mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 17:53:50 +00:00
Tweaks: SBHQ Cameras, and merged otp.dc and toon.dc into the same file.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 3812 additions and 3804 deletions
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ daemon:
- ../dclass/otp.dc
- ../dclass/toon.dc
- ../dclass/united.dc
@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
from direct.distributed import DistributedObject/AI/UD
from direct.distributed import DistributedNode/AI/UD
from direct.distributed import DistributedSmoothNode/AI
from direct.distributed import DistributedCartesianGrid/AI
from direct.distributed import DistributedCamera/AI/OV
from otp.distributed import Account/AI/UD
from otp.ai import TimeManager/AI
from otp.ai import MagicWordManager/AI
from otp.avatar import DistributedAvatar/AI/UD
from otp.avatar import DistributedPlayer/AI
from otp.friends import FriendManager/AI
from otp.friends import AvatarFriendsManager/UD
from otp.friends import PlayerFriendsManager/UD
from otp.friends import GuildManager/AI/UD
from otp.friends import FriendInfo
from otp.friends import AvatarFriendInfo
from otp.distributed import ObjectServer/AI/UD
from otp.distributed import DistributedDistrict/AI/UD
from otp.distributed import DistributedDirectory/AI
from otp.distributed import DistributedTestObject/AI
from otp.chat import ChatAgent/UD
from otp.distributed import CentralLogger/AI/UD
from otp.avatar import AvatarHandle
typedef uint8 bool;
typedef uint32 DoId;
typedef DoId DoIdList[];
struct AvatarPendingDel {
uint32 Avatar;
uint32 date;
dclass Account {
string DcObjectType db;
uint32 ACCOUNT_AV_SET[] required db;
uint32 ESTATE_ID db;
AvatarPendingDel ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL[] db;
string CREATED db;
string LAST_LOGIN db;
string ACCOUNT_ID db;
uint16 ACCESS_LEVEL db;
uint32 MONEY db;
struct BarrierData {
uint16 context;
string name;
DoIdList avIds;
dclass DistributedObject {
setBarrierData(BarrierData []) broadcast ram;
setBarrierReady(uint16 barrierContext) airecv clsend;
execCommand(string command, DoId magicWordMgr,
DoId avatar, uint32 zoneId);
broadcastMessage() broadcast;
dclass DistributedTestObject : DistributedObject {
uint32 AutoInterest[];
setParentingRules(string, string) broadcast ram;
setRequiredField(uint32) required broadcast ram;
setB(uint32) broadcast;
setBA(uint32) broadcast airecv;
setBO(uint32) broadcast ownsend;
setBR(uint32) broadcast ram;
setBRA(uint32) broadcast ram airecv;
setBRO(uint32) broadcast ram ownsend;
setBROA(uint32) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
struct OSInfo {
string name;
int16 platform;
int16 major;
int16 minor;
struct CPUSpeed {
int32/1000 maxSpeed;
int32/1000 currentSpeed;
dclass TimeManager : DistributedObject {
requestServerTime(uint8 context) airecv clsend;
serverTime(uint8 context, int32 timestap, uint32 timeOfDay);
setDisconnectReason(uint8) airecv clsend;
setExceptionInfo(string(0-1024)) airecv clsend;
setSignature(string(0-1024) signature, char prcHash[16],
char pycHash[16]) airecv clsend;
setFrameRate(uint16/10 fps, uint16/1000 deviation, uint16 numAvatars,
string(0-256) locationCode, uint32/10 timeInLocation,
uint32/10 timeInGame, string(0-256) gameOptionsCode,
uint16 vendorId, uint16 deviceId, uint32/10 processMemory,
uint32/10 pageFileUsage, uint32/10 physicalMemory,
uint32 pageFaultCount, OSInfo, CPUSpeed, uint16 cpuCores,
uint16 logicalCPUs, string(0-256) apiName) airecv clsend;
setCpuInfo(string(0-1024) infoStr, string cacheStatus) airecv clsend;
checkForGarbageLeaks(bool) airecv clsend;
setClientGarbageLeak(uint32, string(0-1024)) airecv clsend;
checkAvOnDistrict(uint32 context, DoId avatar) clsend airecv;
checkAvOnDistrictResult(uint32 context, DoId av, bool isOnDistrict);
dclass ObjectServer {
setName(string) airecv ram required;
setDcHash(uint32) ram required;
setDateCreated(uint32) airecv;
dclass DistributedDirectory : DistributedObject {
setParentingRules(string, string) broadcast ram;
dclass DistributedDistrict : DistributedObject {
setName(string) required broadcast ram;
setAvailable(uint8) required broadcast ram;
dclass DistributedNode : DistributedObject {
setParentStr(blob) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setParent(uint32) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setX(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setY(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setZ(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setH(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setP(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setR(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setPos : setX, setY, setZ;
setHpr : setH, setP, setR;
setPosHpr : setX, setY, setZ, setH, setP, setR;
setXY : setX, setY;
setXZ : setX, setZ;
setXYH : setX, setY, setH;
setXYZH : setX, setY, setZ, setH;
dclass DistributedSmoothNode : DistributedNode {
setComponentL(uint64) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentX(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentY(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentZ(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentH(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentP(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentR(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentT(int16) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setSmStop : setComponentT;
setSmH : setComponentH, setComponentT;
setSmZ : setComponentZ, setComponentT;
setSmXY : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentT;
setSmXZ : setComponentX, setComponentZ, setComponentT;
setSmPos : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentT;
setSmHpr : setComponentH, setComponentP, setComponentR, setComponentT;
setSmXYH : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentH, setComponentT;
setSmXYZH : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentH, setComponentT;
setSmPosHpr : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentH, setComponentP, setComponentR, setComponentT;
setSmPosHprL : setComponentL, setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentH, setComponentP, setComponentR, setComponentT;
clearSmoothing(int8) broadcast ownsend;
suggestResync(uint32, int16, int16, int32, uint16, uint16/100) ownrecv clsend;
returnResync(uint32, int16, int32, uint16, uint16/100) ownrecv clsend;
dclass DistributedCartesianGrid : DistributedNode {
setCellWidth(uint32) required broadcast ram;
setParentingRules(string, string) broadcast ram;
struct Fixture {
int32/10 x;
int32/10 y;
int32/10 z;
int16/10 h;
int16/10 p;
int16/10 r;
string state;
dclass DistributedCamera : DistributedNode {
setCamParent(uint32) required broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setFixtures(Fixture []) required broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
struct TalkModification {
uint16 offset;
uint16 size;
dclass TalkPath_owner {
setTalk(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) broadcast ownsend;
dclass TalkPath_whisper {
setTalkWhisper(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) ownrecv clsend;
dclass TalkPath_group {
setTalkGroup(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) clsend airecv;
dclass TalkPath_account {
setTalkAccount(DoId toAcc, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) msg, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) airecv clsend;
dclass AvatarHandle : TalkPath_whisper {
dclass DistributedAvatar : DistributedSmoothNode, TalkPath_whisper {
string DcObjectType db;
setName(string = "[Name not set]") required broadcast db airecv;
friendsNotify(DoId avId, int8 status) ownrecv airecv;
checkAvOnShard(DoId) clsend airecv;
confirmAvOnShard(DoId avId, int8 isOnShard);
setTalk(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) broadcast;
struct FriendEntry {
uint32 friendId;
uint8 friendType;
dclass DistributedPlayer : DistributedAvatar {
arrivedOnDistrict(DoId districtId) ownrecv ram;
setAccountName(string name = "") required ownrecv db;
setWhisperSCFrom(DoId fromAv, uint16 msgIndex) ownrecv clsend;
setWhisperSCCustomFrom(DoId fromAv, uint16 msgIndex) ownrecv clsend;
setWhisperSCEmoteFrom(DoId fromAv, uint16 emoteId) ownrecv clsend;
setSystemMessage(DoId aboutId, string(0-256) chatString) ownrecv;
setCommonChatFlags(uint8) broadcast ownrecv ram airecv;
setWhitelistChatFlags(uint8) broadcast ownrecv ram airecv;
setSC(uint16 msgIndex) broadcast ownsend airecv;
setSCCustom(uint16 msgIndex) broadcast ownsend airecv;
setFriendsList(FriendEntry[] = []) ownrecv required db airecv;
setDISLname(string) broadcast ownrecv ram;
setDISLid(uint32 = 0) broadcast ownrecv ram db airecv required;
WishName(string = "") db ram;
WishNameState(string = "OPEN") db ram;
setPreviousAccess(uint8 = 0) required db airecv;
setAccess(uint8 = 2) broadcast ownrecv required ram airecv;
setAdminAccess(uint16 = 0) broadcast ownrecv required airecv;
setAsGM(bool = 0) required ram broadcast ownrecv airecv;
dclass MagicWordManager : DistributedObject {
sendMagicWord(string, uint32) airecv clsend;
dclass ChatAgent : DistributedObject {
adminChat(uint32, string);
chatMessage(string(0-256)) clsend;
dclass FriendManager : DistributedObject {
friendQuery(int32) airecv clsend;
cancelFriendQuery(int32) airecv clsend;
inviteeFriendConsidering(int8, int32) airecv clsend;
inviteeFriendResponse(int8, int32) airecv clsend;
inviteeAcknowledgeCancel(int32) airecv clsend;
friendConsidering(int8, int32);
friendResponse(int8, int32);
inviteeFriendQuery(int32, string, blob, int32);
requestSecret() airecv clsend;
requestSecretResponse(int8, string);
submitSecret(string(0-256)) airecv clsend;
submitSecretResponse(int8, int32);
struct FriendInfo {
string avatarName;
uint32 avatarId;
string playerName;
uint8 onlineYesNo;
uint8 openChatEnabledYesNo;
uint8 openChatFriendshipYesNo;
uint8 wlChatEnabledYesNo;
string location;
string sublocation;
uint32 timestamp;
struct AvatarFriendInfo {
string avatarName;
string playerName;
uint32 playerId;
uint8 onlineYesNo;
uint8 openChatEnabledYesNo;
uint8 openChatFriendshipYesNo;
uint8 wlChatEnabledYesNo;
struct MemberInfo {
uint32 avatarId;
string avatarName;
uint8 avatarRank;
uint8 avatarOnline;
uint32 bandManagerId;
uint32 bandId;
struct leaderBoardRecordResponces {
char found;
uint32 id;
string text;
int32 value;
struct leaderBoardRecord {
uint32 id;
string text;
int32 value;
dclass LeaderBoardReceiver {
getTopTenResponce(string, leaderBoardRecord []);
getValuesResponce(string, leaderBoardRecordResponces []);
dclass LeaderBoard : LeaderBoardReceiver {
setValue(string [], uint32, string, int32);
alterValue(string [], uint32, string, int32);
setHighScore(string [], uint32, string, int32);
getValues(string, uint32 []);
getValuesRespondTo(string, uint32 [], uint32);
getTopTenRespondTo(string, uint32);
dclass GuildManager : DistributedObject, LeaderBoardReceiver, TalkPath_group {
guildRejectInvite(uint32, uint32);
invitationFrom(uint32, string, uint32, string);
requestInvite(uint32) airecv clsend;
memberList() airecv clsend;
createGuild() airecv clsend;
acceptInvite() airecv clsend;
declineInvite() airecv clsend;
setWantName(string(0-256)) airecv clsend;
removeMember(uint32) airecv clsend;
changeRank(uint32, uint8) airecv clsend;
changeRankAvocate(uint32) airecv clsend;
statusRequest() airecv clsend;
requestLeaderboardTopTen() airecv clsend;
guildStatusUpdate(uint32, string(0-256), uint8);
guildNameChange(string, uint8);
updateRep(uint32, uint32);
leaderboardTopTen(leaderBoardRecord []);
recvAvatarOnline(uint32, string, uint32, uint32);
recvAvatarOffline(uint32, string);
sendChat(string(0-256), uint8, uint32) airecv clsend;
sendWLChat(string(0-256), uint8, uint32) airecv clsend;
sendSC(uint16) airecv clsend;
sendSCQuest(uint16, uint16, uint16) airecv clsend;
recvChat(uint32, string, uint8, uint32);
recvWLChat(uint32, string, uint8, uint32);
recvSC(uint32, uint16);
recvSCQuest(uint32, uint16, uint16, uint16);
sendTokenRequest() airecv clsend;
recvTokenInviteValue(string, int8);
sendTokenForJoinRequest(string(0-256), string(0-256)) airecv clsend;
sendTokenRValue(string(0-256), int8) airecv clsend;
sendPermToken() airecv clsend;
sendNonPermTokenCount() airecv clsend;
sendClearTokens(uint8) airecv clsend;
sendAvatarBandId(uint32, uint32, uint32);
recvMemberAdded(MemberInfo, uint32, string);
recvMemberRemoved(uint32, uint32, string, string);
recvMemberUpdateName(uint32, string);
recvMemberUpdateRank(uint32, uint32, string, string, uint8, bool);
recvMemberUpdateBandId(uint32, uint32, uint32);
avatarOnline(uint32, uint16);
reflectTeleportQuery(uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32) clsend airecv;
teleportQuery(uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32);
reflectTeleportResponse(uint32, int8, uint32, uint32, uint32) clsend airecv;
teleportResponse(uint32, int8, uint32, uint32, uint32);
requestGuildMatesList(uint32, uint32, uint32);
updateAvatarName(uint32, string);
dclass AvatarFriendsManager : DistributedObject {
requestInvite(uint32) airecv clsend;
friendConsidering(uint32) airecv clsend;
invitationFrom(uint32, string);
rejectInvite(uint32, uint32);
requestRemove(uint32) airecv clsend;
rejectRemove(uint32, uint32);
updateAvatarFriend(uint32, AvatarFriendInfo);
updateAvatarName(uint32, string);
avatarOnline(uint32, uint32, string, bool, bool, string, string);
dclass PlayerFriendsManager : DistributedObject, TalkPath_account {
requestInvite(uint32, uint32, uint8) airecv clsend;
invitationFrom(uint32, string);
invitationResponse(uint32, uint16, uint32);
requestDecline(uint32, uint32) airecv clsend;
requestDeclineWithReason(uint32, uint32, uint32) airecv clsend;
requestRemove(uint32, uint32) airecv clsend;
updatePlayerFriend(uint32, FriendInfo, uint8);
dclass CentralLogger : DistributedObject {
sendMessage(string(0-256), string(0-1024), uint32, uint32) clsend;
logAIGarbage() airecv;
dclass CallbackObject {
callback(uint32, bool, uint8);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ want-rpc-server #f
rpc-server-endpoint http://localhost:8080/
# DClass files (in reverse order):
dc-file astron/dclass/toon.dc
dc-file astron/dclass/otp.dc
dc-file astron/dclass/united.dc
# Core features:
want-pets #t
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from direct.gui import DirectGui
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
from toontown.toon import Toon
from direct.fsm import State
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
import MegaCorpInterior
import FactoryExterior
import FactoryInterior
@ -91,6 +92,14 @@ class SellbotCogHQLoader(CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader):
self.botcam1 = Actor("phase_9/models/char/BotCam-zero.bam",{"botcamneutral":"phase_9/models/char/BotCam-neutral.bam"})
self.botcam2 = Actor("phase_9/models/char/BotCam-zero.bam",{"botcamneutral":"phase_9/models/char/BotCam-neutral.bam"})
elif zoneId == ToontownGlobals.SellbotFactoryExt:
self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.factoryExteriorModelPath)
factoryLinkTunnel = self.geom.find('**/tunnel_group2')
Reference in a new issue