QuestsDefaultIncomplete=("How's that task coming, _avName_?",
'Looks like you still have more work to do on that task!',
'Keep up the good work, _avName_!',
'Keep trying to finish that task. I know you can do it!',
'Keep trying to complete that task, we are counting on you!',
'Keep working on that ToonTask!')
QuestsDefaultIncompleteProgress=('You came to the right place, but you need to finish your ToonTask first.','When you are finished with that ToonTask, come back here.','Come back when you are finished with your ToonTask.')
QuestsDefaultIncompleteWrongNPC=('Nice work on that ToonTask. You should go visit _toNpcName_._where_','Looks like you are ready to finish your ToonTask. Go see _toNpcName_._where_.','Go see _toNpcName_ to finish your ToonTask._where_')
QuestsDefaultComplete=('Nice work! Here is your reward...','Great job, _avName_! Take this reward...','Wonderful job, _avName_! Here is your reward...')
'So long, _avName_.',
'See ya, _avName_!',
'Good luck!',
'Have fun in Toontown!',
'See you later!')
QuestsDefaultReject=('Heya, _avName_!',
'Whatcha need?',
'Hello! How are you doing?',
'Hi there.',
"Sorry _avName_, I'm a bit busy right now.",
'Howdy, _avName_!',
'Welcome, _avName_!',
"Hey, _avName_! How's it hanging?",
"Need any help?",
"Hi _avName_, what brings you here?")
QuestsDefaultTierNotDone=('Hello, _avName_! You must finish your current ToonTasks before getting a new one.','Hi there! You need to finish the ToonTasks you are working on in order to get a new one.','Hi, _avName_! Before I can give you a new ToonTask, you need to finish the ones you have.')
QuestsDefaultVisitQuestDialog=('I heard _toNpcName_ is looking for you._where_',
'Stop by and see _toNpcName_ when you get a chance._where_',
'Pay a visit to _toNpcName_ next time you are over that way._where_',
'If you get a chance, stop in and say hi to _toNpcName_._where_',
'_toNpcName_ will give you your next ToonTask._where_')
QuestsCogQuestProgress='%(progress)s of %(numCogs)s defeated'
QuestsCogQuestSCStringS='I need to defeat %(cogName)s%(cogLoc)s.'
QuestsCogQuestSCStringP='I need to defeat some %(cogName)s%(cogLoc)s.'
QuestsCogQuestDefeat='Defeat %s'
QuestsCogNewNewbieQuestObjective='Help a new Toon defeat %s'
QuestsCogNewNewbieQuestCaption='Help a new Toon %d Laff or less'
QuestsCogOldNewbieQuestObjective='Help a Toon with %(laffPoints)d Laff or less defeat %(objective)s'
QuestsCogOldNewbieQuestCaption='Help a Toon %d Laff or less'
QuestsCogTrackQuestProgress='%(progress)s of %(numCogs)s defeated'
QuestsCogTrackQuestSCStringS='I need to defeat %(cogText)s%(cogLoc)s.'
QuestsCogTrackQuestSCStringP='I need to defeat some %(cogText)s%(cogLoc)s.'
7014:['Jar of Wrinkle Cream','Jars of Wrinkle Cream','a ']}
QuestsHQLocationNameFillin='in any neighborhood'
QuestsTailorBuildingNameFillin='Clothing Store'
QuestsTailorLocationNameFillin='in any neighborhood'
QuestsTailorQuestSCString='I need to see a Tailor.'
QuestMovieQuestChoiceCancel='Come back later if you need a ToonTask! Bye!'
QuestMovieTrackChoiceCancel='Come back when you are ready to decide! Bye!'
QuestMovieQuestChoice='Choose a ToonTask.'
QuestMovieTrackChoice='Ready to decide? Choose a track, or come back later.'
QuestDialog_3225={QUEST:"Oh, thanks for coming, _avName_!\x07The Cogs in the neighborhood frightened away my delivery person.\x07I don't have anyone to deliver this salad to _toNpcName_!\x07Can you do it for me? Thanks so much!_where_"}
QuestDialog_2910={QUEST:'Back so soon?\x07Great job on the spring.\x07The final item is a counter weight.\x07Stop by and see _toNpcName_ and bring back whatever you can get._where_'}
120:{QUEST:"Good job finding the trolley!\x07By the way, have you met Banker Bob?\x07He has quite a sweet tooth.\x07Why don't you introduce yourself by taking him this candy bar as a gift._where_"},
121:{QUEST:"Yum, thank you for the Candy Bar.\x07Say, if you can help me, I'll give you a reward.\x07Those Cogs stole the keys to my safe. Defeat Cogs to find a stolen key.\x07When you find a key, bring it back to me."},
130:{QUEST:'Good job finding the trolley!\x07By the way, I received a package for Professor Pete today.\x07It must be his new chalk he ordered.\x07Can you please take it to him?_where_'},
131:{QUEST:'Oh, thanks for the chalk.\x07What?!?\x07Those Cogs stole my blackboard. Defeat Cogs to find my stolen blackboard.\x07When you find it, bring it back to me.'},
140:{QUEST:'Good job finding the trolley!\x07By the way, I have this friend, Librarian Larry, who is quite a book worm.\x07I picked this book up for him last time I was over in '+lDonaldsDock+'.\x07Could you take it over to him?_where_'},
141:{QUEST:'Oh, yes, this book almost completes my collection.\x07Let me see...\x07Uh oh...\x07Now where did I put my glasses?\x07I had them just before those Cogs took over my building.\x07Defeat Cogs to find my stolen glasses.'},
142:{QUEST:"Thank you! I have a feeling you will be a great help to everyone around here.\x07By the way, I just received a message from Toon HQ.\x07They forgot to mention a few important concepts. You're needed there!"},
QUEST:"Ok, now I think you are ready for something more rewarding.\x07If you can defeat 3 Bossbots I'll give you a little bonus.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:TheCogs+' are out in the streets, through the tunnels.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Good job defeating those Cogs. Now go to the Toon Headquarters for your next step!',
QUEST:"Ok, now I think you are ready for something more rewarding.\x07Come back after you defeat 3 Lawbots and I'll have a little something for you.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:TheCogs+' are out in the streets, through the tunnels.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Good job defeating those Cogs. Now go to the Toon Headquarters for your next step!',
QUEST:'Ok, now I think you are ready for something more rewarding.\x07Defeat 3 Cashbots and come back here to claim the bounty.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:TheCogs+' are out in the streets, through the tunnels.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Good job defeating those Cogs. Now go to the Toon Headquarters for your next step!',
QUEST:"Ok, now I think you are ready for something more rewarding.\x07Come see us after you defeat 3 Sellbots and we'll hook you up.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:TheCogs+' are out in the streets, through the tunnels.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Good job defeating those Cogs. Now go to the Toon Headquarters for your next step!',
164:{QUEST:'You look like you could use some new gags.\x07Go see %s, maybe he can help you out._where_'%Flippy},
165:{QUEST:'Hi there.\x07Looks like you need to practice training your gags.\x07Every time you hit a Cog with one of your gags, your experience increases.\x07When you get enough experience, you will be able to use an even better gag.\x07Go practice your gags by defeating 4 Cogs.'},
166:{QUEST:'Nice work defeating those Cogs.\x07You know, the Cogs come in four different types.\x07They are Lawbots, Cashbots, Sellbots, and Bossbots.\x07You can tell them apart by their coloring and their name labels.\x07For practice go defeat 4 Bossbots.'},
167:{QUEST:'Nice work defeating those Cogs.\x07You know, the Cogs come in four different types.\x07They are Lawbots, Cashbots, Sellbots, and Bossbots.\x07You can tell them apart by their coloring and their name labels.\x07For practice go defeat 4 Lawbots.'},
168:{QUEST:'Nice work defeating those Cogs.\x07You know, the Cogs come in four different types.\x07They are Lawbots, Cashbots, Sellbots, and Bossbots.\x07You can tell them apart by their coloring and their name labels.\x07For practice go defeat 4 Sellbots.'},
169:{QUEST:'Nice work defeating those Cogs.\x07You know, the Cogs come in four different types.\x07They are Lawbots, Cashbots, Sellbots, and Bossbots.\x07You can tell them apart by their coloring and their name labels.\x07For practice go defeat 4 Cashbots.'},
170:{QUEST:'Nice work, now you know the difference between the 4 types of Cogs.\x07I think you are ready to start training for your third gag track.\x07Go talk to _toNpcName_ to choose your next gag track - he can give you some expert advice._where_'},
171:{QUEST:'Nice work, now you know the difference between the 4 types of Cogs.\x07I think you are ready to start training for your third gag track.\x07Go talk to _toNpcName_ to choose your next gag track - he can give you some expert advice._where_'},
172:{QUEST:'Nice work, now you know the difference between the 4 types of Cogs.\x07I think you are ready to start training for your third gag track.\x07Go talk to _toNpcName_ to choose your next gag track - she can give you some expert advice._where_'},
QUEST:"Did you know you have your very own Toon house?\x07Clarabelle Cow runs a phone catalog where you can order furniture to decorate your house.\x07You can also buy SpeedChat phrases, clothing, and other fun things!\x07I'll tell Clarabelle to send you your first catalog now.\x07You get a catalog with new items every week!\x07Go to your home and use your phone to call Clarabelle.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Go home and use your phone to call Clarabelle.',
COMPLETE:'Hope you have fun ordering things from Clarabelle!\x07I just finished redecorating my house. It looks Toontastic!\x07Keep doing ToonTasks to get more rewards!',
QUEST:'You will need more gags to fight higher level Cogs.\x07When you team up with other Toons against the Cogs, you can combine attacks for even more damage.\x07Try different combinations of gags to see what works best.\x07When you are ready to decide, come back here and choose.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Back so soon? Okay, are you ready to choose?',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
COMPLETE:'Good decision. Now before you can use those gags, you must train for them.\x07You must complete a series of ToonTasks for training.\x07Each task will give you a single frame of your gag attack animation.\x07When you collect all 15, you can get the Final Gag Training task that will allow you to use your new gags.\x07You can check your progress in the Shticker Book.',
1039:{QUEST:'Visit _toNpcName_ if you want to get around town more easily._where_'},
1040:{QUEST:'Visit _toNpcName_ if you want to get around town more easily._where_'},
1041:{QUEST:'Hi! What brings you here?\x07Everybody uses their portable hole to travel around Toontown.\x07Why, you can teleport to your friends using the Friends List, or to any neighborhood using the map in the Shticker Book.\x07Of course, you have to earn that!\x07Say, I can turn on your teleport access to '+lToontownCentral+' if you help out a friend of mine.\x07Seems the Cogs are causing trouble over on Loopy Lane. Go visit _toNpcName_._where_'},
1042:{QUEST:'Hi! What brings you here?\x07Everybody uses their portable hole to travel around Toontown.\x07Why, you can teleport to your friends using the Friends List, or to any neighborhood using the map in the Shticker Book.\x07Of course, you have to earn that!\x07Say, I can turn on your teleport access to '+lToontownCentral+' if you help out a friend of mine.\x07Seems the Cogs are causing trouble over on Loopy Lane. Go visit _toNpcName_._where_'},
1043:{QUEST:'Hi! What brings you here?\x07Everybody uses their portable hole to travel around Toontown.\x07Why, you can teleport to your friends using the Friends List, or to any neighborhood using the map in the Shticker Book.\x07Of course, you have to earn that!\x07Say, I can turn on your teleport access to '+lToontownCentral+' if you help out a friend of mine.\x07Seems the Cogs are causing trouble over on Loopy Lane. Go visit _toNpcName_._where_'},
1044:{QUEST:'Oh, thanks for stopping by. I really need some help.\x07As you can see, I have no customers.\x07My secret recipe book is lost and nobody comes to my restaurant anymore.\x07I last saw it just before those Cogs took over my building.\x07Can you help me by recovering four of my famous recipes?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck finding my recipes?'},
1045:{QUEST:'Thank you so much!\x07Before long I will have the entire collection and can reopen my restaurant.\x07Oh, I have a note here for you - something about teleport access?\x07It says thanks for helping my friend and to deliver this to Toon Headquarters.\x07Well, thanks indeed - bye!',
COMPLETE:'Ah, yes, says here you have been a great help to some of the fine folks out on Loopy Lane.\x07Says you need teleport access to '+lToontownCentral+'.\x07Well, consider it done.\x07Now you can teleport back to the playground from almost anywhere in Toontown.\x07Just open your map and click on '+lToontownCentral+'.'},
1046:{QUEST:'The Cashbots have really been bothering the Funny Money Savings and Loan.\x07Stop by there and see if there is anything you can do._where_'},
1047:{QUEST:'Cashbots have been sneaking into the bank and stealing our machines.\x07Please recover 5 adding machines from Cashbots.\x07To save you from running back and forth, just bring them all back at once.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Still looking for adding machines?'},
1048:{QUEST:'Wow! Thanks for finding our adding machines.\x07Hm... They look a little damaged.\x07Say, could you take them over to _toNpcName_ over at her shop, "Tickle Machines" on this street?\x07See if she can fix them.',
1049:{QUEST:"What's that? Broken adding machines?\x07Cashbots you say?\x07Well, let's have a look see...\x07Yep, gears are stripped, but I'm out of that part...\x07You know what might work - some Cog gears, large ones, from larger Cogs...\x07Level 3 Cog gears should do the trick. I'll need 2 for each machine, so 10 total.\x07Bring them back all at once and I'll fix em up!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Remember, I need 10 gears to fix the machines.'},
1053:{QUEST:"Ah yes, that should do the trick indeedy.\x07All fixed now, free of charge.\x07Take these back to Funny Money, and tell 'im I said howdy.",
COMPLETE:"Adding machines all fixed up?\x07Nice work. I'm sure I've got something around here to reward you with..."},
1054:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ needs some help with his clown cars._where_'},
1055:{QUEST:"Yowza! I can't find the tires to this here clown car anywhere!\x07Do ya think you could help me out?\x07I think Loopy Bob may have tossed them in the pond in the "+lToontownCentral+' playground.\x07If you stand on one of the docks there you can try and fish out the tires for me.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Are you having trouble fishing out all 4 tires?'},
1056:{QUEST:'Fan-flying-tastic! Now I can get this old clown car on the road again!\x07Hey, I thought I had an air pump around here to inflate these tires...\x07Maybe _toNpcName_ borrowed it?\x07Could you go ask for it back for me?_where_',
1057:{QUEST:"Hi there.\x07A tire pump you say?\x07I'll tell you what - you help clean up the streets of some of those high level Cogs for me...\x07And I'll let you have the tire pump.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Is that the best you can do?'},
1058:{QUEST:"Good job - I knew you could do it.\x07Here's the pump. I'm sure _toNpcName_ will be glad to get it back.",
COMPLETE:"Yeehaw! Now I'm good to go!\x07By the way, thanks for helping me out.\x07Here, take this."},
1059:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is running low on supplies. Maybe you can give him a hand?_where_'},
1060:{QUEST:"Thanks for stopping by!\x07Those Cogs have been stealing my ink, so I'm running very low.\x07Could you fish some octopus ink out of the pond for me?\x07Just stand on a dock near the pond to fish.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Are you having trouble fishing?'},
1061:{QUEST:"Great - thanks for the ink!\x07You know what, maybe if you cleared away some of those Pencil Pushers...\x07I wouldn't run out of ink again so quickly.\x07Defeat 6 Pencil Pushers in "+lToontownCentral+' for your reward.',
COMPLETE:'Thanks! Let me reward you for your help.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I just saw some more Pencil Pushers.'},
1062:{QUEST:"Great - thanks for the ink!\x07You know what, maybe if you cleared away some of those Bloodsuckers...\x07I wouldn't run out of ink again so quickly.\x07Defeat 6 Bloodsuckers in "+lToontownCentral+' for your reward.',
COMPLETE:'Thanks! Let me reward you for your help.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I just saw some more Bloodsuckers.'},
900:{QUEST:'I hear _toNpcName_ needs help with a package._where_'},
1063:{QUEST:'Hi - thanks for coming in.\x07A Cog stole a very important package from right under my nose.\x07Please see if you can get it back. I think he was a level 3...\x07So, defeat level 3 Cogs until you find my package.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding the package, huh?'},
1067:{QUEST:"That's it, all right!\x07Hey, the address is smudged...\x07All I can read is that it's for a Dr. - the rest is all blurry.\x07Maybe it's for _toNpcName_? Could you take it to him?_where_",
1068:{QUEST:"I wasn't expecting a package. Maybe it's for Dr. I.M. Euphoric?\x07My assistant was going over there today anyway, so I'll have him check for you.\x07In the meantime, would you mind getting rid of some of the Cogs on my street?\x07Defeat 10 Cogs in "+lToontownCentral+'.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"My assistant isn't back yet."},
1069:{QUEST:"Dr. Euphoric says he wasn't expecting a package either.\x07Unfortunately, a Cashbot stole it from my assistant on the way back.\x07Could you try and get it back?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding the package, huh?'},
1070:{QUEST:"Dr. Euphoric says he wasn't expecting a package either.\x07Unfortunately, a Sellbot stole the package from my assistant on the way back.\x07I'm sorry, but you'll have to find that Sellbot and get it back.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding the package, huh?'},
1071:{QUEST:"Dr. Euphoric says he wasn't expecting a package either.\x07Unfortunately, a Bossbot stole it from my assistant on the way back.\x07Could you try and get it back?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding the package, huh?'},
1072:{QUEST:'Great - you got it back!\x07Maybe you should try _toNpcName_, it could be for him._where_',
1073:{QUEST:'Oh, thanks for bringing me my packages.\x07Wait a second, I was expecting two. Could you check with _toNpcName_ and see if he has the other one?',
INCOMPLETE:'Were you able to find my other package?',
1074:{QUEST:'He said there was another package? Maybe the Cogs stole it too.\x07Defeat Cogs until you find the second package.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding the other package, huh?'},
1075:{QUEST:'I guess there was a second package after all!\x07Hurry and take it over to _toNpcName_ with my apologies.',
COMPLETE:'Hey, my package is here!\x07Since you seem to be such a helpful Toon, this should come in handy.',
1076:{QUEST:"There's been some trouble over at 14 Karat Goldfish.\x07_toNpcName_ could probably use a hand._where_"},
1077:{QUEST:"Thanks for coming - the Cogs stole all my goldfish.\x07I think the Cogs want to sell them to make a quick buck.\x07Those 5 fish have been my only companions in this tiny store for so many years...\x07If you could get them back for me I'd really appreciate it.\x07I'm sure one of the Cogs has my fish.\x07Defeat Cogs until you find my goldfish.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Please return my goldfish to me.'},
1078:{QUEST:"Oh, you have my fish!\x07Huh? What's this - a receipt?\x07Sigh, I guess they are Cogs, after all.\x07I can't make heads or tails out of this receipt. Could you take it to _toNpcName_ and see if he can read it?_where_",
INCOMPLETE:'What did _toNpcName_ have to say about the receipt?',
1079:{QUEST:"Mmm, let me see that receipt.\x07...Ah Yes, it says that 1 goldfish was sold to a Flunky.\x07It doesn't seem to mention what happened to the other 4 fish.\x07Maybe you should try and find that Flunky.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I don't think there's anything else I can help you with.\x07Why don't you try and find that goldfish?"},
1092:{QUEST:"Mmm, let me see that receipt.\x07...Ah Yes, it says that 1 goldfish was sold to a Short Change.\x07It doesn't seem to mention what happened to the other 4 fish.\x07Maybe you should try and find that Short Change.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I don't think there's anything else I can help you with.\x07Why don't you try and find that goldfish?"},
1080:{QUEST:"Oh thank heavens! You found Oscar - he's my favorite.\x07What's that, Oscar? Uh huh... they did? ... they are?\x07Oscar says the other 4 escaped into the pond in the playground.\x07Could you go round them up for me?\x07Just fish them out of the pond.",
COMPLETE:'Ahh, I am sooo happy! To be reunited with my little buddies!\x07You deserve a handsome reward for this!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Are you having trouble finding those fish?'},
1081:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ appears to be in a sticky situation. He sure could use a hand._where_'},
1082:{QUEST:"I spilled quick dry glue and I'm stuck - stuck cold!\x07If there were a way out, I sure would be sold.\x07That gives me an idea, if you are feeling loyal.\x07Defeat some Sellbots and bring back some oil.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Can you help me get un-stuck?'},
1083:{QUEST:"Well, oil helped a little, but I still cannot budge,\x07What else would help? It's hard to judge.\x07That gives me an idea; it's worth a try at least.\x07Defeat some Lawbots and bring back some grease.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Can you help me get un-stuck?'},
1084:{QUEST:"Nope, that didn't help. This is really not funny.\x07I put the grease right there on the money,\x07That gives me an idea, before I forget it.\x07Defeat some Cashbots; bring back water to wet it.",
COMPLETE:"Hooray, I'm free of this quick drying glue,\x07As a reward I give this gift to you,\x07You can laugh a little longer while battling and then...\x07Oh, no! I'm already stuck here again!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Can you help me get un-stuck?'},
1085:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is conducting some research on the Cogs.\x07Go talk to him if you want to help out._where_'},
1086:{QUEST:"That's right, I'm conducting a study of the Cogs.\x07I want to know what makes them tick.\x07It sure would help me if you could gather some gears from Cogs.\x07Make sure they're from at least level 2 Cogs so they're big enough to examine.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Can't find enough gears?"},
1089:{QUEST:"Okay, let's take a look. These are excellent specimens!\x07Mmmm...\x07Okay, here's my report. Take this back to Toon Headquarters right away.",
INCOMPLETE:'Have you delivered my report to Headquarters?',
COMPLETE:"Good work _avName_, we'll take this one from here.",
1090:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ has some useful information for you._where_'},
1091:{QUEST:'I hear that Toon Headquarters is working on a sort of Cog Radar.\x07It will let you see where the Cogs are so that it will be easier to find them.\x07That Cog Page in your Shticker Book is the key.\x07By defeating enough Cogs, you can tune in to their signals and actually track where they are.\x07Keep defeating Cogs, so you will be ready.',
COMPLETE:'Good work! You could probably use this...',
QUEST:'Now you get to choose the next gag track you want to learn.\x07Take your time deciding, and come back here when you are ready to choose.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
COMPLETE:'A wise decision...',
2201:{QUEST:'Those sneaky Cogs are at it again.\x07_toNpcName_ has reported another missing item. Stop by and see if you can straighten it out._where_'},
2202:{QUEST:"Hi, _avName_. Thank goodness you're here. A mean looking Penny Pincher was just in here and he made off with an inner tube.\x07I fear they may use it for their vile purposes.\x07Please see if you can find him and bring it back.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck finding my inner tube?',
COMPLETE:'You found my inner tube! You ARE good. Here, take your reward...'},
2203:{QUEST:TheCogs+' are wreaking havoc over at the bank.\x07Go see Captain Carl and see what you can do._where_'},
2204:{QUEST:"Welcome aboard, matey.\x07Argh! Those rapscallion Cogs smashed my monocle and I can't sort me change without it.\x07Be a good landlubber and take this prescription to _toNpcName_ and fetch me a new one._where_",
2205:{QUEST:"What's this?\x07Oh, I'd love to fill this prescription but the Cogs have been pilfering my supplies.\x07If you can get me the eyeglass frames off a flunky I can probably help you out.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Sorry. No flunky frames, no monocle.'},
2206:{QUEST:'Excellent!\x07Just a second...\x07Your prescription is filled. Please take this monocle straight to Captain Carl._where_',
COMPLETE:"Avast Ye!\x07You're gonna earn your sea legs after all.\x07Here ye be."},
2207:{QUEST:"Barnacle Barbara has a Cog in her shop!\x07You'd better get over there pronto._where_"},
2208:{QUEST:"Gosh! You just missed him, sweetie.\x07There was a Back Stabber in here. He took my big white wig.\x07He said it was for his boss and something about 'legal precedent.'\x07If you can get it back I'd be forever grateful.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Still haven't found him?\x07He's tall and has a pointy head",
COMPLETE:"You found it!?!?\x07Aren't you a darling!\x07You've more than earned this..."},
2209:{QUEST:'Melville is preparing for an important voyage.\x07Pop in and see what you can do to help sort him out._where_'},
2210:{QUEST:"I can use your help.\x07I've been asked by Toon HQ to take a voyage and see if I can find where the Cogs are coming from.\x07I'll need a few things for my ship but I don't have many Jellybeans.\x07Stop by and pick up some ballast from Alice. You'll have to do a favor for her to get it._where_",
GREETING:'Howdy, _avName_!',
2211:{QUEST:"So Melville wants ballast, does he?\x07He still owes me for the last bushel.\x07I'll give it to you if you can clear five Micromanagers off my street.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No, silly! I said FIVE micromanagers...',
GREETING:'What can I do for you?',
2212:{QUEST:"A deal's a deal.\x07Here's your ballast for that cheapskate Melville._where_",
GREETING:'Well, look what the cat dragged in...',
2213:{QUEST:"Excellent work. I knew she'd be reasonable.\x07Next I'll need a sailing chart from Art.\x07I don't think my credit is good there either so you'll have to work something out with him._where_",
2214:{QUEST:"Yes, I have the sea chart Melville wants.\x07And if you're willing to work for it I'll let you have it.\x07I'm trying to build an astrolabe to navigate by the stars.\x07I could use three Cog gears to build it.\x07Come back when you've found them.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"How's it coming with those Cog gears?",
LEAVING:'Good luck!'},
2215:{QUEST:"Ooh! These gears will do rather nicely.\x07Here's the chart. Give it to Melville with my compliments._where_",
COMPLETE:"Well, that just about does it. I'm ready to sail!\x07I'd take you with me if you weren't so green. Take this instead."},
901:{QUEST:"If you're up for it Ahab could use some assistance over at his place..._where_"},
2902:{QUEST:"Are you the new recruit?\x07Good, good. Maybe you can help me.\x07I'm building a giant prefab crab to confuse the Cogs.\x07I could use a clovis though. Go see Claggart and bring one back, please._where_"},
2903:{QUEST:"Hi there!\x07Yes, I heard about the giant crab Ahab's working on.\x07The best clovis I have is a little on the dirty side though.\x07Be a sport and run it by the cleaners for me before you drop it off._where_",
2904:{QUEST:'You must be the one that Claggart sent over.\x07I think I can clean that up in short order.\x07Just a minute...\x07There you are. Good as new!\x07Tell Ahab I said hello._where_'},
2905:{QUEST:"Ah, now this is exactly what I was looking for.\x07While you're here, I'm also going to need a very large clock spring.\x07Take a walk over to Hook's place and see if he has one._where_"},
2906:{QUEST:"A large spring, eh?\x07I'm sorry but the largest spring I have is still quite small.\x07Perhaps I could assemble one out of squirt gun trigger springs.\x07Bring me three of these gags and I'll see what I can do."},
2907:{QUEST:"Let's have a look then...\x07Smashing. Simply Smashing.\x07Sometimes I even surprise myself.\x07Here you go: one large spring for Ahab!_where_",
LEAVING:'Bon Voyage!'},
2911:{QUEST:"I'd be happy to help the cause, _avName_.\x07But I'm afraid the streets are no longer safe.\x07Why don't you go take out some Cashbot Cogs and we'll talk.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I still think you need to make the streets safer.'},
2916:{QUEST:'Yes, I have a weight that Ahab can have.\x07I think it would be safer if you defeated a couple sellbots first though.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Not yet. Defeat some more sellbots.'},
2921:{QUEST:"Hmmm, I suppose I could give up a weight.\x07I'd feel a lot better about it if there weren't so many Bossbot Cogs creeping around.\x07Defeat six and then come see me.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I don't think its safe yet..."},
2925:{QUEST:"All done?\x07Well, I guess it's safe enough now.\x07Here's the counter weight for Ahab._where_"},
2926:{QUEST:"Well, that's everything.\x07Let's see if it works.\x07Hmmm, one small problem.\x07I'm not getting any power because that Cog building is blocking my solar panel.\x07Could you retake it for me?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Still no power. How about that building?',
COMPLETE:'Super! You are one heck of a Cog crusher! Here, take this as your reward...'},
3200:{QUEST:"I just got a call in from _toNpcName_.\x07He's having a hard day. Maybe you can help him out!\x07Drop by and see what he needs._where_"},
3201:{QUEST:'Oh, thanks for coming!\x07I need someone to take this new silk tie to _toNpcName_.\x07Would you be able to do that for me?_where_'},
3203:{QUEST:'Oh, this must be the tie I ordered! Thanks!\x07It matches a pinstripe suit I just finished, right over here.\x07Hey, what happened to that suit?\x07Oh no! The Cogs must have stolen my new suit!\x07Defeat Cogs until you find my suit, and bring it back to me.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Have you found my suit yet? I'm sure the Cogs took it!",
COMPLETE:'Hooray! You found my new suit!\x07See, I told you the Cogs had it! Here is your reward...'},
3204:{QUEST:"_toNpcName_ just called to report a theft.\x07Why don't you stop by and see if you can sort things out?_where_"},
3205:{QUEST:"Hello, _avName_! Have you come to help me?\x07I just chased a Bloodsucker out of my shop. Whew! That was scary.\x07But now I can't find my scissors anywhere! I'm sure that Bloodsucker took them.\x07Find that Bloodsucker, and recover my scissors for me.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Are you still looking for my scissors?',
COMPLETE:'My scissors! Thank you so much! Here is your reward...'},
3206:{QUEST:'It sounds like _toNpcName_ is having problems with some Cogs.\x07Go see if you can help him out._where_'},
3207:{QUEST:'Hi, _avName_! Thanks for coming by!\x07A bunch of Double Talkers just broke in and stole a stack of postcards from my counter.\x07Please go out and defeat all those Double Talkers to get my postcards back!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"That's not enough postcards! Keep looking!",
COMPLETE:'Oh, thank you! Now I can deliver the mail on time! Here is your reward...'},
3208:{QUEST:"We've been getting complaints from the residents lately about all of the Cold Callers.\x07See if you can defeat 10 Cold Callers to help out your fellow Toons in "+lDaisyGardens+'.'},
3209:{QUEST:'Thanks for taking care of those Cold Callers!\x07But now the Telemarketers have gotten out of hand.\x07Defeat 10 Telemarketers in '+lDaisyGardens+' and come back here for your reward.'},
3247:{QUEST:"We've been getting complaints from the residents lately about all of the Bloodsuckers.\x07See if you can defeat 20 Bloodsuckers to help out your fellow Toons in "+lDaisyGardens+'.'},
3210:{QUEST:'Oh no, The Squirting Flower on Maple Street just ran out of flowers!\x07Take them ten of your own squirting flowers to help out.\x07Make sure you have 10 squirting flowers in your inventory first.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I need to have 10 squirting flowers. You don't have enough!"},
3211:{QUEST:"Oh, thank you so much! Those squirting flowers will save the day.\x07But I'm scared of the Cogs outside.\x07Can you help me out and defeat some of those Cogs?\x07Come back to me after you have defeated 20 Cogs on this street.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'There are still Cogs out there to defeat! Keep it up!',
COMPLETE:'Oh, thank you! That helps a lot. Your reward is...'},
3212:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ needs some help looking for something she lost.\x07Go visit her and see what you can do._where_'},
3213:{QUEST:'Hi, _avName_. Can you help me?\x07I seem to have misplaced my pen. I think maybe some Cogs took it.\x07Defeat Cogs to find my stolen pen.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you found my pen yet?'},
3214:{QUEST:"Yes, that's my pen! Thanks so much!\x07But while you were gone I realized my inkwell was missing too.\x07Defeat Cogs to find my inkwell.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still looking for my inkwell!"},
3215:{QUEST:"Great! Now I have my pen and my inkwell back!\x07But wouldn't you know it?\x07My notepad is gone! They must have stolen it too!\x07Defeat Cogs to find my stolen notepad, and then bring it back for your reward.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any word on that notepad yet?'},
3216:{QUEST:"That's my notepad! Hooray! Your reward is...\x07Hey! Where did it go?\x07I had your reward right here in my office lockbox. But the whole lockbox is gone!\x07Can you believe it? Those Cogs stole your reward!\x07Defeat Cogs to recover my lockbox.\x07When you bring it back to me I'll give you your reward.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Keep looking for that lockbox! It has your reward inside it!',
COMPLETE:'Finally! I had your new gag bag in that lockbox. Here it is...'},
3217:{QUEST:"We've been performing some studies on Sellbot mechanics.\x07We still need to study some pieces more closely.\x07Bring us a sprocket from a Name Dropper.\x07You can catch one when the Cog is exploding."},
3218:{QUEST:'Good job! Now we need a sprocket from a Glad Hander for comparison.\x07These sprockets are harder to catch, so keep trying.'},
3219:{QUEST:'Great! Now we need just one more sprocket.\x07This time, we need a sprocket from a Mover & Shaker.\x07You might need to look inside some Sellbot buildings to find these Cogs.\x07When you catch one, bring it back for your reward.'},
3244:{QUEST:"We've been performing some studies on Lawbot mechanics.\x07We still need to study some pieces more closely.\x07Bring us a sprocket from an Ambulance Chaser.\x07You can catch one when the Cog is exploding."},
3245:{QUEST:'Good job! Now we need a sprocket from a Back Stabber for comparison.\x07These sprockets are harder to catch, so keep trying.'},
3246:{QUEST:'Great! Now we need just one more sprocket.\x07This time, we need a sprocket from a Spin Doctor.\x07When you catch one, bring it back for your reward.'},
3220:{QUEST:"I just heard that _toNpcName_ was asking around for you.\x07Why don't you drop by and see what she wants?_where_"},
3221:{QUEST:'Hi, _avName_! There you are!\x07I heard you were quite an expert in squirt attacks.\x07I need someone to set a good example for all the Toons in '+lDaisyGardens+'.\x07Use your squirt attacks to defeat a bunch of Cogs.\x07Encourage your friends to use squirt too.\x07When you have defeated 20 Cogs, come back here for a reward!'},
3222:{QUEST:"It's time to demonstrate your Toonmanship.\x07If you successfully reclaim a number of Cog buildings, you'll earn the right to carry three quests.\x07First, defeat any two Cog buildings.\x07Feel free to call on your friends to help you out."},
3223:{QUEST:'Great job on those buildings!\x07Now, defeat two more buildings.\x07These buildings must be at least two stories high, or higher.'},
3224:{QUEST:'Fantastic!\x07Now just defeat two more buildings.\x07These buildings must be at least three stories high.\x07When you finish, come back for your reward!',
COMPLETE:'You did it, _avName_!\x07You demonstrated your superior Toonmanship.',
3225:{QUEST:"_toNpcName_ says she needs some help.\x07Why don't you go see what you can do to help out?_where_"},
3235:{QUEST:"Oh, this is the salad I ordered!\x07Thank you for bringing it to me.\x07All those Cogs must have frightened away _toNpcName_'s regular delivery person again.\x07Why don't you do us a favor and defeat some of the Cogs out there?\x07Defeat 10 Cogs in "+lDaisyGardens+' and then report back to _toNpcName_.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"You're working on defeating Cogs for me?\x07That's wonderful! Keep up the good work!",
COMPLETE:'Oh, thank you so much for defeating those Cogs!\x07Now maybe I can keep my regular delivery schedule.\x07Your reward is...',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:"Go tell _toNpcName_ about the Cogs you've defeated._where_"},
3236:{QUEST:'There are far too many Lawbots out there.\x07You can do your part to help!\x07Defeat 3 Lawbot buildings.'},
3237:{QUEST:'Great job on those Lawbot buildings!\x07But now there are too many Sellbots!\x07Defeat 3 Sellbot buildings, then come back for your reward.'},
3238:{QUEST:'Oh no! A "Mingler" Cog has stolen the Key to '+lDaisyGardens+'!\x07See if you can recover it.\x07Remember, The Mingler can be found only inside Sellbot buildings.'},
3239:{QUEST:"You found a key all right, but it isn't the right one!\x07We need the Key to "+lDaisyGardens+'.\x07Keep looking! A "Mingler" Cog still has it!'},
3242:{QUEST:'Oh no! A Legal Eagle Cog has stolen the Key to '+lDaisyGardens+'!\x07See if you can recover it.\x07Remember, Legal Eagles can be found only inside Lawbot buildings.'},
3243:{QUEST:"You found a key all right, but it isn't the right one!\x07We need the Key to "+lDaisyGardens+'.\x07Keep looking! A Legal Eagle Cog still has it!'},
3240:{QUEST:"I've just heard from _toNpcName_ that a Legal Eagle stole a bag of his bird seed.\x07Defeat Legal Eagles until you recover Bud's bird seed, and take it to him.\x07Legal Eagles are only found inside Lawbot buildings._where_",
COMPLETE:'Oh, thank you so much for finding my bird seed!\x07Your reward is...',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Good job getting that bird seed back!\x07Now take it to _toNpcName_._where_'},
3241:{QUEST:'Some of the Cog buildings out there are getting too tall for our comfort.\x07See if you can bring down some of the tallest buildings.\x07Rescue 5 3-story buildings or taller and come back for your reward.'},
3250:{QUEST:'Detective Lima over on Oak Street has heard some reports of a Sellbot Headquarters.\x07Head over there and help her investigate.'},
3251:{QUEST:"There is something strange going on around here.\x07There are so many Sellbots!\x07I've heard they have organized their own headquarters at the end of this street.\x07Head down the street and see if you can get to the bottom of this.\x07Find Sellbot Cogs in their headquarters, defeat 5 of them, and report back."},
3252:{QUEST:"Ok, spill the beans.\x07What's that you say?\x07Sellbot Headquarters?? Oh no!!! Something must be done.\x07We must notify Judge McIntosh - she'll know what to do.\x07Go at once and tell her what you have found out. She's just down the street."},
3253:{QUEST:"Yes, can I help you? I'm very busy.\x07Eh? Cog Headquarters?\x07Eh? Nonsense. That could never happen.\x07You must be mistaken. Preposterous.\x07Eh? Don't argue with me.\x07Ok then, bring back some proof.\x07If Sellbots really are building this Cog HQ, any Cog there will be carrying blueprints.\x07Cogs love paperwork, you know?\x07Defeat Sellbots in there until you find blueprints.\x07Bring them back here and maybe I'll believe you."},
3254:{QUEST:"You again, eh? Blueprints? You have them?\x07Let me see those! Hmmm... A factory?\x07That must be where they are building the Sellbots... And what's this?\x07Yes, just what I suspected. I knew it all along.\x07They are building a Sellbot Cog Headquarters.\x07This is not good. Must make some phone calls. Very busy. Goodbye!\x07Eh? Oh yes, take these blueprints back to Detective Lima.\x07She can make more sense of them.",
COMPLETE:"What did Judge McIntosh say?\x07We were right? Oh no. Let's see those blueprints.\x07Hmmm... Looks like Sellbots constructed a factory with machinery for building Cogs.\x07Sounds very dangerous. Stay out until you have more Laff points.\x07When you have more Laff points, we have much more to learn about Sellbot HQ.\x07For now, nice work, here is your reward."},
3255:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is investigating Sellbot Headquarters.\x07Go see if you can help._where_'},
3256:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is investigating Sellbot Headquarters.\x07Go see if you can help._where_'},
3257:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is investigating Sellbot Headquarters.\x07Go see if you can help._where_'},
3258:{QUEST:'There is much confusion about what the Cogs are up to in their new headquarters.\x07I need you to bring back some information directly from them.\x07If we can get four internal memos from Sellbots inside their HQ, that will clear things up.\x07Bring back your first memo to me so we can learn more.'},
3259:{QUEST:'Great! This let\'s see what the memo says....\x07"Attn Sellbots:"\x07"I\'ll be in my office at the top of Sellbot Towers promoting Cogs to higher levels."\x07"When you earn enough merits enter the elevator in the lobby to see me."\x07"Break time\'s over - back to work!"\x07"Signed, Sellbot V.P."\x07Aha.... Flippy will want to see this. I\'ll send it to him right now.\x07Please go get your second memo and bring it back.'},
3260:{QUEST:'Oh good, you\'re back. Let\'s see what you found....\x07"Attn Sellbots:"\x07"Sellbot Towers has installed a new security system to keep all Toons out."\x07"Toons caught in Sellbot Towers will be detained for questioning."\x07"Please meet in the lobby for appetizers to discuss."\x07"Signed, Mingler"\x07Very interesting... I\'ll pass on this information immediately.\x07Please bring a third memo back.'},
3261:{QUEST:'Excellent job _avName_! What does the memo say?\x07"Attn Sellbots:"\x07"Toons have somehow found a way to infiltrate Sellbot Towers."\x07"I\'ll call you tonight during dinner to give you the details."\x07"Signed, Telemarketer"\x07Hmmm... I wonder how Toons are breaking in....\x07Please bring back one more memo and I think we\'ll have enough info for now.',
COMPLETE:'I knew you could do it! Ok, the memo says....\x07"Attn Sellbots:"\x07"I was having lunch with Mr. Hollywood yesterday."\x07"He reports that the V.P. is very busy these days."\x07"He will only be taking appointments from Cogs that deserve a promotion."\x07"Forgot to mention, Gladhander is golfing with me on Sunday."\x07"Signed, Name Dropper"\x07Well... _avName_, this has been very helpful.\x07Here is your reward.'},
3262:{QUEST:"_toNpcName_ has some new information about the Sellbot HQ Factory.\x07Go see what he's got._where_"},
3263:{GREETING:'Hi buddy!',
QUEST:'I\'m Coach Zucchini, but you can just call me Coach Z.\x07I put the "squash" in squash and stretch, if you know what I mean.\x07Listen, Sellbots have finished an enormous factory to pump out Sellbots 24 hours a day.\x07Get a group of Toon buddies together and squash the factory!\x07Inside Sellbot HQ, look for the tunnel to the Factory then board the Factory elevator.\x07Make sure you have full gags, full Laff points, and some strong Toons as guides.\x07Defeat the Foreman inside the factory to slow the Sellbot progress.\x07Sounds like a real workout, if you know what I mean.',
LEAVING:'See ya buddy!',
COMPLETE:'Hey buddy, nice work on that Factory!\x07Looks like you found part of a Cog suit.\x07It must be left over from their Cog manufacturing process.\x07That may come in handy. Keep collecting these when you have spare time.\x07Maybe when you collect an entire Cog suit it could be useful for something....'},
QUEST:'Now you get to choose the next gag track you want to learn.\x07Take your time deciding, and come back here when you are ready to choose.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
COMPLETE:'A wise decision...',
QUEST:'Now you get to choose the next gag track you want to learn.\x07Take your time deciding, and come back here when you are ready to choose.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
INCOMPLETE_WRONG_NPC:'Think about your decision before choosing.',
COMPLETE:'A wise decision...',
4200:{QUEST:"I bet Tom could use some help with some research he's doing._where_"},
QUEST:"I'm very concerned about a rash of musical instrument theft.\x07I'm conducting a survey among my fellow merchants.\x07Perhaps I can find a pattern to help me crack this case.\x07Stop by and ask Tina for a concertina inventory._where_"},
4202:{QUEST:'Yes, I talked to Tom this morning.\x07I have the inventory right here.\x07Bring it right back to him, ok?_where_'},
4203:{QUEST:"Great! One down...\x07Now swing by and get Yuki's._where_"},
4204:{QUEST:'Oh! The inventory!\x07I forgot all about it.\x07I bet I can have it done by the time you defeat 10 Cogs.\x07Stop in after that and I promise it will be ready.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'31, 32... DOH!\x07You made me lose count!',
4205:{QUEST:'Ah, there you are.\x07Thanks for giving me some time.\x07Take this to Tom and tell him I said Hello._where_'},
4206:{QUEST:"Hmmm, very interesting.\x07Now we are getting somewhere.\x07Ok, the last inventory is Fifi's._where_"},
4207:{QUEST:"Inventory?\x07How can I do an inventory if I don't have the form?\x07Go see Cleff and see if he has one for me._where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any sign of that form yet?'},
4208:{QUEST:"Sure I got an inventory form, mon!\x07But dey ain't free, you know.\x07I'll tell you woht. I trade you for a whole cream pie.",
GREETING:'Hey, mon!',
LEAVING:'Cool runnings...',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"A slice won't do.\x07I be hungry, mon. I need de WHOLE pie."},
QUEST:'Mmmm...\x07Dem mighty nice!\x07Here be your form for Fifi._where_'},
QUEST:"Thank you. That's a big help.\x07Let's see...Fiddles: 2\x07All done! Off you go!_where_",
COMPLETE:"Great work, _avName_.\x07I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of these thefts now.\x07Why don't you get to the bottom of this!"},
4211:{QUEST:'Say, Dr. Fret keeps calling every five minutes. Can you go see what his problem is?_where_'},
4212:{QUEST:"Whew! I'm glad Toon HQ finally sent somebody.\x07I haven't had a customer in days.\x07It's these darned Number Crunchers every where.\x07I think they are teaching our residents bad oral hygiene.\x07Defeat ten of them and let's see if business picks up.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Still no customers. But keep it up!'},
4213:{QUEST:"You know maybe it wasn't the Number Crunchers after all.\x07Maybe it's just the Cashbots in general.\x07Take out twenty of them and hopefully someone will come in for at least a checkup.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I know twenty is a lot. But I'm sure it's going to pay off in spades."},
QUEST:"I just don't understand it!\x07Still not a SINGLE customer.\x07Maybe we need to go to the source.\x07Try reclaiming a Cashbot Cog building.\x07That Should do the trick...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Oh, please! Just one little building...',
COMPLETE:"Still not a soul in here.\x07But you know, come to think of it.\x07I didn't have any customers before the Cogs invaded either!\x07I really appreciate all your help though.\x07This should help you get around."},
4215:{QUEST:"Anna desperately needs someone to help her.\x07Why don't you drop in and see what you can do._where_"},
4216:{QUEST:"Thanks for coming so quickly!\x07Seems like the Cogs have made off with several of my customers' cruise tickets.\x07Yuki said she saw a Glad Hander leaving here with his glad hands full of them.\x07See if you can get Lumber Jack's ticket to Alaska back.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Those Glad Handers could be anywhere now...'},
4217:{QUEST:"Oh, great. You found it!\x07Now be a trooper and run in by Jack's for me, would you?_where_"},
4218:{QUEST:"Great Googely Moogely!\x07Alaska here I come!\x07I can't take these infernal Cogs anymore.\x07Say, I think Anna needs you again._where_"},
4219:{QUEST:"Yup, you guessed it.\x07I need you to shake down those pesky Glad Handers for Tabitha's ticket to Jazzfest.\x07You know the procedure...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"There's more out there somewhere..."},
4220:{QUEST:'Sweet!\x07Could you swing this one by his place for me too?_where_'},
LEAVING:'Be cool...',
QUEST:"Cool, daddio!\x07Now I'm in fat city, _avName_.\x07Before you split, you better go check out Anna Banana again..._where_"},
4222:{QUEST:"This is the last one, I promise!\x07Now you are looking for Barry's ticket to the big singing contest.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"C'mon, _avName_.\x07Barry is counting on you."},
4223:{QUEST:"This should put a smile on Barry's face._where_"},
QUEST:'Hello, Hello, HELLO!\x07Terrific!\x07I just know me and the boys are going to clean up this year.\x07Anna says to swing back by and get your reward._where_\x07Goodbye, Goodbye, GOODBYE!',
COMPLETE:'Thanks for all your help, _avName_.\x07You really are an asset here in Toontown.\x07Speaking of assets...'},
902:{QUEST:'Go see Leo.\x07He needs someone to deliver a message for him._where_'},
4903:{QUEST:'Dude!\x07My castanets are all cloudy and I have a big show tonight.\x07Take them to Carlos and see if he can polish them up._where_'},
4904:{QUEST:'Jes, I tink I can polish dees.\x07But I need soma de blue ink from de squid.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Juo can find de squid wherever dere's a fishing pier"},
4905:{QUEST:"Jes! Dat's it!\x07Now I need a leetle time to polish dees.\x07Why don juo go takeover a one story beelding while I work?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Jest anodder minute...'},
4906:{QUEST:'Bery good!\x07Here are de castanets for Leo._where_'},
QUEST:"Cool, dude!\x07They look awesome!\x07Now I need you to get a copy of the lyrics to 'A Beat Christmas' from Hedy._where_"},
4908:{QUEST:"Hello there!\x07Hmmm, I don't have a copy of that song handy.\x07If you give me a little while I could transcribe it from memory.\x07Why don't you run along and reclaim a two story building while I write?"},
4909:{QUEST:"I'm sorry.\x07My memory is getting a little fuzzy.\x07If you go reclaim a three story building I'm sure I'll be done when you get back..."},
4910:{QUEST:'All done!\x07Sorry it took so long.\x07Take this back to Leo._where_',
COMPLETE:'Awesome, dude!\x07My concert is gonna rock!\x07Speaking of rock, you can rock some Cogs with this...'},
5247:{QUEST:'This neighborhood is pretty tough...\x07You might want to learn some new tricks.\x07_toNpcName_ taught me everything I know, so maybe he can help you too._where_'},
5248:{GREETING:'Ahh, yes.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You appear to be struggling with my assignment.',
QUEST:'Ahh, so welcome, new apprentice.\x07I know all there is to know about the pie game.\x07But before we can begin your training, a small demonstration is necessary.\x07Go out and defeat ten of the largest Cogs.'},
QUEST:'Excellent!\x07Now demonstrate your skill as a fisherman.\x07I dropped three fuzzy dice in the pond yesterday.\x07Fish them out and bring them to me.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'It seems you may not be so clever with the rod and reel.'},
QUEST:'Aha! These dice will look great hanging from the rearview mirror of my ox cart!\x07Now, show me that you can tell your enemies from one another.\x07Return when you have restored two of the tallest Lawbot buildings.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Do the buildings give you trouble?'},
QUEST:'Aha! These dice will look great hanging from the rearview mirror of my ox cart!\x07Now, show me that you can tell your enemies from one another.\x07Return when you have restored two of the tallest Bossbot buildings.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Do the buildings give you trouble?'},
QUEST:'Aha! These dice will look great hanging from the rearview mirror of my ox cart!\x07Now, show me that you can tell your enemies from one another.\x07Return when you have restored two of the tallest Cashbot buildings.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Do the buildings give you trouble?'},
QUEST:'Aha! These dice will look great hanging from the rearview mirror of my ox cart!\x07Now, show me that you can tell your enemies from one another.\x07Return when you have restored two of the tallest Sellbot buildings.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Do the buildings give you trouble?'},
5200:{QUEST:'Those sneaky Cogs are at it again.\x07_toNpcName_ has reported another missing item. Stop by and see if you can straighten it out._where_'},
QUEST:'Hi, _avName_. I reckon I should thank you for coming.\x07A group of those Head Hunters came in and stole my soccer ball.\x07The leader told me that I had to make some cutbacks and just grabbed it away from me!\x07Can you get my ball back?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck finding my soccer ball?',
COMPLETE:'Yeehaw! You found it!\x07 Here, take your reward...'},
QUEST:'Hi, _avName_. I reckon I should thank you for coming.\x07A group of those Two-Faces came in and stole my soccer ball.\x07The leader told me that I had to make some cutbacks and just grabbed it away from me!\x07Can you get my ball back?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck finding my soccer ball?',
COMPLETE:'Yeehaw! You found it!\x07 Here, take your reward...'},
QUEST:'Hi, _avName_. I reckon I should thank you for coming.\x07A group of those Money Bags came in and stole my soccer ball.\x07The leader told me that I had to make some cutbacks and just grabbed it away from me!\x07Can you get my ball back?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck finding my soccer ball?',
COMPLETE:'Yeehaw! You found it!\x07 Here, take your reward...'},
QUEST:'Hi, _avName_. I reckon I should thank you for coming.\x07A group of those Spin Doctors came in and stole my soccer ball.\x07The leader told me that I had to make some cutbacks and just grabbed it away from me!\x07Can you get my ball back?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck finding my soccer ball?',
COMPLETE:'Yeehaw! You found it!\x07 Here, take your reward...'},
5202:{QUEST:lTheBrrrgh+" has been overrun with some of the toughest Cogs we've seen yet.\x07You will probably want to carry more gags around here.\x07I hear _toNpcName_ may have a large bag you can use to carry more gags._where_"},
5203:{GREETING:'Huh? Are you on my sledding team?',
QUEST:"What's that? You want a bag?\x07I had one somewhere around here... maybe it's in my toboggan?\x07Only... I haven't seen my toboggan since the big race!\x07Maybe one of those Cogs took it?",
LEAVING:'Have you seen my toboggan?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Who are you again? Sorry, I'm a little woozy from the crash."},
QUEST:"Is that my toboggan? I don't see any bag here.\x07I think Bumpy Noggin was on the team... maybe he has it?_where_"},
5205:{GREETING:'Ohhh, my head!',
QUEST:"Huh? Ted who? A bag?\x07Oh, maybe he was on our toboggan team?\x07My head hurts so much I can't think straight.\x07Could you fish me out some ice cubes from the frozen pond for my head?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Oww, my head's killing me! Got any ice?"},
QUEST:"Ahhh, that feels much better!\x07So you're looking for Ted's bag, huh?\x07I think it ended up on Sam Simian's head after the crash._where_"},
QUEST:'What is bag? Who is Bompy?\x07Me scared of buildings! You beat buildings, I give you bag!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'More buildings! Me still scared!',
COMPLETE:'Ooooh! Me like you!'},
QUEST:'Ooooh! Me like you!\x07Go to Ski Clinic. Bag there.'},
QUEST:"Man, that Simian Sam is crazy!\x07If you're wild like Sam, I'll give you your bag, man.\x07Go bag some Cogs for your bag, man! Hey now!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Are you sure you're extreme enough? Go bag some more Cogs.",
COMPLETE:"Hey, you are pretty wild! That was a heap of Cogs you bagged!\x07Here's your bag!"},
5210:{QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is secretly in love with someone in the neighborhood.\x07If you help her, she may reward you handsomely._where_'},
5211:{GREETING:'Boo hoo.',
QUEST:'I spent all last night writing a letter to the dog I love.\x07But before I could deliver it, one of those nasty Cogs with a beak came in and took it.\x07Can you get it back for me?',
LEAVING:'Boo hoo.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Please find my letter.'},
5264:{GREETING:'Boo hoo.',
QUEST:'I spent all last night writing a letter to the dog I love.\x07But before I could deliver it, one of those nasty Cogs with a fin came in and took it.\x07Can you get it back for me?',
LEAVING:'Boo hoo.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Please find my letter.'},
5265:{GREETING:'Boo hoo.',
QUEST:'I spent all last night writing a letter to the dog I love.\x07But before I could deliver it, one of those nasty Mingler Cogs came in and took it.\x07Can you get it back for me?',
LEAVING:'Boo hoo.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Please find my letter.'},
5266:{GREETING:'Boo hoo.',
QUEST:'I spent all last night writing a letter to the dog I love.\x07But before I could deliver it, one of those nasty Corporate Raiders came in and took it.\x07Can you get it back for me?',
LEAVING:'Boo hoo.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Please find my letter.'},
5212:{QUEST:'Oh, thank you for finding my letter!\x07Please, please, please could you deliver it to the most handsome dog in the neighborhood?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"You didn't deliver my letter, did you?"},
5213:{GREETING:"Charmed, I'm sure.",
QUEST:"I can't be bothered with your letter, you see.\x07All my doggies have been taken from me!\x07If you bring them back, maybe we can talk then.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'My poor little doggies!'},
QUEST:"Thank you for bringing back my little beauties.\x07Let's take a look at your letter now...\nMmmm, it seems I have yet another secret admirer.\x07This calls for a trip to my dear friend Carl.\x07I'm sure you'll like him immensely._where_"},
5215:{GREETING:'Heh, heh...',
LEAVING:'Come back, yes, yes.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"There are still some big ones around. Comes back to us when they're gone.",
QUEST:"Who sent you to us? We don't like Snootsies much, we don't...\x07But we likes Cogs even less...\x07Run the big ones off and we'll helps you we will."},
5216:{QUEST:'We told you we would helps you.\x07So take this ring to the girl.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You still haves the ring???',
COMPLETE:'Oh darrrling!!! Thank you!!!\x07Oh, and I have something special for you as well.'},
5217:{QUEST:'It sounds like _toNpcName_ could use some help._where_'},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm sure there are more Minglers around somewhere.",
QUEST:"Help!!! Help!!! I can't take it anymore!\x07Those Minglers are driving me batty!!!"},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"That can't be all of them. I just saw one!!!",
QUEST:"Oh, thanks, but now it's the Corporate Raiders!!!\x07You've got to help me!!!"},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No, no, no there was one just here!',
QUEST:"I realize now that it's those Loan Sharks!!!\x07I thought you were going to save me!!!"},
QUEST:"You know what, maybe it isn't the Cogs at all!\x07Could you ask Fanny to make me a soothing potion? Maybe that would help...._where_"},
QUEST:"Oh, that Harry, he sure is a card!\x07I'll whip up something that will fix him right up!\x07Oh, I appear to be out of sardine whiskers...\x07Be a dear and run down to the pond and catch some for me.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Got those whiskers for me yet?'},
5223:{QUEST:'Okay. Thanks, hon.\x07Here, now take this to Harry. It should calm him right down.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Go on now, take the potion to Harry.'},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Go get those Legal Eagles for me, will you?',
QUEST:"Oh thank goodness you're back!\x07Give me the potion, quick!!!\x07Glug, glug, glug...\x07That tasted awful!\x07You know, what, though? I feel much calmer. Now that I can think clearly, I realize that...\x07It was the Legal Eagles that were driving me crazy all this time!!!",
COMPLETE:"Oh boy! Now I can relax!\x07I'm sure there's something here I can give you. Oh, take this!"},
5225:{QUEST:'Ever since the incident with the turnip bread, Grumpy Phil has been mad at _toNpcName_.\x07Maybe you could help Gus fix things between them?_where_'},
5226:{QUEST:'Yeah, you probably heard Grumpy Phil is mad at me...\x07I was just trying to be nice with that turnip bread.\x07Maybe you can help cheer him up.\x07Phil really hates those Cashbot Cogs, especially their buildings.\x07If you reclaim some Cashbot buildings, it might help.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Maybe a few more buildings?'},
5227:{QUEST:"That's terrific! Go tell Phil what you've done._where_"},
5228:{QUEST:'Oh he did, did he?\x07That Gus thinks he can get off so easy, does he?\x07Only broke my tooth, he did, with that turnip bread of his!\x07Maybe if you took my tooth to Dr. Mumbleface for me he could fix it.',
LEAVING:'Grumble, grumble.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You again? I thought you were going to get my tooth fixed for me.'},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still working on the tooth. It will be a bit longer.",
QUEST:"Yes, that tooth looks pretty bad, alrighty.\x07Maybe I can do something, but it will be a little while.\x07Maybe you could clear some of those Cashbot Cogs off the streets while you're waiting?\x07They're scaring off my customers."},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still working on the tooth. It will be a bit longer.",
QUEST:"Yes, that tooth looks pretty bad, alrighty.\x07Maybe I can do something, but it will be a little while.\x07Maybe you could clear some of those Sellbot Cogs off the streets while you're waiting?\x07They're scaring off my customers."},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still working on the tooth. It will be a bit longer.",
QUEST:"Yes, that tooth looks pretty bad, alrighty.\x07Maybe I can do something, but it will be a little while.\x07Maybe you could clear some of those Lawbot Cogs off the streets while you're waiting?\x07They're scaring off my customers."},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still working on the tooth. It will be a bit longer.",
QUEST:"Yes, that tooth looks pretty bad, alrighty.\x07Maybe I can do something, but it will be a little while.\x07Maybe you could clear some of those Bossbot Cogs off the streets while you're waiting?\x07They're scaring off my customers."},
QUEST:"I'm glad you're back!\x07I gave up trying to fix that old tooth, and made a new gold tooth for Phil instead.\x07Unfortunately a Robber Baron came in and took it from me.\x07Maybe you can catch him if you hurry.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you find that tooth yet?'},
QUEST:"I'm glad you're back!\x07I gave up trying to fix that old tooth, and made a new gold tooth for Phil instead.\x07Unfortunately a Big Cheese came in and took it from me.\x07Maybe you can catch him if you hurry.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you find that tooth yet?'},
QUEST:"I'm glad you're back!\x07I gave up trying to fix that old tooth, and made a new gold tooth for Phil instead.\x07Unfortunately Mr. Hollywood came in and took it from me.\x07Maybe you can catch him if you hurry.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you find that tooth yet?'},
QUEST:"I'm glad you're back!\x07I gave up trying to fix that old tooth, and made a new gold tooth for Phil instead.\x07Unfortunately a Big Wig came in and took it from me.\x07Maybe you can catch him if you hurry.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you find that tooth yet?'},
5231:{QUEST:"Great, that's the tooth alrighty!\x07Why don't you just run it over to Phil for me?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I bet Phil would like to see his new tooth.'},
5232:{QUEST:"Oh, thanks.\x07Mmmrrrphhhh\x07How's that look, huh?\x07Okay, you can tell Gus that I forgive him.",
5233:{QUEST:"Oh, that's great to hear.\x07I figured old Phil couldn't stay mad at me.\x07As a gesture of goodwill, I baked him this Pine cone bread.\x07Could you run it over to him for me?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Better hurry. Pine cone bread is better when it's hot.",
COMPLETE:"Oh, what's this? For me?\x07Munch, munch...\x07Owwww! My tooth! That Gus Gooseburger!\x07Oh well, it wasn't your fault. Here, you can have this for your trouble."},
903:{QUEST:'You may be ready to see _toNpcName_ the Blizzard Wizard for your final test._where_'},
QUEST:'Aha, you are back.\x07Before we begin, we must eat.\x07Bring us some lumpy cheese for our broth.\x07Lumpy cheese can only be gathered from Big Cheese Cogs.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'We still need lumpy cheese'},
QUEST:'Aha, you are back.\x07Before we begin, we must eat.\x07Bring us some caviar for our broth.\x07Caviar can only be gathered from Mr. Hollywood Cogs.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'We still need caviar'},
QUEST:'A simple man eats with a simple spoon.\x07A Cog took my simple spoon, so I simply can not eat.\x07Return my spoon to me. I think a Robber Baron took it.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I simply must have my spoon.'},
QUEST:'A simple man eats with a simple spoon.\x07A Cog took my simple spoon, so I can not eat.\x07Return my spoon to me. I think a Big Wig took it.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I simply must have my spoon.'},
QUEST:'Many thanks.\x07Slurp, slurp...\x07Ahhh, now you must catch a talking toad. Try fishing in the pond.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Where is that talking toad?'},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You have not yet obtained dessert.',
QUEST:"Oh, that is certainly a talking toad. Give him to me.\x07What's that you say, toad?\x07Uh huh.\x07Uh huh...\x07The toad has spoken. We need dessert.\x07Bring us some ice cream cones from _toNpcName_.\x07The toad likes red bean flavored ice cream for some reason._where_"},
QUEST:"So the wizard sent you. I'm sad to say we're fresh out of red bean ice cream cones.\x07You see, a bunch of Cogs came in and just took them.\x07They said they were for Mr. Hollywood, or some such nonsense.\x07I'd sure appreciate if you could round them back up for me.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you found all my ice cream cones yet?'},
QUEST:"So the wizard sent you. I'm sad to say we're fresh out of red bean ice cream cones.\x07You see, a bunch of Cogs came in and just took them.\x07They said they were for The Big Cheese, or some such nonsense.\x07I'd sure appreciate if you could round them back up for me.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you found all my ice cream cones yet?'},
5239:{QUEST:"Thanks for bringing back my ice cream cones!\x07Here's one for Lil Oldman.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You better bring that ice cream to Lil Oldman before it melts.'},
QUEST:'Very good. Here you go toad...\x07Slurp, slurp...\x07Okay, now we are almost ready.\x07If you can just bring me some powder to dry my hands.\x07I think those Big Wig Cogs sometimes have powder from their wigs.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you find any powder?'},
QUEST:'Very good. Here you go toad...\x07Slurp, slurp...\x07Okay, now we are almost ready.\x07If you can just bring me some powder to dry my hands.\x07I think those Mr. Hollywood Cogs sometimes keep powder for their noses.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you find any powder?'},
5241:{QUEST:'Okay.\x07As I once said, to truly throw a pie, you must throw not with the hand...\x07...but with the soul.\x07I know not what that means, so I will sit and contemplate while you restore buildings.\x07Return when you have completed your task.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Your task is not yet complete.'},
QUEST:'Although I still know not what I am talking about, you truly are worthy.\x07I give you a final task...\x07The talking toad would like a girlfriend.\x07Find another talking toad. The toad has spoken.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Where is that other talking toad?',
COMPLETE:'Whew! I am tired from all this effort. I must rest now.\x07Here, take your reward and be off.'},
5243:{QUEST:'Sweaty Pete is starting to stink up the street.\x07Can you talk him into taking a shower or something?_where_'},
QUEST:"Yeah, I guess I do work up quite a sweat in here.\x07Mmmm, maybe if I could fix that leaky pipe in my shower...\x07I figure a gear from one of those tiny Cogs would do the trick.\x07Go find a gear from a Micromanager and we'll try it.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Where's that gear you were going to get?"},
QUEST:'Yup, that seemed to do the trick.\x07But I get lonely when I shower...\x07Could you go fish me up a rubber ducky to keep me company?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Any luck with that duck?'},
5246:{QUEST:"The ducky's great, but...\x07All those buildings around here make me nervous.\x07I'd feel a lot more relaxed if there were fewer buildings around.",
COMPLETE:"Okay, I'll shower up now. And here's something for you too.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still worried about buildings."},
5251:{QUEST:'Lounge Lassard is supposed to be playing a gig tonight.\x07I hear he might be having some trouble with his equipment._where_'},
QUEST:'Oh yeah! I could sure use some help.\x07Those Cogs came in and swiped all my gear while I was unloading the van.\x07Can you give me a hand and get back my microphone?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Hey man, I can't sing without my microphone."},
QUEST:"Yeah, that's my microphone all right.\x07Thanks for getting it for me, but...\x07I really need my keyboard so I can tickle the ivories.\x07I think one of those Corporate Raiders got my keyboard.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding my keboard?'},
QUEST:"Yeah, that's my microphone all right.\x07Thanks for getting it for me, but...\x07I really need my keyboard so I can tickle the ivories.\x07I think one of those Minglers got my keyboard.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding my keboard?'},
QUEST:"Yeah, that's my microphone all right.\x07Thanks for getting it for me, but...\x07I really need my keyboard so I can tickle the ivories.\x07I think one of those Loan Sharks got my keyboard.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding my keboard?'},
QUEST:"Yeah, that's my microphone all right.\x07Thanks for getting it for me, but...\x07I really need my keyboard so I can tickle the ivories.\x07I think one of those Legal Eagles got my keyboard.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No luck finding my keboard?'},
QUEST:"All right! Now I'm in business.\x07If only they hadn't taken my platform shoes...\x07Those shoes probably ended up with a Mr. Hollywood, if I had to guess.",
COMPLETE:"Allright!! I'm ready now.\x07Hello Brrrgh!!!\x07Huh? Where is everyone?\x07Okay, take this and round me up some fans, huh?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I can't perform barefoot, can I?"},
QUEST:"All right! Now I'm in business.\x07If only they hadn't taken my platform shoes...\x07Those shoes probably ended up with a Big Cheese, if I had to guess.",
COMPLETE:"Allright!! I'm ready now.\x07Hello Brrrgh!!!\x07Huh? Where is everyone?\x07Okay, take this and round me up some fans, huh?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I can't perform barefoot, can I?"},
QUEST:"All right! Now I'm in business.\x07If only they hadn't taken my platform shoes...\x07Those shoes probably ended up with a Robber Baron, if I had to guess.",
COMPLETE:"Allright!! I'm ready now.\x07Hello Brrrgh!!!\x07Huh? Where is everyone?\x07Okay, take this and round me up some fans, huh?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I can't perform barefoot, can I?"},
QUEST:"All right! Now I'm in business.\x07If only they hadn't taken my platform shoes...\x07Those shoes probably ended up with a Big Wig, if I had to guess.",
COMPLETE:"Allright!! I'm ready now.\x07Hello Brrrgh!!!\x07Huh? Where is everyone?\x07Okay, take this and round me up some fans, huh?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I can't perform barefoot, can I?"},
5255:{QUEST:'You look like you could use more Laff points.\x07Maybe _toNpcName_ could sort you out._where_'},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"A deal's a deal.",
QUEST:"So you're looking for Laff points, huh?\x07Have I got a deal for you!\x07Simply take care of a few Bossbot Cogs for me...\x07And I'll make it worth your while."},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"A deal's a deal.",
QUEST:"So you're looking for Laff points, huh?\x07Have I got a deal for you!\x07Simply take care of a few Lawbot Cogs for me...\x07And I'll make it worth your while."},
COMPLETE:"Okay, but I'm certain I told you to round up some Lawbot Cogs.\x07Well, if you say so, but you owe me one.",
QUEST:"You say you're done? Defeated all the Cogs?\x07You must have misunderstood, our deal was for Sellbot Cogs.\x07I'm sure I told you to defeat some Sellbot Cogs for me."},
COMPLETE:"Okay, but I'm certain I told you to round up some Lawbot Cogs.\x07Well, if you say so, but you owe me one.",
QUEST:"You say you're done? Defeated all the Cogs?\x07You must have misunderstood, our deal was for Cashbot Cogs.\x07I'm sure I told you to defeat some Cashbot Cogs for me."},
5301:{QUEST:"I can't help you with Laff points, but maybe _toNpcName_ will cut you a deal.\x07He's a little on tempermental side though..._where_"},
COMPLETE:"I told you what?!?!\x07Thanks a bunch! Here's your Laff point!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Hi!\x07What are you doing in here again!',
QUEST:'A Laff point? I dont think so!\x07Sure, but only if you clear out some of these pesky Lawbots first.'},
5303:{QUEST:lTheBrrrgh+" is teeming with very dangerous Cogs.\x07If I were you, I'd carry more gags around here.\x07I hear _toNpcName_ can make you a large bag if you are willing to do the legwork._where_"},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'There should be plenty of Lawbots out there.\x07So get to it!',
QUEST:"A bigger bag?\x07I could probably whip one up for ya.\x07I'll need some yarn though.\x07Some Lawbots made off with mine yesterday morning."},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Go get some more cogs.\x07This color hasn't taken yet.",
QUEST:"That there's some fine yarn!\x07Not my first choice of color though.\x07Tell you what...\x07You go out there and beat up some of the tougher cogs...\x07And I'll get to work dyeing this yarn."},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'They gotta be down there somewhere...',
QUEST:"Well, the yarn is all dyed. But we've got a small problem.\x07I can't find my knitting needles anywhere.\x07Last place I saw them was down at the pond."},
LEAVING:'Much obliged!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Rome wasn't knit in a day!",
QUEST:"Those are my needles alright.\x07While I'm knitting, why don't you go clear some of them big buildings?",
COMPLETE:"Great work!\x07And speaking of great work...\x07Here's your new bag!"},
QUEST:'I hear _toNpcName_ is having some legal troubles.\x07Can you stop by and check it out?_where_'},
5309:{GREETING:"I'm glad you're here...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Please hurry! The street is crawling with them!',
QUEST:"The Lawbots have really taken over out there.\x07I'm afraid they are going to take me to court.\x07Do you think you could help get them off of this street?"},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I think I hear them coming for me...',
QUEST:"Thanks. I feel a little better now.\x07 But there is one more thing...\x07Could you drop by _toNpcName_'s and get me an alibi?_where_"},
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I can't help him if you can't find it!",
QUEST:"Alibi?! Why that's a great idea!\x07You'd better make it two!\x07I bet a Legal Eagle would have some..."},
COMPLETE:"Whew! Am I ever relieved to have this.\x07Here's your reward...",
QUEST:"Super! You'd better run these back to _toNpcName_!"},
6201:{QUEST:'Powers Erge needs some help. Could you drop by and lend her a hand?_where_'},
QUEST:"Oh, a customer! Great! What can I do for you?\x07What do you mean, what can you do for me? OH! You're not a customer.\x07I remember now. You're here to help with those dreadful Cogs.\x07Well I could certainly use the help even if you're not a customer.\x07If you clean up the streets a bit, I'll have a little something for you.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"If you don't want electricity, I can't help you until you defeat those Cogs.",
COMPLETE:"Good job on those Cogs, _avName_.\x07Now, are you sure I can't interest you in some electricity? Might come in handy....\x07No? OK, suit yourself.\x07Hunh? Oh yeah, I remember. Here ya go. This is sure to help with those nasty Cogs.\x07Keep up the good work!"},
6206:{QUEST:"Well, _avName_, I don't have anything for you right now.\x07Wait! I think Susan Siesta was looking for help. Why don't you go see her?_where_"},
QUEST:"I'll never get rich with those darn Cogs driving away all my business!\x07You've got to help me, _avName_.\x07Clear out a few Cog buildings for the sake of the neighborhood and I'll add to your riches.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Poor me! Can't you get rid of those buildings?",
COMPLETE:"Now I'll be in the money! I can see it now!\x07I'll spend all my time fishing. Now, let me enrich your life a little.\x07There you go!"},
6211:{QUEST:'Hey _avName_! I heard Lawful Linda was looking for you.\x07You should stop by and pay her a visit._where_'},
QUEST:"Hi there! Wow, am I glad to see you!\x07I've been working on this answering machine in my spare time but I'm short a couple of parts.\x07I need three more rods and the ones from Bean Counters seem to work pretty well.\x07Could you see if you could find some rods for me?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Still trying to find those rods?'},
QUEST:"Oh, those will do nicely.\x07That's funny. I was sure I had a spare drive belt around here but I can't find it.\x07Could you please get one from a Money Bags for me? Thanks!",
INCOMPLETE:"Well, I can't help you until I get that drive belt."},
QUEST:"Ah, that's it. Now it should run like a charm.\x07Where'd my pliers go? I can't tighten this up without the pliers.\x07Maybe pincers from a Penny Pincher would do the job?\x07If you'd go find one, I could give you a little something to help you with those Cogs.",
COMPLETE:"Great! Now I'll just tighten this up.\x07It seems to be working now. Back in business!\x07Well, except that we don't have a phone. But I'm glad for the help, anyway.\x07I think this'll help you out with those Cogs. Good luck!"},
6221:{QUEST:'I heard Rocco was looking for help. See what you can do for him._where_'},
QUEST:"Yo! Youse came to da right place. I ain't too happy.\x07Yeah, I was lookin for some help wid dose Cogs. Dey always come and boss me around.\x07If you can retire some of dem Bossbots, I'll make it worth your while.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Hey, _avName_, what's up wid youse?\x07You gotta keep after dem Bossbots. We got a deal, remember?\x07Rocco always keeps his word.",
COMPLETE:"Yo, _avName_! Youse ok in my book.\x07Dem Bossbots ain't so bossy now, is they?\x07Here ya go! A nice big boost. Now, you stay outta trouble, ya hear!"},
6231:{QUEST:'Nat over on Pajama Place heard rumors about a Cashbot Headquarters.\x07Head over there and see if you can help him out._where_'},
QUEST:"I got a nibble about some strange goings on.\x07Well, maybe it's the fleas but something is going on anyway.\x07All these Cashbots!\x07I think they've opened another headquarters right off Pajama Place.\x07P.J. knows his way around.\x07Go see _toNpcName_ _where_ Ask him if he's heard anything.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"You haven't seen P.J. yet? What's keeping you?\x07Oh, these darn fleas!"},
QUEST:"Hey there _avName_, where are you headed?\x07Cashbot Headquarters?? I haven't seen anything.\x07Could you go to the end of Pajama Place and see if it's true?\x07Find some Cashbot Cogs in their headquarters, defeat a few of them, and come tell me about it.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Found the HQ yet? You'll need to defeat some Cashbots there to scope it out."},
QUEST:"What?! There really IS a Cashbot HQ?\x07You better go tell Nat right away!\x07Who would have guessed there'd be a Cog HQ right down the street from him?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"What did Nat have to say? You haven't seen him yet?"},
QUEST:"So, I'm itching to hear what P.J. had to say.\x07Hmm...we need more information about this Cog business but I've got to get rid of these fleas!\x07I know! YOU can go find out more!\x07Go defeat Cashbots at the HQ until you find some plans then come right back!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"No plans yet? Keep searching those Cogs!\x07They're bound to have some plans!",
COMPLETE:"You got the plans?\x07Great! Let's see what they say.\x07I see... the Cashbots built a Mint to make Cogbucks.\x07It must be FULL of Cashbots. We should find out more about this.\x07Maybe if you had a disguise. Hmmm...wait! I think I've got part of a Cog suit here somewhere....\x07Here it is! Why don't you take this for your trouble? Thanks again for your help!"},
6241:{QUEST:"The Countess has been looking everywhere for you! Please pay her a visit so she'll stop calling._where_"},
QUEST:"_avName_, I'm counting on you to help me!\x07You see, these Cogs are making so much noise that I simply can't concentrate.\x07I keep losing count of my sheep!\x07If you'll cut down on the noise, I'll help you out too! You can count on it!\x07Now, where was I? Right, one hundred thirty-six, one hundred thirty-seven....",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Four hundred forty-two...four hundred forty-three...\x07What? You're back already? But it's still so noisy!\x07Oh no, I've lost count again.\x07 One...two...three....",
COMPLETE:"Five hundred ninety-three...five hundred ninety-four...\x07Hello? Oh, I knew I could count on you! It's much quieter now.\x07Here you go, for all those Number Crunchers.\x07Number? Now I need to start counting all over again! One...two...."},
6251:{QUEST:"Poor Zari broke her zipper and now she can't make deliveries to her customers. She could sure use your help._where_"},
QUEST:"Oh, hi _avName_. You're here to help with my deliveries?\x07That's terrific! This broken zipper makes it tough to zip around.\x07Let me see...ok, this should be easy. Cowboy George ordered a zither last week.\x07Could you please bring it over to him? _where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Oh, hi! Did you forget something? Cowboy George is waiting for that zither.'},
QUEST:"My zither! At last! Gosh, I can't wait to play it.\x07Go tell Zari that I said thanks, would you?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Thanks again for the zither. Doesn't Zari have more deliveries for you to do?"},
QUEST:"That was fast. What's next on my list?\x07Right. Master Mike ordered a Zamboni. That zany guy.\x07Could you bring this to him, please?_where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'That Zamboni needs to go to Master Mike._where_'},
QUEST:"All-right! The Zamboni I ordered!\x07Now, if only there weren't so many Cogs around, I might have some time to use it.\x07Be a sport and take care of a few of those Cashbots for me, would you?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Those Cashbots are tough, hunh? They make it hard to test my Zamboni.'},
QUEST:"Excellent! Now I can go try out my Zamboni.\x07Tell Zari that I'll be in next week to place my next order, please.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"That's all I need for now. Isn't Zari waiting for you?"},
QUEST:"So, Master Mike was happy with his Zamboni? Great.\x07Who's next? Oh, Zen Glen ordered a zebra-striped zabuton.\x07Here it is! Could you zoom over to his place, please?_where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I think Zen Glen needs that zabuton to meditate.'},
QUEST:"Ah, my zabuton at last. Now I can meditate.\x07Who could focus with that racket going on? All those Cogs!\x07Since you're already here, maybe you could take care of some of these Cogs?\x07Then I could use my zabuton in peace.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Still so noisy with those Cogs! Who could focus?'},
QUEST:'Peace and quiet at last. Thanks, _avName_.\x07Please tell Zari how happy I am. OM....',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Zari called looking for you. You should go see what she needs.'},
QUEST:"I'm glad to hear that Zen Glen is happy with his zebra zabuton.\x07Oh, these zinnias just came in for Rose Petals.\x07Since you seem to have some zeal for deliveries, perhaps you could take them over to her?_where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Those zinnias will wilt if you don't deliver them soon."},
QUEST:'What lovely zinnias! Zari sure does deliver.\x07Oh, well, I guess YOU deliver, _avName_. Please thank Zari for me!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Don't forget to thank Zari for the zinnias!"},
QUEST:"Welcome back, _avName_. You're pretty zippy.\x07Let's see...what's next on my list to deliver? Zydeco records for Wyda Wake._where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm sure Wyda Wake is waiting for those Zydeco records."},
QUEST:"Zydeco records? I don't remember asking for Zydeco records.\x07Oh, I bet Lullaby Lou ordered them._where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'No, those Zydeco records are for Lullaby Lou._where_'},
QUEST:"At last, my Zydeco records! I thought Zari had forgotten.\x07Could you please bring this zucchini to her? She'll find someone who wants one. Thanks!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Oh, I've got plenty of zucchini already. Take that one to Zari."},
QUEST:"Zucchini? Hmm. Well, someone will want it, I'm sure.\x07Ok, we're nearly done with my list. One more delivery to make.\x07Babyface MacDougal ordered a zoot suit._where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"If you don't deliver that zoot suit to Babyface MacDougal,\x07 it'll get all wrinkled."},
QUEST:"Once upon a time...oh! You're not here for a story, are you?\x07You're delivering my zoot suit? Great! Wow, that's something.\x07Hey, could you give Zari a message for me? I'll be needing zircon cufflinks to go with the suit. Thanks!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did you give Zari my message?',
COMPLETE:"Zircon cufflinks, hunh? Well, I'll see what I can do for him.\x07Anyway, you've been the very zenith of helpfulness and I can't let you leave with zilch.\x07Here's a BIG boost to help you zap those Cogs!"},
6271:{QUEST:"Drowsy Dave is having some trouble that you might be able to help with. Why don't you stop by his shop?_where_"},
QUEST:"What? Huh? Oh, I must've fallen asleep.\x07You know, those Cogs buildings are full of machinery that makes me really sleepy.\x07I listen to them humming all day and...\x07Huh? Oh, yeah, right. If you could get rid of some of those Cog buildings, I could stay awake.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Zzzzz...huh? Oh, it's you, _avName_.\x07Back already? I was just taking a little nap.\x07Come back when you're done with those buildings.",
COMPLETE:"What? I dropped off to sleep for a minute there.\x07Now that those Cog buildings are gone I can finally relax.\x07Thanks for your help, _avName_.\x07See you later! I think maybe I'll take a little nap."},
6281:{QUEST:"Head over and call on Teddy Blair. He's got a job for you._where_"},
QUEST:"What did you say? No, I don't have a fob for you.\x07Oh, a job! Why didn't you say so? You'll need to speak up.\x07Those Cogs make it hard to hibernate. If you'll help make Dreamland quieter,\x07I'll give you a little something.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"You beat the bogs? What bogs?\x07Oh, the Cogs! Why didn't you say so?\x07Hmm, it's still pretty loud. How 'bout you defeat a few more?",
COMPLETE:"You had fun? Huh? Oh!\x07You're done! Great. Really nice of you to help out this way.\x07I found this in the back room but I don't have any use for it.\x07Maybe you'll find something to do with it. So long, _avName_!"},
6291:{QUEST:'Cogs broke into the First Security Blanket Bank! Go see William Teller and see if you can help.'},
6292:{QUEST:'Oh those darn Cashbot Cogs! They stole my reading lamps!\x07I need them back right away. Can you go look for them?\x07If you can get my reading lamps, I might be able to help you get into see the C.F.O.\x07Hurry!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I need those lamps back. Keep looking for them!',
COMPLETE:"You're back! And you got my lamps!\x07I can't thank you enough but I can give you this."},
7201:{QUEST:'Nina Nightlight was looking for you, _avName_. She needs some help._where_'},
QUEST:"Oh! I'm so glad to see you, _avName_. I could use some help!\x07Those darn Cogs have kept the delivery folks away and I have no beds in stock.\x07Could you go see Hardy O'Toole and bring me back a bed?_where_ ",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Did Hardy have any beds? I was sure he'd have one.",
QUEST:'A bed? Sure, here\'s one all ready to go.\x07Just bring it over to her for me, would you? Get it?\x07"WOOD" you? Hee-hee!\x07Pretty funny. No? Well, take it over there anyway, please?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did Nina like the bed?',
QUEST:"This bed isn't right. It's much too plain.\x07Go see if he has anything fancier, would you?\x07I'm sure it won't take but a minute.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm certain that Hardy has a fancier bed.",
QUEST:"Didn't hit the nail on the head with that bed, huh? I've got one here that will do the job.\x07One small problem though - it needs to be assembled first.\x07While I hammer out this problem, could you get rid of some of those Cogs that are outside?\x07Those awful Cogs throw a wrench in the works.\x07Come back when you're done and the bed will be ready.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Not quite done with assembling the bed.\x07When you're done with the Cogs, it'll be ready.",
QUEST:'Hey there _avName_!\x07You did a bang-up job on those Cogs.\x07The bed is all ready. Could you please deliver it for me?\x07Now that those Cogs are gone, business will be brisk!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I think Nina's waiting for that bed delivery.",
COMPLETE:'What a lovely bed!\x07Now my customers will be happy. Thanks, _avName_.\x07Say, you might be able to use this. Someone left it here.'},
7209:{QUEST:'Go see Honey Moon. She needs some help._where_'},
QUEST:"Oh! I'm so glad to see you, _avName_. I really need some help!\x07I haven't been able to get my beauty sleep for ages. You see, those Cogs stole my bedspread.\x07Say, could you please run over and see if Ed's got anything in blue?_where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'What did Ed have to say about a blue bedspread?',
QUEST:"So, Honey wants a bedspread, huh?\x07What color? BLUE?!\x07Well, I'd have to make that for her special. Everything I've got is red.\x07Tell ya what...if you'll go deal with some of those Cogs out there, I'll make a special blue bedspread just for her.\x07Blue bedspreads...what'll it be next?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Still working on this blue bedspread, _avName_. Keep at those Cogs!',
QUEST:"Nice to see you again. I've got something for you!\x07Here's the bedspread and it's blue. She'll love it.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did Honey like the bedspread?',
QUEST:"My bedspread? No, that's not right.\x07It's PLAID! How can anyone sleep with such a LOUD pattern?\x07You'll just have to take it back and get a different one.\x07I'm sure he'll have others.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I simply will not accept a plaid bedspread. See what Ed can do about it.',
QUEST:"What? She doesn't like PLAID?\x07Hmm...let me see what we've got here.\x07This will take a while. Why don't you go take care of a few Cogs while I try to find something else?\x07I'll have something by the time you get back here.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm still looking for another bedspread. How's it going with the Cogs?",
QUEST:"Hey, good job on those Cogs!\x07Here you go, it's blue and it's not plaid.\x07Sure hope she likes paisley.\x07Bring the bedspread back to Honey.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"That's all I've got for you right now.\x07Please bring that bedspread to Honey.",
COMPLETE:"Oh! That's lovely! Paisley suits me quite well.\x07Time for my beauty sleep, then! So long, _avName_.\x07What? You're still here? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?\x07Here, take this and let me rest. I must look a fright!"},
7218:{QUEST:'Dreamy Daphne could use a hand._where_'},
QUEST:"Oh, _avName_, I'm glad to see you! Those Cogs took my pillows.\x07Could you go see if Tex has some pillows?_where_\x07I'm sure he can help.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Does Tex have any pillows for me? ',
QUEST:"Howdy! Daphne needs some pillows, huh? Well, you came to the right place, pardner!\x07More pillows in here than there's spines on a cactus.\x07Here you go, _avName_. Take these back over to Daphne with my compliments.\x07Always glad to help a gal out.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Were those pillows soft enough for the little lady?',
QUEST:"You got the pillows! Great!\x07Hey, wait a second! These pillows are awfully soft.\x07Much too soft for me. I need harder pillows.\x07Take these back to Tex and see what else he's got. Thanks.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Nope! Too soft. Ask Tex for different pillows.',
QUEST:"Too soft, huh? Well, let me see what I've got....\x07Hmm...seems I had me a whole passel of hard pillows. Where'd they get to?\x07Oh! I remember. I was fixing to send them back so they're in storage.\x07How 'bout you clean up some of those Cog buildings out there while I get 'em out of storage, pardner?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Cog buildings are hard. But these pillows aren't.\x07I'll keep looking.",
QUEST:"Back already? Well, that's jess fine. See, I found those pillows Daphne wanted.\x07Now, you jess take these over to her. They're hard enough to break a tooth on!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Yeah, those pillows are mighty hard. I hope Daphne fancies 'em.",
COMPLETE:'I knew Tex would have some harder pillows.\x07Oh yes, those are perfect. Nice and hard.\x07Would you have a use for this piece of a Cog suit? Might as well take it with you.'},
7226:{QUEST:"Drop by to see Sandy Sandman. She's lost her pajamas._where_"},
QUEST:"I have no pajamas! They're missing!\x07What will I do? Oh! I know!\x07Go see Big Mama. She'll have pajamas for me._where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Does Big Mama have pajamas for me?',
QUEST:"Hey there, little toon! Big Mama's got the best pajamas from the Bahamas.\x07Oh, something for Sandy Sandman, huh? Well, let me see what I've got.\x07Here's a little something. Now she can sleep in style!\x07Would you run these back over to her for me? I can't leave the shop just now.\x07Thanks, _avName_. See you around!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You need to take those pajamas to Sandy._where_',
QUEST:"Big Mama sent these for me? Oh...\x07Doesn't she have any pajamas with feet on them?\x07I always wear pajamas with feet. Doesn't everybody?\x07Take these back and ask her to find some with feet.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'My pajamas must have feet. See what Big Mama can do.',
QUEST:"Feet? Let me think....\x07Wait! I've got just the thing!\x07Ta-dah! Pajamas with feet. Nice blue pajamas with feet. Best ones on any island.\x07Please take them back to her, would you? Thanks!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Did Sandy like the blue footie pajamas?',
QUEST:"Well, these DO have feet, but I can't wear blue pajamas!\x07Ask Big Mama if she has a different color.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'm sure Big Mama has footie pajamas in a different color.",
QUEST:"That's too bad. These are the only pajamas with feet I have.\x07Oh, I've got an idea. Go ask Cat. She may have some pajamas with feet._where_",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Nope, those are all the pajamas I've got. Go see what Cat has._where_",
QUEST:"Pajamas with feet? Sure thing.\x07What do you mean, these are blue? She doesn't want blue?\x07Oh, that's a little trickier. Here, try these.\x07They're not blue and they DO have feet.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I just love puce, don't you?\x07I hope Sandy likes them....",
QUEST:"No, these aren't blue but no one with my complexion could possibly wear puce.\x07Absolutely not. Back they go and you with them! See what else Cat has.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Cat must have more pajamas. No puce for me!',
QUEST:"Not puce either. Hmm....\x07By my whiskers, I know I have some other ones.\x07They'll take a little while to find. Let's make a deal.\x07I'll find the other pajamas if you'll get rid of some of these Cog buildings. They're very unsettling.\x07I'll have the pajamas ready when you get back, _avName_.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You need to clear out a few more Cog buildings while I look for other pajamas.',
QUEST:'You did a great job on those Cogs! Thanks!\x07I found those pajamas for Sandy; hope she likes them.\x07Bring them over to her. Thank you.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Sandy's waiting for those pajamas, _avName_.",
COMPLETE:"Fuchsia pajamas with feet! Purr-fect!\x07Ah, now I'm all set. Let's see....\x07Oh, I suppose I should give you something for helping me out.\x07Maybe you can use this. Someone left it here."},
7239:{QUEST:"Go see Smudgy Mascara. She's been looking for some help._where_"},
QUEST:'Those darn Cogs took my wrinkle cream!\x07My customers simply MUST have wrinkle cream while I work on them.\x07Go see Rip and see if he has my special formula in stock._where_',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I refuse to work on anyone without wrinkle cream.\x07See what Rip has for me.'},
QUEST:"Oh, that Smudgy's a picky character. She won't settle for my usual formula.\x07That means I'll need some cauliflower coral, my super-secret special ingredient. But I haven't any in stock.\x07Could you go fish some out of the pond for me? As soon as you get the coral, I'll whip up a batch for Smudgy.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"I'll need that cauliflower coral to make a batch of wrinkle cream."},
QUEST:"Wow, that's a nice cauliflower coral!\x07Ok, let's see...a little of this and a splash of, just a dollop of kelp.\x07Huh, where's the kelp? Looks like I'm out of kelp, too.\x07Could you pop down to the pond and fish me out some nice, slimy kelp?",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Not a strip of slimy kelp in the shop.\x07Can't make the cream without it."},
QUEST:"Oooh! Very slimy kelp you've got there, _avName_.\x07Now, I just crush some pearls with the mortar and pestle.\x07Um, where's my pestle? What good is a mortar without a pestle?\x07I bet that darn Loan Shark took it when he came in here!\x07You need to help me find it! He was headed for Cashbot HQ!",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'I simply cannot crush the pearls without a pestle.\x07Darn those Loan Sharks!'},
QUEST:"Alright! You got my pestle!\x07Now we're in business. Crush that...stir this up and...\x07There ya go! Tell Smudgy's it's good and fresh.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"You should bring this over to Smudgy while it's fresh.\x07She's very picky.",
COMPLETE:"Didn't Rip have a bigger jar of wrinkle cream than this? No?\x07Well, I guess I'll just order more when I run out.\x07So long, _avName_.\x07What? You're still here? Can't you see I'm trying to work?\x07Here, take this."},
QUEST:'If you are interested in Lawbot disguise parts you should visit _toNpcName_.\x07I hear he could use some help with his weather research._where_'},
QUEST:'Yes, yes. I have Lawbot disguise parts.\x07But they are of no interest to me.\x07The focus of my research is fluctuations in the ambient temperature of Toontown.\x07I will gladly trade you disguise parts for cog temperature sensors.\x07You can start on %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[2100][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you tried looking on %s?'%GlobalStreetNames[2100][-1],
COMPLETE:'Ah, excellent!\x07Just as I feared...\x07Oh, yes! Here is your disguise part.'},
QUEST:'For more Lawbot disguise parts you should visit _toNpcName_ again.\x07I hear he needs more research assistants._where_'},
QUEST:'More Lawbot disguise parts?\x07Well, if you insist...\x07but I will require another cog temperature sensor.\x07This time look on %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[2200][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You are looking on %s, right?'%GlobalStreetNames[2200][-1],
COMPLETE:'Thank you!\x07And here is your disguise part.'},
QUEST:'If you need more Lawbot disguise parts you should return to _toNpcName_.\x07I hear he still needs help with his weather reasearch._where_'},
QUEST:"You're proving yourself quite useful!\x07Can you take a look on %s?"%GlobalStreetNames[2300][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Are you sure you're looking on %s?"%GlobalStreetNames[2300][-1],
COMPLETE:"Hmmm, I don't like the looks of this...\x07but here is your disguise part..."},
QUEST:'You-know-who needs more temperature readings.\x07Stop by if you would like another disguise part._where_'},
QUEST:'Back again?\x07You are very dedicated...\x07The next stop is %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[1100][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you tried looking on %s?'%GlobalStreetNames[1100][-1],
COMPLETE:'Good! You seem to be getting the hang of this!\x07Your disguise part...'},
QUEST:"If you're up for another Lawbot disguise part..._where_"},
QUEST:'Fancy seeing you here!\x07Now I need readings on %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[1200][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You are looking on %s, right?'%GlobalStreetNames[1200][-1],
COMPLETE:'Thank you very much.\x07Your disguise must be getting close...'},
QUEST:'I believe _toNpcName_ has more work for you._where_'},
QUEST:'Good to see you again, _avName_!\x07Can you get a reading on %s, please?'%GlobalStreetNames[1300][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you tried looking on %s?'%GlobalStreetNames[1300][-1],
COMPLETE:"Great work!\x07Here's your well earned reward!"},
QUEST:'You know the drill._where_'},
QUEST:'_avName_, my dear friend!\x07Can you go to %s and find another temperature sensor?'%GlobalStreetNames[5100][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Are you sure you're looking on %s?"%GlobalStreetNames[5100][-1],
COMPLETE:"Excellent!\x07With your help my research is coming quickly!\x07Here's your reward."},
QUEST:"_toNpcName_ was asking for you by name.\x07It appears you've made quite an impression!_where_"},
QUEST:"Welcome back!\x07I've been waiting for you.\x07The next reading I need is on %s."%GlobalStreetNames[5200][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You are looking on %s, right?'%GlobalStreetNames[5200][-1],
COMPLETE:"Thanks!\x07Here's your reward."},
QUEST:'If you need to finish your Lawbot disguise...\x07_toNpcName_ can help you out._where_'},
QUEST:'Hello, Junior Research Scientist!\x07We still need readings from %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[5300][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you tried looking on %s?'%GlobalStreetNames[5300][-1],
COMPLETE:'Excellent job!\x07Here is your Lawbot thingy...'},
QUEST:"_toNpcName_ has another job for you.\x07If you're not sick of him yet..._where_"},
QUEST:'Well, then.\x07Are you ready for another recovery?\x07This time try %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[4100][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Are you sure you're looking on %s?"%GlobalStreetNames[4100][-1],
COMPLETE:'Another one!\x07My you are the picture of efficiency!'},
QUEST:'Are you still after Lawbot disguise parts?_where_'},
QUEST:'You could probably guess by now...\x07but I need readings from %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[4200][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You are looking on %s, right?'%GlobalStreetNames[4200][-1],
COMPLETE:'Almost there!\x07Here you go...'},
QUEST:'I hate to say it, but..._where_'},
QUEST:'What do you think about %s? Could you get a sensor from there too?'%GlobalStreetNames[4300][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Have you tried looking on %s?'%GlobalStreetNames[4300][-1],
COMPLETE:'Another excellent job, _avName_'},
QUEST:'Go visit the Professor if you still need disguise parts._where_'},
QUEST:'I believe we still need a reading from %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[9100][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"Are you sure you're looking on %s?"%GlobalStreetNames[9100][-1],
COMPLETE:'Good work!\x07I think we are getting very close...'},
QUEST:'_toNpcName_ has one final mission for you._where_'},
QUEST:'Back so soon?\x07The final reading is on %s.'%GlobalStreetNames[9200][-1],
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You are looking on %s, right?'%GlobalStreetNames[9200][-1],
COMPLETE:"You're all done!\x07Now you are ready to infiltrate the District Attorney's Office and collect Jury Notices.\x07Good luck and thanks for all your help!"},
QUEST:'If you are interested in Bossbot disguise parts you should visit _toNpcName_._where_'},
QUEST:"Yes, I can get you Bossbot parts.\x07But I'll need you to help me complete my Bossbot collection.\x07Go out there and defeat a Flunky.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:"You can't find a Flunky? For shame...",
COMPLETE:"You didn't flunk that, now did you?\x07Here's your first disguise part."},
QUEST:"_toNpcName_ needs more help, if you're up for it._where_"},
QUEST:'Another disguise part?\x07Certainly...\x07but only if you defeat a Pencil Pusher.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Pencil Pushers can be found in the streets.',
COMPLETE:"He was a real pushover!\x07Here's your second disguise part."},
QUEST:"There's really only one place to go for Bossbot parts._where_"},
QUEST:'Now I need a Yesman...',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Yesmen can be found in the streets.',
COMPLETE:"Yes! Man, you are good.\x07Here's your third disguise part."},
QUEST:'_toNpcName_ has more parts for you...'},
QUEST:"If you defeat a Micromanager I'll give you another part.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking on %s'%GlobalStreetNames[1100][-1],
COMPLETE:"You managed that quite well!\x07Here's your fourth disguise part."},
QUEST:'Head on over to..._where_'},
QUEST:"I'm after a Downsizer now...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Having trouble? Try looking on %s'%GlobalStreetNames[3100][-1],
COMPLETE:"He went down hard!\x07Here's your fifth disguise part."},
QUEST:'I think you know where to go by now..._where_'},
QUEST:'A Head Hunter is next on my list.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You might have better luck looking buildings.',
COMPLETE:"I see you had no problem hunting one down.\x07Here's your sixth disguise part."},
QUEST:'_toNpcName_ needs more Bossbots.'},
QUEST:"Next I'll need you to track down a Corporate Raider.",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'You might have better luck looking buildings.',
COMPLETE:"You're quite the little raider yourself!\x07Here's your seventh disguise part."},
QUEST:'If you want more disguise parts, go to..._where_'},
QUEST:'Now the coup de grace: The Big Cheese!',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:"I knew I could count on you to cut...\x07Ah, never mind.\x07Here's your next disguise part."},
QUEST:'_toNpcName_ was looking for you...'},
QUEST:'Now I need you to defeat one of the new, more treacherous Bossbot Cogs.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:'They are tougher than they look, huh?\x07I guess I owe you a disguise part.'},
QUEST:'Could you swing by..._where_'},
QUEST:'These Version 2.0 Cogs are very interesting.\x07Please go defeat another one.',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:'Thanks!\x07Another disguise part coming right up.'},
QUEST:'If you get a chance, stop by and see _toNpcName_.'},
QUEST:'I wonder if they can keep regenerating...',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:"I guess not.\x07Here's your part..."},
QUEST:'You know..._where_'},
QUEST:"Maybe they aren't Bossbots at all...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:'Hmmm, I guess they are Bossbots after all.\x07Help yourself to another part.'},
QUEST:"You probably know what I'm going to say already..."},
QUEST:'Perhaps they are related to the Skelecogs somehow...',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:"That was inconclusive...\x07Here's your disguise part."},
QUEST:'Please go see _toNpcName_ again.'},
QUEST:"I'm still not convinced they aren't some type of Skelecog...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:"Well, maybe not.\x07Here's your next part."},
QUEST:"It's probably the last place you want to go. but..."},
QUEST:'I am still quite baffled by these new cogs.\x07Could you go defeat another, please?',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:'Fascinating. Simply fascinating.\x07A disguise part for your troubles.'},
QUEST:'_toNpcName_ is starting to sound like a broken record...'},
QUEST:"I've almost determined what these new Cogs are.\x07Just one more...",
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Try looking in %s'%GlobalStreetNames[10000][-1],
COMPLETE:"Yes, I think I'm onto something.\x07Oh, yes.\x07This is for you..."},
QUEST:'You need to go tell Flippy about this...',
INCOMPLETE_PROGRESS:'Flippy can be found in Toon Hall',
COMPLETE:'A new type of Cog!\x07Good work!\x07Here is your final disguise part.'}}
ReportPanelBody='This feature will send a complete report to a Moderator. Instead of sending a report, you might choose to do one of the following:\n\n - Teleport to another district\n - Use "Ignore" on the toon\'s panel\n\nDo you really want to report %s to a Moderator?'
ReportPanelBodyFriends='This feature will send a complete report to a Moderator. Instead of sending a report, you might choose to do one of the following:\n\n - Teleport to another district\n - Break your friendship\n\nDo you really want to report %s to a Moderator?\n\n(This will also break your friendship)'
ReportPanelCategoryBody='You are about to report %s. A Moderator will be alerted to your complaint and will take appropriate action for anyone breaking our rules. Please choose the reason you are reporting %s:'
ReportPanelWarning="We take reporting very seriously. Your report will be viewed by a Moderator who will take appropriate action for anyone breaking our rules. If your account is found to have participated in breaking the rules, or if you make false reports or abuse the 'Report a Toon' system, a Moderator may take action against your account. Are you absolutely sure you want to report this toon?"
ReportPanelThanks='Thank you! Your report has been sent to a Moderator for review. There is no need to contact us again about the issue. The moderation team will take appropriate action for a toon found breaking our rules.'
IgnorePanelRemoveIgnore='Would you like to stop ignoring %s?'
IgnorePanelEndIgnore='You are no longer ignoring %s.'
IgnorePanelAddFriendAvatar='%s is your friend, you cannot ignore them while you are friends.'
PetPanelGoTo='Go To'
PetPanelOwner='Show Owner'
PetPanelDetail='Pet Details'
PetDetailPanelTitle='Trick Training'
2:'Play dead',
'hunger':["I'm tired of Jellybeans! How'bout giving me a slice of pie?","How'bout a Red Jellybean? I'm tired of the Green ones!","Oh, those Jellybeans were for planting?!! But I'm hungry!"],
'boredom':["I'm dying of boredom over here!","You didn't think I understood you, huh?",'Could we, like, DO something already?'],
'sadness':["Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go, Don't go...","I'll be good, I promise!","I don't know WHY I'm sad, I just am!!!"],
'restlessness':["I'm sooo restless!!!"],
'playfulness':["Let's play, Let's play, Let's play, Let's play, Let's play, Let's play, Let's play, Let's play, Let's play...",'Play with me or I dig up some flowers!','Lets run around and around and around and around and around and around...'],
'loneliness':['Where have you been?','Wanna cuddle?','I want to go with you when you fight Cogs!'],
'fatigue':['That swim in the pond really tired me out!','Being a Doodle is exhausting!','I gotta get to Dreamland!'],
'confusion':['Where am I? Who are you again?',"What's a Toon-up again?","Whoa, I'm standing between you and the Cogs! Run away!"],
'anger':['... and you wonder why I never give you a Toon-up?!!!','You always leave me behind!','You love your gags more than you love me!'],
'surprise':['Of course Doodles can talk!','Toons can talk?!!','Whoa, where did you come from?'],
'affection':["You're the best Toon EVER!!!!!!!!!!",'Do you even KNOW how great you are?!?','I am SO lucky to be with you!!!']}
TeleportPanelCheckAvailability='Trying to go to %s.'
TeleportPanelNotAvailable='%s is busy right now; try again later.'
TeleportPanelIgnored='%s is ignoring you.'
TeleportPanelNotOnline="%s isn't online right now."
TeleportPanelWentAway='%s went away.'
TeleportPanelUnknownHood="You don't know how to get to %s!"
TeleportPanelDenySelf="You can't go to yourself!"
TeleportPanelOtherShard="%(avName)s is in district %(shardName)s, and you're in district %(myShardName)s. Do you want to switch to %(shardName)s?"
TeleportPanelBusyShard='%(avName)s is in a full District.'
BattleBldgBossTaunt="I'm the boss."
CogdoBattleBldgBossTaunt="I don't take meetings with Toons."
FactoryBossTaunt="I'm the Foreman."
FactoryBossBattleTaunt='Let me introduce you to the Foreman.'
MintBossTaunt="I'm the Supervisor."
MintBossBattleTaunt='You need to talk to the Supervisor.'
StageBossTaunt="My Justice isn't Blind."
StageBossBattleTaunt='I am above the Law.'
CountryClubBossTaunt="I'm the Club President."
CountryClubBossBattleTaunt='You need to talk to the Club President.'
ForcedLeaveCountryClubAckMsg='The Club President was defeated before you could reach him. You did not recover any Stock Options.'
ElevatorStayOff="If you hop off, you'll need to wait\nfor the elevator to leave or empty."
ElevatorLeaderOff='Only your leader can decide when to hop off.'
ElevatorHoppedOff='You need to wait for the next elevator.'
ElevatorMinLaff='You need %s laff points to ride this elevator.'
ElevatorGroupMember='Only your group leader can\n decide when to board.'
KartMinLaff='You need %s laff points to ride this kart'
CogsIncExt=', Inc.'
CogdominiumsExt=' Field Office'
DoorKnockKnock='Knock, knock.'
DoorWhosThere="Who's there?"
DoorWhoAppendix=' who?'
FADoorCodes_TALK_TO_TOM='You need gags! Go talk to Tutorial Tom!'
FADoorCodes_DEFEAT_FLUNKY_HQ='Come back here when you have defeated the Flunky!'
FADoorCodes_TALK_TO_HQ='Go get your reward from HQ Harry!'
FADoorCodes_WRONG_DOOR_HQ='Wrong door! Take the other door to the playground!'
FADoorCodes_GO_TO_PLAYGROUND='Wrong way! You need to go to the playground!'
FADoorCodes_DEFEAT_FLUNKY_TOM='Walk up to that Flunky to battle him!'
FADoorCodes_TALK_TO_HQ_TOM='Go get your reward from Toon Headquarters!'
FADoorCodes_BUILDING_TAKEOVER="Watch out! There's a Cog in there!"
FADoorCodes_SB_DISGUISE_INCOMPLETE="You'll get caught going in there as a Toon! You need to complete your Sellbot Disguise first!\n\nBuild your Sellbot Disguise out of parts from the Factory."
FADoorCodes_CB_DISGUISE_INCOMPLETE="You'll get caught going in there as a Toon! You need to complete your Cashbot Disguise first!\n\nBuild your Cashbot Disguise by doing ToonTasks in Donald's Dreamland."
FADoorCodes_LB_DISGUISE_INCOMPLETE="You'll get caught going in there as a Toon! You need to complete your Lawbot Disguise first!\n\nBuild your Lawbot Disguise by doing the ToonTasks after Donald's Dreamland."
FADoorCodes_BB_DISGUISE_INCOMPLETE="You'll get caught going in there as a Toon! You need to complete your Bossbot Disguise first!\n\nBuild your Bossbot Disguise by doing the ToonTasks after Donald's Dreamland."
FriendInviterToonTooMany='You have too many toon friends to add another one now. You will have to remove some toon friends if you want to make friends with %s.'
FriendInviterToonAlready='%s is already your toon friend.'
FriendInviterStopBeingToonFriends='Stop being toon friends'
FriendInviterEndFriendshipToon='Are you sure you want to stop being toon friends with %s?'
FriendInviterRemainToon='\n(You will still be toon friends with %s)'
AvatarChoiceMakeAToon='Make A\nToon'
AvatarChoicePlayThisToon='Play\nThis Toon'
AvatarChoiceDeleteConfirm='This will delete %s forever.'
AvatarChoiceNameYourToon='Name\nYour Toon!'
AvatarChoiceDeleteConfirmText='Careful! This will delete %(name)s forever. If you are sure you want to do this, type "%(confirm)s" and click OK.'
AvatarChoiceDeletePasswordTitle='Delete Toon?'
AvatarChoiceDeleteWrongConfirm='You didn\'t type the right thing. To delete %(name)s, type "%(confirm)s" and click OK. Do not type the quotation marks. Click Cancel if you have changed your mind.'
AvatarChooserPickAToon='Pick A Toon To Play'
PhotoPageAddName='Add Caption'
PhotoPageAddNamePanel='Add a Caption to this Snapshot:'
PhotoPageDelete='Are you sure you want to delete'
PhotoPageDirectory='Open Folder'
PhotoPageTutorial='You haven\'t taken any snapshots yet! Press TAB to change your camera angle, and press F9 to take a snapshot.\n\n Once you\'ve made a snapshot, come here to manage and name them.'
BuildingPageTitle='Buildings\n(Coming Soon)'
InventoryPageDeleteTitle='DELETE GAGS'
InventoryPageTrackFull='You have all the gags in the %s track.'
InventoryPagePluralPoints='You will get a new\n%(trackName)s gag when you\nget %(numPoints)s more %(trackName)s points.'
InventoryPageSinglePoint='You will get a new\n%(trackName)s gag when you\nget %(numPoints)s more %(trackName)s point.'
InventoryPageNoAccess='You do not have access to the %s track yet.'
NPCFriendPageTitle='SOS Toons'
PartyDateFormat='%(mm)s%(dd)d, %(yyyy).4d'
PartyCanStart="It's Party Time, click Start Party in your Shticker Book Hosting page!"
PartyHasStartedAcceptedInvite='%s party has started! Click the host then "Go To Party" in the Shticker Book Invites page.'
PartyHasStartedNotAcceptedInvite='%s party has started! You can still go to it by teleporting to the host.'
EventsPageToontownTimeIs='TOONTOWN TIME IS'
EventsPageConfirmCancel='If you cancel, you will get a %d%% refund. Are you sure you want to cancel your party?'
EventsPageCancelPartyResultOk='Your party was cancelled and you got %d Jellybeans back!'
EventsPageCancelPartyResultError='Sorry, your party was not cancelled.'
EventsPageCancelPartyAlreadyRefunded='Your party was never started. Check your mailbox for your refund!'
EventsPageTooLateToStart='Sorry, it is too late to start your party. You can cancel it and plan another one.'
EventsPagePublicPrivateChange="Changing your party's privacy setting..."
EventsPagePublicPrivateNoGo="Sorry, you can't change your party's privacy setting right now."
EventsPagePublicPrivateAlreadyStarted="Sorry, your party has already started, so you can't change your party's privacy setting."
EventsPageHostTabTitle='My Next Party'
EventsPageHostTabTitleNoParties='No Parties'
EventsPageHostTabDateTimeLabel='You are having a party on %s at %s Toontown Time.'
EventsPageHostingTabNoParty='Go to a playground\nParty Gate to plan\nyour own party!'
EventsPageHostTabPublicPrivateLabel='This party is:'
PartyTeamActivityLocalAvatarTeamWins='Your team won!'
PartyTeamActivityGameTie="It's a tie!"
PartyTeamActivityJoinDenied="Sorry, you can't join %s at this time."
PartyTeamActivityExitDenied='Sorry, you are unable to leave %s at this time.'
PartyTeamActivitySwitchDenied="Sorry, you cant's switch teams at this time."
PartyTeamActivityTeamFull='Sorry, that team is already full!'
PartyTeamActivityRewardMessage='You got %d Jellybeans. Good job!'
PartyCogRewardMessage='Your Score: %d\n'
PartyCogRewardBonus='\nYou got %d additional Jellybean%s because your team won!'
PartyCogInstructions='Throw pies at cogs to push them away from your team. '+"When time's up, the team with most cogs on the other side wins!"+'\n\nThrow with the CONTROL KEY. Move with the ARROW KEYS.'
PartyCogDistance='%d ft'
PartyCogTimeUp="Time's up!"
PartyCogGuiSpamWarning='Hold CONTROL for more power!'
DisplaySettingsIntro='The following settings are used to configure the way Toontown is displayed on your computer. It is usually unnecessary to adjust these unless you are experiencing a problem.'
DisplaySettingsIntroSimple='You may adjust the screen resolution to a higher value to improve the clarity of text and graphics in Toontown, but depending on your graphics card, some higher values may make the game run less smoothly or may not work at all.'
DisplaySettingsApplyWarning='When you press OK, the display settings will change. If the new configuration does not display properly on your computer, the display will automatically return to its original configuration after %s seconds.'
DisplaySettingsAccept='Press OK to keep the new settings, or Cancel to revert. If you do not press anything, the settings will automatically revert back in %s seconds.'
DisplaySettingsRevertUser='Your previous display settings have been restored.'
DisplaySettingsRevertFailed='The selected display settings do not work on your computer. Your previous display settings have been restored.'
OptionsPageCodesTab='Enter Code'
CdrPageTitle='Enter a Code'
CdrInstructions='Enter your code to receive a special item in your mailbox.'
CdrResultSuccess='Congratulations! Check your mailbox to claim your item!'
CdrResultInvalidCode="You've entered an invalid code. Please check the code and try again."
CdrResultExpiredCode="We're sorry. This code has expired."
CdrResultMailboxFull='Your mailbox is full. Please remove an item, then enter your code again.'
NPCForceAcknowledgeMessage="You must ride the trolley before leaving.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can find the trolley next to Goofy's Gag Shop."
NPCForceAcknowledgeMessage2='You must return to Toon Headquarters before leaving.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nToon Headquarters is located near the center of the playground.'
NPCForceAcknowledgeMessage3="Remember to ride the trolley.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can find the trolley next to Goofy's Gag Shop."
NPCForceAcknowledgeMessage4='Congratulations! You found and rode the trolley!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNow report back to Toon Headquarters.'
NPCForceAcknowledgeMessage5="Don't forget your ToonTask!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can find Cogs to defeat on the other side of tunnels like this."
NPCForceAcknowledgeMessage6='Great job defeating those Cogs!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHead back to Toon Headquarters as soon as possible.'
FishingFailureTooSoon="Don't start to reel in the line until you see a nibble. Wait for your float to bob up and down rapidly!"
FishingFailureTooLate='Be sure to reel in the line while the fish is still nibbling!'
FishingFailureAutoReel="The auto-reel didn't work this time. Turn the crank by hand, at just the right speed, for your best chance to catch something!"
FishingFailureTooSlow='You turned the crank too slowly. Some fish are faster than others. Try to keep the speed bar centered!'
FishingFailureTooFast='You turned the crank too quickly. Some fish are slower than others. Try to keep the speed bar centered!'
FishingOverTankLimit='Your fish bucket is full. Go sell your fish to the Pet Shop Clerk and come back.'
FishingBroke='You do not have any more Jellybeans for bait! Ride the trolley or sell fish to the Pet Shop Clerks to earn more Jellybeans.'
FishingHowToFirstTime='Click and drag down from the Cast button. The farther down you drag, the stronger your cast will be. Adjust your angle to hit the fish targets.\n\nTry it now!'
FishingHowToFailed='Click and drag down from the Cast button. The farther down you drag, the stronger your cast will be. Adjust your angle to hit the fish targets.\n\nTry it again now!'
FishingBootItem='An old boot'
FishingJellybeanItem='%s Jellybeans'
FishingNewEntry='New Species!'
FishingNewRecord='New Record!'
FishPokerCashIn='Cash In\n%s\n%s'
FishPoker5OfKind='5 of a Kind'
FishPoker4OfKind='4 of a Kind'
FishPokerFullHouse='Full House'
FishPoker3OfKind='3 of a Kind'
FishPoker2Pair='2 Pair'
TutorialGreeting1='Hi %s!'
TutorialGreeting2='Hi %s!\nCome over here!'
TutorialGreeting3='Hi %s!\nCome over here!\nUse the arrow keys!'
PetTutorialTitle1='The Doodle Panel'
PetTutorialTitle2='Doodle SpeedChat'
PetTutorialTitle3='Doodle Cattlelog'
PetTutorialNext='Next Page'
PetTutorialPrev='Previous Page'
PetTutorialPage1='Click on a Doodle to display the Doodle panel. From here you can feed, scratch, and call the Doodle.'
PetTutorialPage2="Use the new 'Pets' area in the SpeedChat menu to get a Doodle to do a trick. If he does it, reward him and he'll get better!"
PetTutorialPage3="Purchase new Doodle tricks from Clarabelle's Cattlelog. Better tricks give better Toon-Ups!"
GardenTutorialNext='Next Page'
GardenTutorialPrev='Previous Page'
GardenTutorialPage1='Toon up your Estate with a garden! You can plant flowers, grow trees, harvest super-powerful gags, and decorate with statues!'
GardenTutorialPage2='Flowers are finicky and require unique Jellybean recipes. Once grown, put them in the wheelbarrow to sell them and work toward Laff boosts!'
GardenTutorialPage3='Use a gag from your inventory to plant a tree. After a few days, that gag will do more damage! Remember to keep it healthy or the damage boost will go away.'
GardenTutorialPage4='Walk up to these spots to plant, water, dig up or harvest your garden.'
GardenTutorialPage5="Statues can be purchased in Clarabelle's Cattlelog. Increase your skill to unlock the more extravagant statues!"
PlaygroundDeathAckMessage=TheCogs+' took all your gags!\n\nYou are sad. You may not leave the playground until you are happy.'
ForcedLeaveFactoryAckMsg='The '+Foreman+' was defeated before you could reach him. You did not recover any Cog parts.'
ForcedLeaveMintAckMsg='The Mint Floor Supervisor was defeated before you could reach him. You did not recover any Cogbucks.'
ForemanConfrontedMsg='%s is battling the '+Foreman+'!'
MintBossConfrontedMsg='%s is battling the Supervisor!'
MinigameTemplateInstructions='This is a template minigame. Use it to create new minigames.'
CannonGameTitle='Cannon Game'
CannonGameInstructions='Shoot your toon into the water tower as quickly as you can. Use the mouse or the arrow keys to aim the cannon. Be quick and win a big reward for everyone!'
TwoDGameTitle='Toon Escape'
TwoDGameInstructions='Escape from the '+Cog+' den as soon as you can. Use arrow keys to run/jump and Ctrl to squirt a '+Cog+'. Collect '+Cog+' treasures to gain even more points.'
TugOfWarInstructions="Alternately tap the left and right arrow keys just fast enough to line up the green bar with the red line. Don't tap them too slow or too fast, or you'll end up in the water!"
PatternGameInstructions='Little Blinky will show you a dance sequence. '+"Try to repeat Little Blinky's dance just the way you see it using the arrow keys!"
DivingInstructionsSinglePlayer='Treasures will appear at the bottom of the lake. Use the arrow keys to swim. Avoid the fish and get the treasures up to the boat!'
DivingInstructionsMultiPlayer='Treasures will appear at the bottom of the lake. Use the arrow keys to swim. Work together to get the treasures up to the boat!'
TargetGameInstructionsSinglePlayer='Use your umbrella to land on the targets. The smaller the target, the more Jellybeans you get!'
TargetGameInstructionsMultiPlayer='Use your umbrella to land on the targets. The smaller the target, the more Jellybeans you get!'
TargetGameBoard='Round %s - Keeping Best Score'
TargetGameCountdown='Forced launch in %s seconds'
TargetGameCountHelp='Pound left and right arrows for power, stop to launch'
TargetGameFlyHelp='Press down to open umbrella'
TargetGameFallHelp='Use the arrow keys to land on target'
TargetGameBounceHelp=' Bouncing can knock you off target'
TagGameTitle='Tag Game'
TagGameInstructions='Collect the treasures. You cannot collect treasure when you are IT!'
TagGameYouAreIt='You Are IT!'
TagGameSomeoneElseIsIt='%s is IT!'
MazeGameTitle='Maze Game'
MazeGameInstructions='Collect the treasures. Try to get them all, but look out for the '+Cogs+'!'
CatchGameTitle='Catching Game'
CatchGameInstructions='Catch as many %(fruit)s as you can. Watch out for the '+Cogs+", and try not to 'catch' any %(badThing)s!"
PieTossGameTitle='Pie Toss Game'
PieTossGameInstructions='Toss pies at the targets.'
CogThiefGameTitle='Cog Thief'
CogThiefGameInstructions='Stop these Cogs from stealing our Gags! Press the Control key to throw pies. But be careful... they have a tendancy to explode!'
PromptTutorial="Congratulations!!\nYou are Toontown's newest citizen!\n\nWould you like to continue to the Toontorial or teleport directly to Toontown Central?"
MakeAToonSkipTutorial='Skip Toontorial'
MakeAToonEnterTutorial='Enter Toontorial'
CreateYourToon='Click the arrows to create your toon.'
CreateYourToonTitle='Choose Boy or Girl'
ShapeYourToonTitle='Choose Your Type'
PaintYourToonTitle='Choose Your Color'
PickClothesTitle='Choose Your Clothes'
NameToonTitle='Choose Your Name'
CreateYourToonHead="Click the 'head' arrows to pick different animals."
MakeAToonClickForNextScreen='Click the arrow below to go to the next screen.'
PickClothes='Click the arrows to pick clothes!'
PaintYourToon='Click the arrows to paint your toon!'
MakeAToonYouCanGoBack='You can go back to change your body too!'
MakeAFunnyName='Choose a funny name for your toon with my Pick-A-Name game!'
MustHaveAFirstOrLast1="Your toon should have a first or last name, don't you think?"
MustHaveAFirstOrLast2="Don't you want your toon to have a first or last name?"
ApprovalForName1="That's it, your toon deserves a great name!"
ApprovalForName2='Toon names are the best kind of names!'
MakeAToonLastStep='Last step before going to Toontown!'
PickANameYouLike='Pick a name you like!'
TypeAName="Don't like these names?\nClick here -->"
PickAName='Try the PickAName game!\nClick here -->'
RejectNameText='That name is not allowed. Please try again.'
WaitingForNameSubmission='Submitting your name...'
PetshopUnknownName='Name: ???'
PetshopDescCost='Cost:\t%s Jellybeans'
PetshopSell='Sell Fish'
PetshopAdoptAPet='Adopt a Doodle'
PetshopReturnPet='Return your Doodle'
PetshopAdoptConfirm='Adopt %s for %d Jellybeans?'
PetshopGoBack='Go Back'
PetshopReturnConfirm='Return %s?'
PetshopChooserTitle="TODAY'S DOODLES"
PetshopGoHomeText='Would you like to go to your estate to play with your new Doodle?'
NameShopContinueSubmission='Continue Submission'
NameShopChooseAnother='Choose Another Name'
NameShopToonCouncil='The Toon Council\nwill review your\nname. '+'Review may\ntake a few days.\nWhile you wait\nyour name will be\n'
PleaseTypeName='Please type your name:'
AllNewNames='All new names must be\napproved by the Toon Council.'
NameMessages='Be creative, and remember:\nno NPC names, please.'
NameShopNameRejected='The name you\nsubmitted has\nbeen rejected.'
NoPunctuation="You can't use punctuation marks in your name!"
PeriodOnlyAfterLetter='You can use a period in your name, but only after a letter.'
ApostropheOnlyAfterLetter='You can use an apostrophe in your name, but only after a letter.'
NoNumbersInTheMiddle='Numeric digits may not appear in the middle of a word.'
ThreeWordsOrLess='Your name must be three words or fewer.'
NameTooLong='That name is too long. Please try again.'
ToonAlreadyExists='You already have a toon named %s!'
NameAlreadyInUse='That name is already used!'
EmptyNameError='You must enter a name first.'
NameError='Sorry. That name will not work.'
NCTooShort='That name is too short.'
NCNoDigits='Your name cannot contain numbers.'
NCNeedLetters='Each word in your name must contain some letters.'
NCNeedVowels='Each word in your name must contain some vowels.'
NCAllCaps='Your name cannot be all capital letters.'
NCMixedCase='That name has too many capital letters.'
NCBadCharacter="Your name cannot contain the character '%s'"
NCGeneric='Sorry, that name will not work.'
NCTooManyWords='Your name cannot be more than four words long.'
NCDashUsage="Dashes may only be used to connect two words together (like in 'Boo-Boo')."
NCCommaEdge='Your name may not begin or end with a comma.'
NCCommaAfterWord='You may not begin a word with a comma.'
NCCommaUsage='That name does not use commas properly. Commas must join two words together, like in the name "Dr. Quack, MD". Commas must also be followed by a space.'
NCPeriodUsage='That name does not use periods properly. Periods are only allowed in words like "Mr.", "Mrs.", "J.T.", etc.'
NCApostrophes='That name has too many apostrophes.'
RemoveTrophy=lToonHQ+': '+TheCogs+' took over one of the buildings you rescued!'
STOREOWNER_TOOKTOOLONG='Need more time to think?'
STOREOWNER_NEEDJELLYBEANS='You need to ride the Trolley to get some Jellybeans.'
STOREOWNER_GREETING='Choose what you want to buy.'
STOREOWNER_BROWSING='You can browse, but you need a clothing ticket to buy.'
STOREOWNER_BROWSING_JBS='You can browse, but you need at least 200 Jellybeans to buy.'
STOREOWNER_NOCLOTHINGTICKET='You need a clothing ticket to shop for clothes.'
STOREOWNER_NOFISH='Come back here to sell fish to the Pet Shop for Jellybeans.'
STOREOWNER_THANKSFISH='Thanks! The Pet Shop will love these. Bye!'
STOREOWNER_THANKSFISH_PETSHOP='These are some fine specimens! Thanks.'
STOREOWNER_PETRETURNED="Don't worry. We'll find a good home for your Doodle."
STOREOWNER_PETADOPTED='Congratulations on purchasing a Doodle! You can play with your new friend at your estate.'
STOREOWNER_PETCANCELED='Remember, if you see a Doodle you like, make sure to adopt him before someone else does!'
STOREOWNER_NOROOM=' might want to make room in your closet before you buy new clothes.\n'
STOREOWNER_CONFIRM_LOSS='Your closet is full. You will lose the clothes you were wearing.'
STOREOWNER_TROPHY='Wow! You collected %s of %s fish. That deserves a trophy and a Laff boost!'
QuestScriptGagShop_6="When you're done buying gags, click this button to return to the Playground."
QuestScriptGagShop_7='Normally you can use this button to play another Trolley Game...'
QuestScriptGagShop_8="...but there's no time for another game right now. You're needed in Toon HQ!"
QuestScript145_1='I see you had no problem with the trolley!\x07Listen, the Cogs have stolen our blackboard eraser.\x07Go into the streets and fight Cogs until you recover the eraser.\x07To reach the streets go through one of the tunnels like this:'
QuestScript145_2="When you find our eraser, bring it back here.\x07Don't forget, if you need gags, ride the trolley.\x07Also, if you need to recover Laff points, collect ice cream cones in the Playground."
QuestScript150_1='Great work!\x07Toontown is more fun when you have friends!'
QuestScript150_3='Once you have made a friend, come back here.'
QuestScript150_4='Some tasks are too difficult to do alone!'
MissingKeySanityCheck='Ignore me'
SellbotBossName='Senior V. P.'
CashbotBossName='C. F. O.'
LawbotBossName='Chief Justice'
BossCogPromoteDoobers='You are hereby promoted to full-fledged %s. Congratulations!'
BossCogDoobersAway={'s':'Go! And make that sale!'}
BossCogWelcomeToons='Welcome, new Cogs!'
BossCogPromoteToons='You are hereby promoted to full-fledged %s. Congratu--'
CagedToonInterruptBoss='Hey! Hiya! Hey over there!'
CagedToonRescueQuery='So, did you Toons come to rescue me?'
BossCogDiscoverToons='Huh? Toons! In disguise!'
CagedToonDrop=["Great job! You're wearing him down!",
"Keep after him! He's on the run!",
'You guys are doing great!',
"Fantastic! You've almost got him now!"]
CagedToonPrepareBattleTwo="Look out, he's trying to get away!\x07Help me, everyone--get up here and stop him!"
CagedToonPrepareBattleThree="Hooray, I'm almost free!\x07Now you need to attack the V.P. Cog directly.\x07I've got a whole bunch of pies you can use!\x07Jump up and touch the bottom of my cage and I'll give you some pies.\x07Press the Delete key to throw pies once you've got them!"
BossBattleNeedMorePies='You need to get more pies!'
BossBattleHowToGetPies='Jump up to touch the cage to get pies.'
BossBattleHowToThrowPies='Press the Delete key to throw pies!'
CagedToonThankYou="It's great to be free!\x07Thanks for all your help!\x07I am in your debt.\x07Here's my card. If you ever need a hand in battle, give a shout!\x07Just click on your SOS button."
CagedToonPromotion="\x07Say--that V.P. Cog left behind your promotion papers.\x07I'll file them for you on the way out, so you'll get your promotion!"
CagedToonLastPromotion="\x07Wow, you've reached level %s on your Cog suit!\x07Cogs don't get promoted higher than that.\x07You can't upgrade your Cog suit anymore, but you can certainly keep rescuing Toons!"
CagedToonHPBoost="\x07You've rescued a lot of Toons from this HQ.\x07The Toon Council has decided to give you another Laff point. Congratulations!"
CagedToonMaxed='\x07I see that you have a level %s Cog suit. Very impressive!\x07On behalf of the Toon Council, thank you for coming back to rescue more Toons!'
CagedToonGoodbye='See ya!'
CagedToonBattleThree={10:'Nice jump, %(toon)s. Here are some pies!',
11:'Hi, %(toon)s! Have some pies!',
12:"Hey there, %(toon)s! You've got some pies now!",
20:'Hey, %(toon)s! Jump up to my cage and get some pies to throw!',
21:'Hi, %(toon)s! Use the Ctrl key to jump up and touch my cage!',
100:'Press the Delete key to throw a pie.',
101:'The blue power meter shows how high your pie will go.',
102:'First try to lob a pie inside his undercarriage to gum up his works.',
103:'Wait for the door to open, and throw a pie straight inside.',
104:"When he's dizzy, hit him in the face or chest to knock him back!",
105:"You'll know you've got a good hit when you see the splat in color.",
106:'If you hit a Toon with a pie, it gives that Toon a Laff point!'}
CashbotBossHadEnough="That's it. I've had enough of these pesky Toons!"
CashbotBossOuttaHere="I've got a train to catch!"
ResistanceToonName='Mata Hairy'
ResistanceToonCongratulations="You did it! Congratulations!\x07You're an asset to the Resistance!\x07Here's a special phrase you can use in a tight spot:\x07%s\x07When you say it, %s.\x07But you can only use it once, so choose that time well!"
ResistanceToonToonupInstructions='all the Toons near you will gain %s Laff points'
ResistanceToonToonupAllInstructions='all the Toons near you will gain full Laff points'
ResistanceToonLastPromotion="\x07Wow, you've reached level %s on your Cog suit!\x07Cogs don't get promoted higher than that.\x07You can't upgrade your Cog suit anymore, but you can certainly keep working for the Resistance!"
ResistanceToonHPBoost="\x07You've done a lot of work for the Resistance.\x07The Toon Council has decided to give you another Laff point. Congratulations!"
ResistanceToonMaxed='\x07I see that you have a level %s Cog suit. Very impressive!\x07On behalf of the Toon Council, thank you for coming back to rescue more Toons!'
CashbotBossCogAttack='Get them!!!'
ResistanceToonWelcome='Hey, you made it! Follow me to the main vault before the C.F.O. finds us!'
ResistanceToonTooLate="Blast it! We're too late!"
CashbotBossDiscoverToons2='I thought I smelled something a little toony in here! Imposters!'
ResistanceToonKeepHimBusy="Keep him busy! I'm going to set a trap!"
ResistanceToonWatchThis='Watch this!'
CashbotBossGetAwayFromThat='Hey! Get away from that!'
ResistanceToonCraneInstructions1='Control a magnet by stepping up to a podium.'
ResistanceToonCraneInstructions2='Use the arrow keys to move the crane, and press the Ctrl key to grab an object.'
ResistanceToonCraneInstructions3="Grab a safe with a magnet and knock the C.F.O.'s safe-ty helmet off."
ResistanceToonCraneInstructions4='Once his helmet is gone, grab a disabled goon and hit him in the head!'
ResistanceToonGetaway='Eek! Gotta run!'
CashbotCraneLeave='Leave Crane'
CashbotCraneAdvice='Use the arrow keys to move the overhead crane.'
CashbotMagnetAdvice='Hold down the control key to pick things up.'
CashbotCraneLeaving='Leaving crane'
MintElevatorRejectMessage='You cannot enter the Mints until you have completed your %s Cog Suit.'
BossElevatorRejectMessage='You cannot board this elevator until you have earned a promotion.'
NotYetAvailable='This elevator is not yet available.'
SellbotRentalSuitMessage="Wear this Rental Suit so you can get close enough to the VP to attack.\n\nYou won't earn Merits or promotions, but you can rescue a Toon for an SOS reward!"
SellbotCogSuitNoMeritsMessage="Your Sellbot Disguise will get you in, but since you don't have enough Merits, you won't earn a promotion.\n\nIf you rescue the trapped Toon, you will earn an SOS Toon reward!"
SellbotCogSuitHasMeritsMessage="It's Operation: Storm Sellbot!\n\nBring 5 or more Rental Suit Toons with you to defeat the VP and earn credit towards a reward!"
LawbotRentalSuitMessage="Wear this Rental Suit so you can get close enough to the CJ to attack.\n\nYou won't earn Jury Notices or promotions, but you can pass the bar exam for a Cog Summon!"
LawbotCogSuitNoNoticesMessage="Your Lawbot Disguise will get you in, but since you don't have enough Jury Notices, you won't earn a promotion.\n\nIf you pass the bar exam, you will earn a Cog Summon!"
LawbotCogSuitHasNoticesMessage="It's Operation: Lawbots Lose!\n\nBring 7 or more Rental Suit Toons with you to defeat the CJ and earn credit towards a summon!"
CashbotRentalSuitMessage="Wear this Rental Suit so you can get close enough to the CFO to attack.\n\nYou wont earn Cogbucks or promotions, but you can delay the CFO for a Toon Unite!"
CashbotCogSuitNoCogbucksMessage="Your Cashbot Disguise will get you in, but since you don't have enough Cogbucks, you won't earn a promotion.\n\n If you delay the CFO, you will earn a Toon Unite!"
CashbotCogSuitHasCogbucksMessage="It's Operation: Cashbot Chaos!\n\n Bring 6 or more Rental Suit Toons with you to defeat the CFO and earn credit towards a unite!"
BossbotRentalSuitMessage="Wear this Rental Suit so you can get close enough to the CEO to attack.\n\bYou wont earn Stock Options or promotions, but you can soak the CEO for a Fire!"
BossbotCogSuitNoOptionsMessage="Your Bossbot Disguise will get you in, but since you don't have enough Stock Options you won't warn a promotion.\n\n If you soak the CEO, you will earn a Fire!"
BossbotCogSuitHasOptionsMessage="It's Operation: Besiege Bossbot!\n\n Bring in 8 Rental Suit Toons with you to defeat the CEO and earn credit towards a Fire!"
NewCatalogNotify='There are new items available to order at your phone!'
NewDeliveryNotify='A new delivery has just arrived at your mailbox!'
CatalogNotifyFirstCatalog='Your first cattlelog has arrived! You may use this to order new items for yourself or for your house.'
CatalogNotifyNewCatalog='Your cattlelog #%s has arrived! You can go to your phone to order items from this cattlelog.'
CatalogNotifyNewCatalogNewDelivery='A new delivery has arrived at your mailbox! Also, your cattlelog #%s has arrived!'
CatalogNotifyNewDelivery='A new delivery has arrived at your mailbox!'
CatalogNotifyNewCatalogOldDelivery='Your cattlelog #%s has arrived, and there are still items waiting in your mailbox!'
CatalogNotifyOldDelivery='There are still items waiting in your mailbox for you to pick up!'
CatalogNotifyInstructions='Click the "Go home" button on the map page in your Shticker Book, then walk up to the phone inside your house.'
CatalogSaleItem='Sale! '
DistributedMailboxEmpty='Your mailbox is empty right now. Come back here to look for deliveries after you place an order from your phone!'
DistributedMailboxWaiting='Your mailbox is empty right now, but the package you ordered is on its way. Check back later!'
DistributedMailboxReady='Your order has arrived!'
DistributedMailboxNotOwner='Sorry, this is not your mailbox.'
DistributedPhoneEmpty="You can use any phone to order special items for you and your house. New items will become available to order over time.\n\nYou don't have any items available to order right now, but check back later!"
DistributedPhoneNoHouse='You must have a house to use the catalog!'
MailboxExitButton='Close Mailbox'
MailboxAcceptButton='Take this item'
MailBoxDiscard='Discard this item'
MailboxAcceptInvite='Accept this invite'
MailBoxRejectInvite='Reject this invite'
MailBoxDiscardVerify='Are you sure you want to Discard %s?'
MailBoxRejectVerify='Are you sure you want to Reject %s?'
CatalogGreeting="Hello! Thanks for calling Clarabelle's Cattlelog. Can I help you?"
CatalogGoodbyeList=['Bye now!',
'Call back soon!',
'Thanks for calling!',
'Ok, bye now!',
CatalogHelpText1='Turn the page to see items for sale.'
CatalogSeriesLabel='Series %s'
CatalogGiftFor='Buy Gift for:'
CatalogGiftTo='To: %s'
CatalogGiftToggleOn='Stop Gifting'
CatalogGiftToggleOff='Buy Gifts'
CatalogPurchaseItemAvailable='Congratulations on your new purchase! You can start using it right away.'
CatalogPurchaseGiftItemAvailable='Excellent! %s can start using your gift right away.'
CatalogPurchaseItemOnOrder='Congratulations! Your purchase will be delivered to your mailbox soon.'
CatalogPurchaseGiftItemOnOrder='Excellent! Your gift to %s will be delivered to their mailbox.'
CatalogAnythingElse='Anything else I can get you today?'
CatalogPurchaseClosetFull='Your closet is full. You may purchase this item anyway, but if you do you will need to delete something from your closet to make room for it when it arrives.\n\nDo you still want to purchase this item?'
CatalogPurchaseNoTrunk='In order to wear this item, you need to buy a trunk.\n\nDo you still want to purchase this item?'
CatalogPurchaseTrunkFull='Your trunk is full. If you purchase this item, you\xe2\x80\x99ll need to delete another item from your trunk to make more room.\n\nDo you still want to purchase this item?'
CatalogAcceptClosetFull='Your closet is full. You must go inside and delete something from your closet to make room for this item before you can take it out of your mailbox.'
CatalogAcceptNoTrunk="You don't have a trunk. You must buy a trunk before you can take this item out of your mailbox."
CatalogAcceptTrunkFull='Your trunk is full. You must delete something from your trunk before you can take this item out of your mailbox.'
CatalogAcceptShirt='You are now wearing your new hat. The hat you were wearing before has been moved to your trunk.'
CatalogAcceptShorts='You are now wearing your new shorts. What you were wearing before has been moved to your closet.'
CatalogAcceptSkirt='You are now wearing your new skirt. What you were wearing before has been moved to your closet.'
CatalogAcceptHat='You are now wearing your new hat. The hat you were wearing before has been moved to your trunk.'
CatalogAcceptGlasses='You are now wearing your new glasses. The glasses you were wearing before have been moved to your trunk.'
CatalogAcceptBackpack='You are now wearing your new backpack. The backpack you were wearing before has been moved to your trunk.'
CatalogAcceptShoes='You are now wearing your new shoes. The shoes you were wearing before have been moved to your trunk.'
CatalogAcceptPole="You're now ready to go catch some bigger fish with your new pole!"
CatalogAcceptPoleUnneeded='You already have a better pole than this one!'
CatalogAcceptBeans='You received some jelly beans!'
CatalogAcceptRATBeans='Your Toon recruit reward has arrived!'
CatalogAcceptPartyRefund="Your party was never started. Here's your refund!"
CatalogAcceptNametag='Your new name tag has arrived!'
CatalogAcceptGarden='Your garden supplies have arrived!'
CatalogAcceptPet='You now have a new Pet Trick!'
CatalogPurchaseHouseFull='Your house is full. You may purchase this item anyway, but if you do you will need to delete something from your house to make room for it when it arrives.\n\nDo you still want to purchase this item?'
CatalogAcceptHouseFull='Your house is full. You can not accept this item until you free up some room. Would you like to discard this item now?'
CatalogAcceptInAttic='Your new item is now in your attic. You can put it in your house by going inside and clicking on the "Move Furniture" button.'
CatalogAcceptInAtticP='Your new items are now in your attic. You can put them in your house by going inside and clicking on the "Move Furniture" button.'
CatalogPurchaseMailboxFull="Your mailbox is full! You can't purchase this item until you take some items out of your mailbox to make room."
CatalogPurchaseGiftMailboxFull="%s's mailbox is full! You can't purchase this item."
CatalogPurchaseOnOrderListFull="You have too many items currently on order. You can't order any more items until some of the ones you have already ordered arrive."
CatalogPurchaseGiftOnOrderListFull='%s has too many items currently on order.'
CatalogPurchaseGeneralError='The item could not be purchased because of some internal game error: error code %s.'
CatalogPurchaseGiftGeneralError='The item could not be gifted to %(friend)s because of some internal game error: error code %(error)s.'
CatalogPurchaseGiftNotAGift='This item could not be sent to %s because it would be an unfair advantage.'
CatalogPurchaseGiftWillNotFit="This item could not be sent to %s because it doesn't fit them."
CatalogPurchaseGiftLimitReached="This item could not be sent to %s because they've already have it."
CatalogPurchaseGiftNotEnoughMoney="This item could not be sent to %s because you can't afford it."
CatalogAcceptGeneralError='The item could not be removed from your mailbox because of some internal game error: error code %s.'
CatalogAcceptRoomError="You don't have any place to put this. You'll have to get rid of something."
CatalogAcceptLimitError="You already have as many of these as you can handle. You'll have to get rid of something."
CatalogAcceptFitError="This won't fit you!"
CatalogAcceptInvalidError='This item has gone out of style!'
CatalogAcceptClosetError='You already have a bigger closet!'
HDAtticPickerLabel='In the attic'
HDInRoomPickerLabel='In the room'
HDInTrashPickerLabel='In the trash'
HDToAtticLabel='Send\nto attic'
HDRotateCWLabel='Rotate Right'
HDRotateCCWLabel='Rotate Left'
HDReturnVerify='Return this item to the attic?'
HDReturnFromTrashVerify='Return this item to the attic from the trash?'
HDDeleteItem='Click OK to send this item to the trash, or Cancel to keep it.'
HDNonDeletableItem="You can't delete items of this type!"
HDNonDeletableBank="You can't delete your bank!"
HDNonDeletableCloset="You can't delete your wardrobe!"
HDNonDeletablePhone="You can't delete your phone!"
HDNonDeletableTrunk="You can't delete your trunk!"
'Attic':'Show list of items in attic. The attic stores items that are not in your room.',
'Room':'Show list of items in room. Useful for finding lost items.',
'Trash':'Show items in trash. Oldest items are deleted after a while or when trash overflows.',
'ZoomIn':'Get a closer view of room.',
'ZoomOut':'Get a farther view of room.',
'SendToAttic':'Send the current furniture item to attic for storage.',
'RotateLeft':'Turn left.',
'RotateRight':'Turn right.',
'DeleteEnter':'Change to delete mode.',
'DeleteExit':'Exit delete mode.',
'FurnitureItemPanelDelete':'Send %s to trash.',
'FurnitureItemPanelAttic':'Place %s in room.',
'FurnitureItemPanelRoom':'Return %s to attic.',
'FurnitureItemPanelTrash':'Return %s to attic.'}
MessagePickerTitle='You have too many phrases. In order to purchase\n"%s"\n you must choose one to remove:'
MessageConfirmDelete='Are you sure you want to remove "%s" from your SpeedChat menu?'
CatalogOnOrderText='On Order'
CatalogGiftedText='Gifted\nTo You'
CatalogMailboxFull='No Room'
CatalogNotAGift='Not a Gift'
CatalogSndOnText='Snd On'
CatalogSndOffText='Snd Off'
CatalogPurchasedMaxText='Already\nPurchased Max'
CatalogVerifyPurchase='Purchase %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans?'
CatalogVerifyPurchaseBeanSilverGold='Purchase %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans, %(silver)s silver emblems and %(gold)s gold emblems?'
CatalogVerifyPurchaseBeanGold='Purchase %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans and %(gold)s gold emblems?'
CatalogVerifyPurchaseBeanSilver='Purchase %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans and %(silver)s silver emblems?'
CatalogVerifyPurchaseSilverGold='Purchase %(item)s for %(silver)s silver emblems and %(gold)s gold emblems?'
CatalogVerifyPurchaseSilver='Purchase %(item)s for %(silver)s silver emblems?'
CatalogVerifyPurchaseGold='Purchase %(item)s for %(gold)s gold emblems?'
CatalogVerifyRent='Rent %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans?'
CatalogVerifyGift='Purchase %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans as a gift for %(friend)s?'
CatalogOnlyOnePurchase='You may only have one of these items at a time. If you purchase this one, it will replace %(old)s.\n\nAre you sure you want to purchase %(item)s for %(price)s Jellybeans?'
'In the Tug-of-War you are awarded more Jellybeans if you play against a tougher Cog.',
'Trolley Game difficulty varies by neighborhood; '+lToontownCentral+' has the easiest and '+lDonaldsDreamland+' has the hardest.',
'Certain Trolley Games can only be played in a group.'),
TIP_COGHQ:('You must complete your Sellbot Disguise before visiting the V.P.',
'You must complete your Cashbot Disguise before visiting the C.F.O.',
'You must complete your Lawbot Disguise before visiting the Chief Justice.',
'You can jump on Cog Goons to temporarily disable them.',
'Collect Cog Merits by defeating Sellbot Cogs in battle.',
'Collect Cogbucks by defeating Cashbot Cogs in battle.',
'Collect Jury Notices by defeating Lawbot Cogs in battle.',
'Collect Stock Options by defeating Bossbot Cogs in battle.',
'You get more Merits, Cogbucks, Jury Notices, or Stock Options from higher level Cogs.',
'When you collect enough Cog Merits to earn a promotion, go see the Sellbot V.P.!',
'When you collect enough Cogbucks to earn a promotion, go see the Cashbot C.F.O.!',
'When you collect enough Jury Notices to earn a promotion, go see the Lawbot Chief Justice!',
'When you collect enough Stock Options to earn a promotion, go see the Bossbot C.E.O.!',
'You can talk like a Cog when you are wearing your Cog Disguise.',
'Up to eight Toons can join together to fight the Sellbot V.P.',
'Up to eight Toons can join together to fight the Cashbot C.F.O.',
'Up to eight Toons can join together to fight the Lawbot Chief Justice.',
'Up to eight Toons can join together to fight the Bossbot C.E.O.',
'Inside Cog Headquarters follow stairs leading up to find your way.',
'Each time you battle through a Sellbot HQ factory, you will gain one part of your Sellbot Cog Disguise.',
'You can check the progress of your Cog Disguise in your Shticker Book.',
'You can check your promotion progress on your Disguise Page in your Shticker Book.',
'Make sure you have full gags and a full Laff Meter before going to Cog Headquarters.',
'As you get promoted, your Cog disguise updates.',
'You must defeat the '+Foreman+' to recover a Sellbot Cog Disguise part.',
"Earn Cashbot disguise suit parts as rewards for completing ToonTasks in Donald's Dreamland.",
'Cashbots manufacture and distribute their currency, Cogbucks, in three Mints - Coin, Dollar and Bullion.',
'Wait until the C.F.O. is dizzy to throw a safe, or he will use it as a helmet! Hit the helmet with another safe to knock it off.',
'Earn Lawbot disguise suit parts as rewards for completing ToonTasks for Professor Flake.',
"It pays to be puzzled: the virtual Cogs in Lawbot HQ won't reward you with Jury Notices."),
TIP_ESTATE:('Doodles can understand some SpeedChat phrases. Try them!',
'Use the "Pet" SpeedChat menu to ask your Doodle to do tricks.',
"You can teach Doodles tricks with training lessons from Clarabelle's Cattlelog.",
'Reward your Doodle for doing tricks.',
"If you visit a friend's estate, your Doodle will come too.",
'Feed your Doodle a Jellybean when it is hungry.',
'Click on a Doodle to get a menu where you can Feed, Scratch, and Call him.',
'Doodles love company. Invite your friends over to play!',
'All Doodles have unique personalities.',
'You can return your Doodle and adopt a new one at the Pet Shops.',
'When a Doodle performs a trick, the Toons around it heal.',
'Doodles become better at tricks with practice. Keep at it!',
'More advanced Doodle tricks heal Toons faster.',
'Experienced Doodles can perform more tricks before getting tired.',
'You can see a list of nearby Doodles in your Friends List.',
"Purchase furniture from Clarabelle's Cattlelog to decorate your house.",
'The bank inside your house holds extra Jellybeans.',
'The closet inside your house holds extra clothes.',
"Go to your friend's house and try on his clothes.",
"Purchase better fishing rods from Clarabelle's Cattlelog.",
'Call Clarabelle using the phone inside your house.',
'Clarabelle sells a larger closet that holds more clothing.',
'Make room in your closet before using a Clothing Ticket.',
'Clarabelle sells everything you need to decorate your house.',
'Check your mailbox for deliveries after ordering from Clarabelle.',
"Clothing from Clarabelle's Cattlelog takes one hour to be delivered.",
"Wallpaper and flooring from Clarabelle's Cattlelog take one hour to be delivered.",
"Furniture from Clarabelle's Cattlelog takes a full day to be delivered.",
'Store extra furniture in your attic.',
'You will get a notice from Clarabelle when a new Cattlelog is ready.',
'You will get a notice from Clarabelle when a Cattlelog delivery arrives.',
'New Cattlelogs are delivered each week.',
'Look for limited-edition holiday items in the Cattlelog.',
'Move unwanted furniture to the trash can.',
'Some fish, like the Holey Mackerel, are more commonly found in Toon Estates.',
'You can invite your friends to your Estate using SpeedChat.',
'Did you know the color of your house matches the color of your Pick-A-Toon panel?'),
TIP_KARTING:("Buy a Roadster, TUV, or Cruiser kart in Goofy's Auto Shop.",
"Customize your kart with decals, rims and more in Goofy's Auto Shop.",
'Earn tickets by kart racing at Goofy Speedway.',
"Tickets are the only currency accepted at Goofy's Auto Shop.",
'Tickets are required as deposits to race.',
'A special page in the Shticker Book allows you to customize your kart.',
'A special page in the Shticker Book allows you to view records on each track.',
'A special page in the Shticker Book allows you to display trophies.',
'Screwball Stadium is the easiest track at Goofy Speedway.',
'Airborne Acres has the most hills and jumps of any track at Goofy Speedway.',
'Blizzard Boulevard is the most challenging track at Goofy Speedway.'),
TIP_GOLF:('Press the Tab key to see a top view of the golf course.','Press the Up Arrow key to point yourself towards the golf hole.','Swinging the club is just like throwing a pie.')}
KartRace_RaceTimeout='You timed out of that race. Your tickets have been refunded. Keep trying!'
KartRace_RaceTimeoutNoRefund='You timed out of that race. Your tickets have not been refunded because the Grand Prix had already started. Keep trying!'
KartRace_RacerTooSlow='You took too long to finish the race. Your tickets have not been refunded. Keep trying!'
KartRace_PhotoFinish='Photo Finish!'
KartRace_CircuitPoints='Circuit Points'
CircuitRaceStart='The Toontown Grand Prix at Goofy Speedway is about to begin! To win, collect the most points in three consecutive races!'
CircuitRaceOngoing='Welcome! The Toontown Grand Prix is currently in progress.'
CircuitRaceEnd="That's all for today's Toontown Grand Prix at Goofy Speedway. See you next week!"
TrickOrTreatMsg='You have already\nfound this treat!'
WinterCarolingMsg='You have already been caroling here!'
LawbotBossReward='I award a promotion and the ability to summon Cogs'
LawbotBossLeaveCannon='Leave cannon'
LawbotBossPassExam='Bah, so you passed the bar exam.'
LawbotBossTaunts=['%s, I find you in contempt of court!',
'Objection sustained!',
'Strike that from the record.',
'Your appeal has been rejected. I sentence you to sadness!',
'Order in the court!']
LawbotBossAreaAttackTaunt="You're all in contempt of court!"
WitnessToonName='Bumpy Bumblebehr'
WitnessToonPrepareBattleTwo="Oh no! They're putting only Cogs on the jury!\x07Quick, use the cannons and shoot some Toon jurors into the jury chairs.\x07We need %d to get a balanced scale."
WitnessToonNoJuror='Oh oh, no Toon jurors. This will be a tough trial.'
WitnessToonOneJuror='Cool! There is 1 Toon in the jury!'
WitnessToonSomeJurors='Cool! There are %d Toons in the jury!'
WitnessToonAllJurors='Awesome! All the jurors are Toons!'
WitnessToonPrepareBattleThree='Hurry, touch the witness stand to get evidence.\x07Press the Delete key to throw the evidence at the lawyers, or at the defense pan.'
WitnessToonCongratulations="You did it! Thank you for a spectacular defense!\x07Here, take these papers the Chief Justice left behind.\x07With it you'll be able to summon Cogs from your Cog Gallery page."
WitnessToonLastPromotion="\x07Wow, you've reached level %s on your Cog Suit!\x07Cogs don't get promoted higher than that.\x07You can't upgrade your Cog Suit anymore, but you can certainly keep working for the Resistance!"
WitnessToonHPBoost="\x07You've done a lot of work for the Resistance.\x07The Toon Council has decided to give you another Laff point. Congratulations!"
WitnessToonMaxed='\x07I see that you have a level %s Cog Suit. Very impressive!\x07On behalf of the Toon Council, thank you for coming back to defend more Toons!'
SummonDlgInvasionSuccess="You have successfully summoned the Cogs. It's an invasion!"
SummonDlgInvasionBusy='A %s cannot be found now. Try again when the Cog invasion is over.'
SummonDlgInvasionFail='Sorry, the Cog invasion has failed.'
SummonDlgShopkeeper='The Shopkeeper '
PolarPlaceEffect1=NPCToonNames[3306]+': Welcome to Polar Place!'
PolarPlaceEffect2=NPCToonNames[3306]+': Try this on for size.'
PolarPlaceEffect3=NPCToonNames[3306]+': Your new look will only work in '+lTheBrrrgh+'.'
GreenToonEffectMsg=NPCToonNames[5312]+': You look Toontastic in green!'
LaserGameMine='Skull Finder!'
LaserGameAvoid='Avoid the Skulls'
LaserGameDrag='Drag three of a color in a row'
LaserGameDefault='Unknown Game'
PinballHiScore='High Score: %s\n'
PinballYourBestScore='Your Best Score:\n'
PinballScore='Score: %d x %d = '
GagTreeFeather='Feather Gag Tree'
GagTreeJugglingBalls='Juggling Balls Gag Tree'
StatuaryDonald='Donald Statue'
StatuaryMinnie='Minnie Statue'
StatuaryMickey1='Mickey Statue'
StatuaryMickey2='Mickey Fountain'
StatuaryToon='Toon Statue'
StatuaryToonWave='Toon Wave Statue'
StatuaryToonVictory='Toon Victory Statue'
StatuaryToonCrossedArms='Toon Authority Statue'
StatuaryToonThinking='Toon Embrace Statue'
StatuaryMeltingSnowman='Melting Snowman'
StatuaryMeltingSnowDoodle='Melting SnowDoodle'
StatuaryGardenAccelerator='Insta-Grow Fertilizer'
AnimatedStatuaryFlappyCog='Flappy Cog'
FlowerFunnyNames={49:('School Daisy',
'Lazy Daisy',
'Midsummer Daisy',
'Freshasa Daisy',
'Whoopsie Daisy',
'Upsy Daisy',
'Crazy Daisy',
'Hazy Dazy'),
51:('What-in Carnation',
'Instant Carnation',
'Hybrid Carnation',
'Side Carnation',
'Model Carnation'),
'Lily Pad',
'Tiger Lily',
'Livered Lily',
'Chili Lily',
'Silly Lily',
'Indubitab Lily',
'Dilly Lilly'),
'Daffy Dill',
'Time and a half-o-dil'),
54:('Dandy Pansy',
'Chim Pansy',
'Potsen Pansy',
'Marzi Pansy',
'Smarty Pansy'),
55:('Car Petunia','Platoonia'),
56:("Summer's Last Rose",
'Corn Rose',
'Tinted Rose',
'Stinking Rose',
'Istilla Rose')}
FloweringNewEntry='New Entry'
GardeningWaterSkill='Water Skill'
GardeningShovelSkill='Shovel Skill'
GardeningNoSkill='No Skill Up'
GardeningChooseBeans='Choose the Jellybeans you want to plant.'
GardeningChooseBeansItem='Choose the Jellybeans / item you want to plant.'
GardeningChooseToonStatue='Choose the toon you want to create a statue of.'
GardenShovelLevelUp="Congratulations you've earned a %(shovel)s! You've mastered the %(oldbeans)d bean flower! To progress you should pick %(newbeans)d bean flowers."
GardenShovelSkillLevelUp="Congratulations! You've mastered the %(oldbeans)d bean flower! To progress you should pick %(newbeans)d bean flowers."
GardenShovelSkillMaxed="Amazing! You've maxed out your shovel skill!"
GardenWateringCanLevelUp="Congratulations you've earned a new watering can!"
GardenMiniGameWon="Congratulations you've watered the plant!"
ShovelTin='Tin Shovel'
ShovelSteel='Bronze Shovel'
ShovelSilver='Silver Shovel'
ShovelGold='Gold Shovel'
WateringCanSmall='Small Watering Can'
WateringCanMedium='Medium Watering Can'
WateringCanLarge='Large Watering Can'
WateringCanHuge='Huge Watering Can'
PlantItWith=' Plant with %s.'
MakeSureWatered=' Make sure all your plants are watered first.'
UseFromSpecialsTab=' Use from the specials tab of the garden page.'
UseSpecial='Use Special'
UseSpecialBadLocation='You can only use that in your garden.'
UseSpecialSuccess='Success! Your watered plants just grew.'
ConfirmWiltedFlower='%(plant)s is wilted. Are you sure you want to remove it? It will not go into your flower basket, nor will you get an increase in skill.'
ConfirmUnbloomingFlower='%(plant)s is not blooming. Are you sure you want to remove it? It will not go into your flower basket, nor will you get an increase in skill.'
ConfirmNoSkillupFlower='Are you sure you want to pick the %(plant)s? It will go into your flower basket, but you will NOT get an increase in skill.'
ConfirmSkillupFlower='Are you sure you want to pick the %(plant)s? It will go into your flower basket. You will also get an increase in skill.'
ConfirmMaxedSkillFlower="Are you sure you want to pick the %(plant)s? It will go into your flower basket. You will NOT get an increase in skill since you've maximized it already."
ConfirmBasketFull='Your flower basket is full. Sell some flowers first.'
ConfirmRemoveTree='Are you sure you want to remove the %(tree)s?'
ConfirmWontBeAbleToHarvest=" If you remove this tree, you won't be able to harvest gags from the higher level trees."
ConfirmRemoveStatuary='Are you sure you want to permanently delete the %(item)s?'
ResultPlantedSomething='Congratulations! You just planted a %s.'
ResultPlantedSomethingAn='Congratulations! You just planted an %s.'
ResultPlantedNothing="That didn't work. Please try a different combination of Jellybeans."
retval+=' and %s Jellybean'%BeanColorWords[beanTuple[index]]
retval+=', %s'%BeanColorWords[beanTuple[index]]
GardenTextMagicBeans='Magic Beans'
GardenTextMagicBeansB='Some Other Beans'
GardenSpecialDiscription='This text should explain how to use a certain garden special'
GardenSpecialDiscriptionB='This text should explain how to use a certain garden special, in yo face foo!'
GardenTrophyAwarded='Wow! You collected %s of %s flowers. That deserves a trophy and a Laff boost!'
3:'Watering Can',
6:'Killer Whale'}
SkillTooLow='Skill\nToo Low'
VineGameTitle='Jungle Vines'
VineGameInstructions='Get to the rightmost vine in time. Press Up or Down to climb the vine. Press Left or Right to change facing and jump. The lower you are on the vine, the faster you jump off. Collect the bananas if you can, but avoid the bats and spiders.'
ValentinesDayStart="Happy ValenToon's Day!"
ValentinesDayEnd="That's all for ValenToon's Day!"
ExpandedClosetsStart='Attention Toons: For a limited time, Members can purchase the new 50 item Closet from the Cattlelog for the low price of 50 Jellybeans!'
KartingTicketsHolidayStart='Get double tickets from Practice races at Goofy Speedway today!'
LogoutForced='You have done something wrong\n and are being logged out automatically,\n additionally your account may be frozen.\n Try going on a walk outside, it is fun.'
CountryClubToonEnterElevator='%s\nhas jumped in the golf kart.'
CountryClubBossConfrontedMsg='%s is battling the Club President!'
ElevatorBlockedRoom='All challenges must be defeated first.'
MolesLeft='Moles Left: %d'
MolesInstruction='Mole Stomp!\nJump on the red moles!'
MolesFinished='Mole Stomp successful!'
MolesPityWin='Stomp Failed! But the moles left.'
MolesRestarted='Stomp Failed! Restarting...'
BustACogInstruction='Remove the cog ball!'
BustACogExit='Exit for Now'
BustACogHowto='How to Play'
BustACogFailure='Out of Time!'
GolfGreenGameScoreString='Puzzles Left: %s'
GolfGreenGamePlayerScore='Solved %s'
GolfGreenGameBonusGag='You won %s!'
GolfGreenGameGotHelp='%s solved a Puzzle!'
GolfGreenGameDirections='Shoot balls using the the mouse\n\n\nMatching three of a color causes the balls to fall\n\n\nRemove all Cog balls from the board'
enterHedgeMaze='Race through the Hedge Maze\n for a laff bonus!'
toonFinishedHedgeMaze='%s\n finished in %s place!'
mazeLabel='Maze Race!'
BoardingPartyReadme='Boarding Group?'
BoardingGroupShow='Show Boarding Group'
BoardingPartyInform='Create an elevator Boarding Group by clicking on another Toon and Inviting them.\nIn this area Boarding Groups cannot have more than %s Toons.'
BoardingPartyTitle='Boarding Group'
BoardingPartyTitleMerge='Merge Group'
QuitBoardingPartyConfirm='Are you sure you want to quit this Boarding Group?'
BoardcodeMissing='Something went wrong; try again later.'
BoardcodeMinLaffLeader='Your group cannot board because you have less than %s laff points.'
BoardcodeMinLaffNonLeaderSingular='Your group cannot board because %s has less than %s laff points.'
BoardcodeMinLaffNonLeaderPlural='Your group cannot board because %s have less than %s laff points.'
BoardcodePromotionLeader='Your group cannot board because you do not have enough promotion merits.'
BoardcodePromotionNonLeaderSingular='Your group cannot board because %s does not have enough promotion merits.'
BoardcodePromotionNonLeaderPlural='Your group cannot board because %s do not have enough promotion merits.'
BoardcodeSpace='Your group cannot board because there is not enough space.'
BoardcodeBattleLeader='Your group cannot board because you are in battle.'
BoardcodeBattleNonLeaderSingular='Your group cannot board because %s is in battle.'
BoardcodeBattleNonLeaderPlural='Your group cannot board because %s are in battle.'
BoardingInviteMinLaffInviter='You need %s Laff Points before being a member of this Boarding Group.'
BoardingInviteMinLaffInvitee='%s needs %s Laff Points before being a member of this Boarding Group.'
BoardingInvitePromotionInviter='You need to earn a promotion before being a member of this Boarding Group.'
BoardingInvitePromotionInvitee='%s needs to earn a promotion before being a member of this Boarding Group.'
BoardingInviteeInDiffGroup='%s is already in a different Boarding Group.'
BoardingInviteeInKickOutList='%s had been removed by your leader. Only the leader can re-invite removed members.'
BoardingInviteePendingIvite='%s has a pending invite; try again later.'
BoardingInviteeInElevator='%s is currently busy; try again later.'
BoardingInviteGroupFull='Your Boarding Group is already full.'
BoardingGroupsToLarge='%s is already in a different Boarding Group that is too large to merge.'
BoardingAlreadyInGroup='You cannot accept this invitation because you are part of another Boarding Group.'
BoardingGroupAlreadyFull='You cannot accept this invitation because the group is already full.'
BoardingKickOutConfirm='Are you sure you want to remove %s?'
BoardingPendingInvite='You need to deal with the\n pending invitation first.'
BoardingCannotLeaveZone='You cannot leave this area because you are part of a Boarding Group.'
BoardingInviteeMessage='%s would like you to join their Boarding Group.'
BoardingInviteeMergeMessage='%s would like you merge with their Boarding Group.'
BoardingInvitingMessage='Inviting %s to your Boarding Group.'
BoardingInvitationRejected='%s has rejected to join your Boarding Group.'
BoardingMessageKickedOut='You have been removed from the Boarding Group.'
BoardingMessageInvited='%s has invited %s to the Boarding Group.'
BoardingMessageLeftGroup='%s has left the Boarding Group.'
BoardingMessageGroupDissolved='Your Boarding Group was disbanded by the group leader.'
BoardingMessageGroupDisbandedGeneric='Your Boarding Group was disbanded.'
BoardingMessageInvitationFailed='%s tried to invite you to their Boarding Group.'
BoardingMessageGroupFull='%s tried to accept your invitation but your group was full.'
BoardingCancelGo='Click Again to\nCancel Go'
BoardingGoingTo='Going To:'
BoardingTimeWarning='Boarding the elevator in '
BoardingGoShow='Going to\n%s in '
BossbotRTWelcome='You toons will need different disguises.'
BossbotRTRemoveSuit='First take off your cog suits...'
BossbotRTFightWaiter='and then fight these waiters.'
BossbotRTPhase4Speech2='or use golf balls to slow him down.'
BossbotPitcherLeave='Leave Bottle'
BossbotPitcherLeaving='Leaving Bottle'
BossbotPitcherAdvice='Use the left and right keys to rotate.\nHold down Ctrl increase power.\nRelease Ctrl to fire.'
BossbotGolfSpotLeave='Leave Golf Ball'
BossbotGolfSpotLeaving='Leaving Golf Ball'
BossbotGolfSpotAdvice='Use the left and right keys to rotate.\nCtrl to fire.'
BossbotRewardSpeech1="No! The Chairman won't like this."
BossbotRTCongratulations="You did it! You've demoted the C.E.O.!\x07Here, take these pink slips the C.E.O. left behind.\x07With it you'll be able to fire Cogs in a battle."
BossbotRTHPBoost="\x07You've done a lot of work for the Resistance.\x07The Toon Council has decided to give you another Laff point. Congratulations!"
BossbotRTMaxed='\x07I see that you have a level %s Cog Suit. Very impressive!\x07On behalf of the Toon Council, thank you for coming back to defend more Toons!'
BossbotRTLastPromotion="\x07Wow, you've reached level %s on your Cog Suit!\x07Cogs don't get promoted higher than that.\x07You can't upgrade your Cog Suit anymore, but you can certainly keep working for the Resistance!"
IceGameInstructions='Get as close to the center by the end of the second round. Use arrow keys to change direction and force. Press Ctrl to launch your toon. Hit barrels for extra points and avoid the TNT!'
IceGameInstructionsNoTnt='Get as close to the center by the end of the second round. Use arrow keys to change direction and force. Press Ctrl to launch your toon. Hit barrels for extra points.'
ChinesePage1='The goal of Chinese Checkers is to be the first toon to move all of your marbles from the bottom triangle across the board and into the triangle at the top. The first toon to do so wins!'
ChinesePage2='Toons take turns moving any marble of their own color. A marble can move into an adjacent hole or it can hop over other marbles. Hops must go over a marble and end in an empty hole. It is possible to chain hops together for longer moves!'
CheckersPage1='The goal of Checkers is to leave the opponent without any possible moves. To do this you can either capture all of his peices or block them in such that he has no available moves.'
CheckersPage2='Toons take turns moving any peice of their own color. A peice can move one square diagonal and forward. A peice can only move into a square that is not occupied by another peice. Kings follow the same rules but are allowed to move backwards.'
CheckersPage3='To capture an opponents peice your peice must jump over it diagonally into the vacant square beyond it. If you have any jump moves during a turn, you must do one of them. You can chain jump moves together as long as it is with the same peice.'
CheckersPage4='A peice becomes a king when it reaches the last row on the board. A peice that has just become a king cannot continue jumping until the next turn. Additionally, kings are allowed to move all directions and are allowed to change directions while jumping.'
CheckersGetUpButton='Get Up'
CheckersStartButton='Start Game'
CheckersQuitButton='Quit Game'
CheckersIts="It's "
CheckersYourTurn='Your Turn'
CheckersWhiteTurn="White's Turn"
CheckersBlackTurn="Black's Turn"
CheckersColorWhite='You are White'
CheckersColorBlack='You are Black'
CheckersObserver='You are Observing'
RegularCheckersGameOf=' has just won a game of '
RegularCheckersYouWon='You just won a game of Checkers!'
BoardroomGameInstructions='The Bossbots are having a meeting to decide what to do with stolen gags. Slide on through and grab as many gag-destruction memos as you can!'
CogdoCraneGameInstructions='The Cashbots are using a coin-operated machine to destroy laff barrels. Use the cranes to pick up and throw money bags, in order to prevent barrel destruction!'
CogdoMazeGameInstructions='The big Mover & Shaker Cogs have the code to open the door. Defeat them with your water balloons in order to get it!'
CogdoMazeIntroMovieDialogue=(("This is the Toon Resistance! The Movers & Shakers\nhave our Jokes, and they've locked the exit!",),('Grab water balloons at coolers, and throw them at Cogs!\nSmall Cogs drop Jokes, BIG COGS open the exit.',),('The more Jokes you rescue, the bigger your Toon-Up\nat the end. Good luck!',))
CogdoFlyingGameInstructions="Fly through the Legal Eagles' lair. Watch out for obstacles and Cogs along the way, and don't forget to refuel your helicopter!"
CogdoFlyingIntroMovieDialogue=(("You won't ruffle our feathers, Toons! We're destroying barrels of your Laff, and you cannot stop us!","A flock of Toons! We're crushing barrels of your Laff in our %s, and there's nothing you can do about it!"%CogdoStomperName,"You can't egg us on, Toons! We're powering our offices with your Laff, and you're powerless to stop us!"),('This is the Toon Resistance! A little bird told me you can use propellers to fly around, grab Barrel Destruction Memos, and keep Laff from being destroyed! Good luck, Toons!','Attention Toons! Wing it with a propeller and collect Barrel Destruction Memos to keep our Laff from being stomped! Toon Resistance out!','Toon Resistance here! Cause a flap by finding propellers, flying to the Barrel Destruction Memos, and keeping our Laff from being smashed! Have fun!'),("Squawk! I'm a Silver Sprocket Award winner, I don't need this!",'Do your best, Toons! You will find us to be quite talon-ted!',"We'll teach you to obey the pecking order, Toons!"))
CogdoFlyingGameLegalEagleTargeting='A Legal Eagle has noticed you!'
CogdoBarrelRoomIntroDialog='Good work, Toons! You have haulted the Stomp-O-Matic and are now able to collect some of the stolen Laff barrels, but make sure to hurry before the Cogs come!'
CogdoExecutiveSuiteToonThankYouLawbot='Thanks for the rescue!\nThe Lawbots have left behind some sprocket awards that you can use to buy new things in your cattlelog!'
CatalogPurchaseHouseType="When you buy a new house type, the current one is replaced by it. To recover the old type, you'll need to buy it back. Continue?"
BugReportNotice='Attention!\n\nThis button will open a browser which will send you to a third party bug tracker website. This site requires an Ubuntu One account to login. It may ask you to create an account.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?'
TrueFriendsRemoveNotice='Are you sure you want to remove %s as your True Friend?\n\nYou will no longer be able to chat without limits.'
TrueFriendsNotFriends='You cannot be True Friends with %s until you are regular friends first.'
TrueFriendsAddNotice='If you are playing Toontown with someone you trust, you can become True Friends.\n\nYou can chat using the keyboard with your True Friends.\n\nOther Toons won\'t understand what you\'re saying.\n\n\x01WLRed\x01However, this chat is completely unfiltered.\x02\n\nAre you sure you want to be True Friends with %s?'
TrueFriendsAdded='You are now True Friends with %s!\n\nYou can now understand everything %s says.\n\nHowever, chances are %s hasn\'t added you as a True Friend yet.\n\nIf this is the case, he cannot understand you yet. Please ask %s to add you as a True Friend aswell!'
TrueFriendsRemoved='You are no longer True Friends with %s.'
BugReportNotice='Attention!\n\nThis button will open a browser which will send you to a third party bug tracker website. This site requires an Ubuntu One account to login. It may ask you to create an account.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?'
CodeRedemptionWarning='NOTICE: All codes can only be entered once!'
CogInterfaceLabelOn='The cog battle interface is on.'
CogInterfaceLabelOff='The cog battle interface is off.'