#!/usr/bin/env python2 import hashlib import os import argparse import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--build-dir', default='build', help='The directory of the Toontown Stride build.') parser.add_argument('--dest-dir', default='.', help='The directory in which to store the patcher.') parser.add_argument('--output', default='patcher.xml', help='The name of the output file.') parser.add_argument('--launcher-version', default='stride-dev', help='The current version of the Toontown Stride launcher.') parser.add_argument('--account-server', default='toontownstride.com', help='The address of the Toontown Stride account server.') parser.add_argument('--client-agent', default='', help='The IP address of the Client Agent to connect to.') parser.add_argument('--server-version', default='stride-dev', help='The current version of the Toontown Stride game.') parser.add_argument('--resources-revision', default='', help='The current revision of the resources repository.') parser.add_argument('includes', nargs='*', default=['GameData.bin'], help='The files to include in the main directory.') args = parser.parse_args() def getFileMD5Hash(filepath): md5 = hashlib.md5() readBlock = lambda: f.read(128 * md5.block_size) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(readBlock, b''): md5.update(chunk) return md5.hexdigest() def getFileInfo(filepath): return ( os.path.basename(filepath), os.path.getsize(filepath), getFileMD5Hash(filepath) ) rootFiles = [] panda3dFiles = [] for include in args.includes: filepath = os.path.join(args.build_dir, include) if os.path.dirname(include) == 'panda3d': panda3dFiles.append(getFileInfo(filepath)) else: rootFiles.append(getFileInfo(filepath)) print 'Including...', include resourcesFiles = [] resourcesDir = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'resources') for filename in os.listdir(resourcesDir): if not filename.startswith('phase_'): continue if not filename.endswith('.mf'): continue filepath = os.path.join(resourcesDir, filename) resourcesFiles.append(getFileInfo(filepath)) print 'Including...', filename print 'Writing %s...' % args.output # First, add the element: patcher = ET.Element('patcher') # Next, add the Toontown Stride launcher version: launcher_version = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'launcher-version') launcher_version.text = args.launcher_version # Then add the account server address: account_server = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'account-server') account_server.text = args.account_server # Then add the Client Agent IP: client_agent = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'client-agent') client_agent.text = args.client_agent # Next, add the server version: server_version = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'server-version') server_version.text = args.server_version # Next, add the resources revision: resources_revision = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'resources-revision') resources_revision.text = args.resources_revision # Next, add the root directory: root = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'directory') root.set('name', '') # Add all of the root files: for filename, size, hash in rootFiles: _filename = ET.SubElement(root, 'file') _filename.set('name', filename) _size = ET.SubElement(_filename, 'size') _size.text = str(size) _hash = ET.SubElement(_filename, 'hash') _hash.text = str(hash) # Next, add the panda3d directory: panda3dRoot = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'directory') panda3dRoot.set('name', 'panda3d') # Add all of the panda3d files: for filename, size, hash in panda3dFiles: _filename = ET.SubElement(panda3dRoot, 'file') _filename.set('name', filename) _size = ET.SubElement(_filename, 'size') _size.text = str(size) _hash = ET.SubElement(_filename, 'hash') _hash.text = str(hash) # Next, add the resources directory: resourcesRoot = ET.SubElement(patcher, 'directory') resourcesRoot.set('name', 'resources') # Add all of the resources files: for filename, size, hash in resourcesFiles: _filename = ET.SubElement(resourcesRoot, 'file') _filename.set('name', filename) _size = ET.SubElement(_filename, 'size') _size.text = str(size) _hash = ET.SubElement(_filename, 'hash') _hash.text = str(hash) # Finally, write the patcher.xml file: filepath = os.path.join(args.dest_dir, args.output) ET.ElementTree(patcher).write(filepath) print 'Done writing %s.' % args.output