#!/usr/bin/env python2 import StringIO import copy import ftplib import json import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tarfile from xml.etree import ElementTree import bz2 # We have some dependencies that aren't in the standard Python library. Notify # the user if they are missing one: try: import requests except ImportError, e: print 'Missing dependency:', e.message[16:] print 'It is recommended that you install this using Pip.' sys.exit(1) print 'Starting the deployment process...' # Stop the user if they are missing vital files: missingFiles = [] for filename in ('deploy.json', 'unlimitedcipher'): if sys.platform == 'win32': # On the Windows platform, if there is no extension, we must infer that # this is an executable file. Therefore, let's append '.exe': if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]: filename += '.exe' if filename not in os.listdir('.'): missingFiles.append(filename) if missingFiles: for filename in missingFiles: print 'Missing file:', filename sys.exit(1) print 'Reading deploy configuration...' with open('deploy.json', 'r') as f: deployData = json.load(f) # Next, we must choose the correct path to Python for our Panda3D installation: if sys.platform == 'win32': with open('../PPYTHON_PATH', 'r') as f: pythonPath = f.read().strip() else: pythonPath = '/usr/bin/python2' # Collect our FTP credentials: ftpAddress = deployData['ftp-address'] ftpUsername = deployData['ftp-username'] if not ftpUsername: print 'Missing FTP username.' ftpPassword = deployData['ftp-password'] if not ftpPassword: print 'Missing FTP password.' sys.exit(1) # Ensure that the platform we're building for is supported: platform = deployData['platform'] if platform not in ('win32', 'linux2', 'darwin'): # Supported platforms print 'Unsupported platform:', platform sys.exit(2) # Ensure that the distribution we're building for is supported: distribution = deployData['distribution'] if distribution not in ('dev', 'test', 'en'): # Supported distributions print 'Unsupported distribution:', distribution sys.exit(2) deployToken = distribution + '/' + platform # Ensure the desired source code branch exists: branch = deployData['branch'] os.chdir('..') branches = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--branches', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().split() if branch not in branches: print "No local source code branch named:", branch sys.exit(3) # Check if the desired resources branch exists: resourcesBranch = deployData['resources-branch'] os.chdir('../resources') branches = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--branches', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().split() if resourcesBranch not in branches: print "No local resources branch named:", resourcesBranch sys.exit(3) # We're all set. Let's gather the rest of the deployment configurations: serverVersion = deployData['version-prefix'] + deployData['version'] launcherVersion = deployData['launcher-version'] accountServer = deployData['account-server'] clientAgent = deployData['client-agent'] patcherIncludes = deployData['patcher-includes'] configDir = deployData['config-dir'] vfsMounts = deployData['vfs-mounts'] modules = deployData['modules'] mainModule = deployData['main-module'] # ...and output them for verbosity: print 'Deploy token:', deployToken print 'Branch:', branch print 'Resources branch:', resourcesBranch print 'Server version:', serverVersion print 'Configuration directory:', configDir print 'Virtual file system (%d):' % len(vfsMounts) for vfsMount in vfsMounts: print ' %s' % vfsMount print 'Modules (%d):' % len(modules) for module in modules: print ' %s' % module print 'Main module:', mainModule # Create a 'src' directory containing the source code from the desired branch: sys.stdout.write('Collecting source code from branch: ' + branch + '... 0%') sys.stdout.flush() os.chdir('../src') if os.path.exists('deployment/src'): shutil.rmtree('deployment/src') os.mkdir('deployment/src') td = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'archive', branch], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() tss = StringIO.StringIO(td) tf = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tss) directories = [] members = tf.getmembers() for (i, ti) in enumerate(members): if ti.isdir(): directories.append(ti) ti = copy.copy(ti) ti.mode = 0o700 tf.extract(ti, 'deployment/src') percentage = int((float(i+1)/len(members)) * 100) sys.stdout.write('\rCollecting source code from branch: ' + branch + '... ' + str(percentage) + '%') sys.stdout.flush() directories.sort(key=lambda a: a.name) directories.reverse() for ti in directories: dirpath = os.path.join('deployment/src', ti.name) try: tf.chown(ti, dirpath) tf.utime(ti, dirpath) tf.chmod(ti, dirpath) except tarfile.ExtractError as e: if tf.errorlevel > 1: raise else: tf._dbg(1, 'tarfile: %s' % e) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() # Create a 'resources' directory inside the 'src' directory containing all of # the resource files from the desired resources branch: sys.stdout.write('Collecting resources from branch: ' + resourcesBranch + '... 0%') sys.stdout.flush() os.chdir('../resources') td = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'archive', resourcesBranch], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() tss = StringIO.StringIO(td) tf = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tss) os.chdir('../src/deployment') directories = [] members = tf.getmembers() for (i, ti) in enumerate(members): if ti.isdir(): directories.append(ti) ti = copy.copy(ti) ti.mode = 0o700 tf.extract(ti, 'src/resources') percentage = int((float(i+1)/len(members)) * 100) sys.stdout.write('\rCollecting resources from branch: ' + resourcesBranch + '... ' + str(percentage) + '%') sys.stdout.flush() directories.sort(key=lambda a: a.name) directories.reverse() for ti in directories: dirpath = os.path.join('src/resources', ti.name) try: tf.chown(ti, dirpath) tf.utime(ti, dirpath) tf.chmod(ti, dirpath) except tarfile.ExtractError as e: if tf.errorlevel > 1: raise else: tf._dbg(1, 'tarfile: %s' % e) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() # All of our source code and resources are collected. Now, let's run the # prepare_client utility: cmd = (pythonPath + ' ../tools/prepare_client.py' + ' --distribution ' + distribution + ' --build-dir build' + ' --src-dir src' + ' --server-ver ' + serverVersion + ' --build-mfs' + ' --resources-dir src/resources' + ' --config-dir ' + configDir + ' --include NonRepeatableRandomSourceUD.py' + ' --include NonRepeatableRandomSourceAI.py' + ' --exclude ServiceStart.py') for vfsMount in vfsMounts: cmd += ' --vfs ' + vfsMount for module in modules: cmd += ' ' + module os.system(cmd) # Next, run the build_client utility: if sys.platform == 'win32': output = 'GameData.pyd' else: output = 'GameData.so' cmd = (pythonPath + ' ../tools/build_client.py' + ' --output ' + output + ' --main-module ' + mainModule + ' --build-dir build') for module in modules: cmd += ' ' + module os.system(cmd) # ...and encrypt the product: os.chdir('build') if sys.platform == 'win32': os.system('..\\unlimitedcipher.exe %s GameData.bin' % output) else: os.system('../unlimitedcipher %s GameData.bin' % output) # Copy the necessary patcher includes: for include in patcherIncludes: dirname = os.path.dirname(include) if dirname and (not os.path.exists(dirname)): os.makedirs(dirname) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('..', include)): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join('..', include), include) # Create a 'dist' directory that will contain everything that will be uploaded # to the CDN: os.chdir('..') if os.path.exists('dist'): shutil.rmtree('dist') os.mkdir('dist') # Now, if we have deployed a previous version of this distribution before, # let's get the last resources revision so that we can choose what phase files # need to be updated using 'git diff'. We need to do this because two # compilations of the same multifile will never have the same hash: updatedFiles = [] request = requests.get('http://' + ftpAddress + '/' + deployToken + '/patcher.xml') try: root = ElementTree.fromstring(request.text) except: root = None os.chdir('../../resources') if root and (root.tag == 'patcher'): # We have a patcher file resourcesRevision = root.find('resources-revision') if resourcesRevision is not None: resourcesRevision = resourcesRevision.text diff = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', resourcesRevision, resourcesBranch], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() filenames = diff.split('\n') for filename in filenames: directory = filename.split('/', 1)[0].split('\\', 1)[0] if directory.startswith('phase_'): phase = 'resources/' + directory + '.mf' if phase not in updatedFiles: updatedFiles.append(phase) resourcesRevision = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'rev-parse', resourcesBranch], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()[:7] os.chdir('../src/deployment') updatedFiles.extend(patcherIncludes) cmd = (pythonPath + ' ../tools/write_patcher.py' + ' --build-dir build' + ' --dest-dir dist' + ' --output patcher.xml' + ' --launcher-version ' + launcherVersion + ' --account-server ' + accountServer + ' --client-agent ' + clientAgent + ' --server-version ' + serverVersion + ' --resources-revision ' + resourcesRevision) for include in patcherIncludes: cmd += ' ' + include os.system(cmd) et = ElementTree.parse('dist/patcher.xml') localRoot = et.getroot() for directory in localRoot.findall('directory'): directoryName = directory.get('name') # If we haven't pushed a patcher previously, we can assume this is the # first time deploying this distribution. Therefore, let's upload # everything: if (not root) or (root.tag != 'patcher'): for child in directory.getchildren(): filepath = child.get('name') if directoryName: filepath = directoryName + '/' + filepath if filepath not in updatedFiles: updatedFiles.append(filepath) else: # Otherwise, we'll want to ensure that we don't overwrite certain # files' size/hash, in case they weren't updated: for child in directory.getchildren(): filepath = child.get('name') if directoryName: filepath = directoryName + '/' + filepath if filepath not in updatedFiles: for _directory in root.findall('directory'): if _directory.get('name') != directoryName: continue for _child in _directory.getchildren(): if _child.get('name') != child.get('name'): continue child.find('size').text = _child.find('size').text child.find('hash').text = _child.find('hash').text break break ElementTree.ElementTree(localRoot).write('dist/patcher.xml') def compressFile(filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() filename = os.path.basename(filepath) directory = filepath[6:].split(filename, 1)[0] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('dist', directory)): os.mkdir(os.path.join('dist', directory)) bz2Filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.bz2' bz2Filepath = os.path.join('dist', directory, bz2Filename) f = bz2.BZ2File(bz2Filepath, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() # Compress the updated files: for filepath in updatedFiles: print 'Compressing %s...' % filepath compressFile(os.path.join('build', filepath)) print 'Uploading files to download.toontownunlimited.com...' ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftpAddress, ftpUsername, ftpPassword) ftp.cwd(deployToken) print 'Uploading... patcher.xml' with open('dist/patcher.xml', 'rb') as f: ftp.storbinary('STOR patcher.xml', f) for filepath in updatedFiles: filepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + '.bz2' print 'Uploading... ' + filepath with open('dist/' + filepath, 'rb') as f: ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + filepath, f) print 'Done uploading files.' print 'Successfully finished the deployment process!'