import * as std from "qjs:std"; import * as os from "qjs:os"; import * as bjson from "qjs:bjson"; // See quickjs.h const JS_READ_OBJ_BYTECODE = 1 << 0; const JS_READ_OBJ_REFERENCE = 1 << 3; const JS_WRITE_OBJ_BYTECODE = 1 << 0; const JS_WRITE_OBJ_REFERENCE = 1 << 3; const JS_WRITE_OBJ_STRIP_SOURCE = 1 << 4; /** * Trailer for standalone binaries. When some code gets bundled with the qjs * executable we add a 12 byte trailer. The first 8 bytes are the magic * string that helps us understand this is a standalone binary, and the * remaining 4 are the offset (from the beginning of the binary) where the * bundled data is located. * * The offset is stored as a 32bit little-endian number. */ const Trailer = { Magic: 'quickjs2', MagicSize: 8, DataSize: 4, Size: 12 }; function encodeAscii(txt) { return new Uint8Array(txt.split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt(0))); } function decodeAscii(buf) { return Array.from(buf).map(c => String.fromCharCode(c)).join('') } export function compileStandalone(inFile, outFile, targetExe) { // Step 1: compile the source file to bytecode const js = std.loadFile(inFile); if (!js) { throw new Error(`failed to open ${inFile}`); } const code = std.evalScript(js, { compile_only: true, compile_module: true }); const bytecode = new Uint8Array(bjson.write(code, JS_WRITE_OBJ_BYTECODE | JS_WRITE_OBJ_REFERENCE | JS_WRITE_OBJ_STRIP_SOURCE)); // Step 2: copy the bytecode to the end of the executable and add a marker. const exe = std.loadFile(targetExe ?? globalThis.argv0, { binary: true }); const exeSize = exe.length; const newBuffer = exe.buffer.transfer(exeSize + bytecode.length + Trailer.Size); const newExe = new Uint8Array(newBuffer); newExe.set(bytecode, exeSize); newExe.set(encodeAscii(Trailer.Magic), exeSize + bytecode.length); const dw = new DataView(newBuffer, exeSize + bytecode.length + Trailer.MagicSize, Trailer.DataSize); dw.setUint32(0, exeSize, true /* little-endian */); // We use so we can set the permissions mask. const newFd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o755); if (newFd < 0) { throw new Error(`failed to create ${outFile}`); } if (os.write(newFd, newBuffer, 0, newBuffer.byteLength) < 0) { os.close(newFd); throw new Error(`failed to write to output file`); } os.close(newFd); } export function runStandalone() { const file = globalThis.argv0; const exe =, 'rb'); if (!exe) { throw new Error(`failed to open executable: ${file}`); } let r =, std.SEEK_END); if (r < 0) { throw new Error(`seek error: ${-r}`); } const trailer = new Uint8Array(Trailer.Size);, 0, Trailer.Size); const magic = new Uint8Array(trailer.buffer, 0, Trailer.MagicSize); // Shouldn't happen since qjs.c checks for it. if (decodeAscii(magic) !== Trailer.Magic) { exe.close(); throw new Error('corrupted binary, magic mismatch'); } const dw = new DataView(trailer.buffer, Trailer.MagicSize, Trailer.DataSize); const offset = dw.getUint32(0, true /* little-endian */); const bytecode = new Uint8Array(offset - Trailer.Size); r =, std.SEEK_SET); if (r < 0) { exe.close(); throw new Error(`seek error: ${-r}`); }, 0, bytecode.length); if (exe.error()) { exe.close(); throw new Error('read error'); } exe.close(); const code =, 0, bytecode.length, JS_READ_OBJ_BYTECODE | JS_READ_OBJ_REFERENCE); return std.evalScript(code, { eval_module: true }); }