mirror of
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from pandac.PandaModules import HashVal, Filename, PandaSystem, DocumentSpec, Ramfile
from pandac.PandaModules import HTTPChannel
from pandac import PandaModules
from libpandaexpress import ConfigVariableInt
from direct.p3d.PackageInfo import PackageInfo
from direct.p3d.FileSpec import FileSpec
from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
import time
class HostInfo:
""" This class represents a particular download host serving up
Panda3D packages. It is the Python equivalent of the P3DHost
class in the core API. """
notify = directNotify.newCategory("HostInfo")
def __init__(self, hostUrl, appRunner = None, hostDir = None,
rootDir = None, asMirror = False, perPlatform = None):
""" You must specify either an appRunner or a hostDir to the
HostInfo constructor.
If you pass asMirror = True, it means that this HostInfo
object is to be used to populate a "mirror" folder, a
duplicate (or subset) of the contents hosted by a server.
This means when you use this HostInfo to download packages, it
will only download the compressed archive file and leave it
there. At the moment, mirror folders do not download old
patch files from the server.
If you pass perPlatform = True, then files are unpacked into a
platform-specific directory, which is appropriate when you
might be downloading multiple platforms. The default is
perPlatform = False, which means all files are unpacked into
the host directory directly, without an intervening
platform-specific directory name. If asMirror is True, then
the default is perPlatform = True.
Note that perPlatform is also restricted by the individual
package's specification. """
assert appRunner or rootDir or hostDir
self.appRunner = appRunner
self.rootDir = rootDir
if rootDir is None and appRunner:
self.rootDir = appRunner.rootDir
if hostDir and not isinstance(hostDir, Filename):
hostDir = Filename.fromOsSpecific(hostDir)
self.hostDir = hostDir
self.asMirror = asMirror
self.perPlatform = perPlatform
if perPlatform is None:
self.perPlatform = asMirror
# Initially false, this is set true when the contents file is
# successfully read.
self.hasContentsFile = False
# This is the time value at which the current contents file is
# no longer valid.
self.contentsExpiration = 0
# Contains the md5 hash of the original contents.xml file.
self.contentsSpec = FileSpec()
# descriptiveName will be filled in later, when the
# contents file is read.
self.descriptiveName = None
# A list of known mirrors for this host, all URL's guaranteed
# to end with a slash.
self.mirrors = []
# A map of keyword -> altHost URL's. An altHost is different
# than a mirror; an altHost is an alternate URL to download a
# different (e.g. testing) version of this host's contents.
# It is rarely used.
self.altHosts = {}
# This is a dictionary of packages by (name, version). It
# will be filled in when the contents file is read.
self.packages = {}
if self.appRunner and self.appRunner.verifyContents != self.appRunner.P3DVCForce:
# Attempt to pre-read the existing contents.xml; maybe it
# will be current enough for our purposes.
def __setHostUrl(self, hostUrl):
""" Assigns self.hostUrl, and related values. """
self.hostUrl = hostUrl
if not self.hostUrl:
# A special case: the URL will be set later.
self.hostUrlPrefix = None
self.downloadUrlPrefix = None
# hostUrlPrefix is the host URL, but it is guaranteed to end
# with a slash.
self.hostUrlPrefix = hostUrl
if self.hostUrlPrefix[-1] != '/':
self.hostUrlPrefix += '/'
# downloadUrlPrefix is the URL prefix that should be used for
# everything other than the contents.xml file. It might be
# the same as hostUrlPrefix, but in the case of an
# https-protected hostUrl, it will be the cleartext channel.
self.downloadUrlPrefix = self.hostUrlPrefix
def downloadContentsFile(self, http, redownload = False,
hashVal = None):
""" Downloads the contents.xml file for this particular host,
synchronously, and then reads it. Returns true on success,
false on failure. If hashVal is not None, it should be a
HashVal object, which will be filled with the hash from the
new contents.xml file."""
if self.hasCurrentContentsFile():
# We've already got one.
return True
if self.appRunner and self.appRunner.verifyContents == self.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
# Not allowed to.
return False
rf = None
if http:
if not redownload and self.appRunner and self.appRunner.superMirrorUrl:
# We start with the "super mirror", if it's defined.
url = self.appRunner.superMirrorUrl + 'contents.xml'
request = DocumentSpec(url)
self.notify.info("Downloading contents file %s" % (request))
rf = Ramfile()
channel = http.makeChannel(False)
if not channel.downloadToRam(rf):
self.notify.warning("Unable to download %s" % (url))
rf = None
if not rf:
# Then go to the main host, if our super mirror let us
# down.
url = self.hostUrlPrefix + 'contents.xml'
# Append a uniquifying query string to the URL to force the
# download to go all the way through any caches. We use the
# time in seconds; that's unique enough.
url += '?' + str(int(time.time()))
# We might as well explicitly request the cache to be disabled
# too, since we have an interface for that via HTTPChannel.
request = DocumentSpec(url)
self.notify.info("Downloading contents file %s" % (request))
statusCode = None
statusString = ''
for attempt in range(ConfigVariableInt('contents-xml-dl-attempts', 3)):
if attempt > 0:
self.notify.info("Retrying (%s)..."%(attempt,))
rf = Ramfile()
channel = http.makeChannel(False)
if channel.downloadToRam(rf):
self.notify.warning("Successfully downloaded %s" % (url,))
rf = None
statusCode = channel.getStatusCode()
statusString = channel.getStatusString()
self.notify.warning("Could not contact download server at %s" % (url,))
self.notify.warning("Status code = %s %s" % (statusCode, statusString))
if not rf:
self.notify.warning("Unable to download %s" % (url,))
# Something screwed up.
if statusCode == HTTPChannel.SCDownloadOpenError or \
statusCode == HTTPChannel.SCDownloadWriteError:
elif statusCode == 404:
# 404 not found
elif statusCode < 100:
# statusCode < 100 implies the connection attempt itself
# failed. This is usually due to firewall software
# interfering. Apparently some firewall software might
# allow the first connection and disallow subsequent
# connections; how strange.
# There are other kinds of failures, but these will
# generally have been caught already by the first test; so
# if we get here there may be some bigger problem. Just
# give the generic "big problem" message.
except NameError,e:
# no launcher
except AttributeError, e:
self.notify.warning("%s" % (str(e),))
return False
tempFilename = Filename.temporary('', 'p3d_', '.xml')
if rf:
f = open(tempFilename.toOsSpecific(), 'wb')
if hashVal:
if not self.readContentsFile(tempFilename, freshDownload = True):
self.notify.warning("Failure reading %s" % (url))
return False
return True
# Couldn't download the file. Maybe we should look for a
# previously-downloaded copy already on disk?
return False
def redownloadContentsFile(self, http):
""" Downloads a new contents.xml file in case it has changed.
Returns true if the file has indeed changed, false if it has
not. """
assert self.hasContentsFile
if self.appRunner and self.appRunner.verifyContents == self.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
# Not allowed to.
return False
url = self.hostUrlPrefix + 'contents.xml'
self.notify.info("Redownloading %s" % (url))
# Get the hash of the original file.
assert self.hostDir
hv1 = HashVal()
if self.contentsSpec.hash:
filename = Filename(self.hostDir, 'contents.xml')
# Now download it again.
self.hasContentsFile = False
hv2 = HashVal()
if not self.downloadContentsFile(http, redownload = True,
hashVal = hv2):
return False
if hv2 == HashVal():
self.notify.info("%s didn't actually redownload." % (url))
return False
elif hv1 != hv2:
self.notify.info("%s has changed." % (url))
return True
self.notify.info("%s has not changed." % (url))
return False
def hasCurrentContentsFile(self):
""" Returns true if a contents.xml file has been successfully
read for this host and is still current, false otherwise. """
if not self.appRunner \
or self.appRunner.verifyContents == self.appRunner.P3DVCNone \
or self.appRunner.verifyContents == self.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
# If we're not asking to verify contents, then
# contents.xml files never expires.
return self.hasContentsFile
now = int(time.time())
return now < self.contentsExpiration and self.hasContentsFile
def readContentsFile(self, tempFilename = None, freshDownload = False):
""" Reads the contents.xml file for this particular host, once
it has been downloaded into the indicated temporary file.
Returns true on success, false if the contents file is not
already on disk or is unreadable.
If tempFilename is specified, it is the filename read, and it
is copied the file into the standard location if it's not
there already. If tempFilename is not specified, the standard
filename is read if it is known. """
if not hasattr(PandaModules, 'TiXmlDocument'):
return False
if not tempFilename:
if self.hostDir:
# If the filename is not specified, we can infer it
# if we already know our hostDir
hostDir = self.hostDir
# Otherwise, we have to guess the hostDir.
hostDir = self.__determineHostDir(None, self.hostUrl)
tempFilename = Filename(hostDir, 'contents.xml')
doc = PandaModules.TiXmlDocument(tempFilename.toOsSpecific())
if not doc.LoadFile():
return False
xcontents = doc.FirstChildElement('contents')
if not xcontents:
return False
maxAge = xcontents.Attribute('max_age')
if maxAge:
maxAge = int(maxAge)
maxAge = None
if maxAge is None:
# Default max_age if unspecified (see p3d_plugin.h).
from direct.p3d.AppRunner import AppRunner
# Get the latest possible expiration time, based on the max_age
# indication. Any expiration time later than this is in error.
now = int(time.time())
self.contentsExpiration = now + maxAge
if freshDownload:
# Update the XML with the new download information.
xorig = xcontents.FirstChildElement('orig')
while xorig:
xorig = xcontents.FirstChildElement('orig')
xorig = PandaModules.TiXmlElement('orig')
xorig.SetAttribute('expiration', str(self.contentsExpiration))
# Read the download hash and expiration time from the XML.
expiration = None
xorig = xcontents.FirstChildElement('orig')
if xorig:
expiration = xorig.Attribute('expiration')
if expiration:
expiration = int(expiration)
expiration = None
if not self.contentsSpec.hash:
if expiration is not None:
self.contentsExpiration = min(self.contentsExpiration, expiration)
# Look for our own entry in the hosts table.
if self.hostUrl:
assert self.hostDir
if not self.hostDir:
self.hostDir = self.__determineHostDir(None, self.hostUrl)
# Get the list of packages available for download and/or import.
xpackage = xcontents.FirstChildElement('package')
while xpackage:
name = xpackage.Attribute('name')
platform = xpackage.Attribute('platform')
version = xpackage.Attribute('version')
solo = int(xpackage.Attribute('solo') or '')
except ValueError:
solo = False
perPlatform = int(xpackage.Attribute('per_platform') or '')
except ValueError:
perPlatform = False
package = self.__makePackage(name, platform, version, solo, perPlatform)
package.descFile = FileSpec()
package.importDescFile = None
ximport = xpackage.FirstChildElement('import')
if ximport:
package.importDescFile = FileSpec()
xpackage = xpackage.NextSiblingElement('package')
self.hasContentsFile = True
# Now save the contents.xml file into the standard location.
if not self.appRunner or self.appRunner.verifyContents != self.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
assert self.hostDir
filename = Filename(self.hostDir, 'contents.xml')
if freshDownload:
if filename != tempFilename:
return True
def __findHostXml(self, xcontents):
""" Looks for the <host> or <alt_host> entry in the
contents.xml that corresponds to the URL that we actually
downloaded from. """
xhost = xcontents.FirstChildElement('host')
while xhost:
url = xhost.Attribute('url')
if url == self.hostUrl:
xalthost = xhost.FirstChildElement('alt_host')
while xalthost:
url = xalthost.Attribute('url')
if url == self.hostUrl:
xalthost = xalthost.NextSiblingElement('alt_host')
xhost = xhost.NextSiblingElement('host')
def __findHostXmlForHostDir(self, xcontents):
""" Looks for the <host> or <alt_host> entry in the
contents.xml that corresponds to the host dir that we read the
contents.xml from. This is used when reading a contents.xml
file found on disk, as opposed to downloading it from a
site. """
xhost = xcontents.FirstChildElement('host')
while xhost:
url = xhost.Attribute('url')
hostDirBasename = xhost.Attribute('host_dir')
hostDir = self.__determineHostDir(hostDirBasename, url)
if hostDir == self.hostDir:
xalthost = xhost.FirstChildElement('alt_host')
while xalthost:
url = xalthost.Attribute('url')
hostDirBasename = xalthost.Attribute('host_dir')
hostDir = self.__determineHostDir(hostDirBasename, url)
if hostDir == self.hostDir:
xalthost = xalthost.NextSiblingElement('alt_host')
xhost = xhost.NextSiblingElement('host')
def readHostXml(self, xhost):
""" Reads a <host> or <alt_host> entry and applies the data to
this object. """
descriptiveName = xhost.Attribute('descriptive_name')
if descriptiveName and not self.descriptiveName:
self.descriptiveName = descriptiveName
hostDirBasename = xhost.Attribute('host_dir')
if not self.hostDir:
self.hostDir = self.__determineHostDir(hostDirBasename, self.hostUrl)
# Get the "download" URL, which is the source from which we
# download everything other than the contents.xml file.
downloadUrl = xhost.Attribute('download_url')
if downloadUrl:
self.downloadUrlPrefix = downloadUrl
if self.downloadUrlPrefix[-1] != '/':
self.downloadUrlPrefix += '/'
self.downloadUrlPrefix = self.hostUrlPrefix
xmirror = xhost.FirstChildElement('mirror')
while xmirror:
url = xmirror.Attribute('url')
if url:
if url[-1] != '/':
url += '/'
if url not in self.mirrors:
xmirror = xmirror.NextSiblingElement('mirror')
xalthost = xhost.FirstChildElement('alt_host')
while xalthost:
keyword = xalthost.Attribute('keyword')
url = xalthost.Attribute('url')
if url and keyword:
self.altHosts[keyword] = url
xalthost = xalthost.NextSiblingElement('alt_host')
def __makePackage(self, name, platform, version, solo, perPlatform):
""" Creates a new PackageInfo entry for the given name,
version, and platform. If there is already a matching
PackageInfo, returns it. """
if not platform:
# Ensure that we're on the same page with non-specified
# platforms. We always use None, not empty string.
platform = None
platforms = self.packages.setdefault((name, version), {})
package = platforms.get(platform, None)
if not package:
package = PackageInfo(self, name, version, platform = platform,
solo = solo, asMirror = self.asMirror,
perPlatform = perPlatform)
platforms[platform] = package
return package
def getPackage(self, name, version, platform = None):
""" Returns a PackageInfo that matches the indicated name and
version and the indicated platform or the current runtime
platform, if one is provided by this host, or None if not. """
assert self.hasContentsFile
platforms = self.packages.get((name, version or None), {})
if platform is not None:
# In this case, we are looking for a specific platform
# only.
return platforms.get(platform or None, None)
# We are looking for one matching the current runtime
# platform. First, look for a package matching the current
# platform exactly.
package = platforms.get(PandaSystem.getPlatform(), None)
# If not found, look for one matching no particular platform.
if not package:
package = platforms.get(None, None)
return package
def getPackages(self, name = None, platform = None):
""" Returns a list of PackageInfo objects that match the
indicated name and/or platform, with no particular regards to
version. If name is None, all packages are returned. """
assert self.hasContentsFile
packages = []
for (pn, version), platforms in self.packages.items():
if name and pn != name:
if platform is None:
for p2 in platforms:
package = self.getPackage(pn, version, platform = p2)
if package:
package = self.getPackage(pn, version, platform = platform)
if package:
return packages
def getAllPackages(self, includeAllPlatforms = False):
""" Returns a list of all available packages provided by this
host. """
result = []
items = self.packages.items()
for key, platforms in items:
if self.perPlatform or includeAllPlatforms:
# If we maintain a different answer per platform,
# return all of them.
pitems = platforms.items()
for pkey, package in pitems:
# If we maintain a host for the current platform
# only (e.g. a client copy), then return only the
# current platform, or no particular platform.
package = platforms.get(PandaSystem.getPlatform(), None)
if not package:
package = platforms.get(None, None)
if package:
return result
def deletePackages(self, packages):
""" Removes all of the indicated packages from the disk,
uninstalling them and deleting all of their files. The
packages parameter must be a list of one or more PackageInfo
objects, for instance as returned by getPackage(). Returns
the list of packages that were NOT found. """
packages = packages[:]
for key, platforms in self.packages.items():
for platform, package in platforms.items():
if package in packages:
del platforms[platform]
if not platforms:
# If we've removed all the platforms for a given
# package, remove the key from the toplevel map.
del self.packages[key]
return packages
def __deletePackageFiles(self, package):
""" Called by deletePackage(), this actually removes the files
for the indicated package. """
if self.appRunner:
self.notify.info("Deleting package %s: %s" % (package.packageName, package.getPackageDir()))
self.appRunner.sendRequest('forget_package', self.hostUrl, package.packageName, package.packageVersion or '')
def __determineHostDir(self, hostDirBasename, hostUrl):
""" Hashes the host URL into a (mostly) unique directory
string, which will be the root of the host's install tree.
Returns the resulting path, as a Filename.
This code is duplicated in C++, in
P3DHost::determine_host_dir(). """
if hostDirBasename:
# If the contents.xml specified a host_dir parameter, use
# it.
hostDir = self.rootDir.cStr() + '/hosts'
for component in hostDirBasename.split('/'):
if component:
if component[0] == '.':
# Forbid ".foo" or "..".
component = 'x' + component
hostDir += '/'
hostDir += component
return Filename(hostDir)
hostDir = 'hosts/'
# Look for a server name in the URL. Including this string in the
# directory name makes it friendlier for people browsing the
# directory.
# We could use URLSpec, but we do it by hand instead, to make
# it more likely that our hash code will exactly match the
# similar logic in P3DHost.
p = hostUrl.find('://')
hostname = ''
if p != -1:
start = p + 3
end = hostUrl.find('/', start)
# Now start .. end is something like "username@host:port".
at = hostUrl.find('@', start)
if at != -1 and at < end:
start = at + 1
colon = hostUrl.find(':', start)
if colon != -1 and colon < end:
end = colon
# Now start .. end is just the hostname.
hostname = hostUrl[start : end]
# Now build a hash string of the whole URL. We'll use MD5 to
# get a pretty good hash, with a minimum chance of collision.
# Even if there is a hash collision, though, it's not the end
# of the world; it just means that both hosts will dump their
# packages into the same directory, and they'll fight over the
# toplevel contents.xml file. Assuming they use different
# version numbers (which should be safe since they have the
# same hostname), there will be minimal redownloading.
hashSize = 16
keepHash = hashSize
if hostname:
hostDir += hostname + '_'
# If we successfully got a hostname, we don't really need the
# full hash. We'll keep half of it.
keepHash = keepHash / 2;
md = HashVal()
hostDir += md.asHex()[:keepHash * 2]
hostDir = Filename(self.rootDir, hostDir)
return hostDir