mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 17:43:15 +00:00

- reject *future strict reserved words* in `js_parse_function_check_names()`. - add tests for reserved names in tests/test_language.js - allow running tests/test_language.js with v8 - update v8.txt
615 lines
14 KiB
615 lines
14 KiB
function assert(actual, expected, message) {
if (arguments.length == 1)
expected = true;
if (actual === expected)
if (actual !== null && expected !== null
&& typeof actual == 'object' && typeof expected == 'object'
&& actual.toString() === expected.toString())
var msg = message ? " (" + message + ")" : "";
throw Error("assertion failed: got |" + actual + "|" +
", expected |" + expected + "|" + msg);
function assert_throws(expected_error, func, message)
var err = false;
var msg = message ? " (" + message + ")" : "";
try {
} catch(e) {
err = true;
if (!(e instanceof expected_error)) {
throw Error(`expected ${expected_error.name}, got ${e.name}${msg}`);
if (!err) {
throw Error(`expected ${expected_error.name}${msg}`);
// load more elaborate version of assert if available
try { __loadScript("test_assert.js"); } catch(e) {}
function test_op1()
var r, a;
r = 1 + 2;
assert(r, 3, "1 + 2 === 3");
r = 1 - 2;
assert(r, -1, "1 - 2 === -1");
r = -1;
assert(r, -1, "-1 === -1");
r = +2;
assert(r, 2, "+2 === 2");
r = 2 * 3;
assert(r, 6, "2 * 3 === 6");
r = 4 / 2;
assert(r, 2, "4 / 2 === 2");
r = 4 % 3;
assert(r, 1, "4 % 3 === 3");
r = 4 << 2;
assert(r, 16, "4 << 2 === 16");
r = 1 << 0;
assert(r, 1, "1 << 0 === 1");
r = 1 << 31;
assert(r, -2147483648, "1 << 31 === -2147483648");
r = 1 << 32;
assert(r, 1, "1 << 32 === 1");
r = (1 << 31) < 0;
assert(r, true, "(1 << 31) < 0 === true");
r = -4 >> 1;
assert(r, -2, "-4 >> 1 === -2");
r = -4 >>> 1;
assert(r, 0x7ffffffe, "-4 >>> 1 === 0x7ffffffe");
r = 1 & 1;
assert(r, 1, "1 & 1 === 1");
r = 0 | 1;
assert(r, 1, "0 | 1 === 1");
r = 1 ^ 1;
assert(r, 0, "1 ^ 1 === 0");
r = ~1;
assert(r, -2, "~1 === -2");
r = !1;
assert(r, false, "!1 === false");
assert((1 < 2), true, "(1 < 2) === true");
assert((2 > 1), true, "(2 > 1) === true");
assert(('b' > 'a'), true, "('b' > 'a') === true");
assert(2 ** 8, 256, "2 ** 8 === 256");
function test_cvt()
assert((NaN | 0) === 0);
assert((Infinity | 0) === 0);
assert(((-Infinity) | 0) === 0);
assert(("12345" | 0) === 12345);
assert(("0x12345" | 0) === 0x12345);
assert(((4294967296 * 3 - 4) | 0) === -4);
assert(("12345" >>> 0) === 12345);
assert(("0x12345" >>> 0) === 0x12345);
assert((NaN >>> 0) === 0);
assert((Infinity >>> 0) === 0);
assert(((-Infinity) >>> 0) === 0);
assert(((4294967296 * 3 - 4) >>> 0) === (4294967296 - 4));
assert((19686109595169230000).toString() === "19686109595169230000");
function test_eq()
assert(null == undefined);
assert(undefined == null);
assert(true == 1);
assert(0 == false);
assert("" == 0);
assert("123" == 123);
assert("122" != 123);
assert((new Number(1)) == 1);
assert(2 == (new Number(2)));
assert((new String("abc")) == "abc");
assert({} != "abc");
function test_inc_dec()
var a, r;
a = 1;
r = a++;
assert(r === 1 && a === 2, true, "++");
a = 1;
r = ++a;
assert(r === 2 && a === 2, true, "++");
a = 1;
r = a--;
assert(r === 1 && a === 0, true, "--");
a = 1;
r = --a;
assert(r === 0 && a === 0, true, "--");
a = {x:true};
assert(a.x, 2, "++");
a = {x:true};
assert(a.x, 0, "--");
a = [true];
assert(a[0], 2, "++");
a = {x:true};
r = a.x++;
assert(r === 1 && a.x === 2, true, "++");
a = {x:true};
r = a.x--;
assert(r === 1 && a.x === 0, true, "--");
a = [true];
r = a[0]++;
assert(r === 1 && a[0] === 2, true, "++");
a = [true];
r = a[0]--;
assert(r === 1 && a[0] === 0, true, "--");
function F(x)
this.x = x;
function test_op2()
var a, b;
a = new Object;
a.x = 1;
assert(a.x, 1, "new");
b = new F(2);
assert(b.x, 2, "new");
a = {x : 2};
assert(("x" in a), true, "in");
assert(("y" in a), false, "in");
a = {};
assert((a instanceof Object), true, "instanceof");
assert((a instanceof String), false, "instanceof");
assert((typeof 1), "number", "typeof");
assert((typeof Object), "function", "typeof");
assert((typeof null), "object", "typeof");
assert((typeof unknown_var), "undefined", "typeof");
a = {x: 1, if: 2, async: 3};
assert(a.if === 2);
assert(a.async === 3);
function test_delete()
var a, err;
a = {x: 1, y: 1};
assert((delete a.x), true, "delete");
assert(("x" in a), false, "delete");
/* the following are not tested by test262 */
assert(delete "abc"[100], true);
err = false;
try {
delete null.a;
} catch(e) {
err = (e instanceof TypeError);
assert(err, true, "delete");
err = false;
try {
a = { f() { delete super.a; } };
} catch(e) {
err = (e instanceof ReferenceError);
assert(err, true, "delete");
function test_prototype()
var f = function f() { };
assert(f.prototype.constructor, f, "prototype");
var g = function g() { };
/* QuickJS bug */
Object.defineProperty(g, "prototype", { writable: false });
assert(g.prototype.constructor, g, "prototype");
function test_arguments()
function f2() {
assert(arguments.length, 2, "arguments");
assert(arguments[0], 1, "arguments");
assert(arguments[1], 3, "arguments");
f2(1, 3);
function test_class()
var o;
class C {
constructor() {
this.x = 10;
f() {
return 1;
static F() {
return -1;
get y() {
return 12;
class D extends C {
constructor() {
this.z = 20;
g() {
return 2;
static G() {
return -2;
h() {
return super.f();
static H() {
return super["F"]();
assert(C.F() === -1);
assert(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C.prototype, "y").get.name === "get y");
o = new C();
assert(o.f() === 1);
assert(o.x === 10);
assert(D.F() === -1);
assert(D.G() === -2);
assert(D.H() === -1);
o = new D();
assert(o.f() === 1);
assert(o.g() === 2);
assert(o.x === 10);
assert(o.z === 20);
assert(o.h() === 1);
/* test class name scope */
var E1 = class E { static F() { return E; } };
assert(E1 === E1.F());
class S {
static x = 42;
static y = S.x;
static z = this.x;
assert(S.x === 42);
assert(S.y === 42);
assert(S.z === 42);
function test_template()
var a, b;
b = 123;
a = `abc${b}d`;
assert(a, "abc123d");
a = String.raw `abc${b}d`;
assert(a, "abc123d");
a = "aaa";
b = "bbb";
assert(`aaa${a, b}ccc`, "aaabbbccc");
function test_template_skip()
var a = "Bar";
var { b = `${a + `a${a}` }baz` } = {};
assert(b, "BaraBarbaz");
function test_object_literal()
var x = 0, get = 1, set = 2; async = 3;
a = { get: 2, set: 3, async: 4 };
assert(JSON.stringify(a), '{"get":2,"set":3,"async":4}');
a = { x, get, set, async };
assert(JSON.stringify(a), '{"x":0,"get":1,"set":2,"async":3}');
function test_regexp_skip()
var a, b;
[a, b = /abc\(/] = [1];
assert(a === 1);
[a, b =/abc\(/] = [2];
assert(a === 2);
function test_labels()
do x: { break x; } while(0);
if (1)
x: { break x; }
x: { break x; }
with ({}) x: { break x; };
while (0) x: { break x; };
function test_destructuring()
function * g () { return 0; };
var [x] = g();
assert(x, void 0);
function test_spread()
var x;
x = [1, 2, ...[3, 4]];
assert(x.toString(), "1,2,3,4");
x = [ ...[ , ] ];
assert(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x).toString(), "0,length");
function test_function_length()
assert( ((a, b = 1, c) => {}).length, 1);
assert( (([a,b]) => {}).length, 1);
assert( (({a,b}) => {}).length, 1);
assert( ((c, [a,b] = 1, d) => {}).length, 1);
function test_argument_scope()
var f;
var c = "global";
f = function(a = eval("var arguments")) {};
// for some reason v8 does not throw an exception here
if (typeof require === 'undefined')
assert_throws(SyntaxError, f);
f = function(a = eval("1"), b = arguments[0]) { return b; };
assert(f(12), 12);
f = function(a, b = arguments[0]) { return b; };
assert(f(12), 12);
f = function(a, b = () => arguments) { return b; };
assert(f(12)()[0], 12);
f = function(a = eval("1"), b = () => arguments) { return b; };
assert(f(12)()[0], 12);
(function() {
"use strict";
f = function(a = this) { return a; };
assert(f.call(123), 123);
f = function f(a = f) { return a; };
assert(f(), f);
f = function f(a = eval("f")) { return a; };
assert(f(), f);
f = (a = eval("var c = 1"), probe = () => c) => {
var c = 2;
assert(c, 2);
assert(probe(), 1);
f = (a = eval("var arguments = 1"), probe = () => arguments) => {
var arguments = 2;
assert(arguments, 2);
assert(probe(), 1);
f = function f(a = eval("var c = 1"), b = c, probe = () => c) {
assert(b, 1);
assert(c, 1);
assert(probe(), 1)
assert(c, "global");
f = function f(a, b = c, probe = () => c) {
eval("var c = 1");
assert(c, 1);
assert(b, "global");
assert(probe(), "global")
assert(c, "global");
f = function f(a = eval("var c = 1"), probe = (d = eval("c")) => d) {
assert(probe(), 1)
function test_function_expr_name()
var f;
/* non strict mode test : assignment to the function name silently
fails */
f = function myfunc() {
myfunc = 1;
return myfunc;
assert(f(), f);
f = function myfunc() {
myfunc = 1;
(() => {
myfunc = 1;
return myfunc;
assert(f(), f);
f = function myfunc() {
eval("myfunc = 1");
return myfunc;
assert(f(), f);
/* strict mode test : assignment to the function name raises a
TypeError exception */
f = function myfunc() {
"use strict";
myfunc = 1;
assert_throws(TypeError, f);
f = function myfunc() {
"use strict";
(() => {
myfunc = 1;
assert_throws(TypeError, f);
f = function myfunc() {
"use strict";
eval("myfunc = 1");
assert_throws(TypeError, f);
function test_expr(expr, err) {
if (err)
assert_throws(err, () => eval(expr), `for ${expr}`);
assert(1, eval(expr), `for ${expr}`);
function test_name(name, err)
test_expr(`(function() { return typeof ${name} ? 1 : 1; })()`);
test_expr(`(function() { var ${name}; ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })()`);
test_expr(`(function() { let ${name}; ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })()`, name == 'let' ? SyntaxError : undefined);
test_expr(`(function() { const ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })()`, name == 'let' ? SyntaxError : undefined);
test_expr(`(function(${name}) { ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })()`);
test_expr(`(function({${name}}) { ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })({})`);
test_expr(`(function ${name}() { return ${name} ? 1 : 0; })()`);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { return typeof ${name} ? 1 : 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { if (0) ${name} = 1; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { var x; if (0) x = ${name}; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { var ${name}; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { let ${name}; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { const ${name} = 1; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { var ${name}; ${name} = 1; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function() { var ${name}; ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function(${name}) { return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function({${name}}) { return 1; })({})`, err);
test_expr(`"use strict"; (function ${name}() { return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; return typeof ${name} ? 1 : 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; if (0) ${name} = 1; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; var x; if (0) x = ${name}; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; var ${name}; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; let ${name}; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; const ${name} = 1; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; var ${name}; ${name} = 1; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function() { "use strict"; var ${name}; ${name} = 1; return ${name}; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function(${name}) { "use strict"; return 1; })()`, err);
test_expr(`(function({${name}}) { "use strict"; return 1; })({})`, SyntaxError);
test_expr(`(function ${name}() { "use strict"; return 1; })()`, err);
function test_reserved_names()
test_name('yield', SyntaxError);
test_name('implements', SyntaxError);
test_name('interface', SyntaxError);
test_name('let', SyntaxError);
test_name('package', SyntaxError);
test_name('private', SyntaxError);
test_name('protected', SyntaxError);
test_name('public', SyntaxError);
test_name('static', SyntaxError);