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2015-03-03 17:10:12 -05:00
# copyright 1999 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
# license: use as you please. No warranty.
# A subclass of Archive that can be understood
# by a C program. See uplaunch.cpp for unpacking
# from C.
#carchive_rt is a stripped down version of MEInc.Dist.carchive.
#It has had all building logic removed.
#It's purpose is to bootstrap the Python installation.
import archive_rt
import struct
import zlib
import strop
class CTOC:
ENTRYSTRUCT = 'iiiibc' #(structlen, dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd) followed by name
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
def frombinary(self, s):
entrylen = struct.calcsize(self.ENTRYSTRUCT)
p = 0
while p<len(s):
(slen, dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd) = struct.unpack(self.ENTRYSTRUCT,
nmlen = slen - entrylen
p = p + entrylen
(nm,) = struct.unpack(repr(nmlen)+'s', s[p:p+nmlen])
p = p + nmlen
self.data.append((dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm[:-1]))
## def tobinary(self):
## import string
## entrylen = struct.calcsize(self.ENTRYSTRUCT)
## rslt = []
## for (dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm) in self.data:
## nmlen = len(nm) + 1 # add 1 for a '\0'
## rslt.append(struct.pack(self.ENTRYSTRUCT+repr(nmlen)+'s',
## nmlen+entrylen, dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm+'\0'))
## return string.join(rslt, '')
## def add(self, dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm):
## self.data.append(dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm)
def get(self, ndx):
return self.data[ndx]
def __getitem__(self, ndx):
return self.data[ndx]
def find(self, name):
for i in range(len(self.data)):
if self.data[i][-1] == name:
return i
return -1
class CArchive(archive_rt.Archive):
MAGIC = 'MEI\014\013\012\013\015'
TRLSTRUCT = '8siii'
def __init__(self, path=None, start=0, len=0):
self.len = len
archive_rt.Archive.__init__(self, path, start)
def checkmagic(self):
#magic is at EOF; if we're embedded, we need to figure where that is
if self.len:
self.lib.seek(self.start+self.len, 0)
self.lib.seek(0, 2)
filelen = self.lib.tell()
if self.len:
self.lib.seek(self.start+self.len-self.TRLLEN, 0)
self.lib.seek(-self.TRLLEN, 2)
(magic, totallen, tocpos, toclen) = struct.unpack(self.TRLSTRUCT,
if magic != self.MAGIC:
raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a valid %s archive file" \
% (self.path, self.__class__.__name__)
self.pkgstart = filelen - totallen
if self.len:
if totallen != self.len or self.pkgstart != self.start:
raise RuntimeError, "Problem with embedded archive in %s" % self.path
self.tocpos, self.toclen = tocpos, toclen
def loadtoc(self):
self.toc = self.TOCTMPLT()
tocstr = self.lib.read(self.toclen)
def extract(self, name):
if type(name) == type(''):
ndx = self.toc.find(name)
if ndx == -1:
return None
ndx = name
(dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm) = self.toc.get(ndx)
rslt = self.lib.read(dlen)
if flag == 1:
rslt = zlib.decompress(rslt)
if typcd == 'M':
return (1, rslt)
return (0, rslt)
def contents(self):
rslt = []
for (dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm) in self.toc:
return rslt
## def add(self, entry):
## (nm, pathnm, flag, typcd) = entry[:4]
## if flag == 2:
## s = open(pathnm, 'r').read()
## s = s + '\0'
## else:
## s = open(pathnm, 'rb').read()
## ulen = len(s)
## if flag == 1:
## s = zlib.compress(s, self.LEVEL)
## dlen = len(s)
## where = self.lib.tell()
## if typcd == 'm':
## if strop.find(pathnm, '.__init__.py') > -1:
## typcd = 'M'
## self.toc.add(where, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm)
## self.lib.write(s)
## def save_toc(self, tocpos):
## self.tocpos = tocpos
## tocstr = self.toc.tobinary()
## self.toclen = len(tocstr)
## self.lib.write(tocstr)
## def save_trailer(self, tocpos):
## totallen = tocpos + self.toclen + self.TRLLEN
## trl = struct.pack(self.TRLSTRUCT, self.MAGIC, totallen,
## tocpos, self.toclen)
## self.lib.write(trl)
def openEmbedded(self, name):
ndx = self.toc.find(name)
if ndx == -1:
raise KeyError, "Member '%s' not found in %s" % (name, self.path)
(dpos, dlen, ulen, flag, typcd, nm) = self.toc.get(ndx)
if flag:
raise ValueError, "Cannot open compressed archive %s in place"
return CArchive(self.path, self.pkgstart+dpos, dlen)