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from otp.ai.AIBaseGlobal import *
from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from toontown.suit import DistributedSuitAI
from toontown.building import SuitBuildingGlobals
from toontown.suit.SuitInvasionGlobals import IFSkelecog, IFWaiter, IFV2
import types, math, random
's': BASE_RESERVE * .9,
'm': BASE_RESERVE * 1.1,
'l': BASE_RESERVE * 1.25,
'c': BASE_RESERVE * 1.5,
def filterReviveChance(track, revive):
if revive >= 0:
return revive
return random.randint(config.GetInt('min-lt-vs', 0), config.GetInt('max-lt-vs', 2))
# Implements difficulty 19 / LT.
def getMaxReserves(track):
return int(math.ceil(MAX_RESERVES[track]))
class SuitPlannerCogdoInteriorAI:
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('SuitPlannerCogdoInteriorAI')
def __init__(self, layout, difficulty, track, zoneId, numFloors = 1):
self.zoneId = zoneId
self.numFloors = layout.getNumFloors()
difficulty = min(difficulty + 4, len(SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo) - 1)
self.respectInvasions = 1
if isinstance(difficulty, types.StringType):
self.notify.warning('difficulty is a string!')
difficulty = int(difficulty)
self._genSuitInfos(numFloors, difficulty, track)
def __genJoinChances(self, num):
joinChances = []
for currChance in xrange(num):
joinChances.append(random.randint(1, 100))
return joinChances
def _genSuitInfos(self, numFloors, difficulty, bldgTrack):
self.suitInfos = []
self.notify.debug('\n\ngenerating suitsInfos with numFloors (' + str(numFloors) + ') difficulty (' + str(difficulty) + '+1) and bldgTrack (' + str(bldgTrack) + ')')
for currFloor in xrange(numFloors):
infoDict = {}
lvls = self.__genLevelList(difficulty, currFloor, numFloors)
activeDicts = []
numActive = random.randint(1, min(4, len(lvls)))
if currFloor + 1 == numFloors and len(lvls) > 1:
origBossSpot = len(lvls) - 1
if numActive == 1:
newBossSpot = numActive - 1
newBossSpot = numActive - 2
tmp = lvls[newBossSpot]
lvls[newBossSpot] = lvls[origBossSpot]
lvls[origBossSpot] = tmp
bldgInfo = SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo[difficulty]
if len(bldgInfo) > SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_REVIVES:
revives = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_REVIVES][0]
revives = 0
for currActive in xrange(numActive - 1, -1, -1):
level = lvls[currActive]
type = self.__genNormalSuitType(level)
activeDict = {}
activeDict['type'] = type
activeDict['track'] = bldgTrack
activeDict['level'] = level
activeDict['revives'] = filterReviveChance(bldgTrack, revives)
infoDict['activeSuits'] = activeDicts
reserveDicts = []
numReserve = min(len(lvls) - numActive, getMaxReserves(bldgTrack))
joinChances = self.__genJoinChances(numReserve)
for currReserve in xrange(numReserve):
level = lvls[currReserve + numActive]
type = self.__genNormalSuitType(level)
reserveDict = {}
reserveDict['type'] = type
reserveDict['track'] = bldgTrack
reserveDict['level'] = level
reserveDict['revives'] = filterReviveChance(bldgTrack, revives)
reserveDict['joinChance'] = joinChances[currReserve]
infoDict['reserveSuits'] = reserveDicts
def __genNormalSuitType(self, lvl):
return SuitDNA.getRandomSuitType(lvl)
def __genLevelList(self, difficulty, currFloor, numFloors):
bldgInfo = SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo[difficulty]
lvlPoolRange = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_LVL_POOL]
maxFloors = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_FLOORS][1]
lvlPoolMults = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_LVL_POOL_MULTS]
floorIdx = min(currFloor, maxFloors - 1)
lvlPoolMin = lvlPoolRange[0] * lvlPoolMults[floorIdx]
lvlPoolMax = lvlPoolRange[1] * lvlPoolMults[floorIdx]
lvlPool = random.randint(int(lvlPoolMin), int(lvlPoolMax))
lvlMin = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_SUIT_LVLS][0]
lvlMax = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_SUIT_LVLS][1]
self.notify.debug('Level Pool: ' + str(lvlPool))
lvlList = []
while lvlPool >= lvlMin:
newLvl = random.randint(lvlMin, min(lvlPool, lvlMax))
lvlPool -= newLvl
if currFloor + 1 == numFloors:
bossLvlRange = bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_BOSS_LVLS]
newLvl = random.randint(bossLvlRange[0], bossLvlRange[1])
self.notify.debug('LevelList: ' + repr(lvlList))
return lvlList
def __setupSuitInfo(self, suit, bldgTrack, suitLevel, suitType):
suitDeptIndex, suitTypeIndex, flags = simbase.air.suitInvasionManager.getInvadingCog()
if self.respectInvasions:
if suitDeptIndex is not None:
bldgTrack = SuitDNA.suitDepts[suitDeptIndex]
if suitTypeIndex is not None:
suitName = SuitDNA.getSuitName(suitDeptIndex, suitTypeIndex)
suitType = SuitDNA.getSuitType(suitName)
suitLevel = min(max(suitLevel, suitType), suitType + 4)
dna = SuitDNA.SuitDNA()
dna.newSuitRandom(suitType, bldgTrack)
suit.dna = dna
self.notify.debug('Creating suit type ' + suit.dna.name + ' of level ' + str(suitLevel) + ' from type ' + str(suitType) + ' and track ' + str(bldgTrack))
return flags
def __genSuitObject(self, suitZone, suitType, bldgTrack, suitLevel, revives = 0):
newSuit = DistributedSuitAI.DistributedSuitAI(simbase.air, None)
flags = self.__setupSuitInfo(newSuit, bldgTrack, suitLevel, suitType)
if flags & IFSkelecog:
if flags & IFWaiter:
if flags & IFV2:
newSuit.node().setName('suit-%s' % newSuit.doId)
return newSuit
def myPrint(self):
print 'Generated suits for cogdo: '
for floor, currInfo in enumerate(self.suitInfos):
floor += 1
actives = currInfo['activeSuits']
reserves = currInfo['reserveSuits']
print ' Floor %d has %d active suits.' % (floor, len(actives))
print ' Floor %d has %d reserve suits.' % (floor, len(reserves))
for idx, currActive in enumerate(actives):
type, track, level, revives = map(lambda x: currActive[x], ('type', 'track', 'level', 'revives'))
print '-- Active suit %d is %s, %s and level %d and revives is %d' % (idx, type, track, level, revives)
for idx, currReserve in enumerate(reserves):
type, track, level, revives, res = map(lambda x: currReserve[x], ('type', 'track', 'level', 'revives', 'joinChance'))
print '- Reserve suit %d is %s, %s and level %d and JC = %d and revives is %d' % (idx, type, track, level, res, revives)
def genFloorSuits(self, floor):
suitHandles = {}
floorInfo = self.suitInfos[floor]
activeSuits = []
for activeSuitInfo in floorInfo['activeSuits']:
suit = self.__genSuitObject(self.zoneId, activeSuitInfo['type'], activeSuitInfo['track'], activeSuitInfo['level'], activeSuitInfo['revives'])
suitHandles['activeSuits'] = activeSuits
reserveSuits = []
for reserveSuitInfo in floorInfo['reserveSuits']:
suit = self.__genSuitObject(self.zoneId, reserveSuitInfo['type'], reserveSuitInfo['track'], reserveSuitInfo['level'], reserveSuitInfo['revives'])
reserveSuits.append((suit, reserveSuitInfo['joinChance']))
suitHandles['reserveSuits'] = reserveSuits
return suitHandles
def genSuits(self):
suitHandles = []
for floor in xrange(len(self.suitInfos)):
floorSuitHandles = self.genFloorSuits(floor)
return suitHandles