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2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
import sys
import os
import ctypes
import _winreg
"""Class to extract system information from a MS-Windows Box:
Instructions for Using:
Instance the class WindowsSystemInformation
Then in the instance, access the following variables:
s = SystemInformation()
print s.os
s.refresh() # if you need to refresh the dynamic data (i.e. Memory stats, etc)
def get_registry_value(key, subkey, value):
if sys.platform != 'win32':
raise OSError("get_registry_value is only supported on Windows")
key = getattr(_winreg, key)
handle = _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey)
(value, type) = _winreg.QueryValueEx(handle, value)
return value
c_ulong = ctypes.c_ulong
class MEMORYSTATUS(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('dwLength', c_ulong),
('dwMemoryLoad', c_ulong),
('dwTotalPhys', c_ulong),
('dwAvailPhys', c_ulong),
('dwTotalPageFile', c_ulong),
('dwAvailPageFile', c_ulong),
('dwTotalVirtual', c_ulong),
('dwAvailVirtual', c_ulong)
class SystemInformation:
def __init__(self):
# Just in in case somebody called this class by accident, we should
# check to make sure the OS is MS-Windows before continuing.
assert sys.platform == 'win32', "Not an MS-Windows Computer. This class should not be called"
# os contains the Operating System Name with Service Pack and Build
# Example: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (build 2600)
self.os = self._os_version().strip()
# cpu contains the CPU model and speed
# Example: Intel Core(TM)2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz
self.cpu = self._cpu().strip()
self.totalRAM, self.availableRAM, self.totalPF, self.availablePF, self.memoryLoad, self.totalVM, self.availableVM = self._ram()
# totalRam contains the total amount of RAM in the system
self.totalRAM = self.totalRAM / 1024
# totalVM contains the total amount of VM available to the system
self.totalVM = self.totalVM / 1024
# availableVM contains the amount of VM that is free
self.availableVM = self.availableVM / 1024
# availableRam: Ammount of available RAM in the system
self.availableRAM = self.availableRAM / 1024
def refresh(self):
self.totalRAM, self.availableRAM, self.totalPF, self.availablePF, self.memoryLoad, self.totalVM, self.availableVM = self._ram()
self.totalRAM = self.totalRAM / 1024
self.totalVM = self.totalVM / 1024
self.availableVM = self.availableVM / 1024
self.availableRAM = self.availableRAM / 1024
def _os_version(self):
def get(key):
return get_registry_value(
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion",
os = get("ProductName")
sp = get("CSDVersion")
build = get("CurrentBuildNumber")
return "%s %s (build %s)" % (os, sp, build)
def _cpu(self):
return get_registry_value(
def _ram(self):
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
memoryStatus = MEMORYSTATUS()
memoryStatus.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS)
return (memoryStatus.dwTotalPhys, memoryStatus.dwAvailPhys, memoryStatus.dwTotalPageFile, memoryStatus.dwAvailPageFile, memoryStatus.dwMemoryLoad, memoryStatus.dwTotalVirtual, memoryStatus.dwAvailVirtual)
# To test, execute the script standalone.
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = SystemInformation()
print s.os
print s.cpu
print "RAM : %dKb total" % s.totalRAM
print "RAM : %dKb free" % s.availableRAM
print "Total VM: %dKb" % s.totalVM
print "Available VM: %dKb" % s.availableVM