# Name:         wx.lib.masked.numctrl.py
# Author:       Will Sadkin
# Created:      09/06/2003
# Copyright:   (c) 2003-2007 by Will Sadkin
# License:     wxWidgets license
# Tags:        phoenix-port, py3-port, unittest, documented
#   This was written to provide a numeric edit control for wxPython that
#   does things like right-insert (like a calculator), and does grouping, etc.
#   (ie. the features of masked.TextCtrl), but allows Get/Set of numeric
#   values, rather than text.
#   Masked.NumCtrl permits integer, and floating point values to be set
#   retrieved or set via .GetValue() and .SetValue() (type chosen based on
#   fraction width, and provides an masked.EVT_NUM() event function for trapping
#   changes to the control.
#   It supports negative numbers as well as the naturals, and has the option
#   of not permitting leading zeros or an empty control; if an empty value is
#   not allowed, attempting to delete the contents of the control will result
#   in a (selected) value of zero, thus preserving a legitimate numeric value.
#   Similarly, replacing the contents of the control with '-' will result in
#   a selected (absolute) value of -1.
#   masked.NumCtrl also supports range limits, with the option of either
#   enforcing them or simply coloring the text of the control if the limits
#   are exceeded.
#   masked.NumCtrl is intended to support fixed-point numeric entry, and
#   is derived from BaseMaskedTextCtrl.  As such, it supports a limited range
#   of values to comply with a fixed-width entry mask.
# 12/09/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
# o Updated for wx namespace
# 12/20/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
# o wxMaskedEditMixin -> MaskedEditMixin
# o wxMaskedTextCtrl -> masked.TextCtrl
# o wxMaskedNumNumberUpdatedEvent -> masked.NumberUpdatedEvent
# o wxMaskedNumCtrl -> masked.NumCtrl

  - allows you to get and set integer or floating point numbers as value,</LI>
  - provides bounds support and optional value limiting,</LI>
  - has the right-insert input style that MaskedTextCtrl supports,</LI>
  - provides optional automatic grouping, sign control and format, grouping and decimal
    character selection, etc. etc.</LI>

  Being derived from masked.TextCtrl, the control only allows
  fixed-point  notation.  That is, it has a fixed (though reconfigurable)
  maximum width for the integer portion and optional fixed width
  fractional portion.

  Here's the API::

        from wx.lib.masked import NumCtrl

             parent, id = -1,
             value = 0,
             pos = wx.DefaultPosition,
             size = wx.DefaultSize,
             style = 0,
             validator = wx.DefaultValidator,
             name = "masked.number",
             integerWidth = 10,
             fractionWidth = 0,
             allowNone = False,
             allowNegative = True,
             useParensForNegatives = False,
             groupDigits = False,
             groupChar = ',',
             decimalChar = '.',
             min = None,
             max = None,
             limited = False,
             limitOnFieldChange = False,
             selectOnEntry = True,
             foregroundColour = "Black",
             signedForegroundColour = "Red",
             emptyBackgroundColour = "White",
             validBackgroundColour = "White",
             invalidBackgroundColour = "Yellow",
             autoSize = True

        If no initial value is set, the default will be zero, or
        the minimum value, if specified.  If an illegal string is specified,
        a ValueError will result. (You can always later set the initial
        value with SetValue() after instantiation of the control.)

        Indicates how many places to the right of any decimal point
        should be allowed in the control.  This will, perforce, limit
        the size of the values that can be entered. This number need
        not include space for grouping characters or the sign, if either
        of these options are enabled, as the resulting underlying
        mask is automatically by the control.  The default of 10
        will allow any 32 bit integer value.  The minimum value
        for integerWidth is 1.

        Indicates how many decimal places to show for numeric value.
        If default (0), then the control will display and return only
        integer or long values.

        Boolean indicating whether or not the control is allowed to be
        empty, representing a value of None for the control.
        Boolean indicating whether or not control is allowed to hold
        negative numbers.

        If true, this will cause negative numbers to be displayed with ()s
        rather than -, (although '-' will still trigger a negative number.)

        Indicates whether or not grouping characters should be allowed and/or
        inserted when leaving the control or the decimal character is entered.

        What grouping character will be used if allowed. (By default ',')

        If fractionWidth is > 0, what character will be used to represent
        the decimal point.  (By default '.')

        The minimum value that the control should allow.  This can be also be
        adjusted with SetMin().  If the control is not limited, any value
        below this bound will result in a background colored with the current
        invalidBackgroundColour.  If the min specified will not fit into the
        control, the min setting will be ignored.

        The maximum value that the control should allow.  This can be
        adjusted with SetMax().  If the control is not limited, any value
        above this bound will result in a background colored with the current
        invalidBackgroundColour.  If the max specified will not fit into the
        control, the max setting will be ignored.

        Boolean indicating whether the control prevents values from
        exceeding the currently set minimum and maximum values (bounds).
        If False and bounds are set, out-of-bounds values will
        result in a background colored with the current invalidBackgroundColour.

        An alternative to limited, this boolean indicates whether or not a
        field change should be allowed if the value in the control
        is out of bounds.  If True, and control focus is lost, this will also
        cause the control to take on the nearest bound value.

        Boolean indicating whether or not the value in each field of the
        control should be automatically selected (for replacement) when
        that field is entered, either by cursor movement or tabbing.
        This can be desirable when using these controls for rapid data entry.

        Color value used for positive values of the control.

        Color value used for negative values of the control.

        What background color to use when the control is considered
        "empty." (allow_none must be set to trigger this behavior.)

        What background color to use when the control value is
        considered valid.

        Color value used for illegal values or values out-of-bounds of the
        control when the bounds are set but the control is not limited.

        Boolean indicating whether or not the control should set its own
        width based on the integer and fraction widths.  True by default.
        <I>Note:</I> Setting this to False will produce seemingly odd
        behavior unless the control is large enough to hold the maximum
        specified value given the widths and the sign positions; if not,
        the control will appear to "jump around" as the contents scroll.
        (ie. autoSize is highly recommended.)


masked.EVT_NUM(win, id, func)
    Respond to a EVT_COMMAND_MASKED_NUMBER_UPDATED event, generated when
    the value changes. Notice that this event will always be sent when the
    control's contents changes - whether this is due to user input or
    comes from the program itself (for example, if SetValue() is called.)

    Sets the value of the control to the value specified, if
    possible.  The resulting actual value of the control may be
    altered to conform to the format of the control, changed
    to conform with the bounds set on the control if limited,
    or colored if not limited but the value is out-of-bounds.
    A ValueError exception will be raised if an invalid value
    is specified.

    Retrieves the numeric value from the control.  The value
    retrieved will be either be returned as a long if the
    fractionWidth is 0, or a float otherwise.

    Allows simultaneous setting of various attributes
    of the control after construction.  Keyword arguments
    allowed are the same parameters as supported in the constructor.

    Resets the width of the integer portion of the control.  The
    value must be >= 1, or an AttributeError exception will result.
    This value should account for any grouping characters that might
    be inserted (if grouping is enabled), but does not need to account
    for the sign, as that is handled separately by the control.
    Returns the current width of the integer portion of the control,
    not including any reserved sign position.

    Resets the width of the fractional portion of the control.  The
    value must be >= 0, or an AttributeError exception will result.  If
    0, the current value of the control will be truncated to an integer
    Returns the current width of the fractional portion of the control.

    Resets the minimum value of the control.  If a value of <I>None</I>
    is provided, then the control will have no explicit minimum value.
    If the value specified is greater than the current maximum value,
    then the function returns False and the minimum will not change from
    its current setting.  On success, the function returns True.

    If successful and the current value is lower than the new lower
    bound, if the control is limited, the value will be automatically
    adjusted to the new minimum value; if not limited, the value in the
    control will be colored as invalid.

    If min > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
    the function will return False, and the min will not be set.

    Gets the current lower bound value for the control.
    It will return None if no lower bound is currently specified.

    Resets the maximum value of the control. If a value of <I>None</I>
    is provided, then the control will have no explicit maximum value.
    If the value specified is less than the current minimum value, then
    the function returns False and the maximum will not change from its
    current setting. On success, the function returns True.

    If successful and the current value is greater than the new upper
    bound, if the control is limited the value will be automatically
    adjusted to this maximum value; if not limited, the value in the
    control will be colored as invalid.

    If max > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
    the function will return False, and the max will not be set.

    Gets the current upper bound value for the control.
    It will return None if no upper bound is currently specified.

    This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
    values at the same time.  The function only applies the maximum bound
    if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns True
    only if both operations succeed.  <B><I>Note:</I> leaving out an argument
    will remove the corresponding bound.
    This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
    current bounds of the control.  Each value can be None if
    that bound is not set.

    Returns <I>True</I> if no value is specified and the current value
    of the control falls within the current bounds.  This function can also
    be called with a value to see if that value would fall within the current
    bounds of the given control.

    If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
    to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
    If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
    be limited accordingly.
    If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
    limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
    place if bounds have been set for the control.


    Returns <I>True</I> if the control is currently limiting the
    value to fall within the current bounds.

    If called with a value of True, will cause the control to allow
    out-of-bounds values, but will prevent field change if attempted
    via navigation, and if the control loses focus, it will change
    the value to the nearest bound.

    Returns <I>True</I> if the control is currently limiting the
    value on field change.

    If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
    to allow the value to be empty, representing a value of None.
    If called with a value of False, this function will prevent the value
    from being None.  If the value of the control is currently None,
    ie. the control is empty, then the value will be changed to that
    of the lower bound of the control, or 0 if no lower bound is set.


    Returns <I>True</I> if the control currently allows its
    value to be None.

    If called with a value of True, this function will cause the
    control to allow the value to be negative (and reserve space for
    displaying the sign. If called with a value of False, and the
    value of the control is currently negative, the value of the
    control will be converted to the absolute value, and then
    limited appropriately based on the existing bounds of the control
    (if any).


    Returns <I>True</I> if the control currently permits values
    to be negative.

    If called with a value of True, this will make the control
    automatically add and manage grouping characters to the presented
    value in integer portion of the control.


    Returns <I>True</I> if the control is currently set to group digits.

    Sets the grouping character for the integer portion of the
    control.  (The default grouping character this is ','.
    Returns the current grouping character for the control.

    If called with a value of <I>True</I>, this will make the control
    automatically select the contents of each field as it is entered
    within the control.  (The default is True.)
    Returns <I>True</I> if the control currently auto selects
    the field values on entry.

    Resets the autoSize attribute of the control.
    Returns the current state of the autoSize attribute for the control.


import  copy

import  wx
import  wx.lib.six as six

from sys import maxsize
MAXINT = maxsize     # (constants should be in upper case)
MININT = -maxsize-1

from wx.tools.dbg import Logger
from wx.lib.masked import MaskedEditMixin, Field, BaseMaskedTextCtrl
##dbg = Logger()




class NumberUpdatedEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
    Used to fire an EVT_NUM event whenever the value in a NumCtrl changes.

    def __init__(self, id, value = 0, object=None):
        wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, wxEVT_COMMAND_MASKED_NUMBER_UPDATED, id)

        self.__value = value

    def GetValue(self):
        """Retrieve the value of the control at the time
        this event was generated."""
        return self.__value

class NumCtrlAccessorsMixin:
    Defines masked.NumCtrl's list of attributes having their own
    Get/Set functions, ignoring those that make no sense for
    a numeric control.
    exposed_basectrl_params = (


    for param in exposed_basectrl_params:
        propname = param[0].upper() + param[1:]
        exec('def Set%s(self, value): self.SetCtrlParameters(%s=value)' % (propname, param))
        exec('def Get%s(self): return self.GetCtrlParameter("%s")''' % (propname, param))

        if param.find('Colour') != -1:
            # add non-british spellings, for backward-compatibility
            propname.replace('Colour', 'Color')

            exec('def Set%s(self, value): self.SetCtrlParameters(%s=value)' % (propname, param))
            exec('def Get%s(self): return self.GetCtrlParameter("%s")''' % (propname, param))


class NumCtrl(BaseMaskedTextCtrl, NumCtrlAccessorsMixin):
    Masked edit control supporting "native" numeric values, ie. .SetValue(3), for
    example, and supporting a variety of formatting options, including automatic
    rounding specifiable precision, grouping and decimal place characters, etc.

    valid_ctrl_params = {
        'integerWidth': 10,                 # by default allow all 32-bit integers
        'fractionWidth': 0,                 # by default, use integers
        'decimalChar': '.',                 # by default, use '.' for decimal point
        'allowNegative': True,              # by default, allow negative numbers
        'useParensForNegatives': False,     # by default, use '-' to indicate negatives
        'groupDigits': False,               # by default, don't insert grouping
        'groupChar': ',',                   # by default, use ',' for grouping
        'min': None,                        # by default, no bounds set
        'max': None,
        'limited': False,                   # by default, no limiting even if bounds set
        'limitOnFieldChange': False,        # by default, don't limit if changing fields, even if bounds set
        'allowNone': False,                 # by default, don't allow empty value
        'selectOnEntry': True,              # by default, select the value of each field on entry
        'foregroundColour': "Black",
        'signedForegroundColour': "Red",
        'emptyBackgroundColour': "White",
        'validBackgroundColour': "White",
        'invalidBackgroundColour': "Yellow",
        'useFixedWidthFont': False,         # use base control default font, instead of fixed width one
        'autoSize': True,                   # by default, set the width of the control based on the mask

    def __init__ (
                self, parent, id=-1, value = 0,
                pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
                style = wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB, validator = wx.DefaultValidator,
                name = "masked.num",
                **kwargs ):
        Default class constructor.

        :param Window `parent`: the window parent. Must not be ``None``;
        :param integer `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
        :param integer `value`: value to be shown;
        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :type `pos`: tuple or :class:`Point`
        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param integer `style`: the window style;
        :param Validator `validator`: this is mainly provided for data-transfer, as control does
          its own validation;
        :param string `name`: the window name;

##        dbg('masked.NumCtrl::__init__', indent=1)

        # Set defaults for control:
##        dbg('setting defaults:')
        for key, param_value in NumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.items():
            # This is done this way to make setattr behave consistently with
            # "private attribute" name mangling
            setattr(self, '_' + key, copy.copy(param_value))

        # Assign defaults for all attributes:
        init_args = copy.deepcopy(NumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params)
##        dbg('kwargs:', kwargs)
        for key, param_value in kwargs.items():
            key = key.replace('Color', 'Colour')
            if key not in NumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
                raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
                init_args[key] = param_value
##        dbg('init_args:', indent=1)
        for key, param_value in init_args.items():
##            dbg('%s:' % key, param_value)
##        dbg(indent=0)

        # Process initial fields for the control, as part of construction:
        if not isinstance(init_args['integerWidth'], int):
            raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(init_args['integerWidth']))
        elif init_args['integerWidth'] < 1:
            raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; must be > 0' % repr(init_args['integerWidth']))

        fields = {}

        if 'fractionWidth' in init_args:
            if not isinstance(init_args['fractionWidth'], int):
                raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(self._fractionWidth))
            elif init_args['fractionWidth'] < 0:
                raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; must be >= 0' % repr(init_args['fractionWidth']))
            self._fractionWidth = init_args['fractionWidth']

        if self._fractionWidth:
            fracmask = '.' + '#{%d}' % self._fractionWidth
##            dbg('fracmask:', fracmask)
            fields[1] = Field(defaultValue='0'*self._fractionWidth)
            fracmask = ''

        self._integerWidth = init_args['integerWidth']
        if init_args['groupDigits']:
            self._groupSpace = (self._integerWidth - 1) / 3
            self._groupSpace = 0
        intmask = '#{%d}' % (self._integerWidth + self._groupSpace)
        if self._fractionWidth:
            emptyInvalid = False
            emptyInvalid = True
        fields[0] = Field(formatcodes='r<>', emptyInvalid=emptyInvalid)
##        dbg('intmask:', intmask)

        # don't bother to reprocess these arguments:
        del init_args['integerWidth']
        del init_args['fractionWidth']

        self._autoSize = init_args['autoSize']
        if self._autoSize:
            formatcodes = 'FR<'
            formatcodes = 'R<'

        mask = intmask+fracmask

        # initial value of state vars
        self._oldvalue = 0
        self._integerEnd = 0
        self._typedSign = False

        # Construct the base control:
                self, parent, id, '',
                pos, size, style, validator, name,
                mask = mask,
                formatcodes = formatcodes,
                fields = fields,
                setupEventHandling = False)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self._OnFocus )        ## defeat automatic full selection
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._OnKillFocus )   ## run internal validator
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self._OnDoubleClick)  ## select field under cursor on dclick
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self._OnContextMenu )    ## bring up an appropriate context menu
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self._OnKeyDown )       ## capture control events not normally seen, eg ctrl-tab.
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self._OnChar )              ## handle each keypress
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnTextChange )      ## color control appropriately & keep
                                                           ## track of previous value for undo

        # Establish any additional parameters, with appropriate error checking

        # right alignment with prefixed blanks doesn't work with wxPython 2.9+
        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
            self.SetWindowStyleFlag(self.GetWindowStyleFlag() | wx.TE_RIGHT)

        # Set the value requested (if possible)
##        wxCallAfter(self.SetValue, value)

        # Ensure proper coloring:
##        dbg('finished NumCtrl::__init__', indent=0)

    def SetParameters(self, **kwargs):
        This function is used to initialize and reconfigure the control.
        See :class:`~lib.masked.timectrl.TimeCtrl` module overview for available
##        dbg('NumCtrl::SetParameters', indent=1)
        maskededit_kwargs = {}
        reset_fraction_width = False

        if( ('integerWidth' in kwargs and kwargs['integerWidth'] != self._integerWidth)
            or ('fractionWidth' in kwargs and kwargs['fractionWidth'] != self._fractionWidth)
            or ('groupDigits' in kwargs and kwargs['groupDigits'] != self._groupDigits)
            or ('autoSize' in kwargs and kwargs['autoSize'] != self._autoSize) ):

            fields = {}

            if 'fractionWidth' in kwargs:
                if not isinstance(kwargs['fractionWidth'], int):
                    raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(kwargs['fractionWidth']))
                elif kwargs['fractionWidth'] < 0:
                    raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; must be >= 0' % repr(kwargs['fractionWidth']))
                    if self._fractionWidth != kwargs['fractionWidth']:
                        self._fractionWidth = kwargs['fractionWidth']

            if self._fractionWidth:
                fracmask = '.' + '#{%d}' % self._fractionWidth
                fields[1] = Field(defaultValue='0'*self._fractionWidth)
                emptyInvalid = False
                emptyInvalid = True
                fracmask = ''
##            dbg('fracmask:', fracmask)

            if 'integerWidth' in kwargs:
                if not isinstance(kwargs['integerWidth'], int):
##                    dbg(indent=0)
                    raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(kwargs['integerWidth']))
                elif kwargs['integerWidth'] < 0:
##                    dbg(indent=0)
                    raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; must be > 0' % repr(kwargs['integerWidth']))
                    self._integerWidth = kwargs['integerWidth']

            if 'groupDigits' in kwargs:
                self._groupDigits = kwargs['groupDigits']

            if self._groupDigits:
                self._groupSpace = (self._integerWidth - 1) / 3
                self._groupSpace = 0

            intmask = '#{%d}' % (self._integerWidth + self._groupSpace)
##            dbg('intmask:', intmask)
            fields[0] = Field(formatcodes='r<>', emptyInvalid=emptyInvalid)
            maskededit_kwargs['fields'] = fields

            # don't bother to reprocess these arguments:
            if 'integerWidth' in kwargs:
                del kwargs['integerWidth']
            if 'fractionWidth' in kwargs:
                del kwargs['fractionWidth']

            maskededit_kwargs['mask'] = intmask+fracmask

        if 'groupChar' in kwargs or 'decimalChar' in kwargs:
            old_groupchar = self._groupChar     # save so we can reformat properly
            old_decimalchar = self._decimalChar
##            dbg("old_groupchar: '%s'" % old_groupchar)
##            dbg("old_decimalchar: '%s'" % old_decimalchar)
            groupchar = old_groupchar
            decimalchar = old_decimalchar
            old_numvalue = self._GetNumValue(self._GetValue())

            if 'groupChar' in kwargs:
                maskededit_kwargs['groupChar'] = kwargs['groupChar']
                groupchar = kwargs['groupChar']
            if 'decimalChar' in kwargs:
                maskededit_kwargs['decimalChar'] = kwargs['decimalChar']
                decimalchar = kwargs['decimalChar']

            # Add sanity check to make sure these are distinct, and if not,
            # raise attribute error
            if groupchar == decimalchar:
                raise AttributeError('groupChar and decimalChar must be distinct')

        # for all other parameters, assign keyword args as appropriate:
        for key, param_value in kwargs.items():
            key = key.replace('Color', 'Colour')
            if key not in NumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
                raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
            elif key not in MaskedEditMixin.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
                setattr(self, '_' + key, param_value)
            elif key in ('mask', 'autoformat'): # disallow explicit setting of mask
                raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
                maskededit_kwargs[key] = param_value
##        dbg('kwargs:', kwargs)

        # reprocess existing format codes to ensure proper resulting format:
        formatcodes = self.GetCtrlParameter('formatcodes')
        if 'allowNegative' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['allowNegative'] and '-' not in formatcodes:
                formatcodes += '-'
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
            elif not kwargs['allowNegative'] and '-' in formatcodes:
                formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('-','')
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes

        if 'groupDigits' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['groupDigits'] and ',' not in formatcodes:
                formatcodes += ','
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
            elif not kwargs['groupDigits'] and ',' in formatcodes:
                formatcodes = formatcodes.replace(',','')
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes

        if 'selectOnEntry' in kwargs:
            self._selectOnEntry = kwargs['selectOnEntry']
##            dbg("kwargs['selectOnEntry']?", kwargs['selectOnEntry'], "'S' in formatcodes?", 'S' in formatcodes)
            if kwargs['selectOnEntry'] and 'S' not in formatcodes:
                formatcodes += 'S'
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
            elif not kwargs['selectOnEntry'] and 'S' in formatcodes:
                formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('S','')
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes

        if 'autoSize' in kwargs:
            self._autoSize = kwargs['autoSize']
            if kwargs['autoSize'] and 'F' not in formatcodes:
                formatcodes += 'F'
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
            elif not kwargs['autoSize'] and 'F' in formatcodes:
                formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('F', '')
                maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes

        if 'r' in formatcodes and self._fractionWidth:
            # top-level mask should only be right insert if no fractional
            # part will be shown; ie. if reconfiguring control, remove
            # previous "global" setting.
            formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('r', '')
            maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes

        if 'limited' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['limited'] and not self._limited:
                maskededit_kwargs['validRequired'] = True
            elif not kwargs['limited'] and self._limited:
                maskededit_kwargs['validRequired'] = False
            self._limited = kwargs['limited']

        if 'limitOnFieldChange' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['limitOnFieldChange'] and not self._limitOnFieldChange:
                maskededit_kwargs['stopFieldChangeIfInvalid'] = True
            elif kwargs['limitOnFieldChange'] and self._limitOnFieldChange:
                maskededit_kwargs['stopFieldChangeIfInvalid'] = False

##        dbg('maskededit_kwargs:', maskededit_kwargs)
        if maskededit_kwargs.keys():

        # Go ensure all the format codes necessary are present:
        orig_intformat = intformat = self.GetFieldParameter(0, 'formatcodes')
        if 'r' not in intformat:
            intformat += 'r'
        if '>' not in intformat:
            intformat += '>'
        if intformat != orig_intformat:
            if self._fractionWidth:
                self.SetFieldParameters(0, formatcodes=intformat)

        # Record end of integer and place cursor there unless selecting, or select entire field:
        integerStart, integerEnd = self._fields[0]._extent
        if not self._fields[0]._selectOnFieldEntry:
            self.SetSelection(integerEnd, integerEnd)
            self.SetInsertionPoint(0)   # include any sign
            self.SetSelection(0, integerEnd)

        # Set min and max as appropriate:
        if 'min' in kwargs:
            min = kwargs['min']
            if( self._max is None
                or min is None
                or (self._max is not None and self._max >= min) ):
##                dbg('examining min')
                if min is not None:
                        textmin = self._toGUI(min, apply_limits = False)
                    except ValueError:
##                        dbg('min will not fit into control; ignoring', indent=0)
##                dbg('accepted min')
                self._min = min
##                dbg('ignoring min')

        if 'max' in kwargs:
            max = kwargs['max']
            if( self._min is None
                or max is None
                or (self._min is not None and self._min <= max) ):
##                dbg('examining max')
                if max is not None:
                        textmax = self._toGUI(max, apply_limits = False)
                    except ValueError:
##                        dbg('max will not fit into control; ignoring', indent=0)
##                dbg('accepted max')
                self._max = max
##                dbg('ignoring max')

        if 'allowNegative' in kwargs:
            self._allowNegative = kwargs['allowNegative']

        # Ensure current value of control obeys any new restrictions imposed:
        text = self._GetValue()
##        dbg('text value: "%s"' % text)
        if 'groupChar' in kwargs and self._groupChar != old_groupchar and text.find(old_groupchar) != -1:
            text = old_numvalue
##            dbg('old_groupchar: "%s" newgroupchar: "%s"' % (old_groupchar, self._groupChar))
        if 'decimalChar' in kwargs and self._decimalChar != old_decimalchar and text.find(old_decimalchar) != -1:
            text = old_numvalue
        if text != self._GetValue():
            if self._decimalChar != '.':
                # ensure latest decimal char is in "numeric value" so it won't be removed
                # when going to the GUI:
                text = text.replace('.', self._decimalChar)
            newtext = self._toGUI(text)
##            dbg('calling wx.TextCtrl.ChangeValue(self, %s)' % newtext)
            wx.TextCtrl.ChangeValue(self, newtext)

        value = self.GetValue()

##        dbg('self._allowNegative?', self._allowNegative)
        if not self._allowNegative and self._isNeg:
            value = abs(value)
##            dbg('abs(value):', value)
            self._isNeg = False

        elif not self._allowNone and BaseMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self) == '':
            if self._min > 0:
                value = self._min
                value = 0

        sel_start, sel_to = self.GetSelection()
        if self.IsLimited() and self._min is not None and value < self._min:
##            dbg('Set to min value:', self._min)

        elif self.IsLimited() and self._max is not None and value > self._max:
##            dbg('Setting to max value:', self._max)
            # reformat current value as appropriate to possibly new conditions
##            dbg('Reformatting value:', value)
            sel_start, sel_to = self.GetSelection()
        self.Refresh() # recolor as appropriate
##        dbg('finished NumCtrl::SetParameters', indent=0)

    def _GetNumValue(self, value):
        This function attempts to "clean up" a text value, providing a regularized
        convertable string, via atol() or atof(), for any well-formed numeric text value.
        return value.replace(self._groupChar, '').replace(self._decimalChar, '.').replace('(', '-').replace(')','').strip()

    def GetFraction(self, candidate=None):
        Returns the fractional portion of the value as a float. If there is no
        fractional portion, the value returned will be 0.0.
        if not self._fractionWidth:
            return 0.0
            fracstart, fracend = self._fields[1]._extent
            if candidate is None:
                value = self._toGUI(BaseMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self))
                value = self._toGUI(candidate)
            fracstring = value[fracstart:fracend].strip()
            if not value:
                return 0.0
                return float(fracstring)

    def _OnChangeSign(self, event):
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_OnChangeSign', indent=1)
        self._typedSign = True
        MaskedEditMixin._OnChangeSign(self, event)
##        dbg(indent=0)

    def _disallowValue(self):
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_disallowValue')
        # limited and -1 is out of bounds
        if self._typedSign:
            self._isNeg = False
        if not wx.Validator.IsSilent():
        sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
##        dbg('queuing reselection of (%d, %d)' % (sel_start, sel_to))
        wx.CallAfter(self.SetInsertionPoint, sel_start)      # preserve current selection/position
        wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, sel_start, sel_to)

    def _OnChangeField(self, event):
        This routine enhances the base masked control _OnFieldChange().  It's job
        is to ensure limits are imposed if limitOnFieldChange is enabled.
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_OnFieldChange', indent=1)
        if self._limitOnFieldChange and not (self._min <= self.GetValue() <= self._max):
##            dbg('oob - field change disallowed',indent=0)
            return False
##            dbg(indent=0)
            return MaskedEditMixin._OnChangeField(self, event)     # call the baseclass function

    def _LostFocus(self):
        On loss of focus, if limitOnFieldChange is set, ensure value conforms to limits.
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_LostFocus', indent=1)
        if self._limitOnFieldChange:
##            dbg("limiting on loss of focus")
            value = self.GetValue()
            if self._min is not None and value < self._min:
##                dbg('Set to min value:', self._min)

            elif self._max is not None and value > self._max:
##                dbg('Setting to max value:', self._max)
            # (else do nothing.)
        # (else do nothing.)
##        dbg(indent=0)
        return True

    def _SetValue(self, value):
        This routine supersedes the base masked control _SetValue().  It is
        needed to ensure that the value of the control is always representable/convertable
        to a numeric return value (via GetValue().)  This routine also handles
        automatic adjustment and grouping of the value without explicit intervention
        by the user.

##        dbg('NumCtrl::_SetValue("%s")' % value, indent=1)

        if( (self._fractionWidth and value.find(self._decimalChar) == -1) or
            (self._fractionWidth == 0 and value.find(self._decimalChar) != -1) ) :
            value = self._toGUI(value)

        numvalue = self._GetNumValue(value)
##        dbg('cleansed value: "%s"' % numvalue)
        replacement = None

        if numvalue == "":
            if self._allowNone:
##                dbg('calling base BaseMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, "%s")' % value)
                BaseMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, value)
##                dbg(indent=0)
            elif self._min > 0 and self.IsLimited():
                replacement = self._min
                replacement = 0
##            dbg('empty value; setting replacement:', replacement)

        if replacement is None:
            # Go get the integer portion about to be set and verify its validity
            intstart, intend = self._fields[0]._extent
##            dbg('intstart, intend:', intstart, intend)
##            dbg('raw integer:"%s"' % value[intstart:intend])
            int_str = self._GetNumValue(value[intstart:intend])
            numval = self._fromGUI(value)

##            dbg('integer: "%s"' % int)
                # if a float value, this will implicitly verify against limits,
                # and generate an exception if out-of-bounds and limited
                # if not a float, it will just return 0.0, and we therefore
                # have to test against the limits explicitly after testing
                # special cases for handling -0 and empty controls...
                fracval = self.GetFraction(value)
            except ValueError as e:
##                dbg('Exception:', e, 'must be out of bounds; disallow value')
##                dbg(indent=0)

            if fracval == 0.0: # (can be 0 for floats as well as integers)
                # we have to do special testing to account for emptying controls, or -0
                # and/or just leaving the sign character or changing the sign,
                # so we can do appropriate things to the value of the control,
                # we can't just immediately test to see if the value is valid
                # If all of these special cases are not in play, THEN we can do 
                # a limits check and see if the value is otherwise ok...

##                dbg('self._isNeg?', self._isNeg)
                if int_str == '-' and self._oldvalue < 0 and not self._typedSign:
##                    dbg('just a negative sign; old value < 0; setting replacement of 0')
                    replacement = 0
                    self._isNeg = False
                elif int_str[:2] == '-0': 
                    if self._oldvalue < 0:
##                        dbg('-0; setting replacement of 0')
                        replacement = 0
                        self._isNeg = False
                    elif not self._limited or (self._min < -1 and self._max >= -1):
##                        dbg('-0; setting replacement of -1')
                        replacement = -1
                        self._isNeg = True
                        # limited and -1 is out of bounds
##                        dbg(indent=0)

                elif int_str == '-' and (self._oldvalue >= 0 or self._typedSign):
                    if not self._limited or (self._min < -1 and self._max >= -1):
##                        dbg('just a negative sign; setting replacement of -1')
                        replacement = -1
                        # limited and -1 is out of bounds
##                        dbg(indent=0)

                elif( self._typedSign
                      and int_str.find('-') != -1
                      and self._limited
                      and not self._min <= numval <= self._max):
                    # changed sign resulting in value that's now out-of-bounds;
                    # disallow
##                    dbg(indent=0)

            if replacement is None:
                if int_str and int_str != '-':
                    except ValueError:
                        # integer requested is not legal.  This can happen if the user
                        # is attempting to insert a digit in the middle of the control
                        # resulting in something like "   3   45". Disallow such actions:
##                        dbg('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "%s" does not convert to a long!' % int)
                        if not wx.Validator.IsSilent():
                        sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
##                        dbg('queuing reselection of (%d, %d)' % (sel_start, sel_to))
                        wx.CallAfter(self.SetInsertionPoint, sel_start)      # preserve current selection/position
                        wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, sel_start, sel_to)
##                        dbg(indent=0)

##                    dbg('numvalue: "%s"' % numvalue.replace(' ', ''))
                    # finally, (potentially re) verify that numvalue will pass any limits imposed:
                        if self._fractionWidth:
                            value = self._toGUI(float(numvalue))
                            value = self._toGUI(int(numvalue))
                    except ValueError as e:
##                        dbg('Exception:', e, 'must be out of bounds; disallow value')
##                        dbg(indent=0)

##                        dbg('modified value: "%s"' % value)

        self._typedSign = False     # reset state var

        if replacement is not None:
            # Value presented wasn't a legal number, but control should do something
            # reasonable instead:
##            dbg('setting replacement value:', replacement)
            sel_start = BaseMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self).find(str(abs(replacement)))   # find where it put the 1, so we can select it
            sel_to = sel_start + len(str(abs(replacement)))
##            dbg('queuing selection of (%d, %d)' %(sel_start, sel_to))
            wx.CallAfter(self.SetInsertionPoint, sel_start)
            wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, sel_start, sel_to)
##            dbg(indent=0)

        # Otherwise, apply appropriate formatting to value:

        # Because we're intercepting the value and adjusting it
        # before a sign change is detected, we need to do this here:
        if '-' in value or '(' in value:
            self._isNeg = True
            self._isNeg = False

##        dbg('value:"%s"' % value, 'self._useParens:', self._useParens)
        if self._fractionWidth:
            adjvalue = self._adjustFloat(self._GetNumValue(value).replace('.',self._decimalChar))
            adjvalue = self._adjustInt(self._GetNumValue(value))
##        dbg('adjusted value: "%s"' % adjvalue)

        sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()     # record current insertion point
##        dbg('calling BaseMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, "%s")' % adjvalue)
        BaseMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, adjvalue)
        # After all actions so far scheduled, check that resulting cursor
        # position is appropriate, and move if not:

##        dbg('finished NumCtrl::_SetValue', indent=0)

    def _CheckInsertionPoint(self):
        # If current insertion point is before the end of the integer and
        # its before the 1st digit, place it just after the sign position:
##        dbg('NumCtrl::CheckInsertionPoint', indent=1)
        sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
        text = self._GetValue()
        if sel_to < self._fields[0]._extent[1] and text[sel_to] in (' ', '-', '('):
            text, signpos, right_signpos = self._getSignedValue()
##            dbg('setting selection(%d, %d)' % (signpos+1, signpos+1))
            self.SetSelection(signpos+1, signpos+1)
##        dbg(indent=0)

    def _OnErase( self, event=None, just_return_value=False ):
        This overrides the base control _OnErase, so that erasing around
        grouping characters auto selects the digit before or after the
        grouping character, so that the erasure does the right thing.
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_OnErase', indent=1)
        if event is None:   # called as action routine from Cut() operation.
            key = wx.WXK_DELETE
            key = event.GetKeyCode()
        #if grouping digits, make sure deletes next to group char always
        # delete next digit to appropriate side:
        if self._groupDigits:
            value = BaseMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self)
            sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()

            if key == wx.WXK_BACK:
                # if 1st selected char is group char, select to previous digit
                if sel_start > 0 and sel_start < len(self._mask) and value[sel_start:sel_to] == self._groupChar:
                    self.SetSelection(sel_start-1, sel_to)

                # elif previous char is group char, select to previous digit
                elif sel_start > 1 and sel_start == sel_to and value[sel_start-1:sel_start] == self._groupChar:
                    self.SetSelection(sel_start-2, sel_to)

            elif key == wx.WXK_DELETE:
                if( sel_to < len(self._mask) - 2 + (1 *self._useParens)
                    and sel_start == sel_to
                    and value[sel_to] == self._groupChar ):
                    self.SetSelection(sel_start, sel_to+2)

                elif( sel_to < len(self._mask) - 2 + (1 *self._useParens)
                           and value[sel_start:sel_to] == self._groupChar ):
                    self.SetSelection(sel_start, sel_to+1)
##        dbg(indent=0)
        return BaseMaskedTextCtrl._OnErase(self, event, just_return_value)

    def OnTextChange( self, event ):
        Handles an event indicating that the text control's value
        has changed, and issue EVT_NUM event.
        .. note:: 
          Using :meth:`TextCtrl.SetValue` to change the control's contents from
          within a EVT_CHAR handler can cause double text events. So we check
          for actual changes to the text before passing the events on.
##        dbg('NumCtrl::OnTextChange', indent=1)
        if not BaseMaskedTextCtrl._OnTextChange(self, event):
##            dbg(indent=0)

        # else... legal value

        value = self.GetValue()
        if value != self._oldvalue:
                    NumberUpdatedEvent( self.GetId(), self.GetValue(), self ) )
            except ValueError:
##                dbg(indent=0)
            # let normal processing of the text continue
        self._oldvalue = value # record for next event
##        dbg(indent=0)

    def _GetValue(self):
        Override of BaseMaskedTextCtrl to allow mixin to get the raw text value of the
        control with this function.
        return wx.TextCtrl.GetValue(self)

    def GetValue(self):
        Returns the current numeric value of the control.
        return self._fromGUI( BaseMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self) )

    def SetValue(self, value):
        Sets the value of the control to the value specified.
        The resulting actual value of the control may be altered to
        conform with the bounds set on the control if limited,
        or colored if not limited but the value is out-of-bounds.
        A ValueError exception will be raised if an invalid value
        is specified.
        :param integer `value`: new value
##        dbg('NumCtrl::SetValue(%s)' % value, indent=1)
        BaseMaskedTextCtrl.SetValue( self, self._toGUI(value) )
##        dbg(indent=0)

    def ChangeValue(self, value):
        Sets the value of the control to the value specified.
        The resulting actual value of the control may be altered to
        conform with the bounds set on the control if limited,
        or colored if not limited but the value is out-of-bounds.
        A ValueError exception will be raised if an invalid value
        is specified.
        This method does not fire a change event.
        :param integer `value`: new value
##        dbg('NumCtrl::ChangeValue(%s)' % value, indent=1)
        BaseMaskedTextCtrl.ChangeValue( self, self._toGUI(value) )
##        dbg(indent=0)

    def SetIntegerWidth(self, value):
        Set the integer width of the control
        :param integer `value`: the width value

    def GetIntegerWidth(self):
        Get the integer width.
        return self._integerWidth

    def SetFractionWidth(self, value):
        Set the fraction width of the control
        :param integer `value`: the width value

    def GetFractionWidth(self):
        Get the fraction width.
        return self._fractionWidth

    def SetMin(self, min=None):
        Sets the minimum value of the control.  If a value of None
        is provided, then the control will have no explicit minimum value.
        If the value specified is greater than the current maximum value,
        then the function returns False and the minimum will not change from
        its current setting.  On success, the function returns True.

        If successful and the current value is lower than the new lower
        bound, if the control is limited, the value will be automatically
        adjusted to the new minimum value; if not limited, the value in the
        control will be colored as invalid.

        If min > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
        the function will return False, and the min will not be set.
        :param `min`: Minium value for the control
        :type `min`: integer or None
##        dbg('NumCtrl::SetMin(%s)' % repr(min), indent=1)
        if( self._max is None
            or min is None
            or (self._max is not None and self._max >= min) ):
                bRet = True
            except ValueError:
                bRet = False
            bRet = False
##        dbg(indent=0)
        return bRet

    def GetMin(self):
        Gets the lower bound value of the control.  It will return
        None if not specified.
        return self._min

    def SetMax(self, max=None):
        Sets the maximum value of the control. If a value of None
        is provided, then the control will have no explicit maximum value.
        If the value specified is less than the current minimum value, then
        the function returns False and the maximum will not change from its
        current setting. On success, the function returns True.

        If successful and the current value is greater than the new upper
        bound, if the control is limited the value will be automatically
        adjusted to this maximum value; if not limited, the value in the
        control will be colored as invalid.

        If max > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
        the function will return False, and the max will not be set.

        :param `max`: Minium value for the control
        :type `max`: integer or None

        if( self._min is None
            or max is None
            or (self._min is not None and self._min <= max) ):
                bRet = True
            except ValueError:
                bRet = False
            bRet = False

        return bRet

    def GetMax(self):
        Gets the maximum value of the control.  It will return the current
        maximum integer, or None if not specified.
        return self._max

    def SetBounds(self, min=None, max=None):
        This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
        values at the same time.  The function only applies the maximum bound
        if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns True
        only if both operations succeed.

        .. note:: leaving out an argument will remove the corresponding bound.

        :param `min`: Minium value for the control
        :type `min`: integer or None
        :param `max`: Minium value for the control
        :type `max`: integer or None

        ret = self.SetMin(min)
        return ret and self.SetMax(max)

    def GetBounds(self):
        This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
        current bounds of the control.  Each value can be None if
        that bound is not set.
        return (self._min, self._max)

    def SetLimited(self, limited):
        If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
        to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
        If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
        be limited accordingly.

        If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
        limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
        place if bounds have been set for the control.
        :param boolean `limited`: define value limiting
        self.SetParameters(limited = limited)

    def IsLimited(self):
        Returns True if the control is currently limiting the
        value to fall within the current bounds.
        return self._limited

    def GetLimited(self):
        """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
        return self.IsLimited()

    def SetLimitOnFieldChange(self, limit):
        If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
        to prevent navigation out of the current field if its value is out-of-bounds,
        and limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified if the
        control loses focus.

        If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
        limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
        place if bounds have been set for the control.

        :param boolean `limit`: define value limiting

        self.SetParameters(limitOnFieldChange = limit)

    def IsLimitedOnFieldChange(self):
        Returns True if the control is currently limiting the
        value to fall within the current bounds.
        return self._limitOnFieldChange

    def GetLimitOnFieldChange(self):
        """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
        return self.IsLimitedOnFieldChange()

    def IsInBounds(self, value=None):
        Returns True if no value is specified and the current value
        of the control falls within the current bounds.  This function can
        also be called with a value to see if that value would fall within
        the current bounds of the given control.
        :param `value`: value to check
##        dbg('IsInBounds(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
        if value is None:
            value = self.GetValue()
                value = self._GetNumValue(self._toGUI(value))
            except ValueError as e:
##                dbg('error getting NumValue(self._toGUI(value)):', e, indent=0)
                return False
            if value.strip() == '':
                value = None
            elif self._fractionWidth:
                value = float(value)
                value = int(value)

        min = self.GetMin()
        max = self.GetMax()
        if min is None: min = value
        if max is None: max = value

        # if bounds set, and value is None, return False
        if value is None and (min is not None or max is not None):
##            dbg('finished IsInBounds', indent=0)
            return 0
##            dbg('finished IsInBounds', indent=0)
            return min <= value <= max

    def SetAllowNone(self, allow_none):
        Change the behavior of the validation code, allowing control
        to have a value of None or not, as appropriate.  If the value
        of the control is currently None, and allow_none is False, the
        value of the control will be set to the minimum value of the
        control, or 0 if no lower bound is set.
        :param boolean `allow_none`: True if None is allowed
        self._allowNone = allow_none
        if not allow_none and self.GetValue() is None:
            min = self.GetMin()
            if min is not None: self.SetValue(min)
            else:               self.SetValue(0)

    def IsNoneAllowed(self):
        return self._allowNone

    def GetAllowNone(self):
        """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
        return self.IsNoneAllowed()

    def SetAllowNegative(self, value):

    def IsNegativeAllowed(self):
        return self._allowNegative

    def GetAllowNegative(self):
        """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
        return self.IsNegativeAllowed()

    def SetGroupDigits(self, value):

    def IsGroupingAllowed(self):
        return self._groupDigits

    def GetGroupDigits(self):
        """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
        return self.IsGroupingAllowed()

    def SetGroupChar(self, value):

    def GetGroupChar(self):
        return self._groupChar

    def SetDecimalChar(self, value):

    def GetDecimalChar(self):
        return self._decimalChar

    def SetSelectOnEntry(self, value):

    def GetSelectOnEntry(self):
        return self._selectOnEntry

    def SetAutoSize(self, value):

    def GetAutoSize(self):
        return self._autoSize

    # (Other parameter accessors are inherited from base class)

    def _toGUI( self, value, apply_limits = True ):
        Conversion function used to set the value of the control; does
        type and bounds checking and raises ValueError if argument is
        not a valid value.
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_toGUI(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
        if value is None and self.IsNoneAllowed():
##            dbg(indent=0)
            return self._template

        elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
            value = self._GetNumValue(value)
##            dbg('cleansed num value: "%s"' % value)
            if value == "":
                if self.IsNoneAllowed():
##                    dbg(indent=0)
                    return self._template
##                    dbg('exception raised:', e, indent=0)
                    raise ValueError ('NumCtrl requires numeric value, passed %s'% repr(value) )
            # else...
                if self._fractionWidth or value.find('.') != -1:
                    value = float(value)
                    value = int(value)
            except Exception as e:
##                dbg('exception raised:', e, indent=0)
                raise ValueError ('NumCtrl requires numeric value, passed %s'% repr(value) )

        elif not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
##            dbg(indent=0)
            raise ValueError (
                'NumCtrl requires numeric value, passed %s'% repr(value) )

        if not self._allowNegative and value < 0:
            raise ValueError (
                'control configured to disallow negative values, passed %s'% repr(value) )

        if self.IsLimited() and apply_limits:
            min = self.GetMin()
            max = self.GetMax()
            if not min is None and value < min:
##                dbg(indent=0)
                raise ValueError (
                    'value %d is below minimum value of control'% value )
            if not max is None and value > max:
##                dbg(indent=0)
                raise ValueError (
                    'value %d exceeds value of control'% value )

        adjustwidth = len(self._mask) - (1 * self._useParens * self._signOk)
##        dbg('len(%s):' % self._mask, len(self._mask))
##        dbg('adjustwidth - groupSpace:', adjustwidth - self._groupSpace)
##        dbg('adjustwidth:', adjustwidth)
        if self._fractionWidth == 0:
            s = str(int(value)).rjust(self._integerWidth)
            format = '%' + '%d.%df' % (self._integerWidth+self._fractionWidth+1, self._fractionWidth)
            s = format % float(value)
##        dbg('s:"%s"' % s, 'len(s):', len(s))
        if len(s) > (adjustwidth - self._groupSpace):
##            dbg(indent=0)
            raise ValueError ('value %s exceeds the integer width of the control (%d)' % (s, self._integerWidth))
        elif s[0] not in ('-', ' ') and self._allowNegative and len(s) == (adjustwidth - self._groupSpace):
##            dbg(indent=0)
            raise ValueError ('value %s exceeds the integer width of the control (%d)' % (s, self._integerWidth))

        s = s.rjust(adjustwidth).replace('.', self._decimalChar)
        if self._signOk and self._useParens:
            if s.find('-') != -1:
                s = s.replace('-', '(') + ')'
                s += ' '
##        dbg('returned: "%s"' % s, indent=0)
        return s

    def _fromGUI( self, value ):
        Conversion function used in getting the value of the control.
##        dbg(suspend=0)
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_fromGUI(%s)' % value, indent=1)
        # One or more of the underlying text control implementations
        # issue an intermediate EVT_TEXT when replacing the control's
        # value, where the intermediate value is an empty string.
        # So, to ensure consistency and to prevent spurious ValueErrors,
        # we make the following test, and react accordingly:
        if value.strip() == '':
            if not self.IsNoneAllowed():
##                dbg('empty value; not allowed,returning 0', indent = 0)
                if self._fractionWidth:
                    return 0.0
                    return 0
##                dbg('empty value; returning None', indent = 0)
                return None
            value = self._GetNumValue(value)
##            dbg('Num value: "%s"' % value)
            if self._fractionWidth:
##                    dbg(indent=0)
                    return float( value )
                except ValueError:
##                    dbg("couldn't convert to float; returning None")
                    return None
                    raise ValueError
##                    dbg(indent=0)
                    return int( value )
                except ValueError:
##                       dbg(indent=0)
                        return int( value )
                    except ValueError:
##                       dbg("couldn't convert to long; returning None")
                        return None

                        raise ValueError
##                    dbg('exception occurred; returning None')
                    return None

    def _Paste( self, value=None, raise_on_invalid=False, just_return_value=False ):
        Preprocessor for base control paste; if value needs to be right-justified
        to fit in control, do so prior to paste:
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_Paste (value = "%s")' % value, indent=1)
        if value is None:
            paste_text = self._getClipboardContents()
            paste_text = value
        sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
        orig_sel_start = sel_start
        orig_sel_to = sel_to
##        dbg('selection:', (sel_start, sel_to))
        old_value = self._GetValue()

        field = self._FindField(sel_start)
        edit_start, edit_end = field._extent

        # handle possibility of groupChar being a space:
        newtext = paste_text.lstrip()
        lspace_count = len(paste_text) - len(newtext)
        paste_text = ' ' * lspace_count  + newtext.replace(self._groupChar, '').replace('(', '-').replace(')','')

        if field._insertRight and self._groupDigits:
            # want to paste to the left; see if it will fit:
            left_text = old_value[edit_start:sel_start].lstrip()
##            dbg('len(left_text):', len(left_text))
##            dbg('len(paste_text):', len(paste_text))
##            dbg('sel_start - (len(left_text) + len(paste_text)) >= edit_start?', sel_start - (len(left_text) + len(paste_text)) >= edit_start)
            if sel_start - (len(left_text) + len(paste_text)) >= edit_start:
                # will fit! create effective paste text, and move cursor back to do so:
                paste_text = left_text + paste_text
                sel_start -= len(paste_text)
                sel_start += sel_to - orig_sel_start    # decrease by amount selected
##                dbg("won't fit left;", 'paste text remains: "%s"' % paste_text)
##                dbg('adjusted start before accounting for grouping:', sel_start)
##                dbg('adjusted paste_text before accounting for grouping: "%s"' % paste_text)
            if self._groupDigits and sel_start != orig_sel_start:
                left_len = len(old_value[:sel_to].lstrip())
                # remove group chars from adjusted paste string, and left pad to wipe out
                # old characters, so that selection will remove the right chars, and
                # readjust will do the right thing:
                paste_text = paste_text.replace(self._groupChar,'')
                adjcount = left_len - len(paste_text)
                paste_text = ' ' * adjcount + paste_text
                sel_start = sel_to - len(paste_text)
##                dbg('adjusted start after accounting for grouping:', sel_start)
##                dbg('adjusted paste_text after accounting for grouping: "%s"' % paste_text)
            self.SetSelection(sel_start, sel_to)

        new_text, replace_to = MaskedEditMixin._Paste(self,
        self._SetSelection(orig_sel_start, orig_sel_to)
        if not just_return_value and new_text is not None:
            if new_text != self._GetValue():
                    self.modified = True
            if new_text == '':
                wx.CallAfter(self._SetValue, new_text)
                wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, replace_to)
##            dbg(indent=0)
##            dbg(indent=0)
            return new_text, replace_to

    def _Undo(self, value=None, prev=None):
        '''numctrl's undo is more complicated than the base control's, due to
        grouping characters; we don't want to consider them when calculating
        the undone portion.'''
##        dbg('NumCtrl::_Undo', indent=1)
        if value is None: value = self._GetValue()
        if prev is None: prev = self._prevValue
        if not self._groupDigits:
            ignore, (new_sel_start, new_sel_to) = BaseMaskedTextCtrl._Undo(self, value, prev, just_return_results = True)
            self._SetSelection(new_sel_start, new_sel_to)
            self._prevSelection = (new_sel_start, new_sel_to)
##            dbg('resetting "prev selection" to', self._prevSelection)
##            dbg(indent=0)
        # else...
        sel_start, sel_to = self._prevSelection
        edit_start, edit_end = self._FindFieldExtent(0)

        adjvalue = self._GetNumValue(value).rjust(self._masklength)
        adjprev  = self._GetNumValue(prev ).rjust(self._masklength)

        # move selection to account for "ungrouped" value:
        left_text = value[sel_start:].lstrip()
        numleftgroups = len(left_text) - len(left_text.replace(self._groupChar, ''))
        adjsel_start = sel_start + numleftgroups
        right_text = value[sel_to:].lstrip()
        numrightgroups = len(right_text) - len(right_text.replace(self._groupChar, ''))
        adjsel_to = sel_to + numrightgroups
##        dbg('adjusting "previous" selection from', (sel_start, sel_to), 'to:', (adjsel_start, adjsel_to))
        self._prevSelection = (adjsel_start, adjsel_to)

        # determine appropriate selection for ungrouped undo
        ignore, (new_sel_start, new_sel_to) = BaseMaskedTextCtrl._Undo(self, adjvalue, adjprev, just_return_results = True)

        # adjust new selection based on grouping:
        left_len = edit_end - new_sel_start
        numleftgroups = left_len / 3
        new_sel_start -= numleftgroups
        if numleftgroups and left_len % 3 == 0:
            new_sel_start += 1

        if new_sel_start < self._masklength and prev[new_sel_start] == self._groupChar:
            new_sel_start += 1

        right_len = edit_end - new_sel_to
        numrightgroups = right_len / 3
        new_sel_to -= numrightgroups

        if new_sel_to and prev[new_sel_to-1] == self._groupChar:
            new_sel_to -= 1

        if new_sel_start > new_sel_to:
            new_sel_to = new_sel_start

        # for numbers, we don't care about leading whitespace; adjust selection if
        # it includes leading space.
        prev_stripped = prev.lstrip()
        prev_start = self._masklength - len(prev_stripped)
        if new_sel_start < prev_start:
            new_sel_start = prev_start

##        dbg('adjusted selection accounting for grouping:', (new_sel_start, new_sel_to))
        self._SetSelection(new_sel_start, new_sel_to)
        self._prevSelection = (new_sel_start, new_sel_to)
##        dbg('resetting "prev selection" to', self._prevSelection)
##        dbg(indent=0)


if __name__ == '__main__':

    import traceback

    class myDialog(wx.Dialog):
        def __init__(self, parent, id, title,
            pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
            style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE ):
            wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)

            self.int_ctrl = NumCtrl(self, wx.NewId(), size=(55,20))
            self.OK = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_OK, "OK")
            self.Cancel = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_CANCEL, "Cancel")

            vs = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
            vs.Add( self.int_ctrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
            hs = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
            hs.Add( self.OK, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
            hs.Add( self.Cancel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
            vs.Add(hs, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )

            self.SetAutoLayout( True )
            self.SetSizer( vs )
            vs.Fit( self )
            vs.SetSizeHints( self )
            self.Bind(EVT_NUM, self.OnChange, self.int_ctrl)

        def OnChange(self, event):
            print('value now', event.GetValue())

    class TestApp(wx.App):
        def OnInit(self):
                self.frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "Test", (20,20), (120,100)  )
                self.panel = wx.Panel(self.frame, -1)
                button = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Push Me", (20, 20))
                self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClick, button)
                return False
            return True

        def OnClick(self, event):
            dlg = myDialog(self.panel, -1, "test NumCtrl")
            rc = dlg.ShowModal()
            print('final value', dlg.int_ctrl.GetValue())
            del dlg

        def Show(self):

        app = TestApp(0)

## To-Do's:
## =============================##
##   1. Add support for printf-style format specification.
##   2. Add option for repositioning on 'illegal' insertion point.
## Version 1.4
##   1. In response to user request, added limitOnFieldChange feature, so that
##      out-of-bounds values can be temporarily added to the control, but should
##      navigation be attempted out of an invalid field, it will not navigate,
##      and if focus is lost on a control so limited with an invalid value, it
##      will change the value to the nearest bound.
## Version 1.3
##   1. fixed to allow space for a group char.
## Version 1.2
##   1. Allowed select/replace digits.
##   2. Fixed undo to ignore grouping chars.
## Version 1.1
##   1. Fixed .SetIntegerWidth() and .SetFractionWidth() functions.
##   2. Added autoSize parameter, to allow manual sizing of the control.
##   3. Changed inheritance to use wxBaseMaskedTextCtrl, to remove exposure of
##      nonsensical parameter methods from the control, so it will work
##      properly with Boa.
##   4. Fixed allowNone bug found by user sameerc1@grandecom.net