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"""Provides a variety of introspective-type support functions for
things like call tips and command auto completion."""
__author__ = "Patrick K. O'Brien <pobrien@orbtech.com>"
import sys
import inspect
import tokenize
import types
import wx
from wx.lib.six import BytesIO, PY3, string_types
def getAutoCompleteList(command='', locals=None, includeMagic=1,
includeSingle=1, includeDouble=1):
"""Return list of auto-completion options for command.
The list of options will be based on the locals namespace."""
attributes = []
# Get the proper chunk of code from the command.
root = getRoot(command, terminator='.')
if locals is not None:
obj = eval(root, locals)
obj = eval(root)
attributes = getAttributeNames(obj, includeMagic,
includeSingle, includeDouble)
return attributes
def getAttributeNames(obj, includeMagic=1, includeSingle=1,
"""Return list of unique attributes, including inherited, for obj."""
attributes = []
dict = {}
if not hasattrAlwaysReturnsTrue(obj):
# Add some attributes that don't always get picked up.
special_attrs = ['__bases__', '__class__', '__dict__', '__name__',
'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults',
'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']
attributes += [attr for attr in special_attrs \
if hasattr(obj, attr)]
if includeMagic:
try: attributes += obj._getAttributeNames()
except: pass
# Special code to allow traits to be caught by autocomplete
if hasattr(obj,'trait_get'):
for i in obj.trait_get().keys():
if i not in attributes:
if hasattr(obj, i):
attributes += i
# Get all attribute names.
str_type = str(type(obj))
if str_type == "<type 'array'>":
attributes += dir(obj)
attrdict = getAllAttributeNames(obj)
# Store the obj's dir.
obj_dir = dir(obj)
for (obj_type_name, technique, count), attrlist in attrdict.items():
# This complexity is necessary to avoid accessing all the
# attributes of the obj. This is very handy for objects
# whose attributes are lazily evaluated.
if type(obj).__name__ == obj_type_name and technique == 'dir':
attributes += attrlist
attributes += [attr for attr in attrlist \
if attr not in obj_dir and hasattr(obj, attr)]
# Remove duplicates from the attribute list.
for item in attributes:
dict[item] = None
attributes = dict.keys()
# new-style swig wrappings can result in non-string attributes
# e.g. ITK http://www.itk.org/
attributes = [attribute for attribute in attributes \
if type(attribute) == str]
attributes.sort(key=lambda x: x.upper())
if not includeSingle:
attributes = filter(lambda item: item[0]!='_' \
or item[1:2]=='_', attributes)
if not includeDouble:
attributes = filter(lambda item: item[:2]!='__', attributes)
return attributes
def hasattrAlwaysReturnsTrue(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 'bogu5_123_aTTri8ute')
def getAllAttributeNames(obj):
"""Return dict of all attributes, including inherited, for an object.
Recursively walk through a class and all base classes.
attrdict = {} # (object, technique, count): [list of attributes]
# !!!
# Do Not use hasattr() as a test anywhere in this function,
# because it is unreliable with remote objects: xmlrpc, soap, etc.
# They always return true for hasattr().
# !!!
# This could(?) fail if the type is poorly defined without
# even a name.
key = type(obj).__name__
except Exception:
key = 'anonymous'
# Wake up sleepy objects - a hack for ZODB objects in "ghost" state.
wakeupcall = dir(obj)
del wakeupcall
# Get attributes available through the normal convention.
attributes = dir(obj)
attrdict[(key, 'dir', len(attributes))] = attributes
# Get attributes from the object's dictionary, if it has one.
attributes = sorted(obj.__dict__.keys())
except Exception: # Must catch all because object might have __getattr__.
attrdict[(key, '__dict__', len(attributes))] = attributes
# For a class instance, get the attributes for the class.
klass = obj.__class__
except: # Must catch all because object might have __getattr__.
if klass is obj:
# Break a circular reference. This happens with extension
# classes.
# Also get attributes from any and all parent classes.
bases = obj.__bases__
except: # Must catch all because object might have __getattr__.
if isinstance(bases, tuple):
for base in bases:
if type(base) is type:
# Break a circular reference. Happens in Python 2.2.
return attrdict
def getCallTip(command='', locals=None):
"""For a command, return a tuple of object name, argspec, tip text.
The call tip information will be based on the locals namespace."""
calltip = ('', '', '') # object name, argspec, tip text.
# Get the proper chunk of code from the command.
root = getRoot(command, terminator='(')
if locals is not None:
obj = eval(root, locals)
obj = eval(root)
return calltip
name = ''
obj, dropSelf = getBaseObject(obj)
name = obj.__name__
except AttributeError:
tip1 = ''
argspec = ''
if inspect.isbuiltin(obj):
# Builtin functions don't have an argspec that we can get.
elif inspect.isfunction(obj):
# tip1 is a string like: "getCallTip(command='', locals=None)"
argspec = inspect.getargspec(obj)
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
if dropSelf:
# The first parameter to a method is a reference to an
# instance, usually coded as "self", and is usually passed
# automatically by Python; therefore we want to drop it.
temp = argspec.split(',')
if len(temp) == 1: # No other arguments.
argspec = '()'
elif temp[0][:2] == '(*': # first param is like *args, not self
else: # Drop the first argument.
argspec = '(' + ','.join(temp[1:]).lstrip()
tip1 = name + argspec
doc = ''
if callable(obj):
doc = inspect.getdoc(obj)
if doc:
# tip2 is the first separated line of the docstring, like:
# "Return call tip text for a command."
# tip3 is the rest of the docstring, like:
# "The call tip information will be based on ... <snip>
firstline = doc.split('\n')[0].lstrip()
if tip1 == firstline or firstline[:len(name)+1] == name+'(':
tip1 = ''
tip1 += '\n\n'
docpieces = doc.split('\n\n')
tip2 = docpieces[0]
tip3 = '\n\n'.join(docpieces[1:])
tip = '%s%s\n\n%s' % (tip1, tip2, tip3)
tip = tip1
calltip = (name, argspec[1:-1], tip.strip())
return calltip
def getRoot(command, terminator=None):
"""Return the rightmost root portion of an arbitrary Python command.
Return only the root portion that can be eval()'d without side
effects. The command would normally terminate with a '(' or
'.'. The terminator and anything after the terminator will be
command = command.split('\n')[-1]
if command.startswith(sys.ps2):
command = command[len(sys.ps2):]
command = command.lstrip()
command = rtrimTerminus(command, terminator)
if terminator == '.':
tokens = getTokens(command)
if not tokens:
return ''
if tokens[-1][0] is tokenize.ENDMARKER:
# Remove the end marker.
del tokens[-1]
if not tokens:
return ''
if terminator == '.' and \
(tokens[-1][1] != '.' or tokens[-1][0] is not tokenize.OP):
# Trap decimals in numbers, versus the dot operator.
return ''
# Strip off the terminator.
if terminator and command.endswith(terminator):
size = 0 - len(terminator)
command = command[:size]
command = command.rstrip()
tokens = getTokens(command)
line = ''
start = None
prefix = ''
laststring = '.'
lastline = ''
emptyTypes = ('[]', '()', '{}')
for token in tokens:
tokentype = token[0]
tokenstring = token[1]
line = token[4]
if tokentype is tokenize.ENDMARKER:
if PY3 and tokentype is tokenize.ENCODING:
line = lastline
if tokentype in (tokenize.NAME, tokenize.STRING, tokenize.NUMBER) \
and laststring != '.':
# We've reached something that's not part of the root.
if prefix and line[token[3][1]] != ' ':
# If it doesn't have a space after it, remove the prefix.
prefix = ''
if tokentype in (tokenize.NAME, tokenize.STRING, tokenize.NUMBER) \
or (tokentype is tokenize.OP and tokenstring == '.'):
if prefix:
# The prefix isn't valid because it comes after a dot.
prefix = ''
# start represents the last known good point in the line.
start = token[2][1]
elif len(tokenstring) == 1 and tokenstring in ('[({])}'):
# Remember, we're working backwords.
# So prefix += tokenstring would be wrong.
if prefix in emptyTypes and tokenstring in ('[({'):
# We've already got an empty type identified so now we
# are in a nested situation and we can break out with
# what we've got.
prefix = tokenstring + prefix
# We've reached something that's not part of the root.
laststring = tokenstring
lastline = line
if start is None:
start = len(line)
root = line[start:]
if prefix in emptyTypes:
# Empty types are safe to be eval()'d and introspected.
root = prefix + root
return root
def getTokens(command):
"""Return list of token tuples for command."""
# In case the command is unicode try encoding it
if isinstance(command, string_types):
command = command.encode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
pass # otherwise leave it alone
f = BytesIO(command)
# tokens is a list of token tuples, each looking like:
# (type, string, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line)
tokens = []
# Can't use list comprehension:
# tokens = [token for token in tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)]
# because of need to append as much as possible before TokenError.
if not PY3:
def eater(*args):
tokenize.tokenize_loop(f.readline, eater)
tokens = list(tokenize.tokenize(f.readline))
except tokenize.TokenError:
# This is due to a premature EOF, which we expect since we are
# feeding in fragments of Python code.
return tokens
def rtrimTerminus(command, terminator=None):
"""Return command minus anything that follows the final terminator."""
if terminator:
pieces = command.split(terminator)
if len(pieces) > 1:
command = terminator.join(pieces[:-1]) + terminator
return command
def getBaseObject(obj):
"""Return base object and dropSelf indicator for an object."""
if inspect.isbuiltin(obj):
# Builtin functions don't have an argspec that we can get.
dropSelf = 0
elif inspect.ismethod(obj):
# Get the function from the object otherwise
# inspect.getargspec() complains that the object isn't a
# Python function.
if obj.im_self is None:
# This is an unbound method so we do not drop self
# from the argspec, since an instance must be passed
# as the first arg.
dropSelf = 0
dropSelf = 1
obj = obj.im_func
except AttributeError:
dropSelf = 0
elif inspect.isclass(obj):
# Get the __init__ method function for the class.
constructor = getConstructor(obj)
if constructor is not None:
obj = constructor
dropSelf = 1
dropSelf = 0
elif callable(obj):
# Get the __call__ method instead.
obj = obj.__call__.im_func
dropSelf = 1
except AttributeError:
dropSelf = 0
dropSelf = 0
return obj, dropSelf
def getConstructor(obj):
"""Return constructor for class object, or None if there isn't one."""
return obj.__init__.im_func
except AttributeError:
for base in obj.__bases__:
constructor = getConstructor(base)
if constructor is not None:
return constructor
return None