Welcome to Poodletooth i-Land!

This is a open-source Toontown Private Server. Fork it, or just play!

Our Philosophy

We believe people should learn how to code & troubleshoot. That's why we made it open source. We also did that to encourage team work & sharing. Fork it or contribute to it. Download to get started.

Instructions to start your server

  1. Install Panda3d (Included)
  2. Goto /dev/
  3. Find the .BAT files
  4. Start astron
  5. Start uberdog
  6. Start AI
  7. Start the game
  8. Choose localhost if on the server itself or 7.1. Choose Remote Server if on another computer 7.1.2 Enter IP
  9. Log in & enjoy

Authors and Contributors

@sparksammy is the owner of Poodletooth iLand & his IGN is Poodletooth.