;(function() { "use strict" const print = globalThis.print globalThis.print = function() {} // print nothing, v8 tests are chatty let count = 0 // rate limit to avoid excessive logs globalThis.failWithMessage = function(message) { if (count > 99) return if (++count > 99) return print("<output elided>") print(String(message).slice(0, 300)) } globalThis.formatFailureText = function(expectedText, found, name_opt) { var message = "Fail" + "ure" if (name_opt) { // Fix this when we ditch the old test runner. message += " (" + name_opt + ")" } var foundText = prettyPrinted(found) if (expectedText.length <= 60 && foundText.length <= 60) { message += ": expected <" + expectedText + "> found <" + foundText + ">" } else { message += ":\nexpected:\n" + expectedText + "\nfound:\n" + foundText } return message } })()