2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
import datetime
from direct.distributed.MsgTypes import CLIENTAGENT_EJECT
from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram
from direct.stdpy import threading2
2015-08-16 06:44:23 +00:00
import re, json
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
from otp.distributed import OtpDoGlobals
from toontown.distributed.ShardStatusReceiver import ShardStatusReceiver
from toontown.rpc.ToontownRPCHandlerBase import *
from toontown.suit.SuitInvasionGlobals import INVASION_TYPE_NORMAL
from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
2015-06-05 22:39:18 +00:00
from toontown.uberdog.ClientServicesManagerUD import executeHttpRequest
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
class ToontownRPCHandler(ToontownRPCHandlerBase):
def __init__(self, air):
ToontownRPCHandlerBase.__init__(self, air)
self.shardStatus = ShardStatusReceiver(air)
# --- TESTS ---
def rpc_ping(self, data):
Responds with the provided [data]. This method exists for testing
[any data] = The data to be given back in response.
Example response: 'pong'
return data
# --- GENERAL ---
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_queryObject(self, doId):
Responds with the values of all database fields associated with the
provided [doId].
[int doId] = The ID of the object to query database fields on.
Example response:
On success: ['DistributedObject', {'fieldName': ('arg1', ...), ...}]
On failure: [None, None]
result = []
unblocked = threading2.Event()
def callback(dclass, fields):
if dclass is not None:
dclass = dclass.getName()
result.extend([dclass, fields])
self.air.dbInterface.queryObject(self.air.dbId, doId, callback)
# Block until the callback is executed:
return result
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_updateObject(self, doId, dclassName, newFields, oldFields=None):
Update the field(s) of the object associated with the provided
[doId]. If <oldFields> is provided, then this method will fail if
the object's current fields don't match.
[int doId] = The ID of the object whose fields are to be updated.
[str dclassName] = The name of the object's DClass.
[dict newFields] = The new field values.
<dict oldFields> = The old field values to assert.
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
# Ensure that the provided DClass exists:
if dclassName not in self.air.dclassesByName:
dclassName += 'UD'
if dclassName not in self.air.dclassesByName:
return False
dclass = self.air.dclassesByName[dclassName]
if oldFields is None:
self.air.dbId, doId, dclass, newFields)
return True
result = [True]
unblocked = threading2.Event()
def callback(fields):
if fields is not None:
result[0] = False
self.air.dbId, doId, dclass, newFields, oldFields=oldFields,
# Block until the callback is executed:
return result[0]
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_setField(self, doId, dclassName, fieldName, args=[]):
Set the value of the field named [fieldName] on the suggested
[int doId] = The ID of the object whose field is being modified.
[str dclassName] = The name of the object's DClass.
[str fieldName] = The name of the field to be modified.
[list args] = The new value for the field.
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
# Ensure that the provided DClass exists:
if dclassName not in self.air.dclassesByName:
dclassName += 'UD'
if dclassName not in self.air.dclassesByName:
return False
dclass = self.air.dclassesByName[dclassName]
datagram = dclass.aiFormatUpdate(
fieldName, doId, doId, self.air.ourChannel, args)
return True
# --- MESSAGES ---
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_messageChannel(self, channel, message):
Broadcasts a [message] to any client whose Client Agent is
subscribed to the provided [channel].
[int channel] = The channel to direct the message to.
[str message] = The message to broadcast.
dclass = self.air.dclassesByName['ClientServicesManagerUD']
datagram = dclass.aiFormatUpdate(
'systemMessage', OtpDoGlobals.OTP_DO_ID_CLIENT_SERVICES_MANAGER,
channel, 1000000, [message])
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_messageAll(self, message):
Summary: Broadcasts a [message] to all clients.
[str message] = The message to broadcast.
self.rpc_messageChannel(10, message)
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_messageShard(self, shardId, message):
Broadcasts a [message] to all clients under the provided [shardId].
[int shardId] = The ID of the shard to direct the message to.
[str message] = The message to broadcast.
# Get the ID of the ToontownDistrict object:
districtId = shardId + 1
# Use it to get the uber zone's channel:
channel = (districtId<<32) | 2
self.rpc_messageChannel(channel, message)
def rpc_messageStaff(self, message):
Broadcasts a [message] to any client whose access level is higher
than that of a standard user.
[str message] = The message to broadcast.
self.rpc_messageChannel(OtpDoGlobals.OTP_STAFF_CHANNEL, message)
def rpc_messageUser(self, userId, message):
Sends a [message] to the client associated with the provided
[int/str userId] = The ID of the user to send the message to.
[str message] = The message to send.
accountId = self.rpc_getUserAccountId(userId)
if accountId is not None:
self.rpc_messageAccount(accountId, message)
def rpc_messageAccount(self, accountId, message):
Sends a [message] to the client associated with the provided
[int accountId] = The ID of the account to send the message to.
[str message] = The message to send.
channel = accountId + (1003L<<32)
self.rpc_messageChannel(channel, message)
def rpc_messageAvatar(self, avId, message):
Sends a [message] to the client associated with the provided
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to send the message to.
[str message] = The message to send.
channel = avId + (1001L<<32)
self.rpc_messageChannel(channel, message)
# --- KICKS ---
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_kickChannel(self, channel, code, reason):
Kicks any client whose Client Agent is subscribed to the provided
[int channel] = The channel to kick.
[int code] = The code for the kick.
[str reason] = The reason for the kick.
datagram = PyDatagram()
datagram.addServerHeader(channel, self.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_EJECT)
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_kickAll(self, code, reason):
Summary: Kicks all clients.
[int code] = The code for the kick.
[str reason] = The reason for the kick.
self.rpc_kickChannel(10, code, reason)
2015-04-27 11:35:09 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_kickShard(self, shardId, code, reason):
Summary: Kicks all clients under the provided [shardId].
[int shardId] = The ID of the shard to kick.
[int code] = The code for the kick.
[str reason] = The reason for the kick.
# Get the ID of the ToontownDistrict object:
districtId = shardId + 1
# Use it to get the uber zone's channel:
channel = (districtId<<32) | 2
self.rpc_kickChannel(channel, code, reason)
def rpc_kickUser(self, userId, code, reason):
Summary: Kicks the client associated with the provided [userId].
[int/str userId] = The ID of the user to kick.
[int code] = The code for the kick.
[str reason] = The reason for the kick.
accountId = self.rpc_getUserAccountId(userId)
if accountId is not None:
self.rpc_kickAccount(accountId, code, reason)
def rpc_kickAccount(self, accountId, code, reason):
Summary: Kicks the client associated with the provided [accountId].
[int accountId] = The ID of the account to kick.
[int code] = The code for the kick.
[str reason] = The reason for the kick.
channel = accountId + (1003L<<32)
self.rpc_kickChannel(channel, code, reason)
def rpc_kickAvatar(self, avId, code, reason):
Summary: Kicks the client associated with the provided [avId].
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to kick.
[int code] = The code for the kick.
[str reason] = The reason for the kick.
channel = avId + (1001L<<32)
self.rpc_kickChannel(channel, code, reason)
# --- BANS ---
def rpc_banUser(self, userId, duration, reason):
Bans the user associated with the provided [userId] for the
specified [duration].
[int/str userId] = The ID of the user to ban.
[int duration] = The ban's duration in hours. If this is 0 or less,
the user will be permanently banned.
[str reason] = A short description of why this user is being
banned. This can be one of the following values: 'hacking',
'language', 'other'.
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
2015-06-05 22:39:18 +00:00
if reason not in ('hacking', 'language', 'other'):
return False
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
self.air.writeServerEvent('ban', userId, duration, reason)
2015-06-05 22:39:18 +00:00
if duration > 0:
now = datetime.date.today()
release = str(now + datetime.timedelta(hours=duration))
release = '0000-00-00' # Permanent ban.
executeHttpRequest('accounts/ban/', Id=userId, Release=release,
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
self.rpc_kickUser(userId, 152, reason)
return True
def rpc_banAccount(self, accountId, duration, reason):
Bans the user associated with the provided [accountId] for the
specified [duration].
[int accountId] = The ID of the account associated with the user to
[int duration] = The ban's duration in hours. If this is 0 or less,
the user will be permanently banned.
[str reason] = A short description of why this user is being
banned. This can be one of the following values: 'hacking',
'language', 'other'.
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
userId = self.rpc_getAccountUserId(accountId)
return self.rpc_banUser(userId, duration, reason)
def rpc_banAvatar(self, avId, duration, reason):
Bans the user associated with the provided [avId] for the specified
[int/str avId] = The ID of the avatar associated with the user to
be banned.
[int duration] = The ban's duration in hours. If this is 0 or less,
the user will be permanently banned.
[str reason] = A short description of why this user is being
banned. This can be one of the following values: 'hacking',
'language', 'other'.
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
userId = self.rpc_getAvatarUserId(avId)
return self.rpc_banUser(userId, duration, reason)
# --- USERS ---
def rpc_getUserAccountId(self, userId):
Responds with the ID of the account associated with the provided
[int/str userId] = The ID of the user to query the account ID on.
Example response:
On success: 100000000
On failure: None
2015-08-16 06:44:23 +00:00
response = executeHttpRequest('accountid', username=str(userId))
if response is not None:
response = json.loads(response)
if response['success'] is True:
return str(response['accountId'])
print response['error']
return False
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_getUserAvatars(self, userId):
Responds with a list of avatar IDs associated with the provided
[int/str userId] = The ID of the user to query the avatars on.
Example response:
On success: [0, 100000001, 0, 0, 0, 0]
On failure: None
accountId = self.rpc_getUserAccountId(userId)
if accountId is not None:
return self.rpc_getAccountAvatars(accountId)
def rpc_getUserDeletedAvatars(self, userId):
Responds with a list of deleted avatar IDs associated with the
provided [userId], along with the time at which each avatar was
[int/str userId] = The ID of the user to query the deleted avatars
Example response:
On success: [[100000001, 1409665000], ...]
On failure: None
accountId = self.rpc_getUserAccountId(userId)
if accountId is not None:
return self.rpc_getAccountDeletedAvatars(accountId)
# --- ACCOUNTS ---
def rpc_getAccountUserId(self, accountId):
Responds with the ID of the user associated with the provided
[int accountId] = The ID of the account to query the user ID on.
Example response:
On success: 1
On failure: None
dclassName, fields = self.rpc_queryObject(accountId)
if dclassName == 'Account':
return fields['ACCOUNT_ID']
def rpc_getAccountAvatars(self, accountId):
Responds with a list of avatar IDs associated with the provided
[int accountId] = The ID of the account to query the avatar IDs on.
Example response:
On success: [0, 100000001, 0, 0, 0, 0]
On failure: None
dclassName, fields = self.rpc_queryObject(accountId)
if dclassName == 'Account':
return fields['ACCOUNT_AV_SET']
def rpc_getAccountDeletedAvatars(self, accountId):
Responds with a list of deleted avatar IDs associated with the
provided [accountId], along with the time at which each avatar was
[int accountId] = The ID of the account to query the deleted
avatars on.
Example response:
On success: [[100000001, 1409665000], ...]
On failure: None
dclassName, fields = self.rpc_queryObject(accountId)
if dclassName == 'Account':
return fields['ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL']
# --- AVATARS ---
def rpc_getAvatarUserId(self, avId):
Responds with the ID of the user associated with the provided
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to query the user ID on.
Example response:
On success: 1
On failure: None
accountId = self.rpc_getAvatarAccountId(avId)
if accountId is not None:
return self.rpc_getAccountUserId(accountId)
def rpc_getAvatarAccountId(self, avId):
Responds with the ID of the account associated with the provided
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to query the account ID on.
Example response:
On success: 100000000
On failure: None
dclassName, fields = self.rpc_queryObject(avId)
if dclassName == 'DistributedToon':
return fields['setDISLid'][0]
def rpc_getAvatarAvatars(self, avId):
Responds with a list of avatar IDs associated with the provided
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to query the avatar IDs on.
Example response:
On success: [0, 100000001, 0, 0, 0, 0]
On failure: None
accountId = self.rpc_getAvatarAccountId(avId)
if accountId is not None:
return self.rpc_getAccountAvatars(accountId)
def rpc_getAvatarDeletedAvatars(self, avId):
Responds with a list of deleted avatar IDs associated with the
provided [avId], along with the time at which each avatar was
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to query the deleted avatars on.
Example response:
On success: [[100000001, 1409665000], ...]
On failure: None
accountId = self.rpc_getAvatarAccountId(avId)
if accountId is not None:
return self.rpc_getAccountDeletedAvatars(accountId)
def rpc_getAvatarDetails(self, avId):
Responds with basic details on the avatar associated with the
provided [avId].
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar to query basic details on.
Example response:
On success:
'name': 'Toon Name',
'species': 'cat',
2015-08-04 16:59:47 +00:00
'head-color': (1, 0, 0, 1),
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
'max-hp': 15,
'online': True
On failure: None
dclassName, fields = self.rpc_queryObject(avId)
if dclassName == 'DistributedToon':
result = {}
result['name'] = fields['setName'][0]
dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA()
result['species'] = ToonDNA.getSpeciesName(dna.head)
2015-08-04 16:59:47 +00:00
result['head-color'] = dna.headColor
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
result['max-hp'] = fields['setMaxHp'][0]
result['online'] = (avId in self.air.friendsManager.onlineToons)
return result
def rpc_findAvatarsByName(self, needle):
Responds with the IDs of each avatar whose name matches, or
contains the provided [needle].
[str needle] = The string to filter avatars by name with. This is
case insensitive.
Example response: [100000001, ...]
if not config.GetBool('want-mongo-client', False):
return []
if not needle:
return []
exp = re.compile('.*%s.*' % needle, re.IGNORECASE)
result = self.air.mongodb.astron.objects.find({'fields.setName._0': exp})
return [avatar['_id'] for avatar in result]
# --- SHARDS ---
def rpc_listShards(self):
Responds with the current status of each shard that has ever been
created in the lifetime of the UberDOG.
Example response:
401000000: {
'name': 'District Name'
'available': True,
'created': 1409665000,
'population': 150,
'invasion': {
'type': 'Flunky',
'flags': 0,
'remaining': 1000,
'total': 1000,
'start': 1409665000
return self.shardStatus.getShards()
# --- INVASIONS ---
def rpc_startInvasion(self, shardId, suitDeptIndex=None, suitTypeIndex=None,
flags=0, type=INVASION_TYPE_NORMAL):
Starts an invasion under the provided [shardId] with the specified
[int shardId] = The ID of the shard to start the invasion in.
<int/NoneType suitDeptIndex> = The invading Cog's department index.
<int/NoneType suitTypeIndex> = The invading Cog's type index.
<int flags> = Extra invasion flags.
<int type> = The invasion type.
2015-07-12 16:48:58 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
[shardId, suitDeptIndex, suitTypeIndex, flags, type])
def rpc_stopInvasion(self, shardId):
Stops any invasion currently running under the provided [shardId].
[int shardId] = The ID of the shard that is running the invasion to
be terminated.
2015-07-12 16:48:58 +00:00
self.air.sendNetEvent('stopInvasion', [shardId])
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def rpc_approveName(self, avId):
Approves the pending name of the avatar associated with the
provided [avId].
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar whose pending name is to be
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
2015-06-20 09:24:08 +00:00
newFields = {'setWishNameState': 'APPROVED'}
oldFields = {'setWishNameState': 'PENDING'}
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
return self.rpc_updateObject(
avId, 'DistributedToonUD', newFields, oldFields=oldFields)
def rpc_rejectName(self, avId):
Rejects the pending name of the avatar associated with the provided
[int avId] = The ID of the avatar whose pending name is to be
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
2015-06-20 09:24:08 +00:00
newFields = {'setWishNameState': 'REJECTED'}
oldFields = {'setWishNameState': 'PENDING'}
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
return self.rpc_updateObject(
avId, 'DistributedToonUD', newFields, oldFields=oldFields)
2015-08-15 23:36:05 +00:00
def rpc_getChatSettings(self, accId):
Retrieves the chat settings of the account associated with the provided
[int accId] = The ID of the account whose chat settings
are to be retreived.
Example response:
On success: [uint8[sp+, tf]]
On failure: False
dclassName, fields = self.rpc_queryObject(int(accId))
if dclassName == 'Account':
if 'CHAT_SETTINGS' in fields:
return fields['CHAT_SETTINGS']
# The chat settings haven't been set yet, so we'll
# want to do that now.
return [1, 1]
return False
2015-08-13 21:38:00 +00:00
2015-08-15 23:36:05 +00:00
def rpc_setChatSettings(self, accId, speedChatPlus = 1, trueFriends = 1):
2015-08-13 21:38:00 +00:00
Sets the chat settings of the account associated with the provided
[int accId] = The ID of the account whose chat settings
are to be changed.
[uint8[sp+, tf]] = The chat settings - SpeedChat Plus and
True Friends
Example response:
On success: True
On failure: False
2015-08-15 23:36:05 +00:00
return self.rpc_updateObject(accId, 'AccountUD', {'CHAT_SETTINGS':
2015-08-16 06:44:23 +00:00
[int(speedChatPlus), int(trueFriends)]})