/* * Benchmark integer conversion variants * * Copyright (c) 2024 Charlie Gordon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <intrin.h> #endif //#define USE_SINGLE_CASE 1 // special case single digit numbers #define USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 1 // special case single digit numbers #define USE_SINGLE_CASE_FAST 1 // special case single digit numbers #define TEST_SNPRINTF 1 // use snprintf for specific bases (for reference) #define TEST_NAIVE 1 // naive digit loop and copy loops #define TEST_REVERSE 1 // naive digit loop and reverse digit string #define TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS 1 // generate 2 decimal digits at a time #define TEST_DIGIT_1PASS 1 // generate left to right decimal digits #define TEST_LENGTH_LOOP 1 // compute length before digit loop using loop #define TEST_LENGTH_EXPR 1 // compute length before digit loop using expression #define TEST_SHIFTBUF 1 // generate up to 7 byte chunks in a register #define TEST_BLOCKMOV 1 // move all digits together #define TEST_DIV_TABLE 1 // use multiplier table instead of radix divisions #define TEST_DISPATCH 1 // use dispatch table to optimal 64-bit radix converters #if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)) #undef TEST_NAIVE // 32-bit gcc overoptimizes this code #undef TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS #endif /* definitions from cutils.h */ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L #define minimum_length(n) static n #else #define minimum_length(n) n #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) # define likely(x) (x) #else # define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1) #endif #ifndef countof #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #endif static inline uint8_t is_be(void) { union { uint16_t a; uint8_t b; } u = { 0x100 }; return u.b; } /* WARNING: undefined if a = 0 */ static inline int clz32(unsigned int a) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) unsigned long index; _BitScanReverse(&index, a); return 31 - index; #else return __builtin_clz(a); #endif } /* WARNING: undefined if a = 0 */ static inline int clz64(uint64_t a) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) #if INTPTR_MAX == INT64_MAX unsigned long index; _BitScanReverse64(&index, a); return 63 - index; #else if (a >> 32) return clz32((unsigned)(a >> 32)); else return clz32((unsigned)a) + 32; #endif #else return __builtin_clzll(a); #endif } // prototypes for final functions extern char const digits36[36]; size_t u32toa(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n); size_t i32toa(char buf[minimum_length(12)], int32_t n); size_t u64toa(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n); size_t i64toa(char buf[minimum_length(22)], int64_t n); size_t u32toa_radix(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base); size_t i32toa_radix(char buf[minimum_length(34)], int32_t n, unsigned base); size_t u64toa_radix(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base); size_t i64toa_radix(char buf[minimum_length(66)], int64_t n, unsigned base); /*---- integer to string conversions ----*/ /* All conversion functions: - require a destination array `buf` of sufficient length - write the string representation at the beginning of `buf` - null terminate the string - return the string length */ /* 2 <= base <= 36 */ char const digits36[36] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; /*---- variants ----*/ #define define_i32toa(v) \ size_t i32toa_##v(char buf[minimum_length(12)], int32_t n) \ { \ if (likely(n >= 0)) \ return u32toa_##v(buf, n); \ buf[0] = '-'; \ return 1 + u32toa_##v(buf + 1, -(uint32_t)n); \ } #define define_i64toa(v) \ size_t i64toa_##v(char buf[minimum_length(22)], int64_t n) \ { \ if (likely(n >= 0)) \ return u64toa_##v(buf, n); \ buf[0] = '-'; \ return 1 + u64toa_##v(buf + 1, -(uint64_t)n); \ } #ifdef TEST_SHIFTBUF #define gen_digit(buf, c) if (is_be()) \ buf = (buf >> 8) | ((uint64_t)(c) << ((sizeof(buf) - 1) * 8)); \ else \ buf = (buf << 8) | (c) size_t u7toa_shift(char dest[minimum_length(8)], uint32_t n) { size_t len = 1; uint64_t buf = 0; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; gen_digit(buf, '0' + quo); len++; } gen_digit(buf, '0' + n); memcpy(dest, &buf, sizeof buf); return len; } size_t u07toa_shift(char dest[minimum_length(8)], uint32_t n, size_t len) { size_t i; dest += len; dest[7] = '\0'; for (i = 7; i-- > 1;) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; dest[i] = (char)('0' + quo); } dest[i] = (char)('0' + n); return len + 7; } size_t u32toa_shift(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE_FAST /* 10% */ if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif #define TEN_POW_7 10000000 if (n >= TEN_POW_7) { uint32_t quo = n / TEN_POW_7; n %= TEN_POW_7; size_t len = u7toa_shift(buf, quo); return u07toa_shift(buf, n, len); } return u7toa_shift(buf, n); } size_t u64toa_shift(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_shift(buf, n); size_t len; if (n >= TEN_POW_7) { uint64_t n1 = n / TEN_POW_7; n %= TEN_POW_7; if (n1 >= TEN_POW_7) { uint32_t quo = n1 / TEN_POW_7; n1 %= TEN_POW_7; len = u7toa_shift(buf, quo); len = u07toa_shift(buf, n1, len); } else { len = u7toa_shift(buf, n1); } return u07toa_shift(buf, n, len); } return u7toa_shift(buf, n); } define_i32toa(shift) define_i64toa(shift) #endif /* TEST_SHIFTBUF */ #if defined(TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS) || defined(TEST_DIGIT_1PASS) static char const digits100[200] = "00010203040506070809" "10111213141516171819" "20212223242526272829" "30313233343536373839" "40414243444546474849" "50515253545556575859" "60616263646566676869" "70717273747576777879" "80818283848586878889" "90919293949596979899"; #endif #ifdef TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS size_t u32toa_pair(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char *p = buf; char *q = buf + 10; while (n >= 100) { uint32_t quo = n % 100; n /= 100; *--q = digits100[2 * quo + 1]; *--q = digits100[2 * quo]; } *p = digits100[2 * n]; p += *p != '0'; *p++ = digits100[2 * n + 1]; while (q < buf + 10) { *p++ = *q++; *p++ = *q++; } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } size_t u64toa_pair(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_pair(buf, n); char *p = buf; char *q = buf + 20; while (n >= 100) { uint32_t quo = n % 100; n /= 100; *--q = digits100[2 * quo + 1]; *--q = digits100[2 * quo]; } *p = digits100[2 * n]; p += *p != '0'; *p++ = digits100[2 * n + 1]; while (q < buf + 20) { *p++ = *q++; *p++ = *q++; } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } define_i32toa(pair) define_i64toa(pair) #endif /* TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS */ #if TEST_DIGIT_1PASS static char *u4toa(char p[minimum_length(4)], uint32_t n) { const char *digits = digits100; if (n >= 100) { uint32_t n1 = n / 100; n -= n1 * 100; *p = digits[2 * n1]; p += digits[2 * n1] != '0'; *p++ = digits[2 * n1 + 1]; *p++ = digits[2 * n]; *p++ = digits[2 * n + 1]; return p; } else { *p = digits[2 * n]; p += digits[2 * n] != '0'; *p++ = digits[2 * n + 1]; return p; } } static char *u04toa(char p[minimum_length(4)], uint32_t n) { const char *digits = digits100; uint32_t n1 = n / 100; n -= n1 * 100; *p++ = digits[2 * n1]; *p++ = digits[2 * n1 + 1]; *p++ = digits[2 * n]; *p++ = digits[2 * n + 1]; return p; } static char *u8toa(char p[minimum_length(8)], uint32_t n) { if (n >= 10000) { uint32_t n1 = n / 10000; n -= n1 * 10000; p = u4toa(p, n1); return u04toa(p, n); } return u4toa(p, n); } static char *u08toa(char p[minimum_length(8)], uint32_t n) { uint32_t n1 = n / 10000; n -= n1 * 10000; p = u04toa(p, n1); return u04toa(p, n); } size_t u32toa_pair_1pass(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE /* 6% */ if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char *p = buf; /* division by known base uses multiplication */ if (n >= 100000000) { uint32_t n1 = n / 100000000; n -= n1 * 100000000; /* 1 <= n1 <= 42 */ *p = digits100[2 * n1]; p += *p != '0'; *p++ = digits100[2 * n1 + 1]; p = u08toa(p, n); } else { p = u8toa(p, n); } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } size_t u64toa_pair_1pass(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_pair_1pass(buf, n); char *p = buf; /* division by known base uses multiplication */ if (n >= 100000000) { uint64_t n1 = n / 100000000; n -= n1 * 100000000; if (n1 >= 100000000) { uint32_t n2 = n1 / 100000000; n1 -= n2 * 100000000; // 1 <= n2 <= 1844 p = u4toa(p, n2); p = u08toa(p, n1); p = u08toa(p, n); } else { p = u8toa(p, n1); p = u08toa(p, n); } } else { p = u8toa(p, n); } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } define_i32toa(pair_1pass) define_i64toa(pair_1pass) #endif /* TEST_DIGIT_1PASS */ #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF size_t u32toa_snprintf(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { return snprintf(buf, 11, "%"PRIu32, n); } size_t i32toa_snprintf(char buf[minimum_length(12)], int32_t n) { return snprintf(buf, 12, "%"PRId32, n); } size_t u64toa_snprintf(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { return snprintf(buf, 21, "%"PRIu64, n); } size_t i64toa_snprintf(char buf[minimum_length(22)], int64_t n) { return snprintf(buf, 22, "%"PRId64, n); } #endif /* TEST_SNPRINTF */ #ifdef TEST_NAIVE size_t u32toa_naive(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char *p = buf; char *q = buf + 10; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *--q = (char)('0' + quo); } *p++ = (char)('0' + n); while (q < buf + 10) *p++ = *q++; *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } size_t u64toa_naive(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_naive(buf, n); char *p = buf; char *q = buf + 20; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *--q = (char)('0' + quo); } *p++ = (char)('0' + n); while (q < buf + 20) *p++ = *q++; *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } define_i32toa(naive) define_i64toa(naive) #endif /* TEST_NAIVE */ #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_EXPR size_t u32toa_length_expr(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE_FAST /* 8% */ if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } size_t len = (2 + (n > 99) + (n > 999) + (n > 9999) + (n > 99999) + (n > 999999) + (n > 9999999) + (n > 99999999) + (n > 999999999)); #else size_t len = (1 + (n > 9) + (n > 99) + (n > 999) + (n > 9999) + (n > 99999) + (n > 999999) + (n > 9999999) + (n > 99999999) + (n > 999999999)); #endif char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *end-- = (char)('0' + quo); } *end = (char)('0' + n); return len; } size_t u64toa_length_expr(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_length_expr(buf, n); #if 0 size_t len = 10 + ((n >= 10000000000ULL) + (n >= 100000000000ULL) + (n >= 1000000000000ULL) + (n >= 10000000000000ULL) + (n >= 100000000000000ULL) + (n >= 1000000000000000ULL) + (n >= 10000000000000000ULL) + (n >= 100000000000000000ULL) + (n >= 1000000000000000000ULL) + (n >= 10000000000000000000ULL)); char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; #else uint64_t n10 = 1000000000; uint32_t last = n % 10; n /= 10; size_t len = 10; while (n >= n10) { n10 *= 10; len++; } char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = (char)('0' + last); #endif while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *end-- = (char)('0' + quo); } *end = (char)('0' + n); return len; } define_i32toa(length_expr) define_i64toa(length_expr) #endif /* TEST_LENGTH_EXPR */ #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_LOOP size_t u32toa_length_loop(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } uint32_t last = n % 10; n /= 10; uint32_t n10 = 10; size_t len = 2; while (n >= n10) { n10 *= 10; len++; } char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = (char)('0' + last); while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *end-- = (char)('0' + quo); } *end = (char)('0' + n); return len; } size_t u64toa_length_loop(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_length_loop(buf, n); uint32_t last = n % 10; n /= 10; uint64_t n10 = 1000000000; size_t len = 10; while (n >= n10) { n10 *= 10; len++; } char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = (char)('0' + last); while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *end-- = (char)('0' + quo); } *end = (char)('0' + n); return len; } define_i32toa(length_loop) define_i64toa(length_loop) #endif /* TEST_LENGTH_LOOP */ #if defined(TEST_REVERSE) || defined(TEST_DISPATCH) size_t u32toa_reverse(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char *end; size_t len = 0; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; buf[len++] = (char)('0' + quo); } buf[len++] = (char)('0' + n); buf[len] = '\0'; for (end = buf + len - 1; buf < end;) { char c = *buf; *buf++ = *end; *end-- = c; } return len; } size_t u64toa_reverse(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_reverse(buf, n); char *end; size_t len = 0; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; buf[len++] = (char)('0' + quo); } buf[len++] = (char)('0' + n); buf[len] = '\0'; for (end = buf + len - 1; buf < end;) { char c = *buf; *buf++ = *end; *end-- = c; } return len; } define_i32toa(reverse) define_i64toa(reverse) #endif /* TEST_REVERSE */ #ifdef TEST_BLOCKMOV size_t u32toa_blockmov(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n) { #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE_FAST /* 6% */ if (n < 10) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char buf1[10+10]; char *p = buf; char *q = buf1 + 10; *q = '\0'; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *--q = (char)('0' + quo); } *p++ = (char)('0' + n); memcpy(p, q, 10); return (buf1 + 10) - q + 1; } size_t u64toa_blockmov(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_blockmov(buf, n); char buf1[20+20]; char *p = buf; char *q = buf1 + 20; *q = '\0'; while (n >= 10) { uint32_t quo = n % 10; n /= 10; *--q = (char)('0' + quo); } *p++ = (char)('0' + n); memcpy(p, q, 20); return (buf1 + 20) - q + 1; } define_i32toa(blockmov) define_i64toa(blockmov) #endif /* TEST_BLOCKMOV */ /*---- radix conversion variants ----*/ #define define_i32toa_radix(v) \ size_t i32toa_radix_##v(char buf[minimum_length(34)], int32_t n, unsigned base) \ { \ if (likely(n >= 0)) \ return u32toa_radix_##v(buf, n, base); \ buf[0] = '-'; \ return 1 + u32toa_radix_##v(buf + 1, -(uint32_t)n, base); \ } #define define_i64toa_radix(v) \ size_t i64toa_radix_##v(char buf[minimum_length(66)], int64_t n, unsigned base) \ { \ if (likely(n >= 0)) \ return u64toa_radix_##v(buf, n, base); \ buf[0] = '-'; \ return 1 + u64toa_radix_##v(buf + 1, -(uint64_t)n, base); \ } #ifdef TEST_NAIVE size_t u32toa_radix_naive(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base) { #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u32toa_naive(buf, n); #endif #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE if (n < base) { buf[0] = digits36[n]; buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char buf1[32]; char *q = buf1 + 32; char *p = buf; while (n >= base) { size_t digit = n % base; n /= base; *--q = digits36[digit]; } *--q = digits36[n]; while (q < buf1 + 32) { *p++ = *q++; } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } size_t u64toa_radix_naive(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_radix_naive(buf, n, base); #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u64toa_naive(buf, n); #endif char buf1[64]; char *q = buf1 + 64; char *p = buf; while (n >= base) { size_t digit = n % base; n /= base; *--q = digits36[digit]; } *--q = digits36[n]; while (q < buf1 + 64) { *p++ = *q++; } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } define_i32toa_radix(naive) define_i64toa_radix(naive) #endif // TEST_NAIVE #if defined(TEST_REVERSE) || defined(TEST_DISPATCH) size_t u32toa_radix_reverse(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base) { #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u32toa_reverse(buf, n); #endif #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE if (n < base) { buf[0] = digits36[n]; buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char *end; size_t len = 0; while (n >= base) { uint32_t quo = n % base; n /= base; buf[len++] = digits36[quo]; } buf[len++] = digits36[n]; buf[len] = '\0'; for (end = buf + len - 1; buf < end;) { char c = *buf; *buf++ = *end; *end-- = c; } return len; } size_t u64toa_radix_reverse(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_radix_reverse(buf, n, base); #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u64toa_reverse(buf, n); #endif char *end; size_t len = 0; while (n >= base) { uint32_t quo = n % base; n /= base; buf[len++] = digits36[quo]; } buf[len++] = digits36[n]; buf[len] = '\0'; for (end = buf + len - 1; buf < end;) { char c = *buf; *buf++ = *end; *end-- = c; } return len; } define_i32toa_radix(reverse) define_i64toa_radix(reverse) #endif // TEST_REVERSE #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_LOOP static uint8_t const radix_shift[64] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; size_t u32toa_radix_length(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base) { int shift; #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u32toa_length_loop(buf, n); #endif if (n < base) { buf[0] = digits36[n]; buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } shift = radix_shift[base & 63]; if (shift) { uint32_t mask = (1 << shift) - 1; size_t len = (32 - clz32(n) + shift - 1) / shift; size_t last = n & mask; char *end = buf + len; n >>= shift; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = digits36[last]; while (n >= base) { size_t quo = n & mask; n >>= shift; *end-- = digits36[quo]; } *end = digits36[n]; return len; } else { size_t len = 2; size_t last = n % base; n /= base; uint32_t nbase = base; while (n >= nbase) { nbase *= base; len++; } char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = digits36[last]; while (n >= base) { size_t quo = n % base; n /= base; *end-- = digits36[quo]; } *end = digits36[n]; return len; } } size_t u64toa_radix_length(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { int shift; #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u64toa_length_loop(buf, n); #endif shift = radix_shift[base & 63]; if (shift) { if (n < base) { buf[0] = digits36[n]; buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } uint64_t mask = (1 << shift) - 1; size_t len = (64 - clz64(n) + shift - 1) / shift; size_t last = n & mask; char *end = buf + len; n >>= shift; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = digits36[last]; while (n >= base) { size_t quo = n & mask; n >>= shift; *end-- = digits36[quo]; } *end = digits36[n]; return len; } else { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_radix_length(buf, n, base); size_t last = n % base; n /= base; uint64_t nbase = base; size_t len = 2; while (n >= nbase) { nbase *= base; len++; } char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; *end-- = digits36[last]; while (n >= base) { size_t quo = n % base; n /= base; *end-- = digits36[quo]; } *end = digits36[n]; return len; } } define_i32toa_radix(length) define_i64toa_radix(length) #endif // TEST_LENGTH_LOOP #ifdef TEST_DIV_TABLE static struct { uint32_t chunk : 27; uint32_t ndig : 5; uint32_t mul; } const div_table32[37] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, // 0 { 1, 1, 1 }, // 1 { 67108864, 26, 2147483648 }, // 2 { 129140163, 17, 1431655776 }, // 3 { 67108864, 13, 1073741824 }, // 4 { 48828125, 11, 858993464 }, // 5 { 60466176, 10, 715827888 }, // 6 { 40353607, 9, 613566760 }, // 7 { 16777216, 8, 536870912 }, // 8 { 43046721, 8, 477218592 }, // 9 { 100000000, 8, 429496732 }, // 10 { 19487171, 7, 390451574 }, // 11 { 35831808, 7, 357913944 }, // 12 { 62748517, 7, 330382100 }, // 13 { 105413504, 7, 306783380 }, // 14 { 11390625, 6, 286331154 }, // 15 { 16777216, 6, 268435456 }, // 16 { 24137569, 6, 252645136 }, // 17 { 34012224, 6, 238609296 }, // 18 { 47045881, 6, 226050912 }, // 19 { 64000000, 6, 214748366 }, // 20 { 85766121, 6, 204522253 }, // 21 { 113379904, 6, 195225787 }, // 22 { 6436343, 5, 186737709 }, // 23 { 7962624, 5, 178956972 }, // 24 { 9765625, 5, 171798692 }, // 25 { 11881376, 5, 165191050 }, // 26 { 14348907, 5, 159072864 }, // 27 { 17210368, 5, 153391690 }, // 28 { 20511149, 5, 148102321 }, // 29 { 24300000, 5, 143165577 }, // 30 { 28629151, 5, 138547333 }, // 31 { 33554432, 5, 134217728 }, // 32 { 39135393, 5, 130150525 }, // 33 { 45435424, 5, 126322568 }, // 34 { 52521875, 5, 122713352 }, // 35 { 60466176, 5, 119304648 }, // 36 }; size_t u32toa_radix_div_table(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base) { #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u32toa_shift(buf, n); #endif #ifdef USE_SINGLE_CASE if (n < base) { buf[0] = digits36[n]; buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } #endif char buf1[32]; char *q = buf1 + 32; char *p = buf; uint32_t chunk = div_table32[base].chunk; uint32_t ndig = div_table32[base].ndig; uint32_t mul = div_table32[base].mul; while (n >= chunk) { uint32_t quo = n / chunk; uint32_t n1 = n - quo * chunk; n = quo; for (uint32_t i = ndig; i-- > 0;) { uint32_t quo1 = ((uint64_t)n1 * mul) >> 32; size_t digit = n1 - quo1 * base; n1 = quo1; *--q = digits36[digit]; } } while (n >= base) { uint32_t quo = ((uint64_t)n * mul) >> 32; size_t digit = n - quo * base; n = quo; *--q = digits36[digit]; } *--q = digits36[n]; while (q < buf1 + 32) { *p++ = *q++; } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } size_t u64toa_radix_div_table(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { if (likely(n < 0x100000000)) return u32toa_radix_div_table(buf, n, base); #ifdef USE_SPECIAL_RADIX_10 if (likely(base == 10)) return u64toa_shift(buf, n); #endif char buf1[64]; char *q = buf1 + 64; char *p = buf; uint32_t chunk = div_table32[base].chunk; uint32_t ndig = div_table32[base].ndig; uint32_t mul = div_table32[base].mul; while (n >= chunk) { uint64_t quo = n / chunk; uint32_t n1 = n - quo * chunk; n = quo; for (uint32_t i = ndig; i-- > 0;) { uint32_t quo1 = ((uint64_t)n1 * mul) >> 32; size_t digit = n1 - quo1 * base; n1 = quo1; *--q = digits36[digit]; } } uint32_t n1 = n; while (n1 >= base) { uint32_t quo1 = ((uint64_t)n1 * mul) >> 32; size_t digit = n1 - quo1 * base; n1 = quo1; *--q = digits36[digit]; } *--q = digits36[n1]; while (q < buf1 + 64) { *p++ = *q++; } *p = '\0'; return p - buf; } define_i32toa_radix(div_table) define_i64toa_radix(div_table) #endif // TEST_DIV_TABLE #ifdef TEST_DISPATCH static size_t u64toa_radix_d10(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { return u64toa_shift(buf, n); } static size_t u64toa_radix_d2(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { if (n < 2) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } size_t len = (64 - clz64(n)); char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; while (n >= 2) { uint32_t quo = n & 1; n >>= 1; *end-- = (char)('0' + quo); } *end-- = (char)('0' + n); return len; } static size_t u64toa_radix_d8(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { if (n < 8) { buf[0] = (char)('0' + n); buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } size_t len = (64 - clz64(n) + 2) / 3; char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; while (n >= 8) { uint32_t quo = n & 7; n >>= 3; *end-- = (char)('0' + quo); } *end-- = (char)('0' + n); return len; } static size_t u64toa_radix_d16(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { if (n < 16) { buf[0] = digits36[n]; buf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } size_t len = (64 - clz64(n) + 3) / 4; char *end = buf + len; *end-- = '\0'; while (n >= 16) { uint32_t quo = n & 15; n >>= 4; *end-- = digits36[quo]; } *end = digits36[n]; return len; } #define u64toa_reverse_base(radix) \ static size_t u64toa_reverse_##radix(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) \ { \ char *end; \ size_t len = 0; \ while (n >= radix) { \ size_t quo = n % radix; \ n /= radix; \ if (radix > 9) buf[len++] = digits36[quo]; \ else buf[len++] = (char)('0' + quo); \ } \ if (radix > 9) buf[len++] = digits36[n]; \ else buf[len++] = (char)('0' + n); \ buf[len] = '\0'; \ for (end = buf + len - 1; buf < end;) { \ char c = *buf; \ *buf++ = *end; \ *end-- = c; \ } \ return len; \ } u64toa_reverse_base(3) u64toa_reverse_base(4) u64toa_reverse_base(5) u64toa_reverse_base(6) u64toa_reverse_base(7) u64toa_reverse_base(9) u64toa_reverse_base(11) u64toa_reverse_base(12) u64toa_reverse_base(13) u64toa_reverse_base(14) u64toa_reverse_base(15) u64toa_reverse_base(17) u64toa_reverse_base(18) u64toa_reverse_base(19) u64toa_reverse_base(20) u64toa_reverse_base(21) u64toa_reverse_base(22) u64toa_reverse_base(23) u64toa_reverse_base(24) u64toa_reverse_base(25) u64toa_reverse_base(26) u64toa_reverse_base(27) u64toa_reverse_base(28) u64toa_reverse_base(29) u64toa_reverse_base(30) u64toa_reverse_base(31) u64toa_reverse_base(32) u64toa_reverse_base(33) u64toa_reverse_base(34) u64toa_reverse_base(35) u64toa_reverse_base(36) typedef size_t (*u64toa_radix_func)(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base); static const u64toa_radix_func u64toa_radix_table[37] = { #if 0 u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_d2, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_d8, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_d10, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_d16, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, #else u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_reverse, u64toa_radix_d2, u64toa_reverse_3, u64toa_reverse_4, u64toa_reverse_5, u64toa_reverse_6, u64toa_reverse_7, u64toa_radix_d8, u64toa_reverse_9, u64toa_radix_d10, u64toa_reverse_11, u64toa_reverse_12, u64toa_reverse_13, u64toa_reverse_14, u64toa_reverse_15, u64toa_radix_d16, u64toa_reverse_17, u64toa_reverse_18, u64toa_reverse_19, u64toa_reverse_20, u64toa_reverse_21, u64toa_reverse_22, u64toa_reverse_23, u64toa_reverse_24, u64toa_reverse_25, u64toa_reverse_26, u64toa_reverse_27, u64toa_reverse_28, u64toa_reverse_29, u64toa_reverse_30, u64toa_reverse_31, u64toa_reverse_32, u64toa_reverse_33, u64toa_reverse_34, u64toa_reverse_35, u64toa_reverse_36, #endif }; size_t u32toa_radix_dispatch(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base) { return u64toa_radix_table[base % 37](buf, n, base); } size_t u64toa_radix_dispatch(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { return u64toa_radix_table[base % 37](buf, n, base); } define_i32toa_radix(dispatch) define_i64toa_radix(dispatch) #endif // TEST_DISPATCH #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF size_t u32toa_radix_snprintf(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base) { switch (base) { #ifdef PRIb32 case 2: return snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIb32, n); #endif case 8: return snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIo32, n); case 10: return snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIu32, n); case 16: return snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIx32, n); #ifdef TEST_NAIVE default: return u32toa_radix_naive(buf, n, base); #else default: return u32toa_radix_reverse(buf, n, base); #endif } } size_t u64toa_radix_snprintf(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base) { switch (base) { #ifdef PRIb64 case 2: return snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIb64, n); #endif case 8: return snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIo64, n); case 10: return snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIu64, n); case 16: return snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIx64, n); #ifdef TEST_NAIVE default: return u64toa_radix_naive(buf, n, base); #else default: return u64toa_radix_reverse(buf, n, base); #endif } } define_i32toa_radix(snprintf) define_i64toa_radix(snprintf) #endif // TEST_SNPRINTF /*---- Benchmarking framework ----*/ /* Benchmark various alternatives and bases: - u32toa(), u64toa(), i32toa(), i64toa() - u32toa_radix(), u64toa_radix(), i32toa_radix(), i64toa_radix() - different implementations: naive, ... - various sets of values */ struct { const char *name; int enabled; size_t (*u32toa)(char buf[minimum_length(11)], uint32_t n); size_t (*i32toa)(char buf[minimum_length(12)], int32_t n); size_t (*u64toa)(char buf[minimum_length(21)], uint64_t n); size_t (*i64toa)(char buf[minimum_length(22)], int64_t n); } impl[] = { #define TESTCASE(v) { #v, 2, u32toa_##v, i32toa_##v, u64toa_##v, i64toa_##v } #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF TESTCASE(snprintf), #endif #ifdef TEST_NAIVE TESTCASE(naive), #endif #ifdef TEST_BLOCKMOV TESTCASE(blockmov), #endif #ifdef TEST_REVERSE TESTCASE(reverse), #endif #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_EXPR TESTCASE(length_expr), #endif #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_LOOP TESTCASE(length_loop), #endif #ifdef TEST_SHIFTBUF TESTCASE(shift), #endif #ifdef TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS TESTCASE(pair), #endif #ifdef TEST_DIGIT_1PASS TESTCASE(pair_1pass), #endif #undef TESTCASE }; struct { const char *name; int enabled; size_t (*u32toa_radix)(char buf[minimum_length(33)], uint32_t n, unsigned base); size_t (*i32toa_radix)(char buf[minimum_length(34)], int32_t n, unsigned base); size_t (*u64toa_radix)(char buf[minimum_length(65)], uint64_t n, unsigned base); size_t (*i64toa_radix)(char buf[minimum_length(66)], int64_t n, unsigned base); } impl1[] = { #define TESTCASE(v) { #v, 2, u32toa_radix_##v, i32toa_radix_##v, u64toa_radix_##v, i64toa_radix_##v } #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF TESTCASE(snprintf), #endif #ifdef TEST_NAIVE TESTCASE(naive), #endif #ifdef TEST_REVERSE TESTCASE(reverse), #endif #ifdef TEST_DIV_TABLE TESTCASE(div_table), #endif #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_LOOP TESTCASE(length), #endif #ifdef TEST_DISPATCH TESTCASE(dispatch), #endif #undef TESTCASE }; static clock_t start_timer(void) { clock_t t0, t; t0 = clock(); // wait for next transition while ((t = clock()) == t0) continue; return t; } static clock_t stop_timer(clock_t t) { return clock() - t; } #define TIME(time, iter, s, w, e) { \ t = start_timer(); \ uint64_t r0 = 0; \ for (int nn = 0; nn < iter; nn++) { \ r0 = r0 * 1103515245 + 12345; \ uint##w##_t mask, r = r0; \ for (int kk = 0; kk < 64; kk += w) { \ for (mask = 1; mask != 0; ) { \ mask += mask; \ if (s) { \ int##w##_t x = (r & (mask - 1)) - (r & mask); \ e; \ } else { \ uint##w##_t x = r & (mask - 1); \ e; \ } \ } \ r ^= (r >> 1); \ } \ } \ t = stop_timer(t); \ if (time == 0 || time > t) \ time = t; \ } #define CHECK(tab, iter, s, w, e, check) { \ uint64_t r0 = 0; \ for (int nn = 0; nn < iter; nn++) { \ r0 = r0 * 1103515245 + 12345; \ uint##w##_t mask, r = r0; \ for (int kk = 0; kk < 64; kk += w) { \ for (mask = 1; mask != 0; ) { \ mask += mask; \ if (s) { \ int##w##_t x = (r & (mask - 1)) - (r & mask); \ size_t len = tab.e; \ errno = 0; \ int64_t y = check; \ if (errno || x != y || len != strlen(buf)) { \ printf("error: %.*s_%s(%lld) base=%d -> %s -> %lld (errno=%d)\n", \ (int)strcspn(#e, "("), #e, tab.name, \ (long long)x, base, buf, (long long)y, errno); \ if (nerrors > 20) exit(1); \ } \ } else { \ uint##w##_t x = r & (mask - 1); \ size_t len = tab.e; \ errno = 0; \ uint64_t y = check; \ if (errno || x != y || len != strlen(buf)) { \ printf("error: %.*s_%s(%llu) base=%d -> %s -> %llu (errno=%d)\n", \ (int)strcspn(#e, "("), #e, tab.name, \ (unsigned long long)x, base, buf, (unsigned long long)y, errno); \ if (nerrors > 20) exit(1); \ } \ } \ } \ r ^= (r >> 1); \ } \ } \ } void show_usage(void) { printf("usage: test_conv [options] [bases] [filters]\n" " options:\n" " -h --help output this help\n" " -t --terse only output average stats\n" " -v --verbose output stats for all tested bases\n" " bases\n" " bases can be specified individually, as ranges or enumerations\n" " supported bases are 2-36\n" " examples: 10 2,8,16 2-10,16\n" " filters are words that must be contained in variant names\n" " examples: naive pri len rev\n" " variants:\n" #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF " snprintf use snprintf for supported bases for reference\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_NAIVE " naive naive digit loop and copy loops\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_BLOCKMOV " blockmov same but move all digits together\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_REVERSE " reverse naive digit loop and reverse digit string\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_LOOP " length_loop compute length before digit loop using loop\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_LENGTH_EXPR " length_expr compute length before digit loop using expression\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_SHIFTBUF " shift generate up to 7 digit chunks in a register\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_DIGIT_PAIRS " pair generate 2 decimal digits at a time\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_DIGIT_1PASS " pair_1pass same but as a single left to right pass\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_DIV_TABLE " div_table use multiplier table instead of radix divisions\n" #endif #ifdef TEST_DISPATCH " dispatch use dispatch table to optimal 64-bit radix converters\n" #endif ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { clock_t t; clock_t times[countof(impl)][4]; clock_t times1[countof(impl1)][4][37]; char buf[100]; uint64_t bases = 0; #define set_base(bases, b) (*(bases) |= (1ULL << (b))) #define has_base(bases, b) ((bases) & (1ULL << (b))) #define single_base(bases) (!((bases) & ((bases) - 1))) int verbose = 0; int average = 1; int enabled = 3; memset(times, 0, sizeof times); memset(times1, 0, sizeof times1); for (int a = 1; a < argc; a++) { char *arg = argv[a]; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*arg)) { while (isdigit((unsigned char)*arg)) { int b1 = strtol(arg, &arg, 10); set_base(&bases, b1); if (*arg == '-') { int b2 = strtol(arg + 1, &arg, 10); while (++b1 <= b2) set_base(&bases, b1); } if (*arg == ',') { arg++; continue; } } if (*arg) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid option syntax: %s\n", argv[a]); return 2; } continue; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-t") || !strcmp(arg, "--terse")) { verbose = 0; average = 1; continue; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-v") || !strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) { verbose = 1; continue; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-h") || !strcmp(arg, "-?") || !strcmp(arg, "--help")) { show_usage(); return 0; } else { int found = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl); i++) { if (strstr(impl[i].name, arg)) { impl[i].enabled = 1; found = 1; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl1); i++) { if (strstr(impl1[i].name, arg)) { impl1[i].enabled = 1; found = 1; } } if (!found) { fprintf(stderr, "no variant for filter: %s\n", argv[a]); return 2; } enabled = 1; continue; } } if (!bases) bases = -1; if (single_base(bases)) { average = 0; verbose = 1; } else { average = 1; } int numvariant = 0; int numvariant1 = 0; int nerrors = 0; /* Checking for correctness */ if (has_base(bases, 10)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl); i++) { unsigned base = 10; if (impl[i].enabled & enabled) { CHECK(impl[i], 100000, 0, 32, u32toa(buf, x), strtoull(buf, NULL, 10)); CHECK(impl[i], 100000, 1, 32, i32toa(buf, x), strtoll(buf, NULL, 10)); CHECK(impl[i], 100000, 0, 64, u64toa(buf, x), strtoull(buf, NULL, 10)); CHECK(impl[i], 100000, 1, 64, i64toa(buf, x), strtoll(buf, NULL, 10)); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl1); i++) { if (impl1[i].enabled & enabled) { for (unsigned base = 2; base <= 36; base++) { if (has_base(bases, base)) { CHECK(impl1[i], 1000, 0, 32, u32toa_radix(buf, x, base), strtoull(buf, NULL, base)); CHECK(impl1[i], 1000, 1, 32, i32toa_radix(buf, x, base), strtoll(buf, NULL, base)); CHECK(impl1[i], 1000, 0, 64, u64toa_radix(buf, x, base), strtoull(buf, NULL, base)); CHECK(impl1[i], 1000, 1, 64, i64toa_radix(buf, x, base), strtoll(buf, NULL, base)); } } } } if (nerrors) return 1; /* Timing conversions */ if (has_base(bases, 10)) { for (int rep = 0; rep < 100; rep++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl); i++) { if (impl[i].enabled & enabled) { numvariant++; #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF if (strstr(impl[i].name, "snprintf")) { // avoid wrapper overhead TIME(times[i][0], 1000, 0, 32, snprintf(buf, 11, "%"PRIu32, x)); TIME(times[i][1], 1000, 1, 32, snprintf(buf, 12, "%"PRIi32, x)); TIME(times[i][2], 1000, 0, 64, snprintf(buf, 21, "%"PRIu64, x)); TIME(times[i][3], 1000, 1, 64, snprintf(buf, 22, "%"PRIi64, x)); } else #endif { TIME(times[i][0], 1000, 0, 32, impl[i].u32toa(buf, x)); TIME(times[i][1], 1000, 1, 32, impl[i].i32toa(buf, x)); TIME(times[i][2], 1000, 0, 64, impl[i].u64toa(buf, x)); TIME(times[i][3], 1000, 1, 64, impl[i].i64toa(buf, x)); } } } } } for (int rep = 0; rep < 10; rep++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl1); i++) { if (impl1[i].enabled & enabled) { numvariant1++; #ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF if (strstr(impl[i].name, "snprintf")) { // avoid wrapper overhead #ifdef PRIb32 if (has_base(bases, 2)) { unsigned base = 2; TIME(times1[i][0][base], 1000, 0, 32, snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIb32, x)); TIME(times1[i][1][base], 1000, 1, 32, impl1[i].i32toa_radix(buf, x, base)); TIME(times1[i][2][base], 1000, 0, 64, snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIb64, x)); TIME(times1[i][3][base], 1000, 1, 64, impl1[i].i64toa_radix(buf, x, base)); } #endif if (has_base(bases, 8)) { unsigned base = 8; TIME(times1[i][0][base], 1000, 0, 32, snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIo32, x)); TIME(times1[i][1][base], 1000, 1, 32, impl1[i].i32toa_radix(buf, x, base)); TIME(times1[i][2][base], 1000, 0, 64, snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIo64, x)); TIME(times1[i][3][base], 1000, 1, 64, impl1[i].i64toa_radix(buf, x, base)); } if (has_base(bases, 10)) { unsigned base = 10; TIME(times1[i][0][base], 1000, 0, 32, snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIu32, x)); TIME(times1[i][1][base], 1000, 1, 32, snprintf(buf, 34, "%"PRIi32, x)); TIME(times1[i][2][base], 1000, 0, 64, snprintf(buf, 64, "%"PRIu64, x)); TIME(times1[i][3][base], 1000, 1, 64, snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIi64, x)); } if (has_base(bases, 16)) { unsigned base = 16; TIME(times1[i][0][base], 1000, 0, 32, snprintf(buf, 33, "%"PRIx32, x)); TIME(times1[i][1][base], 1000, 1, 32, impl1[i].i32toa_radix(buf, x, base)); TIME(times1[i][2][base], 1000, 0, 64, snprintf(buf, 65, "%"PRIx64, x)); TIME(times1[i][3][base], 1000, 1, 64, impl1[i].i64toa_radix(buf, x, base)); } } else #endif { for (unsigned base = 2; base <= 36; base++) { if (has_base(bases, base)) { TIME(times1[i][0][base], 1000, 0, 32, impl1[i].u32toa_radix(buf, x, base)); TIME(times1[i][1][base], 1000, 1, 32, impl1[i].i32toa_radix(buf, x, base)); TIME(times1[i][2][base], 1000, 0, 64, impl1[i].u64toa_radix(buf, x, base)); TIME(times1[i][3][base], 1000, 1, 64, impl1[i].i64toa_radix(buf, x, base)); } } } } } } if (numvariant) { printf("%13s %10s %12s %12s %12s\n", "variant", "u32toa", "i32toa", "u64toa", "i64toa"); for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl); i++) { if (impl[i].enabled & enabled) { printf("%13s", impl[i].name); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) printf(" %6.2fns ", times[i][j] * (1e9 / 1000 / 64 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); printf("\n"); } } } if (numvariant1) { printf("%9s rx %12s %12s %12s %12s\n", "variant", "u32toa_radix", "i32toa_radix", "u64toa_radix", "i64toa_radix"); for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(impl1); i++) { int numbases = 0; for (unsigned base = 2; base <= 36; base++) { if (has_base(bases, base)) { if (times1[i][0][base]) { numbases++; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) times1[i][j][1] += times1[i][j][base]; if (verbose) { printf("%9s %-3d", impl1[i].name, base); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf(" %6.2fns ", times1[i][j][base] * (1e9 / 1000 / 64 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); } printf("\n"); } } } } if (average && numbases) { printf("%9s avg", impl1[i].name); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf(" %6.2fns ", times1[i][j][1] * (1e9 / 1000 / 64 / numbases / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); } printf("\n"); } } } return 0; }