wxEditor component ------------------ The wxEditor class implements a simple text editor using wxPython. You can create a custom editor by subclassing wxEditor. Even though much of the editor is implemented in Python, it runs surprisingly smoothly on normal hardware with small files. Keys ---- Keys are similar to Windows-based editors: Tab: 1 to 4 spaces (to next tab stop) Cursor movement: Arrow keys Beginning of line: Home End of line: End Beginning of buffer: Control-Home End of the buffer: Control-End Select text: Hold down Shift while moving the cursor Copy: Shift-Insert, Control-C Cut: Shift-Delete, Control-X Paste: Control-Insert, Control-V How to use it ------------- The demo code (demo/wxEditor.py) shows how to use it as a simple text box. Use the SetText() and GetText() methods to set or get text from the component; these both return a list of strings. The samples/FrogEdit directory has an example of a simple text editor application that uses the wxEditor component. Subclassing ----------- To add or change functionality, you can subclass this component. One example of this might be to change the key Alt key commands. In that case you would (for example) override the SetAltFuncs() method. History ------- The original author of this component was Dirk Holtwic. It originally had limited support for syntax highlighting, but was not a usable text editor, as it didn't implement select (with keys or mouse), or any of the usual key sequences you'd expect in an editor. Robin Dunn did some refactoring work to make it more usable. Steve Howell and Adam Feuer did a lot of refactoring, and added some functionality, including keyboard and mouse select, properly working scrollbars, and overridable keys. Adam and Steve also removed support for syntax-highlighting while refactoring the code. To do ----- Alt/Ctrl Arrow keys move by word Descriptive help text for keys Speed improvements Different fonts/colors Authors ------- Steve Howell, Adam Feuer, Dirk Holtwic, Robin Dunn Contact ------- You can find the latest code for wxEditor here: http://www.pobox.com/~adamf/software/ We're not actively maintaining this code, but we can answer questions about it. You can email us at: Adam Feuer <adamf at pobox dot com> Steve Howell <showell at zipcon dot net> 29 November 2001