"""OnscreenText module: contains the OnscreenText class""" __all__ = ['OnscreenText', 'Plain', 'ScreenTitle', 'ScreenPrompt', 'NameConfirm', 'BlackOnWhite'] from pandac.PandaModules import * import DirectGuiGlobals as DGG from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject import string,types ## These are the styles of text we might commonly see. They set the ## overall appearance of the text according to one of a number of ## pre-canned styles. You can further customize the appearance of the ## text by specifying individual parameters as well. Plain = 1 ScreenTitle = 2 ScreenPrompt = 3 NameConfirm = 4 BlackOnWhite = 5 class OnscreenText(DirectObject, NodePath): def __init__(self, text = '', style = Plain, pos = (0, 0), roll = 0, scale = None, fg = None, bg = None, shadow = None, shadowOffset = (0.04, 0.04), frame = None, align = None, wordwrap = None, drawOrder = None, decal = 0, font = None, parent = None, sort = 0, mayChange = True): """ Make a text node from string, put it into the 2d sg and set it up with all the indicated parameters. The parameters are as follows: text: the actual text to display. This may be omitted and specified later via setText() if you don't have it available, but it is better to specify it up front. style: one of the pre-canned style parameters defined at the head of this file. This sets up the default values for many of the remaining parameters if they are unspecified; however, a parameter may still be specified to explicitly set it, overriding the pre-canned style. pos: the x, y position of the text on the screen. scale: the size of the text. This may either be a single float (and it will usually be a small number like 0.07) or it may be a 2-tuple of floats, specifying a different x, y scale. fg: the (r, g, b, a) foreground color of the text. This is normally a 4-tuple of floats or ints. bg: the (r, g, b, a) background color of the text. If the fourth value, a, is nonzero, a card is created to place behind the text and set to the given color. shadow: the (r, g, b, a) color of the shadow behind the text. If the fourth value, a, is nonzero, a little drop shadow is created and placed behind the text. frame: the (r, g, b, a) color of the frame drawn around the text. If the fourth value, a, is nonzero, a frame is created around the text. align: one of TextNode.ALeft, TextNode.ARight, or TextNode.ACenter. wordwrap: either the width to wordwrap the text at, or None to specify no automatic word wrapping. drawOrder: the drawing order of this text with respect to all other things in the 'fixed' bin within render2d. The text will actually use drawOrder through drawOrder + 2. decal: if this is True, the text is decalled onto its background card. Useful when the text will be parented into the 3-D scene graph. font: the font to use for the text. parent: the NodePath to parent the text to initially. mayChange: pass true if the text or its properties may need to be changed at runtime, false if it is static once created (which leads to better memory optimization). """ if parent == None: parent = aspect2d # make a text node textNode = TextNode('') self.textNode = textNode # We ARE a node path. Initially, we're an empty node path. NodePath.__init__(self) # Choose the default parameters according to the selected # style. if style == Plain: scale = scale or 0.07 fg = fg or (0, 0, 0, 1) bg = bg or (0, 0, 0, 0) shadow = shadow or (0, 0, 0, 0) frame = frame or (0, 0, 0, 0) if align == None: align = TextNode.ACenter elif style == ScreenTitle: scale = scale or 0.15 fg = fg or (1, 0.2, 0.2, 1) bg = bg or (0, 0, 0, 0) shadow = shadow or (0, 0, 0, 1) frame = frame or (0, 0, 0, 0) if align == None: align = TextNode.ACenter elif style == ScreenPrompt: scale = scale or 0.1 fg = fg or (1, 1, 0, 1) bg = bg or (0, 0, 0, 0) shadow = shadow or (0, 0, 0, 1) frame = frame or (0, 0, 0, 0) if align == None: align = TextNode.ACenter elif style == NameConfirm: scale = scale or 0.1 fg = fg or (0, 1, 0, 1) bg = bg or (0, 0, 0, 0) shadow = shadow or (0, 0, 0, 0) frame = frame or (0, 0, 0, 0) if align == None: align = TextNode.ACenter elif style == BlackOnWhite: scale = scale or 0.1 fg = fg or (0, 0, 0, 1) bg = bg or (1, 1, 1, 1) shadow = shadow or (0, 0, 0, 0) frame = frame or (0, 0, 0, 0) if align == None: align = TextNode.ACenter else: raise ValueError if not isinstance(scale, types.TupleType): # If the scale is already a tuple, it's a 2-d (x, y) scale. # Otherwise, it's a uniform scale--make it a tuple. scale = (scale, scale) # Save some of the parameters for posterity. self.scale = scale self.pos = pos self.roll = roll self.wordwrap = wordwrap if decal: textNode.setCardDecal(1) if font == None: font = DGG.getDefaultFont() textNode.setFont(font) textNode.setTextColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2], fg[3]) textNode.setAlign(align) if wordwrap: textNode.setWordwrap(wordwrap) if bg[3] != 0: # If we have a background color, create a card. textNode.setCardColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2], bg[3]) textNode.setCardAsMargin(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) if shadow[3] != 0: # If we have a shadow color, create a shadow. # Can't use the *shadow interface because it might be a VBase4. #textNode.setShadowColor(*shadow) textNode.setShadowColor(shadow[0], shadow[1], shadow[2], shadow[3]) textNode.setShadow(*shadowOffset) if frame[3] != 0: # If we have a frame color, create a frame. textNode.setFrameColor(frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], frame[3]) textNode.setFrameAsMargin(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) # Create a transform for the text for our scale and position. # We'd rather do it here, on the text itself, rather than on # our NodePath, so we have one fewer transforms in the scene # graph. self.updateTransformMat() if drawOrder != None: textNode.setBin('fixed') textNode.setDrawOrder(drawOrder) self.setText(text) if not text: # If we don't have any text, assume we'll be changing it later. self.mayChange = 1 else: self.mayChange = mayChange # Ok, now update the node. if not self.mayChange: # If we aren't going to change the text later, we can # throw away the TextNode. self.textNode = textNode.generate() self.isClean = 0 # Set ourselves up as the NodePath that points to this node. self.assign(parent.attachNewNode(self.textNode, sort)) def cleanup(self): self.textNode = None if self.isClean == 0: self.isClean = 1 self.removeNode() def destroy(self): self.cleanup() def freeze(self): pass def thaw(self): pass # Allow changing of several of the parameters after the text has # been created. These should be used with caution; it is better # to set all the parameters up front. These functions are # primarily intended for interactive placement of the initial # text, and for those rare occasions when you actually want to # change a text's property after it has been created. def setDecal(self, decal): self.textNode.setCardDecal(decal) def getDecal(self): return self.textNode.getCardDecal() def setFont(self, font): self.textNode.setFont(font) def getFont(self): return self.textNode.getFont() def clearText(self): self.textNode.clearText() def setText(self, text): self.unicodeText = isinstance(text, types.UnicodeType) if self.unicodeText: self.textNode.setWtext(text) else: self.textNode.setText(text) def appendText(self, text): if isinstance(text, types.UnicodeType): self.unicodeText = 1 if self.unicodeText: self.textNode.appendWtext(text) else: self.textNode.appendText(text) def getText(self): if self.unicodeText: return self.textNode.getWtext() else: return self.textNode.getText() def setX(self, x): self.setPos(x, self.pos[1]) def setY(self, y): self.setPos(self.pos[0], y) def setPos(self, x, y): """setPos(self, float, float) Position the onscreen text in 2d screen space """ self.pos = (x, y) self.updateTransformMat() def getPos(self): return self.pos def setRoll(self, roll): """setRoll(self, float) Rotate the onscreen text around the screen's normal """ self.roll = roll self.updateTransformMat() def getRoll(self): return self.roll def setScale(self, sx, sy = None): """setScale(self, float, float) Scale the text in 2d space. You may specify either a single uniform scale, or two scales, or a tuple of two scales. """ if sy == None: if isinstance(sx, types.TupleType): self.scale = sx else: self.scale = (sx, sx) else: self.scale = (sx, sy) self.updateTransformMat() def updateTransformMat(self): assert(isinstance(self.textNode, TextNode)) mat = ( Mat4.scaleMat(Vec3.rfu(self.scale[0], 1, self.scale[1])) * Mat4.rotateMat(self.roll, Vec3.back()) * Mat4.translateMat(Point3.rfu(self.pos[0], 0, self.pos[1])) ) self.textNode.setTransform(mat) def getScale(self): return self.scale def setWordwrap(self, wordwrap): self.wordwrap = wordwrap if wordwrap: self.textNode.setWordwrap(wordwrap) else: self.textNode.clearWordwrap() def getWordwrap(self): return self.wordwrap def setFg(self, fg): self.textNode.setTextColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2], fg[3]) def setBg(self, bg): if bg[3] != 0: # If we have a background color, create a card. self.textNode.setCardColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2], bg[3]) self.textNode.setCardAsMargin(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) else: # Otherwise, remove the card. self.textNode.clearCard() def setShadow(self, shadow): if shadow[3] != 0: # If we have a shadow color, create a shadow. self.textNode.setShadowColor(shadow[0], shadow[1], shadow[2], shadow[3]) self.textNode.setShadow(0.04, 0.04) else: # Otherwise, remove the shadow. self.textNode.clearShadow() def setFrame(self, frame): if frame[3] != 0: # If we have a frame color, create a frame. self.textNode.setFrameColor(frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], frame[3]) self.textNode.setFrameAsMargin(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) else: # Otherwise, remove the frame. self.textNode.clearFrame() def configure(self, option=None, **kw): # These is for compatibility with DirectGui functions if not self.mayChange: print 'OnscreenText.configure: mayChange == 0' return for option, value in kw.items(): # Use option string to access setter function try: setter = getattr(self, 'set' + option[0].upper() + option[1:]) if setter == self.setPos: setter(value[0], value[1]) else: setter(value) except AttributeError: print 'OnscreenText.configure: invalid option:', option # Allow index style references def __setitem__(self, key, value): apply(self.configure, (), {key: value}) def cget(self, option): # Get current configuration setting. # This is for compatibility with DirectGui functions getter = getattr(self, 'get' + option[0].upper() + option[1:]) return getter() def setAlign(self, align): self.textNode.setAlign(align) # Allow index style refererences __getitem__ = cget