/* * ECMA Test 262 Runner for QuickJS * * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Fabrice Bellard * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Charlie Gordon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <ftw.h> #include "cutils.h" #include "list.h" #include "quickjs-libc.h" /* enable test262 thread support to test SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics */ #define CONFIG_AGENT #define CMD_NAME "run-test262" typedef struct namelist_t { char **array; int count; int size; unsigned int sorted : 1; } namelist_t; namelist_t test_list; namelist_t exclude_list; namelist_t exclude_dir_list; FILE *outfile; enum test_mode_t { TEST_DEFAULT_NOSTRICT, /* run tests as nostrict unless test is flagged as strictonly */ TEST_DEFAULT_STRICT, /* run tests as strict unless test is flagged as nostrict */ TEST_NOSTRICT, /* run tests as nostrict, skip strictonly tests */ TEST_STRICT, /* run tests as strict, skip nostrict tests */ TEST_ALL, /* run tests in both strict and nostrict, unless restricted by spec */ } test_mode = TEST_DEFAULT_NOSTRICT; int compact; int skip_async; int skip_module; int new_style; int dump_memory; int stats_count; JSMemoryUsage stats_all, stats_avg, stats_min, stats_max; char *stats_min_filename; char *stats_max_filename; int verbose; char *harness_dir; char *harness_exclude; char *harness_features; char *harness_skip_features; char *error_filename; char *error_file; FILE *error_out; char *report_filename; int update_errors; int test_count, test_failed, test_index, test_skipped, test_excluded; int new_errors, changed_errors, fixed_errors; int async_done; void warning(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2))); void fatal(int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))); void warning(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", CMD_NAME); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); } void fatal(int errcode, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", CMD_NAME); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(errcode); } void perror_exit(int errcode, const char *s) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", CMD_NAME); perror(s); exit(errcode); } char *strdup_len(const char *str, int len) { char *p = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(p, str, len); p[len] = '\0'; return p; } static inline int str_equal(const char *a, const char *b) { return !strcmp(a, b); } char *str_append(char **pp, const char *sep, const char *str) { char *res, *p; size_t len = 0; p = *pp; if (p) { len = strlen(p) + strlen(sep); } res = malloc(len + strlen(str) + 1); if (p) { strcpy(res, p); strcat(res, sep); } strcpy(res + len, str); free(p); return *pp = res; } char *str_strip(char *p) { size_t len = strlen(p); while (len > 0 && isspace((unsigned char)p[len - 1])) p[--len] = '\0'; while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; return p; } int has_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix) { return !strncmp(str, prefix, strlen(prefix)); } char *skip_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix) { int i; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (prefix[i] == '\0') { /* skip the prefix */ str += i; break; } if (str[i] != prefix[i]) break; } return (char *)str; } char *get_basename(const char *filename) { char *p; p = strrchr(filename, '/'); if (!p) return NULL; return strdup_len(filename, p - filename); } char *compose_path(const char *path, const char *name) { int path_len, name_len; char *d, *q; if (!path || path[0] == '\0' || *name == '/') { d = strdup(name); } else { path_len = strlen(path); name_len = strlen(name); d = malloc(path_len + 1 + name_len + 1); if (d) { q = d; memcpy(q, path, path_len); q += path_len; if (path[path_len - 1] != '/') *q++ = '/'; memcpy(q, name, name_len + 1); } } return d; } int namelist_cmp(const char *a, const char *b) { /* compare strings in modified lexicographical order */ for (;;) { int ca = (unsigned char)*a++; int cb = (unsigned char)*b++; if (isdigit(ca) && isdigit(cb)) { int na = ca - '0'; int nb = cb - '0'; while (isdigit(ca = (unsigned char)*a++)) na = na * 10 + ca - '0'; while (isdigit(cb = (unsigned char)*b++)) nb = nb * 10 + cb - '0'; if (na < nb) return -1; if (na > nb) return +1; } if (ca < cb) return -1; if (ca > cb) return +1; if (ca == '\0') return 0; } } int namelist_cmp_indirect(const void *a, const void *b) { return namelist_cmp(*(const char **)a, *(const char **)b); } void namelist_sort(namelist_t *lp) { int i, count; if (lp->count > 1) { qsort(lp->array, lp->count, sizeof(*lp->array), namelist_cmp_indirect); /* remove duplicates */ for (count = i = 1; i < lp->count; i++) { if (namelist_cmp(lp->array[count - 1], lp->array[i]) == 0) { free(lp->array[i]); } else { lp->array[count++] = lp->array[i]; } } lp->count = count; } lp->sorted = 1; } int namelist_find(namelist_t *lp, const char *name) { int a, b, m, cmp; if (!lp->sorted) { namelist_sort(lp); } for (a = 0, b = lp->count; a < b;) { m = a + (b - a) / 2; cmp = namelist_cmp(lp->array[m], name); if (cmp < 0) a = m + 1; else if (cmp > 0) b = m; else return m; } return -1; } void namelist_add(namelist_t *lp, const char *base, const char *name) { char *s; s = compose_path(base, name); if (!s) goto fail; if (lp->count == lp->size) { size_t newsize = lp->size + (lp->size >> 1) + 4; char **a = realloc(lp->array, sizeof(lp->array[0]) * newsize); if (!a) goto fail; lp->array = a; lp->size = newsize; } lp->array[lp->count] = s; lp->count++; return; fail: fatal(1, "allocation failure\n"); } void namelist_load(namelist_t *lp, const char *filename) { char buf[1024]; char *base_name; FILE *f; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror_exit(1, filename); } base_name = get_basename(filename); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) != NULL) { char *p = str_strip(buf); if (*p == '#' || *p == ';' || *p == '\0') continue; /* line comment */ namelist_add(lp, base_name, p); } free(base_name); fclose(f); } void namelist_add_from_error_file(namelist_t *lp, const char *file) { const char *p, *p0; char *pp; for (p = file; (p = strstr(p, ".js:")) != NULL; p++) { for (p0 = p; p0 > file && p0[-1] != '\n'; p0--) continue; pp = strdup_len(p0, p + 3 - p0); namelist_add(lp, NULL, pp); free(pp); } } void namelist_free(namelist_t *lp) { while (lp->count > 0) { free(lp->array[--lp->count]); } free(lp->array); lp->array = NULL; lp->size = 0; } static int add_test_file(const char *filename, const struct stat *ptr, int flag) { namelist_t *lp = &test_list; if (has_suffix(filename, ".js") && !has_suffix(filename, "_FIXTURE.js")) namelist_add(lp, NULL, filename); return 0; } /* find js files from the directory tree and sort the list */ static void enumerate_tests(const char *path) { namelist_t *lp = &test_list; int start = lp->count; ftw(path, add_test_file, 100); qsort(lp->array + start, lp->count - start, sizeof(*lp->array), namelist_cmp_indirect); } static JSValue js_print(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { int i; const char *str; if (outfile) { for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i != 0) fputc(' ', outfile); str = JS_ToCString(ctx, argv[i]); if (!str) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (!strcmp(str, "Test262:AsyncTestComplete")) { async_done++; } else if (strstart(str, "Test262:AsyncTestFailure", NULL)) { async_done = 2; /* force an error */ } fputs(str, outfile); JS_FreeCString(ctx, str); } fputc('\n', outfile); } return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue js_detachArrayBuffer(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { JS_DetachArrayBuffer(ctx, argv[0]); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue js_evalScript(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { const char *str; size_t len; JSValue ret; str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, argv[0]); if (!str) return JS_EXCEPTION; ret = JS_Eval(ctx, str, len, "<evalScript>", JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL); JS_FreeCString(ctx, str); return ret; } #ifdef CONFIG_AGENT #include <pthread.h> typedef struct { struct list_head link; pthread_t tid; char *script; JSValue broadcast_func; BOOL broadcast_pending; JSValue broadcast_sab; /* in the main context */ uint8_t *broadcast_sab_buf; size_t broadcast_sab_size; int32_t broadcast_val; } Test262Agent; typedef struct { struct list_head link; char *str; } AgentReport; static JSValue add_helpers1(JSContext *ctx); static void add_helpers(JSContext *ctx); static pthread_mutex_t agent_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t agent_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; /* list of Test262Agent.link */ static struct list_head agent_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(agent_list); static pthread_mutex_t report_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* list of AgentReport.link */ static struct list_head report_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(report_list); static void *agent_start(void *arg) { Test262Agent *agent = arg; JSRuntime *rt; JSContext *ctx; JSValue ret_val; int ret; rt = JS_NewRuntime(); if (rt == NULL) { fatal(1, "JS_NewRuntime failure"); } ctx = JS_NewContext(rt); if (ctx == NULL) { JS_FreeRuntime(rt); fatal(1, "JS_NewContext failure"); } JS_SetContextOpaque(ctx, agent); JS_SetRuntimeInfo(rt, "agent"); JS_SetCanBlock(rt, TRUE); add_helpers(ctx); ret_val = JS_Eval(ctx, agent->script, strlen(agent->script), "<evalScript>", JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL); free(agent->script); agent->script = NULL; if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) js_std_dump_error(ctx); JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val); for(;;) { JSContext *ctx1; ret = JS_ExecutePendingJob(JS_GetRuntime(ctx), &ctx1); if (ret < 0) { js_std_dump_error(ctx); break; } else if (ret == 0) { if (JS_IsUndefined(agent->broadcast_func)) { break; } else { JSValue args[2]; pthread_mutex_lock(&agent_mutex); while (!agent->broadcast_pending) { pthread_cond_wait(&agent_cond, &agent_mutex); } agent->broadcast_pending = FALSE; pthread_cond_signal(&agent_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&agent_mutex); args[0] = JS_NewArrayBuffer(ctx, agent->broadcast_sab_buf, agent->broadcast_sab_size, NULL, NULL, TRUE); args[1] = JS_NewInt32(ctx, agent->broadcast_val); ret_val = JS_Call(ctx, agent->broadcast_func, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args); JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[0]); JS_FreeValue(ctx, args[1]); if (JS_IsException(ret_val)) js_std_dump_error(ctx); JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret_val); JS_FreeValue(ctx, agent->broadcast_func); agent->broadcast_func = JS_UNDEFINED; } } } JS_FreeValue(ctx, agent->broadcast_func); JS_FreeContext(ctx); JS_FreeRuntime(rt); return NULL; } static JSValue js_agent_start(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { const char *script; Test262Agent *agent; pthread_attr_t attr; if (JS_GetContextOpaque(ctx) != NULL) return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot be called inside an agent"); script = JS_ToCString(ctx, argv[0]); if (!script) return JS_EXCEPTION; agent = malloc(sizeof(*agent)); memset(agent, 0, sizeof(*agent)); agent->broadcast_func = JS_UNDEFINED; agent->broadcast_sab = JS_UNDEFINED; agent->script = strdup(script); JS_FreeCString(ctx, script); list_add_tail(&agent->link, &agent_list); pthread_attr_init(&attr); // musl libc gives threads 80 kb stacks, much smaller than // JS_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE (256 kb) pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 2 << 20); // 2 MB, glibc default pthread_create(&agent->tid, &attr, agent_start, agent); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static void js_agent_free(JSContext *ctx) { struct list_head *el, *el1; Test262Agent *agent; list_for_each_safe(el, el1, &agent_list) { agent = list_entry(el, Test262Agent, link); pthread_join(agent->tid, NULL); JS_FreeValue(ctx, agent->broadcast_sab); list_del(&agent->link); free(agent); } } static JSValue js_agent_leaving(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { Test262Agent *agent = JS_GetContextOpaque(ctx); if (!agent) return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "must be called inside an agent"); /* nothing to do */ return JS_UNDEFINED; } static BOOL is_broadcast_pending(void) { struct list_head *el; Test262Agent *agent; list_for_each(el, &agent_list) { agent = list_entry(el, Test262Agent, link); if (agent->broadcast_pending) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static JSValue js_agent_broadcast(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { JSValue sab = argv[0]; struct list_head *el; Test262Agent *agent; uint8_t *buf; size_t buf_size; int32_t val; if (JS_GetContextOpaque(ctx) != NULL) return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "cannot be called inside an agent"); buf = JS_GetArrayBuffer(ctx, &buf_size, sab); if (!buf) return JS_EXCEPTION; if (JS_ToInt32(ctx, &val, argv[1])) return JS_EXCEPTION; /* broadcast the values and wait until all agents have started calling their callbacks */ pthread_mutex_lock(&agent_mutex); list_for_each(el, &agent_list) { agent = list_entry(el, Test262Agent, link); agent->broadcast_pending = TRUE; /* the shared array buffer is used by the thread, so increment its refcount */ agent->broadcast_sab = JS_DupValue(ctx, sab); agent->broadcast_sab_buf = buf; agent->broadcast_sab_size = buf_size; agent->broadcast_val = val; } pthread_cond_broadcast(&agent_cond); while (is_broadcast_pending()) { pthread_cond_wait(&agent_cond, &agent_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&agent_mutex); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue js_agent_receiveBroadcast(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { Test262Agent *agent = JS_GetContextOpaque(ctx); if (!agent) return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "must be called inside an agent"); if (!JS_IsFunction(ctx, argv[0])) return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "expecting function"); JS_FreeValue(ctx, agent->broadcast_func); agent->broadcast_func = JS_DupValue(ctx, argv[0]); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue js_agent_sleep(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { uint32_t duration; if (JS_ToUint32(ctx, &duration, argv[0])) return JS_EXCEPTION; usleep(duration * 1000); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static int64_t get_clock_ms(void) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); return (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000 + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000000); } static JSValue js_agent_monotonicNow(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { return JS_NewInt64(ctx, get_clock_ms()); } static JSValue js_agent_getReport(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { AgentReport *rep; JSValue ret; pthread_mutex_lock(&report_mutex); if (list_empty(&report_list)) { rep = NULL; } else { rep = list_entry(report_list.next, AgentReport, link); list_del(&rep->link); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&report_mutex); if (rep) { ret = JS_NewString(ctx, rep->str); free(rep->str); free(rep); } else { ret = JS_NULL; } return ret; } static JSValue js_agent_report(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { const char *str; AgentReport *rep; str = JS_ToCString(ctx, argv[0]); if (!str) return JS_EXCEPTION; rep = malloc(sizeof(*rep)); rep->str = strdup(str); JS_FreeCString(ctx, str); pthread_mutex_lock(&report_mutex); list_add_tail(&rep->link, &report_list); pthread_mutex_unlock(&report_mutex); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static const JSCFunctionListEntry js_agent_funcs[] = { /* only in main */ JS_CFUNC_DEF("start", 1, js_agent_start ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("getReport", 0, js_agent_getReport ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("broadcast", 2, js_agent_broadcast ), /* only in agent */ JS_CFUNC_DEF("report", 1, js_agent_report ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("leaving", 0, js_agent_leaving ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("receiveBroadcast", 1, js_agent_receiveBroadcast ), /* in both */ JS_CFUNC_DEF("sleep", 1, js_agent_sleep ), JS_CFUNC_DEF("monotonicNow", 0, js_agent_monotonicNow ), }; static JSValue js_new_agent(JSContext *ctx) { JSValue agent; agent = JS_NewObject(ctx); JS_SetPropertyFunctionList(ctx, agent, js_agent_funcs, countof(js_agent_funcs)); return agent; } #endif static JSValue js_createRealm(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { JSContext *ctx1; JSValue ret; ctx1 = JS_NewContext(JS_GetRuntime(ctx)); if (!ctx1) return JS_ThrowOutOfMemory(ctx); ret = add_helpers1(ctx1); /* ctx1 has a refcount so it stays alive */ JS_FreeContext(ctx1); return ret; } static JSValue js_IsHTMLDDA(JSContext *ctx, JSValue this_val, int argc, JSValue *argv) { return JS_NULL; } static JSValue add_helpers1(JSContext *ctx) { JSValue global_obj; JSValue obj262, obj; global_obj = JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, global_obj, "print", JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_print, "print", 1)); /* $262 special object used by the tests */ obj262 = JS_NewObject(ctx); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "detachArrayBuffer", JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_detachArrayBuffer, "detachArrayBuffer", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "evalScript", JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_evalScript, "evalScript", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "codePointRange", JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_string_codePointRange, "codePointRange", 2)); #ifdef CONFIG_AGENT JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "agent", js_new_agent(ctx)); #endif JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "global", JS_DupValue(ctx, global_obj)); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "createRealm", JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_createRealm, "createRealm", 0)); obj = JS_NewCFunction(ctx, js_IsHTMLDDA, "IsHTMLDDA", 0); JS_SetIsHTMLDDA(ctx, obj); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, obj262, "IsHTMLDDA", obj); JS_SetPropertyStr(ctx, global_obj, "$262", JS_DupValue(ctx, obj262)); JS_FreeValue(ctx, global_obj); return obj262; } static void add_helpers(JSContext *ctx) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, add_helpers1(ctx)); } static char *load_file(const char *filename, size_t *lenp) { char *buf; size_t buf_len; buf = (char *)js_load_file(NULL, &buf_len, filename); if (!buf) perror_exit(1, filename); if (lenp) *lenp = buf_len; return buf; } static JSModuleDef *js_module_loader_test(JSContext *ctx, const char *module_name, void *opaque) { size_t buf_len; uint8_t *buf; JSModuleDef *m; JSValue func_val; char *filename, *slash, path[1024]; // interpret import("bar.js") from path/to/foo.js as // import("path/to/bar.js") but leave import("./bar.js") untouched filename = opaque; if (!strchr(module_name, '/')) { slash = strrchr(filename, '/'); if (slash) { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%.*s/%s", (int) (slash - filename), filename, module_name); module_name = path; } } buf = js_load_file(ctx, &buf_len, module_name); if (!buf) { JS_ThrowReferenceError(ctx, "could not load module filename '%s'", module_name); return NULL; } /* compile the module */ func_val = JS_Eval(ctx, (char *)buf, buf_len, module_name, JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE | JS_EVAL_FLAG_COMPILE_ONLY); js_free(ctx, buf); if (JS_IsException(func_val)) return NULL; /* the module is already referenced, so we must free it */ m = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(func_val); JS_FreeValue(ctx, func_val); return m; } int is_line_sep(char c) { return (c == '\0' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'); } char *find_line(const char *str, const char *line) { if (str) { const char *p; int len = strlen(line); for (p = str; (p = strstr(p, line)) != NULL; p += len + 1) { if ((p == str || is_line_sep(p[-1])) && is_line_sep(p[len])) return (char *)p; } } return NULL; } int is_word_sep(char c) { return (c == '\0' || isspace((unsigned char)c) || c == ','); } char *find_word(const char *str, const char *word) { const char *p; int len = strlen(word); if (str && len) { for (p = str; (p = strstr(p, word)) != NULL; p += len) { if ((p == str || is_word_sep(p[-1])) && is_word_sep(p[len])) return (char *)p; } } return NULL; } /* handle exclude directories */ void update_exclude_dirs(void) { namelist_t *lp = &test_list; namelist_t *ep = &exclude_list; namelist_t *dp = &exclude_dir_list; char *name; int i, j, count; /* split directpries from exclude_list */ for (count = i = 0; i < ep->count; i++) { name = ep->array[i]; if (has_suffix(name, "/")) { namelist_add(dp, NULL, name); free(name); } else { ep->array[count++] = name; } } ep->count = count; namelist_sort(dp); /* filter out excluded directories */ for (count = i = 0; i < lp->count; i++) { name = lp->array[i]; for (j = 0; j < dp->count; j++) { if (has_prefix(name, dp->array[j])) { test_excluded++; free(name); name = NULL; break; } } if (name) { lp->array[count++] = name; } } lp->count = count; } void load_config(const char *filename, const char *ignore) { char buf[1024]; FILE *f; char *base_name; enum { SECTION_NONE = 0, SECTION_CONFIG, SECTION_EXCLUDE, SECTION_FEATURES, SECTION_TESTS, } section = SECTION_NONE; int lineno = 0; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { perror_exit(1, filename); } base_name = get_basename(filename); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) != NULL) { char *p, *q; lineno++; p = str_strip(buf); if (*p == '#' || *p == ';' || *p == '\0') continue; /* line comment */ if (*p == "[]"[0]) { /* new section */ p++; p[strcspn(p, "]")] = '\0'; if (str_equal(p, "config")) section = SECTION_CONFIG; else if (str_equal(p, "exclude")) section = SECTION_EXCLUDE; else if (str_equal(p, "features")) section = SECTION_FEATURES; else if (str_equal(p, "tests")) section = SECTION_TESTS; else section = SECTION_NONE; continue; } q = strchr(p, '='); if (q) { /* setting: name=value */ *q++ = '\0'; q = str_strip(q); } switch (section) { case SECTION_CONFIG: if (!q) { printf("%s:%d: syntax error\n", filename, lineno); continue; } if (strstr(ignore, p)) { printf("%s:%d: ignoring %s=%s\n", filename, lineno, p, q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "style")) { new_style = str_equal(q, "new"); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "testdir")) { char *testdir = compose_path(base_name, q); enumerate_tests(testdir); free(testdir); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "harnessdir")) { harness_dir = compose_path(base_name, q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "harnessexclude")) { str_append(&harness_exclude, " ", q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "features")) { str_append(&harness_features, " ", q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "skip-features")) { str_append(&harness_skip_features, " ", q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "mode")) { if (str_equal(q, "default") || str_equal(q, "default-nostrict")) test_mode = TEST_DEFAULT_NOSTRICT; else if (str_equal(q, "default-strict")) test_mode = TEST_DEFAULT_STRICT; else if (str_equal(q, "nostrict")) test_mode = TEST_NOSTRICT; else if (str_equal(q, "strict")) test_mode = TEST_STRICT; else if (str_equal(q, "all") || str_equal(q, "both")) test_mode = TEST_ALL; else fatal(2, "unknown test mode: %s", q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "strict")) { if (str_equal(q, "skip") || str_equal(q, "no")) test_mode = TEST_NOSTRICT; continue; } if (str_equal(p, "nostrict")) { if (str_equal(q, "skip") || str_equal(q, "no")) test_mode = TEST_STRICT; continue; } if (str_equal(p, "async")) { skip_async = !str_equal(q, "yes"); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "module")) { skip_module = !str_equal(q, "yes"); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "verbose")) { verbose = str_equal(q, "yes"); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "errorfile")) { error_filename = compose_path(base_name, q); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "excludefile")) { char *path = compose_path(base_name, q); namelist_load(&exclude_list, path); free(path); continue; } if (str_equal(p, "reportfile")) { report_filename = compose_path(base_name, q); continue; } case SECTION_EXCLUDE: namelist_add(&exclude_list, base_name, p); break; case SECTION_FEATURES: if (!q || str_equal(q, "yes")) str_append(&harness_features, " ", p); else str_append(&harness_skip_features, " ", p); break; case SECTION_TESTS: namelist_add(&test_list, base_name, p); break; default: /* ignore settings in other sections */ break; } } fclose(f); free(base_name); } char *find_error(const char *filename, int *pline, int is_strict) { if (error_file) { size_t len = strlen(filename); const char *p, *q, *r; int line; for (p = error_file; (p = strstr(p, filename)) != NULL; p += len) { if ((p == error_file || p[-1] == '\n' || p[-1] == '(') && p[len] == ':') { q = p + len; line = 1; if (*q == ':') { line = strtol(q + 1, (char**)&q, 10); if (*q == ':') q++; } while (*q == ' ') { q++; } /* check strict mode indicator */ if (!strstart(q, "strict mode: ", &q) != !is_strict) continue; r = q = skip_prefix(q, "unexpected error: "); r += strcspn(r, "\n"); while (r[0] == '\n' && r[1] && strncmp(r + 1, filename, 8)) { r++; r += strcspn(r, "\n"); } if (pline) *pline = line; return strdup_len(q, r - q); } } } return NULL; } int skip_comments(const char *str, int line, int *pline) { const char *p; int c; p = str; while ((c = (unsigned char)*p++) != '\0') { if (isspace(c)) { if (c == '\n') line++; continue; } if (c == '/' && *p == '/') { while (*++p && *p != '\n') continue; continue; } if (c == '/' && *p == '*') { for (p += 1; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { line++; continue; } if (*p == '*' && p[1] == '/') { p += 2; break; } } continue; } break; } if (pline) *pline = line; return p - str; } int longest_match(const char *str, const char *find, int pos, int *ppos, int line, int *pline) { int len, maxlen; maxlen = 0; if (*find) { const char *p; for (p = str + pos; *p; p++) { if (*p == *find) { for (len = 1; p[len] && p[len] == find[len]; len++) continue; if (len > maxlen) { maxlen = len; if (ppos) *ppos = p - str; if (pline) *pline = line; if (!find[len]) break; } } if (*p == '\n') line++; } } return maxlen; } static int eval_buf(JSContext *ctx, const char *buf, size_t buf_len, const char *filename, int is_test, int is_negative, const char *error_type, FILE *outfile, int eval_flags, int is_async) { JSValue res_val, exception_val; int ret, error_line, pos, pos_line; BOOL is_error, has_error_line; const char *error_name; pos = skip_comments(buf, 1, &pos_line); error_line = pos_line; has_error_line = FALSE; exception_val = JS_UNDEFINED; error_name = NULL; async_done = 0; /* counter of "Test262:AsyncTestComplete" messages */ res_val = JS_Eval(ctx, buf, buf_len, filename, eval_flags); if (is_async && !JS_IsException(res_val)) { JS_FreeValue(ctx, res_val); for(;;) { JSContext *ctx1; ret = JS_ExecutePendingJob(JS_GetRuntime(ctx), &ctx1); if (ret < 0) { res_val = JS_EXCEPTION; break; } else if (ret == 0) { /* test if the test called $DONE() once */ if (async_done != 1) { res_val = JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "$DONE() not called"); } else { res_val = JS_UNDEFINED; } break; } } } else if ((eval_flags & JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE) && !JS_IsUndefined(res_val) && !JS_IsException(res_val)) { JSValue promise = res_val; for(;;) { JSContext *ctx1; ret = JS_ExecutePendingJob(JS_GetRuntime(ctx), &ctx1); if (ret < 0) { res_val = JS_EXCEPTION; break; } if (ret == 0) { JSPromiseStateEnum s = JS_PromiseState(ctx, promise); if (s == JS_PROMISE_FULFILLED) res_val = JS_UNDEFINED; else if (s == JS_PROMISE_REJECTED) res_val = JS_Throw(ctx, JS_PromiseResult(ctx, promise)); else res_val = JS_EXCEPTION; break; } } JS_FreeValue(ctx, promise); } if (JS_IsException(res_val)) { exception_val = JS_GetException(ctx); is_error = JS_IsError(ctx, exception_val); /* XXX: should get the filename and line number */ if (outfile) { if (!is_error) fprintf(outfile, "%sThrow: ", (eval_flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_STRICT) ? "strict mode: " : ""); js_print(ctx, JS_NULL, 1, &exception_val); } if (is_error) { JSValue name, stack; const char *stack_str; name = JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, exception_val, "name"); error_name = JS_ToCString(ctx, name); stack = JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, exception_val, "stack"); if (!JS_IsUndefined(stack)) { stack_str = JS_ToCString(ctx, stack); if (stack_str) { const char *p; int len; if (outfile) fprintf(outfile, "%s", stack_str); len = strlen(filename); p = strstr(stack_str, filename); if (p != NULL && p[len] == ':') { error_line = atoi(p + len + 1); has_error_line = TRUE; } JS_FreeCString(ctx, stack_str); } } JS_FreeValue(ctx, stack); JS_FreeValue(ctx, name); } if (is_negative) { ret = 0; if (error_type) { char *error_class; const char *msg; msg = JS_ToCString(ctx, exception_val); if (msg == NULL) { ret = -1; } else { error_class = strdup_len(msg, strcspn(msg, ":")); if (!str_equal(error_class, error_type)) ret = -1; free(error_class); JS_FreeCString(ctx, msg); } } } else { ret = -1; } } else { if (is_negative) ret = -1; else ret = 0; } if (verbose && is_test) { JSValue msg_val = JS_UNDEFINED; const char *msg = NULL; int s_line; char *s = find_error(filename, &s_line, eval_flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_STRICT); const char *strict_mode = (eval_flags & JS_EVAL_FLAG_STRICT) ? "strict mode: " : ""; if (!JS_IsUndefined(exception_val)) { msg_val = JS_ToString(ctx, exception_val); msg = JS_ToCString(ctx, msg_val); } if (is_negative) { // expect error if (ret == 0) { if (msg && s && (str_equal(s, "expected error") || strstart(s, "unexpected error type:", NULL) || str_equal(s, msg))) { // did not have error yet if (!has_error_line) { longest_match(buf, msg, pos, &pos, pos_line, &error_line); } printf("%s:%d: %sOK, now has error %s\n", filename, error_line, strict_mode, msg); fixed_errors++; } } else { if (!s) { // not yet reported if (msg) { fprintf(error_out, "%s:%d: %sunexpected error type: %s\n", filename, error_line, strict_mode, msg); } else { fprintf(error_out, "%s:%d: %sexpected error\n", filename, error_line, strict_mode); } new_errors++; } } } else { // should not have error if (msg) { if (!s || !str_equal(s, msg)) { if (!has_error_line) { char *p = skip_prefix(msg, "Test262 Error: "); if (strstr(p, "Test case returned non-true value!")) { longest_match(buf, "runTestCase", pos, &pos, pos_line, &error_line); } else { longest_match(buf, p, pos, &pos, pos_line, &error_line); } } fprintf(error_out, "%s:%d: %s%s%s\n", filename, error_line, strict_mode, error_file ? "unexpected error: " : "", msg); if (s && (!str_equal(s, msg) || error_line != s_line)) { printf("%s:%d: %sprevious error: %s\n", filename, s_line, strict_mode, s); changed_errors++; } else { new_errors++; } } } else { if (s) { printf("%s:%d: %sOK, fixed error: %s\n", filename, s_line, strict_mode, s); fixed_errors++; } } } JS_FreeValue(ctx, msg_val); JS_FreeCString(ctx, msg); free(s); } JS_FreeCString(ctx, error_name); JS_FreeValue(ctx, exception_val); JS_FreeValue(ctx, res_val); return ret; } static int eval_file(JSContext *ctx, const char *base, const char *p, int eval_flags) { char *buf; size_t buf_len; char *filename = compose_path(base, p); buf = load_file(filename, &buf_len); if (!buf) { warning("cannot load %s", filename); goto fail; } if (eval_buf(ctx, buf, buf_len, filename, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, stderr, eval_flags, FALSE)) { warning("error evaluating %s", filename); goto fail; } free(buf); free(filename); return 0; fail: free(buf); free(filename); return 1; } char *extract_desc(const char *buf, char style) { const char *p, *desc_start; char *desc; int len; p = buf; while (*p != '\0') { if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '*' && p[2] == style && p[3] != '/') { p += 3; desc_start = p; while (*p != '\0' && (p[0] != '*' || p[1] != '/')) p++; if (*p == '\0') { warning("Expecting end of desc comment"); return NULL; } len = p - desc_start; desc = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(desc, desc_start, len); desc[len] = '\0'; return desc; } else { p++; } } return NULL; } static char *find_tag(char *desc, const char *tag, int *state) { char *p; p = strstr(desc, tag); if (p) { p += strlen(tag); *state = 0; } return p; } static char *get_option(char **pp, int *state) { char *p, *p0, *option = NULL; if (*pp) { for (p = *pp;; p++) { switch (*p) { case '[': *state += 1; continue; case ']': *state -= 1; if (*state > 0) continue; p = NULL; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case ',': case '-': continue; case '\n': if (*state > 0 || p[1] == ' ') continue; p = NULL; break; case '\0': p = NULL; break; default: p0 = p; p += strcspn(p0, " \t\r\n,]"); option = strdup_len(p0, p - p0); break; } break; } *pp = p; } return option; } void update_stats(JSRuntime *rt, const char *filename) { JSMemoryUsage stats; JS_ComputeMemoryUsage(rt, &stats); if (stats_count++ == 0) { stats_avg = stats_all = stats_min = stats_max = stats; free(stats_min_filename); stats_min_filename = strdup(filename); free(stats_max_filename); stats_max_filename = strdup(filename); } else { if (stats_max.malloc_size < stats.malloc_size) { stats_max = stats; free(stats_max_filename); stats_max_filename = strdup(filename); } if (stats_min.malloc_size > stats.malloc_size) { stats_min = stats; free(stats_min_filename); stats_min_filename = strdup(filename); } #define update(f) stats_avg.f = (stats_all.f += stats.f) / stats_count update(malloc_count); update(malloc_size); update(memory_used_count); update(memory_used_size); update(atom_count); update(atom_size); update(str_count); update(str_size); update(obj_count); update(obj_size); update(prop_count); update(prop_size); update(shape_count); update(shape_size); update(js_func_count); update(js_func_size); update(js_func_code_size); update(js_func_pc2line_count); update(js_func_pc2line_size); update(c_func_count); update(array_count); update(fast_array_count); update(fast_array_elements); } #undef update } int run_test_buf(const char *filename, char *harness, namelist_t *ip, char *buf, size_t buf_len, const char* error_type, int eval_flags, BOOL is_negative, BOOL is_async, BOOL can_block) { JSRuntime *rt; JSContext *ctx; int i, ret; rt = JS_NewRuntime(); if (rt == NULL) { fatal(1, "JS_NewRuntime failure"); } ctx = JS_NewContext(rt); if (ctx == NULL) { JS_FreeRuntime(rt); fatal(1, "JS_NewContext failure"); } JS_SetRuntimeInfo(rt, filename); JS_SetCanBlock(rt, can_block); /* loader for ES6 modules */ JS_SetModuleLoaderFunc(rt, NULL, js_module_loader_test, (void *) filename); add_helpers(ctx); for (i = 0; i < ip->count; i++) { if (eval_file(ctx, harness, ip->array[i], JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL)) { fatal(1, "error including %s for %s", ip->array[i], filename); } } ret = eval_buf(ctx, buf, buf_len, filename, TRUE, is_negative, error_type, outfile, eval_flags, is_async); ret = (ret != 0); if (dump_memory) { update_stats(rt, filename); } #ifdef CONFIG_AGENT js_agent_free(ctx); #endif JS_FreeContext(ctx); JS_FreeRuntime(rt); test_count++; if (ret) { test_failed++; if (outfile) { /* do not output a failure number to minimize diff */ fprintf(outfile, " FAILED\n"); } } return ret; } int run_test(const char *filename, int index) { char harnessbuf[1024]; char *harness; char *buf; size_t buf_len; char *desc, *p; char *error_type; int ret, eval_flags, use_strict, use_nostrict; BOOL is_negative, is_nostrict, is_onlystrict, is_async, is_module, skip; BOOL can_block; namelist_t include_list = { 0 }, *ip = &include_list; is_nostrict = is_onlystrict = is_negative = is_async = is_module = skip = FALSE; can_block = TRUE; error_type = NULL; buf = load_file(filename, &buf_len); harness = harness_dir; if (new_style) { if (!harness) { p = strstr(filename, "test/"); if (p) { snprintf(harnessbuf, sizeof(harnessbuf), "%.*s%s", (int)(p - filename), filename, "harness"); } harness = harnessbuf; } namelist_add(ip, NULL, "sta.js"); namelist_add(ip, NULL, "assert.js"); /* extract the YAML frontmatter */ desc = extract_desc(buf, '-'); if (desc) { char *ifile, *option; int state; p = find_tag(desc, "includes:", &state); if (p) { while ((ifile = get_option(&p, &state)) != NULL) { // skip unsupported harness files if (find_word(harness_exclude, ifile)) { skip |= 1; } else { namelist_add(ip, NULL, ifile); } free(ifile); } } p = find_tag(desc, "flags:", &state); if (p) { while ((option = get_option(&p, &state)) != NULL) { if (str_equal(option, "noStrict") || str_equal(option, "raw")) { is_nostrict = TRUE; skip |= (test_mode == TEST_STRICT); } else if (str_equal(option, "onlyStrict")) { is_onlystrict = TRUE; skip |= (test_mode == TEST_NOSTRICT); } else if (str_equal(option, "async")) { is_async = TRUE; skip |= skip_async; } else if (str_equal(option, "module")) { is_module = TRUE; skip |= skip_module; } else if (str_equal(option, "CanBlockIsFalse")) { can_block = FALSE; } free(option); } } p = find_tag(desc, "negative:", &state); if (p) { /* XXX: should extract the phase */ char *q = find_tag(p, "type:", &state); if (q) { while (isspace((unsigned char)*q)) q++; error_type = strdup_len(q, strcspn(q, " \n")); } is_negative = TRUE; } p = find_tag(desc, "features:", &state); if (p) { while ((option = get_option(&p, &state)) != NULL) { if (find_word(harness_features, option)) { /* feature is enabled */ } else if (find_word(harness_skip_features, option)) { /* skip disabled feature */ skip |= 1; } else { /* feature is not listed: skip and warn */ printf("%s:%d: unknown feature: %s\n", filename, 1, option); skip |= 1; } free(option); } } free(desc); } if (is_async) namelist_add(ip, NULL, "doneprintHandle.js"); } else { char *ifile; if (!harness) { p = strstr(filename, "test/"); if (p) { snprintf(harnessbuf, sizeof(harnessbuf), "%.*s%s", (int)(p - filename), filename, "test/harness"); } harness = harnessbuf; } namelist_add(ip, NULL, "sta.js"); /* include extra harness files */ for (p = buf; (p = strstr(p, "$INCLUDE(\"")) != NULL; p++) { p += 10; ifile = strdup_len(p, strcspn(p, "\"")); // skip unsupported harness files if (find_word(harness_exclude, ifile)) { skip |= 1; } else { namelist_add(ip, NULL, ifile); } free(ifile); } /* locate the old style configuration comment */ desc = extract_desc(buf, '*'); if (desc) { if (strstr(desc, "@noStrict")) { is_nostrict = TRUE; skip |= (test_mode == TEST_STRICT); } if (strstr(desc, "@onlyStrict")) { is_onlystrict = TRUE; skip |= (test_mode == TEST_NOSTRICT); } if (strstr(desc, "@negative")) { /* XXX: should extract the regex to check error type */ is_negative = TRUE; } free(desc); } } if (outfile && index >= 0) { fprintf(outfile, "%d: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", index, filename, is_nostrict ? " @noStrict" : "", is_onlystrict ? " @onlyStrict" : "", is_async ? " async" : "", is_module ? " module" : "", is_negative ? " @negative" : "", skip ? " SKIPPED" : ""); fflush(outfile); } use_strict = use_nostrict = 0; /* XXX: should remove 'test_mode' or simplify it just to force strict or non strict mode for single file tests */ switch (test_mode) { case TEST_DEFAULT_NOSTRICT: if (is_onlystrict) use_strict = 1; else use_nostrict = 1; break; case TEST_DEFAULT_STRICT: if (is_nostrict) use_nostrict = 1; else use_strict = 1; break; case TEST_NOSTRICT: if (!is_onlystrict) use_nostrict = 1; break; case TEST_STRICT: if (!is_nostrict) use_strict = 1; break; case TEST_ALL: if (is_module) { use_nostrict = 1; } else { if (!is_nostrict) use_strict = 1; if (!is_onlystrict) use_nostrict = 1; } break; } if (skip || use_strict + use_nostrict == 0) { test_skipped++; ret = -2; } else { clock_t clocks; if (is_module) { eval_flags = JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE; } else { eval_flags = JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL; } clocks = clock(); ret = 0; if (use_nostrict) { ret = run_test_buf(filename, harness, ip, buf, buf_len, error_type, eval_flags, is_negative, is_async, can_block); } if (use_strict) { ret |= run_test_buf(filename, harness, ip, buf, buf_len, error_type, eval_flags | JS_EVAL_FLAG_STRICT, is_negative, is_async, can_block); } clocks = clock() - clocks; if (outfile && index >= 0 && clocks >= CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10) { /* output timings for tests that take more than 100 ms */ fprintf(outfile, " time: %d ms\n", (int)(clocks * 1000LL / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); } } namelist_free(&include_list); free(error_type); free(buf); return ret; } /* run a test when called by test262-harness+eshost */ int run_test262_harness_test(const char *filename, BOOL is_module) { JSRuntime *rt; JSContext *ctx; char *buf; size_t buf_len; int eval_flags, ret_code, ret; JSValue res_val; BOOL can_block; outfile = stdout; /* for js_print */ rt = JS_NewRuntime(); if (rt == NULL) { fatal(1, "JS_NewRuntime failure"); } ctx = JS_NewContext(rt); if (ctx == NULL) { JS_FreeRuntime(rt); fatal(1, "JS_NewContext failure"); } JS_SetRuntimeInfo(rt, filename); can_block = TRUE; JS_SetCanBlock(rt, can_block); /* loader for ES6 modules */ JS_SetModuleLoaderFunc(rt, NULL, js_module_loader_test, (void *) filename); add_helpers(ctx); buf = load_file(filename, &buf_len); if (is_module) { eval_flags = JS_EVAL_TYPE_MODULE; } else { eval_flags = JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL; } res_val = JS_Eval(ctx, buf, buf_len, filename, eval_flags); ret_code = 0; if (JS_IsException(res_val)) { js_std_dump_error(ctx); ret_code = 1; } else { JS_FreeValue(ctx, res_val); for(;;) { JSContext *ctx1; ret = JS_ExecutePendingJob(JS_GetRuntime(ctx), &ctx1); if (ret < 0) { js_std_dump_error(ctx1); ret_code = 1; } else if (ret == 0) { break; } } } free(buf); #ifdef CONFIG_AGENT js_agent_free(ctx); #endif JS_FreeContext(ctx); JS_FreeRuntime(rt); return ret_code; } clock_t last_clock; void show_progress(int force) { clock_t t = clock(); if (force || !last_clock || (t - last_clock) > CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 20) { last_clock = t; if (compact) { static int last_test_skipped; static int last_test_failed; static int dots; char c = '.'; if (test_skipped > last_test_skipped) c = '-'; if (test_failed > last_test_failed) c = '!'; last_test_skipped = test_skipped; last_test_failed = test_failed; fputc(c, stderr); if (force || ++dots % 60 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " %d/%d/%d\n", test_failed, test_count, test_skipped); } } else { /* output progress indicator: erase end of line and return to col 0 */ fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d/%d\033[K\r", test_failed, test_count, test_skipped); } fflush(stderr); } } static int slow_test_threshold; void run_test_dir_list(namelist_t *lp, int start_index, int stop_index) { int i; namelist_sort(lp); for (i = 0; i < lp->count; i++) { const char *p = lp->array[i]; if (namelist_find(&exclude_list, p) >= 0) { test_excluded++; } else if (test_index < start_index) { test_skipped++; } else if (stop_index >= 0 && test_index > stop_index) { test_skipped++; } else { int ti; if (slow_test_threshold != 0) { ti = get_clock_ms(); } else { ti = 0; } run_test(p, test_index); if (slow_test_threshold != 0) { ti = get_clock_ms() - ti; if (ti >= slow_test_threshold) fprintf(stderr, "\n%s (%d ms)\n", p, ti); } show_progress(FALSE); } test_index++; } show_progress(TRUE); } void help(void) { printf("run-test262 version %s\n" "usage: run-test262 [options] {-f file ... | [dir_list] [index range]}\n" "-h help\n" "-a run tests in strict and nostrict modes\n" "-m print memory usage summary\n" "-n use new style harness\n" "-N run test prepared by test262-harness+eshost\n" "-s run tests in strict mode, skip @nostrict tests\n" "-E only run tests from the error file\n" "-u update error file\n" "-v verbose: output error messages\n" "-T duration display tests taking more than 'duration' ms\n" "-c file read configuration from 'file'\n" "-d dir run all test files in directory tree 'dir'\n" "-e file load the known errors from 'file'\n" "-f file execute single test from 'file'\n" "-r file set the report file name (default=none)\n" "-x file exclude tests listed in 'file'\n", JS_GetVersion()); exit(1); } char *get_opt_arg(const char *option, char *arg) { if (!arg) { fatal(2, "missing argument for option %s", option); } return arg; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int optind, start_index, stop_index; BOOL is_dir_list; BOOL only_check_errors = FALSE; const char *filename; const char *ignore = ""; BOOL is_test262_harness = FALSE; BOOL is_module = FALSE; #if !defined(_WIN32) compact = !isatty(STDERR_FILENO); /* Date tests assume California local time */ setenv("TZ", "America/Los_Angeles", 1); #endif optind = 1; while (optind < argc) { char *arg = argv[optind]; if (*arg != '-') break; optind++; if (strstr("-c -d -e -x -f -r -E -T", arg)) optind++; if (strstr("-d -f", arg)) ignore = "testdir"; // run only the tests from -d or -f } /* cannot use getopt because we want to pass the command line to the script */ optind = 1; is_dir_list = TRUE; while (optind < argc) { char *arg = argv[optind]; if (*arg != '-') break; optind++; if (str_equal(arg, "-h")) { help(); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-m")) { dump_memory++; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-n")) { new_style++; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-s")) { test_mode = TEST_STRICT; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-a")) { test_mode = TEST_ALL; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-u")) { update_errors++; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-v")) { verbose++; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-c")) { load_config(get_opt_arg(arg, argv[optind++]), ignore); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-d")) { enumerate_tests(get_opt_arg(arg, argv[optind++])); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-e")) { error_filename = get_opt_arg(arg, argv[optind++]); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-x")) { namelist_load(&exclude_list, get_opt_arg(arg, argv[optind++])); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-f")) { is_dir_list = FALSE; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-r")) { report_filename = get_opt_arg(arg, argv[optind++]); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-E")) { only_check_errors = TRUE; } else if (str_equal(arg, "-T")) { slow_test_threshold = atoi(get_opt_arg(arg, argv[optind++])); } else if (str_equal(arg, "-N")) { is_test262_harness = TRUE; } else if (str_equal(arg, "--module")) { is_module = TRUE; } else { fatal(1, "unknown option: %s", arg); break; } } if (optind >= argc && !test_list.count) help(); if (is_test262_harness) { return run_test262_harness_test(argv[optind], is_module); } error_out = stdout; if (error_filename) { error_file = load_file(error_filename, NULL); if (only_check_errors && error_file) { namelist_free(&test_list); namelist_add_from_error_file(&test_list, error_file); } if (update_errors) { free(error_file); error_file = NULL; error_out = fopen(error_filename, "w"); if (!error_out) { perror_exit(1, error_filename); } } } update_exclude_dirs(); if (is_dir_list) { if (optind < argc && !isdigit((unsigned char)argv[optind][0])) { filename = argv[optind++]; namelist_load(&test_list, filename); } start_index = 0; stop_index = -1; if (optind < argc) { start_index = atoi(argv[optind++]); if (optind < argc) { stop_index = atoi(argv[optind++]); } } if (!report_filename || str_equal(report_filename, "none")) { outfile = NULL; } else if (str_equal(report_filename, "-")) { outfile = stdout; } else { outfile = fopen(report_filename, "wb"); if (!outfile) { perror_exit(1, report_filename); } } run_test_dir_list(&test_list, start_index, stop_index); if (outfile && outfile != stdout) { fclose(outfile); outfile = NULL; } } else { outfile = stdout; while (optind < argc) { run_test(argv[optind++], -1); } } if (dump_memory) { if (dump_memory > 1 && stats_count > 1) { printf("\nMininum memory statistics for %s:\n\n", stats_min_filename); JS_DumpMemoryUsage(stdout, &stats_min, NULL); printf("\nMaximum memory statistics for %s:\n\n", stats_max_filename); JS_DumpMemoryUsage(stdout, &stats_max, NULL); } printf("\nAverage memory statistics for %d tests:\n\n", stats_count); JS_DumpMemoryUsage(stdout, &stats_avg, NULL); printf("\n"); } if (is_dir_list) { fprintf(stderr, "Result: %d/%d error%s", test_failed, test_count, test_count != 1 ? "s" : ""); if (test_excluded) fprintf(stderr, ", %d excluded", test_excluded); if (test_skipped) fprintf(stderr, ", %d skipped", test_skipped); if (error_file) { if (new_errors) fprintf(stderr, ", %d new", new_errors); if (changed_errors) fprintf(stderr, ", %d changed", changed_errors); if (fixed_errors) fprintf(stderr, ", %d fixed", fixed_errors); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (error_out && error_out != stdout) { fclose(error_out); error_out = NULL; } namelist_free(&test_list); namelist_free(&exclude_list); namelist_free(&exclude_dir_list); free(harness_dir); free(harness_features); free(harness_exclude); free(harness_skip_features); free(error_file); free(error_filename); free(report_filename); free(stats_min_filename); free(stats_max_filename); /* Signal that the error file is out of date. */ return new_errors || changed_errors || fixed_errors; }