############################################################################### # Name: platebtn.py # # Purpose: PlateButton is a flat label button with support for bitmaps and # # drop menu. # # Author: Cody Precord # # Copyright: (c) 2007 Cody Precord # # Licence: wxWindows Licence # # Tags: phoenix-port ############################################################################### """ Editra Control Library: PlateButton The PlateButton is a custom owner drawn flat button, that in many ways emulates the buttons found the bookmark bar of the Safari browser. It can be used as a drop in replacement for wx.Button/wx.BitmapButton under most circumstances. It also offers a wide range of options for customizing its appearance, a description of each of the main style settings is listed below. Main Button Styles: Any combination of the following values may be passed to the constructor's style keyword parameter. PB_STYLE_DEFAULT: Creates a flat label button with rounded corners, the highlight for mouse over and press states is based off of the hightlight color from the systems current theme. PB_STYLE_GRADIENT: The highlight and press states are drawn with gradient using the current highlight color. PB_STYLE_SQUARE: Instead of the default rounded shape use a rectangular shaped button with square edges. PB_STYLE_NOBG: This style only has an effect on Windows but does not cause harm to use on the platforms. It should only be used when the control is shown on a panel or other window that has a non solid color for a background. i.e a gradient or image is painted on the background of the parent window. If used on a background with a solid color it may cause the control to loose its transparent appearance. PB_STYLE_DROPARROW: Add a drop button arrow to the button that will send a separate event when clicked on. Other attributes can be configured after the control has been created. The settings that are currently available are as follows: - SetBitmap: Change/Add the bitmap at any time and the control will resize and refresh to display it. - SetLabelColor: Explicitly set text colors - SetMenu: Set the button to have a popupmenu. When a menu is set a small drop arrow will be drawn on the button that can then be clicked to show a menu. - SetPressColor: Use a custom highlight color Overridden Methods Inherited from PyControl: - SetFont: Changing the font is one way to set the size of the button, by default the control will inherit its font from its parent. - SetWindowVariant: Setting the window variant will cause the control to resize to the corresponding variant size. However if the button is using a bitmap the bitmap will remain unchanged and only the font will be adjusted. Requirements: - python2.4 or higher - wxPython2.8 or higher """ __author__ = "Cody Precord " __all__ = ["PlateButton", "PLATE_NORMAL", "PLATE_PRESSED", "PLATE_HIGHLIGHT", "PB_STYLE_DEFAULT", "PB_STYLE_GRADIENT", "PB_STYLE_SQUARE", "PB_STYLE_NOBG", "PB_STYLE_DROPARROW", "PB_STYLE_TOGGLE", "EVT_PLATEBTN_DROPARROW_PRESSED"] #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Imports import wx import wx.lib.newevent # Local Imports from wx.lib.colourutils import * #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Button States PLATE_NORMAL = 0 PLATE_PRESSED = 1 PLATE_HIGHLIGHT = 2 # Button Styles PB_STYLE_DEFAULT = 1 # Normal Flat Background PB_STYLE_GRADIENT = 2 # Gradient Filled Background PB_STYLE_SQUARE = 4 # Use square corners instead of rounded PB_STYLE_NOBG = 8 # Useful on Windows to get a transparent appearance # when the control is shown on a non solid background PB_STYLE_DROPARROW = 16 # Draw drop arrow and fire EVT_PLATEBTN_DROPRROW_PRESSED event PB_STYLE_TOGGLE = 32 # Stay pressed until clicked again #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EVT_BUTTON used for normal event notification # EVT_TOGGLE_BUTTON used for toggle button mode notification PlateBtnDropArrowPressed, EVT_PLATEBTN_DROPARROW_PRESSED = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PlateButton(wx.Control): """PlateButton is a custom type of flat button with support for displaying bitmaps and having an attached dropdown menu. """ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label='', bmp=None, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PB_STYLE_DEFAULT, name=wx.ButtonNameStr): """Create a PlateButton :keyword string `label`: Buttons label text :keyword Bitmap `bmp`: Buttons bitmap :keyword `style`: Button style """ super(PlateButton, self).__init__(parent, id, pos, size, wx.BORDER_NONE|wx.TRANSPARENT_WINDOW, name=name) # Attributes self.InheritAttributes() self._bmp = dict(enable=None, disable=None) if bmp is not None: assert isinstance(bmp, wx.Bitmap) and bmp.IsOk() self._bmp['enable'] = bmp img = bmp.ConvertToImage() img = img.ConvertToGreyscale(.795, .073, .026) #(.634, .224, .143) self._bmp['disable'] = wx.Bitmap(img) self._menu = None self.SetLabel(label) self._style = style self._state = dict(pre=PLATE_NORMAL, cur=PLATE_NORMAL) self._color = self.__InitColors() self._pressed = False # Setup Initial Size self.SetInitialSize(size) # Event Handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, lambda evt: self.__DrawButton()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnErase) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus) # Mouse Events self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, lambda evt: self._ToggleState()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, lambda evt: self._SetState(PLATE_HIGHLIGHT)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, lambda evt: wx.CallLater(80, self.__LeaveWindow)) # Other events self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, lambda evt: self.ShowMenu()) def __DrawBitmap(self, gc): """Draw the bitmap if one has been set :param GCDC `gc`: :class:`GCDC` to draw with :return: x cordinate to draw text at """ if self.IsEnabled(): bmp = self._bmp['enable'] else: bmp = self._bmp['disable'] if bmp is not None and bmp.IsOk(): bw, bh = bmp.GetSize() ypos = (self.GetSize()[1] - bh) // 2 gc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 6, ypos, bmp.GetMask() != None) return bw + 6 else: return 6 def __DrawDropArrow(self, gc, xpos, ypos): """Draw a drop arrow if needed and restore pen/brush after finished :param GCDC `gc`: :class:`GCDC` to draw with :param int `xpos`: x cord to start at :param int `ypos`: y cord to start at """ if self._menu is not None or self._style & PB_STYLE_DROPARROW: # Positioning needs a little help on Windows if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': xpos -= 2 tripoints = [(xpos, ypos), (xpos + 6, ypos), (xpos + 3, ypos + 5)] brush_b = gc.GetBrush() pen_b = gc.GetPen() gc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(gc.GetTextForeground())) gc.DrawPolygon(tripoints) gc.SetBrush(brush_b) gc.SetPen(pen_b) else: pass def __DrawHighlight(self, gc, width, height): """Draw the main highlight/pressed state :param GCDC `gc`: :class:`GCDC` to draw with :param int `width`: width of highlight :param int `height`: height of highlight """ if self._state['cur'] == PLATE_PRESSED: color = self._color['press'] else: color = self._color['hlight'] if self._style & PB_STYLE_SQUARE: rad = 0 else: rad = (height - 3) / 2 if self._style & PB_STYLE_GRADIENT: gc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) rgc = gc.GetGraphicsContext() brush = rgc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(0, 1, 0, height, color, AdjustAlpha(color, 55)) rgc.SetBrush(brush) else: gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) gc.DrawRoundedRectangle(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, rad) def __PostEvent(self): """Post a button event to parent of this control""" if self._style & PB_STYLE_TOGGLE: etype = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TOGGLEBUTTON_CLICKED else: etype = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED bevt = wx.CommandEvent(etype, self.GetId()) bevt.SetEventObject(self) bevt.SetString(self.GetLabel()) self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(bevt) def __DrawButton(self): """Draw the button""" # TODO using a buffered paintdc on windows with the nobg style # causes lots of weird drawing. So currently the use of a # buffered dc is dissabled for this style. if PB_STYLE_NOBG & self._style: dc = wx.PaintDC(self) else: dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory(self) gc = wx.GCDC(dc) # Setup dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) gc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) gc.SetFont(self.Font) dc.SetFont(self.Font) gc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT) # The background needs some help to look transparent on # on Gtk and Windows if wx.Platform in ['__WXGTK__', '__WXMSW__']: gc.SetBackground(self.GetBackgroundBrush(gc)) gc.Clear() # Calc Object Positions width, height = self.GetSize() if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__': tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent(self.Label) else: tw, th = gc.GetTextExtent(self.Label) txt_y = max((height - th) // 2, 1) if self._state['cur'] == PLATE_HIGHLIGHT: gc.SetTextForeground(self._color['htxt']) gc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) self.__DrawHighlight(gc, width, height) elif self._state['cur'] == PLATE_PRESSED: gc.SetTextForeground(self._color['htxt']) if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': pen = wx.Pen(GetHighlightColour(), 1, wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID) else: pen = wx.Pen(AdjustColour(self._color['press'], -80, 220), 1) gc.SetPen(pen) self.__DrawHighlight(gc, width, height) txt_x = self.__DrawBitmap(gc) if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__': dc.DrawText(self.Label, txt_x + 2, txt_y) else: gc.DrawText(self.Label, txt_x + 2, txt_y) self.__DrawDropArrow(gc, width - 10, (height // 2) - 2) else: if self.IsEnabled(): gc.SetTextForeground(self.GetForegroundColour()) else: txt_c = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT) gc.SetTextForeground(txt_c) # Draw bitmap and text if self._state['cur'] != PLATE_PRESSED: txt_x = self.__DrawBitmap(gc) if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__': dc.DrawText(self.Label, txt_x + 2, txt_y) else: gc.DrawText(self.Label, txt_x + 2, txt_y) self.__DrawDropArrow(gc, width - 10, (height // 2) - 2) def __InitColors(self): """Initialize the default colors""" color = GetHighlightColour() pcolor = AdjustColour(color, -12) colors = dict(default=True, hlight=color, press=pcolor, htxt=BestLabelColour(self.GetForegroundColour())) return colors def __LeaveWindow(self): """Handle updating the buttons state when the mouse cursor leaves""" if (self._style & PB_STYLE_TOGGLE) and self._pressed: self._SetState(PLATE_PRESSED) else: self._SetState(PLATE_NORMAL) self._pressed = False def _SetState(self, state): """Manually set the state of the button :param `state`: one of the PLATE_* values ..note:: the state may be altered by mouse actions ..note:: Internal use only! """ self._state['pre'] = self._state['cur'] self._state['cur'] = state if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': self.Parent.RefreshRect(self.Rect, False) else: self.Refresh() def _ToggleState(self): """Toggle button state ..note:: Internal Use Only! """ if self._state['cur'] != PLATE_PRESSED: self._SetState(PLATE_PRESSED) else: self._SetState(PLATE_HIGHLIGHT) #---- End Private Member Function ----# #---- Public Member Functions ----# BitmapDisabled = property(lambda self: self.GetBitmapDisabled(), lambda self, bmp: self.SetBitmapDisabled(bmp)) BitmapLabel = property(lambda self: self.GetBitmapLabel(), lambda self, bmp: self.SetBitmap(bmp)) # Aliases BitmapFocus = BitmapLabel BitmapHover = BitmapLabel BitmapSelected = BitmapLabel LabelText = property(lambda self: self.GetLabel(), lambda self, lbl: self.SetLabel(lbl)) def AcceptsFocus(self): """Can this window have the focus?""" return self.IsEnabled() def Disable(self): """Disable the control""" super(PlateButton, self).Disable() self.Refresh() def DoGetBestSize(self): """Calculate the best size of the button :return: :class:`Size` """ width = 4 height = 6 if self.Label: # NOTE: Should measure with a GraphicsContext to get right # size, but due to random segfaults on linux special # handling is done in the drawing instead... lsize = self.GetFullTextExtent(self.Label) width += lsize[0] height += lsize[1] if self._bmp['enable'] is not None: bsize = self._bmp['enable'].Size width += (bsize[0] + 10) if height <= bsize[1]: height = bsize[1] + 6 else: height += 3 else: width += 10 if self._menu is not None or self._style & PB_STYLE_DROPARROW: width += 12 best = wx.Size(width, height) self.CacheBestSize(best) return best def Enable(self, enable=True): """Enable/Disable the control""" super(PlateButton, self).Enable(enable) self.Refresh() def GetBackgroundBrush(self, dc): """Get the brush for drawing the background of the button :return: :class:`Brush` ..note:: used internally when on gtk """ if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__' or self._style & PB_STYLE_NOBG: return wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH bkgrd = self.GetBackgroundColour() brush = wx.Brush(bkgrd, wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) my_attr = self.GetDefaultAttributes() p_attr = self.Parent.GetDefaultAttributes() my_def = bkgrd == my_attr.colBg p_def = self.Parent.GetBackgroundColour() == p_attr.colBg if my_def and not p_def: bkgrd = self.Parent.GetBackgroundColour() brush = wx.Brush(bkgrd, wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) return brush def GetBitmapDisabled(self): """Get the bitmap of the disable state :return: :class:`Bitmap` or None """ return self.BitmapDisabled def GetBitmapLabel(self): """Get the label bitmap :return: :class:`Bitmap` or None """ return self.BitmapLabel # GetBitmap Aliases for BitmapButton api GetBitmapFocus = GetBitmapLabel GetBitmapHover = GetBitmapLabel # Alias for GetLabel GetLabelText = wx.Control.GetLabel def GetMenu(self): """Return the menu associated with this button or None if no menu is associated with it. """ return self._menu def GetState(self): """Get the current state of the button :return: int ..seeAlso:: PLATE_NORMAL, PLATE_HIGHLIGHT, PLATE_PRESSED """ return self._state['cur'] def HasTransparentBackground(self): """Override setting of background fill""" return True def IsPressed(self): """Return if button is pressed (PB_STYLE_TOGGLE) :return: bool """ return self._pressed #---- Event Handlers ----# def OnErase(self, evt): """Trap the erase event to keep the background transparent on windows. :param `evt`: wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND """ pass def OnFocus(self, evt): """Set the visual focus state if need be""" if self._state['cur'] == PLATE_NORMAL: self._SetState(PLATE_HIGHLIGHT) def OnKeyUp(self, evt): """Execute a single button press action when the Return key is pressed and this control has the focus. :param `evt`: wx.EVT_KEY_UP """ if evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_SPACE: self._SetState(PLATE_PRESSED) self.__PostEvent() wx.CallLater(100, self._SetState, PLATE_HIGHLIGHT) else: evt.Skip() def OnKillFocus(self, evt): """Set the visual state back to normal when focus is lost unless the control is currently in a pressed state. """ # Note: this delay needs to be at least as much as the on in the KeyUp # handler to prevent ghost highlighting from happening when # quickly changing focus and activating buttons if self._state['cur'] != PLATE_PRESSED: self._SetState(PLATE_NORMAL) def OnLeftDown(self, evt): """Sets the pressed state and depending on the click position will show the popup menu if one has been set. """ if (self._style & PB_STYLE_TOGGLE): self._pressed = not self._pressed pos = evt.GetPosition() self._SetState(PLATE_PRESSED) size = self.GetSize() if pos[0] >= size[0] - 16: if self._menu is not None: self.ShowMenu() elif self._style & PB_STYLE_DROPARROW: event = PlateBtnDropArrowPressed() event.SetEventObject(self) self.EventHandler.ProcessEvent(event) self.SetFocus() def OnLeftUp(self, evt): """Post a button event if the control was previously in a pressed state. :param `evt`: :class:`MouseEvent` """ if self._state['cur'] == PLATE_PRESSED: pos = evt.GetPosition() size = self.GetSize() if not (self._style & PB_STYLE_DROPARROW and pos[0] >= size[0] - 16): self.__PostEvent() if self._pressed: self._SetState(PLATE_PRESSED) else: self._SetState(PLATE_HIGHLIGHT) def OnMenuClose(self, evt): """Refresh the control to a proper state after the menu has been dismissed. :param `evt`: wx.EVT_MENU_CLOSE """ mpos = wx.GetMousePosition() if self.HitTest(self.ScreenToClient(mpos)) != wx.HT_WINDOW_OUTSIDE: self._SetState(PLATE_HIGHLIGHT) else: self._SetState(PLATE_NORMAL) evt.Skip() #---- End Event Handlers ----# def SetBitmap(self, bmp): """Set the bitmap displayed in the button :param `bmp`: :class:`Bitmap` """ self._bmp['enable'] = bmp img = bmp.ConvertToImage() img = img.ConvertToGreyscale(.795, .073, .026) #(.634, .224, .143) self._bmp['disable'] = img.ConvertToBitmap() self.InvalidateBestSize() def SetBitmapDisabled(self, bmp): """Set the bitmap for the disabled state :param `bmp`: :class:`Bitmap` """ self._bmp['disable'] = bmp # Aliases for SetBitmap* functions from BitmapButton SetBitmapFocus = SetBitmap SetBitmapHover = SetBitmap SetBitmapLabel = SetBitmap SetBitmapSelected = SetBitmap def SetFocus(self): """Set this control to have the focus""" if self._state['cur'] != PLATE_PRESSED: self._SetState(PLATE_HIGHLIGHT) super(PlateButton, self).SetFocus() def SetFont(self, font): """Adjust size of control when font changes""" super(PlateButton, self).SetFont(font) self.InvalidateBestSize() def SetLabel(self, label): """Set the label of the button :param string `label`: lable string """ super(PlateButton, self).SetLabel(label) self.InvalidateBestSize() def SetLabelColor(self, normal, hlight=wx.NullColour): """Set the color of the label. The optimal label color is usually automatically selected depending on the button color. In some cases the colors that are chosen may not be optimal. The normal state must be specified, if the other two params are left Null they will be automatically guessed based on the normal color. To prevent this automatic color choices from happening either specify a color or None for the other params. :param Colour `normal`: Label color for normal state (:class:`Colour`) :keyword Colour `hlight`: Color for when mouse is hovering over """ assert isinstance(normal, wx.Colour), "Must supply a colour object" self._color['default'] = False self.SetForegroundColour(normal) if hlight is not None: if hlight.IsOk(): self._color['htxt'] = hlight else: self._color['htxt'] = BestLabelColour(normal) if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': self.Parent.RefreshRect(self.GetRect(), False) else: self.Refresh() def SetMenu(self, menu): """Set the menu that can be shown when clicking on the drop arrow of the button. :param Menu `menu`: :class:`Menu` to use as a PopupMenu ..note:: Arrow is not drawn unless a menu is set """ if self._menu is not None: self.Unbind(wx.EVT_MENU_CLOSE) self._menu = menu self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU_CLOSE, self.OnMenuClose) self.InvalidateBestSize() def SetPressColor(self, color): """Set the color used for highlighting the pressed state :param Colour `color`: :class:`Colour` ..note:: also resets all text colours as necessary """ self._color['default'] = False if color.Alpha() == 255: self._color['hlight'] = AdjustAlpha(color, 200) else: self._color['hlight'] = color self._color['press'] = AdjustColour(color, -10, 160) self._color['htxt'] = BestLabelColour(self._color['hlight']) self.Refresh() def SetWindowStyle(self, style): """Sets the window style bytes, the updates take place immediately no need to call refresh afterwards. :param `style`: bitmask of PB_STYLE_* values """ self._style = style self.Refresh() def SetWindowVariant(self, variant): """Set the variant/font size of this control""" super(PlateButton, self).SetWindowVariant(variant) self.InvalidateBestSize() def ShouldInheritColours(self): """Overridden base class virtual. If the parent has non-default colours then we want this control to inherit them. """ return True def ShowMenu(self): """Show the dropdown menu if one is associated with this control""" if self._menu is not None: size = self.GetSize() adj = wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__' and 3 or 0 if self._style & PB_STYLE_SQUARE: xpos = 1 else: xpos = size[1] / 2 self.PopupMenu(self._menu, (xpos, size[1] + adj)) #---- End Public Member Functions ----#