# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand. # # (The *.pi files are used by WingIDE to provide more information than it is # able to glean from introspection of extension types and methods.) # # Copyright: (c) 2013 by Total Control Software # License: wxWindows License #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- begin-_xrc --# import wx.xml import wx XRC_USE_LOCALE = 0 XRC_NO_SUBCLASSING = 0 XRC_NO_RELOADING = 0 class XmlResource(Object): """ XmlResource(filemask, flags=XRC_USE_LOCALE, domain=wx.EmptyString) XmlResource(flags=XRC_USE_LOCALE, domain=wx.EmptyString) This is the main class for interacting with the XML-based resource system. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ XmlResource(filemask, flags=XRC_USE_LOCALE, domain=wx.EmptyString) XmlResource(flags=XRC_USE_LOCALE, domain=wx.EmptyString) This is the main class for interacting with the XML-based resource system. """ def LoadMenuBar(self, *args, **kw): """ LoadMenuBar(parent, name) -> MenuBar LoadMenuBar(name) -> MenuBar Loads a menubar from resource. """ def LoadObject(self, *args, **kw): """ LoadObject(parent, name, classname) -> Object LoadObject(instance, parent, name, classname) -> bool Load an object from the resource specifying both the resource name and the class name. """ def LoadObjectRecursively(self, *args, **kw): """ LoadObjectRecursively(parent, name, classname) -> Object LoadObjectRecursively(instance, parent, name, classname) -> bool Load an object from anywhere in the resource tree. """ def AddHandler(self, handler): """ AddHandler(handler) Initializes only a specific handler (or custom handler). """ def InsertHandler(self, handler): """ InsertHandler(handler) Add a new handler at the begining of the handler list. """ def AttachUnknownControl(self, name, control, parent=None): """ AttachUnknownControl(name, control, parent=None) -> bool Attaches an unknown control to the given panel/window/dialog. """ def ClearHandlers(self): """ ClearHandlers() Removes all handlers and deletes them (this means that any handlers added using AddHandler() must be allocated on the heap). """ def CompareVersion(self, major, minor, release, revision): """ CompareVersion(major, minor, release, revision) -> int Compares the XRC version to the argument. """ def GetDomain(self): """ GetDomain() -> String Returns the domain (message catalog) that will be used to load translatable strings in the XRC. """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> int Returns flags, which may be a bitlist of wxXmlResourceFlags enumeration values. """ def GetResourceNode(self, name): """ GetResourceNode(name) -> XmlNode Returns the wxXmlNode containing the definition of the object with the given name or NULL. """ def GetVersion(self): """ GetVersion() -> long Returns version information (a.b.c.d = d + 256*c + 2562*b + 2563*a). """ def InitAllHandlers(self): """ InitAllHandlers() Initializes handlers for all supported controls/windows. """ def Load(self, filemask): """ Load(filemask) -> bool Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask. """ def LoadFile(self, file): """ LoadFile(file) -> bool Simpler form of Load() for loading a single XRC file. """ def LoadAllFiles(self, dirname): """ LoadAllFiles(dirname) -> bool Loads all .xrc files from directory dirname. """ def LoadBitmap(self, name): """ LoadBitmap(name) -> Bitmap Loads a bitmap resource from a file. """ def LoadDialog(self, *args, **kw): """ LoadDialog(parent, name) -> Dialog LoadDialog(dlg, parent, name) -> bool Loads a dialog. """ def LoadFrame(self, *args, **kw): """ LoadFrame(parent, name) -> Frame LoadFrame(frame, parent, name) -> bool Loads a frame from the resource. """ def LoadIcon(self, name): """ LoadIcon(name) -> Icon Loads an icon resource from a file. """ def LoadMenu(self, name): """ LoadMenu(name) -> Menu Loads menu from resource. """ def LoadPanel(self, *args, **kw): """ LoadPanel(parent, name) -> Panel LoadPanel(panel, parent, name) -> bool Loads a panel. """ def LoadToolBar(self, parent, name): """ LoadToolBar(parent, name) -> ToolBar Loads a toolbar. """ def SetDomain(self, domain): """ SetDomain(domain) Sets the domain (message catalog) that will be used to load translatable strings in the XRC. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) Sets flags (bitlist of wxXmlResourceFlags enumeration values). """ def Unload(self, filename): """ Unload(filename) -> bool This function unloads a resource previously loaded by Load(). """ @staticmethod def AddSubclassFactory(factory): """ AddSubclassFactory(factory) Registers subclasses factory for use in XRC. """ @staticmethod def FindXRCIDById(numId): """ FindXRCIDById(numId) -> String Returns a string ID corresponding to the given numeric ID. """ @staticmethod def Get(): """ Get() -> XmlResource Gets the global resources object or creates one if none exists. """ @staticmethod def GetXRCID(str_id, value_if_not_found=ID_NONE): """ GetXRCID(str_id, value_if_not_found=ID_NONE) -> int Returns a numeric ID that is equivalent to the string ID used in an XML resource. """ @staticmethod def Set(res): """ Set(res) -> XmlResource Sets the global resources object and returns a pointer to the previous one (may be NULL). """ def LoadFromString(self, data): """ LoadFromString(data) -> bool Load the resource from a string or other data buffer compatible object. """ Domain = property(None, None) Flags = property(None, None) Version = property(None, None) # end of class XmlResource class XmlResourceHandler(Object): """ XmlResourceHandler() wxSizerXmlHandler is a class for resource handlers capable of creating a wxSizer object from an XML node. """ def __init__(self): """ XmlResourceHandler() wxSizerXmlHandler is a class for resource handlers capable of creating a wxSizer object from an XML node. """ def CreateResource(self, node, parent, instance): """ CreateResource(node, parent, instance) -> Object Creates an object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from an XML node. """ def DoCreateResource(self): """ DoCreateResource() -> Object Called from CreateResource after variables were filled. """ def CanHandle(self, node): """ CanHandle(node) -> bool Returns true if it understands this node and can create a resource from it, false otherwise. """ def SetParentResource(self, res): """ SetParentResource(res) Sets the parent resource. """ Animation = property(None, None) Bitmap = property(None, None) Class = property(None, None) CurFileSystem = property(None, None) Font = property(None, None) ID = property(None, None) Icon = property(None, None) ImageList = property(None, None) Instance = property(None, None) Name = property(None, None) Node = property(None, None) Parent = property(None, None) ParentAsWindow = property(None, None) Position = property(None, None) Resource = property(None, None) Size = property(None, None) Style = property(None, None) def AddStyle(self, name, value): """ AddStyle(name, value) Add a style flag (e.g. """ def AddWindowStyles(self): """ AddWindowStyles() Add styles common to all wxWindow-derived classes. """ def CreateChildren(self, parent, this_hnd_only=False): """ CreateChildren(parent, this_hnd_only=False) Creates children. """ def CreateChildrenPrivately(self, parent, rootnode=None): """ CreateChildrenPrivately(parent, rootnode=None) Helper function. """ def CreateResFromNode(self, node, parent, instance=None): """ CreateResFromNode(node, parent, instance=None) -> Object Creates a resource from a node. """ def GetAnimation(self, param="animation"): """ GetAnimation(param="animation") -> Animation Creates an animation (see wxAnimation) from the filename specified in param. """ def GetBitmap(self, *args, **kw): """ GetBitmap(param="bitmap", defaultArtClient=ART_OTHER, size=DefaultSize) -> Bitmap GetBitmap(node, defaultArtClient=ART_OTHER, size=DefaultSize) -> Bitmap Gets a bitmap. """ def GetBool(self, param, defaultv=False): """ GetBool(param, defaultv=False) -> bool Gets a bool flag (1, t, yes, on, true are true, everything else is false). """ def GetColour(self, param, defaultColour=NullColour): """ GetColour(param, defaultColour=NullColour) -> Colour Gets colour in HTML syntax (#RRGGBB). """ def GetCurFileSystem(self): """ GetCurFileSystem() -> FileSystem Returns the current file system. """ def GetDimension(self, param, defaultv=0, windowToUse=0): """ GetDimension(param, defaultv=0, windowToUse=0) -> Coord Gets a dimension (may be in dialog units). """ def GetDirection(self, param, dirDefault=LEFT): """ GetDirection(param, dirDefault=LEFT) -> Direction Gets a direction. """ def GetFont(self, param="font"): """ GetFont(param="font") -> Font Gets a font. """ def GetID(self): """ GetID() -> int Returns the XRCID. """ def GetIcon(self, *args, **kw): """ GetIcon(param="icon", defaultArtClient=ART_OTHER, size=DefaultSize) -> Icon GetIcon(node, defaultArtClient=ART_OTHER, size=DefaultSize) -> Icon Returns an icon. """ def GetIconBundle(self, param, defaultArtClient=ART_OTHER): """ GetIconBundle(param, defaultArtClient=ART_OTHER) -> IconBundle Returns an icon bundle. """ def GetImageList(self, param="imagelist"): """ GetImageList(param="imagelist") -> ImageList Creates an image list from the param markup data. """ def GetLong(self, param, defaultv=0): """ GetLong(param, defaultv=0) -> long Gets the integer value from the parameter. """ def GetFloat(self, param, defaultv=0): """ GetFloat(param, defaultv=0) -> float Gets a float value from the parameter. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns the resource name. """ def GetNodeContent(self, node): """ GetNodeContent(node) -> String Gets node content from wxXML_ENTITY_NODE. """ def GetParamNode(self, param): """ GetParamNode(param) -> XmlNode Finds the node or returns NULL. """ def GetParamValue(self, *args, **kw): """ GetParamValue(param) -> String GetParamValue(node) -> String Finds the parameter value or returns the empty string. """ def GetPosition(self, param="pos"): """ GetPosition(param="pos") -> Point Gets the position (may be in dialog units). """ def GetSize(self, param="size", windowToUse=0): """ GetSize(param="size", windowToUse=0) -> Size Gets the size (may be in dialog units). """ def GetStyle(self, param="style", defaults=0): """ GetStyle(param="style", defaults=0) -> int Gets style flags from text in form "flag | flag2| flag3 |..." Only understands flags added with AddStyle(). """ def GetText(self, param, translate=True): """ GetText(param, translate=True) -> String Gets text from param and does some conversions: """ def HasParam(self, param): """ HasParam(param) -> bool Check to see if a parameter exists. """ def IsOfClass(self, node, classname): """ IsOfClass(node, classname) -> bool Convenience function. """ def SetupWindow(self, wnd): """ SetupWindow(wnd) Sets common window options. """ def ReportError(self, *args, **kw): """ ReportError(context, message) ReportError(message) Reports error in XRC resources to the user. """ def ReportParamError(self, param, message): """ ReportParamError(param, message) Like ReportError(wxXmlNode*, const wxString&), but uses the node of parameter param of the currently processed object as the context. """ def GetResource(self): """ GetResource() -> XmlResource After CreateResource has been called this will return the current wxXmlResource object. """ def GetNode(self): """ GetNode() -> XmlNode After CreateResource has been called this will return the XML node being processed. """ def GetClass(self): """ GetClass() -> String After CreateResource has been called this will return the class name of the XML resource node being processed. """ def GetParent(self): """ GetParent() -> Object After CreateResource has been called this will return the current item's parent, if any. """ def GetInstance(self): """ GetInstance() -> Object After CreateResource has been called this will return the instance that the XML resource content should be created upon, if it has already been created. """ def GetParentAsWindow(self): """ GetParentAsWindow() -> Window After CreateResource has been called this will return the item's parent as a wxWindow. """ # end of class XmlResourceHandler @wx.deprecated def EmptyXmlResource(flags=XRC_USE_LOCALE, domain=""): """ A compatibility wrapper for the XmlResource(flags, domain) constructor """ pass def XRCID(str_id, value_if_not_found=wx.ID_NONE): """ Returns a numeric ID that is equivalent to the string ID used in an XML resource. """ pass def XRCCTRL(window, str_id, *ignoreargs): """ Returns the child window associated with the string ID in an XML resource. """ pass class XmlSubclassFactory(object): """ XmlSubclassFactory() """ def __init__(self): """ XmlSubclassFactory() """ def Create(self, className): """ Create(className) -> Object """ # end of class XmlSubclassFactory # Create a factory for handling the subclass property of XRC's # object tag. This factory will search for the specified # package.module.class and will try to instantiate it for XRC's # use. The class must support instantiation with no parameters and # delayed creation of the UI widget (aka 2-phase create). def _my_import(name): try: mod = __import__(name) except ImportError: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) raise components = name.split('.') for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) return mod class XmlSubclassFactory_Python(XmlSubclassFactory): def __init__(self): XmlSubclassFactory.__init__(self) def Create(self, className): assert className.find('.') != -1, "Module name must be specified!" mname = className[:className.rfind('.')] cname = className[className.rfind('.')+1:] module = _my_import(mname) klass = getattr(module, cname) inst = klass() return inst XmlResource.AddSubclassFactory(XmlSubclassFactory_Python()) #-- end-_xrc --#