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2015-03-06 12:11:40 +00:00
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Python Code By:
# Andrea Gavana, @ 25 Sep 2005
# Latest Revision: 27 Dec 2012, 21.00 GMT
# TODO List/Caveats
# 1. Combination Of The Two Styles:
# Does Not Work Very Well. It Works Well Only In Case When The Sector Colours
# Are The Same For All Intervals.
# Thanks To Gerard Grazzini That Has Tried The Demo On MacOS, I Corrected A
# Bug On Line 246
# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
# Write To Me At:
# andrea.gavana@gmail.com
# andrea.gavana@maerskoil.com
# Or, Obviously, To The wxPython Mailing List!!!
# End Of Comments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
:class:`SpeedMeter` tries to reproduce the behavior of some car controls (but not only),
by creating an "angular" control (actually, circular).
:class:`SpeedMeter` tries to reproduce the behavior of some car controls (but not only),
by creating an "angular" control (actually, circular). I remember to have seen
it somewhere, and i decided to implement it in wxPython.
:class:`SpeedMeter` starts its construction from an empty bitmap, and it uses some
functions of the :class:`DC` class to create the rounded effects. everything is
processed in the `Draw()` method of :class:`SpeedMeter` class.
This implementation allows you to use either directly the :class:`PaintDC`, or the
better (for me) double buffered style with :class:`BufferedPaintDC`. the double
buffered implementation has been adapted from the wxPython wiki example:
Usage example::
import wx
import wx.lib.agw.speedmeter as SM
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "SpeedMeter Demo")
# Set The Region Of Existence Of SpeedMeter (Always In Radians!!!!)
speed.SetAngleRange(-pi/6, 7*pi/6)
# Create The Intervals That Will Divide Our SpeedMeter In Sectors
intervals = range(0, 201, 20)
# Assign The Same Colours To All Sectors (We Simulate A Car Control For Speed)
# Usually This Is Black
colours = [wx.BLACK]*10
# Assign The Ticks: Here They Are Simply The String Equivalent Of The Intervals
ticks = [str(interval) for interval in intervals]
# Set The Ticks/Tick Markers Colour
# We Want To Draw 5 Secondary Ticks Between The Principal Ticks
# Set The Font For The Ticks Markers
speed.SetTicksFont(wx.Font(7, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
# Set The Text In The Center Of SpeedMeter
# Assign The Colour To The Center Text
# Assign A Font To The Center Text
speed.SetMiddleTextFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD))
# Set The Colour For The Hand Indicator
speed.SetHandColour(wx.Colour(255, 50, 0))
# Do Not Draw The External (Container) Arc. Drawing The External Arc May
# Sometimes Create Uglier Controls. Try To Comment This Line And See It
# For Yourself!
# Set The Current Value For The SpeedMeter
# our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual
app = wx.App(0)
frame = MyFrame(None)
Methods and Settings
:class:`SpeedMeter` is highly customizable, and in particular you can set:
- The start and end angle of existence for :class:`SpeedMeter`;
- The intervals in which you divide the :class:`SpeedMeter` (numerical values);
- The corresponding thicks for the intervals;
- The interval colours (different intervals may have different filling colours);
- The ticks font and colour;
- The background colour (outsize the :class:`SpeedMeter` region);
- The external arc colour;
- The hand (arrow) colour;
- The hand's shadow colour;
- The hand's style ("arrow" or "hand");
- The partial filler colour;
- The number of secondary (intermediate) ticks;
- The direction of increasing speed ("advance" or "reverse");
- The text to be drawn in the middle and its font;
- The icon to be drawn in the middle;
- The first and second gradient colours (that fills the :class:`SpeedMeter` control);
- The current value.
Window Styles
This class supports the following window styles:
=========================== =========== ==================================================
Window Styles Hex Value Description
=========================== =========== ==================================================
``SM_ROTATE_TEXT`` 0x1 Draws the ticks rotated: the ticks are rotated accordingly to the tick marks positions.
``SM_DRAW_SECTORS`` 0x2 Different intervals are painted in differend colours (every sector of the circle has its own colour).
``SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS`` 0x4 Every interval has its own colour, but only a circle corona is painted near the ticks.
``SM_DRAW_HAND`` 0x8 The hand (arrow indicator) is drawn.
``SM_DRAW_SHADOW`` 0x10 A shadow for the hand is drawn.
``SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER`` 0x20 A circle corona that follows the hand position is drawn near the ticks.
``SM_DRAW_SECONDARY_TICKS`` 0x40 Intermediate (smaller) ticks are drawn between principal ticks.
``SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_TEXT`` 0x80 Some text is printed in the middle of the control near the center.
``SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_ICON`` 0x100 An icon is drawn in the middle of the control near the center.
``SM_DRAW_GRADIENT`` 0x200 A gradient of colours will fill the control.
``SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS`` 0x400 With this style you can use xml tags to create some custom text and draw it at the ticks position. See :mod:`lib.fancytext` for the tags.
=========================== =========== ==================================================
Events Processing
`No custom events are available for this class.`
License And Version
:class:`SpeedMeter` is distributed under the wxPython license.
Latest revision: Andrea Gavana @ 27 Dec 2012, 21.00 GMT
Version 0.3
# Beginning Of SPEEDMETER wxPython Code
import wx
import wx.lib.colourdb
import wx.lib.fancytext as fancytext
from math import pi, sin, cos, log, sqrt, atan2
# DC Drawing Options
# SM_NORMAL_DC Uses The Normal wx.PaintDC
# SM_BUFFERED_DC Uses The Double Buffered Drawing Style
""" Uses the normal :class:`PaintDC`. """
""" Uses a double buffered drawing code. """
# SpeedMeter Styles
# SM_ROTATE_TEXT: Draws The Ticks Rotated: The Ticks Are Rotated
# Accordingly To The Tick Marks Positions
# SM_DRAW_SECTORS: Different Intervals Are Painted In Differend Colours
# (Every Sector Of The Circle Has Its Own Colour)
# SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS: Every Interval Has Its Own Colour, But Only
# A Circle Corona Is Painted Near The Ticks
# SM_DRAW_HAND: The Hand (Arrow Indicator) Is Drawn
# SM_DRAW_SHADOW: A Shadow For The Hand Is Drawn
# SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER: A Circle Corona That Follows The Hand Position
# Is Drawn Near The Ticks
# SM_DRAW_SECONDARY_TICKS: Intermediate (Smaller) Ticks Are Drawn Between
# Principal Ticks
# SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_TEXT: Some Text Is Printed In The Middle Of The Control
# Near The Center
# SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_ICON: An Icon Is Drawn In The Middle Of The Control Near
# The Center
# SM_DRAW_GRADIENT: A Gradient Of Colours Will Fill The Control
# SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS: With This Style You Can Use XML Tags To Create
# Some Custom Text And Draw It At The Ticks Position.
# See wx.lib.fancytext For The Tags.
""" Draws the ticks rotated: the ticks are rotated accordingly to the tick marks positions. """
""" Different intervals are painted in differend colours (every sector of the circle has its own colour). """
""" Every interval has its own colour, but only a circle corona is painted near the ticks. """
""" The hand (arrow indicator) is drawn. """
""" A shadow for the hand is drawn. """
""" A circle corona that follows the hand position is drawn near the ticks. """
""" Intermediate (smaller) ticks are drawn between principal ticks. """
""" Some text is printed in the middle of the control near the center. """
""" An icon is drawn in the middle of the control near the center. """
""" A gradient of colours will fill the control. """
""" With this style you can use xml tags to create some custom text and draw it at the ticks position. See :mod:`lib.fancytext` for the tags. """
# Event Binding
# SM_MOUSE_TRACK: The Mouse Left Click/Drag Allow You To Change The
# SpeedMeter Value Interactively
""" Flag to allow the left/right click of the mouse to change the :class:`SpeedMeter` value interactively. """
fontfamily = list(range(70, 78))
familyname = ["default", "decorative", "roman", "script", "swiss", "modern", "teletype"]
weights = list(range(90, 93))
weightsname = ["normal", "light", "bold"]
styles = [90, 93, 94]
stylesname = ["normal", "italic", "slant"]
# This Class Has Been Taken From The wxPython Wiki, And Slightly
# Adapted To Fill My Needs. See:
# http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/DoubleBufferedDrawing
# For More Info About DC And Double Buffered Drawing.
class BufferedWindow(wx.Window):
A buffered window class.
To use it, subclass it and define a `Draw(dc)` method that takes a `dc`
to draw to. In that method, put the code needed to draw the picture
you want. The window will automatically be double buffered, and the
screen will be automatically updated when a Paint event is received.
When the drawing needs to change, you app needs to call the
:meth:`BufferedWindow.UpdateDrawing() <BufferedWindow.UpdateDrawing>` method. Since the drawing is stored in a bitmap, you
can also save the drawing to file by calling the
`SaveToFile(self, file_name, file_type)` method.
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, bufferedstyle=SM_BUFFERED_DC):
Default class constructor.
:param `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
:param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
:param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:param `style`: the window style;
:param `bufferedstyle`: if set to ``SM_BUFFERED_DC``, double-buffering will
be used.
wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda x: None)
# OnSize called to make sure the buffer is initialized.
# This might result in OnSize getting called twice on some
# platforms at initialization, but little harm done.
def Draw(self, dc):
This method should be overridden when sub-classed.
:param `dc`: an instance of :class:`DC`.
def OnPaint(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for :class:`BufferedWindow`.
:param `event`: a :class:`PaintEvent` event to be processed.
if self._bufferedstyle == SM_BUFFERED_DC:
dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self._Buffer)
dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
def OnSize(self,event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for :class:`BufferedWindow`.
:param `event`: a :class:`SizeEvent` event to be processed.
self.Width, self.Height = self.GetClientSize()
# Make new off screen bitmap: this bitmap will always have the
# current drawing in it, so it can be used to save the image to
# a file, or whatever.
# This seems required on MacOS, it doesn't like wx.Bitmap with
# size = (0, 0)
# Thanks to Gerard Grazzini
if "__WXMAC__" in wx.Platform:
if self.Width == 0:
self.Width = 1
if self.Height == 0:
self.Height = 1
self._Buffer = wx.Bitmap(self.Width, self.Height)
def UpdateDrawing(self):
This would get called if the drawing needed to change, for whatever reason.
The idea here is that the drawing is based on some data generated
elsewhere in the system. if that data changes, the drawing needs to
be updated.
if self._bufferedstyle == SM_BUFFERED_DC:
dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
# update the buffer
dc = wx.MemoryDC()
# update the screen
wx.ClientDC(self).Blit(0, 0, self.Width, self.Height, dc, 0, 0)
# This Is The Main Class Implementation. See __init__() Method For
# Details.
class SpeedMeter(BufferedWindow):
:class:`SpeedMeter` tries to reproduce the behavior of some car controls (but not only),
by creating an "angular" control (actually, circular).
This is the main class implementation.
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
size=wx.DefaultSize, agwStyle=SM_DRAW_HAND,
Default class constructor.
:param `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
:param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
:param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:param `agwStyle`: this value specifies the :class:`SpeedMeter` styles, and can be a
combination of the following bits:
=========================== =========== ==================================================
Window Styles Hex Value Description
=========================== =========== ==================================================
``SM_ROTATE_TEXT`` 0x1 Draws the ticks rotated: the ticks are rotated accordingly to the tick marks positions.
``SM_DRAW_SECTORS`` 0x2 Different intervals are painted in differend colours (every sector of the circle has its own colour).
``SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS`` 0x4 Every interval has its own colour, but only a circle corona is painted near the ticks.
``SM_DRAW_HAND`` 0x8 The hand (arrow indicator) is drawn.
``SM_DRAW_SHADOW`` 0x10 A shadow for the hand is drawn.
``SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER`` 0x20 A circle corona that follows the hand position is drawn near the ticks.
``SM_DRAW_SECONDARY_TICKS`` 0x40 Intermediate (smaller) ticks are drawn between principal ticks.
``SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_TEXT`` 0x80 Some text is printed in the middle of the control near the center.
``SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_ICON`` 0x100 An icon is drawn in the middle of the control near the center.
``SM_DRAW_GRADIENT`` 0x200 A gradient of colours will fill the control.
``SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS`` 0x400 With this style you can use xml tags to create some custom text and draw it at the ticks position. See :mod:`lib.fancytext` for the tags.
=========================== =========== ==================================================
:param `bufferedstyle`: this value allows you to use the normal :class:`PaintDC` or the
double buffered drawing options:
=========================== =========== ==================================================
Buffered Styles Hex Value Description
=========================== =========== ==================================================
``SM_NORMAL_DC`` 0x0 Uses the normal :class:`PaintDC`
``SM_BUFFERED_DC`` 0x1 Uses the double buffered drawing style
=========================== =========== ==================================================
:param `mousestyle`: this value allows you to use the mouse to change the :class:`SpeedMeter`
value interactively with left click/drag events. If set to ``SM_MOUSE_TRACK``, the mouse
left click/drag allow you to change the :class:`SpeedMeter` value interactively.
self._agwStyle = agwStyle
self._bufferedstyle = bufferedstyle
self._mousestyle = mousestyle
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS and self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_GRADIENT:
errstr = "\nERROR: Incompatible Options: SM_DRAW_SECTORS Can Not Be Used In "
errstr = errstr + "Conjunction With SM_DRAW_GRADIENT."
raise Exception(errstr)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS and self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
errstr = "\nERROR: Incompatible Options: SM_DRAW_SECTORS Can Not Be Used In "
errstr = errstr + "Conjunction With SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS."
raise Exception(errstr)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS and self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER:
errstr = "\nERROR: Incompatible Options: SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS Can Not Be Used In "
errstr = errstr + "Conjunction With SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER."
raise Exception(errstr)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS and self._agwStyle & SM_ROTATE_TEXT:
errstr = "\nERROR: Incompatible Options: SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS Can Not Be Used In "
errstr = errstr + "Conjunction With SM_ROTATE_TEXT."
raise Exception(errstr)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SHADOW and self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_HAND == 0:
errstr = "\nERROR: Incompatible Options: SM_DRAW_SHADOW Can Be Used Only In "
errstr = errstr + "Conjunction With SM_DRAW_HAND."
raise Exception(errstr)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS:
BufferedWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size,
if self._mousestyle & SM_MOUSE_TRACK:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouseMotion)
def Draw(self, dc):
Draws everything on the empty bitmap.
Here all the chosen styles are applied.
:param `dc`: an instance of :class:`DC`.
size = self.GetClientSize()
if size.x < 21 or size.y < 21:
new_dim = size.Get()
if not hasattr(self, "dim"):
self.dim = new_dim
self.scale = min([float(new_dim[0]) / self.dim[0],
float(new_dim[1]) / self.dim[1]])
# Create An Empty Bitmap
self.faceBitmap = wx.Bitmap(size.width, size.height)
speedbackground = self.GetSpeedBackground()
# Set Background Of The Control
centerX = self.faceBitmap.GetWidth()/2
centerY = self.faceBitmap.GetHeight()/2
self.CenterX = centerX
self.CenterY = centerY
# Get The Radius Of The Sector. Set It A Bit Smaller To Correct Draw After
radius = min(centerX, centerY) - 2
self.Radius = radius
# Get The Angle Of Existance Of The Sector
anglerange = self.GetAngleRange()
startangle = anglerange[1]
endangle = anglerange[0]
self.StartAngle = startangle
self.EndAngle = endangle
# Initialize The Colours And The Intervals - Just For Reference To The
# Children Functions
colours = None
intervals = None
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS or self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS:
# Get The Intervals Colours
colours = self.GetIntervalColours()[:]
textangles = []
colourangles = []
xcoords = []
ycoords = []
# Get The Intervals (Partial Sectors)
intervals = self.GetIntervals()[:]
start = min(intervals)
end = max(intervals)
span = end - start
self.StartValue = start
self.EndValue = end
self.Span = span
# Get The Current Value For The SpeedMeter
currentvalue = self.GetSpeedValue()
# Get The Direction Of The SpeedMeter
direction = self.GetDirection()
if direction == "Reverse":
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS or self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS:
currentvalue = end - currentvalue
# This Because DrawArc Does Not Draw Last Point
offset = 0.1*self.scale/180.0
xstart, ystart = self.CircleCoords(radius+1, -endangle, centerX, centerY)
xend, yend = self.CircleCoords(radius+1, -startangle-offset, centerX, centerY)
# Calculate The Angle For The Current Value Of SpeedMeter
accelangle = (currentvalue - start)/float(span)*(startangle-endangle) - startangle
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER:
# Get Some Data For The Partial Filler
fillercolour = self.GetFillerColour()
fillerendradius = radius - 10.0*self.scale
fillerstartradius = radius
if direction == "Advance":
fillerstart = accelangle
fillerend = -startangle
fillerstart = -endangle
fillerend = accelangle
xs1, ys1 = self.CircleCoords(fillerendradius, fillerstart, centerX, centerY)
xe1, ye1 = self.CircleCoords(fillerendradius, fillerend, centerX, centerY)
xs2, ys2 = self.CircleCoords(fillerstartradius, fillerstart, centerX, centerY)
xe2, ye2 = self.CircleCoords(fillerstartradius, fillerend, centerX, centerY)
# Get The Sector In Which The Current Value Is
intersection = self.GetIntersection(currentvalue, intervals)
sectorradius = radius - 10*self.scale
sectorradius = radius
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER:
# Draw The Filler (Both In "Advance" And "Reverse" Directions)
dc.DrawArc(xs2, ys2, xe2, ye2, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS == 0:
xclean1, yclean1 = self.CircleCoords(sectorradius, -endangle, centerX, centerY)
xclean2, yclean2 = self.CircleCoords(sectorradius, -startangle-offset, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xclean1, yclean1, xclean2, yclean2, centerX, centerY)
# This Is Needed To Fill The Partial Sector Correctly
xold, yold = self.CircleCoords(radius, startangle+endangle, centerX, centerY)
# Draw The Sectors
for ii, interval in enumerate(intervals):
if direction == "Advance":
current = interval - start
current = end - interval
angle = (current/float(span))*(startangle-endangle) - startangle
angletext = -((pi/2.0) + angle)*180/pi
xtick, ytick = self.CircleCoords(radius, angle, centerX, centerY)
# Keep The Coordinates, We Will Need Them After To Position The Ticks
x = xtick
y = ytick
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER:
if direction == "Advance":
if current > currentvalue:
x, y = self.CircleCoords(radius, angle, centerX, centerY)
x, y = self.CircleCoords(sectorradius, angle, centerX, centerY)
if current < end - currentvalue:
x, y = self.CircleCoords(radius, angle, centerX, centerY)
x, y = self.CircleCoords(sectorradius, angle, centerX, centerY)
x, y = self.CircleCoords(radius, angle, centerX, centerY)
if ii > 0:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER and ii == intersection:
# We Got The Interval In Which There Is The Current Value. If We Choose
# A "Reverse" Direction, First We Draw The Partial Sector, Next The Filler
if direction == "Reverse":
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
dc.DrawArc(xe2, ye2, xold, yold, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
dc.DrawArc(xs1, ys1, xe1, ye1, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
# Here We Draw The Rest Of The Sector In Which The Current Value Is
if direction == "Advance":
dc.DrawArc(xs1, ys1, x, y, centerX, centerY)
x = xs1
y = ys1
dc.DrawArc(xe2, ye2, x, y, centerX, centerY)
elif self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
# Here We Still Use The SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER Style, But We Are Not
# In The Sector Where The Current Value Resides
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER and ii != intersection:
if direction == "Advance":
dc.DrawArc(x, y, xold, yold, centerX, centerY)
if ii < intersection:
dc.DrawArc(x, y, xold, yold, centerX, centerY)
# This Is The Case Where No SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER Has Been Chosen
dc.DrawArc(x, y, xold, yold, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER and self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
dc.DrawArc(xs2, ys2, xe2, ye2, centerX, centerY)
x, y = self.CircleCoords(sectorradius, angle, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xs1, ys1, xe1, ye1, centerX, centerY)
x = xs2
y = ys2
xold = x
yold = y
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS:
sectorendradius = radius - 10.0*self.scale
sectorstartradius = radius
xps, yps = self.CircleCoords(sectorstartradius, angle, centerX, centerY)
if ii > 0:
dc.DrawArc(xps, yps, xpsold, ypsold, centerX, centerY)
xpsold = xps
ypsold = yps
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS:
xps1, yps1 = self.CircleCoords(sectorendradius, -endangle+2*offset, centerX, centerY)
xps2, yps2 = self.CircleCoords(sectorendradius, -startangle-2*offset, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xps1, yps1, xps2, yps2, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_GRADIENT:
xcurrent, ycurrent = self.CircleCoords(radius, accelangle, centerX, centerY)
# calculate gradient coefficients
col2 = self.GetSecondGradientColour()
col1 = self.GetFirstGradientColour()
r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())
flrect = float(radius+self.scale)
numsteps = 200
rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / numsteps
gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / numsteps
bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / numsteps
rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
radiusteps = flrect/numsteps
interface = 0
for ind in range(numsteps+1):
currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)
gradradius = flrect - radiusteps*ind
xst1, yst1 = self.CircleCoords(gradradius, -endangle, centerX, centerY)
xen1, yen1 = self.CircleCoords(gradradius, -startangle-offset, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER:
if gradradius >= fillerendradius:
if direction == "Advance":
dc.DrawArc(xstart, ystart, xcurrent, ycurrent, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xcurrent, ycurrent, xend, yend, centerX, centerY)
if interface == 0:
interface = 1
myradius = fillerendradius + 1
xint1, yint1 = self.CircleCoords(myradius, -endangle, centerX, centerY)
xint2, yint2 = self.CircleCoords(myradius, -startangle-offset, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xint1, yint1, xint2, yint2, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xst1, yst1, xen1, yen1, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS:
if gradradius <= sectorendradius:
if interface == 0:
interface = 1
myradius = sectorendradius + 1
xint1, yint1 = self.CircleCoords(myradius, -endangle, centerX, centerY)
xint2, yint2 = self.CircleCoords(myradius, -startangle-offset, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xint1, yint1, xint2, yint2, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xst1, yst1, xen1, yen1, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawArc(xst1, yst1, xen1, yen1, centerX, centerY)
rf = rf + rstep
gf = gf + gstep
bf = bf + bstep
textheight = 0
# Get The Ticks And The Ticks Colour
ticks = self.GetTicks()[:]
tickscolour = self.GetTicksColour()
if direction == "Reverse":
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECONDARY_TICKS:
ticknum = self.GetNumberOfSecondaryTicks()
oldinterval = intervals[0]
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(tickscolour, 1))
# Get The Font For The Ticks
tfont, fontsize = self.GetTicksFont()
tfont = tfont[0]
myfamily = tfont.GetFamily()
fsize = self.scale*fontsize
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS:
facename = tfont.GetFaceName()
ffamily = familyname[fontfamily.index(tfont.GetFamily())]
fweight = weightsname[weights.index(tfont.GetWeight())]
fstyle = stylesname[styles.index(tfont.GetStyle())]
fcolour = wx.TheColourDatabase.FindName(tickscolour)
textheight = 0
# Draw The Ticks And The Markers (Text Ticks)
for ii, angles in enumerate(textangles):
strings = ticks[ii]
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS == 0:
width, height, dummy, dummy = dc.GetFullTextExtent(strings, tfont)
textheight = height
width, height, dummy = fancytext.GetFullExtent(strings, dc)
textheight = height
lX = dc.GetCharWidth()/2.0
lY = dc.GetCharHeight()/2.0
if self._agwStyle & SM_ROTATE_TEXT:
angis = colourangles[ii] - float(width)/(2.0*radius)
x, y = self.CircleCoords(radius-10.0*self.scale, angis, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawRotatedText(strings, x, y, angles)
angis = colourangles[ii]
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS == 0:
x, y = self.CircleCoords(radius-10*self.scale, angis, centerX, centerY)
lX = lX*len(strings)
x = x - lX - width*cos(angis)/2.0
y = y - lY - height*sin(angis)/2.0
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS:
fancystr = '<font family="' + ffamily + '" size="' + str(int(fsize)) + '" weight="' + fweight + '"'
fancystr = fancystr + ' color="' + fcolour + '"' + ' style="' + fstyle + '"> ' + strings + ' </font>'
width, height, dummy = fancytext.GetFullExtent(fancystr, dc)
x, y = self.CircleCoords(radius-10*self.scale, angis, centerX, centerY)
x = x - width/2.0 - width*cos(angis)/2.0
y = y - height/2.0 - height*sin(angis)/2.0
fancytext.RenderToDC(fancystr, dc, x, y)
dc.DrawText(strings, x, y)
# This Is The Small Rectangle --> Tick Mark
rectangle = colourangles[ii] + pi/2.0
sinrect = sin(rectangle)
cosrect = cos(rectangle)
x1 = xcoords[ii] - self.scale*cosrect
y1 = ycoords[ii] - self.scale*sinrect
x2 = x1 + 3*self.scale*cosrect
y2 = y1 + 3*self.scale*sinrect
x3 = x1 - 10*self.scale*sinrect
y3 = y1 + 10*self.scale*cosrect
x4 = x3 + 3*self.scale*cosrect
y4 = y3 + 3*self.scale*sinrect
points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x4, y4), (x3, y3)]
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECONDARY_TICKS:
if ii > 0:
newinterval = intervals[ii]
oldinterval = intervals[ii-1]
spacing = (newinterval - oldinterval)/float(ticknum+1)
for tcount in range(ticknum):
if direction == "Advance":
oldinterval = (oldinterval + spacing) - start
stint = oldinterval
oldinterval = start + (oldinterval + spacing)
stint = end - oldinterval
angle = (stint/float(span))*(startangle-endangle) - startangle
rectangle = angle + pi/2.0
sinrect = sin(rectangle)
cosrect = cos(rectangle)
xt, yt = self.CircleCoords(radius, angle, centerX, centerY)
x1 = xt - self.scale*cosrect
y1 = yt - self.scale*sinrect
x2 = x1 + self.scale*cosrect
y2 = y1 + self.scale*sinrect
x3 = x1 - 6*self.scale*sinrect
y3 = y1 + 6*self.scale*cosrect
x4 = x3 + self.scale*cosrect
y4 = y3 + self.scale*sinrect
points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x4, y4), (x3, y3)]
oldinterval = newinterval
# Draw The External Arc
if self._drawarc:
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.GetArcColour(), 2.0))
# If It's Not A Complete Circle, Draw The Connecting Lines And The Arc
if abs(abs(startangle - endangle) - 2*pi) > 1.0/180.0:
dc.DrawArc(xstart, ystart, xend, yend, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawLine(xstart, ystart, centerX, centerY)
dc.DrawLine(xend, yend, centerX, centerY)
# Draw A Circle, Is A 2*pi Extension Arc = Complete Circle
dc.DrawCircle(centerX, centerY, radius)
# Here We Draw The Text In The Middle, Near The Start Of The Arrow (If Present)
# This Is Like The "Km/h" Or "mph" Text In The Cars
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_TEXT:
middlecolour = self.GetMiddleTextColour()
middletext = self.GetMiddleText()
middleangle = (startangle + endangle)/2.0
middlefont, middlesize = self.GetMiddleTextFont()
middlesize = self.scale*middlesize
mw, mh, dummy, dummy = dc.GetFullTextExtent(middletext, middlefont)
newx = centerX + 1.5*mw*cos(middleangle) - mw/2.0
newy = centerY - 1.5*mh*sin(middleangle) - mh/2.0
dc.DrawText(middletext, newx, newy)
# Here We Draw The Icon In The Middle, Near The Start Of The Arrow (If Present)
# This Is Like The "Fuel" Icon In The Cars
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_ICON:
middleicon = self.GetMiddleIcon()
middlewidth, middleheight = self.GetMiddleIconDimens()
middleangle = (startangle + endangle)/2.0
mw = middleicon.GetWidth()
mh = middleicon.GetHeight()
newx = centerX + 1.5*mw*cos(middleangle) - mw/2.0
newy = centerY - 1.5*mh*sin(middleangle) - mh/2.0
dc.DrawIcon(middleicon, newx, newy)
# Restore Icon Dimension, If Not Something Strange Happens
# Requested To Draw The Hand
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_HAND:
handstyle = self.GetHandStyle()
handcolour = self.GetHandColour()
# Calculate The Data For The Hand
if textheight == 0:
maxradius = radius-10*self.scale
maxradius = radius-5*self.scale-textheight
xarr, yarr = self.CircleCoords(maxradius, accelangle, centerX, centerY)
if handstyle == "Arrow":
x1, y1 = self.CircleCoords(maxradius, accelangle - 4.0/180, centerX, centerY)
x2, y2 = self.CircleCoords(maxradius, accelangle + 4.0/180, centerX, centerY)
x3, y3 = self.CircleCoords(maxradius+3*(abs(xarr-x1)), accelangle, centerX, centerY)
newx = centerX + 4*cos(accelangle)*self.scale
newy = centerY + 4*sin(accelangle)*self.scale
x1 = centerX + 4*self.scale*sin(accelangle)
y1 = centerY - 4*self.scale*cos(accelangle)
x2 = xarr
y2 = yarr
x3 = centerX - 4*self.scale*sin(accelangle)
y3 = centerY + 4*self.scale*cos(accelangle)
x4, y4 = self.CircleCoords(5*self.scale*sqrt(3), accelangle+pi, centerX, centerY)
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SHADOW:
if handstyle == "Arrow":
# Draw The Shadow
shadowcolour = self.GetShadowColour()
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(shadowcolour, 5*log(self.scale+1)))
shadowdistance = 2.0*self.scale
dc.DrawLine(newx + shadowdistance, newy + shadowdistance,
xarr + shadowdistance, yarr + shadowdistance)
dc.DrawPolygon([(x1+shadowdistance, y1+shadowdistance),
(x2+shadowdistance, y2+shadowdistance),
(x3+shadowdistance, y3+shadowdistance)])
# Draw The Shadow
shadowcolour = self.GetShadowColour()
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(shadowcolour, 1.0))
shadowdistance = 1.5*self.scale
dc.DrawPolygon([(x1+shadowdistance, y1+shadowdistance),
(x2+shadowdistance, y2+shadowdistance),
(x3+shadowdistance, y3+shadowdistance),
(x4+shadowdistance, y4+shadowdistance)])
if handstyle == "Arrow":
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(handcolour, 1.5))
# Draw The Small Circle In The Center --> The Hand "Holder"
dc.DrawCircle(centerX, centerY, 4*self.scale)
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(handcolour, 5*log(self.scale+1)))
# Draw The "Hand", An Arrow
dc.DrawLine(newx, newy, xarr, yarr)
# Draw The Arrow Pointer
dc.DrawPolygon([(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)])
# Draw The Hand Pointer
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(handcolour, 1.5))
dc.DrawPolygon([(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)])
# Draw The Small Circle In The Center --> The Hand "Holder"
dc.DrawCircle(centerX, centerY, 4*self.scale)
def SetIntervals(self, intervals=None):
Sets the intervals for :class:`SpeedMeter` (main ticks numeric values).
:param `intervals`: a Python list of main ticks to be displayed. If defaulted
to ``None``, the list `[0, 50, 100]` is used.
if intervals is None:
intervals = [0, 50, 100]
self._intervals = intervals
def GetIntervals(self):
""" Returns the intervals for :class:`SpeedMeter`, a Python list of main ticks displayed. """
return self._intervals
def SetSpeedValue(self, value=None):
Sets the current value for :class:`SpeedMeter`.
:param `value`: a floating point number representing the current value. If defaulted
to ``None``, the :class:`SpeedMeter` value will be the middle point of the control range.
if value is None:
value = (max(self._intervals) - min(self._intervals))/2.0
if value < min(self._intervals):
raise Exception("\nERROR: Value Is Smaller Than Minimum Element In Points List")
elif value > max(self._intervals):
raise Exception("\nERROR: Value Is Greater Than Maximum Element In Points List")
self._speedvalue = value
def GetSpeedValue(self):
""" Returns the current value for :class:`SpeedMeter`. """
return self._speedvalue
def SetAngleRange(self, start=0, end=pi):
Sets the range of existence for :class:`SpeedMeter`.
:param `start`: the starting angle, in radians;
:param `end`: the ending angle, in radians.
self._anglerange = [start, end]
def GetAngleRange(self):
Returns the range of existence for :class:`SpeedMeter`.
The returned values are in radians.
return self._anglerange
def SetIntervalColours(self, colours=None):
Sets the colours for the intervals.
:param `colours`: a Python list of colours. The length of this list should be
the same as the number of circle sectors in :class:`SpeedMeter`. If defaulted to ``None``,
all the intervals will have a white colour.
:note: Every interval (circle sector) should have a colour.
if colours is None:
if not hasattr(self, "_anglerange"):
errstr = "\nERROR: Impossible To Set Interval Colours,"
errstr = errstr + " Please Define The Intervals Ranges Before."
raise Exception(errstr)
colours = [wx.WHITE]*len(self._intervals)
if len(colours) != len(self._intervals) - 1:
errstr = "\nERROR: Length Of Colour List Does Not Match Length"
errstr = errstr + " Of Intervals Ranges List."
raise Exception(errstr)
self._intervalcolours = colours
def GetIntervalColours(self):
""" Returns the colours for the intervals."""
if hasattr(self, "_intervalcolours"):
return self._intervalcolours
raise Exception("\nERROR: No Interval Colours Have Been Defined")
def SetTicks(self, ticks=None):
Sets the ticks for :class:`SpeedMeter` intervals (main ticks string values).
:param `ticks`: a Python list of strings, representing the ticks values.
If defaulted to ``None``, the ticks will be taken from the interval values.
if ticks is None:
if not hasattr(self, "_anglerange"):
errstr = "\nERROR: Impossible To Set Interval Ticks,"
errstr = errstr + " Please Define The Intervals Ranges Before."
raise Exception(errstr)
ticks = []
for values in self._intervals:
if len(ticks) != len(self._intervals):
errstr = "\nERROR: Length Of Ticks List Does Not Match Length"
errstr = errstr + " Of Intervals Ranges List."
raise Exception(errstr)
self._intervalticks = ticks
def GetTicks(self):
""" Returns the ticks for :class:`SpeedMeter` intervals (main ticks string values)."""
if hasattr(self, "_intervalticks"):
return self._intervalticks
raise Exception("\nERROR: No Interval Ticks Have Been Defined")
def SetTicksFont(self, font=None):
Sets the ticks font.
:param `font`: a valid :class:`Font` object. If defaulted to ``None``, some standard
font will be chosen automatically.
if font is None:
self._originalfont = [wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD, False)]
self._originalsize = 10
self._originalfont = [font]
self._originalsize = font.GetPointSize()
def GetTicksFont(self):
""" Returns the ticks font."""
return self._originalfont[:], self._originalsize
def SetTicksColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the ticks colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object. If defaulted to ``None``, the
ticks colour will be set as blue.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.BLUE
self._tickscolour = colour
def GetTicksColour(self):
""" Returns the ticks colour."""
return self._tickscolour
def SetSpeedBackground(self, colour=None):
Sets the background colour outside the :class:`SpeedMeter` control.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object. If defaulted to ``None``, the
:class:`SpeedMeter` background will be taken from the system default.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(0)
self._speedbackground = colour
def GetSpeedBackground(self):
""" Returns the background colour outside the :class:`SpeedMeter` control."""
return self._speedbackground
def SetHandColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the hand (arrow indicator) colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object. If defaulted to ``None``, the arrow
indicator will be red.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.RED
self._handcolour = colour
def GetHandColour(self):
""" Returns the hand (arrow indicator) colour."""
return self._handcolour
def SetArcColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the external arc colour (thicker line).
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object. If defaulted to ``None``, the arc
colour will be black.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.BLACK
self._arccolour = colour
def GetArcColour(self):
""" Returns the external arc colour."""
return self._arccolour
def SetShadowColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the hand's shadow colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object. If defaulted to ``None``, the shadow
colour will be light grey.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.Colour(150, 150, 150)
self._shadowcolour = colour
def GetShadowColour(self):
""" Returns the hand's shadow colour."""
return self._shadowcolour
def SetFillerColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the partial filler colour.
A circle corona near the ticks will be filled with this colour, from
the starting value to the current value of :class:`SpeedMeter`.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.Colour(255, 150, 50)
self._fillercolour = colour
def GetFillerColour(self):
""" Returns the partial filler colour."""
return self._fillercolour
def SetDirection(self, direction=None):
Sets the direction of advancing :class:`SpeedMeter` value.
:param `direction`: specifying "advance" will move the hand in clock-wise direction
(like normal car speed control), while using "reverse" will move it counterclock-wise
direction. If defaulted to ``None``, then "advance" will be used.
if direction is None:
direction = "Advance"
if direction not in ["Advance", "Reverse"]:
raise Exception('\nERROR: Direction Parameter Should Be One Of "Advance" Or "Reverse".')
self._direction = direction
def GetDirection(self):
""" Returns the direction of advancing :class:`SpeedMeter` value."""
return self._direction
def SetNumberOfSecondaryTicks(self, ticknum=None):
Sets the number of secondary (intermediate) ticks.
:param `ticknum`: the number of intermediate ticks. If defaulted to ``None``,
3 ticks are used.
if ticknum is None:
ticknum = 3
if ticknum < 1:
raise Exception("\nERROR: Number Of Ticks Must Be Greater Than 1.")
self._secondaryticks = ticknum
def GetNumberOfSecondaryTicks(self):
""" Returns the number of secondary (intermediate) ticks. """
return self._secondaryticks
def SetMiddleText(self, text=None):
Sets the text to be drawn near the center of :class:`SpeedMeter`.
:param `text`: the text to be drawn near the center of :class:`SpeedMeter`. If
defaulted to ``None``, an empty string will be used.
if text is None:
text = ""
self._middletext = text
def GetMiddleText(self):
""" Returns the text to be drawn near the center of :class:`SpeedMeter`. """
return self._middletext
def SetMiddleTextFont(self, font=None):
Sets the font for the text in the middle.
:param `font`: a valid :class:`Font` object. If defaulted to ``None``, some
standard font will be generated.
if font is None:
self._middletextfont = wx.Font(1, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD, False)
self._middletextsize = 10.0
self._middletextfont = font
self._middletextsize = font.GetPointSize()
def GetMiddleTextFont(self):
""" Returns the font for the text in the middle."""
return self._middletextfont, self._middletextsize
def SetMiddleTextColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the colour for the text in the middle.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object. If defaulted to ``None``, the text
in the middle will be painted in blue.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.BLUE
self._middlecolour = colour
def GetMiddleTextColour(self):
""" Returns the colour for the text in the middle."""
return self._middlecolour
def SetMiddleIcon(self, icon):
Sets the icon to be drawn near the center of :class:`SpeedMeter`.
:param `icon`: a valid :class:`Bitmap` object.
if icon.IsOk():
self._middleicon = icon
raise Exception("\nERROR: Invalid Icon Passed To SpeedMeter.")
def GetMiddleIcon(self):
""" Returns the icon to be drawn near the center of :class:`SpeedMeter`. """
return self._middleicon
def GetMiddleIconDimens(self):
""" Used internally. """
return self._middleicon.GetWidth(), self._middleicon.GetHeight()
def CircleCoords(self, radius, angle, centerX, centerY):
Converts the input values into logical x, y coordinates.
:param `radius`: the :class:`SpeedMeter` radius;
:param `angle`: the angular position of the mouse;
:param `centerX`: the `x` position of the :class:`SpeedMeter` center;
:param `centerX`: the `y` position of the :class:`SpeedMeter` center.
x = radius*cos(angle) + centerX
y = radius*sin(angle) + centerY
return x, y
def GetIntersection(self, current, intervals):
""" Used internally. """
if self.GetDirection() == "Reverse":
interval = intervals[:]
interval = intervals
indexes = list(range(len(intervals)))
intersection = [ind for ind in indexes if interval[ind] <= current <= interval[ind+1]]
if self.GetDirection() == "Reverse":
intersection = [len(intervals) - 1]
intersection = [0]
return intersection[0]
def SetFirstGradientColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the first gradient colour (near the ticks).
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.Colour(145, 220, 200)
self._firstgradientcolour = colour
def GetFirstGradientColour(self):
""" Returns the first gradient colour (near the ticks). """
return self._firstgradientcolour
def SetSecondGradientColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the second gradient colour (near the center).
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.WHITE
self._secondgradientcolour = colour
def GetSecondGradientColour(self):
""" Returns the first gradient colour (near the center). """
return self._secondgradientcolour
def SetHandStyle(self, style=None):
Sets the style for the hand (arrow indicator).
:param `style`: by specifying "Hand", :class:`SpeedMeter` will draw a polygon
that simulates the car speed control indicator. Using "Arrow" will force
:class:`SpeedMeter` to draw a simple arrow. If defaulted to ``None``, "Hand" will
be used.
if style is None:
style = "Hand"
if style not in ["Hand", "Arrow"]:
raise Exception('\nERROR: Hand Style Parameter Should Be One Of "Hand" Or "Arrow".')
self._handstyle = style
def GetHandStyle(self):
""" Returns the style for the hand (arrow indicator)."""
return self._handstyle
def DrawExternalArc(self, draw=True):
Specify wheter or not you wish to draw the external (thicker) arc.
:param `draw`: ``True`` to draw the external arc, ``False`` otherwise.
self._drawarc = draw
def OnMouseMotion(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS`` event for :class:`SpeedMeter`.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
:note: Here only left clicks/drags are involved. Should :class:`SpeedMeter`
have something more?
mousex = event.GetX()
mousey = event.GetY()
if event.Leaving():
pos = self.GetClientSize()
size = self.GetPosition()
centerX = self.CenterX
centerY = self.CenterY
direction = self.GetDirection()
if event.LeftIsDown():
angle = atan2(float(mousey) - centerY, centerX - float(mousex)) + pi - self.EndAngle
if angle >= 2*pi:
angle = angle - 2*pi
if direction == "Advance":
currentvalue = (self.StartAngle - self.EndAngle - angle)*float(self.Span)/(self.StartAngle - self.EndAngle) + self.StartValue
currentvalue = (angle)*float(self.Span)/(self.StartAngle - self.EndAngle) + self.StartValue
if currentvalue >= self.StartValue and currentvalue <= self.EndValue:
def GetSpeedStyle(self):
""" Returns a list of strings and a list of integers containing the styles. """
stringstyle = []
integerstyle = []
if self._agwStyle & SM_ROTATE_TEXT:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECTORS:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_SECTORS:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_HAND:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SHADOW:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_PARTIAL_FILLER:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_SECONDARY_TICKS:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_TEXT:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_MIDDLE_ICON:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_GRADIENT:
if self._agwStyle & SM_DRAW_FANCY_TICKS:
return stringstyle, integerstyle