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# Name: wx.lib.pdfwin
# Purpose: A class that allows the use of the Acrobat PDF reader
# ActiveX control
# Author: Robin Dunn
# Created: 22-March-2004
# Copyright: (c) 2004 by Total Control Software
# Licence: wxWindows license
import wx
_acroversion = None
def get_acroversion():
" Return version of Adobe Acrobat executable or None"
global _acroversion
if _acroversion == None and wx.PlatformInfo[1] == 'wxMSW':
import _winreg
regKey = _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
acrokeys, acroversions = [], []
adobesoft = _winreg.OpenKey(regKey, r'Software\Adobe')
except WindowsError:
regKey = _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER
adobesoft = _winreg.OpenKey(regKey, r'Software\Adobe')
for index in range(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(adobesoft)[0]):
key = _winreg.EnumKey(adobesoft, index)
if "acrobat" in key.lower():
acrokeys.append(_winreg.OpenKey(regKey, 'Software\\Adobe\\%s' % key))
for acrokey in acrokeys:
for index in range(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(acrokey)[0]):
key = _winreg.EnumKey(acrokey, index)
if acroversions:
_acroversion = acroversions[0]
return _acroversion
# The ActiveX module from Acrobat 7.0 has changed and it seems to now
# require much more from the container than what our wx.activex module
# provides. If we try to use it via wx.activex then Acrobat crashes.
# So instead we will use Internet Explorer (via the win32com modules
# so we can use better dynamic dispatch) and embed the Acrobat control
# within that. Acrobat provides the IAcroAXDocShim COM class that is
# accessible via the IE window's Document property after a PDF file
# has been loaded.
# Details of the Acrobat reader methods can be found in
# http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACOverview.pdf
# http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACReference.pdf
# Co-ordinates passed as parameters are in points (1/72 inch).
if get_acroversion() >= 7.0:
from wx.lib.activexwrapper import MakeActiveXClass
import win32com.client.gencache
_browserModule = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule(
"{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}", 0, 1, 1)
class PDFWindowError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self):
RuntimeError.__init__(self, "A PDF must be loaded before calling this method.")
class PDFWindow(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
# Make a new class that derives from the WebBrowser class
# in the COM module imported above. This class also
# derives from wxWindow and implements the machinery
# needed to integrate the two worlds.
_WebBrowserClass = MakeActiveXClass(_browserModule.WebBrowser)
self.ie = _WebBrowserClass(self, -1)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
sizer.Add(self.ie, 1, wx.EXPAND)
def LoadFile(self, fileName):
Opens and displays the specified document within the browser.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.LoadFile(fileName)
return True # can we sense failure at this point?
def GetVersions(self):
Deprecated: No longer available - do not use.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.GetVersions()
raise PDFWindowError()
def Print(self):
Prints the document according to the specified options in a user dialog box.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.Print()
raise PDFWindowError()
def goBackwardStack(self):
Goes to the previous view on the view stack, if it exists.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.goBackwardStack()
raise PDFWindowError()
def goForwardStack(self):
Goes to the next view on the view stack, if it exists.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.goForwardStack()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoFirstPage(self):
Goes to the first page in the document.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoFirstPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoLastPage(self):
Goes to the last page in the document.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoLastPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoNextPage(self):
Goes to the next page in the document, if it exists
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoNextPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoPreviousPage(self):
Goes to the previous page in the document, if it exists.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoPreviousPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def printAll(self):
Prints the entire document without displaying a user
dialog box. The current printer, page settings, and job
settings are used. This method returns immediately, even
if the printing has not completed.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printAll()
raise PDFWindowError()
def printAllFit(self, shrinkToFit):
Prints the entire document without a user dialog box, and
(if shrinkToFit) shrinks pages as needed to fit the
imageable area of a page in the printer.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printAllFit(shrinkToFit)
raise PDFWindowError()
def printPages(self, from_, to):
Prints the specified pages without displaying a user dialog box.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printPages(from_, to)
raise PDFWindowError()
def printPagesFit(self, from_, to, shrinkToFit):
Prints the specified pages without displaying a user
dialog box, and (if shrinkToFit) shrinks pages as needed
to fit the imageable area of a page in the printer.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printPagesFit( from_, to, shrinkToFit)
raise PDFWindowError()
def printWithDialog(self):
Prints the document according to the specified options in
a user dialog box. These options may include embedded
printing and specifying which printer is to be used.
NB. The page range in the dialog defaults to
'From Page 1 to 1' - Use Print() above instead. (dfh)
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printWithDialog()
raise PDFWindowError()
def setCurrentHighlight(self, a, b, c, d):
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setCurrentHighlight(a, b, c, d)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setCurrentPage(self, npage):
Goes to the specified page in the document. Maintains the
current location within the page and zoom level. npage is
the page number of the destination page. The first page
in a document is page 0.
## Oh no it isn't! The first page is 1 (dfh)
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setCurrentPage(npage)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setLayoutMode(self, layoutMode):
LayoutMode possible values:
================= ====================================
'DontCare' use the current user preference
'SinglePage' use single page mode (as in pre-Acrobat
3.0 viewers)
'OneColumn' use one-column continuous mode
'TwoColumnLeft' use two-column continuous mode, first
page on the left
'TwoColumnRight' use two-column continuous mode, first
page on the right
================= ====================================
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setLayoutMode(layoutMode)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setNamedDest(self, namedDest):
Changes the page view to the named destination in the specified string.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setNamedDest(namedDest)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setPageMode(self, pageMode):
Sets the page mode to display the document only, or to
additionally display bookmarks or thumbnails. pageMode =
'none' or 'bookmarks' or 'thumbs'.
## NB.'thumbs' is case-sensitive, the other are not (dfh)
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setPageMode(pageMode)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setShowScrollbars(self, On):
Determines whether scrollbars will appear in the document
## NB. If scrollbars are off, the navigation tools disappear as well (dfh)
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setShowScrollbars(On)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setShowToolbar(self, On):
Determines whether a toolbar will appear in the application.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setShowToolbar(On)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setView(self, viewMode):
Determines how the page will fit in the current view.
viewMode possible values:
======== ==============================================
'Fit' fits whole page within the window both vertically
and horizontally.
'FitH' fits the width of the page within the window.
'FitV' fits the height of the page within the window.
'FitB' fits bounding box within the window both vertically
and horizontally.
'FitBH' fits the width of the bounding box within the window.
'FitBV' fits the height of the bounding box within the window.
======== ==============================================
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setView(viewMode)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setViewRect(self, left, top, width, height):
Sets the view rectangle according to the specified coordinates.
:param left: The upper left horizontal coordinate.
:param top: The vertical coordinate in the upper left corner.
:param width: The horizontal width of the rectangle.
:param height: The vertical height of the rectangle.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setViewRect(left, top, width, height)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setViewScroll(self, viewMode, offset):
Sets the view of a page according to the specified string.
Depending on the view mode, the page is either scrolled to
the right or scrolled down by the amount specified in
offset. Possible values of viewMode are as in setView
above. offset is the horizontal or vertical coordinate
positioned either at the left or top edge.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setViewScroll(viewMode, offset)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setZoom(self, percent):
Sets the magnification according to the specified value
expressed as a percentage (float)
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setZoom(percent)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setZoomScroll(self, percent, left, top):
Sets the magnification according to the specified value,
and scrolls the page view both horizontally and vertically
according to the specified amounts.
:param left: the horizontal coordinate positioned at the left edge.
:param top: the vertical coordinate positioned at the top edge.
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.setZoomScroll(percent, left, top)
raise PDFWindowError()
elif get_acroversion() is not None:
import wx.activex
clsID = '{CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000}'
progID = 'AcroPDF.PDF.1'
# Create eventTypes and event binders
wxEVT_Error = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('OnError')
wxEVT_Message = wx.activex.RegisterActiveXEvent('OnMessage')
EVT_Error = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_Error, 1)
EVT_Message = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_Message, 1)
# Derive a new class from ActiveXWindow
class PDFWindow(wx.activex.ActiveXWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, ID=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name='PDFWindow'):
wx.activex.ActiveXWindow.__init__(self, parent,
ID, pos, size, style, name)
# Methods exported by the ActiveX object
def QueryInterface(self, riid):
return self.CallAXMethod('QueryInterface', riid)
def AddRef(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('AddRef')
def Release(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Release')
def GetTypeInfoCount(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetTypeInfoCount')
def GetTypeInfo(self, itinfo, lcid):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetTypeInfo', itinfo, lcid)
def GetIDsOfNames(self, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetIDsOfNames', riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid)
def Invoke(self, dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams):
return self.CallAXMethod('Invoke', dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams)
def LoadFile(self, fileName):
return self.CallAXMethod('LoadFile', fileName)
def setShowToolbar(self, On):
return self.CallAXMethod('setShowToolbar', On)
def gotoFirstPage(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('gotoFirstPage')
def gotoLastPage(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('gotoLastPage')
def gotoNextPage(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('gotoNextPage')
def gotoPreviousPage(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('gotoPreviousPage')
def setCurrentPage(self, n):
return self.CallAXMethod('setCurrentPage', n)
def goForwardStack(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('goForwardStack')
def goBackwardStack(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('goBackwardStack')
def setPageMode(self, pageMode):
return self.CallAXMethod('setPageMode', pageMode)
def setLayoutMode(self, layoutMode):
return self.CallAXMethod('setLayoutMode', layoutMode)
def setNamedDest(self, namedDest):
return self.CallAXMethod('setNamedDest', namedDest)
def Print(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('Print')
def printWithDialog(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('printWithDialog')
def setZoom(self, percent):
return self.CallAXMethod('setZoom', percent)
def setZoomScroll(self, percent, left, top):
return self.CallAXMethod('setZoomScroll', percent, left, top)
def setView(self, viewMode):
return self.CallAXMethod('setView', viewMode)
def setViewScroll(self, viewMode, offset):
return self.CallAXMethod('setViewScroll', viewMode, offset)
def setViewRect(self, left, top, width, height):
return self.CallAXMethod('setViewRect', left, top, width, height)
def printPages(self, from_, to):
return self.CallAXMethod('printPages', from_, to)
def printPagesFit(self, from_, to, shrinkToFit):
return self.CallAXMethod('printPagesFit', from_, to, shrinkToFit)
def printAll(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('printAll')
def printAllFit(self, shrinkToFit):
return self.CallAXMethod('printAllFit', shrinkToFit)
def setShowScrollbars(self, On):
return self.CallAXMethod('setShowScrollbars', On)
def GetVersions(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetVersions')
def setCurrentHighlight(self, a, b, c, d):
return self.CallAXMethod('setCurrentHighlight', a, b, c, d)
def postMessage(self, strArray):
return self.CallAXMethod('postMessage', strArray)
# Getters, Setters and properties
def _get_src(self):
return self.GetAXProp('src')
def _set_src(self, src):
self.SetAXProp('src', src)
src = property(_get_src, _set_src)
def _get_messageHandler(self):
return self.GetAXProp('messageHandler')
def _set_messageHandler(self, messageHandler):
self.SetAXProp('messageHandler', messageHandler)
messagehandler = property(_get_messageHandler, _set_messageHandler)
# --------------------
# src
# type:string arg:string canGet:True canSet:True
# messagehandler
# type:VT_VARIANT arg:VT_VARIANT canGet:True canSet:True
# --------------------
# QueryInterface
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# riid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# ppvObj
# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 26
# AddRef
# retType: int
# Release
# retType: int
# GetTypeInfoCount
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# pctinfo
# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# GetTypeInfo
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# itinfo
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# lcid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# pptinfo
# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 26
# GetIDsOfNames
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# riid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# rgszNames
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 26
# cNames
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# lcid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# rgdispid
# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# Invoke
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# dispidMember
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# riid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# lcid
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# wFlags
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# pdispparams
# in:True out:False optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# pvarResult
# in:False out:True optional:False type:VT_VARIANT
# pexcepinfo
# in:False out:True optional:False type:unsupported type 29
# puArgErr
# in:False out:True optional:False type:int
# LoadFile
# retType: bool
# params:
# fileName
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setShowToolbar
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# On
# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# gotoFirstPage
# retType: VT_VOID
# gotoLastPage
# retType: VT_VOID
# gotoNextPage
# retType: VT_VOID
# gotoPreviousPage
# retType: VT_VOID
# setCurrentPage
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# n
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# goForwardStack
# retType: VT_VOID
# goBackwardStack
# retType: VT_VOID
# setPageMode
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# pageMode
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setLayoutMode
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# layoutMode
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setNamedDest
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# namedDest
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# Print
# retType: VT_VOID
# printWithDialog
# retType: VT_VOID
# setZoom
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# percent
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# setZoomScroll
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# percent
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# left
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# top
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# setView
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# viewMode
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# setViewScroll
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# viewMode
# in:True out:False optional:False type:string
# offset
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# setViewRect
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# left
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# top
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# width
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# height
# in:True out:False optional:False type:double
# printPages
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# from
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# to
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# printPagesFit
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# from
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# to
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# shrinkToFit
# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# printAll
# retType: VT_VOID
# printAllFit
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# shrinkToFit
# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# setShowScrollbars
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# On
# in:True out:False optional:False type:bool
# GetVersions
# retType: VT_VARIANT
# setCurrentHightlight
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# a
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# b
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# c
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# d
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# setCurrentHighlight
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# a
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# b
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# c
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# d
# in:True out:False optional:False type:int
# postMessage
# retType: VT_VOID
# params:
# strArray
# in:True out:False optional:False type:VT_VARIANT
# --------------------
# Error
# retType: VT_VOID
# Message
# retType: VT_VOID