
251 lines
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2015-04-07 17:08:36 -04:00
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Denis Bilenko. See LICENSE for details.
"""Make the standard library cooperative."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from sys import version_info
__all__ = ['patch_all',
# maps module name -> attribute name -> original item
# e.g. "time" -> "sleep" -> built-in function sleep
saved = {}
def _get_original(name, items):
d = saved.get(name, {})
values = []
module = None
for item in items:
if item in d:
if module is None:
module = __import__(name)
values.append(getattr(module, item))
return values
def get_original(name, item):
if isinstance(item, basestring):
return _get_original(name, [item])[0]
return _get_original(name, item)
def patch_item(module, attr, newitem):
NONE = object()
olditem = getattr(module, attr, NONE)
if olditem is not NONE:
saved.setdefault(module.__name__, {}).setdefault(attr, olditem)
setattr(module, attr, newitem)
def remove_item(module, attr):
NONE = object()
olditem = getattr(module, attr, NONE)
if olditem is NONE:
saved.setdefault(module.__name__, {}).setdefault(attr, olditem)
delattr(module, attr)
def patch_module(name, items=None):
gevent_module = getattr(__import__('gevent.' + name), name)
module_name = getattr(gevent_module, '__target__', name)
module = __import__(module_name)
if items is None:
items = getattr(gevent_module, '__implements__', None)
if items is None:
raise AttributeError('%r does not have __implements__' % gevent_module)
for attr in items:
patch_item(module, attr, getattr(gevent_module, attr))
def _patch_sys_std(name):
from gevent.fileobject import FileObjectThread
orig = getattr(sys, name)
if not isinstance(orig, FileObjectThread):
patch_item(sys, name, FileObjectThread(orig))
def patch_sys(stdin=True, stdout=True, stderr=True):
if stdin:
if stdout:
if stderr:
def patch_os():
"""Replace :func:`os.fork` with :func:`gevent.fork`. Does nothing if fork is not available."""
def patch_time():
"""Replace :func:`time.sleep` with :func:`gevent.sleep`."""
from gevent.hub import sleep
import time
patch_item(time, 'sleep', sleep)
def patch_thread(threading=True, _threading_local=True, Event=False):
"""Replace the standard :mod:`thread` module to make it greenlet-based.
If *threading* is true (the default), also patch ``threading``.
If *_threading_local* is true (the default), also patch ``_threading_local.local``.
if threading:
threading = __import__('threading')
if Event:
from gevent.event import Event
threading.Event = Event
if _threading_local:
_threading_local = __import__('_threading_local')
from gevent.local import local
_threading_local.local = local
def patch_socket(dns=True, aggressive=True):
"""Replace the standard socket object with gevent's cooperative sockets.
If *dns* is true, also patch dns functions in :mod:`socket`.
from gevent import socket
# Note: although it seems like it's not strictly necessary to monkey patch 'create_connection',
# it's better to do it. If 'create_connection' was not monkey patched, but the rest of socket module
# was, create_connection would still use "green" getaddrinfo and "green" socket.
# However, because gevent.socket.socket.connect is a Python function, the exception raised by it causes
# _socket object to be referenced by the frame, thus causing the next invocation of bind(source_address) to fail.
if dns:
items = socket.__implements__
items = set(socket.__implements__) - set(socket.__dns__)
patch_module('socket', items=items)
if aggressive:
if 'ssl' not in socket.__implements__:
remove_item(socket, 'ssl')
def patch_dns():
from gevent import socket
patch_module('socket', items=socket.__dns__)
def patch_ssl():
def patch_select(aggressive=True):
"""Replace :func:`select.select` with :func:`gevent.select.select`.
If aggressive is true (the default), also remove other blocking functions the :mod:`select`.
if aggressive:
select = __import__('select')
# since these are blocking we're removing them here. This makes some other
# modules (e.g. asyncore) non-blocking, as they use select that we provide
# when none of these are available.
remove_item(select, 'poll')
remove_item(select, 'epoll')
remove_item(select, 'kqueue')
remove_item(select, 'kevent')
def patch_subprocess():
def patch_all(socket=True, dns=True, time=True, select=True, thread=True, os=True, ssl=True, httplib=False,
subprocess=False, sys=False, aggressive=True, Event=False):
"""Do all of the default monkey patching (calls every other function in this module."""
# order is important
if os:
if time:
if thread:
# sys must be patched after thread. in other cases threading._shutdown will be
# initiated to _MainThread with real thread ident
if sys:
if socket:
patch_socket(dns=dns, aggressive=aggressive)
if select:
if ssl:
if version_info[:2] > (2, 5):
except ImportError:
pass # in Python 2.5, 'ssl' is a standalone package not included in stdlib
if httplib:
raise ValueError('gevent.httplib is no longer provided, httplib must be False')
if subprocess:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from inspect import getargspec
patch_all_args = getargspec(patch_all)[0]
modules = [x for x in patch_all_args if 'patch_' + x in globals()]
script_help = """gevent.monkey - monkey patch the standard modules to use gevent.
USAGE: python -m gevent.monkey [MONKEY OPTIONS] script [SCRIPT OPTIONS]
If no OPTIONS present, monkey patches all the modules it can patch.
You can exclude a module with --no-module, e.g. --no-thread. You can
specify a module to patch with --module, e.g. --socket. In the latter
case only the modules specified on the command line will be patched.
MONKEY OPTIONS: --verbose %s""" % ', '.join('--[no-]%s' % m for m in modules)
args = {}
argv = sys.argv[1:]
verbose = False
while argv and argv[0].startswith('--'):
option = argv[0][2:]
if option == 'verbose':
verbose = True
elif option.startswith('no-') and option.replace('no-', '') in patch_all_args:
args[option[3:]] = False
elif option in patch_all_args:
args[option] = True
if option in modules:
for module in modules:
args.setdefault(module, False)
sys.exit(script_help + '\n\n' + 'Cannot patch %r' % option)
del argv[0]
# TODO: break on --
if verbose:
import pprint
import os
print ('gevent.monkey.patch_all(%s)' % ', '.join('%s=%s' % item for item in args.items()))
print ('sys.version=%s' % (sys.version.strip().replace('\n', ' '), ))
print ('sys.path=%s' % pprint.pformat(sys.path))
print ('sys.modules=%s' % pprint.pformat(sorted(sys.modules.keys())))
print ('cwd=%s' % os.getcwd())
if argv:
sys.argv = argv
__package__ = None
globals()['__file__'] = sys.argv[0] # issue #302
print (script_help)