
2131 lines
47 KiB
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2015-11-14 16:05:39 -05:00
store_suit_point [ 0, STREET_POINT, 25 25 -0.5 ]
store_suit_point [ 1, STREET_POINT, 25 15 -0.5 ]
store_suit_point [ 2, STREET_POINT, 55 15 -0.5 ]
store_suit_point [ 3, STREET_POINT, 55 25 -0.5 ]
group "toontownCentralTutorial" [
visgroup "20001" [
vis [ "20001" ]
suit_edge [ 0 1 ]
suit_edge [ 1 2 ]
suit_edge [ 2 3 ]
suit_edge [ 3 0 ]
battle_cell [ 20 20 75 20 -0.5 ]
group "tutorial" [
prop "linktunnel_tt_2000_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_safe_zone_entrance_tunnel" ]
pos [ 210 40 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
sign [
code [ "tunnel_sign_orange" ]
pos [ 0 0 -2.84 ]
scale [ 1.5 1 1.5 ]
baseline [
code [ "mickey" ]
color [ 0 0.501961 0.25098 1 ]
pos [ 0.09 0 -0.99 ]
scale [ 1.5 1 1.5 ]
width [ 38.4394 ]
height [ 38.4394 ]
text [
letters [ "P" ]
text [
letters [ "L" ]
text [
letters [ "A" ]
text [
letters [ "Y" ]
text [
letters [ "G" ]
text [
letters [ "R" ]
text [
letters [ "O" ]
text [
letters [ "U" ]
text [
letters [ "N" ]
text [
letters [ "D" ]
baseline [
pos [ 0 0 1.5 ]
scale [ 2.5 1 2.5 ]
graphic [
code [ "mickeySZ" ]
baseline [
code [ "mickey" ]
color [ 0 0.501961 0.25098 1 ]
pos [ 0 0 -1.94 ]
hpr [ 0 0 -1 ]
scale [ 0.8 1 0.8 ]
width [ 50 ]
height [ 50 ]
text [
letters [ "T" ]
text [
letters [ "O" ]
text [
letters [ "O" ]
text [
letters [ "N" ]
text [
letters [ "T" ]
text [
letters [ "O" ]
text [
letters [ "W" ]
text [
letters [ "N" ]
text [
letters [ " " ]
text [
letters [ "C" ]
text [
letters [ "E" ]
text [
letters [ "N" ]
text [
letters [ "T" ]
text [
letters [ "R" ]
text [
letters [ "A" ]
text [
letters [ "L" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 105 -60 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.88 0.44 0.15 1 ]
count [ 0 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.88 0.44 0.15 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 0 30 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_cement_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.88 0.8 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.1 0.59 0.39 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_cement_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.88 0.8 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.1 0.59 0.39 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 0 0 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_cement_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.88 0.8 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.1 0.59 0.39 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_cement_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.88 0.8 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.1 0.59 0.39 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_brickbox_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_brickbox_ur" ]
pos [ 120 40 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 150 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 20 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ur" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 4 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.27 0.77 0.42 1 ]
prop "neighborhood_sign_TT_DNARoot" [
code [ "neighborhood_sign_TT" ]
pos [ 204 35 0 ]
hpr [ -45 0 0 ]
prop "neighborhood_sign_TT_DNARoot" [
code [ "neighborhood_sign_TT" ]
pos [ 203 5.00001 0 ]
hpr [ 45 0 0 ]
prop "prop_mailbox_TT_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_mailbox_TT" ]
pos [ 52.5642 73.9019 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_brickbox_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_brickbox_ul" ]
pos [ 120 0 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
landmark_building "tb1:toon_landmark_hqTT_DNARoot" [
code [ "toon_landmark_hqTT" ]
building_type [ "hq" ]
title [ "Toon HQ" ]
pos [ 100 20 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
landmark_building "tb2:toon_landmark_TT_A1_DNARoot" [
code [ "toon_landmark_TT_A1" ]
title [ "" ]
pos [ 0 5 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
door [
code [ "door_double_round_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
street "street_interior_corner_w_grass_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_interior_corner_w_grass" ]
pos [ 60 70 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_interior_corner_w_grass_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_interior_corner_w_grass" ]
pos [ 50 -20 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_30x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_30x20" ]
pos [ 70 60 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_30x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_30x20" ]
pos [ 70 -20 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_interior_corner_w_grass_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_interior_corner_w_grass" ]
pos [ 90 60 0 ]
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texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_interior_corner_w_grass_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_interior_corner_w_grass" ]
pos [ 80 -30 0 ]
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texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_grass_transitionL_30x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_grass_transitionL_30x10" ]
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texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_30x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_30x20" ]
pos [ 80 50 0 ]
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texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_30x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_30x20" ]
pos [ 80 -10 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_grass_transitionR_30x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_grass_transitionR_30x10" ]
pos [ 80 0 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_20x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_20x20" ]
pos [ 80 30 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_street_20x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_street_20x20" ]
pos [ 60 -20 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_street_20x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_street_20x20" ]
pos [ 60 0 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_street_20x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_street_20x20" ]
pos [ 60 20 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_street_20x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_street_20x20" ]
pos [ 60 40 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 20 50 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
street "street_exterior_corner_w_grass_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_exterior_corner_w_grass" ]
pos [ 60 40 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_30x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_30x10" ]
pos [ 60 -10 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_30x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_30x10" ]
pos [ 60 60 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_grass_transitionL_30x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_grass_transitionL_30x10" ]
pos [ 30 20 0 ]
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texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_grass_transitionR_30x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_grass_transitionR_30x10" ]
pos [ 30 20 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_inner_corner_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_inner_corner" ]
pos [ 0 20 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_inner_corner_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_inner_corner" ]
pos [ 20 0 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_inner_corner_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_inner_corner" ]
pos [ 130 0 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_inner_corner_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_inner_corner" ]
pos [ 110 20 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_grass_transition_60x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_grass_transition_60x20" ]
pos [ 140 20 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_grass_transition_60x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_grass_transition_60x20" ]
pos [ 180 20 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_w_grass_60x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_w_grass_60x20" ]
pos [ 160 20 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_exterior_corner_w_grass_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_exterior_corner_w_grass" ]
pos [ 40 20 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 20 -10 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 20 0 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 0 40 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_lg_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.71 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 20 40 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_lg_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.71 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ur" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ur" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x20" ]
pos [ 130 -10 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x20" ]
pos [ 130 40 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x40_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x40" ]
pos [ 50 100 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
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texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x20" ]
pos [ 30 100 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
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texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x40_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x40" ]
pos [ 110 -60 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 110 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 130 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x40_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x40" ]
pos [ 120 -20 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x10" ]
pos [ 70 -60 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 60 -60 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_shuttered_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.92 0.59 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.35 0.69 0.49 1 ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x20" ]
pos [ 20 -50 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 -30 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.99 0.67 0.25 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.42 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.75 0.38 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.99 0.67 0.25 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.42 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 40 -50 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_stone_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 60 -50 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_shuttered_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.92 0.59 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.35 0.69 0.49 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 -50 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_stone_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 20 -50 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_stone_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 20 -40 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_stone_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 15 -30 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.99 0.67 0.25 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.42 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 40 -50 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_shuttered_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.92 0.59 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.35 0.69 0.49 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 90 90 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.69 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ul" ]
color [ 0.32 0.54 0.36 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 0.89 0.95 0.17 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 90 100 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.69 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.32 0.54 0.36 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.89 0.95 0.17 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 50 0 ]
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width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
street "street_20x40_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_20x40" ]
pos [ 190 0 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 45 100 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 110 -20 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 120 -20 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 120 -30 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 120 -40 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 120 -50 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_lg_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.71 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 135 -50 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_lg_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.71 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 120 -60 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 125 50 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 20.7 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_shuttered_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.92 0.59 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.35 0.69 0.49 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 165.7 60 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_cement_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.88 0.8 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.1 0.59 0.39 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_cement_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.88 0.8 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.1 0.59 0.39 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x20_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x20" ]
pos [ 145.7 60 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 175.7 50 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.99 0.89 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.93 0.83 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.89 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 145.7 60 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_lg_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.42 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.31 0.63 0.37 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.71 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.42 0.69 0.27 1 ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x10" ]
pos [ 165.7 60 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 175.7 60 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.99 0.89 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.93 0.83 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.89 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 145.7 50 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_shuttered_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.92 0.59 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.35 0.69 0.49 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 190 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.69 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ul" ]
color [ 0.32 0.54 0.36 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 0.89 0.95 0.17 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 175 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 210 0 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 200 0 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 190 0 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 190 50 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 190 40 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 200 40 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 190.7 50 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.99 0.89 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.93 0.83 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.89 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_md_curved_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.87 0.38 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 190 -25 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.69 0.49 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ul" ]
color [ 0.32 0.54 0.36 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ul" ]
color [ 0.89 0.95 0.17 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 215 5 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 165 -10 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 215 50 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 110 50 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ur" ]
color [ 0.6 0.66 0.27 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 110 65 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.91 0.63 0.44 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ur" ]
color [ 0.6 0.66 0.27 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_dental_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.84 0.59 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 110 90 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 25 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ul" ]
color [ 0.27 1 0.42 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
prop "cloth_DNARoot" [
code [ "cloth" ]
pos [ 13.0524 -4.36687 -0.203286 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 75 100 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 20 ]
code [ "wall_md_pillars_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ur" ]
color [ 0.13 0.78 0.52 1 ]
count [ 4 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.27 0.77 0.42 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 60 100 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 20 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.95 0.89 0.17 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.79 0.36 0.19 1 ]
prop "house_needs_DNARoot" [
code [ "house_needs" ]
pos [ 6.26776 -4.66185 1.69415 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
comment out buildings since joe doesnt want to download
glass window textures in phase 3.5 instead of phase 5
prop "prop_facade_b_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_b" ]
pos [ 106 77 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.16802 1.16802 1.16802 ]
prop "prop_facade_dN_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_dN" ]
pos [ 108 -15 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_facade_e_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_e" ]
pos [ 95 -58 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_facade_a_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_a" ]
pos [ 69 -56.8631 -0.0225287 ]
hpr [ -180 -0.692787 0 ]
prop "prop_facade_a_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_c" ]
pos [ 67 96.6177 0.0162828 ]
hpr [ 0 1.51015 0 ]
scale [ 1.24024 1.24024 1.24024 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 70 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 85 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 100 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_woodflower_fence_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 1 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 45 120 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
width [ 20 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_dental_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.38 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 30 70 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_sm_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 1 0.59 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.63 0.12 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.7 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
prop "prop_facade_a_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_a" ]
pos [ 158 -7 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.10176 1.10176 1.10176 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ur" ]
pos [ 96 -5 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ul" ]
pos [ 96 50.3001 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 85 -60 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 10 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_lg_brick_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.42 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_porthole_ur" ]
color [ 0.31 0.63 0.37 1 ]
count [ 1 ]
wall [
height [ 10 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.71 0.27 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_round_ul" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 2 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_marble_ur" ]
color [ 0.42 0.69 0.27 1 ]
flat_building "tb0:random_DNARoot" [
pos [ 75 -60 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
width [ 15 ]
wall [
height [ 20 ]
code [ "wall_md_blank_ur" ]
color [ 1 0.9 0.33 1 ]
windows [
code [ "window_sm_pointed_ur" ]
color [ 0.11 0.67 0.33 1 ]
count [ 4 ]
cornice [
code [ "cornice_curved_ur" ]
color [ 0.21 0.73 0.31 1 ]
prop "flower_shop_DNARoot" [
code [ "flower_shop" ]
pos [ 6.91632 -5.09789 1.01734 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ur" ]
pos [ 69 -35 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_big_planter_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_big_planter" ]
pos [ 112 -36 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_cellar_door_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_cellar_door" ]
pos [ 30 -17 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_big_planter_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_big_planter" ]
pos [ 29 -42 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ul" ]
pos [ 30 5 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.19211 1.19211 1.19211 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ul" ]
pos [ 23 -63 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ul" ]
pos [ 5 -46 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.13727 1.13727 1.13727 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ur" ]
pos [ 28 35 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.10413 1.10413 1.10413 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ur" ]
pos [ 70 75 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 0.845024 0.845024 0.845024 ]
prop "prop_big_planter_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_big_planter" ]
pos [ 37 93 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_cellar_door_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_cellar_door" ]
pos [ 30 54 0 ]
hpr [ 90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_cellar_door_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_cellar_door" ]
pos [ 110 85 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ul" ]
pos [ 16 93 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.33692 1.33692 1.33692 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ur" ]
pos [ 27 118 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ul" ]
pos [ 135 -37 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ur" ]
pos [ 147.3 34 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ur" ]
pos [ 144 3.69994 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ul" ]
pos [ 170.7 35 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ul" ]
pos [ 173 3.30004 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 0.871352 0.871352 0.871352 ]
prop "prop_tree_small_ul_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_small_ul" ]
pos [ 215 -28.6999 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.06784 1.06784 1.06784 ]
prop "prop_tree_large_ur_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_tree_large_ur" ]
pos [ 224 66.3001 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
scale [ 1.19204 1.19204 1.19204 ]
prop "prop_facade_c_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_facade_e" ]
pos [ 157 56.7 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]
prop "prop_cellar_door_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_cellar_door" ]
pos [ 187 -9.99993 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_wood_fence_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_wood_fence" ]
pos [ 110 30 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
street "street_sidewalk_10x10_DNARoot" [
code [ "street_sidewalk_10x10" ]
pos [ 110 20 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
texture [ "street_street_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_sidewalk_TT_tex" ]
texture [ "street_curb_TT_tex" ]
prop "prop_post_three_light_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_post_one_light" ]
pos [ 186.725 5.3825 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_post_three_light_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_mailbox_TT" ]
pos [ 187.676 35.7579 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_post_three_light_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_post_one_light" ]
pos [ 94 -34 0 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_post_three_light_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_post_one_light" ]
pos [ 92.5642 75.9019 0 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
prop "prop_post_three_light_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_post_three_light" ]
pos [ 45 5 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_post_three_light_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_post_three_light" ]
pos [ 45 35 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "music_inst_DNARoot" [
code [ "music_inst" ]
pos [ 94.8372 -57.3556 0.025013 ]
hpr [ -180 0 0 ]
prop "gallery1_DNARoot" [
code [ "gallery1" ]
pos [ 107.447 -14.9985 1.72175 ]
hpr [ 270 0 0 ]
scale [ 0.5 0.5 0.5 ]
prop "flower_shop_DNARoot" [
code [ "flower_shop" ]
pos [ 157.684 54.1417 0.266033 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
prop "office_furniture_DNARoot" [
code [ "office_furniture" ]
pos [ 158.151 -6.57072 1.75069 ]
hpr [ 180 0 0 ]
scale [ 0.728917 0.728917 0.728917 ]
prop "prop_wood_fence_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_wood_fence" ]
pos [ 110 50 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_wood_fence_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_wood_fence" ]
pos [ 110 40 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_wood_fence_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_wood_fence" ]
pos [ 110 10 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_wood_fence_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_wood_fence" ]
pos [ 110 0 0 ]
hpr [ -90 0 0 ]
prop "prop_mailbox_TT_DNARoot" [
code [ "prop_mailbox_TT" ]
pos [ 46 -30 0 ]
hpr [ 0 0 0 ]