mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 17:53:50 +00:00
Tweaks: SBHQ Cameras, and merged otp.dc and toon.dc into the same file.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 3812 additions and 3804 deletions
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ daemon:
- ../dclass/otp.dc
- ../dclass/united.dc
- ../dclass/toon.dc
@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
from direct.distributed import DistributedObject/AI/UD
from direct.distributed import DistributedNode/AI/UD
from direct.distributed import DistributedSmoothNode/AI
from direct.distributed import DistributedCartesianGrid/AI
from direct.distributed import DistributedCamera/AI/OV
from otp.distributed import Account/AI/UD
from otp.ai import TimeManager/AI
from otp.ai import MagicWordManager/AI
from otp.avatar import DistributedAvatar/AI/UD
from otp.avatar import DistributedPlayer/AI
from otp.friends import FriendManager/AI
from otp.friends import AvatarFriendsManager/UD
from otp.friends import PlayerFriendsManager/UD
from otp.friends import GuildManager/AI/UD
from otp.friends import FriendInfo
from otp.friends import AvatarFriendInfo
from otp.distributed import ObjectServer/AI/UD
from otp.distributed import DistributedDistrict/AI/UD
from otp.distributed import DistributedDirectory/AI
from otp.distributed import DistributedTestObject/AI
from otp.chat import ChatAgent/UD
from otp.distributed import CentralLogger/AI/UD
from otp.avatar import AvatarHandle
typedef uint8 bool;
typedef uint32 DoId;
typedef DoId DoIdList[];
struct AvatarPendingDel {
uint32 Avatar;
uint32 date;
dclass Account {
string DcObjectType db;
uint32 ACCOUNT_AV_SET[] required db;
uint32 ESTATE_ID db;
AvatarPendingDel ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL[] db;
string CREATED db;
string LAST_LOGIN db;
string ACCOUNT_ID db;
uint16 ACCESS_LEVEL db;
uint32 MONEY db;
struct BarrierData {
uint16 context;
string name;
DoIdList avIds;
dclass DistributedObject {
setBarrierData(BarrierData []) broadcast ram;
setBarrierReady(uint16 barrierContext) airecv clsend;
execCommand(string command, DoId magicWordMgr,
DoId avatar, uint32 zoneId);
broadcastMessage() broadcast;
dclass DistributedTestObject : DistributedObject {
uint32 AutoInterest[];
setParentingRules(string, string) broadcast ram;
setRequiredField(uint32) required broadcast ram;
setB(uint32) broadcast;
setBA(uint32) broadcast airecv;
setBO(uint32) broadcast ownsend;
setBR(uint32) broadcast ram;
setBRA(uint32) broadcast ram airecv;
setBRO(uint32) broadcast ram ownsend;
setBROA(uint32) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
struct OSInfo {
string name;
int16 platform;
int16 major;
int16 minor;
struct CPUSpeed {
int32/1000 maxSpeed;
int32/1000 currentSpeed;
dclass TimeManager : DistributedObject {
requestServerTime(uint8 context) airecv clsend;
serverTime(uint8 context, int32 timestap, uint32 timeOfDay);
setDisconnectReason(uint8) airecv clsend;
setExceptionInfo(string(0-1024)) airecv clsend;
setSignature(string(0-1024) signature, char prcHash[16],
char pycHash[16]) airecv clsend;
setFrameRate(uint16/10 fps, uint16/1000 deviation, uint16 numAvatars,
string(0-256) locationCode, uint32/10 timeInLocation,
uint32/10 timeInGame, string(0-256) gameOptionsCode,
uint16 vendorId, uint16 deviceId, uint32/10 processMemory,
uint32/10 pageFileUsage, uint32/10 physicalMemory,
uint32 pageFaultCount, OSInfo, CPUSpeed, uint16 cpuCores,
uint16 logicalCPUs, string(0-256) apiName) airecv clsend;
setCpuInfo(string(0-1024) infoStr, string cacheStatus) airecv clsend;
checkForGarbageLeaks(bool) airecv clsend;
setClientGarbageLeak(uint32, string(0-1024)) airecv clsend;
checkAvOnDistrict(uint32 context, DoId avatar) clsend airecv;
checkAvOnDistrictResult(uint32 context, DoId av, bool isOnDistrict);
dclass ObjectServer {
setName(string) airecv ram required;
setDcHash(uint32) ram required;
setDateCreated(uint32) airecv;
dclass DistributedDirectory : DistributedObject {
setParentingRules(string, string) broadcast ram;
dclass DistributedDistrict : DistributedObject {
setName(string) required broadcast ram;
setAvailable(uint8) required broadcast ram;
dclass DistributedNode : DistributedObject {
setParentStr(blob) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setParent(uint32) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setX(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setY(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setZ(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setH(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setP(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setR(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setPos : setX, setY, setZ;
setHpr : setH, setP, setR;
setPosHpr : setX, setY, setZ, setH, setP, setR;
setXY : setX, setY;
setXZ : setX, setZ;
setXYH : setX, setY, setH;
setXYZH : setX, setY, setZ, setH;
dclass DistributedSmoothNode : DistributedNode {
setComponentL(uint64) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentX(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentY(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentZ(int16/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentH(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentP(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentR(int16%360/10) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setComponentT(int16) broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setSmStop : setComponentT;
setSmH : setComponentH, setComponentT;
setSmZ : setComponentZ, setComponentT;
setSmXY : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentT;
setSmXZ : setComponentX, setComponentZ, setComponentT;
setSmPos : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentT;
setSmHpr : setComponentH, setComponentP, setComponentR, setComponentT;
setSmXYH : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentH, setComponentT;
setSmXYZH : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentH, setComponentT;
setSmPosHpr : setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentH, setComponentP, setComponentR, setComponentT;
setSmPosHprL : setComponentL, setComponentX, setComponentY, setComponentZ, setComponentH, setComponentP, setComponentR, setComponentT;
clearSmoothing(int8) broadcast ownsend;
suggestResync(uint32, int16, int16, int32, uint16, uint16/100) ownrecv clsend;
returnResync(uint32, int16, int32, uint16, uint16/100) ownrecv clsend;
dclass DistributedCartesianGrid : DistributedNode {
setCellWidth(uint32) required broadcast ram;
setParentingRules(string, string) broadcast ram;
struct Fixture {
int32/10 x;
int32/10 y;
int32/10 z;
int16/10 h;
int16/10 p;
int16/10 r;
string state;
dclass DistributedCamera : DistributedNode {
setCamParent(uint32) required broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
setFixtures(Fixture []) required broadcast ram ownsend airecv;
struct TalkModification {
uint16 offset;
uint16 size;
dclass TalkPath_owner {
setTalk(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) broadcast ownsend;
dclass TalkPath_whisper {
setTalkWhisper(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) ownrecv clsend;
dclass TalkPath_group {
setTalkGroup(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) clsend airecv;
dclass TalkPath_account {
setTalkAccount(DoId toAcc, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) msg, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) airecv clsend;
dclass AvatarHandle : TalkPath_whisper {
dclass DistributedAvatar : DistributedSmoothNode, TalkPath_whisper {
string DcObjectType db;
setName(string = "[Name not set]") required broadcast db airecv;
friendsNotify(DoId avId, int8 status) ownrecv airecv;
checkAvOnShard(DoId) clsend airecv;
confirmAvOnShard(DoId avId, int8 isOnShard);
setTalk(DoId fromAv, DoId fromAcc, string(0-256) avName,
string(0-400) chat, TalkModification [], uint8 flags) broadcast;
struct FriendEntry {
uint32 friendId;
uint8 friendType;
dclass DistributedPlayer : DistributedAvatar {
arrivedOnDistrict(DoId districtId) ownrecv ram;
setAccountName(string name = "") required ownrecv db;
setWhisperSCFrom(DoId fromAv, uint16 msgIndex) ownrecv clsend;
setWhisperSCCustomFrom(DoId fromAv, uint16 msgIndex) ownrecv clsend;
setWhisperSCEmoteFrom(DoId fromAv, uint16 emoteId) ownrecv clsend;
setSystemMessage(DoId aboutId, string(0-256) chatString) ownrecv;
setCommonChatFlags(uint8) broadcast ownrecv ram airecv;
setWhitelistChatFlags(uint8) broadcast ownrecv ram airecv;
setSC(uint16 msgIndex) broadcast ownsend airecv;
setSCCustom(uint16 msgIndex) broadcast ownsend airecv;
setFriendsList(FriendEntry[] = []) ownrecv required db airecv;
setDISLname(string) broadcast ownrecv ram;
setDISLid(uint32 = 0) broadcast ownrecv ram db airecv required;
WishName(string = "") db ram;
WishNameState(string = "OPEN") db ram;
setPreviousAccess(uint8 = 0) required db airecv;
setAccess(uint8 = 2) broadcast ownrecv required ram airecv;
setAdminAccess(uint16 = 0) broadcast ownrecv required airecv;
setAsGM(bool = 0) required ram broadcast ownrecv airecv;
dclass MagicWordManager : DistributedObject {
sendMagicWord(string, uint32) airecv clsend;
dclass ChatAgent : DistributedObject {
adminChat(uint32, string);
chatMessage(string(0-256)) clsend;
dclass FriendManager : DistributedObject {
friendQuery(int32) airecv clsend;
cancelFriendQuery(int32) airecv clsend;
inviteeFriendConsidering(int8, int32) airecv clsend;
inviteeFriendResponse(int8, int32) airecv clsend;
inviteeAcknowledgeCancel(int32) airecv clsend;
friendConsidering(int8, int32);
friendResponse(int8, int32);
inviteeFriendQuery(int32, string, blob, int32);
requestSecret() airecv clsend;
requestSecretResponse(int8, string);
submitSecret(string(0-256)) airecv clsend;
submitSecretResponse(int8, int32);
struct FriendInfo {
string avatarName;
uint32 avatarId;
string playerName;
uint8 onlineYesNo;
uint8 openChatEnabledYesNo;
uint8 openChatFriendshipYesNo;
uint8 wlChatEnabledYesNo;
string location;
string sublocation;
uint32 timestamp;
struct AvatarFriendInfo {
string avatarName;
string playerName;
uint32 playerId;
uint8 onlineYesNo;
uint8 openChatEnabledYesNo;
uint8 openChatFriendshipYesNo;
uint8 wlChatEnabledYesNo;
struct MemberInfo {
uint32 avatarId;
string avatarName;
uint8 avatarRank;
uint8 avatarOnline;
uint32 bandManagerId;
uint32 bandId;
struct leaderBoardRecordResponces {
char found;
uint32 id;
string text;
int32 value;
struct leaderBoardRecord {
uint32 id;
string text;
int32 value;
dclass LeaderBoardReceiver {
getTopTenResponce(string, leaderBoardRecord []);
getValuesResponce(string, leaderBoardRecordResponces []);
dclass LeaderBoard : LeaderBoardReceiver {
setValue(string [], uint32, string, int32);
alterValue(string [], uint32, string, int32);
setHighScore(string [], uint32, string, int32);
getValues(string, uint32 []);
getValuesRespondTo(string, uint32 [], uint32);
getTopTenRespondTo(string, uint32);
dclass GuildManager : DistributedObject, LeaderBoardReceiver, TalkPath_group {
guildRejectInvite(uint32, uint32);
invitationFrom(uint32, string, uint32, string);
requestInvite(uint32) airecv clsend;
memberList() airecv clsend;
createGuild() airecv clsend;
acceptInvite() airecv clsend;
declineInvite() airecv clsend;
setWantName(string(0-256)) airecv clsend;
removeMember(uint32) airecv clsend;
changeRank(uint32, uint8) airecv clsend;
changeRankAvocate(uint32) airecv clsend;
statusRequest() airecv clsend;
requestLeaderboardTopTen() airecv clsend;
guildStatusUpdate(uint32, string(0-256), uint8);
guildNameChange(string, uint8);
updateRep(uint32, uint32);
leaderboardTopTen(leaderBoardRecord []);
recvAvatarOnline(uint32, string, uint32, uint32);
recvAvatarOffline(uint32, string);
sendChat(string(0-256), uint8, uint32) airecv clsend;
sendWLChat(string(0-256), uint8, uint32) airecv clsend;
sendSC(uint16) airecv clsend;
sendSCQuest(uint16, uint16, uint16) airecv clsend;
recvChat(uint32, string, uint8, uint32);
recvWLChat(uint32, string, uint8, uint32);
recvSC(uint32, uint16);
recvSCQuest(uint32, uint16, uint16, uint16);
sendTokenRequest() airecv clsend;
recvTokenInviteValue(string, int8);
sendTokenForJoinRequest(string(0-256), string(0-256)) airecv clsend;
sendTokenRValue(string(0-256), int8) airecv clsend;
sendPermToken() airecv clsend;
sendNonPermTokenCount() airecv clsend;
sendClearTokens(uint8) airecv clsend;
sendAvatarBandId(uint32, uint32, uint32);
recvMemberAdded(MemberInfo, uint32, string);
recvMemberRemoved(uint32, uint32, string, string);
recvMemberUpdateName(uint32, string);
recvMemberUpdateRank(uint32, uint32, string, string, uint8, bool);
recvMemberUpdateBandId(uint32, uint32, uint32);
avatarOnline(uint32, uint16);
reflectTeleportQuery(uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32) clsend airecv;
teleportQuery(uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32);
reflectTeleportResponse(uint32, int8, uint32, uint32, uint32) clsend airecv;
teleportResponse(uint32, int8, uint32, uint32, uint32);
requestGuildMatesList(uint32, uint32, uint32);
updateAvatarName(uint32, string);
dclass AvatarFriendsManager : DistributedObject {
requestInvite(uint32) airecv clsend;
friendConsidering(uint32) airecv clsend;
invitationFrom(uint32, string);
rejectInvite(uint32, uint32);
requestRemove(uint32) airecv clsend;
rejectRemove(uint32, uint32);
updateAvatarFriend(uint32, AvatarFriendInfo);
updateAvatarName(uint32, string);
avatarOnline(uint32, uint32, string, bool, bool, string, string);
dclass PlayerFriendsManager : DistributedObject, TalkPath_account {
requestInvite(uint32, uint32, uint8) airecv clsend;
invitationFrom(uint32, string);
invitationResponse(uint32, uint16, uint32);
requestDecline(uint32, uint32) airecv clsend;
requestDeclineWithReason(uint32, uint32, uint32) airecv clsend;
requestRemove(uint32, uint32) airecv clsend;
updatePlayerFriend(uint32, FriendInfo, uint8);
dclass CentralLogger : DistributedObject {
sendMessage(string(0-256), string(0-1024), uint32, uint32) clsend;
logAIGarbage() airecv;
dclass CallbackObject {
callback(uint32, bool, uint8);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ want-rpc-server #f
rpc-server-endpoint http://localhost:8080/
rpc-server-endpoint http://localhost:8080/
# DClass files (in reverse order):
# DClass files (in reverse order):
dc-file astron/dclass/toon.dc
dc-file astron/dclass/united.dc
dc-file astron/dclass/otp.dc
# Core features:
# Core features:
want-pets #t
want-pets #t
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from direct.gui import DirectGui
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
from toontown.toon import Toon
from toontown.toon import Toon
from direct.fsm import State
from direct.fsm import State
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
import MegaCorpInterior
import MegaCorpInterior
import FactoryExterior
import FactoryExterior
import FactoryInterior
import FactoryInterior
@ -91,6 +92,14 @@ class SellbotCogHQLoader(CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader):
self.botcam1 = Actor("phase_9/models/char/BotCam-zero.bam",{"botcamneutral":"phase_9/models/char/BotCam-neutral.bam"})
self.botcam2 = Actor("phase_9/models/char/BotCam-zero.bam",{"botcamneutral":"phase_9/models/char/BotCam-neutral.bam"})
elif zoneId == ToontownGlobals.SellbotFactoryExt:
elif zoneId == ToontownGlobals.SellbotFactoryExt:
self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.factoryExteriorModelPath)
self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.factoryExteriorModelPath)
factoryLinkTunnel = self.geom.find('**/tunnel_group2')
factoryLinkTunnel = self.geom.find('**/tunnel_group2')
Reference in a new issue