from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
GlobalEntities = {1000: {'type': 'levelMgr',
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        'modelFilename': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_Zone13a',
        'wantDoors': 1},
 0: {'type': 'zone',
     'name': 'UberZone',
     'comment': '',
     'parentEntId': 0,
     'scale': 1,
     'description': '',
     'visibility': []},
 10005: {'type': 'attribModifier',
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         'typeName': 'stomper',
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 10009: {'type': 'attribModifier',
         'name': 'spotlightDamage',
         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 0,
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         'typeName': 'securityCamera',
         'value': '10'},
 10032: {'type': 'attribModifier',
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         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 10059,
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         'typeName': 'securityCamera',
         'value': '7'},
 10036: {'type': 'attribModifier',
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         'comment': '',
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         'attribName': 'accel',
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 10066: {'type': 'attribModifier',
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         'comment': '',
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         'attribName': 'maxVel',
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         'typeName': 'securityCamera',
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 10000: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10001: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10003: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10007: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10008: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10012: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10027: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10033: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10035: {'type': 'nodepath',
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 10006: {'type': 'securityCamera',
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 10024: {'type': 'securityCamera',
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 10041: {'type': 'securityCamera',
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 10042: {'type': 'securityCamera',
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         'switchId': 0,
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 10051: {'type': 'stomper',
         'name': 'copy of 4 (4)',
         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 10049,
         'pos': Point3(20, -5, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
         'animateShadow': 1,
         'cogStyle': 1,
         'crushCellId': None,
         'damage': 10,
         'headScale': Point3(5, 6, 5),
         'modelPath': 0,
         'motion': 3,
         'period': 4.0,
         'phaseShift': 0.75,
         'range': 30.0,
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 10052: {'type': 'stomper',
         'name': 'copy of 4 (5)',
         'comment': '',
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         'pos': Point3(35, 10, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
         'animateShadow': 1,
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         'crushCellId': None,
         'damage': 10,
         'headScale': Point3(5, 6, 5),
         'modelPath': 0,
         'motion': 3,
         'period': 4.0,
         'phaseShift': 0.75,
         'range': 30.0,
         'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 0,
         'removeHeadFloor': 0,
         'shaftScale': Point3(1, 10, 1),
         'soundLen': 0,
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         'style': 'vertical',
         'switchId': 0,
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         'zOffset': 0},
 10053: {'type': 'stomper',
         'name': 'copy of 4',
         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 10050,
         'pos': Point3(0, -10, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': 1,
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         'damage': 10,
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         'switchId': 0,
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         'zOffset': 0},
 10054: {'type': 'stomper',
         'name': 'copy of 4 (2)',
         'comment': '',
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         'pos': Point3(10, 10, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
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         'damage': 10,
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         'style': 'vertical',
         'switchId': 0,
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         'zOffset': 0},
 10055: {'type': 'stomper',
         'name': 'copy of 4 (3)',
         'comment': '',
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         'pos': Point3(20, -5, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
         'animateShadow': 1,
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         'damage': 10,
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         'zOffset': 0},
 10056: {'type': 'stomper',
         'name': 'copy of 4 (4)',
         'comment': '',
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         'pos': Point3(35, 10, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
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         'cogStyle': 1,
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         'damage': 10,
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         'modelPath': 0,
         'motion': 3,
         'period': 4.0,
         'phaseShift': 0.75,
         'range': 30.0,
         'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 0,
         'removeHeadFloor': 0,
         'shaftScale': Point3(1, 10, 1),
         'soundLen': 0,
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         'style': 'vertical',
         'switchId': 0,
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         'zOffset': 0}}
Scenario0 = {}
levelSpec = {'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
 'scenarios': [Scenario0]}