/* * Generation of Unicode tables * * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Fabrice Bellard * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Charlie Gordon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include "cutils.h" /* define it to be able to test unicode.c */ //#define USE_TEST /* profile tests */ //#define PROFILE //#define DUMP_CASE_CONV_TABLE //#define DUMP_TABLE_SIZE //#define DUMP_CC_TABLE //#define DUMP_DECOMP_TABLE /* Ideas: - Generalize run length encoding + index for all tables - remove redundant tables for ID_start, ID_continue, Case_Ignorable, Cased Case conversion: - use a single entry for consecutive U/LF runs - allow EXT runs of length > 1 Decomposition: - Greek lower case (+1f10/1f10) ? - allow holes in B runs - suppress more upper / lower case redundancy */ #ifdef USE_TEST #include "libunicode.c" #endif #define CHARCODE_MAX 0x10ffff #define CC_LEN_MAX 3 void *mallocz(size_t size) { void *ptr; ptr = malloc(size); memset(ptr, 0, size); return ptr; } const char *get_field(const char *p, int n) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { while (*p != ';' && *p != '\0') p++; if (*p == '\0') return NULL; p++; } return p; } const char *get_field_buf(char *buf, size_t buf_size, const char *p, int n) { char *q; p = get_field(p, n); q = buf; while (*p != ';' && *p != '\0') { if ((q - buf) < buf_size - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; return buf; } void add_char(int **pbuf, int *psize, int *plen, int c) { int len, size, *buf; buf = *pbuf; size = *psize; len = *plen; if (len >= size) { size = *psize; size = max_int(len + 1, size * 3 / 2); buf = realloc(buf, sizeof(buf[0]) * size); *pbuf = buf; *psize = size; } buf[len++] = c; *plen = len; } int *get_field_str(int *plen, const char *str, int n) { const char *p; int *buf, len, size; p = get_field(str, n); if (!p) { *plen = 0; return NULL; } len = 0; size = 0; buf = NULL; for(;;) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (!isxdigit(*p)) break; add_char(&buf, &size, &len, strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16)); } *plen = len; return buf; } char *get_line(char *buf, int buf_size, FILE *f) { int len; if (!fgets(buf, buf_size, f)) return NULL; len = strlen(buf); if (len > 0 && buf[len - 1] == '\n') buf[len - 1] = '\0'; return buf; } #define UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORY typedef enum { #define DEF(id, str) GCAT_ ## id, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF GCAT_COUNT, } UnicodeGCEnum1; static const char *unicode_gc_name[] = { #define DEF(id, str) #id, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF }; static const char *unicode_gc_short_name[] = { #define DEF(id, str) str, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF }; #undef UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORY #define UNICODE_SCRIPT typedef enum { #define DEF(id, str) SCRIPT_ ## id, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF SCRIPT_COUNT, } UnicodeScriptEnum1; static const char *unicode_script_name[] = { #define DEF(id, str) #id, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF }; const char *unicode_script_short_name[] = { #define DEF(id, str) str, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF }; #undef UNICODE_SCRIPT #define UNICODE_PROP_LIST typedef enum { #define DEF(id, str) PROP_ ## id, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF PROP_COUNT, } UnicodePropEnum1; static const char *unicode_prop_name[] = { #define DEF(id, str) #id, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF }; static const char *unicode_prop_short_name[] = { #define DEF(id, str) str, #include "unicode_gen_def.h" #undef DEF }; #undef UNICODE_SPROP_LIST typedef struct { /* case conv */ uint8_t u_len; uint8_t l_len; int u_data[CC_LEN_MAX]; int l_data[CC_LEN_MAX]; int f_code; uint8_t combining_class; uint8_t is_compat:1; uint8_t is_excluded:1; uint8_t general_category; uint8_t script; uint8_t script_ext_len; uint8_t *script_ext; uint32_t prop_bitmap_tab[3]; /* decomposition */ int decomp_len; int *decomp_data; } CCInfo; CCInfo *unicode_db; int find_name(const char **tab, int tab_len, const char *name) { int i, len, name_len; const char *p, *r; name_len = strlen(name); for(i = 0; i < tab_len; i++) { p = tab[i]; for(;;) { r = strchr(p, ','); if (!r) len = strlen(p); else len = r - p; if (len == name_len && memcmp(p, name, len) == 0) return i; if (!r) break; p = r + 1; } } return -1; } static int get_prop(uint32_t c, int prop_idx) { return (unicode_db[c].prop_bitmap_tab[prop_idx >> 5] >> (prop_idx & 0x1f)) & 1; } static void set_prop(uint32_t c, int prop_idx, int val) { uint32_t mask; mask = 1U << (prop_idx & 0x1f); if (val) unicode_db[c].prop_bitmap_tab[prop_idx >> 5] |= mask; else unicode_db[c].prop_bitmap_tab[prop_idx >> 5] &= ~mask; } void parse_unicode_data(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[1024]; char buf1[256]; const char *p; int code, lc, uc, last_code; CCInfo *ci, *tab = unicode_db; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } last_code = 0; for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#') continue; p = get_field(line, 0); if (!p) continue; code = strtoul(p, NULL, 16); lc = 0; uc = 0; p = get_field(line, 12); if (p && *p != ';') { uc = strtoul(p, NULL, 16); } p = get_field(line, 13); if (p && *p != ';') { lc = strtoul(p, NULL, 16); } ci = &tab[code]; if (uc > 0 || lc > 0) { assert(code <= CHARCODE_MAX); if (uc > 0) { assert(ci->u_len == 0); ci->u_len = 1; ci->u_data[0] = uc; } if (lc > 0) { assert(ci->l_len == 0); ci->l_len = 1; ci->l_data[0] = lc; } } { int i; get_field_buf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), line, 2); i = find_name(unicode_gc_name, countof(unicode_gc_name), buf1); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "General category '%s' not found\n", buf1); exit(1); } ci->general_category = i; } p = get_field(line, 3); if (p && *p != ';' && *p != '\0') { int cc; cc = strtoul(p, NULL, 0); if (cc != 0) { assert(code <= CHARCODE_MAX); ci->combining_class = cc; // printf("%05x: %d\n", code, ci->combining_class); } } p = get_field(line, 5); if (p && *p != ';' && *p != '\0') { int size; assert(code <= CHARCODE_MAX); ci->is_compat = 0; if (*p == '<') { while (*p != '\0' && *p != '>') p++; if (*p == '>') p++; ci->is_compat = 1; } size = 0; for(;;) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (!isxdigit(*p)) break; add_char(&ci->decomp_data, &size, &ci->decomp_len, strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16)); } } p = get_field(line, 9); if (p && *p == 'Y') { set_prop(code, PROP_Bidi_Mirrored, 1); } /* handle ranges */ get_field_buf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), line, 1); if (strstr(buf1, " Last>")) { int i; // printf("range: 0x%x-%0x\n", last_code, code); assert(ci->decomp_len == 0); assert(ci->script_ext_len == 0); for(i = last_code + 1; i < code; i++) { unicode_db[i] = *ci; } } last_code = code; } fclose(f); } void parse_special_casing(CCInfo *tab, const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[1024]; const char *p; int code; CCInfo *ci; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#') continue; p = get_field(line, 0); if (!p) continue; code = strtoul(p, NULL, 16); assert(code <= CHARCODE_MAX); ci = &tab[code]; p = get_field(line, 4); if (p) { /* locale dependent casing */ while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p != '#' && *p != '\0') continue; } p = get_field(line, 1); if (p && *p != ';') { ci->l_len = 0; for(;;) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == ';') break; assert(ci->l_len < CC_LEN_MAX); ci->l_data[ci->l_len++] = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } if (ci->l_len == 1 && ci->l_data[0] == code) ci->l_len = 0; } p = get_field(line, 3); if (p && *p != ';') { ci->u_len = 0; for(;;) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == ';') break; assert(ci->u_len < CC_LEN_MAX); ci->u_data[ci->u_len++] = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } if (ci->u_len == 1 && ci->u_data[0] == code) ci->u_len = 0; } } fclose(f); } void parse_case_folding(CCInfo *tab, const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[1024]; const char *p; int code; CCInfo *ci; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#') continue; p = get_field(line, 0); if (!p) continue; code = strtoul(p, NULL, 16); assert(code <= CHARCODE_MAX); ci = &tab[code]; p = get_field(line, 1); if (!p) continue; /* locale dependent casing */ while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p != 'C' && *p != 'S') continue; p = get_field(line, 2); assert(p != 0); assert(ci->f_code == 0); ci->f_code = strtoul(p, NULL, 16); assert(ci->f_code != 0 && ci->f_code != code); } fclose(f); } void parse_composition_exclusions(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p; uint32_t c0; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@' || *p == '\0') continue; c0 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); assert(c0 > 0 && c0 <= CHARCODE_MAX); unicode_db[c0].is_excluded = TRUE; } fclose(f); } void parse_derived_core_properties(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p, buf[256], *q; uint32_t c0, c1, c; int i; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@' || *p == '\0') continue; c0 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.') { p += 2; c1 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } else { c1 = c0; } assert(c1 <= CHARCODE_MAX); p += strspn(p, " \t"); if (*p == ';') { p++; p += strspn(p, " \t"); q = buf; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != '#' && *p != '\t') { if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; i = find_name(unicode_prop_name, countof(unicode_prop_name), buf); if (i < 0) { if (!strcmp(buf, "Grapheme_Link")) goto next; fprintf(stderr, "Property not found: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } for(c = c0; c <= c1; c++) { set_prop(c, i, 1); } next: ; } } fclose(f); } void parse_derived_norm_properties(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p, buf[256], *q; uint32_t c0, c1, c; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@' || *p == '\0') continue; c0 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.') { p += 2; c1 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } else { c1 = c0; } assert(c1 <= CHARCODE_MAX); p += strspn(p, " \t"); if (*p == ';') { p++; p += strspn(p, " \t"); q = buf; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != '#' && *p != '\t') { if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; if (!strcmp(buf, "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded")) { for(c = c0; c <= c1; c++) { set_prop(c, PROP_Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded, 1); } } } } fclose(f); } void parse_prop_list(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p, buf[256], *q; uint32_t c0, c1, c; int i; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@' || *p == '\0') continue; c0 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.') { p += 2; c1 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } else { c1 = c0; } assert(c1 <= CHARCODE_MAX); p += strspn(p, " \t"); if (*p == ';') { p++; p += strspn(p, " \t"); q = buf; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != '#' && *p != '\t') { if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; i = find_name(unicode_prop_name, countof(unicode_prop_name), buf); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Property not found: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } for(c = c0; c <= c1; c++) { set_prop(c, i, 1); } } } fclose(f); } void parse_scripts(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p, buf[256], *q; uint32_t c0, c1, c; int i; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@' || *p == '\0') continue; c0 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.') { p += 2; c1 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } else { c1 = c0; } assert(c1 <= CHARCODE_MAX); p += strspn(p, " \t"); if (*p == ';') { p++; p += strspn(p, " \t"); q = buf; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != '#' && *p != '\t') { if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; i = find_name(unicode_script_name, countof(unicode_script_name), buf); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown script: '%s'\n", buf); exit(1); } for(c = c0; c <= c1; c++) unicode_db[c].script = i; } } fclose(f); } void parse_script_extensions(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p, buf[256], *q; uint32_t c0, c1, c; int i; uint8_t script_ext[255]; int script_ext_len; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@' || *p == '\0') continue; c0 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.') { p += 2; c1 = strtoul(p, (char **)&p, 16); } else { c1 = c0; } assert(c1 <= CHARCODE_MAX); p += strspn(p, " \t"); script_ext_len = 0; if (*p == ';') { p++; for(;;) { p += strspn(p, " \t"); q = buf; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != '#' && *p != '\t') { if ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1) *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; if (buf[0] == '\0') break; i = find_name(unicode_script_short_name, countof(unicode_script_short_name), buf); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Script not found: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } assert(script_ext_len < sizeof(script_ext)); script_ext[script_ext_len++] = i; } for(c = c0; c <= c1; c++) { CCInfo *ci = &unicode_db[c]; ci->script_ext_len = script_ext_len; ci->script_ext = malloc(sizeof(ci->script_ext[0]) * script_ext_len); for(i = 0; i < script_ext_len; i++) ci->script_ext[i] = script_ext[i]; } } } fclose(f); } void dump_cc_info(CCInfo *ci, int i) { int j; printf("%05x:", i); if (ci->u_len != 0) { printf(" U:"); for(j = 0; j < ci->u_len; j++) printf(" %05x", ci->u_data[j]); } if (ci->l_len != 0) { printf(" L:"); for(j = 0; j < ci->l_len; j++) printf(" %05x", ci->l_data[j]); } if (ci->f_code != 0) { printf(" F: %05x", ci->f_code); } printf("\n"); } void dump_data(CCInfo *tab) { int i; CCInfo *ci; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX; i++) { ci = &tab[i]; if (ci->u_len != 0 || ci->l_len != 0 || ci->f_code != 0) { dump_cc_info(ci, i); } } } BOOL is_complicated_case(const CCInfo *ci) { return (ci->u_len > 1 || ci->l_len > 1 || (ci->u_len > 0 && ci->l_len > 0) || (ci->f_code != 0) != ci->l_len || (ci->f_code != 0 && ci->l_data[0] != ci->f_code)); } #ifndef USE_TEST enum { RUN_TYPE_U, RUN_TYPE_L, RUN_TYPE_UF, RUN_TYPE_LF, RUN_TYPE_UL, RUN_TYPE_LSU, RUN_TYPE_U2L_399_EXT2, RUN_TYPE_UF_D20, RUN_TYPE_UF_D1_EXT, RUN_TYPE_U_EXT, RUN_TYPE_LF_EXT, RUN_TYPE_U_EXT2, RUN_TYPE_L_EXT2, RUN_TYPE_U_EXT3, }; #endif const char *run_type_str[] = { "U", "L", "UF", "LF", "UL", "LSU", "U2L_399_EXT2", "UF_D20", "UF_D1_EXT", "U_EXT", "LF_EXT", "U_EXT2", "L_EXT2", "U_EXT3", }; typedef struct { int code; int len; int type; int data; int ext_len; int ext_data[3]; int data_index; /* 'data' coming from the table */ } TableEntry; /* code (17), len (7), type (4) */ void find_run_type(TableEntry *te, CCInfo *tab, int code) { int is_lower, len; CCInfo *ci, *ci1, *ci2; ci = &tab[code]; ci1 = &tab[code + 1]; ci2 = &tab[code + 2]; te->code = code; if (ci->l_len == 1 && ci->l_data[0] == code + 2 && ci->f_code == ci->l_data[0] && ci->u_len == 0 && ci1->l_len == 1 && ci1->l_data[0] == code + 2 && ci1->f_code == ci1->l_data[0] && ci1->u_len == 1 && ci1->u_data[0] == code && ci2->l_len == 0 && ci2->f_code == 0 && ci2->u_len == 1 && ci2->u_data[0] == code) { te->len = 3; te->data = 0; te->type = RUN_TYPE_LSU; return; } if (is_complicated_case(ci)) { len = 1; while (code + len <= CHARCODE_MAX) { ci1 = &tab[code + len]; if (ci1->u_len != 1 || ci1->u_data[0] != ci->u_data[0] + len || ci1->l_len != 0 || ci1->f_code != ci1->u_data[0]) break; len++; } if (len > 1) { te->len = len; te->type = RUN_TYPE_UF; te->data = ci->u_data[0]; return; } if (ci->u_len == 2 && ci->u_data[1] == 0x399 && ci->f_code == 0 && ci->l_len == 0) { len = 1; while (code + len <= CHARCODE_MAX) { ci1 = &tab[code + len]; if (!(ci1->u_len == 2 && ci1->u_data[1] == 0x399 && ci1->u_data[0] == ci->u_data[0] + len && ci1->f_code == 0 && ci1->l_len == 0)) break; len++; } te->len = len; te->type = RUN_TYPE_U_EXT2; te->ext_data[0] = ci->u_data[0]; te->ext_data[1] = ci->u_data[1]; te->ext_len = 2; return; } if (ci->u_len == 2 && ci->u_data[1] == 0x399 && ci->l_len == 1 && ci->f_code == ci->l_data[0]) { len = 1; while (code + len <= CHARCODE_MAX) { ci1 = &tab[code + len]; if (!(ci1->u_len == 2 && ci1->u_data[1] == 0x399 && ci1->u_data[0] == ci->u_data[0] + len && ci1->l_len == 1 && ci1->l_data[0] == ci->l_data[0] + len && ci1->f_code == ci1->l_data[0])) break; len++; } te->len = len; te->type = RUN_TYPE_U2L_399_EXT2; te->ext_data[0] = ci->u_data[0]; te->ext_data[1] = ci->l_data[0]; te->ext_len = 2; return; } if (ci->l_len == 1 && ci->u_len == 0 && ci->f_code == 0) { len = 1; while (code + len <= CHARCODE_MAX) { ci1 = &tab[code + len]; if (!(ci1->l_len == 1 && ci1->l_data[0] == ci->l_data[0] + len && ci1->u_len == 0 && ci1->f_code == 0)) break; len++; } te->len = len; te->type = RUN_TYPE_L; te->data = ci->l_data[0]; return; } if (ci->l_len == 0 && ci->u_len == 1 && ci->u_data[0] < 0x1000 && ci->f_code == ci->u_data[0] + 0x20) { te->len = 1; te->type = RUN_TYPE_UF_D20; te->data = ci->u_data[0]; } else if (ci->l_len == 0 && ci->u_len == 1 && ci->f_code == ci->u_data[0] + 1) { te->len = 1; te->type = RUN_TYPE_UF_D1_EXT; te->ext_data[0] = ci->u_data[0]; te->ext_len = 1; } else if (ci->l_len == 2 && ci->u_len == 0 && ci->f_code == 0) { te->len = 1; te->type = RUN_TYPE_L_EXT2; te->ext_data[0] = ci->l_data[0]; te->ext_data[1] = ci->l_data[1]; te->ext_len = 2; } else if (ci->u_len == 2 && ci->l_len == 0 && ci->f_code == 0) { te->len = 1; te->type = RUN_TYPE_U_EXT2; te->ext_data[0] = ci->u_data[0]; te->ext_data[1] = ci->u_data[1]; te->ext_len = 2; } else if (ci->u_len == 3 && ci->l_len == 0 && ci->f_code == 0) { te->len = 1; te->type = RUN_TYPE_U_EXT3; te->ext_data[0] = ci->u_data[0]; te->ext_data[1] = ci->u_data[1]; te->ext_data[2] = ci->u_data[2]; te->ext_len = 3; } else { printf("unsupported encoding case:\n"); dump_cc_info(ci, code); abort(); } } else { /* look for a run of identical conversions */ len = 0; for(;;) { if (code >= CHARCODE_MAX || len >= 126) break; ci = &tab[code + len]; ci1 = &tab[code + len + 1]; if (is_complicated_case(ci) || is_complicated_case(ci1)) { break; } if (ci->l_len != 1 || ci->l_data[0] != code + len + 1) break; if (ci1->u_len != 1 || ci1->u_data[0] != code + len) break; len += 2; } if (len > 0) { te->len = len; te->type = RUN_TYPE_UL; te->data = 0; return; } ci = &tab[code]; is_lower = ci->l_len > 0; len = 1; while (code + len <= CHARCODE_MAX) { ci1 = &tab[code + len]; if (is_complicated_case(ci1)) break; if (is_lower) { if (ci1->l_len != 1 || ci1->l_data[0] != ci->l_data[0] + len) break; } else { if (ci1->u_len != 1 || ci1->u_data[0] != ci->u_data[0] + len) break; } len++; } te->len = len; if (is_lower) { te->type = RUN_TYPE_LF; te->data = ci->l_data[0]; } else { te->type = RUN_TYPE_U; te->data = ci->u_data[0]; } } } TableEntry conv_table[1000]; int conv_table_len; int ext_data[1000]; int ext_data_len; void dump_case_conv_table1(void) { int i, j; const TableEntry *te; for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { te = &conv_table[i]; printf("%05x %02x %-10s %05x", te->code, te->len, run_type_str[te->type], te->data); for(j = 0; j < te->ext_len; j++) { printf(" %05x", te->ext_data[j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("table_len=%d ext_len=%d\n", conv_table_len, ext_data_len); } int find_data_index(const TableEntry *conv_table, int len, int data) { int i; const TableEntry *te; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { te = &conv_table[i]; if (te->code == data) return i; } return -1; } int find_ext_data_index(int data) { int i; for(i = 0; i < ext_data_len; i++) { if (ext_data[i] == data) return i; } assert(ext_data_len < countof(ext_data)); ext_data[ext_data_len++] = data; return ext_data_len - 1; } void build_conv_table(CCInfo *tab) { int code, i, j; CCInfo *ci; TableEntry *te; te = conv_table; for(code = 0; code <= CHARCODE_MAX; code++) { ci = &tab[code]; if (ci->u_len == 0 && ci->l_len == 0 && ci->f_code == 0) continue; assert(te - conv_table < countof(conv_table)); find_run_type(te, tab, code); assert(te->len <= 127); code += te->len - 1; te++; } conv_table_len = te - conv_table; /* find the data index */ for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { int data_index; te = &conv_table[i]; switch(te->type) { case RUN_TYPE_U: case RUN_TYPE_L: case RUN_TYPE_UF: case RUN_TYPE_LF: data_index = find_data_index(conv_table, conv_table_len, te->data); if (data_index < 0) { switch(te->type) { case RUN_TYPE_U: te->type = RUN_TYPE_U_EXT; te->ext_len = 1; te->ext_data[0] = te->data; break; case RUN_TYPE_LF: te->type = RUN_TYPE_LF_EXT; te->ext_len = 1; te->ext_data[0] = te->data; break; default: printf("%05x: index not found\n", te->code); exit(1); } } else { te->data_index = data_index; } break; case RUN_TYPE_UF_D20: te->data_index = te->data; break; } } /* find the data index for ext_data */ for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { te = &conv_table[i]; if (te->type == RUN_TYPE_U_EXT3) { int p, v; v = 0; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p = find_ext_data_index(te->ext_data[j]); assert(p < 16); v = (v << 4) | p; } te->data_index = v; } } for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { te = &conv_table[i]; if (te->type == RUN_TYPE_L_EXT2 || te->type == RUN_TYPE_U_EXT2 || te->type == RUN_TYPE_U2L_399_EXT2) { int p, v; v = 0; for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) { p = find_ext_data_index(te->ext_data[j]); assert(p < 64); v = (v << 6) | p; } te->data_index = v; } } for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { te = &conv_table[i]; if (te->type == RUN_TYPE_UF_D1_EXT || te->type == RUN_TYPE_U_EXT || te->type == RUN_TYPE_LF_EXT) { te->data_index = find_ext_data_index(te->ext_data[0]); } } #ifdef DUMP_CASE_CONV_TABLE dump_case_conv_table1(); #endif } void dump_case_conv_table(FILE *f) { int i; uint32_t v; const TableEntry *te; fprintf(f, "static const uint32_t case_conv_table1[%u] = {", conv_table_len); for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { if (i % 4 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); te = &conv_table[i]; v = te->code << (32 - 17); v |= te->len << (32 - 17 - 7); v |= te->type << (32 - 17 - 7 - 4); v |= te->data_index >> 8; fprintf(f, " 0x%08x,", v); } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); fprintf(f, "static const uint8_t case_conv_table2[%u] = {", conv_table_len); for(i = 0; i < conv_table_len; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); te = &conv_table[i]; fprintf(f, " 0x%02x,", te->data_index & 0xff); } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); fprintf(f, "static const uint16_t case_conv_ext[%u] = {", ext_data_len); for(i = 0; i < ext_data_len; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); fprintf(f, " 0x%04x,", ext_data[i]); } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); } int tabcmp(const int *tab1, const int *tab2, int n) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (tab1[i] != tab2[i]) return -1; } return 0; } void dump_str(const char *str, const int *buf, int len) { int i; printf("%s=", str); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) printf(" %05x", buf[i]); printf("\n"); } void compute_internal_props(void) { int i; BOOL has_ul; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX; i++) { CCInfo *ci = &unicode_db[i]; has_ul = (ci->u_len != 0 || ci->l_len != 0 || ci->f_code != 0); if (has_ul) { assert(get_prop(i, PROP_Cased)); } else { set_prop(i, PROP_Cased1, get_prop(i, PROP_Cased)); } set_prop(i, PROP_ID_Continue1, get_prop(i, PROP_ID_Continue) & (get_prop(i, PROP_ID_Start) ^ 1)); set_prop(i, PROP_XID_Start1, get_prop(i, PROP_ID_Start) ^ get_prop(i, PROP_XID_Start)); set_prop(i, PROP_XID_Continue1, get_prop(i, PROP_ID_Continue) ^ get_prop(i, PROP_XID_Continue)); set_prop(i, PROP_Changes_When_Titlecased1, get_prop(i, PROP_Changes_When_Titlecased) ^ (ci->u_len != 0)); set_prop(i, PROP_Changes_When_Casefolded1, get_prop(i, PROP_Changes_When_Casefolded) ^ (ci->f_code != 0)); /* XXX: reduce table size (438 bytes) */ set_prop(i, PROP_Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded1, get_prop(i, PROP_Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded) ^ (ci->f_code != 0)); } } void dump_byte_table(FILE *f, const char *cname, const uint8_t *tab, int len) { int i; fprintf(f, "static const uint8_t %s[%d] = {", cname, len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); fprintf(f, " 0x%02x,", tab[i]); } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); } #define PROP_BLOCK_LEN 32 void build_prop_table(FILE *f, int prop_index, BOOL add_index) { int i, j, n, v, offset, code; DynBuf dbuf_s, *dbuf = &dbuf_s; DynBuf dbuf1_s, *dbuf1 = &dbuf1_s; DynBuf dbuf2_s, *dbuf2 = &dbuf2_s; const uint32_t *buf; int buf_len, block_end_pos, bit; char cname[128]; dbuf_init(dbuf1); for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX;) { v = get_prop(i, prop_index); j = i + 1; while (j <= CHARCODE_MAX && get_prop(j, prop_index) == v) { j++; } n = j - i; if (j == (CHARCODE_MAX + 1) && v == 0) break; /* no need to encode last zero run */ //printf("%05x: %d %d\n", i, n, v); dbuf_put_u32(dbuf1, n - 1); i += n; } dbuf_init(dbuf); dbuf_init(dbuf2); buf = (uint32_t *)dbuf1->buf; buf_len = dbuf1->size / sizeof(buf[0]); /* the first value is assumed to be 0 */ assert(get_prop(0, prop_index) == 0); block_end_pos = PROP_BLOCK_LEN; i = 0; code = 0; bit = 0; while (i < buf_len) { if (add_index && dbuf->size >= block_end_pos && bit == 0) { offset = (dbuf->size - block_end_pos); /* XXX: offset could be larger in case of runs of small lengths. Could add code to change the encoding to prevent it at the expense of one byte loss */ assert(offset <= 7); v = code | (offset << 21); dbuf_putc(dbuf2, v); dbuf_putc(dbuf2, v >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf2, v >> 16); block_end_pos += PROP_BLOCK_LEN; } v = buf[i]; code += v + 1; bit ^= 1; if (v < 8 && (i + 1) < buf_len && buf[i + 1] < 8) { code += buf[i + 1] + 1; bit ^= 1; dbuf_putc(dbuf, (v << 3) | buf[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (v < 128) { dbuf_putc(dbuf, 0x80 + v); i++; } else if (v < (1 << 13)) { dbuf_putc(dbuf, 0x40 + (v >> 8)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, v); i++; } else { assert(v < (1 << 21)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, 0x60 + (v >> 16)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, v >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf, v); i++; } } if (add_index) { /* last index entry */ v = code; dbuf_putc(dbuf2, v); dbuf_putc(dbuf2, v >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf2, v >> 16); } #ifdef DUMP_TABLE_SIZE printf("prop %s: length=%d bytes\n", unicode_prop_name[prop_index], (int)(dbuf->size + dbuf2->size)); #endif snprintf(cname, sizeof(cname), "unicode_prop_%s_table", unicode_prop_name[prop_index]); dump_byte_table(f, cname, dbuf->buf, dbuf->size); if (add_index) { snprintf(cname, sizeof(cname), "unicode_prop_%s_index", unicode_prop_name[prop_index]); dump_byte_table(f, cname, dbuf2->buf, dbuf2->size); } dbuf_free(dbuf); dbuf_free(dbuf1); dbuf_free(dbuf2); } void build_flags_tables(FILE *f) { build_prop_table(f, PROP_Cased1, TRUE); build_prop_table(f, PROP_Case_Ignorable, TRUE); build_prop_table(f, PROP_ID_Start, TRUE); build_prop_table(f, PROP_ID_Continue1, TRUE); } void dump_name_table(FILE *f, const char *cname, const char **tab_name, int len, const char **tab_short_name) { int i, w, maxw; maxw = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { w = strlen(tab_name[i]); if (tab_short_name[i][0] != '\0') { w += 1 + strlen(tab_short_name[i]); } if (maxw < w) maxw = w; } /* generate a sequence of strings terminated by an empty string */ fprintf(f, "static const char %s[] =\n", cname); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { fprintf(f, " \""); w = fprintf(f, "%s", tab_name[i]); if (tab_short_name[i][0] != '\0') { w += fprintf(f, ",%s", tab_short_name[i]); } fprintf(f, "\"%*s\"\\0\"\n", 1 + maxw - w, ""); } fprintf(f, ";\n\n"); } void build_general_category_table(FILE *f) { int i, v, j, n, n1; DynBuf dbuf_s, *dbuf = &dbuf_s; int cw_count, cw_len_count[4], cw_start; fprintf(f, "typedef enum {\n"); for(i = 0; i < GCAT_COUNT; i++) fprintf(f, " UNICODE_GC_%s,\n", unicode_gc_name[i]); fprintf(f, " UNICODE_GC_COUNT,\n"); fprintf(f, "} UnicodeGCEnum;\n\n"); dump_name_table(f, "unicode_gc_name_table", unicode_gc_name, GCAT_COUNT, unicode_gc_short_name); dbuf_init(dbuf); cw_count = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) cw_len_count[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX;) { v = unicode_db[i].general_category; j = i + 1; while (j <= CHARCODE_MAX && unicode_db[j].general_category == v) j++; n = j - i; /* compress Lu/Ll runs */ if (v == GCAT_Lu) { n1 = 1; while ((i + n1) <= CHARCODE_MAX && unicode_db[i + n1].general_category == (v + (n1 & 1))) { n1++; } if (n1 > n) { v = 31; n = n1; } } // printf("%05x %05x %d\n", i, n, v); cw_count++; n--; cw_start = dbuf->size; if (n < 7) { dbuf_putc(dbuf, (n << 5) | v); } else if (n < 7 + 128) { n1 = n - 7; assert(n1 < 128); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (0xf << 5) | v); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } else if (n < 7 + 128 + (1 << 14)) { n1 = n - (7 + 128); assert(n1 < (1 << 14)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (0xf << 5) | v); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (n1 >> 8) + 128); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } else { n1 = n - (7 + 128 + (1 << 14)); assert(n1 < (1 << 22)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (0xf << 5) | v); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (n1 >> 16) + 128 + 64); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1 >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } cw_len_count[dbuf->size - cw_start - 1]++; i += n + 1; } #ifdef DUMP_TABLE_SIZE printf("general category: %d entries [", cw_count); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) printf(" %d", cw_len_count[i]); printf(" ], length=%d bytes\n", (int)dbuf->size); #endif dump_byte_table(f, "unicode_gc_table", dbuf->buf, dbuf->size); dbuf_free(dbuf); } void build_script_table(FILE *f) { int i, v, j, n, n1, type; DynBuf dbuf_s, *dbuf = &dbuf_s; int cw_count, cw_len_count[4], cw_start; fprintf(f, "typedef enum {\n"); for(i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++) fprintf(f, " UNICODE_SCRIPT_%s,\n", unicode_script_name[i]); fprintf(f, " UNICODE_SCRIPT_COUNT,\n"); fprintf(f, "} UnicodeScriptEnum;\n\n"); i = 1; dump_name_table(f, "unicode_script_name_table", unicode_script_name + i, SCRIPT_COUNT - i, unicode_script_short_name + i); dbuf_init(dbuf); cw_count = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) cw_len_count[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX;) { v = unicode_db[i].script; j = i + 1; while (j <= CHARCODE_MAX && unicode_db[j].script == v) j++; n = j - i; if (v == 0 && j == (CHARCODE_MAX + 1)) break; // printf("%05x %05x %d\n", i, n, v); cw_count++; n--; cw_start = dbuf->size; if (v == 0) type = 0; else type = 1; if (n < 96) { dbuf_putc(dbuf, n | (type << 7)); } else if (n < 96 + (1 << 12)) { n1 = n - 96; assert(n1 < (1 << 12)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, ((n1 >> 8) + 96) | (type << 7)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } else { n1 = n - (96 + (1 << 12)); assert(n1 < (1 << 20)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, ((n1 >> 16) + 112) | (type << 7)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1 >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } if (type != 0) dbuf_putc(dbuf, v); cw_len_count[dbuf->size - cw_start - 1]++; i += n + 1; } #if defined(DUMP_TABLE_SIZE) printf("script: %d entries [", cw_count); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) printf(" %d", cw_len_count[i]); printf(" ], length=%d bytes\n", (int)dbuf->size); #endif dump_byte_table(f, "unicode_script_table", dbuf->buf, dbuf->size); dbuf_free(dbuf); } void build_script_ext_table(FILE *f) { int i, j, n, n1, script_ext_len; DynBuf dbuf_s, *dbuf = &dbuf_s; int cw_count; dbuf_init(dbuf); cw_count = 0; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX;) { script_ext_len = unicode_db[i].script_ext_len; j = i + 1; while (j <= CHARCODE_MAX && unicode_db[j].script_ext_len == script_ext_len && !memcmp(unicode_db[j].script_ext, unicode_db[i].script_ext, script_ext_len)) { j++; } n = j - i; cw_count++; n--; if (n < 128) { dbuf_putc(dbuf, n); } else if (n < 128 + (1 << 14)) { n1 = n - 128; assert(n1 < (1 << 14)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (n1 >> 8) + 128); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } else { n1 = n - (128 + (1 << 14)); assert(n1 < (1 << 22)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, (n1 >> 16) + 128 + 64); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1 >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } dbuf_putc(dbuf, script_ext_len); for(j = 0; j < script_ext_len; j++) dbuf_putc(dbuf, unicode_db[i].script_ext[j]); i += n + 1; } #ifdef DUMP_TABLE_SIZE printf("script_ext: %d entries", cw_count); printf(", length=%d bytes\n", (int)dbuf->size); #endif dump_byte_table(f, "unicode_script_ext_table", dbuf->buf, dbuf->size); dbuf_free(dbuf); } /* the following properties are synthetized so no table is necessary */ #define PROP_TABLE_COUNT PROP_ASCII void build_prop_list_table(FILE *f) { int i; for(i = 0; i < PROP_TABLE_COUNT; i++) { if (i == PROP_ID_Start || i == PROP_Case_Ignorable || i == PROP_ID_Continue1) { /* already generated */ } else { build_prop_table(f, i, FALSE); } } fprintf(f, "typedef enum {\n"); for(i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) fprintf(f, " UNICODE_PROP_%s,\n", unicode_prop_name[i]); fprintf(f, " UNICODE_PROP_COUNT,\n"); fprintf(f, "} UnicodePropertyEnum;\n\n"); i = PROP_ASCII_Hex_Digit; dump_name_table(f, "unicode_prop_name_table", unicode_prop_name + i, PROP_XID_Start - i + 1, unicode_prop_short_name + i); fprintf(f, "static const uint8_t * const unicode_prop_table[] = {\n"); for(i = 0; i < PROP_TABLE_COUNT; i++) { fprintf(f, " unicode_prop_%s_table,\n", unicode_prop_name[i]); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); fprintf(f, "static const uint16_t unicode_prop_len_table[] = {\n"); for(i = 0; i < PROP_TABLE_COUNT; i++) { fprintf(f, " countof(unicode_prop_%s_table),\n", unicode_prop_name[i]); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } #ifdef USE_TEST int check_conv(uint32_t *res, uint32_t c, int conv_type) { return lre_case_conv(res, c, conv_type); } void check_case_conv(void) { CCInfo *tab = unicode_db; uint32_t res[3]; int l, error; CCInfo ci_s, *ci1, *ci = &ci_s; int code; for(code = 0; code <= CHARCODE_MAX; code++) { ci1 = &tab[code]; *ci = *ci1; if (ci->l_len == 0) { ci->l_len = 1; ci->l_data[0] = code; } if (ci->u_len == 0) { ci->u_len = 1; ci->u_data[0] = code; } if (ci->f_code == 0) ci->f_code = code; error = 0; l = check_conv(res, code, 0); if (l != ci->u_len || tabcmp((int *)res, ci->u_data, l)) { printf("ERROR: L\n"); error++; } l = check_conv(res, code, 1); if (l != ci->l_len || tabcmp((int *)res, ci->l_data, l)) { printf("ERROR: U\n"); error++; } l = check_conv(res, code, 2); if (l != 1 || res[0] != ci->f_code) { printf("ERROR: F\n"); error++; } if (error) { dump_cc_info(ci, code); exit(1); } } } #ifdef PROFILE static int64_t get_time_ns(void) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); return (int64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts.tv_nsec; } #endif void check_flags(void) { int c; BOOL flag_ref, flag; for(c = 0; c <= CHARCODE_MAX; c++) { flag_ref = get_prop(c, PROP_Cased); flag = lre_is_cased(c); if (flag != flag_ref) { printf("ERROR: c=%05x cased=%d ref=%d\n", c, flag, flag_ref); exit(1); } flag_ref = get_prop(c, PROP_Case_Ignorable); flag = lre_is_case_ignorable(c); if (flag != flag_ref) { printf("ERROR: c=%05x case_ignorable=%d ref=%d\n", c, flag, flag_ref); exit(1); } flag_ref = get_prop(c, PROP_ID_Start); flag = lre_is_id_start(c); if (flag != flag_ref) { printf("ERROR: c=%05x id_start=%d ref=%d\n", c, flag, flag_ref); exit(1); } flag_ref = get_prop(c, PROP_ID_Continue); flag = lre_is_id_continue(c); if (flag != flag_ref) { printf("ERROR: c=%05x id_cont=%d ref=%d\n", c, flag, flag_ref); exit(1); } } #ifdef PROFILE { int64_t ti, count; ti = get_time_ns(); count = 0; for(c = 0x20; c <= 0xffff; c++) { flag_ref = get_prop(c, PROP_ID_Start); flag = lre_is_id_start(c); assert(flag == flag_ref); count++; } ti = get_time_ns() - ti; printf("flags time=%0.1f ns/char\n", (double)ti / count); } #endif } #endif #define CC_BLOCK_LEN 32 void build_cc_table(FILE *f) { int i, cc, n, cc_table_len, type, n1; DynBuf dbuf_s, *dbuf = &dbuf_s; DynBuf dbuf1_s, *dbuf1 = &dbuf1_s; int cw_len_tab[3], cw_start, block_end_pos; uint32_t v; dbuf_init(dbuf); dbuf_init(dbuf1); cc_table_len = 0; for(i = 0; i < countof(cw_len_tab); i++) cw_len_tab[i] = 0; block_end_pos = CC_BLOCK_LEN; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX;) { cc = unicode_db[i].combining_class; assert(cc <= 255); /* check increasing values */ n = 1; while ((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && unicode_db[i + n].combining_class == (cc + n)) n++; if (n >= 2) { type = 1; } else { type = 0; n = 1; while ((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && unicode_db[i + n].combining_class == cc) n++; } /* no need to encode the last run */ if (cc == 0 && (i + n - 1) == CHARCODE_MAX) break; #ifdef DUMP_CC_TABLE printf("%05x %6d %d %d\n", i, n, type, cc); #endif if (type == 0) { if (cc == 0) type = 2; else if (cc == 230) type = 3; } n1 = n - 1; /* add an entry to the index if necessary */ if (dbuf->size >= block_end_pos) { v = i | ((dbuf->size - block_end_pos) << 21); dbuf_putc(dbuf1, v); dbuf_putc(dbuf1, v >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf1, v >> 16); block_end_pos += CC_BLOCK_LEN; } cw_start = dbuf->size; if (n1 < 48) { dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1 | (type << 6)); } else if (n1 < 48 + (1 << 11)) { n1 -= 48; dbuf_putc(dbuf, ((n1 >> 8) + 48) | (type << 6)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } else { n1 -= 48 + (1 << 11); assert(n1 < (1 << 20)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, ((n1 >> 16) + 56) | (type << 6)); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1 >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf, n1); } cw_len_tab[dbuf->size - cw_start - 1]++; if (type == 0 || type == 1) dbuf_putc(dbuf, cc); cc_table_len++; i += n; } /* last index entry */ v = i; dbuf_putc(dbuf1, v); dbuf_putc(dbuf1, v >> 8); dbuf_putc(dbuf1, v >> 16); dump_byte_table(f, "unicode_cc_table", dbuf->buf, dbuf->size); dump_byte_table(f, "unicode_cc_index", dbuf1->buf, dbuf1->size); #if defined(DUMP_CC_TABLE) || defined(DUMP_TABLE_SIZE) printf("CC table: size=%d (%d entries) [", (int)(dbuf->size + dbuf1->size), cc_table_len); for(i = 0; i < countof(cw_len_tab); i++) printf(" %d", cw_len_tab[i]); printf(" ]\n"); #endif dbuf_free(dbuf); dbuf_free(dbuf1); } /* maximum length of decomposition: 18 chars (1), then 8 */ #ifndef USE_TEST typedef enum { DECOMP_TYPE_C1, /* 16 bit char */ DECOMP_TYPE_L1, /* 16 bit char table */ DECOMP_TYPE_L2, DECOMP_TYPE_L3, DECOMP_TYPE_L4, DECOMP_TYPE_L5, /* XXX: not used */ DECOMP_TYPE_L6, /* XXX: could remove */ DECOMP_TYPE_L7, /* XXX: could remove */ DECOMP_TYPE_LL1, /* 18 bit char table */ DECOMP_TYPE_LL2, DECOMP_TYPE_S1, /* 8 bit char table */ DECOMP_TYPE_S2, DECOMP_TYPE_S3, DECOMP_TYPE_S4, DECOMP_TYPE_S5, DECOMP_TYPE_I1, /* increment 16 bit char value */ DECOMP_TYPE_I2_0, DECOMP_TYPE_I2_1, DECOMP_TYPE_I3_1, DECOMP_TYPE_I3_2, DECOMP_TYPE_I4_1, DECOMP_TYPE_I4_2, DECOMP_TYPE_B1, /* 16 bit base + 8 bit offset */ DECOMP_TYPE_B2, DECOMP_TYPE_B3, DECOMP_TYPE_B4, DECOMP_TYPE_B5, DECOMP_TYPE_B6, DECOMP_TYPE_B7, DECOMP_TYPE_B8, DECOMP_TYPE_B18, DECOMP_TYPE_LS2, DECOMP_TYPE_PAT3, DECOMP_TYPE_S2_UL, DECOMP_TYPE_LS2_UL, } DecompTypeEnum; #endif const char *decomp_type_str[] = { "C1", "L1", "L2", "L3", "L4", "L5", "L6", "L7", "LL1", "LL2", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "I1", "I2_0", "I2_1", "I3_1", "I3_2", "I4_1", "I4_2", "B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "B6", "B7", "B8", "B18", "LS2", "PAT3", "S2_UL", "LS2_UL", }; const int decomp_incr_tab[4][4] = { { DECOMP_TYPE_I1, 0, -1 }, { DECOMP_TYPE_I2_0, 0, 1, -1 }, { DECOMP_TYPE_I3_1, 1, 2, -1 }, { DECOMP_TYPE_I4_1, 1, 2, -1 }, }; /* entry size: type bits code 18 len 7 compat 1 type 5 index 16 total 47 */ typedef struct { int code; uint8_t len; uint8_t type; uint8_t c_len; uint16_t c_min; uint16_t data_index; int cost; /* size in bytes from this entry to the end */ } DecompEntry; int get_decomp_run_size(const DecompEntry *de) { int s; s = 6; if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_C1) { /* nothing more */ } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_L7) { s += de->len * de->c_len * 2; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_LL2) { /* 18 bits per char */ s += (de->len * de->c_len * 18 + 7) / 8; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_S5) { s += de->len * de->c_len; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_I4_2) { s += de->c_len * 2; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_B18) { s += 2 + de->len * de->c_len; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_LS2) { s += de->len * 3; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_PAT3) { s += 4 + de->len * 2; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_S2_UL) { s += de->len; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_LS2_UL) { s += (de->len / 2) * 3; } else { abort(); } return s; } static const uint16_t unicode_short_table[2] = { 0x2044, 0x2215 }; /* return -1 if not found */ int get_short_code(int c) { int i; if (c < 0x80) { return c; } else if (c >= 0x300 && c < 0x350) { return c - 0x300 + 0x80; } else { for(i = 0; i < countof(unicode_short_table); i++) { if (c == unicode_short_table[i]) return i + 0x80 + 0x50; } return -1; } } static BOOL is_short(int code) { return get_short_code(code) >= 0; } static BOOL is_short_tab(const int *tab, int len) { int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!is_short(tab[i])) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL is_16bit(const int *tab, int len) { int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (tab[i] > 0xffff) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static uint32_t to_lower_simple(uint32_t c) { /* Latin1 and Cyrillic */ if (c < 0x100 || (c >= 0x410 && c <= 0x42f)) c += 0x20; else c++; return c; } /* select best encoding with dynamic programming */ void find_decomp_run(DecompEntry *tab_de, int i) { DecompEntry de_s, *de = &de_s; CCInfo *ci, *ci1, *ci2; int l, j, n, len_max; ci = &unicode_db[i]; l = ci->decomp_len; if (l == 0) { tab_de[i].cost = tab_de[i + 1].cost; return; } /* the offset for the compose table has only 6 bits, so we must limit if it can be used by the compose table */ if (!ci->is_compat && !ci->is_excluded && l == 2) len_max = 64; else len_max = 127; tab_de[i].cost = 0x7fffffff; if (!is_16bit(ci->decomp_data, l)) { assert(l <= 2); n = 1; for(;;) { de->code = i; de->len = n; de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_LL1 + l - 1; de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; /* Note: we accept a hole */ if (!(ci1->decomp_len == 0 || (ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat))) break; n++; } return; } if (l <= 7) { n = 1; for(;;) { de->code = i; de->len = n; if (l == 1 && n == 1) { de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_C1; } else { assert(l <= 8); de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_L1 + l - 1; } de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; /* Note: we accept a hole */ if (!(ci1->decomp_len == 0 || (ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat && is_16bit(ci1->decomp_data, l)))) break; n++; } } if (l <= 8 || l == 18) { int c_min, c_max, c; c_min = c_max = -1; n = 1; for(;;) { ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n - 1]; for(j = 0; j < l; j++) { c = ci1->decomp_data[j]; if (c == 0x20) { /* we accept space for Arabic */ } else if (c_min == -1) { c_min = c_max = c; } else { c_min = min_int(c_min, c); c_max = max_int(c_max, c); } } if ((c_max - c_min) > 254) break; de->code = i; de->len = n; if (l == 18) de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_B18; else de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_B1 + l - 1; de->c_len = l; de->c_min = c_min; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; if (!(ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat)) break; n++; } } /* find an ascii run */ if (l <= 5 && is_short_tab(ci->decomp_data, l)) { n = 1; for(;;) { de->code = i; de->len = n; de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_S1 + l - 1; de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; /* Note: we accept a hole */ if (!(ci1->decomp_len == 0 || (ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat && is_short_tab(ci1->decomp_data, l)))) break; n++; } } /* check if a single char is increasing */ if (l <= 4) { int idx1, idx; for(idx1 = 1; (idx = decomp_incr_tab[l - 1][idx1]) >= 0; idx1++) { n = 1; for(;;) { de->code = i; de->len = n; de->type = decomp_incr_tab[l - 1][0] + idx1 - 1; de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; if (!(ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat)) goto next1; for(j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (j == idx) { if (ci1->decomp_data[j] != ci->decomp_data[j] + n) goto next1; } else { if (ci1->decomp_data[j] != ci->decomp_data[j]) goto next1; } } n++; } next1: ; } } if (l == 3) { n = 1; for(;;) { de->code = i; de->len = n; de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_PAT3; de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; if (!(ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat && ci1->decomp_data[1] <= 0xffff && ci1->decomp_data[0] == ci->decomp_data[0] && ci1->decomp_data[l - 1] == ci->decomp_data[l - 1])) break; n++; } } if (l == 2 && is_short(ci->decomp_data[1])) { n = 1; for(;;) { de->code = i; de->len = n; de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_LS2; de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } if (!((i + n) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n < len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; if (!(ci1->decomp_len == 0 || (ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat && ci1->decomp_data[0] <= 0xffff && is_short(ci1->decomp_data[1])))) break; n++; } } if (l == 2) { BOOL is_16bit; n = 0; is_16bit = FALSE; for(;;) { if (!((i + n + 1) <= CHARCODE_MAX && n + 2 <= len_max)) break; ci1 = &unicode_db[i + n]; if (!(ci1->decomp_len == l && ci1->is_compat == ci->is_compat && is_short(ci1->decomp_data[1]))) break; if (!is_16bit && !is_short(ci1->decomp_data[0])) is_16bit = TRUE; ci2 = &unicode_db[i + n + 1]; if (!(ci2->decomp_len == l && ci2->is_compat == ci->is_compat && ci2->decomp_data[0] == to_lower_simple(ci1->decomp_data[0]) && ci2->decomp_data[1] == ci1->decomp_data[1])) break; n += 2; de->code = i; de->len = n; de->type = DECOMP_TYPE_S2_UL + is_16bit; de->c_len = l; de->cost = get_decomp_run_size(de) + tab_de[i + n].cost; if (de->cost < tab_de[i].cost) { tab_de[i] = *de; } } } } void put16(uint8_t *data_buf, int *pidx, uint16_t c) { int idx; idx = *pidx; data_buf[idx++] = c; data_buf[idx++] = c >> 8; *pidx = idx; } void add_decomp_data(uint8_t *data_buf, int *pidx, DecompEntry *de) { int i, j, idx, c; CCInfo *ci; idx = *pidx; de->data_index = idx; if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_C1) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code]; assert(ci->decomp_len == 1); de->data_index = ci->decomp_data[0]; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_L7) { for(i = 0; i < de->len; i++) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; for(j = 0; j < de->c_len; j++) { if (ci->decomp_len == 0) c = 0; else c = ci->decomp_data[j]; put16(data_buf, &idx, c); } } } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_LL2) { int n, p, k; n = (de->len * de->c_len * 18 + 7) / 8; p = de->len * de->c_len * 2; memset(data_buf + idx, 0, n); k = 0; for(i = 0; i < de->len; i++) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; for(j = 0; j < de->c_len; j++) { if (ci->decomp_len == 0) c = 0; else c = ci->decomp_data[j]; data_buf[idx + k * 2] = c; data_buf[idx + k * 2 + 1] = c >> 8; data_buf[idx + p + (k / 4)] |= (c >> 16) << ((k % 4) * 2); k++; } } idx += n; } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_S5) { for(i = 0; i < de->len; i++) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; for(j = 0; j < de->c_len; j++) { if (ci->decomp_len == 0) c = 0; else c = ci->decomp_data[j]; c = get_short_code(c); assert(c >= 0); data_buf[idx++] = c; } } } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_I4_2) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code]; assert(ci->decomp_len == de->c_len); for(j = 0; j < de->c_len; j++) put16(data_buf, &idx, ci->decomp_data[j]); } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_B18) { c = de->c_min; data_buf[idx++] = c; data_buf[idx++] = c >> 8; for(i = 0; i < de->len; i++) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; for(j = 0; j < de->c_len; j++) { assert(ci->decomp_len == de->c_len); c = ci->decomp_data[j]; if (c == 0x20) { c = 0xff; } else { c -= de->c_min; assert((uint32_t)c <= 254); } data_buf[idx++] = c; } } } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_LS2) { assert(de->c_len == 2); for(i = 0; i < de->len; i++) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; if (ci->decomp_len == 0) c = 0; else c = ci->decomp_data[0]; put16(data_buf, &idx, c); if (ci->decomp_len == 0) c = 0; else c = ci->decomp_data[1]; c = get_short_code(c); assert(c >= 0); data_buf[idx++] = c; } } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_PAT3) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code]; assert(ci->decomp_len == 3); put16(data_buf, &idx, ci->decomp_data[0]); put16(data_buf, &idx, ci->decomp_data[2]); for(i = 0; i < de->len; i++) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; assert(ci->decomp_len == 3); put16(data_buf, &idx, ci->decomp_data[1]); } } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_S2_UL) { for(i = 0; i < de->len; i += 2) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; c = ci->decomp_data[0]; c = get_short_code(c); assert(c >= 0); data_buf[idx++] = c; c = ci->decomp_data[1]; c = get_short_code(c); assert(c >= 0); data_buf[idx++] = c; } } else if (de->type <= DECOMP_TYPE_LS2_UL) { for(i = 0; i < de->len; i += 2) { ci = &unicode_db[de->code + i]; c = ci->decomp_data[0]; put16(data_buf, &idx, c); c = ci->decomp_data[1]; c = get_short_code(c); assert(c >= 0); data_buf[idx++] = c; } } else { abort(); } *pidx = idx; } void build_compose_table(FILE *f, const DecompEntry *tab_de); void build_decompose_table(FILE *f) { int i, array_len, code_max, data_len, count; DecompEntry *tab_de, de_s, *de = &de_s; uint8_t *data_buf; code_max = CHARCODE_MAX; tab_de = mallocz((code_max + 2) * sizeof(*tab_de)); for(i = code_max; i >= 0; i--) { find_decomp_run(tab_de, i); } /* build the data buffer */ data_buf = malloc(100000); data_len = 0; array_len = 0; for(i = 0; i <= code_max; i++) { de = &tab_de[i]; if (de->len != 0) { add_decomp_data(data_buf, &data_len, de); i += de->len - 1; array_len++; } } #ifdef DUMP_DECOMP_TABLE /* dump */ { int size, size1; printf("START LEN TYPE L C SIZE\n"); size = 0; for(i = 0; i <= code_max; i++) { de = &tab_de[i]; if (de->len != 0) { size1 = get_decomp_run_size(de); printf("%05x %3d %6s %2d %1d %4d\n", i, de->len, decomp_type_str[de->type], de->c_len, unicode_db[i].is_compat, size1); i += de->len - 1; size += size1; } } printf("array_len=%d estimated size=%d bytes actual=%d bytes\n", array_len, size, array_len * 6 + data_len); } #endif fprintf(f, "static const uint32_t unicode_decomp_table1[%u] = {", array_len); count = 0; for(i = 0; i <= code_max; i++) { de = &tab_de[i]; if (de->len != 0) { uint32_t v; if (count++ % 4 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); v = (de->code << (32 - 18)) | (de->len << (32 - 18 - 7)) | (de->type << (32 - 18 - 7 - 6)) | unicode_db[de->code].is_compat; fprintf(f, " 0x%08x,", v); i += de->len - 1; } } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); fprintf(f, "static const uint16_t unicode_decomp_table2[%u] = {", array_len); count = 0; for(i = 0; i <= code_max; i++) { de = &tab_de[i]; if (de->len != 0) { if (count++ % 8 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); fprintf(f, " 0x%04x,", de->data_index); i += de->len - 1; } } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); fprintf(f, "static const uint8_t unicode_decomp_data[%u] = {", data_len); for(i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); fprintf(f, " 0x%02x,", data_buf[i]); } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); build_compose_table(f, tab_de); free(data_buf); free(tab_de); } typedef struct { uint32_t c[2]; uint32_t p; } ComposeEntry; #define COMPOSE_LEN_MAX 10000 static int ce_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const ComposeEntry *ce1 = p1; const ComposeEntry *ce2 = p2; int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (ce1->c[i] < ce2->c[i]) return -1; else if (ce1->c[i] > ce2->c[i]) return 1; } return 0; } static int get_decomp_pos(const DecompEntry *tab_de, int c) { int i, v, k; const DecompEntry *de; k = 0; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX; i++) { de = &tab_de[i]; if (de->len != 0) { if (c >= de->code && c < de->code + de->len) { v = c - de->code; assert(v < 64); v |= k << 6; assert(v < 65536); return v; } i += de->len - 1; k++; } } return -1; } void build_compose_table(FILE *f, const DecompEntry *tab_de) { int i, v, tab_ce_len; ComposeEntry *ce, *tab_ce; tab_ce = malloc(sizeof(*tab_ce) * COMPOSE_LEN_MAX); tab_ce_len = 0; for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX; i++) { CCInfo *ci = &unicode_db[i]; if (ci->decomp_len == 2 && !ci->is_compat && !ci->is_excluded) { assert(tab_ce_len < COMPOSE_LEN_MAX); ce = &tab_ce[tab_ce_len++]; ce->c[0] = ci->decomp_data[0]; ce->c[1] = ci->decomp_data[1]; ce->p = i; } } qsort(tab_ce, tab_ce_len, sizeof(*tab_ce), ce_cmp); fprintf(f, "static const uint16_t unicode_comp_table[%u] = {", tab_ce_len); for(i = 0; i < tab_ce_len; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) fprintf(f, "\n "); v = get_decomp_pos(tab_de, tab_ce[i].p); if (v < 0) { printf("ERROR: entry for c=%04x not found\n", tab_ce[i].p); exit(1); } fprintf(f, " 0x%04x,", v); } fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n"); free(tab_ce); } #ifdef USE_TEST void check_decompose_table(void) { int c; CCInfo *ci; int res[UNICODE_DECOMP_LEN_MAX], *ref; int len, ref_len, is_compat; for(is_compat = 0; is_compat <= 1; is_compat++) { for(c = 0; c < CHARCODE_MAX; c++) { ci = &unicode_db[c]; ref_len = ci->decomp_len; ref = ci->decomp_data; if (!is_compat && ci->is_compat) { ref_len = 0; } len = unicode_decomp_char((uint32_t *)res, c, is_compat); if (len != ref_len || tabcmp(res, ref, ref_len) != 0) { printf("ERROR c=%05x compat=%d\n", c, is_compat); dump_str("res", res, len); dump_str("ref", ref, ref_len); exit(1); } } } } void check_compose_table(void) { int i, p; /* XXX: we don't test all the cases */ for(i = 0; i <= CHARCODE_MAX; i++) { CCInfo *ci = &unicode_db[i]; if (ci->decomp_len == 2 && !ci->is_compat && !ci->is_excluded) { p = unicode_compose_pair(ci->decomp_data[0], ci->decomp_data[1]); if (p != i) { printf("ERROR compose: c=%05x %05x -> %05x ref=%05x\n", ci->decomp_data[0], ci->decomp_data[1], p, i); exit(1); } } } } #endif #ifdef USE_TEST void check_str(const char *msg, int num, const int *in_buf, int in_len, const int *buf1, int len1, const int *buf2, int len2) { if (len1 != len2 || tabcmp(buf1, buf2, len1) != 0) { printf("%d: ERROR %s:\n", num, msg); dump_str(" in", in_buf, in_len); dump_str("res", buf1, len1); dump_str("ref", buf2, len2); exit(1); } } void check_cc_table(void) { int cc, cc_ref, c; for(c = 0; c <= CHARCODE_MAX; c++) { cc_ref = unicode_db[c].combining_class; cc = unicode_get_cc(c); if (cc != cc_ref) { printf("ERROR: c=%04x cc=%d cc_ref=%d\n", c, cc, cc_ref); exit(1); } } #ifdef PROFILE { int64_t ti, count; ti = get_time_ns(); count = 0; /* only do it on meaningful chars */ for(c = 0x20; c <= 0xffff; c++) { cc_ref = unicode_db[c].combining_class; cc = unicode_get_cc(c); count++; } ti = get_time_ns() - ti; printf("cc time=%0.1f ns/char\n", (double)ti / count); } #endif } void normalization_test(const char *filename) { FILE *f; char line[4096], *p; int *in_str, *nfc_str, *nfd_str, *nfkc_str, *nfkd_str; int in_len, nfc_len, nfd_len, nfkc_len, nfkd_len; int *buf, buf_len, pos; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(filename); exit(1); } pos = 0; for(;;) { if (!get_line(line, sizeof(line), f)) break; pos++; p = line; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '@') continue; in_str = get_field_str(&in_len, p, 0); nfc_str = get_field_str(&nfc_len, p, 1); nfd_str = get_field_str(&nfd_len, p, 2); nfkc_str = get_field_str(&nfkc_len, p, 3); nfkd_str = get_field_str(&nfkd_len, p, 4); // dump_str("in", in_str, in_len); buf_len = unicode_normalize((uint32_t **)&buf, (uint32_t *)in_str, in_len, UNICODE_NFD, NULL, NULL); check_str("nfd", pos, in_str, in_len, buf, buf_len, nfd_str, nfd_len); free(buf); buf_len = unicode_normalize((uint32_t **)&buf, (uint32_t *)in_str, in_len, UNICODE_NFKD, NULL, NULL); check_str("nfkd", pos, in_str, in_len, buf, buf_len, nfkd_str, nfkd_len); free(buf); buf_len = unicode_normalize((uint32_t **)&buf, (uint32_t *)in_str, in_len, UNICODE_NFC, NULL, NULL); check_str("nfc", pos, in_str, in_len, buf, buf_len, nfc_str, nfc_len); free(buf); buf_len = unicode_normalize((uint32_t **)&buf, (uint32_t *)in_str, in_len, UNICODE_NFKC, NULL, NULL); check_str("nfkc", pos, in_str, in_len, buf, buf_len, nfkc_str, nfkc_len); free(buf); free(in_str); free(nfc_str); free(nfd_str); free(nfkc_str); free(nfkd_str); } fclose(f); } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *unicode_db_path, *outfilename; char filename[1024]; if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s unicode_db_path [output_file]\n" "\n" "If no output_file is given, a self test is done using the current unicode library\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } unicode_db_path = argv[1]; outfilename = NULL; if (argc >= 3) outfilename = argv[2]; unicode_db = mallocz(sizeof(unicode_db[0]) * (CHARCODE_MAX + 1)); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/UnicodeData.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_unicode_data(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/SpecialCasing.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_special_casing(unicode_db, filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/CaseFolding.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_case_folding(unicode_db, filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/CompositionExclusions.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_composition_exclusions(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/DerivedCoreProperties.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_derived_core_properties(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/DerivedNormalizationProps.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_derived_norm_properties(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/PropList.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_prop_list(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/Scripts.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_scripts(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/ScriptExtensions.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_script_extensions(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/emoji-data.txt", unicode_db_path); parse_prop_list(filename); // dump_data(unicode_db); build_conv_table(unicode_db); // dump_table(); if (!outfilename) { #ifdef USE_TEST check_case_conv(); check_flags(); check_decompose_table(); check_compose_table(); check_cc_table(); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/NormalizationTest.txt", unicode_db_path); normalization_test(filename); #else fprintf(stderr, "Tests are not compiled\n"); exit(1); #endif } else { FILE *fo = fopen(outfilename, "wb"); if (!fo) { perror(outfilename); exit(1); } fprintf(fo, "/* Compressed unicode tables */\n" "/* Automatically generated file - do not edit */\n" "\n" "#include <stdint.h>\n" "\n"); dump_case_conv_table(fo); compute_internal_props(); build_flags_tables(fo); build_cc_table(fo); build_decompose_table(fo); build_general_category_table(fo); build_script_table(fo); build_script_ext_table(fo); build_prop_list_table(fo); fclose(fo); } return 0; }