mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 17:43:15 +00:00

integer conversions: - improve `u32toa_radix` and `u64toa_radix`, add `i32toa_radix` - use `i32toa_radix` for small ints in `js_number_toString` floating point conversions (`js_dtoa`): - complete rewrite with fewer calls to `snprintf` - remove `JS_DTOA_FORMAT`, define 4 possible modes for `js_dtoa` - remove the radix argument in `js_dtoa` - merge `js_dtoa1` into `js_dtoa` - add `js_dtoa_infinite` for non finite values - simplify sign handling - handle locale specific decimal point transparently helper function `js_fcvt`: - simplify `js_fcvt`, remove `js_fcvt1`, reduce overhead - round up manually instead of using `fesetround(FE_UPWARD)`. helper function `js_ecvt`: - document `js_ecvt` and `js_ecvt1` behavior - avoid redundant `js_ecvt1` calls in `js_ecvt` - fixed buffer contents, no buffer copies - simplify decimal point handling - round up manually instead of using `fesetround(FE_UPWARD)`. miscellaneous: - remove `CONFIG_PRINTF_RNDN`. This fixes some of the conversion errors on Windows. Updated the tests accordingly - this fixes a v8.sh bug on macOS: `0.5.toFixed(0)` used to produce `0` instead of `1` - add regression tests, update test_conv unit tests - add benchmarks for `toFixed`, `toPrecision` and `toExponential` number methods - benchmarks show all conversions are now 40 to 45% faster (M2)
1059 lines
30 KiB
1059 lines
30 KiB
import * as os from "os";
// Keep this at the top; it tests source positions.
function test_exception_source_pos()
var e;
try {
throw new Error(""); // line 9, column 19
} catch(_e) {
e = _e;
// Keep this at the top; it tests source positions.
function test_function_source_pos() // line 18, column 1
function inner() {} // line 20, column 5
var f = eval("function f() {} f");
assert(`${test_function_source_pos.lineNumber}:${test_function_source_pos.columnNumber}`, "18:1");
assert(`${inner.lineNumber}:${inner.columnNumber}`, "20:5");
assert(`${f.lineNumber}:${f.columnNumber}`, "1:1");
// Keep this at the top; it tests source positions.
function test_exception_prepare_stack()
var e;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (_, frames) => {
// Just return the array to check.
return frames;
try {
throw new Error(""); // line 38, column 19
} catch(_e) {
e = _e;
assert(e.stack.length === 2);
const f = e.stack[0];
assert(f.getFunctionName() === 'test_exception_prepare_stack');
assert(f.getFileName() === 'tests/test_builtin.js');
assert(f.getLineNumber() === 38);
assert(f.getColumnNumber() === 19);
Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;
// Keep this at the top; it tests source positions.
function test_exception_stack_size_limit()
var e;
Error.stackTraceLimit = 1;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (_, frames) => {
// Just return the array to check.
return frames;
try {
throw new Error(""); // line 66, column 19
} catch(_e) {
e = _e;
assert(e.stack.length === 1);
const f = e.stack[0];
assert(f.getFunctionName() === 'test_exception_stack_size_limit');
assert(f.getFileName() === 'tests/test_builtin.js');
assert(f.getLineNumber() === 66);
assert(f.getColumnNumber() === 19);
Error.stackTraceLimit = 10;
Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;
function assert(actual, expected, message) {
if (arguments.length == 1)
expected = true;
if (typeof actual === typeof expected) {
if (actual === expected) {
if (actual !== 0 || (1 / actual) === (1 / expected))
if (typeof actual === 'number') {
if (isNaN(actual) && isNaN(expected))
return true;
if (typeof actual === 'object') {
if (actual !== null && expected !== null
&& actual.constructor === expected.constructor
&& actual.toString() === expected.toString())
throw Error("assertion failed: got |" + actual + "|" +
", expected |" + expected + "|" +
(message ? " (" + message + ")" : ""));
function assert_throws(expected_error, func)
var err = false;
try {
} catch(e) {
err = true;
if (!(e instanceof expected_error)) {
throw Error("unexpected exception type");
if (!err) {
throw Error("expected exception");
// load more elaborate version of assert if available
try { __loadScript("test_assert.js"); } catch(e) {}
function my_func(a, b)
return a + b;
function test_function()
function f(a, b) {
var i, tab = [];
for(i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
return tab;
function constructor1(a) {
this.x = a;
var r, g;
r = my_func.call(null, 1, 2);
assert(r, 3, "call");
r = my_func.apply(null, [1, 2]);
assert(r, 3, "apply");
r = (function () { return 1; }).apply(null, undefined);
assert(r, 1);
assert_throws(TypeError, (function() {
Reflect.apply((function () { return 1; }), null, undefined);
r = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b;");
assert(r(2,3), 5, "function");
g = f.bind(1, 2);
assert(g.length, 1);
assert(g.name, "bound f");
assert(g(3), [1,2,3]);
g = constructor1.bind(null, 1);
r = new g();
assert(r.x, 1);
function test()
var r, a, b, c, err;
r = Error("hello");
assert(r.message, "hello", "Error");
a = new Object();
a.x = 1;
assert(a.x, 1, "Object");
assert(Object.getPrototypeOf(a), Object.prototype, "getPrototypeOf");
Object.defineProperty(a, "y", { value: 3, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true });
assert(a.y, 3, "defineProperty");
Object.defineProperty(a, "z", { get: function () { return 4; }, set: function(val) { this.z_val = val; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true });
assert(a.z, 4, "get");
a.z = 5;
assert(a.z_val, 5, "set");
a = { get z() { return 4; }, set z(val) { this.z_val = val; } };
assert(a.z, 4, "get");
a.z = 5;
assert(a.z_val, 5, "set");
b = Object.create(a);
assert(Object.getPrototypeOf(b), a, "create");
c = {u:2};
/* XXX: refcount bug in 'b' instead of 'a' */
Object.setPrototypeOf(a, c);
assert(Object.getPrototypeOf(a), c, "setPrototypeOf");
a = {};
assert(a.toString(), "[object Object]", "toString");
a = {x:1};
assert(Object.isExtensible(a), true, "extensible");
err = false;
try {
a.y = 2;
} catch(e) {
err = true;
assert(Object.isExtensible(a), false, "extensible");
assert(typeof a.y, "undefined", "extensible");
assert(err, true, "extensible");
assert_throws(TypeError, () => Object.setPrototypeOf(Object.prototype, {}));
function test_enum()
var a, tab;
a = {x:1,
"18014398509481984": 1,
"9007199254740992": 1,
"9007199254740991": 1,
"4294967296": 1,
"4294967295": 1,
"4294967294": 1,
"1": 2};
tab = Object.keys(a);
// console.log("tab=" + tab.toString());
assert(tab, ["1","4294967294","x","18014398509481984","9007199254740992","9007199254740991","4294967296","4294967295","y"], "keys");
function test_array()
var a, err;
a = [1, 2, 3];
assert(a.length, 3, "array");
assert(a[2], 3, "array1");
a = new Array(10);
assert(a.length, 10, "array2");
a = new Array(1, 2);
assert(a.length === 2 && a[0] === 1 && a[1] === 2, true, "array3");
a = [1, 2, 3];
a.length = 2;
assert(a.length === 2 && a[0] === 1 && a[1] === 2, true, "array4");
a = [];
a[1] = 10;
a[4] = 3;
assert(a.length, 5);
a = [1,2];
a.length = 5;
a[4] = 1;
a.length = 4;
assert(a[4] !== 1, true, "array5");
a = [1,2];
assert(a.join(), "1,2,3,4", "join");
a = [1,2,3,4,5];
Object.defineProperty(a, "3", { configurable: false });
err = false;
try {
a.length = 2;
} catch(e) {
err = true;
assert(err && a.toString() === "1,2,3,4");
function test_string()
var a;
a = String("abc");
assert(a.length, 3, "string");
assert(a[1], "b", "string");
assert(a.charCodeAt(1), 0x62, "string");
assert(String.fromCharCode(65), "A", "string");
assert(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [65, 66, 67]), "ABC", "string");
assert(a.charAt(1), "b");
assert(a.charAt(-1), "");
assert(a.charAt(3), "");
a = "abcd";
assert(a.substring(1, 3), "bc", "substring");
a = String.fromCharCode(0x20ac);
assert(a.charCodeAt(0), 0x20ac, "unicode");
assert(a, "€", "unicode");
assert(a, "\u20ac", "unicode");
assert(a, "\u{20ac}", "unicode");
assert("a", "\x61", "unicode");
a = "\u{10ffff}";
assert(a.length, 2, "unicode");
assert(a, "\u{dbff}\u{dfff}", "unicode");
assert(a.codePointAt(0), 0x10ffff);
assert(String.fromCodePoint(0x10ffff), a);
assert("a".concat("b", "c"), "abc");
assert("abcabc".indexOf("cab"), 2);
assert("abcabc".indexOf("cab2"), -1);
assert("abc".indexOf("c"), 2);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a"), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", NaN), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", -Infinity), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", -1), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", -0), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", 0), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", 1), 1);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", 2), 2);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", 3), -1);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", 4), -1);
assert("aaa".indexOf("a", Infinity), -1);
assert("aaa".indexOf(""), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", NaN), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", -Infinity), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", -1), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", -0), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", 0), 0);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", 1), 1);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", 2), 2);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", 3), 3);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", 4), 3);
assert("aaa".indexOf("", Infinity), 3);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a"), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", NaN), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", -Infinity), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", -1), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", -0), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", 0), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", 1), 1);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", 2), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", 3), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", 4), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("a", Infinity), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf(""), 3);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", NaN), 3);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", -Infinity), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", -1), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", -0), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", 0), 0);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", 1), 1);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", 2), 2);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", 3), 3);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", 4), 3);
assert("aaa".lastIndexOf("", Infinity), 3);
assert("a,b,c".split(","), ["a","b","c"]);
assert(",b,c".split(","), ["","b","c"]);
assert("a,b,".split(","), ["a","b",""]);
assert("aaaa".split(), [ "aaaa" ]);
assert("aaaa".split(undefined, 0), [ ]);
assert("aaaa".split(""), [ "a", "a", "a", "a" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("", 0), [ ]);
assert("aaaa".split("", 1), [ "a" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("", 2), [ "a", "a" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("a"), [ "", "", "", "", "" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("a", 2), [ "", "" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aa"), [ "", "", "" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aa", 0), [ ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aa", 1), [ "" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aa", 2), [ "", "" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aaa"), [ "", "a" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aaaa"), [ "", "" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aaaaa"), [ "aaaa" ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aaaaa", 0), [ ]);
assert("aaaa".split("aaaaa", 1), [ "aaaa" ]);
assert(eval('"\0"'), "\0");
assert("abc".padStart(Infinity, ""), "abc");
function test_math()
var a;
a = 1.4;
assert(Math.floor(a), 1);
assert(Math.ceil(a), 2);
assert(Math.imul(0x12345678, 123), -1088058456);
assert(Math.imul(0xB505, 0xB504), 2147441940);
assert(Math.imul(0xB505, 0xB505), -2147479015);
assert(Math.imul((-2)**31, (-2)**31), 0);
assert(Math.imul(2**31-1, 2**31-1), 1);
assert(Math.fround(0.1), 0.10000000149011612);
assert(Math.hypot() == 0);
assert(Math.hypot(-2) == 2);
assert(Math.hypot(3, 4) == 5);
assert(Math.abs(Math.hypot(3, 4, 5) - 7.0710678118654755) <= 1e-15);
function test_number()
assert(parseInt("123"), 123);
assert(parseInt(" 123r"), 123);
assert(parseInt("0x123"), 0x123);
assert(parseInt("0o123"), 0);
assert(+" 123 ", 123);
assert(+"0b111", 7);
assert(+"0o123", 83);
assert(parseFloat("2147483647"), 2147483647);
assert(parseFloat("2147483648"), 2147483648);
assert(parseFloat("-2147483647"), -2147483647);
assert(parseFloat("-2147483648"), -2147483648);
assert(parseFloat("0x1234"), 0);
assert(parseFloat("Infinity"), Infinity);
assert(parseFloat("-Infinity"), -Infinity);
assert(parseFloat("123.2"), 123.2);
assert(parseFloat("123.2e3"), 123200);
assert((1-2**-53).toString(12), "0.bbbbbbbbbbbbbba");
assert((1000000000000000128).toString(), "1000000000000000100");
assert((1000000000000000128).toFixed(0), "1000000000000000128");
assert((25).toExponential(0), "3e+1");
assert((-25).toExponential(0), "-3e+1");
assert((2.5).toPrecision(1), "3");
assert((-2.5).toPrecision(1), "-3");
assert((1.125).toFixed(2), "1.13");
assert((-1.125).toFixed(2), "-1.13");
assert((0.5).toFixed(0), "1");
assert((-0.5).toFixed(0), "-1");
function test_eval2()
var g_call_count = 0;
/* force non strict mode for f1 and f2 */
var f1 = new Function("eval", "eval(1, 2)");
var f2 = new Function("eval", "eval(...[1, 2])");
function g(a, b) {
assert(a, 1);
assert(b, 2);
assert(g_call_count, 2);
var e;
try {
new class extends Object {
constructor() {
(() => {
for (const _ in this);
} catch (_e) {
e = _e;
assert(e?.message, "this is not initialized");
function test_eval()
function f(b) {
var x = 1;
return eval(b);
var r, a;
r = eval("1+1;");
assert(r, 2, "eval");
r = eval("var my_var=2; my_var;");
assert(r, 2, "eval");
assert(typeof my_var, "undefined");
assert(eval("if (1) 2; else 3;"), 2);
assert(eval("if (0) 2; else 3;"), 3);
assert(f.call(1, "this"), 1);
a = 2;
assert(eval("a"), 2);
eval("a = 3");
assert(a, 3);
assert(f("arguments.length", 1), 2);
assert(f("arguments[1]", 1), 1);
a = 4;
assert(f("a"), 4);
assert(a, 3);
function test_typed_array()
var buffer, a, i, str, b;
a = new Uint8Array(4);
assert(a.length, 4);
for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = i;
assert(a.join(","), "0,1,2,3");
a[0] = -1;
assert(a[0], 255);
a = new Int8Array(3);
a[0] = 255;
assert(a[0], -1);
a = new Int32Array(3);
a[0] = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
assert(a[0], -1);
assert(a.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, 4);
a = new Uint8ClampedArray(4);
a[0] = -100;
a[1] = 1.5;
a[2] = 0.5;
a[3] = 1233.5;
assert(a.toString(), "0,2,0,255");
buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
assert(buffer.byteLength, 16);
a = new Uint32Array(buffer, 12, 1);
assert(a.length, 1);
a[0] = -1;
a = new Uint16Array(buffer, 2);
a[0] = -1;
a = new Float32Array(buffer, 8, 1);
a[0] = 1;
a = new Uint8Array(buffer);
str = a.toString();
/* test little and big endian cases */
if (str !== "0,0,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,63,255,255,255,255" &&
str !== "0,0,255,255,0,0,0,0,63,128,0,0,255,255,255,255") {
assert(a.buffer, buffer);
a = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert(a.toString(), "1,2,3,4");
a.set([10, 11], 2);
assert(a.toString(), "1,2,10,11");
a = new Uint8Array(buffer, 0, 4);
a.constructor = {
[Symbol.species]: function (len) {
return new Uint8Array(buffer, 1, len);
b = a.slice();
assert(a.buffer, b.buffer);
assert(a.toString(), "0,0,0,255");
assert(b.toString(), "0,0,255,255");
function test_json()
var a, s;
s = '{"x":1,"y":true,"z":null,"a":[1,2,3],"s":"str"}';
a = JSON.parse(s);
assert(a.x, 1);
assert(a.y, true);
assert(a.z, null);
assert(JSON.stringify(a), s);
/* indentation test */
"x": 1,
"y": {},
"z": []
function test_date()
// Date Time String format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
// accepted date formats are: YYYY, YYYY-MM and YYYY-MM-DD
// accepted time formats are: THH:mm, THH:mm:ss, THH:mm:ss.sss
// expanded years are represented with 6 digits prefixed by + or -
// -000000 is invalid.
// A string containing out-of-bounds or nonconforming elements
// is not a valid instance of this format.
// Hence the fractional part after . should have 3 digits and how
// a different number of digits is handled is implementation defined.
assert(Date.parse(""), NaN);
assert(Date.parse("2000"), 946684800000);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01"), 946684800000);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01"), 946684800000);
//assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T"), NaN);
//assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00Z"), NaN);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00Z"), 946684800000);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z"), 946684800000);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.1Z"), 946684800100);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.10Z"), 946684800100);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.100Z"), 946684800100);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.1000Z"), 946684800100);
assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"), 946684800000);
//assert(Date.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:30"), 946686600000);
var d = new Date("2000T00:00"); // Jan 1st 2000, 0:00:00 local time
assert(typeof d === 'object' && d.toString() != 'Invalid Date');
assert((new Date('Jan 1 2000')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Jan 1 2000 00:00')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Jan 1 2000 00:00:00')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Jan 1 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0100')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Jan 1 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0200')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Sat Jan 1 2000')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Sat Jan 1 2000 00:00')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Sat Jan 1 2000 00:00:00')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Sat Jan 1 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0100')).toISOString(),
assert((new Date('Sat Jan 1 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0200')).toISOString(),
var d = new Date(1506098258091);
assert(d.toISOString(), "2017-09-22T16:37:38.091Z");
d.setUTCHours(18, 10, 11);
assert(d.toISOString(), "2017-09-22T18:10:11.091Z");
var a = Date.parse(d.toISOString());
assert((new Date(a)).toISOString(), d.toISOString());
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.123Z")).toISOString(),
/* implementation defined behavior */
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.1Z")).toISOString(),
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.12Z")).toISOString(),
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.1234Z")).toISOString(),
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.12345Z")).toISOString(),
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.1235Z")).toISOString(),
assert((new Date("2020-01-01T01:01:01.9999Z")).toISOString(),
assert(Date.UTC(2017), 1483228800000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9), 1506816000000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22), 1508630400000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18), 1508695200000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10), 1508695800000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10, 11), 1508695811000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10, 11, 91), 1508695811091);
assert(Date.UTC(NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10, NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10, 11, NaN), NaN);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10, 11, 91, NaN), 1508695811091);
// TODO: Fix rounding errors on Windows/Cygwin.
if (!['win32', 'cygwin'].includes(os.platform)) {
// from test262/test/built-ins/Date/UTC/fp-evaluation-order.js
assert(Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1, 80063993375, 29, 1, -288230376151711740), 29312,
'order of operations / precision in MakeTime');
assert(Date.UTC(1970, 0, 213503982336, 0, 0, 0, -18446744073709552000), 34447360,
'precision in MakeDate');
//assert(Date.UTC(2017 - 1e9, 9 + 12e9), 1506816000000); // node fails this
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22 - 1e10, 18 + 24e10), 1508695200000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18 - 1e10, 10 + 60e10), 1508695800000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10 - 1e10, 11 + 60e10), 1508695811000);
assert(Date.UTC(2017, 9, 22, 18, 10, 11 - 1e12, 91 + 1000e12), 1508695811091);
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 1:00 AM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 01:00:00 AM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 2:00 AM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 02:00:00 AM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 11:00 AM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 11:00:00 AM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 12:00 AM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 12:00:00 AM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 1:00 PM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 01:00:00 PM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 2:00 PM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 02:00:00 PM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 11:00 PM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 11:00:00 PM");
assert(new Date("2024 Apr 7 12:00 PM").toLocaleString(), "04/07/2024, 12:00:00 PM");
function test_regexp()
var a, str;
str = "abbbbbc";
a = /(b+)c/.exec(str);
assert(a[0], "bbbbbc");
assert(a[1], "bbbbb");
assert(a.index, 1);
assert(a.input, str);
a = /(b+)c/.test(str);
assert(a, true);
assert(/\x61/.exec("a")[0], "a");
assert(/\u0061/.exec("a")[0], "a");
assert(/\ca/.exec("\x01")[0], "\x01");
assert(/\\a/.exec("\\a")[0], "\\a");
assert(/\c0/.exec("\\c0")[0], "\\c0");
a = /(\.(?=com|org)|\/)/.exec("ah.com");
assert(a.index === 2 && a[0] === ".");
a = /(\.(?!com|org)|\/)/.exec("ah.com");
assert(a, null);
a = /(?=(a+))/.exec("baaabac");
assert(a.index === 1 && a[0] === "" && a[1] === "aaa");
a = /(z)((a+)?(b+)?(c))*/.exec("zaacbbbcac");
assert(a, ["zaacbbbcac","z","ac","a",,"c"]);
a = eval("/\0a/");
assert(a.toString(), "/\0a/");
assert(a.exec("\0a")[0], "\0a");
assert(/{1a}/.toString(), "/{1a}/");
a = /a{1+/.exec("a{11");
assert(a, ["a{11"] );
eval("/[a-]/"); // accepted with no flag
eval("/[a-]/u"); // accepted with 'u' flag
let ex;
try {
eval("/[a-]/v"); // rejected with 'v' flag
} catch (_ex) {
ex = _ex;
assert(ex?.message, "invalid class range");
function test_symbol()
var a, b, obj, c;
a = Symbol("abc");
obj = {};
obj[a] = 2;
assert(obj[a], 2);
assert(typeof obj["abc"], "undefined");
assert(String(a), "Symbol(abc)");
b = Symbol("abc");
assert(a == a);
assert(a === a);
assert(a != b);
assert(a !== b);
b = Symbol.for("abc");
c = Symbol.for("abc");
assert(b === c);
assert(b !== a);
assert(Symbol.keyFor(b), "abc");
assert(Symbol.keyFor(a), undefined);
a = Symbol("aaa");
assert(a.valueOf(), a);
assert(a.toString(), "Symbol(aaa)");
b = Object(a);
assert(b.valueOf(), a);
assert(b.toString(), "Symbol(aaa)");
function test_map()
var a, i, n, tab, o, v;
n = 1000;
a = new Map();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
a.set(i, i);
a.set(-2147483648, 1);
assert(a.get(-2147483648), 1);
assert(a.get(-2147483647 - 1), 1);
assert(a.get(-2147483647.5 - 0.5), 1);
a = new Map();
tab = [];
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
v = { };
o = { id: i };
tab[i] = [o, v];
a.set(o, v);
assert(a.size, n);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
assert(a.get(tab[i][0]), tab[i][1]);
i = 0;
a.forEach(function (v, o) {
assert(o, tab[i++][0]);
assert(a.size, 0);
function test_weak_map()
var a, e, i, n, tab, o, v, n2;
a = new WeakMap();
n = 10;
tab = [];
for (const k of [null, 42, "no", Symbol.for("forbidden")]) {
e = undefined;
try {
a.set(k, 42);
} catch (_e) {
e = _e;
assert(e.message, "invalid value used as WeakMap key");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
v = { };
o = { id: i };
tab[i] = [o, v];
a.set(o, v);
o = null;
n2 = n >> 1;
for(i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
for(i = n2; i < n; i++) {
tab[i][0] = null; /* should remove the object from the WeakMap too */
/* the WeakMap should be empty here */
function test_weak_set()
var a, e;
a = new WeakSet();
for (const k of [null, 42, "no", Symbol.for("forbidden")]) {
e = undefined;
try {
} catch (_e) {
e = _e;
assert(e.message, "invalid value used as WeakSet key");
function test_generator()
function *f() {
var ret;
yield 1;
ret = yield 2;
assert(ret, "next_arg");
return 3;
function *f2() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
return "ret_val";
function *f1() {
var ret = yield *f2();
assert(ret, "ret_val");
return 3;
function *f3() {
var ret;
/* test stack consistency with nip_n to handle yield return +
* finally clause */
try {
ret = 2 + (yield 1);
} catch(e) {
} finally {
return ret;
var g, v;
g = f();
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === 1 && v.done === false);
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === 2 && v.done === false);
v = g.next("next_arg");
assert(v.value === 3 && v.done === true);
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === undefined && v.done === true);
g = f1();
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === 1 && v.done === false);
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === 2 && v.done === false);
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === 3 && v.done === true);
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === undefined && v.done === true);
g = f3();
v = g.next();
assert(v.value === 1 && v.done === false);
v = g.next(3);
assert(v.value === 6 && v.done === true);
function test_proxy_iter()
const p = new Proxy({}, {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor() {
return {configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: 42};
ownKeys() {
return ["x", "y"];
const a = [];
for (const x in p) a.push(x);
assert(a[0], "x");
assert(a[1], "y");
/* CVE-2023-31922 */
function test_proxy_is_array()
for (var r = new Proxy([], {}), y = 0; y < 331072; y++)
r = new Proxy(r, {});
try {
/* Without ASAN */
} catch(e) {
/* With ASAN expect RangeError "Maximum call stack size exceeded" to be raised */
if (e instanceof RangeError) {
assert(e.message, "Maximum call stack size exceeded", "Stack overflow error was not raised")
} else {
throw e;
function test_cur_pc()
var a = [];
Object.defineProperty(a, '1', {
get: function() { throw Error("a[1]_get"); },
set: function(x) { throw Error("a[1]_set"); }
assert_throws(Error, function() { return a[1]; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { a[1] = 1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return [...a]; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return ({...b} = a); });
var o = {};
Object.defineProperty(o, 'x', {
get: function() { throw Error("o.x_get"); },
set: function(x) { throw Error("o.x_set"); }
o.valueOf = function() { throw Error("o.valueOf"); };
assert_throws(Error, function() { return +o; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return -o; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o+1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o-1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o*1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o/1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o%1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o**1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o<<1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o>>1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o>>>1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o&1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o|1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o^1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o<1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o==1; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o++; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return o--; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return ++o; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return --o; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { return ~o; });
Object.defineProperty(globalThis, 'xxx', {
get: function() { throw Error("xxx_get"); },
set: function(x) { throw Error("xxx_set"); }
assert_throws(Error, function() { return xxx; });
assert_throws(Error, function() { xxx = 1; });