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2015-03-06 12:11:40 +00:00
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Andrea Gavana, @ 07 October 2008
# Latest Revision: 27 Dec 2012, 21.00 GMT
# TODO List
# 1) Anything to do?
# For all kind of problems, requests of enhancements and bug reports, please
# write to me at:
# andrea.gavana@gmail.com
# andrea.gavana@maerskoil.com
# Or, obviously, to the wxPython mailing list!!!
# Tags: phoenix-port, unittest, documented, py3-port
# End Of Comments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
:class:`AquaButton` is another custom-drawn button class which *approximatively* mimics
the behaviour of Aqua buttons on the Mac.
:class:`AquaButton` is another custom-drawn button class which *approximatively* mimics
the behaviour of Aqua buttons on the Mac. At the moment this class supports:
* Bubble and shadow effects;
* Customizable background, foreground and hover colours;
* Rounded-corners buttons;
* Text-only or image+text buttons;
* Pulse effect on gaining focus.
And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.
Sample usage::
import wx
import wx.lib.agw.aquabutton as AB
app = wx.App(0)
frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "AquaButton Test")
mainPanel = wx.Panel(frame)
# Initialize AquaButton 1 (with image)
bitmap = wx.Bitmap("my_button_bitmap.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
btn1 = AB.AquaButton(mainPanel, -1, bitmap, "AquaButton")
# Initialize AquaButton 2 (no image)
btn2 = AB.AquaButton(mainPanel, -1, None, "Hello World!")
Supported Platforms
AquaButton has been tested on the following platforms:
* Windows (Windows XP);
* Linux Ubuntu (10.10).
Window Styles
`No particular window styles are available for this class.`
Events Processing
This class processes the following events:
================= ==================================================
Event Name Description
================= ==================================================
``wx.EVT_BUTTON`` Process a `wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED` event, when the button is clicked.
================= ==================================================
License And Version
:class:`AquaButton` control is distributed under the wxPython license.
Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 27 Dec 2012, 21.00 GMT
Version 0.4
import wx
# Constants for the hovering and clicking effects
""" Indicates that the mouse is hovering over :class:`AquaButton` """
""" Indicates that :class:`AquaButton` has been clicked """
class AquaButtonEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
""" Event sent from the :class:`AquaButton` buttons when the button is activated. """
def __init__(self, eventType, eventId):
Default class constructor.
:param integer `eventType`: the event type;
:param integer `eventId`: the event identifier.
wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, eventType, eventId)
self.isDown = False
self.theButton = None
def SetButtonObj(self, btn):
Sets the event object for the event.
:param `btn`: the button object, an instance of :class:`AquaButton`.
self.theButton = btn
def GetButtonObj(self):
Returns the object associated with this event.
:return: An instance of :class:`AquaButton`.
return self.theButton
class AquaButton(wx.Control):
""" This is the main class implementation of :class:`AquaButton`. """
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, bitmap=None, label="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.NO_BORDER, validator=wx.DefaultValidator,
Default class constructor.
:param Window `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
:param integer `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
:param Bitmap `bitmap`: the button bitmap (if any);
:param string `label`: the button text label;
:param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:type `pos`: tuple or :class:`Point`
:param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:type `size`: tuple or :class:`Size`
:param integer `style`: the button style (unused);
:param Validator `validator`: the validator associated to the button;
:param string `name`: the button name.
wx.Control.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda event: None)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnMouseLeave)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnMouseEnter)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnGainFocus)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnLoseFocus)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnPulseTimer)
if "__WXMSW__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDown)
self._mouseAction = None
self._hasFocus = False
self._saveBitmap = True
self._storedBitmap = wx.NullBitmap
self._pulseOnFocus = False
self._gammaFactor = 1.0
self._gammaIncrement = 0.1
self._timer = wx.Timer(self, wx.ID_ANY)
# The following defaults are better suited to draw the text outline
if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
self._backColour = wx.Colour(147, 202, 255)
self._hoverColour = self.LightColour(self._backColour, 30)
self._focusColour = self.LightColour(self._backColour, 40)
self._disableColour = self.LightColour(self._backColour, 70)
self._textColour = wx.BLACK
self._shadowColour = wx.Colour("grey")
self._rectColour = self.GetParent().GetBackgroundColour()
self._backColour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION)
self._hoverColour = self.LightColour(self._backColour, 30)
self._focusColour = self.LightColour(self._backColour, 40)
self._disableColour = self.LightColour(self._backColour, 70)
self._textColour = wx.WHITE
self._shadowColour = wx.Colour("grey")
self._rectColour = self.GetParent().GetBackgroundColour()
def SetBitmapLabel(self, bitmap):
Sets the bitmap label for the button.
:param `bitmap`: the bitmap label to set, an instance of :class:`Bitmap`.
self._bitmap = bitmap
def LightColour(self, colour, percent):
Return light contrast of `colour`. The colour returned is from the scale of
`colour` ==> white.
:param `colour`: the input colour to be brightened, a valid instance of :class:`Colour`;
:param integer `percent`: determines how light the colour will be. `percent` = ``100``
returns white, `percent` = ``0`` returns `colour`.
:return: A light contrast of the input `colour`, an instance of :class:`Colour`.
end_colour = wx.WHITE
rd = end_colour.Red() - colour.Red()
gd = end_colour.Green() - colour.Green()
bd = end_colour.Blue() - colour.Blue()
high = 100
# We take the percent way of the colour from colour ==> white
i = percent
r = colour.Red() + ((i*rd*100)/high)/100
g = colour.Green() + ((i*gd*100)/high)/100
b = colour.Blue() + ((i*bd*100)/high)/100
return wx.Colour(r, g, b)
def OnPaint(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`PaintEvent` event to be processed.
dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc)
xpos, ypos, width, height = self.GetClientRect()
shadowOffset = 5
btnOffset = 0
clr = self._backColour
if self._mouseAction == CLICK:
shadowOffset = 3
clr = self._hoverColour
btnOffset = 2
elif self._mouseAction == HOVER:
clr = self._hoverColour
elif self._hasFocus:
clr = self._focusColour
elif not self.IsEnabled():
clr = self._disableColour
rc1 = wx.Rect(btnOffset, btnOffset, width-8-btnOffset, height-8-btnOffset)
path1 = self.GetPath(gc, rc1, 10)
br1 = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(0, 0, 0, rc1.height+6, clr, wx.WHITE)
# Create shadow
rc2 = wx.Rect(*rc1)
rc2.Offset((shadowOffset, shadowOffset))
path2 = self.GetPath(gc, rc2, 10)
br2 = gc.CreateRadialGradientBrush(rc2.x, rc2.y,
rc2.x+rc2.width, rc2.y+rc2.height,
rc2.width, self._shadowColour, wx.WHITE)
# Create top water colour to give "aqua" effect
rc3 = wx.Rect(*rc1)
rc3.Inflate(-5, -5)
rc3.height = 15
path3 = self.GetPath(gc, rc3, 10)
br3 = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(rc3.x, rc3.y, rc3.x, rc3.y+rc3.height,
wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 255), wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 0))
# draw shapes
gc.FillPath(path2) #draw shadow
gc.FillPath(path1) #draw main
gc.FillPath(path3) #draw top bubble
font = gc.CreateFont(self.GetFont(), self._textColour)
label = self.GetLabel()
tw, th = gc.GetTextExtent(label)
if self._bitmap:
bw, bh = self._bitmap.GetWidth(), self._bitmap.GetHeight()
bw = bh = 0
pos_x = (width-bw-tw)/2+btnOffset-shadowOffset # adjust for bitmap and text to centre
if self._bitmap:
pos_y = (height-bh-shadowOffset)/2+btnOffset
gc.DrawBitmap(self._bitmap, pos_x, pos_y, bw, bh) # draw bitmap if available
pos_x = pos_x + 2 # extra spacing from bitmap
# Create a Path to draw the text
gc.DrawText(label, pos_x + bw + btnOffset, (height-th-shadowOffset)/2+btnOffset) # draw the text
if self._saveBitmap:
# Save the bitmap using wx.MemoryDC for later use
self._saveBitmap = False
memory = wx.MemoryDC()
self._storedBitmap = wx.Bitmap.FromRGBA(max(width, 1), max(height, 1))
gcMemory = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(memory)
gcMemory.FillPath(path1) #draw main
gcMemory.FillPath(path3) #draw top bubble
if self._bitmap:
gcMemory.DrawBitmap(self._bitmap, pos_x - 2, pos_y, bw, bh)
gcMemory.DrawText(label, pos_x + bw + btnOffset, (height-th-shadowOffset)/2+btnOffset)
self._storedBitmap = self._storedBitmap.ConvertToImage()
def GetPath(self, gc, rc, r):
Returns a rounded :class:`GraphicsPath` rectangle.
:param `gc`: an instance of :class:`GraphicsContext`;
:param Rect `rc`: a client rectangle;
:param float `r`: the radius of the rounded part of the rectangle.
:return: A rounded rectangle, an instance of :class:`GraphicsPath`.
x, y, w, h = rc
path = gc.CreatePath()
path.AddRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, r)
return path
def OnSize(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`SizeEvent` event to be processed.
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self.IsEnabled():
self._mouseAction = CLICK
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_UP`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self.IsEnabled() or not self.HasCapture():
pos = event.GetPosition()
rect = self.GetClientRect()
if self.HasCapture():
if rect.Contains(pos):
self._mouseAction = HOVER
self._mouseAction = None
def OnMouseEnter(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self.IsEnabled():
self._mouseAction = HOVER
def OnMouseLeave(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
self._mouseAction = None
def OnGainFocus(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`FocusEvent` event to be processed.
self._hasFocus = True
if self._pulseOnFocus:
self._gammaFactor = 1.0
def OnLoseFocus(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`FocusEvent` event to be processed.
if self._pulseOnFocus:
self._gammaFactor = 1.0
self._hasFocus = False
def OnKeyDown(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`KeyEvent` event to be processed.
if self._hasFocus and event.GetKeyCode() == ord(" "):
self._mouseAction = HOVER
def OnKeyUp(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`KeyEvent` event to be processed.
if self._hasFocus and event.GetKeyCode() == ord(" "):
self._mouseAction = HOVER
def OnPulseTimer(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for :class:`AquaButton`.
:param `event`: a :class:`TimerEvent` event to be processed.
:note: This method is only invoked when `pulseOnFocus` is ``True``.
if not self._storedBitmap.IsOk():
xpos, ypos, width, height = self.GetClientRect()
gamma = self._gammaFactor
if gamma >= 1.3:
self._gammaIncrement = -self._gammaIncrement
elif gamma < 0.7:
self._gammaIncrement = abs(self._gammaIncrement)
self._gammaFactor += self._gammaIncrement
image = self._storedBitmap.AdjustChannels(gamma, gamma, gamma, 1.0)
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
dc.SetClippingRegion(wx.Rect(xpos, ypos, width-8, height-8))
dc.DrawBitmap(image.ConvertToBitmap(), xpos, ypos, True)
def SetInitialSize(self, size=None):
Given the current font and bezel width settings, calculate
and set a good size.
:param `size`: an instance of :class:`Size` or ``None``, in which case the wxWidgets
:class:`DefaultSize` is used instead.
if size is None:
size = wx.DefaultSize
wx.Control.SetInitialSize(self, size)
SetBestSize = SetInitialSize
def AcceptsFocus(self):
Can this window be given focus by mouse click?
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
return self.IsShown() and self.IsEnabled()
def GetDefaultAttributes(self):
Overridden base class virtual. By default we should use
the same font/colour attributes as the native :class:`Button`.
:return: an instance of :class:`VisualAttributes`.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
return wx.Button.GetClassDefaultAttributes()
def ShouldInheritColours(self):
Overridden base class virtual. Buttons usually don't inherit
the parent's colours.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
return False
def Enable(self, enable=True):
Enables/disables the button.
:param bool `enable`: ``True`` to enable the button, ``False`` to disable it.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
wx.Control.Enable(self, enable)
def SetPulseOnFocus(self, pulse):
Sets whether to enable the pulsing effect on gaining focus or not.
:param bool `pulse`: ``True`` to enable pulsing when the :class:`AquaButton` gains focus,
``False`` to disable this effect.
if pulse == self._pulseOnFocus:
self._pulseOnFocus = pulse
def GetPulseOnFocus(self):
Returns whether the pulsing effect is active.
:return: ``True`` if the pulsing effect is active, ``False`` otherwise.
return self._pulseOnFocus
def DoGetBestSize(self):
Overridden base class virtual. Determines the best size of the
button based on the label and bezel size.
:return: An instance of :class:`Size`.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
label = self.GetLabel()
if not label:
return wx.Size(112, 48)
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
retWidth, retHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(label)
bmpWidth = bmpHeight = 0
constant = 24
if self._bitmap:
bmpWidth, bmpHeight = self._bitmap.GetWidth()+10, self._bitmap.GetHeight()
retWidth += bmpWidth
retHeight = max(bmpHeight, retHeight)
constant = 24
return wx.Size(retWidth+constant, retHeight+constant)
def DoEnable(self, enable):
Overridden base class virtual.
Need to Refresh otherwise Enable state change done from a
`wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI` will not show.
def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
Sets the :class:`AquaButton` background colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
wx.Control.SetBackgroundColour(self, colour)
self._backColour = colour
def GetBackgroundColour(self):
Returns the button colour when the mouse is not hovering on the button.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
return self._backColour
def SetHoverColour(self, colour):
Sets the button colour when the mouse is hovering on the button.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
self._hoverColour = colour
def GetHoverColour(self):
Returns the button colour when the mouse is hovering on the button.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
return self._hoverColour
def SetDisabledColour(self, colour):
Sets the button colour when it is disabled.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
self._disableColour = colour
def GetDisabledColour(self):
Returns the button colour when it is disabled.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
return self._disableColour
def SetShadowColour(self, colour):
Sets the button shadow colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.7
self._shadowColour = colour
def GetShadowColour(self):
Returns the button shadow colour.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.7
return self._shadowColour
def SetRectColour(self, colour):
Sets the button rectangular background colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.7
self._rectColour = colour
def GetRectColour(self):
Returns the button rectangular background colour.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.7
return self._rectColour
SetBackgroundColor = SetBackgroundColour
SetHoverColor = SetHoverColour
GetHoverColor = GetHoverColour
SetDisabledColor = SetDisabledColour
GetDisabledColor = GetDisabledColour
SetShadowColor = SetShadowColour
GetShadowColor = SetShadowColour
SetRectColor = SetRectColour
GetRectColor = SetRectColour
def SetForegroundColour(self, colour):
Sets the :class:`AquaButton` foreground (text) colour.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
wx.Control.SetForegroundColour(self, colour)
self._textColour = colour
def GetForegroundColour(self):
Returns the text colour for :class:`AquaButton`.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
:note: Overridden from :class:`wx.Control`.
return self._textColour
def SetFocusColour(self, colour):
Sets the button colour when the button has focus.
:param `colour`: a valid :class:`Colour` object.
self._focusColour = colour
def GetFocusColour(self):
Returns the button colour when the button has focus.
:return: An instance of :class:`Colour`.
return self._hoverColour
def Invalidate(self):
""" Invalidate the saved bitmap and refresh the button. """
self._saveBitmap = True
self._storedBitmap = wx.NullBitmap
def SetDefault(self):
This sets the :class:`AquaButton` to be the default item for the panel or dialog box.
:note: Under Windows, only dialog box buttons respond to this function. As normal
under Windows and Motif, pressing return causes the default button to be depressed
when the return key is pressed. See also :meth:`Window.SetFocus` which sets the
keyboard focus for windows and text panel items, and :meth:`TopLevelWindow.SetDefaultItem`.
:note: Note that under Motif, calling this function immediately after creation of a button
and before the creation of other buttons will cause misalignment of the row of buttons,
since default buttons are larger. To get around this, call :meth:`SetDefault` after you
have created a row of buttons: wxPython will then set the size of all buttons currently
on the panel to the same size.
tlw = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
if hasattr(tlw, 'SetDefaultItem'):
def Notify(self):
""" Actually sends a ``wx.EVT_BUTTON`` event to the listener (if any). """
evt = AquaButtonEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, self.GetId())
class __ToggleMixin(object):
A mixin that allows to transform :class:`AquaButton` in the corresponding toggle button.
up = True
def SetToggle(self, flag):
Sets the button as toggled/not toggled.
:param bool `flag`: ``True`` to set the button as toggled, ``False`` otherwise.
self.up = not flag
SetValue = SetToggle
def GetToggle(self):
Returns the toggled state of a button.
:return: ``True`` is the button is toggled, ``False`` if it is not toggled.
return not self.up
GetValue = GetToggle
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN`` event for :class:`AquaButton` when used as toggle button.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self.IsEnabled():
self.saveUp = self.up
self.up = not self.up
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_UP`` event for :class:`AquaButton` when used as toggle button.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self.IsEnabled() or not self.HasCapture():
if self.HasCapture():
if self.up != self.saveUp:
def OnKeyDown(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN`` event for :class:`AquaButton` when used as toggle button.
:param `event`: a :class:`KeyEvent` event to be processed.
def OnMotion(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOTION`` event for :class:`AquaButton` when used as toggle button.
:param `event`: a :class:`MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self.IsEnabled():
if event.LeftIsDown() and self.HasCapture():
x, y = event.GetPosition()
w, h = self.GetClientSize()
if x < w and x >= 0 and y < h and y >= 0:
self.up = not self.saveUp
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= w or y >= h:
self.up = self.saveUp
def OnKeyUp(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` event for :class:`AquaButton` when used as toggle button.
:param `event`: a :class:`KeyEvent` event to be processed.
if self.hasFocus and event.GetKeyCode() == ord(" "):
self.up = not self.up
def OnPaint(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for :class:`AquaButton` when used as toggle button.
:param `event`: a :class:`PaintEvent` event to be processed.
dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc)
xpos, ypos, width, height = self.GetClientRect()
shadowOffset = 5
btnOffset = 0
clr = self._backColour
if not self.up:
shadowOffset = 3
clr = self._hoverColour
btnOffset = 2
if self._mouseAction == HOVER:
clr = self._hoverColour
rc1 = wx.Rect(btnOffset, btnOffset, width-8-btnOffset, height-8-btnOffset)
path1 = self.GetPath(gc, rc1, 10)
br1 = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(0, 0, 0, rc1.height+6, clr, wx.WHITE)
# Create shadow
rc2 = wx.Rect(*rc1)
rc2.Offset((shadowOffset, shadowOffset))
path2 = self.GetPath(gc, rc2, 10)
br2 = gc.CreateRadialGradientBrush(rc2.x, rc2.y,
rc2.x+rc2.width, rc2.y+rc2.height,
rc2.width, wx.Colour("grey"), wx.WHITE)
# Create top water colour to give "aqua" effect
rc3 = wx.Rect(*rc1)
rc3.Inflate(-5, -5)
rc3.height = 15
path3 = self.GetPath(gc, rc3, 10)
br3 = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(rc3.x, rc3.y, rc3.x, rc3.y+rc3.height,
wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 255), wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 0))
# draw shapes
gc.FillPath(path2) #draw shadow
gc.FillPath(path1) #draw main
gc.FillPath(path3) #draw top bubble
font = gc.CreateFont(self.GetFont(), self._textColour)
label = self.GetLabel()
tw, th = gc.GetTextExtent(label)
if self._bitmap:
bw, bh = self._bitmap.GetWidth(), self._bitmap.GetHeight()
bw = bh = 0
pos_x = (width-bw-tw)/2+btnOffset-shadowOffset # adjust for bitmap and text to centre
if self._bitmap:
pos_y = (height-bh-shadowOffset)/2+btnOffset
gc.DrawBitmap(self._bitmap, pos_x, pos_y, bw, bh) # draw bitmap if available
pos_x = pos_x + 2 # extra spacing from bitmap
# Create a Path to draw the text
gc.DrawText(label, pos_x + bw + btnOffset, (height-th-shadowOffset)/2+btnOffset) # draw the text
if self._saveBitmap:
# Save the bitmap using wx.MemoryDC for later use
self._saveBitmap = False
memory = wx.MemoryDC()
self._storedBitmap = wx.Bitmap.FromRGBA(max(width, 1), max(height, 1))
gcMemory = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(memory)
gcMemory.FillPath(path1) #draw main
gcMemory.FillPath(path3) #draw top bubble
if self._bitmap:
gcMemory.DrawBitmap(self._bitmap, pos_x - 2, pos_y, bw, bh)
gcMemory.DrawText(label, pos_x + bw + btnOffset, (height-th-shadowOffset)/2+btnOffset)
self._storedBitmap = self._storedBitmap.ConvertToImage()
class AquaToggleButton(__ToggleMixin, AquaButton):
""" An :class:`AquaButton` toggle button. """