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

static int js_string_define_own_property(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue this_obj,
                                         JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                                         JSValue getter,
                                         JSValue setter, int flags)
    uint32_t idx;
    JSObject *p;
    JSString *p1, *p2;

    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
        idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_obj);
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->u.object_data) != JS_TAG_STRING)
            goto def;
        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(p->u.object_data);
        if (idx >= p1->len)
            goto def;
        if (!check_define_prop_flags(JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE, flags))
            goto fail;
        /* check that the same value is configured */
        if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val) != JS_TAG_STRING)
                goto fail;
            p2 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
            if (p2->len != 1)
                goto fail;
            if (string_get(p1, idx) != string_get(p2, 0)) {
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse(ctx, flags, "property is not configurable");
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return JS_DefineProperty(ctx, this_obj, prop, val, getter, setter,
                                 flags | JS_PROP_NO_EXOTIC);

static int js_string_delete_property(JSContext *ctx,
                                     JSValue obj, JSAtom prop)
    uint32_t idx;

    if (__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt(prop)) {
        idx = __JS_AtomToUInt32(prop);
        if (idx < js_string_obj_get_length(ctx, obj)) {
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

static const JSClassExoticMethods js_string_exotic_methods = {
    .get_own_property = js_string_get_own_property,
    .define_own_property = js_string_define_own_property,
    .delete_property = js_string_delete_property,

static JSValue js_string_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, obj;
    if (argc == 0) {
        val = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    } else {
        if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target) && JS_IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
            JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(argv[0]);
            val = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "Symbol(", JS_AtomToString(ctx, js_get_atom_index(ctx->rt, p)), ")");
        } else {
            val = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return val;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        JSString *p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);

        obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_STRING);
        if (!JS_IsException(obj)) {
            JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, val);
            JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_length, js_int32(p1->len), 0);
        return obj;
    } else {
        return val;

static JSValue js_thisStringValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_STRING)
        return js_dup(this_val);

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_STRING) {
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->u.object_data) == JS_TAG_STRING)
                return js_dup(p->u.object_data);
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a string");

static JSValue js_string_fromCharCode(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int i;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    // shortcut for single argument common case
    if (argc == 1 && JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) == JS_TAG_INT) {
        uint16_t c16 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(argv[0]);
        return js_new_string_char(ctx, c16);

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, argc);

    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        int32_t c;
        if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &c, argv[i]) || string_buffer_putc16(b, c & 0xffff)) {
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return string_buffer_end(b);

static JSValue js_string_fromCodePoint(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    double d;
    int i, c;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = NULL;

    // shortcut for single argument common case
    if (argc == 1 && JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) == JS_TAG_INT) {
        c = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(argv[0]);
        if (c < 0 || c > 0x10ffff)
            goto range_error;
        if (c <= 0xffff) {
            return js_new_string_char(ctx, c);
        } else {
            uint16_t c16[2];
            c16[0] = get_hi_surrogate(c);
            c16[1] = get_lo_surrogate(c);
            return js_new_string16_len(ctx, c16, 2);

    /* XXX: could pre-compute string length if all arguments are JS_TAG_INT */
    b = &b_s;
    if (string_buffer_init(ctx, b, argc))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[i]) == JS_TAG_INT) {
            c = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(argv[i]);
            if (c < 0 || c > 0x10ffff)
                goto range_error;
        } else {
            if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[i]))
                goto fail;
            if (!(d >= 0 && d <= 0x10ffff) || (c = (int)d) != d)
                goto range_error;
        if (string_buffer_putc(b, c))
            goto fail;
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid code point");
    if (b) string_buffer_free(b);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_raw(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // raw(temp,...a)
    JSValue cooked, val, raw;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    int64_t i, n;

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);
    raw = JS_UNDEFINED;
    cooked = JS_ToObject(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(cooked))
        goto exception;
    raw = JS_ToObjectFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, cooked, JS_ATOM_raw));
    if (JS_IsException(raw))
        goto exception;
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &n, raw) < 0)
        goto exception;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        val = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, raw, i));
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto exception;
        string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, val);
        if (i < n - 1 && i + 1 < argc) {
            if (string_buffer_concat_value(b, argv[i + 1]))
                goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, cooked);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, raw);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, cooked);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, raw);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* only used in test262 */
JSValue js_string_codePointRange(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    uint32_t start, end, i, n;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &start, argv[0]) ||
        JS_ToUint32(ctx, &end, argv[1]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    end = min_uint32(end, 0x10ffff + 1);

    if (start > end) {
        start = end;
    n = end - start;
    if (end > 0x10000) {
        n += end - max_uint32(start, 0x10000);
    if (string_buffer_init2(ctx, b, n, end >= 0x100))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    for(i = start; i < end; i++) {
        string_buffer_putc(b, i);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

static JSValue js_string_at(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, ret;
    JSString *p;
    int idx, c;

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0])) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (idx < 0)
        idx = p->len + idx;
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= p->len) {
        ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        c = string_get(p, idx);
        ret = js_new_string_char(ctx, c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_charCodeAt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, ret;
    JSString *p;
    int idx, c;

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0])) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= p->len) {
        ret = JS_NAN;
    } else {
        c = string_get(p, idx);
        ret = js_int32(c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_charAt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, ret;
    JSString *p;
    int idx, c;

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0])) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= p->len) {
        ret = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    } else {
        c = string_get(p, idx);
        ret = js_new_string_char(ctx, c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_codePointAt(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, ret;
    JSString *p;
    int idx, c;

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0])) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= p->len) {
        ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        c = string_getc(p, &idx);
        ret = js_int32(c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_concat(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue r;
    int i;

    /* XXX: Use more efficient method */
    /* XXX: This method is OK if r has a single refcount */
    /* XXX: should use string_buffer? */
    r = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (JS_IsException(r))
        r = JS_ConcatString(ctx, r, js_dup(argv[i]));
    return r;

static int string_cmp(JSString *p1, JSString *p2, int x1, int x2, int len)
    int i, c1, c2;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if ((c1 = string_get(p1, x1 + i)) != (c2 = string_get(p2, x2 + i)))
            return c1 - c2;
    return 0;

static int string_indexof_char(JSString *p, int c, int from)
    /* assuming 0 <= from <= p->len */
    int i, len = p->len;
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        for (i = from; i < len; i++) {
            if (p->u.str16[i] == c)
                return i;
    } else {
        if ((c & ~0xff) == 0) {
            for (i = from; i < len; i++) {
                if (p->u.str8[i] == (uint8_t)c)
                    return i;
    return -1;

static int string_indexof(JSString *p1, JSString *p2, int from)
    /* assuming 0 <= from <= p1->len */
    int c, i, j, len1 = p1->len, len2 = p2->len;
    if (len2 == 0)
        return from;
    for (i = from, c = string_get(p2, 0); i + len2 <= len1; i = j + 1) {
        j = string_indexof_char(p1, c, i);
        if (j < 0 || j + len2 > len1)
        if (!string_cmp(p1, p2, j + 1, 1, len2 - 1))
            return j;
    return -1;

static int64_t string_advance_index(JSString *p, int64_t index, BOOL unicode)
    if (!unicode || index >= p->len || !p->is_wide_char) {
    } else {
        int index32 = (int)index;
        string_getc(p, &index32);
        index = index32;
    return index;

static JSValue js_string_isWellFormed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;
    JSValue ret;
    JSString *p;
    uint32_t c, i, n;

    ret = JS_TRUE;
    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    if (!p->is_wide_char || p->len == 0)
        goto done; // by definition well-formed

    for (i = 0, n = p->len; i < n; i++) {
        c = p->u.str16[i];
        if (!is_surrogate(c))
        if (is_lo_surrogate(c) || i + 1 == n)
        c = p->u.str16[++i];
        if (!is_lo_surrogate(c))

    if (i < n)
        ret = JS_FALSE;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_toWellFormed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;
    JSValue ret;
    JSString *p;
    uint32_t c, i, n;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    if (!p->is_wide_char || p->len == 0)
        return str; // by definition well-formed

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) don't clone when input is well-formed
    ret = js_new_string16_len(ctx, p->u.str16, p->len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(ret);
    for (i = 0, n = p->len; i < n; i++) {
        c = p->u.str16[i];
        if (!is_surrogate(c))
        if (is_lo_surrogate(c) || i + 1 == n) {
            p->u.str16[i] = 0xFFFD;
        c = p->u.str16[++i];
        if (!is_lo_surrogate(c))
            p->u.str16[--i] = 0xFFFD;

    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_indexOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv, int lastIndexOf)
    JSValue str, v;
    int i, len, v_len, pos, start, stop, ret, inc;
    JSString *p;
    JSString *p1;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;
    v = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(v))
        goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v);
    len = p->len;
    v_len = p1->len;
    if (lastIndexOf) {
        pos = len - v_len;
        if (argc > 1) {
            double d;
            if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[1]))
                goto fail;
            if (!isnan(d)) {
                if (d <= 0)
                    pos = 0;
                else if (d < pos)
                    pos = d;
        start = pos;
        stop = 0;
        inc = -1;
    } else {
        pos = 0;
        if (argc > 1) {
            if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &pos, argv[1], 0, len, 0))
                goto fail;
        start = pos;
        stop = len - v_len;
        inc = 1;
    ret = -1;
    if (len >= v_len && inc * (stop - start) >= 0) {
        for (i = start;; i += inc) {
            if (!string_cmp(p, p1, i, 0, v_len)) {
                ret = i;
            if (i == stop)
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    return js_int32(ret);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* return < 0 if exception or TRUE/FALSE */
static int js_is_regexp(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj);

static JSValue js_string_includes(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue str, v = JS_UNDEFINED;
    int i, len, v_len, pos, start, stop, ret;
    JSString *p;
    JSString *p1;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;
    ret = js_is_regexp(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (ret) {
        if (ret > 0)
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "regexp not supported");
        goto fail;
    v = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(v))
        goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v);
    len = p->len;
    v_len = p1->len;
    pos = (magic == 2) ? len : 0;
    if (argc > 1 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &pos, argv[1], 0, len, 0))
            goto fail;
    len -= v_len;
    ret = 0;
    if (magic == 0) {
        start = pos;
        stop = len;
    } else {
        if (magic == 1) {
            if (pos > len)
                goto done;
        } else {
            pos -= v_len;
        start = stop = pos;
    if (start >= 0 && start <= stop) {
        for (i = start;; i++) {
            if (!string_cmp(p, p1, i, 0, v_len)) {
                ret = 1;
            if (i == stop)
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    return js_bool(ret);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static int check_regexp_g_flag(JSContext *ctx, JSValue regexp)
    int ret;
    JSValue flags;

    ret = js_is_regexp(ctx, regexp);
    if (ret < 0)
        return -1;
    if (ret) {
        flags = JS_GetProperty(ctx, regexp, JS_ATOM_flags);
        if (JS_IsException(flags))
            return -1;
        if (JS_IsUndefined(flags) || JS_IsNull(flags)) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert to object");
            return -1;
        flags = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, flags);
        if (JS_IsException(flags))
            return -1;
        ret = string_indexof_char(JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(flags), 'g', 0);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
        if (ret < 0) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "regexp must have the 'g' flag");
            return -1;
    return 0;

static JSValue js_string_match(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int atom)
    // match(rx), search(rx), matchAll(rx)
    // atom is JS_ATOM_Symbol_match, JS_ATOM_Symbol_search, or JS_ATOM_Symbol_matchAll
    JSValue O = this_val, regexp = argv[0], args[2];
    JSValue matcher, S, rx, result, str;
    int args_len;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(O) || JS_IsNull(O))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert to object");

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(regexp) && !JS_IsNull(regexp)) {
        matcher = JS_GetProperty(ctx, regexp, atom);
        if (JS_IsException(matcher))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (atom == JS_ATOM_Symbol_matchAll) {
            if (check_regexp_g_flag(ctx, regexp) < 0) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, matcher);
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(matcher) && !JS_IsNull(matcher)) {
            return JS_CallFree(ctx, matcher, regexp, 1, &O);
    S = JS_ToString(ctx, O);
    if (JS_IsException(S))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    args_len = 1;
    args[0] = regexp;
    str = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (atom == JS_ATOM_Symbol_matchAll) {
        str = js_new_string8(ctx, "g");
        if (JS_IsException(str))
            goto fail;
        args[args_len++] = str;
    rx = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, ctx->regexp_ctor, args_len, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    if (JS_IsException(rx)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    result = JS_InvokeFree(ctx, rx, atom, 1, &S);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
    return result;

static JSValue js_string___GetSubstitution(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // GetSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, rep)
    JSValue matched, str, captures, namedCaptures, rep;
    JSValue capture, name, s;
    uint32_t position, len, matched_len, captures_len;
    int i, j, j0, k, k1;
    int c, c1;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *sp, *rp;

    matched = argv[0];
    str = argv[1];
    captures = argv[3];
    namedCaptures = argv[4];
    rep = argv[5];

    if (!JS_IsString(rep) || !JS_IsString(str))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a string");

    sp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    rp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(rep);

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);

    captures_len = 0;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(captures)) {
        if (js_get_length32(ctx, &captures_len, captures))
            goto exception;
    if (js_get_length32(ctx, &matched_len, matched))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &position, argv[2]) < 0)
        goto exception;

    len = rp->len;
    i = 0;
    for(;;) {
        j = string_indexof_char(rp, '$', i);
        if (j < 0 || j + 1 >= len)
        string_buffer_concat(b, rp, i, j);
        j0 = j++;
        c = string_get(rp, j++);
        if (c == '$') {
            string_buffer_putc8(b, '$');
        } else if (c == '&') {
            if (string_buffer_concat_value(b, matched))
                goto exception;
        } else if (c == '`') {
            string_buffer_concat(b, sp, 0, position);
        } else if (c == '\'') {
            string_buffer_concat(b, sp, position + matched_len, sp->len);
        } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            k = c - '0';
            if (j < len) {
                c1 = string_get(rp, j);
                if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9') {
                    /* This behavior is specified in ES6 and refined in ECMA 2019 */
                    /* ECMA 2019 does not have the extra test, but
                       Test262 S15.5.4.11_A3_T1..3 require this behavior */
                    k1 = k * 10 + c1 - '0';
                    if (k1 >= 1 && k1 < captures_len) {
                        k = k1;
            if (k >= 1 && k < captures_len) {
                s = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, captures, k);
                if (JS_IsException(s))
                    goto exception;
                if (!JS_IsUndefined(s)) {
                    if (string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, s))
                        goto exception;
            } else {
                goto norep;
        } else if (c == '<' && !JS_IsUndefined(namedCaptures)) {
            k = string_indexof_char(rp, '>', j);
            if (k < 0)
                goto norep;
            name = js_sub_string(ctx, rp, j, k);
            if (JS_IsException(name))
                goto exception;
            capture = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, namedCaptures, name);
            if (JS_IsException(capture))
                goto exception;
            if (!JS_IsUndefined(capture)) {
                if (string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, capture))
                    goto exception;
            j = k + 1;
        } else {
            string_buffer_concat(b, rp, j0, j);
        i = j;
    string_buffer_concat(b, rp, i, rp->len);
    return string_buffer_end(b);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_replace(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                 int is_replaceAll)
    // replace(rx, rep)
    JSValue O = this_val, searchValue = argv[0], replaceValue = argv[1];
    JSValue args[6];
    JSValue str, search_str, replaceValue_str, repl_str;
    JSString *sp, *searchp;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    int pos, functionalReplace, endOfLastMatch;
    BOOL is_first;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(O) || JS_IsNull(O))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert to object");

    search_str = JS_UNDEFINED;
    replaceValue_str = JS_UNDEFINED;
    repl_str = JS_UNDEFINED;

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(searchValue) && !JS_IsNull(searchValue)) {
        JSValue replacer;
        if (is_replaceAll) {
            if (check_regexp_g_flag(ctx, searchValue) < 0)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
        replacer = JS_GetProperty(ctx, searchValue, JS_ATOM_Symbol_replace);
        if (JS_IsException(replacer))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(replacer) && !JS_IsNull(replacer)) {
            args[0] = O;
            args[1] = replaceValue;
            return JS_CallFree(ctx, replacer, searchValue, 2, args);
    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, O);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        goto exception;
    search_str = JS_ToString(ctx, searchValue);
    if (JS_IsException(search_str))
        goto exception;
    functionalReplace = JS_IsFunction(ctx, replaceValue);
    if (!functionalReplace) {
        replaceValue_str = JS_ToString(ctx, replaceValue);
        if (JS_IsException(replaceValue_str))
            goto exception;

    sp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    searchp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(search_str);
    endOfLastMatch = 0;
    is_first = TRUE;
    for(;;) {
        if (unlikely(searchp->len == 0)) {
            if (is_first)
                pos = 0;
            else if (endOfLastMatch >= sp->len)
                pos = -1;
                pos = endOfLastMatch + 1;
        } else {
            pos = string_indexof(sp, searchp, endOfLastMatch);
        if (pos < 0) {
            if (is_first) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, search_str);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, replaceValue_str);
                return str;
            } else {
        if (functionalReplace) {
            args[0] = search_str;
            args[1] = js_int32(pos);
            args[2] = str;
            repl_str = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_Call(ctx, replaceValue, JS_UNDEFINED, 3, args));
        } else {
            args[0] = search_str;
            args[1] = str;
            args[2] = js_int32(pos);
            args[3] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            args[4] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            args[5] = replaceValue_str;
            repl_str = js_string___GetSubstitution(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 6, args);
        if (JS_IsException(repl_str))
            goto exception;

        string_buffer_concat(b, sp, endOfLastMatch, pos);
        string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, repl_str);
        endOfLastMatch = pos + searchp->len;
        is_first = FALSE;
        if (!is_replaceAll)
    string_buffer_concat(b, sp, endOfLastMatch, sp->len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, search_str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, replaceValue_str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, search_str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, replaceValue_str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_split(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // split(sep, limit)
    JSValue O = this_val, separator = argv[0], limit = argv[1];
    JSValue args[2];
    JSValue S, A, R, T;
    uint32_t lim, lengthA;
    int64_t p, q, s, r, e;
    JSString *sp, *rp;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(O) || JS_IsNull(O))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert to object");


    if (!JS_IsUndefined(separator) && !JS_IsNull(separator)) {
        JSValue splitter;
        splitter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, separator, JS_ATOM_Symbol_split);
        if (JS_IsException(splitter))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(splitter) && !JS_IsNull(splitter)) {
            args[0] = O;
            args[1] = limit;
            return JS_CallFree(ctx, splitter, separator, 2, args);
    S = JS_ToString(ctx, O);
    if (JS_IsException(S))
        goto exception;
    A = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(A))
        goto exception;
    lengthA = 0;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(limit)) {
        lim = 0xffffffff;
    } else {
        if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &lim, limit) < 0)
            goto exception;
    s = sp->len;
    R = JS_ToString(ctx, separator);
    if (JS_IsException(R))
        goto exception;
    r = rp->len;
    p = 0;
    if (lim == 0)
        goto done;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(separator))
        goto add_tail;
    if (s == 0) {
        if (r != 0)
            goto add_tail;
        goto done;
    q = p;
    for (q = p; (q += !r) <= s - r - !r; q = p = e + r) {
        e = string_indexof(sp, rp, q);
        if (e < 0)
        T = js_sub_string(ctx, sp, p, e);
        if (JS_IsException(T))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, A, lengthA++, T, 0) < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (lengthA == lim)
            goto done;
    T = js_sub_string(ctx, sp, p, s);
    if (JS_IsException(T))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, A, lengthA++, T,0 ) < 0)
        goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, R);
    return A;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, A);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, R);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_substring(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str, ret;
    int a, b, start, end;
    JSString *p;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &a, argv[0], 0, p->len, 0)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    b = p->len;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &b, argv[1], 0, p->len, 0)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (a < b) {
        start = a;
        end = b;
    } else {
        start = b;
        end = a;
    ret = js_sub_string(ctx, p, start, end);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_substr(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str, ret;
    int a, len, n;
    JSString *p;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    len = p->len;
    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &a, argv[0], 0, len, len)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    n = len - a;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &n, argv[1], 0, len - a, 0)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = js_sub_string(ctx, p, a, a + n);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_slice(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str, ret;
    int len, start, end;
    JSString *p;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    len = p->len;
    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[0], 0, len, len)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    end = len;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &end, argv[1], 0, len, len)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = js_sub_string(ctx, p, start, max_int(end, start));
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_pad(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int padEnd)
    JSValue str, v = JS_UNDEFINED;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p, *p1 = NULL;
    int n, len, c = ' ';

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        goto fail1;
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &n, argv[0]))
        goto fail2;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    len = p->len;
    if (len >= n)
        return str;
    if (argc > 1 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        v = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[1]);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            goto fail2;
        p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(v);
        if (p1->len == 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
            return str;
        if (p1->len == 1) {
            c = string_get(p1, 0);
            p1 = NULL;
    if (n > JS_STRING_LEN_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid string length");
        goto fail2;
    if (string_buffer_init(ctx, b, n))
        goto fail3;
    n -= len;
    if (padEnd) {
        if (string_buffer_concat(b, p, 0, len))
            goto fail;
    if (p1) {
        while (n > 0) {
            int chunk = min_int(n, p1->len);
            if (string_buffer_concat(b, p1, 0, chunk))
                goto fail;
            n -= chunk;
    } else {
        if (string_buffer_fill(b, c, n))
            goto fail;
    if (!padEnd) {
        if (string_buffer_concat(b, p, 0, len))
            goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_repeat(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p;
    int64_t val;
    int n, len;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        goto fail;
    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &val, argv[0]))
        goto fail;
    if (val < 0 || val > 2147483647) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid repeat count");
        goto fail;
    n = val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    len = p->len;
    if (len == 0 || n == 1)
        return str;
    if (val * len > JS_STRING_LEN_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid string length");
        goto fail;
    if (string_buffer_init2(ctx, b, n * len, p->is_wide_char))
        goto fail;
    if (len == 1) {
        string_buffer_fill(b, string_get(p, 0), n);
    } else {
        while (n-- > 0) {
            string_buffer_concat(b, p, 0, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_trim(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue str, ret;
    int a, b, len;
    JSString *p;

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    a = 0;
    b = len = p->len;
    if (magic & 1) {
        while (a < len && lre_is_space(string_get(p, a)))
    if (magic & 2) {
        while (b > a && lre_is_space(string_get(p, b - 1)))
    ret = js_sub_string(ctx, p, a, b);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return ret;

/* return 0 if before the first char */
static int string_prevc(JSString *p, int *pidx)
    int idx, c, c1;

    idx = *pidx;
    if (idx <= 0)
        return 0;
    if (p->is_wide_char) {
        c = p->u.str16[idx];
        if (is_lo_surrogate(c) && idx > 0) {
            c1 = p->u.str16[idx - 1];
            if (is_hi_surrogate(c1)) {
                c = from_surrogate(c1, c);
    } else {
        c = p->u.str8[idx];
    *pidx = idx;
    return c;

static BOOL test_final_sigma(JSString *p, int sigma_pos)
    int k, c1;

    /* before C: skip case ignorable chars and check there is
       a cased letter */
    k = sigma_pos;
    for(;;) {
        c1 = string_prevc(p, &k);
        if (!lre_is_case_ignorable(c1))
    if (!lre_is_cased(c1))
        return FALSE;

    /* after C: skip case ignorable chars and check there is
       no cased letter */
    k = sigma_pos + 1;
    for(;;) {
        if (k >= p->len)
            return TRUE;
        c1 = string_getc(p, &k);
        if (!lre_is_case_ignorable(c1))
    return !lre_is_cased(c1);

static int to_utf32_buf(JSContext *ctx, JSString *p, uint32_t **pbuf)
    uint32_t *b;
    int i, j, n;

    j = -1;
    n = p->len;
    b = js_malloc(ctx, max_int(1, n) * sizeof(*b));
    if (b)
        for (i = j = 0; i < n;)
            b[j++] = string_getc(p, &i);
    *pbuf = b;
    return j;

static JSValue js_string_localeCompare(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int i, n, an, bn, cmp;
    uint32_t *as, *bs, *ts;
    JSValue a, b, ret;

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    as = NULL;
    bs = NULL;

    a = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(a))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    b = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(b))
        goto exception;

    an = to_utf32_buf(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(a), &as);
    if (an == -1)
        goto exception;

    bn = to_utf32_buf(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(b), &bs);
    if (bn == -1)
        goto exception;

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) skip normalization when input is latin1
    an = unicode_normalize(&ts, as, an, UNICODE_NFC, ctx,
                           (DynBufReallocFunc *)js_realloc);
    if (an == -1)
        goto exception;
    js_free(ctx, as);
    as = ts;

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) skip normalization when input is latin1
    bn = unicode_normalize(&ts, bs, bn, UNICODE_NFC, ctx,
                           (DynBufReallocFunc *)js_realloc);
    if (bn == -1)
        goto exception;
    js_free(ctx, bs);
    bs = ts;

    n = min_int(an, bn);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (as[i] != bs[i])
    if (i < n)
        cmp = compare_u32(as[i], bs[i]);
        cmp = compare_u32(an, bn);
    ret = js_int32(cmp);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, a);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, b);
    js_free(ctx, as);
    js_free(ctx, bs);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_string_toLowerCase(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv, int to_lower)
    JSValue val;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p;
    int i, c, j, l;
    uint32_t res[LRE_CC_RES_LEN_MAX];

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val);
    if (p->len == 0)
        return val;
    if (string_buffer_init(ctx, b, p->len))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < p->len;) {
        c = string_getc(p, &i);
        if (c == 0x3a3 && to_lower && test_final_sigma(p, i - 1)) {
            res[0] = 0x3c2; /* final sigma */
            l = 1;
        } else {
            l = lre_case_conv(res, c, to_lower);
        for(j = 0; j < l; j++) {
            if (string_buffer_putc(b, res[j]))
                goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return string_buffer_end(b);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* return (-1, NULL) if exception, otherwise (len, buf) */
static int JS_ToUTF32String(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t **pbuf, JSValue val1)
    JSValue val;
    int len;

    val = JS_ToString(ctx, val1);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return -1;
    len = to_utf32_buf(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(val), pbuf);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return len;

static JSValue JS_NewUTF32String(JSContext *ctx, const uint32_t *buf, int len)
    int i;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    if (string_buffer_init(ctx, b, len))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (string_buffer_putc(b, buf[i]))
            goto fail;
    return string_buffer_end(b);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_string_normalize(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    const char *form, *p;
    size_t form_len;
    int is_compat, buf_len, out_len;
    UnicodeNormalizationEnum n_type;
    JSValue val;
    uint32_t *buf, *out_buf;

    val = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    buf_len = JS_ToUTF32String(ctx, &buf, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    if (buf_len < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (argc == 0 || JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        n_type = UNICODE_NFC;
    } else {
        form = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &form_len, argv[0]);
        if (!form)
            goto fail1;
        p = form;
        if (p[0] != 'N' || p[1] != 'F')
            goto bad_form;
        p += 2;
        is_compat = FALSE;
        if (*p == 'K') {
            is_compat = TRUE;
        if (*p == 'C' || *p == 'D') {
            n_type = UNICODE_NFC + is_compat * 2 + (*p - 'C');
            if ((p + 1 - form) != form_len)
                goto bad_form;
        } else {
            JS_FreeCString(ctx, form);
            JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "bad normalization form");
            js_free(ctx, buf);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        JS_FreeCString(ctx, form);

    out_len = unicode_normalize(&out_buf, buf, buf_len, n_type,
                                ctx->rt, (DynBufReallocFunc *)js_realloc_rt);
    js_free(ctx, buf);
    if (out_len < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    val = JS_NewUTF32String(ctx, out_buf, out_len);
    js_free(ctx, out_buf);
    return val;

/* also used for String.prototype.valueOf */
static JSValue js_string_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_thisStringValue(ctx, this_val);

/* String Iterator */

static JSValue js_string_iterator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                       BOOL *pdone, int magic)
    JSArrayIteratorData *it;
    uint32_t idx, c, start;
    JSString *p;

    it = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR);
    if (!it) {
        *pdone = FALSE;
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(it->obj))
        goto done;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(it->obj);
    idx = it->idx;
    if (idx >= p->len) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, it->obj);
        it->obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
        *pdone = TRUE;
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

    start = idx;
    c = string_getc(p, (int *)&idx);
    it->idx = idx;
    *pdone = FALSE;
    if (c <= 0xffff) {
        return js_new_string_char(ctx, c);
    } else {
        return js_new_string16_len(ctx, p->u.str16 + start, 2);

/* ES6 Annex B 2.3.2 etc. */
enum {

static JSValue js_string_CreateHTML(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue str;
    const JSString *p;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    static struct { const char *tag, *attr; } const defs[] = {
        { "a", "name" }, { "big", NULL }, { "blink", NULL }, { "b", NULL },
        { "tt", NULL }, { "font", "color" }, { "font", "size" }, { "i", NULL },
        { "a", "href" }, { "small", NULL }, { "strike", NULL },
        { "sub", NULL }, { "sup", NULL },

    str = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 7);
    string_buffer_putc8(b, '<');
    string_buffer_puts8(b, defs[magic].tag);
    if (defs[magic].attr) {
        // r += " " + attr + "=\"" + value + "\"";
        JSValue value;
        int i;

        string_buffer_putc8(b, ' ');
        string_buffer_puts8(b, defs[magic].attr);
        string_buffer_puts8(b, "=\"");
        value = JS_ToStringCheckObject(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(value)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(value);
        for (i = 0; i < p->len; i++) {
            int c = string_get(p, i);
            if (c == '"') {
                string_buffer_puts8(b, "&quot;");
            } else {
                string_buffer_putc16(b, c);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
        string_buffer_putc8(b, '\"');
    // return r + ">" + str + "</" + tag + ">";
    string_buffer_putc8(b, '>');
    string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, str);
    string_buffer_puts8(b, "</");
    string_buffer_puts8(b, defs[magic].tag);
    string_buffer_putc8(b, '>');
    return string_buffer_end(b);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_string_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("fromCharCode", 1, js_string_fromCharCode ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("fromCodePoint", 1, js_string_fromCodePoint ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("raw", 1, js_string_raw ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_string_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("at", 1, js_string_at ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("charCodeAt", 1, js_string_charCodeAt ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("charAt", 1, js_string_charAt ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("concat", 1, js_string_concat ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("codePointAt", 1, js_string_codePointAt ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isWellFormed", 0, js_string_isWellFormed ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toWellFormed", 0, js_string_toWellFormed ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("indexOf", 1, js_string_indexOf, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("lastIndexOf", 1, js_string_indexOf, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("includes", 1, js_string_includes, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("endsWith", 1, js_string_includes, 2 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("startsWith", 1, js_string_includes, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("match", 1, js_string_match, JS_ATOM_Symbol_match ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("matchAll", 1, js_string_match, JS_ATOM_Symbol_matchAll ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("search", 1, js_string_match, JS_ATOM_Symbol_search ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("split", 2, js_string_split ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("substring", 2, js_string_substring ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("substr", 2, js_string_substr ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("slice", 2, js_string_slice ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("repeat", 1, js_string_repeat ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("replace", 2, js_string_replace, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("replaceAll", 2, js_string_replace, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("padEnd", 1, js_string_pad, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("padStart", 1, js_string_pad, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("trim", 0, js_string_trim, 3 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("trimEnd", 0, js_string_trim, 2 ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("trimRight", "trimEnd" ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("trimStart", 0, js_string_trim, 1 ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("trimLeft", "trimStart" ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_string_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_string_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("localeCompare", 1, js_string_localeCompare ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("normalize", 0, js_string_normalize ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLowerCase", 0, js_string_toLowerCase, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toUpperCase", 0, js_string_toLowerCase, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleLowerCase", 0, js_string_toLowerCase, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleUpperCase", 0, js_string_toLowerCase, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("[Symbol.iterator]", 0, js_create_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE | 4 ),
    /* ES6 Annex B 2.3.2 etc. */
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("anchor", 1, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_anchor ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("big", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_big ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("blink", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_blink ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("bold", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_bold ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("fixed", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_fixed ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("fontcolor", 1, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_fontcolor ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("fontsize", 1, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_fontsize ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("italics", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_italics ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("link", 1, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_link ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("small", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_small ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("strike", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_strike ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("sub", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_sub ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("sup", 0, js_string_CreateHTML, magic_string_sup ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_string_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("next", 0, js_string_iterator_next, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "String Iterator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* Math */

/* precondition: a and b are not NaN */
static double js_fmin(double a, double b)
    if (a == 0 && b == 0) {
        JSFloat64Union a1, b1;
        a1.d = a;
        b1.d = b;
        a1.u64 |= b1.u64;
        return a1.d;
    } else {
        return fmin(a, b);

/* precondition: a and b are not NaN */
static double js_fmax(double a, double b)
    if (a == 0 && b == 0) {
        JSFloat64Union a1, b1;
        a1.d = a;
        b1.d = b;
        a1.u64 &= b1.u64;
        return a1.d;
    } else {
        return fmax(a, b);

static JSValue js_math_min_max(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    BOOL is_max = magic;
    double r, a;
    int i;
    uint32_t tag;

    if (unlikely(argc == 0)) {
        return js_float64(is_max ? NEG_INF : INF);

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]);
    if (tag == JS_TAG_INT) {
        int a1, r1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(argv[0]);
        for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[i]);
            if (tag != JS_TAG_INT) {
                r = r1;
                goto generic_case;
            a1 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(argv[i]);
            if (is_max)
                r1 = max_int(r1, a1);
                r1 = min_int(r1, a1);

        return js_int32(r1);
    } else {
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &r, argv[0]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        i = 1;
        while (i < argc) {
            if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i]))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            if (!isnan(r)) {
                if (isnan(a)) {
                    r = a;
                } else {
                    if (is_max)
                        r = js_fmax(r, a);
                        r = js_fmin(r, a);
        return js_number(r);

static double js_math_sign(double a)
    if (isnan(a) || a == 0.0)
        return a;
    if (a < 0)
        return -1;
        return 1;

static double js_math_round(double a)
    JSFloat64Union u;
    uint64_t frac_mask, one;
    unsigned int e, s;

    u.d = a;
    e = (u.u64 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
    if (e < 1023) {
        /* abs(a) < 1 */
        if (e == (1023 - 1) && u.u64 != 0xbfe0000000000000) {
            /* abs(a) > 0.5 or a = 0.5: return +/-1.0 */
            u.u64 = (u.u64 & ((uint64_t)1 << 63)) | ((uint64_t)1023 << 52);
        } else {
            /* return +/-0.0 */
            u.u64 &= (uint64_t)1 << 63;
    } else if (e < (1023 + 52)) {
        s = u.u64 >> 63;
        one = (uint64_t)1 << (52 - (e - 1023));
        frac_mask = one - 1;
        u.u64 += (one >> 1) - s;
        u.u64 &= ~frac_mask; /* truncate to an integer */
    /* otherwise: abs(a) >= 2^52, or NaN, +/-Infinity: no change */
    return u.d;

static JSValue js_math_hypot(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    double r, a;
    int i;

    r = 0;
    if (argc > 0) {
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &r, argv[0]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (argc == 1) {
            r = fabs(r);
        } else {
            /* use the built-in function to minimize precision loss */
            for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
                if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i]))
                    return JS_EXCEPTION;
                r = hypot(r, a);
    return js_float64(r);

static double js_math_f16round(double a)
    return fromfp16(tofp16(a));

static double js_math_fround(double a)
    return (float)a;

static JSValue js_math_imul(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv)
    uint32_t a, b, c;
    int32_t d;

    if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &a, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &b, argv[1]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    c = a * b;
    memcpy(&d, &c, sizeof(d));
    return js_int32(d);

static JSValue js_math_clz32(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    uint32_t a, r;

    if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &a, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (a == 0)
        r = 32;
        r = clz32(a);
    return js_int32(r);

/* xorshift* random number generator by Marsaglia */
static uint64_t xorshift64star(uint64_t *pstate)
    uint64_t x;
    x = *pstate;
    x ^= x >> 12;
    x ^= x << 25;
    x ^= x >> 27;
    *pstate = x;
    return x * 0x2545F4914F6CDD1D;

static void js_random_init(JSContext *ctx)
    ctx->random_state = js__gettimeofday_us();
    /* the state must be non zero */
    if (ctx->random_state == 0)
        ctx->random_state = 1;

static JSValue js_math_random(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSFloat64Union u;
    uint64_t v;

    v = xorshift64star(&ctx->random_state);
    /* 1.0 <= u.d < 2 */
    u.u64 = ((uint64_t)0x3ff << 52) | (v >> 12);
    return js_float64(u.d - 1.0);

/* use local wrappers for math functions to
   - avoid initializing data with dynamic library entry points.
   - avoid some overhead if the call can be inlined at compile or link time.
static double js_math_fabs(double d) { return fabs(d); }
static double js_math_floor(double d) { return floor(d); }
static double js_math_ceil(double d) { return ceil(d); }
static double js_math_sqrt(double d) { return sqrt(d); }
static double js_math_acos(double d) { return acos(d); }
static double js_math_asin(double d) { return asin(d); }
static double js_math_atan(double d) { return atan(d); }
static double js_math_atan2(double a, double b) { return atan2(a, b); }
static double js_math_cos(double d) { return cos(d); }
static double js_math_exp(double d) { return exp(d); }
static double js_math_log(double d) { return log(d); }
static double js_math_sin(double d) { return sin(d); }
static double js_math_tan(double d) { return tan(d); }
static double js_math_trunc(double d) { return trunc(d); }
static double js_math_cosh(double d) { return cosh(d); }
static double js_math_sinh(double d) { return sinh(d); }
static double js_math_tanh(double d) { return tanh(d); }
static double js_math_acosh(double d) { return acosh(d); }
static double js_math_asinh(double d) { return asinh(d); }
static double js_math_atanh(double d) { return atanh(d); }
static double js_math_expm1(double d) { return expm1(d); }
static double js_math_log1p(double d) { return log1p(d); }
static double js_math_log2(double d) { return log2(d); }
static double js_math_log10(double d) { return log10(d); }
static double js_math_cbrt(double d) { return cbrt(d); }

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_math_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("min", 2, js_math_min_max, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("max", 2, js_math_min_max, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("abs", 1, f_f, js_math_fabs ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("floor", 1, f_f, js_math_floor ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("ceil", 1, f_f, js_math_ceil ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("round", 1, f_f, js_math_round ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("sqrt", 1, f_f, js_math_sqrt ),

    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("acos", 1, f_f, js_math_acos ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("asin", 1, f_f, js_math_asin ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("atan", 1, f_f, js_math_atan ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("atan2", 2, f_f_f, js_math_atan2 ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("cos", 1, f_f, js_math_cos ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("exp", 1, f_f, js_math_exp ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("log", 1, f_f, js_math_log ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("pow", 2, f_f_f, js_math_pow ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("sin", 1, f_f, js_math_sin ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("tan", 1, f_f, js_math_tan ),
    /* ES6 */
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("trunc", 1, f_f, js_math_trunc ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("sign", 1, f_f, js_math_sign ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("cosh", 1, f_f, js_math_cosh ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("sinh", 1, f_f, js_math_sinh ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("tanh", 1, f_f, js_math_tanh ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("acosh", 1, f_f, js_math_acosh ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("asinh", 1, f_f, js_math_asinh ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("atanh", 1, f_f, js_math_atanh ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("expm1", 1, f_f, js_math_expm1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("log1p", 1, f_f, js_math_log1p ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("log2", 1, f_f, js_math_log2 ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("log10", 1, f_f, js_math_log10 ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("cbrt", 1, f_f, js_math_cbrt ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("hypot", 2, js_math_hypot ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("random", 0, js_math_random ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("f16round", 1, f_f, js_math_f16round ),
    JS_CFUNC_SPECIAL_DEF("fround", 1, f_f, js_math_fround ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("imul", 2, js_math_imul ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("clz32", 1, js_math_clz32 ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Math", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("E", 2.718281828459045, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("LN10", 2.302585092994046, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("LN2", 0.6931471805599453, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("LOG2E", 1.4426950408889634, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("LOG10E", 0.4342944819032518, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("PI", 3.141592653589793, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("SQRT1_2", 0.7071067811865476, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("SQRT2", 1.4142135623730951, 0 ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_math_obj[] = {
    JS_OBJECT_DEF("Math", js_math_funcs, countof(js_math_funcs), JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* Date */

/* OS dependent. d = argv[0] is in ms from 1970. Return the difference
   between UTC time and local time 'd' in minutes */
static int getTimezoneOffset(int64_t time) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
    TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION time_zone_info;
    return (int)time_zone_info.Bias / 60;
    time_t ti;
    struct tm tm;

    time /= 1000; /* convert to seconds */
    if (sizeof(time_t) == 4) {
        /* on 32-bit systems, we need to clamp the time value to the
           range of `time_t`. This is better than truncating values to
           32 bits and hopefully provides the same result as 64-bit
           implementation of localtime_r.
        if ((time_t)-1 < 0) {
            if (time < INT32_MIN) {
                time = INT32_MIN;
            } else if (time > INT32_MAX) {
                time = INT32_MAX;
        } else {
            if (time < 0) {
                time = 0;
            } else if (time > UINT32_MAX) {
                time = UINT32_MAX;
    ti = time;
    localtime_r(&ti, &tm);
    struct tm gmt;
    gmtime_r(&ti, &gmt);

    /* disable DST adjustment on the local tm struct */
    tm.tm_isdst = 0;

    return (int)difftime(mktime(&gmt), mktime(&tm)) / 60;
    return -tm.tm_gmtoff / 60;
#endif /* NO_TM_GMTOFF */

/* RegExp */

static void js_regexp_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSRegExp *re = &p->u.regexp;
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re->bytecode));
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re->pattern));

/* create a string containing the RegExp bytecode */
static JSValue js_compile_regexp(JSContext *ctx, JSValue pattern,
                                 JSValue flags)
    const char *str;
    int re_flags, mask;
    uint8_t *re_bytecode_buf;
    size_t i, len;
    int re_bytecode_len;
    JSValue ret;
    char error_msg[64];

    re_flags = 0;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(flags)) {
        str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, flags);
        if (!str)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        /* XXX: re_flags = LRE_FLAG_OCTAL unless strict mode? */
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            switch(str[i]) {
            case 'd':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_INDICES;
            case 'g':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL;
            case 'i':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE;
            case 'm':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_MULTILINE;
            case 's':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_DOTALL;
            case 'u':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_UNICODE;
            case 'v':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_UNICODE_SETS;
            case 'y':
                mask = LRE_FLAG_STICKY;
                goto bad_flags;
            if ((re_flags & mask) != 0) {
                JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
                return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "invalid regular expression flags");
            re_flags |= mask;
        JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);

    if (re_flags & LRE_FLAG_UNICODE)
        if (re_flags & LRE_FLAG_UNICODE_SETS)
            return JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "invalid regular expression flags");

    str = JS_ToCStringLen2(ctx, &len, pattern, !(re_flags & LRE_FLAG_UNICODE));
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    re_bytecode_buf = lre_compile(&re_bytecode_len, error_msg,
                                  sizeof(error_msg), str, len, re_flags, ctx);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    if (!re_bytecode_buf) {
        JS_ThrowSyntaxError(ctx, "%s", error_msg);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    ret = js_new_string8_len(ctx, (char *)re_bytecode_buf, re_bytecode_len);
    js_free(ctx, re_bytecode_buf);
    return ret;

/* create a RegExp object from a string containing the RegExp bytecode
   and the source pattern */
static JSValue js_regexp_constructor_internal(JSContext *ctx, JSValue ctor,
                                              JSValue pattern, JSValue bc)
    JSValue obj;
    JSObject *p;
    JSRegExp *re;

    /* sanity check */
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(bc) != JS_TAG_STRING ||
        JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(pattern) != JS_TAG_STRING) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "string expected");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, bc);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, pattern);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, ctor, JS_CLASS_REGEXP);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    re = &p->u.regexp;
    re->pattern = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(pattern);
    re->bytecode = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(bc);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, js_int32(0),
    return obj;

static JSRegExp *js_get_regexp(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, BOOL throw_error)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_REGEXP)
            return &p->u.regexp;
    if (throw_error) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorInvalidClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_REGEXP);
    return NULL;

/* return < 0 if exception or TRUE/FALSE */
static int js_is_regexp(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSValue m;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return FALSE;
    m = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_match);
    if (JS_IsException(m))
        return -1;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(m))
        return JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, m);
    return js_get_regexp(ctx, obj, FALSE) != NULL;

static JSValue js_regexp_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue pattern, flags, bc, val;
    JSValue pat, flags1;
    JSRegExp *re;
    int pat_is_regexp;

    pat = argv[0];
    flags1 = argv[1];
    pat_is_regexp = js_is_regexp(ctx, pat);
    if (pat_is_regexp < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        /* called as a function */
        new_target = JS_GetActiveFunction(ctx);
        if (pat_is_regexp && JS_IsUndefined(flags1)) {
            JSValue ctor;
            BOOL res;
            ctor = JS_GetProperty(ctx, pat, JS_ATOM_constructor);
            if (JS_IsException(ctor))
                return ctor;
            res = js_same_value(ctx, ctor, new_target);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
            if (res)
                return js_dup(pat);
    re = js_get_regexp(ctx, pat, FALSE);
    if (re) {
        pattern = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re->pattern));
        if (JS_IsUndefined(flags1)) {
            bc = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re->bytecode));
            goto no_compilation;
        } else {
            flags = JS_ToString(ctx, flags1);
            if (JS_IsException(flags))
                goto fail;
    } else {
        flags = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (pat_is_regexp) {
            pattern = JS_GetProperty(ctx, pat, JS_ATOM_source);
            if (JS_IsException(pattern))
                goto fail;
            if (JS_IsUndefined(flags1)) {
                flags = JS_GetProperty(ctx, pat, JS_ATOM_flags);
                if (JS_IsException(flags))
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                flags = js_dup(flags1);
        } else {
            pattern = js_dup(pat);
            flags = js_dup(flags1);
        if (JS_IsUndefined(pattern)) {
            pattern = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
        } else {
            val = pattern;
            pattern = JS_ToString(ctx, val);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            if (JS_IsException(pattern))
                goto fail;
    bc = js_compile_regexp(ctx, pattern, flags);
    if (JS_IsException(bc))
        goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    return js_regexp_constructor_internal(ctx, new_target, pattern, bc);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, pattern);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_regexp_compile(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSRegExp *re1, *re;
    JSValue pattern1, flags1;
    JSValue bc, pattern;

    re = js_get_regexp(ctx, this_val, TRUE);
    if (!re)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    pattern1 = argv[0];
    flags1 = argv[1];
    re1 = js_get_regexp(ctx, pattern1, FALSE);
    if (re1) {
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(flags1))
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "flags must be undefined");
        pattern = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re1->pattern));
        bc = js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re1->bytecode));
    } else {
        bc = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (JS_IsUndefined(pattern1))
            pattern = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
            pattern = JS_ToString(ctx, pattern1);
        if (JS_IsException(pattern))
            goto fail;
        bc = js_compile_regexp(ctx, pattern, flags1);
        if (JS_IsException(bc))
            goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re->pattern));
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, re->bytecode));
    re->pattern = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(pattern);
    re->bytecode = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(bc);
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                       js_int32(0)) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_dup(this_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, pattern);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, bc);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_regexp_get_source(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    JSRegExp *re;
    JSString *p;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    int i, n, c, c2, bra;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    if (js_same_value(ctx, this_val, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_REGEXP]))
        goto empty_regex;

    re = js_get_regexp(ctx, this_val, TRUE);
    if (!re)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    p = re->pattern;

    if (p->len == 0) {
        return js_new_string8(ctx, "(?:)");
    string_buffer_init2(ctx, b, p->len, p->is_wide_char);

    /* Escape '/' and newline sequences as needed */
    bra = 0;
    for (i = 0, n = p->len; i < n;) {
        c2 = -1;
        switch (c = string_get(p, i++)) {
        case '\\':
            if (i < n)
                c2 = string_get(p, i++);
        case ']':
            bra = 0;
        case '[':
            if (!bra) {
                if (i < n && string_get(p, i) == ']')
                    c2 = string_get(p, i++);
                bra = 1;
        case '\n':
            c = '\\';
            c2 = 'n';
        case '\r':
            c = '\\';
            c2 = 'r';
        case '/':
            if (!bra) {
                c = '\\';
                c2 = '/';
        string_buffer_putc16(b, c);
        if (c2 >= 0)
            string_buffer_putc16(b, c2);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

static JSValue js_regexp_get_flag(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int mask)
    JSRegExp *re;
    int flags;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    re = js_get_regexp(ctx, this_val, FALSE);
    if (!re) {
        if (js_same_value(ctx, this_val, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_REGEXP]))
            return JS_UNDEFINED;
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorInvalidClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_REGEXP);

    flags = lre_get_flags(re->bytecode->u.str8);
    return js_bool(flags & mask);

static JSValue js_regexp_get_flags(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    char str[8], *p = str;
    int res;

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this_val, "hasIndices"));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'd';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_global));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'g';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this_val, "ignoreCase"));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'i';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this_val, "multiline"));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'm';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this_val, "dotAll"));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 's';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_unicode));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'u';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this_val, "unicodeSets"));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'v';
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this_val, "sticky"));
    if (res < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (res)
        *p++ = 'y';
    if (p == str)
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    return js_new_string8_len(ctx, str, p - str);

    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_regexp_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue pattern, flags;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    if (!JS_IsObject(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);
    string_buffer_putc8(b, '/');
    pattern = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_source);
    if (string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, pattern))
        goto fail;
    string_buffer_putc8(b, '/');
    flags = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_flags);
    if (string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, flags))
        goto fail;
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    return JS_EXCEPTION;

BOOL lre_check_stack_overflow(void *opaque, size_t alloca_size)
    JSContext *ctx = opaque;
    return js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, alloca_size);

void *lre_realloc(void *opaque, void *ptr, size_t size)
    JSContext *ctx = opaque;
    /* No JS exception is raised here */
    return js_realloc_rt(ctx->rt, ptr, size);

static JSValue js_regexp_exec(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSRegExp *re = js_get_regexp(ctx, this_val, TRUE);
    JSString *str;
    JSValue t, ret, str_val, obj, val, groups;
    JSValue indices, indices_groups;
    uint8_t *re_bytecode;
    uint8_t **capture, *str_buf;
    int rc, capture_count, shift, i, re_flags;
    int64_t last_index;
    const char *group_name_ptr;

    if (!re)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    str_val = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = JS_NULL;
    groups = JS_UNDEFINED;
    indices = JS_UNDEFINED;
    indices_groups = JS_UNDEFINED;
    capture = NULL;

    val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex);
    if (JS_IsException(val) || JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &last_index, val))
        goto fail;

    re_bytecode = re->bytecode->u.str8;
    re_flags = lre_get_flags(re_bytecode);
    if ((re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY)) == 0) {
        last_index = 0;
    str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str_val);
    capture_count = lre_get_capture_count(re_bytecode);
    if (capture_count > 0) {
        capture = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(capture[0]) * capture_count * 2);
        if (!capture)
            goto fail;
    shift = str->is_wide_char;
    str_buf = str->u.str8;
    if (last_index > str->len) {
        rc = 2;
    } else {
        rc = lre_exec(capture, re_bytecode,
                      str_buf, last_index, str->len,
                      shift, ctx);
    if (rc != 1) {
        if (rc >= 0) {
            if (rc == 2 || (re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY))) {
                if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                                   js_int32(0)) < 0)
                    goto fail;
        } else {
            JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "out of memory in regexp execution");
            goto fail;
    } else {
        int prop_flags;
        if (re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY)) {
            if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                               js_int32((capture[1] - str_buf) >> shift)) < 0)
                goto fail;
        obj = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            goto fail;
        prop_flags = JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW;
        group_name_ptr = lre_get_groupnames(re_bytecode);
        if (group_name_ptr) {
            groups = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
            if (JS_IsException(groups))
                goto fail;
        if (re_flags & LRE_FLAG_INDICES) {
            indices = JS_NewArray(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(indices))
                goto fail;
            if (group_name_ptr) {
                indices_groups = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
                if (JS_IsException(indices_groups))
                    goto fail;

        for(i = 0; i < capture_count; i++) {
            const char *name = NULL;
            uint8_t **match = &capture[2 * i];
            int start = -1;
            int end = -1;

            if (group_name_ptr && i > 0) {
                if (*group_name_ptr) name = group_name_ptr;
                group_name_ptr += strlen(group_name_ptr) + 1;

            if (match[0] && match[1]) {
                start = (match[0] - str_buf) >> shift;
                end = (match[1] - str_buf) >> shift;

            if (!JS_IsUndefined(indices)) {
                JSValue val = JS_UNDEFINED;
                if (start != -1) {
                    val = JS_NewArray(ctx);
                    if (JS_IsException(val))
                        goto fail;
                    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, 0,
                                                     prop_flags) < 0) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                        goto fail;
                    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, 1,
                                                     prop_flags) < 0) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                        goto fail;
                if (name && !JS_IsUndefined(indices_groups)) {
                    val = js_dup(val);
                    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, indices_groups,
                                                  name, val, prop_flags) < 0) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                        goto fail;
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, indices, i, val,
                                                 prop_flags) < 0) {
                    goto fail;

            JSValue val = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (start != -1) {
                val = js_sub_string(ctx, str, start, end);
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    goto fail;

            if (name) {
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, groups, name,
                                              prop_flags) < 0) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                    goto fail;

            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, obj, i, val, prop_flags) < 0)
                goto fail;

        t = groups, groups = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_groups,
                                   t, prop_flags) < 0) {
            goto fail;

        t = js_int32((capture[0] - str_buf) >> shift);
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_index, t, prop_flags) < 0)
            goto fail;

        t = str_val, str_val = JS_UNDEFINED;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_input, t, prop_flags) < 0)
            goto fail;

        if (!JS_IsUndefined(indices)) {
            t = indices_groups, indices_groups = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, indices, JS_ATOM_groups,
                                       t, prop_flags) < 0) {
                goto fail;
            t = indices, indices = JS_UNDEFINED;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_indices,
                                       t, prop_flags) < 0) {
                goto fail;
    ret = obj;
    obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, indices_groups);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, indices);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, groups);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    js_free(ctx, capture);
    return ret;

/* delete portions of a string that match a given regex */
static JSValue JS_RegExpDelete(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, JSValue arg)
    JSRegExp *re = js_get_regexp(ctx, this_val, TRUE);
    JSString *str;
    JSValue str_val, val;
    uint8_t *re_bytecode;
    int ret;
    uint8_t **capture, *str_buf;
    int capture_count, shift, re_flags;
    int next_src_pos, start, end;
    int64_t last_index;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;

    if (!re)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);

    capture = NULL;
    str_val = JS_ToString(ctx, arg);
    if (JS_IsException(str_val))
        goto fail;
    str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str_val);
    re_bytecode = re->bytecode->u.str8;
    re_flags = lre_get_flags(re_bytecode);
    if ((re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY)) == 0) {
        last_index = 0;
    } else {
        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex);
        if (JS_IsException(val) || JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &last_index, val))
            goto fail;
    capture_count = lre_get_capture_count(re_bytecode);
    if (capture_count > 0) {
        capture = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(capture[0]) * capture_count * 2);
        if (!capture)
            goto fail;
    shift = str->is_wide_char;
    str_buf = str->u.str8;
    next_src_pos = 0;
    for (;;) {
        if (last_index > str->len)

        ret = lre_exec(capture, re_bytecode,
                       str_buf, last_index, str->len, shift, ctx);
        if (ret != 1) {
            if (ret >= 0) {
                if (ret == 2 || (re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY))) {
                    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                                       js_int32(0)) < 0)
                        goto fail;
            } else {
                JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "out of memory in regexp execution");
                goto fail;
        start = (capture[0] - str_buf) >> shift;
        end = (capture[1] - str_buf) >> shift;
        last_index = end;
        if (next_src_pos < start) {
            if (string_buffer_concat(b, str, next_src_pos, start))
                goto fail;
        next_src_pos = end;
        if (!(re_flags & LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL)) {
            if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                               js_int32(end)) < 0)
                goto fail;
        if (end == start) {
            if (!(re_flags & LRE_FLAG_UNICODE) || (unsigned)end >= str->len || !str->is_wide_char) {
            } else {
                string_getc(str, &end);
        last_index = end;
    if (string_buffer_concat(b, str, next_src_pos, str->len))
        goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
    js_free(ctx, capture);
    return string_buffer_end(b);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
    js_free(ctx, capture);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue JS_RegExpExec(JSContext *ctx, JSValue r, JSValue s)
    JSValue method, ret;

    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, r, JS_ATOM_exec);
    if (JS_IsException(method))
        return method;
    if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, method)) {
        ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, r, 1, &s);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            return ret;
        if (!JS_IsObject(ret) && !JS_IsNull(ret)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "RegExp exec method must return an object or null");
        return ret;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    return js_regexp_exec(ctx, r, 1, &s);

static JSValue js_regexp_test(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val;
    BOOL ret;

    val = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, this_val, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = !JS_IsNull(val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_regexp_Symbol_match(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // [Symbol.match](str)
    JSValue rx = this_val;
    JSValue A, S, flags, result, matchStr;
    int global, n, fullUnicode, isEmpty;
    JSString *p;

    if (!JS_IsObject(rx))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    flags = JS_UNDEFINED;
    result = JS_UNDEFINED;
    matchStr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    S = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(S))
        goto exception;

    flags = JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_flags);
    if (JS_IsException(flags))
        goto exception;
    flags = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, flags);
    if (JS_IsException(flags))
        goto exception;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(flags);

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) query 'u' flag the same way?
    global = (-1 != string_indexof_char(p, 'g', 0));
    if (!global) {
        A = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, rx, S);
    } else {
        fullUnicode = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_unicode));
        if (fullUnicode < 0)
            goto exception;

        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, js_int32(0)) < 0)
            goto exception;
        A = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(A))
            goto exception;
        n = 0;
        for(;;) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);
            result = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, rx, S);
            if (JS_IsException(result))
                goto exception;
            if (JS_IsNull(result))
            matchStr = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, result, 0));
            if (JS_IsException(matchStr))
                goto exception;
            isEmpty = JS_IsEmptyString(matchStr);
            if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, A, n++, matchStr) < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (isEmpty) {
                int64_t thisIndex, nextIndex;
                if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &thisIndex,
                                    JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex)) < 0)
                    goto exception;
                p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(S);
                nextIndex = string_advance_index(p, thisIndex, fullUnicode);
                if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, JS_NewInt64(ctx, nextIndex)) < 0)
                    goto exception;
        if (n == 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, A);
            A = JS_NULL;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
    return A;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, A);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

typedef struct JSRegExpStringIteratorData {
    JSValue iterating_regexp;
    JSValue iterated_string;
    BOOL global;
    BOOL unicode;
    BOOL done;
} JSRegExpStringIteratorData;

static void js_regexp_string_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSRegExpStringIteratorData *it = p->u.regexp_string_iterator_data;
    if (it) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, it->iterating_regexp);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, it->iterated_string);
        js_free_rt(rt, it);

static void js_regexp_string_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                           JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSRegExpStringIteratorData *it = p->u.regexp_string_iterator_data;
    if (it) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, it->iterating_regexp, mark_func);
        JS_MarkValue(rt, it->iterated_string, mark_func);

static JSValue js_regexp_string_iterator_next(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                              BOOL *pdone, int magic)
    JSRegExpStringIteratorData *it;
    JSValue R, S;
    JSValue matchStr = JS_UNDEFINED, match = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSString *sp;

    it = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR);
    if (!it)
        goto exception;
    if (it->done) {
        *pdone = TRUE;
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    R = it->iterating_regexp;
    S = it->iterated_string;
    match = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, R, S);
    if (JS_IsException(match))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_IsNull(match)) {
        it->done = TRUE;
        *pdone = TRUE;
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else if (it->global) {
        matchStr = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, match, 0));
        if (JS_IsException(matchStr))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsEmptyString(matchStr)) {
            int64_t thisIndex, nextIndex;
            if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &thisIndex,
                                JS_GetProperty(ctx, R, JS_ATOM_lastIndex)) < 0)
                goto exception;
            sp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(S);
            nextIndex = string_advance_index(sp, thisIndex, it->unicode);
            if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, R, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                               JS_NewInt64(ctx, nextIndex)) < 0)
                goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, matchStr);
    } else {
        it->done = TRUE;
    *pdone = FALSE;
    return match;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, match);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, matchStr);
    *pdone = FALSE;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_regexp_Symbol_matchAll(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // [Symbol.matchAll](str)
    JSValue R = this_val;
    JSValue S, C, flags, matcher, iter;
    JSValue args[2];
    JSString *strp;
    int64_t lastIndex;
    JSRegExpStringIteratorData *it;

    if (!JS_IsObject(R))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    flags = JS_UNDEFINED;
    matcher = JS_UNDEFINED;
    iter = JS_UNDEFINED;

    S = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(S))
        goto exception;
    C = JS_SpeciesConstructor(ctx, R, ctx->regexp_ctor);
    if (JS_IsException(C))
        goto exception;
    flags = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, R, JS_ATOM_flags));
    if (JS_IsException(flags))
        goto exception;
    args[0] = R;
    args[1] = flags;
    matcher = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, C, 2, args);
    if (JS_IsException(matcher))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &lastIndex,
                        JS_GetProperty(ctx, R, JS_ATOM_lastIndex)))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, matcher, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
                       JS_NewInt64(ctx, lastIndex)) < 0)
        goto exception;

    iter = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    it = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*it));
    if (!it)
        goto exception;
    it->iterating_regexp = matcher;
    it->iterated_string = S;
    strp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(flags);
    it->global = string_indexof_char(strp, 'g', 0) >= 0;
    it->unicode = string_indexof_char(strp, 'u', 0) >= 0;
    it->done = FALSE;
    JS_SetOpaque(iter, it);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, C);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    return iter;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, S);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, C);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, matcher);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

typedef struct ValueBuffer {
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSValue *arr;
    JSValue def[4];
    int len;
    int size;
    int error_status;
} ValueBuffer;

static int value_buffer_init(JSContext *ctx, ValueBuffer *b)
    b->ctx = ctx;
    b->len = 0;
    b->size = 4;
    b->error_status = 0;
    b->arr = b->def;
    return 0;

static void value_buffer_free(ValueBuffer *b)
    while (b->len > 0)
        JS_FreeValue(b->ctx, b->arr[--b->len]);
    if (b->arr != b->def)
        js_free(b->ctx, b->arr);
    b->arr = b->def;
    b->size = 4;

static int value_buffer_append(ValueBuffer *b, JSValue val)
    if (b->error_status)
        return -1;

    if (b->len >= b->size) {
        int new_size = (b->len + (b->len >> 1) + 31) & ~16;
        size_t slack;
        JSValue *new_arr;

        if (b->arr == b->def) {
            new_arr = js_realloc2(b->ctx, NULL, sizeof(*b->arr) * new_size, &slack);
            if (new_arr)
                memcpy(new_arr, b->def, sizeof b->def);
        } else {
            new_arr = js_realloc2(b->ctx, b->arr, sizeof(*b->arr) * new_size, &slack);
        if (!new_arr) {
            JS_FreeValue(b->ctx, val);
            b->error_status = -1;
            return -1;
        new_size += slack / sizeof(*new_arr);
        b->arr = new_arr;
        b->size = new_size;
    b->arr[b->len++] = val;
    return 0;

static int js_is_standard_regexp(JSContext *ctx, JSValue rx)
    JSValue val;
    int res;

    val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_constructor);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return -1;
    // rx.constructor === RegExp
    res = js_same_value(ctx, val, ctx->regexp_ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    if (res) {
        val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_exec);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            return -1;
        // rx.exec === RE_exec
        res = JS_IsCFunction(ctx, val, js_regexp_exec, 0);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return res;

static JSValue js_regexp_Symbol_replace(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // [Symbol.replace](str, rep)
    JSValue rx = this_val, rep = argv[1];
    JSValue args[6];
    JSValue flags, str, rep_val, matched, tab, rep_str, namedCaptures, res;
    JSString *p, *sp, *rp;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    ValueBuffer v_b, *results = &v_b;
    int nextSourcePosition, n, j, functionalReplace, is_global, fullUnicode;
    uint32_t nCaptures;
    int64_t position;

    if (!JS_IsObject(rx))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);
    value_buffer_init(ctx, results);

    rep_val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    matched = JS_UNDEFINED;
    tab = JS_UNDEFINED;
    flags = JS_UNDEFINED;
    rep_str = JS_UNDEFINED;
    namedCaptures = JS_UNDEFINED;

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        goto exception;

    sp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    rp = NULL;
    functionalReplace = JS_IsFunction(ctx, rep);
    if (!functionalReplace) {
        rep_val = JS_ToString(ctx, rep);
        if (JS_IsException(rep_val))
            goto exception;
        rp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(rep_val);

    flags = JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_flags);
    if (JS_IsException(flags))
        goto exception;
    flags = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, flags);
    if (JS_IsException(flags))
        goto exception;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(flags);

    // TODO(bnoordhuis) query 'u' flag the same way?
    fullUnicode = 0;
    is_global = (-1 != string_indexof_char(p, 'g', 0));
    if (is_global) {
        fullUnicode = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_unicode));
        if (fullUnicode < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, js_int32(0)) < 0)
            goto exception;

    if (rp && rp->len == 0 && is_global && js_is_standard_regexp(ctx, rx)) {
        /* use faster version for simple cases */
        res = JS_RegExpDelete(ctx, rx, str);
        goto done;
    for(;;) {
        JSValue result;
        result = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, rx, str);
        if (JS_IsException(result))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsNull(result))
        if (value_buffer_append(results, result) < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (!is_global)
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, matched);
        matched = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, result, 0));
        if (JS_IsException(matched))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsEmptyString(matched)) {
            /* always advance of at least one char */
            int64_t thisIndex, nextIndex;
            if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &thisIndex, JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex)) < 0)
                goto exception;
            nextIndex = string_advance_index(sp, thisIndex, fullUnicode);
            if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, JS_NewInt64(ctx, nextIndex)) < 0)
                goto exception;
    nextSourcePosition = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < results->len; j++) {
        JSValue result;
        result = results->arr[j];
        if (js_get_length32(ctx, &nCaptures, result) < 0)
            goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, matched);
        matched = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, result, 0));
        if (JS_IsException(matched))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &position, JS_GetProperty(ctx, result, JS_ATOM_index)))
            goto exception;
        if (position > sp->len)
            position = sp->len;
        else if (position < 0)
            position = 0;
        /* ignore substition if going backward (can happen
           with custom regexp object) */
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, tab);
        tab = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(tab))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, tab, 0, js_dup(matched),
                                        JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
            goto exception;
        for(n = 1; n < nCaptures; n++) {
            JSValue capN;
            capN = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, result, n);
            if (JS_IsException(capN))
                goto exception;
            if (!JS_IsUndefined(capN)) {
                capN = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, capN);
                if (JS_IsException(capN))
                    goto exception;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, tab, n, capN,
                                            JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, namedCaptures);
        namedCaptures = JS_GetProperty(ctx, result, JS_ATOM_groups);
        if (JS_IsException(namedCaptures))
            goto exception;
        if (functionalReplace) {
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, tab, n++, js_int32(position), JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, tab, n++, js_dup(str), JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception;
            if (!JS_IsUndefined(namedCaptures)) {
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, tab, n++, js_dup(namedCaptures), JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
            args[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
            args[1] = tab;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, rep_str);
            rep_str = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, js_function_apply(ctx, rep, 2, args, 0));
        } else {
            JSValue namedCaptures1;
            if (!JS_IsUndefined(namedCaptures)) {
                namedCaptures1 = JS_ToObject(ctx, namedCaptures);
                if (JS_IsException(namedCaptures1))
                    goto exception;
            } else {
                namedCaptures1 = JS_UNDEFINED;
            args[0] = matched;
            args[1] = str;
            args[2] = js_int32(position);
            args[3] = tab;
            args[4] = namedCaptures1;
            args[5] = rep_val;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, rep_str);
            rep_str = js_string___GetSubstitution(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 6, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, namedCaptures1);
        if (JS_IsException(rep_str))
            goto exception;
        if (position >= nextSourcePosition) {
            string_buffer_concat(b, sp, nextSourcePosition, position);
            string_buffer_concat_value(b, rep_str);
            nextSourcePosition = position + JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(matched)->len;
    string_buffer_concat(b, sp, nextSourcePosition, sp->len);
    res = string_buffer_end(b);
    goto done1;

    res = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, rep_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, matched);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, tab);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, rep_str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, namedCaptures);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return res;

static JSValue js_regexp_Symbol_search(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue rx = this_val;
    JSValue str, previousLastIndex, currentLastIndex, result, index;

    if (!JS_IsObject(rx))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    result = JS_UNDEFINED;
    currentLastIndex = JS_UNDEFINED;
    previousLastIndex = JS_UNDEFINED;
    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        goto exception;

    previousLastIndex = JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex);
    if (JS_IsException(previousLastIndex))
        goto exception;

    if (!js_same_value(ctx, previousLastIndex, js_int32(0))) {
        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, js_int32(0)) < 0) {
            goto exception;
    result = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, rx, str);
    if (JS_IsException(result))
        goto exception;
    currentLastIndex = JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex);
    if (JS_IsException(currentLastIndex))
        goto exception;
    if (js_same_value(ctx, currentLastIndex, previousLastIndex)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, previousLastIndex);
    } else {
        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, previousLastIndex) < 0) {
            previousLastIndex = JS_UNDEFINED;
            goto exception;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, currentLastIndex);

    if (JS_IsNull(result)) {
        return js_int32(-1);
    } else {
        index = JS_GetProperty(ctx, result, JS_ATOM_index);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);
        return index;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, currentLastIndex);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, previousLastIndex);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_regexp_Symbol_split(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // [Symbol.split](str, limit)
    JSValue rx = this_val;
    JSValue args[2];
    JSValue str, ctor, splitter, A, flags, z, sub;
    JSString *strp;
    uint32_t lim, size, p, q;
    int unicodeMatching;
    int64_t lengthA, e, numberOfCaptures, i;

    if (!JS_IsObject(rx))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    ctor = JS_UNDEFINED;
    splitter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    flags = JS_UNDEFINED;
    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        goto exception;
    ctor = JS_SpeciesConstructor(ctx, rx, ctx->regexp_ctor);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        goto exception;
    flags = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetProperty(ctx, rx, JS_ATOM_flags));
    if (JS_IsException(flags))
        goto exception;
    strp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(flags);
    unicodeMatching = string_indexof_char(strp, 'u', 0) >= 0;
    if (string_indexof_char(strp, 'y', 0) < 0) {
        flags = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "", flags, "y");
        if (JS_IsException(flags))
            goto exception;
    args[0] = rx;
    args[1] = flags;
    splitter = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, ctor, 2, args);
    if (JS_IsException(splitter))
        goto exception;
    A = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(A))
        goto exception;
    lengthA = 0;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        lim = 0xffffffff;
    } else {
        if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &lim, argv[1]) < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (lim == 0)
            goto done;
    strp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    p = q = 0;
    size = strp->len;
    if (size == 0) {
        z = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, splitter, str);
        if (JS_IsException(z))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsNull(z))
            goto add_tail;
        goto done;
    while (q < size) {
        if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, splitter, JS_ATOM_lastIndex, js_int32(q)) < 0)
            goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, z);
        z = JS_RegExpExec(ctx, splitter, str);
        if (JS_IsException(z))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_IsNull(z)) {
            q = string_advance_index(strp, q, unicodeMatching);
        } else {
            if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &e, JS_GetProperty(ctx, splitter, JS_ATOM_lastIndex)))
                goto exception;
            if (e > size)
                e = size;
            if (e == p) {
                q = string_advance_index(strp, q, unicodeMatching);
            } else {
                sub = js_sub_string(ctx, strp, p, q);
                if (JS_IsException(sub))
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, A, lengthA++, sub,
                                                JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
                if (lengthA == lim)
                    goto done;
                p = e;
                if (js_get_length64(ctx, &numberOfCaptures, z))
                    goto exception;
                for(i = 1; i < numberOfCaptures; i++) {
                    sub = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, z, i));
                    if (JS_IsException(sub))
                        goto exception;
                    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, A, lengthA++, sub, JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                        goto exception;
                    if (lengthA == lim)
                        goto done;
                q = p;
    if (p > size)
        p = size;
    sub = js_sub_string(ctx, strp, p, size);
    if (JS_IsException(sub))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, A, lengthA++, sub, JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
        goto exception;
    goto done;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, A);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, splitter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, flags);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, z);
    return A;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_regexp_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_regexp_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("flags", js_regexp_get_flags, NULL ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("source", js_regexp_get_source, NULL ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("global", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("ignoreCase", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("multiline", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_MULTILINE ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("dotAll", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_DOTALL ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("unicode", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_UNICODE ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("unicodeSets", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_UNICODE_SETS ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("sticky", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_STICKY ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("hasIndices", js_regexp_get_flag, NULL, LRE_FLAG_INDICES ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("exec", 1, js_regexp_exec ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("compile", 2, js_regexp_compile ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("test", 1, js_regexp_test ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_regexp_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.replace]", 2, js_regexp_Symbol_replace ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.match]", 1, js_regexp_Symbol_match ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.matchAll]", 1, js_regexp_Symbol_matchAll ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.search]", 1, js_regexp_Symbol_search ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.split]", 2, js_regexp_Symbol_split ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_regexp_string_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("next", 0, js_regexp_string_iterator_next, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "RegExp String Iterator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

void JS_AddIntrinsicRegExpCompiler(JSContext *ctx)
    ctx->compile_regexp = js_compile_regexp;

void JS_AddIntrinsicRegExp(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue obj;


    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_REGEXP] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_REGEXP], js_regexp_proto_funcs,
    obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "RegExp", js_regexp_constructor, 2,
    ctx->regexp_ctor = js_dup(obj);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_regexp_funcs, countof(js_regexp_funcs));

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR] =
        JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR],

/* JSON */

static JSValue json_parse_value(JSParseState *s)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue val = JS_NULL;
    int ret;

    switch(s->token.val) {
    case '{':
            JSValue prop_val;
            JSAtom prop_name;

            if (json_next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            val = JS_NewObject(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto fail;
            if (s->token.val != '}') {
                for(;;) {
                    if (s->token.val == TOK_STRING) {
                        prop_name = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, s->token.u.str.str);
                        if (prop_name == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                            goto fail;
                    } else {
                        json_parse_error(s, s->token.ptr, "Expected property name or '}'");
                        goto fail;
                    if (json_next_token(s))
                        goto fail1;
                    if (s->token.val != ':') {
                        json_parse_error(s, s->token.ptr, "Expected ':' after property name");
                        goto fail1;
                    if (json_next_token(s))
                        goto fail1;
                    prop_val = json_parse_value(s);
                    if (JS_IsException(prop_val)) {
                        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop_name);
                        goto fail;
                    ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, prop_name,
                                                 prop_val, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
                    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop_name);
                    if (ret < 0)
                        goto fail;

                    if (s->token.val == '}')
                    if (s->token.val != ',') {
                        json_parse_error(s, s->token.ptr, "Expected ',' or '}' after property value");
                        goto fail;
                    if (json_next_token(s))
                        goto fail;
            if (json_next_token(s))
                goto fail;
    case '[':
            JSValue el;
            uint32_t idx;

            if (json_next_token(s))
                goto fail;
            val = JS_NewArray(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto fail;
            if (s->token.val != ']') {
                for(idx = 0;; idx++) {
                    el = json_parse_value(s);
                    if (JS_IsException(el))
                        goto fail;
                    ret = JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, val, idx, el, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
                    if (ret < 0)
                        goto fail;
                    if (s->token.val == ']')
                    if (s->token.val != ',') {
                        json_parse_error(s, s->token.ptr, "Expected ',' or ']' after array element");
                        goto fail;
                    if (json_next_token(s))
                        goto fail;
            if (json_next_token(s))
                goto fail;
    case TOK_STRING:
        val = js_dup(s->token.u.str.str);
        if (json_next_token(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_NUMBER:
        val = s->token.u.num.val;
        if (json_next_token(s))
            goto fail;
    case TOK_IDENT:
        if (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_false ||
            s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_true) {
            val = js_bool(s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_true);
        } else if (s->token.u.ident.atom == JS_ATOM_null) {
            val = JS_NULL;
        } else {
            goto def_token;
        if (json_next_token(s))
            goto fail;
        if (s->token.val == TOK_EOF) {
            js_parse_error(s, "Unexpected end of JSON input");
        } else {
            js_parse_error(s, "unexpected token: '%.*s'",
                           (int)(s->buf_ptr - s->token.ptr), s->token.ptr);
        goto fail;
    return val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* 'buf' must be zero terminated i.e. buf[buf_len] = '\0'. */
JSValue JS_ParseJSON(JSContext *ctx, const char *buf, size_t buf_len, const char *filename)
    JSParseState s1, *s = &s1;
    JSValue val = JS_UNDEFINED;

    js_parse_init(ctx, s, buf, buf_len, filename);
    if (json_next_token(s))
        goto fail;
    val = json_parse_value(s);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        goto fail;
    if (s->token.val != TOK_EOF) {
        if (js_parse_error(s, "unexpected data at the end"))
            goto fail;
    return val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    free_token(s, &s->token);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue internalize_json_property(JSContext *ctx, JSValue holder,
                                         JSAtom name, JSValue reviver)
    JSValue val, new_el, name_val, res;
    JSValue args[2];
    int ret, is_array;
    uint32_t i, len = 0;
    JSAtom prop;
    JSPropertyEnum *atoms = NULL;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return JS_ThrowStackOverflow(ctx);

    val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, holder, name);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    if (JS_IsObject(val)) {
        is_array = JS_IsArray(ctx, val);
        if (is_array < 0)
            goto fail;
        if (is_array) {
            if (js_get_length32(ctx, &len, val))
                goto fail;
        } else {
            ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &atoms, &len, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val), JS_GPN_ENUM_ONLY | JS_GPN_STRING_MASK);
            if (ret < 0)
                goto fail;
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (is_array) {
                prop = JS_NewAtomUInt32(ctx, i);
                if (prop == JS_ATOM_NULL)
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                prop = JS_DupAtom(ctx, atoms[i].atom);
            new_el = internalize_json_property(ctx, val, prop, reviver);
            if (JS_IsException(new_el)) {
                JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
                goto fail;
            if (JS_IsUndefined(new_el)) {
                ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, val, prop, 0);
            } else {
                ret = JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, val, prop, new_el, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
            JS_FreeAtom(ctx, prop);
            if (ret < 0)
                goto fail;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, atoms, len);
    atoms = NULL;
    name_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, name);
    if (JS_IsException(name_val))
        goto fail;
    args[0] = name_val;
    args[1] = val;
    res = JS_Call(ctx, reviver, holder, 2, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, name_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return res;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, atoms, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_json_parse(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, root;
    JSValue reviver;
    const char *str;
    size_t len;

    str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, argv[0]);
    if (!str)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = JS_ParseJSON(ctx, str, len, "<input>");
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, str);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    if (argc > 1 && JS_IsFunction(ctx, argv[1])) {
        reviver = argv[1];
        root = JS_NewObject(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(root)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, root, JS_ATOM_empty_string, obj,
                                   JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, root);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        obj = internalize_json_property(ctx, root, JS_ATOM_empty_string,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, root);
    return obj;

typedef struct JSONStringifyContext {
    JSValue replacer_func;
    JSValue stack;
    JSValue property_list;
    JSValue gap;
    JSValue empty;
    StringBuffer *b;
} JSONStringifyContext;

static JSValue JS_ToQuotedStringFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val) {
    JSValue r = JS_ToQuotedString(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return r;

static JSValue js_json_check(JSContext *ctx, JSONStringifyContext *jsc,
                             JSValue holder, JSValue val, JSValue key)
    JSValue v;
    JSValue args[2];

    if (JS_IsObject(val) || JS_IsBigInt(ctx, val)) {
		JSValue f = JS_GetProperty(ctx, val, JS_ATOM_toJSON);
		if (JS_IsException(f))
			goto exception;
		if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, f)) {
			v = JS_CallFree(ctx, f, val, 1, &key);
			JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
			val = v;
			if (JS_IsException(val))
				goto exception;
		} else {
			JS_FreeValue(ctx, f);

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(jsc->replacer_func)) {
        args[0] = key;
        args[1] = val;
        v = JS_Call(ctx, jsc->replacer_func, holder, 2, args);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        val = v;
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto exception;

    switch (JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val)) {
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, val))
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        return val;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static int js_json_to_str(JSContext *ctx, JSONStringifyContext *jsc,
                          JSValue holder, JSValue val,
                          JSValue indent)
    JSValue indent1, sep, sep1, tab, v, prop;
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t i, len;
    int cl, ret;
    BOOL has_content;

    indent1 = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sep = JS_UNDEFINED;
    sep1 = JS_UNDEFINED;
    tab = JS_UNDEFINED;
    prop = JS_UNDEFINED;

    if (JS_IsObject(val)) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
        cl = p->class_id;
        if (cl == JS_CLASS_STRING) {
            val = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, val);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            goto concat_primitive;
        } else if (cl == JS_CLASS_NUMBER) {
            val = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, val);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto exception;
            goto concat_primitive;
        } else if (cl == JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN || cl == JS_CLASS_BIG_INT) {
            set_value(ctx, &val, js_dup(p->u.object_data));
            goto concat_primitive;
        v = js_array_includes(ctx, jsc->stack, 1, &val);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, v)) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "circular reference");
            goto exception;
        indent1 = JS_ConcatString(ctx, js_dup(indent), js_dup(jsc->gap));
        if (JS_IsException(indent1))
            goto exception;
        if (!JS_IsEmptyString(jsc->gap)) {
            sep = JS_ConcatString3(ctx, "\n", js_dup(indent1), "");
            if (JS_IsException(sep))
                goto exception;
            sep1 = js_new_string8(ctx, " ");
            if (JS_IsException(sep1))
                goto exception;
        } else {
            sep = js_dup(jsc->empty);
            sep1 = js_dup(jsc->empty);
        v = js_array_push(ctx, jsc->stack, 1, &val, 0);
        if (check_exception_free(ctx, v))
            goto exception;
        ret = JS_IsArray(ctx, val);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (ret) {
            if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, val))
                goto exception;
            string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, '[');
            for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (i > 0)
                    string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, ',');
                string_buffer_concat_value(jsc->b, sep);
                v = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, val, i);
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception;
                /* XXX: could do this string conversion only when needed */
                prop = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, JS_NewInt64(ctx, i));
                if (JS_IsException(prop))
                    goto exception;
                v = js_json_check(ctx, jsc, val, v, prop);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
                prop = JS_UNDEFINED;
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_IsUndefined(v))
                    v = JS_NULL;
                if (js_json_to_str(ctx, jsc, val, v, indent1))
                    goto exception;
            if (len > 0 && !JS_IsEmptyString(jsc->gap)) {
                string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, '\n');
                string_buffer_concat_value(jsc->b, indent);
            string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, ']');
        } else {
            if (!JS_IsUndefined(jsc->property_list))
                tab = js_dup(jsc->property_list);
                tab = js_object_keys(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &val, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY);
            if (JS_IsException(tab))
                goto exception;
            if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, tab))
                goto exception;
            string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, '{');
            has_content = FALSE;
            for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
                prop = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, tab, i);
                if (JS_IsException(prop))
                    goto exception;
                v = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, val, js_dup(prop));
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception;
                v = js_json_check(ctx, jsc, val, v, prop);
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception;
                if (!JS_IsUndefined(v)) {
                    if (has_content)
                        string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, ',');
                    prop = JS_ToQuotedStringFree(ctx, prop);
                    if (JS_IsException(prop)) {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
                        goto exception;
                    string_buffer_concat_value(jsc->b, sep);
                    string_buffer_concat_value(jsc->b, prop);
                    string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, ':');
                    string_buffer_concat_value(jsc->b, sep1);
                    if (js_json_to_str(ctx, jsc, val, v, indent1))
                        goto exception;
                    has_content = TRUE;
            if (has_content && JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(jsc->gap)->len != 0) {
                string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, '\n');
                string_buffer_concat_value(jsc->b, indent);
            string_buffer_putc8(jsc->b, '}');
        if (check_exception_free(ctx, js_array_pop(ctx, jsc->stack, 0, NULL, 0)))
            goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, tab);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep1);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, indent1);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
        return 0;
    switch (JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val)) {
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        val = JS_ToQuotedStringFree(ctx, val);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto exception;
        goto concat_value;
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        if (!isfinite(JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(val))) {
            val = JS_NULL;
        goto concat_value;
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        return string_buffer_concat_value_free(jsc->b, val);
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "BigInt are forbidden in JSON.stringify");
        goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return 0;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, tab);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, indent1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
    return -1;

JSValue JS_JSONStringify(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                         JSValue replacer, JSValue space0)
    StringBuffer b_s;
    JSONStringifyContext jsc_s, *jsc = &jsc_s;
    JSValue val, v, space, ret, wrapper;
    int res;
    int64_t i, j, n;

    jsc->replacer_func = JS_UNDEFINED;
    jsc->stack = JS_UNDEFINED;
    jsc->property_list = JS_UNDEFINED;
    jsc->gap = JS_UNDEFINED;
    jsc->b = &b_s;
    jsc->empty = JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    wrapper = JS_UNDEFINED;

    string_buffer_init(ctx, jsc->b, 0);
    jsc->stack = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(jsc->stack))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_IsFunction(ctx, replacer)) {
        jsc->replacer_func = replacer;
    } else {
        res = JS_IsArray(ctx, replacer);
        if (res < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (res) {
            /* XXX: enumeration is not fully correct */
            jsc->property_list = JS_NewArray(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(jsc->property_list))
                goto exception;
            if (js_get_length64(ctx, &n, replacer))
                goto exception;
            for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++) {
                JSValue present;
                v = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, replacer, i);
                if (JS_IsException(v))
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_IsObject(v)) {
                    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(v);
                    if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_STRING ||
                        p->class_id == JS_CLASS_NUMBER) {
                        v = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, v);
                        if (JS_IsException(v))
                            goto exception;
                    } else {
                        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
                } else if (JS_IsNumber(v)) {
                    v = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, v);
                    if (JS_IsException(v))
                        goto exception;
                } else if (!JS_IsString(v)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
                present = js_array_includes(ctx, jsc->property_list,
                                            1, &v);
                if (JS_IsException(present)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
                    goto exception;
                if (!JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, present)) {
                    JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, jsc->property_list, j++, v);
                } else {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    space = js_dup(space0);
    if (JS_IsObject(space)) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(space);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_NUMBER) {
            space = JS_ToNumberFree(ctx, space);
        } else if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_STRING) {
            space = JS_ToStringFree(ctx, space);
        if (JS_IsException(space)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, space);
            goto exception;
    if (JS_IsNumber(space)) {
        int n;
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &n, space, 0, 10, 0))
            goto exception;
        jsc->gap = JS_NewStringLen(ctx, "          ", n);
    } else if (JS_IsString(space)) {
        JSString *p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(space);
        jsc->gap = js_sub_string(ctx, p, 0, min_int(p->len, 10));
    } else {
        jsc->gap = js_dup(jsc->empty);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, space);
    if (JS_IsException(jsc->gap))
        goto exception;
    wrapper = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(wrapper))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, wrapper, JS_ATOM_empty_string,
                               js_dup(obj), JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
        goto exception;
    val = js_dup(obj);

    val = js_json_check(ctx, jsc, wrapper, val, jsc->empty);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(val)) {
        ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
        goto done1;
    if (js_json_to_str(ctx, jsc, wrapper, val, jsc->empty))
        goto exception;

    ret = string_buffer_end(jsc->b);
    goto done;

    ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, wrapper);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, jsc->empty);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, jsc->gap);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, jsc->property_list);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, jsc->stack);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_json_stringify(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // stringify(val, replacer, space)
    return JS_JSONStringify(ctx, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_json_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("parse", 2, js_json_parse ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("stringify", 3, js_json_stringify ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_json_obj[] = {
    JS_OBJECT_DEF("JSON", js_json_funcs, countof(js_json_funcs), JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

void JS_AddIntrinsicJSON(JSContext *ctx)
    /* add JSON as autoinit object */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->global_obj, js_json_obj, countof(js_json_obj));

/* Reflect */

static JSValue js_reflect_apply(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_function_apply(ctx, argv[0], max_int(0, argc - 1), argv + 1, 2);

static JSValue js_reflect_construct(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue func, array_arg, new_target;
    JSValue *tab, ret;
    uint32_t len;

    func = argv[0];
    array_arg = argv[1];
    if (argc > 2) {
        new_target = argv[2];
        if (!JS_IsConstructor(ctx, new_target))
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor");
    } else {
        new_target = func;
    tab = build_arg_list(ctx, &len, array_arg);
    if (!tab)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_CallConstructor2(ctx, func, new_target, len, tab);
    free_arg_list(ctx, tab, len);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_reflect_deleteProperty(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;

    obj = argv[0];
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[1]);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, obj, atom, 0);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_reflect_get(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, prop, receiver;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSValue ret;

    obj = argv[0];
    prop = argv[1];
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    if (argc > 2)
        receiver = argv[2];
        receiver = obj;
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_GetPropertyInternal(ctx, obj, atom, receiver, FALSE);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_reflect_has(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, prop;
    JSAtom atom;
    int ret;

    obj = argv[0];
    prop = argv[1];
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_HasProperty(ctx, obj, atom);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_reflect_set(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj, prop, val, receiver;
    int ret;
    JSAtom atom;

    obj = argv[0];
    prop = argv[1];
    val = argv[2];
    if (argc > 3)
        receiver = argv[3];
        receiver = obj;
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, prop);
    if (unlikely(atom == JS_ATOM_NULL))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx, obj, atom, js_dup(val), receiver,
                                  0, NULL);
    JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_reflect_setPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int ret;
    ret = JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, argv[0], argv[1], FALSE);
    if (ret < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
        return js_bool(ret);

static JSValue js_reflect_ownKeys(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    return JS_GetOwnPropertyNames2(ctx, argv[0],
                                   JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SYMBOL_MASK,

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_reflect_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("apply", 3, js_reflect_apply ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("construct", 2, js_reflect_construct ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("defineProperty", 3, js_object_defineProperty, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("deleteProperty", 2, js_reflect_deleteProperty ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("get", 2, js_reflect_get ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", 2, js_object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getPrototypeOf", 1, js_object_getPrototypeOf, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("has", 2, js_reflect_has ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("isExtensible", 1, js_object_isExtensible, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("ownKeys", 1, js_reflect_ownKeys ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("preventExtensions", 1, js_object_preventExtensions, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("set", 3, js_reflect_set ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("setPrototypeOf", 2, js_reflect_setPrototypeOf ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Reflect", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_reflect_obj[] = {
    JS_OBJECT_DEF("Reflect", js_reflect_funcs, countof(js_reflect_funcs), JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* Proxy */

static void js_proxy_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSProxyData *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_PROXY);
    if (s) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->target);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->handler);
        js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_proxy_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                          JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSProxyData *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_PROXY);
    if (s) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, s->target, mark_func);
        JS_MarkValue(rt, s->handler, mark_func);

static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorRevokedProxy(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "revoked proxy");

static JSProxyData *get_proxy_method(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *pmethod,
                                     JSValue obj, JSAtom name)
    JSProxyData *s = JS_GetOpaque(obj, JS_CLASS_PROXY);
    JSValue method;

    /* safer to test recursion in all proxy methods */
    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return NULL;

    /* 's' should never be NULL */
    if (s->is_revoked) {
        return NULL;
    method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, s->handler, name);
    if (JS_IsException(method))
        return NULL;
    if (JS_IsNull(method))
        method = JS_UNDEFINED;
    *pmethod = method;
    return s;

static JSValue js_proxy_getPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret, proto1;
    int res;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_getPrototypeOf);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_GetPrototype(ctx, s->target);
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 1, &s->target);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return ret;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) != JS_TAG_NULL &&
        JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        goto fail;
    res = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
    if (res < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!res) {
        /* check invariant */
        proto1 = JS_GetPrototype(ctx, s->target);
        if (JS_IsException(proto1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(proto1) != JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(ret)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto1);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent prototype");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto1);
    return ret;

static int js_proxy_setPrototypeOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                   JSValue proto_val, BOOL throw_flag)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret, proto1;
    JSValue args[2];
    BOOL res;
    int res2;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_setPrototypeOf);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_SetPrototypeInternal(ctx, s->target, proto_val, throw_flag);
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = proto_val;
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 2, args);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return -1;
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret);
    if (!res) {
        if (throw_flag) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: bad prototype");
            return -1;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
    res2 = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
    if (res2 < 0)
        return -1;
    if (!res2) {
        proto1 = JS_GetPrototype(ctx, s->target);
        if (JS_IsException(proto1))
            return -1;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(proto_val) != JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(proto1)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto1);
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent prototype");
            return -1;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, proto1);
    return TRUE;

static int js_proxy_isExtensible(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret;
    BOOL res;
    int res2;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_isExtensible);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 1, &s->target);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return -1;
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret);
    res2 = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
    if (res2 < 0)
        return res2;
    if (res != res2) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent isExtensible");
        return -1;
    return res;

static int js_proxy_preventExtensions(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret;
    BOOL res;
    int res2;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_preventExtensions);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_PreventExtensions(ctx, s->target);
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 1, &s->target);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return -1;
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret);
    if (res) {
        res2 = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
        if (res2 < 0)
            return res2;
        if (res2) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent preventExtensions");
            return -1;
    return res;

static int js_proxy_has(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSAtom atom)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret1, atom_val;
    int ret, res;
    JSObject *p;
    JSValue args[2];
    BOOL res2;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_has);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_HasProperty(ctx, s->target, atom);
    atom_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
    if (JS_IsException(atom_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return -1;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = atom_val;
    ret1 = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 2, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, atom_val);
    if (JS_IsException(ret1))
        return -1;
    ret = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret1);
    if (!ret) {
        JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target);
        res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, atom);
        if (res < 0)
            return -1;
        if (res) {
            res2 = !(desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
            if (res2 || !p->extensible) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent has");
                return -1;
    return ret;

static JSValue js_proxy_get(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSAtom atom,
                            JSValue receiver)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret, atom_val;
    int res;
    JSValue args[3];
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_get);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* Note: recursion is possible thru the prototype of s->target */
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_GetPropertyInternal(ctx, s->target, atom, receiver, FALSE);
    atom_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
    if (JS_IsException(atom_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = atom_val;
    args[2] = receiver;
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 3, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, atom_val);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target), atom);
    if (res < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (res) {
        if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == 0) {
            if (!js_same_value(ctx, desc.value, ret)) {
                goto fail;
        } else if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) == JS_PROP_GETSET) {
            if (JS_IsUndefined(desc.getter) && !JS_IsUndefined(ret)) {
                js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
                return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent get");
        js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    return ret;

static int js_proxy_set(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj, JSAtom atom,
                        JSValue value, JSValue receiver, int flags)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret1, atom_val;
    int ret, res;
    JSValue args[4];

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_set);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method)) {
        return JS_SetPropertyInternal2(ctx, s->target, atom,
                                       js_dup(value), receiver,
                                       flags, NULL);
    atom_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);
    if (JS_IsException(atom_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return -1;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = atom_val;
    args[2] = value;
    args[3] = receiver;
    ret1 = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 4, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, atom_val);
    if (JS_IsException(ret1))
        return -1;
    ret = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret1);
    if (ret) {
        JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
        res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target), atom);
        if (res < 0)
            return -1;
        if (res) {
            if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == 0) {
                if (!js_same_value(ctx, desc.value, value)) {
                    goto fail;
            } else if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) == JS_PROP_GETSET && JS_IsUndefined(desc.setter)) {
                    js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent set");
                    return -1;
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    } else {
        if ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW) ||
            ((flags & JS_PROP_THROW_STRICT) && is_strict_mode(ctx))) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: cannot set property");
            return -1;
    return ret;

static JSValue js_create_desc(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val,
                              JSValue getter, JSValue setter,
                              int flags)
    JSValue ret;
    ret = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return ret;
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_get, js_dup(getter),
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_set, js_dup(setter),
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_value, js_dup(val),
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_writable,
                               js_bool(flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE),
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_enumerable,
                               js_bool(flags & JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE),
    if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE) {
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ret, JS_ATOM_configurable,
                               js_bool(flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE),
    return ret;

static int js_proxy_get_own_property(JSContext *ctx, JSPropertyDescriptor *pdesc,
                                     JSValue obj, JSAtom prop)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, trap_result_obj, prop_val;
    int res, target_desc_ret, ret;
    JSObject *p;
    JSValue args[2];
    JSPropertyDescriptor result_desc, target_desc;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_getOwnPropertyDescriptor);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target);
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method)) {
        return JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, pdesc, p, prop);
    prop_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, prop);
    if (JS_IsException(prop_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return -1;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = prop_val;
    trap_result_obj = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 2, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop_val);
    if (JS_IsException(trap_result_obj))
        return -1;
    if (!JS_IsObject(trap_result_obj) && !JS_IsUndefined(trap_result_obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, trap_result_obj);
        goto fail;
    target_desc_ret = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &target_desc, p, prop);
    if (target_desc_ret < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, trap_result_obj);
        return -1;
    if (target_desc_ret)
        js_free_desc(ctx, &target_desc);
    if (JS_IsUndefined(trap_result_obj)) {
        if (target_desc_ret) {
            if (!(target_desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) || !p->extensible)
                goto fail;
        ret = FALSE;
    } else {
        int flags1, extensible_target;
        extensible_target = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
        if (extensible_target < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, trap_result_obj);
            return -1;
        res = js_obj_to_desc(ctx, &result_desc, trap_result_obj);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, trap_result_obj);
        if (res < 0)
            return -1;

        if (target_desc_ret) {
            /* convert result_desc.flags to defineProperty flags */
            flags1 = result_desc.flags | JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_HAS_ENUMERABLE;
            if (result_desc.flags & JS_PROP_GETSET)
                flags1 |= JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET;
                flags1 |= JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE | JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE;
            /* XXX: not complete check: need to compare value &
               getter/setter as in defineproperty */
            if (!check_define_prop_flags(target_desc.flags, flags1))
                goto fail1;
        } else {
            if (!extensible_target)
                goto fail1;
        if (!(result_desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) {
            if (!target_desc_ret || (target_desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE))
                goto fail1;
            if ((result_desc.flags &
                 (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == 0 &&
                target_desc_ret &&
                (target_desc.flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE) != 0) {
                /* proxy-missing-checks */
                js_free_desc(ctx, &result_desc);
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent getOwnPropertyDescriptor");
                return -1;
        ret = TRUE;
        if (pdesc) {
            *pdesc = result_desc;
        } else {
            js_free_desc(ctx, &result_desc);
    return ret;

static int js_proxy_define_own_property(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                        JSAtom prop, JSValue val,
                                        JSValue getter, JSValue setter,
                                        int flags)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret1, prop_val, desc_val;
    int res, ret;
    JSObject *p;
    JSValue args[3];
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    BOOL setting_not_configurable;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_defineProperty);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method)) {
        return JS_DefineProperty(ctx, s->target, prop, val, getter, setter, flags);
    prop_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, prop);
    if (JS_IsException(prop_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return -1;
    desc_val = js_create_desc(ctx, val, getter, setter, flags);
    if (JS_IsException(desc_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop_val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return -1;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = prop_val;
    args[2] = desc_val;
    ret1 = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 3, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop_val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc_val);
    if (JS_IsException(ret1))
        return -1;
    ret = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret1);
    if (!ret) {
        if (flags & JS_PROP_THROW) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: defineProperty exception");
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target);
    res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, p, prop);
    if (res < 0)
        return -1;
    setting_not_configurable = ((flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_CONFIGURABLE |
                                          JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) ==
    if (!res) {
        if (!p->extensible || setting_not_configurable)
            goto fail;
    } else {
        if (!check_define_prop_flags(desc.flags, flags) ||
            ((desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) && setting_not_configurable)) {
            goto fail1;
        if (flags & (JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET)) {
            if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE)) ==
                JS_PROP_GETSET) {
                if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_GET) &&
                    !js_same_value(ctx, getter, desc.getter)) {
                    goto fail1;
                if ((flags & JS_PROP_HAS_SET) &&
                    !js_same_value(ctx, setter, desc.setter)) {
                    goto fail1;
        } else if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_VALUE) {
            if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) ==
                JS_PROP_WRITABLE && !(flags & JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) {
                /* missing-proxy-check feature */
                goto fail1;
            } else if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == 0 &&
                !js_same_value(ctx, val, desc.value)) {
                goto fail1;
        if (flags & JS_PROP_HAS_WRITABLE) {
            if ((desc.flags & (JS_PROP_GETSET | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE |
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE)) == JS_PROP_WRITABLE) {
                /* proxy-missing-checks */
                js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent defineProperty");
                return -1;
        js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    return 1;

static int js_proxy_delete_property(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                    JSAtom atom)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, ret, atom_val;
    int res, res2, is_extensible;
    JSValue args[2];

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_deleteProperty);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method)) {
        return JS_DeleteProperty(ctx, s->target, atom, 0);
    atom_val = JS_AtomToValue(ctx, atom);;
    if (JS_IsException(atom_val)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return -1;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = atom_val;
    ret = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 2, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, atom_val);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return -1;
    res = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, ret);
    if (res) {
        JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
        res2 = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target), atom);
        if (res2 < 0)
            return -1;
        if (res2) {
            if (!(desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE))
                goto fail;
            is_extensible = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
            if (is_extensible < 0)
                goto fail1;
            if (!is_extensible) {
                /* proxy-missing-checks */
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: inconsistent deleteProperty");
                js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
                return -1;
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
    return res;

/* return the index of the property or -1 if not found */
static int find_prop_key(const JSPropertyEnum *tab, int n, JSAtom atom)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (tab[i].atom == atom)
            return i;
    return -1;

static int js_proxy_get_own_property_names(JSContext *ctx,
                                           JSPropertyEnum **ptab,
                                           uint32_t *plen,
                                           JSValue obj)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, prop_array, val;
    uint32_t len, i, len2;
    JSPropertyEnum *tab, *tab2;
    JSAtom atom;
    JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
    int res, is_extensible, idx;

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, obj, JS_ATOM_ownKeys);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method)) {
        return JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, ptab, plen,
                                      JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SYMBOL_MASK);
    prop_array = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, s->handler, 1, &s->target);
    if (JS_IsException(prop_array))
        return -1;
    tab = NULL;
    len = 0;
    tab2 = NULL;
    len2 = 0;
    if (js_get_length32(ctx, &len, prop_array))
        goto fail;
    if (len > 0) {
        tab = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(tab[0]) * len);
        if (!tab)
            goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, prop_array, i);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
        if (!JS_IsString(val) && !JS_IsSymbol(val)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: properties must be strings or symbols");
            goto fail;
        atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        if (atom == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            goto fail;
        tab[i].atom = atom;
        tab[i].is_enumerable = FALSE; /* XXX: redundant? */

    /* check duplicate properties (XXX: inefficient, could store the
     * properties an a temporary object to use the hash) */
    for(i = 1; i < len; i++) {
        if (find_prop_key(tab, i, tab[i].atom) >= 0) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: duplicate property");
            goto fail;

    is_extensible = JS_IsExtensible(ctx, s->target);
    if (is_extensible < 0)
        goto fail;

    /* check if there are non configurable properties */
    if (s->is_revoked) {
        goto fail;
    if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal(ctx, &tab2, &len2, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target),
                               JS_GPN_STRING_MASK | JS_GPN_SYMBOL_MASK))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < len2; i++) {
        if (s->is_revoked) {
            goto fail;
        res = JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal(ctx, &desc, JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(s->target),
        if (res < 0)
            goto fail;
        if (res) {  /* safety, property should be found */
            js_free_desc(ctx, &desc);
            if (!(desc.flags & JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE) || !is_extensible) {
                idx = find_prop_key(tab, len, tab2[i].atom);
                if (idx < 0) {
                    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: target property must be present in proxy ownKeys");
                    goto fail;
                /* mark the property as found */
                if (!is_extensible)
                    tab[idx].is_enumerable = TRUE;
    if (!is_extensible) {
        /* check that all property in 'tab' were checked */
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (!tab[i].is_enumerable) {
                JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "proxy: property not present in target were returned by non extensible proxy");
                goto fail;

    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab2, len2);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop_array);
    *ptab = tab;
    *plen = len;
    return 0;
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab2, len2);
    js_free_prop_enum(ctx, tab, len);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop_array);
    return -1;

static JSValue js_proxy_call_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                                         JSValue new_target,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, arg_array, ret;
    JSValue args[3];

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, func_obj, JS_ATOM_construct);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!JS_IsConstructor(ctx, s->target))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor");
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_CallConstructor2(ctx, s->target, new_target, argc, argv);
    arg_array = js_create_array(ctx, argc, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(arg_array)) {
        ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
        goto fail;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = arg_array;
    args[2] = new_target;
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, method, s->handler, 3, args);
    if (!JS_IsException(ret) && JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(ret) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        ret = JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arg_array);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_proxy_call(JSContext *ctx, JSValue func_obj,
                             JSValue this_obj,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int flags)
    JSProxyData *s;
    JSValue method, arg_array, ret;
    JSValue args[3];

        return js_proxy_call_constructor(ctx, func_obj, this_obj, argc, argv);

    s = get_proxy_method(ctx, &method, func_obj, JS_ATOM_apply);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!s->is_func) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a function");
    if (JS_IsUndefined(method))
        return JS_Call(ctx, s->target, this_obj, argc, argv);
    arg_array = js_create_array(ctx, argc, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(arg_array)) {
        ret = JS_EXCEPTION;
        goto fail;
    args[0] = s->target;
    args[1] = this_obj;
    args[2] = arg_array;
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, method, s->handler, 3, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arg_array);
    return ret;

static int js_proxy_isArray(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSProxyData *s = JS_GetOpaque(obj, JS_CLASS_PROXY);
    if (!s)
        return FALSE;

    if (js_check_stack_overflow(ctx->rt, 0)) {
        return -1;

    if (s->is_revoked) {
        return -1;
    return JS_IsArray(ctx, s->target);

static const JSClassExoticMethods js_proxy_exotic_methods = {
    .get_own_property = js_proxy_get_own_property,
    .define_own_property = js_proxy_define_own_property,
    .delete_property = js_proxy_delete_property,
    .get_own_property_names = js_proxy_get_own_property_names,
    .has_property = js_proxy_has,
    .get_property = js_proxy_get,
    .set_property = js_proxy_set,

static JSValue js_proxy_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue target, handler;
    JSValue obj;
    JSProxyData *s;

    target = argv[0];
    handler = argv[1];
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(target) != JS_TAG_OBJECT ||
        JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(handler) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, JS_NULL, JS_CLASS_PROXY);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    s = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSProxyData));
    if (!s) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s->target = js_dup(target);
    s->handler = js_dup(handler);
    s->is_func = JS_IsFunction(ctx, target);
    s->is_revoked = FALSE;
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, s);
    JS_SetConstructorBit(ctx, obj, JS_IsConstructor(ctx, target));
    return obj;

static JSValue js_proxy_revoke(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic,
                               JSValue *func_data)
    JSProxyData *s = JS_GetOpaque(func_data[0], JS_CLASS_PROXY);
    if (s) {
        /* We do not free the handler and target in case they are
           referenced as constants in the C call stack */
        s->is_revoked = TRUE;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_data[0]);
        func_data[0] = JS_NULL;
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_proxy_revoke_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                           JSValue proxy_obj)
    return JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_proxy_revoke, 0, 0, 1, &proxy_obj);

static JSValue js_proxy_revocable(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue proxy_obj, revoke_obj = JS_UNDEFINED, obj;

    proxy_obj = js_proxy_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, argc, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(proxy_obj))
        goto fail;
    revoke_obj = js_proxy_revoke_constructor(ctx, proxy_obj);
    if (JS_IsException(revoke_obj))
        goto fail;
    obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        goto fail;
    // XXX: exceptions?
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_proxy, proxy_obj, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_revoke, revoke_obj, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, proxy_obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, revoke_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_proxy_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("revocable", 2, js_proxy_revocable ),

static const JSClassShortDef js_proxy_class_def[] = {
    { JS_ATOM_Object, js_proxy_finalizer, js_proxy_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_PROXY */

void JS_AddIntrinsicProxy(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSValue obj1;

    if (!JS_IsRegisteredClass(rt, JS_CLASS_PROXY)) {
        init_class_range(rt, js_proxy_class_def, JS_CLASS_PROXY,
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_PROXY].exotic = &js_proxy_exotic_methods;
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_PROXY].call = js_proxy_call;

    obj1 = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, js_proxy_constructor, "Proxy", 2,
                            JS_CFUNC_constructor, 0);
    JS_SetConstructorBit(ctx, obj1, TRUE);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj1, js_proxy_funcs,
    JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, ctx->global_obj, "Proxy",
                              obj1, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

/* Symbol */

static JSValue js_symbol_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;
    JSString *p;

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor");
    if (argc == 0 || JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        p = NULL;
    } else {
        str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(str))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    return JS_NewSymbolInternal(ctx, p, JS_ATOM_TYPE_SYMBOL);

static JSValue js_thisSymbolValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_SYMBOL)
        return js_dup(this_val);

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_SYMBOL) {
            if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(p->u.object_data) == JS_TAG_SYMBOL)
                return js_dup(p->u.object_data);
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a symbol");

static JSValue js_symbol_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val, ret;
    val = js_thisSymbolValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    /* XXX: use JS_ToStringInternal() with a flags */
    ret = js_string_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &val);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_symbol_valueOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_thisSymbolValue(ctx, this_val);

static JSValue js_symbol_get_description(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    JSValue val, ret;
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    val = js_thisSymbolValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
    if (p->len == 0 && p->is_wide_char != 0) {
        ret = JS_UNDEFINED;
    } else {
        ret = JS_AtomToString(ctx, js_get_atom_index(ctx->rt, p));
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_symbol_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_symbol_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_symbol_valueOf ),
    // XXX: should have writable: false
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.toPrimitive]", 1, js_symbol_valueOf ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Symbol", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("description", js_symbol_get_description, NULL ),

static JSValue js_symbol_for(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_NewSymbolInternal(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str), JS_ATOM_TYPE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL);

static JSValue js_symbol_keyFor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSAtomStruct *p;

    if (!JS_IsSymbol(argv[0]))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a symbol");
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(argv[0]);
    if (p->atom_type != JS_ATOM_TYPE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    return js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_STRING, p));

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_symbol_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("for", 1, js_symbol_for ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("keyFor", 1, js_symbol_keyFor ),

/* Set/Map/WeakSet/WeakMap */

typedef struct JSMapRecord {
    int ref_count; /* used during enumeration to avoid freeing the record */
    BOOL empty; /* TRUE if the record is deleted */
    struct JSMapState *map;
    struct list_head link;
    struct list_head hash_link;
    JSValue key;
    JSValue value;
} JSMapRecord;

typedef struct JSMapState {
    BOOL is_weak; /* TRUE if WeakSet/WeakMap */
    struct list_head records; /* list of JSMapRecord.link */
    uint32_t record_count;
    struct list_head *hash_table;
    uint32_t hash_size; /* must be a power of two */
    uint32_t record_count_threshold; /* count at which a hash table
                                        resize is needed */
} JSMapState;

#define MAGIC_SET (1 << 0)
#define MAGIC_WEAK (1 << 1)

static JSValue js_map_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s;
    JSValue obj, adder = JS_UNDEFINED, iter = JS_UNDEFINED, next_method = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue arr;
    BOOL is_set, is_weak;

    is_set = magic & MAGIC_SET;
    is_weak = ((magic & MAGIC_WEAK) != 0);
    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*s));
    if (!s)
        goto fail;
    s->is_weak = is_weak;
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, s);
    s->hash_size = 1;
    s->hash_table = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(s->hash_table[0]) * s->hash_size);
    if (!s->hash_table)
        goto fail;
    s->record_count_threshold = 4;

    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (argc > 0)
        arr = argv[0];
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(arr) && !JS_IsNull(arr)) {
        JSValue item, ret;
        BOOL done;

        adder = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, is_set ? JS_ATOM_add : JS_ATOM_set);
        if (JS_IsException(adder))
            goto fail;
        if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, adder)) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "set/add is not a function");
            goto fail;

        iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, arr, FALSE);
        if (JS_IsException(iter))
            goto fail;
        next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
        if (JS_IsException(next_method))
            goto fail;

        for(;;) {
            item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next_method, 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto fail;
            if (done) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
            if (is_set) {
                ret = JS_Call(ctx, adder, obj, 1, &item);
                if (JS_IsException(ret)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                JSValue key, value;
                JSValue args[2];
                key = JS_UNDEFINED;
                value = JS_UNDEFINED;
                if (!JS_IsObject(item)) {
                    goto fail1;
                key = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, item, 0);
                if (JS_IsException(key))
                    goto fail1;
                value = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, item, 1);
                if (JS_IsException(value))
                    goto fail1;
                args[0] = key;
                args[1] = value;
                ret = JS_Call(ctx, adder, obj, 2, args);
                if (JS_IsException(ret)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, key);
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
                    goto fail;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, key);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, adder);
    return obj;
    if (JS_IsObject(iter)) {
        /* close the iterator object, preserving pending exception */
        JS_IteratorClose(ctx, iter, TRUE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, adder);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* XXX: could normalize strings to speed up comparison */
static JSValue map_normalize_key(JSContext *ctx, JSValue key)
    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(key);
    /* convert -0.0 to +0.0 */
    if (JS_TAG_IS_FLOAT64(tag) && JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(key) == 0.0) {
        key = js_int32(0);
    return key;

/* XXX: better hash ? */
static uint32_t map_hash_key(JSContext *ctx, JSValue key)
    uint32_t tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(key);
    uint32_t h;
    double d;
    JSFloat64Union u;
    bf_t *a;

    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        h = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(key);
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        h = hash_string(JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(key), 0);
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
        h = (uintptr_t)JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(key) * 3163;
    case JS_TAG_INT:
        d = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(key);
        goto hash_float64;
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
        a = JS_GetBigInt(key);
        h = hash_string8((void *)a->tab, a->len * sizeof(*a->tab), 0);
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
        d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(key);
        /* normalize the NaN */
        if (isnan(d))
            d = JS_FLOAT64_NAN;
        u.d = d;
        h = (u.u32[0] ^ u.u32[1]) * 3163;
        return h ^= JS_TAG_FLOAT64;
        h = 0;
    h ^= tag;
    return h;

static JSMapRecord *map_find_record(JSContext *ctx, JSMapState *s,
                                    JSValue key)
    struct list_head *el;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    uint32_t h;
    h = map_hash_key(ctx, key) & (s->hash_size - 1);
    list_for_each(el, &s->hash_table[h]) {
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, hash_link);
        if (js_same_value_zero(ctx, mr->key, key))
            return mr;
    return NULL;

static void map_hash_resize(JSContext *ctx, JSMapState *s)
    uint32_t new_hash_size, i, h;
    size_t slack;
    struct list_head *new_hash_table, *el;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    /* XXX: no reporting of memory allocation failure */
    if (s->hash_size == 1)
        new_hash_size = 4;
        new_hash_size = s->hash_size * 2;
    new_hash_table = js_realloc2(ctx, s->hash_table,
                                 sizeof(new_hash_table[0]) * new_hash_size, &slack);
    if (!new_hash_table)
    new_hash_size += slack / sizeof(*new_hash_table);

    for(i = 0; i < new_hash_size; i++)

    list_for_each(el, &s->records) {
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
        if (!mr->empty) {
            h = map_hash_key(ctx, mr->key) & (new_hash_size - 1);
            list_add_tail(&mr->hash_link, &new_hash_table[h]);
    s->hash_table = new_hash_table;
    s->hash_size = new_hash_size;
    s->record_count_threshold = new_hash_size * 2;

static JSWeakRefRecord **get_first_weak_ref(JSValue key)
        switch (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(key)) {
        case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
                JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(key);
                return &p->first_weak_ref;
        case JS_TAG_SYMBOL:
                JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(key);
                return &p->first_weak_ref;
        return NULL; // pacify compiler

static JSMapRecord *map_add_record(JSContext *ctx, JSMapState *s,
                                   JSValue key)
    uint32_t h;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    mr = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*mr));
    if (!mr)
        return NULL;
    mr->ref_count = 1;
    mr->map = s;
    mr->empty = FALSE;
    if (s->is_weak) {
        JSWeakRefRecord *wr = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*wr));
        if (!wr) {
            js_free(ctx, mr);
            return NULL;
        wr->kind = JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_MAP;
        wr->u.map_record = mr;
        insert_weakref_record(key, wr);
    } else {
    mr->key = key;
    h = map_hash_key(ctx, key) & (s->hash_size - 1);
    list_add_tail(&mr->hash_link, &s->hash_table[h]);
    list_add_tail(&mr->link, &s->records);
    if (s->record_count >= s->record_count_threshold) {
        map_hash_resize(ctx, s);
    return mr;

/* Remove the weak reference from the object weak
   reference list. we don't use a doubly linked list to
   save space, assuming a given object has few weak
       references to it */
static void delete_map_weak_ref(JSRuntime *rt, JSMapRecord *mr)
    JSWeakRefRecord **pwr, *wr;

    pwr = get_first_weak_ref(mr->key);
    for(;;) {
        wr = *pwr;
        assert(wr != NULL);
        if (wr->kind == JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_MAP && wr->u.map_record == mr)
        pwr = &wr->next_weak_ref;
    *pwr = wr->next_weak_ref;
    js_free_rt(rt, wr);

static void map_delete_record(JSRuntime *rt, JSMapState *s, JSMapRecord *mr)
    if (mr->empty)
    if (s->is_weak) {
        delete_map_weak_ref(rt, mr);
    } else {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, mr->key);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, mr->value);
    if (--mr->ref_count == 0) {
        js_free_rt(rt, mr);
    } else {
        /* keep a zombie record for iterators */
        mr->empty = TRUE;
        mr->key = JS_UNDEFINED;
        mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;

static void map_decref_record(JSRuntime *rt, JSMapRecord *mr)
    if (--mr->ref_count == 0) {
        /* the record can be safely removed */
        js_free_rt(rt, mr);

static JSValue js_map_set(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    JSValue key, value;
    int is_set;

    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    is_set = (magic & MAGIC_SET);
    key = map_normalize_key(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (s->is_weak && !is_valid_weakref_target(key))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid value used as %s key", is_set ? "WeakSet" : "WeakMap");
    if (is_set)
        value = JS_UNDEFINED;
        value = argv[1];
    mr = map_find_record(ctx, s, key);
    if (mr) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, mr->value);
    } else {
        mr = map_add_record(ctx, s, key);
        if (!mr)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    mr->value = js_dup(value);
    return js_dup(this_val);

static JSValue js_map_get(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    JSValue key;

    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    key = map_normalize_key(ctx, argv[0]);
    mr = map_find_record(ctx, s, key);
    if (!mr)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
        return js_dup(mr->value);

static JSValue js_map_has(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                          int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    JSValue key;

    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    key = map_normalize_key(ctx, argv[0]);
    mr = map_find_record(ctx, s, key);
    return js_bool(mr != NULL);

static JSValue js_map_delete(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    JSValue key;

    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    key = map_normalize_key(ctx, argv[0]);
    mr = map_find_record(ctx, s, key);
    if (!mr)
        return JS_FALSE;
    map_delete_record(ctx->rt, s, mr);
    return JS_TRUE;

static JSValue js_map_clear(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &s->records) {
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
        map_delete_record(ctx->rt, s, mr);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_map_get_size(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_uint32(s->record_count);

static JSValue js_map_forEach(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSMapState *s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    JSValue func, this_arg;
    JSValue ret, args[3];
    struct list_head *el;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    func = argv[0];
    if (argc > 1)
        this_arg = argv[1];
        this_arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (check_function(ctx, func))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* Note: the list can be modified while traversing it, but the
       current element is locked */
    el = s->records.next;
    while (el != &s->records) {
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
        if (!mr->empty) {
            /* must duplicate in case the record is deleted */
            args[1] = js_dup(mr->key);
            if (magic)
                args[0] = args[1];
                args[0] = js_dup(mr->value);
            args[2] = this_val;
            ret = JS_Call(ctx, func, this_arg, 3, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]);
            if (!magic)
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[1]);
            el = el->next;
            map_decref_record(ctx->rt, mr);
            if (JS_IsException(ret))
                return ret;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
        } else {
            el = el->next;
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_map_groupBy(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue cb, res, iter, next, groups, k, v, prop;
    JSValue args[2];
    int64_t idx;
    BOOL done;

    // "is function?" check must be observed before argv[0] is accessed
    cb = argv[1];
    if (check_function(ctx, cb))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, argv[0], /*is_async*/FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    prop = JS_UNDEFINED;
    groups = JS_UNDEFINED;

    next = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next))
        goto exception;

    groups = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, 0);
    if (JS_IsException(groups))
        goto exception;

    for (idx = 0; ; idx++) {
        v = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            goto exception;
        if (done)
            break; // v is JS_UNDEFINED

        args[0] = v;
        args[1] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, idx);
        k = JS_Call(ctx, cb, ctx->global_obj, 2, args);
        if (JS_IsException(k))
            goto exception;

        prop = js_map_get(ctx, groups, 1, &k, 0);
        if (JS_IsException(prop))
            goto exception;

        if (JS_IsUndefined(prop)) {
            prop = JS_NewArray(ctx);
            if (JS_IsException(prop))
                goto exception;
            args[0] = k;
            args[1] = prop;
            res = js_map_set(ctx, groups, 2, args, 0);
            if (JS_IsException(res))
                goto exception;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);

        res = js_array_push(ctx, prop, 1, &v, /*unshift*/0);
        if (JS_IsException(res))
            goto exception;
        // res is an int64

        JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, k);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
        prop = JS_UNDEFINED;
        k = JS_UNDEFINED;
        v = JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    return groups;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, prop);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, k);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, groups);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static void js_map_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
    JSMapState *s;
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    s = p->u.map_state;
    if (s) {
        /* if the object is deleted we are sure that no iterator is
           using it */
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &s->records) {
            mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
            if (!mr->empty) {
                if (s->is_weak)
                    delete_map_weak_ref(rt, mr);
                    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, mr->key);
                JS_FreeValueRT(rt, mr->value);
            js_free_rt(rt, mr);
        js_free_rt(rt, s->hash_table);
        js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_map_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val, JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSMapState *s;
    struct list_head *el;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    s = p->u.map_state;
    if (s) {
        list_for_each(el, &s->records) {
            mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
            if (!s->is_weak)
                JS_MarkValue(rt, mr->key, mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, mr->value, mark_func);

/* Map Iterator */

typedef struct JSMapIteratorData {
    JSValue obj;
    JSIteratorKindEnum kind;
    JSMapRecord *cur_record;
} JSMapIteratorData;

static void js_map_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p;
    JSMapIteratorData *it;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    it = p->u.map_iterator_data;
    if (it) {
        /* During the GC sweep phase the Map finalizer may be
           called before the Map iterator finalizer */
        if (JS_IsLiveObject(rt, it->obj) && it->cur_record) {
            map_decref_record(rt, it->cur_record);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, it->obj);
        js_free_rt(rt, it);

static void js_map_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                 JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSMapIteratorData *it;
    it = p->u.map_iterator_data;
    if (it) {
        /* the record is already marked by the object */
        JS_MarkValue(rt, it->obj, mark_func);

static JSValue js_create_map_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSIteratorKindEnum kind;
    JSMapState *s;
    JSMapIteratorData *it;
    JSValue enum_obj;

    kind = magic >> 2;
    magic &= 3;
    s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    enum_obj = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR + magic);
    if (JS_IsException(enum_obj))
        goto fail;
    it = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*it));
    if (!it) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, enum_obj);
        goto fail;
    it->obj = js_dup(this_val);
    it->kind = kind;
    it->cur_record = NULL;
    JS_SetOpaque(enum_obj, it);
    return enum_obj;
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_map_iterator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                    BOOL *pdone, int magic)
    JSMapIteratorData *it;
    JSMapState *s;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    struct list_head *el;

    it = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR + magic);
    if (!it) {
        *pdone = FALSE;
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(it->obj))
        goto done;
    s = JS_GetOpaque(it->obj, JS_CLASS_MAP + magic);
    assert(s != NULL);
    if (!it->cur_record) {
        el = s->records.next;
    } else {
        mr = it->cur_record;
        el = mr->link.next;
        map_decref_record(ctx->rt, mr); /* the record can be freed here */
    for(;;) {
        if (el == &s->records) {
            /* no more record  */
            it->cur_record = NULL;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, it->obj);
            it->obj = JS_UNDEFINED;
            /* end of enumeration */
            *pdone = TRUE;
            return JS_UNDEFINED;
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
        if (!mr->empty)
        /* get the next record */
        el = mr->link.next;

    /* lock the record so that it won't be freed */
    it->cur_record = mr;
    *pdone = FALSE;

    if (it->kind == JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY) {
        return js_dup(mr->key);
    } else {
        JSValue args[2];
        args[0] = mr->key;
        if (magic)
            args[1] = mr->key;
            args[1] = mr->value;
        if (it->kind == JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE) {
            return js_dup(args[1]);
        } else {
            return js_create_array(ctx, 2, args);

static JSValue js_map_read(BCReaderState *s, int magic)
    JSContext *ctx = s->ctx;
    JSValue obj, rv, argv[2];
    uint32_t i, prop_count;

    argv[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    argv[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    obj = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, magic);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (BC_add_object_ref(s, obj))
        goto fail;
    if (bc_get_leb128(s, &prop_count))
        goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < prop_count; i++) {
        argv[0] = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
        if (JS_IsException(argv[0]))
            goto fail;
        if (!(magic & MAGIC_SET)) {
            argv[1] = JS_ReadObjectRec(s);
            if (JS_IsException(argv[1]))
                goto fail;
        rv = js_map_set(ctx, obj, countof(argv), argv, magic);
        if (JS_IsException(rv))
            goto fail;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, rv);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[1]);
        argv[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
        argv[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[1]);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static int js_map_write(BCWriterState *s, struct JSMapState *map_state,
                        int magic)
    struct list_head *el;
    JSMapRecord *mr;

    bc_put_leb128(s, map_state ? map_state->record_count : 0);
    if (map_state) {
        list_for_each(el, &map_state->records) {
            mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
            if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, mr->key))
                return -1;
            // mr->value is always JS_UNDEFINED for sets
            if (!(magic & MAGIC_SET))
                if (JS_WriteObjectRec(s, mr->value))
                    return -1;

    return 0;

static JSValue JS_ReadMap(BCReaderState *s)
    return js_map_read(s, 0);

static JSValue JS_ReadSet(BCReaderState *s)
    return js_map_read(s, MAGIC_SET);

static int JS_WriteMap(BCWriterState *s, struct JSMapState *map_state)
    return js_map_write(s, map_state, 0);

static int JS_WriteSet(BCWriterState *s, struct JSMapState *map_state)
    return js_map_write(s, map_state, MAGIC_SET);

static int js_setlike_get_size(JSContext *ctx, JSValue setlike, int64_t *pout)
    JSMapState *s;
    JSValue v;
    double d;

    s = JS_GetOpaque(setlike, JS_CLASS_SET);
    if (s) {
        *pout = s->record_count;
    } else {
        v = JS_GetProperty(ctx, setlike, JS_ATOM_size);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            return -1;
        if (JS_IsUndefined(v)) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, ".size is undefined");
            return -1;
        if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &d, v) < 0)
            return -1;
        if (isnan(d)) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, ".size is not a number");
            return -1;
        *pout = d;
    return 0;

static int js_setlike_get_has(JSContext *ctx, JSValue setlike, JSValue *pout)
    JSValue v;

    v = JS_GetProperty(ctx, setlike, JS_ATOM_has);
    if (JS_IsException(v))
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(v)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, ".has is undefined");
        return -1;
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, v)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, ".has is not a function");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
        return -1;
    *pout = v;
    return 0;

static int js_setlike_get_keys(JSContext *ctx, JSValue setlike, JSValue *pout)
    JSValue v;

    v = JS_GetProperty(ctx, setlike, JS_ATOM_keys);
    if (JS_IsException(v))
        return -1;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(v)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, ".keys is undefined");
        return -1;
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, v)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, ".keys is not a function");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
        return -1;
    *pout = v;
    return 0;

static JSValue js_set_intersection(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue newset, item, iter, keys, has, next, rv;
    JSMapState *s, *t;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    int64_t size;
    BOOL done;
    int ok;

    has = JS_UNDEFINED;
    iter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    keys = JS_UNDEFINED;
    next = JS_UNDEFINED;
    newset = JS_UNDEFINED;
    s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_SET);
    if (!s)
        goto exception;
    // order matters!
    if (js_setlike_get_size(ctx, argv[0], &size) < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (js_setlike_get_has(ctx, argv[0], &has) < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (js_setlike_get_keys(ctx, argv[0], &keys) < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (s->record_count > size) {
        iter = JS_Call(ctx, keys, argv[0], 0, NULL);
        if (JS_IsException(iter))
            goto exception;
        next = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
        if (JS_IsException(next))
            goto exception;
        newset = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
        if (JS_IsException(newset))
            goto exception;
        t = JS_GetOpaque(newset, JS_CLASS_SET);
        for (;;) {
            item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next, 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto exception;
            if (done) // item is JS_UNDEFINED
            item = map_normalize_key(ctx, item);
            if (!map_find_record(ctx, s, item)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
            } else if (map_find_record(ctx, t, item)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item); // no duplicates
            } else if ((mr = map_add_record(ctx, t, item))) {
                mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
            } else {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                goto exception;
    } else {
        iter = js_create_map_iterator(ctx, this_val, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
        if (JS_IsException(iter))
            goto exception;
        newset = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
        if (JS_IsException(newset))
            goto exception;
        t = JS_GetOpaque(newset, JS_CLASS_SET);
        for (;;) {
            item = js_map_iterator_next(ctx, iter, 0, NULL, &done, MAGIC_SET);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto exception;
            if (done) // item is JS_UNDEFINED
            rv = JS_Call(ctx, has, argv[0], 1, &item);
            ok = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, rv); // returns -1 if rv is JS_EXCEPTION
            if (ok > 0) {
                item = map_normalize_key(ctx, item);
                if (map_find_record(ctx, t, item)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, item); // no duplicates
                } else if ((mr = map_add_record(ctx, t, item))) {
                    mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
                } else {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                    goto exception;
            } else {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                if (ok < 0)
                    goto exception;
    goto fini;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, newset);
    newset = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, has);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, keys);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    return newset;

static JSValue js_set_difference(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue newset, item, iter, keys, has, next, rv;
    JSMapState *s, *t;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    int64_t size;
    BOOL done;
    int ok;

    has = JS_UNDEFINED;
    iter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    keys = JS_UNDEFINED;
    next = JS_UNDEFINED;
    newset = JS_UNDEFINED;
    s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_SET);
    if (!s)
        goto exception;
    // order matters!
    if (js_setlike_get_size(ctx, argv[0], &size) < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (js_setlike_get_has(ctx, argv[0], &has) < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (js_setlike_get_keys(ctx, argv[0], &keys) < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (s->record_count > size) {
        iter = JS_Call(ctx, keys, argv[0], 0, NULL);
        if (JS_IsException(iter))
            goto exception;
        next = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
        if (JS_IsException(next))
            goto exception;
        newset = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &this_val, MAGIC_SET);
        if (JS_IsException(newset))
            goto exception;
        t = JS_GetOpaque(newset, JS_CLASS_SET);
        for (;;) {
            item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next, 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto exception;
            if (done) // item is JS_UNDEFINED
            item = map_normalize_key(ctx, item);
            mr = map_find_record(ctx, t, item);
            if (mr)
                map_delete_record(ctx->rt, t, mr);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
    } else {
        iter = js_create_map_iterator(ctx, this_val, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
        if (JS_IsException(iter))
            goto exception;
        newset = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
        if (JS_IsException(newset))
            goto exception;
        t = JS_GetOpaque(newset, JS_CLASS_SET);
        for (;;) {
            item = js_map_iterator_next(ctx, iter, 0, NULL, &done, MAGIC_SET);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto exception;
            if (done) // item is JS_UNDEFINED
            rv = JS_Call(ctx, has, argv[0], 1, &item);
            ok = JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, rv); // returns -1 if rv is JS_EXCEPTION
            if (ok == 0) {
                item = map_normalize_key(ctx, item);
                if (map_find_record(ctx, t, item)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, item); // no duplicates
                } else if ((mr = map_add_record(ctx, t, item))) {
                    mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
                } else {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                    goto exception;
            } else {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                if (ok < 0)
                    goto exception;
    goto fini;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, newset);
    newset = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, has);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, keys);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    return newset;

static JSValue js_set_symmetricDifference(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue newset, item, iter, next, rv;
    struct list_head *el;
    JSMapState *s, *t;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    int64_t size;
    BOOL done, present;

    s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_SET);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    // order matters! they're JS-observable side effects
    if (js_setlike_get_size(ctx, argv[0], &size) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (js_setlike_get_has(ctx, argv[0], &rv) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, rv);
    newset = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
    if (JS_IsException(newset))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    t = JS_GetOpaque(newset, JS_CLASS_SET);
    iter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    next = JS_UNDEFINED;
    // can't clone this_val using js_map_constructor(),
    // test262 mandates we don't call the .add method
    list_for_each(el, &s->records) {
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
        if (mr->empty)
        mr = map_add_record(ctx, t, js_dup(mr->key));
        if (!mr)
            goto exception;
        mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    iter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, argv[0], JS_ATOM_keys);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    iter = JS_CallFree(ctx, iter, argv[0], 0, NULL);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    next = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next))
        goto exception;
    for (;;) {
        item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(item))
            goto exception;
        if (done) // item is JS_UNDEFINED
        // note the subtlety here: due to mutating iterators, it's
        // possible for keys to disappear during iteration; test262
        // still expects us to maintain insertion order though, so
        // we first check |this|, then |new|; |new| is a copy of |this|
        // - if item exists in |this|, delete (if it exists) from |new|
        // - if item misses in |this| and |new|, add to |new|
        // - if item exists in |new| but misses in |this|, *don't* add it,
        //   mutating iterator erased it
        item = map_normalize_key(ctx, item);
        present = (NULL != map_find_record(ctx, s, item));
        mr = map_find_record(ctx, t, item);
        if (present) {
            if (mr)
                map_delete_record(ctx->rt, t, mr);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
        } else if (mr) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
        } else {
            mr = map_add_record(ctx, t, item);
            if (!mr) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
                goto exception;
            mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    goto fini;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, newset);
    newset = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    return newset;

static JSValue js_set_union(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                            int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue newset, item, iter, next, rv;
    struct list_head *el;
    JSMapState *s, *t;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    int64_t size;
    BOOL done;

    s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_SET);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    // order matters! they're JS-observable side effects
    if (js_setlike_get_size(ctx, argv[0], &size) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (js_setlike_get_has(ctx, argv[0], &rv) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, rv);
    newset = js_map_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, MAGIC_SET);
    if (JS_IsException(newset))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    t = JS_GetOpaque(newset, JS_CLASS_SET);
    iter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    next = JS_UNDEFINED;
    list_for_each(el, &s->records) {
        mr = list_entry(el, JSMapRecord, link);
        if (mr->empty)
        mr = map_add_record(ctx, t, js_dup(mr->key));
        if (!mr)
            goto exception;
        mr->value = JS_UNDEFINED;
    iter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, argv[0], JS_ATOM_keys);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    iter = JS_CallFree(ctx, iter, argv[0], 0, NULL);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    next = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next))
        goto exception;
    for (;;) {
        item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(item))
            goto exception;
        if (done) // item is JS_UNDEFINED
        rv = js_map_set(ctx, newset, 1, &item, MAGIC_SET);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
        if (JS_IsException(rv))
            goto exception;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, rv);
    goto fini;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, newset);
    newset = JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    return newset;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_map_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("groupBy", 2, js_map_groupBy ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_map_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("set", 2, js_map_set, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("get", 1, js_map_get, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("has", 1, js_map_has, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("delete", 1, js_map_delete, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("clear", 0, js_map_clear, 0 ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("size", js_map_get_size, NULL, 0),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("forEach", 1, js_map_forEach, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("values", 0, js_create_map_iterator, (JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE << 2) | 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("keys", 0, js_create_map_iterator, (JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY << 2) | 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("entries", 0, js_create_map_iterator, (JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE << 2) | 0 ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("[Symbol.iterator]", "entries" ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Map", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_map_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("next", 0, js_map_iterator_next, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Map Iterator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_set_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("add", 1, js_map_set, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("has", 1, js_map_has, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("delete", 1, js_map_delete, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("clear", 0, js_map_clear, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("size", js_map_get_size, NULL, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("forEach", 1, js_map_forEach, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("intersection", 1, js_set_intersection ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("difference", 1, js_set_difference ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("symmetricDifference", 1, js_set_symmetricDifference ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("union", 1, js_set_union ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("values", 0, js_create_map_iterator, (JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY << 2) | MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("keys", "values" ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("[Symbol.iterator]", "values" ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("entries", 0, js_create_map_iterator, (JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE << 2) | MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Set", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_set_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("next", 0, js_map_iterator_next, MAGIC_SET ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Set Iterator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_weak_map_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("set", 2, js_map_set, MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("get", 1, js_map_get, MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("has", 1, js_map_has, MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("delete", 1, js_map_delete, MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "WeakMap", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_weak_set_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("add", 1, js_map_set, MAGIC_SET | MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("has", 1, js_map_has, MAGIC_SET | MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("delete", 1, js_map_delete, MAGIC_SET | MAGIC_WEAK ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "WeakSet", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry * const js_map_proto_funcs_ptr[6] = {

static const uint8_t js_map_proto_funcs_count[6] = {

void JS_AddIntrinsicMapSet(JSContext *ctx)
    int i;
    JSValue obj1;
    char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];

    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        const char *name = JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf),
                                         JS_ATOM_Map + i);
        ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_MAP + i] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
        JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_MAP + i],
        obj1 = JS_NewCFunctionMagic(ctx, js_map_constructor, name, 0,
                                    JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic, i);
        if (i < 2) {
            JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj1, js_map_funcs,
        JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, obj1, name, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_MAP + i]);

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR + i] =
            JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto);
        JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_MAP_ITERATOR + i],
                                   js_map_proto_funcs_ptr[i + 4],
                                   js_map_proto_funcs_count[i + 4]);

/* Generator */
static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_generator_function_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "GeneratorFunction", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_generator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("next", 1, js_generator_next, GEN_MAGIC_NEXT ),
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("return", 1, js_generator_next, GEN_MAGIC_RETURN ),
    JS_ITERATOR_NEXT_DEF("throw", 1, js_generator_next, GEN_MAGIC_THROW ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Generator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE),

/* Promise */

typedef struct JSPromiseData {
    JSPromiseStateEnum promise_state;
    /* 0=fulfill, 1=reject, list of JSPromiseReactionData.link */
    struct list_head promise_reactions[2];
    BOOL is_handled; /* Note: only useful to debug */
    JSValue promise_result;
} JSPromiseData;

typedef struct JSPromiseFunctionDataResolved {
    int ref_count;
    BOOL already_resolved;
} JSPromiseFunctionDataResolved;

typedef struct JSPromiseFunctionData {
    JSValue promise;
    JSPromiseFunctionDataResolved *presolved;
} JSPromiseFunctionData;

typedef struct JSPromiseReactionData {
    struct list_head link; /* not used in promise_reaction_job */
    JSValue resolving_funcs[2];
    JSValue handler;
} JSPromiseReactionData;

  JSPromiseStateEnum JS_PromiseState(JSContext *ctx, JSValue promise)
    JSPromiseData *s = JS_GetOpaque(promise, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    if (!s)
        return -1;
    return s->promise_state;

JSValue JS_PromiseResult(JSContext *ctx, JSValue promise)
    JSPromiseData *s = JS_GetOpaque(promise, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    if (!s)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    return JS_DupValue(ctx, s->promise_result);

static int js_create_resolving_functions(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *args,
                                         JSValue promise);

static void promise_reaction_data_free(JSRuntime *rt,
                                       JSPromiseReactionData *rd)
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, rd->resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, rd->resolving_funcs[1]);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, rd->handler);
    js_free_rt(rt, rd);

#define promise_trace(ctx, ...) \
   do { \
     if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_PROMISE)) \
       printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
   } while (0)
#define promise_trace(...)

static JSValue promise_reaction_job(JSContext *ctx, int argc,
                                    JSValue *argv)
    JSValue handler, arg, func;
    JSValue res, res2;
    BOOL is_reject;

    assert(argc == 5);
    handler = argv[2];
    is_reject = JS_ToBool(ctx, argv[3]);
    arg = argv[4];

    promise_trace(ctx, "promise_reaction_job: is_reject=%d\n", is_reject);

    if (JS_IsUndefined(handler)) {
        if (is_reject) {
            res = JS_Throw(ctx, js_dup(arg));
        } else {
            res = js_dup(arg);
    } else {
        res = JS_Call(ctx, handler, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &arg);
    is_reject = JS_IsException(res);
    if (is_reject)
        res = JS_GetException(ctx);
    func = argv[is_reject];
    /* as an extension, we support undefined as value to avoid
       creating a dummy promise in the 'await' implementation of async
       functions */
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(func)) {
        res2 = JS_Call(ctx, func, JS_UNDEFINED,
                       1, &res);
    } else {
        res2 = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);

    return res2;

void JS_SetHostPromiseRejectionTracker(JSRuntime *rt,
                                       JSHostPromiseRejectionTracker *cb,
                                       void *opaque)
    rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker = cb;
    rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker_opaque = opaque;

static void fulfill_or_reject_promise(JSContext *ctx, JSValue promise,
                                      JSValue value, BOOL is_reject)
    JSPromiseData *s = JS_GetOpaque(promise, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    JSPromiseReactionData *rd;
    JSValue args[5];

    if (!s || s->promise_state != JS_PROMISE_PENDING)
        return; /* should never happen */
    set_value(ctx, &s->promise_result, js_dup(value));
    s->promise_state = JS_PROMISE_FULFILLED + is_reject;

    promise_trace(ctx, "fulfill_or_reject_promise: is_reject=%d\n", is_reject);

    if (s->promise_state == JS_PROMISE_REJECTED && !s->is_handled) {
        JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
        if (rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker) {
            rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker(ctx, promise, value, FALSE,

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &s->promise_reactions[is_reject]) {
        rd = list_entry(el, JSPromiseReactionData, link);
        args[0] = rd->resolving_funcs[0];
        args[1] = rd->resolving_funcs[1];
        args[2] = rd->handler;
        args[3] = js_bool(is_reject);
        args[4] = value;
        JS_EnqueueJob(ctx, promise_reaction_job, 5, args);
        promise_reaction_data_free(ctx->rt, rd);

    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &s->promise_reactions[1 - is_reject]) {
        rd = list_entry(el, JSPromiseReactionData, link);
        promise_reaction_data_free(ctx->rt, rd);

static void reject_promise(JSContext *ctx, JSValue promise,
                           JSValue value)
    fulfill_or_reject_promise(ctx, promise, value, TRUE);

static JSValue js_promise_resolve_thenable_job(JSContext *ctx,
                                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue promise, thenable, then;
    JSValue args[2], res;

    promise_trace(ctx, "js_promise_resolve_thenable_job\n");

    assert(argc == 3);
    promise = argv[0];
    thenable = argv[1];
    then = argv[2];
    if (js_create_resolving_functions(ctx, args, promise) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    res = JS_Call(ctx, then, thenable, 2, args);
    if (JS_IsException(res)) {
        JSValue error = JS_GetException(ctx);
        res = JS_Call(ctx, args[1], JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &error);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[1]);
    return res;

static void js_promise_resolve_function_free_resolved(JSRuntime *rt,
                                                      JSPromiseFunctionDataResolved *sr)
    if (--sr->ref_count == 0) {
        js_free_rt(rt, sr);

static int js_create_resolving_functions(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue *resolving_funcs,
                                         JSValue promise)

    JSValue obj;
    JSPromiseFunctionData *s;
    JSPromiseFunctionDataResolved *sr;
    int i, ret;

    sr = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*sr));
    if (!sr)
        return -1;
    sr->ref_count = 1;
    sr->already_resolved = FALSE; /* must be shared between the two functions */
    ret = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        obj = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->function_proto,
                                     JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION + i);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            goto fail;
        s = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*s));
        if (!s) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);

            if (i != 0)
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
            ret = -1;
        s->presolved = sr;
        s->promise = js_dup(promise);
        JS_SetOpaque(obj, s);
        js_function_set_properties(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_empty_string, 1);
        resolving_funcs[i] = obj;
    js_promise_resolve_function_free_resolved(ctx->rt, sr);
    return ret;

static void js_promise_resolve_function_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSPromiseFunctionData *s = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val)->u.promise_function_data;
    if (s) {
        js_promise_resolve_function_free_resolved(rt, s->presolved);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->promise);
        js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_promise_resolve_function_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                             JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSPromiseFunctionData *s = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val)->u.promise_function_data;
    if (s) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, s->promise, mark_func);

static JSValue js_promise_resolve_function_call(JSContext *ctx,
                                                JSValue func_obj,
                                                JSValue this_val,
                                                int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                                int flags)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(func_obj);
    JSPromiseFunctionData *s;
    JSValue resolution, args[3];
    JSValue then;
    BOOL is_reject;

    s = p->u.promise_function_data;
    if (!s || s->presolved->already_resolved)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    s->presolved->already_resolved = TRUE;
    is_reject = p->class_id - JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION;
    if (argc > 0)
        resolution = argv[0];
        resolution = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (check_dump_flag(ctx->rt, DUMP_PROMISE)) {
        printf("js_promise_resolving_function_call: is_reject=%d resolution=", is_reject);
        JS_DumpValue(ctx->rt, resolution);
    if (is_reject || !JS_IsObject(resolution)) {
        goto done;
    } else if (js_same_value(ctx, resolution, s->promise)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "promise self resolution");
        goto fail_reject;
    then = JS_GetProperty(ctx, resolution, JS_ATOM_then);
    if (JS_IsException(then)) {
        JSValue error;
        error = JS_GetException(ctx);
        reject_promise(ctx, s->promise, error);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
    } else if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, then)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, then);
        fulfill_or_reject_promise(ctx, s->promise, resolution, is_reject);
    } else {
        args[0] = s->promise;
        args[1] = resolution;
        args[2] = then;
        JS_EnqueueJob(ctx, js_promise_resolve_thenable_job, 3, args);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, then);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static void js_promise_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSPromiseData *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    int i;

    if (!s)
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &s->promise_reactions[i]) {
            JSPromiseReactionData *rd =
                list_entry(el, JSPromiseReactionData, link);
            promise_reaction_data_free(rt, rd);
    JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->promise_result);
    js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_promise_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                            JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSPromiseData *s = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    struct list_head *el;
    int i;

    if (!s)
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        list_for_each(el, &s->promise_reactions[i]) {
            JSPromiseReactionData *rd =
                list_entry(el, JSPromiseReactionData, link);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, rd->resolving_funcs[0], mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, rd->resolving_funcs[1], mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, rd->handler, mark_func);
    JS_MarkValue(rt, s->promise_result, mark_func);

static JSValue js_promise_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue executor;
    JSValue obj;
    JSPromiseData *s;
    JSValue args[2], ret;
    int i;

    executor = argv[0];
    if (check_function(ctx, executor))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*s));
    if (!s)
        goto fail;
    s->promise_state = JS_PROMISE_PENDING;
    s->is_handled = FALSE;
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    s->promise_result = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, s);
    if (js_create_resolving_functions(ctx, args, obj))
        goto fail;
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, executor, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args);
    if (JS_IsException(ret)) {
        JSValue ret2, error;
        error = JS_GetException(ctx);
        ret2 = JS_Call(ctx, args[1], JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &error);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
        if (JS_IsException(ret2))
            goto fail1;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret2);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[1]);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_promise_executor(JSContext *ctx,
                                   JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                   int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(func_data[i]))
            return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "resolving function already set");
        func_data[i] = js_dup(argv[i]);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_promise_executor_new(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue func_data[2];

    func_data[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    func_data[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    return JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_promise_executor, 2,
                               0, 2, func_data);

static JSValue js_new_promise_capability(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue *resolving_funcs,
                                         JSValue ctor)
    JSValue executor, result_promise;
    JSCFunctionDataRecord *s;
    int i;

    executor = js_promise_executor_new(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(executor))
        return executor;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(ctor)) {
        result_promise = js_promise_constructor(ctx, ctor, 1,
    } else {
        result_promise = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, ctor, 1,
    if (JS_IsException(result_promise))
        goto fail;
    s = JS_GetOpaque(executor, JS_CLASS_C_FUNCTION_DATA);
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        if (check_function(ctx, s->data[i]))
            goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        resolving_funcs[i] = js_dup(s->data[i]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, executor);
    return result_promise;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, executor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result_promise);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

JSValue JS_NewPromiseCapability(JSContext *ctx, JSValue *resolving_funcs)
    return js_new_promise_capability(ctx, resolving_funcs, JS_UNDEFINED);

static JSValue js_promise_resolve(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue result_promise, resolving_funcs[2], ret;
    BOOL is_reject = magic;

    if (!JS_IsObject(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    if (!is_reject && JS_GetOpaque(argv[0], JS_CLASS_PROMISE)) {
        JSValue ctor;
        BOOL is_same;
        ctor = JS_GetProperty(ctx, argv[0], JS_ATOM_constructor);
        if (JS_IsException(ctor))
            return ctor;
        is_same = js_same_value(ctx, ctor, this_val);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
        if (is_same)
            return js_dup(argv[0]);
    result_promise = js_new_promise_capability(ctx, resolving_funcs, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(result_promise))
        return result_promise;
    ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[is_reject], JS_UNDEFINED, 1, argv);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    if (JS_IsException(ret)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, result_promise);
        return ret;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    return result_promise;

static JSValue js_promise_withResolvers(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue result_promise, resolving_funcs[2], obj;
    if (!JS_IsObject(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    result_promise = js_new_promise_capability(ctx, resolving_funcs, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(result_promise))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, result_promise);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_promise, result_promise, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_resolve, resolving_funcs[0], JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_reject, resolving_funcs[1], JS_PROP_C_W_E);
    return obj;

static __exception int remainingElementsCount_add(JSContext *ctx,
                                                  JSValue resolve_element_env,
                                                  int addend)
    JSValue val;
    int remainingElementsCount;

    val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, resolve_element_env, 0);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return -1;
    if (JS_ToInt32Free(ctx, &remainingElementsCount, val))
        return -1;
    remainingElementsCount += addend;
    if (JS_SetPropertyUint32(ctx, resolve_element_env, 0,
                             js_int32(remainingElementsCount)) < 0)
        return -1;
    return (remainingElementsCount == 0);

#define PROMISE_MAGIC_all        0
#define PROMISE_MAGIC_allSettled 1
#define PROMISE_MAGIC_any        2

static JSValue js_promise_all_resolve_element(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                              int magic,
                                              JSValue *func_data)
    int resolve_type = magic & 3;
    int is_reject = magic & 4;
    BOOL alreadyCalled = JS_ToBool(ctx, func_data[0]);
    JSValue values = func_data[2];
    JSValue resolve = func_data[3];
    JSValue resolve_element_env = func_data[4];
    JSValue ret, obj;
    int is_zero, index;

    if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &index, func_data[1]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (alreadyCalled)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    func_data[0] = js_bool(TRUE);

    if (resolve_type == PROMISE_MAGIC_allSettled) {
        JSValue str;

        obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(obj))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        str = js_new_string8(ctx, is_reject ? "rejected" : "fulfilled");
        if (JS_IsException(str))
            goto fail1;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_status,
                                   JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
            goto fail1;
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj,
                                   is_reject ? JS_ATOM_reason : JS_ATOM_value,
                                   JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        obj = js_dup(argv[0]);
    if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, values, index,
                                     obj, JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    is_zero = remainingElementsCount_add(ctx, resolve_element_env, -1);
    if (is_zero < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (is_zero) {
        if (resolve_type == PROMISE_MAGIC_any) {
            JSValue error;
            error = js_aggregate_error_constructor(ctx, values);
            if (JS_IsException(error))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolve, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &error);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
        } else {
            ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolve, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &values);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            return ret;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

/* magic = 0: Promise.all 1: Promise.allSettled */
static JSValue js_promise_all(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSValue result_promise, resolving_funcs[2], item, next_promise, ret;
    JSValue next_method = JS_UNDEFINED, values = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue resolve_element_env = JS_UNDEFINED, resolve_element, reject_element;
    JSValue promise_resolve = JS_UNDEFINED, iter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue then_args[2], resolve_element_data[5];
    BOOL done;
    int index, is_zero, is_promise_any = (magic == PROMISE_MAGIC_any);

    if (!JS_IsObject(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    result_promise = js_new_promise_capability(ctx, resolving_funcs, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(result_promise))
        return result_promise;
    promise_resolve = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_resolve);
    if (JS_IsException(promise_resolve) ||
        check_function(ctx, promise_resolve))
        goto fail_reject;
    iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, argv[0], FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(iter)) {
        JSValue error;
        error = JS_GetException(ctx);
        ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED, 1,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            goto fail;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    } else {
        next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
        if (JS_IsException(next_method))
            goto fail_reject;
        values = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(values))
            goto fail_reject;
        resolve_element_env = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(resolve_element_env))
            goto fail_reject;
        /* remainingElementsCount field */
        if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, resolve_element_env, 0,
                                         JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE) < 0)
            goto fail_reject;

        index = 0;
        for(;;) {
            /* XXX: conformance: should close the iterator if error on 'done'
               access, but not on 'value' access */
            item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next_method, 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto fail_reject;
            if (done)
            next_promise = JS_Call(ctx, promise_resolve,
                                   this_val, 1, &item);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
            if (JS_IsException(next_promise)) {
                JS_IteratorClose(ctx, iter, TRUE);
                goto fail_reject;
            resolve_element_data[0] = js_bool(FALSE);
            resolve_element_data[1] = js_int32(index);
            resolve_element_data[2] = values;
            resolve_element_data[3] = resolving_funcs[is_promise_any];
            resolve_element_data[4] = resolve_element_env;
            resolve_element =
                JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_promise_all_resolve_element, 1,
                                    magic, 5, resolve_element_data);
            if (JS_IsException(resolve_element)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_promise);
                goto fail_reject1;

            if (magic == PROMISE_MAGIC_allSettled) {
                reject_element =
                    JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_promise_all_resolve_element, 1,
                                        magic | 4, 5, resolve_element_data);
                if (JS_IsException(reject_element)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_promise);
                    goto fail_reject1;
            } else if (magic == PROMISE_MAGIC_any) {
                if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, values, index,
                                                 JS_UNDEFINED, JS_PROP_C_W_E) < 0)
                    goto fail_reject1;
                reject_element = resolve_element;
                resolve_element = js_dup(resolving_funcs[0]);
            } else {
                reject_element = js_dup(resolving_funcs[1]);

            if (remainingElementsCount_add(ctx, resolve_element_env, 1) < 0) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_promise);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolve_element);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, reject_element);
                goto fail_reject1;

            then_args[0] = resolve_element;
            then_args[1] = reject_element;
            ret = JS_InvokeFree(ctx, next_promise, JS_ATOM_then, 2, then_args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolve_element);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, reject_element);
            if (check_exception_free(ctx, ret))
                goto fail_reject1;

        is_zero = remainingElementsCount_add(ctx, resolve_element_env, -1);
        if (is_zero < 0)
            goto fail_reject;
        if (is_zero) {
            if (magic == PROMISE_MAGIC_any) {
                JSValue error;
                error = js_aggregate_error_constructor(ctx, values);
                if (JS_IsException(error))
                    goto fail_reject;
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, values);
                values = error;
            ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[is_promise_any], JS_UNDEFINED,
                          1, &values);
            if (check_exception_free(ctx, ret))
                goto fail_reject;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise_resolve);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolve_element_env);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, values);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    return result_promise;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result_promise);
    result_promise = JS_EXCEPTION;
    goto done;

static JSValue js_promise_race(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue result_promise, resolving_funcs[2], item, next_promise, ret;
    JSValue next_method = JS_UNDEFINED, iter = JS_UNDEFINED;
    JSValue promise_resolve = JS_UNDEFINED;
    BOOL done;

    if (!JS_IsObject(this_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);
    result_promise = js_new_promise_capability(ctx, resolving_funcs, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(result_promise))
        return result_promise;
    promise_resolve = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_resolve);
    if (JS_IsException(promise_resolve) ||
        check_function(ctx, promise_resolve))
        goto fail_reject;
    iter = JS_GetIterator(ctx, argv[0], FALSE);
    if (JS_IsException(iter)) {
        JSValue error;
        error = JS_GetException(ctx);
        ret = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[1], JS_UNDEFINED, 1,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, error);
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            goto fail;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    } else {
        next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
        if (JS_IsException(next_method))
            goto fail_reject;

        for(;;) {
            /* XXX: conformance: should close the iterator if error on 'done'
               access, but not on 'value' access */
            item = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next_method, 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(item))
                goto fail_reject;
            if (done)
            next_promise = JS_Call(ctx, promise_resolve,
                                   this_val, 1, &item);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, item);
            if (JS_IsException(next_promise)) {
                JS_IteratorClose(ctx, iter, TRUE);
                goto fail_reject;
            ret = JS_InvokeFree(ctx, next_promise, JS_ATOM_then, 2,
            if (check_exception_free(ctx, ret))
                goto fail_reject1;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise_resolve);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    return result_promise;
    //JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method); // why not???
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, result_promise);
    result_promise = JS_EXCEPTION;
    goto done;

static __exception int perform_promise_then(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue promise,
                                            JSValue *resolve_reject,
                                            JSValue *cap_resolving_funcs)
    JSPromiseData *s = JS_GetOpaque(promise, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    JSPromiseReactionData *rd_array[2], *rd;
    int i, j;

    rd_array[0] = NULL;
    rd_array[1] = NULL;
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        JSValue handler;
        rd = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*rd));
        if (!rd) {
            if (i == 1)
                promise_reaction_data_free(ctx->rt, rd_array[0]);
            return -1;
        for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            rd->resolving_funcs[j] = js_dup(cap_resolving_funcs[j]);
        handler = resolve_reject[i];
        if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, handler))
            handler = JS_UNDEFINED;
        rd->handler = js_dup(handler);
        rd_array[i] = rd;

    if (s->promise_state == JS_PROMISE_PENDING) {
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            list_add_tail(&rd_array[i]->link, &s->promise_reactions[i]);
    } else {
        JSValue args[5];
        if (s->promise_state == JS_PROMISE_REJECTED && !s->is_handled) {
            JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
            if (rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker) {
                rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker(ctx, promise, s->promise_result,
                                                   TRUE, rt->host_promise_rejection_tracker_opaque);
        i = s->promise_state - JS_PROMISE_FULFILLED;
        rd = rd_array[i];
        args[0] = rd->resolving_funcs[0];
        args[1] = rd->resolving_funcs[1];
        args[2] = rd->handler;
        args[3] = js_bool(i);
        args[4] = s->promise_result;
        JS_EnqueueJob(ctx, promise_reaction_job, 5, args);
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            promise_reaction_data_free(ctx->rt, rd_array[i]);
    s->is_handled = TRUE;
    return 0;

static JSValue js_promise_then(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue ctor, result_promise, resolving_funcs[2];
    JSPromiseData *s;
    int i, ret;

    s = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_PROMISE);
    if (!s)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    ctor = JS_SpeciesConstructor(ctx, this_val, JS_UNDEFINED);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        return ctor;
    result_promise = js_new_promise_capability(ctx, resolving_funcs, ctor);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
    if (JS_IsException(result_promise))
        return result_promise;
    ret = perform_promise_then(ctx, this_val, argv,
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[i]);
    if (ret) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, result_promise);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return result_promise;

static JSValue js_promise_catch(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue args[2];
    args[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    args[1] = argv[0];
    return JS_Invoke(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_then, 2, args);

static JSValue js_promise_finally_value_thunk(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                              int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    return js_dup(func_data[0]);

static JSValue js_promise_finally_thrower(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                          int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    return JS_Throw(ctx, js_dup(func_data[0]));

static JSValue js_promise_then_finally_func(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                            int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                            int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    JSValue ctor = func_data[0];
    JSValue onFinally = func_data[1];
    JSValue res, promise, ret, then_func;

    res = JS_Call(ctx, onFinally, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL);
    if (JS_IsException(res))
        return res;
    promise = js_promise_resolve(ctx, ctor, 1, &res, 0);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        return promise;
    if (magic == 0) {
        then_func = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_promise_finally_value_thunk, 0,
                                        0, 1, argv);
    } else {
        then_func = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_promise_finally_thrower, 0,
                                        0, 1, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(then_func)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
        return then_func;
    ret = JS_InvokeFree(ctx, promise, JS_ATOM_then, 1, &then_func);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, then_func);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_promise_finally(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue onFinally = argv[0];
    JSValue ctor, ret;
    JSValue then_funcs[2];
    JSValue func_data[2];
    int i;

    ctor = JS_SpeciesConstructor(ctx, this_val, JS_UNDEFINED);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        return ctor;
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, onFinally)) {
        then_funcs[0] = js_dup(onFinally);
        then_funcs[1] = js_dup(onFinally);
    } else {
        func_data[0] = ctor;
        func_data[1] = onFinally;
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            then_funcs[i] = JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_promise_then_finally_func, 1, i, 2, func_data);
            if (JS_IsException(then_funcs[i])) {
                if (i == 1)
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, then_funcs[0]);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
    ret = JS_Invoke(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_then, 2, then_funcs);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, then_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, then_funcs[1]);
    return ret;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_promise_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("resolve", 1, js_promise_resolve, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("reject", 1, js_promise_resolve, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("all", 1, js_promise_all, PROMISE_MAGIC_all ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("allSettled", 1, js_promise_all, PROMISE_MAGIC_allSettled ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("any", 1, js_promise_all, PROMISE_MAGIC_any ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("race", 1, js_promise_race ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("withResolvers", 0, js_promise_withResolvers ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_promise_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("then", 2, js_promise_then ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("catch", 1, js_promise_catch ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("finally", 1, js_promise_finally ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Promise", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* AsyncFunction */
static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_async_function_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "AsyncFunction", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static JSValue js_async_from_sync_iterator_unwrap(JSContext *ctx,
                                                  JSValue this_val,
                                                  int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                                  int magic, JSValue *func_data)
    return js_create_iterator_result(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]),
                                     JS_ToBool(ctx, func_data[0]));

static JSValue js_async_from_sync_iterator_unwrap_func_create(JSContext *ctx,
                                                              BOOL done)
    JSValue func_data[1];

    func_data[0] = js_bool(done);
    return JS_NewCFunctionData(ctx, js_async_from_sync_iterator_unwrap,
                               1, 0, 1, func_data);

/* AsyncIteratorPrototype */

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_async_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.asyncIterator]", 0, js_iterator_proto_iterator ),

/* AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype */

typedef struct JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData {
    JSValue sync_iter;
    JSValue next_method;
} JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData;

static void js_async_from_sync_iterator_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData *s =
    if (s) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->sync_iter);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, s->next_method);
        js_free_rt(rt, s);

static void js_async_from_sync_iterator_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                             JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData *s =
    if (s) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, s->sync_iter, mark_func);
        JS_MarkValue(rt, s->next_method, mark_func);

static JSValue JS_CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue sync_iter)
    JSValue async_iter, next_method;
    JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData *s;

    next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, sync_iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next_method))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    async_iter = JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR);
    if (JS_IsException(async_iter)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
        return async_iter;
    s = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(*s));
    if (!s) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, async_iter);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s->sync_iter = js_dup(sync_iter);
    s->next_method = next_method;
    JS_SetOpaque(async_iter, s);
    return async_iter;

static JSValue js_async_from_sync_iterator_next(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                                int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                                int magic)
    JSValue promise, resolving_funcs[2], value, err, method;
    JSAsyncFromSyncIteratorData *s;
    int done;
    int is_reject;

    promise = JS_NewPromiseCapability(ctx, resolving_funcs);
    if (JS_IsException(promise))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    s = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR);
    if (!s) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not an Async-from-Sync Iterator");
        goto reject;

    if (magic == GEN_MAGIC_NEXT) {
        method = js_dup(s->next_method);
    } else {
        method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, s->sync_iter,
                                magic == GEN_MAGIC_RETURN ? JS_ATOM_return :
        if (JS_IsException(method))
            goto reject;
        if (JS_IsUndefined(method) || JS_IsNull(method)) {
            if (magic == GEN_MAGIC_RETURN) {
                err = js_create_iterator_result(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]), TRUE);
                is_reject = 0;
            } else {
                err = JS_MakeError(ctx, JS_TYPE_ERROR, "throw is not a method",
                is_reject = 1;
            goto done_resolve;
    value = JS_IteratorNext2(ctx, s->sync_iter, method,
                             argc >= 1 ? 1 : 0, argv, &done);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
    if (JS_IsException(value))
        goto reject;
    if (done == 2) {
        JSValue obj = value;
        value = JS_IteratorGetCompleteValue(ctx, obj, &done);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        if (JS_IsException(value))
            goto reject;

    if (JS_IsException(value)) {
        JSValue res2;
        err = JS_GetException(ctx);
        is_reject = 1;
        res2 = JS_Call(ctx, resolving_funcs[is_reject], JS_UNDEFINED,
                       1, &err);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, err);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, res2);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
        return promise;
        JSValue value_wrapper_promise, resolve_reject[2];
        int res;

        value_wrapper_promise = js_promise_resolve(ctx, ctx->promise_ctor,
                                                   1, &value, 0);
        if (JS_IsException(value_wrapper_promise)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
            goto reject;

        resolve_reject[0] =
            js_async_from_sync_iterator_unwrap_func_create(ctx, done);
        if (JS_IsException(resolve_reject[0])) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, value_wrapper_promise);
            goto fail;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
        resolve_reject[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;

        res = perform_promise_then(ctx, value_wrapper_promise,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolve_reject[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, value_wrapper_promise);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
        if (res) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return promise;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, value);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, resolving_funcs[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_async_from_sync_iterator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("next", 1, js_async_from_sync_iterator_next, GEN_MAGIC_NEXT ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("return", 1, js_async_from_sync_iterator_next, GEN_MAGIC_RETURN ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("throw", 1, js_async_from_sync_iterator_next, GEN_MAGIC_THROW ),

/* AsyncGeneratorFunction */

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_async_generator_function_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "AsyncGeneratorFunction", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* AsyncGenerator prototype */

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_async_generator_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("next", 1, js_async_generator_next, GEN_MAGIC_NEXT ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("return", 1, js_async_generator_next, GEN_MAGIC_RETURN ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("throw", 1, js_async_generator_next, GEN_MAGIC_THROW ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "AsyncGenerator", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static JSClassShortDef const js_async_class_def[] = {
    { JS_ATOM_Promise, js_promise_finalizer, js_promise_mark },                      /* JS_CLASS_PROMISE */
    { JS_ATOM_PromiseResolveFunction, js_promise_resolve_function_finalizer, js_promise_resolve_function_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_PromiseRejectFunction, js_promise_resolve_function_finalizer, js_promise_resolve_function_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_PROMISE_REJECT_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_AsyncFunction, js_bytecode_function_finalizer, js_bytecode_function_mark },  /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_AsyncFunctionResolve, js_async_function_resolve_finalizer, js_async_function_resolve_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE */
    { JS_ATOM_AsyncFunctionReject, js_async_function_resolve_finalizer, js_async_function_resolve_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_REJECT */
    { JS_ATOM_empty_string, js_async_from_sync_iterator_finalizer, js_async_from_sync_iterator_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR */
    { JS_ATOM_AsyncGeneratorFunction, js_bytecode_function_finalizer, js_bytecode_function_mark },  /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_FUNCTION */
    { JS_ATOM_AsyncGenerator, js_async_generator_finalizer, js_async_generator_mark },  /* JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR */

void JS_AddIntrinsicPromise(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSValue obj1;

    if (!JS_IsRegisteredClass(rt, JS_CLASS_PROMISE)) {
        init_class_range(rt, js_async_class_def, JS_CLASS_PROMISE,
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_PROMISE_RESOLVE_FUNCTION].call = js_promise_resolve_function_call;
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_PROMISE_REJECT_FUNCTION].call = js_promise_resolve_function_call;
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION].call = js_async_function_call;
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_RESOLVE].call = js_async_function_resolve_call;
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION_REJECT].call = js_async_function_resolve_call;
        rt->class_array[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_FUNCTION].call = js_async_generator_function_call;

    /* Promise */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_PROMISE] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_PROMISE],
    obj1 = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, js_promise_constructor, "Promise", 1,
                            JS_CFUNC_constructor, 0);
    ctx->promise_ctor = js_dup(obj1);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj1,
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, obj1, "Promise",

    /* Used to squelch a -Wcast-function-type warning. */
    JSCFunctionType ft;

    /* AsyncFunction */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->function_proto);
    ft.generic_magic = js_function_constructor;
    obj1 = JS_NewCFunction3(ctx, ft.generic,
                            "AsyncFunction", 1,
                            JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic, JS_FUNC_ASYNC,
    JS_SetConstructor2(ctx, obj1, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FUNCTION],
                       0, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);

    /* AsyncIteratorPrototype */
    ctx->async_iterator_proto = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->async_iterator_proto,

    /* AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR] =
        JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->async_iterator_proto);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR],

    /* AsyncGeneratorPrototype */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR] =
        JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->async_iterator_proto);

    /* AsyncGeneratorFunction */
        JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->function_proto);
    ft.generic_magic = js_function_constructor;
    obj1 = JS_NewCFunction3(ctx, ft.generic,
                            "AsyncGeneratorFunction", 1,
    JS_SetConstructor2(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_FUNCTION],
    JS_SetConstructor2(ctx, obj1, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_FUNCTION],
                       0, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);

/* URI handling */

static int string_get_hex(JSString *p, int k, int n) {
    int c = 0, h;
    while (n-- > 0) {
        if ((h = from_hex(string_get(p, k++))) < 0)
            return -1;
        c = (c << 4) | h;
    return c;

static int isURIReserved(int c) {
    return c < 0x100 && memchr(";/?:@&=+$,#", c, sizeof(";/?:@&=+$,#") - 1) != NULL;

static int __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) js_throw_URIError(JSContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    JS_ThrowError(ctx, JS_URI_ERROR, fmt, ap);
    return -1;

static int hex_decode(JSContext *ctx, JSString *p, int k) {
    int c;

    if (k >= p->len || string_get(p, k) != '%')
        return js_throw_URIError(ctx, "expecting %%");
    if (k + 2 >= p->len || (c = string_get_hex(p, k + 1, 2)) < 0)
        return js_throw_URIError(ctx, "expecting hex digit");

    return c;

static JSValue js_global_decodeURI(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv, int isComponent)
    JSValue str;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p;
    int k, c, c1, n, c_min;

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    for (k = 0; k < p->len;) {
        c = string_get(p, k);
        if (c == '%') {
            c = hex_decode(ctx, p, k);
            if (c < 0)
                goto fail;
            k += 3;
            if (c < 0x80) {
                if (!isComponent && isURIReserved(c)) {
                    c = '%';
                    k -= 2;
            } else {
                /* Decode URI-encoded UTF-8 sequence */
                if (c >= 0xc0 && c <= 0xdf) {
                    n = 1;
                    c_min = 0x80;
                    c &= 0x1f;
                } else if (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xef) {
                    n = 2;
                    c_min = 0x800;
                    c &= 0xf;
                } else if (c >= 0xf0 && c <= 0xf7) {
                    n = 3;
                    c_min = 0x10000;
                    c &= 0x7;
                } else {
                    n = 0;
                    c_min = 1;
                    c = 0;
                while (n-- > 0) {
                    c1 = hex_decode(ctx, p, k);
                    if (c1 < 0)
                        goto fail;
                    k += 3;
                    if ((c1 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
                        c = 0;
                    c = (c << 6) | (c1 & 0x3f);
                if (c < c_min || c > 0x10FFFF || is_surrogate(c)) {
                    js_throw_URIError(ctx, "malformed UTF-8");
                    goto fail;
        } else {
        string_buffer_putc(b, c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static int isUnescaped(int c) {
    static char const unescaped_chars[] =
    return c < 0x100 &&
        memchr(unescaped_chars, c, sizeof(unescaped_chars) - 1);

static int isURIUnescaped(int c, int isComponent) {
    return c < 0x100 &&
        ((c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7a) ||
         (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5a) ||
         (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) ||
         memchr("-_.!~*'()", c, sizeof("-_.!~*'()") - 1) != NULL ||
         (!isComponent && isURIReserved(c)));

static int encodeURI_hex(StringBuffer *b, int c) {
    uint8_t buf[6];
    int n = 0;
    const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";

    buf[n++] = '%';
    if (c >= 256) {
        buf[n++] = 'u';
        buf[n++] = hex[(c >> 12) & 15];
        buf[n++] = hex[(c >>  8) & 15];
    buf[n++] = hex[(c >> 4) & 15];
    buf[n++] = hex[(c >> 0) & 15];
    return string_buffer_write8(b, buf, n);

static JSValue js_global_encodeURI(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                   int isComponent)
    JSValue str;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p;
    int k, c, c1;

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, p->len);
    for (k = 0; k < p->len;) {
        c = string_get(p, k);
        if (isURIUnescaped(c, isComponent)) {
            string_buffer_putc16(b, c);
        } else {
            if (is_lo_surrogate(c)) {
                js_throw_URIError(ctx, "invalid character");
                goto fail;
            } else if (is_hi_surrogate(c)) {
                if (k >= p->len) {
                    js_throw_URIError(ctx, "expecting surrogate pair");
                    goto fail;
                c1 = string_get(p, k);
                if (!is_lo_surrogate(c1)) {
                    js_throw_URIError(ctx, "expecting surrogate pair");
                    goto fail;
                c = from_surrogate(c, c1);
            if (c < 0x80) {
                encodeURI_hex(b, c);
            } else {
                /* XXX: use C UTF-8 conversion ? */
                if (c < 0x800) {
                    encodeURI_hex(b, (c >> 6) | 0xc0);
                } else {
                    if (c < 0x10000) {
                        encodeURI_hex(b, (c >> 12) | 0xe0);
                    } else {
                        encodeURI_hex(b, (c >> 18) | 0xf0);
                        encodeURI_hex(b, ((c >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
                    encodeURI_hex(b, ((c >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80);
                encodeURI_hex(b, (c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_global_escape(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p;
    int i, len, c;

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, p->len);
    for (i = 0, len = p->len; i < len; i++) {
        c = string_get(p, i);
        if (isUnescaped(c)) {
            string_buffer_putc16(b, c);
        } else {
            encodeURI_hex(b, c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

static JSValue js_global_unescape(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue str;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p;
    int i, len, c, n;

    str = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(str))
        return str;

    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str);
    for (i = 0, len = p->len; i < len; i++) {
        c = string_get(p, i);
        if (c == '%') {
            if (i + 6 <= len
            &&  string_get(p, i + 1) == 'u'
            &&  (n = string_get_hex(p, i + 2, 4)) >= 0) {
                c = n;
                i += 6 - 1;
            } else
            if (i + 3 <= len
            &&  (n = string_get_hex(p, i + 1, 2)) >= 0) {
                c = n;
                i += 3 - 1;
        string_buffer_putc16(b, c);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, str);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

/* global object */

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_global_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("parseInt", 2, js_parseInt ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("parseFloat", 1, js_parseFloat ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isNaN", 1, js_global_isNaN ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isFinite", 1, js_global_isFinite ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("queueMicrotask", 1, js_global_queueMicrotask ),

    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("decodeURI", 1, js_global_decodeURI, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("decodeURIComponent", 1, js_global_decodeURI, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("encodeURI", 1, js_global_encodeURI, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("encodeURIComponent", 1, js_global_encodeURI, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("escape", 1, js_global_escape ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("unescape", 1, js_global_unescape ),
    JS_PROP_DOUBLE_DEF("Infinity", 1.0 / 0.0, 0 ),
    JS_PROP_UNDEFINED_DEF("undefined", 0 ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "global", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* Date */

static int64_t math_mod(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
    /* return positive modulo */
    int64_t m = a % b;
    return m + (m < 0) * b;

static int64_t floor_div_int64(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
    /* integer division rounding toward -Infinity */
    int64_t m = a % b;
    return (a - (m + (m < 0) * b)) / b;

static JSValue js_Date_parse(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv);

static __exception int JS_ThisTimeValue(JSContext *ctx, double *valp, JSValue this_val)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_DATE && JS_IsNumber(p->u.object_data))
            return JS_ToFloat64(ctx, valp, p->u.object_data);
    JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a Date object");
    return -1;

static JSValue JS_SetThisTimeValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, double v)
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_DATE) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, p->u.object_data);
            p->u.object_data = js_float64(v);
            return js_dup(p->u.object_data);
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a Date object");

static int64_t days_from_year(int64_t y) {
    return 365 * (y - 1970) + floor_div_int64(y - 1969, 4) -
        floor_div_int64(y - 1901, 100) + floor_div_int64(y - 1601, 400);

static int64_t days_in_year(int64_t y) {
    return 365 + !(y % 4) - !(y % 100) + !(y % 400);

/* return the year, update days */
static int64_t year_from_days(int64_t *days) {
    int64_t y, d1, nd, d = *days;
    y = floor_div_int64(d * 10000, 3652425) + 1970;
    /* the initial approximation is very good, so only a few
       iterations are necessary */
    for(;;) {
        d1 = d - days_from_year(y);
        if (d1 < 0) {
            d1 += days_in_year(y);
        } else {
            nd = days_in_year(y);
            if (d1 < nd)
            d1 -= nd;
    *days = d1;
    return y;

static int const month_days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
static char const month_names[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
static char const day_names[] = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat";

static __exception int get_date_fields(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                                       double fields[minimum_length(9)],
                                       int is_local, int force)
    double dval;
    int64_t d, days, wd, y, i, md, h, m, s, ms, tz = 0;

    if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &dval, obj))
        return -1;

    if (isnan(dval)) {
        if (!force)
            return FALSE; /* NaN */
        d = 0;        /* initialize all fields to 0 */
    } else {
        d = dval;     /* assuming -8.64e15 <= dval <= -8.64e15 */
        if (is_local) {
            tz = -getTimezoneOffset(d);
            d += tz * 60000;

    /* result is >= 0, we can use % */
    h = math_mod(d, 86400000);
    days = (d - h) / 86400000;
    ms = h % 1000;
    h = (h - ms) / 1000;
    s = h % 60;
    h = (h - s) / 60;
    m = h % 60;
    h = (h - m) / 60;
    wd = math_mod(days + 4, 7); /* week day */
    y = year_from_days(&days);

    for(i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
        md = month_days[i];
        if (i == 1)
            md += days_in_year(y) - 365;
        if (days < md)
        days -= md;
    fields[0] = y;
    fields[1] = i;
    fields[2] = days + 1;
    fields[3] = h;
    fields[4] = m;
    fields[5] = s;
    fields[6] = ms;
    fields[7] = wd;
    fields[8] = tz;
    return TRUE;

static double time_clip(double t) {
    if (t >= -8.64e15 && t <= 8.64e15)
        return trunc(t) + 0.0;  /* convert -0 to +0 */
        return NAN;

/* The spec mandates the use of 'double' and it specifies the order
   of the operations */
static double set_date_fields(double fields[minimum_length(7)], int is_local) {
    double y, m, dt, ym, mn, day, h, s, milli, time, tv;
    int yi, mi, i;
    int64_t days;
    volatile double temp;  /* enforce evaluation order */

    /* emulate MakeDay ( year, month, date ) */
    y = fields[0];
    m = fields[1];
    dt = fields[2];
    ym = y + floor(m / 12);
    mn = fmod(m, 12);
    if (mn < 0)
        mn += 12;
    if (ym < -271821 || ym > 275760)
        return NAN;

    yi = ym;
    mi = mn;
    days = days_from_year(yi);
    for(i = 0; i < mi; i++) {
        days += month_days[i];
        if (i == 1)
            days += days_in_year(yi) - 365;
    day = days + dt - 1;

    /* emulate MakeTime ( hour, min, sec, ms ) */
    h = fields[3];
    m = fields[4];
    s = fields[5];
    milli = fields[6];
    /* Use a volatile intermediary variable to ensure order of evaluation
     * as specified in ECMA. This fixes a test262 error on
     * test262/test/built-ins/Date/UTC/fp-evaluation-order.js.
     * Without the volatile qualifier, the compile can generate code
     * that performs the computation in a different order or with instructions
     * that produce a different result such as FMA (float multiply and add).
    time = h * 3600000;
    time += (temp = m * 60000);
    time += (temp = s * 1000);
    time += milli;

    /* emulate MakeDate ( day, time ) */
    tv = (temp = day * 86400000) + time;   /* prevent generation of FMA */
    if (!isfinite(tv))
        return NAN;

    /* adjust for local time and clip */
    if (is_local) {
        int64_t ti = tv < INT64_MIN ? INT64_MIN : tv >= 0x1p63 ? INT64_MAX : (int64_t)tv;
        tv += getTimezoneOffset(ti) * 60000;
    return time_clip(tv);

static JSValue get_date_field(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    // get_date_field(obj, n, is_local)
    double fields[9];
    int res, n, is_local;

    is_local = magic & 0x0F;
    n = (magic >> 4) & 0x0F;
    res = get_date_fields(ctx, this_val, fields, is_local, 0);
    if (res < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!res)
        return JS_NAN;

    if (magic & 0x100) {    // getYear
        fields[0] -= 1900;
    return js_number(fields[n]);

static JSValue set_date_field(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    // _field(obj, first_field, end_field, args, is_local)
    double fields[9];
    int res, first_field, end_field, is_local, i, n;
    double d, a;

    d = NAN;
    first_field = (magic >> 8) & 0x0F;
    end_field = (magic >> 4) & 0x0F;
    is_local = magic & 0x0F;

    res = get_date_fields(ctx, this_val, fields, is_local, first_field == 0);
    if (res < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    // Argument coercion is observable and must be done unconditionally.
    n = min_int(argc, end_field - first_field);
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (!isfinite(a))
            res = FALSE;
        fields[first_field + i] = trunc(a);

    if (res && argc > 0)
        d = set_date_fields(fields, is_local);

    return JS_SetThisTimeValue(ctx, this_val, d);

/* fmt:
   0: toUTCString: "Tue, 02 Jan 2018 23:04:46 GMT"
   1: toString: "Wed Jan 03 2018 00:05:22 GMT+0100 (CET)"
   2: toISOString: "2018-01-02T23:02:56.927Z"
   3: toLocaleString: "1/2/2018, 11:40:40 PM"
   part: 1=date, 2=time 3=all
   XXX: should use a variant of strftime().
static JSValue get_date_string(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    // _string(obj, fmt, part)
    char buf[64];
    double fields[9];
    int res, fmt, part, pos;
    int y, mon, d, h, m, s, ms, wd, tz;

    fmt = (magic >> 4) & 0x0F;
    part = magic & 0x0F;

    res = get_date_fields(ctx, this_val, fields, fmt & 1, 0);
    if (res < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!res) {
        if (fmt == 2)
            return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "Date value is NaN");
            return js_new_string8(ctx, "Invalid Date");

    y = fields[0];
    mon = fields[1];
    d = fields[2];
    h = fields[3];
    m = fields[4];
    s = fields[5];
    ms = fields[6];
    wd = fields[7];
    tz = fields[8];

    pos = 0;

    if (part & 1) { /* date part */
        switch(fmt) {
        case 0:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%.3s, %02d %.3s %0*d ",
                            day_names + wd * 3, d,
                            month_names + mon * 3, 4 + (y < 0), y);
        case 1:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%.3s %.3s %02d %0*d",
                            day_names + wd * 3,
                            month_names + mon * 3, d, 4 + (y < 0), y);
            if (part == 3) {
                buf[pos++] = ' ';
        case 2:
            if (y >= 0 && y <= 9999) {
                pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                                "%04d", y);
            } else {
                pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                                "%+07d", y);
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "-%02d-%02dT", mon + 1, d);
        case 3:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%02d/%02d/%0*d", mon + 1, d, 4 + (y < 0), y);
            if (part == 3) {
                buf[pos++] = ',';
                buf[pos++] = ' ';
    if (part & 2) { /* time part */
        switch(fmt) {
        case 0:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT", h, m, s);
        case 1:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT", h, m, s);
            if (tz < 0) {
                buf[pos++] = '-';
                tz = -tz;
            } else {
                buf[pos++] = '+';
            /* tz is >= 0, can use % */
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%02d%02d", tz / 60, tz % 60);
            /* XXX: tack the time zone code? */
        case 2:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ", h, m, s, ms);
        case 3:
            pos += snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos,
                            "%02d:%02d:%02d %cM", (h + 11) % 12 + 1, m, s,
                            (h < 12) ? 'A' : 'P');
    if (!pos) {
        // XXX: should throw exception?
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string);
    return js_new_string8_len(ctx, buf, pos);

/* OS dependent: return the UTC time in ms since 1970. */
static int64_t date_now(void) {
    return js__gettimeofday_us() / 1000;

static JSValue js_date_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // Date(y, mon, d, h, m, s, ms)
    JSValue rv;
    int i, n;
    double a, val;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        /* invoked as function */
        argc = 0;
    n = argc;
    if (n == 0) {
        val = date_now();
    } else if (n == 1) {
        JSValue v, dv;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
            JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(argv[0]);
            if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_DATE && JS_IsNumber(p->u.object_data)) {
                if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &val, p->u.object_data))
                    return JS_EXCEPTION;
                val = time_clip(val);
                goto has_val;
        v = JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, argv[0], HINT_NONE);
        if (JS_IsString(v)) {
            dv = js_Date_parse(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &v);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
            if (JS_IsException(dv))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &val, dv))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
        } else {
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &val, v))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
        val = time_clip(val);
    } else {
        double fields[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        if (n > 7)
            n = 7;
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i]))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            if (!isfinite(a))
            fields[i] = trunc(a);
            if (i == 0 && fields[0] >= 0 && fields[0] < 100)
                fields[0] += 1900;
        val = (i == n) ? set_date_fields(fields, 1) : NAN;
    rv = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_DATE);
    if (!JS_IsException(rv))
        JS_SetObjectData(ctx, rv, js_float64(val));
    if (!JS_IsException(rv) && JS_IsUndefined(new_target)) {
        /* invoked as a function, return (new Date()).toString(); */
        JSValue s;
        s = get_date_string(ctx, rv, 0, NULL, 0x13);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, rv);
        rv = s;
    return rv;

static JSValue js_Date_UTC(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // UTC(y, mon, d, h, m, s, ms)
    double fields[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int i, n;
    double a;

    n = argc;
    if (n == 0)
        return JS_NAN;
    if (n > 7)
        n = 7;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &a, argv[i]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (!isfinite(a))
            return JS_NAN;
        fields[i] = trunc(a);
        if (i == 0 && fields[0] >= 0 && fields[0] < 100)
            fields[0] += 1900;
    return js_float64(set_date_fields(fields, 0));

/* Date string parsing */

static BOOL string_skip_char(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, int c) {
    if (sp[*pp] == c) {
        *pp += 1;
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;

/* skip spaces, update offset, return next char */
static int string_skip_spaces(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp) {
    int c;
    while ((c = sp[*pp]) == ' ')
        *pp += 1;
    return c;

/* skip dashes dots and commas */
static int string_skip_separators(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp) {
    int c;
    while ((c = sp[*pp]) == '-' || c == '/' || c == '.' || c == ',')
        *pp += 1;
    return c;

/* skip a word, stop on spaces, digits and separators, update offset */
static int string_skip_until(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, const char *stoplist) {
    int c;
    while (!strchr(stoplist, c = sp[*pp]))
        *pp += 1;
    return c;

/* parse a numeric field (max_digits = 0 -> no maximum) */
static BOOL string_get_digits(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, int *pval,
                              int min_digits, int max_digits)
    int v = 0;
    int c, p = *pp, p_start;

    p_start = p;
    while ((c = sp[p]) >= '0' && c <= '9') {
        v = v * 10 + c - '0';
        if (p - p_start == max_digits)
    if (p - p_start < min_digits)
        return FALSE;
    *pval = v;
    *pp = p;
    return TRUE;

static BOOL string_get_milliseconds(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, int *pval) {
    /* parse optional fractional part as milliseconds and truncate. */
    /* spec does not indicate which rounding should be used */
    int mul = 100, ms = 0, c, p_start, p = *pp;

    c = sp[p];
    if (c == '.' || c == ',') {
        p_start = p;
        while ((c = sp[p]) >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            ms += (c - '0') * mul;
            mul /= 10;
            if (p - p_start == 9)
        if (p > p_start) {
            /* only consume the separator if digits are present */
            *pval = ms;
            *pp = p;
    return TRUE;

static BOOL string_get_tzoffset(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, int *tzp, BOOL strict) {
    int tz = 0, sgn, hh, mm, p = *pp;

    sgn = sp[p++];
    if (sgn == '+' || sgn == '-') {
        int n = p;
        if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &hh, 1, 9))
            return FALSE;
        n = p - n;
        if (strict && n != 2 && n != 4)
            return FALSE;
        while (n > 4) {
            n -= 2;
            hh /= 100;
        if (n > 2) {
            mm = hh % 100;
            hh = hh / 100;
        } else {
            mm = 0;
            if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, ':')  /* optional separator */
            &&  !string_get_digits(sp, &p, &mm, 2, 2))
                return FALSE;
        if (hh > 23 || mm > 59)
            return FALSE;
        tz = hh * 60 + mm;
        if (sgn != '+')
            tz = -tz;
    } else
    if (sgn != 'Z') {
        return FALSE;
    *pp = p;
    *tzp = tz;
    return TRUE;

static BOOL string_match(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, const char *s) {
    int p = *pp;
    while (*s != '\0') {
        if (to_upper_ascii(sp[p]) != to_upper_ascii(*s++))
            return FALSE;
    *pp = p;
    return TRUE;

static int find_abbrev(const uint8_t *sp, int p, const char *list, int count) {
    int n, i;

    for (n = 0; n < count; n++) {
        for (i = 0;; i++) {
            if (to_upper_ascii(sp[p + i]) != to_upper_ascii(list[n * 3 + i]))
            if (i == 2)
                return n;
    return -1;

static BOOL string_get_month(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, int *pval) {
    int n;

    n = find_abbrev(sp, *pp, month_names, 12);
    if (n < 0)
        return FALSE;

    *pval = n + 1;
    *pp += 3;
    return TRUE;

/* parse toISOString format */
static BOOL js_date_parse_isostring(const uint8_t *sp, int fields[9], BOOL *is_local) {
    int sgn, i, p = 0;

    /* initialize fields to the beginning of the Epoch */
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        fields[i] = (i == 2);
    *is_local = FALSE;

    /* year is either yyyy digits or [+-]yyyyyy */
    sgn = sp[p];
    if (sgn == '-' || sgn == '+') {
        if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[0], 6, 6))
            return FALSE;
        if (sgn == '-') {
            if (fields[0] == 0)
                return FALSE; // reject -000000
            fields[0] = -fields[0];
    } else {
        if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[0], 4, 4))
            return FALSE;
    if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, '-')) {
        if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[1], 2, 2))  /* month */
            return FALSE;
        if (fields[1] < 1)
            return FALSE;
        fields[1] -= 1;
        if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, '-')) {
            if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[2], 2, 2))  /* day */
                return FALSE;
            if (fields[2] < 1)
                return FALSE;
    if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, 'T')) {
        *is_local = TRUE;
        if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[3], 2, 2)  /* hour */
        ||  !string_skip_char(sp, &p, ':')
        ||  !string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[4], 2, 2)) {  /* minute */
            fields[3] = 100;  // reject unconditionally
            return TRUE;
        if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, ':')) {
            if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[5], 2, 2))  /* second */
                return FALSE;
            string_get_milliseconds(sp, &p, &fields[6]);
    /* parse the time zone offset if present: [+-]HH:mm or [+-]HHmm */
    if (sp[p]) {
        *is_local = FALSE;
        if (!string_get_tzoffset(sp, &p, &fields[8], TRUE))
            return FALSE;
    /* error if extraneous characters */
    return sp[p] == '\0';

static struct {
    char name[6];
    int16_t offset;
} const js_tzabbr[] = {
    { "GMT",   0 },         // Greenwich Mean Time
    { "UTC",   0 },         // Coordinated Universal Time
    { "UT",    0 },         // Universal Time
    { "Z",     0 },         // Zulu Time
    { "EDT",  -4 * 60 },    // Eastern Daylight Time
    { "EST",  -5 * 60 },    // Eastern Standard Time
    { "CDT",  -5 * 60 },    // Central Daylight Time
    { "CST",  -6 * 60 },    // Central Standard Time
    { "MDT",  -6 * 60 },    // Mountain Daylight Time
    { "MST",  -7 * 60 },    // Mountain Standard Time
    { "PDT",  -7 * 60 },    // Pacific Daylight Time
    { "PST",  -8 * 60 },    // Pacific Standard Time
    { "WET",  +0 * 60 },    // Western European Time
    { "WEST", +1 * 60 },    // Western European Summer Time
    { "CET",  +1 * 60 },    // Central European Time
    { "CEST", +2 * 60 },    // Central European Summer Time
    { "EET",  +2 * 60 },    // Eastern European Time
    { "EEST", +3 * 60 },    // Eastern European Summer Time

static BOOL string_get_tzabbr(const uint8_t *sp, int *pp, int *offset) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(js_tzabbr); i++) {
        if (string_match(sp, pp, js_tzabbr[i].name)) {
            *offset = js_tzabbr[i].offset;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

/* parse toString, toUTCString and other formats */
static BOOL js_date_parse_otherstring(const uint8_t *sp,
                                      int fields[minimum_length(9)],
                                      BOOL *is_local) {
    int c, i, val, p = 0, p_start;
    int num[3];
    BOOL has_year = FALSE;
    BOOL has_mon = FALSE;
    BOOL has_time = FALSE;
    int num_index = 0;

    /* initialize fields to the beginning of 2001-01-01 */
    fields[0] = 2001;
    fields[1] = 1;
    fields[2] = 1;
    for (i = 3; i < 9; i++) {
        fields[i] = 0;
    *is_local = TRUE;

    while (string_skip_spaces(sp, &p)) {
        p_start = p;
        if ((c = sp[p]) == '+' || c == '-') {
            if (has_time && string_get_tzoffset(sp, &p, &fields[8], FALSE)) {
                *is_local = FALSE;
            } else {
                if (string_get_digits(sp, &p, &val, 1, 9)) {
                    if (c == '-') {
                        if (val == 0)
                            return FALSE;
                        val = -val;
                    fields[0] = val;
                    has_year = TRUE;
        } else
        if (string_get_digits(sp, &p, &val, 1, 9)) {
            if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, ':')) {
                /* time part */
                fields[3] = val;
                if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[4], 1, 2))
                    return FALSE;
                if (string_skip_char(sp, &p, ':')) {
                    if (!string_get_digits(sp, &p, &fields[5], 1, 2))
                        return FALSE;
                    string_get_milliseconds(sp, &p, &fields[6]);
                } else
                if (sp[p] != '\0' && sp[p] != ' ')
                    return FALSE;
                has_time = TRUE;
            } else {
                if (p - p_start > 2) {
                    fields[0] = val;
                    has_year = TRUE;
                } else
                if (val < 1 || val > 31) {
                    fields[0] = val + (val < 100) * 1900 + (val < 50) * 100;
                    has_year = TRUE;
                } else {
                    if (num_index == 3)
                        return FALSE;
                    num[num_index++] = val;
        } else
        if (string_get_month(sp, &p, &fields[1])) {
            has_mon = TRUE;
            string_skip_until(sp, &p, "0123456789 -/(");
        } else
        if (has_time && string_match(sp, &p, "PM")) {
            /* hours greater than 12 will be incremented and
               rejected by the range check in js_Date_parse */
            /* 00:00 PM will be silently converted as 12:00 */
            if (fields[3] != 12)
                fields[3] += 12;
        } else
        if (has_time && string_match(sp, &p, "AM")) {
            /* 00:00 AM will be silently accepted */
            if (fields[3] > 12)
                return FALSE;
            if (fields[3] == 12)
                fields[3] -= 12;
        } else
        if (string_get_tzabbr(sp, &p, &fields[8])) {
            *is_local = FALSE;
        } else
        if (c == '(') {  /* skip parenthesized phrase */
            int level = 0;
            while ((c = sp[p]) != '\0') {
                level += (c == '(');
                level -= (c == ')');
                if (!level)
            if (level > 0)
                return FALSE;
        } else
        if (c == ')') {
            return FALSE;
        } else {
            if (has_year + has_mon + has_time + num_index)
                return FALSE;
            /* skip a word */
            string_skip_until(sp, &p, " -/(");
        string_skip_separators(sp, &p);
    if (num_index + has_year + has_mon > 3)
        return FALSE;

    switch (num_index) {
    case 0:
        if (!has_year)
            return FALSE;
    case 1:
        if (has_mon)
            fields[2] = num[0];
            fields[1] = num[0];
    case 2:
        if (has_year) {
            fields[1] = num[0];
            fields[2] = num[1];
        } else
        if (has_mon) {
            fields[0] = num[1] + (num[1] < 100) * 1900 + (num[1] < 50) * 100;
            fields[2] = num[0];
        } else {
            fields[1] = num[0];
            fields[2] = num[1];
    case 3:
        fields[0] = num[2] + (num[2] < 100) * 1900 + (num[2] < 50) * 100;
        fields[1] = num[0];
        fields[2] = num[1];
        return FALSE;
    if (fields[1] < 1 || fields[2] < 1)
        return FALSE;
    fields[1] -= 1;
    return TRUE;

static JSValue js_Date_parse(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue s, rv;
    int fields[9];
    double fields1[9];
    double d;
    int i, c;
    JSString *sp;
    uint8_t buf[128];
    BOOL is_local;

    rv = JS_NAN;

    s = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(s))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    sp = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(s);
    /* convert the string as a byte array */
    for (i = 0; i < sp->len && i < (int)countof(buf) - 1; i++) {
        c = string_get(sp, i);
        if (c > 255)
            c = (c == 0x2212) ? '-' : 'x';
        buf[i] = c;
    buf[i] = '\0';
    if (js_date_parse_isostring(buf, fields, &is_local)
    ||  js_date_parse_otherstring(buf, fields, &is_local)) {
        static int const field_max[6] = { 0, 11, 31, 24, 59, 59 };
        BOOL valid = TRUE;
        /* check field maximum values */
        for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
            if (fields[i] > field_max[i])
                valid = FALSE;
        /* special case 24:00:00.000 */
        if (fields[3] == 24 && (fields[4] | fields[5] | fields[6]))
            valid = FALSE;
        if (valid) {
            for(i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                fields1[i] = fields[i];
            d = set_date_fields(fields1, is_local) - fields[8] * 60000;
            rv = JS_NewFloat64(ctx, d);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, s);
    return rv;

static JSValue js_Date_now(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // now()
    return JS_NewInt64(ctx, date_now());

static JSValue js_date_Symbol_toPrimitive(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // Symbol_toPrimitive(hint)
    JSValue obj = this_val;
    JSAtom hint = JS_ATOM_NULL;
    int hint_num;

    if (!JS_IsObject(obj))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorNotAnObject(ctx);

    if (JS_IsString(argv[0])) {
        hint = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (hint == JS_ATOM_NULL)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        JS_FreeAtom(ctx, hint);
    switch (hint) {
    case JS_ATOM_number:
    case JS_ATOM_integer:
        hint_num = HINT_NUMBER;
    case JS_ATOM_string:
    case JS_ATOM_default:
        hint_num = HINT_STRING;
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid hint");
    return JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, obj, hint_num | HINT_FORCE_ORDINARY);

static JSValue js_date_getTimezoneOffset(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // getTimezoneOffset()
    double v;

    if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &v, this_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (isnan(v))
        return JS_NAN;
        /* assuming -8.64e15 <= v <= -8.64e15 */
        return JS_NewInt64(ctx, getTimezoneOffset((int64_t)trunc(v)));

static JSValue js_date_getTime(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // getTime()
    double v;

    if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &v, this_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_float64(v);

static JSValue js_date_setTime(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // setTime(v)
    double v;

    if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &v, this_val) || JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &v, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_SetThisTimeValue(ctx, this_val, time_clip(v));

static JSValue js_date_setYear(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // setYear(y)
    double y;
    JSValue args[1];

    if (JS_ThisTimeValue(ctx, &y, this_val) || JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &y, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    y = +y;
    if (isfinite(y)) {
        y = trunc(y);
        if (y >= 0 && y < 100)
            y += 1900;
    args[0] = js_float64(y);
    return set_date_field(ctx, this_val, 1, args, 0x011);

static JSValue js_date_toJSON(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // toJSON(key)
    JSValue obj, tv, method, rv;
    double d;

    rv = JS_EXCEPTION;
    tv = JS_UNDEFINED;

    obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, this_val);
    tv = JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, obj, HINT_NUMBER);
    if (JS_IsException(tv))
        goto exception;
    if (JS_IsNumber(tv)) {
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, tv) < 0)
            goto exception;
        if (!isfinite(d)) {
            rv = JS_NULL;
            goto done;
    method = JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, obj, "toISOString");
    if (JS_IsException(method))
        goto exception;
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, method)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "object needs toISOString method");
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, method);
        goto exception;
    rv = JS_CallFree(ctx, method, obj, 0, NULL);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, tv);
    return rv;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_date_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("now", 0, js_Date_now ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("parse", 1, js_Date_parse ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("UTC", 7, js_Date_UTC ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_date_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_date_getTime ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toString", 0, get_date_string, 0x13 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("[Symbol.toPrimitive]", 1, js_date_Symbol_toPrimitive ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toUTCString", 0, get_date_string, 0x03 ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("toGMTString", "toUTCString" ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toISOString", 0, get_date_string, 0x23 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toDateString", 0, get_date_string, 0x11 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toTimeString", 0, get_date_string, 0x12 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleString", 0, get_date_string, 0x33 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleDateString", 0, get_date_string, 0x31 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleTimeString", 0, get_date_string, 0x32 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("getTimezoneOffset", 0, js_date_getTimezoneOffset ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("getTime", 0, js_date_getTime ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getYear", 0, get_date_field, 0x101 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFullYear", 0, get_date_field, 0x01 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCFullYear", 0, get_date_field, 0x00 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getMonth", 0, get_date_field, 0x11 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCMonth", 0, get_date_field, 0x10 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getDate", 0, get_date_field, 0x21 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCDate", 0, get_date_field, 0x20 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getHours", 0, get_date_field, 0x31 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCHours", 0, get_date_field, 0x30 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getMinutes", 0, get_date_field, 0x41 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCMinutes", 0, get_date_field, 0x40 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getSeconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x51 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCSeconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x50 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getMilliseconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x61 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCMilliseconds", 0, get_date_field, 0x60 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getDay", 0, get_date_field, 0x71 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUTCDay", 0, get_date_field, 0x70 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("setTime", 1, js_date_setTime ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setMilliseconds", 1, set_date_field, 0x671 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCMilliseconds", 1, set_date_field, 0x670 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setSeconds", 2, set_date_field, 0x571 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCSeconds", 2, set_date_field, 0x570 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setMinutes", 3, set_date_field, 0x471 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCMinutes", 3, set_date_field, 0x470 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setHours", 4, set_date_field, 0x371 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCHours", 4, set_date_field, 0x370 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setDate", 1, set_date_field, 0x231 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCDate", 1, set_date_field, 0x230 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setMonth", 2, set_date_field, 0x131 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCMonth", 2, set_date_field, 0x130 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("setYear", 1, js_date_setYear ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setFullYear", 3, set_date_field, 0x031 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUTCFullYear", 3, set_date_field, 0x030 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toJSON", 1, js_date_toJSON ),

JSValue JS_NewDate(JSContext *ctx, double epoch_ms)
    JSValue obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, JS_CLASS_DATE);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JS_SetObjectData(ctx, obj, js_float64(time_clip(epoch_ms)));
    return obj;

void JS_AddIntrinsicDate(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue obj;

    /* Date */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATE], js_date_proto_funcs,
    obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Date", js_date_constructor, 7,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_date_funcs, countof(js_date_funcs));

/* eval */

void JS_AddIntrinsicEval(JSContext *ctx)
    ctx->eval_internal = __JS_EvalInternal;

/* BigInt */

static JSValue JS_ToBigIntCtorFree(JSContext *ctx, JSValue val)
    uint32_t tag;

    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(val);
    switch(tag) {
    case JS_TAG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_BOOL:
        val = JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, JS_VALUE_GET_INT(val));
    case JS_TAG_BIG_INT:
    case JS_TAG_FLOAT64:
            bf_t *a, a_s;

            a = JS_ToBigInt1(ctx, &a_s, val);
            if (!bf_is_finite(a)) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                val = JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "cannot convert NaN or Infinity to BigInt");
            } else {
                JSValue val1 = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
                bf_t *r;
                int ret;
                if (JS_IsException(val1)) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                    return JS_EXCEPTION;
                r = JS_GetBigInt(val1);
                ret = bf_set(r, a);
                ret |= bf_rint(r, BF_RNDZ);
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                if (ret & BF_ST_MEM_ERROR) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val1);
                    val = JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx);
                } else if (ret & BF_ST_INEXACT) {
                    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val1);
                    val = JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "cannot convert to BigInt: not an integer");
                } else {
                    val = JS_CompactBigInt(ctx, val1);
            if (a == &a_s)
    case JS_TAG_STRING:
        val = JS_StringToBigIntErr(ctx, val);
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
        val = JS_ToPrimitiveFree(ctx, val, HINT_NUMBER);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
        goto redo;
    case JS_TAG_NULL:
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot convert to BigInt");
    return val;

static JSValue js_bigint_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                     JSValue new_target,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(new_target))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a constructor");
    return JS_ToBigIntCtorFree(ctx, js_dup(argv[0]));

static JSValue js_thisBigIntValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    if (JS_IsBigInt(ctx, this_val))
        return js_dup(this_val);

    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_BIG_INT) {
            if (JS_IsBigInt(ctx, p->u.object_data))
                return js_dup(p->u.object_data);
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a BigInt");

static JSValue js_bigint_toString(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue val;
    int base;
    JSValue ret;

    val = js_thisBigIntValue(ctx, this_val);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return val;
    if (argc == 0 || JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        base = 10;
    } else {
        base = js_get_radix(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (base < 0)
            goto fail;
    ret = js_bigint_to_string1(ctx, val, base);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return ret;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_bigint_valueOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_thisBigIntValue(ctx, this_val);

static JSValue js_bigint_asUintN(JSContext *ctx,
                                  JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv, int asIntN)
    uint64_t bits;
    bf_t a_s, *a = &a_s, *r, mask_s, *mask = &mask_s;
    JSValue res;

    if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &bits, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    res = JS_NewBigInt(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(res))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    a = JS_ToBigInt(ctx, &a_s, argv[1]);
    if (!a) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, res);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* XXX: optimize */
    r = JS_GetBigInt(res);
    bf_init(ctx->bf_ctx, mask);
    bf_set_ui(mask, 1);
    bf_mul_2exp(mask, bits, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    bf_add_si(mask, mask, -1, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    bf_logic_and(r, a, mask);
    if (asIntN && bits != 0) {
        bf_set_ui(mask, 1);
        bf_mul_2exp(mask, bits - 1, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
        if (bf_cmpu(r, mask) >= 0) {
            bf_set_ui(mask, 1);
            bf_mul_2exp(mask, bits, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
            bf_sub(r, r, mask, BF_PREC_INF, BF_RNDZ);
    JS_FreeBigInt(ctx, a, &a_s);
    return JS_CompactBigInt(ctx, res);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_bigint_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("asUintN", 2, js_bigint_asUintN, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("asIntN", 2, js_bigint_asUintN, 1 ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_bigint_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toString", 0, js_bigint_toString ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("valueOf", 0, js_bigint_valueOf ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "BigInt", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

void JS_AddIntrinsicBigInt(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue obj1;

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BIG_INT] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BIG_INT],
    obj1 = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "BigInt", js_bigint_constructor, 1,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj1, js_bigint_funcs,

static const char * const native_error_name[JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT] = {
    "EvalError", "RangeError", "ReferenceError",
    "SyntaxError", "TypeError", "URIError",
    "InternalError", "AggregateError",

/* Minimum amount of objects to be able to compile code and display
   error messages. No JSAtom should be allocated by this function. */
static void JS_AddIntrinsicBasicObjects(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue proto;
    int i;

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
    ctx->function_proto = JS_NewCFunction3(ctx, js_function_proto, "", 0,
                                           JS_CFUNC_generic, 0,
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BYTECODE_FUNCTION] = js_dup(ctx->function_proto);
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ERROR] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ERROR],

    for(i = 0; i < JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT; i++) {
        proto = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ERROR]);
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, proto, JS_ATOM_name,
                               JS_NewAtomString(ctx, native_error_name[i]),
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, proto, JS_ATOM_message,
                               JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string),
                               JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
        ctx->native_error_proto[i] = proto;

    /* the array prototype is an array */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY] =
        JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],

    ctx->array_shape = js_new_shape2(ctx, get_proto_obj(ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY]),
                                     JS_PROP_INITIAL_HASH_SIZE, 1);
    add_shape_property(ctx, &ctx->array_shape, NULL,
                       JS_ATOM_length, JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_LENGTH);

    /* XXX: could test it on first context creation to ensure that no
       new atoms are created in JS_AddIntrinsicBasicObjects(). It is
       necessary to avoid useless renumbering of atoms after
       JS_EvalBinary() if it is done just after
       JS_AddIntrinsicBasicObjects(). */
    //    assert(ctx->rt->atom_count == JS_ATOM_END);

void JS_AddIntrinsicBaseObjects(JSContext *ctx)
    int i;
    JSValue obj, number_obj;
    JSValue obj1;

    ctx->throw_type_error = JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_throw_type_error, NULL, 0);

    /* add caller and arguments properties to throw a TypeError */
    obj1 = JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_function_proto_caller, NULL, 0);
    JS_DefineProperty(ctx, ctx->function_proto, JS_ATOM_caller, JS_UNDEFINED,
                      obj1, ctx->throw_type_error,
                      JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET |
    JS_DefineProperty(ctx, ctx->function_proto, JS_ATOM_arguments, JS_UNDEFINED,
                      obj1, ctx->throw_type_error,
                      JS_PROP_HAS_GET | JS_PROP_HAS_SET |
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, js_object_seal(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &ctx->throw_type_error, 1));

    ctx->global_obj = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    ctx->global_var_obj = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);

    /* Object */
    obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Object", js_object_constructor, 1,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_object_funcs, countof(js_object_funcs));
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],
                               js_object_proto_funcs, countof(js_object_proto_funcs));

    /* Function */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->function_proto, js_function_proto_funcs, countof(js_function_proto_funcs));
    ctx->function_ctor = JS_NewCFunctionMagic(ctx, js_function_constructor,
                                              "Function", 1, JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic,
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, js_dup(ctx->function_ctor), "Function",

    /* Error */
    ctx->error_ctor = JS_NewCFunctionMagic(ctx, js_error_constructor,
                                           "Error", 1, JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic, -1);
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, js_dup(ctx->error_ctor),
                              "Error", ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ERROR]);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->error_ctor, js_error_funcs, countof(js_error_funcs));

    /* Used to squelch a -Wcast-function-type warning. */
    JSCFunctionType ft = { .generic_magic = js_error_constructor };
    for(i = 0; i < JS_NATIVE_ERROR_COUNT; i++) {
        JSValue func_obj;
        int n_args;
        n_args = 1 + (i == JS_AGGREGATE_ERROR);
        func_obj = JS_NewCFunction3(ctx, ft.generic,
                                    native_error_name[i], n_args,
                                    JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic, i,
        JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, func_obj, native_error_name[i],

    /* CallSite */

    /* Iterator prototype */
    ctx->iterator_proto = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto,

    /* Array */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY],

    obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Array", js_array_constructor, 1,
    ctx->array_ctor = js_dup(obj);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_array_funcs,

    /* XXX: create auto_initializer */
        /* initialize Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables] */
        static const char unscopables[] =
            "copyWithin" "\0"
            "entries" "\0"
            "fill" "\0"
            "find" "\0"
            "findIndex" "\0"
            "findLast" "\0"
            "findLastIndex" "\0"
            "flat" "\0"
            "flatMap" "\0"
            "includes" "\0"
            "keys" "\0"
            "toReversed" "\0"
            "toSorted" "\0"
            "toSpliced" "\0"
            "values" "\0";
        const char *p = unscopables;
        obj1 = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
        for(p = unscopables; *p; p += strlen(p) + 1) {
            JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, obj1, p, JS_TRUE, JS_PROP_C_W_E);
        JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY],
                               JS_ATOM_Symbol_unscopables, obj1,

    /* needed to initialize arguments[Symbol.iterator] */
    ctx->array_proto_values =
        JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY], JS_ATOM_values);

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY_ITERATOR],

    /* parseFloat and parseInteger must be defined before Number
       because of the Number.parseFloat and Number.parseInteger
       aliases */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->global_obj, js_global_funcs,

    /* Number */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_NUMBER] = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],
    JS_SetObjectData(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_NUMBER], js_int32(0));
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_NUMBER],
    number_obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Number", js_number_constructor, 1,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, number_obj, js_number_funcs, countof(js_number_funcs));

    /* Boolean */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN] = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],
    JS_SetObjectData(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN], js_bool(FALSE));
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_BOOLEAN], js_boolean_proto_funcs,
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Boolean", js_boolean_constructor, 1,

    /* String */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_STRING] = JS_NewObjectProtoClass(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_OBJECT],
    JS_SetObjectData(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_STRING], JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_empty_string));
    obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "String", js_string_constructor, 1,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_string_funcs,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_STRING], js_string_proto_funcs,

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_STRING_ITERATOR],

    /* Math: create as autoinit object */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->global_obj, js_math_obj, countof(js_math_obj));

    /* ES6 Reflect: create as autoinit object */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->global_obj, js_reflect_obj, countof(js_reflect_obj));

    /* ES6 Symbol */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_SYMBOL] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_SYMBOL], js_symbol_proto_funcs,
    obj = JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "Symbol", js_symbol_constructor, 0,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, obj, js_symbol_funcs,
    for(i = JS_ATOM_Symbol_toPrimitive; i < JS_ATOM_END; i++) {
        char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        const char *str, *p;
        str = JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), i);
        /* skip "Symbol." */
        p = strchr(str, '.');
        if (p)
            str = p + 1;
        JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, obj, str, JS_AtomToValue(ctx, i), 0);

    /* ES6 Generator */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_GENERATOR] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->iterator_proto);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_GENERATOR],

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, ctx->function_proto);
    obj1 = JS_NewCFunctionMagic(ctx, js_function_constructor,
                                "GeneratorFunction", 1,
                                JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func_magic, JS_FUNC_GENERATOR);
    JS_SetConstructor2(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION],
    JS_SetConstructor2(ctx, obj1, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_GENERATOR_FUNCTION],
                       0, JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj1);

    /* global properties */
    ctx->eval_obj = JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_global_eval, "eval", 1);
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj, JS_ATOM_eval,
                           JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj, JS_ATOM_globalThis,
                           JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | JS_PROP_WRITABLE);

/* Typed Arrays */

static uint8_t const typed_array_size_log2[JS_TYPED_ARRAY_COUNT] = {
    0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2,
    3, 3,                   // BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array
    1, 2, 3                 // Float16Array, Float32Array, Float64Array

static JSValue js_array_buffer_constructor3(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue new_target,
                                            uint64_t len, JSClassID class_id,
                                            uint8_t *buf,
                                            JSFreeArrayBufferDataFunc *free_func,
                                            void *opaque, BOOL alloc_flag)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;
    JSValue obj;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = NULL;

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, class_id);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    /* XXX: we are currently limited to 2 GB */
    if (len > INT32_MAX) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array buffer length");
        goto fail;
    abuf = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*abuf));
    if (!abuf)
        goto fail;
    abuf->byte_length = len;
    if (alloc_flag) {
        if (class_id == JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER &&
            rt->sab_funcs.sab_alloc) {
            abuf->data = rt->sab_funcs.sab_alloc(rt->sab_funcs.sab_opaque,
                                                 max_int(len, 1));
            if (!abuf->data)
                goto fail;
            memset(abuf->data, 0, len);
        } else {
            /* the allocation must be done after the object creation */
            abuf->data = js_mallocz(ctx, max_int(len, 1));
            if (!abuf->data)
                goto fail;
    } else {
        if (class_id == JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER &&
            rt->sab_funcs.sab_dup) {
            rt->sab_funcs.sab_dup(rt->sab_funcs.sab_opaque, buf);
        abuf->data = buf;
    abuf->detached = FALSE;
    abuf->shared = (class_id == JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    abuf->opaque = opaque;
    abuf->free_func = free_func;
    if (alloc_flag && buf)
        memcpy(abuf->data, buf, len);
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, abuf);
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    js_free(ctx, abuf);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static void js_array_buffer_free(JSRuntime *rt, void *opaque, void *ptr)
    js_free_rt(rt, ptr);

static JSValue js_array_buffer_constructor2(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue new_target,
                                            uint64_t len, JSClassID class_id)
    return js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, new_target, len, class_id,
                                        NULL, js_array_buffer_free, NULL,

static JSValue js_array_buffer_constructor1(JSContext *ctx,
                                            JSValue new_target,
                                            uint64_t len)
    return js_array_buffer_constructor2(ctx, new_target, len,

JSValue JS_NewArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, size_t len,
                          JSFreeArrayBufferDataFunc *free_func, void *opaque,
                          BOOL is_shared)
    return js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, len,
                                        is_shared ? JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER : JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER,
                                        buf, free_func, opaque, FALSE);

JS_BOOL JS_IsArrayBuffer(JSValue obj) {
    return JS_GetClassID(obj) == JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER;

/* create a new ArrayBuffer of length 'len' and copy 'buf' to it */
JSValue JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(JSContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
    return js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, len,
                                        (uint8_t *)buf,
                                        js_array_buffer_free, NULL,

static JSValue js_array_buffer_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                           JSValue new_target,
                                           int argc, JSValue *argv)
    uint64_t len;
    if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &len, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_array_buffer_constructor1(ctx, new_target, len);

static JSValue js_shared_array_buffer_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                                  JSValue new_target,
                                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    uint64_t len;
    if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &len, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_array_buffer_constructor2(ctx, new_target, len,

/* also used for SharedArrayBuffer */
static void js_array_buffer_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = p->u.array_buffer;
    struct list_head *el, *el1;

    if (abuf) {
        /* The ArrayBuffer finalizer may be called before the typed
           array finalizers using it, so abuf->array_list is not
           necessarily empty. */
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &abuf->array_list) {
            JSTypedArray *ta;
            JSObject *p1;

            ta = list_entry(el, JSTypedArray, link);
            ta->link.prev = NULL;
            ta->link.next = NULL;
            p1 = ta->obj;
            /* Note: the typed array length and offset fields are not modified */
            if (p1->class_id != JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW) {
                p1->u.array.count = 0;
                p1->u.array.u.ptr = NULL;
        if (abuf->shared && rt->sab_funcs.sab_free) {
            rt->sab_funcs.sab_free(rt->sab_funcs.sab_opaque, abuf->data);
        } else {
            if (abuf->free_func)
                abuf->free_func(rt, abuf->opaque, abuf->data);
        js_free_rt(rt, abuf);

static JSValue js_array_buffer_isView(JSContext *ctx,
                                      JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    BOOL res;
    res = FALSE;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) == JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(argv[0]);
        if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
            p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW) {
            res = TRUE;
    return js_bool(res);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_array_buffer_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isView", 1, js_array_buffer_isView ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL ),

static JSValue JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx)
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "ArrayBuffer is detached");

// #sec-get-arraybuffer.prototype.detached
static JSValue js_array_buffer_get_detached(JSContext *ctx,
                                                 JSValue this_val)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    if (!abuf)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->shared)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "detached called on SharedArrayBuffer");
    return js_bool(abuf->detached);

static JSValue js_array_buffer_get_byteLength(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue this_val,
                                              int class_id)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, class_id);
    if (!abuf)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    /* return 0 if detached */
    return js_uint32(abuf->byte_length);

void JS_DetachArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = JS_GetOpaque(obj, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    struct list_head *el;

    if (!abuf || abuf->detached)
    if (abuf->free_func)
        abuf->free_func(ctx->rt, abuf->opaque, abuf->data);
    abuf->data = NULL;
    abuf->byte_length = 0;
    abuf->detached = TRUE;

    list_for_each(el, &abuf->array_list) {
        JSTypedArray *ta;
        JSObject *p;

        ta = list_entry(el, JSTypedArray, link);
        p = ta->obj;
        /* Note: the typed array length and offset fields are not modified */
        if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW) {
            p->u.array.count = 0;
            p->u.array.u.ptr = NULL;

/* get an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer */
static JSArrayBuffer *js_get_array_buffer(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
        goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER &&
        p->class_id != JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER) {
        JS_ThrowTypeErrorInvalidClass(ctx, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER);
        return NULL;
    return p->u.array_buffer;

/* return NULL if exception. WARNING: any JS call can detach the
   buffer and render the returned pointer invalid */
uint8_t *JS_GetArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx, size_t *psize, JSValue obj)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = js_get_array_buffer(ctx, obj);
    if (!abuf)
        goto fail;
    if (abuf->detached) {
        goto fail;
    *psize = abuf->byte_length;
    return abuf->data;
    *psize = 0;
    return NULL;

// ES #sec-arraybuffer.prototype.transfer
static JSValue js_array_buffer_transfer(JSContext *ctx,
                                        JSValue this_val,
                                        int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    uint64_t new_len, old_len;
    uint8_t *bs, *new_bs;

    abuf = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    if (!abuf)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->shared)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot transfer a SharedArrayBuffer");
    if (argc < 1 || JS_IsUndefined(argv[0]))
        new_len = abuf->byte_length;
    else if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &new_len, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->detached)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
    /* create an empty AB */
    if (new_len == 0) {
        JS_DetachArrayBuffer(ctx, this_val);
        return js_array_buffer_constructor2(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    bs = abuf->data;
    old_len = abuf->byte_length;
    /* if length mismatch, realloc. Otherwise, use the same backing buffer. */
    if (new_len != old_len) {
        new_bs = js_realloc(ctx, bs, new_len);
        if (!new_bs)
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        bs = new_bs;
        if (new_len > old_len)
            memset(bs + old_len, 0, new_len - old_len);
    /* neuter the backing buffer */
    abuf->data = NULL;
    abuf->byte_length = 0;
    abuf->detached = TRUE;
    return js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, new_len,
                                        bs, abuf->free_func,
                                        NULL, FALSE);

static JSValue js_array_buffer_slice(JSContext *ctx,
                                     JSValue this_val,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv, int class_id)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf, *new_abuf;
    int64_t len, start, end, new_len;
    JSValue ctor, new_obj;

    abuf = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, class_id);
    if (!abuf)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->detached)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
    len = abuf->byte_length;

    if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[0], 0, len, len))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    end = len;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt64Clamp(ctx, &end, argv[1], 0, len, len))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    new_len = max_int64(end - start, 0);
    ctor = JS_SpeciesConstructor(ctx, this_val, JS_UNDEFINED);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        return ctor;
    if (JS_IsUndefined(ctor)) {
        new_obj = js_array_buffer_constructor2(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, new_len,
    } else {
        JSValue args[1];
        args[0] = JS_NewInt64(ctx, new_len);
        new_obj = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, ctor, 1, args);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]);
    if (JS_IsException(new_obj))
        return new_obj;
    new_abuf = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, new_obj, class_id);
    if (!new_abuf)
        goto fail;
    if (js_same_value(ctx, new_obj, this_val)) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot use identical ArrayBuffer");
        goto fail;
    if (new_abuf->detached) {
        goto fail;
    if (new_abuf->byte_length < new_len) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "new ArrayBuffer is too small");
        goto fail;
    /* must test again because of side effects */
    if (abuf->detached) {
        goto fail;
    memcpy(new_abuf->data, abuf->data + start, new_len);
    return new_obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, new_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_array_buffer_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("byteLength", js_array_buffer_get_byteLength, NULL, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("detached", js_array_buffer_get_detached, NULL ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("slice", 2, js_array_buffer_slice, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("transfer", 0, js_array_buffer_transfer ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("transferToFixedLength", 0, js_array_buffer_transfer ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "ArrayBuffer", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

/* SharedArrayBuffer */

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_shared_array_buffer_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_shared_array_buffer_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("byteLength", js_array_buffer_get_byteLength, NULL, JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("slice", 2, js_array_buffer_slice, JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "SharedArrayBuffer", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static JSObject *get_typed_array(JSContext *ctx,
                                 JSValue this_val,
                                 int is_dataview)
    JSObject *p;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
    if (is_dataview) {
        if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW)
            goto fail;
    } else {
        if (!(p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
              p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY)) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a %s", is_dataview ? "DataView" : "TypedArray");
            return NULL;
    return p;

/* WARNING: 'p' must be a typed array */
static BOOL typed_array_is_detached(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p)
    JSTypedArray *ta = p->u.typed_array;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;
    /* XXX: could simplify test by ensuring that
       p->u.array.u.ptr is NULL iff it is detached */
    return abuf->detached;

/* WARNING: 'p' must be a typed array. Works even if the array buffer
   is detached */
static uint32_t typed_array_get_length(JSContext *ctx, JSObject *p)
    JSTypedArray *ta = p->u.typed_array;
    int size_log2 = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
    return ta->length >> size_log2;

static int validate_typed_array(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val)
    JSObject *p;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, 0);
    if (!p)
        return -1;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;

static JSValue js_typed_array_get_length(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue this_val)
    JSObject *p;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, 0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_int32(p->u.array.count);

static JSValue js_typed_array_get_buffer(JSContext *ctx,
                                         JSValue this_val, int is_dataview)
    JSObject *p;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, is_dataview);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    return js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, ta->buffer));

static JSValue js_typed_array_get_byteLength(JSContext *ctx,
                                             JSValue this_val,
                                             int is_dataview)
    JSObject *p;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, is_dataview);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        if (is_dataview) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
        } else {
            return js_int32(0);
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    return js_int32(ta->length);

static JSValue js_typed_array_get_byteOffset(JSContext *ctx,
                                             JSValue this_val,
                                             int is_dataview)
    JSObject *p;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, is_dataview);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        if (is_dataview) {
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
        } else {
            return js_int32(0);
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    return js_int32(ta->offset);

/* Return the buffer associated to the typed array or an exception if
   it is not a typed array or if the buffer is detached. pbyte_offset,
   pbyte_length or pbytes_per_element can be NULL. */
JSValue JS_GetTypedArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                               size_t *pbyte_offset,
                               size_t *pbyte_length,
                               size_t *pbytes_per_element)
    JSObject *p;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, obj, FALSE);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    if (pbyte_offset)
        *pbyte_offset = ta->offset;
    if (pbyte_length)
        *pbyte_length = ta->length;
    if (pbytes_per_element) {
        *pbytes_per_element = 1 << typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
    return js_dup(JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, ta->buffer));

/* return NULL if exception. WARNING: any JS call can detach the
   buffer and render the returned pointer invalid */
uint8_t *JS_GetUint8Array(JSContext *ctx, size_t *psize, JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, obj, FALSE);
    if (!p)
        goto fail;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        goto fail;
    if (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY && p->class_id != JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a Uint8Array");
        goto fail;
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    abuf = ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;

    *psize = ta->length;
    return abuf->data + ta->offset;
    *psize = 0;
    return NULL;

static JSValue js_typed_array_get_toStringTag(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue this_val)
    JSObject *p;
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(this_val) != JS_TAG_OBJECT)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
    if (!(p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
          p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY))
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    return JS_AtomToString(ctx, ctx->rt->class_array[p->class_id].class_name);

static JSValue js_typed_array_set_internal(JSContext *ctx,
                                           JSValue dst,
                                           JSValue src,
                                           JSValue off)
    JSObject *p;
    JSObject *src_p;
    uint32_t i;
    int64_t src_len, offset;
    JSValue val, src_obj = JS_UNDEFINED;

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, dst, 0);
    if (!p)
        goto fail;
    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &offset, off))
        goto fail;
    if (offset < 0)
        goto range_error;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        goto fail;
    src_obj = JS_ToObject(ctx, src);
    if (JS_IsException(src_obj))
        goto fail;
    src_p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(src_obj);
    if (src_p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
        src_p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
        JSTypedArray *dest_ta = p->u.typed_array;
        JSArrayBuffer *dest_abuf = dest_ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;
        JSTypedArray *src_ta = src_p->u.typed_array;
        JSArrayBuffer *src_abuf = src_ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;
        int shift = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);

        if (src_abuf->detached)
            goto detached;

        src_len = src_p->u.array.count;
        if (offset > (int64_t)(p->u.array.count - src_len))
            goto range_error;

        /* copying between typed objects */
        if (src_p->class_id == p->class_id) {
            /* same type, use memmove */
            memmove(dest_abuf->data + dest_ta->offset + (offset << shift),
                    src_abuf->data + src_ta->offset, src_len << shift);
            goto done;
        if (dest_abuf->data == src_abuf->data) {
            /* copying between the same buffer using different types of mappings
               would require a temporary buffer */
        /* otherwise, default behavior is slow but correct */
    } else {
        if (js_get_length64(ctx, &src_len, src_obj))
            goto fail;
        if (offset > (int64_t)(p->u.array.count - src_len)) {
            JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array length");
            goto fail;
    for(i = 0; i < src_len; i++) {
        val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, src_obj, i);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
        // Per spec: detaching the TA mid-iteration is allowed and should
        // not throw an exception. Because iteration over the source array is
        // observable, we cannot bail out early when the TA is first detached.
        if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        } else if (JS_SetPropertyUint32(ctx, dst, offset + i, val) < 0) {
            goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, src_obj);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, src_obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_at(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t idx, len;

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, /*is_dataview*/0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    len = p->u.array.count;
    if (idx < 0)
        idx = len + idx;

    if (idx < 0 || idx >= len)
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

    switch (p->class_id) {
        return js_int32(p->u.array.u.int8_ptr[idx]);
        return js_int32(p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr[idx]);
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        return js_int32(p->u.array.u.int16_ptr[idx]);
        return js_int32(p->u.array.u.uint16_ptr[idx]);
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        return js_int32(p->u.array.u.int32_ptr[idx]);
        return js_uint32(p->u.array.u.uint32_ptr[idx]);
        return js_float64(fromfp16(p->u.array.u.fp16_ptr[idx]));
        return js_float64(p->u.array.u.float_ptr[idx]);
        return js_float64(p->u.array.u.double_ptr[idx]);
        return JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, p->u.array.u.int64_ptr[idx]);
        return JS_NewBigUint64(ctx, p->u.array.u.uint64_ptr[idx]);

    abort(); /* unreachable */
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_typed_array_with(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, val;
    JSObject *p;
    int64_t idx, len;

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, /*is_dataview*/0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (JS_ToInt64Sat(ctx, &idx, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    len = p->u.array.count;
    if (idx < 0)
        idx = len + idx;
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= len)
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid array index");

    val = JS_ToPrimitive(ctx, argv[1], HINT_NUMBER);
    if (JS_IsException(val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    arr = js_typed_array_constructor_ta(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, this_val,
    if (JS_IsException(arr)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, arr, idx, val) < 0) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return arr;

static JSValue js_typed_array_set(JSContext *ctx,
                                  JSValue this_val,
                                  int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue offset = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (argc > 1) {
        offset = argv[1];
    return js_typed_array_set_internal(ctx, this_val, argv[0], offset);

static JSValue js_create_typed_array_iterator(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    if (validate_typed_array(ctx, this_val))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_create_array_iterator(ctx, this_val, argc, argv, magic);

/* return < 0 if exception */
static int js_typed_array_get_length_internal(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue obj)
    JSObject *p;
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, obj, 0);
    if (!p)
        return -1;
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        return -1;
    return p->u.array.count;

static JSValue js_typed_array_create(JSContext *ctx, JSValue ctor,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue ret;
    int new_len;
    int64_t len;

    ret = JS_CallConstructor(ctx, ctor, argc, argv);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return ret;
    /* validate the typed array */
    new_len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, ret);
    if (new_len < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (argc == 1) {
        /* ensure that it is large enough */
        if (JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &len, js_dup(argv[0])))
            goto fail;
        if (new_len < len) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "TypedArray length is too small");
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return ret;

static JSValue js_typed_array___speciesCreate(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue this_val,
                                              int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    JSObject *p;
    JSValue ctor, ret;
    int argc1;

    obj = argv[0];
    p = get_typed_array(ctx, obj, 0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ctor = JS_SpeciesConstructor(ctx, obj, JS_UNDEFINED);
    if (JS_IsException(ctor))
        return ctor;
    argc1 = max_int(argc - 1, 0);
    if (JS_IsUndefined(ctor)) {
        ret = js_typed_array_constructor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, argc1, argv + 1,
    } else {
        ret = js_typed_array_create(ctx, ctor, argc1, argv + 1);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ctor);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_typed_array_from(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    // from(items, mapfn = void 0, this_arg = void 0)
    JSValue items = argv[0], mapfn, this_arg;
    JSValue args[2];
    JSValue stack[2];
    JSValue iter, arr, r, v, v2;
    int64_t k, len;
    int done, mapping;

    mapping = FALSE;
    mapfn = JS_UNDEFINED;
    this_arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    stack[0] = JS_UNDEFINED;
    stack[1] = JS_UNDEFINED;

    if (argc > 1) {
        mapfn = argv[1];
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(mapfn)) {
            if (check_function(ctx, mapfn))
                goto exception;
            mapping = 1;
            if (argc > 2)
                this_arg = argv[2];
    iter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, items, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto exception;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(iter)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
        arr = JS_NewArray(ctx);
        if (JS_IsException(arr))
            goto exception;
        stack[0] = js_dup(items);
        if (js_for_of_start(ctx, &stack[1], FALSE))
            goto exception;
        for (k = 0;; k++) {
            v = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, stack[0], stack[1], 0, NULL, &done);
            if (JS_IsException(v))
                goto exception_close;
            if (done)
            if (JS_DefinePropertyValueInt64(ctx, arr, k, v, JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                goto exception_close;
    } else {
        arr = JS_ToObject(ctx, items);
        if (JS_IsException(arr))
            goto exception;
    if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, arr) < 0)
        goto exception;
    v = JS_NewInt64(ctx, len);
    args[0] = v;
    r = js_typed_array_create(ctx, this_val, 1, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
    if (JS_IsException(r))
        goto exception;
    for(k = 0; k < len; k++) {
        v = JS_GetPropertyInt64(ctx, arr, k);
        if (JS_IsException(v))
            goto exception;
        if (mapping) {
            args[0] = v;
            args[1] = js_int32(k);
            v2 = JS_Call(ctx, mapfn, this_arg, 2, args);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, v);
            v = v2;
            if (JS_IsException(v))
                goto exception;
        if (JS_SetPropertyInt64(ctx, r, k, v) < 0)
            goto exception;
    goto done;

    if (!JS_IsUndefined(stack[0]))
        JS_IteratorClose(ctx, stack[0], TRUE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, r);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, stack[0]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, stack[1]);
    return r;

static JSValue js_typed_array_of(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue obj;
    JSValue args[1];
    int i;

    args[0] = js_int32(argc);
    obj = js_typed_array_create(ctx, this_val, 1, args);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;

    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (JS_SetPropertyUint32(ctx, obj, i, js_dup(argv[i])) < 0) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static JSValue js_typed_array_copyWithin(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    int len, to, from, final, count, shift;

    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &to, argv[0], 0, len, len))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &from, argv[1], 0, len, len))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    final = len;
    if (argc > 2 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &final, argv[2], 0, len, len))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;

    count = min_int(final - from, len - to);
    if (count > 0) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p))
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
        shift = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
        memmove(p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr + (to << shift),
                p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr + (from << shift),
                count << shift);
    return js_dup(this_val);

static JSValue js_typed_array_fill(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    int len, k, final, shift;
    uint64_t v64;

    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);

    if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY) {
        int32_t v;
        if (JS_ToUint8ClampFree(ctx, &v, js_dup(argv[0])))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        v64 = v;
    } else if (p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY) {
        uint32_t v;
        if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &v, argv[0]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        v64 = v;
    } else
    if (p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY) {
        if (JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, (int64_t *)&v64, argv[0]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        double d;
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[0]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY) {
            v64 = tofp16(d);
        } else if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY) {
            union {
                float f;
                uint32_t u32;
            } u;
            u.f = d;
            v64 = u.u32;
        } else {
            JSFloat64Union u;
            u.d = d;
            v64 = u.u64;

    k = 0;
    if (argc > 1) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &k, argv[1], 0, len, len))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;

    final = len;
    if (argc > 2 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &final, argv[2], 0, len, len))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p))
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);

    shift = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
    switch(shift) {
    case 0:
        if (k < final) {
            memset(p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr + k, v64, final - k);
    case 1:
        for(; k < final; k++) {
            p->u.array.u.uint16_ptr[k] = v64;
    case 2:
        for(; k < final; k++) {
            p->u.array.u.uint32_ptr[k] = v64;
    case 3:
        for(; k < final; k++) {
            p->u.array.u.uint64_ptr[k] = v64;
    return js_dup(this_val);

static JSValue js_typed_array_find(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv, int mode)
    JSValue func, this_arg;
    JSValue args[3];
    JSValue val, index_val, res;
    int len, k, end;
    int dir;

    val = JS_UNDEFINED;
    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        goto exception;

    func = argv[0];
    if (check_function(ctx, func))
        goto exception;

    this_arg = JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (argc > 1)
        this_arg = argv[1];

    k = 0;
    dir = 1;
    end = len;
    if (mode == ArrayFindLast || mode == ArrayFindLastIndex) {
        k = len - 1;
        dir = -1;
        end = -1;

    for(; k != end; k += dir) {
        index_val = js_int32(k);
        val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, this_val, index_val);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto exception;
        args[0] = val;
        args[1] = index_val;
        args[2] = this_val;
        res = JS_Call(ctx, func, this_arg, 3, args);
        if (JS_IsException(res))
            goto exception;
        if (JS_ToBoolFree(ctx, res)) {
            if (mode == ArrayFindIndex || mode == ArrayFindLastIndex) {
                JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
                return index_val;
            } else {
                return val;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    if (mode == ArrayFindIndex || mode == ArrayFindLastIndex)
        return js_int32(-1);
        return JS_UNDEFINED;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

#define special_indexOf 0
#define special_lastIndexOf 1
#define special_includes -1

static JSValue js_typed_array_indexOf(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv, int special)
    JSObject *p;
    int len, tag, is_int, is_bigint, k, stop, inc, res = -1;
    int64_t v64;
    double d;
    float f;
    uint16_t hf;

    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        goto exception;
    if (len == 0)
        goto done;

    if (special == special_lastIndexOf) {
        k = len - 1;
        if (argc > 1) {
            if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[1]))
                goto exception;
            if (isnan(d)) {
                k = 0;
            } else {
                if (d >= 0) {
                    if (d < k) {
                        k = d;
                } else {
                    d += len;
                    if (d < 0)
                        goto done;
                    k = d;
        stop = -1;
        inc = -1;
    } else {
        k = 0;
        if (argc > 1) {
            if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &k, argv[1], 0, len, len))
                goto exception;
        stop = len;
        inc = 1;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
    /* if the array was detached, no need to go further (but no
       exception is raised) */
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        /* "includes" scans all the properties, so "undefined" can match */
        if (special == special_includes && JS_IsUndefined(argv[0]) && len > 0)
            res = 0;
        goto done;

    is_bigint = 0;
    is_int = 0; /* avoid warning */
    v64 = 0; /* avoid warning */
    tag = JS_VALUE_GET_NORM_TAG(argv[0]);
    if (tag == JS_TAG_INT) {
        is_int = 1;
        v64 = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(argv[0]);
        d = v64;
    } else
    if (tag == JS_TAG_FLOAT64) {
        d = JS_VALUE_GET_FLOAT64(argv[0]);
        if (d >= INT64_MIN && d < 0x1p63) {
            v64 = d;
            is_int = (v64 == d);
    } else
    if (tag == JS_TAG_BIG_INT) {
        JSBigInt *p1 = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(argv[0]);

        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY) {
            if (bf_get_int64(&v64, &p1->num, 0) != 0)
                goto done;
        } else if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY) {
            if (bf_get_uint64((uint64_t *)&v64, &p1->num) != 0)
                goto done;
        } else {
            goto done;
        d = 0;
        is_bigint = 1;
    } else {
        goto done;

    switch (p->class_id) {
        if (is_int && (int8_t)v64 == v64)
            goto scan8;
        if (is_int && (uint8_t)v64 == v64) {
            const uint8_t *pv, *pp;
            uint16_t v;
            pv = p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr;
            v = v64;
            if (inc > 0) {
                pp = memchr(pv + k, v, len - k);
                if (pp)
                    res = pp - pv;
            } else {
                for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                    if (pv[k] == v) {
                        res = k;
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        if (is_int && (int16_t)v64 == v64)
            goto scan16;
        if (is_int && (uint16_t)v64 == v64) {
            const uint16_t *pv;
            uint16_t v;
            pv = p->u.array.u.uint16_ptr;
            v = v64;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (pv[k] == v) {
                    res = k;
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        if (is_int && (int32_t)v64 == v64)
            goto scan32;
        if (is_int && (uint32_t)v64 == v64) {
            const uint32_t *pv;
            uint32_t v;
            pv = p->u.array.u.uint32_ptr;
            v = v64;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (pv[k] == v) {
                    res = k;
        if (is_bigint)
        if (isnan(d)) {
            const uint16_t *pv = p->u.array.u.fp16_ptr;
            /* special case: indexOf returns -1, includes finds NaN */
            if (special != special_includes)
                goto done;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (isfp16nan(pv[k])) {
                    res = k;
        } else if (d == 0) {
            // special case: includes also finds negative zero
            const uint16_t *pv = p->u.array.u.fp16_ptr;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (isfp16zero(pv[k])) {
                    res = k;
        } else if (hf = tofp16(d), d == fromfp16(hf)) {
            const uint16_t *pv = p->u.array.u.fp16_ptr;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (pv[k] == hf) {
                    res = k;
        if (is_bigint)
        if (isnan(d)) {
            const float *pv = p->u.array.u.float_ptr;
            /* special case: indexOf returns -1, includes finds NaN */
            if (special != special_includes)
                goto done;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (isnan(pv[k])) {
                    res = k;
        } else if ((f = (float)d) == d) {
            const float *pv = p->u.array.u.float_ptr;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (pv[k] == f) {
                    res = k;
        if (is_bigint)
        if (isnan(d)) {
            const double *pv = p->u.array.u.double_ptr;
            /* special case: indexOf returns -1, includes finds NaN */
            if (special != special_includes)
                goto done;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (isnan(pv[k])) {
                    res = k;
        } else {
            const double *pv = p->u.array.u.double_ptr;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (pv[k] == d) {
                    res = k;
        if (is_bigint) {
            goto scan64;
        if (is_bigint) {
            const uint64_t *pv;
            uint64_t v;
            pv = p->u.array.u.uint64_ptr;
            v = v64;
            for (; k != stop; k += inc) {
                if (pv[k] == v) {
                    res = k;

    if (special == special_includes)
        return js_bool(res >= 0);
        return js_int32(res);

    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_join(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv, int toLocaleString)
    JSValue sep = JS_UNDEFINED, el;
    StringBuffer b_s, *b = &b_s;
    JSString *p = NULL;
    int i, n;
    int c;

    n = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (n < 0)
        goto exception;

    c = ',';    /* default separator */
    if (!toLocaleString && argc > 0 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[0])) {
        sep = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
        if (JS_IsException(sep))
            goto exception;
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(sep);
        if (p->len == 1 && !p->is_wide_char)
            c = p->u.str8[0];
            c = -1;
    string_buffer_init(ctx, b, 0);

    /* XXX: optimize with direct access */
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i > 0) {
            if (c >= 0) {
                if (string_buffer_putc8(b, c))
                    goto fail;
            } else {
                if (string_buffer_concat(b, p, 0, p->len))
                    goto fail;
        el = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, this_val, i);
        /* Can return undefined for example if the typed array is detached */
        if (!JS_IsNull(el) && !JS_IsUndefined(el)) {
            if (JS_IsException(el))
                goto fail;
            if (toLocaleString) {
                el = JS_ToLocaleStringFree(ctx, el);
            if (string_buffer_concat_value_free(b, el))
                goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep);
    return string_buffer_end(b);

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, sep);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_reverse(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                      int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    int len;

    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (len > 0) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        switch (typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id)) {
        case 0:
                uint8_t *p1 = p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr;
                uint8_t *p2 = p1 + len - 1;
                while (p1 < p2) {
                    uint8_t v = *p1;
                    *p1++ = *p2;
                    *p2-- = v;
        case 1:
                uint16_t *p1 = p->u.array.u.uint16_ptr;
                uint16_t *p2 = p1 + len - 1;
                while (p1 < p2) {
                    uint16_t v = *p1;
                    *p1++ = *p2;
                    *p2-- = v;
        case 2:
                uint32_t *p1 = p->u.array.u.uint32_ptr;
                uint32_t *p2 = p1 + len - 1;
                while (p1 < p2) {
                    uint32_t v = *p1;
                    *p1++ = *p2;
                    *p2-- = v;
        case 3:
                uint64_t *p1 = p->u.array.u.uint64_ptr;
                uint64_t *p2 = p1 + len - 1;
                while (p1 < p2) {
                    uint64_t v = *p1;
                    *p1++ = *p2;
                    *p2-- = v;
    return js_dup(this_val);

static JSValue js_typed_array_toReversed(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                         int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, ret;
    JSObject *p;

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, /*is_dataview*/0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    arr = js_typed_array_constructor_ta(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, this_val,
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = js_typed_array_reverse(ctx, arr, argc, argv);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_typed_array_slice(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue args[2];
    JSValue arr, val;
    JSObject *p, *p1;
    int n, len, start, final, count, shift;

    arr = JS_UNDEFINED;
    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        goto exception;

    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[0], 0, len, len))
        goto exception;
    final = len;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &final, argv[1], 0, len, len))
            goto exception;
    count = max_int(final - start, 0);

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, 0);
    if (p == NULL)
        goto exception;
    shift = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);

    args[0] = this_val;
    args[1] = js_int32(count);
    arr = js_typed_array___speciesCreate(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        goto exception;

    if (count > 0) {
        if (validate_typed_array(ctx, this_val)
        ||  validate_typed_array(ctx, arr))
            goto exception;

        p1 = get_typed_array(ctx, arr, 0);
        if (p1 != NULL && p->class_id == p1->class_id &&
            typed_array_get_length(ctx, p1) >= count &&
            typed_array_get_length(ctx, p) >= start + count) {
                    p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr + (start << shift),
                    count << shift);
        } else {
            for (n = 0; n < count; n++) {
                val = JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, this_val, js_int32(start + n));
                if (JS_IsException(val))
                    goto exception;
                if (JS_SetPropertyValue(ctx, arr, js_int32(n), val,
                                        JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
                    goto exception;
    return arr;

    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_subarray(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue args[4];
    JSValue arr, byteOffset, ta_buffer;
    JSObject *p;
    int len, start, final, count, shift, offset;

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, 0);
    if (!p)
        goto exception;
    len = p->u.array.count;
    if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &start, argv[0], 0, len, len))
        goto exception;

    final = len;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(argv[1])) {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &final, argv[1], 0, len, len))
            goto exception;
    count = max_int(final - start, 0);
    byteOffset = js_typed_array_get_byteOffset(ctx, this_val, 0);
    if (JS_IsException(byteOffset))
        goto exception;
    shift = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
    offset = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(byteOffset) + (start << shift);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, byteOffset);
    ta_buffer = js_typed_array_get_buffer(ctx, this_val, 0);
    if (JS_IsException(ta_buffer))
        goto exception;
    args[0] = this_val;
    args[1] = ta_buffer;
    args[2] = js_int32(offset);
    args[3] = js_int32(count);
    arr = js_typed_array___speciesCreate(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, 4, args);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ta_buffer);
    return arr;

    return JS_EXCEPTION;

/* TypedArray.prototype.sort */

static int js_cmp_doubles(double x, double y)
    if (isnan(x))    return isnan(y) ? 0 : +1;
    if (isnan(y))    return -1;
    if (x < y)       return -1;
    if (x > y)       return 1;
    if (x != 0)      return 0;
    if (signbit(x))  return signbit(y) ? 0 : -1;
    else             return signbit(y) ? 1 : 0;

static int js_TA_cmp_int8(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return *(const int8_t *)a - *(const int8_t *)b;

static int js_TA_cmp_uint8(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return *(const uint8_t *)a - *(const uint8_t *)b;

static int js_TA_cmp_int16(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return *(const int16_t *)a - *(const int16_t *)b;

static int js_TA_cmp_uint16(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return *(const uint16_t *)a - *(const uint16_t *)b;

static int js_TA_cmp_int32(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    int32_t x = *(const int32_t *)a;
    int32_t y = *(const int32_t *)b;
    return (y < x) - (y > x);

static int js_TA_cmp_uint32(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    uint32_t x = *(const uint32_t *)a;
    uint32_t y = *(const uint32_t *)b;
    return (y < x) - (y > x);

static int js_TA_cmp_int64(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    int64_t x = *(const int64_t *)a;
    int64_t y = *(const int64_t *)b;
    return (y < x) - (y > x);

static int js_TA_cmp_uint64(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    uint64_t x = *(const uint64_t *)a;
    uint64_t y = *(const uint64_t *)b;
    return (y < x) - (y > x);

static int js_TA_cmp_float16(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return js_cmp_doubles(fromfp16(*(const uint16_t *)a),
                          fromfp16(*(const uint16_t *)b));

static int js_TA_cmp_float32(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return js_cmp_doubles(*(const float *)a, *(const float *)b);

static int js_TA_cmp_float64(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    return js_cmp_doubles(*(const double *)a, *(const double *)b);

static JSValue js_TA_get_int8(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_int32(*(const int8_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_uint8(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_int32(*(const uint8_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_int16(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_int32(*(const int16_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_uint16(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_int32(*(const uint16_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_int32(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_int32(*(const int32_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_uint32(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_uint32(*(const uint32_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_int64(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, *(int64_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_uint64(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return JS_NewBigUint64(ctx, *(uint64_t *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_float16(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_float64(fromfp16(*(const uint16_t *)a));

static JSValue js_TA_get_float32(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_float64(*(const float *)a);

static JSValue js_TA_get_float64(JSContext *ctx, const void *a) {
    return js_float64(*(const double *)a);

struct TA_sort_context {
    JSContext *ctx;
    int exception;
    JSValue arr;
    JSValue cmp;
    JSValue (*getfun)(JSContext *ctx, const void *a);
    uint8_t *array_ptr; /* cannot change unless the array is detached */
    int elt_size;

static int js_TA_cmp_generic(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque) {
    struct TA_sort_context *psc = opaque;
    JSContext *ctx = psc->ctx;
    uint32_t a_idx, b_idx;
    JSValue argv[2];
    JSValue res;
    JSObject *p;
    int cmp;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(psc->arr);
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p))
        return 0;

    cmp = 0;
    if (!psc->exception) {
        a_idx = *(uint32_t *)a;
        b_idx = *(uint32_t *)b;
        argv[0] = psc->getfun(ctx, psc->array_ptr +
                              a_idx * (size_t)psc->elt_size);
        argv[1] = psc->getfun(ctx, psc->array_ptr +
                              b_idx * (size_t)(psc->elt_size));
        res = JS_Call(ctx, psc->cmp, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, argv);
        if (JS_IsException(res)) {
            psc->exception = 1;
            goto done;
        if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(res) == JS_TAG_INT) {
            int val = JS_VALUE_GET_INT(res);
            cmp = (val > 0) - (val < 0);
        } else {
            double val;
            if (JS_ToFloat64Free(ctx, &val, res) < 0) {
                psc->exception = 1;
                goto done;
            } else {
                cmp = (val > 0) - (val < 0);
        if (cmp == 0) {
            /* make sort stable: compare array offsets */
            cmp = (a_idx > b_idx) - (a_idx < b_idx);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[0]);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[1]);
    return cmp;

static JSValue js_typed_array_sort(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                   int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSObject *p;
    int len;
    size_t elt_size;
    struct TA_sort_context tsc;
    void *array_ptr;
    int (*cmpfun)(const void *a, const void *b, void *opaque);

    tsc.ctx = ctx;
    tsc.exception = 0;
    tsc.arr = this_val;
    tsc.cmp = argv[0];

    len = js_typed_array_get_length_internal(ctx, this_val);
    if (len < 0)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(tsc.cmp) && check_function(ctx, tsc.cmp))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (len > 1) {
        p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(this_val);
        switch (p->class_id) {
        case JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_int8;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_int8;
        case JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY:
        case JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_uint8;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_uint8;
        case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_int16;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_int16;
        case JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_uint16;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_uint16;
        case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_int32;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_int32;
        case JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_uint32;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_uint32;
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_int64;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_int64;
        case JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_uint64;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_uint64;
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_float16;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_float16;
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_float32;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_float32;
        case JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY:
            tsc.getfun = js_TA_get_float64;
            cmpfun = js_TA_cmp_float64;
        array_ptr = p->u.array.u.ptr;
        elt_size = 1 << typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
        if (!JS_IsUndefined(tsc.cmp)) {
            uint32_t *array_idx;
            void *array_tmp;
            size_t i, j;

            /* XXX: a stable sort would use less memory */
            array_idx = js_malloc(ctx, len * sizeof(array_idx[0]));
            if (!array_idx)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
                array_idx[i] = i;
            tsc.array_ptr = array_ptr;
            tsc.elt_size = elt_size;
            rqsort(array_idx, len, sizeof(array_idx[0]),
                   js_TA_cmp_generic, &tsc);
            if (tsc.exception)
                goto fail;
            // per spec: typed array can be detached mid-iteration
            if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p))
                goto done;
            array_tmp = js_malloc(ctx, len * elt_size);
            if (!array_tmp) {
                js_free(ctx, array_idx);
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            memcpy(array_tmp, array_ptr, len * elt_size);
            switch(elt_size) {
            case 1:
                for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    j = array_idx[i];
                    ((uint8_t *)array_ptr)[i] = ((uint8_t *)array_tmp)[j];
            case 2:
                for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    j = array_idx[i];
                    ((uint16_t *)array_ptr)[i] = ((uint16_t *)array_tmp)[j];
            case 4:
                for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    j = array_idx[i];
                    ((uint32_t *)array_ptr)[i] = ((uint32_t *)array_tmp)[j];
            case 8:
                for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    j = array_idx[i];
                    ((uint64_t *)array_ptr)[i] = ((uint64_t *)array_tmp)[j];
            js_free(ctx, array_tmp);
            js_free(ctx, array_idx);
        } else {
            rqsort(array_ptr, len, elt_size, cmpfun, &tsc);
            if (tsc.exception)
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_dup(this_val);

static JSValue js_typed_array_toSorted(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue arr, ret;
    JSObject *p;

    p = get_typed_array(ctx, this_val, /*is_dataview*/0);
    if (!p)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    arr = js_typed_array_constructor_ta(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, this_val,
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = js_typed_array_sort(ctx, arr, argc, argv);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return ret;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_typed_array_base_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("from", 1, js_typed_array_from ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("of", 0, js_typed_array_of ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.species]", js_get_this, NULL ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_typed_array_base_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("length", js_typed_array_get_length, NULL ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("at", 1, js_typed_array_at ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("with", 2, js_typed_array_with ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("buffer", js_typed_array_get_buffer, NULL, 0 ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("byteLength", js_typed_array_get_byteLength, NULL, 0 ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("byteOffset", js_typed_array_get_byteOffset, NULL, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("set", 1, js_typed_array_set ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("values", 0, js_create_typed_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUE ),
    JS_ALIAS_DEF("[Symbol.iterator]", "values" ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("keys", 0, js_create_typed_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("entries", 0, js_create_typed_array_iterator, JS_ITERATOR_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE ),
    JS_CGETSET_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", js_typed_array_get_toStringTag, NULL ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("copyWithin", 2, js_typed_array_copyWithin ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("every", 1, js_array_every, special_every | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("some", 1, js_array_every, special_some | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("forEach", 1, js_array_every, special_forEach | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("map", 1, js_array_every, special_map | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("filter", 1, js_array_every, special_filter | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("reduce", 1, js_array_reduce, special_reduce | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("reduceRight", 1, js_array_reduce, special_reduceRight | special_TA ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("fill", 1, js_typed_array_fill ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("find", 1, js_typed_array_find, ArrayFind ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("findIndex", 1, js_typed_array_find, ArrayFindIndex ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("findLast", 1, js_typed_array_find, ArrayFindLast ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("findLastIndex", 1, js_typed_array_find, ArrayFindLastIndex ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("reverse", 0, js_typed_array_reverse ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toReversed", 0, js_typed_array_toReversed ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("slice", 2, js_typed_array_slice ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("subarray", 2, js_typed_array_subarray ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("sort", 1, js_typed_array_sort ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("toSorted", 1, js_typed_array_toSorted ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("join", 1, js_typed_array_join, 0 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("toLocaleString", 0, js_typed_array_join, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("indexOf", 1, js_typed_array_indexOf, special_indexOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("lastIndexOf", 1, js_typed_array_indexOf, special_lastIndexOf ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("includes", 1, js_typed_array_indexOf, special_includes ),
    //JS_ALIAS_BASE_DEF("toString", "toString", 2 /* Array.prototype. */), @@@

static JSValue js_typed_array_base_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                               JSValue this_val,
                                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot be called");

/* 'obj' must be an allocated typed array object */
static int typed_array_init(JSContext *ctx, JSValue obj,
                            JSValue buffer, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len)
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSObject *p, *pbuffer;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    int size_log2;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    size_log2 = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
    ta = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*ta));
    if (!ta) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, buffer);
        return -1;
    pbuffer = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(buffer);
    abuf = pbuffer->u.array_buffer;
    ta->obj = p;
    ta->buffer = pbuffer;
    ta->offset = offset;
    ta->length = len << size_log2;
    list_add_tail(&ta->link, &abuf->array_list);
    p->u.typed_array = ta;
    p->u.array.count = len;
    p->u.array.u.ptr = abuf->data + offset;
    return 0;

static JSValue js_array_from_iterator(JSContext *ctx, uint32_t *plen,
                                      JSValue obj, JSValue method)
    JSValue arr, iter, next_method = JS_UNDEFINED, val;
    BOOL done;
    uint32_t k;

    *plen = 0;
    arr = JS_NewArray(ctx);
    if (JS_IsException(arr))
        return arr;
    iter = JS_GetIterator2(ctx, obj, method);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto fail;
    next_method = JS_GetProperty(ctx, iter, JS_ATOM_next);
    if (JS_IsException(next_method))
        goto fail;
    k = 0;
    for(;;) {
        val = JS_IteratorNext(ctx, iter, next_method, 0, NULL, &done);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
        if (done) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
        if (JS_CreateDataPropertyUint32(ctx, arr, k, val, JS_PROP_THROW) < 0)
            goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    *plen = k;
    return arr;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, next_method);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_constructor_obj(JSContext *ctx,
                                              JSValue new_target,
                                              JSValue obj,
                                              int classid)
    JSValue iter, ret, arr = JS_UNDEFINED, val, buffer;
    uint32_t i;
    int size_log2;
    int64_t len;

    size_log2 = typed_array_size_log2(classid);
    ret = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, classid);
    if (JS_IsException(ret))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    iter = JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_Symbol_iterator);
    if (JS_IsException(iter))
        goto fail;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(iter) && !JS_IsNull(iter)) {
        uint32_t len1;
        arr = js_array_from_iterator(ctx, &len1, obj, iter);
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, iter);
        if (JS_IsException(arr))
            goto fail;
        len = len1;
    } else {
        if (js_get_length64(ctx, &len, obj))
            goto fail;
        arr = js_dup(obj);

    buffer = js_array_buffer_constructor1(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                          len << size_log2);
    if (JS_IsException(buffer))
        goto fail;
    if (typed_array_init(ctx, ret, buffer, 0, len))
        goto fail;

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, arr, i);
        if (JS_IsException(val))
            goto fail;
        if (JS_SetPropertyUint32(ctx, ret, i, val) < 0)
            goto fail;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    return ret;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, arr);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_constructor_ta(JSContext *ctx,
                                             JSValue new_target,
                                             JSValue src_obj,
                                             int classid)
    JSObject *p, *src_buffer;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSValue obj, buffer;
    uint32_t len, i;
    int size_log2;
    JSArrayBuffer *src_abuf, *abuf;

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, classid);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return obj;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(src_obj);
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        goto fail;
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    len = p->u.array.count;
    src_buffer = ta->buffer;
    src_abuf = src_buffer->u.array_buffer;
    size_log2 = typed_array_size_log2(classid);
    buffer = js_array_buffer_constructor1(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                          (uint64_t)len << size_log2);
    if (JS_IsException(buffer))
        goto fail;
    /* necessary because it could have been detached */
    if (typed_array_is_detached(ctx, p)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, buffer);
        goto fail;
    abuf = JS_GetOpaque(buffer, JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER);
    if (typed_array_init(ctx, obj, buffer, 0, len))
        goto fail;
    if (p->class_id == classid) {
        /* same type: copy the content */
        memcpy(abuf->data, src_abuf->data + ta->offset, abuf->byte_length);
    } else {
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            JSValue val;
            val = JS_GetPropertyUint32(ctx, src_obj, i);
            if (JS_IsException(val))
                goto fail;
            if (JS_SetPropertyUint32(ctx, obj, i, val) < 0)
                goto fail;
    return obj;
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
    return JS_EXCEPTION;

static JSValue js_typed_array_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                          JSValue new_target,
                                          int argc, JSValue *argv,
                                          int classid)
    JSValue buffer, obj;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    int size_log2;
    uint64_t len, offset;

    size_log2 = typed_array_size_log2(classid);
    if (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(argv[0]) != JS_TAG_OBJECT) {
        if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &len, argv[0]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        buffer = js_array_buffer_constructor1(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED,
                                              len << size_log2);
        if (JS_IsException(buffer))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        offset = 0;
    } else {
        JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(argv[0]);
        if (p->class_id == JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER ||
            p->class_id == JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER) {
            abuf = p->u.array_buffer;
            if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &offset, argv[1]))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            if (abuf->detached)
                return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
            if ((offset & ((1 << size_log2) - 1)) != 0 ||
                offset > abuf->byte_length)
                return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid offset");
            if (JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
                if ((abuf->byte_length & ((1 << size_log2) - 1)) != 0)
                    goto invalid_length;
                len = (abuf->byte_length - offset) >> size_log2;
            } else {
                if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &len, argv[2]))
                    return JS_EXCEPTION;
                if (abuf->detached)
                    return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
                if ((offset + (len << size_log2)) > abuf->byte_length) {
                    return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid length");
            buffer = js_dup(argv[0]);
        } else {
            if (p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY &&
                p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY) {
                return js_typed_array_constructor_ta(ctx, new_target, argv[0], classid);
            } else {
                return js_typed_array_constructor_obj(ctx, new_target, argv[0], classid);

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, classid);
    if (JS_IsException(obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, buffer);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (typed_array_init(ctx, obj, buffer, offset, len)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

static void js_typed_array_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSTypedArray *ta = p->u.typed_array;
    if (ta) {
        /* during the GC the finalizers are called in an arbitrary
           order so the ArrayBuffer finalizer may have been called */
        if (ta->link.next) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, ta->buffer));
        js_free_rt(rt, ta);

static void js_typed_array_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val,
                                JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSObject *p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(val);
    JSTypedArray *ta = p->u.typed_array;
    if (ta) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, ta->buffer), mark_func);

static JSValue js_dataview_constructor(JSContext *ctx,
                                       JSValue new_target,
                                       int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    uint64_t offset;
    uint32_t len;
    JSValue buffer;
    JSValue obj;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSObject *p;

    buffer = argv[0];
    abuf = js_get_array_buffer(ctx, buffer);
    if (!abuf)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    offset = 0;
    if (argc > 1) {
        if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &offset, argv[1]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->detached)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
    if (offset > abuf->byte_length)
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid byteOffset");
    len = abuf->byte_length - offset;
    if (argc > 2 && !JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
        uint64_t l;
        if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &l, argv[2]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (l > len)
            return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "invalid byteLength");
        len = l;

    obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->detached) {
        /* could have been detached in js_create_from_ctor() */
        goto fail;
    ta = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*ta));
    if (!ta) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    ta->obj = p;
    ta->buffer = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(js_dup(buffer));
    ta->offset = offset;
    ta->length = len;
    list_add_tail(&ta->link, &abuf->array_list);
    p->u.typed_array = ta;
    return obj;

static JSValue js_dataview_getValue(JSContext *ctx,
                                    JSValue this_obj,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv, int class_id)
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    BOOL littleEndian, is_swap;
    int size;
    uint8_t *ptr;
    uint32_t v;
    uint64_t pos;

    ta = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_obj, JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW);
    if (!ta)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    size = 1 << typed_array_size_log2(class_id);
    if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &pos, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    littleEndian = argc > 1 && JS_ToBool(ctx, argv[1]);
    is_swap = littleEndian ^ !is_be();
    abuf = ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;
    if (abuf->detached)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
    if ((pos + size) > ta->length)
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "out of bound");
    ptr = abuf->data + ta->offset + pos;

    switch(class_id) {
        return js_int32(*(int8_t *)ptr);
        return js_int32(*(uint8_t *)ptr);
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        v = get_u16(ptr);
        if (is_swap)
            v = bswap16(v);
        return js_int32((int16_t)v);
        v = get_u16(ptr);
        if (is_swap)
            v = bswap16(v);
        return js_int32(v);
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        v = get_u32(ptr);
        if (is_swap)
            v = bswap32(v);
        return js_int32(v);
        v = get_u32(ptr);
        if (is_swap)
            v = bswap32(v);
        return js_uint32(v);
            uint64_t v;
            v = get_u64(ptr);
            if (is_swap)
                v = bswap64(v);
            return JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, v);
            uint64_t v;
            v = get_u64(ptr);
            if (is_swap)
                v = bswap64(v);
            return JS_NewBigUint64(ctx, v);
            uint16_t v;
            v = get_u16(ptr);
            if (is_swap)
                v = bswap16(v);
            return js_float64(fromfp16(v));
            union {
                float f;
                uint32_t i;
            } u;
            v = get_u32(ptr);
            if (is_swap)
                v = bswap32(v);
            u.i = v;
            return js_float64(u.f);
            union {
                double f;
                uint64_t i;
            } u;
            u.i = get_u64(ptr);
            if (is_swap)
                u.i = bswap64(u.i);
            return js_float64(u.f);
    return JS_EXCEPTION; // pacify compiler

static JSValue js_dataview_setValue(JSContext *ctx,
                                    JSValue this_obj,
                                    int argc, JSValue *argv, int class_id)
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    BOOL littleEndian, is_swap;
    int size;
    uint8_t *ptr;
    uint64_t v64;
    uint32_t v;
    uint64_t pos;
    JSValue val;

    ta = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_obj, JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW);
    if (!ta)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    size = 1 << typed_array_size_log2(class_id);
    if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &pos, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    val = argv[1];
    v = 0; /* avoid warning */
    v64 = 0; /* avoid warning */
    if (class_id <= JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY) {
        if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &v, val))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else
    if (class_id <= JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY) {
        if (JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, (int64_t *)&v64, val))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        double d;
        if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, val))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (class_id == JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY) {
            v = tofp16(d);
        } else if (class_id == JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY) {
            union {
                float f;
                uint32_t i;
            } u;
            u.f = d;
            v = u.i;
        } else {
            JSFloat64Union u;
            u.d = d;
            v64 = u.u64;
    littleEndian = argc > 2 && JS_ToBool(ctx, argv[2]);
    is_swap = littleEndian ^ !is_be();
    abuf = ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;
    if (abuf->detached)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
    if ((pos + size) > ta->length)
        return JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "out of bound");
    ptr = abuf->data + ta->offset + pos;

    switch(class_id) {
        *ptr = v;
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        if (is_swap)
            v = bswap16(v);
        put_u16(ptr, v);
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        if (is_swap)
            v = bswap32(v);
        put_u32(ptr, v);
        if (is_swap)
            v64 = bswap64(v64);
        put_u64(ptr, v64);
    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_dataview_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("buffer", js_typed_array_get_buffer, NULL, 1 ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("byteLength", js_typed_array_get_byteLength, NULL, 1 ),
    JS_CGETSET_MAGIC_DEF("byteOffset", js_typed_array_get_byteOffset, NULL, 1 ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getInt8", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUint8", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getInt16", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUint16", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getInt32", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getUint32", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getBigInt64", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getBigUint64", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFloat16", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFloat32", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFloat64", 1, js_dataview_getValue, JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setInt8", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUint8", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setInt16", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUint16", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_UINT16_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setInt32", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setUint32", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_UINT32_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setBigInt64", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setBigUint64", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setFloat16", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_FLOAT16_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setFloat32", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_FLOAT32_ARRAY ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("setFloat64", 2, js_dataview_setValue, JS_CLASS_FLOAT64_ARRAY ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "DataView", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static JSValue js_new_uint8array(JSContext *ctx, JSValue buffer)
    if (JS_IsException(buffer))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSValue obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY);
    if (JS_IsException(obj)) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, buffer);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf = js_get_array_buffer(ctx, buffer);
    assert(abuf != NULL);
    if (typed_array_init(ctx, obj, buffer, 0, abuf->byte_length)) {
        // 'buffer' is freed on error above.
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return obj;

JSValue JS_NewUint8Array(JSContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, size_t len,
                         JSFreeArrayBufferDataFunc *free_func, void *opaque,
                         JS_BOOL is_shared)
    JSValue buffer = js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, len,
                                                  is_shared ? JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER : JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER,
                                                  buf, free_func, opaque, FALSE);
    return js_new_uint8array(ctx, buffer);

JSValue JS_NewUint8ArrayCopy(JSContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
    JSValue buffer = js_array_buffer_constructor3(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, len,
                                                  (uint8_t *)buf,
                                                  js_array_buffer_free, NULL,
    return js_new_uint8array(ctx, buffer);

JS_BOOL JS_IsUint8Array(JSValue obj) {
    return JS_GetClassID(obj) == JS_CLASS_UINT8_ARRAY;

/* Atomics */

typedef enum AtomicsOpEnum {
} AtomicsOpEnum;

static void *js_atomics_get_ptr(JSContext *ctx,
                                JSArrayBuffer **pabuf,
                                int *psize_log2, JSClassID *pclass_id,
                                JSValue obj, JSValue idx_val,
                                int is_waitable)
    JSObject *p;
    JSTypedArray *ta;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;
    void *ptr;
    uint64_t idx;
    BOOL err;
    int size_log2;

        goto fail;
    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(obj);
    if (is_waitable)
        err = (p->class_id != JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY &&
               p->class_id != JS_CLASS_BIG_INT64_ARRAY);
        err = !(p->class_id >= JS_CLASS_INT8_ARRAY &&
                p->class_id <= JS_CLASS_BIG_UINT64_ARRAY);
    if (err) {
        JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "integer TypedArray expected");
        return NULL;
    ta = p->u.typed_array;
    abuf = ta->buffer->u.array_buffer;
    if (!abuf->shared) {
        if (is_waitable == 2) {
            JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "not a SharedArrayBuffer TypedArray");
            return NULL;
        if (abuf->detached) {
            return NULL;
    if (JS_ToIndex(ctx, &idx, idx_val)) {
        return NULL;
    /* if the array buffer is detached, p->u.array.count = 0 */
    if (idx >= p->u.array.count) {
        JS_ThrowRangeError(ctx, "out-of-bound access");
        return NULL;
    size_log2 = typed_array_size_log2(p->class_id);
    ptr = p->u.array.u.uint8_ptr + ((uintptr_t)idx << size_log2);
    if (pabuf)
        *pabuf = abuf;
    if (psize_log2)
        *psize_log2 = size_log2;
    if (pclass_id)
        *pclass_id = p->class_id;
    return ptr;

static JSValue js_atomics_op(JSContext *ctx,
                             JSValue this_obj,
                             int argc, JSValue *argv, int op)
    int size_log2;
    uint64_t v, a, rep_val;
    void *ptr;
    JSValue ret;
    JSClassID class_id;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;

    ptr = js_atomics_get_ptr(ctx, &abuf, &size_log2, &class_id,
                             argv[0], argv[1], 0);
    if (!ptr)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    rep_val = 0;
    if (op == ATOMICS_OP_LOAD) {
        v = 0;
    } else {
        if (size_log2 == 3) {
            int64_t v64;
            if (JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, &v64, argv[2]))
                return JS_EXCEPTION;
            v = v64;
            if (op == ATOMICS_OP_COMPARE_EXCHANGE) {
                if (JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, &v64, argv[3]))
                    return JS_EXCEPTION;
                rep_val = v64;
        } else {
			uint32_t v32;
			if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &v32, argv[2]))
				return JS_EXCEPTION;
			v = v32;
				if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &v32, argv[3]))
					return JS_EXCEPTION;
				rep_val = v32;
        if (abuf->detached)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);

   switch(op | (size_log2 << 3)) {

#define OP(op_name, func_name)                          \
    case ATOMICS_OP_ ## op_name | (0 << 3):             \
       a = func_name((_Atomic uint8_t *)ptr, v);        \
       break;                                           \
    case ATOMICS_OP_ ## op_name | (1 << 3):             \
        a = func_name((_Atomic uint16_t *)ptr, v);      \
        break;                                          \
    case ATOMICS_OP_ ## op_name | (2 << 3):             \
        a = func_name((_Atomic uint32_t *)ptr, v);      \
        break;                                          \
    case ATOMICS_OP_ ## op_name | (3 << 3):             \
        a = func_name((_Atomic uint64_t *)ptr, v);      \
        OP(ADD, atomic_fetch_add)
        OP(AND, atomic_fetch_and)
        OP(OR, atomic_fetch_or)
        OP(SUB, atomic_fetch_sub)
        OP(XOR, atomic_fetch_xor)
        OP(EXCHANGE, atomic_exchange)
#undef OP

    case ATOMICS_OP_LOAD | (0 << 3):
        a = atomic_load((_Atomic uint8_t *)ptr);
    case ATOMICS_OP_LOAD | (1 << 3):
        a = atomic_load((_Atomic uint16_t *)ptr);
    case ATOMICS_OP_LOAD | (2 << 3):
        a = atomic_load((_Atomic uint32_t *)ptr);
    case ATOMICS_OP_LOAD | (3 << 3):
        a = atomic_load((_Atomic uint64_t *)ptr);
    case ATOMICS_OP_COMPARE_EXCHANGE | (0 << 3):
            uint8_t v1 = v;
            atomic_compare_exchange_strong((_Atomic uint8_t *)ptr, &v1, rep_val);
            a = v1;
    case ATOMICS_OP_COMPARE_EXCHANGE | (1 << 3):
            uint16_t v1 = v;
            atomic_compare_exchange_strong((_Atomic uint16_t *)ptr, &v1, rep_val);
            a = v1;
    case ATOMICS_OP_COMPARE_EXCHANGE | (2 << 3):
            uint32_t v1 = v;
            atomic_compare_exchange_strong((_Atomic uint32_t *)ptr, &v1, rep_val);
            a = v1;
    case ATOMICS_OP_COMPARE_EXCHANGE | (3 << 3):
            uint64_t v1 = v;
            atomic_compare_exchange_strong((_Atomic uint64_t *)ptr, &v1, rep_val);
            a = v1;

    switch(class_id) {
        a = (int8_t)a;
        goto done;
        a = (uint8_t)a;
        goto done;
    case JS_CLASS_INT16_ARRAY:
        a = (int16_t)a;
        goto done;
        a = (uint16_t)a;
        goto done;
    case JS_CLASS_INT32_ARRAY:
        ret = js_int32(a);
        ret = js_uint32(a);
        ret = JS_NewBigInt64(ctx, a);
        ret = JS_NewBigUint64(ctx, a);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_atomics_store(JSContext *ctx,
                                JSValue this_obj,
                                int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int size_log2;
    void *ptr;
    JSValue ret;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;

    ptr = js_atomics_get_ptr(ctx, &abuf, &size_log2, NULL,
                             argv[0], argv[1], 0);
    if (!ptr)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (size_log2 == 3) {
        int64_t v64;
        ret = JS_ToBigIntValueFree(ctx, js_dup(argv[2]));
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            return ret;
        if (JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, &v64, ret)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (abuf->detached)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
        atomic_store((_Atomic uint64_t *)ptr, v64);
    } else {
        uint32_t v;
        /* XXX: spec, would be simpler to return the written value */
        ret = JS_ToIntegerFree(ctx, js_dup(argv[2]));
        if (JS_IsException(ret))
            return ret;
        if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &v, ret)) {
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret);
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        if (abuf->detached)
            return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);
        switch(size_log2) {
        case 0:
            atomic_store((_Atomic uint8_t *)ptr, v);
        case 1:
            atomic_store((_Atomic uint16_t *)ptr, v);
        case 2:
            atomic_store((_Atomic uint32_t *)ptr, v);
    return ret;

static JSValue js_atomics_isLockFree(JSContext *ctx,
                                     JSValue this_obj,
                                     int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int v, ret;
    if (JS_ToInt32Sat(ctx, &v, argv[0]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    ret = (v == 1 || v == 2 || v == 4 || v == 8);
    return js_bool(ret);

typedef struct JSAtomicsWaiter {
    struct list_head link;
    BOOL linked;
    js_cond_t cond;
    int32_t *ptr;
} JSAtomicsWaiter;

static js_once_t js_atomics_once = JS_ONCE_INIT;
static js_mutex_t js_atomics_mutex;
static struct list_head js_atomics_waiter_list =

static JSValue js_atomics_wait(JSContext *ctx,
                               JSValue this_obj,
                               int argc, JSValue *argv)
    int64_t v;
    int32_t v32;
    void *ptr;
    int64_t timeout;
    JSAtomicsWaiter waiter_s, *waiter;
    int ret, size_log2, res;
    double d;

    ptr = js_atomics_get_ptr(ctx, NULL, &size_log2, NULL,
                             argv[0], argv[1], 2);
    if (!ptr)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (size_log2 == 3) {
        if (JS_ToBigInt64(ctx, &v, argv[2]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    } else {
        if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &v32, argv[2]))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
        v = v32;
    if (JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &d, argv[3]))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (isnan(d) || d >= 0x1p63)
        timeout = INT64_MAX;
    else if (d < 0)
        timeout = 0;
        timeout = (int64_t)d;
    if (!ctx->rt->can_block)
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot block in this thread");

    /* XXX: inefficient if large number of waiters, should hash on
       'ptr' value */
    if (size_log2 == 3) {
        res = *(int64_t *)ptr != v;
    } else {
        res = *(int32_t *)ptr != v;
    if (res) {
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_not_equal);

    waiter = &waiter_s;
    waiter->ptr = ptr;
    waiter->linked = TRUE;
    list_add_tail(&waiter->link, &js_atomics_waiter_list);

    if (timeout == INT64_MAX) {
        js_cond_wait(&waiter->cond, &js_atomics_mutex);
        ret = 0;
    } else {
        ret = js_cond_timedwait(&waiter->cond, &js_atomics_mutex, timeout * 1e6 /* to ns */);
    if (waiter->linked)
    if (ret == -1) {
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_timed_out);
    } else {
        return JS_AtomToString(ctx, JS_ATOM_ok);

static JSValue js_atomics_notify(JSContext *ctx,
                                 JSValue this_obj,
                                 int argc, JSValue *argv)
    struct list_head *el, *el1, waiter_list;
    int32_t count, n;
    void *ptr;
    JSAtomicsWaiter *waiter;
    JSArrayBuffer *abuf;

    ptr = js_atomics_get_ptr(ctx, &abuf, NULL, NULL, argv[0], argv[1], 1);
    if (!ptr)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    if (JS_IsUndefined(argv[2])) {
        count = INT32_MAX;
    } else {
        if (JS_ToInt32Clamp(ctx, &count, argv[2], 0, INT32_MAX, 0))
            return JS_EXCEPTION;
    if (abuf->detached)
        return JS_ThrowTypeErrorDetachedArrayBuffer(ctx);

    n = 0;
    if (abuf->shared && count > 0) {
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &js_atomics_waiter_list) {
            waiter = list_entry(el, JSAtomicsWaiter, link);
            if (waiter->ptr == ptr) {
                waiter->linked = FALSE;
                list_add_tail(&waiter->link, &waiter_list);
                if (n >= count)
        list_for_each(el, &waiter_list) {
            waiter = list_entry(el, JSAtomicsWaiter, link);
    return js_int32(n);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_atomics_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("add", 3, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_ADD ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("and", 3, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_AND ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("or", 3, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_OR ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("sub", 3, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_SUB ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("xor", 3, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_XOR ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("exchange", 3, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_EXCHANGE ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("compareExchange", 4, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_COMPARE_EXCHANGE ),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("load", 2, js_atomics_op, ATOMICS_OP_LOAD ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("store", 3, js_atomics_store ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isLockFree", 1, js_atomics_isLockFree ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("wait", 4, js_atomics_wait ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("notify", 3, js_atomics_notify ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Atomics", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_atomics_obj[] = {
    JS_OBJECT_DEF("Atomics", js_atomics_funcs, countof(js_atomics_funcs), JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static void js__atomics_init(void) {

/* TODO(saghul) make this public and not dependent on typed arrays? */
void JS_AddIntrinsicAtomics(JSContext *ctx)
    js_once(&js_atomics_once, js__atomics_init);

    /* add Atomics as autoinit object */
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->global_obj, js_atomics_obj, countof(js_atomics_obj));

#endif /* CONFIG_ATOMICS */

void JS_AddIntrinsicTypedArrays(JSContext *ctx)
    JSValue typed_array_base_proto, typed_array_base_func;
    JSValue array_buffer_func, shared_array_buffer_func;
    int i;

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY_BUFFER],

    array_buffer_func = JS_NewGlobalCConstructorOnly(ctx, "ArrayBuffer",
                                                 js_array_buffer_constructor, 1,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, array_buffer_func,

    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER],

    shared_array_buffer_func = JS_NewGlobalCConstructorOnly(ctx, "SharedArrayBuffer",
                                                 js_shared_array_buffer_constructor, 1,
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, shared_array_buffer_func,

    typed_array_base_proto = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, typed_array_base_proto,

    /* TypedArray.prototype.toString must be the same object as Array.prototype.toString */
    JSValue obj = JS_GetProperty(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_ARRAY], JS_ATOM_toString);
    /* XXX: should use alias method in JSCFunctionListEntry */ //@@@
    JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, typed_array_base_proto, JS_ATOM_toString, obj,
                           JS_PROP_WRITABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    typed_array_base_func = JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_typed_array_base_constructor,
                                            "TypedArray", 0);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, typed_array_base_func,
    JS_SetConstructor(ctx, typed_array_base_func, typed_array_base_proto);

    /* Used to squelch a -Wcast-function-type warning. */
    JSCFunctionType ft = { .generic_magic = js_typed_array_constructor };
        JSValue func_obj;
        char buf[ATOM_GET_STR_BUF_SIZE];
        const char *name;

        ctx->class_proto[i] = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, typed_array_base_proto);
        JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, ctx->class_proto[i],
                                  js_int32(1 << typed_array_size_log2(i)),
        name = JS_AtomGetStr(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf),
                             JS_ATOM_Uint8ClampedArray + i - JS_CLASS_UINT8C_ARRAY);
        func_obj = JS_NewCFunction3(ctx, ft.generic,
                                    name, 3, JS_CFUNC_constructor_magic, i,
        JS_NewGlobalCConstructor2(ctx, func_obj, name, ctx->class_proto[i]);
        JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, func_obj,
                                  js_int32(1 << typed_array_size_log2(i)),
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, typed_array_base_proto);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, typed_array_base_func);

    /* DataView */
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_DATAVIEW],
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructorOnly(ctx, "DataView",
                                 js_dataview_constructor, 1,
    /* Atomics */

/* Performance */

static double js__now_ms(void)
    return js__hrtime_ns() / 1e6;

static JSValue js_perf_now(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    return js_float64(js__now_ms() - ctx->time_origin);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_perf_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF2("now", 0, js_perf_now, JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE),

void JS_AddPerformance(JSContext *ctx)
    ctx->time_origin = js__now_ms();

    JSValue performance = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, performance, js_perf_proto_funcs, countof(js_perf_proto_funcs));
    JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, performance, "timeOrigin",
    JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, ctx->global_obj, "performance",
                           JS_PROP_ENUMERABLE | JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, performance);

/* Equality comparisons and sameness */
int JS_IsEqual(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    JSValue sp[2] = { js_dup(op1), js_dup(op2) };
    if (js_eq_slow(ctx, endof(sp), 0))
        return -1;
    return JS_VALUE_GET_BOOL(sp[0]);

JS_BOOL JS_IsStrictEqual(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    return js_strict_eq2(ctx, js_dup(op1), js_dup(op2), JS_EQ_STRICT);

JS_BOOL JS_IsSameValue(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    return js_same_value(ctx, op1, op2);

JS_BOOL JS_IsSameValueZero(JSContext *ctx, JSValue op1, JSValue op2)
    return js_same_value_zero(ctx, op1, op2);

/* WeakRef */

typedef struct JSWeakRefData {
    JSValue target;
    JSValue obj;
} JSWeakRefData;

static void js_weakref_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSWeakRefData *wrd = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF);
    if (!wrd)

    /* Delete weak ref */
    JSWeakRefRecord **pwr, *wr;

    pwr = get_first_weak_ref(wrd->target);
    for(;;) {
        wr = *pwr;
        assert(wr != NULL);
        if (wr->kind == JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_WEAK_REF && wr->u.weak_ref_data == wrd)
        pwr = &wr->next_weak_ref;
    *pwr = wr->next_weak_ref;
    js_free_rt(rt, wrd);
    js_free_rt(rt, wr);

static JSValue js_weakref_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "constructor requires 'new'");
    JSValue arg = argv[0];
    if (!is_valid_weakref_target(arg))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid target");
    // TODO(saghul): short-circuit if the refcount is 1?
    JSValue obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSWeakRefData *wrd = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*wrd));
    if (!wrd) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSWeakRefRecord *wr = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*wr));
    if (!wr) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        js_free(ctx, wrd);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    wrd->target = arg;
    wrd->obj = obj;
    wr->kind = JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_WEAK_REF;
    wr->u.weak_ref_data = wrd;
    insert_weakref_record(arg, wr);

    JS_SetOpaque(obj, wrd);
    return obj;

static JSValue js_weakref_deref(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSWeakRefData *wrd = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF);
    if (!wrd)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return js_dup(wrd->target);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_weakref_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("deref", 0, js_weakref_deref ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "WeakRef", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSClassShortDef js_weakref_class_def[] = {
    { JS_ATOM_WeakRef, js_weakref_finalizer, NULL }, /* JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF */

typedef struct JSFinRecEntry {
    struct list_head link;
    JSValue obj;
    JSValue target;
    JSValue held_val;
    JSValue token;
} JSFinRecEntry;

typedef struct JSFinalizationRegistryData {
    struct list_head entries;
    JSContext *ctx;
    JSValue cb;
} JSFinalizationRegistryData;

static void delete_finrec_weakref(JSRuntime *rt, JSFinRecEntry *fre)
    JSWeakRefRecord **pwr, *wr;

    pwr = get_first_weak_ref(fre->target);
    for(;;) {
        wr = *pwr;
        assert(wr != NULL);
        if (wr->kind == JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY_ENTRY && wr->u.fin_rec_entry == fre)
        pwr = &wr->next_weak_ref;
    *pwr = wr->next_weak_ref;
    js_free_rt(rt, wr);

static void js_finrec_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSFinalizationRegistryData *frd = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY);
    if (frd) {
        struct list_head *el, *el1;
        /* first pass to remove the weak ref entries and avoid having them modified
           by freeing a token / held value. */
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &frd->entries) {
            JSFinRecEntry *fre = list_entry(el, JSFinRecEntry, link);
            delete_finrec_weakref(rt, fre);
        /* second pass to actually free all objects. */
        list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &frd->entries) {
            JSFinRecEntry *fre = list_entry(el, JSFinRecEntry, link);
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, fre->held_val);
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, fre->token);
            js_free_rt(rt, fre);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, frd->cb);
        js_free_rt(rt, frd);

static void js_finrec_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val, JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSFinalizationRegistryData *frd = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY);
    if (frd) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, frd->cb, mark_func);
        struct list_head *el;
        list_for_each(el, &frd->entries) {
            JSFinRecEntry *fre = list_entry(el, JSFinRecEntry, link);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, fre->held_val, mark_func);
            JS_MarkValue(rt, fre->token, mark_func);

static JSValue js_finrec_constructor(JSContext *ctx, JSValue new_target, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    if (JS_IsUndefined(new_target))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "constructor requires 'new'");
    JSValue cb = argv[0];
    if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, cb))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "argument must be a function");

    JSValue obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, new_target, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSFinalizationRegistryData *frd = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*frd));
    if (!frd) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    frd->ctx = ctx;
    frd->cb = js_dup(cb);
    JS_SetOpaque(obj, frd);
    return obj;

static JSValue js_finrec_register(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSFinalizationRegistryData *frd = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY);
    if (!frd)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    JSValue target = argv[0];
    JSValue held_val = argv[1];
    // The function length needs to return 2, so the 3rd argument won't be initialized.
    JSValue token = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : JS_UNDEFINED;

    if (!is_valid_weakref_target(target))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid target");
    if (js_same_value(ctx, target, this_val))
        return JS_UNDEFINED;
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(held_val) && js_same_value(ctx, target, held_val))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "held value cannot be the target");
    if (!JS_IsUndefined(token) && !is_valid_weakref_target(token))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid unregister token");

    JSFinRecEntry *fre = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*fre));
    if (!fre)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSWeakRefRecord *wr = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*wr));
    if (!wr) {
        js_free(ctx, fre);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    fre->obj = this_val;
    fre->target = target;
    fre->held_val = js_dup(held_val);
    fre->token = js_dup(token);
    list_add_tail(&fre->link, &frd->entries);
    wr->u.fin_rec_entry = fre;
    insert_weakref_record(target, wr);

    return JS_UNDEFINED;

static JSValue js_finrec_unregister(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSFinalizationRegistryData *frd = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY);
    if (!frd)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    JSValue token = argv[0];
    if (!is_valid_weakref_target(token))
        return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid unregister token");

    struct list_head *el, *el1;
    BOOL removed = FALSE;
    list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &frd->entries) {
        JSFinRecEntry *fre = list_entry(el, JSFinRecEntry, link);
        if (js_same_value(ctx, fre->token, token)) {
            delete_finrec_weakref(ctx->rt, fre);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, fre->held_val);
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, fre->token);
            js_free(ctx, fre);
            removed = TRUE;

    return js_bool(removed);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_finrec_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("register", 2, js_finrec_register ),
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("unregister", 1, js_finrec_unregister ),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "FinalizationRegistry", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSClassShortDef js_finrec_class_def[] = {
    { JS_ATOM_FinalizationRegistry, js_finrec_finalizer, js_finrec_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY */

static JSValue js_finrec_job(JSContext *ctx, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSValue ret = JS_Call(ctx, argv[0], JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &argv[1]);
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, argv[1]);
    return ret;

void JS_AddIntrinsicWeakRef(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;

    /* WeakRef */
    if (!JS_IsRegisteredClass(rt, JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF)) {
        init_class_range(rt, js_weakref_class_def, JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF,
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF],
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "WeakRef", js_weakref_constructor, 1, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_WEAK_REF]);

    /* FinalizationRegistry */
    if (!JS_IsRegisteredClass(rt, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY)) {
        init_class_range(rt, js_finrec_class_def, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY,
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY],
    JS_NewGlobalCConstructor(ctx, "FinalizationRegistry", js_finrec_constructor, 1, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY]);

static void reset_weak_ref(JSRuntime *rt, JSWeakRefRecord **first_weak_ref)
    JSWeakRefRecord *wr, *wr_next;
    JSWeakRefData *wrd;
    JSMapRecord *mr;
    JSMapState *s;
    JSFinRecEntry *fre;

    /* first pass to remove the records from the WeakMap/WeakSet
       lists */
    for(wr = *first_weak_ref; wr != NULL; wr = wr->next_weak_ref) {
        switch(wr->kind) {
        case JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_MAP:
            mr = wr->u.map_record;
            s = mr->map;
            assert(!mr->empty); /* no iterator on WeakMap/WeakSet */
            wrd = wr->u.weak_ref_data;
            wrd->target = JS_UNDEFINED;
            fre = wr->u.fin_rec_entry;

    /* second pass to free the values to avoid modifying the weak
       reference list while traversing it. */
    for(wr = *first_weak_ref; wr != NULL; wr = wr_next) {
        wr_next = wr->next_weak_ref;
        switch(wr->kind) {
        case JS_WEAK_REF_KIND_MAP:
            mr = wr->u.map_record;
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, mr->value);
            js_free_rt(rt, mr);
            wrd = wr->u.weak_ref_data;
            JS_SetOpaque(wrd->obj, NULL);
            js_free_rt(rt, wrd);
            fre = wr->u.fin_rec_entry;
            JSFinalizationRegistryData *frd = JS_GetOpaque(fre->obj, JS_CLASS_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY);
            assert(frd != NULL);
             * During the GC sweep phase the held object might be collected first.
            if (!rt->in_free && (!JS_IsObject(fre->held_val) || JS_IsLiveObject(rt, fre->held_val))) {
                JSValue args[2];
                args[0] = frd->cb;
                args[1] = fre->held_val;
                JS_EnqueueJob(frd->ctx, js_finrec_job, 2, args);
            JS_FreeValueRT(rt, fre->token);
            js_free_rt(rt, fre);
        js_free_rt(rt, wr);

    *first_weak_ref = NULL; /* fail safe */

static BOOL is_valid_weakref_target(JSValue val)
    switch (JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(val)) {
    case JS_TAG_OBJECT:
    case JS_TAG_SYMBOL: {
        // Per spec: prohibit symbols registered with Symbol.for()
        JSAtomStruct *p = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(val);
        if (p->atom_type != JS_ATOM_TYPE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL)
        // fallthru
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

static void insert_weakref_record(JSValue target, struct JSWeakRefRecord *wr)
    JSWeakRefRecord **pwr = get_first_weak_ref(target);
    /* Add the weak reference */
    wr->next_weak_ref = *pwr;
    *pwr = wr;

/* Poly IC */

JSInlineCache *init_ic(JSContext *ctx)
    JSInlineCache *ic;
    ic = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(JSInlineCache));
    if (unlikely(!ic))
        goto fail;
    ic->count = 0;
    ic->hash_bits = 2;
    ic->capacity = 1 << ic->hash_bits;
    ic->hash = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(ic->hash[0]) * ic->capacity);
    if (unlikely(!ic->hash))
        goto fail;
    ic->cache = NULL;
    ic->updated = FALSE;
    ic->updated_offset = 0;
    return ic;
    js_free(ctx, ic);
    return NULL;

int rebuild_ic(JSContext *ctx, JSInlineCache *ic)
    uint32_t i, count;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot *ch;
    if (ic->count == 0)
        goto end;
    count = 0;
    ic->cache = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(JSInlineCacheRingSlot) * ic->count);
    if (unlikely(!ic->cache))
        goto fail;
    for (i = 0; i < ic->capacity; i++) {
        for (ch = ic->hash[i]; ch != NULL; ch = ch->next) {
            ch->index = count++;
            ic->cache[ch->index].atom = JS_DupAtom(ctx, ch->atom);
            ic->cache[ch->index].index = 0;
    return 0;
    return -1;

int resize_ic_hash(JSContext *ctx, JSInlineCache *ic)
    uint32_t new_capacity, i, h;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot *ch, *ch_next;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot **new_hash;
    new_capacity = 1 << (ic->hash_bits + 1);
    new_hash = js_mallocz(ctx, sizeof(ic->hash[0]) * new_capacity);
    if (unlikely(!new_hash))
        goto fail;
    ic->hash_bits += 1;
    for (i = 0; i < ic->capacity; i++) {
        for (ch = ic->hash[i]; ch != NULL; ch = ch_next) {
            h = get_index_hash(ch->atom, ic->hash_bits);
            ch_next = ch->next;
            ch->next = new_hash[h];
            new_hash[h] = ch;
    js_free(ctx, ic->hash);
    ic->hash = new_hash;
    ic->capacity = new_capacity;
    return 0;
    return -1;

int free_ic(JSRuntime* rt, JSInlineCache *ic)
    uint32_t i;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot *ch, *ch_next;
    JSShape **shape, *(*shapes)[IC_CACHE_ITEM_CAPACITY];
    if (ic->cache) {
        for (i = 0; i < ic->count; i++) {
            shapes = &ic->cache[i].shape;
            JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, ic->cache[i].atom);
            for (shape = *shapes; shape != endof(*shapes); shape++)
                js_free_shape_null(rt, *shape);
    for (i = 0; i < ic->capacity; i++) {
        for (ch = ic->hash[i]; ch != NULL; ch = ch_next) {
            ch_next = ch->next;
            JS_FreeAtomRT(rt, ch->atom);
            js_free_rt(rt, ch);
    if (ic->count > 0)
        js_free_rt(rt, ic->cache);
    js_free_rt(rt, ic->hash);
    js_free_rt(rt, ic);
    return 0;

uint32_t add_ic_slot(JSContext *ctx, JSInlineCache *ic, JSAtom atom, JSObject *object,
                     uint32_t prop_offset)
    int32_t i;
    uint32_t h;
    JSInlineCacheHashSlot *ch;
    JSInlineCacheRingSlot *cr;
    JSShape *sh;
    cr = NULL;
    h = get_index_hash(atom, ic->hash_bits);
    for (ch = ic->hash[h]; ch != NULL; ch = ch->next) {
        if (ch->atom == atom) {
            cr = ic->cache + ch->index;

    assert(cr != NULL);
    i = cr->index;
    for (;;) {
        if (object->shape == cr->shape[i]) {
            cr->prop_offset[i] = prop_offset;
            goto end;
        i = (i + 1) % countof(cr->shape);
        if (unlikely(i == cr->index))
    sh = cr->shape[i];
    cr->shape[i] = js_dup_shape(object->shape);
    js_free_shape_null(ctx->rt, sh);
    cr->prop_offset[i] = prop_offset;
    return ch->index;

/* CallSite */

static void js_callsite_finalizer(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val)
    JSCallSiteData *csd = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE);
    if (csd) {
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, csd->filename);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, csd->func);
        JS_FreeValueRT(rt, csd->func_name);
        js_free_rt(rt, csd);

static void js_callsite_mark(JSRuntime *rt, JSValue val, JS_MarkFunc *mark_func)
    JSCallSiteData *csd = JS_GetOpaque(val, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE);
    if (csd) {
        JS_MarkValue(rt, csd->filename, mark_func);
        JS_MarkValue(rt, csd->func, mark_func);
        JS_MarkValue(rt, csd->func_name, mark_func);

static JSValue js_new_callsite(JSContext *ctx, JSCallSiteData *csd) {
    JSValue obj = js_create_from_ctor(ctx, JS_UNDEFINED, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE);
    if (JS_IsException(obj))
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    JSCallSiteData *csd1 = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*csd));
    if (!csd1) {
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
        return JS_EXCEPTION;

    memcpy(csd1, csd, sizeof(*csd));

    JS_SetOpaque(obj, csd1);

    return obj;

static void js_new_callsite_data(JSContext *ctx, JSCallSiteData *csd, JSStackFrame *sf)
    const char *func_name_str;
    JSObject *p;

    csd->func = js_dup(sf->cur_func);
    /* func_name_str is UTF-8 encoded if needed */
    func_name_str = get_func_name(ctx, sf->cur_func);
    if (!func_name_str || func_name_str[0] == '\0')
        csd->func_name = JS_NULL;
        csd->func_name = JS_NewString(ctx, func_name_str);
    JS_FreeCString(ctx, func_name_str);
    if (JS_IsException(csd->func_name))
        csd->func_name = JS_NULL;

    p = JS_VALUE_GET_OBJ(sf->cur_func);
    if (js_class_has_bytecode(p->class_id)) {
        JSFunctionBytecode *b = p->u.func.function_bytecode;
        int line_num1, col_num1;
        line_num1 = find_line_num(ctx, b,
                                  sf->cur_pc - b->byte_code_buf - 1,
        csd->native = FALSE;
        csd->line_num = line_num1;
        csd->col_num = col_num1;
        csd->filename = JS_AtomToString(ctx, b->filename);
        if (JS_IsException(csd->filename)) {
            csd->filename = JS_NULL;
            JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_GetException(ctx)); // Clear exception.
    } else {
        csd->native = TRUE;
        csd->line_num = -1;
        csd->col_num = -1;
        csd->filename = JS_NULL;

static void js_new_callsite_data2(JSContext *ctx, JSCallSiteData *csd, const char *filename, int line_num, int col_num)
    csd->func = JS_NULL;
    csd->func_name = JS_NULL;
    csd->native = FALSE;
    csd->line_num = line_num;
    csd->col_num = col_num;
    /* filename is UTF-8 encoded if needed (original argument to __JS_EvalInternal()) */
    csd->filename = JS_NewString(ctx, filename);
    if (JS_IsException(csd->filename)) {
        csd->filename = JS_NULL;
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, JS_GetException(ctx)); // Clear exception.

static JSValue js_callsite_getfield(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSCallSiteData *csd = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE);
    if (!csd)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    JSValue *field = (void *)((char *)csd + magic);
    return js_dup(*field);

static JSValue js_callsite_isnative(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv)
    JSCallSiteData *csd = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE);
    if (!csd)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    return JS_NewBool(ctx, csd->native);

static JSValue js_callsite_getnumber(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv, int magic)
    JSCallSiteData *csd = JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE);
    if (!csd)
        return JS_EXCEPTION;
    int *field = (void *)((char *)csd + magic);
    return JS_NewInt32(ctx, *field);

static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_callsite_proto_funcs[] = {
    JS_CFUNC_DEF("isNative", 0, js_callsite_isnative),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFileName", 0, js_callsite_getfield, offsetof(JSCallSiteData, filename)),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFunction", 0, js_callsite_getfield, offsetof(JSCallSiteData, func)),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getFunctionName", 0, js_callsite_getfield, offsetof(JSCallSiteData, func_name)),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getColumnNumber", 0, js_callsite_getnumber, offsetof(JSCallSiteData, col_num)),
    JS_CFUNC_MAGIC_DEF("getLineNumber", 0, js_callsite_getnumber, offsetof(JSCallSiteData, line_num)),
    JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("[Symbol.toStringTag]", "CallSite", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE ),

static const JSClassShortDef js_callsite_class_def[] = {
    { JS_ATOM_CallSite, js_callsite_finalizer, js_callsite_mark }, /* JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE */

static void _JS_AddIntrinsicCallSite(JSContext *ctx)
    JSRuntime *rt = ctx->rt;

    if (!JS_IsRegisteredClass(rt, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE)) {
        init_class_range(rt, js_callsite_class_def, JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE,
    ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE] = JS_NewObject(ctx);
    JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, ctx->class_proto[JS_CLASS_CALL_SITE],

#undef malloc
#undef free
#undef realloc