""" This module implements genPyCode, which is itself a generated script with a few default parameters filled in. This module allows the user to specify alternate parameters on the command line. """ import getopt import sys import os import glob import types import time from direct.ffi import FFIConstants # Define a help string for the user helpString =""" genPyCode -h genPyCode genPyCode [opts] -i libdtoolconfig libcode1 libcode2 ... This script generates Python wrappers to interface with the C++ libraries that have already been run through interrogate. It is necessary to run this script after building the Panda tools for the first time, or after any major change in which some of the interface may have changed. The default options are baked into genPyCode by ppremake and need not be specified. However, it is possible to override these on the command line if you need to fine-tune the behavior of genPyCode for some reason. Most often, the only needed change will be to add one or more additional libraries to the list of libraries instrumented by default. Options: -h print this message -v verbose -d generate HTML documentation too -C dir directory to write output code -H dir directory to write output HTML -x dir directory to pull extension code from -i lib interrogate library -e dir directory to search for *.in files (may be repeated) -p dir directory to search for Python source files (may be repeated) -r remove the default library list; instrument only named libraries -O no C++ comments or assertion statements -n Don't use squeezeTool to squeeze the result into one .pyz file -s Don't delete source files after squeezing Any additional names listed on the command line are taken to be names of libraries that are to be instrumented. """ HTMLHeader = """ <html> <head> <title>Panda3D documentation generated %s</title> </head> <body> """ HTMLFooter = """ </body> </html> """ # Initialize variables outputCodeDir = '' outputHTMLDir = '' directDir = '' extensionsDir = '' interrogateLib = '' codeLibs = [] etcPath = [] pythonSourcePath = [] doSqueeze = True deleteSourceAfterSqueeze = True doHTML = False native = False # This is set by genPyCode.py def doGetopts(): global outputCodeDir global outputHTMLDir global extensionsDir global interrogateLib global codeLibs global doSqueeze global deleteSourceAfterSqueeze global doHTML global etcPath global pythonSourcePath # These options are allowed but are flagged as warnings (they are # deprecated with the new genPyCode script): # -g adds libgateway # -t adds libtoontown # -p adds libpirates # -o adds libopt FFIConstants.notify.setDebug(0) FFIConstants.notify.setInfo(0) # Extract the args the user passed in try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvdOC:H:x:Ni:e:p:rns') except e: # User passed in a bad option, print the error and the help, then exit print(e) print(helpString) sys.exit() # Store the option values into our variables for opt in opts: flag, value = opt if (flag == '-h'): print(helpString) sys.exit() elif (flag == '-v'): if not FFIConstants.notify.getInfo(): FFIConstants.notify.setInfo(1) else: FFIConstants.notify.setDebug(1) elif (flag == '-d'): doHTML = True elif (flag == '-C'): outputCodeDir = value elif (flag == '-H'): outputHTMLDir = value elif (flag == '-x'): extensionsDir = value elif (flag == '-i'): interrogateLib = value elif (flag == '-e'): etcPath.append(value) elif (flag == '-p'): pythonSourcePath.append(value) elif (flag == '-r'): codeLibs = [] elif (flag == '-O'): FFIConstants.wantComments = 0 FFIConstants.wantTypeChecking = 0 elif (flag == '-n'): doSqueeze = False elif (flag == '-s'): deleteSourceAfterSqueeze = False else: FFIConstants.notify.error('illegal option: ' + flag) # Check for old, no-longer-used parameter: invalidParameters = [ 'linux', 'win-debug', 'win-release', 'win-publish', 'install', 'release' ] if pargs and pargs[0] in invalidParameters: FFIConstants.notify.warning("parameter is deprecated: %s" % (pargs[0])) del pargs[0] # Store the program arguments into the codeLibs for arg in pargs: arg = arg.strip() if arg: codeLibs.append(arg) # Make sure each name appears on codeLibs exactly once. newLibs = [] for codeLib in codeLibs: if codeLib not in newLibs: newLibs.append(codeLib) codeLibs = newLibs def doErrorCheck(): global outputCodeDir global outputHTMLDir global extensionsDir global interrogateLib global codeLibs global doSqueeze global etcPath # Now do some error checking and verbose output if (not interrogateLib): FFIConstants.notify.error('You must specify an interrogate library (-i lib)') else: FFIConstants.notify.debug('Setting interrogate library to: ' + interrogateLib) FFIConstants.InterrogateModuleName = interrogateLib if (not outputCodeDir): FFIConstants.notify.info('Setting output code directory to current directory') outputCodeDir = '.' elif (not os.path.exists(outputCodeDir)): FFIConstants.notify.info('Directory does not exist, creating: ' + outputCodeDir) os.mkdir(outputCodeDir) FFIConstants.notify.info('Setting output code directory to: ' + outputCodeDir) else: FFIConstants.notify.info('Setting output code directory to: ' + outputCodeDir) if doHTML: if (not outputHTMLDir): FFIConstants.notify.info('Setting output HTML directory to current directory') outputHTMLDir = '.' elif (not os.path.exists(outputHTMLDir)): FFIConstants.notify.info('Directory does not exist, creating: ' + outputHTMLDir) os.makedirs(outputHTMLDir) FFIConstants.notify.info('Setting output HTML directory to: ' + outputHTMLDir) else: FFIConstants.notify.info('Setting output HTML directory to: ' + outputHTMLDir) if (not extensionsDir): FFIConstants.notify.debug('Setting extensions directory to current directory') extensionsDir = '.' elif (not os.path.exists(extensionsDir)): FFIConstants.notify.error('Directory does not exist: ' + extensionsDir) else: FFIConstants.notify.debug('Setting extensions directory to: ' + extensionsDir) if (not codeLibs): FFIConstants.notify.error('You must specify one or more libraries to generate code from') else: FFIConstants.notify.debug('Generating code for: ' + repr(codeLibs)) FFIConstants.CodeModuleNameList = codeLibs def generateNativeWrappers(): from direct.extensions_native.extension_native_helpers import Dtool_FindModule, Dtool_PreloadDLL # Empty out the output directories of unnecessary crud from # previous runs before we begin. for file in os.listdir(outputCodeDir): pathname = os.path.join(outputCodeDir, file) if not os.path.isdir(pathname): os.unlink(pathname) # Generate __init__.py initFilename = os.path.join(outputCodeDir, '__init__.py') init = open(initFilename, 'w') # Generate PandaModules.py pandaModulesFilename = os.path.join(outputCodeDir, 'PandaModules.py') pandaModules = open(pandaModulesFilename, 'w') # Copy in any helper classes from the extensions_native directory extensionHelperFiles = ['extension_native_helpers.py'] for name in extensionHelperFiles: inFilename = os.path.join(extensionsDir, name) outFilename = os.path.join(outputCodeDir, name) if os.path.exists(inFilename): inFile = open(inFilename, 'r') outFile = open(outFilename, 'w') outFile.write(inFile.read()) # Generate a series of "libpandaModules.py" etc. files, one for # each named module. for moduleName in FFIConstants.CodeModuleNameList: print('Importing code library: ' + moduleName) Dtool_PreloadDLL(moduleName) __import__(moduleName) module = sys.modules[moduleName] # Make a suitable meta module name metaModuleName = "" nextCap = False for ch in moduleName: if ch == '.': nextCap = True elif nextCap: metaModuleName += ch.upper() nextCap = False else: metaModuleName += ch metaModuleName += "Modules" # Wrap the import in a try..except so that we can continue if # the library isn't present. This is particularly necessary # in the runtime (plugin) environment, where all libraries are # not necessarily downloaded. if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): pandaModules.write('try:\n from .%s import *\nexcept ImportError as err:\n if "DLL loader cannot find" not in str(err):\n raise\n' % (metaModuleName)) else: pandaModules.write('try:\n from %s import *\nexcept ImportError, err:\n if "DLL loader cannot find" not in str(err):\n raise\n' % (metaModuleName)) # Not sure if this message is helpful or annoying. #pandaModules.write(' print("Failed to import %s")\n' % (moduleName)) pandaModules.write('\n') moduleModulesFilename = os.path.join(outputCodeDir, '%s.py' % (metaModuleName)) moduleModules = open(moduleModulesFilename, 'w') if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): moduleModules.write('from .extension_native_helpers import *\n') else: moduleModules.write('from extension_native_helpers import *\n') moduleModules.write('Dtool_PreloadDLL("%s")\n' % (moduleName)) moduleModules.write('from %s import *\n\n' % (moduleName)) # Now look for extensions for className, classDef in module.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(classDef, type): extensionFilename = os.path.join(extensionsDir, '%s_extensions.py' % (className)) if os.path.exists(extensionFilename): print(' Found extensions for class: %s' % (className)) extension = open(extensionFilename, 'r') moduleModules.write(extension.read()) moduleModules.write('\n') def run(): global outputCodeDir global outputHTMLDir global directDir global extensionsDir global interrogateLib global codeLibs global doSqueeze global deleteSourceAfterSqueeze global etcPath global pythonSourcePath doGetopts() doErrorCheck() # Ok, now we can start generating code if native: generateNativeWrappers() else: from direct.ffi import FFIInterrogateDatabase db = FFIInterrogateDatabase.FFIInterrogateDatabase(etcPath = etcPath) db.generateCode(outputCodeDir, extensionsDir) if doSqueeze: db.squeezeGeneratedCode(outputCodeDir, deleteSourceAfterSqueeze) if doHTML: from direct.directscripts import gendocs from pandac.PandaModules import PandaSystem versionString = '%s %s' % ( PandaSystem.getDistributor(), PandaSystem.getVersionString()) gendocs.generate(versionString, etcPath, pythonSourcePath, outputHTMLDir, HTMLHeader % time.asctime(), HTMLFooter, '', '.html')