2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
from direct . directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
import ShtikerPage
from direct . gui . DirectGui import *
2015-06-23 19:11:48 -04:00
from panda3d . core import *
2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
from toontown . toonbase import TTLocalizer
from toontown . estate import FlowerBrowser
from toontown . estate import GardenGlobals
from toontown . estate import FlowerPicker
from toontown . estate import SpecialsPhoto
from toontown . toontowngui import TTDialog
GardenPage_Basket = 0
GardenPage_Collection = 1
GardenPage_Trophy = 2
GardenPage_Specials = 3
class GardenPage ( ShtikerPage . ShtikerPage ) :
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal . directNotify . newCategory ( ' GardenPage ' )
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __init__ ' )
ShtikerPage . ShtikerPage . __init__ ( self )
self . mode = GardenPage_Basket
self . accept ( ' use-special-response ' , self . useSpecialDone )
self . resultDialog = None
def enter ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' enter ' )
if not hasattr ( self , ' title ' ) :
self . load ( )
self . setMode ( self . mode , 1 )
self . accept ( localAvatar . uniqueName ( ' flowerBasketChange ' ) , self . updatePage )
ShtikerPage . ShtikerPage . enter ( self )
def exit ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' exit ' )
if hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
self . picker . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . browser . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' specialsFrame ' ) :
self . specialsFrame . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' specialsPhoto ' ) :
self . specialsPhoto . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' useSpecialButton ' ) :
self . hide ( )
self . cleanupResultDialog ( )
ShtikerPage . ShtikerPage . exit ( self )
def load ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' load ' )
ShtikerPage . ShtikerPage . load ( self )
gui = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3.5/models/gui/fishingBook ' )
trophyCase = gui . find ( ' **/trophyCase1 ' )
trophyCase . find ( ' glass1 ' ) . reparentTo ( trophyCase , - 1 )
trophyCase . find ( ' shelf ' ) . reparentTo ( trophyCase , - 1 )
self . trophyCase = trophyCase
self . title = DirectLabel ( parent = self , relief = None , text = ' ' , text_scale = 0.1 , pos = ( 0 , 0 , 0.65 ) )
normalColor = ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
clickColor = ( 0.8 , 0.8 , 0 , 1 )
rolloverColor = ( 0.15 , 0.82 , 1.0 , 1 )
diabledColor = ( 1.0 , 0.98 , 0.15 , 1 )
self . basketTab = DirectButton ( parent = self , relief = None , text = TTLocalizer . GardenPageBasketTab , text_scale = TTLocalizer . GPbasketTab , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , image = gui . find ( ' **/tabs/polySurface1 ' ) , image_pos = ( 0.55 , 1 , - 0.91 ) , image_hpr = ( 0 , 0 , - 90 ) , image_scale = ( 0.033 , 0.033 , 0.035 ) , image_color = normalColor , image1_color = clickColor , image2_color = rolloverColor , image3_color = diabledColor , text_fg = Vec4 ( 0.2 , 0.1 , 0 , 1 ) , command = self . setMode , extraArgs = [ GardenPage_Basket ] , pos = ( 0.92 , 0 , 0.55 ) )
self . collectionTab = DirectButton ( parent = self , relief = None , text = TTLocalizer . GardenPageCollectionTab , text_scale = TTLocalizer . GPcollectionTab , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , image = gui . find ( ' **/tabs/polySurface2 ' ) , image_pos = ( 0.12 , 1 , - 0.91 ) , image_hpr = ( 0 , 0 , - 90 ) , image_scale = ( 0.033 , 0.033 , 0.035 ) , image_color = normalColor , image1_color = clickColor , image2_color = rolloverColor , image3_color = diabledColor , text_fg = Vec4 ( 0.2 , 0.1 , 0 , 1 ) , command = self . setMode , extraArgs = [ GardenPage_Collection ] , pos = ( 0.92 , 0 , 0.1 ) )
self . trophyTab = DirectButton ( parent = self , relief = None , text = TTLocalizer . GardenPageTrophyTab , text_scale = TTLocalizer . GPtrophyTab , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , image = gui . find ( ' **/tabs/polySurface3 ' ) , image_pos = ( - 0.28 , 1 , - 0.91 ) , image_hpr = ( 0 , 0 , - 90 ) , image_scale = ( 0.033 , 0.033 , 0.035 ) , image_color = normalColor , image1_color = clickColor , image2_color = rolloverColor , image3_color = diabledColor , text_fg = Vec4 ( 0.2 , 0.1 , 0 , 1 ) , command = self . setMode , extraArgs = [ GardenPage_Trophy ] , pos = ( 0.92 , 0 , - 0.3 ) )
self . specialsTab = DirectButton ( parent = self , relief = None , text = TTLocalizer . GardenPageSpecialsTab , text_scale = TTLocalizer . GPspecialsTab , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , image = gui . find ( ' **/tabs/polySurface3 ' ) , image_pos = ( - 0.28 , 1 , - 0.91 ) , image_hpr = ( 0 , 0 , - 90 ) , image_scale = ( 0.033 , 0.033 , 0.035 ) , image_color = normalColor , image1_color = clickColor , image2_color = rolloverColor , image3_color = diabledColor , text_fg = Vec4 ( 0.2 , 0.1 , 0 , 1 ) , command = self . setMode , extraArgs = [ GardenPage_Specials ] , pos = ( 0.92 , 0 , - 0.3 ) )
self . basketTab . setPos ( - 0.75 , 0 , 0.775 )
self . collectionTab . setPos ( - 0.33 , 0 , 0.775 )
self . trophyTab . setPos ( 0.09 , 0 , 0.775 )
self . specialsTab . setPos ( 0.51 , 0 , 0.775 )
gui = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui ' )
self . gardenSpecialsList = DirectScrolledList ( parent = self , relief = None , incButton_image = ( gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollUp ' ) ,
gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollDN ' ) ,
gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr ' ) ,
gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollUp ' ) ) , incButton_relief = None , incButton_pos = ( 0.0 , 0.0 , - 1.1 ) , incButton_image1_color = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 1.0 ) , incButton_image3_color = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.6 , 0.5 ) , incButton_scale = ( 1.0 , 1.0 , - 1.0 ) , decButton_image = ( gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollUp ' ) ,
gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollDN ' ) ,
gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr ' ) ,
gui . find ( ' **/FndsLst_ScrollUp ' ) ) , decButton_relief = None , decButton_pos = ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.117 ) , decButton_image1_color = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.6 , 1.0 ) , decButton_image3_color = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.6 , 0.6 ) , itemFrame_pos = ( - 0.2 , 0.0 , 0.05 ) , itemFrame_relief = None , numItemsVisible = 18 , items = [ ] , pos = ( - 0.6 , 0 , 0.45 ) )
self . gardenSpecialsList . hide ( )
self . specialsFrame = DirectFrame ( parent = self , relief = None , pos = ( 0.45 , 0.0 , 0.25 ) , text = ' ' , text_wordwrap = 14.4 , text_pos = ( 0 , - 0.46 ) , text_scale = 0.06 )
self . specialsInfo = DirectLabel ( parent = self . specialsFrame , relief = None , pos = ( 0.0 , 0.0 , - 0.0 ) , text = ' ' , text_wordwrap = 12.4 , text_pos = ( 0 , - 0.46 ) , text_scale = 0.06 )
self . specialsPhoto = SpecialsPhoto . SpecialsPhoto ( - 1 , parent = self . specialsFrame )
self . specialsPhoto . setBackBounds ( - 0.3 , 0.3 , - 0.235 , 0.25 )
self . specialsPhoto . setBackColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.74901 , 1.0 )
buttons = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui ' )
okImageList = ( buttons . find ( ' **/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP ' ) , buttons . find ( ' **/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN ' ) , buttons . find ( ' **/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr ' ) )
self . useSpecialButton = DirectButton ( parent = self , relief = None , image = okImageList , pos = ( 0.45 , 0 , - 0.5 ) , text = TTLocalizer . UseSpecial , text_scale = 0.06 , text_pos = ( 0 , - 0.1 ) , command = self . __useSpecial )
buttons . removeNode ( )
def setMode ( self , mode , updateAnyways = 0 ) :
messenger . send ( ' wakeup ' )
if not updateAnyways :
if self . mode == mode :
else :
self . mode = mode
self . gardenSpecialsList . hide ( )
self . specialsPhoto . hide ( )
self . specialsFrame . hide ( )
self . useSpecialButton . hide ( )
if mode == GardenPage_Basket :
self . title [ ' text ' ] = TTLocalizer . GardenPageTitleBasket
if not hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
self . createFlowerPicker ( )
self . picker . show ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . browser . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' trophyFrame ' ) :
self . trophyFrame . hide ( )
self . basketTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . DISABLED
self . collectionTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . trophyTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . specialsTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
elif mode == GardenPage_Collection :
self . title [ ' text ' ] = TTLocalizer . GardenPageTitleCollection
if hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
self . picker . hide ( )
if not hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . createAlbumBrowser ( )
self . browser . show ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' trophyFrame ' ) :
self . trophyFrame . hide ( )
self . basketTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . collectionTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . DISABLED
self . trophyTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . specialsTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
elif mode == GardenPage_Trophy :
self . title [ ' text ' ] = TTLocalizer . GardenPageTitleTrophy
if hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
self . picker . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . browser . hide ( )
if not hasattr ( self , ' trophyFrame ' ) :
self . createGardenTrophyFrame ( )
self . trophyFrame . show ( )
self . basketTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . collectionTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . trophyTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . DISABLED
self . specialsTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
elif mode == GardenPage_Specials :
self . title [ ' text ' ] = TTLocalizer . GardenPageTitleSpecials
if hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
self . picker . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . browser . hide ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' trophyFrame ' ) :
self . trophyFrame . hide ( )
self . basketTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . collectionTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . trophyTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
self . specialsTab [ ' state ' ] = DGG . DISABLED
self . gardenSpecialsList . show ( )
specialsList = localAvatar . getGardenSpecials ( )
self . specialsPhoto . show ( )
self . specialsFrame . show ( )
self . createGardenSpecialsList ( )
self . updatePage ( )
def createGardenSpecialsList ( self ) :
self . clearGS ( )
self . specialsInfo [ ' text ' ] = ' '
self . useSpecialButton . hide ( )
self . specialsPhoto . hide ( )
self . specialsPhoto . update ( - 1 )
self . specialsPhoto . show ( )
specialsList = localAvatar . getGardenSpecials ( )
firstEntry = None
if len ( specialsList ) == 0 :
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' incButton_image1_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 0.0 )
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' incButton_image3_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 0.0 )
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' decButton_image1_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 0.0 )
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' decButton_image3_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 0.0 )
else :
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' incButton_image1_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 1.0 )
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' incButton_image3_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 1.0 )
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' decButton_image1_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 1.0 )
self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' decButton_image3_color ' ] = Vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 1.0 )
for entry in specialsList :
if not firstEntry :
firstEntry = entry
someItem = DirectScrolledListItem ( parent = self . gardenSpecialsList , text = ' %s x %s ' % ( GardenGlobals . Specials [ entry [ 0 ] ] [ ' photoName ' ] , entry [ 1 ] ) , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , text_fg = ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1 ) , text_bg = ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1 , 0 ) , text_scale = 0.06 , relief = None , command = self . showSpecialsPanel , extraArgs = [ entry ] )
self . gardenSpecialsList . addItem ( someItem )
self . specialsPhoto . show ( )
if firstEntry :
self . showSpecialsPanel ( firstEntry )
def showSpecialsPanel ( self , entry ) :
type = entry [ 0 ]
number = entry [ 1 ]
self . specialsPhoto . hide ( )
self . specialsPhoto . update ( type )
self . specialsPhoto . show ( )
self . specialsInfo [ ' text ' ] = GardenGlobals . Specials [ entry [ 0 ] ] [ ' description ' ]
self . selectedSpecial = type
specialInfo = GardenGlobals . Specials [ entry [ 0 ] ]
if ' useFromShtiker ' in specialInfo and specialInfo [ ' useFromShtiker ' ] :
self . useSpecialButton . show ( )
else :
self . useSpecialButton . hide ( )
def __useSpecial ( self ) :
self . useSpecialButton [ ' state ' ] = DGG . DISABLED
localAvatar . sendUpdate ( ' reqUseSpecial ' , [ self . selectedSpecial ] )
def clearGS ( self ) :
while len ( self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' items ' ] ) > 0 :
for item in self . gardenSpecialsList [ ' items ' ] :
self . gardenSpecialsList . removeItem ( item , 1 )
if hasattr ( item , ' destroy ' ) :
item . destroy ( )
if hasattr ( item , ' delete ' ) :
item . delete ( )
del item
def createAlbumBrowser ( self ) :
if not hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . browser = FlowerBrowser . FlowerBrowser ( self )
self . browser . setScale ( 1.1 )
self . collectedTotal = DirectLabel ( parent = self . browser , relief = None , text = ' ' , text_scale = 0.06 , pos = ( 0 , 0 , - 0.61 ) )
def createGardenTrophyFrame ( self ) :
if not hasattr ( self , ' trophyFrame ' ) :
self . trophyFrame = DirectFrame ( parent = self , relief = None , image = self . trophyCase , image_pos = ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) , image_scale = 0.034 )
self . trophyFrame . hide ( )
self . trophies = [ ]
hOffset = - 0.5
vOffset = 0.4
for level , trophyDesc in GardenGlobals . TrophyDict . items ( ) :
trophy = GardenTrophy ( - 1 )
trophy . nameLabel [ ' text ' ] = trophyDesc [ 0 ]
trophy . reparentTo ( self . trophyFrame )
trophy . setScale ( 0.36 )
if level % TROPHIES_PER_ROW == 0 :
hOffset = - 0.5
vOffset - = 0.4
trophy . setPos ( hOffset , 0 , vOffset )
hOffset + = 0.25
self . trophies . append ( trophy )
def createFlowerPicker ( self ) :
if not hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
self . picker = FlowerPicker . FlowerPicker ( self )
self . picker . setPos ( - 0.555 , 0 , 0.1 )
self . picker . setScale ( 0.95 )
self . FUDGE_FACTOR = 0.01
self . barLength = 1.1
self . shovelBar = DirectWaitBar ( parent = self . picker , pos = ( 0.95 , 0 , - 0.55 ) , relief = DGG . SUNKEN , frameSize = ( - 0.65 ,
1.05 ,
- 0.1 ,
0.1 ) , borderWidth = ( 0.025 , 0.025 ) , scale = 0.45 , frameColor = ( 0.8 , 0.8 , 0.7 , 1 ) , barColor = ( 0.6 , 0.4 , 0.2 , 1 ) , range = self . barLength + self . FUDGE_FACTOR , value = self . barLength * 0.5 + self . FUDGE_FACTOR , text = ' ' + TTLocalizer . Laff , text_scale = 0.11 , text_fg = ( 0.05 , 0.14 , 0.2 , 1 ) , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , text_pos = ( - 0.57 , - 0.035 ) )
self . wateringCanBar = DirectWaitBar ( parent = self . picker , pos = ( 0.95 , 0 , - 0.75 ) , relief = DGG . SUNKEN , frameSize = ( - 0.65 ,
1.05 ,
- 0.1 ,
0.1 ) , borderWidth = ( 0.025 , 0.025 ) , scale = 0.45 , frameColor = ( 0.8 , 0.8 , 0.7 , 1 ) , barColor = ( 0.4 , 0.6 , 1.0 , 1 ) , range = self . barLength + self . FUDGE_FACTOR , value = self . barLength * 0.5 + self . FUDGE_FACTOR , text = ' ' + TTLocalizer . Laff , text_scale = 0.11 , text_fg = ( 0.05 , 0.14 , 0.2 , 1 ) , text_align = TextNode . ALeft , text_pos = ( - 0.57 , - 0.035 ) )
def unload ( self ) :
print ' gardenPage Unloading '
if hasattr ( self , ' specialsPhoto ' ) :
del self . specialsPhoto
if hasattr ( self , ' trophies ' ) :
del self . trophies
if hasattr ( self , ' trophyCase ' ) :
del self . trophyCase
if hasattr ( self , ' useSpecialButton ' ) :
self . useSpecialButton . destroy ( )
del self . useSpecialButton
self . cleanupResultDialog ( )
self . gardenSpecialsList . destroy ( )
self . basketTab . destroy ( )
self . collectionTab . destroy ( )
self . trophyTab . destroy ( )
self . specialsTab . destroy ( )
ShtikerPage . ShtikerPage . unload ( self )
def updatePage ( self ) :
if hasattr ( self , ' collectedTotal ' ) :
self . collectedTotal [ ' text ' ] = TTLocalizer . GardenPageCollectedTotal % ( len ( base . localAvatar . flowerCollection ) , GardenGlobals . getNumberOfFlowerVarieties ( ) )
if hasattr ( self , ' shovelBar ' ) :
shovel = base . localAvatar . shovel
shovelName = TTLocalizer . ShovelNameDict [ shovel ]
curShovelSkill = base . localAvatar . shovelSkill
maxShovelSkill = GardenGlobals . ShovelAttributes [ shovel ] [ ' skillPts ' ]
if shovel == GardenGlobals . MAX_SHOVELS - 1 :
maxShovelSkill - = 1
wateringCan = base . localAvatar . wateringCan
wateringCanName = TTLocalizer . WateringCanNameDict [ wateringCan ]
curWateringCanSkill = base . localAvatar . wateringCanSkill
maxWateringCanSkill = GardenGlobals . WateringCanAttributes [ wateringCan ] [ ' skillPts ' ]
if wateringCan == GardenGlobals . MAX_WATERING_CANS - 1 :
maxWateringCanSkill - = 1
textToUse = TTLocalizer . GardenPageShovelInfo % ( shovelName , curShovelSkill , maxShovelSkill )
self . shovelBar [ ' text ' ] = textToUse
self . shovelBar [ ' value ' ] = float ( curShovelSkill ) / float ( maxShovelSkill ) * self . barLength + self . FUDGE_FACTOR
textToUse = TTLocalizer . GardenPageWateringCanInfo % ( wateringCanName , curWateringCanSkill , maxWateringCanSkill )
self . wateringCanBar [ ' text ' ] = textToUse
self . wateringCanBar [ ' value ' ] = float ( curWateringCanSkill ) / float ( maxWateringCanSkill ) * self . barLength + self . FUDGE_FACTOR
else :
print ' no shovel bar '
if self . mode == GardenPage_Collection :
if hasattr ( self , ' browser ' ) :
self . browser . update ( )
elif self . mode == GardenPage_Basket :
if hasattr ( self , ' picker ' ) :
newBasketFlower = base . localAvatar . flowerBasket . getFlower ( )
self . picker . update ( newBasketFlower )
elif self . mode == GardenPage_Trophy :
if hasattr ( self , ' trophies ' ) :
for trophy in self . trophies :
trophy . setLevel ( - 1 )
for trophyId in base . localAvatar . getGardenTrophies ( ) :
self . trophies [ trophyId ] . setLevel ( trophyId )
elif self . mode == GardenPage_Specials :
self . createGardenSpecialsList ( )
if not base . cr . playGame . getPlace ( ) . getState ( ) == ' stickerBook ' :
self . specialsPhoto . hide ( )
def destroy ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' destroy ' )
self . useSpecialButton . destroy ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' gardenSpecialsList ' ) :
self . clearGS ( )
self . gardenSpecialsList . destroy ( )
self . ignoreAll ( )
self . cleanupResultDialog ( )
DirectFrame . destroy ( self )
def useSpecialDone ( self , response ) :
stringToShow = ' '
if response == ' success ' :
stringToShow = TTLocalizer . UseSpecialSuccess
elif response == ' badlocation ' :
stringToShow = TTLocalizer . UseSpecialBadLocation
else :
stringToShow = ' Unknown response %s ' % response
self . resultDialog = TTDialog . TTDialog ( parent = aspect2dp , style = TTDialog . Acknowledge , text = stringToShow , command = self . cleanupResultDialog )
def cleanupResultDialog ( self , value = None ) :
if self . resultDialog :
self . resultDialog . destroy ( )
self . resultDialog = None
self . useSpecialButton [ ' state ' ] = DGG . NORMAL
class GardenTrophy ( DirectFrame ) :
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal . directNotify . newCategory ( ' GardenTrophy ' )
def __init__ ( self , level ) :
DirectFrame . __init__ ( self , relief = None )
self . initialiseoptions ( GardenTrophy )
self . trophy = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3.5/models/gui/fishingTrophy ' )
self . trophy . reparentTo ( self )
self . trophy . setPos ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
self . trophy . setScale ( 0.1 )
self . base = self . trophy . find ( ' **/trophyBase ' )
self . column = self . trophy . find ( ' **/trophyColumn ' )
self . top = self . trophy . find ( ' **/trophyTop ' )
self . topBase = self . trophy . find ( ' **/trophyTopBase ' )
self . statue = self . trophy . find ( ' **/trophyStatue ' )
self . base . setColorScale ( 1 , 1 , 0.8 , 1 )
self . bowl = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3.5/models/gui/fishingTrophyBowl ' )
self . bowl . reparentTo ( self )
self . bowl . setPos ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
self . bowl . setScale ( 2.0 )
self . bowlTop = self . bowl . find ( ' **/fishingTrophyGreyBowl ' )
self . bowlBase = self . bowl . find ( ' **/fishingTrophyBase ' )
self . bowlBase . setScale ( 1.25 , 1 , 1 )
self . bowlBase . setColorScale ( 1 , 1 , 0.8 , 1 )
self . nameLabel = DirectLabel ( parent = self , relief = None , pos = ( 0 , 0 , - 0.15 ) , text = ' Trophy Text ' , text_scale = 0.125 , text_fg = Vec4 ( 0.9 , 0.9 , 0.4 , 1 ) )
self . shadow = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3/models/props/drop_shadow ' )
self . shadow . reparentTo ( self )
self . shadow . setColor ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 )
self . shadow . setPosHprScale ( 0 , 1 , 0.35 , 0 , 90 , 0 , 0.1 , 0.14 , 0.1 )
self . setLevel ( level )
def setLevel ( self , level ) :
self . level = level
order = ( ' C ' , ' D ' , ' B ' , ' A ' )
scales = ( 0.25 , 0.25 , 0.22 , 0.25 )
metalTrophy = ( ' wheelbarrel ' , ' shovels ' , ' flower ' , ' watering_can ' )
if self . level > = 0 and self . level < len ( order ) :
modelStr = ' phase_5.5/models/estate/trophy '
modelStr + = order [ level ]
self . gardenTrophy = loader . loadModel ( modelStr )
self . gardenTrophy . setScale ( scales [ level ] )
self . gardenTrophy . reparentTo ( self )
self . metalTrophy = self . gardenTrophy . find ( ' **/ %s ' % metalTrophy [ level ] )
if level == - 1 :
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . hide ( )
self . nameLabel . hide ( )
elif level == 0 :
self . trophy . show ( )
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . hide ( )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . column . setScale ( 1.3229 , 1.26468 , 1.11878 )
self . top . setPos ( 0 , 0 , - 1 )
self . __bronze ( )
elif level == 1 :
self . trophy . show ( )
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . hide ( )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . column . setScale ( 1.3229 , 1.26468 , 1.61878 )
self . top . setPos ( 0 , 0 , - 0.5 )
self . __bronze ( )
elif level == 2 :
self . trophy . show ( )
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . hide ( )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . column . setScale ( 1.3229 , 1.26468 , 2.11878 )
self . top . setPos ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
self . __silver ( )
elif level == 3 :
self . trophy . show ( )
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . hide ( )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . column . setScale ( 1.3229 , 1.26468 , 2.61878 )
self . top . setPos ( 0 , 0 , 0.5 )
self . __silver ( )
elif level == 4 :
self . trophy . show ( )
self . bowl . hide ( )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . column . setScale ( 1.3229 , 1.26468 , 3.11878 )
self . top . setPos ( 0 , 0 , 1 )
self . __gold ( )
elif level == 5 :
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . show ( )
self . bowlTop . setScale ( 1.75 )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . __bronze ( )
elif level == 6 :
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . show ( )
self . bowlTop . setScale ( 2.0 )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . __silver ( )
elif level > = 7 :
self . trophy . hide ( )
self . bowl . show ( )
self . bowlTop . setScale ( 2.25 )
self . nameLabel . show ( )
self . __gold ( )
def __bronze ( self ) :
self . top . setColorScale ( 0.9 , 0.6 , 0.33 , 1 )
self . bowlTop . setColorScale ( 0.9 , 0.6 , 0.33 , 1 )
self . metalTrophy . setColorScale ( 0.9 , 0.6 , 0.33 , 1 )
def __silver ( self ) :
self . top . setColorScale ( 0.9 , 0.9 , 1 , 1 )
self . bowlTop . setColorScale ( 0.9 , 0.9 , 1 , 1 )
self . metalTrophy . setColorScale ( 0.9 , 0.9 , 1 , 1 )
def __gold ( self ) :
self . top . setColorScale ( 1 , 0.95 , 0.1 , 1 )
self . bowlTop . setColorScale ( 1 , 0.95 , 0.1 , 1 )
self . metalTrophy . setColorScale ( 1 , 0.95 , 0.1 , 1 )
def destroy ( self ) :
self . trophy . removeNode ( )
self . bowl . removeNode ( )
self . shadow . removeNode ( )
if hasattr ( self , ' gardenTrophy ' ) :
self . gardenTrophy . removeNode ( )
DirectFrame . destroy ( self )