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2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
"""DistributedObjectAI module: contains the DistributedObjectAI class"""
from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectBase import DistributedObjectBase
from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
from pandac.PandaModules import *
#from PyDatagram import PyDatagram
#from PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator
class DistributedObjectAI(DistributedObjectBase):
notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistributedObjectAI")
QuietZone = 1
def __init__(self, air):
self.DistributedObjectAI_initialized = 1
DistributedObjectBase.__init__(self, air)
# Record the repository
self.air = air
# Record our distributed class
className = self.__class__.__name__
self.dclass = self.air.dclassesByName[className]
# init doId pre-allocated flag
self.__preallocDoId = 0
# used to track zone changes across the quiet zone
# NOTE: the quiet zone is defined in OTP, but we need it
# here.
self.lastNonQuietZone = None
self._DOAI_requestedDelete = False
# These are used to implement beginBarrier().
self.__nextBarrierContext = 0
self.__barriers = {}
self.__generated = False
# reference count for multiple inheritance
self.__generates = 0
self._zoneData = None
# Uncomment if you want to debug DO leaks
#def __del__(self):
# """
# For debugging purposes, this just prints out what got deleted
# """
# print ("Destructing: " + self.__class__.__name__)
if __debug__:
def status(self, indent=0):
print out doId(parentId, zoneId) className
and conditionally show generated, disabled, neverDisable,
or cachable
spaces=' '*(indent+2)
print "%s%s:"%(
' '*indent, self.__class__.__name__)
print "%sfrom DistributedObject doId:%s, parent:%s, zone:%s"%(
self.doId, self.parentId, self.zoneId),
if self.__generated:
if self.air == None:
if len(flags):
print "(%s)"%(" ".join(flags),),
except Exception, e: print "%serror printing status"%(spaces,), e
def getDeleteEvent(self):
# this is sent just before we get deleted
if hasattr(self, 'doId'):
return 'distObjDelete-%s' % self.doId
return None
def sendDeleteEvent(self):
# this is called just before we get deleted
delEvent = self.getDeleteEvent()
if delEvent:
def getCacheable(self):
""" This method exists only to mirror the similar method on
DistributedObject. AI objects aren't cacheable. """
return False
def deleteOrDelay(self):
""" This method exists only to mirror the similar method on
DistributedObject. AI objects don't have delayDelete, they
just get deleted immediately. """
def getDelayDeleteCount(self):
return 0
def delete(self):
Inheritors should redefine this to take appropriate action on delete
Note that this may be called multiple times if a class inherits
from DistributedObjectAI more than once.
self.__generates -= 1
if self.__generates < 0:
self.notify.debug('DistributedObjectAI: delete() called more times than generate()')
if self.__generates == 0:
# prevent this code from executing multiple times
if self.air is not None:
# self.doId may not exist. The __dict__ syntax works around that.
assert self.notify.debug('delete(): %s' % (self.__dict__.get("doId")))
if not self._DOAI_requestedDelete:
# this logs every delete that was not requested by us.
# TODO: this currently prints warnings for deletes of objects
# that we did not create. We need to add a 'locally created'
# flag to every object to filter these out.
'delete() called but requestDelete never called for %s: %s'
% (self.__dict__.get('doId'), self.__class__.__name__))
# print a stack trace so we can detect whether this is the
# result of a network msg.
# this is slow.
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import StackTrace
'stack trace: %s' % StackTrace())
self._DOAI_requestedDelete = False
# Clean up all the pending barriers.
for barrier in self.__barriers.values():
self.__barriers = {}
# DCR: I've re-enabled this block of code so that Toontown's
# AI won't leak channels.
# Let me know if it causes trouble.
### Asad: As per Roger's suggestion, turn off the following
### block until a solution is thought out of how to prevent
### this delete message or to handle this message better
# TODO: do we still need this check?
if not getattr(self, "doNotDeallocateChannel", False):
if self.air:
self.air = None
self.parentId = None
self.zoneId = None
self.__generated = False
def isDeleted(self):
Returns true if the object has been deleted,
or if it is brand new and hasnt yet been generated.
return self.air == None
def isGenerated(self):
Returns true if the object has been generated
return self.__generated
def getDoId(self):
Return the distributed object id
return self.doId
def preAllocateDoId(self):
objects that need to have a doId before they are generated
can call this to pre-allocate a doId for the object
assert not self.__preallocDoId
self.doId = self.air.allocateChannel()
self.__preallocDoId = 1
def announceGenerate(self):
Called after the object has been generated and all
of its required fields filled in. Overwrite when needed.
def b_setLocation(self, parentId, zoneId):
self.d_setLocation(parentId, zoneId)
self.setLocation(parentId, zoneId)
def d_setLocation(self, parentId, zoneId):
self.air.sendSetLocation(self, parentId, zoneId)
def setLocation(self, parentId, zoneId):
# Prevent Duplicate SetLocations for being Called
if (self.parentId == parentId) and (self.zoneId == zoneId):
oldParentId = self.parentId
oldZoneId = self.zoneId
self.air.storeObjectLocation(self, parentId, zoneId)
if ((oldParentId != parentId) or
(oldZoneId != zoneId)):
messenger.send(self.getZoneChangeEvent(), [zoneId, oldZoneId])
# if we are not going into the quiet zone, send a 'logical' zone
# change message
if zoneId != DistributedObjectAI.QuietZone:
lastLogicalZone = oldZoneId
if oldZoneId == DistributedObjectAI.QuietZone:
lastLogicalZone = self.lastNonQuietZone
self.handleLogicalZoneChange(zoneId, lastLogicalZone)
self.lastNonQuietZone = zoneId
def getLocation(self):
if self.parentId <= 0 and self.zoneId <= 0:
return None
# This is a -1 stuffed into a uint32
if self.parentId == 0xffffffff and self.zoneId == 0xffffffff:
return None
return (self.parentId, self.zoneId)
except AttributeError:
return None
def postGenerateMessage(self):
self.__generated = True
messenger.send(self.uniqueName("generate"), [self])
def updateRequiredFields(self, dclass, di):
dclass.receiveUpdateBroadcastRequired(self, di)
def updateAllRequiredFields(self, dclass, di):
dclass.receiveUpdateAllRequired(self, di)
def updateRequiredOtherFields(self, dclass, di):
dclass.receiveUpdateBroadcastRequired(self, di)
# Announce generate after updating all the required fields,
# but before we update the non-required fields.
dclass.receiveUpdateOther(self, di)
def updateAllRequiredOtherFields(self, dclass, di):
dclass.receiveUpdateAllRequired(self, di)
# Announce generate after updating all the required fields,
# but before we update the non-required fields.
dclass.receiveUpdateOther(self, di)
def startMessageBundle(self, name):
def sendMessageBundle(self):
def getZoneChangeEvent(self):
# this event is generated whenever this object changes zones.
# arguments are newZoneId, oldZoneId
# includes the quiet zone.
return DistributedObjectAI.staticGetZoneChangeEvent(self.doId)
def getLogicalZoneChangeEvent(self):
# this event is generated whenever this object changes to a
# non-quiet-zone zone.
# arguments are newZoneId, oldZoneId
# does not include the quiet zone.
return DistributedObjectAI.staticGetLogicalZoneChangeEvent(self.doId)
def staticGetZoneChangeEvent(doId):
return 'DOChangeZone-%s' % doId
def staticGetLogicalZoneChangeEvent(doId):
return 'DOLogicalChangeZone-%s' % doId
def handleLogicalZoneChange(self, newZoneId, oldZoneId):
"""this function gets called as if we never go through the
quiet zone. Note that it is called once you reach the newZone,
and not at the time that you leave the oldZone."""
[newZoneId, oldZoneId])
def getZoneData(self):
# Call this to get an AIZoneData object for the current zone.
# This class will hold onto it as self._zoneData
# setLocation destroys self._zoneData if we move away to
# a different zone
if self._zoneData is None:
from otp.ai.AIZoneData import AIZoneData
self._zoneData = AIZoneData(self.air, self.parentId, self.zoneId)
return self._zoneData
def releaseZoneData(self):
# You can call this to release any AIZoneData object that we might be
# holding onto. If we're the last one for the current zone, the data
# will be destroyed (render, collision traverser, etc.)
# Note that the AIZoneData object that we're holding will be destroyed
# automatically when we move away or are destroyed.
if self._zoneData is not None:
self._zoneData = None
def getRender(self):
# note that this will return a different node if we change zones
#return self.air.getRender(self.zoneId)
return self.getZoneData().getRender()
def getNonCollidableParent(self):
return self.getZoneData().getNonCollidableParent()
def getParentMgr(self):
#return self.air.getParentMgr(self.zoneId)
return self.getZoneData().getParentMgr()
def getCollTrav(self, *args, **kArgs):
return self.getZoneData().getCollTrav(*args, **kArgs)
def sendUpdate(self, fieldName, args = []):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
if self.air:
self.air.sendUpdate(self, fieldName, args)
def GetPuppetConnectionChannel(self, doId):
return doId + (1001L << 32)
def GetAccountConnectionChannel(self, doId):
return doId + (1003L << 32)
def GetAccountIDFromChannelCode(self, channel):
return channel >> 32
def GetAvatarIDFromChannelCode(self, channel):
return channel & 0xffffffffL
def sendUpdateToAvatarId(self, avId, fieldName, args):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
channelId = self.GetPuppetConnectionChannel(avId)
self.sendUpdateToChannel(channelId, fieldName, args)
def sendUpdateToAccountId(self, accountId, fieldName, args):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
channelId = self.GetAccountConnectionChannel(accountId)
self.sendUpdateToChannel(channelId, fieldName, args)
def sendUpdateToChannel(self, channelId, fieldName, args):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
if self.air:
self.air.sendUpdateToChannel(self, channelId, fieldName, args)
def generateWithRequired(self, zoneId, optionalFields=[]):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
# have we already allocated a doId?
if self.__preallocDoId:
self.__preallocDoId = 0
return self.generateWithRequiredAndId(
self.doId, zoneId, optionalFields)
# The repository is the one that really does the work
parentId = self.air.districtId
self.air.generateWithRequired(self, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields)
# this is a special generate used for estates, or anything else that
# needs to have a hard coded doId as assigned by the server
def generateWithRequiredAndId(self, doId, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields=[]):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
# have we already allocated a doId?
if self.__preallocDoId:
assert doId == self.doId
self.__preallocDoId = 0
# The repository is the one that really does the work
self.air.generateWithRequiredAndId(self, doId, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields)
def generateOtpObject(self, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields=[], doId=None):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
# have we already allocated a doId?
if self.__preallocDoId:
assert doId is None or doId == self.doId
self.__preallocDoId = 0
# Assign it an id
if doId is None:
self.doId = self.air.allocateChannel()
self.doId = doId
# Put the new DO in the dictionaries
self.air.addDOToTables(self, location=(parentId, zoneId))
# Send a generate message
self.sendGenerateWithRequired(self.air, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields)
def generate(self):
Inheritors should put functions that require self.zoneId or
other networked info in this function.
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
self.__generates += 1
def generateInit(self, repository=None):
First generate (not from cache).
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
def generateTargetChannel(self, repository):
Who to send this to for generate messages
if hasattr(self, "dbObject"):
return self.doId
return repository.serverId
def sendGenerateWithRequired(self, repository, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields=[]):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
dg = self.dclass.aiFormatGenerate(
self, self.doId, parentId, zoneId,
def initFromServerResponse(self, valDict):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
# This is a special method used for estates, etc., which get
# their fields set from the database indirectly by way of the
# AI. The input parameter is a dictionary of field names to
# datagrams that describes the initial field values from the
# database.
dclass = self.dclass
for key, value in valDict.items():
# Update the field
dclass.directUpdate(self, key, value)
def requestDelete(self):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
if not self.air:
doId = "none"
if hasattr(self, "doId"):
doId = self.doId
"Tried to delete a %s (doId %s) that is already deleted" %
(self.__class__, doId))
self._DOAI_requestedDelete = True
def taskName(self, taskString):
return ("%s-%s" % (taskString, self.doId))
def uniqueName(self, idString):
return ("%s-%s" % (idString, self.doId))
def validate(self, avId, bool, msg):
if not bool:
self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, msg)
self.notify.warning('validate error: avId: %s -- %s' % (avId, msg))
return bool
def beginBarrier(self, name, avIds, timeout, callback):
# Begins waiting for a set of avatars. When all avatars in
# the list have reported back in or the callback has expired,
# calls the indicated callback with the list of avatars that
# made it through. There may be multiple barriers waiting
# simultaneously on different lists of avatars, although they
# should have different names.
from otp.ai import Barrier
context = self.__nextBarrierContext
# We assume the context number is passed as a uint16.
self.__nextBarrierContext = (self.__nextBarrierContext + 1) & 0xffff
assert self.notify.debug('beginBarrier(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (context, name, avIds, timeout))
if avIds:
barrier = Barrier.Barrier(
name, self.uniqueName(name), avIds, timeout,
doneFunc = PythonUtil.Functor(
self.__barrierCallback, context, callback))
self.__barriers[context] = barrier
# Send the context number to each involved client.
self.sendUpdate("setBarrierData", [self.getBarrierData()])
# No avatars; just call the callback immediately.
return context
def getBarrierData(self):
# Returns the barrier data formatted for sending to the
# clients. This lists all of the current outstanding barriers
# and the avIds waiting for them.
data = []
for context, barrier in self.__barriers.items():
avatars = barrier.pendingAvatars
if avatars:
data.append((context, barrier.name, avatars))
return data
def ignoreBarrier(self, context):
# Aborts a previously-set barrier. The context is the return
# value from the previous call to beginBarrier().
barrier = self.__barriers.get(context)
if barrier:
del self.__barriers[context]
def setBarrierReady(self, context):
# Generated by the clients to check in after a beginBarrier()
# call.
avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
assert self.notify.debug('setBarrierReady(%s, %s)' % (context, avId))
barrier = self.__barriers.get(context)
if barrier == None:
# This may be None if a client was slow and missed an
# earlier timeout. Too bad.
def __barrierCallback(self, context, callback, avIds):
assert self.notify.debug('barrierCallback(%s, %s)' % (context, avIds))
# The callback that is generated when a barrier is completed.
barrier = self.__barriers.get(context)
if barrier:
del self.__barriers[context]
self.notify.warning("Unexpected completion from barrier %s" % (context))
def isGridParent(self):
# If this distributed object is a DistributedGrid return 1. 0 by default
return 0
def execCommand(self, string, mwMgrId, avId, zoneId):
def _retrieveCachedData(self):
""" This is a no-op on the AI. """