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2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
// Based on Apple sample code at
// http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/examples/detectplugins_source.html
// initialize global variables
var detectableWithVB = false;
var pluginFound = false;
function goURL(daURL) {
// Assume we have Javascript 1.1 functionality.
function redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
// check for redirection
if( redirectURL && ((pluginFound && redirectIfFound) ||
(!pluginFound && !redirectIfFound)) ) {
// go away
return pluginFound;
} else {
// stay here and return result of plugin detection
return pluginFound;
function canDetectPlugins() {
if( detectableWithVB || (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function detectPanda3D(redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
pluginFound = detectPlugin('Panda3D');
// if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic
if(!pluginFound && detectableWithVB) {
pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('P3DACTIVEX.P3DActiveXCtrl.1');
// check for redirection
return redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound);
function detectPlugin() {
// allow for multiple checks in a single pass
var daPlugins = detectPlugin.arguments;
// consider pluginFound to be false until proven true
var pluginFound = false;
// if plugins array is there and not fake
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
var pluginsArrayLength = navigator.plugins.length;
// for each plugin...
for (pluginsArrayCounter=0; pluginsArrayCounter < pluginsArrayLength; pluginsArrayCounter++ ) {
// loop through all desired names and check each against the current plugin name
var numFound = 0;
for(namesCounter=0; namesCounter < daPlugins.length; namesCounter++) {
// if desired plugin name is found in either plugin name or description
if( (navigator.plugins[pluginsArrayCounter].name.indexOf(daPlugins[namesCounter]) >= 0) ||
(navigator.plugins[pluginsArrayCounter].description.indexOf(daPlugins[namesCounter]) >= 0) ) {
// this name was found
// now that we have checked all the required names against this one plugin,
// if the number we found matches the total number provided then we were successful
if(numFound == daPlugins.length) {
pluginFound = true;
// if we've found the plugin, we can stop looking through at the rest of the plugins
return pluginFound;
} // detectPlugin
// Here we write out the VBScript block for MSIE Windows
if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)) {
document.writeln('<script language="VBscript">');
document.writeln('\'do a one-time test for a version of VBScript that can handle this code');
document.writeln('detectableWithVB = False');
document.writeln('If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 2 then');
document.writeln(' detectableWithVB = True');
document.writeln('End If');
document.writeln('\'this next function will detect most plugins');
document.writeln('Function detectActiveXControl(activeXControlName)');
document.writeln(' on error resume next');
document.writeln(' detectActiveXControl = False');
document.writeln(' If detectableWithVB Then');
document.writeln(' detectActiveXControl = IsObject(CreateObject(activeXControlName))');
document.writeln(' End If');
document.writeln('End Function');