# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand. # # (The *.pi files are used by WingIDE to provide more information than it is # able to glean from introspection of extension types and methods.) # # Copyright: (c) 2013 by Total Control Software # License: wxWindows License #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- begin-_stc --# import wx STC_INVALID_POSITION = 0 STC_START = 0 STC_OPTIONAL_START = 0 STC_LEXER_START = 0 STC_WS_INVISIBLE = 0 STC_WS_VISIBLEALWAYS = 0 STC_WS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT = 0 STC_EOL_CRLF = 0 STC_EOL_CR = 0 STC_EOL_LF = 0 STC_CP_UTF8 = 0 STC_MARKER_MAX = 0 STC_MARK_CIRCLE = 0 STC_MARK_ROUNDRECT = 0 STC_MARK_ARROW = 0 STC_MARK_SMALLRECT = 0 STC_MARK_SHORTARROW = 0 STC_MARK_EMPTY = 0 STC_MARK_ARROWDOWN = 0 STC_MARK_MINUS = 0 STC_MARK_PLUS = 0 STC_MARK_VLINE = 0 STC_MARK_LCORNER = 0 STC_MARK_TCORNER = 0 STC_MARK_BOXPLUS = 0 STC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED = 0 STC_MARK_BOXMINUS = 0 STC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED = 0 STC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE = 0 STC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE = 0 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0 STC_PLM_NUMBER = 0 STC_PLM_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_PLM_OPERATOR = 0 STC_PLM_CONTROL = 0 STC_PLM_KEYWORD = 0 STC_4GL_DEFAULT = 0 STC_4GL_NUMBER = 0 STC_4GL_WORD = 0 STC_4GL_STRING = 0 STC_4GL_CHARACTER = 0 STC_4GL_PREPROCESSOR = 0 STC_4GL_OPERATOR = 0 STC_4GL_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_4GL_BLOCK = 0 STC_4GL_END = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT1 = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT2 = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT3 = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT4 = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT5 = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT6 = 0 STC_4GL_DEFAULT_ = 0 STC_4GL_NUMBER_ = 0 STC_4GL_WORD_ = 0 STC_4GL_STRING_ = 0 STC_4GL_CHARACTER_ = 0 STC_4GL_PREPROCESSOR_ = 0 STC_4GL_OPERATOR_ = 0 STC_4GL_IDENTIFIER_ = 0 STC_4GL_BLOCK_ = 0 STC_4GL_END_ = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT1_ = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT2_ = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT3_ = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT4_ = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT5_ = 0 STC_4GL_COMMENT6_ = 0 STC_ABAQUS_DEFAULT = 0 STC_ABAQUS_COMMENT = 0 STC_ABAQUS_COMMENTBLOCK = 0 STC_ABAQUS_NUMBER = 0 STC_ABAQUS_STRING = 0 STC_ABAQUS_OPERATOR = 0 STC_ABAQUS_WORD = 0 STC_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR = 0 STC_ABAQUS_COMMAND = 0 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= 0 STC_PO_MSGSTR = 0 STC_PO_MSGSTR_TEXT = 0 STC_PO_MSGCTXT = 0 STC_PO_MSGCTXT_TEXT = 0 STC_PO_FUZZY = 0 STC_PAS_DEFAULT = 0 STC_PAS_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_PAS_COMMENT = 0 STC_PAS_COMMENT2 = 0 STC_PAS_COMMENTLINE = 0 STC_PAS_PREPROCESSOR = 0 STC_PAS_PREPROCESSOR2 = 0 STC_PAS_NUMBER = 0 STC_PAS_HEXNUMBER = 0 STC_PAS_WORD = 0 STC_PAS_STRING = 0 STC_PAS_STRINGEOL = 0 STC_PAS_CHARACTER = 0 STC_PAS_OPERATOR = 0 STC_PAS_ASM = 0 STC_SORCUS_DEFAULT = 0 STC_SORCUS_COMMAND = 0 STC_SORCUS_PARAMETER = 0 STC_SORCUS_COMMENTLINE = 0 STC_SORCUS_STRING = 0 STC_SORCUS_STRINGEOL = 0 STC_SORCUS_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_SORCUS_OPERATOR = 0 STC_SORCUS_NUMBER = 0 STC_SORCUS_CONSTANT = 0 STC_POWERPRO_DEFAULT = 0 STC_POWERPRO_COMMENTBLOCK = 0 STC_POWERPRO_COMMENTLINE = 0 STC_POWERPRO_NUMBER = 0 STC_POWERPRO_WORD = 0 STC_POWERPRO_WORD2 = 0 STC_POWERPRO_WORD3 = 0 STC_POWERPRO_WORD4 = 0 STC_POWERPRO_DOUBLEQUOTEDSTRING = 0 STC_POWERPRO_SINGLEQUOTEDSTRING = 0 STC_POWERPRO_LINECONTINUE = 0 STC_POWERPRO_OPERATOR = 0 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STC_A68K_MACRO_DECLARATION = 0 STC_A68K_COMMENT_WORD = 0 STC_A68K_COMMENT_SPECIAL = 0 STC_A68K_COMMENT_DOXYGEN = 0 STC_MODULA_DEFAULT = 0 STC_MODULA_COMMENT = 0 STC_MODULA_DOXYCOMM = 0 STC_MODULA_DOXYKEY = 0 STC_MODULA_KEYWORD = 0 STC_MODULA_RESERVED = 0 STC_MODULA_NUMBER = 0 STC_MODULA_BASENUM = 0 STC_MODULA_FLOAT = 0 STC_MODULA_STRING = 0 STC_MODULA_STRSPEC = 0 STC_MODULA_CHAR = 0 STC_MODULA_CHARSPEC = 0 STC_MODULA_PROC = 0 STC_MODULA_PRAGMA = 0 STC_MODULA_PRGKEY = 0 STC_MODULA_OPERATOR = 0 STC_MODULA_BADSTR = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_DEFAULT = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENT = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENTLINE = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENTDOC = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_NUMBER = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_WORD = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_STRING = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_CHARACTER = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_UUID = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_PREPROCESSOR = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_OPERATOR = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_STRINGEOL = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_VERBATIM = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_REGEX = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENTLINEDOC = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_WORD2 = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_GLOBALCLASS = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_STRINGRAW = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_TRIPLEVERBATIM = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_HASHQUOTEDSTRING = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_COMMENTBLOCK = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_VERBOSE_REGEX = 0 STC_COFFEESCRIPT_VERBOSE_REGEX_COMMENT = 0 STC_AVS_DEFAULT = 0 STC_AVS_COMMENTBLOCK = 0 STC_AVS_COMMENTBLOCKN = 0 STC_AVS_COMMENTLINE = 0 STC_AVS_NUMBER = 0 STC_AVS_OPERATOR = 0 STC_AVS_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_AVS_STRING = 0 STC_AVS_TRIPLESTRING = 0 STC_AVS_KEYWORD = 0 STC_AVS_FILTER = 0 STC_AVS_PLUGIN = 0 STC_AVS_FUNCTION = 0 STC_AVS_CLIPPROP = 0 STC_AVS_USERDFN = 0 STC_ECL_DEFAULT = 0 STC_ECL_COMMENT = 0 STC_ECL_COMMENTLINE = 0 STC_ECL_NUMBER = 0 STC_ECL_STRING = 0 STC_ECL_WORD0 = 0 STC_ECL_OPERATOR = 0 STC_ECL_CHARACTER = 0 STC_ECL_UUID = 0 STC_ECL_PREPROCESSOR = 0 STC_ECL_UNKNOWN = 0 STC_ECL_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_ECL_STRINGEOL = 0 STC_ECL_VERBATIM = 0 STC_ECL_REGEX = 0 STC_ECL_COMMENTLINEDOC = 0 STC_ECL_WORD1 = 0 STC_ECL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD = 0 STC_ECL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR = 0 STC_ECL_WORD2 = 0 STC_ECL_WORD3 = 0 STC_ECL_WORD4 = 0 STC_ECL_WORD5 = 0 STC_ECL_COMMENTDOC = 0 STC_ECL_ADDED = 0 STC_ECL_DELETED = 0 STC_ECL_CHANGED = 0 STC_ECL_MOVED = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_DEFAULT = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_LINE_COMMENT = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_BLOCK_COMMENT = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_DOC_COMMENT = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_PREPROCESSOR = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_NUMBER = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_SINGLEQUOTE_STRING = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_DOUBLEQUOTE_STRING = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_CONSTANT = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_GLOBAL = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_KEYWORD = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_OPERATOR = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_LABEL = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_TYPE = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_FUNCTION = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_OBJECT = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_PROPERTY = 0 STC_OSCRIPT_METHOD = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_DEFAULT = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_KEY_MAJOR = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_KEY_MINOR = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_KEY_DIRECTIVE = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_COMMENT_BLOCK = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_COMMENT_LINE = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_COMMENT_KEY = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_COMMENT_KEY_ERROR = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_IDENTIFIER = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_VARIABLE = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_ANONYMOUS = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_NUMBER = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_OPERATOR = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_ESCAPE = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_ESCAPE_ERROR = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL = 0 STC_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_EOL = 0 STC_CMD_REDO = 0 STC_CMD_SELECTALL = 0 STC_CMD_UNDO = 0 STC_CMD_CUT = 0 STC_CMD_COPY = 0 STC_CMD_PASTE = 0 STC_CMD_CLEAR = 0 STC_CMD_LINEDOWN = 0 STC_CMD_LINEDOWNEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEUP = 0 STC_CMD_LINEUPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_CHARLEFT = 0 STC_CMD_CHARLEFTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_CHARRIGHT = 0 STC_CMD_CHARRIGHTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDLEFT = 0 STC_CMD_WORDLEFTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDRIGHT = 0 STC_CMD_WORDRIGHTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_HOME = 0 STC_CMD_HOMEEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEENDEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_DOCUMENTSTART = 0 STC_CMD_DOCUMENTSTARTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_DOCUMENTEND = 0 STC_CMD_DOCUMENTENDEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_PAGEUP = 0 STC_CMD_PAGEUPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_PAGEDOWN = 0 STC_CMD_PAGEDOWNEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_EDITTOGGLEOVERTYPE = 0 STC_CMD_CANCEL = 0 STC_CMD_DELETEBACK = 0 STC_CMD_TAB = 0 STC_CMD_BACKTAB = 0 STC_CMD_NEWLINE = 0 STC_CMD_FORMFEED = 0 STC_CMD_VCHOME = 0 STC_CMD_VCHOMEEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_ZOOMIN = 0 STC_CMD_ZOOMOUT = 0 STC_CMD_DELWORDLEFT = 0 STC_CMD_DELWORDRIGHT = 0 STC_CMD_DELWORDRIGHTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINECUT = 0 STC_CMD_LINEDELETE = 0 STC_CMD_LINETRANSPOSE = 0 STC_CMD_LINEDUPLICATE = 0 STC_CMD_LOWERCASE = 0 STC_CMD_UPPERCASE = 0 STC_CMD_LINESCROLLDOWN = 0 STC_CMD_LINESCROLLUP = 0 STC_CMD_DELETEBACKNOTLINE = 0 STC_CMD_HOMEDISPLAY = 0 STC_CMD_HOMEDISPLAYEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEENDDISPLAY = 0 STC_CMD_LINEENDDISPLAYEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_HOMEWRAP = 0 STC_CMD_HOMEWRAPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEENDWRAP = 0 STC_CMD_LINEENDWRAPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_VCHOMEWRAP = 0 STC_CMD_VCHOMEWRAPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINECOPY = 0 STC_CMD_WORDPARTLEFT = 0 STC_CMD_WORDPARTLEFTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDPARTRIGHT = 0 STC_CMD_WORDPARTRIGHTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_DELLINELEFT = 0 STC_CMD_DELLINERIGHT = 0 STC_CMD_PARADOWN = 0 STC_CMD_PARADOWNEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_PARAUP = 0 STC_CMD_PARAUPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEDOWNRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEUPRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_CHARLEFTRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_CHARRIGHTRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_HOMERECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_VCHOMERECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_LINEENDRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_PAGEUPRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_PAGEDOWNRECTEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_STUTTEREDPAGEUP = 0 STC_CMD_STUTTEREDPAGEUPEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_STUTTEREDPAGEDOWN = 0 STC_CMD_STUTTEREDPAGEDOWNEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDLEFTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDLEFTENDEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDRIGHTEND = 0 STC_CMD_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND = 0 STC_CMD_VERTICALCENTRECARET = 0 STC_CMD_MOVESELECTEDLINESUP = 0 STC_CMD_MOVESELECTEDLINESDOWN = 0 STC_CMD_SCROLLTOSTART = 0 STC_CMD_SCROLLTOEND = 0 wxEVT_STC_CHANGE = 0 wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED = 0 wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED = 0 wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED = 0 wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT = 0 wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT = 0 wxEVT_STC_KEY = 0 wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK = 0 wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI = 0 wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED = 0 wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD = 0 wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK = 0 wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN = 0 wxEVT_STC_PAINTED = 0 wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION = 0 wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED = 0 wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART = 0 wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND = 0 wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG = 0 wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER = 0 wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP = 0 wxEVT_STC_ZOOM = 0 wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK = 0 wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION = 0 wxEVT_STC_INDICATOR_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_STC_INDICATOR_RELEASE = 0 wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CANCELLED = 0 wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CHAR_DELETED = 0 wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK = 0 STCNameStr = "" class StyledTextCtrl(Control, TextEntry): """ StyledTextCtrl(parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=0, name=STCNameStr) StyledTextCtrl() A wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code editing component. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ StyledTextCtrl(parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=0, name=STCNameStr) StyledTextCtrl() A wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code editing component. """ def Create(self, parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=0, name=STCNameStr): """ Create(parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=0, name=STCNameStr) -> bool Create the UI elements for a STC that was created with the default ctor. """ def AddText(self, text): """ AddText(text) Add text to the document at current position. """ def AddStyledText(self, data): """ AddStyledText(data) Add array of cells to document. """ def InsertText(self, pos, text): """ InsertText(pos, text) Insert string at a position. """ def ClearAll(self): """ ClearAll() Delete all text in the document. """ def DeleteRange(self, pos, deleteLength): """ DeleteRange(pos, deleteLength) Delete a range of text in the document. """ def ClearDocumentStyle(self): """ ClearDocumentStyle() Set all style bytes to 0, remove all folding information. """ def GetLength(self): """ GetLength() -> int Returns the number of bytes in the document. """ def GetCharAt(self, pos): """ GetCharAt(pos) -> int Returns the character byte at the position. """ def GetCurrentPos(self): """ GetCurrentPos() -> int Returns the position of the caret. """ def GetAnchor(self): """ GetAnchor() -> int Returns the position of the opposite end of the selection to the caret. """ def GetStyleAt(self, pos): """ GetStyleAt(pos) -> int Returns the style byte at the position. """ def Redo(self): """ Redo() Redoes the next action on the undo history. """ def SetUndoCollection(self, collectUndo): """ SetUndoCollection(collectUndo) Choose between collecting actions into the undo history and discarding them. """ def SelectAll(self): """ SelectAll() Select all the text in the document. """ def SetSavePoint(self): """ SetSavePoint() Remember the current position in the undo history as the position at which the document was saved. """ def GetStyledText(self, startPos, endPos): """ GetStyledText(startPos, endPos) -> MemoryBuffer Retrieve a buffer of cells. """ def CanRedo(self): """ CanRedo() -> bool Are there any redoable actions in the undo history? """ def MarkerLineFromHandle(self, handle): """ MarkerLineFromHandle(handle) -> int Retrieve the line number at which a particular marker is located. """ def MarkerDeleteHandle(self, handle): """ MarkerDeleteHandle(handle) Delete a marker. """ def GetUndoCollection(self): """ GetUndoCollection() -> bool Is undo history being collected? """ def GetViewWhiteSpace(self): """ GetViewWhiteSpace() -> int Are white space characters currently visible? Returns one of SCWS_* constants. """ def SetViewWhiteSpace(self, viewWS): """ SetViewWhiteSpace(viewWS) Make white space characters invisible, always visible or visible outside indentation. """ def PositionFromPoint(self, pt): """ PositionFromPoint(pt) -> int Find the position from a point within the window. """ def PositionFromPointClose(self, x, y): """ PositionFromPointClose(x, y) -> int Find the position from a point within the window but return INVALID_POSITION if not close to text. """ def GotoLine(self, line): """ GotoLine(line) Set caret to start of a line and ensure it is visible. """ def GotoPos(self, pos): """ GotoPos(pos) Set caret to a position and ensure it is visible. """ def SetAnchor(self, posAnchor): """ SetAnchor(posAnchor) Set the selection anchor to a position. """ def GetCurLine(self): """ GetCurLine() -> (String, linePos) Retrieve the text of the line containing the caret. """ def GetEndStyled(self): """ GetEndStyled() -> int Retrieve the position of the last correctly styled character. """ def ConvertEOLs(self, eolMode): """ ConvertEOLs(eolMode) Convert all line endings in the document to one mode. """ def GetEOLMode(self): """ GetEOLMode() -> int Retrieve the current end of line mode - one of CRLF, CR, or LF. """ def SetEOLMode(self, eolMode): """ SetEOLMode(eolMode) Set the current end of line mode. """ def StartStyling(self, pos, mask): """ StartStyling(pos, mask) Set the current styling position to pos and the styling mask to mask. """ def SetStyling(self, length, style): """ SetStyling(length, style) Change style from current styling position for length characters to a style and move the current styling position to after this newly styled segment. """ def GetBufferedDraw(self): """ GetBufferedDraw() -> bool Is drawing done first into a buffer or direct to the screen? """ def SetBufferedDraw(self, buffered): """ SetBufferedDraw(buffered) If drawing is buffered then each line of text is drawn into a bitmap buffer before drawing it to the screen to avoid flicker. """ def SetTabWidth(self, tabWidth): """ SetTabWidth(tabWidth) Change the visible size of a tab to be a multiple of the width of a space character. """ def GetTabWidth(self): """ GetTabWidth() -> int Retrieve the visible size of a tab. """ def SetCodePage(self, codePage): """ SetCodePage(codePage) Set the code page used to interpret the bytes of the document as characters. """ def MarkerDefine(self, markerNumber, markerSymbol, foreground=NullColour, background=NullColour): """ MarkerDefine(markerNumber, markerSymbol, foreground=NullColour, background=NullColour) Set the symbol used for a particular marker number, and optionally the fore and background colours. """ def MarkerSetForeground(self, markerNumber, fore): """ MarkerSetForeground(markerNumber, fore) Set the foreground colour used for a particular marker number. """ def MarkerSetBackground(self, markerNumber, back): """ MarkerSetBackground(markerNumber, back) Set the background colour used for a particular marker number. """ def MarkerSetBackgroundSelected(self, markerNumber, back): """ MarkerSetBackgroundSelected(markerNumber, back) Set the background colour used for a particular marker number when its folding block is selected. """ def MarkerEnableHighlight(self, enabled): """ MarkerEnableHighlight(enabled) Enable/disable highlight for current folding bloc (smallest one that contains the caret) """ def MarkerAdd(self, line, markerNumber): """ MarkerAdd(line, markerNumber) -> int Add a marker to a line, returning an ID which can be used to find or delete the marker. """ def MarkerDelete(self, line, markerNumber): """ MarkerDelete(line, markerNumber) Delete a marker from a line. """ def MarkerDeleteAll(self, markerNumber): """ MarkerDeleteAll(markerNumber) Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines. """ def MarkerGet(self, line): """ MarkerGet(line) -> int Get a bit mask of all the markers set on a line. """ def MarkerNext(self, lineStart, markerMask): """ MarkerNext(lineStart, markerMask) -> int Find the next line at or after lineStart that includes a marker in mask. """ def MarkerPrevious(self, lineStart, markerMask): """ MarkerPrevious(lineStart, markerMask) -> int Find the previous line before lineStart that includes a marker in mask. """ def MarkerDefineBitmap(self, markerNumber, bmp): """ MarkerDefineBitmap(markerNumber, bmp) Define a marker from a bitmap. """ def MarkerAddSet(self, line, set): """ MarkerAddSet(line, set) Add a set of markers to a line. """ def MarkerSetAlpha(self, markerNumber, alpha): """ MarkerSetAlpha(markerNumber, alpha) Set the alpha used for a marker that is drawn in the text area, not the margin. """ def SetMarginType(self, margin, marginType): """ SetMarginType(margin, marginType) Set a margin to be either numeric or symbolic. """ def GetMarginType(self, margin): """ GetMarginType(margin) -> int Retrieve the type of a margin. """ def SetMarginWidth(self, margin, pixelWidth): """ SetMarginWidth(margin, pixelWidth) Set the width of a margin to a width expressed in pixels. """ def GetMarginWidth(self, margin): """ GetMarginWidth(margin) -> int Retrieve the width of a margin in pixels. """ def SetMarginMask(self, margin, mask): """ SetMarginMask(margin, mask) Set a mask that determines which markers are displayed in a margin. """ def GetMarginMask(self, margin): """ GetMarginMask(margin) -> int Retrieve the marker mask of a margin. """ def SetMarginSensitive(self, margin, sensitive): """ SetMarginSensitive(margin, sensitive) Make a margin sensitive or insensitive to mouse clicks. """ def GetMarginSensitive(self, margin): """ GetMarginSensitive(margin) -> bool Retrieve the mouse click sensitivity of a margin. """ def SetMarginCursor(self, margin, cursor): """ SetMarginCursor(margin, cursor) Set the cursor shown when the mouse is inside a margin. """ def GetMarginCursor(self, margin): """ GetMarginCursor(margin) -> int Retrieve the cursor shown in a margin. """ def StyleClearAll(self): """ StyleClearAll() Clear all the styles and make equivalent to the global default style. """ def StyleSetForeground(self, style, fore): """ StyleSetForeground(style, fore) Set the foreground colour of a style. """ def StyleSetBackground(self, style, back): """ StyleSetBackground(style, back) Set the background colour of a style. """ def StyleSetBold(self, style, bold): """ StyleSetBold(style, bold) Set a style to be bold or not. """ def StyleSetItalic(self, style, italic): """ StyleSetItalic(style, italic) Set a style to be italic or not. """ def StyleSetSize(self, style, sizePoints): """ StyleSetSize(style, sizePoints) Set the size of characters of a style. """ def StyleSetFaceName(self, style, fontName): """ StyleSetFaceName(style, fontName) Set the font of a style. """ def StyleSetEOLFilled(self, style, filled): """ StyleSetEOLFilled(style, filled) Set a style to have its end of line filled or not. """ def StyleResetDefault(self): """ StyleResetDefault() Reset the default style to its state at startup. """ def StyleSetUnderline(self, style, underline): """ StyleSetUnderline(style, underline) Set a style to be underlined or not. """ def StyleGetForeground(self, style): """ StyleGetForeground(style) -> Colour Get the foreground colour of a style. """ def StyleGetBackground(self, style): """ StyleGetBackground(style) -> Colour Get the background colour of a style. """ def StyleGetBold(self, style): """ StyleGetBold(style) -> bool Get is a style bold or not. """ def StyleGetItalic(self, style): """ StyleGetItalic(style) -> bool Get is a style italic or not. """ def StyleGetSize(self, style): """ StyleGetSize(style) -> int Get the size of characters of a style. """ def StyleGetFaceName(self, style): """ StyleGetFaceName(style) -> String Get the font facename of a style. """ def StyleGetEOLFilled(self, style): """ StyleGetEOLFilled(style) -> bool Get is a style to have its end of line filled or not. """ def StyleGetUnderline(self, style): """ StyleGetUnderline(style) -> bool Get is a style underlined or not. """ def StyleGetCase(self, style): """ StyleGetCase(style) -> int Get is a style mixed case, or to force upper or lower case. """ def StyleGetCharacterSet(self, style): """ StyleGetCharacterSet(style) -> int Get the character set of the font in a style. """ def StyleGetVisible(self, style): """ StyleGetVisible(style) -> bool Get is a style visible or not. """ def StyleGetChangeable(self, style): """ StyleGetChangeable(style) -> bool Get is a style changeable or not (read only). """ def StyleGetHotSpot(self, style): """ StyleGetHotSpot(style) -> bool Get is a style a hotspot or not. """ def StyleSetCase(self, style, caseForce): """ StyleSetCase(style, caseForce) Set a style to be mixed case, or to force upper or lower case. """ def StyleSetSizeFractional(self, style, caseForce): """ StyleSetSizeFractional(style, caseForce) Set the size of characters of a style. """ def StyleGetSizeFractional(self, style): """ StyleGetSizeFractional(style) -> int Get the size of characters of a style in points multiplied by 100. """ def StyleSetWeight(self, style, weight): """ StyleSetWeight(style, weight) Set the weight of characters of a style. """ def StyleGetWeight(self, style): """ StyleGetWeight(style) -> int Get the weight of characters of a style. """ def StyleSetHotSpot(self, style, hotspot): """ StyleSetHotSpot(style, hotspot) Set a style to be a hotspot or not. """ def SetSelForeground(self, useSetting, fore): """ SetSelForeground(useSetting, fore) Set the foreground colour of the main and additional selections and whether to use this setting. """ def SetSelBackground(self, useSetting, back): """ SetSelBackground(useSetting, back) Set the background colour of the main and additional selections and whether to use this setting. """ def GetSelAlpha(self): """ GetSelAlpha() -> int Get the alpha of the selection. """ def SetSelAlpha(self, alpha): """ SetSelAlpha(alpha) Set the alpha of the selection. """ def GetSelEOLFilled(self): """ GetSelEOLFilled() -> bool Is the selection end of line filled? """ def SetSelEOLFilled(self, filled): """ SetSelEOLFilled(filled) Set the selection to have its end of line filled or not. """ def SetCaretForeground(self, fore): """ SetCaretForeground(fore) Set the foreground colour of the caret. """ def CmdKeyAssign(self, key, modifiers, cmd): """ CmdKeyAssign(key, modifiers, cmd) When key+modifier combination km is pressed perform msg. """ def CmdKeyClear(self, key, modifiers): """ CmdKeyClear(key, modifiers) When key+modifier combination km is pressed do nothing. """ def CmdKeyClearAll(self): """ CmdKeyClearAll() Drop all key mappings. """ def SetStyleBytes(self, length, styleBytes): """ SetStyleBytes(length, styleBytes) Set the styles for a segment of the document. """ def StyleSetVisible(self, style, visible): """ StyleSetVisible(style, visible) Set a style to be visible or not. """ def GetCaretPeriod(self): """ GetCaretPeriod() -> int Get the time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off. """ def SetCaretPeriod(self, periodMilliseconds): """ SetCaretPeriod(periodMilliseconds) Get the time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off. """ def SetWordChars(self, characters): """ SetWordChars(characters) Set the set of characters making up words for when moving or selecting by word. """ def GetWordChars(self): """ GetWordChars() -> String Get the set of characters making up words for when moving or selecting by word. """ def BeginUndoAction(self): """ BeginUndoAction() Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. """ def EndUndoAction(self): """ EndUndoAction() End a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. """ def IndicatorSetStyle(self, indic, style): """ IndicatorSetStyle(indic, style) Set an indicator to plain, squiggle or TT. """ def IndicatorGetStyle(self, indic): """ IndicatorGetStyle(indic) -> int Retrieve the style of an indicator. """ def IndicatorSetForeground(self, indic, fore): """ IndicatorSetForeground(indic, fore) Set the foreground colour of an indicator. """ def IndicatorGetForeground(self, indic): """ IndicatorGetForeground(indic) -> Colour Retrieve the foreground colour of an indicator. """ def IndicatorSetUnder(self, indic, under): """ IndicatorSetUnder(indic, under) Set an indicator to draw under text or over(default). """ def IndicatorGetUnder(self, indic): """ IndicatorGetUnder(indic) -> bool Retrieve whether indicator drawn under or over text. """ def SetWhitespaceForeground(self, useSetting, fore): """ SetWhitespaceForeground(useSetting, fore) Set the foreground colour of all whitespace and whether to use this setting. """ def SetWhitespaceBackground(self, useSetting, back): """ SetWhitespaceBackground(useSetting, back) Set the background colour of all whitespace and whether to use this setting. """ def SetWhitespaceSize(self, size): """ SetWhitespaceSize(size) Set the size of the dots used to mark space characters. """ def GetWhitespaceSize(self): """ GetWhitespaceSize() -> int Get the size of the dots used to mark space characters. """ def SetStyleBits(self, bits): """ SetStyleBits(bits) Divide each styling byte into lexical class bits (default: 5) and indicator bits (default: 3). """ def GetStyleBits(self): """ GetStyleBits() -> int Retrieve number of bits in style bytes used to hold the lexical state. """ def SetLineState(self, line, state): """ SetLineState(line, state) Used to hold extra styling information for each line. """ def GetLineState(self, line): """ GetLineState(line) -> int Retrieve the extra styling information for a line. """ def GetMaxLineState(self): """ GetMaxLineState() -> int Retrieve the last line number that has line state. """ def GetCaretLineVisible(self): """ GetCaretLineVisible() -> bool Is the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour? """ def SetCaretLineVisible(self, show): """ SetCaretLineVisible(show) Display the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour. """ def GetCaretLineBackground(self): """ GetCaretLineBackground() -> Colour Get the colour of the background of the line containing the caret. """ def SetCaretLineBackground(self, back): """ SetCaretLineBackground(back) Set the colour of the background of the line containing the caret. """ def StyleSetChangeable(self, style, changeable): """ StyleSetChangeable(style, changeable) Set a style to be changeable or not (read only). """ def AutoCompShow(self, lenEntered, itemList): """ AutoCompShow(lenEntered, itemList) Display a auto-completion list. """ def AutoCompCancel(self): """ AutoCompCancel() Remove the auto-completion list from the screen. """ def AutoCompActive(self): """ AutoCompActive() -> bool Is there an auto-completion list visible? """ def AutoCompPosStart(self): """ AutoCompPosStart() -> int Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was displayed. """ def AutoCompComplete(self): """ AutoCompComplete() User has selected an item so remove the list and insert the selection. """ def AutoCompStops(self, characterSet): """ AutoCompStops(characterSet) Define a set of character that when typed cancel the auto-completion list. """ def AutoCompSetSeparator(self, separatorCharacter): """ AutoCompSetSeparator(separatorCharacter) Change the separator character in the string setting up an auto- completion list. """ def AutoCompGetSeparator(self): """ AutoCompGetSeparator() -> int Retrieve the auto-completion list separator character. """ def AutoCompSelect(self, text): """ AutoCompSelect(text) Select the item in the auto-completion list that starts with a string. """ def AutoCompSetCancelAtStart(self, cancel): """ AutoCompSetCancelAtStart(cancel) Should the auto-completion list be cancelled if the user backspaces to a position before where the box was created. """ def AutoCompGetCancelAtStart(self): """ AutoCompGetCancelAtStart() -> bool Retrieve whether auto-completion cancelled by backspacing before start. """ def AutoCompSetFillUps(self, characterSet): """ AutoCompSetFillUps(characterSet) Define a set of characters that when typed will cause the autocompletion to choose the selected item. """ def AutoCompSetChooseSingle(self, chooseSingle): """ AutoCompSetChooseSingle(chooseSingle) Should a single item auto-completion list automatically choose the item. """ def AutoCompGetChooseSingle(self): """ AutoCompGetChooseSingle() -> bool Retrieve whether a single item auto-completion list automatically choose the item. """ def AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(self, ignoreCase): """ AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(ignoreCase) Set whether case is significant when performing auto-completion searches. """ def AutoCompGetIgnoreCase(self): """ AutoCompGetIgnoreCase() -> bool Retrieve state of ignore case flag. """ def UserListShow(self, listType, itemList): """ UserListShow(listType, itemList) Display a list of strings and send notification when user chooses one. """ def AutoCompSetAutoHide(self, autoHide): """ AutoCompSetAutoHide(autoHide) Set whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches. """ def AutoCompGetAutoHide(self): """ AutoCompGetAutoHide() -> bool Retrieve whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches. """ def AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(self, dropRestOfWord): """ AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(dropRestOfWord) Set whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters after the inserted text upon completion. """ def AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord(self): """ AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord() -> bool Retrieve whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters after the inserted text upon completion. """ def RegisterImage(self, type, bmp): """ RegisterImage(type, bmp) Register an image for use in autocompletion lists. """ def ClearRegisteredImages(self): """ ClearRegisteredImages() Clear all the registered images. """ def AutoCompGetTypeSeparator(self): """ AutoCompGetTypeSeparator() -> int Retrieve the auto-completion list type-separator character. """ def AutoCompSetTypeSeparator(self, separatorCharacter): """ AutoCompSetTypeSeparator(separatorCharacter) Change the type-separator character in the string setting up an auto- completion list. """ def AutoCompSetMaxWidth(self, characterCount): """ AutoCompSetMaxWidth(characterCount) Set the maximum width, in characters, of auto-completion and user lists. """ def AutoCompGetMaxWidth(self): """ AutoCompGetMaxWidth() -> int Get the maximum width, in characters, of auto-completion and user lists. """ def AutoCompSetMaxHeight(self, rowCount): """ AutoCompSetMaxHeight(rowCount) Set the maximum height, in rows, of auto-completion and user lists. """ def AutoCompGetMaxHeight(self): """ AutoCompGetMaxHeight() -> int Set the maximum height, in rows, of auto-completion and user lists. """ def SetIndent(self, indentSize): """ SetIndent(indentSize) Set the number of spaces used for one level of indentation. """ def GetIndent(self): """ GetIndent() -> int Retrieve indentation size. """ def SetUseTabs(self, useTabs): """ SetUseTabs(useTabs) Indentation will only use space characters if useTabs is false, otherwise it will use a combination of tabs and spaces. """ def GetUseTabs(self): """ GetUseTabs() -> bool Retrieve whether tabs will be used in indentation. """ def SetLineIndentation(self, line, indentSize): """ SetLineIndentation(line, indentSize) Change the indentation of a line to a number of columns. """ def GetLineIndentation(self, line): """ GetLineIndentation(line) -> int Retrieve the number of columns that a line is indented. """ def GetLineIndentPosition(self, line): """ GetLineIndentPosition(line) -> int Retrieve the position before the first non indentation character on a line. """ def GetColumn(self, pos): """ GetColumn(pos) -> int Retrieve the column number of a position, taking tab width into account. """ def CountCharacters(self, startPos, endPos): """ CountCharacters(startPos, endPos) -> int Count characters between two positions. """ def SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(self, show): """ SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(show) Show or hide the horizontal scroll bar. """ def GetUseHorizontalScrollBar(self): """ GetUseHorizontalScrollBar() -> bool Is the horizontal scroll bar visible? """ def SetIndentationGuides(self, indentView): """ SetIndentationGuides(indentView) Show or hide indentation guides. """ def GetIndentationGuides(self): """ GetIndentationGuides() -> int Are the indentation guides visible? """ def SetHighlightGuide(self, column): """ SetHighlightGuide(column) Set the highlighted indentation guide column. """ def GetHighlightGuide(self): """ GetHighlightGuide() -> int Get the highlighted indentation guide column. """ def GetLineEndPosition(self, line): """ GetLineEndPosition(line) -> int Get the position after the last visible characters on a line. """ def GetCodePage(self): """ GetCodePage() -> int Get the code page used to interpret the bytes of the document as characters. """ def GetCaretForeground(self): """ GetCaretForeground() -> Colour Get the foreground colour of the caret. """ def GetReadOnly(self): """ GetReadOnly() -> bool In read-only mode? """ def SetCurrentPos(self, pos): """ SetCurrentPos(pos) Sets the position of the caret. """ def SetSelectionStart(self, pos): """ SetSelectionStart(pos) Sets the position that starts the selection - this becomes the anchor. """ def GetSelectionStart(self): """ GetSelectionStart() -> int Returns the position at the start of the selection. """ def SetSelectionEnd(self, pos): """ SetSelectionEnd(pos) Sets the position that ends the selection - this becomes the currentPosition. """ def GetSelectionEnd(self): """ GetSelectionEnd() -> int Returns the position at the end of the selection. """ def SetEmptySelection(self, pos): """ SetEmptySelection(pos) Set caret to a position, while removing any existing selection. """ def SetPrintMagnification(self, magnification): """ SetPrintMagnification(magnification) Sets the print magnification added to the point size of each style for printing. """ def GetPrintMagnification(self): """ GetPrintMagnification() -> int Returns the print magnification. """ def SetPrintColourMode(self, mode): """ SetPrintColourMode(mode) Modify colours when printing for clearer printed text. """ def GetPrintColourMode(self): """ GetPrintColourMode() -> int Returns the print colour mode. """ def FindText(self, minPos, maxPos, text, flags=0): """ FindText(minPos, maxPos, text, flags=0) -> int Find some text in the document. """ def FormatRange(self, doDraw, startPos, endPos, draw, target, renderRect, pageRect): """ FormatRange(doDraw, startPos, endPos, draw, target, renderRect, pageRect) -> int On Windows, will draw the document into a display context such as a printer. """ def GetFirstVisibleLine(self): """ GetFirstVisibleLine() -> int Retrieve the display line at the top of the display. """ def GetLine(self, line): """ GetLine(line) -> String Retrieve the contents of a line. """ def GetLineCount(self): """ GetLineCount() -> int Returns the number of lines in the document. """ def SetMarginLeft(self, pixelWidth): """ SetMarginLeft(pixelWidth) Sets the size in pixels of the left margin. """ def GetMarginLeft(self): """ GetMarginLeft() -> int Returns the size in pixels of the left margin. """ def SetMarginRight(self, pixelWidth): """ SetMarginRight(pixelWidth) Sets the size in pixels of the right margin. """ def GetMarginRight(self): """ GetMarginRight() -> int Returns the size in pixels of the right margin. """ def GetModify(self): """ GetModify() -> bool Is the document different from when it was last saved? """ def GetSelectedText(self): """ GetSelectedText() -> String Retrieve the selected text. """ def GetTextRange(self, startPos, endPos): """ GetTextRange(startPos, endPos) -> String Retrieve a range of text. """ def HideSelection(self, normal): """ HideSelection(normal) Draw the selection in normal style or with selection highlighted. """ def LineFromPosition(self, pos): """ LineFromPosition(pos) -> int Retrieve the line containing a position. """ def PositionFromLine(self, line): """ PositionFromLine(line) -> int Retrieve the position at the start of a line. """ def LineScroll(self, columns, lines): """ LineScroll(columns, lines) Scroll horizontally and vertically. """ def EnsureCaretVisible(self): """ EnsureCaretVisible() Ensure the caret is visible. """ def ReplaceSelection(self, text): """ ReplaceSelection(text) Replace the selected text with the argument text. """ def SetReadOnly(self, readOnly): """ SetReadOnly(readOnly) Set to read only or read write. """ def CanPaste(self): """ CanPaste() -> bool Will a paste succeed? """ def CanUndo(self): """ CanUndo() -> bool Are there any undoable actions in the undo history? """ def EmptyUndoBuffer(self): """ EmptyUndoBuffer() Delete the undo history. """ def Undo(self): """ Undo() Undo one action in the undo history. """ def Cut(self): """ Cut() Cut the selection to the clipboard. """ def Copy(self): """ Copy() Copy the selection to the clipboard. """ def Paste(self): """ Paste() Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the selection. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Clear the selection. """ def SetText(self, text): """ SetText(text) Replace the contents of the document with the argument text. """ def GetText(self): """ GetText() -> String Retrieve all the text in the document. """ def GetTextLength(self): """ GetTextLength() -> int Retrieve the number of characters in the document. """ def SetOvertype(self, overtype): """ SetOvertype(overtype) Set to overtype (true) or insert mode. """ def GetOvertype(self): """ GetOvertype() -> bool Returns true if overtype mode is active otherwise false is returned. """ def SetCaretWidth(self, pixelWidth): """ SetCaretWidth(pixelWidth) Set the width of the insert mode caret. """ def GetCaretWidth(self): """ GetCaretWidth() -> int Returns the width of the insert mode caret. """ def SetTargetStart(self, pos): """ SetTargetStart(pos) Sets the position that starts the target which is used for updating the document without affecting the scroll position. """ def GetTargetStart(self): """ GetTargetStart() -> int Get the position that starts the target. """ def SetTargetEnd(self, pos): """ SetTargetEnd(pos) Sets the position that ends the target which is used for updating the document without affecting the scroll position. """ def GetTargetEnd(self): """ GetTargetEnd() -> int Get the position that ends the target. """ def ReplaceTarget(self, text): """ ReplaceTarget(text) -> int Replace the target text with the argument text. """ def ReplaceTargetRE(self, text): """ ReplaceTargetRE(text) -> int Replace the target text with the argument text after \d processing. """ def SearchInTarget(self, text): """ SearchInTarget(text) -> int Search for a counted string in the target and set the target to the found range. """ def SetSearchFlags(self, flags): """ SetSearchFlags(flags) Set the search flags used by SearchInTarget. """ def GetSearchFlags(self): """ GetSearchFlags() -> int Get the search flags used by SearchInTarget. """ def CallTipShow(self, pos, definition): """ CallTipShow(pos, definition) Show a call tip containing a definition near position pos. """ def CallTipCancel(self): """ CallTipCancel() Remove the call tip from the screen. """ def CallTipActive(self): """ CallTipActive() -> bool Is there an active call tip? """ def CallTipPosAtStart(self): """ CallTipPosAtStart() -> int Retrieve the position where the caret was before displaying the call tip. """ def CallTipSetHighlight(self, start, end): """ CallTipSetHighlight(start, end) Highlight a segment of the definition. """ def CallTipSetBackground(self, back): """ CallTipSetBackground(back) Set the background colour for the call tip. """ def CallTipSetForeground(self, fore): """ CallTipSetForeground(fore) Set the foreground colour for the call tip. """ def CallTipSetForegroundHighlight(self, fore): """ CallTipSetForegroundHighlight(fore) Set the foreground colour for the highlighted part of the call tip. """ def CallTipUseStyle(self, tabSize): """ CallTipUseStyle(tabSize) Enable use of STYLE_CALLTIP and set call tip tab size in pixels. """ def CallTipSetPosition(self, above): """ CallTipSetPosition(above) Set position of calltip, above or below text. """ def VisibleFromDocLine(self, line): """ VisibleFromDocLine(line) -> int Find the display line of a document line taking hidden lines into account. """ def DocLineFromVisible(self, lineDisplay): """ DocLineFromVisible(lineDisplay) -> int Find the document line of a display line taking hidden lines into account. """ def WrapCount(self, line): """ WrapCount(line) -> int The number of display lines needed to wrap a document line. """ def SetFoldLevel(self, line, level): """ SetFoldLevel(line, level) Set the fold level of a line. """ def GetFoldLevel(self, line): """ GetFoldLevel(line) -> int Retrieve the fold level of a line. """ def GetLastChild(self, line, level): """ GetLastChild(line, level) -> int Find the last child line of a header line. """ def GetFoldParent(self, line): """ GetFoldParent(line) -> int Find the parent line of a child line. """ def ShowLines(self, lineStart, lineEnd): """ ShowLines(lineStart, lineEnd) Make a range of lines visible. """ def HideLines(self, lineStart, lineEnd): """ HideLines(lineStart, lineEnd) Make a range of lines invisible. """ def GetLineVisible(self, line): """ GetLineVisible(line) -> bool Is a line visible? """ def GetAllLinesVisible(self): """ GetAllLinesVisible() -> bool Are all lines visible? """ def SetFoldExpanded(self, line, expanded): """ SetFoldExpanded(line, expanded) Show the children of a header line. """ def GetFoldExpanded(self, line): """ GetFoldExpanded(line) -> bool Is a header line expanded? """ def ToggleFold(self, line): """ ToggleFold(line) Switch a header line between expanded and contracted. """ def EnsureVisible(self, line): """ EnsureVisible(line) Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it. """ def SetFoldFlags(self, flags): """ SetFoldFlags(flags) Set some style options for folding. """ def EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(self, line): """ EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(line) Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it. """ def SetTabIndents(self, tabIndents): """ SetTabIndents(tabIndents) Sets whether a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indents. """ def GetTabIndents(self): """ GetTabIndents() -> bool Does a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indent? """ def SetBackSpaceUnIndents(self, bsUnIndents): """ SetBackSpaceUnIndents(bsUnIndents) Sets whether a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindents. """ def GetBackSpaceUnIndents(self): """ GetBackSpaceUnIndents() -> bool Does a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindent? """ def SetMouseDwellTime(self, periodMilliseconds): """ SetMouseDwellTime(periodMilliseconds) Sets the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event. """ def GetMouseDwellTime(self): """ GetMouseDwellTime() -> int Retrieve the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event. """ def WordStartPosition(self, pos, onlyWordCharacters): """ WordStartPosition(pos, onlyWordCharacters) -> int Get position of start of word. """ def WordEndPosition(self, pos, onlyWordCharacters): """ WordEndPosition(pos, onlyWordCharacters) -> int Get position of end of word. """ def SetWrapMode(self, mode): """ SetWrapMode(mode) Sets whether text is word wrapped. """ def GetWrapMode(self): """ GetWrapMode() -> int Retrieve whether text is word wrapped. """ def SetWrapVisualFlags(self, wrapVisualFlags): """ SetWrapVisualFlags(wrapVisualFlags) Set the display mode of visual flags for wrapped lines. """ def GetWrapVisualFlags(self): """ GetWrapVisualFlags() -> int Retrive the display mode of visual flags for wrapped lines. """ def SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(self, wrapVisualFlagsLocation): """ SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(wrapVisualFlagsLocation) Set the location of visual flags for wrapped lines. """ def GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(self): """ GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation() -> int Retrive the location of visual flags for wrapped lines. """ def SetWrapStartIndent(self, indent): """ SetWrapStartIndent(indent) Set the start indent for wrapped lines. """ def GetWrapStartIndent(self): """ GetWrapStartIndent() -> int Retrive the start indent for wrapped lines. """ def SetWrapIndentMode(self, mode): """ SetWrapIndentMode(mode) Sets how wrapped sublines are placed. """ def GetWrapIndentMode(self): """ GetWrapIndentMode() -> int Retrieve how wrapped sublines are placed. """ def SetLayoutCache(self, mode): """ SetLayoutCache(mode) Sets the degree of caching of layout information. """ def GetLayoutCache(self): """ GetLayoutCache() -> int Retrieve the degree of caching of layout information. """ def SetScrollWidth(self, pixelWidth): """ SetScrollWidth(pixelWidth) Sets the document width assumed for scrolling. """ def GetScrollWidth(self): """ GetScrollWidth() -> int Retrieve the document width assumed for scrolling. """ def SetScrollWidthTracking(self, tracking): """ SetScrollWidthTracking(tracking) Sets whether the maximum width line displayed is used to set scroll width. """ def GetScrollWidthTracking(self): """ GetScrollWidthTracking() -> bool Retrieve whether the scroll width tracks wide lines. """ def TextWidth(self, style, text): """ TextWidth(style, text) -> int Measure the pixel width of some text in a particular style. """ def SetEndAtLastLine(self, endAtLastLine): """ SetEndAtLastLine(endAtLastLine) Sets the scroll range so that maximum scroll position has the last line at the bottom of the view (default). """ def GetEndAtLastLine(self): """ GetEndAtLastLine() -> bool Retrieve whether the maximum scroll position has the last line at the bottom of the view. """ def TextHeight(self, line): """ TextHeight(line) -> int Retrieve the height of a particular line of text in pixels. """ def SetUseVerticalScrollBar(self, show): """ SetUseVerticalScrollBar(show) Show or hide the vertical scroll bar. """ def GetUseVerticalScrollBar(self): """ GetUseVerticalScrollBar() -> bool Is the vertical scroll bar visible? """ def AppendText(self, text): """ AppendText(text) Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection. """ def GetTwoPhaseDraw(self): """ GetTwoPhaseDraw() -> bool Is drawing done in two phases with backgrounds drawn before foregrounds? """ def SetTwoPhaseDraw(self, twoPhase): """ SetTwoPhaseDraw(twoPhase) In twoPhaseDraw mode, drawing is performed in two phases, first the background and then the foreground. """ def SetFirstVisibleLine(self, lineDisplay): """ SetFirstVisibleLine(lineDisplay) Scroll so that a display line is at the top of the display. """ def SetMultiPaste(self, multiPaste): """ SetMultiPaste(multiPaste) Change the effect of pasting when there are multiple selections. """ def GetMultiPaste(self): """ GetMultiPaste() -> int Retrieve the effect of pasting when there are multiple selections. """ def GetTag(self, tagNumber): """ GetTag(tagNumber) -> String Retrieve the value of a tag from a regular expression search. """ def TargetFromSelection(self): """ TargetFromSelection() Make the target range start and end be the same as the selection range start and end. """ def LinesJoin(self): """ LinesJoin() Join the lines in the target. """ def LinesSplit(self, pixelWidth): """ LinesSplit(pixelWidth) Split the lines in the target into lines that are less wide than pixelWidth where possible. """ def SetFoldMarginColour(self, useSetting, back): """ SetFoldMarginColour(useSetting, back) Set the colours used as a chequerboard pattern in the fold margin. """ def SetFoldMarginHiColour(self, useSetting, fore): """ SetFoldMarginHiColour(useSetting, fore) """ def LineDown(self): """ LineDown() Move caret down one line. """ def LineDownExtend(self): """ LineDownExtend() Move caret down one line extending selection to new caret position. """ def LineUp(self): """ LineUp() Move caret up one line. """ def LineUpExtend(self): """ LineUpExtend() Move caret up one line extending selection to new caret position. """ def CharLeft(self): """ CharLeft() Move caret left one character. """ def CharLeftExtend(self): """ CharLeftExtend() Move caret left one character extending selection to new caret position. """ def CharRight(self): """ CharRight() Move caret right one character. """ def CharRightExtend(self): """ CharRightExtend() Move caret right one character extending selection to new caret position. """ def WordLeft(self): """ WordLeft() Move caret left one word. """ def WordLeftExtend(self): """ WordLeftExtend() Move caret left one word extending selection to new caret position. """ def WordRight(self): """ WordRight() Move caret right one word. """ def WordRightExtend(self): """ WordRightExtend() Move caret right one word extending selection to new caret position. """ def Home(self): """ Home() Move caret to first position on line. """ def HomeExtend(self): """ HomeExtend() Move caret to first position on line extending selection to new caret position. """ def LineEnd(self): """ LineEnd() Move caret to last position on line. """ def LineEndExtend(self): """ LineEndExtend() Move caret to last position on line extending selection to new caret position. """ def DocumentStart(self): """ DocumentStart() Move caret to first position in document. """ def DocumentStartExtend(self): """ DocumentStartExtend() Move caret to first position in document extending selection to new caret position. """ def DocumentEnd(self): """ DocumentEnd() Move caret to last position in document. """ def DocumentEndExtend(self): """ DocumentEndExtend() Move caret to last position in document extending selection to new caret position. """ def PageUp(self): """ PageUp() Move caret one page up. """ def PageUpExtend(self): """ PageUpExtend() Move caret one page up extending selection to new caret position. """ def PageDown(self): """ PageDown() Move caret one page down. """ def PageDownExtend(self): """ PageDownExtend() Move caret one page down extending selection to new caret position. """ def EditToggleOvertype(self): """ EditToggleOvertype() Switch from insert to overtype mode or the reverse. """ def Cancel(self): """ Cancel() Cancel any modes such as call tip or auto-completion list display. """ def DeleteBack(self): """ DeleteBack() Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret. """ def Tab(self): """ Tab() If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab character. """ def BackTab(self): """ BackTab() Dedent the selected lines. """ def NewLine(self): """ NewLine() Insert a new line, may use a CRLF, CR or LF depending on EOL mode. """ def FormFeed(self): """ FormFeed() Insert a Form Feed character. """ def VCHome(self): """ VCHome() Move caret to before first visible character on line. """ def VCHomeExtend(self): """ VCHomeExtend() Like VCHome but extending selection to new caret position. """ def ZoomIn(self): """ ZoomIn() Magnify the displayed text by increasing the sizes by 1 point. """ def ZoomOut(self): """ ZoomOut() Make the displayed text smaller by decreasing the sizes by 1 point. """ def DelWordLeft(self): """ DelWordLeft() Delete the word to the left of the caret. """ def DelWordRight(self): """ DelWordRight() Delete the word to the right of the caret. """ def DelWordRightEnd(self): """ DelWordRightEnd() Delete the word to the right of the caret, but not the trailing non- word characters. """ def LineCut(self): """ LineCut() Cut the line containing the caret. """ def LineDelete(self): """ LineDelete() Delete the line containing the caret. """ def LineTranspose(self): """ LineTranspose() Switch the current line with the previous. """ def LineDuplicate(self): """ LineDuplicate() Duplicate the current line. """ def LowerCase(self): """ LowerCase() Transform the selection to lower case. """ def UpperCase(self): """ UpperCase() Transform the selection to upper case. """ def LineScrollDown(self): """ LineScrollDown() Scroll the document down, keeping the caret visible. """ def LineScrollUp(self): """ LineScrollUp() Scroll the document up, keeping the caret visible. """ def DeleteBackNotLine(self): """ DeleteBackNotLine() Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret. """ def HomeDisplay(self): """ HomeDisplay() Move caret to first position on display line. """ def HomeDisplayExtend(self): """ HomeDisplayExtend() Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to new caret position. """ def LineEndDisplay(self): """ LineEndDisplay() Move caret to last position on display line. """ def LineEndDisplayExtend(self): """ LineEndDisplayExtend() Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new caret position. """ def HomeWrap(self): """ HomeWrap() These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. """ def HomeWrapExtend(self): """ HomeWrapExtend() """ def LineEndWrap(self): """ LineEndWrap() """ def LineEndWrapExtend(self): """ LineEndWrapExtend() """ def VCHomeWrap(self): """ VCHomeWrap() """ def VCHomeWrapExtend(self): """ VCHomeWrapExtend() """ def LineCopy(self): """ LineCopy() Copy the line containing the caret. """ def MoveCaretInsideView(self): """ MoveCaretInsideView() Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already. """ def LineLength(self, line): """ LineLength(line) -> int How many characters are on a line, including end of line characters? """ def BraceHighlight(self, pos1, pos2): """ BraceHighlight(pos1, pos2) Highlight the characters at two positions. """ def BraceHighlightIndicator(self, useBraceHighlightIndicator, indicator): """ BraceHighlightIndicator(useBraceHighlightIndicator, indicator) Use specified indicator to highlight matching braces instead of changing their style. """ def BraceBadLight(self, pos): """ BraceBadLight(pos) Highlight the character at a position indicating there is no matching brace. """ def BraceBadLightIndicator(self, useBraceBadLightIndicator, indicator): """ BraceBadLightIndicator(useBraceBadLightIndicator, indicator) Use specified indicator to highlight non matching brace instead of changing its style. """ def BraceMatch(self, pos): """ BraceMatch(pos) -> int Find the position of a matching brace or INVALID_POSITION if no match. """ def GetViewEOL(self): """ GetViewEOL() -> bool Are the end of line characters visible? """ def SetViewEOL(self, visible): """ SetViewEOL(visible) Make the end of line characters visible or invisible. """ def GetDocPointer(self): """ GetDocPointer() -> void Retrieve a pointer to the document object. """ def SetDocPointer(self, docPointer): """ SetDocPointer(docPointer) Change the document object used. """ def SetModEventMask(self, mask): """ SetModEventMask(mask) Set which document modification events are sent to the container. """ def GetEdgeColumn(self): """ GetEdgeColumn() -> int Retrieve the column number which text should be kept within. """ def SetEdgeColumn(self, column): """ SetEdgeColumn(column) Set the column number of the edge. """ def GetEdgeMode(self): """ GetEdgeMode() -> int Retrieve the edge highlight mode. """ def SetEdgeMode(self, mode): """ SetEdgeMode(mode) The edge may be displayed by a line (EDGE_LINE) or by highlighting text that goes beyond it (EDGE_BACKGROUND) or not displayed at all (EDGE_NONE). """ def GetEdgeColour(self): """ GetEdgeColour() -> Colour Retrieve the colour used in edge indication. """ def SetEdgeColour(self, edgeColour): """ SetEdgeColour(edgeColour) Change the colour used in edge indication. """ def SearchAnchor(self): """ SearchAnchor() Sets the current caret position to be the search anchor. """ def SearchNext(self, flags, text): """ SearchNext(flags, text) -> int Find some text starting at the search anchor. """ def SearchPrev(self, flags, text): """ SearchPrev(flags, text) -> int Find some text starting at the search anchor and moving backwards. """ def LinesOnScreen(self): """ LinesOnScreen() -> int Retrieves the number of lines completely visible. """ def UsePopUp(self, allowPopUp): """ UsePopUp(allowPopUp) Set whether a pop up menu is displayed automatically when the user presses the wrong mouse button. """ def SelectionIsRectangle(self): """ SelectionIsRectangle() -> bool Is the selection rectangular? The alternative is the more common stream selection. """ def SetZoom(self, zoom): """ SetZoom(zoom) Set the zoom level. """ def GetZoom(self): """ GetZoom() -> int Retrieve the zoom level. """ def CreateDocument(self): """ CreateDocument() -> void Create a new document object. """ def AddRefDocument(self, docPointer): """ AddRefDocument(docPointer) Extend life of document. """ def ReleaseDocument(self, docPointer): """ ReleaseDocument(docPointer) Release a reference to the document, deleting document if it fades to black. """ def GetModEventMask(self): """ GetModEventMask() -> int Get which document modification events are sent to the container. """ def SetSTCFocus(self, focus): """ SetSTCFocus(focus) Change internal focus flag. """ def GetSTCFocus(self): """ GetSTCFocus() -> bool Get internal focus flag. """ def SetStatus(self, statusCode): """ SetStatus(statusCode) Change error status - 0 = OK. """ def GetStatus(self): """ GetStatus() -> int Get error status. """ def SetMouseDownCaptures(self, captures): """ SetMouseDownCaptures(captures) Set whether the mouse is captured when its button is pressed. """ def GetMouseDownCaptures(self): """ GetMouseDownCaptures() -> bool Get whether mouse gets captured. """ def SetSTCCursor(self, cursorType): """ SetSTCCursor(cursorType) Sets the cursor to one of the SC_CURSOR* values. """ def GetSTCCursor(self): """ GetSTCCursor() -> int Get cursor type. """ def SetControlCharSymbol(self, symbol): """ SetControlCharSymbol(symbol) Change the way control characters are displayed: If symbol is < 32, keep the drawn way, else, use the given character. """ def GetControlCharSymbol(self): """ GetControlCharSymbol() -> int Get the way control characters are displayed. """ def WordPartLeft(self): """ WordPartLeft() Move to the previous change in capitalisation. """ def WordPartLeftExtend(self): """ WordPartLeftExtend() Move to the previous change in capitalisation extending selection to new caret position. """ def WordPartRight(self): """ WordPartRight() Move to the change next in capitalisation. """ def WordPartRightExtend(self): """ WordPartRightExtend() Move to the next change in capitalisation extending selection to new caret position. """ def SetVisiblePolicy(self, visiblePolicy, visibleSlop): """ SetVisiblePolicy(visiblePolicy, visibleSlop) Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line is to be moved to by Find, FindNext, GotoLine, etc. """ def DelLineLeft(self): """ DelLineLeft() Delete back from the current position to the start of the line. """ def DelLineRight(self): """ DelLineRight() Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line. """ def SetXOffset(self, newOffset): """ SetXOffset(newOffset) Get and Set the xOffset (ie, horizontal scroll position). """ def GetXOffset(self): """ GetXOffset() -> int """ def ChooseCaretX(self): """ ChooseCaretX() Set the last x chosen value to be the caret x position. """ def SetXCaretPolicy(self, caretPolicy, caretSlop): """ SetXCaretPolicy(caretPolicy, caretSlop) Set the way the caret is kept visible when going sideways. """ def SetYCaretPolicy(self, caretPolicy, caretSlop): """ SetYCaretPolicy(caretPolicy, caretSlop) Set the way the line the caret is on is kept visible. """ def SetPrintWrapMode(self, mode): """ SetPrintWrapMode(mode) Set printing to line wrapped (SC_WRAP_WORD) or not line wrapped (SC_WRAP_NONE). """ def GetPrintWrapMode(self): """ GetPrintWrapMode() -> int Is printing line wrapped? """ def SetHotspotActiveForeground(self, useSetting, fore): """ SetHotspotActiveForeground(useSetting, fore) Set a fore colour for active hotspots. """ def GetHotspotActiveForeground(self): """ GetHotspotActiveForeground() -> Colour Get the fore colour for active hotspots. """ def SetHotspotActiveBackground(self, useSetting, back): """ SetHotspotActiveBackground(useSetting, back) Set a back colour for active hotspots. """ def GetHotspotActiveBackground(self): """ GetHotspotActiveBackground() -> Colour Get the back colour for active hotspots. """ def SetHotspotActiveUnderline(self, underline): """ SetHotspotActiveUnderline(underline) Enable / Disable underlining active hotspots. """ def GetHotspotActiveUnderline(self): """ GetHotspotActiveUnderline() -> bool Get whether underlining for active hotspots. """ def SetHotspotSingleLine(self, singleLine): """ SetHotspotSingleLine(singleLine) Limit hotspots to single line so hotspots on two lines don't merge. """ def GetHotspotSingleLine(self): """ GetHotspotSingleLine() -> bool Get the HotspotSingleLine property. """ def ParaDown(self): """ ParaDown() Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines). """ def ParaDownExtend(self): """ ParaDownExtend() """ def ParaUp(self): """ ParaUp() """ def ParaUpExtend(self): """ ParaUpExtend() """ def PositionBefore(self, pos): """ PositionBefore(pos) -> int Given a valid document position, return the previous position taking code page into account. """ def PositionAfter(self, pos): """ PositionAfter(pos) -> int Given a valid document position, return the next position taking code page into account. """ def CopyRange(self, start, end): """ CopyRange(start, end) Copy a range of text to the clipboard. """ def CopyText(self, length, text): """ CopyText(length, text) Copy argument text to the clipboard. """ def SetSelectionMode(self, mode): """ SetSelectionMode(mode) Set the selection mode to stream (SC_SEL_STREAM) or rectangular (SC_SEL_RECTANGLE/SC_SEL_THIN) or by lines (SC_SEL_LINES). """ def GetSelectionMode(self): """ GetSelectionMode() -> int Get the mode of the current selection. """ def GetLineSelStartPosition(self, line): """ GetLineSelStartPosition(line) -> int Retrieve the position of the start of the selection at the given line (INVALID_POSITION if no selection on this line). """ def GetLineSelEndPosition(self, line): """ GetLineSelEndPosition(line) -> int Retrieve the position of the end of the selection at the given line (INVALID_POSITION if no selection on this line). """ def LineDownRectExtend(self): """ LineDownRectExtend() Move caret down one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def LineUpRectExtend(self): """ LineUpRectExtend() Move caret up one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def CharLeftRectExtend(self): """ CharLeftRectExtend() Move caret left one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def CharRightRectExtend(self): """ CharRightRectExtend() Move caret right one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def HomeRectExtend(self): """ HomeRectExtend() Move caret to first position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def VCHomeRectExtend(self): """ VCHomeRectExtend() Move caret to before first visible character on line. """ def LineEndRectExtend(self): """ LineEndRectExtend() Move caret to last position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def PageUpRectExtend(self): """ PageUpRectExtend() Move caret one page up, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def PageDownRectExtend(self): """ PageDownRectExtend() Move caret one page down, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. """ def StutteredPageUp(self): """ StutteredPageUp() Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page. """ def StutteredPageUpExtend(self): """ StutteredPageUpExtend() Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page, extending selection to new caret position. """ def StutteredPageDown(self): """ StutteredPageDown() Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page. """ def StutteredPageDownExtend(self): """ StutteredPageDownExtend() Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page, extending selection to new caret position. """ def WordLeftEnd(self): """ WordLeftEnd() Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word. """ def WordLeftEndExtend(self): """ WordLeftEndExtend() Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position. """ def WordRightEnd(self): """ WordRightEnd() Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word. """ def WordRightEndExtend(self): """ WordRightEndExtend() Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position. """ def SetWhitespaceChars(self, characters): """ SetWhitespaceChars(characters) Set the set of characters making up whitespace for when moving or selecting by word. """ def GetWhitespaceChars(self): """ GetWhitespaceChars() -> String Get the set of characters making up whitespace for when moving or selecting by word. """ def SetPunctuationChars(self, characters): """ SetPunctuationChars(characters) Set the set of characters making up punctuation characters Should be called after SetWordChars. """ def GetPunctuationChars(self): """ GetPunctuationChars() -> String Get the set of characters making up punctuation characters. """ def SetCharsDefault(self): """ SetCharsDefault() Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the defaults. """ def AutoCompGetCurrent(self): """ AutoCompGetCurrent() -> int Get currently selected item position in the auto-completion list. """ def AutoCompSetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour(self, behaviour): """ AutoCompSetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour(behaviour) Set auto-completion case insensitive behaviour to either prefer case- sensitive matches or have no preference. """ def AutoCompGetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour(self): """ AutoCompGetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour() -> int Get auto-completion case insensitive behaviour. """ def Allocate(self, bytes): """ Allocate(bytes) Enlarge the document to a particular size of text bytes. """ def FindColumn(self, line, column): """ FindColumn(line, column) -> int Find the position of a column on a line taking into account tabs and multi-byte characters. """ def GetCaretSticky(self): """ GetCaretSticky() -> int Can the caret preferred x position only be changed by explicit movement commands? """ def SetCaretSticky(self, useCaretStickyBehaviour): """ SetCaretSticky(useCaretStickyBehaviour) Stop the caret preferred x position changing when the user types. """ def ToggleCaretSticky(self): """ ToggleCaretSticky() Switch between sticky and non-sticky: meant to be bound to a key. """ def SetPasteConvertEndings(self, convert): """ SetPasteConvertEndings(convert) Enable/Disable convert-on-paste for line endings. """ def GetPasteConvertEndings(self): """ GetPasteConvertEndings() -> bool Get convert-on-paste setting. """ def SelectionDuplicate(self): """ SelectionDuplicate() Duplicate the selection. """ def SetCaretLineBackAlpha(self, alpha): """ SetCaretLineBackAlpha(alpha) Set background alpha of the caret line. """ def GetCaretLineBackAlpha(self): """ GetCaretLineBackAlpha() -> int Get the background alpha of the caret line. """ def SetCaretStyle(self, caretStyle): """ SetCaretStyle(caretStyle) Set the style of the caret to be drawn. """ def GetCaretStyle(self): """ GetCaretStyle() -> int Returns the current style of the caret. """ def SetIndicatorCurrent(self, indicator): """ SetIndicatorCurrent(indicator) Set the indicator used for IndicatorFillRange and IndicatorClearRange. """ def GetIndicatorCurrent(self): """ GetIndicatorCurrent() -> int Get the current indicator. """ def SetIndicatorValue(self, value): """ SetIndicatorValue(value) Set the value used for IndicatorFillRange. """ def GetIndicatorValue(self): """ GetIndicatorValue() -> int Get the current indicator value. """ def IndicatorFillRange(self, position, fillLength): """ IndicatorFillRange(position, fillLength) Turn a indicator on over a range. """ def IndicatorClearRange(self, position, clearLength): """ IndicatorClearRange(position, clearLength) Turn a indicator off over a range. """ def IndicatorAllOnFor(self, position): """ IndicatorAllOnFor(position) -> int Are any indicators present at position? """ def IndicatorValueAt(self, indicator, position): """ IndicatorValueAt(indicator, position) -> int What value does a particular indicator have at at a position? """ def IndicatorStart(self, indicator, position): """ IndicatorStart(indicator, position) -> int Where does a particular indicator start? """ def IndicatorEnd(self, indicator, position): """ IndicatorEnd(indicator, position) -> int Where does a particular indicator end? """ def SetPositionCacheSize(self, size): """ SetPositionCacheSize(size) Set number of entries in position cache. """ def GetPositionCacheSize(self): """ GetPositionCacheSize() -> int How many entries are allocated to the position cache? """ def CopyAllowLine(self): """ CopyAllowLine() Copy the selection, if selection empty copy the line with the caret. """ def GetCharacterPointer(self): """ GetCharacterPointer() -> PyObject Compact the document buffer and return a read-only memoryview object of the characters in the document. """ def GetRangePointer(self, position, rangeLength): """ GetRangePointer(position, rangeLength) -> PyObject Return a read-only pointer to a range of characters in the document. May move the gap so that the range is contiguous, but will only move up to rangeLength bytes. """ def GetGapPosition(self): """ GetGapPosition() -> int Return a position which, to avoid performance costs, should not be within the range of a call to GetRangePointer. """ def SetKeysUnicode(self, keysUnicode): """ SetKeysUnicode(keysUnicode) Always interpret keyboard input as Unicode. """ def GetKeysUnicode(self): """ GetKeysUnicode() -> bool Are keys always interpreted as Unicode? """ def IndicatorSetAlpha(self, indicator, alpha): """ IndicatorSetAlpha(indicator, alpha) Set the alpha fill colour of the given indicator. """ def IndicatorGetAlpha(self, indicator): """ IndicatorGetAlpha(indicator) -> int Get the alpha fill colour of the given indicator. """ def IndicatorSetOutlineAlpha(self, indicator, alpha): """ IndicatorSetOutlineAlpha(indicator, alpha) Set the alpha outline colour of the given indicator. """ def IndicatorGetOutlineAlpha(self, indicator): """ IndicatorGetOutlineAlpha(indicator) -> int Get the alpha outline colour of the given indicator. """ def SetExtraAscent(self, extraAscent): """ SetExtraAscent(extraAscent) Set extra ascent for each line. """ def GetExtraAscent(self): """ GetExtraAscent() -> int Get extra ascent for each line. """ def SetExtraDescent(self, extraDescent): """ SetExtraDescent(extraDescent) Set extra descent for each line. """ def GetExtraDescent(self): """ GetExtraDescent() -> int Get extra descent for each line. """ def GetMarkerSymbolDefined(self, markerNumber): """ GetMarkerSymbolDefined(markerNumber) -> int Which symbol was defined for markerNumber with MarkerDefine. """ def MarginSetText(self, line, text): """ MarginSetText(line, text) Set the text in the text margin for a line. """ def MarginGetText(self, line): """ MarginGetText(line) -> String Get the text in the text margin for a line. """ def MarginSetStyle(self, line, style): """ MarginSetStyle(line, style) Set the style number for the text margin for a line. """ def MarginGetStyle(self, line): """ MarginGetStyle(line) -> int Get the style number for the text margin for a line. """ def MarginSetStyles(self, line, styles): """ MarginSetStyles(line, styles) Set the style in the text margin for a line. """ def MarginGetStyles(self, line): """ MarginGetStyles(line) -> String Get the styles in the text margin for a line. """ def MarginTextClearAll(self): """ MarginTextClearAll() Clear the margin text on all lines. """ def MarginSetStyleOffset(self, style): """ MarginSetStyleOffset(style) Get the start of the range of style numbers used for margin text. """ def MarginGetStyleOffset(self): """ MarginGetStyleOffset() -> int Get the start of the range of style numbers used for margin text. """ def SetMarginOptions(self, marginOptions): """ SetMarginOptions(marginOptions) Set the margin options. """ def GetMarginOptions(self): """ GetMarginOptions() -> int Get the margin options. """ def AnnotationSetText(self, line, text): """ AnnotationSetText(line, text) Set the annotation text for a line. """ def AnnotationGetText(self, line): """ AnnotationGetText(line) -> String Get the annotation text for a line. """ def AnnotationSetStyle(self, line, style): """ AnnotationSetStyle(line, style) Set the style number for the annotations for a line. """ def AnnotationGetStyle(self, line): """ AnnotationGetStyle(line) -> int Get the style number for the annotations for a line. """ def AnnotationSetStyles(self, line, styles): """ AnnotationSetStyles(line, styles) Set the annotation styles for a line. """ def AnnotationGetStyles(self, line): """ AnnotationGetStyles(line) -> String Get the annotation styles for a line. """ def AnnotationGetLines(self, line): """ AnnotationGetLines(line) -> int Get the number of annotation lines for a line. """ def AnnotationClearAll(self): """ AnnotationClearAll() Clear the annotations from all lines. """ def AnnotationSetVisible(self, visible): """ AnnotationSetVisible(visible) Set the visibility for the annotations for a view. """ def AnnotationGetVisible(self): """ AnnotationGetVisible() -> int Get the visibility for the annotations for a view. """ def AnnotationSetStyleOffset(self, style): """ AnnotationSetStyleOffset(style) Get the start of the range of style numbers used for annotations. """ def AnnotationGetStyleOffset(self): """ AnnotationGetStyleOffset() -> int Get the start of the range of style numbers used for annotations. """ def AddUndoAction(self, token, flags): """ AddUndoAction(token, flags) Add a container action to the undo stack. """ def CharPositionFromPoint(self, x, y): """ CharPositionFromPoint(x, y) -> int Find the position of a character from a point within the window. """ def CharPositionFromPointClose(self, x, y): """ CharPositionFromPointClose(x, y) -> int Find the position of a character from a point within the window. """ def SetMultipleSelection(self, multipleSelection): """ SetMultipleSelection(multipleSelection) Set whether multiple selections can be made. """ def GetMultipleSelection(self): """ GetMultipleSelection() -> bool Whether multiple selections can be made. """ def SetAdditionalSelectionTyping(self, additionalSelectionTyping): """ SetAdditionalSelectionTyping(additionalSelectionTyping) Set whether typing can be performed into multiple selections. """ def GetAdditionalSelectionTyping(self): """ GetAdditionalSelectionTyping() -> bool Whether typing can be performed into multiple selections. """ def SetAdditionalCaretsBlink(self, additionalCaretsBlink): """ SetAdditionalCaretsBlink(additionalCaretsBlink) Set whether additional carets will blink. """ def GetAdditionalCaretsBlink(self): """ GetAdditionalCaretsBlink() -> bool Whether additional carets will blink. """ def SetAdditionalCaretsVisible(self, additionalCaretsBlink): """ SetAdditionalCaretsVisible(additionalCaretsBlink) Set whether additional carets are visible. """ def GetAdditionalCaretsVisible(self): """ GetAdditionalCaretsVisible() -> bool Whether additional carets are visible. """ def GetSelections(self): """ GetSelections() -> int How many selections are there? """ def ClearSelections(self): """ ClearSelections() Clear selections to a single empty stream selection. """ def AddSelection(self, caret, anchor): """ AddSelection(caret, anchor) -> int Add a selection. """ def SetMainSelection(self, selection): """ SetMainSelection(selection) Set the main selection. """ def GetMainSelection(self): """ GetMainSelection() -> int Which selection is the main selection. """ def SetSelectionNCaret(self, selection, pos): """ SetSelectionNCaret(selection, pos) """ def GetSelectionNCaret(self, selection): """ GetSelectionNCaret(selection) -> int """ def SetSelectionNAnchor(self, selection, posAnchor): """ SetSelectionNAnchor(selection, posAnchor) """ def GetSelectionNAnchor(self, selection): """ GetSelectionNAnchor(selection) -> int """ def SetSelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(self, selection, space): """ SetSelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(selection, space) """ def GetSelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(self, selection): """ GetSelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(selection) -> int """ def SetSelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(self, selection, space): """ SetSelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(selection, space) """ def GetSelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(self, selection): """ GetSelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(selection) -> int """ def SetSelectionNStart(self, selection, pos): """ SetSelectionNStart(selection, pos) Sets the position that starts the selection - this becomes the anchor. """ def GetSelectionNStart(self, selection): """ GetSelectionNStart(selection) -> int Returns the position at the start of the selection. """ def SetSelectionNEnd(self, selection, pos): """ SetSelectionNEnd(selection, pos) Sets the position that ends the selection - this becomes the currentPosition. """ def GetSelectionNEnd(self, selection): """ GetSelectionNEnd(selection) -> int Returns the position at the end of the selection. """ def SetRectangularSelectionCaret(self, pos): """ SetRectangularSelectionCaret(pos) """ def GetRectangularSelectionCaret(self): """ GetRectangularSelectionCaret() -> int """ def SetRectangularSelectionAnchor(self, posAnchor): """ SetRectangularSelectionAnchor(posAnchor) """ def GetRectangularSelectionAnchor(self): """ GetRectangularSelectionAnchor() -> int """ def SetRectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace(self, space): """ SetRectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace(space) """ def GetRectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace(self): """ GetRectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace() -> int """ def SetRectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace(self, space): """ SetRectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace(space) """ def GetRectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace(self): """ GetRectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace() -> int """ def SetVirtualSpaceOptions(self, virtualSpaceOptions): """ SetVirtualSpaceOptions(virtualSpaceOptions) """ def GetVirtualSpaceOptions(self): """ GetVirtualSpaceOptions() -> int """ def SetRectangularSelectionModifier(self, modifier): """ SetRectangularSelectionModifier(modifier) On GTK+, allow selecting the modifier key to use for mouse-based rectangular selection. """ def GetRectangularSelectionModifier(self): """ GetRectangularSelectionModifier() -> int Get the modifier key used for rectangular selection. """ def SetAdditionalSelForeground(self, fore): """ SetAdditionalSelForeground(fore) Set the foreground colour of additional selections. """ def SetAdditionalSelBackground(self, back): """ SetAdditionalSelBackground(back) Set the background colour of additional selections. """ def SetAdditionalSelAlpha(self, alpha): """ SetAdditionalSelAlpha(alpha) Set the alpha of the selection. """ def GetAdditionalSelAlpha(self): """ GetAdditionalSelAlpha() -> int Get the alpha of the selection. """ def SetAdditionalCaretForeground(self, fore): """ SetAdditionalCaretForeground(fore) Set the foreground colour of additional carets. """ def GetAdditionalCaretForeground(self): """ GetAdditionalCaretForeground() -> Colour Get the foreground colour of additional carets. """ def RotateSelection(self): """ RotateSelection() Set the main selection to the next selection. """ def SwapMainAnchorCaret(self): """ SwapMainAnchorCaret() Swap that caret and anchor of the main selection. """ def ChangeLexerState(self, start, end): """ ChangeLexerState(start, end) -> int Indicate that the internal state of a lexer has changed over a range and therefore there may be a need to redraw. """ def ContractedFoldNext(self, lineStart): """ ContractedFoldNext(lineStart) -> int Find the next line at or after lineStart that is a contracted fold header line. """ def VerticalCentreCaret(self): """ VerticalCentreCaret() Centre current line in window. """ def MoveSelectedLinesUp(self): """ MoveSelectedLinesUp() Move the selected lines up one line, shifting the line above after the selection. """ def MoveSelectedLinesDown(self): """ MoveSelectedLinesDown() Move the selected lines down one line, shifting the line below before the selection. """ def SetIdentifier(self, identifier): """ SetIdentifier(identifier) Set the identifier reported as idFrom in notification messages. """ def GetIdentifier(self): """ GetIdentifier() -> int Get the identifier. """ def RGBAImageSetWidth(self, width): """ RGBAImageSetWidth(width) Set the width for future RGBA image data. """ def RGBAImageSetHeight(self, height): """ RGBAImageSetHeight(height) Set the height for future RGBA image data. """ def MarkerDefineRGBAImage(self, markerNumber, pixels): """ MarkerDefineRGBAImage(markerNumber, pixels) Define a marker from RGBA data. """ def RegisterRGBAImage(self, type, pixels): """ RegisterRGBAImage(type, pixels) Register an RGBA image for use in autocompletion lists. """ def ScrollToStart(self): """ ScrollToStart() Scroll to start of document. """ def ScrollToEnd(self): """ ScrollToEnd() Scroll to end of document. """ def SetTechnology(self, technology): """ SetTechnology(technology) Set the technology used. """ def GetTechnology(self): """ GetTechnology() -> int Get the tech. """ def CreateLoader(self, bytes): """ CreateLoader(bytes) -> void Create an ILoader*. """ def StartRecord(self): """ StartRecord() Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands. """ def StopRecord(self): """ StopRecord() Stop notifying the container of all key presses and commands. """ def SetLexer(self, lexer): """ SetLexer(lexer) Set the lexing language of the document. """ def GetLexer(self): """ GetLexer() -> int Retrieve the lexing language of the document. """ def Colourise(self, start, end): """ Colourise(start, end) Colourise a segment of the document using the current lexing language. """ def SetProperty(self, key, value): """ SetProperty(key, value) Set up a value that may be used by a lexer for some optional feature. """ def SetKeyWords(self, keywordSet, keyWords): """ SetKeyWords(keywordSet, keyWords) Set up the key words used by the lexer. """ def SetLexerLanguage(self, language): """ SetLexerLanguage(language) Set the lexing language of the document based on string name. """ def GetProperty(self, key): """ GetProperty(key) -> String Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty. """ def GetPropertyExpanded(self, key): """ GetPropertyExpanded(key) -> String Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty, with '$()' variable replacement on returned buffer. """ def GetPropertyInt(self, key): """ GetPropertyInt(key) -> int Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty, interpreted as an int AFTER any '$()' variable replacement. """ def GetStyleBitsNeeded(self): """ GetStyleBitsNeeded() -> int Retrieve the number of bits the current lexer needs for styling. """ def PrivateLexerCall(self, operation, pointer): """ PrivateLexerCall(operation, pointer) -> void For private communication between an application and a known lexer. """ def PropertyNames(self): """ PropertyNames() -> String Retrieve a ' ' separated list of properties understood by the current lexer. """ def PropertyType(self, name): """ PropertyType(name) -> int Retrieve the type of a property. """ def DescribeProperty(self, name): """ DescribeProperty(name) -> String Describe a property. """ def DescribeKeyWordSets(self): """ DescribeKeyWordSets() -> String Retrieve a ' ' separated list of descriptions of the keyword sets understood by the current lexer. """ def GetCurrentLine(self): """ GetCurrentLine() -> int Returns the line number of the line with the caret. """ def StyleSetSpec(self, styleNum, spec): """ StyleSetSpec(styleNum, spec) Extract style settings from a spec-string which is composed of one or more of the following comma separated elements: """ def StyleGetFont(self, style): """ StyleGetFont(style) -> Font Get the font of a style. """ def StyleSetFont(self, styleNum, font): """ StyleSetFont(styleNum, font) Set style size, face, bold, italic, and underline attributes from a wxFont's attributes. """ def StyleSetFontAttr(self, styleNum, size, faceName, bold, italic, underline, encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT): """ StyleSetFontAttr(styleNum, size, faceName, bold, italic, underline, encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) Set all font style attributes at once. """ def StyleSetCharacterSet(self, style, characterSet): """ StyleSetCharacterSet(style, characterSet) Set the character set of the font in a style. """ def StyleSetFontEncoding(self, style, encoding): """ StyleSetFontEncoding(style, encoding) Set the font encoding to be used by a style. """ def CmdKeyExecute(self, cmd): """ CmdKeyExecute(cmd) Perform one of the operations defined by the wxSTC_CMD_* constants. """ def SetMargins(self, left, right): """ SetMargins(left, right) Set the left and right margin in the edit area, measured in pixels. """ def PointFromPosition(self, pos): """ PointFromPosition(pos) -> Point Retrieve the point in the window where a position is displayed. """ def ScrollToLine(self, line): """ ScrollToLine(line) Scroll enough to make the given line visible. """ def ScrollToColumn(self, column): """ ScrollToColumn(column) Scroll enough to make the given column visible. """ def SendMsg(self, msg, wp=0, lp=0): """ SendMsg(msg, wp=0, lp=0) -> IntPtr Send a message to Scintilla. """ def SetVScrollBar(self, bar): """ SetVScrollBar(bar) Set the vertical scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in. """ def SetHScrollBar(self, bar): """ SetHScrollBar(bar) Set the horizontal scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built- in. """ def GetLastKeydownProcessed(self): """ GetLastKeydownProcessed() -> bool Can be used to prevent the EVT_CHAR handler from adding the char. """ def SetLastKeydownProcessed(self, val): """ SetLastKeydownProcessed(val) """ def SaveFile(self, filename): """ SaveFile(filename) -> bool Write the contents of the editor to filename. """ def LoadFile(self, filename): """ LoadFile(filename) -> bool Load the contents of filename into the editor. """ def DoDragOver(self, x, y, defaultRes): """ DoDragOver(x, y, defaultRes) -> DragResult Allow for simulating a DnD DragOver. """ def DoDropText(self, x, y, data): """ DoDropText(x, y, data) -> bool Allow for simulating a DnD DropText. """ def AnnotationClearLine(self, line): """ AnnotationClearLine(line) Clear annotations from the given line. """ def AddTextRaw(self, text, length=-1): """ AddTextRaw(text, length=-1) Add text to the document at current position. """ def InsertTextRaw(self, pos, text): """ InsertTextRaw(pos, text) Insert string at a position. """ def GetCurLineRaw(self): """ GetCurLineRaw() -> (CharBuffer, linePos) Retrieve the text of the line containing the caret. """ def GetLineRaw(self, line): """ GetLineRaw(line) -> CharBuffer Retrieve the contents of a line. """ def GetSelectedTextRaw(self): """ GetSelectedTextRaw() -> CharBuffer Retrieve the selected text. """ def GetTextRangeRaw(self, startPos, endPos): """ GetTextRangeRaw(startPos, endPos) -> CharBuffer Retrieve a range of text. """ def SetTextRaw(self, text): """ SetTextRaw(text) Replace the contents of the document with the argument text. """ def GetTextRaw(self): """ GetTextRaw() -> CharBuffer Retrieve all the text in the document. """ def AppendTextRaw(self, text, length=-1): """ AppendTextRaw(text, length=-1) Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection. """ def WriteText(self, text): """ WriteText(text) Writes the text into the text control at the current insertion position. """ def Remove(self, from_, to_): """ Remove(from_, to_) Removes the text starting at the first given position up to (but not including) the character at the last position. """ def Replace(self, from_, to_, value): """ Replace(from_, to_, value) Replaces the text starting at the first position up to (but not including) the character at the last position with the given text. """ def SetInsertionPoint(self, pos): """ SetInsertionPoint(pos) Sets the insertion point at the given position. """ def GetInsertionPoint(self): """ GetInsertionPoint() -> long Returns the insertion point, or cursor, position. """ def GetLastPosition(self): """ GetLastPosition() -> long Returns the zero based index of the last position in the text control, which is equal to the number of characters in the control. """ def SetSelection(self, from_, to_): """ SetSelection(from_, to_) Selects the text starting at the first position up to (but not including) the character at the last position. """ def SelectNone(self): """ SelectNone() Deselects selected text in the control. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> (from_, to_) Gets the current selection span. """ def IsEditable(self): """ IsEditable() -> bool Returns true if the controls contents may be edited by user (note that it always can be changed by the program). """ def SetEditable(self, editable): """ SetEditable(editable) Makes the text item editable or read-only, overriding the wxTE_READONLY flag. """ def GetLineLength(self, n): """ GetLineLength(n) -> int """ def GetLineText(self, n): """ GetLineText(n) -> String """ def GetNumberOfLines(self): """ GetNumberOfLines() -> int """ def IsModified(self): """ IsModified() -> bool """ def MarkDirty(self): """ MarkDirty() """ def DiscardEdits(self): """ DiscardEdits() """ def SetStyle(self, start, end, style): """ SetStyle(start, end, style) -> bool """ def GetStyle(self, position, style): """ GetStyle(position, style) -> bool """ def SetDefaultStyle(self, style): """ SetDefaultStyle(style) -> bool """ def XYToPosition(self, x, y): """ XYToPosition(x, y) -> long """ def PositionToXY(self, pos): """ PositionToXY(pos) -> (bool, x, y) """ def ShowPosition(self, pos): """ ShowPosition(pos) """ def HitTestPos(self, pt): """ HitTestPos(pt) -> (TextCtrlHitTestResult, pos) """ def HitTest(self, pt): """ HitTest(pt) -> (TextCtrlHitTestResult, col, row) """ @staticmethod def GetLibraryVersionInfo(): """ GetLibraryVersionInfo() -> VersionInfo """ AdditionalCaretForeground = property(None, None) AdditionalCaretsBlink = property(None, None) AdditionalCaretsVisible = property(None, None) AdditionalSelAlpha = property(None, None) AdditionalSelectionTyping = property(None, None) AllLinesVisible = property(None, None) Anchor = property(None, None) BackSpaceUnIndents = property(None, None) BufferedDraw = property(None, None) CaretForeground = property(None, None) CaretLineBackAlpha = property(None, None) CaretLineBackground = property(None, None) CaretLineVisible = property(None, None) CaretPeriod = property(None, None) CaretSticky = property(None, None) CaretStyle = property(None, None) CaretWidth = property(None, None) CharacterPointer = property(None, None) CodePage = property(None, None) ControlCharSymbol = property(None, None) CurLine = property(None, None) CurLineRaw = property(None, None) CurrentLine = property(None, None) CurrentPos = property(None, None) DocPointer = property(None, None) EOLMode = property(None, None) EdgeColour = property(None, None) EdgeColumn = property(None, None) EdgeMode = property(None, None) EndAtLastLine = property(None, None) EndStyled = property(None, None) ExtraAscent = property(None, None) ExtraDescent = property(None, None) FirstVisibleLine = property(None, None) GapPosition = property(None, None) HighlightGuide = property(None, None) HotspotActiveBackground = property(None, None) HotspotActiveForeground = property(None, None) HotspotActiveUnderline = property(None, None) HotspotSingleLine = property(None, None) Identifier = property(None, None) Indent = property(None, None) IndentationGuides = property(None, None) IndicatorCurrent = property(None, None) IndicatorValue = property(None, None) InsertionPoint = property(None, None) KeysUnicode = property(None, None) LastKeydownProcessed = property(None, None) LastPosition = property(None, None) LayoutCache = property(None, None) Length = property(None, None) Lexer = property(None, None) LineCount = property(None, None) MainSelection = property(None, None) MarginLeft = property(None, None) MarginOptions = property(None, None) MarginRight = property(None, None) MaxLineState = property(None, None) ModEventMask = property(None, None) Modify = property(None, None) MouseDownCaptures = property(None, None) MouseDwellTime = property(None, None) MultiPaste = property(None, None) MultipleSelection = property(None, None) NumberOfLines = property(None, None) Overtype = property(None, None) PasteConvertEndings = property(None, None) PositionCacheSize = property(None, None) PrintColourMode = property(None, None) PrintMagnification = property(None, None) PrintWrapMode = property(None, None) PunctuationChars = property(None, None) RangePointer = property(None, None) ReadOnly = property(None, None) RectangularSelectionAnchor = property(None, None) RectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace = property(None, None) RectangularSelectionCaret = property(None, None) RectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace = property(None, None) RectangularSelectionModifier = property(None, None) STCCursor = property(None, None) STCFocus = property(None, None) ScrollWidth = property(None, None) ScrollWidthTracking = property(None, None) SearchFlags = property(None, None) SelAlpha = property(None, None) SelEOLFilled = property(None, None) SelectedText = property(None, None) SelectedTextRaw = property(None, None) SelectionEnd = property(None, None) SelectionMode = property(None, None) SelectionStart = property(None, None) Selections = property(None, None) Status = property(None, None) StyleBits = property(None, None) StyleBitsNeeded = property(None, None) TabIndents = property(None, None) TabWidth = property(None, None) TargetEnd = property(None, None) TargetStart = property(None, None) Technology = property(None, None) Text = property(None, None) TextLength = property(None, None) TextRaw = property(None, None) TwoPhaseDraw = property(None, None) UndoCollection = property(None, None) UseHorizontalScrollBar = property(None, None) UseTabs = property(None, None) UseVerticalScrollBar = property(None, None) ViewEOL = property(None, None) ViewWhiteSpace = property(None, None) VirtualSpaceOptions = property(None, None) WhitespaceChars = property(None, None) WhitespaceSize = property(None, None) WordChars = property(None, None) WrapIndentMode = property(None, None) WrapMode = property(None, None) WrapStartIndent = property(None, None) WrapVisualFlags = property(None, None) WrapVisualFlagsLocation = property(None, None) XOffset = property(None, None) Zoom = property(None, None) # end of class StyledTextCtrl class StyledTextEvent(CommandEvent): """ StyledTextEvent(commandType=0, id=0) StyledTextEvent(event) The type of events sent from wxStyledTextCtrl. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ StyledTextEvent(commandType=0, id=0) StyledTextEvent(event) The type of events sent from wxStyledTextCtrl. """ def SetPosition(self, pos): """ SetPosition(pos) """ def SetKey(self, k): """ SetKey(k) """ def SetModifiers(self, m): """ SetModifiers(m) """ def SetModificationType(self, t): """ SetModificationType(t) """ def SetText(self, t): """ SetText(t) """ def SetLength(self, len): """ SetLength(len) """ def SetLinesAdded(self, num): """ SetLinesAdded(num) """ def SetLine(self, val): """ SetLine(val) """ def SetFoldLevelNow(self, val): """ SetFoldLevelNow(val) """ def SetFoldLevelPrev(self, val): """ SetFoldLevelPrev(val) """ def SetMargin(self, val): """ SetMargin(val) """ def SetMessage(self, val): """ SetMessage(val) """ def SetWParam(self, val): """ SetWParam(val) """ def SetLParam(self, val): """ SetLParam(val) """ def SetListType(self, val): """ SetListType(val) """ def SetX(self, val): """ SetX(val) """ def SetY(self, val): """ SetY(val) """ def SetToken(self, val): """ SetToken(val) """ def SetAnnotationLinesAdded(self, val): """ SetAnnotationLinesAdded(val) """ def SetUpdated(self, val): """ SetUpdated(val) """ def SetDragText(self, val): """ SetDragText(val) """ def SetDragFlags(self, flags): """ SetDragFlags(flags) """ def SetDragResult(self, val): """ SetDragResult(val) """ def GetPosition(self): """ GetPosition() -> int """ def GetKey(self): """ GetKey() -> int """ def GetModifiers(self): """ GetModifiers() -> int """ def GetModificationType(self): """ GetModificationType() -> int """ def GetText(self): """ GetText() -> String """ def GetLength(self): """ GetLength() -> int """ def GetLinesAdded(self): """ GetLinesAdded() -> int """ def GetLine(self): """ GetLine() -> int """ def GetFoldLevelNow(self): """ GetFoldLevelNow() -> int """ def GetFoldLevelPrev(self): """ GetFoldLevelPrev() -> int """ def GetMargin(self): """ GetMargin() -> int """ def GetMessage(self): """ GetMessage() -> int """ def GetWParam(self): """ GetWParam() -> int """ def GetLParam(self): """ GetLParam() -> int """ def GetListType(self): """ GetListType() -> int """ def GetX(self): """ GetX() -> int """ def GetY(self): """ GetY() -> int """ def GetToken(self): """ GetToken() -> int """ def GetAnnotationsLinesAdded(self): """ GetAnnotationsLinesAdded() -> int """ def GetUpdated(self): """ GetUpdated() -> int """ def GetDragText(self): """ GetDragText() -> String """ def GetDragFlags(self): """ GetDragFlags() -> int """ def GetDragResult(self): """ GetDragResult() -> DragResult """ def GetShift(self): """ GetShift() -> bool """ def GetControl(self): """ GetControl() -> bool """ def GetAlt(self): """ GetAlt() -> bool """ EVT_STC_CHANGE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_CHANGE, 1 ) EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED, 1 ) EVT_STC_CHARADDED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED, 1 ) EVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED, 1 ) EVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT, 1 ) EVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT, 1 ) EVT_STC_KEY = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_KEY, 1 ) EVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_UPDATEUI = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI, 1 ) EVT_STC_MODIFIED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED, 1 ) EVT_STC_MACRORECORD = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD, 1 ) EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN, 1 ) EVT_STC_PAINTED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_PAINTED, 1 ) EVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION, 1 ) EVT_STC_URIDROPPED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED, 1 ) EVT_STC_DWELLSTART = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART, 1 ) EVT_STC_DWELLEND = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND, 1 ) EVT_STC_START_DRAG = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG, 1 ) EVT_STC_DRAG_OVER = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER, 1 ) EVT_STC_DO_DROP = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP, 1 ) EVT_STC_ZOOM = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_ZOOM, 1 ) EVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION, 1 ) EVT_STC_INDICATOR_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_INDICATOR_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_STC_INDICATOR_RELEASE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_INDICATOR_RELEASE, 1 ) EVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CANCELLED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CANCELLED, 1 ) EVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CHAR_DELETED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_CHAR_DELETED, 1 ) Alt = property(None, None) AnnotationsLinesAdded = property(None, None) Control = property(None, None) DragFlags = property(None, None) DragResult = property(None, None) DragText = property(None, None) FoldLevelNow = property(None, None) FoldLevelPrev = property(None, None) Key = property(None, None) LParam = property(None, None) Length = property(None, None) Line = property(None, None) LinesAdded = property(None, None) ListType = property(None, None) Margin = property(None, None) Message = property(None, None) ModificationType = property(None, None) Modifiers = property(None, None) Position = property(None, None) Shift = property(None, None) Text = property(None, None) Token = property(None, None) Updated = property(None, None) WParam = property(None, None) X = property(None, None) Y = property(None, None) # end of class StyledTextEvent #-- end-_stc --#