from pandac import PandaModules as PM from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import list2dict, uniqueElements import string import LevelConstants import types if __dev__: import os class LevelSpec: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('LevelSpec') SystemEntIds = (LevelConstants.UberZoneEntId, LevelConstants.LevelMgrEntId, LevelConstants.EditMgrEntId) def __init__(self, spec = None, scenario = 0): newSpec = 0 if type(spec) is types.ModuleType: if __dev__: reload(spec) self.specDict = spec.levelSpec if __dev__: self.setFilename(spec.__file__) elif type(spec) is types.DictType: self.specDict = spec elif spec is None: if __dev__: newSpec = 1 self.specDict = {'globalEntities': {}, 'scenarios': [{}]} self.entId2specDict = {} self.entId2specDict.update(list2dict(self.getGlobalEntIds(), value=self.privGetGlobalEntityDict())) for i in xrange(self.getNumScenarios()): self.entId2specDict.update(list2dict(self.getScenarioEntIds(i), value=self.privGetScenarioEntityDict(i))) self.setScenario(scenario) if __dev__: if newSpec: import EntityTypes import EntityTypeRegistry etr = EntityTypeRegistry.EntityTypeRegistry(EntityTypes) self.setEntityTypeReg(etr) entId = LevelConstants.UberZoneEntId self.insertEntity(entId, 'zone') self.doSetAttrib(entId, 'name', 'UberZone') entId = LevelConstants.LevelMgrEntId self.insertEntity(entId, 'levelMgr') self.doSetAttrib(entId, 'name', 'LevelMgr') entId = LevelConstants.EditMgrEntId self.insertEntity(entId, 'editMgr') self.doSetAttrib(entId, 'name', 'EditMgr') return def destroy(self): del self.specDict del self.entId2specDict del self.scenario if hasattr(self, 'level'): del self.level if hasattr(self, 'entTypeReg'): del self.entTypeReg def getNumScenarios(self): return len(self.specDict['scenarios']) def setScenario(self, scenario): self.scenario = scenario def getScenario(self): return self.scenario def getGlobalEntIds(self): return self.privGetGlobalEntityDict().keys() def getScenarioEntIds(self, scenario = None): if scenario is None: scenario = self.scenario return self.privGetScenarioEntityDict(scenario).keys() def getAllEntIds(self): return self.getGlobalEntIds() + self.getScenarioEntIds() def getAllEntIdsFromAllScenarios(self): entIds = self.getGlobalEntIds() for scenario in xrange(self.getNumScenarios()): entIds.extend(self.getScenarioEntIds(scenario)) return entIds def getEntitySpec(self, entId): specDict = self.entId2specDict[entId] return specDict[entId] def getCopyOfSpec(self, spec): return __import__(self.getSpecImportsModuleName(), fromlist=['*']).__dict__ def getEntitySpecCopy(self, entId): specDict = self.entId2specDict[entId] return self.getCopyOfSpec(specDict[entId]) def getEntityType(self, entId): return self.getEntitySpec(entId)['type'] def getEntityZoneEntId(self, entId): spec = self.getEntitySpec(entId) type = spec['type'] if type == 'zone': return entId return self.getEntityZoneEntId(spec['parentEntId']) def getEntType2ids(self, entIds): entType2ids = {} for entId in entIds: type = self.getEntityType(entId) entType2ids.setdefault(type, []) entType2ids[type].append(entId) return entType2ids def privGetGlobalEntityDict(self): return self.specDict['globalEntities'] def privGetScenarioEntityDict(self, scenario): return self.specDict['scenarios'][scenario] def printZones(self): allIds = self.getAllEntIds() type2id = self.getEntType2ids(allIds) zoneIds = type2id['zone'] if 0 in zoneIds: zoneIds.remove(0) zoneIds.sort() for zoneNum in zoneIds: spec = self.getEntitySpec(zoneNum) print 'zone %s: %s' % (zoneNum, spec['name']) if __dev__: def setLevel(self, level): self.level = level def hasLevel(self): return hasattr(self, 'level') def setEntityTypeReg(self, entTypeReg): self.entTypeReg = entTypeReg for entId in self.getAllEntIds(): spec = self.getEntitySpec(entId) type = self.getEntityType(entId) typeDesc = self.entTypeReg.getTypeDesc(type) attribDescDict = typeDesc.getAttribDescDict() for attribName, desc in attribDescDict.iteritems(): if attribName not in spec: spec[attribName] = desc.getDefaultValue() self.checkSpecIntegrity() def hasEntityTypeReg(self): return hasattr(self, 'entTypeReg') def setFilename(self, filename): self.filename = filename def doSetAttrib(self, entId, attrib, value): specDict = self.entId2specDict[entId] specDict[entId][attrib] = value def setAttribChange(self, entId, attrib, value, username):'setAttribChange(%s): %s, %s = %s' % (username, entId, attrib, repr(value))) self.doSetAttrib(entId, attrib, value) if self.hasLevel(): self.level.handleAttribChange(entId, attrib, value, username) def insertEntity(self, entId, entType, parentEntId = 'unspecified'):'inserting entity %s (%s)' % (entId, entType)) globalEnts = self.privGetGlobalEntityDict() self.entId2specDict[entId] = globalEnts globalEnts[entId] = {} spec = globalEnts[entId] attribDescs = self.entTypeReg.getTypeDesc(entType).getAttribDescDict() for name, desc in attribDescs.items(): spec[name] = desc.getDefaultValue() spec['type'] = entType if parentEntId != 'unspecified': spec['parentEntId'] = parentEntId if self.hasLevel(): self.level.handleEntityInsert(entId) else: LevelSpec.notify.warning('no level to be notified of insertion') def removeEntity(self, entId):'removing entity %s' % entId) if self.hasLevel(): self.level.handleEntityRemove(entId) else: LevelSpec.notify.warning('no level to be notified of removal') dict = self.entId2specDict[entId] del dict[entId] del self.entId2specDict[entId] def removeZoneReferences(self, removedZoneNums): type2ids = self.getEntType2ids(self.getAllEntIdsFromAllScenarios()) for type in type2ids: typeDesc = self.entTypeReg.getTypeDesc(type) visZoneListAttribs = typeDesc.getAttribsOfType('visZoneList') if len(visZoneListAttribs) > 0: for entId in type2ids[type]: spec = self.getEntitySpec(entId) for attribName in visZoneListAttribs: for zoneNum in removedZoneNums: while zoneNum in spec[attribName]: spec[attribName].remove(zoneNum) def getSpecImportsModuleName(self): return 'toontown.coghq.SpecImports' def getFilename(self): return self.filename def privGetBackupFilename(self, filename): return '%s.bak' % filename def saveToDisk(self, filename = None, makeBackup = 1): if filename is None: filename = self.filename if filename.endswith('.pyc'): filename = filename.replace('.pyc', '.py') if makeBackup and self.privFileExists(filename): try: backupFilename = self.privGetBackupFilename(filename) self.privRemoveFile(backupFilename) os.rename(filename, backupFilename) except OSError, e: LevelSpec.notify.warning('error during backup: %s' % str(e))"writing to '%s'" % filename) self.privRemoveFile(filename) self.privSaveToDisk(filename) return def privSaveToDisk(self, filename): retval = 1 f = file(filename, 'wb') try: f.write(self.getPrettyString()) except IOError: retval = 0 f.close() return retval def privFileExists(self, filename): try: os.stat(filename) return 1 except OSError: return 0 def privRemoveFile(self, filename): try: os.remove(filename) return 1 except OSError: return 0 def getPrettyString(self): import pprint tabWidth = 4 tab = ' ' * tabWidth globalEntitiesName = 'GlobalEntities' scenarioEntitiesName = 'Scenario%s' topLevelName = 'levelSpec' def getPrettyEntityDictStr(name, dict, tabs = 0): def t(n): return (tabs + n) * tab def sortList(lst, firstElements = []): elements = list(lst) result = [] for el in firstElements: if el in elements: result.append(el) elements.remove(el) elements.sort() result.extend(elements) return result firstTypes = ('levelMgr', 'editMgr', 'zone') firstAttribs = ('type', 'name', 'comment', 'parentEntId', 'pos', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'hpr', 'h', 'p', 'r', 'scale', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'color', 'model') str = t(0) + '%s = {\n' % name entIds = dict.keys() entType2ids = self.getEntType2ids(entIds) types = sortList(entType2ids.keys(), firstTypes) for type in types: str += t(1) + '# %s\n' % type.upper() entIds = entType2ids[type] entIds.sort() for entId in entIds: str += t(1) + '%s: {\n' % entId spec = dict[entId] attribs = sortList(spec.keys(), firstAttribs) for attrib in attribs: str += t(2) + "'%s': %s,\n" % (attrib, repr(spec[attrib])) str += t(2) + '}, # end entity %s\n' % entId str += t(1) + '}\n' return str def getPrettyTopLevelDictStr(tabs = 0): def t(n): return (tabs + n) * tab str = t(0) + '%s = {\n' % topLevelName str += t(1) + "'globalEntities': %s,\n" % globalEntitiesName str += t(1) + "'scenarios': [\n" for i in xrange(self.getNumScenarios()): str += t(2) + '%s,\n' % (scenarioEntitiesName % i) str += t(2) + '],\n' str += t(1) + '}\n' return str str = 'from %s import *\n' % self.getSpecImportsModuleName() str += '\n' str += getPrettyEntityDictStr('GlobalEntities', self.privGetGlobalEntityDict()) str += '\n' numScenarios = self.getNumScenarios() for i in xrange(numScenarios): str += getPrettyEntityDictStr('Scenario%s' % i, self.privGetScenarioEntityDict(i)) str += '\n' str += getPrettyTopLevelDictStr() self.testPrettyString(prettyString=str) return str def _recurKeyTest(self, dict1, dict2): s = '' errorCount = 0 if set(dict1.keys()) != set(dict2.keys()): return 0 for key in dict1: if type(dict1[key]) == type({}) and type(dict2[key]) == type({}): if not self._recurKeyTest(dict1[key], dict2[key]): return 0 else: strd1 = repr(dict1[key]) strd2 = repr(dict2[key]) if strd1 != strd2: s += '\nBAD VALUE(%s): %s != %s\n' % (key, strd1, strd2) errorCount += 1 print s if errorCount == 0: return 1 else: return 0 def testPrettyString(self, prettyString=None): pass def checkSpecIntegrity(self): entIds = self.getGlobalEntIds() entIds = list2dict(entIds) for i in xrange(self.getNumScenarios()): for id in self.getScenarioEntIds(i): entIds[id] = None if self.entTypeReg is not None: allEntIds = entIds for entId in allEntIds: spec = self.getEntitySpec(entId) entType = spec['type'] typeDesc = self.entTypeReg.getTypeDesc(entType) attribNames = typeDesc.getAttribNames() attribDescs = typeDesc.getAttribDescDict() for attrib in spec.keys(): if attrib not in attribNames: LevelSpec.notify.warning("entId %s (%s): unknown attrib '%s', omitting" % (entId, spec['type'], attrib)) del spec[attrib] for attribName in attribNames: if attribName not in spec: LevelSpec.notify.warning("entId %s (%s): missing attrib '%s'" % (entId, spec['type'], attribName)) return def stringHash(self): h = PM.HashVal() h.hashString(repr(self)) return h.asHex() def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __str__(self): return 'LevelSpec' def __repr__(self): return 'LevelSpec(%s, scenario=%s)' % (repeatableRepr(self.specDict), repeatableRepr(self.scenario))