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2015-03-06 12:11:40 +00:00
# Name: wx.lib.filebrowsebutton
# Purpose: Composite controls that provide a Browse button next to
# either a wxTextCtrl or a wxComboBox. The Browse button
# launches a wxFileDialog and loads the result into the
# other control.
# Author: Mike Fletcher
# Copyright: (c) 2000 by Total Control Software
# Licence: wxWindows license
# Tags: phoenix-port
# 12/02/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
# o 2.5 Compatability changes
import os
import types
import wx
class FileBrowseButton(wx.Panel):
A control to allow the user to type in a filename or browse with
the standard file dialog to select file
def __init__ (self, parent, id= -1,
pos = wx.DefaultPosition,
size = wx.DefaultSize,
style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL,
labelText= "File Entry:",
buttonText= "Browse",
toolTip= "Type filename or click browse to choose file",
# following are the values for a file dialog box
dialogTitle = "Choose a file",
startDirectory = ".",
initialValue = "",
fileMask = "*.*",
fileMode = wx.FD_OPEN,
# callback for when value changes (optional)
changeCallback= lambda x:x,
labelWidth = 0,
name = 'fileBrowseButton',
:param labelText: Text for label to left of text field
:param buttonText: Text for button which launches the file dialog
:param toolTip: Help text
:param dialogTitle: Title used in file dialog
:param startDirectory: Default directory for file dialog startup
:param fileMask: File mask (glob pattern, such as *.*) to use in file dialog
:param fileMode: wx.FD_OPEN or wx.FD_SAVE, indicates type of file dialog to use
:param changeCallback: Optional callback called for all changes in value of the control
:param labelWidth: Width of the label
# store variables
self.labelText = labelText
self.buttonText = buttonText
self.toolTip = toolTip
self.dialogTitle = dialogTitle
self.startDirectory = startDirectory
self.initialValue = initialValue
self.fileMask = fileMask
self.fileMode = fileMode
self.changeCallback = changeCallback
self.callCallback = True
self.labelWidth = labelWidth
# create the dialog
self.createDialog(parent, id, pos, size, style, name )
# Setting a value causes the changeCallback to be called.
# In this case that would be before the return of the
# constructor. Not good. So a default value on
# SetValue is used to disable the callback
self.SetValue( initialValue, 0)
def createDialog( self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name ):
"""Setup the graphic representation of the dialog"""
wx.Panel.__init__ (self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
self.SetMinSize(size) # play nice with sizers
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
self.label = self.createLabel( )
box.Add( self.label, 0, wx.CENTER )
self.textControl = self.createTextControl()
box.Add( self.textControl, 1, wx.LEFT|wx.CENTER, 5)
self.browseButton = self.createBrowseButton()
box.Add( self.browseButton, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.CENTER, 5)
# add a border around the whole thing and resize the panel to fit
outsidebox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
outsidebox.Add(box, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 3)
self.SetSizer( outsidebox )
if type(size) == tuple:
size = wx.Size(size)
self.SetSize(-1, -1, size.width, size.height, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
# if size.width != -1 or size.height != -1:
# self.SetSize(size)
def SetBackgroundColour(self,color):
def createLabel( self ):
"""Create the label/caption"""
label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, self.labelText, style =wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
font = label.GetFont()
w, h, d, e = self.GetFullTextExtent(self.labelText, font)
if self.labelWidth > 0:
label.SetSize((self.labelWidth+5, h))
label.SetSize((w+5, h))
return label
def createTextControl( self):
"""Create the text control"""
textControl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
textControl.SetToolTip( self.toolTip )
if self.changeCallback:
textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged)
textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnChanged)
return textControl
def OnChanged(self, evt):
if self.callCallback and self.changeCallback:
def createBrowseButton( self):
"""Create the browse-button control"""
button =wx.Button(self, -1, self.buttonText)
button.SetToolTip( self.toolTip )
button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBrowse)
return button
def OnBrowse (self, event = None):
""" Going to browse for file... """
current = self.GetValue()
directory = os.path.split(current)
if os.path.isdir( current):
directory = current
current = ''
elif directory and os.path.isdir( directory[0] ):
current = directory[1]
directory = directory [0]
directory = self.startDirectory
current = ''
dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, self.dialogTitle, directory, current,
self.fileMask, self.fileMode)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
def GetValue (self):
retrieve current value of text control
return self.textControl.GetValue()
def SetValue (self, value, callBack=1):
"""set current value of text control"""
save = self.callCallback
self.callCallback = callBack
self.callCallback = save
def GetLabel( self ):
""" Retrieve the label's current text """
return self.label.GetLabel()
def SetLabel( self, value ):
""" Set the label's current text """
rvalue = self.label.SetLabel( value )
self.Refresh( True )
return rvalue
class FileBrowseButtonWithHistory( FileBrowseButton ):
with following additions:
__init__(..., history=None)
history -- optional list of paths for initial history drop-down
(must be passed by name, not a positional argument)
If history is callable it will must return a list used
for the history drop-down
changeCallback -- as for FileBrowseButton, but with a work-around
for win32 systems which don't appear to create wx.EVT_COMBOBOX
events properly. There is a (slight) chance that this work-around
will cause some systems to create two events for each Combobox
selection. If you discover this condition, please report it!
As for a FileBrowseButton.__init__ otherwise.
Return reference to the control which implements interfaces
required for manipulating the history list. See GetHistoryControl
documentation for description of what that interface is.
Return current history list
SetHistory( value=(), selectionIndex = None )
Set current history list, if selectionIndex is not None, select that index
def __init__( self, *arguments, **namedarguments):
self.history = namedarguments.get( "history" )
if self.history:
del namedarguments["history"]
if callable(self.history):
name = namedarguments.get('name', 'fileBrowseButtonWithHistory')
namedarguments['name'] = name
FileBrowseButton.__init__(self, *arguments, **namedarguments)
def createTextControl( self):
"""Create the text control"""
textControl = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN )
textControl.SetToolTip( self.toolTip )
textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
if self.changeCallback:
textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged)
textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnChanged)
if self.history:
self.SetHistory( history, control=textControl)
return textControl
def GetHistoryControl( self ):
Return a pointer to the control which provides (at least)
the following methods for manipulating the history list:
Append( item ) -- add item
Clear() -- clear all items
Delete( index ) -- 0-based index to delete from list
SetSelection( index ) -- 0-based index to select in list
Semantics of the methods follow those for the wxComboBox control
return self.textControl
def SetHistory( self, value=(), selectionIndex = None, control=None ):
"""Set the current history list"""
if control is None:
control = self.GetHistoryControl()
if self.history == value:
self.history = value
# Clear history values not the selected one.
# clear previous values
# walk through, appending new values
for path in value:
control.Append( path )
if selectionIndex is not None:
control.SetSelection( selectionIndex )
def GetHistory( self ):
"""Return the current history list"""
if self.historyCallBack != None:
return self.historyCallBack()
elif self.history:
return list( self.history )
return []
def OnSetFocus(self, event):
"""When the history scroll is selected, update the history"""
if self.historyCallBack != None:
self.SetHistory( self.historyCallBack(), control=self.textControl)
if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
def SetValue (self, value, callBack=1):
""" Convenient setting of text control value, works
around limitation of wx.ComboBox """
save = self.callCallback
self.callCallback = callBack
self.callCallback = save
# Hack to call an event handler
class LocalEvent:
def __init__(self, string):
def GetString(self):
return self._string
if callBack==1:
# The callback wasn't being called when SetValue was used ??
# So added this explicit call to it
class DirBrowseButton(FileBrowseButton):
def __init__(self, parent, id = -1,
pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL,
labelText = 'Select a directory:',
buttonText = 'Browse',
toolTip = 'Type directory name or browse to select',
dialogTitle = '',
startDirectory = '.',
changeCallback = None,
dialogClass = wx.DirDialog,
newDirectory = False,
name = 'dirBrowseButton'):
FileBrowseButton.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style,
labelText, buttonText, toolTip,
dialogTitle, startDirectory,
changeCallback = changeCallback,
name = name)
self.dialogClass = dialogClass
self.newDirectory = newDirectory
def OnBrowse(self, ev = None):
if not self.newDirectory:
style |= wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST
dialog = self.dialogClass(self,
message = self.dialogTitle,
defaultPath = self.startDirectory,
style = style)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
if __name__ == "__main__":
#from skeletonbuilder import rulesfile
class SimpleCallback:
def __init__( self, tag ):
self.tag = tag
def __call__( self, event ):
print(self.tag, event.GetString())
class DemoFrame( wx.Frame ):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "File entry with browse", size=(500,260))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)
panel = wx.Panel (self,-1)
innerbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
control = FileBrowseButton(
initialValue = "z:\\temp",
innerbox.Add( control, 0, wx.EXPAND )
middlecontrol = FileBrowseButtonWithHistory(
labelText = "With History",
initialValue = "d:\\temp",
history = ["c:\\temp", "c:\\tmp", "r:\\temp","z:\\temp"],
changeCallback= SimpleCallback( "With History" ),
innerbox.Add( middlecontrol, 0, wx.EXPAND )
middlecontrol = FileBrowseButtonWithHistory(
labelText = "History callback",
initialValue = "d:\\temp",
history = self.historyCallBack,
changeCallback= SimpleCallback( "History callback" ),
innerbox.Add( middlecontrol, 0, wx.EXPAND )
self.bottomcontrol = control = FileBrowseButton(
labelText = "With Callback",
changeCallback= SimpleCallback( "With Callback" ),
innerbox.Add( control, 0, wx.EXPAND)
self.bottommostcontrol = control = DirBrowseButton(
labelText = "Simple dir browse button",
innerbox.Add( control, 0, wx.EXPAND)
ID = wx.NewId()
innerbox.Add( wx.Button( panel, ID,"Change Label", ), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnChangeLabel , id=ID)
ID = wx.NewId()
innerbox.Add( wx.Button( panel, ID,"Change Value", ), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnChangeValue, id=ID )
panel.SetSizer( innerbox )
self.history={"c:\\temp":1, "c:\\tmp":1, "r:\\temp":1,"z:\\temp":1}
def historyCallBack(self):
return keys
def OnFileNameChangedHistory (self, event):
self.history[event.GetString ()]=1
def OnCloseMe(self, event):
def OnChangeLabel( self, event ):
self.bottomcontrol.SetLabel( "Label Updated" )
def OnChangeValue( self, event ):
self.bottomcontrol.SetValue( "r:\\somewhere\\over\\the\\rainbow.htm" )
def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
class DemoApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
frame = DemoFrame(None)
return True
def test( ):
app = DemoApp(0)
print('Creating dialog')
test( )