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2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
2 2
13 libp3showbase 4 il41 14 panda3d.direct
10 17 get_particle_path 0 1 0 17 get_particle_path 0 1 1 0
ConfigVariableSearchPath &get_particle_path(void);
11 15 throw_new_frame 0 1 0 15 throw_new_frame 0 1 2 100
// Throw the "NewFrame" event in the C++ world. Some of the lerp code
// depends on receiving this.
void throw_new_frame(void);
12 19 get_config_showbase 0 1 0 19 get_config_showbase 0 1 3 92
// Returns the configure object for accessing config variables from a
// scripting language.
DConfig &get_config_showbase(void);
13 16 init_app_for_gui 0 1 0 16 init_app_for_gui 0 1 4 118
// Initialize the application for making a Gui-based app, such as wx.
// At the moment, this is a no-op except on Mac.
void init_app_for_gui(void);
14 23 add_fullscreen_testsize 0 1 0 23 add_fullscreen_testsize 0 1 5 61
// klunky interface since we cant pass array from python->C++
void add_fullscreen_testsize(int xsize, int ysize);
15 24 runtest_fullscreen_sizes 0 1 0 24 runtest_fullscreen_sizes 0 1 6 61
// klunky interface since we cant pass array from python->C++
void runtest_fullscreen_sizes(GraphicsWindow *win);
16 27 query_fullscreen_testresult 0 1 0 27 query_fullscreen_testresult 0 1 7 0
bool query_fullscreen_testresult(int xsize, int ysize);
17 33 store_accessibility_shortcut_keys 0 1 0 33 store_accessibility_shortcut_keys 0 1 8 31
// to handle windows stickykeys
void store_accessibility_shortcut_keys(void);
18 33 allow_accessibility_shortcut_keys 0 1 0 33 allow_accessibility_shortcut_keys 0 1 9 31
// to handle windows stickykeys
void allow_accessibility_shortcut_keys(bool allowKeys);
1 14 Dtool_il41sp9F 0 6 1 19 0 14 Dtool_il41sp9F 0 0
2 14 Dtool_il41zKzG 0 4 2 21 0 14 Dtool_il41zKzG 100 // Throw the "NewFrame" event in the C++ world. Some of the lerp code
// depends on receiving this. 0
3 14 Dtool_il41QL_f 0 6 3 22 0 14 Dtool_il41QL_f 92 // Returns the configure object for accessing config variables from a
// scripting language. 0
4 14 Dtool_il41h6hW 0 4 4 21 0 14 Dtool_il41h6hW 118 // Initialize the application for making a Gui-based app, such as wx.
// At the moment, this is a no-op except on Mac. 0
5 14 Dtool_il41qt19 0 4 5 21 0 14 Dtool_il41qt19 61 // klunky interface since we cant pass array from python->C++ 2 5 xsize 1 24 5 ysize 1 24
6 14 Dtool_il41uFP_ 0 4 6 21 0 14 Dtool_il41uFP_ 61 // klunky interface since we cant pass array from python->C++ 1 3 win 1 25
7 14 Dtool_il41vU68 0 6 7 27 0 14 Dtool_il41vU68 0 2 5 xsize 1 24 5 ysize 1 24
8 14 Dtool_il41wJls 0 4 8 21 0 14 Dtool_il41wJls 31 // to handle windows stickykeys 0
9 14 Dtool_il414Gyt 0 4 9 21 0 14 Dtool_il414Gyt 31 // to handle windows stickykeys 1 9 allowKeys 1 27
19 26 ConfigVariableSearchPath * 0 8576 26 ConfigVariableSearchPath * 26 ConfigVariableSearchPath * 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 24 ConfigVariableSearchPath 0 2048 24 ConfigVariableSearchPath 24 ConfigVariableSearchPath 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1125
// Class : ConfigVariableSearchPath
// Description : This is similar to a ConfigVariableList, but it
// returns its list as a DSearchPath, as a list of
// directories.
// You may locally append directories to the end of the
// search path with the methods here, or prepend them to
// the beginning. Use these methods to make adjustments
// to the path; do not attempt to directly modify the
// const DSearchPath object returned by get_value().
// Unlike other ConfigVariable types, local changes
// (made by calling append_directory() and
// prepend_directory()) are specific to this particular
// instance of the ConfigVariableSearchPath. A separate
// instance of the same variable, created by using the
// same name to the constructor, will not reflect the
// local changes.
21 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 9 DConfig * 0 8576 9 DConfig * 9 DConfig * 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 7 DConfig 0 2048 7 DConfig 7 DConfig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535
// Class : DConfig
// Description : This class emulates the old dconfig-style interface
// to our Panda config system. It exists only to
// provide backward-compatible support, and it is used
// primarily by Python code. For modern code, use the
// new ConfigVariable* interface instead of this
// deprecated interface.
24 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 16 GraphicsWindow * 0 8576 16 GraphicsWindow * 16 GraphicsWindow * 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 14 GraphicsWindow 0 2048 14 GraphicsWindow 14 GraphicsWindow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 329
// Class : GraphicsWindow
// Description : A window, fullscreen or on a desktop, into which a
// graphics device sends its output for interactive
// display.
27 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0