2015-03-03 16:10:12 -06:00
import copy
from direct . actor import Actor
from direct . distributed . ClockDelta import *
from direct . fsm import ClassicFSM , State
from direct . fsm import State
from direct . interval . IntervalGlobal import *
from pandac . PandaModules import *
import random
from otp . avatar import Avatar
from toontown . chat . ChatGlobals import *
from toontown . nametag . NametagGroup import *
from otp . otpbase import OTPGlobals
from toontown . distributed import DelayDelete
from toontown . effects import Bubbles
from toontown . hood import ZoneUtil
from toontown . safezone . OZPlayground import OZPlayground
from toontown . safezone . SafeZoneLoader import SafeZoneLoader
from toontown . toon import Toon , ToonDNA
class OZSafeZoneLoader ( SafeZoneLoader ) :
def __init__ ( self , hood , parentFSM , doneEvent ) :
SafeZoneLoader . __init__ ( self , hood , parentFSM , doneEvent )
self . musicFile = ' phase_6/audio/bgm/OZ_SZ.ogg '
self . activityMusicFile = ' phase_6/audio/bgm/GS_KartShop.ogg '
self . dnaFile = ' phase_6/dna/outdoor_zone_sz.pdna '
self . safeZoneStorageDNAFile = ' phase_6/dna/storage_OZ_sz.pdna '
self . __toonTracks = { }
del self . fsm
self . fsm = ClassicFSM . ClassicFSM ( ' SafeZoneLoader ' , [ State . State ( ' start ' , self . enterStart , self . exitStart , [ ' quietZone ' , ' playground ' , ' toonInterior ' ] ) ,
State . State ( ' playground ' , self . enterPlayground , self . exitPlayground , [ ' quietZone ' , ' golfcourse ' ] ) ,
State . State ( ' toonInterior ' , self . enterToonInterior , self . exitToonInterior , [ ' quietZone ' ] ) ,
State . State ( ' quietZone ' , self . enterQuietZone , self . exitQuietZone , [ ' playground ' , ' toonInterior ' , ' golfcourse ' ] ) ,
State . State ( ' golfcourse ' , self . enterGolfCourse , self . exitGolfCourse , [ ' quietZone ' , ' playground ' ] ) ,
State . State ( ' final ' , self . enterFinal , self . exitFinal , [ ' start ' ] ) ] , ' start ' , ' final ' )
def load ( self ) :
self . done = 0
self . geyserTrack = None
SafeZoneLoader . load ( self )
self . birdSound = map ( base . loadSfx , [ ' phase_4/audio/sfx/SZ_TC_bird1.ogg ' , ' phase_4/audio/sfx/SZ_TC_bird2.ogg ' , ' phase_4/audio/sfx/SZ_TC_bird3.ogg ' ] )
self . underwaterSound = base . loadSfx ( ' phase_4/audio/sfx/AV_ambient_water.ogg ' )
self . swimSound = base . loadSfx ( ' phase_4/audio/sfx/AV_swim_single_stroke.ogg ' )
self . submergeSound = base . loadSfx ( ' phase_5.5/audio/sfx/AV_jump_in_water.ogg ' )
geyserPlacer = self . geom . find ( ' **/geyser* ' )
waterfallPlacer = self . geom . find ( ' **/waterfall* ' )
binMgr = CullBinManager . getGlobalPtr ( )
binMgr . addBin ( ' water ' , CullBinManager . BTFixed , 29 )
binMgr = CullBinManager . getGlobalPtr ( )
pool = self . geom . find ( ' **/pPlane5* ' )
pool . setTransparency ( 1 )
pool . setColorScale ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 )
pool . setBin ( ' water ' , 50 , 1 )
self . geyserModel = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_6/models/golf/golf_geyser_model ' )
self . geyserSound = loader . loadSfx ( ' phase_6/audio/sfx/OZ_Geyser.ogg ' )
self . geyserSoundInterval = SoundInterval ( self . geyserSound , node = geyserPlacer , listenerNode = base . camera , seamlessLoop = False , volume = 1.0 , cutOff = 120 )
self . geyserSoundNoToon = loader . loadSfx ( ' phase_6/audio/sfx/OZ_Geyser_No_Toon.ogg ' )
self . geyserSoundNoToonInterval = SoundInterval ( self . geyserSoundNoToon , node = geyserPlacer , listenerNode = base . camera , seamlessLoop = False , volume = 1.0 , cutOff = 120 )
if self . geyserModel :
self . geyserActor = Actor . Actor ( self . geyserModel )
self . geyserActor . loadAnims ( { ' idle ' : ' phase_6/models/golf/golf_geyser ' } )
self . geyserActor . reparentTo ( render )
self . geyserActor . setPlayRate ( 8.6 , ' idle ' )
self . geyserActor . loop ( ' idle ' )
self . geyserActor . setDepthWrite ( 0 )
self . geyserActor . setTwoSided ( True , 11 )
self . geyserActor . setColorScale ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 )
self . geyserActor . setBin ( ' fixed ' , 0 )
mesh = self . geyserActor . find ( ' **/mesh_tide1 ' )
joint = self . geyserActor . find ( ' **/uvj_WakeWhiteTide1 ' )
mesh . setTexProjector ( mesh . findTextureStage ( ' default ' ) , joint , self . geyserActor )
self . geyserActor . setPos ( geyserPlacer . getPos ( ) )
self . geyserActor . setZ ( geyserPlacer . getZ ( ) - 100.0 )
self . geyserPos = geyserPlacer . getPos ( )
self . geyserPlacer = geyserPlacer
self . startGeyser ( )
base . sfxPlayer . setCutoffDistance ( 160 )
self . geyserPoolSfx = loader . loadSfx ( ' phase_6/audio/sfx/OZ_Geyser_BuildUp_Loop.ogg ' )
self . geyserPoolSoundInterval = SoundInterval ( self . geyserPoolSfx , node = self . geyserPlacer , listenerNode = base . camera , seamlessLoop = True , volume = 1.0 , cutOff = 120 )
self . geyserPoolSoundInterval . loop ( )
self . bubbles = Bubbles . Bubbles ( self . geyserPlacer , render )
self . bubbles . renderParent . setDepthWrite ( 0 )
self . bubbles . start ( )
self . collBase = render . attachNewNode ( ' collisionBase ' )
self . geyserCollSphere = CollisionSphere ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 7.5 )
self . geyserCollSphere . setTangible ( 1 )
self . geyserCollNode = CollisionNode ( ' barrelSphere ' )
self . geyserCollNode . setIntoCollideMask ( OTPGlobals . WallBitmask )
self . geyserCollNode . addSolid ( self . geyserCollSphere )
self . geyserNodePath = self . collBase . attachNewNode ( self . geyserCollNode )
self . geyserNodePath . setPos ( self . geyserPos [ 0 ] , self . geyserPos [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] - 100.0 )
self . waterfallModel = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_6/models/golf/golf_waterfall_model ' )
if self . waterfallModel :
self . waterfallActor = Actor . Actor ( self . waterfallModel )
self . waterfallActor . loadAnims ( { ' idle ' : ' phase_6/models/golf/golf_waterfall ' } )
self . waterfallActor . reparentTo ( render )
self . waterfallActor . setPlayRate ( 3.5 , ' idle ' )
self . waterfallActor . loop ( ' idle ' )
mesh = self . waterfallActor . find ( ' **/mesh_tide1 ' )
joint = self . waterfallActor . find ( ' **/uvj_WakeWhiteTide1 ' )
mesh . setTexProjector ( mesh . findTextureStage ( ' default ' ) , joint , self . waterfallActor )
self . waterfallActor . setPos ( waterfallPlacer . getPos ( ) )
self . accept ( ' clientLogout ' , self . _handleLogout )
# If Chestnut Park is under construction, create the construction site:
if base . config . GetBool ( ' want-chestnut-park-construction ' , False ) :
self . constructionSite = render . attachNewNode ( ' constructionSite ' )
self . constructionSiteBlocker = self . constructionSite . attachNewNode ( CollisionNode ( ' constructionSiteBlocker ' ) )
self . constructionSiteBlocker . setPos ( - 48 , - 154.5 , 0 )
self . constructionSiteBlocker . node ( ) . addSolid ( CollisionSphere ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 35 ) )
self . coneModel = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_3.5/models/props/unpainted_barrier_cone.bam ' )
self . cone0 = Actor . Actor ( self . coneModel )
self . cone0 . loadAnims ( { ' jumptwist ' : ' phase_3.5/models/props/barrier_cone_chan_jumptwist.bam ' } )
self . cone0 . reparentTo ( self . constructionSite )
self . cone0 . loop ( ' jumptwist ' )
self . cone0 . setPos ( - 43 , - 142 , 0.025 )
self . cone1 = Actor . Actor ( self . coneModel )
self . cone1 . loadAnims ( { ' walktrip ' : ' phase_3.5/models/props/barrier_cone_chan_walktrip.bam ' } )
self . cone1 . reparentTo ( self . constructionSite )
self . cone1 . loop ( ' walktrip ' )
self . cone1 . setPos ( - 52 , - 145 , 0.025 )
self . ladder = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_5/models/props/ladder2.bam ' )
self . ladder . reparentTo ( self . constructionSite )
self . ladder . setPosHpr ( - 36.460 , - 130.828 , 0.30 , 61 , - 90 , 0 )
self . ladder . find ( ' **/shadow ' ) . removeNode ( )
self . paintersWantedSign = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_6/models/props/tti_painters_wanted_sign.bam ' )
self . paintersWantedSign . reparentTo ( self . constructionSite )
self . paintersWantedSign . setPosHpr ( - 57 , - 129.613 , 0.025 , 160 , 0 , 0 )
self . constructionSign = loader . loadModel ( ' phase_4/models/props/construction_sign.bam ' )
self . constructionSign . reparentTo ( self . constructionSite )
self . constructionSign . setPosHpr ( - 47.941 , - 138.724 , 0.122 , 181 , 0 , 0 )
if base . config . GetBool ( ' want-oz-painter-pete ' , False ) :
self . painterPete = Toon . Toon ( )
self . painterPete . setName ( ' Painter Pete ' )
self . painterPete . setPickable ( 0 )
self . painterPete . setPlayerType ( NametagGlobals . CCNonPlayer )
dna = ToonDNA . ToonDNA ( )
2015-04-04 04:50:42 -05:00
dna . newToonFromProperties ( ' hls ' , ' ss ' , ' m ' , ' m ' , 18 , 0 , 13 , 9 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 15 , 0 )
2015-03-03 16:10:12 -06:00
self . painterPete . setDNA ( dna )
self . painterPete . setHat ( 43 , 0 , 0 )
self . painterPete . animFSM . request ( ' neutral ' )
self . painterPete . reparentTo ( self . constructionSite )
self . painterPete . setPosHpr ( - 52.5 , - 133.5 , 0.025 , 338 , 0 , 0 )
self . painterPete . sadEyes ( )
self . painterPete . blinkEyes ( )
speechTextList = (
" Oh, brother. How am I going to clean up all of this? Those painters left a big mess here, and I can ' t finish the job without them! " ,
" I ' m beginning to feel nervous about where all of my painters went off to. Construction can ' t continue without them! " ,
" These cones are out of my control. They ' re disobedient, and they will not listen to what I say. " ,
" What ' s a playground without color, anyway? Walking into something like that would be surreal for you all. As a painter, though, I ' m pretty used to it. " ,
" The Cogs couldn ' t have done this... could they? " ,
" If anyone sees my painters anywhere, please let me know. Then maybe we ' ll get this playground done! " ,
" Looks like I ' ll have to finish this sign myself. " ,
' The documents for this project were just sitting right by this tunnel... Where could they have gone? '
self . painterPeteSpeech = Sequence ( )
for speechText in speechTextList :
self . painterPeteSpeech . append ( Func ( self . painterPete . setChatAbsolute , speechText , CFSpeech ) )
self . painterPeteSpeech . append ( Wait ( 0.55 * len ( speechText . split ( ' ' ) ) ) )
self . painterPeteSpeech . append ( Func ( self . painterPete . clearChat ) )
self . painterPeteSpeech . append ( Wait ( 6 ) )
self . painterPeteSpeech . loop ( 0 )
def exit ( self ) :
self . clearToonTracks ( )
SafeZoneLoader . exit ( self )
self . ignore ( ' clientLogout ' )
def startGeyser ( self , task = None ) :
if hasattr ( base . cr , ' DTimer ' ) and base . cr . DTimer :
self . geyserCycleTime = 20.0
useTime = base . cr . DTimer . getTime ( )
timeToNextGeyser = 20.0 - useTime % 20.0
taskMgr . doMethodLater ( timeToNextGeyser , self . doGeyser , ' geyser Task ' )
else :
taskMgr . doMethodLater ( 5.0 , self . startGeyser , ' start geyser Task ' )
def doGeyser ( self , task = None ) :
if not self . done :
self . setGeyserAnim ( )
useTime = base . cr . DTimer . getTime ( )
timeToNextGeyser = 20.0 - useTime % 20.0
taskMgr . doMethodLater ( timeToNextGeyser , self . doGeyser , ' geyser Task ' )
return task . done
def restoreLocal ( self , task = None ) :
place = base . cr . playGame . getPlace ( )
if place :
place . fsm . request ( ' walk ' )
base . localAvatar . setTeleportAvailable ( 1 )
base . localAvatar . collisionsOn ( )
base . localAvatar . dropShadow . show ( )
def restoreRemote ( self , remoteAv , task = None ) :
if remoteAv in Avatar . Avatar . ActiveAvatars :
remoteAv . startSmooth ( )
remoteAv . dropShadow . show ( )
def setGeyserAnim ( self , task = None ) :
if self . done :
maxSize = 0.4 * random . random ( ) + 0.75
time = 1.0
self . geyserTrack = Sequence ( )
upPos = Vec3 ( self . geyserPos [ 0 ] , self . geyserPos [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] )
downPos = Vec3 ( self . geyserPos [ 0 ] , self . geyserPos [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] - 8.0 )
avList = copy . copy ( Avatar . Avatar . ActiveAvatars )
avList . append ( base . localAvatar )
playSound = 0
for av in avList :
distance = self . geyserPlacer . getDistance ( av )
if distance < 7.0 :
place = base . cr . playGame . getPlace ( )
local = 0
avPos = av . getPos ( )
upToon = Vec3 ( avPos [ 0 ] , avPos [ 1 ] , maxSize * self . geyserPos [ 2 ] + 40.0 )
midToon = Vec3 ( avPos [ 0 ] , avPos [ 1 ] , maxSize * self . geyserPos [ 2 ] + 30.0 )
downToon = Vec3 ( avPos [ 0 ] , avPos [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] )
returnPoints = [ ( 7 , 7 ) ,
( 8 , 0 ) ,
( - 8 , 3 ) ,
( - 7 , 7 ) ,
( 3 , - 7 ) ,
( 0 , 8 ) ,
( - 10 , 0 ) ,
( 8 , - 3 ) ,
( 5 , 8 ) ,
( - 8 , 5 ) ,
( - 1 , 7 ) ]
pick = int ( ( float ( av . doId ) - 11.0 ) / 13.0 % len ( returnPoints ) )
returnChoice = returnPoints [ pick ]
toonReturn = Vec3 ( self . geyserPos [ 0 ] + returnChoice [ 0 ] , self . geyserPos [ 1 ] + returnChoice [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] - 1.5 )
topTrack = Sequence ( )
av . dropShadow . hide ( )
playSound = 1
if av == base . localAvatar :
base . cr . playGame . getPlace ( ) . setState ( ' fishing ' )
base . localAvatar . setTeleportAvailable ( 0 )
base . localAvatar . collisionsOff ( )
local = 1
else :
topTrack . delayDeletes = [ DelayDelete . DelayDelete ( av , ' OZSafeZoneLoader.setGeyserAnim ' ) ]
av . stopSmooth ( )
animTrack = Parallel ( )
toonTrack = Sequence ( )
toonTrack . append ( Wait ( 0.5 ) )
animTrack . append ( ActorInterval ( av , ' jump-idle ' , loop = 1 , endTime = 11.5 * time ) )
animTrack . append ( ActorInterval ( av , ' neutral ' , loop = 0 , endTime = 0.25 * time ) )
holder = render . attachNewNode ( ' toon hold ' )
base . holder = holder
toonPos = av . getPos ( render )
toonHpr = av . getHpr ( render )
print ' av Pos %s ' % av . getPos ( )
base . toonPos = toonPos
holder . setPos ( toonPos )
av . reparentTo ( holder )
av . setPos ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
lookAt = 180
toonH = ( lookAt + toonHpr [ 0 ] ) % 360
newHpr = Vec3 ( toonH , toonHpr [ 1 ] , toonHpr [ 2 ] )
if toonH < 180 :
lookIn = Vec3 ( 0 + lookAt , - 30 , 0 )
else :
lookIn = Vec3 ( 360 + lookAt , - 30 , 0 )
print ' Camera Hprs toon %s ; lookIn %s ; final %s ' % ( newHpr , lookIn , lookIn - newHpr )
if local == 1 :
camPosOriginal = camera . getPos ( )
camHprOriginal = camera . getHpr ( )
camParentOriginal = camera . getParent ( )
cameraPivot = holder . attachNewNode ( ' camera pivot ' )
chooseHeading = random . choice ( [ - 10.0 , 15.0 , 40.0 ] )
cameraPivot . setHpr ( chooseHeading , - 20.0 , 0.0 )
cameraArm = cameraPivot . attachNewNode ( ' camera arm ' )
cameraArm . setPos ( 0.0 , - 23.0 , 3.0 )
camPosStart = Point3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )
camHprStart = Vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )
self . changeCamera ( cameraArm , camPosStart , camHprStart )
cameraTrack = Sequence ( )
cameraTrack . append ( Wait ( 11.0 * time ) )
cameraTrack . append ( Func ( self . changeCamera , camParentOriginal , camPosOriginal , camHprOriginal ) )
cameraTrack . start ( )
moveTrack = Sequence ( )
moveTrack . append ( Wait ( 0.5 ) )
moveTrack . append ( LerpPosInterval ( holder , 3.0 * time , pos = upToon , startPos = downToon , blendType = ' easeOut ' ) )
moveTrack . append ( LerpPosInterval ( holder , 2.0 * time , pos = midToon , startPos = upToon , blendType = ' easeInOut ' ) )
moveTrack . append ( LerpPosInterval ( holder , 1.0 * time , pos = upToon , startPos = midToon , blendType = ' easeInOut ' ) )
moveTrack . append ( LerpPosInterval ( holder , 2.0 * time , pos = midToon , startPos = upToon , blendType = ' easeInOut ' ) )
moveTrack . append ( LerpPosInterval ( holder , 1.0 * time , pos = upToon , startPos = midToon , blendType = ' easeInOut ' ) )
moveTrack . append ( LerpPosInterval ( holder , 2.5 * time , pos = toonReturn , startPos = upToon , blendType = ' easeIn ' ) )
animTrack . append ( moveTrack )
animTrack . append ( toonTrack )
topTrack . append ( animTrack )
topTrack . append ( Func ( av . setPos , toonReturn ) )
topTrack . append ( Func ( av . reparentTo , render ) )
topTrack . append ( Func ( holder . remove ) )
if local == 1 :
topTrack . append ( Func ( self . restoreLocal ) )
else :
topTrack . append ( Func ( self . restoreRemote , av ) )
topTrack . append ( Func ( self . clearToonTrack , av . doId ) )
self . storeToonTrack ( av . doId , topTrack )
topTrack . start ( )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Func ( self . doPrint , ' geyser start ' ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Func ( self . geyserNodePath . setPos , self . geyserPos [ 0 ] , self . geyserPos [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , 2.0 * time , 0.75 , 0.01 ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , 2.0 * time , pos = downPos , startPos = downPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , time , maxSize , 0.75 ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , time , pos = upPos , startPos = downPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , 2.0 * time , 0.75 , maxSize ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , 2.0 * time , pos = downPos , startPos = upPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , time , maxSize , 0.75 ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , time , pos = upPos , startPos = downPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , 2.0 * time , 0.75 , maxSize ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , 2.0 * time , pos = downPos , startPos = upPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , time , maxSize , 0.75 ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , time , pos = upPos , startPos = downPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Parallel ( LerpScaleInterval ( self . geyserActor , 4.0 * time , 0.01 , maxSize ) , LerpPosInterval ( self . geyserActor , 4.0 * time , pos = downPos , startPos = upPos ) ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Func ( self . geyserNodePath . setPos , self . geyserPos [ 0 ] , self . geyserPos [ 1 ] , self . geyserPos [ 2 ] - 100.0 ) )
self . geyserTrack . append ( Func ( self . doPrint , ' geyser end ' ) )
self . geyserTrack . start ( )
if playSound :
self . geyserSoundInterval . start ( )
else :
self . geyserSoundNoToonInterval . start ( )
def changeCamera ( self , newParent , newPos , newHpr ) :
camera . reparentTo ( newParent )
camera . setPosHpr ( newPos , newHpr )
def doPrint ( self , thing ) :
return 0
print thing
def unload ( self ) :
del self . birdSound
SafeZoneLoader . unload ( self )
self . done = 1
self . collBase . removeNode ( )
if self . geyserTrack :
self . geyserTrack . finish ( )
self . geyserTrack = None
self . geyserActor . cleanup ( )
self . geyserModel . removeNode ( )
self . waterfallActor . cleanup ( )
self . waterfallModel . removeNode ( )
self . bubbles . destroy ( )
del self . bubbles
self . geyserPoolSoundInterval . finish ( )
self . geyserPoolSfx . stop ( )
self . geyserPoolSfx = None
self . geyserPoolSoundInterval = None
self . geyserSoundInterval . finish ( )
self . geyserSound . stop ( )
self . geyserSoundInterval = None
self . geyserSound = None
self . geyserSoundNoToonInterval . finish ( )
self . geyserSoundNoToon . stop ( )
self . geyserSoundNoToonInterval = None
self . geyserSoundNoToon = None
if hasattr ( self , ' constructionSite ' ) :
if hasattr ( self , ' painterPete ' ) :
self . painterPeteSpeech . pause ( )
self . painterPete . delete ( )
self . paintersWantedSign . removeNode ( )
self . ladder . removeNode ( )
self . cone0 . cleanup ( )
self . cone1 . cleanup ( )
self . coneModel . removeNode ( )
self . constructionSiteBlocker . removeNode ( )
self . constructionSite . removeNode ( )
del self . paintersWantedSign
del self . ladder
del self . cone0
del self . cone1
del self . coneModel
del self . constructionSiteBlocker
del self . constructionSite
def enterPlayground ( self , requestStatus ) :
self . playgroundClass = OZPlayground
SafeZoneLoader . enterPlayground ( self , requestStatus )
def exitPlayground ( self ) :
taskMgr . remove ( ' titleText ' )
self . hood . hideTitleText ( )
SafeZoneLoader . exitPlayground ( self )
self . playgroundClass = None
def handlePlaygroundDone ( self ) :
status = self . place . doneStatus
self . doneStatus = status
messenger . send ( self . doneEvent )
def enteringARace ( self , status ) :
if not status [ ' where ' ] == ' golfcourse ' :
return 0
if ZoneUtil . isDynamicZone ( status [ ' zoneId ' ] ) :
return status [ ' hoodId ' ] == self . hood . hoodId
else :
return ZoneUtil . getHoodId ( status [ ' zoneId ' ] ) == self . hood . hoodId
def enteringAGolfCourse ( self , status ) :
if not status [ ' where ' ] == ' golfcourse ' :
return 0
if ZoneUtil . isDynamicZone ( status [ ' zoneId ' ] ) :
return status [ ' hoodId ' ] == self . hood . hoodId
else :
return ZoneUtil . getHoodId ( status [ ' zoneId ' ] ) == self . hood . hoodId
def enterGolfCourse ( self , requestStatus ) :
if ' curseId ' in requestStatus :
self . golfCourseId = requestStatus [ ' courseId ' ]
else :
self . golfCourseId = 0
self . accept ( ' raceOver ' , self . handleRaceOver )
self . accept ( ' leavingGolf ' , self . handleLeftGolf )
base . transitions . irisOut ( t = 0.2 )
def exitGolfCourse ( self ) :
del self . golfCourseId
def handleRaceOver ( self ) :
print ' you done!! '
def handleLeftGolf ( self ) :
req = { ' loader ' : ' safeZoneLoader ' ,
' where ' : ' playground ' ,
' how ' : ' teleportIn ' ,
' zoneId ' : 6000 ,
' hoodId ' : 6000 ,
' shardId ' : None }
self . fsm . request ( ' quietZone ' , [ req ] )
def _handleLogout ( self ) :
self . clearToonTracks ( )
def storeToonTrack ( self , avId , track ) :
self . clearToonTrack ( avId )
self . __toonTracks [ avId ] = track
def clearToonTrack ( self , avId ) :
oldTrack = self . __toonTracks . get ( avId )
if oldTrack :
oldTrack . pause ( )
DelayDelete . cleanupDelayDeletes ( oldTrack )
del self . __toonTracks [ avId ]
def clearToonTracks ( self ) :
keyList = [ ]
for key in self . __toonTracks :
keyList . append ( key )
for key in keyList :
if key in self . __toonTracks :
self . clearToonTrack ( key )