"""path.py is a utility containing some very simple path utilities for Py to use""" __author__ = "David N. Mashburn " # 07/01/2009 import os import glob import subprocess def pwd(): print(os.getcwd()) def cd(path,usePrint=True): os.chdir(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path))) if usePrint: pwd() def ls(str='*',fullpath=False): g=glob.glob(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str))) if fullpath: for i in g: print(i) else: for i in g: print(os.path.split(i)[1]) # This prints the results of running a command in the GUI shell but be warned! # This is a blocking call, and if you open any kind of interactive # command-line program like python or bash, the shell will permanantly # freeze! # If you want this kind of behavior to be available, please use ipython # This is NOT a feature or goal of the Py project! def sx(str=''): print(subprocess.getoutput(str)) #cd('~',usePrint=False)