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2015-11-14 14:28:53 -05:00
// Filename: filename.h
// Created by: drose (18Jan99)
// Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
// All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
// license. You should have received a copy of this license along
// with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
#ifndef FILENAME_H
#define FILENAME_H
#include "ppremake.h"
#include "vector_string.h"
#include <assert.h>
class DSearchPath;
// Class : Filename
// Description : The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg
// file. Stores the full pathname, and includes
// functions for extracting out the directory prefix
// part and the file extension and stuff.
// A Filename is also aware of the mapping between the
// Unix-like filename convention we use internally, and
// the local OS's specific filename convention, and it
// knows how to perform basic OS-specific I/O, like
// testing for file existence and searching a
// searchpath, as well as the best way to open an
// fstream for reading or writing.
class EXPCL_DTOOL Filename {
enum Type {
// These type values must fit within the bits allocated for
// F_type, below.
T_general = 0x00,
T_dso = 0x01,
T_executable = 0x02,
// Perhaps other types will be added later.
enum Flags {
F_type = 0x0f,
F_binary = 0x10,
F_text = 0x20,
F_pattern = 0x40,
INLINE Filename(const string &filename = "");
INLINE Filename(const char *filename);
INLINE Filename(const Filename &copy);
Filename(const Filename &dirname, const Filename &basename);
INLINE ~Filename();
// Static constructors to explicitly create a filename that refers
// to a text or binary file. This is in lieu of calling set_text()
// or set_binary() or set_type().
INLINE static Filename text_filename(const string &filename);
INLINE static Filename binary_filename(const string &filename);
INLINE static Filename dso_filename(const string &filename);
INLINE static Filename executable_filename(const string &filename);
INLINE static Filename pattern_filename(const string &filename);
static Filename from_os_specific(const string &os_specific,
Type type = T_general);
static Filename expand_from(const string &user_string,
Type type = T_general);
static Filename temporary(const string &dirname, const string &prefix,
const string &suffix = string(),
Type type = T_general);
// Assignment is via the = operator.
INLINE Filename &operator = (const string &filename);
INLINE Filename &operator = (const char *filename);
INLINE Filename &operator = (const Filename &copy);
// And retrieval is by any of the classic string operations.
INLINE operator const string & () const;
INLINE const char *c_str() const;
INLINE bool empty() const;
INLINE size_t length() const;
INLINE char operator [] (int n) const;
INLINE string substr(size_t begin, size_t end = string::npos) const;
// Or, you can use any of these.
INLINE string get_fullpath() const;
INLINE string get_dirname() const;
INLINE string get_basename() const;
INLINE string get_fullpath_wo_extension() const;
INLINE string get_basename_wo_extension() const;
INLINE string get_extension() const;
// You can also use any of these to reassign pieces of the filename.
void set_fullpath(const string &s);
void set_dirname(const string &s);
void set_basename(const string &s);
void set_fullpath_wo_extension(const string &s);
void set_basename_wo_extension(const string &s);
void set_extension(const string &s);
// Setting these flags appropriately is helpful when opening or
// searching for a file; it helps the Filename resolve OS-specific
// conventions (for instance, that dynamic library names should
// perhaps be changed from .so to .dll).
INLINE void set_binary();
INLINE void set_text();
INLINE bool is_binary() const;
INLINE bool is_text() const;
INLINE void set_type(Type type);
INLINE Type get_type() const;
INLINE void set_pattern(bool pattern);
INLINE bool get_pattern() const;
INLINE bool has_hash() const;
Filename get_filename_index(int index) const;
INLINE string get_hash_to_end() const;
void set_hash_to_end(const string &s);
void extract_components(vector_string &components) const;
void standardize();
// The following functions deal with the outside world.
INLINE bool is_local() const;
INLINE bool is_fully_qualified() const;
void make_absolute();
void make_absolute(const Filename &start_directory);
bool make_canonical();
bool make_true_case();
string to_os_specific() const;
string to_os_generic() const;
string to_os_short_name() const;
string to_os_long_name() const;
bool exists() const;
bool is_regular_file() const;
bool is_directory() const;
bool is_executable() const;
int compare_timestamps(const Filename &other,
bool this_missing_is_old = true,
bool other_missing_is_old = true) const;
time_t get_timestamp() const;
time_t get_access_timestamp() const;
off_t get_file_size() const;
bool resolve_filename(const DSearchPath &searchpath,
const string &default_extension = string());
bool make_relative_to(Filename directory, bool allow_backups = true);
int find_on_searchpath(const DSearchPath &searchpath);
bool scan_directory(vector_string &contents) const;
bool open_read(ifstream &stream) const;
bool open_write(ofstream &stream, bool truncate = true) const;
bool open_append(ofstream &stream) const;
bool open_read_write(fstream &stream) const;
bool chdir() const;
bool touch() const;
bool unlink() const;
bool rename_to(const Filename &other) const;
bool make_dir() const;
// Comparison operators are handy.
INLINE bool operator == (const string &other) const;
INLINE bool operator != (const string &other) const;
INLINE bool operator < (const string &other) const;
INLINE int compare_to(const Filename &other) const;
INLINE void output(ostream &out) const;
bool atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents(string &orig_contents, const string &old_contents, const string &new_contents) const;
bool atomic_read_contents(string &contents) const;
void locate_basename();
void locate_extension();
void locate_hash();
size_t get_common_prefix(const string &other) const;
static int count_slashes(const string &str);
bool r_make_canonical(const Filename &cwd);
string _filename;
// We'll make these size_t instead of string::size_type to help out
// cppParser.
size_t _dirname_end;
size_t _basename_start;
size_t _basename_end;
size_t _extension_start;
size_t _hash_start;
size_t _hash_end;
int _flags;
INLINE ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const Filename &n) {
return out;
#include "filename.I"