from toontown.catalog.CatalogItemList import CatalogItemList
from toontown.catalog.CatalogFurnitureItem import CatalogFurnitureItem
from toontown.catalog import CatalogItem

# Mapping of DNA prop codes to furniture ID values. Use None to ignore a code.
DNA2Furniture = {
    'house_interiorA': None,
    'GardenA': None,

    'chairA': 100,
    'chair': 110,
    'regular_bed': 200,
    'FireplaceSq': 400,
    'closetBoy': 500,
    'lamp_short': 600,
    'lamp_tall': 610,
    'couch_1person': 700,
    'couch_2person': 710,
    'desk_only_wo_phone': 800,
    'desk_only': 800,
    'coatrack': 910,
    'paper_trashcan': 920,
    'rug': 1000,
    'rugA': 1010,
    'rugB': 1020,
    'cabinetYwood': 1110,
    'bookcase': 1120,
    'bookcase_low': 1130,
    'ending_table': 1200,
    'jellybeanBank': 1300

class DNAFurnitureReaderAI:
    # This object processes the house_interior*.dna files and produces a
    # CatalogItemList representing the furniture in the DNA file. The resulting
    # list is passed to the FurnitureManager in order to initialize a blank
    # house to the default furniture arrangement.
    notify = directNotify.newCategory("DNAFurnitureReaderAI")

    def __init__(self, dnaData, phonePos):
        self.dnaData = dnaData
        self.phonePos = phonePos
        self.itemList = None

    def buildList(self):
        self.itemList = CatalogItemList(store=(CatalogItem.Customization |

        # Find the interior node:
        for i in xrange(self.dnaData.getNumChildren()):
            child =
            if child.getName() == 'interior':
                interior = child
            self.notify.error('Could not find "interior" in DNA!')

        self.itemList.append(CatalogFurnitureItem(1399, posHpr=self.phonePos))
        # Every child in the interior node is a prop, thus:
        for i in xrange(interior.getNumChildren()):
            child =
            code = child.getCode()

            if code not in DNA2Furniture:
                self.notify.warning('Unrecognized furniture code %r!' % code)

            itemId = DNA2Furniture[code]
            if itemId is None:

            x, y, z = child.getPos()
            h, p, r = child.getHpr()
                                                      posHpr=(x, y, z, h, p, r)))

    def getList(self):
        if not self.itemList:
        return self.itemList

    def getBlob(self):
        return self.getList().getBlob()