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2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
class DistributedObjectBase(DirectObject):
The Distributed Object class is the base class for all network based
(i.e. distributed) objects. These will usually (always?) have a
dclass entry in a *.dc file.
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedObjectBase")
def __init__(self, cr):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
self.cr = cr
self.children = {}
self.parentId = None
self.zoneId = None
if __debug__:
def status(self, indent=0):
print out "doId(parentId, zoneId) className"
spaces=' '*(indent+2)
print "%s%s:"%(
' '*indent, self.__class__.__name__)
print "%sfrom DistributedObject doId:%s, parent:%s, zone:%s"%(
self.doId, self.parentId, self.zoneId),
except Exception, e: print "%serror printing status"%(spaces,), e
def getLocation(self):
if self.parentId == 0 and self.zoneId == 0:
return None
# This is a -1 stuffed into a uint32
if self.parentId == 0xffffffff and self.zoneId == 0xffffffff:
return None
return (self.parentId, self.zoneId)
except AttributeError:
return None
def handleChildArrive(self, childObj, zoneId):
A new child has just setLocation beneath us. Give us a
chance to run code when a new child sets location to us. For
example, we may want to scene graph reparent the child to
some subnode we own.
assert self.notify.debugCall()
# Inheritors should override
def handleChildArriveZone(self, childObj, zoneId):
A child has just changed zones beneath us with setLocation.
Give us a chance to run code when an existing child sets
location to us. For example, we may want to scene graph
reparent the child to some subnode we own.
assert self.notify.debugCall()
# Inheritors should override
def handleChildLeave(self, childObj, zoneId):
A child is about to setLocation away from us. Give us a
chance to run code just before a child sets location away from us.
assert self.notify.debugCall()
# Inheritors should override
def handleChildLeaveZone(self, childObj, zoneId):
A child is about to setLocation to another zone beneath us.
Give us a chance to run code just before a child sets
location to that zone.
assert self.notify.debugCall()
# Inheritors should override
def handleQueryObjectChildrenLocalDone(self, context):
assert self.notify.debugCall()
# Inheritors should override
def getParentObj(self):
if self.parentId is None:
return None
return self.cr.doId2do.get(self.parentId)
def hasParentingRules(self):
return self.dclass.getFieldByName('setParentingRules') != None
def delete(self):
Overwrite this to handle cleanup right before this object
gets deleted.