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2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
import inspect
import sys
#Bpdb - breakpoint debugging system (kanpatel - 04/2010)
class BpMan:
def __init__(self):
self.bpInfos = {}
def partsToPath(self, parts):
cfg = parts.get('cfg')
grp = parts.get('grp')
id = parts.get('id','*')
path = ''
if cfg:
path += '%s'%(cfg,)
if grp or id:
path += '::'
if grp:
path += '%s'%(grp,)
if isinstance(id, int):
path += '(%s)'%(id,)
elif grp:
path += '.%s'%(id,)
path += '%s'%(id,)
return path
def pathToParts(self, path=None):
parts = {'cfg':None, 'grp':None, 'id':None}
#verify input
if not isinstance(path, type('')):
assert not "error: argument must be string of form '[cfg::][grp.]id'"
return parts
#parse cfg
tokens = path.split('::')
if (len(tokens) > 1) and (len(tokens[0]) > 0):
parts['cfg'] = tokens[0]
path = tokens[1]
#parse grp
tokens = path.split('.')
if (len(tokens) == 1):
tokens = path.rsplit(')', 1)
if (len(tokens) > 1) and (tokens[-1] == ''):
tokens = tokens[-2].rsplit('(', 1)
if (len(tokens) > 1):
verifyInt = int(tokens[-1])
parts['grp'] = tokens[0]
path = tokens[-1]
elif (len(tokens) > 1) and (len(tokens[0]) > 0):
parts['grp'] = tokens[0]
path = tokens[1]
#parse id
if (len(path) > 0):
parts['id'] = path
if parts['id'] == '*':
parts['id'] = None
return parts
def bpToPath(self, bp):
if type(bp) is type(''):
bp = self.pathToParts(bp)
return self.partsToPath(bp)
def bpToParts(self, bp):
if type(bp) is type({}):
bp = self.partsToPath(bp)
return self.pathToParts(bp)
def makeBpInfo(self, grp, id):
self.bpInfos.setdefault(grp, {None:{},})
self.bpInfos[grp].setdefault(id, {})
def getEnabled(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(parts['grp'], parts['id'])
if not self.bpInfos[grp][None].get('enabled', True):
return False
if not self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('enabled', True):
return False
return True
def setEnabled(self, bp, enabled=True):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['enabled'] = enabled
return enabled
def toggleEnabled(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
newEnabled = not self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('enabled', True)
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['enabled'] = newEnabled
return newEnabled
def getIgnoreCount(self, bp, decrement=False):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
ignoreCount = self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('ignoreCount', 0)
if ignoreCount > 0 and decrement:
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['ignoreCount'] = ignoreCount - 1
return ignoreCount
def setIgnoreCount(self, bp, ignoreCount=0):
if not isinstance(ignoreCount, int):
print 'error: first argument should be integer ignoreCount'
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['ignoreCount'] = ignoreCount
return ignoreCount
def getLifetime(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
lifetime = self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('lifetime', -1)
return lifetime
def setLifetime(self, bp, newLifetime):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['lifetime'] = newLifetime
return lifetime
def decLifetime(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
lifetime = self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('lifetime', -1)
if lifetime > 0:
lifetime = lifetime - 1
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['lifetime'] = lifetime
return lifetime
def getHitCount(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
return self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('count', 0)
def setHitCount(self, bp, newHitCount):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['count'] = newHitCount
def incHitCount(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
self.bpInfos[grp][id]['count'] = self.bpInfos[grp][id].get('count', 0) + 1
def resetBp(self, bp):
parts = self.bpToParts(bp)
grp, id = parts['grp'], parts['id']
self.makeBpInfo(grp, id)
self.bpInfos[grp][id] = {}
if id is None:
del self.bpInfos[grp]
class BpDb:
def __init__(self):
self.enabled = True
self.cfgInfos = { None:True }
self.codeInfoCache = {}
self.bpMan = BpMan()
self.lastBp = None
self.pdbAliases = {}
self.configCallback = None
def setEnabledCallback(self, callback):
self.enabledCallback = callback
def verifyEnabled(self):
if self.enabledCallback:
return self.enabledCallback()
return True
def setConfigCallback(self, callback):
self.configCallback = callback
def verifySingleConfig(self, cfg):
if cfg in self.cfgInfos:
return self.cfgInfos[cfg]
return not self.configCallback or self.configCallback(cfg)
def verifyConfig(self, cfg):
cfgList = choice(isinstance(cfg, tuple), cfg, (cfg,))
passedCfgs = [c for c in cfgList if self.verifySingleConfig(c)]
return (len(passedCfgs) > 0)
def toggleConfig(self, cfg):
self.cfgInfos[cfg] = not self.verifyConfig(cfg)
return self.cfgInfos[cfg]
def resetConfig(self, cfg):
self.cfgInfos.pop(cfg, None)
#setup bpdb prompt commands
def displayHelp(self):
print 'You may use normal pdb commands plus the following:'
#print ' cmd [param <def>] [cmd] does )this( with [param] (default is def)'
#print ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------'
print ' _i [n <0> [, path=<curr>]] set ignore count for bp [path] to [n]'
print ' _t [path <curr>] toggle bp [path]'
print ' _tg [grp <curr>] toggle grp'
print ' _tc [cfg <curr>] toggle cfg'
print ' _z [path <curr>] clear all settings for bp [path]'
print ' _zg [grp <curr>] clear all settings for grp'
print ' _zc [cfg <curr>] clear all settings for cfg (restore .prc setting)'
print ' _h displays this usage help'
print ' _ua unalias these commands from pdb'
def addPdbAliases(self):
self.makePdbAlias('_i', 'bpdb._i(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_t', 'bpdb._t(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_tg', 'bpdb._tg(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_tc', 'bpdb._tc(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_z', 'bpdb._z(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_zg', 'bpdb._zg(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_zc', 'bpdb._zc(%*)')
self.makePdbAlias('_h', 'bpdb.displayHelp()')
self.makePdbAlias('_ua', 'bpdb.removePdbAliases()')
def makePdbAlias(self, aliasName, aliasCmd):
self.pdbAliases[aliasName] = aliasCmd
self.pdb.do_alias('%s %s'%(aliasName,aliasCmd))
def removePdbAliases(self):
for aliasName in self.pdbAliases.iterkeys():
self.pdbAliases = {}
print '(bpdb aliases removed)'
#handle bpdb prompt commands by forwarding to bpMan
def _e(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['path','bp','name',], self.lastBp)
enabled = self._getArg(args, [type(True),type(1),], kwargs, ['enabled','on',], True)
newEnabled = self.bpMan.setEnabled(bp, enabled)
print "'%s' is now %s."%(self.bpMan.bpToPath(bp),choice(newEnabled,'enabled','disabled'),)
def _i(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['path','bp','name',], self.lastBp)
count = self._getArg(args, [type(1),], kwargs, ['ignoreCount','count','n',], 0)
newCount = self.bpMan.setIgnoreCount(bp, count)
print "'%s' will ignored %s times."%(self.bpMan.bpToPath(bp),newCount,)
def _t(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['path','bp','name',], self.lastBp)
newEnabled = self.bpMan.toggleEnabled(bp)
print "'%s' is now %s."%(self.bpMan.bpToPath(bp),choice(newEnabled,'enabled','disabled'),)
def _tg(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['grp',], self.lastBp)
if type(bp) == type(''):
bp = {'grp':bp}
bp = {'grp':bp.get('grp')}
newEnabled = self.bpMan.toggleEnabled(bp)
print "'%s' is now %s."%(self.bpMan.bpToPath(bp),choice(newEnabled,'enabled','disabled'),)
def _tc(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['cfg',], self.lastBp)
if type(bp) == type(''):
bp = {'cfg':bp}
bp = {'cfg':bp.get('cfg')}
newEnabled = self.toggleConfig(bp['cfg'])
print "'%s' is now %s."%(self.bpMan.bpToPath(bp),choice(newEnabled,'enabled','disabled'),)
def _z(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['path','bp','name',], self.lastBp)
print "'%s' has been reset."%(self.bpMan.partsToPath(bp),)
def _zg(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['grp',], self.lastBp)
if type(bp) == type(''):
bp = {'grp':bp}
bp = {'grp':bp.get('grp')}
print "'%s' has been reset."%(self.bpMan.partsToPath(bp),)
def _zc(self, *args, **kwargs):
bp = self._getArg(args, [type(''),type({}),], kwargs, ['cfg',], self.lastBp)
if type(bp) == type(''):
bp = {'cfg':bp}
bp = {'cfg':bp.get('cfg')}
print "'%s' has been reset."%(self.bpMan.bpToPath(bp),)
def _getArg(self, args, goodTypes, kwargs, goodKeys, default = None):
#look for desired arg in args and kwargs lists
argVal = default
for val in args:
if type(val) in goodTypes:
argVal = val
for key in goodKeys:
if key in kwargs:
argVal = kwargs[key]
return argVal
#code for automatically determining param vals
def getFrameCodeInfo(self, frameCount=1):
#get main bits
stack = inspect.stack()
primaryFrame = stack[frameCount][0]
return ('<stdin>', None, -1)
#frameInfo is inadequate as a unique marker for this code location
#caching disabled until suitable replacement is found
#frameInfo = inspect.getframeinfo(primaryFrame)
#frameInfo = (frameInfo[0], frameInfo[1])
#check cache
#codeInfo = self.codeInfoCache.get(frameInfo)
#if codeInfo:
# return codeInfo
#look for module name
moduleName = None
callingModule = inspect.getmodule(primaryFrame)
if callingModule and callingModule.__name__ != '__main__':
moduleName = callingModule.__name__
#look for class name
className = None
for i in range(frameCount, len(stack)):
callingContexts = stack[i][4]
if callingContexts:
contextTokens = callingContexts[0].split()
if contextTokens[0] in ['class','def'] and len(contextTokens) > 1:
callingContexts[0] = callingContexts[0].replace('(',' ').replace(':',' ')
contextTokens = callingContexts[0].split()
className = contextTokens[1]
if className is None:
#look for self (this functions inappropriately for inherited classes)
slf = primaryFrame.f_locals.get('self')
if slf:
className = slf.__class__.__name__
#in __init__ 'self' exists but 'if slf' will crash
#get line number
def byteOffsetToLineno(code, byte):
# Returns the source line number corresponding to the given byte
# offset into the indicated Python code module.
import array
lnotab = array.array('B', code.co_lnotab)
line = code.co_firstlineno
for i in range(0, len(lnotab), 2):
byte -= lnotab[i]
if byte <= 0:
return line
line += lnotab[i+1]
return line
lineNumber = byteOffsetToLineno(primaryFrame.f_code, primaryFrame.f_lasti)
#frame = inspect.stack()[frameCount][0]
#lineno = byteOffsetToLineno(frame.f_code, frame.f_lasti)
codeInfo = (moduleName, className, lineNumber)
#self.codeInfoCache[frameInfo] = codeInfo
return codeInfo
#actually deliver the user a prompt
def set_trace(self, bp, frameCount=1):
#find useful frame
self.currFrame = sys._getframe()
interactFrame = self.currFrame
while frameCount > 0:
interactFrame = interactFrame.f_back
frameCount -= 1
#cache this as the latest bp
self.lastBp = bp.getParts()
#set up and start debuggger
import pdb
self.pdb = pdb.Pdb()
#self.pdb.do_alias('aa bpdb.addPdbAliases()')
#bp invoke methods
def bp(self, id=None, grp=None, cfg=None, iff=True, enabled=True, test=None, frameCount=1):
if not (self.enabled and self.verifyEnabled()):
if not (enabled and iff):
bpi = bp(id=id, grp=grp, cfg=cfg, frameCount=frameCount+1)
bpi.maybeBreak(test=test, frameCount=frameCount+1)
def bpCall(self,id=None,grp=None,cfg=None,iff=True,enabled=True,test=None,frameCount=1,onEnter=1,onExit=0):
def decorator(f):
return f
if not (self.enabled and self.verifyEnabled()):
return decorator
if not (enabled and iff):
return decorator
bpi = bp(id=id, grp=grp, cfg=cfg, frameCount=frameCount+1)
if bpi.disabled:
return decorator
def decorator(f):
def wrap(*args, **kwds):
#create our bp object
dbp = bp(id=id or f.__name__, grp=bpi.grp, cfg=bpi.cfg, frameCount=frameCount+1)
if onEnter:
dbp.maybeBreak(test=test,frameCount=frameCount+1,displayPrefix='Calling ')
f_result = f(*args, **kwds)
if onExit:
dbp.maybeBreak(test=test,frameCount=frameCount+1,displayPrefix='Exited ')
return f_result
wrap.func_name = f.func_name
wrap.func_dict = f.func_dict
wrap.func_doc = f.func_doc
wrap.__module__ = f.__module__
return wrap
return decorator
def bpPreset(self, *args, **kArgs):
def functor(*cArgs, **ckArgs):
if kArgs.get('call', None):
def functor(*cArgs, **ckArgs):
def decorator(f):
return f
return decorator
if self.enabled and self.verifyEnabled():
argsCopy = args[:]
def functor(*cArgs, **ckArgs):
kwArgs = {}
kwArgs.pop('static', None)
kwArgs['frameCount'] = ckArgs.get('frameCount',1)+1
if kwArgs.pop('call', None):
return self.bpCall(*(cArgs), **kwArgs)
return self.bp(*(cArgs), **kwArgs)
if kArgs.get('static', None):
return staticmethod(functor)
return functor
def bpGroup(*args, **kArgs):
print "BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead"
kwArgs = {}
kwArgs['frameCount'] = kArgs.get('frameCount', 1) + 1
return bpdb.bpPreset(*(args), **(kwArgs))
class bp:
def __init__(self, id=None, grp=None, cfg=None, frameCount=1):
#check early out conditions
self.disabled = False
if not bpdb.enabled:
self.disabled = True
#default cfg, grp, id from calling code info
moduleName, className, lineNumber = bpdb.getFrameCodeInfo(frameCount=frameCount+1)
if moduleName: #use only leaf module name
moduleName = moduleName.split('.')[-1]
self.grp = grp or className or moduleName
self.id = id or lineNumber
#default cfg to stripped module name
if cfg is None and moduleName:
cfg = moduleName.lower()
if cfg.find("distributed") == 0: #prune leading 'Distributed'
cfg = cfg[len("distributed"):]
# check cfgs
self.cfg = cfg
if not bpdb.verifyConfig(self.cfg):
self.disabled = True
def getParts(self):
return {'id':self.id,'grp':self.grp,'cfg':self.cfg}
def displayContextHint(self, displayPrefix=''):
contextString = displayPrefix + bpdb.bpMan.partsToPath({'id':self.id,'grp':self.grp,'cfg':self.cfg})
dashes = '-'*max(0, (80 - len(contextString) - 4) / 2)
print '<%s %s %s>'%(dashes,contextString,dashes)
def maybeBreak(self, test=None, frameCount=1, displayPrefix=''):
if self.shouldBreak(test=test):
def shouldBreak(self, test=None):
#check easy early out
if self.disabled:
return False
if test:
if not isinstance(test, (list, tuple)):
test = (test,)
for atest in test:
if not atest():
return False
#check disabled conditions
if not bpdb.bpMan.getEnabled({'grp':self.grp,'id':self.id}):
return False
if not bpdb.verifyConfig(self.cfg):
return False
#check skip conditions
if bpdb.bpMan.getIgnoreCount({'grp':self.grp,'id':self.id},decrement=True):
return False
if bpdb.bpMan.getLifetime({'grp':self.grp,'id':self.id}) == 0:
return False
#all conditions go
return True
def doBreak(self, frameCount=1,displayPrefix=''):
#accumulate hit count
#setup debugger
bpdb.set_trace(self, frameCount=frameCount+1)