from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import * from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * import ArrowKeys from direct.task.Task import Task class TwoDDrive: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('TwoDDrive') TASK_NAME = 'TwoDDriveTask' SET_ATREST_HEADING_TASK = 'setAtRestHeadingTask' def __init__(self, game, speed, maxFrameMove = None, customCollisionCallback = None, priority = 0, setHeading = 1, upHeading = 0): = game self.speed = speed self.maxFrameMove = maxFrameMove self.customCollisionCallback = customCollisionCallback self.priority = priority self.setHeading = setHeading self.upHeading = upHeading self.arrowKeys = ArrowKeys.ArrowKeys() self.wasUpReleased = True = base.localAvatar base.localAvatar.useTwoDControls() base.localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 30.0 self.ONE_JUMP_PER_UP_PRESSED = True self.lastAction = None self.isMovingX = False return def destroy(self): = None base.localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 24.0 base.localAvatar.useWalkControls() self.arrowKeys.destroy() del self.arrowKeys del self.customCollisionCallback self.lastAction = None return def start(self): self.notify.debug('start') self.__placeToonHOG( base.localAvatar.enableAvatarControls() taskMgr.remove(TwoDDrive.TASK_NAME) taskMgr.add(self.__update, TwoDDrive.TASK_NAME, priority=self.priority) def __placeToonHOG(self, pos, h = None): if h == None: h = self.lastPos = pos self.atRestHeading = h self.oldAtRestHeading = h self.lastXVel = 0 self.lastYVel = 0 return def stop(self): self.notify.debug('stop') base.localAvatar.disableAvatarControls() taskMgr.remove(TwoDDrive.TASK_NAME) taskMgr.remove(TwoDDrive.SET_ATREST_HEADING_TASK) if hasattr(self, 'turnLocalToonIval'): if self.turnLocalToonIval.isPlaying(): self.turnLocalToonIval.pause() del self.turnLocalToonIval base.localAvatar.setSpeed(0, 0) base.localAvatar.stopSound() def __update(self, task): vel = Vec3(0, 0, 0) xVel = 0 yVel = 0 if self.ONE_JUMP_PER_UP_PRESSED: if not self.arrowKeys.upPressed(): self.wasUpReleased = True elif self.arrowKeys.upPressed() and self.wasUpReleased: self.wasUpReleased = False if not if localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls == localAvatar.controlManager.get('twoD'): base.localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls.jumpPressed() elif self.arrowKeys.upPressed(): if not if localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls == localAvatar.controlManager.get('twoD'): base.localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls.jumpPressed() if self.arrowKeys.leftPressed(): xVel -= 1 if self.arrowKeys.rightPressed(): xVel += 1 vel.setX(xVel) vel.setY(yVel) vel.normalize() vel *= self.speed if abs(xVel) > 0: if not self.isMovingX: self.isMovingX = True messenger.send('avatarMovingX') elif self.isMovingX: self.isMovingX = False messenger.send('avatarStoppedX') speed = vel.length() action =, 0) if action != self.lastAction: self.lastAction = action if action == OTPGlobals.RUN_INDEX: base.localAvatar.runSound() else: base.localAvatar.stopSound() if self.setHeading: self.__handleHeading(xVel, yVel) toonPos = dt = globalClock.getDt() posOffset = vel * dt if self.customCollisionCallback: toonPos = self.customCollisionCallback(toonPos, toonPos + posOffset) else: toonPos += posOffset self.lastPos = toonPos return Task.cont def __handleHeading(self, xVel, yVel): def getHeading(xVel, yVel): angTab = [[None, 0, 180], [-90, -45, -135], [90, 45, 135]] return angTab[xVel][yVel] + self.upHeading def orientToon(angle, self = self): startAngle = startAngle = fitSrcAngle2Dest(startAngle, angle) dur = 0.1 * abs(startAngle - angle) / 90 self.turnLocalToonIval = LerpHprInterval(, dur, Point3(angle, 0, 0), startHpr=Point3(startAngle, 0, 0), name='TwoDDriveLerpHpr') self.turnLocalToonIval.start() if self.atRestHeading != self.oldAtRestHeading: self.oldAtRestHeading = self.atRestHeading messenger.send('avatarOrientationChanged', [self.atRestHeading]) if xVel != self.lastXVel or yVel != self.lastYVel: taskMgr.remove(TwoDDrive.SET_ATREST_HEADING_TASK) if not (xVel or yVel): orientToon(self.atRestHeading) else: curHeading = getHeading(xVel, yVel) if ((self.lastXVel and self.lastYVel) and not (xVel and yVel)): def setAtRestHeading(task, self = self, angle = curHeading): self.atRestHeading = angle return Task.done taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.05, setAtRestHeading, TwoDDrive.SET_ATREST_HEADING_TASK) else: self.atRestHeading = curHeading orientToon(curHeading) self.lastXVel = xVel self.lastYVel = yVel