""" Dial Class: Velocity style controller for floating point values with a label, entry (validated), and scale """ __all__ = ['Dial', 'AngleDial', 'DialWidget'] from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import * from Tkinter import * from Valuator import Valuator, VALUATOR_MINI, VALUATOR_FULL from direct.task import Task import math, string, operator, Pmw from pandac.PandaModules import ClockObject TWO_PI = 2.0 * math.pi ONEPOINTFIVE_PI = 1.5 * math.pi POINTFIVE_PI = 0.5 * math.pi INNER_SF = 0.2 DIAL_FULL_SIZE = 45 DIAL_MINI_SIZE = 30 class Dial(Valuator): """ Valuator widget which includes an angle dial and an entry for setting floating point values """ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('style', VALUATOR_FULL, INITOPT), ('base', 0.0, self.setBase), ('delta', 1.0, self.setDelta), ('fSnap', 0, self.setSnap), ('fRollover', 1, self.setRollover), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) Valuator.__init__(self, parent) self.initialiseoptions(Dial) def createValuator(self): self._valuator = self.createcomponent( 'valuator', (('dial', 'valuator'),), None, DialWidget, (self.interior(),), style = self['style'], command = self.setEntry, value = self['value']) self._valuator._widget.bind('<Double-ButtonPress-1>', self.mouseReset) def packValuator(self): if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: self._valuator.grid(rowspan = 2, columnspan = 2, padx = 2, pady = 2) if self._label: self._label.grid(row = 0, column = 2, sticky = EW) self._entry.grid(row = 1, column = 2, sticky = EW) self.interior().columnconfigure(2, weight = 1) else: if self._label: self._label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky = EW) self._entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky = EW) self._valuator.grid(row=0, column=2, padx = 2, pady = 2) self.interior().columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) def addValuatorPropertiesToDialog(self): self.addPropertyToDialog( 'base', { 'widget': self._valuator, 'type': 'real', 'help': 'Dial value = base + delta * numRevs'}) self.addPropertyToDialog( 'delta', { 'widget': self._valuator, 'type': 'real', 'help': 'Dial value = base + delta * numRevs'}) self.addPropertyToDialog( 'numSegments', { 'widget': self._valuator, 'type': 'integer', 'help': 'Number of segments to divide dial into.'}) def addValuatorMenuEntries(self): # The popup menu self._fSnap = IntVar() self._fSnap.set(self['fSnap']) self._popupMenu.add_checkbutton(label = 'Snap', variable = self._fSnap, command = self._setSnap) self._fRollover = IntVar() self._fRollover.set(self['fRollover']) if self['fAdjustable']: self._popupMenu.add_checkbutton(label = 'Rollover', variable = self._fRollover, command = self._setRollover) def setBase(self): """ Set Dial base value: value = base + delta * numRevs """ self._valuator['base'] = self['base'] def setDelta(self): """ Set Dial delta value: value = base + delta * numRevs """ self._valuator['delta'] = self['delta'] def _setSnap(self): """ Menu command to turn Dial angle snap on/off """ self._valuator['fSnap'] = self._fSnap.get() def setSnap(self): """ Turn Dial angle snap on/off """ self._fSnap.set(self['fSnap']) # Call menu command to send down to valuator self._setSnap() def _setRollover(self): """ Menu command to turn Dial rollover on/off (i.e. does value accumulate every time you complete a revolution of the dial?) """ self._valuator['fRollover'] = self._fRollover.get() def setRollover(self): """ Turn Dial rollover (accumulation of a sum) on/off """ self._fRollover.set(self['fRollover']) # Call menu command to send down to valuator self._setRollover() class AngleDial(Dial): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Set the typical defaults for a 360 degree angle dial optiondefs = ( ('delta', 360.0, None), ('fRollover', 0, None), ('dial_numSegments', 12, None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the superclass Dial.__init__(self, parent) # Needed because this method checks if self.__class__ is myClass # where myClass is the argument passed into inialiseoptions self.initialiseoptions(AngleDial) class DialWidget(Pmw.MegaWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): #define the megawidget options INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( # Appearance ('style', VALUATOR_FULL, INITOPT), ('size', None, INITOPT), ('relief', SUNKEN, self.setRelief), ('borderwidth', 2, self.setBorderwidth), ('background', 'white', self.setBackground), # Number of segments the dial is divided into ('numSegments', 10, self.setNumSegments), # Behavior # Initial value of dial, use self.set to change value ('value', 0.0, INITOPT), ('numDigits', 2, self.setNumDigits), # Dial specific options ('base', 0.0, None), ('delta', 1.0, None), # Snap to angle on/off ('fSnap', 0, None), # Do values rollover (i.e. accumulate) with multiple revolutions ('fRollover', 1, None), # Command to execute on dial updates ('command', None, None), # Extra data to be passed to command function ('commandData', [], None), # Callback's to execute during mouse interaction ('preCallback', None, None), ('postCallback', None, None), # Extra data to be passed to callback function, needs to be a list ('callbackData', [], None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the superclass Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Set up some local and instance variables # Create the components interior = self.interior() # Current value self.value = self['value'] # Running total which increments/decrements every time around dial self.rollCount = 0 # Base dial size on style, if size not specified, if not self['size']: if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: size = DIAL_FULL_SIZE else: size = DIAL_MINI_SIZE else: size = self['size'] # Radius of the dial radius = self.radius = int(size/2.0) # Radius of the inner knob inner_radius = max(3, radius * INNER_SF) # The canvas self._widget = self.createcomponent('canvas', (), None, Canvas, (interior,), width = size, height = size, background = self['background'], highlightthickness = 0, scrollregion = (-radius, -radius, radius, radius)) self._widget.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) # The dial face (no outline/fill, primarily for binding mouse events) self._widget.create_oval(-radius, -radius, radius, radius, outline = '', tags = ('dial',)) # The indicator self._widget.create_line(0, 0, 0, -radius, width = 2, tags = ('indicator', 'dial')) # The central knob self._widget.create_oval(-inner_radius, -inner_radius, inner_radius, inner_radius, fill = 'grey50', tags = ('knob',)) # Add event bindings self._widget.tag_bind('dial', '<ButtonPress-1>', self.mouseDown) self._widget.tag_bind('dial', '<B1-Motion>', self.mouseMotion) self._widget.tag_bind('dial', '<Shift-B1-Motion>', self.shiftMouseMotion) self._widget.tag_bind('dial', '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.mouseUp) self._widget.tag_bind('knob', '<ButtonPress-1>', self.knobMouseDown) self._widget.tag_bind('knob', '<B1-Motion>', self.updateDialSF) self._widget.tag_bind('knob', '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.knobMouseUp) self._widget.tag_bind('knob', '<Enter>', self.highlightKnob) self._widget.tag_bind('knob', '<Leave>', self.restoreKnob) # Make sure input variables processed self.initialiseoptions(DialWidget) def set(self, value, fCommand = 1): """ self.set(value, fCommand = 1) Set dial to new value, execute command if fCommand == 1 """ # Adjust for rollover if not self['fRollover']: if value > self['delta']: self.rollCount = 0 value = self['base'] + ((value - self['base']) % self['delta']) # Send command if any if fCommand and (self['command'] != None): apply(self['command'], [value] + self['commandData']) # Record value self.value = value def get(self): """ self.get() Get current dial value """ return self.value ## Canvas callback functions # Dial def mouseDown(self, event): self._onButtonPress() self.lastAngle = dialAngle = self.computeDialAngle(event) self.computeValueFromAngle(dialAngle) def mouseUp(self, event): self._onButtonRelease() def shiftMouseMotion(self, event): self.mouseMotion(event, 1) def mouseMotion(self, event, fShift = 0): dialAngle = self.computeDialAngle(event, fShift) self.computeValueFromAngle(dialAngle) def computeDialAngle(self, event, fShift = 0): x = self._widget.canvasx(event.x) y = self._widget.canvasy(event.y) rawAngle = math.atan2(y, x) # Snap to grid # Convert to dial coords to do snapping dialAngle = rawAngle + POINTFIVE_PI if operator.xor(self['fSnap'], fShift): dialAngle = round(dialAngle / self.snapAngle) * self.snapAngle return dialAngle def computeValueFromAngle(self, dialAngle): delta = self['delta'] dialAngle = dialAngle % TWO_PI # Check for rollover, if necessary if (self.lastAngle > ONEPOINTFIVE_PI) and (dialAngle < POINTFIVE_PI): self.rollCount += 1 elif (self.lastAngle < POINTFIVE_PI) and (dialAngle > ONEPOINTFIVE_PI): self.rollCount -= 1 self.lastAngle = dialAngle # Update value newValue = self['base'] + (self.rollCount + (dialAngle/TWO_PI)) * delta self.set(newValue) def updateIndicator(self, value): # compute new indicator angle delta = self['delta'] factors = divmod(value - self['base'], delta) self.rollCount = factors[0] self.updateIndicatorRadians((factors[1]/delta) * TWO_PI) def updateIndicatorDegrees(self, degAngle): self.updateIndicatorRadians(degAngle * (math.pi/180.0)) def updateIndicatorRadians(self, dialAngle): rawAngle = dialAngle - POINTFIVE_PI # Compute end points endx = math.cos(rawAngle) * self.radius endy = math.sin(rawAngle) * self.radius # Draw new indicator self._widget.coords('indicator', endx * INNER_SF, endy * INNER_SF, endx, endy) # Knob velocity controller def knobMouseDown(self, event): self._onButtonPress() self.knobSF = 0.0 self.updateTask = taskMgr.add(self.updateDialTask, 'updateDial') self.updateTask.lastTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() def updateDialTask(self, state): # Update value currT = globalClock.getFrameTime() dt = currT - state.lastTime self.set(self.value + self.knobSF * dt) state.lastTime = currT return Task.cont def updateDialSF(self, event): x = self._widget.canvasx(event.x) y = self._widget.canvasy(event.y) offset = max(0, abs(x) - Valuator.deadband) if offset == 0: return 0 sf = math.pow(Valuator.sfBase, self.minExp + offset/Valuator.sfDist) if x > 0: self.knobSF = sf else: self.knobSF = -sf def knobMouseUp(self, event): taskMgr.remove(self.updateTask) self.knobSF = 0.0 self._onButtonRelease() def setNumDigits(self): # Set minimum exponent to use in velocity task self.minExp = math.floor(-self['numDigits']/ math.log10(Valuator.sfBase)) # Methods to modify dial characteristics def setRelief(self): self.interior()['relief'] = self['relief'] def setBorderwidth(self): self.interior()['borderwidth'] = self['borderwidth'] def setBackground(self): self._widget['background'] = self['background'] def setNumSegments(self): self._widget.delete('ticks') # Based upon input snap angle, how many ticks numSegments = self['numSegments'] # Compute snapAngle (radians) self.snapAngle = snapAngle = TWO_PI / numSegments # Create the ticks at the snap angles for ticknum in range(numSegments): angle = snapAngle * ticknum # convert to canvas coords angle = angle - POINTFIVE_PI # Compute tick endpoints startx = math.cos(angle) * self.radius starty = math.sin(angle) * self.radius # Elongate ticks at 90 degree points if (angle % POINTFIVE_PI) == 0.0: sf = 0.6 else: sf = 0.8 endx = startx * sf endy = starty * sf self._widget.create_line(startx, starty, endx, endy, tags = ('ticks','dial')) def highlightKnob(self, event): self._widget.itemconfigure('knob', fill = 'black') def restoreKnob(self, event): self._widget.itemconfigure('knob', fill = 'grey50') # To call user callbacks def _onButtonPress(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button press """ if self['preCallback']: apply(self['preCallback'], self['callbackData']) def _onButtonRelease(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button release """ if self['postCallback']: apply(self['postCallback'], self['callbackData']) if __name__ == '__main__': tl = Toplevel() d = Dial(tl) d2 = Dial(tl, dial_numSegments = 12, max = 360, dial_fRollover = 0, value = 180) d3 = Dial(tl, dial_numSegments = 12, max = 90, min = -90, dial_fRollover = 0) d4 = Dial(tl, dial_numSegments = 16, max = 256, dial_fRollover = 0) d.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) d2.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) d3.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) d4.pack(expand = 1, fill = X)