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2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
"""AnimControlInterval module: contains the AnimControlInterval class"""
__all__ = ['AnimControlInterval']
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import *
import Interval
import math
class AnimControlInterval(Interval.Interval):
# create AnimControlInterval DirectNotify category
notify = directNotify.newCategory('AnimControlInterval')
# Name counter
animNum = 1
# Class methods
# Plays an animation. The subrange of the animation
# to be played may be specified via frames (startFrame up to and
# including endFrame) or seconds (startTime up to and including
# endTime). If neither is specified, the default is the entire
# range of the animation.
# this class requires either an AnimControl, or an AnimControlCollection
# (in which case, each anim control must be the same length)
# The duration may be implicit or explicit. If it is omitted, it
# is taken to be endTime - startTime. There's not much point in
# specifying otherwise unless you also specify loop=1, which will
# loop the animation over its frame range during the duration of
# the interval.
# Note: if loop == 0 and duration > anim duration then the
# animation will play once and then hold its final pose for the
# remainder of the interval.
# loop = 1 implies a loop within the entire range of animation,
# while constrainedLoop = 1 implies a loop within startFrame and
# endFrame only.
def __init__(self, controls, loop=0, constrainedLoop=0,
duration=None, startTime=None, endTime=None,
startFrame=None, endFrame=None,
playRate=1.0, name=None):
# Generate unique id
id = 'AnimControl-%d' % (AnimControlInterval.animNum)
AnimControlInterval.animNum += 1
# Record class specific variables
if(isinstance(controls, AnimControlCollection)):
self.controls = controls
checkSz = self.controls.getAnim(0).getNumFrames()
for i in range(1,self.controls.getNumAnims()):
if(checkSz != self.controls.getAnim(i).getNumFrames()):
self.notify.error("anim controls don't have the same number of frames!")
elif(isinstance(controls, AnimControl)):
self.controls = AnimControlCollection()
self.notify.error("invalid input control(s) for AnimControlInterval")
self.loopAnim = loop
self.constrainedLoop = constrainedLoop
self.playRate = playRate
# If no name specified, use id as name
if (name == None):
name = id
self.frameRate = self.controls.getAnim(0).getFrameRate() * abs(playRate)
# Compute start and end frames.
if startFrame != None:
self.startFrame = startFrame
elif startTime != None:
self.startFrame = startTime * self.frameRate
self.startFrame = 0
if endFrame != None:
self.endFrame = endFrame
elif endTime != None:
self.endFrame = endTime * self.frameRate
elif duration != None:
if startTime == None:
startTime = float(self.startFrame) / float(self.frameRate)
endTime = startTime + duration
self.endFrame = duration * self.frameRate
# No end frame specified. Choose the maximum of all
# of the controls' numbers of frames.
numFrames = self.controls.getAnim(0).getNumFrames()
self.endFrame = numFrames - 1
# Must we play the animation backwards? We play backwards if
# either (or both) of the following is true: the playRate is
# negative, or endFrame is before startFrame.
self.reverse = (playRate < 0)
if self.endFrame < self.startFrame:
self.reverse = 1
t = self.endFrame
self.endFrame = self.startFrame
self.startFrame = t
self.numFrames = self.endFrame - self.startFrame + 1
# Compute duration if no duration specified
self.implicitDuration = 0
if duration == None:
self.implicitDuration = 1
duration = float(self.numFrames) / self.frameRate
# Initialize superclass
Interval.Interval.__init__(self, name, duration)
def getCurrentFrame(self):
"""Calculate the current frame playing in this interval.
returns a float value between startFrame and endFrame, inclusive
returns None if there are any problems
retval = None
if not self.isStopped():
framesPlayed = self.numFrames * self.currT
retval = self.startFrame + framesPlayed
return retval
def privStep(self, t):
frameCount = t * self.frameRate
if self.constrainedLoop:
frameCount = frameCount % self.numFrames
if self.reverse:
absFrame = self.endFrame - frameCount
absFrame = self.startFrame + frameCount
# Calc integer frame number
intFrame = int(math.floor(absFrame + 0.0001))
# Pose anim
# We use our pre-computed list of animControls for
# efficiency's sake, rather than going through the relatively
# expensive Actor interface every frame.
# Each animControl might have a different number of frames.
numFrames = self.controls.getAnim(0).getNumFrames()
if self.loopAnim:
frame = (intFrame % numFrames) + (absFrame - intFrame)
frame = max(min(absFrame, numFrames - 1), 0)
self.state = CInterval.SStarted
self.currT = t
def privFinalize(self):
if self.implicitDuration and not self.loopAnim:
# As a special case, we ensure we end up posed to the last
# frame of the animation if the original duration was
# implicit. This is necessary only to guard against
# possible roundoff error in computing the final frame
# from the duration. We don't do this in the case of a
# looping animation, however, because this would introduce
# a hitch in the animation when it plays back-to-back with
# the next cycle.
if self.reverse:
# Otherwise, the user-specified duration determines which
# is our final frame.
self.state = CInterval.SFinal